#this might just be the retail worker in me but i know he would be so good to his servers too
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year ago
tattoo artist is too cool for sukuna. why would they try to make him sexy in a normal way.
you get it anon,,, i think part of what makes sukuna so disproportionately fuckable is the fact that he has never once cared about how fuckable he is. tattoo artist mob leader gang member sukuna just doesn't suit him (imo obviously of course) because they make him so hot it just circles back around to cringe. he's trying too hard. put him in a kitchen. it's where he belongs.
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ncis-nerd · 4 months ago
Christmas Cheer
new au alert
Ship: Wife WandaNat x Reader // Platonic Kate & Reader // Brief mention of Kate x Yelena
Warnings: Mentions of Christmas, working in retail, the festive season, winter, alluding to reader being anemic.
About: Christmas time is the best time of the year for most, you love the generosity of people during this season. The Christmas movies, the hot chocolate, gift giving and most of all, spending time with the people you love. 
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You hummed softly to the Christmas jingle playing in the background. You loved your job, you loved your elderly boss who would show you pictures of her grandchildren, your friend/co-worker Kate who you would spend your lunch break with. Going with you to your favorite Chinese Takeout place.
You loved your job but sometimes you regretted working retail at a toy shop during the Christmas season. Not to get you wrong, you loved seeing the joy on the kids faces, the sparkle in their eye when they got their heart set on a toy they really wanted. And you loved the magic of the festive season but it could be overwhelming sometimes. 
Stressed parents running on low energy and little sleep, desperate to find the popular toy their kid wants, searching endless stores just for the toy to be sold out. You couldn't blame them.
You didn't realize you were staring at these two women looking at the window's display of toys. They smiled softly, one woman had on this red and white knitted hat with reindeer on it. The other had a long coat on. You saw her whisper to the woman with the hat. The woman with the hat had a hot chocolate in her hand.
“Hello? Earth to Y/n?” Kate waved her hand in front of your face. “Huh?” You returned your attention to the raven haired girl.
“I said, do you want to go on lunch right now?” Kate asked as a low growl sounded from her stomach. You chuckled softly at the warning from your friend’s stomach that she was hungry.
“Sure! Let me just grab my coat and we can go.” You nodded, heading to the back room where your locker was. 
As you zipped up your red puffy jacket, Kate appeared in the doorway. “Ready?” She asked. You nodded as the two of you made your way to the Chinese restaurant. 
“It's so cold I can see my breath!” Kate exclaimed, exhaling only to be greeted with a small trail of fog exiting her mouth. You shivered in your layers which consisted of your hat, gloves, scarf, sweater, shirt, second shirt, pants and thermal pants. You got cold easily and instead of complaining all the time (which you still do by the way), you learnt that layering up helps you stay warm. Your mom had told you many times “I don't know how you can do it, I could never wear that many layers” but you shrugged her off. 
“We're here! I can smell the food!” Kate smiled as she opened the door to Tony's. Tony's is the name of the Chinese Takeout restaurant you and Kate go to. You've been going there ever since the first day you were hired. You can still remember it vividly. You were sitting in the backroom eating your pb&j sandwich when Kate came in and introduced herself. The two of you were around the same age, the rest of your co-workers were way older than you guys so Kate made the decision to talk to you and become friends. From that day on, you guys have been going to Tony's for lunch. 
Now that it's December, Tony's is more crowded. Especially since they came out with their Christmas themed menu, families and teenagers lined up to get something. 
Thankfully, there was no one when you and Kate went. If there was, you feared Kate's stomach might explode. 
“Hi there ladies, table for 2?” Steve smiled, as he picked up two menus. “Yup!” You nodded. “Is that Kate and Y/N?” You heard Clint's voice from the kitchen.
Clint was a chef who worked at Tony's, he had cooked if not all the meals you and Kate shared there, than most. In your time going to Tony's, you had gotten to know Clint well, you know he has a wife and two young daughters who sometimes come to visit him during his break.
“Yeah!” Steve responded. “Hello Kate, hello Y/N. How's the shift going?” Clint had a warm smile on his face. “Work's going well, how are things here?” You spoke. “Same old, same old. I assume you two want your regular?” Clint nodded. “Yeah, better make it quick. Kate here is starving.” You smirked. “Hey! I'm not starving!” Kate whined. You looked at her with a chuckle as she proved her own point with the whining. 
Clint led you two to your table. “Food should be out shortly” Clint nodded as he left. Your eyes scanned the room. You noticed a family sitting at one of the circular booth tables. The little girl had on a pink tutu and an orange shirt. The mom was on the phone and the dad was holding the brother. The little girl made eye contact with you and waved. You smiled softly and waved back.
Clint returned with your water and Kate’'s coffee and placed it down on the table. There was a soft red tint on Kate's face, you could tell she was texting her girlfriend, Yelena.
That's when you noticed the couple from the toy store had entered the restaurant. The blonde was taking off her hat as the woman in the long coat took her friend's hand and rubbed her hands together, to warm it up. You smiled softly at this gesture, you loved seeing how the holiday spirit brought people together.
Clint led the two ladies to the 2 seater tables right by you and Kate. “Thank you” the woman with the hat spoke, with a thick Sokovian accent. “Of course. Can I get you started on drinks?” Clint spoke. “I would like the bloody mary” the other woman spoke, her voice laced in a thick Russian accent.
“And for you ma'am?” Clint looked at the blonde. “Hot chocolate is fine. Thanks.” She nodded. Clint left once again, to make their drinks this time.
“This place is nice” the blonde spoke. “Да, освещение красивое, и меню выглядит хорошо.” the Russian responded. 
The Russian's eyes fell on you, you quickly looked away. Hoping that she didn't notice your staring. 
“Симпатичная девушка из магазина игрушек здесь.” the Russian's attention focused back on the woman sitting across from her. 
You wondered what she was saying. Right on cue, Clint comes out with your chicken lo mein and Kate's fried rice.
“That looks so good, my mouth is literally watering right now” Kate moaned. You giggled at her reaction. 
“I wish you a Merry Christmas” filled the silence in the restaurant as your phone went off. In that moment you regretted your ringtone. “Hello?” You answered. “Hi Y/N, I'm so sorry to disturb you from your lunch break but it’s so busy in here right now and we could sure use you and Kate back here at the store” You felt bad you guys were understaffed today and it probably didn't help that you and Kate took your lunch break at the same time. “Of course, I’ll let Kate know. We should be back shortly.” You hung up. 
Kate groaned, “Nooo.. I’m so hungry.” You frowned apologetically, “Sorry Kate, Elaine needs us back. She said there’s a big crowd in there right now.” You signaled for Clunt to return. “Hey, can you make this a to-go. Kate and I have to return to work unfortunately.” You said as Clint took the food away.
You zipped back up your coat and collected your belongings as you and Kate walked up to the register.
“Have a good one and stay warm, alright?” Clint spoke.
Google Translate:
Да, освещение красивое, и меню выглядит хорошо. - Yes, the lighting is beautiful and the menu looks good.
Симпатичная девушка из магазина игрушек здесь. - The cute girl from the toy store is here.
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yeetmyboi · 3 months ago
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Surviving the Holidays
a/n : MDNI. festive lights banner by @/strangergraphics. MDNI and support banners by @/cafekitsune. simonxreader, relationship est. reader is said to be female and bit of a bigger gal. just some fluff for this holiday season. this is for my fellow retail workers who are just trying to get through this festive hellscape and make it out to the other side.
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You stumble home. Feet and back aching after yet another long shift. All these doubles might kill you. Between the holidays and everyone calling in sick, you’ve been running yourself ragged. It makes you bet on which one might get you first, work or the nasty flu that’s going around. At least you’ve managed to miss any icy patches climbing up the apartment’s steps tonight. Take the wins where you can get ‘em.
Sliding the key into the lock, you hurry and slip inside before the cold can sneak in. A shiver rattles your bones as you shrug off your jacket. One by one your winter layers fall away—hat, scarf, gloves, boots—all returning to their designated homes till they’re needed again. You shed your winter gear like a snake sheds its skin, only you don’t have a heat lamp to sun under after.
Despite the deep chill that still resides in your bones, the warmth you feel from knowing you’re not alone is enough to thaw you out.
Simon’s home.
Muffled noises come from the tv, filling the otherwise silent flat. The smell of something cooking hits your nose, making your tummy grumble. All signs that you’re not alone. It’s enough to bring a tired smile to your face.
Your socked feet shuffle as you make your way to the living room. The sight before you fills you with a warmth that can only come from the word ‘home’.
Simon sits there on the couch, lounging on his back, reading a book that looks as worn down as you feel. He glances over his readers as he greets you, “Welcome home, lovie.” 
Like a weary soldier returning home, you make your way over to him without a word. Swinging your leg over his hips, you straddle him and lean forward, crawling up under his arms. Usually you’re conscious of how much you put your weight on him, but that seems to have floated out of your head the moment you saw him. All you can think about is burying your face into his soft pecs.
So you do. Nuzzling into the softness much like a cat, rubbing its cheek against its favorite person—purring and eager for more contact.
His chest bounces gently as he laughs at you, amusement and fondness clear in the teasing tone he takes. “Missed me that much, did ‘cha?”
You still don’t answer. Just a pleased hum from your throat as you continue to rub against his chest. Absorbing his presence and scent, letting it ebb away the stress that’s been heavy on your shoulders all day.
Simon slowly wraps his arms around you, already knowing what you need. He squeezes you, nice and firm, letting the pressure ground you. Not letting go until you start to squirm. Another chuckle and his arms slowly fall away, a hand coming to mindlessly run up and down your back.
“Made a stew tonight. Somethin’ to warm ye up,” he states.
You acknowledge his comment with a content sigh, nodding with your head still firmly on his chest. A small voice in the back of your head tells you that this is probably his way of politely asking you to get off.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to crush you. I just really needed…that.” You mumble, already pulling away.
“‘M not broken, love. In fact, ye make a lovely blanket.” He says as he wraps his arms around you once more, pulling you back and squeezing tightly. “Might ‘ave to keep ya here. Supposed’a be chilly t’noght.”
“Nooo, Si!” You squeal with surprised delight, pushing against his hold with both hands.
“Sorry, lovie. Looks like you’re not goin’ anywhere.” He gleams with delight at your pretend struggle. “Ye wouldn’t let me freeze, would ya?”
A thought pops into your head, and without much consideration for the consequences, you act on it. Your teeth teasingly nip at his soft pec, hitting his nipple with precision.
“Oi!” He jolts at the contact, sending the abandoned book tumbling to the floor. “Blankets don’ bite!” The bark in his voice is a playful one, like yips from an older dog trying to match a pup’s energy.
You dissolve into giggles, smothering them in his chest. Simon squeezes and gives you a shake. He huffs, but the warmth in his chuckle betrays him. “Cheeky lil’ thing,” he mutters, his hand resuming its slow rub up and down your back.
You sigh into him, letting his touch melt the day away entirely. The smell of a warm meal wafts through the flat, promising warmth and comfort, but for now, Simon’s arms are enough. This is enough.
This is home.
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me while writing this :
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flowercrowncrip · 3 months ago
So how did two wheelchair users going to a cafe result in the police being called on a guy we’d never met?
I’d gone to the city to visit a friend and she invited me to a bougie new hot chocolate place that had opened. Both of us are wheelchair users – I use a big power chair and she uses a lightweight manual chair.
Getting in is a bit of a challenge because I misjudged the threshold going in and got stuck on my first attempt. So already people are staring, but that’s just part of life in a chair.
I figure out the ordering system and order a fancy drink (dark chocolate with cinnamon and cardamom) and my friend does the same. We are given tickets with numbers that will get called. So far so good.
Unfortunately it’s a bit tight for space and fairly busy. There’s no way that I’m going to be able to get my chair to the counter so my friend says she’ll get both drinks.
Her number gets called and she’s trying to get through the people which is taking time. They call the number again quite quickly. She’s trying to get the attention of the server to let her know she’s heard and on her way but it doesn’t look like the cafe worker has noticed.
The cafe worker then shouts the number again, in a way that comes across as very frustrated and honestly a bit rude given that it’s really not been very long. Even if my friend wasn’t disabled it would have been unnecessary. But maybe she’s having a bad day – retail work is stressful especially when busy and we have no idea what might have happened earlier in her shift.
An older man behind us who we’ve never met takes offence at this. He can see the trouble we’ve had getting through the shop and makes a comment about the server being rude and how there’s no need for her attitude. He’s sort of got a point, a more patient response would have been kinder, but it’s really not worth making a fuss over.
It would have been nice if the situation ended there, and I think it probably would have, except that the server then sees my friend coming over in her wheelchair and gets visibly embarrassed. I think she’s realised she might have made a bit of a social blunder. My friend thanks her for the drink and we continue waiting for my drink.
The man makes another comment along the lines of “see, there’s no need to be impatient… people these days need more manners” or something like that and we could see the server get more uncomfortable with the situation.
At this point all the conversations stop and the shop is silent. Everyone is staring at the man, the server and at me and my friend. I think a lot of people are trying to see what side me and my friend will take given we’re physically and metaphorically in the middle of all this.
The server is looking like she is struggling to cope with the embarrassment, and the man sees that he’s starting to get an audience and feels more justified in his outrage and keeps talking, he makes out that he’s just talking to his friend about it but his volume implies he wants everyone to hear.
At this point he’s definitely being a dick, but he’s not shouting or being aggressive as such. I think that if everyone ignores him, like my friend and I are trying our best to do, then it’ll settle down and we’ll all get on with our days.
The server has enough and suddenly crosses the shop to approach the man and immediately tells him to leave with no warning.
The man is shocked and says he’s just talking to his friend and he’s not leaving. The server says that in that case she’ll have to call the police. She pulls out her phone and goes to a staff area.
I do a lot of deescalation at work, and the first rule is to stay calm in situations like this. Neither the server or the man are calm, probably because she still feels embarrassed and uncomfortable and he feels self righteous and disrespected.
I think at this point everyone is a bit stunned. Absolutely everyone is staring at the man and also at my friend and me. I’m wishing the floor would swallow me up and am really hoping to get my drink so I can leave before the police arrive.
Yes, the server came across as impatient and rude, and the man initially said what I’m sure a lot of people were thinking, but he seemed fuelled by an audience and was quickly out of line himself.
I personally feel like if someone else had calmly said “please stop, the situation is under control and if this keeps going we’ll have to ask you to leave” then it wouldn’t have escalated as quickly.
Now Literally everyone now is staring. I think a lot of them are trying to judge whose side my friend and I are going to take, but we both feel like we didn’t ask for any of this and just want everyone to take a breather, and to get our drinks and leave.
A second member of staff goes over to the man and much more calmly explains that now he’s been asked to leave they would have no choice but to call the police if he refuses to leave. I wish she’d been handling this from the start and I got the impression she also felt that it had escalated a bit too quickly, and was trying to deescalate the situation while also knowing her colleague (manager?) was already on the phone.
The man initially refuses to leave again, but he’s clearly calmer and the person he was with seems to convince him it’s not worth it and I hear them leave.
We get my drink and leave. No one checks to make sure we’re okay despite the altercation literally happening about us and over our heads. We’re just glad to be gone before the police show up.
The hot chocolate was nice but really not worth the drama.
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 10 months ago
luxiem as bad sex
don’t worry about it this is mostly for the lolz. might fuck around and do this for other livers next time i feel restless. make sure to properly communicate with your partner
tags: gender neutral reader, established relationship, smut, humor/crack, chatfic in shu’s entry, public sex, uki violeta cameo, cheating/ntr mention, just imagine the baldur’s gate 3 scene with the luxiem guy of your choice you know what i’m talking about
⚠️ nsfw under the cut. content not intended for minors.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
🖋 Ike Eveland: anatomy
there is a chance that, when you sleep with ike, despite his title, it’s his first time.
25% chance says that he fully does not know what he’s doing, and asks you for a full-blown tutorial on how to stick part a into part b.
25% chance says that he fully does not know what he’s doing but he doesn’t even admit to it. it’s a lot of trial and error and insistence that no, don’t worry, i got this when he very clearly does not.
25% chance that, for the first time in his life, eroge has come in clutch. he understands! kind of. it’s more like as he penetrates you he tries to compare your sounds to the moans of eroge characters. the more you sound like a hentai protagonist the better. it’s also worth noting he pumps into you to the beat of a huniepop song that worked its way into his head while he was trying to figure out what’s a good or bad sound.
and finally 25% chance that it’s just fine.
but let it be known that he 100% does not know how to find the clit. barely knows how to find the prostate either. ike won’t admit to either of these things
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
🦁 Luca Kaneshiro: openness
never let it be said luca is solitary. he��s social and likes to explore different spaces. it means dates happen often, and so does getting dragged off to give him head in public.
this would be fine if it was a bathroom stall. you know, the standard couple spots. what you didn’t expect was in a fairly open alley. or an amusement park ride with automatic souvenir pictures. or on the shady side of a beach full of people.
hell, even when you get into a changing room while shopping there’s still a risk. he’s gotten you to jack him off while wearing not-yet-purchased jeans more than once and as exciting as it was you have no clue what happened to the poor retail workers that had to find them hanging on the return-to-hanger rack.
at home he leaves doors open since it’s just the two of you, including when he goes down on you. he leaves them open when there’s guests, too, and guides you into your bedroom when he needs a break from talking to people. the doors are still open. you’re a master at being quiet but sometimes his puppy wanders around looking for his owner, and…
(side note: not about sex but i just know he would leave the door open or walk in on you using the bathroom and that terrifies me)
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
👟 Shu Yamino: attentiveness
Me: hey
Me: hey
Me: are you awake??
taro_twink: abt to sleep
taro_twink: what do you want shu
Me: idk c:
taro_twink: so you blew up my phone??? bitch??
Me: fjakajsjsldj i wanted to talk to my friend!
taro_twink: wish granted
taro_twink: wyd?
Me: reader
taro_twink: don’t text on a date
Me: we’re at home
taro_twink: go spend time with reader then ffs
Me: i am
Me: reader feels really nice c:
taro_twink: wait
Me: and i like making reader say my name too
taro_twink: SHSKDKLSJA
taro_twink: WHAT FHE FUXK
Me: dw reader hasn’t noticed my phone yet
Me: my phone is by the pillow so it’s hard to see
Me: yea :homiekiss:
taro_twink: you are fucked up and i’m going to bed
taro_twink: so done with you jfc
taro_twink: gn
taro_twink: bye
taro_twink: if you say anything else i’m blocking your number
Me: you’re no fun
taro_twink: you are literally texting me while you’re doing your partner i don’t want to hear it
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
👹 Vox Akuma: names
vox is noisy. delightfully so. it’s easy to communicate with him because he’s unconsciously vocal whenever he likes something.
these sounds, however, are usually limited to grunts, moans and cries. all well and good, but when things get more intense, he’s more inclined to scream your name.
and when his dick is in your mouth he can’t think straight, in the worst way.
this is just to say that even when you’re not roleplaying, he’s cried out a lot of names that aren’t yours. usually celebrities or fictional characters. you’ve lost count of how many tall/dark/handsome guys with long hair he’s cum to, or sassy women. hell, his celebrity crushes don’t even look like you.
if you have cheating fantasies this is excellent. if you have ntr fantasies, excellent as well. what isn’t excellent, however, is how last time you poured wax on him while fucking him from behind, he buried his face into the pillow and whimpered out your coworker’s name.
he was very lucky you didn’t have more wax to splash him with
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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shotoyami · 5 months ago
Could do gambit x f reader basically f reader is a normal person working and is saved one day by gambit in a fight and offers to take her home and basically gets to know her and take her out on a date’s <33
prenotes: Gambit beloved <33 !!! The silly little Cajun man, he has my heart… I loved writing this sm, super cute, might make a part two if anyone would like to see that!!!
Thank you so much for the request, anon<3
pairing: Remy LeBeau/Gambit + female reader
warnings: none, yet again!
genre: fluff, that’s all to be seen here
notes: so please ignore the jokes I make in here if anyone doesn’t like them, I had to make them as a retail worker and the usual daily struggles of retail. but if anyone laughs, I’m glad! (please respect your retail workers, they don’t get paid enough or appreciated enough)
word count: 900+
Sir, this is a Walmart…
Work. Mediocre, stressful, annoying. At least, that’s a normal day on the job. Another day at some high end grocery store that cannot be named here, just dealing with the same customers to expect every day. The entitled old people, the crass young people that shouldn't be without adult supervision, crying babies that the mother literally is not even a foot away from and doesn’t care about, and so much more stupidity. 
“You young kids and not respecting their elders. I swear, it’s like I always talk to the same person no matter where I go unless it’s a machine!” Like now, where an older woman is harassing me.
I force a civil smile onto my face, knowing everything is both on video and on audio, and that anything against store policy could get me fired. “I’m sorry to hear that, ma’am. Unfortunately, I can’t bend the rules for anyone. If I change the price for you, I’d have to change the price for everyone in the store- which can’t happen, of course.” I try to explain to the woman– which is stupid, because when do entitled people ever listen to reason? She starts shouting, which is to be expected, and of course a supervisor comes over, trying to gauge what’s happening, and now she’s screaming at them too. The supervisor gives me a glance and I just put my hands up defensively and turn and walk away– because I don’t get paid anywhere near enough to deal with this crap.
I fall into the breakroom’s couch with a long sigh, making one of my coworkers giggle. “Gosh (y/n), tell us all how you really feel girl.” I groan, but let out a small laugh, finding humor in my coworker’s words. “Was it Sharon again? Or Beth?”
I sat up as I respond, “Neither, it was Martha.” My coworker grimaces at the name, before she sighs.
“Yikes. I’m sorry girl, she’s a pain.” I snicker, nodding in agreement. “But have you seen that new looker that’s been coming in recently?” That sparks my attention, and I sit fully toward her, attentively. “No? Okay, so there’s this guy that’s been coming in, right? And he’s got weird eyes and a southern accent, and he flirts with everyone.” I nod along as she speaks, humming afterward in thought.
“No, I haven’t seen or met him yet. He sounds interesting?” She nods in agreement, but we’re interrupted as our supervisor comes in, rolling his eyes.
“Martha.” Is all he says, making both of us giggle. “You’re good to go back on the floor, (y/n).” I nod and hop up, making my way back out onto the sales floor.
Of course, my luck willing, there’s some weird looking people (hey, we’re not trying to judge here, but just imagine this the same kinda way as describing your neighborhood crackhead) getting into a fight on the sales floor. I stand there, awkwardly, because I’m not trying to get into the middle of all of that. 
As I go to shuffle on by, because I don’t get paid enough to care, some kind of metal comes flying at me. My survival instincts aren’t survivaling because I just stare at my impending doom for a moment, accepting my fate and all, until a card with a purple looking hue just flies in front of me and blows up the metal??????
Whilst pondering my existence and how I didn’t just die, I get grabbed and my snatcher???? savior???? just kind of runs, cursing in some other language – french? Once again accepting my fate, I don’t exactly struggle or anything because this is all on camera and surely  someone will clock me out for this or just give me extended pay time for dealing with this crap.
The person finally stops and sets me down in the back of the parking lot, and I find that it’s my coworker’s deemed ‘new looker’. “Ya’ alri’, cher?” I slowly nod, probably looking like a big eyed fish or a barn owl or something. He chuckles, offering a hand, “The name’s Remy LeBeau, ya’ welcome fa’ the save. How’s ‘bout yous make it up ta’ me by lettin’ me walk ya’ on home? Ya’ off the clock?” Again, I just nod stupidly – my coworkers can clock me out, it should be fine. Fortunately, I use public transportation anyway, so it all works out.
Of course, everyone’s staring at the man next to me. Not so much for his “good looks,” but moreso for his odd appearing eyes – red on black. The entire subway is…rather quiet for once. It’s a nice change, a welcome change. He’s the one that breaks the silence as we get off of the subway, “Ya’ from ‘round these parts?” He sort of leans over me, smirking but still being quite respectful. He’s probably fishing for something in common, given his thick southern accent.
“No, I’m from the next state over.” He slowly nods, humming and keeping the conversation going similarly until we arrive at my front door. “So, I be seein’ ya’ again? Here, le’mme give ya’ my fone number.” He quickly comes up with a way to scribble down his digits, handing the paper to me. “An’ maybe we can go on a nice little date or somethin’ soon, cher?”
A goofy smile comes onto my face at this words, a bit shocked that all it took was a bit of small took to charade this man, but I nod in agreement nonetheless. “I’d appreciate if it involved me not being in immediate danger next time?” He chuckles and nods.
“See ya’ then, darlin’.”
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finalgilmoregirl · 1 year ago
thanks for all the love on my last two posts, here’s an idea i thought of the other day that i actually was able to fully flesh out
☆ a growing relationship between fnaf movie!mike x fem!mall worker!reader would include :
- pre fnaf movie events
a/n : i made this in head cannon form to save time but i might make a blurb series. ALSO IMPORTANT : i try to make the reader in my fics as physically non descriptive as possible which means i try to stay away from words like “tall, short, pale, thin” etc… if there is ever an explicit description, it’ll be in the title (like how i put “fem!” or “latina”) okay that being said, enjoy!
- movie takes place in 2000s so naturally reader would work in retail whilst in college (movie!mike is thought to be in his mid-20s so i’m also making reader around that age)
- i think the first interaction between the two would be at her place of work, on a particular slow morning
- he’s only had his security job at the mall for about a week, and his employers had him bouncing around different stores, trying to find his place in the building
- which is how he ended up standing at the front your store at 10am
- he’d spoken to the assistant manager for a moment right before opening but it wasn’t until almost an hour into his shift that he’d noticed you
- he’d just failed to stifle his tenth yawn in the last few minutes when he heard your voice, snapping his brain into high alert
- “excuse me?”
- he turned his head in your direction and widened his eyes a bit before trying to relax
- you were talking to him, and you were beautiful
- “uhm, yeah?” he replied, instantly cursing himself in his mind for not replying more politely
- you obviously didn’t mind his response as you smiled sweetly, reaching an arm out, which is what made mike take notice of the to-go cup in your hand
- “sorry, i just thought you could use this.”
- oh! this surprised the man, and you took notice of the look on his face.
- to be fair this was weird, at least a little bit. you’d never given the other security guards coffee. you were always polite to them of course, but you never went out of your way to try to make an impression ike this.
- but then again, none of the other security guards were this cute
- and you thought mike was very cute
- “i know, it’s a bit weird but i was over there stacking clothes and couldn’t help but notice how tired you seemed.” you pointed to where you were just a moment ago, before you’d gone to the back room to get mike his drink
- mike looked to the area you pointed out, taking notice of the pile of clothes you’d seemed to be in the process of organizing
- mike wanted to hit himself. he was so caught up in his own head and trying to force himself awake that he didn’t even notice that you had been a mere ten feet away this entire time.
- he then looked back at you and realized he hadn’t make a single coherent reply to anything you’d said so far
- he shook his head out of his thoughts and gave you a small smile
- “no no that’s not weird” he said, taking the coffee out of your hands and trying to ignore how soft they felt as his fingertips brushed against them, “that’s really nice of you, thank you.”
- you shrugged, playing with your now free hands while trying to ignore how your heartbeat had started to quicken
- “it’s no big deal, i just thought it’d be best if you were awake in case anyone tried to rob us” you joked, earning a chuckle from mike.
- “i’m y/n by the way” you held out your hand to him
- “i’m mike” he said as he took it, giving it a light shake and reluctantly letting go
- you looked into each others eyes for a moment, and warmth started to circulate your bodies
- unfortunately, the moment was gone too fast as one of your coworkers called you over, asking for your help in taking down some boxes
- you looked back at mike, who still held the smallest smile
- “i guess i’ll see you around.” you shrugged, walking away
- as the day went by and the store got increasingly busier, you and mike failed to have anymore interactions and soon, he had to leave, saddened by the fact that he couldn’t say goodbye but also hopeful at the thought that he might see you again
- it wasn’t until a week later that he did
- he unfortunately got stationed at a kiosk near the entrance of the mall, however that didn’t stop him from walking by your store on his breaks in hopes to catch another glimpse of you
- he did this for three days until this routine paid off.
- you were working the cash register, conversing with a young girl and her mother as you bagged their clothing
- “have a good one!” you smiled brightly at the pair as they walked out of store, which is when you saw mike approach the entrance
- he walked in shyly, hands in his pockets
- he’s wanted to see you… but what did he even plan to say?
- “hey mike!” you called out to the brunette as he walked in
- he responded with his own “hi” as he walked up to the counter
- “what are you doing here?”
- “you know, just…taking a walk”
- he looked down for a moment, nerves creeping up on him. well, he thought. i might as well take advantage of this moment. i mean, you’re right there.
- with a sudden surge of confidence (and despite the sweat now pooling down the back of his neck) he looked back up and said : “i actually just realized.”
- you looked back at him expectedly
- “i never got to repay you for that coffee.”
- when asked if you’d like to cash in that debt you replied a bit faster than you would like to admit, and a date was set for the same day
- where mike had four more hours to go after his break, you had three. which you thought was more than fine, just more time to prepare for this date
- you would meet at the coffee place across from the food court after both of your shifts
- and when you did, it was like something out of a movie
- mike of course, as guarded as he his, tried his best from dumping any trauma on you and steered clear from anything he thought was too personal in fear of scaring you away. however after picking up bits and piece from your life, he had a feeling you wouldn’t judge him
- despite you basically being a stranger, he felt more relaxed than he had in years, him learning about you was enough to distract him from whatever nightmares plagued him at all hours of the day, just for a little while
- as time went on and you both kept in touch after your first date, mike began to open up a bit more
- after the first few weeks he told you about abby, more so about their situation
- you sympathized with him a bit, offering advice if he needed it and a helping hand if any issues with their current babysitter came up
- your selflessness solidified his thought that this could be something good, which led to your first kiss after your fourth date
- you figured it would take a while, you sensed from the first date that he would be a tough book to crack open, but you really liked him and were more than happy to be patient.
- back to abby :
- as much as he was okay with talking to you about abby, he hadn’t planned to tell abby about you. not knowing how she would react to adding a random woman to possibly be a part of her life after their mother
- this of course became a small issue when she began to notice how much more time he spent on the phone
- phone bill be damned, he would still lean against the kitchen wall, twirling the phone cord around his finger for at least half an hour while he talked to you
- “who is it?” abby asked one late afternoon.
- where she was supposed to be in bed already, she came out to get a glass of water, catching her brother talking in a hushed voice.
- “don’t worry about it” mike would tell her.
- “what are they saying?”
- “abby can you please just go to your room”
- she would very soon find out about your existence when one evening mike put the phone down for a second to go look for a book he wanted to tell you about
- as soon as he walked out of the room, abby jumped from her place on the couch and snuck to the phone
- “hello?” she whispered, cupping her hand over the transmitter
- “hi” you smiled, picturing the young girl that mike had described to you before
- “who is this?” abby asked, almost aggressively, confused as to why her brother has been talking to a woman
- “i’m y/n” you told her, trying to suppress a laugh
- something clicked in the child then
- gasp “are you mikes girlfriend??”
- it was just then that mike had returned, and with a face of anger and horror her snatched the device from abby’s grasp and lightly shoved her away with a light scolding “abby what the hell did i say?”
- you laughed harder at his tone
- “i am so sorry about that. what did she say to you?”
- “oh nothing” you sighed, “she just asked me if i was your girlfriend.”
- he mouthed a god dammit as he looked to the ceiling
- he wasn’t embarrassed that abby had asked, he was embarrassed that he hadn’t asked you yet
- there’s no protocol to dating as an adult. “will you be my girlfriend?” sounds too childish and when that’s out of the question, where do you go from there?
- “well…” mike shut his eyes tightly as he asked, “what did you say?”
- “i didn’t get to answer. what do you think i should have said?” you said, lighthearted but pointedly.
- swallowing the bile he felt creeping up his throat at the nerves he rubbed his hand to his sweater clad chest
- “i mean…” you continued. “do you want me to be?”
- my god yes he desperately thought but tried his best to sound casual “yeah, i’d like that”
- “well then, i suppose i am your girlfriend. maybe i can actually tell her next time”
- he sensed the teasing in your voice and gave a mixed of a chuckle and a sigh at your answer, the weight the nerves left on his chest lifted.
- “next time” he said softly, “sounds good”
☆ might start planning a part two
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kittygamesda · 3 months ago
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A tier list based on how helpful various Slay the princess characters would be in a retail setting
UPDATE: I had some people ask me for my reasonings. I will put them under the read more tab for all to see
Also, to be clear, the order of the characters in each tier doesn't matter because I hate doing tier lists like that. Just assume they are all equally helpful/unhelpful based on the actual tier that they're in.
Helpful in Retail:
Damsel: Bro just tell her it would make you happy if she becomes the best minimum wage worker ever and she'll do it. I love her.
Shifty: If you are ever understaffed just ask shifty for some spare minis it would be great
Gentle Princess: She is a team player frfr. She is willing to bite her own arm off like just imagine her as a stocker
Hunted: He'll be a good worker because he understands that we need money to survive so he is a good worker to make sure we get that bag so we can survive
Witch: Only if the Opportunist is working with her. As long as the Opportunist is with her she'll work hard that way she can always be one step ahead of him. He'll never get the jump on her and if she becomes a manager she'll fire him herself. Also she is great with dealing with Karens (biting them)
Average Employee/pos
Adverary: Girl needs her gym membership. She will do whatever she needs to do to get a good fight and if that includes working minimum wage that's what she'll do. She isn't really that much as a team player but she's great at lifting heavy stuff
Happily Ever After: She's happy to help but doesn't really know what to do a lot of times. She tries her hardest though and that's appreciated.
Specter: She works in security and scares off any potential thieves. Her only qualm if that she can't really do much else because she can't grab stuff. Great conversationist tho
Narrator: He's the one guy at the office who does a lot of work but you have no idea what he even does outside of work. You sometimes hear him mumble to himself about making the world so much better but he's unnotable otherwise. A bit weird but he does his job so you don't mind.
Hero: He helps anyone who needs it and overall is great to work with. It's just that he's a bit dumb at times but that's okay.
Cheated: Works really hard but also complains about everything. Could be in the Helpful in retail tier if he just didn't complain so damn much.
Long Quiet: Well that depends. Are YOU helpful in retail or not. The choice is yours.
Fury: On one hand I can see her doing what she told and not talking to anyone else besides that but I can see her deconstructing and reconstructing a Karen if she gets too snappy with her which would be cool to watch but would also probably get her arrested and fired so 🤷
Harsh Princess: I'm going to be honest I don't know about her specifically. She's probably just a depressed cashier tho if I had to pin on her a role but she's going so there's that
Princess and the Dragon: Maybe you guys can use your fusion thing like a walkie-talkie and do things while always be able to know if the other one needs your help I think that could be very helpful if our brains still work that way but there is no evidence that is the case. She would probably be in average employee/pos if that is the case tho.
Stubborn: Basically he's like Adversary he needs that gym membership. Though if they work together they'll start fights in the back/breakroom. He is more likely to snap at a costumer and start fights them so be careful.
Smitten: He will do anything to spoil his beloved. As much as it pains him to leave her 9 hours a day he will make every penny he makes from it worth it and spoil her to high heaven. He might get distracted if she visits him at work and while he is at work he constantly coos over her which I could imagine getting annoying very fast.
Average Employee/neg
Cage: Very depressed all the time. Barely gets her stuff done. Has to move her head everywhere so she can see what's she's doing.
Nightmare: That really creepy coworker that is just scary all the time. Probably gets her stuff done but no one wants to go near her (including customers which would probably get her fired)
Prisoner: Same as Cage but without moving her head to see bit
Thorn: She does what she needs to and nothing else but hey she can get stuff off from the high shelf if you need her too. Would probably cry in front of the customers
Wairth: She's like Specter but less social. She's probably not even considered your coworker. The store is just haunted at that point.
Contrarian: Does jackshit but he is so bubbly and friendly. Funny as hell guy but doesn't do anything. He'll probably get fired in 4 months but you always look forward to him at work so 🤷
Moment of Clarity: Would just straight up torture you/customers so like she is getting fired probably in a week. But in the meantime she is stocking stuff so quickly with all eight of those arms
Stranger: She is constantly trying to do every job but she's only one body and ends up getting nothing done. Poor thang
Wounded/Network Wild: I love them but they are just roots how the hell can they get anything done.
Eye of the Needle: Very short temper. Doesn't even care about the gym membership anymore someone insults her she throws hands (and gets fired)
Paranoid: Overthinks every task and doesn't trust a single person who works here. He would try to convince you of his theories while on the clock.
Skeptic: Kinda like paranoid but would leave for hours on end to try to get to the bottom of things.
The Literal Worse
Apotheosis: Too big, would destroy the store by stepping ontop of it (could be a good thing tho.)
Beast: That's an animal. She wouldn't do anything you tell her too and she bites people.
Burned Grey: Stop setting the inventory on fire you're so sexy haha
Drowned Grey: Stop drowning the customers you're so sexy haha
Den: Same as Beast but worse. Girl can't even talk anymore.
Razor: Has no desires besides stabbing people she would suck even if she is incredibly funny
Tower: I feel like she could get in if the store is big enough but only like in a crawl. would destroy the building if she stood up. I can't imagine that being helpful.
Broken: He would find a corner that nobody knows about and sleep the entire shift. Probably would also cry in front of the customers.
Cold: would get bored and leave within the first 2 hours (and that's being incredibly generous.) He would disappear off from the radar.
Opportunist: Unlike everyone else in this tier he'll somehow convince upper management to not fire him but he'll try to convince you to do his work for him which is why he sucks.
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occasional-drabbles · 8 months ago
Cardiology Runs on Caffeine
Figured I'd go ahead and contribute some to the Dr. Greyson fandom, inspired by @dawnbreakersgaze ! So enjoy.... this?
Third shifts can suck. Especially third shifts in retail. You have to hope that all of the stores you need are open by the time you get off work, or you have to keep yourself awake even longer to take care of errands, or wake up hours before your shift. Phone calls and appointments interrupting your sleep, killing your social time with non-third-shifters. 
Despite all of that, you wouldn’t trade third shift for the world. Sure, you get some… interesting customers, the occasional drunkard, but you also get the hard workers who are doing their best to keep things going till morning. The medical professionals, the students, the drivers, all of whom are so grateful that you’re still open. Those are your favorite customers. 
Just as you were thinking over that fact while tidying up behind the counter, you lifted your head when hearing the bell at the entrance to the cafe. 
“Welcome!” You greeted, just like always, only to get more genuinely excited when recognizing the familiar wavy brown hair from the doorway. “Ah, Dr. Greyson!” You greet, going to the counter. The poor man looked tired, but that didn’t stop him from offering you a brilliant smile that made your cheeks flush slightly. “Would you like your usual, or something new?”
Grayson hummed as he considered the offer. “Let’s go with a surprise.” He answered, nodding to himself as if to solidify the decision. 
You let out a small laugh as you started to get everything out, listening as he started to absently hum to the music playing on the radio. “Is this the start of your shift, or the end?” You asked curiously. How much caffeine does he need?
“It’s the start, and I have a feeling it’s going to be a long one.” He answered honestly, leaning against the counter to watch you work, even with your back to him at the moment. “But at least I’ll be starting it on the right foot, with some of your amazing handiwork to get me going.” By his tone alone you could picture the adorably confident grin on his face. 
You laughed at his flirtations, glancing over your shoulder at him, hoping your face wasn’t as flushed as it felt. “You flatter me, doctor~” 
You two fell into a comfortable silence as you worked, the radio filling the quiet. You did a few little tricks as you worked since it’s been a slow night and you can’t help it, really. Dr. Greyson is such a kind person, but well respected. The kind of man you can’t not like. Something about him compelled you to impress him, in what little ways that you could. 
It didn’t take long before you were offering him his cup, going through the usual transaction. “I know it’s easier said than done, but try to take care of yourself where you can, okay?” You asked him, glancing up from the register. “This might come as a shock, but I actually enjoy having you come by.” You teased, your smile widening to a more proper grin when seeing the tell-tale signs of a blush on his cheeks. 
Greyson let out a sheepish laugh, rubbing the back of his neck as he finally picked up his drink. “Aww, you flatter me!” He insisted, trying to keep his fluster from being quite so obvious, and failing spectacularly. 
You just grinned, settling your cheek in your hand. “I just speak the truth.” You returned playfully, knowing that you need to send him on his way soon… but you’re enjoying his company so much that you’re hesitant to remind him of the fact. Unfortunately, you know that you can’t be that selfish. 
“As much as I’d love to keep you all to myself, I should probably let you get going. Let you go be an awesome doctor, saving lives, all that amazing stuff.” You encouraged, even playfully moving your hands to shoo him out. 
Greyson laughed more heartily this time, leaving his usual tip for you as he got ready to leave, holding his free hand up in surrender. “Okay, okay, I’m leaving. But you need to take care of yourself too, okay?” He insisted, even pointing at you in playful ‘warning’ as he stood at the door, his grin never faltering. 
You offered him a salute in response, your amused giggles music to Greyson’s ears as he finally left to finish his walk to Akso. He already felt refreshed, and he hadn’t even tried the undoubtedly amazing drink you’d made for him yet. 
You hummed in content as you watched him go, your sorrow that your time with him today was so short gradually getting overshadowed as an idea began to form. 
And oh was this going to be beautiful. 
For the rest of your blissfully quiet shift, you were working on your little plan. Scouring your messages for information and prepping the materials. Perhaps this was some wild overkill, you aren’t even entirely certain if you could get away with it… but there’s only one way to find out! 
So once your shift ended and your coworker was there to take over for you, you gathered the drink carriers you’d just finished preparing, and headed in the same direction that Greyson had gone down just a few hours ago. You knew he worked at Akso Hospital, in the cardiology department, so you didn’t have to look completely foolish trying to figure out where he worked. 
Despite how brief your interactions always end up, you still managed to learn a lot about him and his coworkers, to the point you actually recognized some of them when they came in the first time at his suggestion. It still makes you chuckle, remembering their shocked and mildly concerned faces. Greyson had gotten such a kick out of it when you told him about it, to the point he had accidentally snorted hot coffee up his nose since you hadn’t timed it well enough. You still feel bad for that, no matter how much he insists it’s fine… 
Seeing Akso in front of you, you took a deep breath and walked in. The sun was just barely coming up, and honestly you were tired. But you’re also determined. Besides, if you’re tired, what of the doctors and nurses you’ve gotten to know here? 
Speaking of, you beamed when recognizing a familiar face at the front desk. “Yvonne!” You were quick to get to the front desk, careful not to spill your trays, setting them on the counter to let your wrists rest and to grab one of the cups out. 
“Well fancy seeing you here!” Yvonne returned, genuinely seeming surprised, but eyeing the cups hopefully. “I’m going to hope that you’re here to be an angel of caffeine, and not as a patient?” She asked, glancing up to you again. 
You nodded with a laugh, offering her a cup with her name on it. “I’m not here as a patient, no. I just got off work and thought it’d be fun to surprise everyone I could with a little ‘pick-me-up’. Greyson mentioned he had a feeling it was going to be a long day, so…” You trailed off as your cheeks warmed, offering a sheepish shrug to finish your mini-ramble. It didn’t help that Yvonne was grinning at you in such a cat-like way that if it weren’t a hospital, you’d be inclined to cover her face. 
“Wait here, dear. I’ll get Greyson to come down for you.” She reassured, picking up her work phone to call him up. You couldn’t quite hear what was being said, but you had a feeling you’d find out soon. 
As expected, Greyson didn’t take long to make his appearance. It was a little strange to see him all geared up, white coat and all. But it also seemed fitting. Really cemented the whole doctor thing. He looked downright exhausted now, your expression softening in sympathy. The fatigue didn’t last though, his confusion replaced with excitement when seeing you. It almost reminded you of a puppy, if you were honest. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked, though it wasn’t accusatory. A little concerned, but not upset in the slightest. 
Instead of answering him immediately, you pulled out his cup from the drink trays, offering it to him with a smile. “I come bearing gifts.” You teased lightly. 
You may as well have just told him you hung the sun yourself, with the complete and utter joy and gratitude that he was looking at you with. 
He accepted the cup easily and took a sip, letting out a content hum at the taste. His usual, exactly as he likes it. “You are a godsend.” He breathed, noticing the rest of the cups. “Are those for the others?” He asked, looking to Yvonne as she took a pointed sip of her own sweet caffeine concoction. 
Greyson looked to you again as you nodded, more sheepish now. “Who I could remember, at least. I don’t know if I’m allowed to take them back or not, though…” 
Greyson and Yvonne both looked at each other for a moment before sharing a nod. Yvonne took just a moment to provide a visitor badge for you, though she instead passed it to Greyson, who very gently settled it on your shirt. He made sure you had plenty of time to stop him if you wanted, but you were too flustered and surprised by the flurry of movement to actually intervene, not that you found yourself inclined to stop him to begin with. 
“So long as you don’t go far, it should be fine.” He reassured with a grin, grabbing one of the trays. 
You took the cue, picking up the other tray and following him as he led you out of the waiting room. He held the door open for you, leading you down the hallways. As expected, the hospital smelled very… clean. Sharp. But not unpleasant. Though, maybe that’s thanks to having the warmest person next to you, beaming at you. “Now, what prompted the surprise visit?” He asked curiously. 
You flushed, focusing on your tray because you feared you might combust if you looked up at him as you answered. “You mentioned that you had a feeling it was going to be a long shift… I figured you’d have a pretty good sense for when to expect long shifts, and my shift was pretty slow. So… I thought it’d be fun to make drinks for as many people as I could remember.” You shrugged sheepishly, glancing up at him again. 
Greyson’s expression had softened, but his smile never faltered. “That’s real sweet of you, y’know that?” He asked, even if he wasn’t really expecting an answer. 
Not that you were really given an opportunity to answer, one of the interns you’d made a drink for stopping you two in the hall. 
“Oh, hey!” They greeted, surprised as they looked between the two of you, glancing at your visitor’s pass for just a moment before looking to Greyson curiously. 
You let Greyson explain that you had brought drinks for some of the staff, checking the trays to figure out which cup went to the intern. As a result, you were oblivious to the intern realizing just how well you and Greyson were getting along. They didn’t dare comment on it, of course, but… they couldn’t deny it, either!
So instead they just thanked you profusely for the drink before hurrying down the hall again, likely having more stuff to take care of. 
Greyson led you to the nearest break room, setting the tray down to sort through them and figure out who got which cup. You’d even made a cup for Dr. Zayne, even if you aren’t entirely sure if he was going to be here tonight. He’s such a workaholic, you wouldn’t be surprised if he was. 
Greyson hummed softly as he sorted the cups, then turning his attention to you. “You’re an angel.” He told you, leaving no room for argument, but his tone was gentle all the same. There was affection lacing every syllable, and a weight to it that you couldn’t quite place. 
It had your face flushing despite yourself, rubbing the back of your neck as you looked away again. “It’s just… it feels like a little thing I can do to support you guys… you work so hard to take care of everyone.” You tried to explain. 
Greyson chuckled, considering for a moment before wrapping one arm around your shoulders to give you a small hug without overwhelming you, squeezing you into his side carefully. “That’s sweet of you. We do this job because we want to help people, but small acts of kindness like this help us get through it a little easier.” 
Glancing to the clock in the room, he honestly started to pout. “I should go ahead and let you head home, though. I don’t want to keep you up too late, and I can go ahead and distribute these to where they need to go.” He offered, his arm still around you as he led you out of the break room. “This really was an awesome surprise though, angel.” He hummed playfully, running at how flustered you got at the nickname. 
You couldn’t help but elbow him in retaliation, though you were careful not to risk doing actual damage or anything. Clearly you didn’t do any damage, based on the laughter that followed your ‘attack’. 
“Whaaaat?” Greyson whined playfully, still grinning as he looked down at you, holding his hands up in surrender. “I’m just telling the truth! You’re amazing, and it’s a fact!” He insisted, opening the door to the waiting room for you again. 
You were so distracted by Greyson’s teasing that you didn’t notice Yvonne and the intern watching you two from the front desk as you shoved Greyson again, even as your own laughter started to bubble up. “Oh shut up!” You fussed, trying to calm down at least somewhat. 
Greyson just looked proud of himself, playfully acting as if he were seriously thinking over the instruction before shaking his head. “Naaaah.”
You snort, rolling your eyes and waving him off. “Go back to being a smart handsome doctor.” 
There were a few beats of quiet as everyone registered what you had just said, Greyson finding himself starting to flush almost as much as you had earlier. You, on the other hand, thought you could combust right then and there with how flustered you were. 
“Um… have a good rest of your shifts!” You quickly said before hurrying out of the hospital, mentally kicking yourself for such an embarrassing exit. 
Yvonne was the first of the trio still in the hospital to speak, turning her chair towards Greyson and quirking a brow. “So…. you’re going to ask them out, right?”
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sandyseagullsip · 7 months ago
Universe thingy (title in progress i guess)
Hi lol.
Part 2
CW: gunfire: you know, regular cod stuff
Indulge me; imagine this.
You had finally gotten home from a long day of work. Bitchy coworkers, upset clients, stupid issues that should've been fixed already, --- needless to say, you were stressed out. What better way to wind down than playing one of your favorite games, hm?
You boot up your console, searching through your game library in hopes of finding something that could distract you. Eventually, you decide on the Call of Duty Modern Warfare games (the new ones). The campaign is good, the characters are great, it should get you out of the frazzled, careworn mindset you've been in all day.
Oh. Boy, were you wrong.
You select your game, and your vision goes white. Your first thought was, 'did this job finally give me an aneurysm?' Your hearing had disappeared too, yet it was the first sense to come back.
When you could finally see, you were no longer on your sofa wallowing in sorrow; you were in a fucking warzone. Not that you were prepared for this clothing wise, in your hoodie and sweatpants.
The only thing you manage to get out is,
"Holy fucking SHIT-!"
And you start running. And running. It's dark, but you keep going. And the first shelter you see is a downed helicopter.
You're about to go in when you hear a voice you know: "Get your gun on that tree line."
Ghost. One of your favorite characters. But now you know you shouldn't attempt to enter. On the other hand, you need to. You'll wind up shot if you don't. So, you slowly start to get in. (ha, you thought they wouldn't notice?)
And now three guns are aimed at you: an Alpha soldier, Ghost, and Soap. You know this mission like the back of your hand. You could help them. But your fight or flight turned instead to freeze, both hands up to signal that you were no harm to them.
"A fuckin' civilian?" Ghost mumbled, followed by Soap's "Steamin' Jesus..."
"Th' fuck are you doing here?" Ghost questions, staring you down, still aiming his gun at you.
"I don't-- I don't know?" You manage to get out. This big man with a skull mask and his buff Scottish friend are both aiming guns at you. Sure, they are the good guys, but they still will probably shoot you.
"I can help you!" You yell out quickly. Jesus Christ, why did I-
"Shut up." Soap loudly whispers at you. "But how cannae y' help us? Why should we trust you?"
"I know what happens. Trust me."
They both look at each other, confused and slightly angered.
"Better no' be a fuckin' spy, or I'll shoo' you myself." Ghost mumbles, grabbing you by the wrists.
"We cannae jus-"
"Might give us a shot a' Hassan."
Ghost gestures for you to stay down, as he aims his gun out the helicopter window. And lucky (not really) you, there's a gun on the floor! As the AQ fighters pour in you decide to test your luck with a gun.
Long story short,
You were just a simple retail worker, how were you supposed to know how harshly the gun would recoil? You also got a souvenir from the ordeal (you got shot in the arm).
The men did not like your pain tolerance (may have complained too many times), but you got through it all, even the snipers on the roof.
But as you approached that area and told them there would be snipers, they didn't believe you. You can't tell them they're in a video game you've played too many times to even count, so 'trust me' is the only thing you can say.
This earned you looks from the entirety of the Bravo team, which made you realize that, shit, you probably will be interrogated later.
Eventually, you made it to the warehouse. Soap walked up next to you, looking down at you.
"Now whats in this one?" He asked sarcastically. This might be something he should find out on his own, you thought. But you said it anyway. Shit.
"Enemies. and uh- anamericanmissile." You say quickly hoping he doesn't notice. But this causes him to go into the warehouse faster than you could think.
Once all the enemies were KIA, you brought them to the missile container. He presses a button causing the team to see the launcher and the American flag on the side.
"We found a weapons cache. Hassan's got missiles... they're American." Ghost said into his radio. "And you," He points, "I've got someone who's gonna have a bloody lovely talk with you later."
Ghost handcuffs your wrists, handing you off to have Soap bring you to exfil.
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lonely-north-star · 8 months ago
jewelry maker mammon x retail worker mc pt 2
hi guys, two people asked for part two and now I'm here. Did not expect people to find enjoyment in this.
Part one above, not sure how to shorten it on mobile. Once again, this is me projecting onto my MC because I'm not suffering alone. Anyway, more craft store silliness !!
-Mammon attends the hiring event, dressed in a button down shirt and his hair combed. It's his Lucky Interview Outfit™
-He's kinda nervous because he really would like to work here and doesn't want to blow his chance
-The store manager recognizes him, and Mammon can't tell if this is good or bad
-Good because he's already got him laughing, and it helps brush over the fact that there's a few gaps in his resume
-The manager admits he had hoped to see Mammon there and it's good to put a name to a face
-Asks Mammon what he wants to work as, which Mammon kinda shrugs at, saying he's pretty flexible, but reminds him he's already good with the beads
-Says they'll label him as a floor person and put him anywhere as needed
-His first day is filled with training which he finds extremely boring until MC comes in to the break room
-She stops in her tracks and is stunned to see him there, before she recovers and smiles at him
"You're gonna work here now?"
"Nah, they just gave me a vest and name badge for nothing."
-She huffs and side eyes him as she grabs her equipment, rolling her eyes when she puts her bag away. Turns around, handing him a yellow star sticker
"For your badge."
-Suddenly he's even more eager to finish training and get to work
-His first days, he works short shifts during her hours and trains on the register (because everyone needs to know they claim)
-MC falls short of shaking him, sternly telling him to ask questions, no, she will not get mad. Yes, she may look irritated but she always looks like that. She'd rather you ask.
-They let him take over on his third day and he has great interactions with every customer
-He gets two credit card applications immediately. Had to walkie for help because he knew the script, but not the process (because no one ever gets them)
-The manager group chat receives a single photo of his tally sheet from the store manager because "Five sign ups! Three protection plans! Where has this cashier been my whole career? 🔥"
-He quickly becomes a favorite because of how good his numbers are
-No one knows how he does it but as long as higher ups aren't breathing down their neck everyone is happy
-It's because he's extremely motivated by the sticker rewards MC gives out. They're scented
-He might be good at the register but he hates staying up there when it's slow because he feels trapped. He can only recover the queue line so much guys
-Will beg to go on the floor if he's met the goal for the week and there's another person scheduled. Or will work to make the goal first and then beg to switch places
-On Fridays he works mornings in order to do jewelry repacks (Repacks are boxes of mixed products that get sent to us that we have to sort into other boxes by department. These things are like 12 x 10 x 20 inches maybe?)
-They are PACKED with products. The strung beads specifically come wrapped in bubble wrap or sealed bags by the SKU. Same goes for other products like findings, wire, and string. You spend a lot of time ripping open the package, pulling it out, scanning it, and then putting it on the shelf
-But see, Mammon knows these aisles better than the back of his hand. He doesn't need the scanner
-He'll unwrap handfuls at a time of strung beads and immediately start putting them out. Anything that goes in the next aisle he doesn't touch because he will not be walking back and forth, he's going to gather it all up and do it at once
-He spends barely an hour on each box, and once he's done, he admires any of the new items that came in. As a treat.
-Replen manager comes to check on him and she's stunned to find him done. She buys him a pastry from across the street as a reward
-He does help out with other repacks, but it takes him longer since he's not as familiar with the aisles
-Despises craft paint with a burning passion. Do NOT put him in that aisle or he will throw a fit. Threatens to quit (wouldn't actually)
-Gets frustrated easily with that aisle because the paint tubes fall over too often. And his hands are too big to reach for the one that fell over, and he'll end up knocking more over because the shelves are too close together
-Has trouble folding T-shirts. MC has shown him multiple times but he can't stay consistent with it
-One time she found him kneeling on the floor trying to fold a shirt. Has not let him fold since
-Now if they're working together, she folds them and he puts them away. It's efficient.
-After three weeks, he's gotten pretty good with memorizing the store and product locations. He has come to this conclusion.
Hell: Craft paint, T-Shirts, Open Stock Paintbrushes
Heaven: Jewelry <3, Kids Beads, Seasonal, Yarn
Neutral: Fine Arts, Ribbon (Thin Ice), Stickers, Fabric, Floral, Baking (Hates the baking pans specifically though), Wood, Frames, the rest of the store basically
-He likes making things look neat (actually likes the way MC looks pleased when he drags her over to show it off)
-If they're working together, he might get slightly distracted and trail after her to chat. She only allows it if it's slow.
-If someone needs help she'll shoo him away/send him off. He'll come right back after he's done though
-Otherwise she's walking through the aisles recovering with him and doing returns, handing him stuff and pointing to where it goes as he rambles about a new commission he made. Or the newest beads they got in stock.
"Says B 23."
"And they said they we're gettin' it for their partner-"
"There. Next to the red gift bags."
"-but how do ya not know their favorite color?! C'mon! That's like the first thing ya learn!"
"What's yours?"
"Blue. Or gold. And yellow, when gold ain't an option, because yellow is a lot more common. But none of that neon crap! Nah, like.. like.. I'll show ya when we reach the bead aisle! Anyway, they came back all-"
-'Yellow.' She thinks. Fitting, for someone who brightens her day so much. She shakes the thought away.
-She won't admit it but she does enjoy it. It makes the time pass faster.
"Did you know the beads go on sale Sunday? And we get paid this Friday. Are you gonna buy any?"
"...Are ya messin' with me?"
"Why would I be?"
"I'm going to buy so many things."
-MC starts to dread Sunday, and knows she's gonna have to reign him in. Oh boy.
hahaha pt 3 is in the works, i think. Because I had more ideas, but this got long again. Rest of this is me rambling.
Anyway, today I worked on repacks for Research™. And because I didn't wanna hear people asking if things are in the back. NO. I DID IT ALL TODAY !! EVERY LAST BIT !! (for t shirts and jewelry at least)
Took me four hours to do three jewelry boxes, though I did stop multiple times to help customers and go fulfill online orders. And unlike Mammon, I did need a scanner for some of it.
T shirts I did five boxes and took ten minutes a box since I didn't need the scanner except a handful of times. So it definitely varies on what department you're doing how long you'll take and how familiar you are with the aisle. For reference, it took my coworker 3.5 hours to do two boxes of jewelry.
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novankenn · 3 months ago
The Enigma
(A snippet from A Mafia & From Assassin to Sales Clerk AUs.)
Blake Belladonna once a feared close quarters specialized assassin, turned over-worked, underpaid sales clerk for Pumpkin Pete's Novelty Store... was intrigued. Deandra Thistle her co-worker slash supervisor just gave her a feeling that made her... wary.
Now it was nothing outwardly. Denadra who insisted everyone call her Deery treated Blake well. She was an attentive person, and had on more than one occasion less that subtly informed Blake that as long as she was staff, she would have her back.
From all outward appearances Deery was a cheerful, hard worker, who took pride in her job. It was only when you looked her dead in the eyes that things... felt off. For someone who presented themselves as so approachable, those eyes underscored that Deery was someone you didn't want to mess with. they were cold, lifeless and empty. The only place or time Blake had ever seen eyes like that was during "Shark Week".
So Deery had become a topic of interest and conversation with Pyrrha a former rival for contracts... now friend? Acquaintance? Anyway in their on going chat, the subject of Deery always came up.
(BB signed in) (PN signed in)
BB: So we had a customer come in to the store today... PN: You work retail... that is not a strange occurrence, but then considering where you work... BB: Do not bad mouth the store, or I'll let Jaune know there is a new set of hoodies and another series of Sche-Pops being released. PN: DON'T YOU DARE! BB: Don't think I will have to anyway. Seeing as he ALWAYS seems to know what's happening with Pumpkin Peter merch. PN: I can't believe the amount of lien he wastes there! BB: Don't see you complaining much about the hoodie. You look cute BTW wearing it everywhere when you're with Jaune. PN: NEW topic! BB: Okay. Anyway this customer came in, and normally it doesn't matter who serves, but this guy was adamant to only speak to Deery about a "lay away"... which was strange because we don't offer that service... as far as I know. PN: That is strange... what happened? BB: Well Deery shooed me away, to the back room, and started talking real quiet to this guy. PN: That it? BB: Well I missed most of it, because I had to go get some stock from the back, but when I returned I saw him hand her a thankyou card sized red envelope. PN: Red envelope? That's old school. BB: You really think Deery is... in the business? PN: She's scary enough to be. BB: The eyes? PN: The eyes. BB: Well that was it, and when I tried to ask about "lay away" she just brushed me off. Went to the staff room and then came back. PN: Maybe we're reading too much into it? I mean what are the chances? BB: You're right. SO ready for the "date"? Get any good advice from Saphron? PN: Sort of. She said to just myself. Take it slow, and dress casual. She likes seeing me in the hoodie too. BB: LOL PN: Don't laugh or I'll talk Jaune into getting you and Yang matching ones. MEH! BB: Oh yeah?
(Image sent)
PN: DELETE THAT PIC RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BB: NO. You look too cute with jaune's boxers on your head! Might be a sign for things to come? PN: DO NOT MAKE ME KICK YOU ASS! BB: LOL. PN: I MEAN IT! BB: Won't matter if I did. Yang has the original. PN: FUCK!!! This is SO embarrassing!!!!!!! BB: Don't worry Pyrrha. Only us four know about it. We're your friends, we won't do you dirty like that, sharing it public. PN: Are we really... friends? BB: I would like to be... but maybe we can work up to it? besides what friends HAVEN'T tried to kill each other? PN: I have no idea. This whole... relationship, and friends thing is really confusing. Like am I REALLY with Jaune? Does he like me, like I think I like him? BB: Only one way to know for sure... ask him.
(PN signed out.) BB: Rude.
(BB signed out)
Blake signed as she put her scroll away and tried to focus on her job. It was a really slow day, but closing time was only about forty-five minutes away, so that was a good thing. The time dragged on, and soon cash-out and end-of-day had been completed.
"You good to lock up Blake?" Deery asked as she came out of the back carrying a large black duffle bag. "I have an appointment to get to."
"Sure." Blake answered, while eyeing the bag. "See you tomorrow?"
"Bright and early." Deery replied as she grabbed her bag and walked out the door.
"Nah." Blake commented to herself. "Not a chance."
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berryhobii · 1 year ago
Hiii! I recently discovered your account and I'm so in love with you writings 😭. Can you do a namjoon x f!reader where namjoon gets really jealous and possessive so he picks a fight with her but then he regrets it when he saw her crying so he decided to remind her who she belongs to?!! Thanks in advance 💜
Thanks for your request! I actually kind of forgot what you specified so by the time I finished and read it again, I realize that you asked for reader to cry. I totally forgot. I’m sorry! I did include some tears of pleasure though. Hopefully that makes up for it. I also made Namjoon super toxic in this🫣still, I hope you enjoy!🩵🩵🩵
“You’re such an asshole! Why do you always do this?!” You slammed your purse down on your vanity, the furniture rocking under the force. You didn’t even care about your expensive makeup tumbling off it. That blush was $30!
“Why do you always insist on parading yourself around like you’re not in a relationship?”
Your head whipped around so fast that the tips of your braids smacked you in the face.
“You’re acting like I have For Rent sign hanging off my pussy, Namjoon!”
“You might as well!”
This wasn’t the first time you and your long term boyfriend had gotten into an argument like this. Specifically about this particular topic. It was honestly exhausting. Why did you even stick around?
Namjoon had been your on and off boyfriend for close to a decade. You two met in a little after high school. While he went off to college, you immediately started working, deciding that college wasn’t really for you. You worked a lot of odd jobs; mail carrier, retail worker, security guard and now you were a personal assistant at a company you actually really liked. It was good pay, good benefits, you even got your weekends free.
Working at a company meant company dinners. Normally, you’d decline. You’d tell your coworkers that you were tired or that you were spending time with your boyfriend and they’d take that excuse.
But the real reason you didn’t go was because your boyfriend was bat shit crazy.
Your hands waved around as you yelled back, “I’m not fucking anyone else, Namjoon! And I’m not trying to. Why the hell are you so paranoid?”
“How can I not be paranoid when my girlfriend is at a bar in a pair of jeans showing her ass?”
You ran a hand down your face, your laugh spiteful and exasperated. “I have a fat ass, Namjoon! What do you want me to do? Take it off and leave it on the dresser? Do I tell you to keep your dick at home?”
He was being completely unreasonable like always. You were a thicker girl. That would show regardless of what you wore. The fact that he almost blamed you for your body type and clothes as if they didn’t attract him in the first place was absolutely ridiculous. He could barely go 15 minutes without slapping it or telling you how sexy you were. It’s like he didn’t like you even existing outside of your apartment. Some irrational fear that you’re popping your coochie for other people. It was ridiculous.
He watched with rage filled eyes as you started walking around the room, removing your jewelry. He didn’t know why he was so upset. Just seeing you in that bar, laughing and with all those male coworkers around you.
It filled him with something more than jealousy.
Envy. Possessiveness.
You were his. No one else’s.
Honestly, seeing you so frustrated with him made his cock stir. The desire to force you back into submission was heavy on his shoulders and mind.
“Who was that guy you were talking to? I thought you didn’t date short guys.”
You were starting to get a headache. Tossing your earrings in the little dish on your vanity, you said, “his name’s Yoongi and I don’t want to date him. I’ve also never said I don’t date short guys. You’ve been my only boyfriend and it just so happens to be that you’re tall. Why are you putting words in my mouth?”
He could still remember how you laughed at whatever that guy said. Your hand pushing him because you had a tendency to hit people when you were laughing. Who the hell was this Yoongi guy to even be able to make you laugh? Namjoon should be the only one seeing you that joyous.
“It’s like you’re intentionally trying to piss me off. Do you get a kick out of making me angry?”
“If you’re pissed off at my body existing, that sounds like a you problem.” You went to your closet to start removing the bad jeans and your shirt.
“You should have known how I’d react.”
There it was. He was trying to flip it and blame you for his reaction.
Why did you even stay with him? He filled your days with unease. You weren’t the kind of person to let people control your actions. You were an adult. You’ve been handling yourself just fine. You knew deep down that you didn’t need him, the stress he brought.
But Namjoon was familiar. He was the only man you’ve been in a relationship with. He was all you knew. You couldn’t just let him go.
Liar. You could. You could pack up right now and leave him forever. Why haven’t you?
Pulling your night shirt over your head, you walked back out of the closet to see him sitting on the bed. He was manspread and staring at you with dark eyes. If you weren’t so peeved, you’d probably drop to your knees and give him a blowjob so good that it would knock him unconscious. “You know what, Namjoon? I’m so over you. When will you get it through your thick head that I’m not fucking anyone else and I don’t want to?!” You sighed. “In a minute, I won’t even want to fuck you anymore. Not while you’re acting like this.”
Just as you were about to turn around to walk to the bathroom, his hand wrapped around your wrist and yanked you down onto the bed. With a practiced quickness, he was hovering above you, his dragon like eyes staring holes into your face.
“You’re mine. Your pussy is mine. Don’t get mad at me because I don’t want you acting like you’re single.”
You tried to fight out of his hold but his huge body kept you down. Damn it, why did he have to start going to the gym? He was easier to overpower when he was still his lanky self. Now he’s beefed up and while you liked it, it really worked against you in these situations.
“How is me wearing jeans acting like I’m single? It’s not like I sucked anyone’s dick.”
His grin pissed you off even more.
“You probably wanted to. You always have been good at it.”
Fuck being on thin ice. He was in shark infested waters now.
You smirked back. “Yeah, it put your quick nutting ass to sleep everytime.”
His hand wrapped around your throat, not pressing hard enough to cut off your oxygen but enough so you could feel the pressure. You hated yourself for getting excited, pussy clenching. For all the times for your vagina to betray you, it had to be now?
“Take that back.”
“Make me. Bitch.”
His jaw clenched. “Oh. I’ll make you alright.”
That was all it took for him to lift off of you, stalking over to your bedside table. Squinting your eyes suspiciously, you tried to peek past his broad back. You only kept a few things in that drawer.
The clink of those fuzzy blue handcuffs made both excitement and slight nervousness radiate down your body. You hardly used those since Namjoon didn’t have to do much to pin you. If he was getting them, that could only mean one thing.
“You son of a bitch!”
He had lifted the vibrator off your clit, once again denying you of your orgasm. That was number 8 and neither of you were backing down. Your brown skin was slick with sweat, as was your pussy in arousal. Your abused and overstimulated clit throbbed, begging for enough to push you over the edge but this asshole wasn’t having it.
While you were completely naked, he was still fully clothed. Something about that just got to you—the pure dominance in him still having clothes on was sexy as hell but you’d never tell him that. His own erection was painfully straining against his pants. He so badly wanted to just whip it out and fuck your gushing cunt until you were begging for him to stop. But that would be too easy. You didn’t deserve his cock nor any orgasms. Not until you said sorry.
“Apologize and I’ll let you cum.” His jaw tightened letting you know he was getting more and more irritated. Ha!
You glared at him, mentally wishing for him to burst into flames. Sadistic bastard. You’d never say it. It’s his fault for being paranoid. You weren’t about to apologize for his reaction. Your pride wouldn’t let you.
He sighed before pressing the vibrator back against your clit. Your hips jerked up, hands pulling against your restraints as your orgasm rushed back to you.
This has been going on for almost an hour. Namjoon could see you were still holding strong and he hated it. He wanted you to break, wanted you to beg for his forgiveness, for you to go back to being his good girl. He didn’t understand why you couldn’t just be obedient.
Ah well. He liked putting you back in your place. He signed up for it when you two started dating anyway.
“Why do you have to be such a brat? Just say you’re sorry and we can move on.”
You were so close. So so close. Every nerve in your body was set alight with pleasure and absolute malice for your boyfriend. You were a brat? Why was he such a controlling piece of shit?
“Fuck you.” You gritted out.
He took the vibrator away again, your orgasm fading once more. You slumped back against the bed, chest heaving and stubbornness starting to fade.
Maybe you should just apologize. It’s not like you’d actually mean it. It would just stroke this sadistic motherfucker’s ego and make him feel like he has some power over you.
Turning off the vibrator, he tossed it to the side before moving to unbuckle his pants. The action itself was way sexier than it was. Was he finally about to fuck you? That would make you cum instantly.
No, he wouldn’t. He knew you came super easily from penetration. If you knew him like you think you did, you know he wasn’t giving up.
His hard cock sprung out of his pants. Your lust filled eyes locked on it. God, why did he have to be this way? You were already thirsty for him, you only wanted his cock. So why did he think you wanted to screw every man you came across?
He stroked his cock a few times, yet another action that shouldn’t be as sexy as it was.
Gripping the back of your thigh, he pushed it into your body, your other following out of instinct. He smirked at your movement and you wanted to kick him in his face.
Lining up with your hole, he began pushing inside. Your back arched at the wide intrusion, relief flooding you at finally having his cock stretch you.
But when you didn’t feel the rest of his cock inside, you lifted your head. It looked like he was struggling himself, breathing out a shaky breath at your tight walls. You were a brat but you had the best pussy he’s ever had.
“What the hell…..?”
He lifted his head to look at your desperate and confused face. Hook, line and sinker. You were too easy.
“You don’t deserve my whole cock. If you don’t want to apologize, I’m not gonna give it to you.”
“So you’re just gonna give me the tip?! You bastard!” You tried to kick your legs but he held them in place.
Best believe, he wanted nothing more than to bury his cock in your slick walls and pound you through the mattress but he had a lesson to teach. You couldn’t keep getting away with this behavior.
A few small thrusts and he already felt ready to bust.
You bucked your hips, trying to get him to sink deeper but he backed up to keep just the tip inside of you.
“You ass! What the hell is your problem?”
“Apologize. Last chance.”
Your blood boiled in your veins. You wanted to cum so badly but you refused to say you were sorry. You’ve had enough of this ass pushing you around.
His head hung low as he thrusted a few more times, one stroke going just a little bit deeper and brushing past your sweet spot.
Fuck this!
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry okay?”
That grin was back. Easy work.
He adjusted himself before ramming his entire cock into your walls. His fingers dug into your thighs hard enough to bruise.
“See? That wasn’t so hard now was it?”
You didn’t even have the nerve to retort. All you could focus on was the feeling of his cock. Your orgasm was right there once again and you were confident you’d finally reach it.
A sudden pain to your breast caused your back to arch. You lifted your head just as it happened again.
Namjoon twisted your nipple between his fingers, the sharp pain only adding to the thick haze of pleasure.
“See how good it feels when you just do what I say? Say you’re sorry again.”
He twisted your nipple again, your mouth opening to scream out an, “Sorry! I’m so sorry!!”
“Good girl.”
Picking up the vibrator again, he clicked it to its highest setting before pressing it back on your clit, his hips still delivering deep strokes to your fluttering walls.
Your throat ached from the Bloody Mary scream you let out. Tears pricked at your waterline, your chest feeling tight as the most powerful orgasm you’ve ever had slammed into you.
Your legs kicked sporadically, hips bucking as you humped against the toy. Black dots danced in front of your vision as you rode out the almost endless orgasm. The first one didn’t even have a chance to come down before you were floating into the next one.
Namjoon cursed as you squeezed him impossibly tight, little droplets of liquid hitting his pelvis.
The hand that wasn’t holding the toy went to wrap around your throat, shaking you a little and forcing you to focus on him.
“Whose pussy is this?” He needed to hear you say it.
Your mouth dropped open but no words came out. Tears streaked down your face, your mascara getting all messed up.
You were perfection to him. His perfect little toy.
His fingers pushed down over your pulse point before he asked you again, “I asked you a question.” He growled. The headboard was crashing into the wall, leaving an indent you’d complain about tomorrow but he didn’t care. He’d just fuck that out of you too.
“Yours! It’s yours! I’m sorry!” You slurred, yet another orgasm coursing through you, your toes curling hard enough to crack. You didn’t even think you were still in your body. Your mind was somewhere else. That let you know that he had effectively fucked you dumb.
“That’s right. It’s mine. Don’t you forget it. Now thank me for my cock.” He pressed the toy harder on your clit, thrusts speeding up. If not for the handcuffs and his hold on your throat, you would have been slammed through the wall.
“T-thank you, thank you, thank you! Fuhhhhhhhhh—uuuuccckkkk….”
With one last vice like squeeze of your walls, Namjoon pulled out of you, releasing your neck to pump his cock over your stomach. Hot splashes of his release painted your brown skin, your eyes falling shut at the sensation.
Your legs fell from their folded position, your body squirming away from the vibrator. Namjoon clicked it off before dropping it to the ground with a loud thud.
Both of your chests heaved from exertion, your body still twitching in the aftershocks. You felt ready to pass out.
Namjoon stared down at you—your belly covered in his cum and your skin already darkening just a little from his grip on you.
You couldn’t see his smirk but it was there.
You were his. And it would stay that way.
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summerwritesfics · 7 months ago
🗺️Love Comes Wearing Disguises
Pairing: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang Length: 1740 Words Rating: Mature Warnings: Modern AU, Retail AU, Sex Shop, First Meetings, Meet-Cute, Implied/Referenced Sex, Sex Toys, Past Character Death, Implied/Referenced Sexual Harassment AU-Gust 2024 Day 11: Retail Worker
AU-Gust 2024 Masterlist
Notes: Johnny feels like the kinda guy who’d try to hook two of his friends up just because he can lmfao. Just realised upon reading this back, the third guy with Hanzo and Johnny is Kenshi I just never really introduced him. 😂 He’s not really that important in this, but that is him. lol Title is from My Type by Saint Motel
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Kuai Liang had heard just about everything he possibly could about his job.
Questions on if he got to test the wares, if he’d done certain sex acts, where the best local orgies met at. He wasn’t entirely sure what it was about working in a sex shop that made people decide that asking entirely inappropriate questions was acceptable, but it did seem to. He’d been slut shamed, hit on, yelled at, ogled at, sometimes all at the same time. Honestly, he couldn’t wait until he was done with his degree and he could find a new job.
Thankfully, his boss let him keep some pepper spray under the counter. Doubly thankfully, he had so far never had to use it.
He sighed as he opened a box, looking upon a new stock of brand new vibrators. It was from one of his favourite brands and he was quite interested in this one. He slipped one out, putting it behind the counter so he could buy it later, and then carried the box over to where he needed to display them.
As he placed the box down again, the bell on the door went off and he looked up just in time to see three men entering the shop.
“C’mon I’m telling you dude, this will get you back in the game,” the one man insisted, and he recognised him immediately. None other than Johnny Cage, famous movie star. He was, weirdly, a regular in the shop, and if Kuai was honest, he was definitely one of the more top tier customers in terms of how he acted. He was always extremely polite and never too over the top with his questions. Kuai Liang didn’t recognise the men with him, but he hoped if they were with Johnny then they’d be alright too. When Johnny saw Kuai, he waved and said “hey man, how are you doing?”
“I’m doing well, thank you Mr. Cage,” he replied, placing a couple of the vibrators on the shelf. “Can I help you at all today?”
“Not me, but maybe my friend here.” Johnny pushed forward one of the men, who looked completely mortified to be put on the spot. “His name is Hanzo, and he’s trying to put himself back out there, so I thought maybe getting some stuff from here might spice things up for him.”
“I see.” That was actually incredibly common. Lots of people, upon going through a breakup, would find themselves grabbing a toy or two to keep themselves satisfied. “Well, what sort of thing did you have in mind?”
“I- I have no idea,” Hanzo muttered, trying to look anywhere but at Kuai Liang. “What would you recommend?”
“Uh.” That was a loaded question, because without knowing Hanzo’s tastes it was hard to know what to point him towards. Eventually he cleared his throat and replied “well, I mean, there are a couple of vibrators I really like.”
The group stood in silence, and Kuai felt himself start to panic that he’d said something wrong or offended them. Then Johnny began to laugh to himself, both his companions turning to look at him questioningly.
“Well, uh. Thanks for confirming you’re a bottom,” Johnny said in a jovial tone, and Kuai felt his face start to go hot. He hadn’t even considered how his statement could be taken. “I mean. I had a feeling, but… Y’know. Didn’t wanna ask.”
“Oh my god,” Kuai groaned, putting his face in his hands and bending over slightly. He wanted the Earth to swallow him whole. “Oh god, I’m so sorry.”
“N-No I’m sorry,” Hanzo hurriedly assured him. “I should have clarified what I’m looking for better.”
“Hmm.” Kuai managed to stand back up straight, and brushed his hair out of his face. “So. Um. Y-You’re looking more for… fleshlights?”
“Yes. I think so,” he replied, and oh god, Kuai was glad that he was also feeling embarrassed right now. He couldn’t have coped if he was feeling it alone.
“We’ll leave you two to it,” Johnny claimed, turning to look at some of the porn dvd’s they had on display. “If that’s fine with you, Kuai Liang?”
“Absolutely,” Kuai replied, abandoning the vibrators and walking over to where the fleshlights were. He was joined by Hanzo, who was still clearly trying to not make eye contact with him. “So. Um. These are what we have. I’ve been told this one is pretty good as a first buy.”
“I see,” Hanzo spoke as Kuai pointed to the item in question. He reached to take a look at it. “I… Assume you don’t have many personal recommendations?”
Kuai coughed on his own spit, before groaning “I just outed myself so badly didn’t I?”
Hanzo chuckled slightly and said “you did.”
“Ugh. Johnny is never going to let me live this down.” He placed a hand to his head. Sure, Johnny was just a customer, but he was in the shop rather a lot. And this felt like the sort of thing he would forever be teased about.
“Knowing him, absolutely not.” Hanzo sighed dramatically. “How do you know him, by the way?”
“I- He’s a regular customer,” Kuai said with a shrug. He didn’t really know Johnny, especially given he was a famous movie star. They were friendly but he doubted they could ever be friends thanks to that.
“Huh.” Hanzo seemed confused, looking over his shoulder towards Johnny, before lowering his voice slightly. “Just, when he was talking about you, he made it sound like you two were good friends.”
“Wait…” Kuai tried to process that, wondering how to address what he’d just discovered. “He’s talked about me?”
“Well. Yes.” Hanzo straightened himself out, now acting like he was also discovering some new information. “I mean, he was just extremely insistent that you’d help me find what I need.”
Why does that sound almost like Johnny’s trying to get us to hook up? Because why wouldn’t he say Hanzo could find what he needed in the shop? Rather than straight from Kuai Liang. And then there was how he pretty much immediately pushed Hanzo forward to talk to Kuai Liang.
There was a light of realisation in Hanzo’s eyes as they widened and he whispered “oh my god, he was trying to set us up together, wasn’t he?”
“I think so,” Kuai giggled. Honestly, he was so used to guys just aggressively coming onto him, he was surprised he’d never had anyone bring their friend to meet him yet. This was a new experience.
“I am so sorry,” Hanzo reiterated in a devisated tone, placing a hand on his forehead. “I should have realised that he was up to something.” He sighed and shook his head. “I know he means well, but for fucks sake.” Hanzo held his hands up. “Please accept my sincerest apologies, and know you do not have to do anything more than sell me a sex toy.”
“Don’t worry, you are fine.” It was nice that someone actually apologised to him. But this wasn’t Hanzo’s fault. And this was far from the worst interaction he’d had at work. “Trust me, I’ve had some doozies.”
“I can imagine.” Hanzo looked down at the fleshlight in his hand. “I would suspect you get a lot of men who have no sense of boundaries.”
“You have no idea,” Kuai muttered under his breath. “There’s a reason I have pepper spray under the counter.”
“Thank you for not using that on me,” Hanzo said in such a serious tone it actually made Kuai Liang laugh. Hanzo himself ended up chuckling. “Like I said, Johnny means well. I’ve been trying to get myself out there in terms of dating but it’s… hard…”
“And Johnny thought your perfect match was the guy who works at the sex shop?” Kuai dryly pointed out, and once again he got a chuckle.
“Was it a bad break up?” Kuai questioned, since that was usually what people meant when they talked about getting back out there.
Hanzo gave him a sollom look. “I lost my wife about two years ago.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.” It hadn’t even occurred to him that something so terrible had happened. “That must have been hard.”
“It was, I was in a dark place for a very long time.” Hanzo sighed deeply, but then smiled to himself. “But my friends made me realise that Harumi wouldn’t have wanted me to wallow in self pity. She’d have wanted me to find happiness, no matter what.”
“Well, I certainly hope you find that happiness,” Kuai sincerely told him, reaching to pat his shoulder. He did feel for the guy, definitely. And honestly? He was kind of good looking. If they’d met outside of his work, Kuai might have actually considered a date with him.
“Thank you,” Hanzo said with a nod. “Sorry about everything again. I mean, you are very cute, but I would feel bad hitting on you when you’re just trying to do your work.”
Out of all the guys who’d come in and called him cute, Hanzo had been the most respectful. His mind rolled back to his previous thought, that if they’d met outside of the shop, Kuai would have considered it. And well… Johnny didn’t feel like the sort of guy who’d just throw a complete weirdo at him.
“Well... I get off work at about 5ish, and generally stop by the sandwich shop down the street to get something to eat,” he drawled, watching Hanzo stare at him in confusion. “If we were to just happen to run into each other, I wouldn’t be at work anymore.”
Realisation seemed to hit Hanzo and his eyes widened. It took a couple of seconds, but eventually he began to smile to himself.
“Yes. I suppose you wouldn’t.” Hanzo chuckled to himself under his breath, actually seeming a little flustered by Kuai’s suggestion. “Well. I should probably pay.” He held up the fleshlight slightly as he spoke. “And then, hm, maybe around 5ish I’ll find myself hungry and showing up at the sandwich shop.”
“It’d be a total coincidence, of course,” Kuai continued the bit, giggling slightly as he did.
They shared a knowing smirk with each other.
“Let me ring you up,” Kuai finally said, gesturing towards the cash register. As he continued to make small talk and take the payment, he found himself getting excited about their totally-not-intended date later.
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year ago
Honestly I understand it would be a bit hard to write for the medicine seller. Iirc the way he was characterized between Monoke (the episode series) and the like 2 episodes he shows up in in Ayakashi was very different? To me at least. In Ayakashi he's more... social? And emotionally invested in whatever is going on. In mononoke he's got the vibe of a retail worker who is only passively there to do his job lol
i haven't seen ayakashi (nor did i know the medicine vendor existed outside of mononoke, pls drop the episode numbers anon </3), but i think in mononoke, he's kinda filling a very,,, passive narrator role, if that makes sense. like he IS literally just there to hang out and do his job and occasionally make some small talk with the nearest working-class woman. he might seem a little less zoned out if he's not, like, presiding over the story as it unfolds and therefore sorta set at a distance from whatever's going on. the world is a walmart to him and he is simply that guy who has to stand kinda close to the self-checkout and wait for something to happen.
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lestappenforever · 1 year ago
Max watching tit streamers anon here (I shall sign as 🍒 anon)
During quarantine, Max broke up with his then girlfriend Dilara. And well, ig he did need to fill an need of his so he went ahead and followed a bunch of insta models and also started watching tit streamers on twitch (idk if that's the proper term for them but yk they were "gamer" girls wearing some rather suggestive clothing).
People learnt about his endeavors on Twitch because he would comment stuff on these girls' streams and even make donations (i remember him making a donation and commenting sth abt the girl using the money to buy a simulator(?)) Our boy is not that creative with usernames so everyone could more or less understand it was him.
Now it's fair to mention that at the time Max had created an account on Twitch, which he streamed on, however quickly gave up on it. Plus he didn't use this account to comment on these girls' streams. He did so from his burner (?) account
When people found out they started pointing out his comments on Twitter and tumblr and I remember there being a post where they mentioned that Max had once wrote in some girl's that was wearing glasses chat that she looks like a "sexy teacher". The next day Charles had a stream and it was one of the first times he wore his glasses on stream, so some people considered it to be a funny coincidence (or not just coincidence we may never know👀)
Part 2:
🍒 anon again
"Regarding that particular stream Charles did (where he locked his now-ex gf out of the apartment) we have no clue whether Max watched it or not.
What we do know, though, is that Max liked Charles' tweet about it.
I remember lestappies in 2020 (that I'm pretty sure could be counted on like one hand), we were having a field day with it.
It was actually rather interesting that Max liked Charles' tweet given that this was back when they didn't use to be as close and used Lando as their messenger, as well as the fact that they do not follow each other on Twitter.
So this did raise the question as to how Max found out abt this tweet, but most concluded that he found out because Lando had interacted with it.
Really, lestappen and their relationship with each other back in the 2020 quarantine period is quite an overlooked chapter of their story, and it's filled with such small moments worth mentioning"
YOU CAME BACK! Thank fuck.
Okay, so during quarantine I was working retail in a grocery store and had to work harder and longer days than I had ever done in my life (and let me tell you, being an essential worker during the pandemic was exhausting), so I must have missed the comments on women's streams altogether. But I am so glad to have you, 🍒 anon, to fill me in on little things I might have missed over the years!
The 2020 quarantine era of Lestappen is definitely overlooked because there are so many gems like this that should get more attention. And Lando being the Lestappen carrier pigeon during this time is just one of those glorious gems.
Thank you so much for this, 🍒 anon! ❤️
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