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trashcatsnark · 4 years ago
1, 14, 19, and 30 for the ask game. I'm curious, especially about the last one
Ahhhhhh thank you so much for the ask, I really appreciate it, it was so nice to wake up to, thank you! 1. what radio station(s) do you listen to?
Personally, I switch around the radio stations a lot, i think the Vexelstorm(?) and Dirge are the two I flicker between the most. I like the rock music and having a chance of hearing Samurai tunes. One time black dog started to play while I was cruising the highway and it just had such a cool vibe; if only I hadn’t immediately crashed into a wall. 
My V though, doesn’t actually fuck around with the radio much especially if someone else is in the car. She’s deaf, has been since around the age of 9, and while she uses hearing aids and can hear, even “listens” to music in her apartment (though she takes her hearing aids out and feels the music rather). But when she has hearing aids she sometimes feels overwhelmed by being able to hear, so she’ll keep music off to quiet, and when someone is in the car she prefers the radio off so if they talk its not two loud sounds at once. Ironically, given this, when she takes her hearing aids out to “listen” to music, she prefers the loudest rock music because it provides the most bass and vibrations to feel it. 
14. what quest/sidejob/gig made you happiest? (again, multiples allowed)
God, I have so many I can think of; I like the rescue gigs a lot, like saving Bugbear, Wakako’s favorite netrunner, Hwangbo, the one where you save the doctor (there are actually technically two doctors you save in two different quests i realized). Those make me really happy, because they’re kind of a reminder that the work V does is not all thievery, revenge, and dealing with dark shit. I love the monk mission, um seeing that poor monk with the forced implants made my heart shatter, so being able to help him and his brother made me really happy.  The Ballad of Buck Ravers made me grin because its one of the ones thats just pure fun and seeing how Johnny interacts with V. I love the boxing missions, especially with Cesar the Valentino and that I can choose to help him out because lbr he needs the cash and car more than V does. Delamain and his quests makes me happy. The only other one I’ll say (tho I do like a lot of gigs and side missions) is probably a specific Cyberpsycho one, where the game just takes a sudden hard dive into horror which I love. Cause its like a maelstrom cult and you’re investigating corpses in a bloody pentagram, as you start hallucinating the cyberpsycho, who then comes out of a ice filled tub in the center. Like it has an energy to it that I just fuck with. 
I’ll project and say my V is in a similar boat of liking the rescue missions, she likes feeling like she can do some good in the world despite being a merc. She also likes the ones that are avenging people or helping folks; killing corpos who fucked people over, tracking down the raw bd of a boy who was murdered to help solve the case, and things of that nature where it feels like she might actually be doing something good.  19. how do you feel about revenge? is it a worthy fighting to achieve or something that sucks you in too deep?
This is all on my V, cause I feel weird talking about my personal feelings of revenge. Given her job, V has seen a lot of kinds of revenge and is often asked to be the one to deliver it. And there’s revenge she gets and revenge she doesn’t get. She’s actually far more selective with what work she’ll do and isn’t afraid to blatantly go against what she’s suppose to do in order to do what feels right. Which sometimes pisses off her fixers, but they begin to understand that they just shouldn’t send her certain jobs. But she’s all for revenge against people who genuinely did wrong; because her logic is if she lets the corpo agent who killed an entire nomad family for scientific trials just go, the corpo will do it again. She sees it as taking them out before they can hurt others, like cutting out a cancer in society. But when it comes to shit like, go kill a guy for loving a girl in a rival gang???? No fucking way, she’s not killing someone for falling in love, eat a dick, she’s telling the kid to run. In terms of her personal life and revenge, she struggles a bit more, because when you add in your own feelings it feels a hell of a lot less black and white. And she sometimes struggles with the fact that her feelings don’t always make sense, she’s definitely not morally opposed to revenge and despite usually being more calm, there is always kinda this underlying layer of anger in her that when something makes that come to the surface she loses herself in it. She could have killed Dex, would have if she had gotten the chance, because he brought her into this mess, she vouched for him to Evelyn, trusted him as much as he supposedly trusted her; then everything went to shit and he threw her under the bus. She’d kill for that, for that hurt, that loss, that pain; it’d be revenge she’d get happily. Her nomad family for example though is more complicated...cause despite everything...she loves them, but they’re actively trying to kill her, that hurts but she can’t bring herself to be angry... or vengeful...just hurt. 
30. does Rogue Amendiares scare the shit out of you or are you weird
Controversial take, I guess I’m fucking weird. I’m not scared of Rogue, yet, I feel I should preface. And I do project this on V, so take it as the answer for both of us. I feel like the two biggest things that contribute to Rogue’s ability to scare/intimidate is her social standing in the fixer community (which comes with power of course) and something Johnny says when you go to talk to her, that she can see right through you, don’t waste time lying. And the first aspect of that, doesn’t mean shit to me. Like, while I know Rogue was badass in the past and eventually is actively doing shit later on in game, the fact of the matter is fixers aren’t shit. Don’t get me wrong, most of them are cool people, and its nice to be hooked up with clients. But they’re getting a large chunk of cash for being a middle man who’s too big of a baby to go get their hands dirty. Like, fixers aren’t scary to me even if they’re powerful ones, like what, you gonna send someone else to axe me while you sit around??? terrifying, kill me yourself, coward. 
As far as the other aspect of why Rogue is propped up to be intimidating, the idea she has built in bullshit detectors. I/my V don’t bullshit a whole hell of a lot at least not in the current context of how I’ve interacted with her (haven’t done tapeworm missions and her stuff with Johnny yet tho tbf). Like, i don’t have a reason to lie about needing Hellman, so why the fuck would I? However, if this bullshit detector also helps her pick up on emotional shit, like if my V tries to hide her feelings about stuff...thats gonna suck and be scary if Rogue like picks up on what V is really feeling. Because emotional vulnerability is a thousand times more terrifying than a fixer who could make V disappear with a snap. 
*Small fun fact when I first did the Panam mission, Johnny told me I had balls to go ahead and do the mission without telling Rogue first which I didn’t even know I was suppose to do but also why the fuck should I, she sent me to do the damn thing, I gotta call her everytime I sneeze too????? How is that ballsy????
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ao3feed-thearcana · 5 years ago
by Tisunii
One dark wish sets Nimara Katalia back in a time she never thought she would remember. With a precognition of what happened in the far future, she restarts her life by making different choices based on her familiar visions of the past. However, every action has a consequence, and as she uncovers more about her destiny, the outcomes might turn out to be even worse than the life she left behind if she doesn't tread carefully.
Words: 869, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Arcana (Visual Novel)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Apprentice (The Arcana), Asra (The Arcana), Julian Devorak, Portia Devorak, Nadia (The Arcana), Lucio (The Arcana), Muriel (The Arcana), Valerius (The Arcana), Morga (The Arcana), Mazelinka (The Arcana), The Devil (The Arcana), The Magician (The Arcana), Scout (The Arcana), Death (The Arcana), Original Characters
Relationships: Apprentice/Asra (The Arcana), Valerius (The Arcana)/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Dark Magic, Fate & Destiny, POV Alternating, My First Work in This Fandom
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ao3feed-thearcana · 5 years ago
by Tisunii
In the city of Vesuvia, Asra Alnazar finds himself returning to his old home, managing to look over an old magic shop for an old woman. But, the moment he entered, he felt like he was missing something. As he investigates more about the nagging feeling of familiarity, he comes across Julian Devorak, Nadia Satrinava, and even Count Lucio. Together, they try to find out what is the mysterious force that is pushing them to different paths.
Words: 765, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Arcana (Visual Novel)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Apprentice (The Arcana), Julian Devorak, Asra (The Arcana), Muriel (The Arcana), Nadia (The Arcana), Portia Devorak, Lucio (The Arcana), Mazelinka (The Arcana), Malak (The Arcana), Faust (The Arcana), Unnamed Wyrm (The Arcana), Inanna (The Arcana), Chandra (The Arcana), Mercedes (The Arcana), Melchior (The Arcana), Original Characters, Valerius (The Arcana), Valdemar (The Arcana), Vulgora (The Arcana), Volta (The Arcana), Vlastomil (The Arcana), The Devil (The Arcana), Morga (The Arcana), Pepi (The Arcana), The Magician (The Arcana), Aisha (The Arcana), Salim (The Arcana), Young Asra, Young Muriel - Character, Nazali Satrinava, Nahara (The Arcana), Nasmira (The Arcana), Navra (The Arcana), Nafizah (The Arcana), Namar (The Arcana), Natiqa (The Arcana), Nasrin (The Arcana), The Hanged Man (The Arcana), The Hierophant (The Arcana), The High Priestess (The Arcana), Death (The Arcana), Scout (The Arcana), Selasi | The Baker (The Arcana)
Relationships: Apprentice/Julian Devorak, Asra/Muriel (The Arcana), Apprentice/Lucio (The Arcana), Portia Devorak/Nadia, Valerius (The Arcana)/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Time Travel, What-If, Random story, Angst and Romance, Sad, My First Work in This Fandom
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