eungishat · 6 years
Do you think the author is gonna be selling the Fools merchandise again? ‘Cause those look so good!! And did you order them outside korea?
nope. the author said this would be the only time. i think it was announced that you were able to order it overseas, but i’m not sure if you can do that anymore. you can get the books from this site (only the books though), but i’m not sure if they ship overseas. and i bought them from korea.
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dirtylevi · 9 years
Is Nickolas Colton still alive?
I have no idea tbh
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victornikiiforov · 9 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°): relationship status?
dating kuroo tetsurou, married to levi and oikawa
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dirtylevi · 9 years
What if one morning you see Levi sleeping next to you. Naked if you want ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I would thank whatever god or devil existed to bring me such amazing luck; and then I would probably snuggle him.
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dirtylevi · 9 years
Imagine Levi as a FATHER!! What do you think he's gonna be like?
Oh my God!! xD
DISCLAIMER: This is my personal opinion. In no way am I stating what I say here is canon or completely accurate. if you disagree with my opinion or want to share your view on this with me; that’s awesome and I’m all for it! But, if you are going to send me hate, do me a favor and don’t even bother.
I actually think Levi would be a great dad. I’m sure he would doubt himself quite a bit a be a nervous wreck but, I think when it came down to it; he would love his child unconditionally and would instill life long values in them.
Teach them how to defend themselves and basic survival skills. Making sure he passes on his need for extreme cleanliness on to them, etc. Plus if anyone ever tried to pick on his child; he’d probably kick their ass xD
I’m sure he’d make mistakes too. Being too harsh with his words or being over protective. But, all in all I think he would be a caring and loving father.
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