#tiny spider in their parent’s room or smth
koerinz · 10 months
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September, 1981
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mrvltwimagines · 4 years
The Secret
SUMMARY: You didn’t even know how to process your own emotions over the situation, what would Peter think?
WARNINGS: None really, a lil self doubt. a bit of angst, but ends fluffy!
REQUEST PROMPT: Would you do an angsty one, where reader finds out she's pregnant, and is afraid that peter will break up with her, so a she starts to ghost him, or smth like that, but when peter finds out, he's super happy and they make up - I did age him a bit so the characters are graduated out of high school!
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You and Peter took great precaution when it came to having sex. Like any other eighteen year olds, you both weren’t ready to be parents. Especially considering it’s almost a nightly occurrence that Peter puts his life on the line for the sake of helping innocent civilians.
You have never, and you never would ask Peter to give up his crime fighting. You saw the peace and joy it brought him, even when he ends up with black eyes or other bruises scattered across his body. He found any pain that was planted on him was worth saving someone else from death or serious trauma. You would never want to take that away from him. In fact, it’s that selflessness that made you fall in love with him.
Even with all he’s been through, he always comes home to your guys’ shared apartment with a small smile and a kiss. The two of you dated throughout all of high school, before he even turned into “spider-man”
You guys have been through so much more than anyone knows, and the instant you two graduated you were quick to find a nice apartment in the middle of New York City to start your adventure off by yourselves. You loved everything about being in a relationship with Peter. While you sometimes wished he was there more often to fall asleep together, or even that he was there more than fifty percent of the time to wake up to, there wasn’t anything substantial that would ever make you want to leave him.
That was until the positive sign showed up on the pregnancy test you had just taken.
Your mind wracked through any and all of the times you and Peter had sex, and you can’t think of any time where you had forgotten to take your birth control. You had a set schedule every day, and taking your prescribed pills at the same time is a constant that you haven’t forgotten ever. 
Panic started to set in as you began to think about what this means. A literal human was going to be growing inside of you, and your boyfriend was a crime fighter that could die any day. You hated to think like that, but it was the truth. It was the icing on top that you both were so young. You were just about to start your first year of college, and Peter was about to start training with Tony at the Stark Tower. Things were falling together, just for this tiny plus sign to cause everything to fall apart.
What if he leaves you for this? You shook your head at the thought. You knew he wasn’t quite ready to have a kid, but he wasn’t heartless. But what if he gets angry at you? What if he asks you to get an abortion? You were stuck. You fully supported those who wanted to get abortions, not everyone is fit to be a mother, or has the right financial situation, or some people just don’t want to push a baby out of their vagina, but you’ve always dreamt of having your own kid. You’ve wanted to practice your own and better parenting techniques that you knew you naturally had from years of watching your parents do the wrong thing. You were conflicted between despising that you got pregnant, and feeling unbelievably grateful and happy that you were. 
You looked at yourself in the mirror. You still held the pregnancy test in your hands as you stared at your own wide eyes, unable to stop yourself from glancing down at your stomach as if you would even be showing yet. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the front door open and Peter’s signature greeting yelled out to you. You quickly threw the pregnancy test in your makeup bag, zipping it up, and heading out of the bathroom to the kitchen where Peter was pouring himself a glass of water.
When he saw you, a smile popped on his face, and for a split second your mind was at ease. You loved Peter, no doubt about that, but you couldn’t help but wonder if he’ll still love you after this. You can’t help but wonder if the longer you wait to tell him, the more angry and upset he’ll get with you.
“Hello, love. How was your day?” he asks as he walks towards you, giving you a quick kiss. You swayed a bit and licked your lips that had become dry by the question, telling him your day was fine and that you hadn’t done anything that crazy. You technically weren’t lying. 
“How about you? Anything exciting? Are you going out tonight or are you staying home with me?” You ask, trying to turn the conversation away from yourself.
He went on for a bit, talking about what him and Stark had discussed about him starting to train with the Avengers. The thought of him becoming an even bigger, actual superhero freaked you out a bit. You knew the Avengers were constantly traveling, fighting larger scales of crime that terrorize huge cities versus the usual small crimes that Peter fights by himself locally. The fact that you were pregnant popped into your mind and you could feel yourself grow nauseous. He wouldn’t want this. Not when his life was picking up so much, there’s no way he would want a kid right now.
So you stayed quiet. Each day you woke up, you couldn’t tell whether you felt sick because of the pregnancy or because of this huge lie you were hiding from Peter, but either way, you hated this feeling.
On the fourth day of managing to keep conversation short without disturbing the peace between you and Peter, you had a doctors appointment to confirm whether you were actually pregnant. You didn’t doubt that you were, even though it was early on, you could feel it deep in your body that things were changing.
By the end of the appointment you felt numb. You were indeed pregnant, and hearing it come from a doctor with a “congratulations” after the announcement, you felt everything hit you. You were pregnant. At eighteen. You were pregnant and Peter didn’t know. You were pregnant and sad about it because you didn’t know where to go from here.
What do you do? Is it time to tell Peter? You cursed at yourself when you thought about leaving him just to spare him the pain and awkwardness of telling you that he wasn’t ready and that he didn’t want a kid. You didn’t realize you had started crying until you started to tune in on the looks people were giving you while you walked home. You probably looked crazy, but that was the least of your worries at the moment. 
You made a plan in your head to try and stray away from Peter. You knew it would be hard considering you live together, but he was gone a lot of nights and you knew it would be easier to leave him if necessary if he’s gotten used to functioning without you in every situation.
You thought you had been discreet about slowly pushing yourself away from him. Days went on where you would still hold conversation with him, but didn’t feel it was necessary to be in the same room with him all the time anymore. You didn’t cuddle close to him when you felt him get into bed, and most of the time he didn’t bother to pull you any closer to him. You were breaking your own heart, but it was for the better.
“Alright, are you going to tell me whats going on with you?” the question threw you off as you set a plate with dinner on it in front of Peter before turning back to leave the room.  
“What?” You knew exactly what he meant. If anything you felt a bit stupid trying to play it off.
“You’ve been distant. Did i do something to upset you? Because i promise i’m sorry for anything that might have. I’ve been wracking my brain but i can’t think of anything,” he frowned, gesturing with his hands indicating that he was lost in the entire situation. 
You dragged your teeth against your lip, the entire conversation making you uncomfortable. You had spent days planning everything out in your head, and you’ve thought about how to answer questions just like these, but right now all you want to yell out is that you were pregnant. You didn’t want to hide it anymore, but your mouth wouldn’t physically move for you to say the words. You knew that settling with a shrug of your shoulders wouldn’t be a good enough answer for him, and by the deep sigh that he let out while dropping his head a little to look down at his feet, you could tell he didn’t like that. As quickly as he did that, he began to stand up and walk towards you. Your heart rate picked up, but was lessened at the feeling of his arms wrapping around you. You habitually laid your head on his shoulder, breathing in his scent and calming your nerves a bit. 
“I have something big to tell you, but i don’t know how you’ll react,” you whispered out. His hands started to slowly rub along your back, and he pulled away a bit to look down at you. His eyes were soft, and his touch was even softer as he moved his hands to each of your arms to hold you steady. 
“You know you can tell me anything,” he mumbled out while trying to keep eye contact with you. The second tears started to well up in your eyes, you were quick to avoid his eyes. You didn’t want to cry. You cursed yourself in your head. You had imagined the day you would announce your pregnancy to him so many times, but in those situations you were older and further in life and it would be a purely ecstatic moment. This was anything but that.
“I’m-” you paused, shaking your head a bit before looking back at him. You could tell he was growing frantic at seeing you stumble over your words by the crease in his forehead. You wanted to comfort him and tell him nothing was wrong, but until you got your words out and let him know, you couldn’t guarantee that nothing was actually wrong.
“I’m pregnant,” you squeaked out. You clamped your eyes shut for a split second before daring to look at his face. His hands tightened on your arms for a second before releasing you all together while he stood taller. His eyes grew wide and his mouth didn’t budge much, not giving you a definite answer on how he might be feeling. His hand moved up to his mouth, pinching his lip before nervously running it through his hair.
“And you’re positive?” he manages to ask. You felt your heart break a little at the question. You knew that you weren’t going to receive an extremely happy reaction, but you could feel both your self doubt and his doubt seeping into your body.
“Yeah, i went to the doctor about a week ago,” you mumbled out. This time you couldn’t stop the few tears that escaped from your eyes, turning your head to look anywhere but him while waiting for him to say something else. 
“hey,” his voice was gentle, but you still couldn’t get yourself to look at him. He could still very easily say anything but what you want to hear. He could be thinking of his escape plan and still sound like the sweetest person to exist.
“I think it’s great, y/n!” he continues. Your eyes grew wide as you finally pried them from the wall and back towards him. A gleaming smile covered his face, his eyes lighting up just as much, “If i know you, i know why you waited to tell me this news, but i can reassure you that i’m so fucking happy.”
This time your tears fell, but a smile began to form on your own face. You felt like an entire persons body weight had been lifted from your body. His hands found your own and pulled you closer to him, placing your arms to wrap around his neck. 
“I know we’re young and have so many things going on, but i can guarantee that we’ll be great parents. I can easily talk to Stark and he’ll be more lenient with me. I know you have college, but you can still do that while pregnant. Things will be fine, y/n. I need you to know that. I need you to know that i’m not going anywhere and that i’m ready to do this with you,” his words sent waves of comfort through your entire body, the stress of holding the secret in began to dissipate and excitement was starting to take over.
“You mean it?” you ask, still in disbelief that the secret was out and how confident and accepting Peter was being towards being told that he’s going to be a dad.
“Of course i mean it,” he chuckles. He leant down a bit to place a kiss on your lips, pulling you in even tighter, “We’re going to be parents, y/n! That’s crazy! But a good kind of crazy! You’re going to be such a good mom, and i’m going to be a dad!” he exclaims. A smile still covered his face and prompted your own to grow even wider. 
“You’re going to be the best dad, Peter. i’m so sorry for doubting everything and hesitating to tell you. I was just scared, this is huge!” 
“This is huge, but we’ll be fine! You have nothing to worry about anymore, i will be here with you for everything, alright? We’ll get through this and by the end of it we’ll have our own child. I love you,” he quips back. You nodded at his words, pulling him in for one last tight hug before separating yourself. 
The secret was out, and your world didn’t implode. You felt guilty over keeping it to yourself for the few weeks that you did, but now you knew things were going to be just fine. You had the love of your life still by your side, and now you could enjoy your pregnancy knowing things would be alright. You felt like you could breathe again, and your mind could finally wander to the exciting things that being pregnant brought like putting together a nursery and shopping for the baby. 
You couldn’t be more grateful that you ended up with someone like Peter. You knew the first day that you met him in freshman year that you two were meant to be, and this experience definitely solidified that belief.
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anothersuperstition · 6 years
i was cyberbullied into answering a fuckton of q’s
1-10: answered
11: how many pairs of shoes do you have?
- idk like 20 maybe? i only wear like maybe five of them regularly?
12: what was your last dream about?
- last night i dreamt my nasty awful ex-bestfriend moved in across the hall from me and i woke up in a Bad fuckin mood
13: what talents do you have?
- ort bay bee
14: are you psychic in any way?
- absolutely not, i’m a dumb bitch
15: favorite song?
- of all time, Famous Last Words, right now, Emily or Fantastic Bastards
16: favorite movie?
- dead poets society or short term 12
17: who would be your ideal partner?
- hm. i’m not sure. gerard way
18: do you want children?
- idk??? i think i do but like. not babies. i think maybe i would try to adopt older kids??? i can’t stand toddlers bc they’re always dirty and sticky and yelling and babies are too fragile and scare me
19: do you want a church wedding?
- nah i’m not rlly a traditionalist but if it was important to the person i’d be marrying i’d do it
20: answered
21: have you ever been to the hospital?
- oh so many times, my body is actively revolting against me
22: have you ever got in trouble with the law?
- nah dude, i got yelled at for eating ice cream but military cops once on the air force base though
23: have you ever met any celebrities?
- if a bunch of semi-popular band members count then yes
24: baths or showers?
- i shower more than i take baths but that’s bc i can’t take a bath w/o showering first and also my tub is broken. but baths are nicer
25: what color socks are you wearing?
- grey and black striped bb-8 socks
26: have you ever been famous?
- nah dude
27: would you like to be a big celebrity?
- nah that is Too Much
28: what type of music do you like?
- idk like, alt rock i guess? i. rlly only know that i don’t like country music
29: have you ever been skinny dipping?
- nope
30: how many pillows do you sleep with?
- 3 to 5
31: what position do you usually sleep in?
- on my stomach with my arms around my pillow
32: how big is your house?
- my house here is little, my dad’s house is prob abt average??
33: what do you typically have for breakfast?
- sleep
34: have you ever fired a gun?
- yep, i grew up doing competitive target shooting
35: have you ever tried archery?
- yep ! i have a bow at my dad’s house, i rlly enjoy archery
36: favorite clean word?
- amalgamation or magnanimous
37: answered !
38: what’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
- i answered this the other day and i think it was smth like 48 hours?? do not recommend lmao
39: do you have any scars?
- yeah
40: have you ever had a secret admirer?
- yes this one kid in high school who sent me a singing valentine on valentine’s day and i Hated those things so i kept trying to hide from the choir lmao then i found out it was a kid in my art class who Knew i didn’t like those things
41: are you a good liar?
- when i need to be
42: are you a good judge of character?
- i’d like to think so
43: answered !
44: do you have a strong accent:
- nah i don’t think so
45: answered !
46: what is your personality type?
- idk nessa said “it’s not. oh. small. like lizard.” so take from that what you will. tiny lad drunk on Loving Gerard Way juice -ian
47: what is your most expensive piece of clothing?
- prob an $80 bra lmao
48: can you curl your tongue?
- yuuuuuup. i can also tie a cherry stem with my tongue lmao ;)
49: are you an innie or an outie?
- iiiii hate this question, innie lmao
50: left or right handed?
- predominantly right but i’ve been getting better at using my left hand in art
51: are you scared of spiders?
- ohhhh hell yes i. cannot handle even thinking abt them lmao
52: favorite food?
- uhhhh i rlly rlly like carrots
53: favorite foreign food?
- idk i don’t think abt food that much honestly
54: are you a clean or messy person?
- clean. i cannot handle Messy
55: most used phrase?
- “oh absolutely”, “big mood”, “oh little dude!” lmao
56: most used word?
- probably “oof” honestly
57: how long does it take for you to get ready?
- 15 minutes if i’m just getting dressed and brushing my teeth and hair, an hour if i want to do makeup and shit
58: do you have much of an ego?
- i don’t think so but wouldn’t most ppl say that? also i. thought this said “do you have much of an egg” lmao
59: do you suck or bite lollipops?
- i get. accidentally and unintentionally unnecessarily sexual w suckers and popsicles lmao. nessa gnaws on suckers like a rodent
60: do you talk to yourself?
- yuuup
61: do you sing to yourself?
- all the time, especially when i’m workin on art
62: answered !
63: biggest fear?
- idk being invisible forever. or not living life to the fullest and wasting it
64: are you a gossip?
- when it comes to the kids i went to high school with aaaaaabsolutely
65: best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
- idk dead poets society rlly gets me every time i watch it
66: do you like long or short hair?
- i think on other ppl i like like. medium hair?? it’s cute when someone’s hair curls at the ends around their face. i guess i prefer shorter hair on myself bc long hair is a Pain to take care of
67: can you name all 50 states of America?
- probably if i sat and thought abt them for long enough
68: favorite school subject?
- english. or psych
69: extrovert or introvert?
- introvert
70: have you ever been scuba diving?
- nope
71: what makes you nervous?
- i have anxiety
72: are you scared of the dark?
- ...yes
73: do you correct people when they make mistakes?
- yeah i try not to if it’s little things but sometimes i still do
74: are you ticklish?
- yeah, only rlly on my sides though
75: have you ever started a rumor?
- nope
76: have you ever been in a position of authority?
- not seriously lmao, i was put in charge of my cousins once
77: have you ever drank underage?
- yeah lol
78: have you ever done drugs?
- nope
79: who was your first real crush?
- if we’re talking Real ppl i know then some kid in elementary school, my first celebrity crush was gerard way lmao
80: how many piercings do you have?
- i have my ears each pierced twice and i used to have my lip pierced twice before i took one side out and then eventually the other one
81: can you roll your Rs?
- i think so
82: how fast can you type?
- oh i am a Fast motherfucker. don’t know the exact wpm but it’s Fast. thanks newspaper
83: how fast can you run?
- not fast at all now bc of a rib condition i have. i used to do track and i Was fast
84: what color is your hair?
- rn it’s Pink, my natural is blonde
85: what color are your eyes?
- green !
86: what are you allergic to?
- nothing that i know of
87: answered !
88: what do your parents do?
- my mom works retail, she used to be a nurse, and my dad is a truck driver
89: do you like your age?
- i mean i guess?? i’d like to maybe be a couple years older so ppl would stop treating me like a child though
90: answered !
91: do you like your own name?
- i suppose. my mom just told me last night she almost named me Emily which i also like
92: have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
- i don’t think i want babies but if i did i picked the names miles and olivia out when i was like. six years old lmao
93: do you want a boy or a girl for a child?
- if i did have kids i wouldn’t Care, i’d love them literally no matter what
94: what are your strengths?
- i think i’m pretty kind and i’m also empathetic
95: what are your weaknesses?
- i’m empathetic lmao. also i get annoyed easily
96: how did you get your name?
- family names
97: were your ancestors royalty?
- nah but i’m distantly related to abraham lincoln and my great-great-great grandfather discovered the yogo sapphire and knew charles m. russell
98: do you have any scars?
- this is already on here, yeah i do
99: color of your bedspread?
- white
100: color of your room?
- like. eggshell lmao.
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Would you consider yourself a good flirt?
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What do you like better about yourself: your boobs or butt? neither?
Have you ever been homeless? not yet :x
Have you ever been to a palm reader? If so, what did they say? nah, I can learn myself
What’s your bra size? *shrug*
Is there anybody that you’re glad that they aren’t in your lives anymore? could say so
Has anybody ever fought somebody for you? verbally
What color do you wear most often? not sure
Are you more likely to take the blame, or blame somebody else? I blame myself even when I blame somebody else lol
Do you like your hair? wouldn’t say so
Do you find it irritating when people don’t trust you? why would they trust me or anybody actually?
Would you consider yourself a busy person? as for a person who doesn’t do anything in particular...
Do you hate your phone? sometimes it annoys me but it’s fine
What was the reason for your last hospital visit? I’ve been to ER because of allergy
Have you ever driven while under the influence? I don’t drive nor drink so...
Describe the earrings you’re wearing, if any. my ears aren’t pierced but if they were I would wear tiny hoops or some weird shit like this spider I bought for John and never gave her
Do you know anybody who is studying abroad? used to know some ppl who did
How well can you swim? I can’t
What aren’t you going to miss about summer? mosquitos
Have you ever been kayaking before? no and don’t wanna
Do you ever wish you could go back in time? it’s complicated
Can you reach your back with your arms? not some parts
What is your zodiac sign? Aquarius is my sun sign but Capricorn is my dominant sign
Have you ever played Pac-Man? I don’t recall
What is something that you lack? where should I start...
Have you ever been told that you have a nice boobs? my gf likes them 
When’s the last time you ate a Tic-Tac? ages ago and don’t miss them, completele forgot they exist
Do you own any knick knacks? shitload
Have you ever said that something is “whack”? doubt it
When’s the last time you felt attacked? today
Do you crack your knuckles? Any other parts of your body? omg no, I hate it!
What’s the last thing you had to make a stack of? pile of clothes?
Is it hard for you to keep track of things? hmm...
What’s the last thing you accidentally whacked a body part on? not sure what part of my body I banged last
What does your most recent backpack look like? recently used or bought?
Have you ever crawled through a window? I think so
Is there anything in your past that you’d like to try again? sigh...
Who was the last person to come to your house? Gosia visited me yesterday to pee XD
Do you like winter time? nooooo
Who do you not get along with? majority of society
Have you ever been around someone who was high? yup
Do you like where you live? meh
Are you a jealous person? might be
Do you wish someone would call you? absolutely not, I dread phonecalls, unless hospital then only if they have good news
Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to read minds? not all the time like Buffy had because I would go crazy
Do people ever spell your name wrong? they spell and write my surname wrong and sometimes they use different names than I have like Zosia or Kamila wtf
Is there anyone you want to fix things with? ...
Why do you do these surveys? why not? it’s fun
Where did you last go outside you’re house? second hand and local food store to buy bread
What is the point of violence? depends
Do you like horror movies better or comedy? black comedy :P
You could move somewhere else, would you? yes
Do you like calling or texting better? texting
Night out or night in? in
Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back? definitely not on my back
Whens the next time you will see the person you like? we planned to meet today but we’ll see
How do you look right now? not as bad as I feel
What do you think of when you hear the word “meow”? my gf 
where do you see yourself in 5 years? dead
who is the first guy that pops in your head? my father
have you ever read the book “the perks of being a wallflower”? watched a movie, it was nice
do you get dessert normally while out to eat? nope
have you ever let a door slam on someones face on purpose? whaaaat?!
who was your first kiss? my current partner
is there somewhere you’re meant to be right now? not really, nah
name one childhood memory. personal
where is your childhood best friend now? dunno
have you moved in the past 2 years? I never moved in my entire life
how many rooms are in your house? 3
can you see anything red at this moment? hand mirror
do you look at the keyboard when you type? when I start typing 
have you ever dated someone to get someone else jealous? umm...
have you ever been used; and then tossed to the side? more than once
if you look to your left do you see a window? I do indeed
Where do you want to live when you are older?: my own apartment 
When was the last time you were sick?: I’m chronically ill, does that count?
What is the relationship between you and the last person you kissed?: we’re in a relationship
Name something you disliked about the day you had today?: my body is itchy, I have period, my plans got ruined, I’m anxious, it’s cold and my dad isn’t home so I miss him, I regret spending money etc etc etc
Have you had your birthday this year yet?: yeah
Would you ever tell your mom about the things you’ve done sexually?: not in details :x
Who was the last person you talked to last night in person before bed?: parent
Do you have clothes that belong to other people?: I don’t borrow clothes
If you have siblings, which one of you is going to be married first?: my sister is already married 
What would you name your future daughter?: I’m not having children but I have a whole list of my fav names :D
Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a bed?: I have
Angry at anyone?: just a tiny bit
Is there anyone you would do anything for?: not everything but a lot 
Does the last person you held hands with mean something to you?: yep
Is it hard to make you laugh?: to some, it also depends on the moment
Do you think any of your exes will eventually want to be with you again?: pfft
Is it okay to kiss people when you’re single?: *shrug*
Where is the person you last kissed at this moment?: doing her hair
Would you rather pierce your tongue or lip?: lip
Next time you will kiss someone?: today?
Something’s wrong. First person you go to?: parents?
Do you hate it when people smoke around you?: usually, most often
Have you ever broken someone’s heart?: it seems
Ever gotten yourself into a confusing situation?: that’s life
Do you have an attitude?: I guess
Do you know anybody whose last name is a color?: nope
Would you kiss someone to make your ex bf/gf mad?: I’m not single now but if I wasn’t... How was last night?: not good enough
Have you ever dyed your hair?: blue (grey), green, black, red
When someone says “we need to talk,” what runs through your mind?: oh shit oh damn oh fuck I’m screwed what’s going on - so anxious!
Do you know anyone that smokes weed?: used to know
Are your parents still together?: they are
What are you wearing on your feet?: socks and raccoon slippers
Is it awkward when you run into your ex?: would be not only awkward
Who do you blame for your bad mood today?: myself, God, my mom, my gf, maybe even president
Have you ever fallen asleep with the last person you kissed?: not yet
Do you remember names or faces better?: neither
Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/ girlfriend drinks?: kinda
Waiting for something?: more than one thing
You find out your ex is having a kid with someone you say?: stupid, gross
When’s the last time you were surprised? positively or negatively?
What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had? water
Your mom finds used condoms in your room, you tell her? -
Do you find smoking unattractive? the smell and taste and the fact it’s unhealthy and expensive habit
If you were granted one wish, what would you wish for? health for all, forever, not saying about injuries but diseases
Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? 100%
Whose bed were you on last? mine duh
When was the last time you changed in front of someone? this day
Last person you kissed, have you cried in front of them? 3 times and counting :x
Do you think the last person you kissed is nice? grrr
Could you go out in public looking like you do now? whatever
Do you believe exes can really ever be “just friends”? there’s a tiny possibility of that
Your ex wants you back? that’s why we’re together
Would you rather love one person or have many short relationships? 1 person
Ever dated someone cute with crappy personality? sadly
Do you want your ex to be happy, even if it means not being with you? I said that
What would happen if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? that would be a miracle as we’re both women
Would you prefer a kiss on the cheek or neck? neck
Would it hurt seeing the person you last kissed kissing someone else? that would be also disgusting
Do you have a member of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? dad
Has the last person you kissed, met your family? she knew my father but yesterday met my mom as well
Do you think anyone has feelings for you? my gf
You’re insanely drunk stumbling through the streets, slurring songs, who are you with? someone who made me drunk and will pay for it 
Do you like to cuddle? when in the mood for that
Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you? not everything unless I was dying or smth
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do? and I regret that
Is there someone you used to talk to every day that you don’t talk to at all? bunch of ppl
Can you have more than one best friend? yas
Are you starting to realize anything? this question bothers me somehow 
Do you hate it when people mispronounce your name? I’m used to it even tho it doesn’t happen that often
Think back to your most important relationship, was it all your fault it ended? it is still going on 
Do you think blondes are stupid, honestly? that ask, really? 
Can you get over people easily? yes and no
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? second hand, it was in children’s section, whoops I have no boobs nor weight nor height
So, what do you want for your birthday? Jughead’s hat
If the last person you kissed tried to kiss you again, would you start kissing? obvi
Did you sleep alone last night? I did 
Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay? NO
Is there anyone who doesn’t like you because of something you didn’t do? many ppl
Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? I have 
How was your weekend? emotional?
Was your last kiss drunk or sober? sober
Do you think that you’re a good person? am not, I wish I was better
If you could seek revenge on someone would you? I’m not a revengeful person but I laugh when someone I don’t like is punished by life, sorry not sorry?
Do you like your best friend’s boyfriend/​girlfriend?​ my mom or myself? 
Ever been called heartless? smth similar
Can a boy and girl be friends without having feelings for each other? if they’re gay or family members
Are you able to get people to believe you when you are lying? I’m good at lying but I don’t like to lie
How many more minutes until you will next eat? soon Do you have to go to school and/or work today? no job and graduated
Have you read all of the Harry Potter books? not interested
Would you rather no heat in winter or no A/C in the summer? no A/C in the summer is way better
Do you do your own laundry? my mom helps me 
Have you ever read an entire book in one sitting? like twice
Have you ever seen your favorite band live? only Ania Rusowicz 
Do you drink water or soda more often? water, I don’t drink soda at all
Do you like cats?  they’re cool but don’t want to own one
Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with M? my gf’s name starts with M :)
If forced to be one, would you rather be bulimic or anorexic? excuse me?... anorexic tho as I hate puking
Wasn’t Heath Ledger the best Joker there ever was? Nicholson was and I didn’t watch the last Joker movie yet with Phoenix
If you found out your friend was smoking weed, would you be disappointed? mhm
Do you find that people don’t really understand you? most of them, most of the time
Do you like the ocean? nah
Have you ever done something that you knew was wrong? I’m never sure?
Are you listening to music currently? am not
Do you read and believe your horoscope? for fun ;) but once in a long time
Does the news depress you? that’s why I avoid it
Can you resist temptation? more than most ppl I know
What do/did you normally get detentions for? other’s fault
Does your alarm clock actually awaken you? it didn’t today, my mom’s voice did when she came to inform me my alarm is yapping huehue
Ever think you might have seen a UFO? with my dad
Do you know anyone who DOESN’T have a cell phone? my niece because she’s 2 
Have you bought any CDs recently? too expensive and I have yt and spotify so why would I?
Do you type fast? very, I was best in school :3
How long are you usually in the shower for? half an hour
Do you know anyone who has their eyebrow pierced? I don’t
What was the last movie you watched? again or for the first time?
When is your birthday? 1st Feb
When did you last talk to your brother or sister? day ago
Have you done anything sexual in the past 12 hours? romantic
Did the last person you kiss have a tattoo? she doesn’t have one
Have you ever liked someone older than you? I thought so
What color are your eyes? hazel? Do you enjoy going through a car wash? never been so no idea
Ever called a person useless? I don’t think so Is there someone you wish you were still close with? grandma 
Did the last person you kiss have piercings? ears only
Do you like the snow? hate, only snowmen are nice but not Olaf from Frozen
Does it bother you when someone lies to you? usually, obviously
Was the last person you kissed cute? was
Have you ever been in trouble for something you honestly didn’t do? so many times When you trip, do you get embarrassed or just play it off? embarassed af
Would you consider yourself spoiled? in a way? Let’s test your memory, what color shirt were you wearing during your last kiss? white 
Have you ever kissed two people in one night? noooo
Do you still talk to the person you last kissed? not currently but in general we talk
How long does it take you to fall asleep at night? too long, like 2 hours 
What would your name be with just the first three letters? Zuz - cute
Where did you sleep last night? my own bed 
Who was the last person to be in your bedroom besides you? family member
Does anyone disgust you? some at all times, some during certain situations
What do you tend to drink a lot of? water
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heckyeahsurveys · 7 years
Ever felt like you were being used? nah
Is it worth crying over a guy or a girl? i guess, it’s worth crying over anything tbh
Who did you last talk to on the phone for longer than 10 minutes? kt
Did you have any unread text messages when you woke up today? yeye i had a message off jack n i feel like there was smth else but i can’t remember lmao
Has the last person you texted ever been mad at you before? nah
Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? not everything, idk
Do you have a reason to smile right now? sure
What do you currently hear right now? naive by the kooks
Do you think you can last in a relationship for three months? probs
When was the last time you cried really hard? earlier today? or mayb yesterday
Closest green object to you? my mug
What color are your eyes? brown
Do you find piercings and tattoos attractive? sometimes
What do you hate about your school? just shit init
Have you ever kissed a blue-eyed person? yeh
Do you make eye Contact when you talk to people? idk sometimes
Where is your phone? in my hand rn
If you found out your friend was smoking weed, would you be disappointed? noo
Would you prefer a kiss on the cheek or neck? neck 
Could you cry right now? probably lol
The shirt your wearing, does anyone else have it? probs
Do you get irritated easily? yes :/
What were you doing at 4am? sleeping but i kept waking up last night so like could’ve been awake then 
Are you more of a night or morning person? night 100000%
When did you talk on the phone last? earlier 
How fast does your mood change? it can change v v fast
Are you a jealous person? yeh ://
Would you go in public looking like you do right now? nahhh
When is the last time you saw your sister? like half an hour ago mayb
Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? yeh but i don’t rly know her anymore
What are you doing this weekend? studying n recovering, mayb going pub but idk i feel like i shouldn’t 
Are you an alcoholic? probably
Do you like to sleep? yeh course
Are you anything like the person you were last year? well yeh
Would you rather go to Tokyo or Paris? oooooh that’s a hard one bc i rly rly want to go to tokyo some day but paris is my favourite city. however since i’ve been paris before i’ll go w/ tokyo
Do you like Subway? not rly
Last time you had a nice bubble bath? the night before last i think
Do you like silver or gold better? gold mayb
Was yesterday terrible? in some ways yes, in some ways it was ok
Does it make you mad when people stare at you? depends, wouldn’t say mad tho
What was last thing you drank? green tea
What are you doing tonight? this n then idk, probs just talk to jack until i fall asleep lol
Can you honestly say you’re okay right now? i guess
What were you doing at midnight yesterday? going to sleep 
Will tomorrow be better than today? most likely
Do you still talk to your friends from elementary school? idk what elementary is so??
Do you like dressing up? idk depends 
Has anyone laid on your bed besides you? yeh
How do you feel when someone kisses you on your forehead? i think it’s cute
How many times have you dyed your hair? too many to count lol
Who was the last person you had a face to face conversation with? dad
Have you ever walked away from someone who was yelling at you? sure
Did you kiss or hug anyone in the last 48 hours? hug yeh, not kiss
When you say you don’t care do you mean it? depends on what i’m saying it about, sometimes I 1000% mean it but other times it’s a complete lie
Last person of the opposite sex you gave a hug to? my dad
Are you sitting or standing? sitting, why would i be standing lmao
You’re covered in soap in the shower, when you realize you’ve got company, its a spider what do you do? just leave it?? unless it’s a big one n probs get out n move it then continue w/ my shower lol
Where is your biological mother right now? at work
What time did you wake up this morning? like 9
What are you doing tomorrow? hopefully some work n then mayb going pub depending on how i feel 
Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? jack 
Do you like to cuddle? yep
Has anyone lied to you today? don’t think so
Who have you texted today? kt, liz, grandma, jack n several group chats
Have you ever been called beautiful? yes
Has anyone upset you in the last week? yeah
What’s something you do when you’re mad? punch the wall n throw things
Do you always answer your phone? not always no
Are promises important to you? yeah
Will you be up before 7AM tomorrow? nah
How many people of the opposite sex do you trust? idk a few
Is there alcohol in your house? yeh
How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking? not that often, idk
Have you held hands with any one in the last 36 hours? nope
Is there someone you don’t ever want to be out of your life? yeh many ppl
Do you curse in front of your parents? yes
Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your own bed? idk
How many pillows do you sleep with? two or three
Are you white? yeh
Have you ever told yourself that you were going to give up on someone, but you just couldn’t do it? idk
Have you ever kissed someone over the age of 18? yeah, as of last friday lol
Was it sunny today? i think it was a tiny bit in the morning??
You got kicked out of your house, first place you’d go to? fuck knows
Would you ever consider dying all of your hair blue? sure
Last thing you ate? an egg custard lol
Do you always tell the truth to your parents? not always but most of the time tbh
Would you ever pick gum up from the ground and eat it? noo wtf
Are you happier now than you were six months ago? idk
Has anyone taken your pants off in the past two weeks? nope
Are you wearing jewelry right now? nah
Have you ever gotten surgery? yes?
Who are you in the room with? liz
Would you hook up with the last boy you texted? yep
What are you disappointed about? this heartburn not going away
What are three things you did today? got up, ate food, had a shower
Are you taller than 5 foot 7 inches? no
Are you happy with the choices you’ve made? idk some of them
Are you planning to go to a movie anytime soon? nope
Have you ever jumped in a pool with all your clothes on? i don’t think so
Have you ever in anyway, been betrayed by someone you trust? probs in some way
What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up? jack haahahah i hate myself
Do you ever feel curious about how people see you? yes, all the time
Are you someone who worries too often? probs
Do you trust all of your friends? sure
Have you held hands with anyone in the past week? no?
What did your last text say? does that mean the last one i sent or received? i’m gonna go w/ sent: “not rly tho is it haha x”
Why aren’t you going out with the person you like? idk guess i’m just scared or smth, i feel like we’re getting there anyways tbh 
What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? i like it in a milkshake w/ chocolate and banana <3
Is there anyone who will always have a place in you’re heart? many ppl 
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