#tiny keith is so cute
childoftheriver · 2 years
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The boys
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rottenseaweed · 1 year
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for @klance-daydreams 's dtiys! :D
this was pretty fast and the hands and feet are a little bit weird but overall I like how this turned out! I missed drawing something this big that isn't a floating head for once, so thank you for the dtiys :)
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dmirrta · 10 months
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This is very old shit but he is so 🤏
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waugh-bao · 2 years
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Charlie and Keith (2012)
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shares-a-vest · 9 months
@steddiemas Day 17: Accidental Kink Discovery (Smutty Sunday)
Rated: T for suggestive language/flirtatious banter (y'know me, more silly than spice!)
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“I hate it!” Eddie spits through gritted teeth.
He shakes his fists to the heavens, which jingle-jangles the bells on the green hat, collar and shirt hem of his costume.
Steve chuckles from his vantage point on the edge of the bed, impossibly charmed by what is a faint tinkling to his own ears as Eddie grumbles at his reflection in the full-length mirror.
He rakes his eyes down the back of his boyfriend’s seething and tense frame. He stops at Eddie’s legs, looking positively gangly in a pair of green tights. Long, too, as they disappear up under a tiny pair of green shorts with a red felt trim and –
Oh, no.
Steve gulps.
“What?” Eddie snaps, whipping around.
He scrunches his nose like he could hiss.
“Nothing!” Steve splutters, folding his arms tight and shrugging as he tries not to think about Eddie in a complementary pair of festive underpants – 
Oh, no.
He puffs out a breath, looking anywhere but at Eddie and his scowl.
“I should have never let Joyce talk me into applying for a job at Melvad’s,” Eddie rambles, half-muttering his words, “Why couldn’t you have charmed Keith into giving me some shifts at Family Video? At least I wouldn’t have to dress as a goddamn elf.”
Steve looks up just as Eddie stomps his foot.
His shoes jingle-jangle too.
“Gah! Fuck!” Eddie curses and freezes on the spot, arms tight by his sides.
“I can’t help it if my work vest is already green,” Steve teases, shrugging innocently, “Besides, Keith currently has you banned for ‘distracting staff’.”
His air quotations only make Eddie bristle. He lifts his right hand, likely to worry with a lock of his hair. But his fingers snag his jester-like collar.
Eddie splutters away with what Steve can only assume is a series of incoherent expletives as he begins to hop on the spot to wrestle one shoe off and hurl it across the room.
At least that’s what Steve assumes Eddie’s full-body throw is intended to do. But the lightweight shoe only makes it about a foot before it softly falls to the ground.
Eddie shrieks and then dips his head to dry sob into his hands.
“I look so stupid,” he laments, “I don’t want to be an elf.”
He looks up all doe-eyed and Steve can’t help but think how nice his hair looks under the elf hat, his locks sitting in place to perfectly frame his face. Even if Eddie doesn’t want to be an elf, he looks cute as hell as one.
Fuck it. What happens in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom, right?
“Don’t worry,” Steve says, lowering from the bed to the floor, “It’s only for a few days, right?”
“What the hell are you doing!” Eddie recoils, glistening eyes going wide as saucers as Steve begins to crawl on his knees towards him.
He stops in front of his boyfriend and takes his hand, planting it on his shoulder before he dips down for the remaining shoe.
“Helping you take this off...” he explains, voice light as he wraps his hand delicately around Eddie’s ankle.
“Okay…” Eddie hums, raising a sceptical brow even if he shifts his weight onto Steve’s shoulder to steady himself.
Steve bites his bottom lip, trying not to so much as chuckle as every movement Eddie makes sounds off a series of tinny bell sounds. He removes the green felt shoe and tosses it over his shoulder, still holding Eddie’s ankle before carefully lowering it back to the ground.
He looks up, a smile turning to a smirk as Eddie gulps, his eyes flitting down to where Steve still has his hand wrapped around his ankle, soothing it now from the embarrassment and green.
“Stevie…” Eddie frowns.
Steve runs his hand up his green stockinged leg slowly, pausing only when his fingertips skirt the bottom hem of his tantalising green shorts.
“Oh my god!” Eddie exclaims, clawing at his shoulder, “You like this costume, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” Steve smiles, running his free hand through his hair.
“Not possible,” Eddie insists, shaking his head and chopping a hand through the air before placing it right back on his shoulder.
“I do,” Steve insists, flicking a bell on the hem of his shirt now.
“Don’t jingle it,” Eddie spits, jaw clenched.
“What if I jingle you…” he begins, tilting his head to the side as he looks him over, “All the way…”
“Gross!” Eddie shrieks, “That is the worst line you have ever…”
He trails off, a visible blush creeping up his neck as Steve allows his hand to breach the hem of those shorts.
“But,” Steve bites, pressing his fingers into Eddie’s skin, “You have to be a good elf, okay?”
He watches as a myriad of emotions run through Eddie’s eyes before he lands on a similar ‘fuck it’ attitude and goes along with it.
“Sure thing, Santa,” Eddie soon coos, dimples dotting his cheeks as he offers a cherubic smile and a two-finger salute.
“You have been the naughtiest elf in my workshop,” Steve teases, popping the ‘p’ as he reaches around to grab at Eddie’s ass.
Eddie lurches forward, Steve’s face now flush with his scratchy polyester shirt front.
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“You’re nervous.”
“Hnnngh,” Keith says, knuckles white on the steering wheel. He looks straight ahead, left leg bouncing, hair pulled back into a ponytail but flyaways everywhere. He keeps having to push up his glasses when they slide down his nose, nudged forward by all the tension in his eyebrows. “Being stressed before a stressful situation is not being nervous, Lance, it’s just my brain responding like a brain.”
Lance hides a smile. “You’ve met my family before, baby.”
Keith slows to a stop as they approach their turn, looking at Lance instead of the road for the first time in twenty minutes. His indigo eyes are wide and pleading. Lance is distracted by the tiny mole beside his nose.
“I’ve met your mom,” he says emphatically, breaking eye contact with Lance to crane his head to the left, checking over the hill for any cars. He’s far more careful than he needs to be — there’s never anyone on this road. But Keith is always endlessly careful when he’s driving other people around. “I’ve met your siblings. I’ve met your abuela. I’ve met the twins.”
“Mighty number of people,” Lance agrees. He looks at his boyfriend pointedly. “All of whom love you.”
“Because they love you,” Keith stresses. “You’re, like, their favourite person. You hyped me up so of course they have a nicer view of me. But this is like — your great grandparents and cousins and aunts and uncles and, I dunno, second sister in law five times removed —
“Not how that works,” Lance interjects, amused.
“—and now I gotta impress them all? At once? I still don’t know how I did that with everyone else! I panicked! I forgot all my lines and conversation starters! I just — was awkward, and they were cool with it because your family is cool!”
“Ah, yes, you were yourself and people liked you,” Lance says, nodding sagely. “How bizarre.”
Keith looks at him imploringly. He has a — really cute nose, holy shit. It’s crooked from the three separate times it’s been broken and Lance is kind of obsessed with it. All he can think about is pressing a kiss to the bridge of it and watching how Keith will crinkle it on reflex. He has to fight back a giggle.
“I am going to get eaten,” Keith says miserably. “My luck is going to wear out. I’m gonna say something stupid and offend your third cousin or trip over someone’s toddler and destroy your mother’s flan by crashing into the table and upending hot coffee on an elderly person. Then I’ll get arrested for assault and you’ll have to visit me in prison and my cellmate will make a comment about you or something and I’ll have to kill him and then I’ll get retried and the death sentence, probably, and then Red will bust me out of prison and cause intergalactic meltdowns and —”
Lance can’t hold back anymore. Quick as a dart he reaches out, fisting Keith’s collar, and yanks him over the gearshift, kissing him softly and soundly until Keith sighs, surprise fading into something calmer, relaxed. His hand comes up to cup Lance’s cheek.
“You need a Xanax,” Lance says gently as he pulls away.
Keith huffs, the manic look in his eyes replaced with something much softer. Relieved, even. “Yeah, probably.” He tears his eyes away from Lance, rechecking his turn and finally actually putting on his blinker and moving onto the right road. His free hand reaches over the gearshift and Lance grabs it, tangling their fingers together and resting them in his lap. “I just — I want your family to like me.”
Lance smiles, a wide one that brings a flush to his cheeks and makes him shy, even though he’s not self-conscious; a smile that makes something flutter so intensely in his stomach that it feels so intensely private.
“They’ll like you,” Lance says simply.
Keith exhales. His hand tightens. Lance squeezes back.
The rest of the drive is easy.
By the time they make it to Lance’s great-grandmother’s farm, he can tell that some tension has crawled back into Keith’s shoulders. But he’s always been brave, when fighting dictators or meeting parents, and doesn’t hesitate to pull into the gravel driveway and park the car. He squeezes Lance’s hand again before letting go, stepping out of the car and heading to get their stuff.
“Tío! Tío!” scream two voices, and Lance doesn’t even have half a second to brace himself before Nadia is launching herself at his stomach. He manages somehow to spin them both around to offset the momentum, keeping them both upright. Keith is not quite so lucky — Lance hears a slam, a startled oof, and then he sees their bags go flying out of the corner of his eye.
“Jesus Christ,” Keith wheezes, flat on the ground with Sylvio crowded on top of him.
“I got you!” the boy crows, scrambling off Keith’s body in order to adequately dance around in victory. “You went splat!” He whirls around to face Lance, still dancing around. “Tío Lance! Did you see?”
Lance adjusts Nadia on his hip, making no attempt to hide his amusement. “I did. You got him good, buddy.”
Beaming, Sylvio turns back to Keith, who’s finally managed to get enough breath back in his lungs to stand.
“You got me good,” he wheezes in approval.
“Just like you showed me!”
There’s no mistaking the smugness in Sylvio’s voice, the challenge, the I’m-little-you’re-big-and-you’re-a-loser.
Keith recognises the challenge easily, eyes glinting, and before Sylvio can run away Keith scoops him up, tossing him over his shoulder and whirling them around ‘til he’s dizzy.
“Just like I showed you, champ. Think you can get out of this one, though? It’s easy!”
Sylvio shrieks, pounding on Keith’s back with fists weak from laughter. Nadia squirms in Lance’s hold, so Lance sets her down, and in seconds she’s run and attacked Keith’s other side, climbing up his legs to try and free her brother. Keith scoops her up, too, throwing her over his other shoulder as she laughs just as shrilly.
“Clearly neither of you learned very much!” he shouts, grin so wide it practically splits his face. His already precariously dangling glasses slide right off his face but Keith doesn’t even spare them a glance, stepping over them easily and shaking the twins as he goes. “You’re trapped!”
It doesn’t take the bright twins very long to unite forces, attacking Keith with renewed vigour all at once. Lance bends down as they wrestle, scooping up Keith’s glasses and their discarded bags.
“He’s good with them,” Lisa says, sidling up beside him and sliding her hand around his waist. Lance mirrors her, squeezing.
“He thinks they’re hilarious. He loves them to pieces.”
“Believe me, they love him too. I heard about Uncle Keith so much on the drive down that I was tired of him before you two even got here.”
Lance snorts. “Yeah, right, dweeb. No one else here reads Jane Austen. You need your nerd buddy.”
“Indeed,” she says, grinning. She pats him on the hip, pulling away and taking one of the bags slung over his shoulder. “C’mon, let’s get your stuff dropped off. Marcela will want to fuss over you, I’m sure. She hasn’t seen you since your last mission.”
Lance looks back at his boyfriend before following her, making sure he doesn’t need Lance’s help. The twins have wrestled him into doing their bidding, it looks like, or more likely he didn’t even put up a fight, and sit on one shoulder each, guiding him around the property with shouts and points and frenzied gesturing. Keith has his hand locked firmly over each set of knees, careful not to let them fall, as he wobbles around to make them gasp and laugh.
Lance smiles. He’s fine.
Keith finds him within the hour, Nadia and Sylvio off to play with their cousins.
“You abandoned me,” he pouts, hand wrapped around his elbow.
Lance notices, idly, that he’s slouching again; that his ponytail has been abandoned entirely and his hair curtains his face.
“You were busy being a doofus,” Lance teases, brushing his hair out of his face. He nobly resists the urge to quote Regina George. “One of us has to be the mature one. We wouldn’t want anyone getting the wrong impression about the saviours of the universe.
“You’re hiding out on a random couch on your phone,” Keith deadpans. He glances down at the screen. “You’re watching a seven year old vine compilation. On mute.”
“Like an adult,” Lance says primly. “Watch with me.”
Keith rolls his eyes fondly, but slides on the couch behind Lance, arms wrapped around his waist and chin hooked over his shoulder. Lance digs in his pockets until he finds Keith’s glasses, twisting around to slide them on his handsome face. His hands linger on Keith’s temples. Keith’s smile is small and crooked and bares the tiniest peek of crooked incisors, and Lance’s heart flutters.
He leans back into Keith’s chest as he plays the video, watching a compilation of dorky videos he’s seen a thousand times. He feels Keith’s grin press into the juncture of his neck as he starts to mumble along. His hand rests just under Lance’s shirt, flat on his stomach. Lance fights the urge to squirm.
You Are In Your Abuela’s House, he reminds himself firmly. Your Ancestors Are Watching You. And Jesus, Probably.
Luckily, someone calls out their names before Lance really needs to find a vat of ice water to dunk himself in.
“Leandro! Keith! Come eat before your hog of a brother takes it all!”
The two of them don’t even need to pause for a moment before throwing themselves off the couch, scrambling towards the kitchen at top speeds because Marco absolutely will eat their portion of the food. Not even because he’s hungry for it, just because he’s a butthead who thinks it’s funny.
“This is your fault,” Keith informs him, careening around a questionably placed side table.
“Nothing is ever my fault ever in the entire universe,” Lance shoots back.
(Is it Lance’s fault? Possibly. But in his defense, the several years he spent as a child waiting for Marco to be distracted before eating his favourite thing on the plate still make him crack up when he thinks about it. Marco just got so mad, every time. Plus his eyes bulge a little when he loses it. How was Lance ever supposed to avoid poking that bear?)
Luckily, they make it in time to wrestle a plate away from Marco’s snickering ass.
“Keith, Lance,” Lance’s mother greets warmly before Lance can crack a plate over his brother’s head. “I’m glad you made it!”
“Mother,” Lance squawks dramatically, hand flying to his chest, “I am the second to be greeted? You’re son? You’re youngest angel? The one who went missing for several years and returned to you, prodigal?”
She reaches over and flicks Lance in the forehead. Keith snorts. Marco cackles.
“Keith called me on the flight home,” she explains, ruthless. “So he is the son, and you are the son-in-law.”
Keith flushes as he always does when Mamá pairs them like that, when they’re both her sons, when she implies what it implies. Lance lets the warmth of that expression soak into his bones, deep in through his back, from every point Keith is touching him.
“I was sleeping off being maimed!” Lance despairs.
It does him no favours. Mamá waves her hands wildly, setting down her own plate in favour of placing her hands over her ears. “Gah! Sh! Do not tell me of these things! I am meant to pretend your job is nothing more than ornamental! Do not ruin that for me!”
“It was the slightest ever maiming,” Lance mutters, sullen.
Keith visibly bites back a retort to that, no doubt out of respect for Mamá.
(Lance knows that Keith would have been the world’s biggest mama’s boy had he grown up with Krolia. He has shared this hypothesis with Shiro, who had laughed so hard upon hearing it that he had sprained a muscle in his neck, and then explained later with a heat pack and a wryly smiling Adam that Keith used to scold Shiro for pushing himself with exact quotes from Shiro’s mother herself.)
“Nobody ever wants to hear my side of the story,” Lance laments.
Keith bends down to kiss him on the cheek.
“That’s because you are a liar,” he says kindly.
Lance catches his chin before he can pull away, kissing him to shut him up.
They head outside to join everyone else, plates stacked high with food and plastic cups balanced precariously with spare fingers. Keith starts to slouch again as they walk out the sliding screen door, but he keeps his hair out of his face, eyes flitting between different people. It helps that hardly anyone spares him half a glance, too used to random new people in such a big family.
“Hey, Patito! Over here!”
Lance whips his head up at the familiar voice, breaking into a wide smile when he sees his sister’s wilding waving hand. Keith, too, seems relieved when he catches sight of Veronica, rushing over almost faster than Lance is.
“Hey, losers,” she greets, flicking water from her cup at them as they sit across from her. “Took you long enough to get here.”
“Lance is a distraction and danger to the road,” Keith says immediately, because he is a snitch. He is also unfortunately very quick and manages to duck away from Lance’s pinch.
Veronica snorts. “Believe me, I know. Every ride back to the Garrison on weekends was a near death experience because he kept smacking me every ten seconds. A menace.”
“You manipulator!” Lance accuses. “I slapped you because you teased me! Constantly!”
Keith and Veronica share sharp, matching grins. Lance takes a nanosecond to ponder what he ever did to deserve the sufferings of their friendship.
“That’s because you’re so goddamn easy to rile up, sweetheart,” Keith says with a wink.
Lance attempts to shove him off his chair. Unfortunately, while he does flail backwards, he manages to stay upright.
“You two were supposed to hate each other,” he mutters into his congrí. “This friendship thing is bullshit.”
Neither believe him for a second.
They’re barely into their meal when the nosiness starts. In fact, Lance is honestly surprised it has lasted this long. Luis probably said something to convince everyone to tone it down, because he is a saint and also Lance’s favourite.
“So,” says his Aunt Vena, “…Keith.”
Keith freezes, cheeks bulging. Lance tries very hard not to laugh at him.
“Hi,” he says, swallowing. He says nothing else and looks agonized about it. His memorized conversation starters have no doubt fled his brain.
“You know, I feel like I already know you,” jokes Aunt Vena, never bothered by awkwardness. Or boundaries. “I only see Leandro a few times a year were the only thing he talked about for ages.”
Lance goes pale. Oh, please God, no. Please let Aunt Vena be suddenly gifted with the ability to read Lance’s mind, or at least notice him waving his hands frantically behind Keith’s head, making cutting motions at his throat.
“Keith this, Keith that. Keith Keith Keith.”
Lance cradles his face in his hands. So much for miracles.
“He did?” Keith asks.
“Stop investigating immediately or you’re sleeping on the floor tonight,” Lance threatens under his breath. Keith’s hand finds it’s way to his thigh and rests there, as if laughing at him.
“Oh, yes,” laughs Aunt Vena. “Every other word was about how you sat in class or walked in the hall or flew your planes. He was always angry about it, but he was quite focused on you. Oh, and your hair.”
Aunt Vena turns away to chatter with someone else like she didn’t just ruin Lance’s life. Lance would hate her if he didn’t find her so goddamn loveable, but he does, so instead he looks up and suffers Keith’s wide, shit-eating grin, and ponders deep in his heart how he will re-humble his boyfriend so they’re back on even ground.
“…You were big on the hair, huh.”
“Shut the fuck up or I’ll chop it off as you sleep.”
“I’m just saying.”
“You dorkbrain.”
“I’m just saying!”
Keith’s hair is in a knot at the crown of his head, glasses pushed all the way to his face. He’s got Lance’s hand in his but he’s not paying attention to him in the slightest — he cycles between leaning back, then forwards, then craning his neck and shifting his eyes. Every few seconds he lets out a muted gasp.
A group of children run yelling in and out of the house, heedless of doors and stairs.
“You are such a mother hen,” Lance says with great amusement.
Keith is too distracted to even roll his eyes. “Some of them are very little,” he says worriedly. “Maybe they should play a game outside. There’s more space.” He looks around at the various adults sitting and chatting, aghast. “Should me maybe get a — pool noodle, or something? Just for the corners. So there are no head injuries. That’s the most common way they happen, you know. Tripping during play.”
Lance hums, leaning into his side. “Reading a lot of parenting books, are you.”
Keith is very deliberately silent. Lance flicks up his gaze to watch his face redden.
“It’s Shiro’s!” he says defensively. “It was — he had it on the shelf! I read it when I was younger! It was traumatizing! Do you know how easy it is to fuck up a kid? Very easy, Lance! Their heads are very squishy! They don’t know balance yet! They repeat everything you say!”
“Was this book,” Lance starts, choking back laughter with everything he has, “perhaps about raising toddlers?”
Keith’s jaw snaps shut.
“Children under two? Hm?”
Keith glances away. “It didn’t mention.”
Lance loses his battle, burying his cackling in Keith’s shoulder.
“How was I supposed to know that ‘A Guide To Raising Healthy Children For New Parents’ was about — babies? Shiro was the dumbass who had it!”
Lance laughs harder. “Did he — did he buy it when he —”
Keith puts his head in his hands. “He bought, like, forty books when he first started fostering me, they were all basically the same, he’s such a dumbass —”
“Stop, stop,” Lance begs, grasping his aching stomach. The image of Shiro, twenty years old, panicking after impulsively deciding to apply to foster the delinquent who stole his car, frantically googling advice for new parents only to unknowingly receive information about toddlers is the best mental image he’s had in a while. He’ll have to share with Pidge and the rest of the Holts the second they get home.
“You’re such a butthead,” Keith grumbles, but it’s half-hearted. His attention is still mostly on the way Mateo, Lance’s four year old second cousin, very nearly brains himself on the corner of the brick entryway trying to swerve away from his older sister. Keith’s sharp inhale would have been comical if Lance didn’t feel his own heart drop.
“Okay,” Lance concedes, “maybe it’s time for a new game.” He pats his boyfriend on the knee. “You’re up, champ.”
“Wait, me?” Keith asks, bewildered. “You’re their cousin.”
Lance shrugs. “You’re the worried one. Plus, I want to go get wine drunk with Rachel. Mamá said she just got here. She’s been avoiding my calls all week which means she has Information to share and doesn’t trust herself not to tell me immediately. I have to know what’s up.”
Keith still doesn’t look convinced. “But I’m a stranger to them, basically.”
“So start with Nadia and Sylvio, dummy. Once the rest of the kids see a cool newer and accidentally safer game to play, they’ll join fast. Plus, the stranger aspect is intriguing, probably. You’re like a new toy.”
To solidify his point, Lance calls his niblings over, gesturing to Keith. The twins light up, immediately abandoning whatever they’re doing — trying to shove a sleeping Luis’ finger up his own nose — to sprint over to them.
“Tío Keith has a game for you two,” Lance whispers conspirationally.
The twins burst into howling cheers.
“Game! Game! Game! Game!” they chant, each grabbing one of Keith’s hands and tugging him away.
Keith looks back at him, panicked. Lance blows him a kiss, then turns back into the house to go hunt for his sister.
She finds him first.
“LANCE,” she shouts, whipping around to face him. Lance immediately shifts backwards slightly, knees bent, legs widened, arms held out protectively in front of him. He smirks. She matches it.
She charges.
She aerials into a heel kick, as always, aiming for his skull. Lance back handsprings out of her reach, careful of the various relatives around him, who are well used to their brand of bullshit and don’t even pause their conversations as they lean away.
He comes back up just in time to throw up a block to her fists, aiming a kick to her stomach that she can’t fully dodge. She gets him right back, though, like she always does, aiming a sweeping kick for his ankles that he has to flip on his hands to avoid.
“It’s good to see you, fucker,” she pants, roundhouse kicking the dip of his waist.
“Likewise, asshole,” he grunts, grabbing her ankle and flipping her to the ground. She drags him down with her.
They’re both grinning.
“Tomorrow morning we box for real,” she proposes as they lay there, getting their breath back.
“Deal,” he agrees.
By the time they finally get back on their feet, they’re both parched, and since they also make frequent poor decisions, they head straight for the bad boxed wine. Lance pours them both heaping glasses and Rachel guides them to an open lawn chair, which they both sprawl on, a hundred percent in each other’s space.
“So,” Rachel says, chugging half her glass, “my grades are in. I’m graduating top of my class.”
Lance gasps. “Rachel!”
“And,” she continues, building up suspense with a grin, “I got word back from all my residency applications.”
Lance thinks he might explode. He remembers them when they were little, huddled on the floor of their bedroom at one in the morning, glow sticks guiding their planners, mapping out heir lives together. Where they would go to school, when they would bother with dating, how they would do it all together. Lance, best pilot to come out of the Garrison next to Shirogane. Rachel, the first surgeon to successfully transplant a brain.
“I got in,” she says, beam so wide it forces her eyes shut. “Lance, I got in!”
“Rach!” he screams, eyes blurry from tears and heart full to bursting. “Rach!”
He wraps his arms around her shoulders and squeezes, weeping with joy and elation and buzzing from his head to his toes. This is what Rachel has wanted since she was old enough to talk. This is his sister, his first and best friend, getting everything she has ever wanted, as she has always deserved.
“I’m so fucking proud of you!”
She squeezes him right back, her own tears wetting his t-shirt. Her relief is palpable, and Lance knows it, the indescribable feeling of finally crossing that goddamn mountain, finally getting what you’ve been working for for longer than you can remember.
“Everything is falling into place,” she says softly, pulling back and holding up her cup. Lance laughs and clinks them together.
They settle back into their shared chair, too happy for words, gathering themselves. Lance catches his mother’s eye and returns her soft smile, wine making him warm and happiness making him bright. He feels like he’s swimming in sun-warmed water.
He settles back with a sigh.
Rachel nudges him. “Hey, Loverboy. Look.”
Lance follows her pointing finger. Away from the tables and lawn chairs, in a wide, open space, there’s Keith — surrounded by every single child on the property, ordered in neat rows. Each of them has a hefty stick, held carefully in their hands, watching Keith with great intensity. Keith himself has his bayard out, stretched out in a battle position, back straight and shoulders loose. He has the same bright look on his face that he has during Lion training, or riskier missions. Excitement, steadiness, and a hint of cockiness that has Lance shivering. He demonstrates a move, and with a single minded focus, the children repeat it.
It has always been impossible not to want to be a part of everything Keith does, Lance has found.
“…You kind of scored,” Rachel observes.
Lance’s laughter is breathy, high-pitched. “Believe me, I know.”
There’s a rousing shout from the kids, then a cheer, then Keith shouts, “Ready?” and at their raucous response, chaos breaks out. Sticks are strikes and parried and children throw themselves dramatically on the floor in pantomimed deaths, scrambling to their feet seconds later to get back into the fray. Every few seconds Keith calls out rules and reminders, weaving through the children to point out places for improvement or congratulate someone for doing something right.
“I have never seen them all gathered this long without any crying or fighting,” Rachel says, something like awe in her voice. She pauses. “Well, real fighting.”
Lance smiles, something small and secret and over which he has no control. He catches his boyfriend’s eye and waves, which is returned at twice the enthusiasm.
“Keith’s good with kids,” he says quietly. To himself, he wonders if it’s possible to have a heart so full it bursts.
The blankets are scratchy but warm, and Keith smells as he always does, and Lance is half asleep. But the words come leisurely out anyway.
“You awake?“ he whispers, words tucked into the spot above Keith’s heart.
Keith hums. Lance feels the rumble of it in his cheek.
His eyes are too heavy to keep open, so he lets them slip shut. He breathes deeply the smell of his boyfriend’s body wash, and traces meaningless patterns on his chest with his fingertips, breathing slowly, taking his time. He might fall asleep, but that’s okay. They have time.
“‘M glad you came, today.”
Keith’s breathing is slow and even, just like Lance’s, but he can feel the heavy weight of his gaze, those indigo eyes.
“I go where you go.”
Lance quirks his lips. The blankets rustle softly as Keith slowly slides up his hand, encircling his fingers around Lance’s wrist, palm resting on his forearm. After a minute Lance can feel his heartbeat, at the same time that he hears it, head pressed to Keith’s chest. “You’re good with the kids.”
Keith’s breath stutters. “Yeah?”
“I like them. And your family.”
“Told you.”
“Yeah, you did.” He’s silent for a minute, palm heavy on Lance’s skin. “I wanna — do this, Lance. Forever.”
Lance turns his head slightly, just enough to press his lips to Keith’s sternum. “I will love you until the end of time.”
He feels Keith’s smile, sweetening the air.
“I love you, too.”
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keithkog · 19 days
whats ur opinion on ants?
(and do you think they should be edible?/j)
They’re cute and small while some of them are deadly. Which is honestly my favorite combination. I think they’re cool, strong little guys. Uh- Should they be edible? To that I say, no? They’re so tiny and like to have a mouthful you would need so many.
They also don’t seem very nutritious. I would have to do some research into their nutritional value but ants usually subsist on sugary foods right? Doesn’t seem particularly healthy from surface level observation.
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bakersgrief · 2 months
Ikepri with a Masc Lesbian Mc part 3
Actually this is good. No chance of a romance plot with any of the princes.
Hey STOP flirting with the maids
It doesn't matter if they approached you, you need to be studying!
Please for the love of god at least TRY to pass as a noblewoman.
Should you try to pass yourself off as a nobleman instead?
Listen people are going to get SUSPICIOUS of a noblewoman in trousers please it's just for a month-
Aw man :(
That's okay! He'll still be your loyal best friend! Forever!
Wingman extraordinaire
Hey look at my best friend she's so cool and charming and guess what? She likes cute girls like YOU! :D
Your golden retriever buddy. Your emotional support hound.
Will. Fight. Anyone. Who questions your attraction or gender presentation :)
Scopes out all the clothing stores for your preferred types of clothing and updates you on where to shop when you need something new.
"You think I give a shit?"
He's seen a lot in his time, he just wants his money.
Kick his ass pls pls pls
Respect women, bitch
Actually you probably make him question a lot of his perceptions of women.
Silvio could really use a friend who's a girl tbh so if you become buddies good job the dog is slightly less intolerable.
If you're the kind of lesbian that wears a lot of rings you guys can be matchy :)
Oh, that's nice!
He knows what it's like to stand out from the crowd based on the way you look. This mountain of a man couldn't hide even if he tried.
So if there are ever unwanted stares he's the perfect companion to act as a shield for you.
Feels kind of protective over you. If Mireille came out as lesbian he would want to support her the best he could, so he'll start with you.
Alter doesn't think much of it.
Girls are real cute, of course you prefer them to some of the absolute bastards he's met.
You 🤝 Keith
Making cute girls blush
Real talk, both of them know the weight of putting on a facade and hiding your true self. They're proud of you and happy for you for living your truth. (And just a tiny bit jealous.)
I mean, he already knew. He knew you had dated several women before.
But man 😔
Gets really greedy for your platonic affection.
HE will be your new best friend :) *threatening*
Always cockblocks (coochieblocks?) You when you try to flirt with someone 😔
Very jealous that he doesn't have the ability to steal you away from any potential suitors. Unless he takes up too much of your time for you to maintain a romantic relationship >:)
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nostalgicish · 9 months
My favorite tropes in klance fanfics that are never not funny (to me):
"Fighting" over little things
Lance: "I cannot believe you just said that......" Keith: "What?? I stand by what I said. Anchovies are objectively bad and are by far the worst pizza topping." Lance: "What! A pizza without anchovies is like— like a rose without petals! an ocean without waves! a night sky without stars! Keith: "Don't care. They're gross." Lance, theatrically: "You wound me!"
Then bringing the others into it
Lance: "Hunk, are you hearing this nonsense??" Hunk: "Nope, sorry bud, I'm with Keith on this one— anchovies are nasty." Lance: *clutches his chest like he's been fucking shot*
Keith getting confused by Lance's bad flirting but it ends up working on him anyways (i.e. wrong formula right answer)
Lance: "Holy shit, dude. Your hand looks super heavy. Do you want me to hold it for you? Keith, confused: "It's uh... I was— my hand? I— uhh...... yes...?"
Keith pretending he hates pet names/PDA
Lance, planting a wet kiss on Keith's cheek: "Anything for you, baby." Keith, trying really hard not to smile: "Oh my god you're so embarrassing."
Casual sibling-energy banter among the team
Lance: "Pidge is sooooo tiny. She's like. Three feet tall! So cute!" Pidge: "Lance, I swear to God. I will beat your ass." Lance: "Bring it, munchkin. We put out the mousetraps." Hunk: "Oohhh!" *high fives Lance* Pidge: "I am going to bash in your kneecaps." Keith, deadpan: "He'll just stand on the table then." Hunk: "OOHHHH" *high fives Keith* Pidge: *deep inhale* Pidge, eerily calm: "I'm gonna give you guys. a five-second head start... One..." Keith: "Uh... a head start for what?" Pidge: "Two..." Lance: "Wait, like five seconds each or...?" Pidge, gritting: "THREE..." Hunk: "Go go go gogogogogo—"
(unabashedly stole part of that from "Shut Up and Dance With Me" by wittyy_name on ao3)
Everyone knows they're in love EXCEPT them/the team placing bets on them (is it overdone? yes. is it still funny? to me?? also yes.)
Keith: "And uh... guys? There's... one more thing we need to tell you—" Lance, blurting: "WE'RE DATING." Everyone: "..." Pidge: "Fucking finally." Hunk: "Hah! Pay up, guys!" Shiro, pulling a $20 out of his wallet: "Seriously? You guys couldn't wait one more week?" Coran, whispering to Allura: "They weren't courting before??" Allura: "I'm just as confused as you are."
And like. a million other things! i love them!!
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childoftheriver · 1 year
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The handsome boys.
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yga-vn · 1 year
🔞Your Guardian Angel🔞
Warning: YGA game is a 18+ game which means that you need to be at least 18 to play this game or to interacte with this account. This is a tiny VN project who is still in development. It contains:
violence(blood/gore), sensible subjects such as sucide,some sexual terms,horror,romance
Noël has been your friend for now a couple of years and he is the best friend and the best company you ever had in your life. He met you not in the best condition cause you were actually on the verge of a sucide attempte and he is the one who stopped you from doing the unthinkable
Your guardian angel is most of the time seen as a perfect man,he is kind, smart, strong, pretty handsome and a gentlman. Noël is basicly everything that a person look for in a partner. But is he that nice that he pretend to be ?
This account is for asks, if some of you have any questions about the lore/characters etc...basicly everything related to YGAgame Noë, the other character or me will answer to it
Hope we'll have fun together hehe~
I won't tolorate those things who are in that list:
Minors (be gone...)
and probably many other things like this...
Please be respectfull to everyone I just want people to have fun and enjoy the game I just started to developpe if you can't even do those things I'll have no choice but to block you!
twitter : @YourGuardianVN / @Ku_Ru_j
Instagram : thatsunnysky
youtube : https://youtube.com/@kuru284
#Noël❄️ (for stuff related to Noël)
#Joë🦋 (for stuff related to Joël, Noël's twin brother)
#Viktor😈 (for stuff related to Viktor)
#lore📚 (anyting related to the characters backstorys)
#mature/sensitive content🔞 (NSFW/sensitive content such as sucide for exemple or abuse...)
#fan content🎨 (fan arts/ fan fics...)
#scenarios🎭 (anything related to asks who has scenarios in it for exemple)
#up date 🎮 (progress on the game making)
#fluff💕 ( fluff asks/ cute things)
#my stuff🐰( my drawings/writtings..)
#the yan homies✨ (anything related to friends/ other yan boys)
#gag🤡 (funny asks)
#angst🌧️(anything related to angsty asks or when there is a terme of angst in general)
Mr.Therapiste📋(anything related to Mr.Therapiste)
#Noël x Keith💛🧡 (anything related to the ship Noël and Keith <3)
DM me if interested
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luveline · 2 years
hi love ! I absolutely adore ur writing sm <3 I’m not sure if ur taking requests atm but could you write a blurb where shy!reader has been feeling a lil blue and doesn’t tell anyone but Steve notices?? and surprises reader with a happy meal 😭😭I literally just got the Halloween one at McDonald’s
okay this isn't for the Halloween party but i loved the idea sm ♡
Steve literally hurts when you're not feeling well. He knows it's stupid and dramatic and he doesn't care even slightly — when you're sad, he's sad by default.
You won't tell him you're sad, although you have grown increasingly more outspoken the more comfortable you've become with him. Steve doesn't mind having to earn your trust, especially not when it's you. He's patient as he can be and he waits for you to be ready to tell him things, but until the moment comes where you are, he has to get creative.
"Y/N," he calls into the house. Barely a call, because the house is quiet. He finds you in the living room watching TV at a low volume, your cheek pressed to the armrest of the couch. Slumped.
"Stevie?" you say back. You must not know he's in the doorway. "I'm in here."
He gives it a second so as not to startle you and then steps noisily into the room, his treats behind his back. "Hey, sweet girl."
You fluster predictably and raise your head to smile at him. A tired, small smile, but a smile all the same. He treasures it. "Hi. What happened, did Keith keep you late?"
"Not quite." He pulls his arms from behind his back and extends them toward you. "I come bearing gifts."
And he does. There's a brown paper bag, a Happy Meal box and a cup holder with two milkshakes housed.
"Oh," you say happily, "I'm so hungry, thank god."
He puts the food down on the armrest and drops a quick kiss against your forehead, lingering so he can squeeze your shoulder. "It's a Happy Meal, to cheer you up."
You don't deny that you're in need of it. You wrap your hand quickly around his wrist and keep him where is, the warm smell of salt and fries tickling his nose where it wafts below him.
"Thanks, Steve."
He nods, kisses your cute forehead again. "You're welcome. Don't mention it, seriously."
You pull open your happy meal and Steve retrieves his normal burger from the paper bag, eating your food in a comfortable silence. He can physically see the grease working to make you feel not quite happy but at least better, and the toy works double.
It's a teeny tiny beanie baby with glass eyes. You fawn at it, fawn at Steve, and then raise the stuffie to his face to make it kiss his cheeks.
He smiles at you, absolutely lovelorn and with no regrets.
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tetsunabouquet · 4 months
Titan Shifters; Eren Yeager X Reader
A/N: Like I mentioned on my blog, I watched a Rise Of The Lycans analysis a few days ago and this prompted me to go on a rewatch. I am blaming this fic on Lucian.
You were jittering with nerves, being assigned to help with Eren's titan shifting experiments so they could compare your data. You were really intrigued by him. Born of human parents, yet being able to shift into a titan. Unlike you. You were the prized secret of the Survey Corps, the secret they had been hiding from the military police since your birth. The story they told was that they found you as a baby during their expedition, miraculously alive and the Survey Corps insisted into adopting you at their base under the excuse they had grown attached to you. The real truth was much more strange, and horrifying. On a scouting mission, they encountered a few titans, one acting more strangely then the rest. At first, they thought it was an Abnormal, until it started to evaporate on its own. In the middle of the smoke and bones, was a baby. You. The daughter of a titan and completely looking like a normal human baby. Keith Shadis who had been the Commander at the time, looked at the baby in his arms and he did not have it in him to surrender you to the Military Police and what kind of tests they might do to a tiny little baby. Keith Shadis was a hard man, but not heartless. As imperfect as he was, he had been the only father you'd ever known and you were sad to see him go. But he said it was for the best, especially after that event on your 8th birthday which had transpired a year before the fall of Shiganshina, when you had transformed into a 12 meter titan by accident. It seemed like you were some kind of half-titan, Hange would later conclude. Erwin had been good to you after he came into charge at the Survey Corps and Levi thankfully managed to keep Hange under control who continued to creep you out. But you missed Keith all the same. Getting a new piece of the puzzle of the titan mystery and your own, had made you look forward to meeting the boy. You had not nearly expected him to be so cute and looking like he would grow into a very handsome man. Needless to say, you had a slight crush and the idea of comparing your titan form to his, just flustered you beyond belief.
Things had turnt out interesting, like finding out Eren needed to self harm and focus in order to shift. You never did, you only needed to focus on a woman you presumed had been your mother's human form. She would often come to you in your dreams and you very vividly remembered blowing out the birthday candles on your eight birthday, thinking of that woman and how she never got to see you grow up before you transformed. Eren's titan had a different smell then the other titans you've encountered before. He still smelt human after turning into a titan. Hange had found it marvellous and had proceeded to question you why you never said titans smelt different to you and how humans smelt like. This was exactly why you never told Hange anything, because she would bombard you with questions that gave a headache. When she finally backed down, you had the opportunity to sit down in peace. Much to your surprise, Eren sat down next to you. "She finally left you off the hook huh?" He remarked and you chuckled. "Seems so." "How have you endured her for so long?" Eren asked which made you sigh with the weight of tolerating Hange for years. "I suppose it's my angelic patience." You offered as you looked up at the sun that hung low in the sky. "I swear she can be so creepy, like the way she measures my titan form every month as mine does ages alongside me. It gives me the icks." "So your titan underwent puberty? Like…" Eren looked a little red faced but continued bluntly, "it didn't always have boobs?" You stuttered with an even redder face,"Just wh-what were you l-looking at?!" "I'm a boy you know, and you're hot." Eren clarified and you might as well have fainted on the spot. Eren Yeager certainly changed your life for good, that's for sure.
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I live for active VLD blogs
anyways I love your writing style! could i please request going with the paladins on a space walk and admiring space and telling g each other they love them? preferably she/her pronouns but they/them is fine and thank you :)
HELLO ANON 😏 thank you so much for requesting! So, I only write x readers as gender neutral and with they/them pronouns. I just want anyone and everyone who reads my writing to be able to imagine themselves in the story, regardless of their gender or lack there of. I also try not to add any detail about skin color/race, weight, height, ect. I just want to be as inclusive as possible! Thanks for understanding and I hope you enjoy 💖
Ps: I only included the main 5 paladins cuz this was getting soooo long and I wanted to finish this in one day!
It was a nice day off for you, rare but greatly appreciated. You’re happy that your day will be calm and stress free, but…you’re kind of bored. Besides training, what else was there to do with yourself? Just as you’re racking your brain with ideas of what you can do with all your free time, you hear a knock at your door. You’re quick to jump up from bed and open it, your favorite person on the other side.
“Hi.” “Hey.” There’s a brief moment of silence as you stare at each other. “Wanna…go for a walk?” You smile a bit but raise a questioning brow. “Like…around the castle?” “No, out in space.” You laugh softly for a second. “Oh…oh wait. You’re serious?” “Yeah, let’s find a nice looking planet and take a stroll.” A dreamy smile forms on your face as you nod slowly. “Sounds like a date.”
Keith had taken you in the red lion to a tiny planet not too far from where the castle is now. It was so small, in fact, that you two began walking in silence and found your way back to the lion in a matter of minutes. You walked the entirety of the planet in literally 12 minutes. The planet was small and simple, having light blue skies and grass similar to Earth. Keith finally breaks the silence as you stand still now. “Welp…I guess I picked the tiniest and most boring planet ever.” This causes a soft laugh to leave your mouth as you step closer to him. “No, that’s not true. This is so cool! We can tell everyone back on Earth that we walked the entire planet in mere minutes! That’s hella cool! It’s perfect for a first date.”
You sit down in the lush green grass and let your hands gently run over it, the texture reminding you of when you were a kid playing in the grass at the park. It was quiet again, so you look up at Keith who is still standing beside you. “What are you thinking about?” You question, seeing his face turning pink behind his long dark hair. “You said…first date.” You nod and watch him glance down at you then quickly avert his gaze when he sees you staring up at him. “Yeah, and?” He slowly sits beside you, his arms resting on his knees. “Does…does that mean…we can go on more?” His voice is so soft now, you have to lean closer to hear him. “Of course. But you’ve got a busier schedule than me, Mr. Red Paladin. So, you let me know when you’re down for a second date.”
You’ve never seen such a huge grin on his usually grumpy face and that makes a huge, dorky grin form on your own face. “You’re cute.” You tell him before your hand gently rests on his shoulder. “No, you.” Is all he offers in response before he removes your hand from his shoulder and holds it tightly in his own. It was often like this with you two, short soft spoken phrases with gentle touching. “You really are though.” You give his hand a squeeze as you watch his lips move. “What?” “Cute. You’re…r-really cute.” And suddenly, the words just began to flow from his mouth. “I love being alone with you, (Y/N). You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met and I adore you and you’re always so easy to talk to and you just get me and I…I just love you so much.”
Your once smiley face has turned to one of shock. “You love me?” You ask, voice barely above a whisper. “Yeah. Like…a lot.” He responds just as quiet and you’re at a loss for words now. You’ve loved this stubborn boy for so long now but you were never sure how he felt about you. It was obvious he liked you as more than a friend but love was a strong word. “You don’t have to say it back. I just need you to know that I love you.” You struggle to find the right words now. “I love you too! I’m sorry…I just…wow. I don’t know, I’m just…” He is staring at you now, trying to read your expression. “I’m sorry. I’m not good with words…and you’re making me nervous.” You say before chewing on your lip nervously. He moves his hand in yours to interlace your fingers. “Shit…I’m sorry. Maybe it’s too soon for me to have-“ You’re quick to stop that train of thought. “No no! I really do love you too, Keith. I guess I just thought I’d be the one to say it to you first and now I’m just…speechless.”
“I’m not good with words either. Let’s just shut up now.” He keeps his hand in yours as you both embrace the silence once again. He’s staring at his shoes now, the smallest smile on his lips and you watch his face, wondering what he’s thinking now. All that’s running through his dense head is “I really do love you too, Keith.” He can’t get your voice out of his head for weeks. The way you followed the ‘I love you too’ with his name just made him feel all gooey inside. He’s got it soooo bad for you.
Of course Pidge takes you somewhere cool as fuck. “Look! There’s four moons! Isn’t that the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?” They are excitedly pointing and rambling, long scientific words spilling from their mouth at a rapid pace. You were always a little lost when Pidge got like this and they knew that, but you always listened and nodded along and they loved that about you. You never interrupt, you just listen and try to follow along. “Wow, the air here is safe for us to breathe.” They check the info about this planet on a gadget attached to their wrist before they pull off their helmet. You copy them, pulling your helmet off with a sigh.
“Wow. It’s beautiful.” That’s all you could come up with after the long rant Pidge just went on about this amazing planet and it’s many moons. You’re looking around, admiring the dark and barren land surrounding you as Pidge’s gaze locks onto you. As you turn your head, your eyes meet. “What?” You tilt your head at them as they continue to stare. Like…hardcore stare until they finally speak up. “You’re the only one who listens to me.” Your lips slowly turn to a soft frown. “What? No way. Hunk is always more responsive with this stuff than I am. And what about Matt? You guys literally complete each other’s sentences.” Pidge looks down at their shoes, gently moving some dirt around with their foot. “Yeah, but you’re missing the point. You actually LISTEN. You make me feel heard. You never talk over me or try to out smart me or even ask questions when I know you have no idea what I’m saying.” This causes an embarrassed blush to appear on your face. “Yeah. I just…like your voice.” They look back to you, their lips turning up into a grin. “I like /your/ voice.” They shoot back in response before they step closer to you.
Now only inches apart, eyes gazing into each other’s, you’re both consumed by red hot blushes and shy smiles. “So…is this…like actually a date?” You ask at a low volume, nervous for their reply. “Do you…want it to be?” You nod as you clasp your hands together behind your back, still keeping eye contact with the green Paladin. “Then it is. The first of many. Uh…I-I mean if that’s what you want. Is that…is that what you want?” Suddenly, the little genius seems to be stumbling over their words, obviously nervous about the lack of space between you and the way your sparkling eyes won’t look away from them. “More than anything.” And your response has them giggling with excitement. “Cool. Cool.”
You begin to wander, bending down to pick up interesting rocks and looking up at the dark blue sky. You look back, seeing Pidge glued to their spot. “I thought we were gonna walk.” Your voice brings them back to reality, making them scurry over to your side. “Right. Sorry.” They loop their arm in yours, walking slowly with you. It was quiet for a bit before Pidge began ranting again. “You know, the gravity on this planet is just less than on Earth.” You nod and look over at their face, noticing a smirk on their thin lips. “Yeah? What’s with the face?” “I bet I could pick you up.” “No.” “Come on, let me try!” “No, Pidge. Pidge! Don’t you dare- AH!”
A yelp rips from your throat as Pidge sweeps your legs out from under you, picking you up bridal style. “Oh my god, YOU BETTER NOT DROP ME!” You can’t help but laugh at the face they’re making right now. Their whole face and neck are turning red, they’re holding their breath and you can feel them shaking. All they ever want is to impress you. “Wow, my Prince Charming.” You lean in to kiss their cheek just as their muscles give out on them. Instead of dropping you completely, they fall to their knees with you still in their thin arms. They smile sheepishly, admiring the way you’re laughing, taking note of your squinted eyes and the small wrinkles around them.
“I love you.” They blurt out, their smile never dropping. “What?” “I love you, (Y/N).” They repeat plainly, watching for your reaction. “I love you too, Pidge.” You feel them sink down to the ground more, still holding your legs in one arm and your back against the other arm. They’re not the strongest on the team, that’s for sure, but seeing the deep sincerity in your eyes when you declare your love for them made them sooooo weak~
Lance had brought you to the first planet he saw and after landing, you sat in his lion for longer than expected, just chit chatting and enjoying alone time together. “I thought we were gonna go for a walk, lover boy. Stop flirting and take me on a walk already.” He flashes a cheeky grin before standing from his seat, dramatically gesturing towards the exit from his lion. “After you, darling.” His multitude of pet names for you always made your heart race when he said them, always different and ever changing. You walked down out of blue’s mouth, gasping slightly when you realized the gravity here was similar to the moon of Earth. It took several seconds for your feet to gently meet the ground, making you and Lance get all giddy and excited. “Oh my god, this is so sick!” He exclaims before he’s trying but failing to run to you. He forgot for a second that he couldn’t run at the same speed here that he could on Earth. This leaves you laughing so hard you’re gasping for air. Lance never failed to make you smile and laugh and feel genuine happiness when you two were together.
You watch with a smile still stuck to your face as he tries to make his way over to you, his lanky limbs swimming through the air. He reaches out for you, huffing when you ignore his hand just inches away from yours. “(Y/N)! I wanna be close to you.” He whines, finally making you grab his hand and pull him to you. He’s fast now as he pulls himself up against you, his arms wrapping around your shoulders. “Mmm I love you~” He sort of moans, finding great comfort in your embrace. You’re silent now, eyes wide with surprise. “Huh?” He pulls back to look you in the eye, his typical flirty facial expression causing you to blush all over. “I said…” And he leans in to your ear, whispering in a deeper voice now. “I love you.” As he tries to pull back and get a good look at your dumb and flustered expression, you hide your face in his neck, hugging him tighter. “Shut up.” “I mean it.” “Yeah right.”
Now as he pulls back, he looks very serious, almost concerned. “I’m serious, (Y/N). You think I’m messing with you?” You look up at him now, biting your lip as you think of what to say to him. He flirts with everyone, even with Keith sometimes. How were you to know if he was truly into you or not? Sure, you were head over heels for him but…are you enough for him? “Oh my god. And they say I’M the dumb one.” His comment causes you to lean away from him. “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m in love with you, stupid…like so hardcore. Listen…” He sighs. “The flirting with other people…I’m sorry, it’s just a nervous tick for me. I’m not good at making friends so I flirt and try to be funny. That’s all I really know how to do. I’m…I’m really only into YOU though, (Y/N). Seriously. You gotta believe me. I swear-“ You stop him. “I love you too, Lance.” And now he’s smiling again, nearly melting out of your arms as he admires your plump and smiling cheeks. “You do?” He asks in an excited, high pitched tone, making you laugh again. You can’t go a single second without laughing when you’re around him, he just has that affect on you. “Obviously.” You reply, watching him wiggle with happiness. He pulls you against him tightly, nearly squeezing the air out of you. You didn’t mind, you’d happily let him crush you to death in his arms. It would be the best way to go.
“I want you to be my partner. Let’s go steady.” He says in all seriousness and now you’re pushing him away. “Ewwww you’re so cheesy. ‘Go steady’.” You mock him. “You’re straight out of an 80’s romcom movie, I swear to god.” He laughs as you push him harder, making him float away from you. “Hey! Get back here! I’m not done expressing my feelings for you! Come on, (Y/N)! I love youuuuu.” He continues to pester you as you both swim through the atmosphere, your cheeks hurting from how hard you’re smiling.
Shiro totally let you decide where to land and took soooo much time checking to make sure it was safe for you two to exit the black lion. Finally, without speaking, he grabs your hand and pulls you out into the vast openness of space. The planet you chose was huge and pretty dark, it was almost spooky. Shiro watches you for a moment, smiling sweetly as you examined your surroundings. You could really see the stars around you due to the lack of light and it took your breath away. “Wow…the stars look so pretty! I’ve never seen the stars like this.”
Suddenly, you feel his big arms circle loosely around your shoulders from behind. “Isn’t it wild how different things look this far away from Earth.” He speaks softly to you, his helmet gently resting against your own. “It’s truly remarkable.” You respond before turning around to look at him. Usually Shiro knows all the right things to say, but similar to Keith, his throat goes dry and his mind goes blank when you look him in the eye.
It’s quiet for a moment before you finally decide to speak up. “This is so-“ “I’m glad we got the chance-“ You speak at the same time before you both break out into laughter. “Sorry, sorry you go-“ “You talk first-“ You laugh more as you continue to talk over each other. “I was gonna say…I’m glad we finally got the chance to sneak away from the others. I love spending time with you like this, Takashi.” You see his lip quiver as his face begins to feel hot. He wants to respond but he forgot what he was even gonna say in the first place. Shiro is malfunctioning at this point. No one has called him by his full first name in quite some time but the way you say it makes him lose it for a second.
He leans in towards you, his eyes fluttering closed as he wraps his arms around you more. You can’t help but smile as your eyes mimic his, leaning in closer. Your palms are resting on his hard chest and you’re standing on your tippy toes to get the best angle. Suddenly, your helmets collide and all that’s heard is a plasticy “thump”. You both begin laughing as you realize you were so caught up in this special moment together that you forgot you even had helmets on. “Hahaha! Oh my god, we’re so dumb.” Your laugh rings out into the air, making Shiro laugh along with you. Sure, the moment was funny and laughable but Shiro just found your laugh so sweet and infectious. Even in the most serious of moments, if you began to laugh, so would he.
Now, you’re impatiently yanking on his arm, trying to get him back to his lion. “Whoa, what? We just got here.” “Yeah, but I want that kiss.” His smile widens as he rubs the back of his neck with his other hand. “Geez, you’re so eager.” You scoff, pulling on him harder. “Psh! YOU leaned in to kiss me first, sir!” He nearly chokes when you call him ‘sir’ and now he’s totally running with you back into his lion.
You push him into the pilot’s seat and plop down in his lap before yanking your helmet off, watching as he follows along. The kiss was hot and very eager and almost comedic. You’d always thought your first kiss with him would be super romantic and serious and soft but here you are, giggling against his lips as his hands gently tickle your torso. “I love you, (Y/N).” He pulls back from your lips for just a second to see your reaction to his words. You throw yourself against him once more, kissing him harder than before. “I love you more, Takashi.” You mumble against his lips, his breath lingering on your skin. You’ve never felt so safe and warm in your entire life.
You and Hunk sort of argued for a bit over where to land. Not like a full blown argument but he’s a worry wart and would never forgive himself if anything happened to you so he’s double checking EVERYTHING. “I guess this seems fine. You can take your helmet off here if you want.” And at his word, you yank your helmet off and toss it behind you before you’re running out of his lion. “Hey, wait up!” He throws his helmet off and chases after you. The planet you landed on was mostly water but it was all very shallow, maybe a foot deep at the most. You splash around and laugh, loving the feeling of the warm water on your legs. “Oh my god, babe! This is sooooo coooool!” You continue to play in the water as Hunk just watches you, a goofy smile plastered across his tan face. “Did…you just call me babe?” You stop abruptly and look back at him. “Noooo….” You reply shyly but before you know it, he’s running towards you, water splashing up with each step he takes.
You squeal with joy as he swoops you up in his arms, twirling you around before he plops down in the water, soaking both of you from head to toe. You playfully flick water at his face, smirking as he returns the gesture. Within seconds, you’re in a full blown wrestling match, trying to see who can dunk the other’s head under water first. “Ah! Hunk! No!” You yell and laugh and try your best to overpower him. He takes you down easy, pushing your face under the water for just a second before you pop back up and rub the water out of your eyes.
“I adore you, (Y/N).” Just as you open your eyes again, you are greeted by his shy blushing face just inches away from yours. “What? Me?” He chuckles and nods. “Yes, absolutely.” He responds whole heartedly before he leans in to gently kiss your wet forehead. You’re both kneeling on your knees now, the water coming up to your waist. You slowly crawl even closer to him, his heart pounding in his chest as he watches you with nervous eyes. You gently cup his face in your hands, giving him an innocently sweet smile as you lean in closer. Once you see his eyes close and his lips pucker, you use all your strength to push him backwards, cheering triumphantly once he’s full submerged under the water.
You jump up to your feet, hooting and hollering as he sits up and huffs. “That was so mean! I thought we were gonna kiss.” You offer him a hand to help him to his feet. He takes it and once he’s standing in front of you, you gently grab him by the shoulders and pull him in for a soft and short peck on the lips. “Happy?” You ask softly, watching as he blinks a few times, completely dazed by this whole interaction. “No. I think I need another one…to make up for you pushing me so hard.” You laugh softly as your lips meet again and this time he’s wrapping his thick arms around you and lifting you up off your feet. “I love you so much, (Y/N). You’re the only thing keeping me brave and sane out here.” He stares up at you with a look of such fondness and comfort.
Your playful smile disappears and is replaced by a mushy gushy expression of love and gratitude. “Aww. You…you really mean it? You really love me?” He sets you back down on your feet and slides his hands down your arms until they fall so perfectly into your own. “With all of my heart. You’re the peanut butter to my jelly.” And now he’s just examining your laughing face, noticing your pink cheeks and shiny teeth and wet hair. “I love you too, Hunk. More than I could ever explain.” Eventually, you found yourselves laying back in the water, side by side, floating on your backs while holding hands. What a perfect day with the perfect person.
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keiffeine · 1 year
hey omg ok so weird but like kinda cute request idk
could you do a keith x fem reader who when keith comes back to earth (season 7 ep 9) and is like fighting the bots and the cadets pop in he sees his best friend whom he’s had a crush on for YEARS and when he sees her again she just looks completely diff ( but in like a good way ) and like on the ride back to the garrison and at the garrison keith is just like basically in shock ab meeting his best friend again and just getting to know that she’s alive?
whew that was long sorry 😭
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with female reader.
genre: fluff
a/n: this is so cute!! ty for your req :) honestly might make a pt2 for this ngl
© all rights reserved to keiffeine. reposting, plagiarizing, modifying, and translating is not allowed.
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• keith scoffed in irritation as he watched the bots they had been fighting off get shot down by, what he assumed were, three garrison cadets by the looks of what they were wearing and the vehicles they arrived in. “i had it,” he said, furrowing his eyebrows when he realized that this cadet he was looking at just so happened to be griffin (that was a problem he’ll deal with later, no need to get too angry about it right now). the two others were girls, one wearing glasses and unfamiliar to keith, the other was…
• keith squinted his eyes. she seemed like a face he knew—one that he should know, but he couldn’t quite place a name just yet.
• “drones send distress signals when they’re attacked. our weapons neutralize those signals, so unless you wanna deal with a swarm of those things, let us handle it,” james bit back. keith opened his mouth to make another remark, until the other girl (the one who seemed more familiar to him) spoke.
• “hey, focus. let’s get out of here. we have to get these guys back to the garrison, and we can’t afford to waste more time right now,” she said, turning her head towards keith. her serious demeanor quickly changed to that of a softer one at the sight of him, and keith immediately realized—
• “y/n…” he said quietly to himself. several feelings immediately flooded in his chest, mostly relief at the fact that you were still alive.
• keith turned his head towards shiro, warmth pooling in his cheeks when he saw that shiro was already looking at him with a tiny, knowing smile.
• you were his best friend throughout his time at the garrison, and slowly became his crush. keith felt devastated when he couldn’t communicate with you after dropping out, and even more so when he was unwillingly launched into space, only left to wonder whether you were still okay on earth—what he’d been missing out on with you. regret had piled so much within him, with words he desperately wanted to say to you but never got the chance to. but now he can.
• “keith,” you said, catching his attention. he could feel himself nearly melting, noticing the light in your eyes and feeling the tension that hung in the air between you two. you were so different, with the way you carried yourself with more confidence and strength. it’s been years; keith doesn’t even know what to say to you first. what should he say? “come ride with me,” you say after a beat, after staring at each other for what seemed like the longest minute.
• he doesn’t hesitate to follow.
• keith silently steals glances at you as you drive. he wanted to spill everything he’d been wanting to say for the longest time, but he decided to settle on another, more appropriate time.
• instead, he smiles, mostly to himself just knowing that you’re here, and says, “i’m glad to see you again, y/n.”
• your response sends his heart beating faster: “you don’t understand how happy i am to see you, too, keith.”
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voltron masterlist
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dailykallura · 7 months
I'd like to expand on my nice little tiny cute thought about how Keith exists on the fringes of both of Allura's relationships and how he technically is instrumental to both of her relationships being started with Lotor and Lance and how that too, is kallura meta.
The events that take place between 4.07 and 6.01 kickstart the relationship between Allura and Lotor (in my opinion), since that is when and where they are both face to face, with explicit knowledge of what each other looks like and what they can do for each other. 
My idea is that Keith is instrumental to starting this relationship, primarily because in 5.04, during the Kral Zera, Lotor is at a risk of being gravely injured by the bombs placed all over the Temple, and Keith takes a shot and successfully rescues Lotor from the blast, further allowing him to take up the mantle as the new Galran Emperor. 
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It’s this change in leadership that changes Lotor and Allura’s relationship from the vague “when I take control of the Empire” to the realistic development they had as diplomatic partners and then as romantic partners. 
Keith remains on the fringes of the relationship however, and has some measure of conflict with Lotor because of what he finds out about the hidden Alteans, and he is shown to be both the catalyst for its breakdown (by bringing back Romelle) --
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-- and also acknowledge the possibility of salvaging the relationship Allura may have had with Lotor (by being the one to suggest them rescuing Lotor from the quintessence field).
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I’ve joked about this so much in 2020, but regarding Lance in s8, Keith is instrumental to this relationship being started because of Lance’s insecurities re: Keith and Allura’s relationship: Lance doesn’t choose to make a solid move to Allura until he finds out that it’s popular opinion that Keith and Allura have a relationship (based on the cartoon, yes) - 
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and unbeknownst to Keith, also still harbours insecurities that he’s unworthy to be with Allura. 
It’s Keith’s very kind reassurance that Allura is interested in him, and that Lance does have something to offer to any relationship he’s in that gives him the confidence to go through with the date - 
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and with the offer of a relationship with Allura. 
Keith still exists on the fringes, however, as s8 (consistently) props Keith up as Allura’s support - 
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and as such, he is shown to be the one that Lance speaks with regarding how he feels about Allura and her decisions\their relationship.
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Kallura meta comes out of this primarily because it’s something to note that Keith and Allura are written to be similar in a multitude of things and also be written as not having a relationship past detached friends with some measure of tension - but also have Keith be central to Allura’s relationships like this.
TL;DR: Keith saved Lotor at the Kral Zera and Lotor became Emperor, leading to Allura and Lotor’s relationship; and Keith told Lance to go for Allura, leading to Allura and Lance’s relationship, and it’s because Keith is written as putting priority to what might make Allura happy.
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