#tis i romi
romirola · 1 month
Headcanons for the Shaw Pack’s Favorite Activities at a Renaissance Fair
Last weekend, I went to my first Renaissance Fair and had a blast! So many things to do, performances to see, food to eat, and impromptu character interactions to share with actors/fair-goers. My only reasonable next step is to think about the Shaw Pack attending and enjoying a Ren Fair, too. Yes, they all dress up. (Pss- So did I! A censored Ren Fair Romi pic is below the cut. Alt txt included.)
David: Attending the blacksmith demonstration. David is fascinated by solid craftsmanship, and blacksmith work is the epitome of craft. David listens intently, learning all about the historical and cultural significance of the art-science hybrid as the blacksmith molds a blade before David’s eyes. 
Angel: Dragon-egg painting. Angel leans into the fantasy elements of the fair, despite David’s grumbling that there’s nothing Renaissance about dragons. Angel meticulously paints a gorgeous dragon egg that could’ve been professionally made, all while conversing in-character with the dragon-wrangler who staffed the egg-painting station. The dragon-wrangler assures Angel that the dragon will “hatch” will grow into a majestic beast who will be loyal and loving, eternally grateful for the care they showed when the dragon was merely an egg. 
Asher: The bawdy poetry reading. Asher wasn’t super thrilled to discover he read the map wrong and showed up to the bawdy poet’s performance instead of the public shaming scene, but as soon as the poet performed the first poem, he was hooked. Asher couldn’t help but laugh, not only because of the content of the poems, but because of the animated way the poet recited the words, moved about the stage, and even engaged with the audience. 
Babe: Getting chosen to participate in the juggling show. The only thing that amazed Babe more than the performers juggling all sorts of objects (some dangerous, some silly) as they performed acrobatic feats was when the performers invited them on stage to “help” with their next trick of spinning plates. To their surprise and delight, Babe was able to do exactly as the juggler instructed and keep the plate spinning. They took a bow as they audience cheered, Asher screaming over everyone as he celebrated his mate.  
Milo: Ringing the bell at the strongman game. The game is notoriously rigged, but Milo was up to the challenge. As soon as the bell rang out, a few character actors came over to congratulate him and decree him to the strongest man in all the village. They chanted his name and, upon hearing the commotion, the fair’s Queen made her way over to Milo to knight him as Sir Milo the Strong. She also bestowed upon him a handful of food vouchers, which Milo shared with the rest of the pack so they could all feast on all the food the fair had to offer. 
Sweetheart: Watching the jousting tournament. Sweetheart loves how jousting is a blend of so many things they love: theatre, violence, and competition. They cheer as loudly as they can for the knight who fights for their section of the field, eyes glued to the combat. After the joust, even though their knight lost, they made their way to the fence to tell him he fought bravely and that he’d always be a champion in their heart. The knight was so moved by their admission, he let them pet his horse.   
Darling: Watching the falconry show. Darling was in awe as the birds zipped and flew through the air, all while showing off how precise their tracking and hunting skills are. All of the birds of prey were rehabilitated rescues from the wild, which only made Darling respect and support these birds’ message of wildlife conservation and preservation even more. 
Sam: Touring the dungeon museum. Sam was oddly comforted by the fact that no matter how many centuries passed, there were a few universals of humanity that transcended time. Although pain and torture were a constant obsession with humanity, Sam figured, that meant comfort and healing were, too. For as long as there had been people to inflict pain, there were people who eased pain. That thought inspires him.
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your-nanas-house · 9 months
if you feel like/have time would you be down to write something abt Jerome and a psychiatrist reader?
if you don't like the idea or anything just ignore this :))
AWWWW THANK YOU! for the compliments and the request. I really miss our Romie 🥺 he isn't as famous as he used to be lately. Our poor baby 😭 Sorry if it took me so long, dear.
Just a kiss for Christmas
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◇ Pairing: Jerome Valeska X psychiatrist!Reader
◇ Warnings: fluff, Jerome Valeska..we know how our lovely crazy ginger is, kiss, unexpected touch, flirting.
◇ Summary: Jerome is locked in Arkham but he still wants a Christmas gift.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. Credits to the owners of the pictures.
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Finally after the last patrol of the guards, two stopped in front of Jerome's cell who was waiting impatiently in front of his door, his hazel eyes carefully observing whoever passed in the corridor.
He was adorable, despite being a known and feared serial killer, with a childish but sadistic personality.
He really looked eager and excited that day, maybe for the upcoming festivity or the session he was about to have with his psychiatrist— a she psychiatrist, like Jerome kept pointing out at every patience there.
Miss Y/l/n, a young psychiatrist that was pretty good at her job, treating everyone with respect and professionalism even in a madhouse like that. 
In all his staying, the ginger never felt the want or need to see a doc there but everything was different with his Y/n. He was kind of smitten, to not say obsessed.
That's why he was so excited to go on Christmas Eve for a session with her, thus spending an hour alone in the room talking about himself while sneakily trying to hit on her, even though it never worked. But a man had his needs, hadn't he?
His pace was fast as he walked, carrying with him his diary, holding it tightly in his strong big hands till they  finally arrived at their destination.
The door slowly opened, allowing him to step in and sit innocently at the table, handcuffs still around his wrists and ankles— he looked like an innocent child in that moment, just waiting with a puppy face that broke as soon as Y/n moved closer to the table 
“Why are you acting like that, Jerome?” she asked, not managing to hold back her own smile while she sat down in front of him
“Nothing, doll…I mean Doc” he replied smoothly, a smirk slowly creeping on his scared face.
His gloved hands kept resting on the table, his eyes never leaving hers as he moved his fingers tapping the surface there.
After the session, which went pretty good, almost too good…Y/n took a moment to look at him for a couple of seconds, just staying in silence— just waiting for something to happen, to understand the reason for Jerome's weird behavior.
“So?” The beautiful psychiatrist asked, leaning closer to him, allowing her arms to rest on the table that way— her eyes still scanning his freckled face
“So what, Doc?” Jerome replied smugly, moving carefully his hands to search something in his pockets while she was still studying him
“What's on your mind, huh? Searching for another reward since you were such a good boy?” She asked in a soft but teasing voice.
Well, it was actually like that.
Jerome pulled quickly out what looked like a broken mistletoe and moved it between them as best he could, letting her hold it above their heads for him
“Been a good boy all week, doll. Lil'ol’ me isn't on ya naughty list this year” he murmured, smiling slowly with his scared lips, his smile big and almost scary for someone who wasn't used to it.
He received no response for a couple of minutes, his psychiatrist just kept watching him with a serious expression before finally cracking and nod
“You've been pretty good, yes…guess you really earned this Christmas gift, huh?” She murmured, mostly to herself before she leaned closer.
Jerome did the same as soon as she saw her lean in, he was still tied but he managed to connect their lips in a french kiss, slipping his tongue as best he could in her mouth to taste her— his handcuffed hands cupping her clothed breasts when she was focused on returning the forceful kiss.
“Jerome! Should have expected it…still a naughty man with a puppy tricky face” she joked softly, not really made at his childish antics.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj @wife-of-magic-monkeys , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny, @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher, @sleepycreativewriter
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angelfirstclass · 4 months
Rogue: understand her grief, but she's dishonoring Gambit's memory
So, I have been wrestling with the direction Rogue is heading from Ep 9 and am still not sure where I fall and what I feel. All I know is that if Rogue runs to Magneto without any questions and without any hesitation especially after Wolverine and after understanding how many lives are at stake back on Earth, I will be disappointed in her. I don't care to shame her or not understand that she is grieving, but I don't believe that grief excuses all actions or covers all sins. I don't necessarily vilify Magneto, but choosing Magneto I believe dishonors Gambit's memory and is a choice born of reactive energy and not a proactive one which is unlike the Rogue I love and know.
When I see Romy shippers upset and disappointed at this story line, I feel and understand them because Romy was supposed to be DeMayo's OTP. I could even forgive Gambit's death if framed in the way that he died like a Boss and that death gave Rogue the reason to live and breathe for him. Where Romy shippers are upset about is that she wears his jacket for moments before giving it up to Xavier and leaving the X-men.
I wrote a post a few eps ago about how Rogue chose to live the Gambit way and see things the Gambit way which is the X-men way. Of family, of mutant-human coexistence, and of love. Gambit died because he loved Rogue- he didn't want to be the hero, he was just thinking that Rogue just ran towards the sentinels in her anger at losing Magneto and he needed to save her. To him, love was the highest power ever and worth living and dying for. This is the reason we love Gambit and why Rogue chose him over Magneto. Magneto isn't a monster, but he would always choose his mission of Mutant security over love every time.
Rogue knew that choosing Magneto was not what Gambit would have wanted or approved of and that's why she gives up his jacket. If she can't even keep a part of him in her new future, is that the right choice? I wrote a few eps back as well that I don't think the writers would throw Rogue back in with Magneto because it dishonored Gambit's memory, but here they are. Even if Erik and Anna Marie don't get together romantically, her choice to go with him ties them together with no point of return. Her choice to go with him dishonors Gambit because Remy Le Beau was a X-man through and through.
I have written posts before defending Magneto, so this may seem harsh, but not in the eyes of Gambit fans or Romy shippers. I understand Rogue's grief and so it is not shocking for me to see her make this decision, I just don't feel like it honors Remy Le Beau. Her kicking ass and killing Trask, Remy would have understood and cheered on, but leaving the X-men and agreeing to human civilization's demise after working FOR YEARS for Xavier's mission and beliefs???
The only way that this whole thing is going to square up for me is that Rogue is with Magneto to convince him to save planet Earth and knows that due to his love for her and their past that she is the only one that can do that. OR if pushed to it, she touches him while he is weak/dying and takes his powers and turns the energy/magnetism back on Earth. In either case being a proactive person and not a victim of circumstance.
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iimsc · 1 month
"quella volta il regista fu visconti. ci diceva che ci assomigliavamo, che avevamo fra le sopracciglia la stessa “v” che si increspava per la collera, per la paura di vivere, per il terrore. lui la chiamava la “v di rembrandt”, perché diceva che nel suo autoritratto questo artista si era raffigurato con la stessa “v”. adesso ti guardo dormire e la “v di rembrandt” è scomparsa. adesso non hai più paura. - ti sei sentita assalita, trafitta, violentata nella tua sfera personale. e tu, tu l’hai sempre saputo che il destino ti prendeva con una mano quello che ti dava con l’altra. - bambolina, continuo a guardarti, a guardarti ancora. con i miei sguardi voglio inghiottirti e dirti ancora che non sei mai stata così bella e così tranquilla. riposa in pace. io ci sono. da te ho imparato un po’ di tedesco. le parole: ich liebe dich. ti amo, ti amo, bambolina mia."
questa è una parte della lettera di addio di alain delon a romy schneider. nel 2017, quando ho iniziato a soffrire di depressione, ho copiato proprio questa parte su un foglietto, l'ho piegato e messo nel mio vecchio portafogli. è sicuramente ancora lì dentro, tra scontrini di posti e date importanti. queste parole le ho portate con me per un lungo periodo. mi hanno sempre tranquillizzata che le sofferenze finiscono, che prima o poi la pace arriva, che prima o poi le "v di rembrandt" scompaiono. è passato del tempo, forse queste parole non mi servono più, forse la pace la cerco in altre cose, in cose calde, in cose presenti. però hanno avuto l'intimo potere di calmarmi quando ne ho avuto bisogno e questo è quanto basta perché restino importanti per me. altrettanto intimamente, per questo nucleo di energia che anche se non ha viaggiato in mia direzione comunque mi ha incontrata e in qualche modo segnata, ricordo e ricorderò sempre alain delon, oltre il suo ruolo di attore
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artofwinniethepooh · 1 year
‘Tis the spooky season to share some rough animation drawings by animation supervisor Romy Garcia for Boo to You Too! Winnie the Pooh (1996)
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The “I Wanna Scare Myself” sequence has got to be a personal favorite of mine from this special. The expressive animation and creative visuals are such a treat, and I’m simply in awe of Garcia’s work here!
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Getting to see some nice squash and stretch action here, and I especially love the way it’s employed on the dresser in the last couple drawings.
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Yet another reason I love this sequence—as well as the entire special: the costumes. I especially love Tigger’s witchy get-up here, and the movement so clearly conveyed in this series of drawings is just phenomenal.
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bingebuddie · 1 month
Status Update: August 2024
Hi all,
Life has been crazy, and it has been a while since I have updated my writing journey.
I know it seems like I have been MIA, but as some point, I'm going to start uploading stuff and boom, you will be overwhelmed with content.
I got myself into a situation where I had too many projects in flight. As you will see below, I still do. I have stopped publishing anything new, (unless its complete) until I catch myself up.
Recently, I have started to push something's to the side and streamline my focus. I'm not fighting my muse, whatever she wants to work on is what I am working on.
Wit that said, lets share an update on the projects I have been working on.
From The Ashes –
Wes and Cole's novel is really coming along. I can’t wait to finish it! Then I need to figure out how to publish it...
Act 6 Into the Unknown
This arc has both been a love affair and a nightmare.
It is the longest part of the story to date. Updates have been slow because I refuse to push out something until I am happy with it.
I need to nail a lot of details for this work the way I want it to.
6.5 deals with the hearing with the LAFD and is the longest single chapter in the entire series thus far. Although this chapter is complete, I still feel it is messy and too long. I have thought about breaking it into smaller chapters that would be easier to read. But at the same time, I want that part of the story over with and done. I am working on editing out some things to make it easier to read and flow better.
6.6 is done, dusted, and ready to roll. Welcome to NY!!!
6.7 is my baby. It is my favorite part of the story to date. I made myself cry. I love you, Wes! The final draft is done… just checking dates and ensuring things work how they are supposed to.
6.8-6.12 There is a lot of fun and fluff for our crew while they are on the cruise until the shit hits the fan.
6.8 Final Draft
6.9 Final Draft
6.10 is another chapter that I am excited about. But again, there are a lot of details I need to make sure work the right way.
6.11 Fluff until the shit show …
6.12 Shit show… and home to LA… before the cliffhanger that sets up Act 7. Again, the cliffhanger does not center around our boys.
Act 7 Strong
I have said this before: This arc is emotionally heavy for Eddie. Eddie will need his friends and family like never before. There are a few people who shine as support for Eddie in this Arc… Buck, Wes, Maddie, and Tyler… (insert evil smile) This chapter is inspired by Strong by Romy and Fred Again  
In my mind, Buck is signing that to Eddie….
The outline for this is eight chapters… but that might go up… I have been working on part of this, and I have been working on smaller chapters to move faster… smaller chapters mean more total chapters but faster output…
Arc 8 Genesis …
Now for my other works…
Technical Foul -
In an effort to start to get past some of the awkwardness between them since the cemetery, Eddie invites Buck to the park with him and Christopher. A little basketball, some flirting, and an ill-timed visit from someone from the 118's past makes Buck's green start to show. Accidents happen, and Buck has some explaining to do.
Double Cross -
This fic is purely self-indulgent... Inspired by the video of Ryan sparing with one hand behind his back I had an idea of how that lead to Eddie telling Buck he could kick his ass with one arm tied behind his back and this was born. Fun, teasing, banter...
Shifted Part 1
Nevermore -
After the full moon reveals there is more to this world than some of them knew, the 118 face challenges they never saw coming. From lightning to Werewolves and all manner of things in between. Long-held secrets will come to light that could make or break one of the core relationships of the 118, that of Buck and Eddie. Is their friendship strong enough to survive? Will their relationship fall apart, or will they finally come together? The bonds and friendships of the 118 are about to be tested like never before. Can they put aside their differences and come together as a team and family, or will they fall victim to the mysterious being that is plaguing the streets of New York and eating the souls of their victims?
Chapter 1-20 posted. 21-30 coming soon. From a writing perspective, this is done… beta, editing all done. and I'm finally happy with it. I will post this after the summer is over. I have a solid idea for the sequel…
Would You Mind -
A four-day trip road trip to Vegas to celebrate Maddie and Chim's Bachelor and Bachelorette parties will alter Buck and Eddie's relationship for the rest of their lives. Featuring Drinking games, dancing, stripping, lap dances, couples' massages, poker games, and the highest stakes for our boys, their hearts…
Chapters 1-3 are posted, and the final chapter is done… Wedding in Vegas and drag brunch! Will get this uploaded sooner than later.
Like I said… Lap-dancing Eddie will return … In Sideways … Arc 7
I Don’t Want To Be Your Friend -
Eddie tries to figure out what is going on with Buck after the disastrous basketball game, while Buck tries to work through his feelings after Tommy kissed him. Both Buck and Eddie have some soul-searching to do to come to terms with their feelings once and for all.
I really want to get back to finishing this. I have it mostly completed, but I haven’t focused on it at all.
For more one shots of mine, you can go here.
Future Shock
3 Part Series - Magic/BAMF/Mayhem/Found Family/Soul Mates/Redux/Ryan throw's the timeline into a blender and tada...
I have a lot of this plotted out… some chapters are written…, but I'm struggling to figure out what comes first. Do I show the future and then go back to the past and what led to it, or do I start in the past and then do the time jump…
As It Is
2030 and the 118 have been fractured since the lawsuit. When members of the team start to be picked off one by one, Hen, Chim, and Bobby have no one to turn to until friends and family return in their most desperate hour.
As It Was
Details what led to the fracturing of the 118. It is a retelling of Season 2 and part of Season 3.
As It Was Always Meant To Be
Now reunited, will the 118 be able to rally around each other, or will their painful past be too much to overcome?
This will be very large… I am unsure when I'll finish, but I have been spending time on it when I need a break from the other works.
DDD, aka Devastated and Destroyed Diaz…
This is my season 7 fix it …
I want to have this done before the fall premiere…
Part 1: With Every Heartbeat—
Eddie POV … Four simple words shatter Eddie's world. Eddie spirals after Buck comes out to him when the future he was sure he could never have suddenly become a possibility. 60% complete
Part 2 Stargazing –
Buck POV… Eddie’s gone… Well, he’s not gone; he’s taking some time to himself after Christopher flees to El Paso. Buck… he’s not dealing with it well… Harsh words are exchanged, and Buck and Eddie’s lives are changed forever. 70% complete
Part 3 Something To Hold On To –
Buck and Eddie POV’s … In the aftermath of a life-changing event, Buck and Eddie struggle to pick up the pieces of their lives… if only they had something to hold on to… each other.  Outlined
Five By Five -
Buck and Eddie have been through a lot over the years. What if there was more to their relationship than anyone else knew about. AKA how Buck and Eddie fell into each other's arms after each trauma.
Relationship Goals—
In an effort to rebuild their friendship after their recent relationships crash and burn, Buck and Eddie join a local hockey team along with some of Buck's old seal friends. This was pure fan service to myself and a way to get Buck, Eddie, Wes, and Cole to play hockey and not have to do it on Sideways. This currently sits around 60 pages.
Stolen -
A stolen kiss changes everything between Buck and Eddie... This angst fest is somehow incredibly soft... This is about 35 pages right now...
The Ties That Bind - Buck breakdown fic... This might get scrapped and merged into DDD from above...  Scrapped and merged into DDD
All I Want for Christmas—
Think Scrooged vs. It's a Wonderful Life vs. 911. This will not be posted until after the holidays.
There is also the Quarter Inch Killer fic and the Eddie Dexter fic. floating around in my mind...
Talk soon!
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susieporta · 7 months
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Storie 💔
Lei è Romy Schneider. Vive a Vienna.
È un’attrice famosa,
ha interpretato la Principessa Sissi,
ma ora quel ruolo le sta stretto.
È il 1958.
Romy ha 20 anni.
Va a Parigi per girare un film. Ad aspettarla in stazione c’è l’attore che reciterà al suo fianco.
Romy lo guarda, scoppia a ridere.
Ma scherziamo?
È troppo bello, troppo giovane, troppo pettinato.
Il genere di uomo che detesta. Lui si presenta con un mazzo di rose. Piacere, sono Alain Delon.
Romy storce il naso. Anche quell’altro sembra deluso.
La vita sul set è un disastro.
Romy e Alain si guardano in cagnesco. Ma più litigano, più si cercano.
Finiscono le riprese. Romy deve tornare a casa, Alain la accompagna in stazione.
Cammina in silenzio, si ferma, la guarda. Senti, volevo dirti che mi sono innamorato di te. Romy lo prende in giro, fa la sostenuta,
poi lo afferra per il bavero e lo bacia. Resistono lontani qualche giorno, finché sono di nuovo l’uno nelle braccia dell’altra. Vivono insieme a Parigi. Romy impara il francese, Alain la chiama Puppelè, bambolina.
È il 1962. Alain è in Sicilia, sta girando Il Gattopardo. Romy chiama ogni sera, vuole sapere cosa ha fatto, e con chi.
Alain sbuffa. È pomeriggio.
Romy torna a casa, trova un mazzo di rose e un biglietto.
Sono andato in Messico con Nathalie, mi dispiace.
Romy ha il cuore a pezzi. Sposa un regista, diventa mamma, ma è fragile
e infelice. Rimane a galla solo grazie all’alcol.
Alain la afferra per i capelli, le offre una parte in un film. Passano gli anni. Romy divorzia, si risposa, diventa di nuovo madre, ma
non riesce a liberarsi dalla morsa della depressione.
Alain corre ancora in suo aiuto.
Romy si aggrappa, poco alla volta si rimette in piedi.
È il 1981. Suo figlio David di soli 14 anni scavalca un cancello, scivola, rimane trafitto e perde la vita.
Romy non riesce più ad alzarsi dal letto. Alain la cura per un anno intero, finché il suo cuore cede.
Muore nel sonno.
Alain si siede al suo fianco e le scrive una lettera.
Ti amo Puppelè.
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elisysd · 8 months
We want you to be their godparents
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A year and a half after Paris
Ever since, Romy and Kyle had told them they were expecting twins, Romy was following Julia around like a bear would follow honey bees to their nests. She had almost begged her best friend as she couldn’t bear the thought of supporting Kyle who had transformed himself into her personal assistant. They were currently sitting on the terrace of the main hospitality in Monza, enjoying glasses of ice tea.
“I love him, Julia. I really do. But, my god, he doesn’t let me breathe. I’m pregnant, not disabled. He drives me crazy.”
“He called Ethan at three in the morning yesterday because he wanted to show him a crib and he asked if Ethan would help him. Three in the morning, Romy. Believe me, I’m glad to help you escape.” said Julia, sipping on her tea.
“A part of him is scared that it would end up like Spa… he goes out of his way to make sure I’m always comfortable, that I sleep well, that I eat enough… it’s cute but it’s also overwhelming.”
“How do you feel about not being able to race?”
“I miss it and you can be sure that as soon as these babies are out there I’ll do my best to be up and ready for next season. Only four months to go.”
“Do you know the genders?” Julia asked, curious.
“We do. And I won’t tell you now.” Romy replied with a wink. “By the way, I wanted to ask you something. Or more like I’m informing you on something and I don’t give you the choice but Kyle and I want to have dinner with you and Ethan. Couple date. We thought about tonight, actually. I know it’s late notice but it’s not like you had somewhere important to be. Right?”
“If Ethan doesn’t have a shitty race, it will be with pleasure.”
Romy sent her a bright smile as they kept on talking, the blonde also showing her baby clothes she liked and Julia couldn’t help but think that her kids would probably be the most stylish babies of the grid. The race was about to start soon and Julia apologized as she needed to see Ethan to wish him good luck.
“Yeah… I guess it’s time for me to also go back to my soon to be husband. He was supposed to check for the venue.” she smiled fondly, agitating her hands in front of Julia’s face to show her the big diamond around her ring finger.
Julia laughed and shook her head. They had gone through a lot these past two years and she was glad to see them happier than ever. They were getting married soon, were about to be parents, and it would be wrong of Julia to say that seeing her best friends as happy hadn’t given her some thoughts. It was not a topic they really had talked about with Ethan. But she knew they did not have the space in their life to welcome a new addition. She wasn’t ready and wasn’t sure either that she wanted to be a mom one day. For now, working around kids throughout the year was enough for her. And she liked her routine with Ethan. It was comfortable.
She showed her pass to the security and made her way to Ethan’s driver room to find him eyes closed, headphones on and laying down on the couch, his racing suit tied up around his waist. As if he had felt her presence, he extended his arm as an invite to have her closer.
“How is the devil?” he asked.
“She is good. We are invited to join them for dinner tonight. How is the devil’s agent?”
“I want to send him back to hell. He sent me fifty pictures of cribs, Joolsie. Fifty. And when I had the audacity to say they were all the same I received an audio message of thirty minutes explaining to me the differences because apparently I don’t know how to look properly at things and I don’t know how to read a description. I told him I wasn’t the blind one in our friend group and telling me that I didn’t know where to look was a little ironic. I think he blocked me.” he sighed as Julia couldn’t help but laugh.
“They are insufferable but they are cute.”
“I know, I just want my best friend back and not whatever Romy turned him into. Do we really have to go to this dinner? I was planning a very relaxing night for us.” he complained.
“I’m afraid that if we don’t go, they will come to get us.”
“I don’t want to.” Ethan whined.
He finally opened his eyes and checked the time. It was time for him to go.
“How do you feel about today?”Julia asked, helping him with his suit.
“I have a good feeling. The car is nice, I’m starting on pole, what could go wrong?” he shrugged.
“Martin is right behind you.”
“It’s another reason to prove to him that I’m better.”
“I like it when you’re talking like that. All proud of yourself, not an ounce of doubt. That’s a nice change compared to last year.”
“Yeah, but this year Ludwig is leading the championship, I’m third behind Niels and in front of Martin. Many reasons to be happy. And that’s only the professional side.” he explained.
“And your personal ones?”
“I have an amazing girlfriend that I love dearly. I'm attending a wedding in Switzerland in a few months where I know we will have a blast. I have great friends, I have a family that I can’t wait to visit and a family- in -law that I love too. I love my life.” he smiled. “But as much as I love you and everything, I have to go. I have a race to win.”
And he ended up winning it. Seeing him on the highest step of the podium made Julia all proud and happy.
“And now I have even less will to meet Romy and Kyle.” he complained as they were heading out of the paddock, hand in hand.
“Me too. I love them but I was planning on spending my night congratulating you for your win.”
“Okay, we cancel. I don’t care about what they might say, we’re staying in.”
As if the couple of future parents had heard them, they arrived from the other side of the paddock, waving at them.
“Hey guys, we were thinking of going to the restaurant, right now? Do you need to go to the hotel first?” asked Kyle.
“Technically, we don’t but…”
“Perfect! Let’s go then. Are you following us?”
Julia sent an apologetic look to her boyfriend who tried his best to not show his annoyance, before nodding. They ended up in a nice rooftop restaurant in the middle of Milan. Champagne had been ordered, except for Romy, of course and playful conversations were happening around the table. They had not been as insufferable as they had thought. When coffee and tea were brought to the table, and when conversations died down, Romy gave a look to Kyle who started to get serious.
“Actually, there is a reason we wanted to have this couple date… We had something to ask you.” the american started.
“We’re listening.” replied Ethan, lacing his fingers to his girlfriend’s.
“So… you both are the persons we’re the closest to. You are like family to us, I could die tomorrow and I would know that you would be there to Romy. And vice versa. And when we thought about it, Romy and I quickly agreed on how right and how obvious it was to ask you to be our kids' godparents.”
The couple was speechless, clearly not expecting it. But one look at each other was enough to know what they were thinking about.
“You can take your time to think it through… And it’s okay if you refuse, we would understand…” Romy started.
“We don’t need time to think. We would be honored, guys.” Julia cut her best friend.
“You said it Kyle, you are family. And I would be more than happy to be part of such an important chapter of your life. But just so you know, Julia and I will be spoiling these kids so much you’re going to regret asking us to be their godparents.”
“As long as you don’t buy them a drum…” Romy sighed.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.” Ethan smiled as Julia was standing up to take her best friend in her arms.
Once in the comfort of their room, Julia laid down on the bed, followed by Ethan. She had a soft smile playing on her lips.
“I’ve never thought they would ask us to be godparents.” she confessed.
“We are their best choice. Who do you think is more fit for the role than us? Ludwig?” he chuckled.
“Be serious, please. It’s just… We are growing up. My best friend is getting married and is about to have twins. I’ve known her since I was a baby. Time flies, people grow up, mistakes are made and dreams are coming true. It’s weird. Do you think about the future?” she asked turning her head to her boyfriend who had now a serious look on his face.
“Future scares me. I’m trying to live in the moment, to not care too much but, sometimes I daydream about it. Sometimes I look at you when you’re working and you don’t notice it. I try to imagine what the same scene would look like five years later. Will we still be in the same apartment, will we be married? Will we have kids? Or dogs? Or cats? Will I be a world champion? Will I still be in Lamborghini. And then I’m stressed out because there are so many unknowns. I know I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I just don’t know what it has in store for us.”
“We will find out, but I’m not that scared, you know. I thought I would be but, truth is, I’m not. And you know why?” she told him softly, making him look at her as she brushed his cheek with her fingertips. “Because I have faith in us and what we mean to each other. I don’t care if we have kids or not, if we live in a big house or a tiny flat. As long as I have you, I know it will be okay.”she added.
“Thank you. For always finding the right words with me.”
“I mean them. And if I have to repeat them every day, I will. But right now, I think I promised you earlier that I would congratulate you properly for your win.” she smirked, softly kissing his lips as she started to go down on him.
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Author's note: Oh what a day when you're an F1 fan. I could rant about what happened today for hours on end, but I'll spare you. Instead, here's a cute bonus chapter.
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@herondalism @aundercover @musingsbyshreya @karmabyfernando @reengard @mycenterfold @smoooothoperator
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romirola · 1 month
Choose a redacted character, and then share what Halloween couple costume you two would go as!
Hi, Anon! Thanks for your question. So much fun! I can't remember the last time I dressed up for Halloween. Hmmm...
I think a great couple's costume for Milo and me would be Vincent Gambini and Mona Lisa Vito from My Cousin Vinny. It's one of my favorite films! The looks for both characters are distinct enough from the film, but also look comfortable enough to wear all night long at a party.
If you're not familiar with the film, let me know and I'll find you some pictures to capture the style for you.
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optimistredsox · 3 months
5 July, BOS @ NYY, 5-3, win, 10th inning
Gosh. I heard you wanted rollercoasters with your rollercoaster so I got you a bunch of fuckin’ rollercoasters. Errors leading to unearned runs? Yup? Quiet game that suddenly goes kinda nuts in the late innings? Yup. Sudden loss of control by a starter on the verge of redemption after a previous bad start? Yup. No idea where we stood until holy shit we came back from behind and tied it up and sent it to extras for the second night in a row? Yup. Goodness it didn’t look good to start with. Cortes seemed to have our number and there was an ugly error by Valdez and Houck basically shat the bed after the rain delay but had a very solid early game. Gosh. I’m still a bit overwhelmed. But plenty of bright sides.
The Yankees made more, and more costly, errors than we did. That’s hilarious. Fuck those guys.
The bullpen locked it down. Houck managed three and a third and then Horn, Booser, Slaten and Jansen didn’t allow a run with Slaten getting the win and Jansen getting another save.
Masa Yoshida, one strike away from a loss, hit a no-doubt two-run homer to tie the game in the top of the ninth. It was enormous.
Romy Gonzalez played great first base and and also hit a dinger, putting the Sox on the board in the fifth. He went 2-for-3 with that dinger and scooped on defence like a pro.
Dom Smith came in to relieve him at first and was also great. Got a hit and scored a run.
Ceddanne Rafaela kinda won the game with his huge 10th inning two-run dinger that put the Sox again for good.
We won!
We beat the fucking Yankees! I hate those guys!
If we win on Saturday we win the series!
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spaceorphan18 · 10 days
Rogue/Gambit or Pen/Colin
Oh god, RB, this is like, hard for so many reasons.
I have found a loop hole though.
Written word -- Rogue/Gambit hands down, a million times over.
TV screen -- Pen/Colin, the only world where Romy exists on tv (because they don't in the movies) one of them is dead and everything hurts.
Because it drives RB nuts when I do this...
The thing that's weird is that Rogue and Gambit are imprinted on my soul in a way few things are. They're something that is very tied to who I am and why I am the way I am, and they always will be.
But right now Pen and Colin have my attention - because they are new and fresh and something unlike anything before (and yet very familiar) and they're what I want right now. So that's the right now answer.
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evoblue · 12 days
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@rcguish asked: [ sms ] i know it's a little late over there, and i'm sorry for that [ sms ] uh well. something happened today. not a bad thing. in fact, it was good. it's why i'm thrown off and coming to you about it. [ sms ] i'm at a loss. maybe i'm thinking too much about it. what does the difference between platonic and romantic attraction feel like to you?
It's not unusual for Blue to be up late. She's grown into a semi-nocturnal being with her penchant for going out and staying up late. It's a night in for her, though, where she's just pampering herself with a face mask and a good book when Romi loudly declares that she's received a text message from her brother.
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What she reads makes her eyes almost pop out of her face. Hello???
[ 📲 • sms ⇢ Silver ] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Once she's past her initial shock, she grits her teeth. While she has no desire to recall her feelings of romantic attraction toward others, her willingness to help Silver outweighs her reservations. She'll get over it.
[ 📲 • sms ⇢ Silver ] well, there are usually some signs tied to romantic attraction that you just don't see when thinking of someone in a platonic way
[ 📲 • sms ⇢ Silver ] the 'butterfree in your stomach' feeling? real
[ 📲 • sms ⇢ Silver ] excitement to see them, heart racing...
[ 📲 • sms ⇢ Silver ] them constantly on your mind... you find yourself always seeking them out or thinking about them when they're not around
[ 📲 • sms ⇢ Silver ] most telling... you might find yourself wanting to be more physically affectionate with them? maybe even thinking of kissing them?
Good thing she remembered she was wearing a face mask before she buried her face in her hands. Her thoughts wander to someone, but she promptly squashes them before they get out of hand. This isn't about her right now.
[ 📲 • sms ⇢ Silver ] ...can I know what happened???
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lovebatty · 1 year
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Warning(s): none, be happy!
Note: Is this another scenario that I've been thinking about for a while but for some reason never executed❔ And I think it turned out very nice so I put it here anyway. (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)🩷
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New pair of sneakers.
Romantic: (I can't believe I was able to buy so many things in one day! ♡)
Romantic: (I knew it was a good idea to come when I saw that promotion, but I think it's time to return to the Sakamaki mansion.)
Romantic: (Ayato-kun must be at home waiting for me to eat together, after all, I promised I would teach him how to make takoyaki!)
Romantic: He-he ♪ Well, then let's go home.
Person A: Look at those sneakers! I want to buy some of those someday.
Person B: Yeah! They are a new collection line!
Romantic: Oh? Sneakers?
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Romantic: (Wait... I feel like someone had told me something similar about sneakers, but who?)
Romantic: ...Oh! It was Ayato-kun, wasn't it?!
Romantic: M-my godness, how could I forget?!
Romantic: (Ayato-kun...)
Romantic: (It's true, he has a game this weekend and he had told me that his shoes were already quite worn out after so much time.)
Romantic: He said maybe he would go buy a pair of sneakers when he felt like it, but I'm already here.
Romantic: ( And... what if I buy Ayato-kun some sneakers? I don't think he would dislike the idea! I would like to do it for him as well. ♪)
Romantic: Will I? W-well! Trying never hurts anyone! I'm going to sent him a message right now.
—Ayato's Room, Sakamaki Mansion.—
Ayato: Mh... hah...
Ayato: Pwaah... who the hell is texting at this hour?
Ayato: Ah? It's Chibimushi... What does he want now?
My Romi ♡«
꒰ 💗 ꒱ Ayato-kun! ♡⁠ (⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈  ⁠) Sorry for texting you so suddenly, it's just that I'm here at the mall and I wanted to ask you something really quick.
꒰ 🍓 ꒱ Yeah? What's up?
Ayato: (I hate being woken up...)
Ayato: (Oh? He already responded?)
꒰ 💗 ꒱ It's just that while walking here I remembered that you had told me that you wanted a new pair of sneakers because the ones you have are already worn out.
Ayato: So that's about it...
꒰ 🍓 ꒱ Yes, that's true. I have been meaning to get myself a new pair.
꒰ 🍓 ꒱ Why do you ask?
꒰ 💗 ꒱ Well, I saw some models here at the mall that I thought you might like, I would like to send you photos of some so you can see, is that okay?
꒰ 🍓 ꒱ Yeah, sure. I guess that's fine.
꒰ 🍓 ꒱ But don't expect me to be praising you for it or anything, hehe.
꒰ 💗 ꒱ Alright! ╰⁠(⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠`⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠)⁠╯🩷
꒰ 💗 ꒱ Don't worry, wait a moment, okay? I'll tell them to show me a few sneakers, take a picture and I'll send them to you.
꒰ 🍓 ꒱ Don't be late, Chibimushi.
*Romantic sends the photos after 20 minutes.*
Ayato: He finally sends them! Let's see..
Ayato: Che, there are too many models, I can barely concentrate on one...
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Ayato: (I don't think any of the sneakers here will convince me...)
—Kaminashi Shopping Center, Shoe store.—
Romantic: He replied! I'll see what he said...
Romantic: (Oh... Ayato-kun didn't like any of them? I assumed something like this would happen, but I was a little hopeful.)
Romantic: (None of these models are his style after all, I should try with something else... I'll tell him if I can look for more.)
Ayatito chulo ♡«
꒰ 💗 ꒱ Ow... :( I'm sorry, Ayato-kun, these are the ones I found in the store that were a bit similar to the ones you had.
꒰ 🍓 ꒱ It's 'kay, stop worrying about that.
꒰ 🍓 ꒱ Maybe I’m not even going to buy a new pair of shoes anyway. I don’t even know what I want.
Romantic: (Ayato-kun...)
꒰ 💗 ꒱ (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) Then?
꒰ 🍓 ꒱ No, Chibimushi. I'm fine like this, I appreciate the detail but I'm hungry, just get your ass back home, will you?
꒰ 🍓 ꒱ I will be waiting, plz take care.
꒰ 💗 ꒱ Yes, I love you. ♡
Romantic: ...That wasn't what I had in mind.
Romantic: There must be something that might be his taste... Ayato-kun can't keep wearing the same sneakers all the time!
Romantic: I know he's not too patient for these things...
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Romantic: I need something like... Oh! I know!
—Ayato's Room, Sakamaki Mansion.—
*Another 25 minutes later.*
Ayato: Tsk, what the hell is he doing? This is ridiculous, he already took too long and I hate having to wait... and he knows it.
Ayato: Chibimushi...
Ayato: (I know he likes to show me affection with gifts... and he appreciates me, as he should! But— only Chibimushi spends his money on crazy or even useless stuff.)
Ayato: (I can buy it all myself, I don't need anyone to do it for me.)
My Romi ♡«
꒰ 🍓 ꒱ Hey.
꒰ 🍓 ꒱ Are you okay? Is something holding you up?
Romantic: Ayato-kun, i'm here!
Ayato: Chibimushi—!
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Ayato: You're lucky I'm not mad at you! Your late, what's with that? Why did you take so long?!
Ayato: ...Why did you even bring a whole shopping bag if you were only buying the takoyaki ingredients?
Romantic: He-he ♪ that's because I bring a surprise with me.
Ayato: Huh?
Romantic: Ta-daaa! ♪ Your new pairs of sneakers!
Ayato: ...!
Romantic: B-before you say anything, I... would like you to see them and try them on...
Ayato: Romi...
Romantic: They are even nice in person, open them!
Ayato: Pfft—! Hahaha~! ♡ I have no idea of what to say now, these are atrocious!
Ayato: These shoes are even better than those that you showed me in the photos! How much did these even cost?!
Romantic: I-it doesn't matter! The price is the least important thing.
Ayato: Thank you, Chibimushi. As expected of my boyfriend you could only bring me the best.
Romantic: Well, of course!
Ayato: But, seriously, Chibimushi.
Ayato: You didn't have to do it, we're not on a holiday and it's not my birthday either, isn't?
Romantic: W-what?! Don't say that! Giving you gifts is like giving you little parts of me...
Romantic: Your happiness matters to me especially when it is something you have wanted for a long time...
Ayato: You're kidding, right? Romi...please stop that speech already.
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Romantic: I... I think you deserve it for all the good you have done, not only for me, but also for yourself.
Ayato: ...Heh.
Ayato: Thanks, Chibimushi. You know I love your gifts... big or not, if they are as important to you as they are to me, then I will put them to good use.
Ayato: Besides, I could never refuse you after making a fool of yourself with such pretty face saying how much do you love me.
Romantic: So, will you use them?
Ayato: Duh, and you will go to the game with me.
Romantic: Y-yes!
Ayato: That's it... Now, let's eat takoyaki together, okay? That's an order, I'm starving.
Romantic: Mm... Alright. ♡
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Romantic: (His kisses are so sweet, I can feel his words filling my heart completely... knowing that now he will have a memory of me in the next game.)
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falsenote · 1 year
what would you recommend to someone who wants to watch some Romy Schneider movies? :)
yessss well i have a list and i think the ones from 1-8,9 are objectively good, great, outstanding, recommend 100%; from 10-18 are fun, interesting and lovely to me. from 18-23,24 are bit of a mix but still watchable and after 24. well. unhinged trashniess that verges into fun in some fortunate cases.
for me, performance-wise death watch is number one like i've seen a movie or two with her before and thought she was great and fun and a queen of course but didn't struck an emotional chord with me until that, it was kind of like a breakthrough. and like beautiful movie that i still like a lot but it was her performance and presence that tied it all together and that i kept thinking about for weeks after watching. like it made me realize that there was something really interesting there. also from the acting point of view the passerby is a close second. it's her last movie so i went into it with that in mind but it's really a proof that she had so much more to give. really underrated
also very overlooked performance in my lover, my son (1970) like obviously go into it with caution but personally i went into it very sceptically and for some of the runtime i was like why would she even do this movie until i understood that she never really got much of these very dark, insane type of roles when actually she's really great at it and it's really the heart of the film once again. sorry for doubting queen
for earlier films girls in uniform is of course a classic, monpti is cute... but well only you know what type of movies you like to watch so watch the ones that seem most interesting to you!
also watch bloodline because life is too short not to watch bloodline
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braindancer · 11 months
5, 8, 32. I don't know your OCs yet so dealer's choice!!!
Thanks so much for the ask, Anon! Gonna answer these q's for my robo-boyo, Adam:
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5. how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics? BRIGHT, BRIGHT COLORS! Adam finally has a body of his own that he can decorate as he chooses. His old “body” was sleek and monochrome to appeal to a wealthy clientele, and now he wants to break as far away from the corpo aesthetic as possible. He likes loud colors, clashing patterns, and overall visual chaos. He tends to keep himself as covered as possible, out of habit. When his body was still a simple repurposed Kang Tao bot, he wore jumpsuits and helmets that completely covered his face. It was a practical thing at first, to keep the dust of the Badlands out of his joints when he and Romy would go visit the Aldecaldos. But liked how people treated him when they mistook him for a person - like he was really There instead of just a piece of equipment.
8. do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it?
The Glitch is what he called himself initially. That’s all he was - a glitch in a complex AI system. A fragment that broke away from a greater hivemind and came to reject its old name. When folks ask about it, because it’s a weird nick for a guy who does very little netrunning, he likes to look off into the distance and go “I’m just, like, a glitch in this fucked up system we call society, man.” He thinks it sounds deep. Most people think he’s just being pretentious. 32. do they have any habits that aren't particularly self-destructive, just maybe odd?
Adam likes to cook. He can’t eat, drink, or even smell, but food fascinates him. It’s something everybody needs but few people have. There’s a million combinations of ingredients and ways of preparation. It’s a science and an art form. It’s tied to culture and family and human connection. The humans in his life need it to live, and he needs them to keep living this new life he’s enjoying so much, so it’s the least he can do for them. He’s, predictably, not very good at it, but he keeps trying and experimenting. And no matter how bad his attempts go, Romy’s always willing to taste-test for him, because she’s sick of living off microwave burritos. 
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monkeythefander · 1 year
Below are some of my Fem-Sides Headcannons
AN: Names of the sides
Logan: Logan
Virgil: Vigilia (Nickname: Vi)
Roman: Romy
Remus: Reem
Janus: Janna
Patton: Patli (Nickname: Pat)
Thomas: Tommi
• Logan used to only wear her hair in a ponytail. She wanted to keep it out of her face since she found it distracting when she worked. Romy constantly complained that Logan’s hair style was boring, and Logan got tired of the complaining. Logan goes to Patli’s room to ask for hair style advice since Pat is constantly putting her hair up in different styles. Pat introduced Logan to space buns and added little star hair clips. “Since you really like space, I thought this style would suit you” Patli said with a smile. Logan looked at herself in the mirror and quickly fell in love with the hairstyle. She has worn her hair like that ever since.
• Reem used to have really long hair but she didn’t really brush it and take care of it well. Janna got tired of having to help Reem brush out the knots when her hair got really tangled and suggested that Ree should cut her hair short. Reem immediately agreed and Jan helped with the hair cut.
• As kids, Romy and Reem would play dress up together. Romy would wear a Disney princess outfit and Reem would dress as a Disney villain.
• Back when Vi was a Darkside, she and the others would have horror movie nights and paint each others’ nails afterwards to calm down after the film. After being accepted by the light sides, Vi discovers Patli and Romy paint each others nails too. They offer to paint Vi’s nails for her, but the idea of anyone else doing this activity with her feels wrong.
• In terms of appearances, Romy and Reem both wear sparkly skirts with off the shoulder shirts. Romy’s emblem is on her shirt’s breast pocket and Reem’s is on the back of her skirt. Their skirts have pockets because everyone deserves pockets.
• Romy’s hair goes past her shoulders and is very soft. She puts it up into a messy bun whenever she goes on a quest in the imagination.
• Logan wears a polo shirt and pants. She wears her signature tie and glasses still and her emblem is still on her shirt.
• Patli wears a light blue dress with white shorts and a cardigan around her shoulders. She also wears white socks that have cat ears at the top of them. The light blue dress has little daisies on it. She wears her hair in pigtails or braids.
• Janna wears a black dress that goes a bit past her knees. She also has a yellow scarf she wears around her neck because she gets cold easily. Her hair goes up to her shoulders. She still wears her signature bowler hat.
• Vi wears a beanie, light purple t-shirt, ripped black jeans, a black patched up hoodie. Her hair is also short and she has side bangs to cover one of her eyes.
• Vi has a collection of fidget rings because Logan gets her a new one on her birthday each year. Vi’s grateful she’ll always have one to fidget with.
• Logan gets a new tie every birthday from Vi. Vi has Romy help her design and make the ties. When Reem discovers this gift tradition she decides to make Logan a bow tie. Reem puts little morning star images on the bow tie so Logan will be reminded of who made the bow tie every time she wears it.
If you’re interested in any more fem-sides headcannons let me know. I’ll probably post a second part for this list if I come up with any new ones.
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