allsloppy-nojoe · 9 years
today is my 3 year anniversary of moving home from seattle. i have complicated feelings about this. i was in the worst relationship and on the other side of the country from my whole family, but i made some awesome friends who i miss every day.
kirstin, i know i suck at keeping in touch but dude, i seriously miss you and getting to hang out with you, shelby, and brittany was the best times i had while i was there. i think about that day we had before i left when we just went around and did touristy seattle things that i hadn’t had a chance to do and it was so fun and i loved it so much. i wish i had taken you up on your offer to stay with you til i left because those were seriously the worst two weeks of my life and it could have been so much better but i was sad and dumb. i can’t believe it’s been 3 years :/ 
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phanpire · 11 years
holla at the dj tell him turn it up
Her questions:
Favorite tv-show? (yes you can only choose ONE) SMASH even though it's over idec
Do you prefer writing things the british or american way (favorite/favourite etc) american
If you had an unlimited traveling budget, where would you go and what would you do? i would go to every disney park with a few pals and explore and have fun. also, italy.
Cats or dogs? (yeah I went there) cats
when do you usually go to bed? 10:30
One book that has affected you? All books I read kind of affect me, even if only temporarily. The last book I read and enjoyed was Looking For Alaska oops
A movie that has made you cry? like every disney movie laughs the last one was the first time i saw frozen
what’s a language you would like to learn? I'm currently learning French and although it annoys me sometime it's the only language I would ever like to learn!
What is your favorite sport to watch? ice skating is a sport right
Do you prefer chips or candy? (and if you eat neither what is your prefered snack?) chipssssss
What are you putting off right now?
What is/was your favorite subject in school?
What was the last thing you ate?
If you could go anywhere with anyone, where would you go and with who?
Do you have a crush? (smirk emoji)
What is the longest amount of time you've ever been on a computer?
If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life what would it be?
Where have you already visited that you adored and would like to go back to?
Chocolate or vanilla?
Are you usually the person making others laugh or the person laughing?
 I tag my biggest fans and some people who followed me most recently:
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falarich · 11 years
tintanner replied to your post: I reached my next thousand followers today! Just...
Hey I was one of those thousand and proud of it ;)
Thank you so much! :)
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allsloppy-nojoe · 11 years
tintanner replied to your post: tintanner replied to your post: I real...
she sounds like someone who just doesn’t really think before they do/say something which is super annoying
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ifeelyousoclosetome · 12 years
“Not all princesses wear dresses, go to parties, and marry the first prince that they see, some wear jeans and sneaker, are on Tumblr and fall in love after a long time” #knowitall (thought you might want the gaps filled)
Hahaha, thank you! :)
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allsloppy-nojoe · 11 years
tintanner replied to your post: I really need to vent
ugh that’s horrible of her >:( Personally I feel like the best thing to do is ignore her? I dunno that seems like a good balance between letting it go and letting her step all over you like you said and getting in a fight which could be awkward
yeah, i just kind of accepted her apology. kind of. i didn't really want to start a thing. she did actually seem to feel really bad, so idk. it just seems really weird that she "didn't realize" i lived there. like..seriously. i have more stuff in this house than mike does. really? come on. it's like an excuse to act horrible, i don't know.
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1, 17, 20, 32!
#1 Future daughter's name: Kate Lynn. I've loved that combo for like 15 years no lie.#17 Last thing I said out loud: "oh, the last thing I said out loud." Because I had to go back and reread what 17 was lol#20 Last person I shared a bed with: other than the pup Delilah who sleeps with me every night, it was Eddie... despite where that situation is at now, that was a really good night to remember lol#32 Where I got the shirt I'm wearing: my mom donated blood the last time I went home and got a free "LIFESAVING HERO" t-shirt and gave it to me. I wear it to bed all the time cause it's a size too big!
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Ok, for some reason I can’t copy replies so that I can make a post replying back, so...
Britt: no, I’m not gonna replicate Hedwig’s vest/denim outfit exactly. I’m taking some elements from it and references from the show and adding them in my own way. Its just Hedwig-themed, for the most part. I am gonna paint a huge Origin of Love symbol on the back with fabric paint (the same one thats on the shirt you have) and hopefully it doesnt turn out looking like shit
Tin: thank you!! you’re very sweet :)
I hope y’all are enjoying the updates? I’m definitely enjoying the whole process
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tintanner replied to your post:
So far, I have found the following things to put...
I think it’s gonna look so fun and totally fit your style!
Danke, Tin :) I’m really excited to start working on it!
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tintanner replied to your post:
I’m going to enhance one of my old denim vests...
I can give exactly zero suggestions but this sounds fun!
lt should be! I think I may chronicle my making of this beast here on tumblr so you all can see!
((also, I just found the coolest patch on Etsy, like, ever!!! definitely going on this vest)) 
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I’m going to enhance one of my old denim vests thats a little too big now with some Hedwig shit. I’m not sure which thing I want to put on the back... should it be:
1. Yankee Go Home (with me) 2. The Origin of Love symbol thingy
I’m going to include both on there somehow, I’m just not sure where each is going. I’m also going to include various other things from Hedwig’s denim jumpsuit in various sizes and locations. 
So anyhow, feel free to give me suggestions, as I’m not sure what I want to do yet.
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If you would have told me that I would be this emotional about Glee ending a year ago (or even 6 months ago) I would have laughed in your face. I was so tired of the character assassination and terrible continuity and the after school special storylines... I was so ready for Darren to be able to work on other projects and for our beloved characters to catch a break. I had forgotten. I had honestly lost track of what drew me to the show in the first place. I couldn't recall the way the fandom used to make me feel. The way the show used to make me feel. Good god, it all came back here at the end. And I have been irrationally emotional for 48 hours straight now. I cry at everything. I am so overwhelmingly sad that it's over. I am mourning all that it was and could have been. Everything that it meant to me. To us. If it weren't for Glee and Darren, I wouldn't have ever met Shelby or Tin or Brit (who are all essential in my life now). I wouldn't have learned to be so brave (at least not in the same way). I wouldn't be who I am. Ugh, ok. I'm sorry. I'm done.
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