#dr greyson
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I'm a sucker for glasses as you can see
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1423nam · 8 days
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Quick Dr Greyson comic I drew a few days ago. I can see him giving in easily to make his patients happy… only to meet a very unimpressed Zayne.
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dawnbreakersgaze · 4 months
You either die a fandom normie, or live long enough to see yourself become that one weirdo entirely obsessed with that super niche side character that like 4 other people care about.
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beneathashadytree · 1 month
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Warnings : none I think!
Genre : tooth-rotting fluff <33
Additional notes : My first ever commission YAYY🫶🏽🫶🏽 Thanks to @dawnbreakersgaze for giving me the opportunity to dive into their relationship with our resident doctor!! This was so much fun, seriously 💗💗
Commissions are open!
Tip jar!
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Taglist: @dawnbreakersgaze
Sign up for my taglist here! NOW: GREYSON ADDED!
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Ok... So hear me out... Dr. Greyson did ask Zayne for advice because he has a crush on a hunter like M/C. But what if it's Tara? Oh em gee!!!!! I think they will look together... 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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occasional-drabbles · 2 months
Cardiology Runs on Caffeine
Figured I'd go ahead and contribute some to the Dr. Greyson fandom, inspired by @dawnbreakersgaze ! So enjoy.... this?
Third shifts can suck. Especially third shifts in retail. You have to hope that all of the stores you need are open by the time you get off work, or you have to keep yourself awake even longer to take care of errands, or wake up hours before your shift. Phone calls and appointments interrupting your sleep, killing your social time with non-third-shifters. 
Despite all of that, you wouldn’t trade third shift for the world. Sure, you get some… interesting customers, the occasional drunkard, but you also get the hard workers who are doing their best to keep things going till morning. The medical professionals, the students, the drivers, all of whom are so grateful that you’re still open. Those are your favorite customers. 
Just as you were thinking over that fact while tidying up behind the counter, you lifted your head when hearing the bell at the entrance to the cafe. 
“Welcome!” You greeted, just like always, only to get more genuinely excited when recognizing the familiar wavy brown hair from the doorway. “Ah, Dr. Greyson!” You greet, going to the counter. The poor man looked tired, but that didn’t stop him from offering you a brilliant smile that made your cheeks flush slightly. “Would you like your usual, or something new?”
Grayson hummed as he considered the offer. “Let’s go with a surprise.” He answered, nodding to himself as if to solidify the decision. 
You let out a small laugh as you started to get everything out, listening as he started to absently hum to the music playing on the radio. “Is this the start of your shift, or the end?” You asked curiously. How much caffeine does he need?
“It’s the start, and I have a feeling it’s going to be a long one.” He answered honestly, leaning against the counter to watch you work, even with your back to him at the moment. “But at least I’ll be starting it on the right foot, with some of your amazing handiwork to get me going.” By his tone alone you could picture the adorably confident grin on his face. 
You laughed at his flirtations, glancing over your shoulder at him, hoping your face wasn’t as flushed as it felt. “You flatter me, doctor~” 
You two fell into a comfortable silence as you worked, the radio filling the quiet. You did a few little tricks as you worked since it’s been a slow night and you can’t help it, really. Dr. Greyson is such a kind person, but well respected. The kind of man you can’t not like. Something about him compelled you to impress him, in what little ways that you could. 
It didn’t take long before you were offering him his cup, going through the usual transaction. “I know it’s easier said than done, but try to take care of yourself where you can, okay?” You asked him, glancing up from the register. “This might come as a shock, but I actually enjoy having you come by.” You teased, your smile widening to a more proper grin when seeing the tell-tale signs of a blush on his cheeks. 
Greyson let out a sheepish laugh, rubbing the back of his neck as he finally picked up his drink. “Aww, you flatter me!” He insisted, trying to keep his fluster from being quite so obvious, and failing spectacularly. 
You just grinned, settling your cheek in your hand. “I just speak the truth.” You returned playfully, knowing that you need to send him on his way soon… but you’re enjoying his company so much that you’re hesitant to remind him of the fact. Unfortunately, you know that you can’t be that selfish. 
“As much as I’d love to keep you all to myself, I should probably let you get going. Let you go be an awesome doctor, saving lives, all that amazing stuff.” You encouraged, even playfully moving your hands to shoo him out. 
Greyson laughed more heartily this time, leaving his usual tip for you as he got ready to leave, holding his free hand up in surrender. “Okay, okay, I’m leaving. But you need to take care of yourself too, okay?” He insisted, even pointing at you in playful ‘warning’ as he stood at the door, his grin never faltering. 
You offered him a salute in response, your amused giggles music to Greyson’s ears as he finally left to finish his walk to Akso. He already felt refreshed, and he hadn’t even tried the undoubtedly amazing drink you’d made for him yet. 
You hummed in content as you watched him go, your sorrow that your time with him today was so short gradually getting overshadowed as an idea began to form. 
And oh was this going to be beautiful. 
For the rest of your blissfully quiet shift, you were working on your little plan. Scouring your messages for information and prepping the materials. Perhaps this was some wild overkill, you aren’t even entirely certain if you could get away with it… but there’s only one way to find out! 
So once your shift ended and your coworker was there to take over for you, you gathered the drink carriers you’d just finished preparing, and headed in the same direction that Greyson had gone down just a few hours ago. You knew he worked at Akso Hospital, in the cardiology department, so you didn’t have to look completely foolish trying to figure out where he worked. 
Despite how brief your interactions always end up, you still managed to learn a lot about him and his coworkers, to the point you actually recognized some of them when they came in the first time at his suggestion. It still makes you chuckle, remembering their shocked and mildly concerned faces. Greyson had gotten such a kick out of it when you told him about it, to the point he had accidentally snorted hot coffee up his nose since you hadn’t timed it well enough. You still feel bad for that, no matter how much he insists it’s fine… 
Seeing Akso in front of you, you took a deep breath and walked in. The sun was just barely coming up, and honestly you were tired. But you’re also determined. Besides, if you’re tired, what of the doctors and nurses you’ve gotten to know here? 
Speaking of, you beamed when recognizing a familiar face at the front desk. “Yvonne!” You were quick to get to the front desk, careful not to spill your trays, setting them on the counter to let your wrists rest and to grab one of the cups out. 
“Well fancy seeing you here!” Yvonne returned, genuinely seeming surprised, but eyeing the cups hopefully. “I’m going to hope that you’re here to be an angel of caffeine, and not as a patient?” She asked, glancing up to you again. 
You nodded with a laugh, offering her a cup with her name on it. “I’m not here as a patient, no. I just got off work and thought it’d be fun to surprise everyone I could with a little ‘pick-me-up’. Greyson mentioned he had a feeling it was going to be a long day, so…” You trailed off as your cheeks warmed, offering a sheepish shrug to finish your mini-ramble. It didn’t help that Yvonne was grinning at you in such a cat-like way that if it weren’t a hospital, you’d be inclined to cover her face. 
“Wait here, dear. I’ll get Greyson to come down for you.” She reassured, picking up her work phone to call him up. You couldn’t quite hear what was being said, but you had a feeling you’d find out soon. 
As expected, Greyson didn’t take long to make his appearance. It was a little strange to see him all geared up, white coat and all. But it also seemed fitting. Really cemented the whole doctor thing. He looked downright exhausted now, your expression softening in sympathy. The fatigue didn’t last though, his confusion replaced with excitement when seeing you. It almost reminded you of a puppy, if you were honest. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked, though it wasn’t accusatory. A little concerned, but not upset in the slightest. 
Instead of answering him immediately, you pulled out his cup from the drink trays, offering it to him with a smile. “I come bearing gifts.” You teased lightly. 
You may as well have just told him you hung the sun yourself, with the complete and utter joy and gratitude that he was looking at you with. 
He accepted the cup easily and took a sip, letting out a content hum at the taste. His usual, exactly as he likes it. “You are a godsend.” He breathed, noticing the rest of the cups. “Are those for the others?” He asked, looking to Yvonne as she took a pointed sip of her own sweet caffeine concoction. 
Greyson looked to you again as you nodded, more sheepish now. “Who I could remember, at least. I don’t know if I’m allowed to take them back or not, though…” 
Greyson and Yvonne both looked at each other for a moment before sharing a nod. Yvonne took just a moment to provide a visitor badge for you, though she instead passed it to Greyson, who very gently settled it on your shirt. He made sure you had plenty of time to stop him if you wanted, but you were too flustered and surprised by the flurry of movement to actually intervene, not that you found yourself inclined to stop him to begin with. 
“So long as you don’t go far, it should be fine.” He reassured with a grin, grabbing one of the trays. 
You took the cue, picking up the other tray and following him as he led you out of the waiting room. He held the door open for you, leading you down the hallways. As expected, the hospital smelled very… clean. Sharp. But not unpleasant. Though, maybe that’s thanks to having the warmest person next to you, beaming at you. “Now, what prompted the surprise visit?” He asked curiously. 
You flushed, focusing on your tray because you feared you might combust if you looked up at him as you answered. “You mentioned that you had a feeling it was going to be a long shift… I figured you’d have a pretty good sense for when to expect long shifts, and my shift was pretty slow. So… I thought it’d be fun to make drinks for as many people as I could remember.” You shrugged sheepishly, glancing up at him again. 
Greyson’s expression had softened, but his smile never faltered. “That’s real sweet of you, y’know that?” He asked, even if he wasn’t really expecting an answer. 
Not that you were really given an opportunity to answer, one of the interns you’d made a drink for stopping you two in the hall. 
“Oh, hey!” They greeted, surprised as they looked between the two of you, glancing at your visitor’s pass for just a moment before looking to Greyson curiously. 
You let Greyson explain that you had brought drinks for some of the staff, checking the trays to figure out which cup went to the intern. As a result, you were oblivious to the intern realizing just how well you and Greyson were getting along. They didn’t dare comment on it, of course, but… they couldn’t deny it, either!
So instead they just thanked you profusely for the drink before hurrying down the hall again, likely having more stuff to take care of. 
Greyson led you to the nearest break room, setting the tray down to sort through them and figure out who got which cup. You’d even made a cup for Dr. Zayne, even if you aren’t entirely sure if he was going to be here tonight. He’s such a workaholic, you wouldn’t be surprised if he was. 
Greyson hummed softly as he sorted the cups, then turning his attention to you. “You’re an angel.” He told you, leaving no room for argument, but his tone was gentle all the same. There was affection lacing every syllable, and a weight to it that you couldn’t quite place. 
It had your face flushing despite yourself, rubbing the back of your neck as you looked away again. “It’s just… it feels like a little thing I can do to support you guys… you work so hard to take care of everyone.” You tried to explain. 
Greyson chuckled, considering for a moment before wrapping one arm around your shoulders to give you a small hug without overwhelming you, squeezing you into his side carefully. “That’s sweet of you. We do this job because we want to help people, but small acts of kindness like this help us get through it a little easier.” 
Glancing to the clock in the room, he honestly started to pout. “I should go ahead and let you head home, though. I don’t want to keep you up too late, and I can go ahead and distribute these to where they need to go.” He offered, his arm still around you as he led you out of the break room. “This really was an awesome surprise though, angel.” He hummed playfully, running at how flustered you got at the nickname. 
You couldn’t help but elbow him in retaliation, though you were careful not to risk doing actual damage or anything. Clearly you didn’t do any damage, based on the laughter that followed your ‘attack’. 
“Whaaaat?” Greyson whined playfully, still grinning as he looked down at you, holding his hands up in surrender. “I’m just telling the truth! You’re amazing, and it’s a fact!” He insisted, opening the door to the waiting room for you again. 
You were so distracted by Greyson’s teasing that you didn’t notice Yvonne and the intern watching you two from the front desk as you shoved Greyson again, even as your own laughter started to bubble up. “Oh shut up!” You fussed, trying to calm down at least somewhat. 
Greyson just looked proud of himself, playfully acting as if he were seriously thinking over the instruction before shaking his head. “Naaaah.”
You snort, rolling your eyes and waving him off. “Go back to being a smart handsome doctor.” 
There were a few beats of quiet as everyone registered what you had just said, Greyson finding himself starting to flush almost as much as you had earlier. You, on the other hand, thought you could combust right then and there with how flustered you were. 
“Um… have a good rest of your shifts!” You quickly said before hurrying out of the hospital, mentally kicking yourself for such an embarrassing exit. 
Yvonne was the first of the trio still in the hospital to speak, turning her chair towards Greyson and quirking a brow. “So…. you’re going to ask them out, right?”
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erisnxxi · 20 days
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feyre5 · 1 month
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angel-jupiter · 20 days
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Dr Greyson’s face is: 😇🥰😇
But his voice: 😈😈🫦🫦💦💦
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ps-forgetmenot · 15 days
Please tell me I'm not the only one who thought Dr. Greyson was an oldie before seeing his 3d model. Pleaseeee 🫠
I mean, look at him!! He looks so young and precious. He looks like my son and I wanna take care of him and be overprotective of him HAHA ✌️😆🫠💖
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linkon-city · 4 months
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𝖭𝖤𝖶𝖲𝖢𝖠𝖲𝖳𝖤𝖱 ... After an injection of Protocore Energy, the success rate of clinical treatment dramatically improves. In other news... In recent months, the number of Wanderers in Linkon has increased due to the fluctuations of Metaflux. Metaflux-related explosions have currently left 35 people wounded with 2 casualties in Bloomshore District. We advise all citizens to be careful...
𝚃𝙰𝚁𝙰 What are you doing here? I thought you were out on a mission again.
𝙼𝙲 Yeah. I'll check out soon. I just finished reading these reports. I'll turn them in in a second.
𝚃𝙰𝚁𝙰 You're working so hard. Handling all these missions and investigating Metaflux incidents.
𝙼𝙲 I refuse to believe what happened to me was just an accident.
𝚃𝙰𝚁𝙰 I'm worried about you. How about we grab something to eat? My treat.
Captain, I'll send you the reports soon!
𝙹𝙴𝙽𝙽𝙰 Thank you. I just got one about a Protocore analysis. Who sent it?
𝙼𝙲 Oh, yes! Sorry about that. That was me...
𝚃𝙰𝚁𝙰 Uh, you ok? I bet you haven't got enough sleep. Rest. And don't be too hard on yourself.
𝙼𝙲 I'm fine, Tara. Besides, I wouldn't dare fall asleep when...
𝙶𝚁𝙴𝚈𝚂𝙾𝙽 Hi, there! Just calling to remind you—you have an appointment today.
𝙼𝙲 Dr Greyson?
𝙶𝚁𝙴𝚈𝚂𝙾𝙽 You had a transapical Metaflux ablation last month, right? Dr Zayne has your medical report. But you'll need to get an Evol Cardiac Examination first.
𝙼𝙲 Ok...
Zayne... He'll be worried if I don't go.
Captain, I...
𝙹𝙴𝙽𝙽𝙰 Take care of your health first. Then you'll have the energy to do other things.
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harunayuuka2060 · 3 days
Yvonne: Dr. Zayne, it looks like you're in a particularly good mood today.
Zayne: No, not really. I feel normal like on any other day.
Yvonne: ...
Yvonne: *could clearly see the subtle smile on his face* *smiles*
Yvonne: If you say so, Dr. Zayne.
Dr. Greyson: How about you calm down a little bit?
MC: *is on the floor; has been making embarrassed noises for almost an hour*
MC: I got ahead of myself...
MC: What am I gonna do if he asks why I did that?
Dr. Greyson: ...
Dr. Greyson: You'll figure things out. Now please get up.
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dawnbreakersgaze · 1 month
Dr.Greyson got a face reveal in Zayne’s new card !!
Please nonnie TELL ME WHY I CRIED trying to get the courage to freaking watch the video lmaooooo I'm such a god damned baby 🤣😩😭
But it's okay he's an adorable little DORK
Everything else I say will be posted below the cut for spoilers
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I'll update this with better quality photos when I actually get the card on my iPad and get some BEEFY good quality.
I got the brown hair and (maybe??) blue eyes right, though they look more on the gray-blue side rather than the piercing blue I gave him.
And those glasses?! You guys have no idea how BADLY I wanted to give Grey glasses but I thought it was "too much" like Zayne SO FUCK YEAH I GET TO DRAW HIM IN GLASSES MUAHAHAHA
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He's definitely got the straight af nose I gave him, but the jawline is very much more typical of the style LnDS likes (which makes sense, it's still an art style, even in 3d models). I love that they gave him the longer, less arched brows (another thing I drew, though they definitely went thinner, to compliment the much more delicate, boyish facial structure they've gone with).
My only big complaint is the haircut tbh, and that's just because I desperately wanted SOMEONE, ANYONE on LnDS to have some longer, wavy hair 😩😩😩 I'm going to miss drawing those luscious locks and imagining running my fingers through them and thinking about pulling his hair a lil, you know, as a treat 😌
Overall, while he doesn't resemble my Greyson very much, I give him a 7.5/10
Would still smash. He looks like he'd fall to pieces if you showed him your boobs and imo that's just as wonderful as a man who's confident with them. He's a man you can teach and he'd study pretty damn hard iykwim 👀
His glasses are cute and so is he. He's giving "the entire cast of The Mummy" smashed into one person, and my bisexual ass is here for all of it.
As for what this means for Greyson's blog and my art and my Greyson? Well, that'll be an answer for not very very tired Kay 😅
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beneathashadytree · 1 month
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fluff: normal, smut: bold, angst: italics
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After the First Date (texts) [commission]
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ineclipsedpast · 7 months
MC: I didn’t drink that much last night.
Dr. Greyson: you were flirting with Zayne.
MC: so what? He’s my boyfriend.
Dr. Greyson: you asked if he was single
Dr. Greyson: and then you cried when he said he wasn’t.
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First Glimpse of Dr. Greyson. He looks so cute and the best wingman!!!!
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