viejospellejos · 2 months
El turco de 51 años que ha ganado una medalla de plata en tiro olímpico ha hablado tras su viral medalla:
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“No necesitaba ningún equipo especial, soy un tirador muy, muy natural”
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Se la pela, es el mejor 😂😂
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greekmythcomix · 1 year
Roman History Chickens: Late Republic
Marcus Tullius CLUCK-ero (Cicero)
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Ti-ROOST (Tiro), his secretary
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Publius Clodi-EGG (Clodius) Pulcher, Cicero’s mortal enemy
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(He’s just LAID his plans at the Bona Dea festival, pretending to be a woman and seducing Caesar’s wife… *apparently*…)
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welele · 2 months
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parvulous-writings · 1 month
Could I request dating headcanons for Tiro with gn s/o?
Notes: Absolutely you can!! I'm splitting it into two sections because he may act slightly different depending on what path is being taken :p I tried to keep the above cut HCs as SFW as I could!
Warnings: Toxic behaviour/relationship under the cut. Mentions of death, both animal and humanoid (both above and below cut, mainly vague). General Dark Urge stuff, really. Feel free to skip over it, if you so wish!
Redemption Tiro
Tiro tries to be tender - he knows that his brutish impulses are not typically what people go for or want in a partner, and he tries his best to curb it as much as he is able to. He tries to keep his touches subtle, gentle - everything he was not, before this. Before he wanted to try.
He brings you little gifts - often of the more morbid kind - but he tries to make some more light-hearted ones too. He is much like a cat in what he brings to you - small kills, usually. A frog, a squirrel, an eagle. He knows that you're not always so keen for him to kill anything larger, so he keeps his remaining urges under wraps as best as he can.
He asks a lot of questions; what people like, what couples normally do - all of it, he wants to know, he wants to learn. He wants to be somewhat normal, to be able to do things with you that others do. He thinks about that kind of thing a lot, and tries to hold aspects of himself back, to keep you safe and appease to you.
He lets you take the lead most of the time, dating or courting is very new to him - he hardly remembers anything even close to it. But despite this, he enjoys himself. He's vulnerable - almost painfully so - but it's you, so it's... Bearable. Just about.
Non-redemption Tiro
Now this Tiro is a very different kettle of fish altogether. He's reserved at first, letting you show him your affections, giving you the upper hand at first - he wants you to feel as if you are taking the lead with the relationship, to have that security. But he knows what he wants, and he knows just how to manipulate you into place.
In front of others, he's quiet, reserved - he lets you initiate everything, and he happily takes what you give him, no questions asked. If anyone were to be asked about yours and Tiro's relationship, they'd most likely think that the big, quiet brute was subdued by you, but this is unfortunately far from the truth.
Behind closed doors, Tiro is domineering, taking the lead whenever he is able to. He is obssessive, and he has to know of every little thing that you do when you are not in his sight.
He will describe - in vivid detail - what he will do to your corpse once you've died. From playing with it and your innards, to much more heinous activities, he spares no small part of information; he wants you to know every little thought, every fantasy that he has had.
As the relationship evolves, in the so called comfort of your home/tent, Tiro starts unmasking more and more - not that there's much left underneath that mask anymore - and doesn't hide his violent tendencies or desires from you. Sometimes he even likes to toy with the idea he'll carry some of them out on you, rather than some stranger or animal.
// Tiro taglist
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Cicero: Is it "for fuck sake" or "for fuck's sake"? I'm writing an email and I'm trying to be professional.
Atticus: It is 3AM and you should be sleeping-
Tiro: "For fuck's sake".
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anjos7fallen · 3 months
Tiro ao Álvaro
De tanto levar flechada do teu olhar,
Meu peito virou táubua, sabe o quê?
Tiro ao Álvaro, já não tem onde furar,
Teu amor me fere mais do que posso crer.
Teu olhar é bala de carabina,
Mata mais que veneno estricnina,
Que peixeira afiada e cruel,
Penetra no coração, faz doer como fel.
Teus olhos são setas, certeiras no alvo,
Acertam meu peito, é um tiro ao Álvaro.
Faz de mim táubua, sem mais onde marcar,
Mas mesmo ferido, não deixo de te amar.
Teu amor é um jogo, de dor e prazer,
Um tiro ao Álvaro, difícil de entender.
Mas mesmo marcado, no peito a sangrar,
Teu olhar frechado, eu vou sempre amar.
Com cada frechada, um novo furor,
Transforma a dor em um hino de amor.
Tiro ao Álvaro, meu peito é altar,
De um amor que machuca, mas não cessa de amar.
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rem-yzadrawingss · 2 months
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Nice shot!
Trainig... what could go wrong with someone that strong?
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moonlitcomet · 4 months
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assorted sketchbook doodles from yesterday bc my power is still dead [we'll hopefully have it sorted on friday]
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chaberkowepole · 9 months
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Does anyone ship Tiro with Quintus Cicero bc what is the straight explanation for this???
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weirdero · 11 months
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Live laugh love Arca
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viejospellejos · 2 months
Corea del Sur envió a su representante completamente equipado para el tiro olímpico.
Turquía envió a un pibes de 51 años sin gafas especializadas ni protectores para los ojos ni para los oídos y ha ganado la medalla de plata
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dezmoines · 4 months
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hawks-alphonse · 1 day
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parvulous-writings · 2 months
I have several questions about your BG3 oc Tiro again! I'm still curious!
What are Tiro's sexualities/sexual presences?How are their families & friends like?
Romantic partners if he had any or is he dating anyone?
Best traits?
Worst traits?
Secrets whether it's something they would never admit or only if they truly trust someone enough to tell? Thanks! - Fluff anon
Notes: We're slowly leaning into his... Darker side... Be warned.
Warnings: Spoilers for the Dark urge, mentions of gore, reader discretion advised. (Placing answers under the cut as there are spoilers in the first question!)
Tiro doesn't really... Have any preferences, when it comes to romantic partners! Whomever takes his fancy, takes his fancy, for better or for worse! Though, that being said, he does quite like people smaller than him - which isn't entirely difficult anyway. He doesn't have much family - not that he remembers, anyway. He has his 'slaughter-sister', Orin, and of course his father is an ever present part of his life, but he isn't physically there. The closest thing he has to an actual family member is his butler, but Tiro never really treated him as such. For most of his adventure, he doesn't remember his family - which isn't entirely a bad thing, as he and Orin never truly got along, seeing one another as competition and less worthy than the other. He didn't really have friends either - only allies, and he used the term in the loosest sense possible. Deep down, in a bid to try and appease his murder-bent father, Tiro was very lonely.
2. Tiro has had a few flings in the past - sometimes there's just a longing in him, a need to be sated that he simply cannot ignore. These never last long though, and never had a lasting impact on him anyhow. Since losing his memories, he has not yet found someone who takes his fancy!
3. He never really had any phobias per-se; Tiro got up some some absolutely horrid stuff pre-tadpole - serial killings, lots of them, and with great care taken in them, alongside more taboo activities that I will probably delve into if/when I give Tiro his own book, because I am not sure Tumblr will like it. The only thing that could come close to a fear is the potential of disappointing his father in some way, and the punishment that may come alongside that.
4. Tiro can be very... Particular. If he wants something done, he will usually try and do it himself to ensure it is done 'right'. To this extent, he could also be seen as very efficient! So long as you overlook the fact that most of the tasks he has a drive to complete are slaughtering an array of victims. Other than this... There isn't overly a way to twist his traits positively, I don't think.
5. Tiro is incredibly impulsive - and not in a fun or silly way. Thoughts from his Urge pop into his head all the time, and depending on how good or bad a day he's had will then determine how likely it is that he'll be able to resist or shove it down. It can be something as small as snapping a bone, or as big as turning someone inside out. He doesn't filter his thoughts. If he thinks you are weak, or prime prey, he will tell you - unless he is specifically planning to kill you next. In which case he will work to earn your trust, so you'll never see his betrayal coming.
6. Outside of earning someone's trust, there is almost nothing he will not tell of himself - his heritage as a bhaalspawn, his countless murders and the like. But if he is trying to earn someone's trust, and make an ally of them, these pieces of information will either wait till much further down the road, or will never be revealed until his chosen's last dying breaths, so he can revel in the fear in their eyes during those final moments.
// Tiro Tag list
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nubis84 · 11 months
Darse un tiro en la cabeza es decir "Calla".
Darlo en el pecho es pedir "Basta".
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frasesenespa-ol · 3 months
No hay dolor. Es fácil, rápido y mecánico. Tiro las fotos al suelo, los recuerdos, los "te quiero" y las canciones susurradas al oído. Con fiereza las piso, las aplasto y las trituro, dejando que los cristalitos sueltos de los marcos vuelen como las lágrimas que descienden por mis mejillas.
Corazón de mariposa -Andrea Tomé
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