#tip your servers
theconcealedweapon · 1 month
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An outside force saying that customers should tip is completely reasonable.
But it makes no sense for the expectation to come from the management who should be paying the servers more so they don't have to rely on tips in the first place.
You could just raise your prices 20% then give your servers a commission, instead of looking for a loophole that allows you to advertise lower prices.
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saltygilmores · 1 year
I Hereby Nominate Milo Anthony Ventimiglia for an Emmy award for his No’s in Gilmore Girls
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goddess-rachellll · 1 year
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What? You thought you weren't gonna get a work selfie?
Wanna tip me? Cashapp
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Gotta love hush money
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mxswell · 5 months
in my defense, “unlimited breadsticks” implies nothing about which hole i choose to put them in but fine, i’ll see myself out
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v01d3nt1ty · 9 months
here is my cause for the day. because people (american people) like shooting their fucking mouths off.
this article list thing that buzzfeed posted.
People Are Sharing The Things That Have Become So Normalized They Feel Like Scams, And Shit Got Real https://buzzfeed.com/alanavalko/everyday-realities-that-are-scams
good stuff. almost all of it, i agree 100%, particularly as one member of the american poverty class.
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now. let me tell you something.
that person is not just handing you some peaches or salsa. they either made it themselves, or are (like my partner & myself) working for the people that did. we sell locally-grown gourmet mushrooms. our card reader *asks* if you want to tip, does not demand it, does not give you a percentage or number to tip, it's completely optional. idk what other people use, but i imagine it's basically the same.
do you know who *does* force a tip? big corporations & chains. idr if i've even ever encountered this, but i'm not always the one paying (ok, never the one paying,) & i also don't pay attention.
here are some screen shots of me being belligerent towards privileged people who undoubtedly make more money than the people selling their salsa & mushrooms at a farmer's market. because, as my mom used to tell me, i don't know when to stop.
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crazypossumman · 1 year
for the love of fuck:
Tip your servers and delivery drivers!!
Good weather? Tip them.
Bad weather? Tip them more!
Good service? Tip them.
Bad service? Tip them! Come on, you’ve never had a bad day at work?
Good food? Tip them.
Bad food/order messed up? TIP THEM! They didn’t cook it, and they are probably just as frustrated as you.
Lastly, a possibly unpopular opinion, but: if you can’t afford to tip, reconsider eating out/ordering in. Yes, there are always exceptions, but keep in mind that you are receiving a service and those providing the service deserve to be paid fairly!
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merakiui · 7 months
discord mod riddle definitely asks a basic ass question and puts @everyone and then kicks if they dont answer 💀
@ everyone: which one of you neglected to feed the hedgehogs?
And no one responds because they are not trying to lose their heads. But then there’s you, who isn’t even in Heartslabyul dorm but got invited into the server by Ace and Deuce. And you respond happily with: I’ll come over and feed them!!! :D
You are too good for this world. Riddle loves you in the not-so-sane way. <3 he probably learns how to use Magicord just for your sake (but also so that he can turn the server into one for academic help/studying/etc before it can spiral out of control into something chaotic.
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izpride · 7 months
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Transparent Icons - Bob
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yandere-daydreams · 6 months
tattoo artist is too cool for sukuna. why would they try to make him sexy in a normal way.
you get it anon,,, i think part of what makes sukuna so disproportionately fuckable is the fact that he has never once cared about how fuckable he is. tattoo artist mob leader gang member sukuna just doesn't suit him (imo obviously of course) because they make him so hot it just circles back around to cringe. he's trying too hard. put him in a kitchen. it's where he belongs.
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keithsandwich · 19 days
Will you tell us more about Maeve's time as a priestess? <3
It's definitely in the plans!! I really want to work on a longfic about them both and ofc that's a great part of Maeve's story. I just need to find strength lol 🫠
But this is something I really really wanna do!
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goddess-rachellll · 1 year
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Work has already kicked my ass and I still have 5 more hours
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pastafossa · 10 months
Thanks to EVERYONE'S recommendations on my post about How Do I Get A Knitting Circle To Adopt Me - A Woodcarver - Into Their Group, I have discovered:
My local library has a knitting/crochet club that welcomes other crafts, too! I will be attending that tomorrow, so maybe they'll adopt me!
There's a local woodcarving group that has monthly meetups! Granted it meets at a senior center and membership is encouraged which I can't do obviously but I'm going to see if that's like, a hard line or not
There are a couple small, independent craft stores that might have leads on more groups, I'll be trying to hit those up in the next few weeks and see if they have any leads!
My witchy shop used to have crafting meetups, I saw it on old FB events! That will be starting back up again soon, so I can hit that up too!
And here's a tentative one - there were so many others like me who expressed the same sadness of not being able to find a little crafting group where we could all work on our respective crafts and just have fun with crafty friends and learn neat things. So I'm talking to a friend about how complicated it would be to set up a discord server for us, because gd it, I know we all live far apart but if there's a way for all of us to do a craft night together once a month or whatever and become crafty friends, we should be able to do it, along with showing off our interesting things we make in between! So put a pin in this one, since I've only ever used discord, not really run one, but if I can make it work, I'm going to try when I have some time.
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frankieglam · 3 months
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ieroween1031 · 2 years
So I just wanna talk about this
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Because for me, it’s super important.
So based on the research I did, the average price of a sit-down meal in Thailand (not a street vendor, fast food or a luxury, 3-course meal) is roughly ฿60-150 (or ≈$1.57-3.95, in case you were curious). Also, of the sites I looked at, most of them said that breakfast is generally cheaper than lunch or dinner.
(Also, this is all just research and it might be absolutely incorrect, so please take it with a grain of salt. The exchange rates are accurate, but everything else about pricing might be wrong.)
The two pink notes were left by Sky, and they’re ฿100 notes, so what Sky left (฿200) more than likely covered the cost of the whole meal. And then my boy Prapai slapped that purple note down, too. That purple note is a ฿500 note. For all my food service workers out there, this is the equivalent of getting a $13 tip on a table whose bill was $8 max, but more than likely only about five bucks.
This stood out to me the very first time I watched this episode, and it made me super happy. From what I’ve found, tipping is not considered rude in Thailand like in some other countries in Asia, but it also isn’t expected. When people in Thailand tip, it usually only means leaving their spare coins or rounding up to the nearest note (i.e, leaving a ฿100 note on an ฿85 bill). Prapai left their server almost a 300% tip, and homeboy didn’t even think twice about it. And he didn’t do it to impress Sky (because Sky would have just rolled his eyes and said he was throwing around his wealth and showing off, let’s be honest), since Sky had already left the restaurant. Not only does this show just how rich he is, but also that he genuinely does have a good heart since he didn’t even hesitate.
Therefore, I’m headcanoning that Prapai is that customer that every server wants, and if you’ve ever worked in food service, y’all know the customer I’m talking about, and you probably had/have one in your restaurant; most likely a regular, knows his server’s name, patient and polite, tips fat and every server in the building knows his name and wants him in their section.
Okay, I think that’s enough overanalyzing the tipping habits of fictional tv characters for one day.
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acommonloon · 4 months
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Earlier today I met up with friends to drink a beer that reminded me of earlier days. Earlier good days and today was a good day. Later I stopped for groceries and as I got out of the truck I saw a woman walking towards me.
She was wearing a loose dress and her hair was covered with a scarf. Her brows were dark her skin tanned, I thought she might be mid to late twenties. She held a piece of cardboard low against her chest. Based on world events, I thought she might be collecting support for Palestinians. I waited. “Excuse me sir” her voice was soft and I detected no accent. She unfolded the cardboard.
I glanced at it but only saw the words mother, hungry, children before I looked back at her eyes.
I was transported instantly to Strasbourg France, 2018. We were at the Christmas market there, it was near dusk and raining and one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever beheld. The medieval town square filled with lighted booths the towering church looming over it. We were cueing to get into the church when my son said, “Oh dad, there will be gypsy beggars up here. Don’t give them anything. It’s a scam.”
When the gnarled old woman shuffled up to me and handed me what I thought at first was a brochure, but was a tattered written plea for alms, I smiled and gave her whatever loose Euros I had in my pocket. My son snorted but I didn’t care. Didn’t care if it was a scam. It was small change.
In Chicago once I was approached by a young black woman who asked if she could have $5.65. I was surprised and asked why she asked for that specific amount. She pointed at the McDonalds I’d not noticed and said she could get a certain meal for that amount. I’d no idea if she was sincere but I laughed and gave her the cash I had on me which wasn’t enough. I shrugged and she thanked me in a perfunctory manner. It still makes me smile.
Anyway, I grew up just shy of really poor. My mom brandished a form of pride I recognize now as her shield to ward off shame. She was ashamed by her…our financial circumstance and she returned the near constant assistance she got from my dad’s mom with as much resentment as appreciation. She never failed to criticize welfare families even though we would have been them too without the help of my grandmother and others.
Some of that shame couldn’t help but rub off on me yet I was far more influenced by my grandmother than my mother. Seeing the grace with which she shared her own minimal resources with us, made me want to be like her. lol one last sidetrack.
I was 12 when my paternal grandfather died. By all accounts, he was a mean old man. Decades later a stranger said to me, upon finding out who my grandmother was, “There was never a finer woman than your grandmother.” Then he said, “She never deserved Alec.” Referring to my grandfather. Alec was a nasty man with rarely a good word to say about anyone. Except me. He called me little shitass and I knew he loved me.
When he died, he had a healthy bank account but also $4000 cash was found in a roll in the tackle box he kept in his truck. I heard my parents talk about this. One evening a few days after his funeral, my parents, my two sisters, both younger than me, and I were up at grandma’s. I’d been staying there anyway so she wasn’t alone.
My grandmother said, I want you to go into the dining room and in the drawer of the sideboard you’ll find where Alec kept all the wallets he got for Christmas presents and he never used.
I said I didn’t want a wallet. She said, “Go on, he would have wanted you to have one.”
I spent so much time in that little house on the Blue River, I knew where the wallets were. I pulled open the drawer and picked up the first wallet from the pile. It fell open in my hands and it was full of cash! A lot of cash.
I carried it into the living room to my grandma’s chair and held it out to her. She took it and looked up at me and said, “Where did you find this?”
“It was on top.” I said.
She said, “That can’t be. All your uncles and even cousins have been in there to get a wallet.”
She burst into tears. Her hand shook as she handed me a fifty. She pulled out more money and gave it to my parents who were also in a state of shock. Then still crying she said, I can take that trip to the Holy Land!
Her tears were of joy and though all I did was carry the wallet to her, I felt like I had done something for my grandma to make her happy. That feeling was a heady drug.
So. I fully recognize when I give someone something, I’m doing it for me.
It isn’t transactional. If they don’t appreciate it I don’t mind. Also, I recognize a gift can cause distress. I’m mindful not everyone feels gratitude at being given a gift. I learned that lesson…anyway
Today, in the Meijer parking lot, I looked down at the woman and smiled. “I’m going to give you some money.” I said as I reached into my pocket. “Where are you from?”
I laughed at that. Thinking of my son and Strasbourg.
I said, “Okay, I wonder if you are scamming me.”
Sorry, I don’t speak good English.
Right. I handed her a five and said, “Have a good day.”
I didn’t wait to see her reaction. On the way into the store my phone chimed with a text.
It was my son.
I typed, Hey guess whatI just did!
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