#tina watches twd
letterstotheflre · 2 years
the parallel between daryl's hallucination of merle saying "grab your friend rick's hand, little brother" and no one being there to help him up to season 9 rick telling daryl "grab my hand brother" and getting him out of the hole
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close to home | chapter forty five
close to home | chapter forty five
plot: the reader deals with the aftermath of her attack, Negan shows his cards to the reader, and Carl shows up at the Sanctuary
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 2,879 Warnings: violence, blood, typical twd A/N: thank you for reading!!! I've gotten so many sweet replies and messages lately and they mean the absolute world to me! I truly love and thank you all for showing this story love. I hope you're all loving it as much as I've loved writing it!!! 🖤
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The next day, you didn’t leave your room. Sherry and Frankie brought you food and tried to coax you out. But all you could do was cry and lucidly beg them to get Daryl; they left you alone. You spent the day watching shadows cross the floor and staring at the ceiling as thoughts danced around you. 
You pictured Glenn and Abraham, and then you cried for them. Then you wondered desperately how Maggie was doing, and the baby and you cried for her. You cried for Rick and Michonne, for Rosita, and Carl and Tora. You wanted to go home more than anything. 
Sherry and Frankie visited you before dinner, bringing you a bag with a few books. “I thought you might like these; they’re from the library. You can go anytime you want and take whatever you want.” Sherry told you as she sat down. 
Frankie approached you on the bed and sat beside you, sweeping back your hair. “Hey, sweetie,” She said sadly, “How are you holding up?”
You glanced at her and nodded slowly, “I’m okay.”
“Your hair is getting so long. Do you want me to give it a cut?” She offered. 
You nodded because of her generosity and because you actually did like her, and she excused herself to find her hair-cutting tools. 
While she was gone, you sat up and looked at Sherry. She was leaning forward on her knees and looked more than just preoccupied with a few thoughts. 
“Sherry?” You asked her, waiting to get her attention. “Why do you care about me so much? It doesn’t matter to you if I live or die,” 
She looked at you for a long minute before coming over to you. “I debated on telling you this… I couldn’t stand the thought of you hating me. The other wives don’t know, but I…” She breathed out. 
“Dwight and I tried to escape with my sister a while back. This was before I married Negan. We met Daryl on the road. Did he tell you about it?”
Sherry nodded and tucked her hair behind her ear. “We thought he was one of the saviors, so we kept him hostage. But he was able to take off, and you see, Tina, my sister, was diabetic. We couldn’t afford her medications. So we had stolen them, and the saviors were after us. And I guess Daryl saw the medicine because he came back. And he helped us when Tina was bit.” 
You weren’t sure what to say, so you stayed quiet and let her speak. 
“We stole his bike and the crossbow and went back to Negan. I wanted to run but Dwight he… he wanted to protect me. Negan was going to kill him, but I offered to marry him instead. And now Daryl’s here anyway, after what we did…” Sherry started to cry. 
“And I just feel so guilty. And when I found out about you and Daryl, how Dwight said you two must’ve been an item or something, I just had to protect you. I had to help you. I’m so sorry, (Y/N).” She cried. 
You moved from your spot and went to her, wrapping your arms around her shoulders. It made sense now why she tried to help you so much. And why she seemed to be intent on protecting you. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” You tried to soothe her. 
“It’s not okay, but I’m trying to amend what I’ve done.” Sherry looked at you. “I know you’ve only been here a week, but I hope you know you can trust me. What I owe to Daryl, I can never repay him. But I can help you.”
You nodded and gave her a hug. You knew what she did wasn’t okay, but she was trying to make amends. And she helped you; she probably saved your life, even if it wasn’t a life you wanted anymore. And regardless of what she’s done, you couldn’t find it in your heart to hate her. The two of you were going through the exact situation. 
“How do you stand it? What Negan did to him…” You asked her when you pulled away. “Every time I see Daryl, I want to scream. I can’t imagine what they’re doing to him, what they’ve done.” 
“I don’t stand it. I drink, I smoke, I do anything to try and forget. But Dwight’s alive and one of Negan’s top men. What else can we do? We tried running before…”
“We can do it again, together,” You said. “We can get them and go.”
“Where, (Y/N)?” She asked. “There’s nowhere to go. We have shelter here; we’re safe here. We have food and running water, and electricity. You can’t go back to Alexandria, you know that. Negan will spend every resource he can looking for us. Especially you and me. And you have people at Alexandria he'll take it out on, too.”
You deflated as you realized she was right. 
“I know you want to be with Daryl. But he’s alive," Sherry stressed. “Let’s just… let’s just think about this. It would take a lot of work to get out.”
Just then, the door opened, and Frankie walked in. “Amber needs to talk to you, Sher.” 
Sherry squeezed your arm as you both stood, and she bid goodbye. Frankie smiled at you, obviously pleased you were up and out of bed. 
“I brought the scissors; let’s give you a cut!”
The next day, you were in the wives' room, trying to control yourself. The mess from two days ago had been cleaned up, and you had to keep telling yourself that nothing happened, and that you were being silly for acting this way. What Sherry said was right; as of now, you were safe. Everyone you loved wasn’t, but you were safe. And you could figure everything else out. 
You were absent-mindedly listening to Tanya and Frankie discuss a book they’d been reading when the door opened, and you heard a familiar bell. Your stomach clenched as you watched Tora run into the room, looking scared and on edge. 
“Tora!” You exclaimed, dropping down to the floor. She meowed profusely as she ran over to you, and you scooped her up in your arms. She was immediately purring and rubbing her face against yours as you cried. 
“Oh my God,” Frankie laughed as she approached you. “A cat? How?”
You laughed through your tears. “This is Tora. She’s been with me since before.” You cried, trying to control yourself. 
Another presence made himself known, and you looked up at Negan, who was leaning against the doorframe. He had a smile on his face, a genuine one, and he walked over. 
“A little birdie in Alexandria told me that the cat was yours,” Negan said, “I’d like to say I’m surprised, but I’m really not.” Negan laughed, giving Tora a rub on the head. 
“I…” You didn’t have any words. 
“I sent out a group to get some stuff for her since she won’t be able to go outside here.” Negan said, “But I thought it might make you feel more at home here, and I knew you all would just love her.” 
There was a chorus of thank you’s, yours not included. But you maintained eye contact with Negan, and despite how much you hated it, he knew how much it meant to you. 
Negan wished everyone goodnight before he left and shut the doors behind him. You let Tora go, and all the women started playing with her with whatever they could find. She was a little skeptical but warmed up quickly with all the attention. 
You sat on the couch and watched, wiping away tears. Sherry sat down next to you and said softly. “He doesn’t do that for just everyone.” You looked at her with confusion. “We get whatever we want here. But he doesn’t do anything like that. I think you’re really special to him.”
“I don’t understand…” Your voice trailed off. 
“Nobody does. That’s the problem with Negan. He’s a monster. I know it. You know it. But then there are times…” Her voice trailed off. “He’ll give you more time after what happened. But he’ll be expecting sex soon. He won’t force it, but if…”
“If I know what’s good for me and Daryl, I have to do it.” You finished her sentence. 
More days passed since Tora arrived at the sanctuary, and even if you didn’t want to admit it, it brought a little life back into you. The run group Negan sent out brought back everything you could possibly need, and Negan had the worker who cleaned all of the wives room’s add Tora’s new litter box to her list. 
You felt awful about it, but Sherry told you to let it go. Still, you ensured the worker had something to eat and drink each time she came up. It became a little secret between the two of you. 
Negan visited you every evening at the same time unless he was out. He would eat with you all and talk about his day while you and the other wives would listen and share conversations. He hadn’t made an attempt to have sex with you yet, but as each day passed, you knew it was coming. 
You hadn’t seen Daryl much, aside from when he was out manning the fence--you could see him from the sitting room, where you watched him more often than not--or mopping up the floors while you walked around with Sherry. The two of you knew better than to speak to each other, but each time you made eye contact, you shared a nod. And it broke your heart every single time. 
As usual, you were with the girls, reading a book with Tora on your lap. She’d adapted nicely to the new space, and the wives agreed to keep her on this floor for her safety. She loved the company of all the women and all the affection she got. 
Amber was talking with Sherry about what happened with Mark, who you knew she had slept with. You’d learned from Sherry yesterday and dreaded the altercation with Negan.
You heard voices before the doors opened, and everyone tensed simultaneously. 
“Ladies,” Negan greeted you all.
When you turned to look at the man, your mouth parted, and your heart dropped to your feet when you saw Carl standing there. The book fell from your grasp, and you stood, knocking Tora off. She didn’t seem to mind because she immediately ran up to him and started rubbing against his legs. 
“Carl?” You said, slowly approaching him. 
Negan looked at you with that smile again, and your skin crawled. “Baby, can you believe this kid? He hopped on my truck and then gunned down two of my men! The balls on this kid.” 
Your fingers were trembling as you made eye contact with Carl. Then you turned to Negan, “Can I talk to him, please? Just for a second. I’ll do anything.” You knew exactly what he would cash in for the word anything.
Negan smiled and rubbed his jaw. “Anything. I sure do love that word on your lips. Go ahead, baby, just for you.”
You breathed a sigh of relief and walked up to Carl, cupping his cheeks. “Carl, what are you doing here? Are you stupid?” You asked quietly, knowing that everyone in the room was listening. “Are you okay? Why didn’t you just stay in Alexandria?”
Carl didn’t answer, but he looked at you with every emotion on his face. You knew he was playing tough, really tough, but you knew him. 
You sighed again and leaned forward, not being able to help yourself. You kissed him quickly on the forehead, over his bandages, and then stepped back. You didn’t want to push your luck with Negan. 
“My, my, my, and she’s good with kids,” Negan said, “Maybe I should think about expanding the family, then.”
Carl looked up at Negan then, and you saw the exact look you’ve seen in Rick so many times. “Don’t you dare," Carl said. 
“Carl, it’s okay,” You rushed out before Negan could even speak. “It’s okay. I’m Negan’s wife now, so… so if that’s what he wants, that will happen. Don’t worry about anything. I’m alright. I’m perfect. I’m happy here.” You rambled on, trying desperately to make sure Negan didn’t do anything to the kid. 
Negan smiled at you as more saviors entered the room, and Daryl appeared with them. Your lips trembled as you locked eyes with him, the closest you’ve been to him in days. And he had heard everything you just said. 
But with one look in his eyes, you knew he didn’t believe you. He saw right through it, through you, like he always did. 
A hand grabbed your arm, and you looked back at Negan. “Isn’t my new wife just perfect?” He asked nobody in particular before he leaned down and kissed you on your mouth. 
You froze for a moment as your brain went wild. You didn’t know what to do. To pull away from him in front of everything would make him mad, and you knew who he’d take it out on. So you did the only thing you could think of that would keep everybody safe. You leaned in and kissed him back. 
Negan smiled at you as he pulled away. “Oh, I’m gonna love this.” He said to you and then turned back to both Daryl and Carl. “Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot you guys were here. (Y/N), baby, be a dear and fetch me a drink.”
You clenched your fists and nodded, turning your back on them and walking to the minibar. You blinked away tears and swallowed the lump in your throat. The feeling of Negan’s facial hair still tickled you, and you wanted to take a long, hot shower to get rid of the feeling. 
After making his favorite drink--one you’d learned to make perfectly the past few days--you brought it over to him as he talked quietly with Sherry. Then you went and sat down in your chair with trembling fingers and tried not to look at anyone. But you could feel Daryl’s gaze. You hoped and prayed he wouldn't do anything stupid. Not after what he saw.
After Negan and Sherry finished talking, and he went to Amber, you knew exactly what it was. You stood up and walked across the room to Sherry, who was making a drink. 
“Mark?” You asked her. When she nodded, you poured yourself a drink and took a shot. When you turned back and looked at Negan talking to her, then looked at Daryl and Carl, who were both staring at you. You slowly shook your head. 
“Here, you’re gonna need one more for this,” Sherry told you. She handed you another drink, which had a bigger pour. But you didn’t question it and knocked it back. 
An hour later, everyone was gathered in the main room of the compound. Sherry told you what was coming; you knew very well about the iron from conversations with her and the other wives. But you hadn’t seen it yet and felt like you would be sick. 
When Negan finally showed up, you thanked the lord that Carl was with him, but your fingers twitched when you saw that he wasn’t wearing his bandages and looked shaken up. You felt like screaming and throwing something. And you felt hopeless. All you wanted was to be able to protect Carl, and you didn’t even know what Negan did upstairs. 
Sherry grabbed your hand when Negan started to talk and walked down the stairs. To your right were Frankie and Amber, and the ladder was holding a scared and frightened Amber. 
Daryl was with one of the other guards across the room, usually with him. With Negan’s attention elsewhere, you could show Daryl emotions you’d had to keep hidden. Your face softened, and you bit your lip and pressed your free hand over your heart. You hoped he knew what you were trying to say. That you were scared, and you were doing what you had to do, and that he was the only person in your heart. 
You don’t know if your look conveyed it all or even a fraction of it. But then he nodded slightly and lifted his hand. It was brief, and he played it off like he was scratching his chest, but he laid his hand over his heart. 
Tears filled your eyes, and you had to look down at the floor to smile. He knew. Of course, he knew; no one in the world knew you better than him. 
A few minutes later, you watched as Negan pressed the hot iron to Mark’s face. You looked at Daryl and Carl and then at poor Amber, who was going through a pain that you knew too well. Seeing a loved one hurt. That thought made you tremble, and Sherry squeezed your hand. 
After it was over, Negan took Carl away, and Sherry forced you to move on. You didn’t get a chance to look at Daryl as she pulled you away. 
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deadweightwritings · 10 months
ON A PLAIN. TWD S6. [snippet]
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TWD + Dixon!Reader [SEASON 6 E8 SPOILERS]
The grip on her dad’s waist loosened as they slowed down in the forest. Blinking to clear her vision, Kit realized she was weaker than she expected…more tired than she knew.
“Going down—Bailing—” She said, sliding off of the motorcycle and onto the woodland ground. THUMP.
“Kit, Jesus Christ!” Both of them were out of breath as Daryl joined her in the dirt.
“Dad, Jesus Christ.” Drawled from her mouth in mockery and he scoffed playfully. A growl next to them made them both jump and shriek quietly, but the helmet on the walker showed they were just fine lazing on the ground.
On their feet a few minutes later, Kit saw her dad wince and the crimson gushing out of his glove. She sighed, grabbing the pack strapped to back of her belt. Daryl tried, muttering and cussing to get the jacket off, and he did. Seeing the extent of his wound made her a little relieved, nothing but a gnarly scratch. Kit watched as the small bottle of alcohol contents dripped down his forearm and she bandaged it wet. Not the smartest idea, but shit, they didn’t have much of a choice.
“Jus’ fer now.” Afterward, they covered the bike in broken branches and leaves, knowing they couldn’t travel far right now. Hearing the familiar sound of a branch snap, Daryl motioned upward, for Kit to get in a tree as he stood guard with his crossbow. She twisted her pointer and middle fingers around each other at him, signaling: I’ll track you, promise. Her hands dragged her higher and higher in the tree, making barely any noise as she heard a solid THUNK. Her eyes looked down to see her dad unconscious and carried by a man, and two women. Welp, looks like tonight will be spent in a tree.
The group heard a crack of tree bark and Kit swore more than a drunken sailor in her head. She held her breath, trying to blend into the branch she was balanced on. At dawn, she started tracking the people who nabbed her dad before dusk the day before. Not that she needed breadcrumbs, but Daryl stepped harder into the ground that he normally would, once he was awake. The others weren't exactly smart enough to be light on their feet. He, Dwight, switched his head back to Daryl, readjusting his aim with the handgun.
“You tell me, am I being stupid?” FWIP. An arrow shot and knocked the gun from his hand, and he stiffened, they all did. Kit dropped below from a tree, leaves crunching under her dirt crusted boots. Her next arrow aimed right at his forehead:
“Yea, if you think you gon’ shoot him n’ stay livin’ afterward.” He raised his hands up, the women following suit after him, Kit dropped her bow and arrow, fashioning the machete from her thigh holster.
“You really think some girl like you can take on us?” The shake in his voice made her tip the machete onto his neck, she pushed a little and he winced. Her hand swiped the bowie knife from her hip and handed it to her dad behind her back,
“Bitch, I’ve skinned rabbits wit bigger balls tha’ you.” Daryl went and swiped the gun from the ground next to him. The two women were shaking like two autumn leaves and Kit felt bad for them, and how naïve they were, at this moment.
“Yer gonna take us t’ where we can find this Patty. Move it.”
Pulling the crossbow out of the duffel, Kit had already thrown a knife straight into the skull. She huffed, pulling her weapon out of the bone and looked back to see her dad staring blankly at the duffel.
The woman, Tina, had collapsed and the Dixon duo saw the opportunity. Daryl grabbed the handle of the large duffel, and grabbed Kit's forearm, sprinting out of the open area.
She saw a cooler with the label of “INSULIN – keep cool” on it and pinched between her eyes.
“Fucks sake, man.”  
The duffel bag was swung over Kit’s shoulder, machete in hand as they stalked to finally track and find the group of three.
“Drop the gun, drop it now!” Daryl ordered, lining up his arrow with his head as precaution. Lowering the gun, Kit held out her hand and said nothing. This man knew what to do either way and placed the gun in the young woman’s hand swiftly.
“What were you carvin’ earlier, huh?” Slowly reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a little statue wood carving.
“My grandfather taught me, I—”
“We don’ care.” Snatching it from him, Kit threw down the duffel bag full of medicine, and two finger saluted them.
“Good luck, yer gon’ need it.” The rumble of a vehicle approaching made Daryl grab Kit’s denim vest and yank her to the ground. Oh, c’mon. The back-and-forth conversation by the people in the car and the trio they just found made a pit form in Kit’s stomach. Something about their tone reminded her on the Claimers. Next thing she knew, they were booking it through the woods.
Oh look, it’s like this is every fucking day.
Shuffling behind a cage made of thick branches, Daryl and Kit broke off from the trio. They spotted a walker stuck, slightly covered by the greenery, but enough to cause damage to anyone who got close. Daryl went forward, rustling the branches in front of them to draw the guy’s attention, and booyah, the fucker got bit.
“Wade! I’ve been bit, Wade!” If he isn’t killed soon, another fucking herd of walkers will hear him. The guy, Wade, she assumed appeared next to him, seeing the bite on his arm. He wraps something around the dude’s upper arm, and Kit is reminded instantly of Merle.
“Ah, don’t hurt tha’ bad, honey. Can’t be a bitch, n’ order t’ go through wit it!” Shaking her head as the piercing scream and the SHING of a blade echoed through the woods. As they retreated so did the Dixon’s and the trio. They followed them to a charred down house, skeptical but still wanting to know who they were. One of the women, Tina, broke down seeing two of the people she knew, dead and burnt on the ground surrounded by glass.
Kit stood a few feet away from her, constantly eyeing her dad and the other man. A shout broke her away from her gaze and the walker broke out, gnawing on Tina’s throat.
“Shit!” She yelled, chucking herself to the ground and slashed the walker across the brain. Blood shot up into her eyes and she grimaced at the well-known feeling. Honey threw herself at Tina’s body as Kit rolled to her side, away from them and exhaled through her teeth noisily.
“Can’t ever be peaceful, huh?” She muttered as Daryl lifted her to her feet, hearing Honey sob behind them. Daryl was helping the man dig Tina’s grave as Kit sat on her ass, hand on her machete, while the other had two knives nestles between her fingers. He caught his kid’s eye, and she held up three fingers to him:
“How many walkers have you killed?” “A lot…two dozen at the least.” “How many people have you killed?” “None?” “Why?” “Why didn’t I kill someone? It’s not something you come back from.” Kit scoffed at that.
Daryl eventually convinced them to come to Alexandria, Kit could laugh at how Aaron had made him still take up the job in this circumstance. She followed behind her dad, machete at her side as she helped him lift up the motorcycle. They both heard a click behind their backs. Kit struggled not to audibly groan.
God, we can’t have shit in D.C.
The Dixon’s merely turned around, unfazed by their threat. Kit glaring at the two, but mainly Dwight in front of them, holding the gun.
“Give her the crossbow, machete, bow and arrows.” Neither of them moved. The man shifted his gun to Kit’s head and Daryl flinched,
“Give her the weapons or she dies.” The young woman, covered in dirt, oil, human and walker blood almost burst out cackling.
“Honey, it’s kill, or be killed.” Merle’s voice echoed in her ear, seeing him leant up against a tree trunk in the distance behind the barrel of the gun.
“An’ the only thing that kills a Dixon, is a Dixon, missy.” A gunshot rang out next to Kit’s head and Merle disappeared from her view. Both of them barely moved at the action and the noise that followed. A hand swiped a pistol from under their shirt. BANG. BANG.
Kit shot them both, point blank, in the head. Daryl stood still, taking a moment to look at his daughter.
“Tha’ walker wit the helmet…gotta be another ride ‘round here. Gotta find Abraham n’ Sasha.” She motioned with her head to follow, spit on the ground and shuffled past him and the bodies she just shot.
That walker on the ground was still moving, moaning and growling, the thing was practically a black skeleton and had more life than Kit felt she had. Her boots stepped on something that made a metallic CLANG, she scuffed her boot on it, then reached down to wipe the dirt off.
“Patty’s Fuel Company…Found ‘em.” A silent trek later, the duo scored a massive truck. No walker booby traps, or bullshit strings attached to it. Before Kit opened the driver’s door, Daryl grabbed her shoulder.
“‘M fine.”
“Kit, you just—”
“They’d ‘ave killed us both. We can’t be takin’ chances. Not anymore, not after we give 'em a choice too.” Whipping her arm out of his hold, she threw open the door, seeing the dead driver try to claw at her. Daryl barged in front of her and drove his knife in its head. They met eyes and Daryl motioned for her to get in the truck, she hopped up and slid over, taking her pistol in her hand as she looked out the windshield. There was un-needed tension between the father and daughter, and it softened when they were on the road and Kit pulled a pen out of her inner jacket pocket. Clicking it, she opened the side of her vest:
The tally marks laid next to a dozen other tallies on the denim inside. Kit sighed heavily through her nose, clicking the pen and shoving it back in the pocket. Daryl caught her movements and breathed through his teeth,
“You ain’t gonna turn cold on me, Kit?” You ain’t gonna shut down on me, right? You ain’t gonna stop in the middle of the end of the world, Kit?
“No, sir.” Kit smacked her thigh with her fist a few times, her face twitched as she fiddled with the pistol. She swiped at the edge of her nose.
“Ain’t never gonna switch up on you.”
“Daryl.” “Dad.” “I see ‘em.” Kit furrowed her eyebrows, holding up her pistol at the people in the road, blocking them.
“End o’ the world, n’ there’s fuckin’ biker gangs still?” Abraham chuckled at her statement,
“What in the holy shit?” The car pulled to a halt, brakes squeaking, and Kit felt sweat run down the back of her neck.
“Why don’t you come out? Join us in the road?” Nobody could hear a pin drop in the truck as the hum of the engine filled the space.
“If you wanna try something, it’s your choice. But we will end your asses, split you right in two, so c’mon.” The man waved his hand, beckoning them to come out.
“Dad just run him over.” Kit muttered, barely moving her lips as she stared forward through the dirty windshield.
“Can’t.” Kit blinked a few times, trying to understand the fuckin’ shit show day she’s had, that kept getting better n’ better. Abraham and Daryl opened the car doors, Sasha and Kit shuffling out on their respective sides:
“I already killed 2 people today, what’s a couple more?” She whispered, tucking her gun into her belt, but placed her palm around the handle of her machete.
“Alright! Step two and turn in your weapons?” Nah, you buggin’. Daryl now furrowed his brows,
“Why should we?”
“They don’t belong to you?”
“What?” “What?” Seethed out Abraham and Kit in sync her shoulder tensing.  
“See…your weapons, your truck, the fuel, mints in the compartment, porn under the seats, the seats themselves, the little stash of napkins on the dash…they’re no longer yours.”
“Who’s are they?” Sasha questioned darkly.
“Your property, now belongs to, Negan.”    
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years
Re-Watch of Conquer, Religion in the Daryl Spinoff, and the PPP Card
Finally watched Conquer tonight. I have nothing to add that hasn’t already been said, other than that I can see why many older theories thought Beth might show up with the Wolves.
Morgan finds that Hannah Fairlight magazine in Coda. She’s a native American singer dressed as such with a wolf tattoo, then the Wolves come along in Conquer with their story about wolf resurrection. “There’s gonna be a party when the wolf comes home,” etc.
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Obviously, she didn’t come back. What is the reason for this deceit? So much has been learned since, about tptb and their oblique mannerisms. They never hit the nail head on. It’s usually slanted, in some way.
The Wolves were a red herring, like the man in the poncho. The real enemy in season 6 is hubris. It’s what leads Negan to their door. It’s worth noting that Beth does make an “appearance” in season 6, as Tina, and then Denise. She’s being “resurrected” through other characters, like the wolves of old. Anyway, I am gonna think on this more…
Also there’s some weird dream dialogue in Conquer. In the beginning after the credits, Rick wakes up, and he laughs, and when Michonne asks him what’s so funny, he says to Michonne something curious.
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He says, “It’s like the train car. After the whole thing, I’m still there.” Later on he says, “We’re here,” about being in Alexandria, and she says something like, “You just said you’re not.” Sort of weird timing to bring up “A.” Something else I want to think on a bit.
Yeah, good points about the weird Rick dialogue. I haven’t watched that in a long time, and I’d forgotten that. We know tptb don’t ever waste dialogue or screen time, so they would have inserted that dialogue with a specific purpose in mind.
This afternoon I was just scrolling through some old comicbook articles and there was one from November 21by Cameron Bonomolo that I'm sure that we talked about at that time but there was a little piece of information in there that I don't remember seeing in any other article. Norman talking about his spin-off. Everything else I've heard or read about repeatedly.
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He mentions a religious vibe to the spinoff. I thought that was more than a little interesting. The fact that we haven't seen or heard him mention it again might be very telling. Just thought I'd let you see it for yourself and if this is something that you guys have seen other places I really like to hear about it.
I kind of vaguely remember reading that line back when the article first came out. But you're right. I don't think I've seen it talked about anywhere else. When he says it will be a religious vibe, I envision it being religion like TDVC is religious. Can't wait to see what goodness the spinoff brings us!
Changing gears for a moment. The other day I was just reading comments on a TWD site that had an article about the PPP card. I always read the comments usually more often than the actual articles.
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Someone had thrown out the idea that PPP could stand for Philadelphia and Paris but could not come up with a third P. Just thought that was kind of interesting. Although I truly don't think they had Paris in mind back when we first saw the card in the episode Swear but things do change.
I agree. Gimple had something specific in mind for that card, and we don't know what. I guess I could believe he might have meant Paris if they'd always planned on the French thing, which is mentioned by Jenner in the pilot episode. I just think he wouldn't have known that they would be filming on location. But they might have just figured they would still film in Georgia and "say" it was Paris, like they did with D.C. I don't know. I guess we'll know when they tell us. ;D
How about Project Primrose, Paris? Except I don't think that Paris was Primrose was it? Anyway you could play with this all day and not have the answer.
Yeah, for sure! Sounds good to me. But yeah. No way to know for certain. But fun to speculate about! ;D
I like this one! Primrose team was based out of France but in Toledo at the time of the Fall, which means they were stateside. I think one of them could have been TB Ellis, since the woman from the Violet Team has a folder full of her papers on her computer, and Primrose Team seems to be the team she thinks could actually find a cure. Also idk if it would make sense but Portland starts with a P. That’s where Major General Beale’s kid is from. Portland Paris Philadelphia = PPP
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I love this. Fun to guess what it could mean. We do have months and months to go before we have anything solid to go on. I couldn't remember if Paris was Primose or not so thanks for clearing that up. I do need to go back an watch s2 of TWB as a refresher on Primrose and Team Violet. I was going to wait for a while to rewatch but who knows I might just decide to watch a few out of order episode some afternoon along with Tales of the Dead episode 5? Wasn't that the one with the PPP card? I believe it is.
Yes, it’s Davon with the ppp card. I’m still super intrigued by him. He’s out there somewhere. And so is the madman who shot him.
Lol. I love that last line you typed. Something that can only be said with a straight face during a TWD discussion.
I wonder if we know the madman who shot Davon…? Another creepy thing to hear somebody say if you don’t have the necessary context.
So true!
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Words: 5,050 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: Alexandria Warnings: Language, coerced marriage, gore, violence, sexuality, typical TWD stuff (recommended NC17+) A/N: This is part of a series! Find the previous parts on the Masterlist! Summary: Inside Sanctuary, Y/N tries to figure out where Daryl is and what his condition is as well as developing a plan to get him out.
Your name: submit What is this?
You forgot how much damn time was wasted in that place, just sitting around with the other wives trying to think of something to talk about or something to do with your time. You visited the library frequently but you couldn’t actually focus enough on the books to really read. It was like you just stared and turned the pages in some charade while your mind obsessed over where Daryl was… what state he was in… Days went by and they all felt the same, all tinged with you on edge, wracked with anxiety over finding him. You were worried you were going to lose track of how long you had been there. You were constantly looking for that golden opportunity and watching for danger at the same time. Constantly trying to scout out the building, spy on Dwight, and make sure no one was getting suspicious of you.
Finally, you managed to follow Dwight early one morning as he was delivering something to a cell. And you caught a glimpse of a huddled form as he shut the door, a man with long, wavy brown hair. You heart hammered in your chest as you pressed yourself back against the wall around the corner. Daryl. It was him. You knew it. You only needed to see him for a brief moment to know it was him. He was alive. He was alive.
But you didn’t breathe a sigh of relief for long. You knew what they were likely doing to him. You rushed back to your room and grabbed two slices of bread from your kitchenette. You laid some slices of cheese on each and tucked them into your bag, wrapped in some paper towel. You wished you could give him water, but you could only deliver whatever would fit in the small space beneath the door.
Daryl was sitting in the darkness, staring down at the dogfood sandwich Dwight had delivered him, his stomach turning but panging with hunger, when a soft noise suddenly drew his attention.
He looked to his left and saw that something was partially blocking the light beneath the door. He put his hand down on something soft. He felt it with his fingers and leaned down. Food. Someone had slipped in some bread and cheese beneath the door.
Was this a trick? Daryl stared at it for one moment before he picked it up and took an eager bite. It tasted like ambrosia to him. All he had been given was dogfood between thin slices of stale bread since he had been thrown in there. He’d never tasted something so wonderful in his life… but the question now was who the hell had slipped him the food?
And it continued. At least once a day, often more than that, something, sustenance, was slipped under his door. The archer was baffled, but he wasn’t about to question it.
You never dared to linger outside the door to try and talk to him. That was too risky. But you at least could make sure he had something to eat, something with some nutrients. You got creative with what you could make thin enough to fit—cutting apples into thin slices, vegetables, meat and cheese, cooked egg. Anything. But more than anything, you longed to see him, to inspect his condition, know how he was… to speak to him, to tell him that everything was going to be okay. Your heart felt broken, limping along in your chest out of habit, as you thought about how close you were to him and yet how far away.
One day you were gathered with the other wives and Negan in the early evening. It happened.
Dwight walked through, holding Daryl by the back of his filthy sweatshirt. Your heart actually stopped. You concentrated on keeping your face blank even while your heart stalled in your chest. It didn’t take more than two seconds before he saw you there, his blue eyes meeting yours. He actually tried to take another step in toward you, like he was being magnetically pulled and couldn’t help it but Dwight tugged back on him harshly. His brain didn’t comprehend what he was seeing at first. He really thought he was hallucinating it. Maybe he had finally cracked. You were so beautiful. He thought of you so often while he was in there, using his memories of you as an escape from the hell he was in. He thought of how you bit your bottom lip when you were concentrating. He thought of that goddamn smile you always gave him. He thought of how you scrunched your nose up at him when you were trying to pretend to be annoyed… But—no. This was something else. This was new. You were there. You were actually there.
You could see that Daryl had black eyes and cuts on his face, bruises. He’d been beat up and he was filthy, but you were relieved to see that he was mostly whole. But he looked broken, somewhat defeated, his shoulders hanging on his frame, so unlike the man you had come to know, except when you caught his eyes… there was a raging inferno there. The sight of you in that room, the realization that you had “given” yourself to Negan, had fanned it. He felt like he could be sick right then and there, just double over and vomit. You managed to shake your head ever so slightly as you held his eyes, hoping he knew that you meant he shouldn’t give away his connection to you. It took everything in him not to just start throwing punches.
Daryl’s mind was spinning. What the hell had happened? How had you come to be there? Had Negan captured you? Had he taken you forcefully? Had he simply convinced you in exchange for some benefit to the group, to Alexandria? How could you possibly be there, with him? And not just there, not just in the Sanctuary. You were one of his wives. The thought of Negan touching you, his hands on you, kissing you… doing more, whatever he wanted… especially having seen the terror in your eyes when you had told him about your past. It was too much. Daryl clenched his jaw, biting down hard and trying to control his breathing, his expression, trying to prevent his hands from balling into fists.
“There he is!” Negan exclaimed with a smile, standing up from his place in an armchair where he was receiving a shoulder massage from his wife, Frankie. “Daryl! How’s it hangin’? Don’t answer that. Don’t care,” he said with a laugh. “Dwight, I think you should take Daryl down for some fence duty. He’s been in time-out in his hole for long enough as punishment for that hilarious escape attempt. Oh—Daryl. You haven’t met my wife Y/N before. Ya see, Y/N here escaped. Just like old Dwighty boy there and Sherry. We’re gonna call that temporary insanity, right, baby?” He shot a look at you. “But she. came. back. Because she realized that there is no better place to be than here.” Negan walked over to where you were standing against the wall. “And all is forgiven,” he said softly. He reached one hand around to your lower back and tugged you against him. He slid his other hand into your hair and kissed you, deeply, heatedly… his tongue exploring your mouth and his hands exploring your body. And Daryl had to avert his eyes. He couldn’t look. He felt bile rising up into his throat. He was worried Dwight would feel him trembling. Anger was bubbling in his chest at a rolling boil. He imagined ripping Negan off you and beating him into the ground… but he had to just stand there. He had to just let it happen. Finally, Negan broke apart from you and smoothed a thumb over your cheek as he clasped your face, unmistakable desire in his eyes. When he looked back at Dwight and Daryl, his eyes were twinkling and there was a smile on his face. “Ya see, Daryl? Just stop fighting it! And your life will get so much cooler!” He laughed and waved a hand to dismiss him and Dwight tugged him out.
You stood there with your chest heaving, staring down at your shoes, thinking only of the condition Daryl seemed to be in. Your heart was breaking and you had to choke down a swelling of nausea which was becoming all too familiar, almost a constant. If you survived this, you were sure you were going to have an ulcer.
Negan soon left with Frankie announcing that he desperately needed one of her full body massages and you felt as if you could collapse with relief that you wouldn’t have to endure him that night. As soon as he was out of the room, you went to the bar and leaned on it, staring vacantly at the wall. You sensed someone beside you suddenly and looked up to see Sherry. She glanced over her shoulder, clearly making sure Negan was really gone and that no one else was close enough to overhear.
“You know him,” she said quietly.
Your eyes snapped over to her in surprise. “What?”
She studied your expression. “It’s alright. I won’t say anything. And it wasn’t you who gave it away,” she said.
Your brow furrowed in confusion as you tried to guess at her meaning. “What are you—”
“I saw the look in his eyes when he saw you. His face when Negan kissed you. And how he was looking at you when your eyes were elsewhere…” She looked down at her hands sadly. “It’s how D sometimes looks at me,” she said, lighting up a cigarette and blowing out a cloud of smoke up toward the pendent lights over the bar. “Or, maybe, how he used to. How do you know him?” she asked.
You thought you had to have misheard her. What she was implying was that Daryl… “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said, wrapping your hands around your empty drink glass.
She nodded. “You do. But it’s alright.” She sighed and studied your face again. “He helped us.”
Now your eyes met hers. She took another long drag on her cigarette. “When D and I escaped with Tina. He helped us even after we tied him up, threatened to kill him… he helped us. And we screwed him,” she said softly. You could tell this was weighing on her heavily. Her face contorted a little with emotion.
You didn’t say anything. What was there to say? You still wanted to kill Dwight for what he’d done, what he was doing to Daryl. Sherry’s remorse didn’t change that.
That night, when you got back to your room, you were sick in the toilet and sat on the floor, curled up, crying until you had nothing left. Eventually, the pain faded into numbness and you turned the shower on as hot as you could stand it and stood beneath the jet of water for a long time.
_ _ _ _ _ _
“Joey!” you called, smiling widely at him as he came toward you down the hall. “I have a favor to ask you. That is, unless you’re too busy,” you said, making sure you batted your eyelashes at him.
“N—no. I was just—I’m not too busy. What is it?” he asked eagerly.
“Well, I wanted to move around some of the furniture in the seating area in my room but I just can’t do it myself. Would you mind helping me? It doesn’t have to be now,” you said, stepping closer to him and reaching out to smooth the collar of his button-up shirt.
He gulped and seemed stunned, unable to talk for a moment. “I—I—I can help you with that now,” he stuttered out.
You grinned widely at him. “Oh, thank you so much! Just this way,” you said, leading the way back to your room. It was working. You needed to turn up the heat a little bit. You wanted to keep him off-balance, oblivious, distracted. You stepped inside and gently closed the door behind him after he entered. He was nervously shifting his weight, his eyes fixed on you. “I hope this doesn’t make you uncomfortable,” you said softly. “Being in my bedroom. Just don’t say anything to Negan or he’ll get jealous,” you said, winking. You went over to the bed and sat down, reaching down and pulling off your high heels, making sure to move slowly. You tossed them to the floor and straightened up, closing your eyes and rolling your neck from one side to the other, sliding a hand down the side of your neck. “Mmm. Those heels are torture,” you murmured.
He cleared his throat, wide-eyes still staring at you like he’d never seen a woman before.
You smiled at him and hopped off the bed. “Thanks again for doing this,” you said. “If you could just move that couch over there, and switch the chair and the end table I think it will be perfect.”
Fat Joey nodded rapidly and started trying to heave the couch to one side. He was huffing and puffing, becoming a bit red in the face when you slid in close next to him, bending down so your face was right next to his and pressing your hands onto the arm of the couch that he was pushing on, making sure to brush your finger against his. “I bet we can do it together,” you said, cultivating a dewy expression on your face.
You giggled and rolled your eyes. “Move the couch, silly!” you said, playfully hitting him on the arm. God, even pretending to be this vapid was making you hate yourself.
“R—right. Yeah.”
You both pushed again and when the couch finally started to move, you pretended to slip on your bare feet and brushed against him as you slid to the floor, laughing. He didn’t feel that you had swiped his set of keys as you fell.
“I’m such a clutz!” you said, taking his hand as he helped you to your feet.
“Are you alright? Your ankle—do you need to go see the doctor?” he asked urgently.
You waved him off, rubbing your ankle and flexing your foot. “I’m fine. I’m completely fine. But I think we’ll take the universe’s hint and just leave the furniture the way it is,” you said with a laugh, again catching his eyes and smiling. “Thanks anyway, Joey. I do appreciate it.”
“Oh—okay. Yeah. Sure. Anytime. Let me know if you ever need anything.” You smiled at him and batted your eyelashes one more time before he left. As soon as the door was closed, you rushed to it and locked it.
You withdrew your hand from your pocket, staring down in disbelief at the wad of keys in your palm.
You collapsed backwards onto the bed and clutched them so tightly they cut into your hand.
And then more waiting. Based on the laps you’d been doing around the building late at night, you knew Dwight wouldn’t sleep, but he would be ensconced in his room with the television up loud. And you knew who else was on duty, made sure it was the pair of guards who usually fell asleep at their posts by 3 am.
The upper floors of the Sanctuary were quiet as you slipped out of your room. You hugged the wall, one hand in your pocket, clutching the keys, and the other on the strap of the small bag you had slung over your shoulder. You got to the first corner and peeked around. Empty. You turned. You slipped past Dwight’s door, glancing back over your shoulder in paranoia, half-sure he was somehow going to just know what you were up to.
A few more anxious moments passed as you slipped through the halls but you finally arrived at the door. You were so close. You had spied on Dwight enough to make sure you knew when he usually checked on Daryl. Night was a safe bet. There were fewer guards on duty on the upper floors at night. Most of them were pulled off for the factory floor and perimeter or were otherwise off-duty.
Your heart was pounding so loud you thought half the floor would hear it.
You withdrew the keys as quietly as you could. At first, when you had swiped them, you wondered exactly how you would know which key was the right one—there were too many to try each. You’d certainly be caught if you had to be in the hall that long, fitting every key on the ring into the keyhole. But Fat Joey had done the work for you again.
Apparently, he had a hard time remembering which key went to what, and so he had labeled them. The one to the door of Daryl’s cell was labeled with a #2, matching the number on the door. You were almost lightheaded as you slipped the key into the lock as silently as possible.
Inside, Daryl shot awake where he was huddled in the corner, dozing purely out of sheer exhaustion. He heard the key sliding in and the click of the pins. His heart was immediately pounding wondering what new hell was in store for him now. He had no concept of time in the blackness they kept him in. He assumed it was morning and that Dwight would appear and chuck a dog food sandwich at him like he always did.
But something about the way the key had sounded when it went in was odd… and so was the silent pause before the door handle started to turn excruciatingly slowly.
Daryl steeled himself for whatever or whoever was coming, pressing his back hard against the wall behind him, staring into the darkness, his arms pressed tightly across himself protectively. In keeping with the strangeness, the door began to open at a snail’s pace. Daryl squinted as the dim light in the hallway filtered in. He had a hand up to shield his eyes when the crack revealed you kneeling on the other side of the door. Your face desperate and frantic as you looked in at him.
Daryl’s jaw dropped open and his chest heaved as he took in shuddering breaths, staring in disbelief that you were there in front of him, so close and opening the door of that hellhole. Alone. Just you.
You slipped through the door and into his cell, closing the door softly behind you and returning it to darkness. You could hear Daryl’s ragged breathing in the pitch blackness. Before he could say anything, you grabbed onto him. You threw your arms around him where he was cowered on the floor, kneeling in front of him. You pulled his head against you and he pressed it into the crook of your neck. He didn’t resist. He fell into you. You pressed your hand gently to the back of his head, smoothing his hair. “Daryl…” you whispered to him. “Daryl. You’re okay. Thank God. You’re okay.” You whispered it over and over like a mantra. His name leaving your lips was maybe the most wonderful thing he had ever heard. You could feel him trembling, hear his shuddering breaths, feel the wetness of his tears falling against you. “It’s ok. It’s alright. I’m right here. It’s gonna be okay.” You were struggling to hold back your own tears. His hands, which had been tightly crossed over his chest flew around you and clung to you, smoothing over your back and feeling every angle of your shoulder blades, the curve of your spine, tangling his fingers into the ends of your silky hair as much as he dared, clutching to you. He again really thought perhaps he’d finally cracked and maybe this wasn’t happening at all, but your hands found the sides of his face in the darkness, even then wiping his tears gently with your thumbs, so light it could have been a breeze, and it rooted him in reality. This was real. He was reeling with the implications. “Just—just a moment. I’ve got—I brought—”
You dug a hand into the bag you had brought with you and pulled out a towel, which you laid across the bottom of the door to block the light from the next item you retrieved from your bag. You pulled out a small camping lantern and turned it on. The sight of you immediately brought Daryl to tears again and for a moment you just looked—you just looked and looked at each other. You grabbed his face in your hands again, being careful to be gentle and mindful of the bruises and cuts. His eyes closed at your touch. He’d had no physical contact with anyone that wasn’t just sheer violence since he’d been taken. Your hands on him were like medicine and he felt ten times stronger instantly. You shut your eyes too and pressed your forehead against his. “It’s okay. It’s alright,” you breathed. His hands clutched to your shoulders and his chest heaved again with shuddering breaths. “Daryl…” You pulled back from him with some effort and looked into his face again. You brushed his hair away from his cheeks. It was hanging in dirty strands, sticking to the wetness left from his tears.
That was when Daryl’s shock waned and he felt the rising creep of humiliation, embarrassment, guilt… God, you looked so beautiful, even there in that fucking hole by the light of a tiny, shitty lantern and he was a filthy disaster. He was like trash someone had discarded… and yet you were touching him with kindness and affection, no care for how dirty he was—he was overwhelmed again and couldn’t meet your eyes any longer. He was struggling with never wanting to look away from you but also feeling unable to hold your gaze.
You saw the change happen and smoothed your hands down his arms. You turned your attention back to your bag and pulled out a canteen full of water for him. “Go slow, okay?” you said, as he desperately grabbed it and drank deeply. “And here,” you pulled out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a cut-up apple. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t get more this evening without drawing attention but—”
He hadn’t said a word to you yet and his voice was hoarse from disuse. In that place he would go days without speaking, maybe longer even… He cleared his throat and tried to swallow the scratchy feeling.
“This is—more than enough,” he rasped, hungrily devouring your offerings. “You’re the one who’s been slippin’ me food.”
You nodded.
“Ya shouldn’t. Ya could get caught.” You watched him with a sad smile and moved beside him so you could press against him better without his bent knees in the way. You just needed to touch him, to remind him that there was more than this place, to show him you were there for him. To prove this was real, to him and to yourself. Your shoulders were pressed together.
He kept stealing tiny glances over at you while he ate and you could practically hear the wheels in his head turning. When he had finished eating and drinking, he fidgeted and stretched his legs out in front of him. You could tell he was purposely not looking at you. You knew something was on his mind and that he was working up to speaking it aloud. Finally, he did.
“What happened? How are—why are ya here?” he asked. “Did they find you in Alexandria? Did—how?”
You studied his expression. He turned his blue eyes to you again and you saw worry and fear in them. “No. They don’t know that I have any connection to Alexandria, and it needs to stay that way. We don’t need to give them any more leverage than they already have.”
“Then, how?” he asked again.
You averted your eyes away from him now. You knew he wouldn’t take the next bit of news well. “I—I came back. I told Negan I made a mistake running away and that I wanted to be here.”
A shadow darkened his face. “What did he do to ya?” His chest was heaving again, this time in anger. His eyes were whirring over every inch of you that he could see, looking for evidence that you were hurt.
“Nothing. He—he didn’t do anything.” You stared down at your hands.
“Why are ya here? Why d’you come? After everythin’ ya told me—” His questions were desperate.
Your brow flickered down momentarily in confusion that he even had to ask that question. “I came to get you out.” Your eyes searching his face in disbelief that he didn’t know. You sat up on your heels, kneeling beside him again. “Daryl, did you really think we would just leave you here? Did you really think I would? I know what happens in this place.” He had a tortured expression on his face. “Nah. Not like this. Ya gotta go. Ya gotta get out. You can’t be—ya can’t let him—” His face screwed up as the image of you kissing Negan flashed in his mind. He knew what you being his ‘wife’ meant. “Nah. It ain’t worth it,” he argued harshly, his voice raspy. “It ain’t worth that.”
“Yes, it is,” you said forcefully. “Don’t you get it? You are worth it.” Daryl could see tears glistening in your eyes again but you blinked them away. “I’m not leaving you in here. It’s done, Daryl. It’s done. I’m already here.” The muscle in his jaw twitched as he clenched his teeth. “Hey. Look at me,” you said. His eyes found yours again and you studied his face, reaching out gently to clasp it again. You traced a finger along his jaw, grazing lightly over the stubble there. “I’m getting you out of here.” The feeling of your hands on him was like a tonic for all his pain.
He looked away, ducking his head in that way that was so Daryl. You cleared your throat and dropped your hand to his arm. “Alright. Tell me. How are you? Rick said you were shot or something… And you’re obviously beat up.”
“M’fine,” he said. “Doctor’s been treatin’ me.”
“Let me see.”
Daryl begrudgingly pulled down the neck of his sweatshirt and you lifted the gauze pad taped on his chest to look at the wound. It looked okay. No infection. You smoothed the bandage back over it and nodded. You adjusted his sweatshirt and pressed your hand flatly against his chest. You could feel his heart beating hard beneath your fingers. Daryl felt warmth spreading out from your touch. You examined the bruises on his face and you knew there were surely worse ones beneath his clothes. “Are you hurting? I found some painkillers,” you said, digging in your bag. His hand closed gently on your wrist.
“M’fine. Ya should go before we get caught.”
You didn’t want to leave him. The last thing you wanted to do was return him to being alone in the darkness there. He could read it on your face.
“S’okay. Just—just seein’ ya, talkin’ to ya is enough,” he said, so quietly you almost didn’t hear it.
You threw your arms around him one more time, pressing him into you. His hands were strong against your back, stronger even than they had been when you first hugged him, and you squeezed your eyes shut. As you pulled away, you smoothed your hands over his hair and brushed it away from his face one more time. You clasped his face and pressed a kiss to his forehead and another to his cheek. Daryl reeled at the action before you tore yourself away from him. He felt speechless. He knew he was a complete mess. It wasn’t like they were letting him bathe or clean up regularly… And still you had just pressed your soft lips to his skin. You were brushing his dirty hair aside. “Okay,” you nodded, gathering up what was left of what you had brought him. “I’m working on a plan to get you out. But it’s going to take me a little time. Just—just hang in there. Don’t do anything rash. I need you in one piece.”
“Where’d ya get the key?”
You held up the ring of keys and showed him. “Keys. All of them.” Daryl’s brow contracted with worry. “Nothing to worry about it. I pinched them off of Fat Joey. I think he has a crush on me,” you murmured, rolling your eyes. “He’s too scared and too incompetent to know. He probably just thinks he lost them and I’m guessing he won’t tell anybody because he’s afraid of what will happen if he admits it.”
Daryl nodded. “Alright.”
“I’ll be back tomorrow if I can.”
“Nah, don’t—”
“I’m coming, Daryl, and you can’t stop me.” You gave him one last look and clicked off the lantern, grabbing the towel you had used to block the light and stuffing it back into your bag. He heard you shuffling in the dark and then saw the expanding sliver of light grow before it was blocked out as you left. You glanced over at him once more as you left, a sad smile on your face. The door shut quietly behind you and he heard the key turn in the lock.
His cell had never felt so empty, so dark, or so silent.
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lacontroller1991 · 4 years
Is She Mine? (Negan x Wife!Reader)
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Anon Request: can you do a negan imagine where the reader was his real wife before the walkers came and after he starts getting more wives and kinda forgets the reader, she leaves in the middle of the night. Then maybe a year later, Negan finds out about another community and tries to take their stuff but he and the saviors get captured and they find out that the reader is the leader? (Optional: maybe the reader was pregnant and Began didn’t know and finds out about the kid)
A/N: Ok I will always associate Negan with Denny Duquette because I watched Grey's before I watched Walking dead and it’s just so weird seeing Jeffrey in a completely different setting.
Warnings: Normal TWD gore, language
You watched from the back as your husband, Negan, pressed another iron to a poor man’s face, causing you to wince as the screams of pain and smell of burnt flesh invaded your nostrils. You looked toward the other wives who looked just as disgusted at what your husband was doing.
You were his first and he was never like this. Always kind and compassionate but then the dead began to rise and he felt the need to grow a shell around his personality, forming an alter ego that everyone knew. No one knew the real Negan, only you, and it made you sick to your stomach watching him turn so sadistic. Shaking your head, you walked away from the group of people that were watching the poor torturing of another worker who dared challenge Negan’s authority. Making your way to your room, you were soon joined by the other wives who ignored you for the most part. They sat throughout the room and talked amongst themselves, reading books or downing drinks that stocked the bar. 
“Well would you look at this, all of my wives are looking so divine tonight,” Negan stated as you all looked at him, waiting for his next pick. Whenever he complimented his “collection” it always meant he was wanting sex and would choose one of his wives to satisfy his needs. For the past three months, it hasn’t been you. It’s never you anymore. It’s always one of the younger and prettier ones who weren’t “forced” but were forced to marry him. Swinging his baseball bat around, the girls ignored his eagerness as his eyes surveyed the room, purposely skipping the corner in which you stood, crossing your arms over the small bump that was beginning to form.
“Tina, come with me my dear,” he spoke out after a moment of silence as Tina nodded and followed him out. Once the pair left, you turned around, hiding your face from the rest of the girls before a pair of heels clicked their way over to you.
“How are you?” Sherry asked as you looked at her with an exasperated look.
“Sick, morning sickness is no joke, and he doesn't even know,” you mumbled as she grasped your shoulder in a comforting way before pulling you into a hug.
“You need to get away,” she whispered in your ear as you nodded with a frown.
“I know.”
You sat in your room, hoping Negan would join you tonight like he did when he first started the Sanctuary. As the clock ticked, however, you realized he wasn’t going to join you, again. Sighing, you sat up and tore off the black dress that hugged your figure and traded it for a pair of jeans and a hoodie, making sure to pack a bag of food and water before sneaking out of the compound and into the neighboring woods, never looking back.
That was years ago and you had joined a small community after journeying into the woods for a couple of days. Sooner than later, after their leader fell ill, the people had decided that with your knowledge and natural leadership qualities that you would be the best fit for the role. You insisted that you wouldn’t take the role, but they were insistent on the job as you had caved in. You sat peacefully on the steps of your hut as you heard a sequel from behind you, watching your daughter run out of the house, being chased by another one of the communities kids. Smiling, you were suddenly pulled out of your thoughts by the bell ringing throughout the community.
“What’s going on?” You asked one of the guards as your daughter joined your side, clutched to a scarf that you had tied around your pants for her to cling to.
“Our Ops surrounded a group of men. They demand that they speak to the leader of the community,” one of your men stated as you grabbed a walkie talkie.
“Tate, how many?” You asked and waited for a reply.
“15, they call themselves the Saviors. We have them surrounded,” Tate replied, however, you didn’t hear the rest after the mention of the Saviors.
“(Y/N)?” Earl asked, looking you over as you froze in shock. Feeling the tugging at your waist, you looked down and saw your daughter who had his hair and eye shape stare back up at you.
“Mommy, you okay?” She asked as you smiled down at her and pet her hair, smoothing out fly aways.
“Mommy needs you to stay here okay? Don’t come out until I come and get you,” you stated, motioning for one of the other mothers in the community to watch over your kid. Walking away, you grabbed one of the rifles and followed your group out to the woods to meet the man who forgot you.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” You asked from behind the line of men that barricaded the group.
“We are here to hopefully discuss trading opportunities,” Negan stated, not picking up on voice recognition.
“And by trading opportunities you mean pillaging and plundering.”
“If it comes to it, yes.” Simon spoke as you rolled your eyes, making your way through the crowd to the front to face your husband.
“Not a fan,” you spoke with rigor as you saw Negan stiffen, finally comprehending who was behind him.
“(Y/N),” he whispered, straining against the rope around his wrists.
“Hi honey. Miss me?” You asked with spite as you circled his group, coming to face him.
“As a matter of fact I do,” he admitted and for a second your face softened before turning back to a shell.
“We don't want to trade with you.”
“Babe, you should, I wouldn’t want to use force on you,” he replied with a sick smirk as you let out a laugh.
“I don't think you're in much position to bargain right now, sweetie,” you spat out as he growled and tried to launch forward to you, only to fail.
“Mommy!” Your daughter called out to you as you froze, Negan noticed and looked at you quizzically before turning his attention to the little girl who ran toward you.
“Baby, what did I say?”
“To stay back.”
“Now why are you out here?”
“I don’t have my doll,” she spoke softly as you sighed and ran a hand through your hair before pulling out her doll from your pocket.
“Is she mine?” He asked, earning confused stares from everyone in your group and his. Both groups knew that you are married, they just didn't know that you were pregnant or that your kid was Negan’s.
“It's none of your concern anymore,” you replied, pushing your kid behind you while she peered at the man in front of you.
“(Y/N), if she's mine I have the right to have her with me.”
“Not anymore, you lost that right when you started sleeping around with other women. Listen, we’ll let you go if you promise to never come back here again. if you do come back, we will kill you on sight.” Nodding, he remained silent and glanced over to your daughter who was around 4 years old now.
“Are we letting them go?” Tate asked as you nodded, walking away from the scene, taking your daughter’s hand and leading her away from her father.
Later that night you strolled through the yard and checked everything over before you heard a roar of a car come up to the gates.
“(Y/N), I think it’s him,” one of the guards yelled to you as you nodded, signaling them to let you past the gates and out to the open where Negan leaned against his car.
“Is she?”
“Why didn't you tell me?” He asked with a hint of remorse scattered across his face as you looked at him.
“I tried, I tried getting you to come to my room every night to tell you but you were so busy with all of your other wives that you never did. So I ran. I knew it isn’t safe there for her, it’s not safe there for me either.”
“How far were you when you left?”
“Three months. Her name is Sarah,” you mentioned as he smiled softly and looked at you.
“She looks like you,” he mumbled as you scoffed and looked over your shoulder, looking up at the guards who had their rifles aimed at him.
“She acts like you,” you smiled meekly, running your palms down your jeans.
“I never meant to ignore you. I’m sorry I did, but I would really like to be apart of her life,” he stated as he took your hands in his and you couldn’t find the heart to pull away, missing the physical attention he gave from time to time.
“It's not going to work.”
“(Y/N), please, she’s mine. I am her father. At least let me meet her.”
“No Negan. You’re not safe for her. The sanctuary isn't safe for her. You shouldn’t be here.”
“I miss you.”
“Your pity won’t work on me. I’m not weak anymore.” “You never were,” he admitted as you locked eyes with him, drawn in by his hypnotic gaze but quickly pulled away. Thinking for a minute, you sighed in defeat.
“If you want her in your life, here are some rules. Your Saviors leave us alone, if one of them comes near here that isn’t you, your privilege to see Sarah are gone, as well as your men. You can come by twice a month by yourself and you will be supervised by me. Under no circumstance is she going to the Sanctuary. Deal?” You rambled as he nodded before pulling you into his arms, wrapping around you tightly.
“Thank you. I really do miss you,” he whispered as you stood still before slowly melting in his hug, relishing the way his body heat covers you.
“I miss you too. Don’t fuck this up.”
“I won’t.” He replied before pulling away and getting in his car, driving away, leaving you to ponder all of your thoughts.
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shigarakispuppy · 4 years
BNHA Boys watching their favorite TV shows with you pt 1
🦿📖Tenya Iida📖🦿
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After a long chaotic day of heroing, iida walks through the door and profoundly announces he’s home
You run to the door to welcome him and kiss his cheek - only to feel him dragging you to the couch seconds later
“Rough day?”
He just sighs while you grab the remote
“Big Bang Theory it is then”
He plops down on the sofa, pulling you down with him into a warm embrace
Lots of snuggles and forehead kisses - he will run his fingers through your hair while you lay on his lap
You can feel his whole body wiggle when he laughs it’s so cute -
💣💥Katsuki Bakugou💥💣
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This kid has been watching The Walking Dead since the first season
It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to watch it - he will drag your ass kicking and screaming to the couch
Someone got bitten by a zombie? “What a fuckin weakling”
Watching TWD with him is a ritual at this point - Every Sunday night you make nachos, drag all the blankets into the living room and snuggle in tight
You can feel his heart race when a jump scare pops up, but he won’t admit he got scared.
“I just wasn’t expecting it, dumbass!”
He giggles and pulls you into an embrace of small kisses
💛⚡️Denki Kaminari⚡️💛
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It’s 12am and both of you are wide awake
Both in your pjs, he reaches for the remote and turns on adult swim
Oh no
The Rick and Morty intro appears on the Tv and you know you’re in for a sleepless night
Not because you’re watching, no - because he’s laughing loud enough to keep you awake, telling you to look at the screen, and shakes your whole body when an exciting scene comes on
This kid only ate Mcdondals for weeks straight when the Szechuan sauce promotion was running
Eventually, you finally catch some Z’s when he calms down from the excitement and starts petting your head
☀️✨Mirio Togata✨☀️
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He’s a busy boy so he doesn’t have time to binge a full series
He quotes The Office more than he realizes. His favorite of all time, “Dwight, you ignorant slut”
He watches the fire drill episode when ever he’s had a hard day
A perfect day off would be watching it with you, feeling your body on his lap, and hearing your adorable giggles.
🗻❤️Eijiro Kirishima❤️🗻
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He will literally watch Bobs Burgers anywhere
At a party? On the toilet? In a meeting? Yes, yes and yes
But his FAVORITE place to watch it is with you
Wants to go as Gene and Tina on Halloween - wether he wants you or him to be Tina is still debatable
Will attempt to do their voice impressions just to make you giggle
During a steamy makeout session he stops, looks you dead in the eyes and says
“Your ass is grass and I’m gonna mow it.”
It ruined the mood but it was totally worth watching you roll off the couch in laughter
🐶💚Izuku Midoriya💚🐶
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Deku will watch any superhero show and fall in love with it in a heart beat
But Runaways is his favorite
It’s the perfect mix of heroism, quirkiness and humor
He will literally sit with and binge you for hours
L o v e s laying on your lap while you pet his head like a puppy
He will casually feed you popcorn and miss your mouth because his eyes are glued to the screen
🤍🧊Shoto Todoroki 🔥❤️
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Oh icythot our angel of a boy
When he first started game of thrones, he felt guilty watching all the spicy scenes
He had an internal debate whether he should watch it or not - because all of the sex - but he was so curious about what would happen next so he carried on
Trying to ask him a question while he’s watching? If you’re lucky he might reply within 10 minutes
“Baby where’s the charger?”
You’re at the point where you just laugh it off, give him a big smooch and snuggle right next to him
💜🐈 Hitoshi Shinsou 🐈💜
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Hope you love horror and sex because American Horror Story is all you two are watching aside from serial killer documentaries
Loves to yell “YoUrE aLl I WaNttT, YoUre AlL I HaAaaVe” at you when ever you get irritated at him
His favorite seasons in order? Murderhouse, Asylum, Cult, Coven, Freakshow, Apocalypse, Roanoke, and Hotel in that order
Don’t agree with that? He WILL fight you on it
Our cat boy loves watching it at night, mainly because he likes watching you look around the room in fear to make sure there’s nothing there - only to sneak attack spook you
In all reality he loves you very much even if he thinks your favorite seasons arent superior to his
Lots of tight snuggles and makeout sessions with this edgy baby
💜🐙Tamaki Amajiki 🐙💜
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Tamaki has seen ALL of the Netflix originals and Stranger Things still holds #1 in his heart (aside from you, of course)
Like it’s so hard to choose between his favorite shows because when he isn’t taking down villains he’s on his bed binge watching tv series
He’s still an anxiety filled emo boy what do you expect of him
Will be sad if you watch it without him so don’t
He may be a pro hero at this point but he’s a pro snuggler as well
He’s so w a r m??? Probably because his metabolism is always working but who cares!¡ He is your personal heater
He ships Joyce and Hopper like no other
Sorry I was so late posting! I have a really fun post in the making but it’s taking awhile to create ❤️ it will be worth it!
Also I didn’t add a few because I didn’t want this to be too long! If you want any of the others let me know and I will add them at the end of my part 2 when I do villains and pros 🖤
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follyoliver · 4 years
So I just started watching the walking dead for the first time and I’m on season 3 because quarantine and we’ve gotten to Michon, who is already my favorite character.
Why didn’t anybody tell me how gay this show is? I cannot believe how gay it is. I don’t really ship Michon/Andrea because I don’t think Andrea deserves Michon and she breaks up with her almost immediately after we establish that they’ve been Out There together for the last 8 months, but it’s really There.
And I really don’t ship Rick/Shane because Shane’s a rapist, but it’s Extremely There.
And Daryl is the most transmasc character I’ve ever seen in my life who isn’t explicitly intended to be trans. (Maybe except for Tina Belcher. Also very trans. But I’m not 100% sure that’s unintentional, and I’m 5 thousand % sure nobody in the writers room for TWD meant for Daryl to be trans, semiotically or otherwise.)
Anyway its a problematic show and very frustrating to watch including the extreme gay subtext that never comes out in the actual plot, but it’s Iconic and the zombies are very creative. They really put a lot of effort into the zombies. There’s a new creature effect every episode.
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hiddenwashington · 5 years
most wanted in existing fandoms here?
sure thing angel, this list got very long but shout out to the members who helped get this list together!! and babes, if there are any more, throw them into the replies for this anon!! but, we’d love to see ; anakin skywalker, padme amidala, bail organa, mon mothma, palpatine, luke skywalker, jacen solo, jabba the hutt, c-3po, r2-d2, winter celchu, plo koon, or mace windu from star wars! roy harper, edward nygma, scarecrow, barry allen, diana prince, steve trevor, arthur curry, lex luther, bruce wayne, captain boomerang, deadshot, or katana from dc/dc comics! fiyero, nessarose, and boq from wicked! mary macdonald, arthur weasley, bill weasley, queenie goldstein, tina goldstein, seamus finnegan, dean thomas, theseus scamander, albus potter, james potter II, hugo weasley, george weasley, percy weasley, the mckinnon siblings (ocs), any order members, death eaters, lorcan and lysander scamander, or vernon dursely from harry potter! hades, leo valdez, reyna avila ramírez-arellano, demeter, aphrodite, zeus, and athena, sally jackson, or posiden from percy jackson! kavinsky, the 300 foxway ladies, noah czerny, henry cheng,  or the dream pack from the raven cycle! everyone from until dawn! michonne, rosita espinosa and aaron from twd! aang, sokka, suki, iroh, asami, bolin, and mako from avatar/korra! chuck shurley, abaddon, or mary winchester from supernatural! elijah mikaelson, marcel gerard, luke parker, stefan salvatore, bonnie bennett, alaric saltzman, damon salvatore, genevieve, finn mikaelson, esther, mikael, lucien castle, tristan de martel, aurora de martel, lily salvatore, nora hildegard, mary louise, valerie tulle, malcolm, enzo st.john, josh roza, jackson kenner from the vampire diaries/the originals! richie gecko, seth gecko, kate fuller, scott fuller, carlos madrigal from dusk till dawn! brittany, santana, kitty, mercedes, and the rest of the glee cast! the rest of the sailor scouts from sailor moon! chandler bing from friends! nani, stitch, or angel from lilo and stitch! nebula, jane foster, dr. strange, bruce banner, clint barton, pepper potts, scott lang, angie martineli, edwin jarvis, friga, odin, quentin beck, ned leeds, nick fury lorna dane, marcos diaz, clarice fong, the frost sisters, or lauren strucker from marvel! vlad, pooka, or lily from anastasia! jace herondale, valentine morgenstern, luke garroway, raphael santiago, any warlock, will herondale, jem carstairs, gideon lightwood, gabriel lightwood, cecily herondale, jessamine lovelace, sophie collins, charlotte branwell, or henry branwell from the infernal devices/shadowhunters! charles boyle, gina linetti, terry jeffords, kevin cozner, kate peralta, kevin cozner, or david santiago from brooklyn nine nine! renee walker, allison reynolds, dan wilds, nicky hemmick, aaron minyard from all for the game! jessamine hale, archie cullen, julie black, jacob black, carlisle cullen, charlie swan, renee dwyer, aro, marcus, caius, alec, riley biers, or heidi from twilight! glimmer, bow, or scorpia from she-ra! gandalf, and bilbo baggins from lord of the rings! bill tench from mindhunter! rory williams, the 11th doctor, the 9th doctor, the 12th doctor, martha jones, rose tyler, donna noble, the tardis, and k9 from doctor who! stan uris, ben hanscom, mike hanlon, or georgie denbrough from it! wendy corduroy, grunkle stan, grunkle ford, pacifica northwest, and bill cipher from gravity falls! daniel and sean diaz from life is strange! dwight schrute, or angela martin from the office! catherine of aragon, jane seymour, or anna of cleves from six the musical! dracula and lucy westerna from dracula the musical! tywin lannister, cersei lannister, robb stark, bran stark, rickon stark, the night king, anyone from the night’s watch, stannis baratheon, renly baratheon, melisandre, joffrey baratheon, or jaime lannister from game of thrones! will parry, mary malone, lee scoresby, iorek byrinson, mrs coulter, or lord asriel from his dark materials! the maitlands, deetz’, and beetlejuice from beetlejuice! four, christina, and caleb from divergent! wybie, or the other mother from coraline! dustin henderson, lucas sinclair, erica sinclair, joyce byers, or jim hopper from stranger things!
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letterstotheflre · 2 years
every time daryl appears on screen i’m like.. there’s my babygirl. my little meow meow. my sugar plum <3
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frangipanilove · 6 years
The “Daryl as a Mary Magdalene-figure” theory
Part two:The Da Vinci Code, “The Last Supper”, glass pyramids, greenhouses
In my opinion, TPTB’s effort to establish Daryl as a Mary Magdalene figure essentially start in 4x13 “Alone”. This is also the episode where the “The Da Vinci Code” references become really obvious. The episode starts with a musical montage where we follow Bob right before he is found by Daryl and Glenn. We see him wandering around on his own, looking lonely and depressed. At one point he builds some sort of “cage”, so that he can later sit in it and drink his cold medicine (Cold-Z, a “cooler” reference, keep this in mind until later). We then watch him climb on top of a trailer (@wdway reminded me of the fact that this trailer is identical to the wolf trap trailers in 5x16) and we get this shot:
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This seems like a good time to say a few words about “The Da Vinci Code” plot. Our hero, Robert Langdon, is called to the Louvre museum in Paris to assist in the investigation of the murder of the museum curator Jacques Sauniere, whose dead body is posed like The Vitruvian Man, a famous sketch by Leonardo Da Vinci.
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Back to TWD. Bob’s pose in “Alone” is similar to both Da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man” and Jacques Sauniere’s dead body in “The Da Vinci Code”. This, in my opinion, indicates that TPTB intentionally inserted TDVC imagery into this particular episode of TWD. And there is a good reason for that.
The premise of TDVC is that Mary Magdalene and Jesus were in a relationship, had a child, and that the Merovingian kings of France were descended from the bloodline of Mary Magdalene and Jesus. Throughout history, this secret was protected by a series of prominent characters such as Da Vinci himself, who according to The Da Vinci Code inserted certain clues in the painting “The last supper”. The most central clue suggests that the character officially recognized as the disciple John in reality is Mary Magdalene. With that in mind, one can see how it is easy to compare the painting to the White Trash Brunch/kitchen scene from “Alone”, like here:
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In addition to the similarities between “The White Trash Brunch” and “The Last Supper”, comes of course the shot of Daryl taking a good, long moment to admire the plaque of “The Last Supper” in 5x2 “Strangers”.
From a TD perspective this is interesting because it is yet another way of establishing Beth as a Christ figure. From a Bethyl perspective it is interesting because if there is a TDVC template in “Alone”, one has to remember that in TDVC Jesus and Mary Magdalene were actually romantically involved. Mary Magdalene was Jesus’ love interest, and if Daryl is Mary Magdalene to Beth’s Christ, it also suggests that Daryl is Beth’s love interest. Furthermore, in many accounts from early Christianity Mary Magdalene is the first person to see the resurrected Christ, something which calls for interesting speculations in terms of who will be the first person from Team Family to see the “resurrected” Beth.
The TDVC template doesn’t end with the kitchen scene. In TDVC, after Robert Langdon has solved numerous mysteries across all of Europe, in the final pages of the book he follows “The Rose Line” a fictional name given to the Paris meridian line, in search of the “Holy Grail”. He suspects that if he follows “The Rose Line” it will lead him to it, and he eventually realizes that the Holy Grail is the bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The relevance to TWD, TD and Bethyl is that “The Rose Line” has lead Robert Langdon to the inverted glass pyramid outside the Louvre Museum, and he realizes that Mary Magdalene’s sarcophagus is secretly hidden underneath the smaller pyramid below the inverted glass pyramid.
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In 6x6 “Always Accountable” Daryl is initially taken captive by Dwight and Sherry. When Tina has an accute illness incident and faints, Daryl takes the opportunity to escape. He runs through the woods, before he eventually stops to untie his hands and get his crossbow ready to take down an approaching walker. As the walker falls, we see a Cherokee rose attached to its back, and it is as if the sight of the rose change Daryl’s attitude towards the situation. He notices a cooler containing insulin, and decides to return the medicine to Tina who is obviously in a bad place without it (take note of the cooler, it’s part of a “cooler” theme I will expand on later)
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So in TDVC we read about Robert Langdon following The Rose Line through Paris, eventually realizing that The Holy Grail is the bloodline from Mary Magdalene and Jesus, and that the sarcophagus of Mary Magdalene is secretly hidden under the smaller pyramid below the inverted glass pyramid by the Louvre Museum.
In TWD, there aren’t any inverted glass pyramids, but we do have a recurring theme of greenhouses (glasshouses) with holes through the roof.
Think back to the greenhouse with the hole through the roof in 4x4 “Indifference”, when Rick and Carol come across Sam and Ana. They aren’t really the surviving kind, but before she dies Ana makes sure to emphasize that there’s a greenhouse there with a hole through the roof, so that the water can come in and the fruit can grow. It seemed like an incredibly random storyline at the time, but nothing is random in TWD.
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Also think back to the greenhouse “tomb” in 6x6 “Always Accountable”. Think about how there’s a Cherokee Rose that leads Daryl to turn around and return the insulin to Tina, Sherry and Dwight.
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Think back to the greenhouse with the hole through the roof on 4x4 “Indifference” and the greenhouse “tomb” in 6x6 “Always Accountable”. Think about how there’s a Cherokee Rose that leads Daryl to turn around and return the insulin to Tina, Sherry and Dwight. Think about how the Rose Line through Paris eventually led Robert Langdon to Mary Magdalene’s sarcophagus underneath the inverted glass pyramid outside the Louvre. Think about how the holy grail turned out to be the bloodline from Mary Magdalene and Jesus. Think about how the Cherokee Rose, that represents hope of finding lost loved ones, led Daryl to return the insulin to Tina, so that she was able to properly control her blood sugar, “wake up” from her almost unconscious state. The Cherokee rose eventually led him to ...not a glass pyramid but a glass house/greenhouse with a hole through the roof. There are some clear parallels between TDVC and TWD here.
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In TDVC, Mary Magdalene’s sarcophagus was revealed to be hidden under the inverted glass pyramid in front of the Louvre museum. A pyramid is a tomb. We haven’t seen glass pyramids in TWD, but we have seen glass houses/greenhouses. We’ve seen “glass-sarcophaguses”. We haven’t seen Mary Magdalene’s sarcophagus under a pyramid below an inverted glass pyramid (tomb), but we’ve seen Daryl in a coffin in a funeral home. And we’ve seen Beth and Daryl share the trunk of a car, universally accepted by TDers everywhere as a foreshadow of something that happened off screen during those missing 17 days, something which ended with Beth for some reason being “gone”, something that no one talks about, something that was “hinted to” by having Maggie find the Beth-walker in the trunk of a car in 5x10 “Them”. And we’ve of course also seen the car with the white cross drive away with Beth, leaving a panicked and heartbroken Daryl to chase after it all night.
To be continued in part three
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
FTWD 6x12 - In Dreams
Wow! This episode was Amazing! As I told my fellow theorists, this is one of those episodes, much like TWD 10x18, Find Me, that’s kinda gonna be a holy grail of TD symbolism. So buckle up! There’s a lot here to unpack. 
***As always, spoilers for FTWD 6x12 abound below. Don’t read until you’ve watched!***
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This episode really was amazing, but also super-sad. While obviously it’s extremely tragic the baby didn’t make it, I will say that I’m glad Grace isn’t leaving the show just yet. It was amazing for the symbolism but also for the masterful storytelling. I got to a point at the end where I was trying to decide which ending they were going for (whether Grace would live or die) but the truth was actually a third outcome I totally didn’t see coming. I write fiction myself and so it’s really hard to take me by surprise, but this episode did it. 
First and foremost, this episode is really great evidence that Leah is a hallucination and/or dream. I know I’ve posted about how we think the bright and somewhat fuzzy colors show that. But let me illustrate. Here’s is a pic from 10x17 of Daryl and Maggie in the woods. Just take note of the greens and browns. This is the filter they generally use in TWD and it’s not hugely saturated with color. That’s on purpose because it’s a post-apocalyptic world and they want it to feel bleak.
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Compare that pic to the one below it from Find Me. See the difference?
Well, same thing in this episode about Grace. Here, they tell us flat out and pretty early that it’s not real. So they aren’t trying to trick us like they did in 10x18. So, this is evidence (if not proof in my book) because if the colors look like this and it’s a dream/hallucination for Grace, then it must be for Daryl, too, right?
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Okay, but let’s get to specifics. First off, Roy Orbison. We’ve seen/heard references to him SO often, and usually in conjunction with Beth symbolism. Pretty much this entire episode centers around his song, In Dreams.
Not only is there the saturation of the colors, but there is tons of PINK. (Pink Theory).
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So Grace wakes up in the middle of the woods, and already, things feel ethereal.
I didn’t even realize it at first, but she’s lying on her back and sees birds flying in circles above her. Just like Beth and Daryl in Inmates. 
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A walker attacks her, and both it’s arms end up breaking. We saw that very recently in the Aaron/Father Gabriel episode (10x19). We’re not entirely sure what it means yet, but forearms symbolism has been a thing, in different iterations, for a while. So, that’s one we’re working on understanding.
She meets a young woman named Athena (who we’ve looked into before for various reasons; for one thing, the owl a symbol of Athena, and that’s definitely been a TD symbol in the past).
Athena asks her if she can remember her name, and Grace can’t. This is reminiscent of Dawn asking Beth at Grady if she can remember her name.
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When Grace stands up, she pulls her sweater up over her shoulder. Even though this isn’t a romantic situation, it reminded me SO much of when Beth did it in 4x01 after hugging Daryl. And given the bright yellowness of the sweater? Yeah, she’s definitely a Beth proxy. 
In the opening credits, we see Grace, but just for a moment, there’s an overlay of Athena over top of her. We see her walking stick clearly, but then she disappears. I noticed that when I first watched it, and rewound, trying to understand what it was, but of course I didn’t until I watched the episode.
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Speaking of Athena’s stick, @wdway did some research because she thought it looked similar to sticks the blind use to guide them. Check this out. 
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So, clearly Athena isn’t using it that way, but the theme of being blind is there. I’ll talk more about this later, but we see several walkers get stabbed through one eye, which both suggests blindness and is part of the Sirius/one eye symbolism. The “blind” walking stick is just another way to show this same theme.
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Athena takes her back to Morgan’s community, and we quickly learn that it’s been 16 years since the last episode, and Athena is actually Grace’s unborn child. So clearly, this is a dream or vision of some kind.
She had to convince Morgan of who she is, which she eventually does.
So, here’s the thing. I, for one, am very focused on what foreshadows Beth, right? And there is TONS of dialogue in this episode that could potentially be applied to her.
For example, in this scene, Morgan says, “You can’t be here.” Grace: “Why?” And then it just shows her grave stone. Morgan says, “I buried you myself.”
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Now, we don’t think Daryl actually buried Beth, but he tried at a white church. (X). However, the idea of Daryl saying something like this, (You can’t be here. You’re dead.) works very well.
Later in the same scene, Grace says, “people don’t get what they wish for.” To which Morgan replies, “Sometimes things happen that you just can’t explain.” It reminded me of something Dwight said back in S4/S5 when he was still looking for Sherry. He says, “impossible shit happens.” He was referring to him finding Sherry again, which he did. This was referring to Morgan seeing Grace again after he thought she’d died. Which he also did (even if it was just in her dream). Although, it definitely gave the impression that maybe she did die for a few minutes in the barn before he resuscitated her. So, you could argue that that aspect of her dream came true.
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I had to chuckle when June showed up to check her out. She literally checks her eyes and says she sees no sign of brain injury. Um, yeah. Brain injury CAN show up in the eyes, but just because it doesn’t, doesn’t mean she doesn’t have one. Clearly, they didn’t want to use screen time to show June do an entire, thorough check of Grace, but there was a little bit of medical unreality here. Of course, you could argue that this is Grace’s dream and she’s not a doctor, so she wouldn’t have known better.
But more to the point, they mention a concussion (which Edwards said Beth had), traumatic brain injury (which Beth sustained in Coda) and then combine it with Grace not remembering her name at the beginning, and the unrealities of Carol’s recovery at Grady in S5, and I’d say this is a very on-the-nose replay of Grady. 
We see a really sweet future where Strand and Daniel are friends and Sherry and Dwight are not only back together, but have two kids. A baby girl named Tina (Sherry’s sister who died in TWD S6 and, might I add, was a Beth proxy) and a little boy named John after John Dorie. Very sweet.
But I was thinking while watching it that chances are, none of that will actually happen. And I was thinking about it from an outside-the-story aspect. They’re already talking about people from Fear crossing back over to main TWD. And I don’t necessarily think we’ll see it in S11, but probably in the spinoff. So, I feel like this community Morgan is building will go down at some point.
And that doesn’t mean Dwight and Sherry won’t get back together. I actually think they will. I’m just saying it won’t happen exactly as Grace saw it in her dream. Compare it to Carl’s dream of the future during S8, before he died. Certain aspects of that have or will come true, but he won’t live to see it. So not all of it will. See what I mean?
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And then the showrunner kind of confirmed this during the “inside the episode.” He said what Grace saw was just a dream and none of it was actually going to come to pass. ☹
Grace then asks Morgan how he managed to build the community and bring everyone together. He answers that it was Athena. Because they lost Grace, everyone rallied around her child and that’s what kept everyone together.
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I actually think we saw this theme somewhat in 5b. After they lost Beth (and Tyreese) everyone sort of rallied around Judith, who was still a baby. I had an idea while watching the beginning of the episode that Grace = Beth and Athena = Judith. Now, Athena doesn’t survive, so I’m not sure how far I can push that. But it’s still interesting to think about.
This walker is an interesting one. We could really go down a rabbit hole iwth it. First off, there’s the shirt that says, “don’t mess with Texas.” As I’ve been talking about Eugene lately, I’m sure you’ll recognize the Texas/New Mexico/western theme.
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The missing eye is sirius symbolism. But the glasses make me think of two specific walkers we saw in the past. The woman in the food bank that father Gabriel had a relationship with, 
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and also this one that Glenn and Nicholas saw. You know, right before Glenn’s death fake out. 
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I won’t go into what they both mean in detail. I’m sure it’s enough to say that both walkers, in both situations, are Beth proxies of one sort or another. 
And I’m sure we should be reading into the fact that it comes on a loop. They see/kill it over and over again as Grace becomes “awake” in her dream.
Of course, Athena has a Walkman and listens to music all the time. I’m sure I don’t have to explain that one. But what really caught my ear was the part where Morgan turned it off in the real world and in the dream, Athena said, “You broke it.” Very similar to the music box being broken in 5x10.
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And then Grace says she didn’t break it. Morgan just turned it off. I’m seeing that as a hint that Beth was never dead. Just sleeping. When she finally starts connecting all the dots, Grace has lots of interesting lines that could apply to Beth, or could also apply to the Daryl/Leah situation.
“I’m unconscious.” (Beth)
“It’s just fragments of different memories. Things I’ve thought about. My brain is trying to make sense of it all.” (Daryl/Leah).
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At one point, Grace tells Athena she is strong (Beth’s “I am strong,”) and that she’ll bring everyone together. Bring everyone hope.
Seriously, EVERY line of dialogue in this episode jumped out at me in some way.
Let me back up a minute. When we see the car with the “end is the beginning” graffiti on it, the trunk is open, which is significant.
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Grace also talks about how she was on the highway with Morgan, and they saw this car, and there was an explosion.
Now, we’ve never talked much about anything like this with Beth because we don’t have tons of evidence for it. But I do remember that spoilers (the same ones that reported seeing her at the white cabin during S5 filming) mentioned a car chase near Terminus, and we never saw that, either. So, I think it’s possible something like this might happen during the missing 17 days. Just speculation on my part, though.
Also a major “wake up” theme here. I mentioned this about a week ago HERE when I did a bunch of mini rewatches. The symbolism of what’s real vs what’s a dream has actually been very prevalent throughout the entire series. I just don’t think TD homed in on it until the Leah episode just recently.
We heard it clear back in ep 1 with Rick. We saw it with Denise just before she died. And we saw Beth’s eyes flutter open at Grady when she “woke up,” so it’s safe to say this can be applied to Beth.
Morgan says repeatedly to Grace that she needs to wake up. Once she realizes she’s unconscious, she repeats it many times as well. “I need to wake up.”
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In terms of how this might speak to Leah being a hallucination for Daryl, consider this. Grace is inside her hallucination, and she says things like this:
“I’m unconscious.” “This isn’t real.” “It’s in my head. Fragments of different memories…” Yeah, that’s what we’ve been saying about 10x18 for weeks.
Grace’s hallucination represents the future she hopes will come to pass, but what she actually sees is an amalgamation of people she knows and memories she has. Her brain just fills in the blanks.
By the same token, Leah represents something Daryl wants (not to be alone anymore) but she’s an amalgamation of past experiences and people he knows in real life. (Rick, Carol, and especially Beth.)
Then we have the white horse symbol. This is something we’ve known for a long time. It’s the black/white theme, but we saw a white horse and a “you’re still alive” sign near Morgan in 6x16. Rick also rode a white horse in 9x05, just before he didn’t actually die. So the white horse represents someone living.
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Interestingly, the first time she sees the white horse, it’s a picture hanging in the air, apparently from nothing. But it reminds me a lot of the plate glass windows we see hanging from the trees during S8/AOW. 
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Grace and Athena rode one to the barn where Grace lived and sort of reunited with Morgan. And yes, it’s a little bit sneaky, because both Athena and Grace were on the horse, and Athena didn’t make it. It was hard to tell which one it would apply to. But that’s exactly how the writers keep us guessing. It’s why we don’t usually know things for sure until we can see them in hind sight.
But in this case, we could have guessed Grace would live because of that horse. More on that in minute.
When Riley shows up in the hallucination, Grace kills him and realizes Athena represents her real baby and can feel the contractions too. She has an interesting line. “I was wrong. You are real. It’s the only thing that makes sense. We’re connected.”
This is the kind of line that jumps out at me as a foreshadow of Beth. For years, we’ve wondered if Daryl will see Beth and think he’s hallucinating. In the wake of the Leah episode, I suspect this more than ever. Especially if at some point, he realizes Leah isn’t real, when he sees Beth, he won’t trust his own eyes and his own mind. So this line could apply to some future storyline.
Of course Grace says things like, “I need to wake up so you can be born.” “I need to wake up so you’re all right.” I was writing so fast, my hand was cramping, lol.
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While riding the white horse, they cross a small bridge, which is clearly symbolic. But I also noticed that Grace passed the truck we saw her driving around last season. In the cab is a walker in a radiation suit and a radiation detector (I’m sure there’s a more official name for that, lol).
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It gave me a new perspective on the cars. While I’m sure they represent many things, they represent things that have happened in the characters’ pasts. And that works well for everything we’ve always said, because it means when Daryl sees a blond walker in a car, it’s all about his past. And Beth.
There’s a moment when Grace actually seems to die. She stops breathing and appears to be dead, even in the dream.
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Couple of things here. 1) I’ve said for years that Beth may have truly, medically died for a short time period. As in, her heart stopped before restarting. That would be a sneaky way to fulfill all the “death” symbolism around her but have her still live/resurrect. This may be evidence of that. 2) Did you see everything run backward? It’s at this part when Grace stops breathing, we see everything run in backward motion for about 30 seconds. Almost as though they need to rewind or reset to get the story back on the right track.
The key. I guess we should talk about the key. Very interesting stuff. As per this episode, the key represents the cost of peace. And they talked about it being the future.
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Remember back in S8, there was an episode called “The Key to the Future.” So this is a repeated theme. But we’ve seen keys around Beth for a long time, especially at Grady. It kept showing keys being used to open doors in order to get Rick and Daryl in to do the prisoner exchange.
So, here’s what I’m thinking for this. I think the cost of peace was Beth being shot. We’ve thought for a long time that Beth will save TF in some way. Probably during the CRM war or maybe in some way that has nothing to do with war (i.e. famine or lack of water).
We don’t know how that will play out, yet. But if key = cost of peace, then seeing keys at Grady probably shows that the cost of saving TF down the road is Beth getting shot. It went the way it had to. The way it was always going to. So she could save them.
@frangipanilove likes to say that Fear functions as our key (like the kind you find on a map) to understanding TD symbolism. And this is a good example. They told us what the key symbol stands for and it makes other things we’ve seen and theorized make sense.
In a more literal, plot-related sense, Riley also said, “That key is going to change everything.”
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And, I don’t actually think it’s a good thing that they gave it away. I think Grace’s logic in the moment was absolutely sound. The baby was going to be the Savior. And the baby’s strength would supplant whatever advantage that key gave whoever has it.
But the baby, tragically, died. So…they probably need to get that key back.
Also interesting to note that back in S8, the book “A Key to a Future” was about building windmills and water aqueducts. Major water symbols, and once again, water = Beth. 
Speaking of the baby as savior, that’s definitely a theme, as I described above. The people rallied around her in Grace’s dream and she kind of saved everyone just by living.
@wdway pointed out that Grace giving birth in a barn on top of hay gives it a manger feel, which is probably what they were going for.
So, Athena, in the dream, is also something of a proxy for Beth.
When they enter the barn, we see something super interesting. There’s a walker point up at a cage with a dove in it. The walker doesn’t even try to get them when they enter, but that’s because it’s Grace’s dream. But this is SUCH a potent TD symbol. A bird in a cage = imprisonment. And there was an empty bird cage in Beth’s cell in 4x01, as well as near Connie just before she disappeared. 
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We also think it was probably a dove (you can hear it cooing). So with the manger motif as she gives birth, from a biblical symbolism standpoint, a dove makes sense. The dove generally represents the Holy Spirit branchy of the Trinity. 
Just a super interesting symbol and, to me, it shows that this is all tied up in Beth symbolism, and that the person they’re foreshadowing here is the person who’s been imprisoned for a long time. The person who had the bird cage in her cell. 
I also think we need to appreciate that Grace had a dream that made her believe one thing was true (that she would die and the baby would live). But in reality, the opposite was true. We’ve come up with considerable evidence that Beth lived. But Daryl believes that she died. And the exact opposite will end up being true. They also tried really hard to convince us in this episode that Grace would die. We saw her accepting it and acting accordingly. Similarly, they’ve tried really hard to convince us that Beth really died. We’ve seen all the characters accept it and act accordingly. 
So, I said above that we saw several walkers get it in the eye, right? One of the sequences I noticed the second or third time through that I watched it, was when, in the dream, Walker Riley has Athena pinned against the wall. He was the first one to say, “I know you thought this would be different, but that was just a dream.” 
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So, what I noticed is that he said this, at the exact same time that Grace stopped breathing or “died” and then suddenly revived. And directly after Riley said this, he got a stake through the eye when Morgan showed up. 
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So we have this “dream” symbolism, Grace dying and then resurrecting and the eye/Sirius symbolism all within a few seconds of each other. It’s a very compelling and powerful scene. Maybe my favorite of the episode. I’ve watched it like a thousand times, lol. 
And of course there’s that heartbreaking, repeated line, “I [know you] thought this would end differently. But that was just a dream.” First, walker-Riley (super cool walker effect, btw) said it to Athena in the Grace’s dream. Then she said it while holding her deceased baby.
More lines that jumped out at me near the end, and could possibly apply to Beth and Daryl:
“You found us.” (Athena says this to Morgan when he shows up to kill Riley in the dream.)
“He’s here for me.” Grace says this when Morgan shows up and takes her hand.
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Grace: “I don’t want to say goodbye, but I have to.” Beth hating goodbyes and not wanting to say them.
When Morgan is trying to revive Grace, he says, “Stay with me. Come back.” (Geez, if Daryl says anything like this during those missing 17 days, it’s gonna be freaking heartbreaking.)
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When she wakes up, he says, “Good morning. You’re awake. You’re awake.” So there’s that awake/wake up theme again. But the “good morning” is interesting, too. It may be morning time as this scene is playing out, but we didn’t actually see them go from night to morning. 
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We’ve said for years that the sunrise represents Beth and a new beginning, so that “good morning” line is highly symbolic of a new era in which Beth lives.
He also says, “I thought I lost you.” *coughs Daryl*
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Grace replies, “I had to come back so Athena could be born.” And again, I really don’t think Beth will be pregnant when she shows up, but baby Athena represents the way in which she’ll save TF. Because Athena was supposed to be the Savior here.
“We don’t have much time,” is repeated two or three times. So that’s a time mention, but also probably foreshadows a future storyline where they’re up against a countdown clock in some way. 
“I had to come back.” Tell me you aren’t thinking of Beth when listening to that line. 
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“The key is not the future. She is.” Okay, my fellow theorists and I have discussed that the child who will save the future may well be Judith. In that sense, Judith may be Athena, but that still leaves Grace = Beth. And hearing this line, I just can’t help but replace “she” with Beth. 
When Morgan asks Riley what the key opens, Riley says, “it doesn’t matter.” Also a Beth theme from Grady. 
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And finally, after Riley takes it, he says, “Good luck.” Luck Theory. 
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Phew. Quite a few of those, right? 
Side note: one of the reasons I really didn’t know if Grace would live or die, as I mentioned above, is that they were really trying to convince us she would, but a lot of what was said could be seen as dialogue foreshadow. 
That could be a problem for some of our theories. But here’s the thing. Going back through it again, the writers were super-sneaky. Most of it could be quantified differently than it came across. For example, Grace says to Morgan, “I don’t THINK I’m going to survive this.” Not that she absolutely won’t. See what they did there? I’m just pointing out.
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Finally, I want to mention a few more things the show runner said in his interview at the end. 
First, in talking about Athena, he said they wanted to make her a very strong, together girl, so it was obvious she came from Grace and was trained and raised by Morgan. It just reminded me a lot of what they said about Beth after Still. The whole, “raised by Hershel, trained by Daryl, meet the new Beth Greene.” Athena gave off that vibe for sure, but the showrunner used almost the exact same words to describe her. Definitely side-eyeing that. 
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He also talked about how they purposely crafted the “dream” so that it wasn’t only a dream that Grace was a passive participant in. Parts of it had to be real and have real world implications so she was driven by a ticking time bomb. For her, in this episode, it was because her baby was coming and she needed to wake up to give birth.
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I just mention it because I can’t help but wonder what implications this will have for the Daryl/Leah situation. 
I think that’s what I have for this episode. But man, what a crazy, tragic, epic, awesome episode! Loved it. (And hey, they owed us a big one after killing off John a few weeks ago. ;D)
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sienna27 · 7 years
I never should have watched TWD tonight.  After four days of doubles, a Daylight Savings time switch that sucked an hour out of my sleep cycle, AND the onslaught of frigging PMS, I was/am, way too cranky really to enjoy much of anything tonight.   All I needed was jet lag to throw the last cliche in the book.  And I literally just had chicken wings for dinner because I said fuck it to the salad, I’m just going to order wings because that will make me happy, and they still didn’t make me happy.  
It was a sign.  
Another prominent sign was probably my reaction to Bob’s Burgers when Tina ran off to play ball with Zeke and Jimmy Jr.  I yelled (aloud), angrily, “what the hell are you doing?!  After he treated you like crap on Valentine’s Day you’re still hanging out with him?!”  Then I grumbled to myself that Bob’s really needs to have a very special episode to teach Tina about self worth and not hanging around with people who treat her badly because that is some serious bullshit that she hasn’t tossed him to the curb yet.  So yes clearly I was in no mental state to be watching the nuances of the apocalypse, when I was angry at the life choices of a cartoon child.
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xscentlessx · 7 years
Get to know me tag >_<
I was tagged by: @dbclearwaters <3
Relationship status: Single af
Favourite colour: Black (its a color!)
Lipstick or chapstick: no make up at all stick— i appreciate natural things
Three favourite foods: thats hard.. but i guess my fav childhood food was spaghetti bolognese so thats the first. Second: PIZZAA. and the last one definitely everything my brother cooks bc he is the best and extraordinariest cook ever haha.
Last song I listened to: Count to ten- Tina Dico
Last movie/show I watched: Last movie idk anymore haha but something from netflix.. last show was stranger things (first season)
Top 3 shows: Thats also hard.. but AHS is safe.. i guess also twd and death note but there are sooo many good series (orphan black, black mirror, orange is the new black and and and...)>_<
Top 3 bands: Nirvana. Best. After nirvana its hard to say... it also depends on the decades bc i hear so many old music haha but also modern.. its mood dependent
Books I’m currently reading: A German book called ,Vergessene Kinder‘(forgotten kids) from my fav youtuber annd Harry Potter *_*
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glitterquadricorn · 7 years
TWD Q&A (About me!)
The Walking Dead Q&A
Thanks for the tag, @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked 
What is your name? Amber
How old are you? 22
How would you describe your cultural background? I wanna say that i’m Irish and German, but I'm not entirely sure.
What languages do you speak? I obviously speak English, but I do know like three words (goodbye, bye, and I love you) in german. 
How tall are you? 4‘11 and 1/2 inch. 
What are your best physical features? My eyes? They’re blue-ish gray, but my left eye has a speck of green/hazel.
What makes you feel beautiful or strong? I feel good about myself when I wear jeans, or black leggings that make my legs and thighs look skinner and my ass look good lol
Can you tell me a secret? To be honest, I don’t really have a secret to tell.
Can you describe your personality by only stating the names of three fictional characters? I didn’t know how to describe myself using three fictional characters, so I found a quiz on the internet to help. Apparently I’m like Daria from beavis and butthead, Tina Belcher from bob’s burgers and April Ludgate from parks and recreation
When did you start watching The Walking Dead? At first, I didn’t like TWD. I thought it was stupid, and missed the entire first season(all six episodes of it). So, when it came season two came on and I watched the first episode I was like, “Okay, this isn’t so bad.” Then I watched the episode after that, and the one after that and so forth. I loved it since, and can’t get enough of it. 
If you could rewrite one storyline on TWD, which would it be and why? SPOILERS OF THIS SEASON: I would make Shiva live! Its not the fact that Shiva died that got me, its the look on King Ezekiel's face as he watched Shiva get torn apart. #JUSTICEFORSHIVA
Was there a character whose death you celebrated on TWD? The governor. 
Which character death made you sob like a small child? Its a tie between Glenn, Abraham, and Noah. They’re deaths were brutal.
Where would you take up residency in TWD universe: Alexandria, The Kingdom, Hilltop, The Sanctuary etc.? Probably the kingdom or alexandria, if I had a choice. But if we are being honest, as long as it got me a safe place to sleep I wouldn’t give 2 shits. Survival mode!
What would be your weapon of choice in the zombie apocalypse? Something that’s quick, easy to manage and quiet. So, a sword maybe?
What would be in your zombie apocalypse bag?
So I would pack: trauma kit, tarp/poncho, fire kit (with a multi-purpose knife and lighter), water filter, canteen, a good knife/weapon/gun, emergency food, flashlights with extra batteries, bandana, multi-tool, paracord, duct tape, small saw, sunglasses, map, extra socks, and FIT IT ALL IN A GOOD BAG! 
If you were a character on TWD, what would be your theme song, and why? Nothing More- Go to War. I feel like its very fitting for twd right now. 
You are the moral compass of the group in TWD universe, what would be the lesson that you would preach? We can’t give up on trying to be the best of humanity we can be. We might be in survival mode, right now, but we need to think about the future and how we want possible future generations to be able to live. We can’t give up on ourselves.
How would you rather die on the show: turning into a walker or being killed by another human? Killed by another Human. Why would you want to die just to die again as a walker?
Who is your favourite character? Daryl Dixon. I can’t help it. 
Okay, let’s spice things up: daddy kink, yay or nay? I have nothing against it, but it isn’t for me. No thanks!
If you answered yes to the previous question: What started that kink? Pass
What is your ultimate character fantasy? Steve Rogers in that stealth suit. I’m a sucker for a man in a uniform.
Would you join Negan’s harem given the choice? I don’t share.
What words remind you of Negan? FUCK!
You’re trapped in a room with Negan, what do you do? Have a nice, little chat on not being a fucking twunt.
If you could describe sex with your favorite character through a song, which song would you pick? I love a lot of different characters, but my song might be ride by Somo.
If Negan had given you the choice to pick a person to die from the lineup, which character would be on Lucilles receiving end? I don’t want that type of pressure on me. I know if I pick somebody from the line up, someone is bound to hate me and will want me dead. 
Do you write any fanfiction, create content for any fandom blogs etc.? Yes! I write fanfics for the avengers, but I also write for wwe. 
Finally, what is the one thing you want your followers to know about you?
I am super open minded, and this blog is a safe place for anyone to talk about what they need to, if you want! Anyone can message me if you ever want someone to talk to! I love literally everybody, unless you give me a reason not to! (Like being mean, closed minded, judgemental)
I know my writing isn’t the best out there, but I’m trying my hardest. So, please bare with me. 
Also, I am a very avid reader, so if anyone has any fics they want me to read PLEASE tag me in them!!!
Tagging(at random):
@m-a-t-91 @samsplaything @rosietheturtle @youlightmeupfinn @littlewrestlingnerd 
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openanonymity · 7 years
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So, as I may have pointed out in the past, I'm a big TWD fan. I watch the show religiously, rewatched it numerous times from start to finish, because I find new things each time I watch. Anyway, my friend Tina told me I should read the comics. It took me a couple years, but I started doing it. The newest issue is 171, and I purchased it through my Image Comics app. They introduced this new character, pictured above. I'm not going to give any spoilers, but I have to say, she's a pretty interesting character, and I really hope they bring her into the show.
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