#titans mythology
wtaffy · 6 months
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percabethownsmybutt · 3 months
annabeth: you really put aside everything and came all this way to save me? how did you even get here?
percy: several traffic violations
thalia: three counts of resisting arrest
grover: roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks
percy: also, that's not our car
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atomic-chronoscaph · 6 months
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Clash of the Titans (1981)
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seleniiium · 1 month
could you draw the titan Rhea?
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Rhea, titan-goddess of fertility and motherhood.
+ baby Zeus ⚡
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tampire · 8 months
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Cronus in the first and last episodes of Class of the Titans
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literallyjusttoa · 1 month
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Hey guys crazy idea but like Artemis and Apollo are Dipper and Mabel right? Right? Yeah I got carried away big time but like I think Gravity Falls + Greek Mythology is a banger idea so it's fine.
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suja-janee · 7 months
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Bireena request: 2/5 (request from anonymous)
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Uhh slight boobie warning under the cut vvv
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The titan versions get along a little TOO well hehehehehehehhehehe
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msbunnat · 2 months
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Love can be as deep as an ocean and as shallow as a puddle, it can be as hard as ice or slip away like smoke through your fingers, as calm or as overwhelming as the waves...
Here my take on Afrodite
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illustratus · 5 months
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Atlas Supports the Heavens on his Shoulders by Bernard Picart
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jezzzebel · 4 months
Greek Titans and Primordial gods deserve more love and appreciation in the hellenic polytheism Community!
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catdemondez · 1 year
So my autistic ass was OBSESSED with The Titanic as a kid and one thing I keep thinking about with this whole lost submarine incident is the “name curse”.
White Star Line, the company that produced the Titanic, made three Olympic class ocean liners: The Olympic, The Titanic, and The Britannic.
(Seen in order top to bottom. Picture stolen from reddit. X )
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The Olympic is the only of those three that did not sink.
Now, the “name curse” that comes in to play here is related to greek mytholoical races from which each ship has supposedly taken its name: The Olympic Gods (also just called Olympians), The Titans, and The Giants. The giants are involved due to a claim that The Britannic was originally called The Gigantic, based on an unofficial poster featuring the ship with the supposed name above it, as well as a contemporary newspaper stating that the company announced a ship with said name three years before The Britannic was launched.
Both The Giants and The Titans were races that were vanquished by The Olympic Gods in what are called the Titanomachy and Gigantomachy, with the latter event being less well know.
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Another race of gigantic beings seen in greek mythology is The Cyclopes. The Cyclops were never vanquished by The Olympic Gods as they were never at odds with the gods, even crafting artifacts for the gods themselves, namely: Zeus’s thunderbolts, Poseidon’s trident, and Hades’s helmet of invisibility. 
The submarine that went missing is part of the Cyclops class submarine line produced by OceanGate Inc., probably called such due to the design. Two vessels of the class have been produced with two more planned following a naming scheme of Cyclops I, Cyclops II, and so on. Cyclops II however was renamed to Titan specifically for its use in touristic viewing expeditions of The Titanic.
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Now, more about the submarine itself;
Cyclops I performed well for its intended depth, Titan however has not, with OceanGate having lost track of it before. This is due to the vessel lacking a tracking beacon, as well as navigation controls and communication devices, relying on a support ship to text Titan’s captain its directions, as revealed by Journalist David Progue, who also said that they “turned off the ship’s internet to prevent tweeting.” Also, due to the lack of these features, Titan was denied official certification by ship classification societies for not meeting safety standards of ANY society. Problems started long before this, though.
During the testing of Titan’s design, OceanGate claimed that the dimensions and structure were partly designed and tested by NASA, Boeing (the plane company) and The University of Washington. All three of which have denied this. In fact, when Titan was first built, it was handed over to the company’s operations department with no testing whatsoever as well as an insufficient monitoring system. The Director of Operations, however, saw this and submitted a negative quality report, for which he was promptly fired. When they DID finally test it over a year later, the vessel resurfaced with signs of cyclic fatigue, which is the near microscopic bending of metal that happens before cracks appear. Instead of changing the design to prevent this from happening in future expeditions, the company simply replaced the damaged parts and called it good.
All in all, its just so funny to me that OceanGate used the same supposedly cursed naming pattern for its ONE safety violation riddled submarine only to send it to a lethal depth its not equipped to handle AND SOMEHOW not expect it to eventually crush like a soda can under a semi.
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
Saw the Phoenix!Jason possibility mentioned... Thought of a more hilarious/traumatizing version.
Phoenix Tim. Dick's Baby Bird.
As in, if he dies, he'll just come back to life in a few minutes, all former injuries healed.
Tim being Tim, he's gonna use the resurrection ability to skip having to stay in bed and recuperate, giving the Batfam multiple panic attacks.
They are still trying to talk him out of it when Hood turns up...
The Titans Tower attack happens.
As in canon, Tim loses the initial round and flee to another room, injured.
Well. His hand is broken, he can't fight a crime lord with a broken arm. Plus, come on, that's gonna be a major hazzle, Dick and Bruce will fuzz over him for a month!
He knows how to fix this, right?
Jason, following him in dramatic slow motion, is just in time to see Tim shoot/stab himself dead.
The revival takes a few minutes... And Jason has absolutely no idea about the Phoenix Part.
Fun times : )
Counter offer, they’re both phoenixes but none of them knew that about Jason because he was always terrified of dying! (No clue how the Ethiopia part works but hear me out on further angst first!)
and when he comes back to confront Tim he obviously doesn’t know just how good he was replaced.
And then Tim stabs himself and Jason just blanks, all his rage forgotten because he just wanted to beat the kid up a little. He never wanted him to die.
So we have Jason frantically trying to staunch the blood flow, trying and failing to shift enough to grab even a single feather that might save the kid (*gestures because phoenix magic*), asking Tim again and again “Why would you do that!?” without waiting for an answer because the kid is bleeding out.
And Tim is just so confused because… isn’t this what Hood wanted? Why is he panicking? And also, shit, he should have stabbed somewhere else because this hurts like a bitch.
And then Jason can’t breathe because he thinks he’s the cause a teenager felt scared enough to commit suicide rather than face him, and he can’t get the bleeding to stop, and being a phoenix is useless if he can’t even shift to save him. But- but he can give the kid some comfort in his last moments. He can do that much.
And Tim totally thinks his brain is going bye-bye when Hood takes off the helmet and it’s Jason Todd cradling and crying over him, apologizing over and over and— oh no, ohhhh no, Tim screwed up big time. This is bad. He needs to let Jason know it will be okay. That Tim will be okay. That it was a mistake!
But Jason isn’t listening and Tim is doomed to die for a couple minutes and good gods does he hope Jason will stick around until he wakes back up because if Tim gets this one chance to give the Batfam their happy ending only to have it slip through his fingers because he chose to ignore Batman’s “Do NOT kill yourself over every minor inconvenience!”, he’s going to… he doesn’t even know.
Please, gods, please let Jason stick around…
(Honestly this works even without Jason being a phoenix but look I’m attached to the image of Jason deliberately walking into explosions after the whole Ethiopia thing and making everyone have several hundred flashbacks)
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deathlessathanasia · 20 days
There are many… shall we say, Greek mythology headcanons that keep being passed off as fact despite having (to the best of my knowledge at least) no (or minimal, maybe if you squint and are motivated to see it) evidence supporting them in ancient sources, or if they are supported by a particular source people never bother citing it. These are a few of them in no particular order. If anyone knows of a legitimate source for any of these do let me know!
Persephone's original name was Kore;
Hestia gave up her place among the 12 Olympians for Dionysos;
The birth order of Kronos and Rhea's children is Hestia-Hades-Demeter-Poseidon-Hera-Zeus;
Zeus served as Kronos's cupbearer;
Thanatos and Makaria are a married couple;
Ares and Aphrodite have a daughter named Adrestia;
Hephaistos demanded Aphrodite be given to him in exchange for freeing Hera from the golden throne;
Ares and Aphrodite were a couple before she became the wife of Hephaistos;
Hera was an aspiring eternal virgin like Hestia, Artemis and Athena;
Hera rejected multiple marriage proposals from Zeus + she was hesitant to marry him because of his promiscuity;
Enyo is the daughter of Zeus and Hera;
Zeus removed Poseidon and Apollo's divinity when they worked for Laomedon (granted this idea does appear in one of the Vatican Mythographers but, like, does that really count? + Apollo was made mortal while serving Admetos);
Medusa was Athena's priestess;
Hera was the one who changed Tiresias' sex when he attacked the copulating snakes;
Hestia was the only Olympian not to participate in the (attempted) binding of Zeus;
After rebelling against Zeus, Hera was forced to swear to never do it again and that is why she targets the women he sleeps with and the children he has with them instead of him directly;
Titans and gods are different species;
Titans are bigger than the Olympian gods;
Hades was tricked into becoming the ruler of the Underworld because Zeus cheated during the division of the cosmos;
Ares is portrayed negatively in the myths because he was the patron god of Sparta and the Athenians hated him for it;
Hephaistos is disabled because he is a product of parthenogenesis;
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One of things that really turned me off of the pjo world among lots of other things was that all the titans and primordials were portrayed as purely evil with no nuance or variety in morality. In the books, even Iapetus, who is labelled a "good" titan, was pretty much brainwashed into being benevolent.
Nyx was such a loving and devoted mother in mythology that she scared off Zeus when he tried to harm her son Hypnos. Prometheus went through excruciating pain on a daily basis just for humanity to have light and heat. Leto was described as kind and gentle and was the titan goddess of motherhood. Phoebe gave Apollo, her grandson, the oracle of Delphi as a gift. Oceanus, in some myths, helped Zeus overthrow Kronos by giving him a potion that would induce vomiting and release his siblings and he and Tethys pretty much raised Hera during the titanomachy. Helios was a loving father to Circe and all his kids and even saved her when a giant attacked her island. Etc, etc.
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seleniiium · 1 month
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Trying out a new design for Selene!
And Perseis, oceanid goddess of solar witchcraft and wife of Helios.
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tampire · 8 months
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Cronus being self aware
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