#tkh reference
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the-kingshound · 8 months ago
For reasons i will not divulge into, can u tell me what armor aesthetic/historical accuracy you have in mind for the hound?
While I do take inspiration from some historical settings (in particular, 5th, 6th century), TKH is not meant to be historically accurate at all. It has fantasy elements that not only include magic, but also many magical creatures, traditions and a whole continent that I completely made up.
So, with that in mind, this is kind of the armor aesthetic I imagine (note: you are very free to headcanon or imagine story elements different from my references):
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peridouu · 5 months ago
@elmushterri so……... what if i made The Knights Handbook ocs… what then…..
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this is Eris! (she/any, 19 years old) i’d imagine she’d be one of the higher ranking knights, like a Liutenant or General or sort. she’s definitely one of the more fighting-oriented knights, using her fists to fight melee. She’s outgoing and loud and fun!
Her Mortal Wound is a heart shape, but half is on each hand so she can summon her gauntlets on both hands. She died protect one of her siblings from some kind of danger, possibly an abusive parent or something.
She also dyes her hair, but died before she could touch up her roots, so they’re visible in her casual forms. In their knight form they fixed it.
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On the flip side is Serena (she/her, 19 years old), who is definitely the opposite of Eris. She She’s a scaredy cat and not the type to be brave enough to protect someone at all, which is why it’s surprising that she’s a knight - shy, mellow, and more observant.
Her mortal wound is a shooting crosshair that is in the shape of a diamond. She died in a natural disaster and was pointing people in the direction of safety before she perished.
As for combat skills, she’s a good shooter with pretty stellar aim, but always gets scared by the noise/recoil on her gun… she’s doing her best!
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they’re so yuri…………..
i think they’d definitely be the type to support Sidra instead of Jules. Eris definitely appreciates Sidra’s enthusiasm to lead well and her combat skills!
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elmushterri · 5 months ago
hiyaaa, question for the TKH
U said that the awakened knight forms are unlocked in high emotions, and it's very hard to control. Does that mean the form can be accessed for more younger knights?
(like early teens and kids, considering their hormones make them more emotional? I think-)
Is the Awakened knight form rather looked up upon or looked down on? Are older knights stricter with the younger knights?
Awakened Knights— which, honestly, I’m considering renaming True Knights after the idea from @filecouldnotloadpleasetryagain ‘s art, aren’t accessed easily by kids cause of high emotion, I worded it wrong, I feel.
It’s more by like, dire straits or distress, or the need for power, not a child throwing a tantrum for example. You wouldn’t go into it by say, a very sad funeral, but say someone you loved died/was about to die in front of you. It’s high emotion AND the need for the power, I think.
Older/more experienced knights can just control it better and not pass out after using it. But they can’t just go into it ‘whenever’.
So like:
Less experienced knight: “Oh my god, everyone I love is about to die!” (goes into True knight form, can’t quite control it, is on autopilot mode using their high power, faints afterward.”
Experienced knight: Everyone I love is about to die. (Purposefully, with a lot of concentration, goes into True knight mode, can mostly control themselves, is just tired afterward (unless they were heavily injured before it, ofc.)
So neither of them can just go into it whenever they like to. It has to be a very bad situation.
Anne going calamity mode for the first time as a general reference for less experienced knights’ time as true knights.
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pheebasaur7 · 5 months ago
So no art yet since I can't really draw people
BUT that aside I had an idea for a character since you said that people could become knights via saving animals. Basically, Domitius is an older knight who in life was a Roman gladiator. In the Colosseum, he refused to kill any of the beasts and people he was pitted against and was like a beastmaster (Is that the term?) who could basically tame any animal in the wring. He would basically sway any animal in the ring to protect him by feeding them and such (He always had snacks since most of the animals were starved) so any other gladiators in the ring would be attacked by them. If they tried to attack him he would also protect any animal in the ring that was the only time he killed others. After a while, he was killed by the emperor who grew bored of him since he was a pacifist. But by doing so the beasts that were in the wring with him were spared.
His name also means "Having been tamed" "according to some website I found don't quote me on this lol not the most accurate source. I'll look into it more I swear) In reference to the animals he tames.
Basically, his death would have went down like this:
Emperor: "You are just so boring now Domitius. The same old "No I won't kill" every time! I want BLOODSHED! I want something new! It is time for you to go Domitius..."
Emporer: Dramatic thumbs down like in like in Gladiator
Crowd: gasp
Domitius: Shoos off the animals that were protecting him in the arena "Go! Save yourselves. It is my time, my friends. I No longer need your protection" The wolves whine at him. "GO! You must leave me!" The animals reluctantly slink away.
The other gladiators begin to close in on him at the emperor's command and Domitius accepts his fate to save his dear animals from being killed that day. The animals watch sadly as their protect dies but listen to him still.
Then he gets revived as a knight and actually saves his animals or something IDK lol
Still need to work out the details and stuff for him like his mark. But I wanted to get my thoughts down and share his story. Suggestions are welcome and appreciated :D
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mairkie · 3 months ago
W10: Online harassment and how unethical digital citizen make it a tool to cyberbully
Online harassment has become a pervasive issue in the digital age, where the anonymity and connectivity of the internet have created a fertile ground for cyberbullying (Singh 2019). Harassment in online spaces can take many forms, including offensive comments, spreading malicious rumors, impersonation, and even the non-consensual sharing of private content. This behavior often escalates into cyberbullying, particularly when unethical digital citizens leverage these tactics to harm, intimidate, or silence others.
Unethical digital citizens exploit the reach and permanence of online platforms to target individuals or groups. They employ tactics like doxxing—publishing someone’s private information without consent—or image-based abuse, such as distributing intimate images. These actions are frequently motivated by a desire to embarrass, provoke anger, or disrupt the lives of their victims (UNICEF 2021). While some perpetrators act out of sheer malice or for amusement, others have more insidious motives, including political or ideological goals. Organized harassment campaigns, such as those seen during the Gamergate controversy, demonstrate how networked efforts amplify the damage caused by individual actions (Mortensen 2016). The accessibility and anonymity of digital spaces enable these unethical behaviors to thrive. Social media platforms, forums, and even email accounts become tools for sustained harassment, often with little accountability (Chan, Cheung & Lee 2021). Harassers exploit gaps in governance and moderation, hiding behind pseudonyms or fake accounts to avoid repercussions. In many cases, the lack of effective enforcement mechanisms on these platforms emboldens perpetrators and leaves victims with few avenues for recourse.
Addressing online harassment requires a multifaceted approach. Legal frameworks like Australia’s Online Safety Act 2021 are a step toward holding perpetrators and platforms accountable (eSafety Commissioner 2024). However, laws alone are insufficient. Platforms must take greater responsibility by implementing robust moderation systems and fostering inclusive digital communities. At the individual level, promoting ethical digital citizenship—where users respect others and engage positively—is essential to counteract the toxic behaviors of those who misuse these tools.
Ultimately, combating cyberbullying involves both systemic change and a cultural shift in how people engage online. Ethical digital citizenship must become the norm, ensuring that digital spaces are safe and welcoming for all users.online harassment and how unethical digital citizen make it a tool to cyberbullying
Reference list
Chan, TKH, Cheung, CMK & Lee, ZWY 2021, ‘Cyberbullying on social networking sites: A literature review and future research directions’, Information & Management, vol. 58, no. 2, p. 103411, viewed <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378720620303499>.
eSafety Commissioner 2024, ‘Learn about the Online Safety Act’, eSafety Commissioner, viewed <https://www.esafety.gov.au/newsroom/whats-on/online-safety-act>.
Mortensen, TE 2016, ‘Anger, Fear, and Games: The Long Event of #GamerGate’, Games and Culture, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 787–806.
Singh, M 2019, ‘Cyberbullying in the 21st Century: A Rising Threat to Youth in Digital Age’, International Journal of Indian Psychology, vol. 11, no. 3, viewed <https://ijip.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/18.01.306.20231103.pdf>.
UNICEF 2021, ‘Cyberbullying: What is it and how to stop it’, www.unicef.org, viewed <https://www.unicef.org/vietnam/endviolence/cyberbullying-what-it-and-how-stop-it>.
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marikorawralton · 4 years ago
Tsukiko's Bisexuality.
Or how my writing avoided the topic of sexuality and identity for years until I realized it's importance.
During the early days of work on The Knights Himura, the protagonst, Tsukiko was a heterosexual woman.
There was no deep or specific reason for it. It was just what I considered "default", and I'd intended to write a male love interest. I suppose this... "uniformity" was inspired by the anime and manga that inspired the story itself.
However, I'd ended up writing a scene where Tsukiko's friend, Fumiko, kisses her. It was never intended to really mean anything romantic and positive. In fact, in initial drafts, this was meant to be a manipulative action.
The Knights Himura was originally a much darker story, in which Tsukiko was punished for her vigilante activity. At this point, the story had no title.
Despite being depressed, I couldn't make myself write something so miserable. Quickly, the tone changed, and with that came new inspiration.
So, a decision was made to make Fumiko a romantic interest.
But not just any romantic interest. Fumiko and Tsukiko had an established romantic connection. This served as a sort of... personal attack against the typical "will-they won't-they" stories so common in Japanese media.
I suppose The Knights Himura isn't very Japanese...
However, this presented a problem. Tsukiko was now technically an LGBT protagonist, something far beyong my skill set, and a topic that requires immense care and respect.
I felt intimidated. I was a seventeen year old male with almost no real expertise or experience in that sort of thing. The majority of my friends were heterosexual, or at least they presented themselves as such.
My solution was to simply do my best to make the relationship work as any relationship would. At no point in the story is Tsukiko's sexuality brought up or discussed.
My second, more cowardly decision, was too never refer to Fumiko as Tsukiko's girlfriend. This was a less... tactful approach. In doing so, I set a certain ball rolling that eventually caught up with me.
I was afraid of referring to the story or Tsukiko as "LGBT" because I feared being a part of something I didn't understand. I didn't want to be defined as an author by writing something I didn't have a connection to. I didn't want Tsukiko to become "an LGBT character" and be reduced to that level.
So, no material refers to her sexuality. Fumiko was just a "friend". Fumiko was a friend who kissed her, had sex with her, trusted her deeply, helped her in her darkest moments, shared life long experiences with, etc.
But then, what was Tsukiko's sexuality? Just because she's dating a woman doesn't necessarily mean she's strictly a lesbian. After much discussion with friends and editors, I decided that she would be canonically bisexual.
I was greatly inspired by the game VA-11 HALL-A by Sukeban Games. Jill Stingray was the first bisexual character I'd ever seen in a video game, and I played through that game nearly ten times before I started work on TKH. I was sort of compelled to emulate it.
Immediately, however, another problem presented itself. Bisexuality is probably the most complicated sexualities to discuss and write in a broad sense.
It isn't the easiest thing to write or make obvious through direct writing.
A bisexual woman dating a man will be told she's heterosexual. A bisexual woman dating a woman will be told she's a lesbian.
Tsukiko isn't exactly the kind of person to openly pursue people or to show attraction easily. There wouldn't be some easy "silver bullet" solution, like making her hit on a man or something.
That, and that's a harmful bisexual stereotype. There are many who genuinely believe that bisexual people are just nymphomaniacs who seek pleasure from both sexes.
I did not want to portray Fumiko and Tsukiko's relationship as unfaithful or untrue. The entire catalyst of the story was Fumiko being stabbed and Tsukiko vowing to become stronger and to find the man responsible.
Their relationship was the lynchpin of the story, whether I'd intended it or not.
In having these doubts and thoughts, I had stumbled upon the feelings bisexual people themselves had been facing for decades. This confusion and aversion to commitment had led to the inevitable: erasure of Tsukiko's sexual identity.
Then it hit me.
Tsukiko had always been bisexual, from as early as Chapter 5, way back when I first wrote it.
By avoiding labels and avoiding making Tsukiko's relationship official, I'd unintentionally presented her sexuality as an unanswered question.
My own doubts became Tsukiko's doubts, which showed through the way she gets nervous or blushes when discussing her relationship. My own fears of Tsukiko being defined by her sexuality became hers.
Erasure of bisexuality is common. People like convenient, defined binaries, as much as they hate to admit it. Our views on sexuality are still in their infancy, and we still define it in very specific and broad ways.
It's often more convenient for bisexual people to identify as one or the other, to avoid these problems. However, this indeterminate, fluctuating mask can end up doing much more internal harm than good.
But that's no way to live, is it? You can't exactly hide who you are forever. We all wear masks in day to day life, but they have to come off around the people we care for the most.
I am no longer afraid of Tsukiko's bisexuality.
I can't claim to understand the feelings of bisexual people, since I myself am a man attracted to the feminine. I do think, however, that I've come to understand some of the issues they have to deal with.
These are only my thoughts. Maybe I'm crazy, and maybe I did a terrible job writing Tsukiko's relationship and sexuality out. Maybe my thoughts are stupid.
I am simply writing this here to collect my ideas and understanding of things. I cannot claim I know or have learned, just that I have a newfound interest in this topic.
I feel a new sort of... respect toward members of the bisexual community who had to fight feelings of doubt, erasure, and misunderstanding.
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seimitsu · 4 years ago
SEIMITSU Factory Automation Pvt Ltd. An Authorized distributor of THK (Japan) deals in its various products such as LM Guide, LM Actuator, Ball spline, Ball Screw, LM bush, Cross Roller Ring, Cam Follower, Roller Follower, Link ball etc. across India through its various Authorized distributors and partners. THK is a Worldwide leader in the development of LM Guide Mechanism. SEIMITSU with the help of THK delivers quality Linear Motion Products across various parts of India.
THK Omni edge System is THK ready to use IOT system which visualizes the status of Your Components. This System uses an algorithm and reference data to know the status of the components  and detects a part failure before it occurs. With the Help of THK Omniedge IOT sensing system you can collect and analyze the data of your components and receive emails about abnormal part conditions. You can get a detailed Knowledge of TKH IOT system in this video.
For More Information, Visit :-
Video Link - https://youtu.be/y3PlP7wagDE
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Mail Id – [email protected]
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the-kingshound · 3 years ago
Thank you @llamagirl28 @nemowrites @ttspinteractive and @paladingames for tagging me❤
I too have basically a mix of references for TKH and TCO.
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I'm only tagging some of the people I'm curious about but do not feel obliged to do it!
@ligiawrites @daugtherofolympus @desiderium-if @ascendance-if ❤
I couldn’t find the original post but someone said the first 9 pictures on your Pinterest are your aesthetic
This is mine apparently 😂
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Tagging @voseho @watatsumi-island @sysba @agonydearest @night-triumphantt @bloemenbed @moralmenace @theo-oface @aestheteasteria I’m curious to see what yours are like 👀👀 also this makes for a nice tag game
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trulyterribletales-blog · 7 years ago
The Letters from Dr. Alexander aka Project Lazarus (Part 1)
April 15th
My Dear TKH,
I do hope this letter finds you well. After what all you went through, you certainly deserve that. I have some pleasant news. I’ve finally found a sponsor. The last of my previous funding gone, I had no choice but to accept the funding from these men. My work will become a black box project from the department of defense. Their special weapons Division Σ, has offered to fund my experiments. I cannot tell you how excited I am, and my husband is as well. We do hope you can come visit us.
You’ve seen the work I’ve done already. Promising, but of course insufficient. The DNA of geckos was incompatible, however progress with the axolotl DNA is again promising. The process is incredibly strenuous, both for researcher and subject. It has taken me months to simply discover, much less isolate the relevant patterns. It isn’t a single gene, as you liberal arts types may think, rather I am seeking out dozens of genes to import. I don’t just need a single miracle machine, I need a factory of them. Luckily time, and now money is on my side. No secret in the universe can elude my grip, and if not mine, than others shall succeed where I fail.
In any case, progress is well under way, just yesterday we managed to revive a culture of cells in the Petri dish. The first set to respond to the mutagen serum alone, post separation from a subject. Or not a subject, since the sample was not collected from someone with recombinant DNA. The first fruit of a new tree of knowledge. Of course we have to repeat this, prove it is scientifically replicable. After that we will continue to scale the process up. The only words I have are that it is promising.
Eventually... Well, if we’re successful imagine the possibilities. New forms of medicine will be available! The destruction of diseases that have long plagued man kind! A cure for cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s to name a few.
Please old friend, come and visit soon.
Dr. Alexander
September 9th
I understand your concerns in the last letter after visiting. However you seem to draw arbitrary lines all the time. At one point we held the stars eternally inaccessible, the domain of gods and not men. Now they are ours, if not in substance than in possibility. What we are doing is not hubris but progress.
On that note I shall not call this the “Icarus project” or “Project Babel” this is and always was, Project Lazarus. You are a man of faith, you should appreciate what we are doing here. You saw us revive the subject from death. By a combination of Mutagen and the antistrange particle ray, we reduced 72 hours of death for the monkey. It has suffered few adverse affects, save brain damage, but even that is healing. Three days in the grave and the creature has been returned. Humanity no longer will need to fear death. Death will have no hold over us. We can perfect the human condition.
I understand your hesitation old friend. You still hold things sacred. But soon, your old fashion notions will give way to progress as all other notions have. My means and my mechanisms will make us immune to the weather of time and decay. Let your god now send his horsemen, if we can stymie Plague, undo Famine, and defeat Death, then what have we to fear? In my lab I reject your god, and place my faith in science. We are the light of this world. I will bow to no god who would allow what has happened to us, to allow the evils that we see. If he will not answer me, than I shall be my own redemption. If he has barred us from the fruit of the tree of life, than I shall grow a new tree.
The line of life and death need not be sacred. We have walked amongst the stars. We have eradicated diseases from this planet. We have split what was long held unbreakable. Humanity is capable of anything, and we are the ones who will decide whether we yield to Fear or excel with progress.
Dr. Alexander
August 1st
I am not yet ready to concede. The progress with human test subjects has been less than satisfactory. Even when the brain has fully healed, there seems to be underlying damages. Most subjects lack most higher function, as though they have no access to their frontal lobes. Which of course is actually a generous assessment. They are in reality, little more than raving animals. They can solve puzzles, open locks, and even undo restraints if they can reach them. However their speech patterns are basic, they express few higher emotions. And their eyes.
Their eyes have an unnerving quality to them. I know that this isn’t scientific, then again these are my letters not my notes, but I cannot shake the discomfort I feel when those eyes look into me. I cannot put my finger on what exactly is wrong, except that those eyes have some feral fury to them.
Some subjects have returned with their faculties in check. The facility staff, and even some of my aids, have taken to calling these wights. Even these have proved less than what I’d call a success. To begin with, they have little emotion. That in and of itself is not an issue, however while they clearly feel little emotion they are highly skilled manipulators. They care little for others, and some exhibit excessive degrees of aggression and sadism. None of their previous acquaintances or friends recognized this as normal behavior. The trauma has left effects that we can neither detect, nor can the mutagen fully effect.
We have tested a few generations of the mutagen as well as strength of the antistrange ray, with varying degrees of efficacy.
I know you will recommend we deem this a failure. You of all people know why I cannot relent. The disease has spread again. This time attacking his liver. The process of dialysis for his kidney failure is nearly unbearable. He can no longer walk and can hardly manage the electric wheel chair on his own. If I am honest, I must admit that my care for humanity is entirely selfish. I cannot live without him. I cannot go on without my husband by my side. Fuck progress. Fuck humanity. But more than that Fuck your god. If I can save him, I will face anything for that.
Dr. Alexander
December 23rd
There will be no funeral. The body was returned to me, and we have already begun the preparations for the process to be performed on him. I cannot lose him. I cannot.
Our procedure is near perfect. No body, regardless of age or decay does not return under our precise dosages of mutagen and radiation. Only one out of a hundred revived is feral and mindless. Some of those revived are even emotional and not devoid of empathy.
I will not yield in this. However I have found an odd coincidence, repeated often enough to be significant. These make reference to a “Dead King”, a “Xuzkrenmoor” and “The Great Grid”. We are unsure of these, but some remind me of things that you’ve spoken of.
Perhaps Matt can tell me. I have to go.
Dr. Alexander
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Global Line Scan Camera Market Steady Growth in the Future by Top Leading Comapnies – National Instruments, Daheng Image, Teledyne (e2v)
“Global Line Scan Camera Market 2025” Report Provides Porters Five Forces Analysis Illustrates the Potency of Buyers & Suppliers Operating in the Industry & the Quantitative Analysis of The Global Market from 2019 to 2025 is Provided to Determine the Market Potential.
Line scan cameras are frequently used in printing machinery to inspect printed images. Surface and web inspection are also common areas for line scan cameras. Regardless of whether working with semi-conductors, paper, plastics or raw leather, line scan cameras are helpful tools for identifying flaws directly within the production process. This is handled in two different ways: one involves the camera “detecting” a flaw by comparing the endless web against a flawless reference and issuing an alert when irregularities arise. The other uses special software to detect on its own whether the material has flaws.
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The Line Scan Camera market was valued at xx Million US$ in 2018 and is projected to reach xx Million US$ by 2025, at a CAGR of xx% during the forecast period. In this study, 2018 has been considered as the base year and 2019 to 2025 as the forecast period to estimate the market size for Line Scan Camera.
This report presents the worldwide Line Scan Camera market size (value, production and consumption), splits the breakdown (data status 2014-2019 and forecast to 2025), by manufacturers, region, type and application. This study also analyzes the market status, market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities and challenges, risks and entry barriers, sales channels, distributors and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis.
The following manufacturers are covered in this report: National Instruments Daheng Image Teledyne (e2v) The Imaging Source Basler IDS Vieworks Co., Ltd. HIK vision Microscan Systems FLIR Systems Inc Sony Jai Toshiba Teli Baumer Cognex Allied Vision/TKH Group
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Line Scan Camera Breakdown Data by Type Camera Link GigE Vision Line Scan Camera Breakdown Data by Application Manufacturing Security and Surveillance Medical and Life Sciences Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Other
Line Scan Camera Production by Region United States Europe China Japan Other Regions
Line Scan Camera Consumption by Region North America United States Canada Mexico Asia-Pacific China India Japan South Korea Australia Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand Vietnam Europe Germany France UK Italy Russia Rest of Europe Central & South America Brazil Rest of South America Middle East & Africa GCC Countries Turkey Egypt South Africa Rest of Middle East & Africa
The study objectives are: To analyze and research the global Line Scan Camera status and future forecastinvolving, production, revenue, consumption, historical and forecast. To present the key Line Scan Camera manufacturers, production, revenue, market share, and recent development. To split the breakdown data by regions, type, manufacturers and applications. To analyze the global and key regions market potential and advantage, opportunity and challenge, restraints and risks. To identify significant trends, drivers, influence factors in global and regions. To analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the market.
In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Line Scan Camera : History Year: 2014 – 2018 Base Year: 2018 Estimated Year: 2019 Forecast Year: 2019 – 2025
This report includes the estimation of market size for value (million USD) and volume (K Units). Both top-down and bottom-up approaches have been used to estimate and validate the market size of Line Scan Camera market, to estimate the size of various other dependent submarkets in the overall market. Key players in the market have been identified through secondary research, and their market shares have been determined through primary and secondary research. All percentage shares, splits, and breakdowns have been determined using secondary sources and verified primary sources.
For the data information by region, company, type and application, 2018 is considered as the base year. Whenever data information was unavailable for the base year, the prior year has been considered.
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steve-daniel · 6 years ago
Runway Center-line Light Market 2019: key insights, top players, business overview, industry trends during the forecast year 2019 – 2025
“The Runway Center-line Light market report is a complete research on the current state of the Runway Center-line Light market with a focus on the regional market. This report presents the global Runway Center-line Light market size (value, production, and consumption), splits the breakdown (data status 2013-2018 and forecast to ‘2025’), by manufacturers, region, type, and application. This study also analyzes the market status, market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities and challenges, risks and entry barriers, sales channels, distributors and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis.
This research is helpful for all the players operating in the market, including the well-established players and the new entrants. This intelligent study provides the definition, description, and the overall forecasts of the global market, considering the market segments and sub-segments, which includes the product types, technologies, end-users, industry verticals, and the key geographies. Moreover, the report also provides an in-depth analysis of some of the significant factors such as driving forces, challenges, and threats that will shape the future of the market. In addition, the report also includes the lucrative opportunities in the micro markets for all the participants to invest in the global Runway Center-line Light market. Besides, the report describes the product offerings and the competitive analysis of the major players operating in the market.
Get a FREE Sample PDF Report: https://www.marketgrowthinsight.com/sample/14047
The report also presents the market competitive landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market.
The key players covered in this report: 
The major manufacturers covered in this report ADB SAFEGATE (Belgium) Honeywell (USA) Hella (TKH) (Germany) Eaton (Ireland) OSRAM (Germany) OCEM Airfield Technology (Italy) Astronics (USA) Youyang (South Korea) Airsafe Airport Equipment (China) Carmanah Technologies (Canada) Vosla (NARVA) (Germany) ATG Airports (UK) Avlite Systems (Sealite) (Australia) Transcon (Czech Republic)
Geographically, this report studies the top producers and consumers, focuses on product capacity, production, value, consumption, market share and growth opportunity in these key regions, covering North America Europe China Japan Southeast Asia India
On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into Halogen Type LED Type
On the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, including Civilian and Commercial Airport Military Airport
The runway centerline lighting system consists of a single light installed at uniform intervals along the runway centerline to provide a continuous lighting reference from threshold to threshold.Runway centre line lights together with markings are the primary visual cues used by pilots for visual and directional guidance during landing, roll-out and take-off. In addition, runway centre line lights allow pilots to estimate the distance from the end of the runway through the colour of the lights.
This report studies the global Runway Center-line Light market status and forecast, categorizes the global Runway Center-line Light market size (value & volume) by manufacturers, type, application, and region. This report focuses on the top manufacturers in North America, Europe, Japan, China, and other regions (India, Southeast Asia).
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The prime objective of this Runway Center-line Light research report is to define the size of the different segments and the geographies as well as to forecast the trends that are likely to gain traction in the following couple of years. This market research report has been designed to incorporate both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the industry within each of the regions.
The scope of this report centers on key market analyses, market drivers & challenges, and competitive analysis & trends. Research report examines each market and its applications, regulatory scenario, technological innovations, Runway Center-line Light market projections, market sizes, and shares. Moreover, the Runway Center-line Light market report examines the most recent trends, pipeline products and developments in the Runway Center-line Light market. Complete profiles of leading organizations in the market are also mentioned in this report.
Runway Center-line Light market report highlights: 1. The Runway Center-line Light research report provides a detailed survey of the current and future industry trends so as to identify the investment analysis. 2. The industry forecasts, using estimated market values have been mentioned, till ‘2025’. 3. The Runway Center-line Light Market dynamics such as the drivers, restraints, threats, opportunities, and industry-specific challenges 4. Key industry trends across all the market segments and sub-segments, geographies, and nations. 5. Key developments and strategies determined in the market. 6. Detailed profiling of the leading competitors and the entrant market players. 7. Growth prospects among the emerging nations throughout the forecast period. 8. The Runway Center-line Light Market opportunities and recommendations for new investments.
In the end, It includes the methodical description of the various factors such as the market growth and a detailed information about the different company’s revenue, growth, technological developments, production, and the various other strategic developments.
Purchase Runway Center-line Light Market Research Report: https://www.marketgrowthinsight.com/checkout/14047
Thus, the Runway Center-line Light Market Report serves as a valuable material for all industry competitors and individuals having a keen interest in Runway Center-line Light Market study.
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elmushterri · 5 months ago
Hiyaa, Question bout the TKH
Do the knights have specific titles to them that relate to how they die?
Ex: the blind knight, the burning knight
Second, is there ranks amoung the knights? Like the queen is on top and others are at the bottom?
1. Yes, I LOVE when this happens! Some Knights are more famous than others. For example, because Knights are expected to do their job and fight, and of course can die permanently, Knights that have survived from ancient times are very famous because there are very few of them around! So they’ll be given little titles when people refer to them but don’t know their name for example.
2. Yes! Like I said in a post a little bit before this, Knights are like bees in that they also have ranks and jobs. Not as stiff as how in Steven Universe Gems have specific jobs like Pearls being servants, you can be promoted but largely yeah! I will expand later.
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the-kingshound · 2 years ago
MC's Wedding Clothes
A note to keep in mind: MC was allowed to dress following Irish traditions, so they were free to choose a dress, a vest, a tunic or any other type of clothing regardless of gender. Camelot is a bit more set on gendered clothing for nobles, (peasants and knights dress much more practical) but Gwyar assured MC they could wear any type of clothing, more or less covering to their tastes.
Here are some examples for loose reference (but TKH is not very historically accurate in this, and you are free to imagine what you like as well)
Camelot clothes
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Mixed clothes
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Venegard clothes
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the-kingshound · 3 years ago
Who wants a picrew of a 9 yo Mordred?
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the-kingshound · 3 years ago
Can you do picrews of all of the ROs? I would like to See them if that's okay!!
Under the cut, dear💜 (I know some people prefer to go in blind)
Picrew used.
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From top to bottom and left to right: Evaine, Arthur, Gwyar, Morien, Yniol.
I am very very happy about Gwyar and Evaine, Arthur is mostly fine but Yniol and especially Morien are quite out of it (and way younger).
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the-kingshound · 3 years ago
I cannot not think about MC (romanced or otherwise) dedicating this song to Arthur every time I hear it, especially some verses.
Jonas Brothers - Sucker
I'm a sucker for you
You say the word and I'll go anywhere blindly
I'm a sucker for you, yeah
Any road you take, you know that you'll find me
I follow you through the dark, can't get enough
You're the medicine and the pain, the tattoo inside my brain
And, baby, you know it's obvious
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