#tl! etho kin
citizenoftmrrwlnd 2 years
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self care for : c!etho (traffic series) with fidgets, arctic foxes, and a focus on the colors green, yellow, and red
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hermitcraftkinfessions 11 months
Okay so. big long story about my time as (c!)Etho here
I've known that I'm an Etho fictionkin for ages, like 4-5 years or something, but I've never known.. where I'm from, I guess? I have a ton of memories of crazy adventuring in a sort of RPG like world. at first, I went, "oh, am I from Hermitcraft?" because it was really the only server that i knew Etho was actively on.
later, when the whole modded series kinda blew up or whatever, I realized that it was MUCH closer to my memories than Hermitcraft had ever been. still, it didn't feel quite right. Something was kinda off.
YESTERDAY, I watched Etho's Hermitcraft vault hunter episode and it all just clicked almost all at once. It felt like finding a hidden part of me, I guess!! It's just so crazy to me how kin stuff goes
TL;DR: I finally figured out my source, or at least what my source stemmed from or something, and it's just so! aaaaaaaa!
Oh! congratulations on finding where your source/some of your source stems from! proud of you!!
-Mod Hels
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I know we're constantly in your inbox but I gotta talk about this somewhere. Also Eth actually talking about hc memories for once on the hc blog?! I never thought that would happen! /sarc
I just miss my Cleo so much, she was so amazing. Since I sent that last "kin questions" thing (which I will send another one eventually! I just need to figure out a new one lol) it brought up certain memories and made me realise how close we actually were. We were best friends (in a platonic way) and was so good to me. I remember the star gazing thing I talked about before (I had/have insomnia and we would stay up late together just talking), we would also go together on long travels to keep the other company, (I have one specific memory, we were in a desert just walking I think traveling somewhere to get some item. I was walking backwards telling her about something and heard "Etho watch out!", I than fell into a hole. After being laughed at I got lectured on "why we walk forwards") I can also remember another time when I think I was helping her build some grand project of hers, I also randomly remembered that I think she was a bit taller than me.
I'm having another "I wanna send a kin call but are too scared to" moment right now. This time not to talk about the life games (what I and my timeline mates call 3rdl/ll/dl normally), but to just talk to her and see how she's doing. But I know there's very little chance my exact Cleo exists here, my TL was so non-canon and unique that I've never bothered. Plus I'm worried that if I do meet one then we'll get an introject of her, which would get awkward.
I just wanna hug her and say hello and ask what's up and what she's been doing in the months since we last spoke. I want to know if she's missed me as much as I miss her. I wanna tell her that for the past two weeks (or whenever I sent that last ask. Idk we have time blindness) anytime I go outside at night I think about her remembering our star gazing.
-Eth (etho fictive from Blue Anon)
Fair enough to all of that man, it's normal to miss people from your source and canon and it gets worse the more non canon you get, cuz then you'll have a bunch of people who act and look like your friend but are just different enough that it's not the same and it feels almost wrong, and upsetting. I'm sure if you're cleo is out there they'll appreciate reading this! -Mod hels
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It is your favorite (/j) completely non-canon Etho fictive back to ask another kin question to anyone who wants to answer.
What is your favorite memory? Go into as much or as little detail as you want/feel comfortable giving.
I think my favorite isn't really one event, but i loved stargazing with various people, but especially Cleo. I had (and still do experience) insomnia, so i loved to just lay outside and watch the sky until i fell asleep. I have one particular night in mind, i believe it was during ll. Me and Cleo just laid down beside a camp fire and just finally rested for a moment. I believe i had some sort of close relationship with her in my tl in both hc and the life series but can't remember much.
-Eth (Etho fictive from Blue anon)
Welcome back to the place hermits are re-finding each other! Favorite memory huh? That's actually kinda tough for me seeing as most memories I have are of helscraft (which up to recently was a pain to live in probably still is a bit helscraft has a few people who do bite and probably have rabies/j) but I gotta say my favorite memory is when I actually got to sit down and talk to wels about things in Helscraft and they said something along the lines of "yea no you are not going back there" and wouldn't let me leave hermitcraft so I ended up just living with him like EX lives with xisuma- in the basement. Which lead to other memories some good some bad but those stories are for another day -Mod Hels
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