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hournites · 1 year ago
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The Injustice Society of America + "Kill or be killed"
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killervibe · 2 years ago
let me get this straight: they messed up caitlin’s killer frost arc 6 seasons in a row and on their 7th try decided to just start from scratch, killed off all personality types of the character that the fandom grew attached to and reaffirmed killer frost’s relevance on team flash as an alien being with zero social skills that preoccupies herself with geology and whether or not she is a good kisser.
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viviztalks · 2 years ago
Tenho muitas saudades da tkv e não tenho contato com ninguém de lá mais, mas queria deixar registrado meu carinho e amor para os personagens Tiffany (a professora), San, River, Joe, Yifan, Jay (Taeyeon), Jieun, Nikolai, Zhen, Gang e Matt. Foram personagens que eu adorava demais e tenho saudade de jogar. Não sei se ainda estão por aí, saibam que marcaram ninha trajetória rpgística!
Olá, cinzinha!
É muito bonito quando lembramos de um lugar com tanto carinho e dos personagens que deixaram marquinhas muito boas na gente.
Espero que essas pessoas vejam essa ask e fiquem bem felizes por terem feito história no seu coraçãozinho.
Um beijo!
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arch-sakurajjam · 3 years ago
qual era o user dessa tbk?
eita, pompurin, eu não lembro. tbk era a taebaek, que chamavam de tkv também (ou algo assim). mas url é foda para lembrar, ainda mais porque faz tempo. se eu tivesse participado, até podia achar no meu navegador secundário, onde vejo as comunidades, só que não tenho registros do user. 
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olympustalk · 4 years ago
Anônimo que citou uma certa trajetória que começou na SEU, passou pela TKV e foi até a Hansei, por favor, nos envie nomes pela ask (manteremos total sigilo) a fim de conseguirmos entender se as informações são sobre as mesmas pessoas.
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thuonglouis · 4 years ago
Quý 1 lãi 208 tỷ đồng tăng 44% so với cùng kỳ
Quý 1 lãi 208 tỷ đồng tăng 44% so với cùng kỳ
Tổng công ty Điện lực TKV – CTCP (mã CK: DTK) đã công bố BCTC quý 1/2021 với lợi nhuận tăng cao so với cùng kỳ. Cụ thể, doanh thu thuần đạt 2.916 tỷ đồng, giảm 15% so với cùng kỳ, sau khi trừ giá vốn lợi nhuận gộp 362,5 tỷ đồng, giảm 30% so với quý 1/2020. Hoạt động tài chính là điểm sáng trong quý này của Điện lực TKV, theo đó doanh thu tài chính tăng mạnh từ 18 tỷ đồng lên gần 49 tỷ đồng (trong…
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e-kultura · 10 months ago
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Transform Art ~ Izložba : TKV
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ayushsan · 1 year ago
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hournites · 1 year ago
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killervibe · 3 years ago
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mare-sanguis · 1 year ago
Notes on "Ambidextrous Angle" here
Notes on "Lady Justice" here
Notes on the Flowers in ep.8 here
Notes on the colors in ep.10 here
Lets talk numerology
As episode 11 will be rescheduled to next week (and while this is quite a bummer), it also gave me a chance to delve deeper into the numbers (+ combinations) present on the plates of the car of No. 3 and KMC.
Its really fascinating and fitting (personality wise) what I found out after a long and deep dive into all of it.
Here we go
Meaning of the numbers
The history/mythology behind each of them (note: I cannot include each mythology or can expand on them)
Korean numerology meaning of the numbers
Interesting fact about KSJs house number (177)
Number plate of the parcel driver
Lets dive into the topic!
Lets start with the number combinations present on the plate of No.3's car
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Also called an angel number, 31 represents new beginnings, fresh opportunities, creativity, positivity, motivation and progress. It helps to let go of old habits, to move forwards.
When this number appears in someones life, the angels are telling them that new beginnings are on the way. They want people to trust themselves and the universe to make the necessary changes to achieve their goals.
It also signifies the need for open communication, honest and trust (especially with a partner)
Yet another angel number, 67 exist to represent spiritual awakening, fulfilling purpose and shows the "right path"
It is also associated with new beginnings, fresh starts and new opportunities. If someone is looking for a change in their life, the number 67 may be a sign that they should make some changes. (It is a powerful combination of 6 and 7, more on these numbers later)
In the bible, 67 has a significant meaning as well, It appears on multiple occasions:
1. The Apostle Paul conducts his final and fifth missionary journey between 63 to 67 A.D. His journey begins in Rome after the Roman Empire acquits him of the charges against him and he is freed. He then sails to Crete and travels to Nicopolis where he will write the books of 1. Timothy and Titus. In 67 A.D., while in prison, Paul writes his final and fourteenth book called 2. Timothy. It is a heartfelt letter to his best friend and fellow evangelist Timothy. It offered both encouragement and a warning that his martyrdom was fast approaching. »But as for you, be vigilant in all things, endure hardships, do the work of an evangelist; fully carry out your ministry. For I (Paul) am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight; I have finished the course; I have kept the faith (2Timothy 4:5 - 7)« 67 A.D. will prove to be the last full year of Paul's life. Nero, who had recently begun the first state sponsored persecution of Christians, shows no mercy to Paul the Roman citizen. He condemns him to death by beheading in 68 A.D. just before he himself commits suicide on June 9.
2. The twelve Minor Prophets (Amos, Habakkuk, Haggai, Hosea, Joel, Jonah, Malachi, Micah, Nahum, Obadiah, Zechariah, and Zephaniah) have a total number of 67 chapters.
3. Psalm 67, credited to King David, is a song praising God that expresses his desire that the whole world come to understand the salvation the Eternal offers to all humans. »May God be gracious to us, and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us. Selah. So that Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations . . . Let the people praise You, O God; let all the people praise You (verses 1 - 2, 5).«
Here we have yet another angel number. This time, it helps to manifestin dreams, signifies positive energy and development and just like 67, its to be associated with enlightenment and spiritual awakening. It also symbolizes the imminent endings and terminations of some events in ones life.
In numerology, a 3 is associated with harmoney, wisdom, understanding, joy, abundance, success and good fortune. It is also associated with Jupiter (both the god and the planet)
It also appears in the bible on multiple occasions:
1. Number 3 is mentioned 467 times in God's word. It derives its symbolism from the fact that it is the first of four spiritually perfect numerals (the others being 7, 10 and 12). The 3 righteous patriarchs before the flood were Abel, Enoch and Noah. After the deluge, there was the three righteous "fathers" of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 2. Jesus prayed three times in the Garden of Gethsemane before His arrest. He was placed on the cross at the 3rd hour of the day (9 a.m.) and died at the 9th hour. There were 3 hours of darkness that covered the land while Jesus was suffering on the cross from the 6th hour to the 9th hour. Christ was dead for three full days and nights. 3. In Christianity, there exists the "threefold office" which states that Christ performs the functions of prophet, priest, and king.
In Norse Mythology it also holds significance
1. Prior to Ragnarök, there will be three hard winters without an intervening summer. These winters are called "Fimbulwinter" (meaning awful, migthy winter in old norse)- these winters mean no summer in between, but filled with snow, bitter frost and icy storms. (There is speculation that climate change, which began in Scandinavia at the end of the Nordic Bronze Age, gave rise to the legend of the Fimbulwinter.) 2. Odin endured three hardships upon the World Tree in his quest for the runes: he hanged himself, wounded himself with a spear, and suffered from hunger and thirst. 3. Bor had three sons: Odin (father god in norse mythology associated with wisdom, healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, war, battle, victory, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the runic alphabet), Vili and  Vé. All three sons are the creators of the world.
In greek mythology it too makes its appearance through the 3 sons of Cronos (god of time)
1. Zeus (god of sky and thunder) known for: turning his first wife into a fly which he then ate, cursing Sisyphus to push a giant boulder up a hill forever, chaining prometheus to a rock so an eagle could eat his liver, consistently being unfaithful to his wife (Hera), confining Tantalus in the underworld out of pure reach of nourishment, turning into a cloud to seduce Io, tricking Pandora into opening the box and ultimately turning herself into the burden of humanity, wiping out humankind, binding Ixion to an eternally burning wheel, forcing Atlas to hold the world on his shoulders, raping Callisto (whom he then turned into a bear) as well as Antiope and Alcmene (and many other female gods) 2. Poseidon (god of sea, storms, earthquakes and horses) known for: fighting in the troja war where he created such a huge earthquake it nearly destroyed the underworld, raping Athena and Demeter (and many more) 3. Hades (god of the underworld and the dead) known for kidnapping Persephone and tricking her into marrying him
(The roman equivalents are Saturn, Jupiter, Neptun and Pluto)
Other religions also reference the number 3
The Wiccan Rule of Three. The Triple Goddess: Maiden, Mother, Crone (the three fates) The Slavic god Triglav has three heads. There were three primary gods in Babylonia mythology (Anu, Bel, Ea) Three aspects to the Egyptian sun god (Khepri, Re, Atum)
And it represents the male principles
The number 3 is a very mystical and spiritual number featured in many folktales (three wishes, three guesses, three little pigs, three bears, three billy goats gruff). Plato saw 3 as being symbolic of the triangle, the simplest spatial shape, and considered the world to have been built from triangles.
In German folklore a paper triangle with a cross in each corner and a prayer in the middle was thought to act as protection against gout, as well as protecting a cradle from witches.
Three black animals were often sacrificed when attempting to conjure up demons. On the other hand, a three-coloured cat was a protective spirit. In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth (1606–07) there are three witches, and their spell begins, “Thrice the brindled cat hath mewed,” reflecting such superstitions.
Also, 3 is the dimension of the smallest magic square in which every row, column, and diagonal sums to 15
We continue with the number combination on the plate of KMC's car
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Again, another angel number. It signifies good luck and faith.
21 means to enter a time of abundance. For those who have been dealing with a time of transition or facing difficulties, seeing this number can be a positive sign that soon this period will be behind you, and you can take the lessons of the past and put them to good use in your bright and beautiful future. This number has a special meaning - one connected to comfort, protection, and positive energy, helping you enter the next chapter of your life path.
In the bible, 21 is present as well
1. It represents great wickedness of rebellion and sin. After the people left Egyptian bondage, they had twenty-one major rebellious events as they wandered the wilderness. 2. The book of Judges and the gospel of John contain 21 chapter 3. The book of Hebrews contains materials from twetnty-one Old Testament books 4. In 2. Timothy the apostel Paul writes of 21 sins which show the exceeding wickedness of self and sin. He begins chapter 3 with a warning; "But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will…" he then proceeds to list the sind humans will indulge in: 1) selfishly love themselves 2) Love money 3) Bragging 4) Be proud of themselves 5) Blaspheme 6) Disregard and disobe their parents 7) Not be thankful for what they have 8) Reject being holy 9) Will not have natural affection 10) Will be uncompromising 11) Falsely accuse others 12) Lack of any self-control 13) Will be fierce 14) Hate anyone who does good 15) Betray others 16) Will act hardheaded 17) Will have exalted, selfish views 18) Lovers of pleasure 19) Reject loving god 20) Will seem superficially to be godly 21) Deny God's power
The number of nothingness. freedom and no limitations. It is also often referred to as the void, as it represents potential and choice. It most likely means that positive change is on the way
In Chinse numerology on the other hand it takes on a quite positive meaning (beginning of all things (and is generally considered a good number, because it sounds like 良 (pinyin: liáng), which means 'good'.
The number of completion, although not a final ending. 9 means "near the final destination", and represents fulfillment of one cycle so you can prelare to initiate the next one as well as ebb and flow.
Again, another important number in the bible
It represents the fruits of God's Holy Spirit. These fruits are faithfulness, gentleness, goodness, joy, kindness, long suffering, love, peace and self-control
And it also appears in Norse Mythology
1. The universe is divided into nine worlds which are all connected by the world tree "Yggdrasil". 2. The number is also associated with Odin, as that is how many days he hung from the world tree Yggdrasil before attaining knowledge of the runes » Odin's self-sacrifice: But he wanted to know everything and gain wisdom and knowledge of things hidden from him (runes). This was a desire that drove him to sacrifice himself. He sacrificed his eye in Mimir's well and he threw himself on his spear Gungnir in a kind of symbolic, ritual suicide.«
As well as in Greek Mythology
1. There exist nine Muses in Greek mythology named: - Calliope (epic poetry) - Clio (history) - Erato (erotic poetry) - Euterpe (lyric poetry) - Melpomene (tragedy) - Polyhymnia (song) - Terpsichore (dance) - Thalia (comedy) - Urania (astronomy). 2. The River Styx, across which souls were ferried to the underworld, is described as having nine twists. 3. It takes nine days (for an anvil) to fall from heaven to earth, and nine more to fall from earth to Tartarus (place of punishment in the underworld) 4. Leto (goddess of motherhood and protectress of the young) labored for nine days and nine nights for Apollo, according to the Homeric Hymn to Delian Apollo.
The number 9 also often represents pain or sadness. The 16th-century Catholic theologian Peter Bungus pointed out that the Ninth Psalm predicts the coming of the Antichrist. In Islamic cosmology the universe is made from nine spheres—the traditional eight of Ptolemy, plus a ninth added by the Arab astronomer Thābit ibn Qurrah about 900 CE to explain the precession of the equinoxes.
In Anglo-Saxon cultures 9 crops up frequently. The early inhabitants of Wales used nine steps to measure distance in legal contexts; for example, a dog that has bitten someone can be killed if it is nine steps away from its owner’s house, and nine people assaulting one constituted a genuine attack.
In German law the ownership of land terminated after the ninth generation. Many folk sayings involve the number 9. A stitch in time saves nine. Cloud nine is the ultimate in happiness. A cat has nine lives.
And of course, yet another angel number and associated with luck, success, wealth, clarity, thought, love and creativity. The number also shows to focus your attention on your goals and continue to work hard to achieve them. It is a powerful combination of the number 6 and 7 (more on these numbers below)
In numerology, the number represents teamwork, service, love, friendship, patience, personal growth, learning, emotional balance, partnership, acceptance, peace, bonding and mutual interests.
It again shows up in Christianity as an important number as it represent Adam (the failure, sinner and destructor) and Jesus (the sucess), Lilith (Adams first wife) and Eva (Adams second wife)
The number 2 symbolizes many of the basic dualities: me/you, male/female, yes/no, alive/dead, left/right, yin/yang, and so on. Dualities are common in human approaches to the world, probably because of our preference for two-valued logic—yet another duality, true/false. Although 2 was female to the Pythagoreans (Members of a religious-philosophical and politically active school, the Pythagoras of Samos in the 20s of the 6th century BC), other numerological schemes viewed it as male.
In Agrippa von Nettesheim’s De occulta philosophia (1533; “On the Philosophy of the Occult”), 2 is the symbol for man, sex, and evil. One reason that some have associated 2 with evil is that the biblical book of Genesis does not use the formula “and it was good” when referring to the second day of Creation.
Some religions are dualistic, with two gods in place of the one God of monotheism. Examples include Zoroastrianism, where Ahura Mazdā (the god of light and goodness) battles with Ahriman (the god of darkness and evil).
The number 2 is often associated with negatives, as in the words duplicity and two-faced. Northwest Coast Indians required the parents of twins to observe various taboos because they believed that supernatural powers would bring the wishes of twins to fruition.
It is also symbolic of the female principles
This part will include number 1, 6 and 7
This number represents confidence, movement, newness, creation, birth of all things, origin of the universe, opportunity, to turn circumstances into anything we wish, control of future, independence, goal oriented, innovative, forceful, risky, doubtful, power and action in numerology.
Not surprisingly, the number 1 is generally treated as a symbol of unity.
The Pythagoreans did not consider 1 to be a number at all because number means plurality and 1 is singular. However, they considered it to be the source of all numbers because adding many 1s together can create any other (positive whole) number. In their system, where odd numbers were male and even numbers female, the number 1 was neither; instead, it changed each to the other. If 1 is added to an even number, it becomes odd; similarly, if 1 is added to an odd number, it becomes even.
In the faiths of Islamic, Jewish and Christian cultures the number 1 is associated with the unity of God. For medieval alchemists and metaphysicians the number was associated with the Philosopher's Stone, the unknown catalyst that was thought to transform base metals magically into gold.
The number 1 is also associated with the following deities:
Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love
Apollo, the Greek God of Beauty and Truth
Diana, the Roman Goddess of the Hunt
Vesta, the Roman Hearth Goddess
Freya, the Norse Goddess of Fertility
Pangu, the Chinese God who seperated earth and heaven
The number 1 is associated with the colors red, crimson, scarlet and cherry. Gemstones associated with the number 1 are ruby and garnet. Flowers associated with the number are red roses and red carnations.
Common superstitions about the number one are:
  Break one egg and you will break a leg
  It is unlucky to walk around the house in one slipper
  Only keep money in one pocket or you will lose it.
  People with one hand are psychic.
  A one-eyed person is a witch.
  Seeing one magpie bodes a death in your future.
  Seeing one white horse brings bad luck.
  If you wash your hair on the first day of the month you will have a short life.
 It is unlucky to get married August 1st or January 1st.
The number of domestic happiness, stability, harmony and blessing.
In Christianity, it holds a significance
1. It appears as the number of six days of Creation in Genesis, with God resting on the seventh day. The structure of the Creation parallels the sum 1 + 2 + 3: on day 1 light is created; on days 2 and 3 heaven and earth appear; finally, on days 4, 5, and 6 all living creatures are created. 2. The number 6 and its meaning are related to man and human weakness, the evils of the devil and the manifestation of sin. Man was created on day six of creation week. Men are appointed 6 days to labor and then they are commanded to rest on the seventh day (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset). 3. A Hebrew slave had to serve 6 years before he could be released in the 7th year. Six years were appointed for the land to be sown and harvested. The number is also associated with Satan in his temptation of Jesus 4. The bringing together of triple six is the mark of the end time Beast power of Revelation. As such, it represents the very best system of governance that mankind can produce without God and under the constant influence of his chief adversary.
In Greek Mythology, number 6 represents
The goddess Venus (Goddess of love)
Hermes (God of Commerce)
Athena (Goddess of wisdom)
In Roman Mythology it represents Bacchus (God of Winemaking and Fertility
Some common supersitions about the number 6 are:
Its unlucky to purposely turn the number 6 upside down in jest as it means your projects will not be completed
If you find a rose with six petals it means you will be lucky in love
If you find a pansy petal with six colors on it, it means you will be protected against hurricanes and tornados
It is unlucky to get married on October 6th or November 6th
In numerology, this number is associated with war, protection, eternal life and pefection
The number 7 is equally sacred amongst Islamic, Christian and Jewish religions. According to Jewish and Christian mythologies it took six days to create the world with the seventh day being the holiest day - a day of rest. The Bible, Zohar and other religious texts also recommend that fields were to be left fallow every seventh year as means of allowing the earth to regenerate itself. Some Christians believe the number 7 represents the seven levels of hell.
It is Hebrew tradition to mourn, or sit Shivah, for a period of 7 days.
Deities associated with the number 7 include Frigga (Norse goddess of marriage, life, motherhood and heaven) Minerva (the Roman Goddess of Intelligence and Wisdom) and Mithras (Sun God in Zoroastrian lore)
The number 7 is associated with the colors violet, purple and plum. 7's gemstone is amethyst.
Flowers associated with 7 are irises and deep purple roses.
Some common superstitions about the number 7 are:
 If your date of birth can be reduced to a single number that can be divided by seven then you will have a particularly lucky life.
 Shattering a mirror brings 7 years of bad luck.
If you sing before 7 am then you will cry before 11 am.
Wrapping her husband's belt 7 times around a tree causes a woman to become fertile.  The seventh child of a seventh child is said to have psychic powers.
If you wash your hair on the 7th day of the month you will have trouble with the law.
 It is unlucky to get married April 7th or December 7th.
If you dream about the number 7, you will soon meet a soul mate.
Interesting thing about number 321
It represents creativity, joy, harmony, balance and moving forward
Korean supersititions on number 3:
This number also occurs several times in Korean mythology.
One of the key figures in Korean mythology is Hwanung. When Hwanung descended from heaven to earth, he had three seals and was accompanied by 3,000 followers. Also, Hwanung owned three powers: wind, rain, and clouds. Furthermore, according to the myth explaining how the first human appeared on Korean land, a bear stayed in the cave for three weeks. After that time, Hwanung transformed the bear into a beautiful woman.
Korean superstitions on number 9:
Apart from “4”, people in Korea are wary of “9”. When people reach an age ending in 9, for example, 29, 39, and so on, some of them begin to worry. They believe that this particular year will be difficult and misfortunes or failures may occur.
This attitude towards the number is due to the fact that after 9 comes 0. As a result, it is interpreted as the end of the old, and new beginnings from scratch which many people have anxiety about. There is a risk of choosing the wrong path at such an important time, some may even postpone significant events, such as weddings, to a later date.
Interesting fact about KSJs house number (177)
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Seeing angel number 77 indicates divine support, and spiritual growth, and calls for a time of self-discovery and freedom.
Aligned with the soul’s purpose
Indicates psychic experiences and heightened spiritual awareness
Represents healing, spiritualism, and psychic abilities
Ruled by the planet Saturn, indicating challenges ahead
In a twin flame context, 77 signals a transition from rocky times to positive changes
Numerologically, 77 signifies freedom, introspection, adventure, and heightened spiritual awareness
Angel number 77 love reading is all about strong, healthy relationships. It advises caution in giving your heart too quickly
Seeing 77 meany to take risks, listen to the inner self and to follow dreams
While the number 77 rarely occurs in the Bible, far more common is the appearance of double 7's, some of which have a special meaning.
Noah wanted to determine the status of the water after the great flood. He sent out a raven and later a dove from the ark (Genesis 8:7 - 8). The dove returned without any symbol of life. Seven days later, he resent the dove. This time it returned with an olive leaf, proving that the waters had almost completely subsided although the ground was likely still water logged. He waited yet another seven days (double 7 or 77) and sent the dove yet again. This time, it did not return, which meant that the ground was dry enough for many kinds of animals.«
In mythology, number 77 is oftentimes symbolic of destruction (gilgamesh epos, which is similar to the noahs ark story)
Moreover, it indicates a time of inner reflection and self-discovery
An angle number and a powerful reminder that when we stay true to ourselves, use our creativity, and trust our intuition, anything is possible. It's a sign that we are on the right path and have the courage to pursue our passions and make positive changes in our lives.
It serves as reminder that it is up to us to go after what we want in life. We may be feeling scared, or like we are not good enough.
It will often show up when the reason we arent acting is fear and doubt. Perhaps we fear failure, or doubt that we truly have the ability to achieve something. It could even be that we don’t really think we deserve the things that we want- tells us that these are just symptoms of low self-esteem, and that we need to work on loving ourselves.
It also points to our intuition, and its power to help guide us through life. It is also our intuition that will let us know whether seeing the number 177 is a sign from the Angels.
The number is also always a call to action. It will often show up when we are in a state of indecision or fear which is stopping us from doing the things that we need to do. The number often shows up to help us overcome our fear of moving forward.
The same nudge that causes us to notice the number will prick our intuition and let us know that there is something special about this number.
It serves as a reminder that even when we are doing nothing, we are not standing still, as everything around us is moving, changing our relative position. This means that the main difference between action and inaction, is that when we act, we choose our destination, while when we stay in one place, our destination is chosen for us by other forces.
The numbr we get to see on the plate of the parcel driver are 2583
As we already covered 2 and 3, lets focus on 5, 8, 25 and 83
This number is associated with the ruling planet mercury. It is considered to be a numbr to represent freedom and adventure. It represents "a need of variety of exciting experiences to feel fulfilled"- therefore it masters in changes, adapting to situations and experimentations as well.
Deities associated with the number 5
Dionysus, the Greek God of Wine and Ecstatic Revelation
Ishtar, the Babylonian Goddess of Love, Sex and War
Mars the Roman God of War
Thor the Norse God of Thunder.
In the bible, number symbolizes God's grace, goodness and favor toward humans. 
In numerology, number 8 is to represent victory, prosperity and overcoming. It heps to lift up personal power and to energize it. As a powerful presence, it also means hidden power, shared resources and deterination.
Deities associated with the number 8 are
Mercury, the Roman God of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication (including divination), travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, and thieves
Gaia, the Greek Goddess of earth (mother earth)
Hera, the Greek goddes of marriage, family, childbirth and women
In the bible the number 8 represents a new beginning, meaning a new order or creation, and man's true "born again" event when he is resurrected from the dead into eternal life.
Number 83 is a number to represent greath strength combined with love, gentleness and sensitivity. Its there to give great love for the world and a desire to heal and restore peace and order
This number is yet again an angel number. It is to represent exchnge of ideas and new beginnings.
In the contrary, some people believe that its an unlucky number because it can represent chaos and destruction.
Number 25 is all about change, progress, challenges and two sides
Represent the Universal Word of God, according to Abellio.
According to saint Augustin, the number 25 represents the Law.
Represent the multiplication of creatures which overlap on the double world of the spirit and the matter, according to R. Allendy: "it is the life graduating on all plans and evolving by the opposite polarity game"
In the Bible the number 25 represents "grace upon grace." It is composed of 20 (meaning redemption) and five (grace) or grace multiplied (5 x 5).
And the Word became flesh, and tabernacled among us (and we ourselves beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten with the Father), full of grace and truth . . . And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace. For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ (John 1:14, 16 - 17, HBFV).
In mesopotamian mythology Ningal, the goddess of dream divination, vision, and interpretatio is associated with the number 25
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if-haber · 1 year ago
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Allianz, UNICEF ile Birlikte Deprem Bölgesini Ziyaret Etti Allianz Grubu CEO'su Oliver Bäte, Allianz Türkiye CEO'su Tolga Gürkan ve UNICEF Almanya Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Georg Graf Waldersee ile 6 Şubat depremlerinin a...
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0 notes
haberler-sigorta · 1 year ago
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Allianz, UNICEF ile Birlikte Deprem Bölgesini Ziyaret Etti Allianz Grubu CEO'su Oliver Bäte, Allianz Türkiye CEO'su Tolga Gürkan ve UNICEF Almanya Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Georg Graf Waldersee ile 6 Şubat depremlerinin a...
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0 notes
e-kultura · 10 months ago
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Transform Art ~ Izložba : TKV
0 notes
onomatopagu-et-cie · 1 year ago
The Killing Vote (ep. 9 notes)
This time thankfully the notes could be gathered in one single note, and I’m glad I took the time to list many details in the three last posts because it’s connected a lot to what you could say after ep. 9!
After finishing editing Part 3 for ep. 8 notes, I added in a reblog more information on No. 1 Fan’s letter and the Great Maiden’s Blush rose, I’ll put the screenshots here for more readability because I didn’t know reblogs only showed up below the original post (and I’m too well aware of how hard it is to scroll down through that mass of text and pictures lmao)!
Have a nice week-end 👻!
Me with everything that’s happening in the drama lmao:
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This also confirms that some details can be interpreted in a completely different way from at first glance, so I explored some theories in these notes hehe!
Like… To KMC’s « Do you have proof that I did it? », BGC’s character answers: « My eyes are the evidence! », it’s exactly what’s happening right now haha
Once again, what are they all cooking????
Here’s a summary of the notes' content:
The Great Maiden’s Blush (ep. 8) Min Jiyoung and Kim Muchan More on Kim Muchan and No. 3 Gaetal Jodan, Donpanic and Kwon Seokju No. 1 Gaetal, Joohyun and Park Chulmin Yoonji, Jodan and Park Chulmin Min Jiyoung’s assistant Kwon Seokju’s late wife and coincidences Cell phones and coincidences Choi Jinsu’s phone call The missing frame on the wall Yang Hyejin denying all sorts of private communication with Kwon Seokju More hints on Kim Muchan and Kwon Seokju’s relationship More religious symbolism, St. Michael & Lucifer Joseph the tattletale, etymology and the duplicity of both the narration and the good and evil in humanity
♦ The Great Maiden’s Blush (ep. 8)
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➾ One of the first No. 1 Fan’s letters had a romantic tone to it ; it was the only one (at least displayed) that had this kind of mood to it, the others were focused on a lexicon of justice, moral and religious themes (I think I’ll do a separate post later on the letters because it ties up with what I wanted to say about criminology!).
This letter mentioned the birth flower of June 1st, the Great Maiden’s Blush (in French we call it 'Rose Cuisse de Nymphe', a variety of roses!):
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The only moment where we see flowers is in KMC’s nightmare, as he drops the bouquet in shock at the scene in this episode:
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The shot is too blurry to make the flowers out (the flowers in the center could look like roses though!) and I believe it’s an arrangement of various flowers anyway, but I thought it might be nice to note this little detail!
Could this specific flower be a reference of a memory?
♦ Min Jiyoung and Kim Muchan
There’s now an interesting parallel between the two characters:
-> Min Jiyoung addresses the camera during her debate with Choi Dohee in ep. 1:
« I want to ask the police that were on screen. Are you a puppet doing whatever you’re told? You can see the ethical standards of the society by the way you treat criminals. Don’t be a puppet. »
-> Joohyun refuses to become KMC’s puppet in whatever game he’s leading her in:
« Then how is that any different from Choi Dohee and that crazy show pretending to be for justice? You’ve been planting evidence to catch criminals and leaking information to screw over your own team. To me, that’s not what a good cop would ever do. (…) But still! I don’t want to be your pawn. »
♦ More on Kim Muchan and No. 3 Gaetal
See this previous post on KMC!
-> Just when Kim Muchan takes some days off and gets in his car, the very next scene is No. 3 coming back to the hideout!
Like… the ellipse in time and the characters’ actions are too convenient, we don’t even know where KMC was headed with his car haha
ALSO the very next scene is KMC and Joohyun checking KSJ’s house at night!!!!
— As Joohyun said, KSJ happened to escape just when KMC had the divine revelation that KSJ was the true Gaetal.
— KMC is leading an investigation on his own, just like Joohyun is too.
The true reason for his escapade at KSJ’s house by night is unknown, he widens his eyes then clenches his jaw as he says there was no big reason (first set of pictures below!).
I'm not sure how to say this, but this expression has the same feel as when someone cuts the other short in their accusation by collecting themself and providing a strong deny or a bespoke excuse/pretext.
And Joohyun’s question feels more like an accusation than a question (which also redirects the attention off her):
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After a pause (as though in an attempt to rack his brain to find a quick way to deflect Joohyun’s accusation, in the second set of pictures), he then brings out a valid excuse by victimizing himself and making KSJ out to be ambivalent and manipulative, falling prey to his influence (Joohyun also calls him out on that when he exposes KSJ’s escape, saying he didn’t have to make him look like an evil criminal).
Once he finds out the excuses, he tilts his head pointedly and averts his gaze to the side. He also pushes his tongue into his cheek (perhaps subconsciously and nervously!) to make his actions seem totally natural and expect approval from Joohyun.
Note: When KMC says 'I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything for trusting him too much.', his sentence ends in ~나, which is a marker of an interrogation. Like ~ㄴ/은가, it conveys a softer tone than the other ways to ask a question (eg. ~ㅂ/습니까, ~니, ~아/어, …), sth like: ‘I wondered if I missed anything because I trusted him too much…/Did I miss anything because I trusted him too much… ?
➾ Showing Joohyun he’s not sure he’s been manipulated AND that he’s not too obstinate at emphasizing the certainty of his reason to make sure Joohyun believes him (doing the opposite would make him sound even more suspicious!) speak volumes lmao
And in doing so, he silently returns Joohyun’s implied accusation right back at her.
Note how she doesn’t push the subject further and rather provides on her own the reason she came after KMC did it without him asking to perhaps sound natural like him.
— There was also this scene:
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KSJ and No. 3 go back a long way and would never betray them… ? KMC and KSJ have known each other for at least 15+ years since KSJ’s first lecture at the KNPU in 2008 but their exchange hinted they were close before as KMC rooted for his career before said lecture happened.
And given Jihoon’s reaction, he must’ve also realized it was KMC!
But it could still be someone else KSJ knew well eg. the police officer who communicated with him and shot JJW!
Note: Btw what’s with that « We know each other very well, but you said [they're] a bit different. »???? If he's No. 3, could it be because KMC never joined them from the beginning but afterwards or something else that sets him apart from all the other Gaetal… ? Or he’s different because he’s a police officer… ?
— KSJ pleads Yang Hyejin and Jihoon, saying that they ‘should trust [them]’, which is, if Gaetal No. 3 is really KMC, an interesting parallel to what KMC and KSJ say about each other to Joohyun.
This makes it strongly look like before Joohyun factored in this trio, they were actually the ones establishing a rapport in the first place with each other, sending mixed signals to Joohyun about who to trust:
The triangulation of their relationship might not be KMC doubting KSJ and Joohyun defending alternatively one against the other,
But instead KMC and KSJ deliberately trying to make Joohyun doubt both of them so that she’d believe the two didn’t trust each other at all nor work/secretly communicate together (and that’s where the fact that she ignores completely the extent of their past relationship comes into play)
Looking at what each character said about the other, this interpretation might be possible:
-> KMC advising Joohyun many times on KSJ and warning her not to get too close (‘Don’t underestimate him. Don’t show him anything he could use to read you.’ ; ‘Calm down. And keep a neutral pose. Don’t stay too close or too far. If you seem too aggressive, KSJ will notice that and use it against you. No need to bow down to him.’)
-> KMC asks Joohyun to play along with KSJ, become his messenger and try to establish a good rapport, and the drama defines this concept to the audience (« a psychological term referring to a relationship of mutual trust between two people »)
-> KMC says KSJ completely fooled Joohyun even though he warned her not to let him toy with her (ep. 6)
-> KMC reacts so bitterly when it comes to KSJ in front of Joohyun that she’s led to think he hates him (ep. 6)
-> KSJ says Joohyun shouldn’t trust KMC/this ‘friend’ too much, « that’s all he has to say to her. » (ep. 3)
-> When Joohyun asks if KSJ still believes KMC is Gaetal, KSJ avoids answering and vaguely warns her (ep. 6): « At the end of every semester, I used to say this to my students: ‘Don’t trust everything that I teach you. If you do your own research, then you’ll find a different answer.’ », which seems to hint that KMC is not Gaetal (whether KSJ believes or not, what’s important is what Joohyun does with these cryptic words!).
A few scenes ago however, he was hinting that KMC felt the same ‘terrible rage’ that Joohyun could hear in Gaetal’s speech, which could also include him in the suspects! To KMC’s question ‘Anything that wasn’t recorded that’s bothering you?’ (which could mean the ‘terrible rage’ and ‘KMC knows’ parts deliberately left out by Joohyun), she answers no, keeping this detail to herself. Note: Did KSJ bait Joohyun to see if she would make KMC listen to the ‘terrible anger’/‘KMC knows’ part? Which would then confirm whether she’s doing an investigation on her own because she’s suspecting KMC? If so, KMC must’ve been KSJ’s accomplice to confirm Joohyun’s reaction, he looked like he was gauging her reaction after all!
-> KMC asking Joohyun if he has to be on his knees and beg for her to trust him (ep. 8, note that the janitor and KSJ magically arrived right after this line) and also in ep. 9 when he asks her to trust him and bear the consequences of his leak until they catch KSJ and end TKV.
-> KMC claims in front of Joohyun that his suspicious search of Narae’s room (at night, on his days off and without the special team) is because he might’ve missed clues because ‘he trusted KSJ too much’… ? (ep. 9)
➾ This doesn’t necessarily mean KSJ and KMC planned everything together: each other must’ve realized they were Gaetal (and possibly without the other knowing, their relationship seemed strong enough in the past for them to work together without Gaetal factoring in) and that LMS was playing with them.
— Moreover, besides Jihoon, the single one person not being investigated among KSJ’s family, relatives, friends and past colleagues is… KMC. Everyone died or went abroad except him, however he’s deliberately withholding the extent of their relationship during the whole investigation.
(Which makes me wonder why Choi Jinsu never brought it up too, especially if he works for Min Jiyoung … He knows they were close, yet he does nothing of that information! Or perhaps he’s waiting to collect decisive evidence to catch him?)
— And KSJ said No. 3's position could be more valuable than anything else now that the true Gaetal is in a critical situation… ?
And what does KMC do later in the episode?
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He exposes KSJ’s escape and subsequently the police’s negligence to get back to work because the case is his responsibility! He has the authority to catch the fake Gaetal (and maybe KSJ himself, KMC looks torn on that question) AND to orient the investigation in whatever biased direction he needs to as long as he’s working.
KMC was the one who volunteered to interview Yang Hyejin in person when Joohyun suggested to investigate her link to Gaetal!!!!
He also didn’t push his luck when he strongly suspected KSJ was upstairs at Yang Hyejin's house (esp. once he noticed the umbrellas) nor did he shoot more bullets to stop KSJ’s escape even though he was obviously at point range.
Also the police officer who KSJ passed the paper to was the one who shot JJW, which would force the police to transfer him to the hospital (perhaps preparing for his escape?) and Gaetal keeps up with JJW’s situation through No. 3 (and what better position would enable you to that if it’s not a police officer?).
And KSJ’s reaction when Yang Hyejin asks if KMC is No. 3 might also be telling (the last set of pictures above).
Whether he’s certain of KMC being No. 3 or not (eg. because they’ve been communicating, or he discovered a decisive hint pointing to him), he must’ve at least an inkling it’s KMC.
Note: And remember he never answered nor denied his involvement with Gaetal whenever Joohyun or KMC asked him ; idem with KMC: when KSJ said he hoped he were Gaetal, he retorted he was a cop (we know that means nothing), adding he would’ve targeted LMS first if that was the case!
— The only character scanning the CCTVs/cameras to make sure he’s not caught in the footage is KMC (especially before acting), and it all happens in ep. 1:
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① When he busted the streaming site with Joohyun ② When he communicated with Jovovich, BGC’s wife, making sure his cap conceals his face ③ When he beats BGC up �� When he pushed the journalists’ cameras aside in annoyance
Note: he was wearing a black mask in ep. 1… just like that 3rd person knocking Joohyun out in ep. 3! There must have been a swap somewhere! (In ep. 3 you can see him leave the hospital with a white mask but he could still have a black one ready in his pocket to not attract attention!)
And No. 3 also does look at the CCTVs (see ⑤), but they don’t have to worry about them since they’re masked (and note they’re the only one with No. 1 we haven’t seen unmasked so far in the Gaetal, unlike Jihoon and his grandmother, as well as the taxi driver for example!).
Also, the Gaetal in the broadcast for BGC’s vote claimed they would be the country’s faithful watchdog who ‘monitors’ the devils deemed innocent (ep. 1). 감시하다 is the verb used: it means to put under surveillance/watch/monitor and it is also used to define what CCTVs do (감시).
➾ Gaetal acts like a human CCTV to catch their targets: nobody knows them but they’re still out there observing those who were unjustly deemed innocent when they're not expecting it.
Note: given this possible CCTV/watchdog association, the shot where the CCTV is placed JUST RIGHT where KMC’s head would be when he meets with Jovovich is pretty fitting (see the shot marked with ‘!!!’) lmao
— Speaking of keywords, this Gaetal in ep. 1 said their justice was rational: « 상식적인 정의 ».
However, the Gaetal who presents the special broadcast AND Kim Muchan ep. 5 phrase it like that « 지독하게 상식적인 정의 » (the same spite KSJ mentions himself when he talks about KMC’s ‘terrible anger’).
And it's interesting to note that Joohyun analyzed KMC’s speech patterns when he addressed the journalists AND Gaetal’s (see the screens in ep. 4 when KMC brings to her the letters ; she even entered on her own the keywords ‘Choi Dohee’, ‘Kim Muchan’ and ‘Gaetal's broadcast’ when she was alone!!!!) + never made KMC listen to KSJ saying KMC feels that rage (지독한 분노)!
And… even before KSJ used this specific adjective in ep. 6, it’s actually Joohyun who said it first about the real culprit: « 지독한 진범 »!
KSJ went out of his way to say ‘the two people who said the same words must be connected’ was a naive approach but is it really? If the focus is somewhere else than the whole ‘Devils deemed innocent was said by Gaetal and KSJ’ and it's a habit the culprit let out subconsciously, it could matter!
— The drama also introduces officially the possibility of car plates being swapped (see this previous post on No. 3 and KMC’s car, 'The Gaetal'!):
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— (Going into delulu land 8D) but No. 3’s reaction right after Yang Hyejin says « I hope the professor can at least join us without any trouble. » ie. nodding off and looking to the side afterwards pensively looks like what KMC sometimes does when he thinks to himself!
I’ll edit this if I go through some moments in the drama again!
— The heavy breathing of No. 3 really sounds like the one in the video test by the way!
♦ Jodan, Donpanic and Kwon Seokju
— Given the random repetitions in Jodan's panic (and that people usually unconsciously go back to what's familiar to them), he might be ‘Donpanic’, who worked on Cpt. Oh’s case:
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— And he might’ve been communicating with KSJ (the last two pictures): the books stacked on Jodan’s desk were the ones they gave KSJ in his cell at the Police Agency in ep. 5 ; in addition, Jodan was the one KSJ tasked to ask the janitor to bring him a ‘book’.
Also « [KSJ] has zero friends, like me. » is superposed to a shot of Jodan’s back showing only then the stack of books.
Later, when KSJ’s escape is exposed by Choi Dohee and the team watches the news, we also see Jodan texting in panic an unknown third person: neither KMC (he was on his way back from the orphanage) nor KSJ (ofc lol) was present in the room so he could’ve texted one of the two (I believe it’s KSJ he’d want to alert because the possibility of an APB sounds clearly like bad news for KSJ’s plans). It could also be Jihoon!
— Also, when Jodan and Joohyun disguise themselves as students to find No. 1 Gaetal, Jodan seemed pretty nervous to let Joohyun see his conversation with No. 1 and carry on her plan (① below):
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♦ No. 1 Gaetal, Joohyun and Park Chulmin
— Joohyun and/or Jodan might be No. 1 Gaetal and/or the mysterious ‘expert’ that helped them:
On one hand, Jihoon says: « I doubt No. 1 did this alone. Hacking and stealing a program and deleting all the data left in the server that quickly? Only experts can do that. »
AND on the other, we get this comment by LMS, confirming it’s not himself at least:
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But LMS's comment also suggests that everything (that Jihoon mentioned + the astroturfing by generated comments that seems to be happening under the video KMC’s vote) was No. 1’s sole doing, with no separate expert involved. Meaning No. 1 Gaetal = the expert, one and only person.
LMS also marvels at the speed and the system of this program.
This time, I’m more inclined to believe the culprit’s words himself (that there’s a single individual behind that: even though he only ordered it, he must know a whole lot more about the situation) than the one who got hacked, Jihoon! (And people always compliment Joohyun for her competence at building algorithms and databases… !)
— And when Joohyun brings Jodan along to meet ‘No. 1’ Gaetal, she makes her aim clear (② above): « No. 1 Gaetal must be the jerk who posted stuff to instigate people. The system administrator. »
Provided she’s a part of Gaetal and stole Jihoon’s program, while she specifically mentions No. 1 to Jodan, it’s possible she deliberately mixes the roles of No. 1 and the system administrator (Jihoon) to make it seem she’s looking for No. 1 while she’s actually trying to find the system administrator’s identity.
No. 1 is likely not Jihoon according to the combination of what Jihoon and LMS both said about the hacking ; but it could very well be her and she might be trying to sound less suspicious by aggregating all the tech-savvy tasks in Gaetal (eg. the administration of the system and the astroturfing) to attribute it to one single person.
— I suspected LMS of being the actual author of the request for Jihoon’s counseling when after ep. 8 because whoever does this would want to know where he actually lives this way (which would lead to Gaetal's hideout) and…………..
Turns out it’s actually Joohyun who requested it, and look at how she feigned ignorance in front of Joomin with her ‘Didn’t he receive counseling?/Why don’t you ask him yourself?’ as though she didn’t know about the request for counseling when it did come from her!
There's also the possibility that LMS is deliberately lying to make Jihoon suspect Joohyun and not him (but dude probably doesn’t know Jihoon was very close to KSJ and Narae, he’d still doubt him anyway lmao): after all he seemed to pay a close attention to his expression, as though he was gauging his reaction.
In any case, one of the two is lying and Jihoon’s reaction at this piece of information is interesting, he’s totally absorbed in his thoughts (① below):
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But in the end, once Jihoon walked away, you see LMS thinking about what happened and tilting his head as though in incomprehension, so I really think the request really came from Joohyun (② above).
— There was also this troubling scene, as Joohyun watched Choi Dohee on her TV addressing the ‘real’ Gaetal:
« And here’s our message to all the Gaetal who are watching this. I hope you see our intentions to become watchdogs. And until our society achieves rational justice, I will stand by your side. »
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Joohyun was about to turn the power off but her hand stilled as Choi Dohee spoke. At first, she looked annoyed because she knows the duplicity of Choi Dohee ; she huffed as soon as she mentions ‘rational justice’ (① above).
But at the very end of the scene (②) you see a hint of a smirk as she decides to finally turn off the TV.
Her smile then completely falls off, ending up looking dejected aaaaaaaaa
— Just like KMC (see Part 2 of ep. 8’s notes, 'The Gaetal'), Joohyun also looks used to the dark and was blinded by the brightness of KMC’s flashlight in ep. 9 (note that he also decided to direct the flashlight in her direction even though he already recognized her):
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Note: If I’m hearing well, when KMC says « I was wondering if we had a mole », he only says « 내부에서 » ('[a mole] from the inside'), he doesn’t expressly specify a mole from the Police Agency… Which could also mean it was about a mole from inside Gaetal!
— On that subject, the drama made a point at showing us Jodan and Joohyun chewing ice in frustration (my girl looks TOTALLY DEJECTED LMAO) AND KMC savagely drinking his bottled water in one big gulp (like… dude finished the whole bottle in a record time AND HE CRUSHED THE BOTTLE WITH HIS HANDS lmao)!
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It could be a sign of nervousness… Your throat can sometimes go dry and you become thirsty lol, just as Joohyun used the water glass as an excuse to reach LMS’s room (and Jodan’s hilarious theatrics to stall for some time haha)!
— And ever since I noticed the thing about KMC’s car, I’m beginning to think Joohyun (or Jodan, but Joohyun looks suspicious for sure) also muddies the tracks to her by swapping her USB drives or putting/removing the red cap on/from it to look like the one inserted to hack Gaetal’s program (② above).
I’m sure the detail will be brought up back again because Jihoon got his hands on the USB drives, he’ll perhaps recognize something (or perhaps it will be LMS since he’s coming home)!
— The scene with Park Chulmin, the janitor, was really interesting:
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The thing is that what the last sentence targets is literally ‘이 안에 있는 모든 사람이’ (‘all the people who are present in here’: it could be the prison or………. the room lmao)… Which also includes the janitor himself, Sangjae and Joohyun lmao
Note that what Joohyun says next expressly points the prison, excluding herself and the team from the scope of the search (‘이 교도소에’ and not the ambiguous 이 안에): « We’re going to start the investigation assuming that everyone in this prison is KSJ’s potential communication link. »
This might be an interesting parallel to how KMC always manages to dodge the suspicions because he’s seemingly not matching any criteria of the list while the truth would place him on top of it and in priority: nobody bothers to put a name on the relationship he has with KSJ because a few know it in the first place (see more on the « Escaped convicts go to their families, friends, lovers, … or their prison friends. » later in the post!).
Note: The janitor himself looks suspicious along with the warden. -> While he genuinely seems to resent criminals who profit off the system and live comfortably in prison, he also seems to portray himself like so deliberately, there for everyone to see. Eg. in front of CCTVs (when he beat up KSJ right in the middle of the jail’s camera), and also particularly in front of Joohyun (in ep. 5 when they escort KSJ and made a show at putting the electronic tag on him ; notice it’s curiously never with KMC for example who he voluntarily reached to to since ep. 2). It could be to divert everyone’s attention off him by showing the image of the enraged janitor who would rather die than to become a murderer’s accomplice to be able to work with KSJ. -> This bit in ep. 8 was interesting too: « I had to drive him around and take him home. Is he my boss or what? » -> PCM also gave KMC the letters, who made a show of arresting him (was it to make them seen? After all this moment was caught on camera and used in the video for KMC’s vote!). KMC made a point at underlining he was taking the letters as evidence after the arrest (was he trying to make the transaction undetected by providing a legitimate reason to take the letters?). There’s no saying whether the stack of letters didn’t include something else inside (eg. a message, or the first letter that’s supposedly the one in ep. 9, that would reveal to KMC LMS’s involvement), and KMC could have very well separated whatever this was from the stack and handed Joohyun the letters without her knowing anything. The content the janitor mentioned to KMC wasn’t anything like what we saw of it, and anybody would’ve been alarmed by it tbh lmao (the whole religious imagery, talking about punishing evildoers for KSJ, strong, borderline obsessive admiration for KSJ etc.????). But even so, he only quoted « ‘What Inmate 0512 did wasn’t murder.’, ‘It’s technically self-defense.’ Bullshit letters like that. Since this was such a big case and got a lot of attention, the warden made us inspect his mail for the first time. Because he didn’t want to be held responsible for any weird letter he could get. That’s how we found his No. 1 Fan. (…) Once you read them, you’ll know why I’m doing this. » The janitor was the one who first showed the letters to the warden before going to see KMC (he was quite insistent too if you rewatch the scene, like he had an ulterior motive in mind). So what he says to KMC: « The warden made us inspect his mail for the first time. » could be a lie or at least he’s hiding he was the one who coaxed the warden into doing the inspection. -> There’s also no saying the janitor didn’t communicate with KMC from the moment he got his police contact card and the moment he reached him to talk about the No. 1 Fan letters too! -> If the first letter was in the stack, perhaps KSJ communicated with KMC through the janitor to let him know LMS was actually involved in the Killing Vote, something like that? -> The drama makes a point at letting us know that the janitor was absent the whole time KSJ escaped ; we also learned there were two motorbikes in the car truck: could he have acted as a bait to let KSJ escape?
➾ I get the feeling Joohyun is No. 1 Gaetal: she infiltrated Gaetal and tried to dismantle it from the inside on LMS’s instructions and with No. 5’s help (the taxi driver) because she realized how dangerous TKV could be.
Either she realized it since the get-go or she sympathized at first with it/KSJ (she perhaps communicated with KSJ on her own and KSJ realized it) but got a wake-up call as soon as she saw KMC getting almost killed, Choi Dohee using it to fulfill her own ambitions and KMC faking his death for example.
Also the premise that she’s a part of Gaetal doesn’t necessarily mean she knows the hideout Jihoon used with the others, especially since we saw some vacant desks in ep. 8 & there's a possibility she assumed roles that didn't need her to be present.
Little did she know that LMS was the one behind all the orders she received, which would understandably make her seethe with anger. What she does from this point on might completely change from her initial goal.
♦ Yoonji, Jodan and Park Chulmin
— There’s this weird conversation between Sangjae and Yoonji, when they inspect KSJ’s house after last night’s events in ep. 3:
« — [Sangjae:] Why did Joohyun have to come in here alone? What’s all this mess? — [Yoonji:] Did she really fight on her own? Was she always this athletic? — Do you think she fought back because she knew how to? You know her temper. I’m sure she fought back with all her might. » Note: Joohyun (who went in KSJ’s house in ep. 3) and Jodan’s personal records are the only ones in the team we aren't shown! Joohyun is always depicted by her telltale ‘temper’, her coworkers thinking she’s not athletic, but what if she actually was?
Yoonji looked nervous/alarmed after that exchange:
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-> Once the conversation ended, she noticed the paperknife on the frame and glanced at it for some time ;
-> The point of this scene at first glance was to foreshadow that KMC was still alive while deceiving the whole country, even his team: Yoonji must know KMC was athletic like her since they’ve been on the same team for years (see Part 3 of ep. 8’s notes!) and this scene was perhaps there only to show she was suspicious about KMC’s ‘death’ ; but this reaction could be for something else ;
-> We know the paperknife is now gone and the only one who noticed it was Yoonji (Sangjae passed it): she might’ve taken it without the forensics knowing (eg. to help KMC erase his tracks or take a message, idek at this point haha).
— The succession of events for Cpt. Oh’s vote was magically filled with coincidences:
-> KMC took Joohyun aside from the team to ask her to bring KSJ along because Gaetal will ‘definitely show up as they always punished the targets on their own’ (this will be relevant later ; also note that we now know that Gaetal is a group and that KMC might be No. 3).
-> KMC was the first character who led the team to concentrate on the person on the motorbike (motorbike????) by putting an APB on it, asking his colleagues to « keep an eye on deliverymen at every place related to the Killing Vote. »
-> Yoonji was then the other one who led the team to fully focus on any sign of a ‘deliveryman’ and a ‘parcel’ in Cpt. Oh’s case when she confirmed witnesses remembered ‘Delivery’ was written on the vest of Uhm Eungyeong’s kidnapper (but they were wearing a mask) and as they were going through all the possible Cpt. Ohs.
She was also the one who gave the hint of the ‘professional martial artist’, leading the team to believe the person on the motorbike was the same as the one who fled from KSJ’s house.
-> KMC wanted Jodan to ask the potential Cpt. Oh (JJW) to check if he’s received a package (like… even the moment Jodan said out loud ‘Oh Gyungpyo’, making KMC turn his head fully concentrated + KMC then whispering the ‘package’ instruction + Jodan then exchanging a knowing glance, putting the conversation on speaker right when JJW magically admits he’s got a package + Jodan and KMC exchanging glances, eyes wide open also feel weird now 8D).
-> After this phone call, this led KMC to lead all the police force in the fake Cpt. Oh’s direction and the real Cpt. Oh not being able to ask for help for some time. But KMC still made a point at listening both Cpt. Ohs’s stories on the phone (perhaps to stall for some time?)
-> Joohyun was about to leave with KSJ without the janitor, who caught up and insisted on going too because this whole situation was breaching the agreement they had with the warden (he pointedly looked at Joohyun once they got in the car).
Yoonji was the one who reacted the strongest to Cpt. Oh’s twisted account of his crime (and shifting the blame on the victim) when she was in the car ; I don’t know why, but I get the feeling she was a friend of Lieutenant Im (JJW’s fiancée), helping KMC and JJW. And Jodan held her fist to comfort her!
-> Magically right after Jihoon could be heard arriving next to Cpt. Oh, KMC turns off the phone/puts the phone on silent mode that put the real Cpt. Oh and Jihoon on speaker (he knows Jihoon's voice at least from the events of ep. 3 and we know he wanted to meet with him after to ‘ask him something’). KMC then decides to focus on the phone call with JJW.
Note: However Choi Jinsu, who was the one who called the real Cpt. Oh and made KMC listen to the call, doesn’t know Jihoon’s voice so he couldn’t be suspicious of anything (Jihoon’s voice could also have been faint because he was speaking from some distance)!
-> KSJ drops this banger to Joohyun right before entering the hospital: « Are you sure about this? If he’s the real Cpt. Oh, Gaetal will be there. It’s not too late to go over to Team Leader Kim. TO LET YOURSELF OFF THE HOOK. » (and their reactions!!!! They both look tense! Were they talking about something else, especially since Joohyun now looks totally suspicious in the past recent episodes?)
-> While Joohyun and KSJ were busy looking for people KSJ might’ve recognized (which distracts Joohyun's attention from whatever is happening at the same time), the janitor stayed behind as the patient in a neck brace (that he glanced at for a short time) made a scene because he didn’t want to have his ID checked, which attracted the attention to him as he was trying to leave.
-> KSJ magically notices the deliveryman he used to know, but the real parcel was actually placed elsewhere. Joohyun ran after the deliveryman, KSJ staying a little behind at first.
-> The janitor then magically noticed the bomb that wasn’t that strong to kill him from being this close (however it spread lot of smoke, impairing everyone’s vision). KSJ crossed paths with JJW as he was catching up with Joohyun and we don’t know how his electronic tag got removed: he was handcuffed, he couldn’t have done that alone.
Note: it���s the tag that the janitor insisted to put on KSJ himself and not Joohyun (did he put it loosely on KSJ’s ankle so that it would come off on its own?). But it’s also Joohyun who brought the model herself and connected it to her watch, she could have very well fiddled with it too! The tag fell from a certain height (at least from the waist, was it on his wrist… ?), definitely not from his ankle! The janitor/Joohyun/KMC/anybody else in contact with KSJ before could’ve changed its place from the moment he got moved to the Police Agency to this moment!
-> As a consequence, JJW was left alone with Cpt. Oh, Jihoon and KMC and the rest of the police force was dispatched anywhere else but there (the electronic tag’s alarm was another way to disperse the police force), arriving late.
— For posterity, Yoonji is the one who has to keep watch on JJW who is taken to the hospital!!!!
♦ Min Jiyoung’s assistant
The new Gaetal who stabbed the target of this episode might be Min Jiyoung’s assistant: the motions (grabbing the victim by the head to how she holds her knife and stabs) and the petite silhouette/build are the same!
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♦ KSJ’s late wife and coincidences
In ep. 7, Min Jiyoung asks her assistant to ‘look into that detective [KMC]’ AND ‘find out any rumors about [KSJ’s] late wife’ to mention them in another video we were not seen.
Whether the assistant managed to find something is a complete mystery till now! We were only shown in scenes just before the video accusing KSJ of having an inappropriate behavior with his students and his daughter when he was interviewed by KMC: MJY’s order came after the first video.
Note that Min Jiyoung slapped KMC after BWT’s acquittal, saying: « I’m sure you know why I hit you. » (emphasis on the why, 왜), adding that her son « should never be tainted by the likes of you. » (emphasis on the taint). Is this linked somehow? What did she find on both KMC and KSJ (which doesn’t mean both findings were necessarily linked, but the two orders came about in the very same scene)? LMS finds that KMC is a ‘funny guy’ ; the video of Narae that Joohyun finds at the end of ep. 9 is literally titled with the English ‘FUN’ ; No. 1 Fan (LMS) hinted in one of his letters that Narae was a « tattletale » (고자질쟁이) ie. a person, esp. a child, who reveals secrets or informs on others (the context suggests that she once revealed LYS’s secrets since he ‘gave her a second chance’). ➾ We don’t know what the secret was (perhaps it’s linked to LYS and all the settled past SA cases that didn’t suspect him at all?) nor if LYS is actually lying. (More on ‘Joseph the tattletale’ at the end of the post!)
When KSJ’s surroundings is brought up once again in ep. 9, we’re shown this record (① below):
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This is what you can read on the record:
-> Both KSJ's father and mother live abroad in the United States ;
-> Narae died in 2015 ;
-> KSJ got married to Jeong Yeonsu (born on May 4, 1980) on October, 2004 and she died on December, 2008.
As side notes and little coincidences:
KSJ began teaching at KNPU in March 2008. From 2002 to March 2007, he went abroad to get his Master’s degree and Doctorate in Philosophy of Law, Criminal Psychology and Criminology.
Narae was born on September 17, 2008 which is also the birthday date of KMC, born on September 17, 1986 (EDIT: yes, Narae was murdered 2 days before their birthday and they probably used to celebrate it together, now I'm devastated).
If KMC and KSJ knew each other for 15+ years, how would he have known KSJ between 2002 and 2007, since he was abroad? Either they first met in 2008 when he came back or they go back an even longer way!
The first name of KMC’s mother was Yeonjeong or Yeongjeong (we only hear KMC call her, we have yet to see her name written on personal records), which is a curious mix of Jeong Yeonsu’s name.
What’s intriguing is that while both Narae and Jeong Yeonsu passed away, only Narae has a residence registered under her name: Jeong Yeonsu is the only one who has none (see the box left blank highlighted above). Even KSJ’s parents, who are abroad, have their residence filled in. Will this be relevant later?
Usually residence/a mailing address is mandatory and must appear on official documents (like a register of births, marriages and deaths), right?
And coincidentally, we see Joomin asking her sister in the same episode:
« How do you find out where someone actually lives? (…) The police even came to our school, because his address was wrong. They said no one lives at the address registered in the school records. No one’d ever lived there. »
➾ This introduces the possibility that official documents don’t necessarily reflect the reality of a situation in the drama.
Another example was brought up ever since ep. 1 with BGC: he managed to get a fraudulent marriage with Jovovich in jail (through what seems to be human trafficking) to reduce his sentence. And it’s one of the elements of his sham with a letter of apology that enraged Gaetal.
There’s also that asterisk right next to the status of ‘wife’ that bugs me (see the last line of the record above)! I’ll come back to it if I find some answers!
I don’t know if the signage is the same in SK, but an asterisk often means you need to fill in the needed information on the line/column marked by this sign. But this wouldn’t make sense at all here since the rest of the family, the parents and the daughter were not marked by an asterisk even though they’re equally important. I can only see it as a way to mark that the box in question needed additional information that’s still not provided by the individual even though it’s mandatory for verification (eg. for a marriage or civil union, it’d be a certificate of marriage/contract of civil union ; for a child a birth or adoption certificate etc.). For example, perhaps the civil registrar needed a proof of Jeong Yeonsu’s residence or her death certificate to attest to her death. And as you can see when Min Jiyoung ran a background check on KSJ in the car, all KSJ’s cursus seemed to have been verified by her team from the looks of the red marks right across (see the last picture above), as though they ticked each piece of information once they were done checking it. But even with that, she still lacked information on his late wife after since she asked her assistant to look for rumors (did something make her perplexed? eg. from the official documents?), there might be something going on.
Note how it’s the only official document being shown in the drama with a governmental seal attesting to its authenticity AND that KSJ had at the time many connections in the legal and judicial world (and he was admired by the entire country), so counterfeit, though far-fetched, might be a possibility.
The official seal doesn’t look like the ones I tried to find for kr documents while I was looking that up, I wonder if this will be relevant later?
Also note that KSJ was the warden’s legal advisor (eg. for his divorce, but he seemed to meet him on a weekly basis for another reason) and it’s brought up again in ep. 9.
For what it’s worth, only opposite-sex couples married for at least 3 years are eligible to adoption in SK. Single parents don’t have the right to adopt.
♦ Cell phones and coincidences
Big conspiracy vibes but we finally got a closer look to the content of the glass panel in LMS’s hidden room and the phone and the phone exhibited looks like KMC or BWT’s… (I know, it’s a pretty common phone model lmao, I had something similar years ago but there must be a reason it’s displayed as a trophy like that in LMS’s room!)?
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EDIT: a side note, but the picture of Narae and KSJ was indeed stolen by LMS ; it was in the frame right next to Narae's picture that KSJ faces to her stuffed bunny in ep. 6, and it is now empty!
The borders on KMC/BWT’s phone are grey/metallic.
In comparison, Narae’s was white and the news declared it was found by the police discarded in a park trash bin near ‘Dawol-dong’ and it was broken.
If I’m not mistaken, it’s the only phones that were shown in the flashback, I don’t believe we were even shown KSJ’s?
➾ Did LMS steal KMC/BWT’s phone? Did he find something of interest to him in the phone’s content or where he found the phone?
If the phone belonged to BWT, was it because it had the recording of Narae’s cries for help on it?
Note: we hear the journalist on the news mention the ‘Dawol’ neighborhood but it’s not written anywhere on the screen, so we don’t know the exact name of the neighborhood, only its pronunciation. It could be 다월 (Dawol) but also 당월 (Dangwol), which is where KMC happens to live (you can see it on his personal record in ep. 1, the last picture above).
And speaking of phones, Joohyun’s reaction to KMC’s phone falling on the ground (after she urged him to answer her questions on his connection with KSJ) also seemed out of place in ep. 3, the drama also emphasizes the focus on the phone and both characters’s reactions that seemed to have the same realization:
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-> Is he actually using two phones (eg. one destined for specific calls like for Gaetal/KSJ or his deal with the Commissioner and his superior) and Joohyun noticed the phone that fell wasn’t the one he used usually?
Note: in ep. 9, a meeting between the Commissioner, KMC and his superior happened right before he took a few days of leave and behind closed doors: the drama doesn’t show us the matter discussed at all!
-> Did Joohyun notice the phone looked similar to the one a third person (eg. one of the Gaetals) was using in their meetings (provided she’s part of Gaetal)?
Like at this point you can’t even make sh*t up ; this moment felt out of place to the same extent that conversation on the ‘firecracker smell’ sounded weird (see Part 3 of ep. 8’s notes, 'Joomin and the 'firecracker smell''!). There are really too much coincidences piling up.
♦ Choi Jinsu’s phone call
He said « The professor’s picnic is over » to somebody else over the phone once we learned KSJ escaped. Min Jiyoung later texted LMS KSJ fled.
He used 소풍 which can mean trip, picnic but also… outing (ie. act of going outside to admire the scenery or to relax, play etc.).
When LMS laughed to himself as he found out KSJ got out of prison in ep. 5, he says: « What’s my Professor up to? Is he on an outing? », the last question was ‘우리 교수님 놀래 나왔어?’ ('Did my [dear] Professor come out to play?' 놀다 means play, have fun). Perhaps this became a code between them?
You can also see a focus on Choi Jinsu's expression looking at KMC leaving when he took some days off.
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Note how KMC’s smile seemed sad/regretful and a bit forced when he discussed with CJS on the rooftop and swallowed (does he know CJS is betraying him?). His smile slowly faded away once CJS left:
« — Cover for me for a few days. — I can’t do it for long, so come back soon, okay? You know I’m retiring soon. »
And CJS looked at KMC reaching his car from a distance, the car once again being emphasized with a zoom in.
If KMC is No. 3, perhaps CJS caught on the faked car plate KMC uses? When KSJ fled, he followed on the CCTVs the police going after him, including KMC's car, so perhaps he noticed it once more then!
AND LMFAO I JUST NOTICED THE CAR PLATE CHANGED ONCE MORE (149호 7861, something entireeeeeeely different from his initial digit combination! See Part 2 of ep. 8’s notes for more details in 'The Gaetal'!)
Note that when KMC was chasing after KSJ at the beginning of the episode, the car plate was his usual one (the one beginning with 21).
Note: just like specific digit combinations (eg. for freight, coaches or specialized vehicles), the letters inscribed on the middle of a Korean car plate can sometimes indicate something about its owner, if it’s a private vehicle (eg. 가, 다 or 마 among many others, and remember No. 3 and KMC’s cars had these last two letters combination respectively), a military vehicle (eg. 육 for the army, 국 for the Ministry of National Defense) or a rental car (only three letters combination indicate this: 허, 하 and… 호, which is present on KMC’s new car plate!).
➾ KMC either rented a car (in the same grey color) or used another fake car plate to cover his tracks and lead to a wrong hint!
He’s not the only one who played with a vehicle swap, KSJ did too with the two motorbikes!
♦ The missing frame on the wall
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I talked in Part 1 of ep. 8’s notes ('Three pictures missing in Kwon Seokju's house') about how three frames hung on the staircase wall were lacking their original pictures and drawing ever since ep. 3.
And now there’s even a frame that’s totally missing lmao (the picture on the left)!!!!
If it is relevant to the story, was there a message inside? Who took it (the one it was truly destined for or someone wanting to stop their plans?)?
♦ Yang Hyejin denying all sorts of private communication with Kwon Seokju
… And we know it’s false (see Part 3 of ep. 8’s notes, 'Kwon Seokju's conversation with Jihoon's grandmother'!), KSJ said he wanted to visit YHJ’s 'hospital' once he’s 'released' among many other things, and we see him indeed hiding at her house:
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This episode also showed how he communicated with Jihoon during his medical check-ups through Yang Hyejin’s phone while it’s forbidden for inmates to carry a personal phone on them.
♦ More on Kim Muchan and Kwon Seokju's relationship
Through subtle details, we could learn more about KSJ and KMC’s bond:
Kim Muchan's guilt
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When CJS said KSJ might resent him for what happened 8 years ago, you can see KMC swallowing at that and looking away.
He's maybe thinking this isn’t true because he knows the situation sounds more complicated.
But he's also probably still caught up in the personal hell he’s been living since the choices he made in Narae’s investigation, doubled by KSJ’s own choice leading him to prison (‘abandoning everything that he had’ as KMC said — and he probably includes both Jihoon and him in that everything). The guilt is still gnawing at him.
He also says he will catch both KSJ and LMS. Whether it’s a lie or not, nobody knows: there’s even doubt among the Gaetal, esp. Yang Hyejin when KSJ asked her and Jihoon to trust him, while Jihoon kept silent as though he was vaguely aware! It’s likely that the drama wants to cultivate the doubt on him joining sides with KSJ/arresting him until the very end!
The scene is reminiscent to what he asks to Joomin: « What if I have [experienced injustice in my life, saw someone live a good life after murdering my family]? If I’ve been through the same thing, do I have the right to arrest him? »
➾ He perhaps became KSJ’s accomplice along the way, not necessarily since the beginning, because he probably didn’t know he communicated with LMS! Both maybe suspected each other of being part of Gaetal also!
➾ Perhaps one of the two decided to join TKV because they knew the other was involved in it, so that they wouldn’t go down alone or in order to become the scapegoat?
Discreetly letting out his connection to Jihoon, Narae and Kwon Seokju
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① « Her older brother »
When Joohyun says the boy present in all the drawings Narae did was her best friend, quoting KSJ’s words (’Narae’s best friend’), KMC pauses, briefly shifts his jaw back and forth and finally corrects her as he’s focused on the only picture we have of Jihoon and Narae: it was her older brother, not her friend and he’s one of the perhaps very few people privy to this detail of KSJ’s life despite there being no visible signs of this child about to be adopted at KSJ’s home except for that sole picture with Narae.
He quickly back pedals and pretexts he’s knowledgeable about that detail because the adoption was brought up during Narae’s case and nothing else.
There's a chance Joohyun would then wonder why KSJ lied about this detail and KMC was aware from the standpoint of the police officer in charge while KSJ should be the most knowledgeable about it.
② « I never knew he was ill »
KMC admits to the audience he never knew Jihoon was ill, suggesting in silence he’s well-aware of everything else because he most likely lived those events with KSJ’s house. He looks pained when he learns the truth behind his illness.
The fact that KMC didn’t know about Jihoon’s traumatic mutism might be because he perhaps only knew him when he was able to speak, happy by Narae and KSJ’s side + (crack theory time lmao) KSJ kept Jihoon’s tragedy hidden because it might’ve something to do with Min Jiyoung?
③ « Escaped convicts go to their families, friends, lovers, … or their prison friends. »
When Joohyun calls him and wonders where KSJ could have went, KMC claims it’s obvious: he then lists off all the possibilities.
After the mention of lovers (애인), you can hear from KMC a quick breath intake as he casts his eyes down to the ground while furrowing his eyebrows. It’s the only word that triggers a reaction.
Note that 애인 is specifically chosen by KMC ; it’s a gender-neutral word for lover, like 연인 (though the two differ from each other in a very subtle way), and you’d colloquially use for example 여자친구 and 남자친구 (girlfriend, boyfriend).
As it’s gender-neutral, it can also be used between sexual minorities (just like you’d say ‘partner’ for example).
(Take that as you will but me says it’s getting less and less subtle haha)
♦ More religious symbolism, St. Michael & Lucifer
See more about religious symbolism in ep. 6 notes (Hieronymus Bosch’s triptychs) and in ep. 7 notes (St. Michael & KMC, the ambidextrous angel)!
We finally get the last painting displayed in LSM’s hidden room when Joohyun sneaks in: The Fall of the Rebel Angels, by Pieter Bruegel the Elder.
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It depicts Lucifer’s fall from heaven « because of his pride and rebellion against God’s divine plan, which was to appoint Jesus as the people’s savior. Lucifer coerced one-third of the angels to follow his lead in the rebellion and to assist in appointing him to be the new ‘God’. The sin of pride caused the fall of Lucifer and his companions and resulted in the ‘war in heaven’. Archangel Michael was given the duty to drive Lucifer and the fallen angels out of heaven. The conflict of good and evil as well as vice and virtue are constant recurring themes throughout Bruegel's work. »
The detail about Lucifer coaxing angels to join his cause is a pretty fitting detail, especially since he tainted the country’s hands with blood and perhaps one Gaetal from the inside who ignored everything of his twisted intentions eg. Joohyun!
Now I wonder who is Lucifer and who is Michael c:
♦ Joseph the tattletale, etymology and the duplicity of both the narration and the good and evil in humanity
As I mentioned it previously, LMS quoted Joseph’s story in the Bible and likened it to Narae’s character.
In the Genesis, Joseph is sold as a slave to Potiphar (an officer of the Pharaoh) by his jealous half-brothers who initially planned to kill him (their father, Jacob, favored Joseph among his sons, an ornamented coat/cloak/tunic Joseph wore symbolizing this preferential treatment) and painted goat’s blood on his coat to show it to their father Jacob, who believed he had died.
Note: said coat, whose telltale characteristics were its colorful appearance (or with silk/embroidery/pictures/designs depending on the versions) and long sleeves, was called the untranslated ketonet passim ; Coat of Many Colors from the vulgate and even rainbow colors. In Thomas Mann’s works, the cloak is seen as the bridal veil of Rachel, his mother (and Jacob’s cousin and second wife), who Jacob was in love with.
Later in his life, Joseph, who became trusted and honored in Potiphar’s household, was falsely accused by Iempsar, Potiphar’s wife, of trying to violate her, after her attempts at seduction had failed.
Speaking to Potiphar, the wife points to the red robe Joseph left behind when he ran from her clutches, wickedly using the presence of the garment as evidence to support her accusation.
➾ Joseph was eventually dually the ‘righteous one’ (ha-Tzadik by Rabbis) but also labeled a ‘tattletale’, seen in a bad light, because he told his father bad reports on his half-brothers and spoke of auspicious dreams hinting at him assuming family leadership and reigning over them. But this doesn’t say anything about the brothers’ cruel deeds against him.
There are various commentaries and interpretations on this story in the silence of the text, theorizing on both Joseph and his brothers’ behavior and the ambivalence of good and evil, and how Joseph might’ve been wrongly stigmatized as a tattletale, undeservedly persecuted.
Even though some agreed Joseph was blameless, they still saw him as a gifted but insensitive child, conceited and very caught up in himself and ‘blithely assuming everyone will be fascinated by the details of his dreams’ and rubbing the favoring prophecies in his brothers’ faces. « In the end, who was to blame? The brothers: for jealousy and hatred and violence. Joseph: for bringing bad reports, showing off the coat, flaunting the dream.  Jacob: for unfairly loving one son and ignoring the others. Or does the blame go further back? Jacob’s parents were unfair and his brother Esau wanted to kill him. Jacob’s father Isaac had tension with his brother.  In the very first family, the first son murdered his brother.  Like a family tradition, the curse of deception, resentment, violence moves down the generations. »
Thomas Mann’s tetralogy, Joseph and His Brothers, is one example (there’s also Dostoïevski’s Karamazov Brothers, even Dumas’ Count of Monte Cristo is theorized to be inspired by the story of Joseph!).
It also seems that in Hebrew, « clothing/garments » (beged) might have a common root with « betrayal/deception » (bagad) and the foreshadowing wordplay could be seen in the way Joseph’s story unfolds.
Here’s the thing about tattletales and whistleblowers: you criticize them for dredging up a vital piece of information deemed as a (sometimes dark) secret, something that was hidden by people for a reason, thus violating their secrecy. There’s an unwritten, tacit code of conduct being breached.
➾ It’s the act of exposure that’s inherently seen as bad, like you would ‘shoot the messenger’.
Which ties up interestingly well with the drama’s spectrum of what people deems as good and evil and truth and lies and Joohyun’s character set as a whistleblower (내부고발자), but also if you think about it, Choi Dohee’s journalism, KMC (in ep. 9) and LMS in Narae’s case.
The duplicity of this role is even further highlighted by Joohyun who accuses Choi Dohee of disclosing her real name, making her the scapegoat of the investigation’s aftermath (희생양), written off as a betrayer in the police’s eyes (배신).
Note that KMC is also deemed as the scapegoat of the Police Agency (ep. 1, as Jodan said) even though his career seems pretty successful (now who’s the real scapegoat?).
BWT, while being DEFINITELY involved in Narae’s murder (and perhaps the other past SA that were settled by LYS’s father), was LYS’s scapegoat that made him escape the charges, perhaps following whatever his family’s deal was with Min Jiyoung.
Even in ep. 9, the taxi driver wants revenge for his lost family even though he ‘cosplayed’ as a victim and Min Jiyoung instrumentalizes Choi Dohee’s show to select TKV’s next target according to her standards and schemes, same as the astroturfing that takes advantage of the people's trust in ep. 8.
Which is why I believe that LYS’s letters laying out the plans for the future Killing Vote could also be meant to talk about something else entirely at the same time ; the alleged targets weren’t specified, with gender-neutral words, and the same motif comes back about punishing an individual shielding oneself behind the guise of virtue and atonement to conceal the evil inside (see this reblog).
The etymology of those key words also adds meaning to the drama:
① The hanja for whistleblower (내부고발자) is 內部告發者:
內: inside (안, 속)
部: group/aggregation/body (떼, 집단)
告: inform/tell/notify ie. let someone realize or know what they didn’t know or forgot, advertize/publicize or signal ie. indicate or show a certain fact or phenomenon (고하다, 알리다 and 아뢰다 which has the nuance of telling a superior something in one’s workplace)
發: for a flower to bloom/blossom (KMC’s bouquet and the Maiden Blush rose) and for a laughter or smile to bloom on one’s face (LMS much lmao) but also burn ie. for briquettes, coals, etc. to catch fire and burn and rise ie. for a cloud, smoke, etc. to rise and also spread (‘where there's smoke, there's fire’ lmao) ; for a smell, dust, etc. to spread or rise (see Part 2 of ep. 8’s notes on KMC and dust ; fitting with the expression ‘smoke and mirrors’ lmao) (피다, not to mention that 피 means blood) ; shoot/launch (like… a gun or a rock lmao) and speak sharply ie. say something in a harsh and sharp manner to hurt someone else’s feelings (쏘다) ; the motion of standing up/rising/sitting up but also soar up/swell and prosper/revive ie. for something that was weak or did not exist to flourish or become strong (일어나다)
Note: the weak/disadvantaged/underdog (약자) is also written with the same hanja ; one of Min Jiyoung’s present campaign pledges is to help the disadvantaged and Gaetal defends the country against devils deemed innocent who feed off money and power and crush the weak ; not to mention the Robin Hood/Batman/Hong Gildong/Wilhelm Tell imagery.
者: a person, thing or animal (놈, 사람, 것)
➾ You reveal from the inside one’s wrongful deeds by feeding into that fire to the point that its smoke rises up above and alert the people outside.
You can hear Joohyun cry for ‘Fire!’ to distract the journalists’ attention to run with KMC in ep. 4. Jodan also says Joohyun will ‘catch hell’ if she tries to look deeper into the video test. It also ties up nicely with the fire imagery in the drama associated to eternal fire and damnation, the wrath originating from tragedies, evil and the resoluteness/doggedness/strength of will in one’s actions (or as Jodan said the ‘persistent, crazy and competent lunatics’) eg. No. 1 Fan, Joohyun, KMC, KSJ and LMS.
Even the thing about the smell (냄새, you can use it colloquially to mean something feels fishy/suspicious also because it also defines the mood/atmosphere felt about an object or phenomenon) in the drama becomes relevant lmao:
-> Jodan’s morning bad breath and Joohyun telling him to keep his mouth shut in ep. 1 ; she later associates bad breath to her annoying (and potentially corrupted) superior at the Cyber Bureau in front of KMC in ep. 4: « Don’t bother arguing with the higher-ups. It won’t do you any good. Now, I’m reminded of someone. And that bad breath. »
-> When Joohyun alerts her superior on the Gaetal video test (‘It seems fishy, right?’, ‘You’re right, I can smell it. You being nosy again. It reeks. I’m hearing the sound of a bird chirping somewhere.' which is a wordplay on 새, bird and 냄새 because 새 and 새 sound almost identical)’
-> BGC’s « Our regulars who reek of money are waiting. We can’t wait. »
-> The smell of the bar waiter’s « insides churning in pain » as KMC burnt his money (ep. 2)
-> The firecracker/gunpowder smell of the third person fleeing KSJ’s house (ep. 3 & 4)
② Betrayal (배신) is written 背信 in hanja:
背: the back of someone or something (등 or 뒤, which also has the additional meaning of sb/sth being behind the scenes ie. a part not exposed or revealed and grudge/resentment ie. hard feelings that remain pent up)
信: trust/believe (cue the whole thing about establishing rapport, mutual trust or suspicions) ie. thinking of something or someone as being right or true, believing someone is honest and sincere and won’t deliberately do anything to harm you, or believing in a god or a religion/stories (eg. ghosts, fairies, miracles)/way of life/idea, or relying on sth or someone one expects meeting their expectations or because they’re confident in them (믿다), entrust (신임하다)
③ Scapegoat (희생양) is written 犧牲羊 in hanja:
犧: sacrifice ie. act of giving away or relinquinshing one’s life/property/reputation/interest etc. for another person or purpose, or the state of being deprived of such things (like what KMC said about KSJ) OR the state of losing one’s life in a sad and pitiful manner due to an accident/natural disaster etc. (희생) and… animal/beast and fig. beast/brute, just like the meaning of LMS’s name (짐승)
牲: sacrifice and the animals used in ancestral rites in its broad sense or in jesa, a Korean ancestral rite (ie. the act of expressing appreciation to a god or the spirit of the deceased by offering them food, or such ritual), and also the popular name of the livestock/cows
羊: sheep/lamb (양) ; auspicious (상서롭다)
④ Tattletale (고자질쟁이) is written 告者질쟁이 with the same hanja used in whistleblower, 告: inform (see above!) and 者: person/thing/animal.
That (deeply unhinged & twisted lol) line by Min Jiyoung also encapsulates how good and evil, justice might just be a farce to everyone while pleasure/entertainment is the true standard:
« When humans commit crimes together, they never forget that feeling of exhilaration. To the public, justice is merely a fantasy. »
I found this interesting bit in an interview of Lee Minjin, the author of Pachinko (please give it a read, it’s a great book btw!). She said the third-person omniscient narration was a detail she conscientiously paid attention to both aesthetically and ethically-wise, which aligns with the unreliable narration and duplicity in this drama:
« That mode’s flexibility lets her build a functioning, self-contained world, one that’s governed by an overarching moral physics.  But if omniscient narration allows Lee to play god, the question is what kind of god to be. For inspiration, she looks to the biblical story of Joseph, a tale that’s helped to shape the way she thinks about good and evil. She explained how the story instilled her with a radical belief that supercharges her fiction: If suffering and injustice can be recast as opportunities for empathy and forgiveness, even life’s worst events can feel like divine fate. » She adds: « After Jacob’s death, Joseph’s brothers are terrified that he’ll hold a grudge against them because their father can no longer keep Joseph from harming them. The brothers concoct a story saying, essentially, “Oh, by the way—before dad died he told us to tell you that you have to forgive us for selling you into slavery. Sorry about all that.” But rather than taking revenge on his brothers, Joseph believes there has been a higher purpose to his suffering. “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good,” he tells them, “to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” The gist of it is: What man intended for evil, God intended for good. It’s just an incredible thing to say, considering everything he went through. I’m amazed by the insistence that all of the suffering, the inequity, and injustice he endured happened for a reason. That kind of optimism or sense of divine purpose is very hard to muster as a modern person. Like Joseph, we all have inequities inflicted upon us, and when we experience inequity and injustice and evil, our sense of powerlessness and despair can be overwhelming. When will we see justice?, we want to know. When will we see fairness? When will things be okay? I understand the impulse to believe God doesn’t care. But I find that I very strongly want to believe that there’s a reason for the evil that we see and experience. Though there is so much evil, I want to believe in ultimate moral justice. I believe that, as in the story of Joseph, goodness has the potential to rise out of the darkness that befalls us. (…) I want to write realist novels in a Victorian sense, and the writers I admire in that style tend to do omniscient narration. The omniscient narrator is a bizarre technique, when you think about it, and no one uses it much anymore. But for the novels I want to write, it’s the only approach that makes sense to me. Writing this way, you’re not embracing the subjectivity of a specific character. Instead—like the novelists of the 19th and early 20th centuries—you play God, effectively, manifesting a kind of complete design within the chaos of life. When you write this way, you’ve got to ask yourself about the fictional universe you create. Will you be a morally just god or an immoral god? My art has to reflect the moral justice that I believe in. Not that I’m interested in preaching, or writing a treatise about how people should start the revolution. But I am interested, as in Joseph’s story, in showing the ways goodness can rise out of suffering. And I’m interested in creating radical empathy through art. That’s the little task that I set for myself. I don’t know if it’s for everyone, but it’s for me. »
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