#tina and pepperoni
favroitecrime · 1 year
new bob’s burgers episode fed me soooo good as a louise is mini linda truther. also fed me as a person who loves watching their relationship. also a lot of funny antics. but back to my point.
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bluepoodle7 · 7 months
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#Walmart #WalmartDeliFoods #Tinas #TinasPepperoniPizzaBurrito #WalmartDeliFoodsReview
This is part 2 of the Tina's Pepperoni Pizza Burrito and these are the rest of the images.
Part 1
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr: #Walmart #WalmartDeliFoods #Tinas #TinasPepperoniPizzaBurrito #WalmartDeliFoodsReview I tried the Tina's Pepperoni Pizza Burrito...
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
🕷️ Vanilla Tobacco 🕷️
Eddie Munson x Reader
10.9k words
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Summary: Based on one of my favourite Eloise songs- this pure mush but please believe me on the life of my dog, the next piece to follow this with smut is coming in so fast I may get whiplash- watch out- also
Thank-youuuu all of you for being such angels and commenting on my stuff all the time it’s honestly amazing. I know I’m a lazy bum and I need to reply to your astounding comments. But pls know I do see each one and it’s just what makes this all so worthwhile to see how much you all love Eddie X Pencils.
Your morning had been hell on wheels.
You slept through your alarm. Stubbed your toe stumbling out of bed in your rush to get dressed. Burnt your tongue on your too hot coffee. Ended up being late for home room. And now you’ve been lumped with an art essay. Perfect.
Self directed. Six thousand words on a particular art movement of your choice. Which somehow made it even harder to pick-
It’s pokey glass shards stabbing into the already festering wound in your side that was your day.
This would mean you’d be surrendering your lunchtime to this honey of a new project which was due in a week. If you got the books and notes gathered for it now, it would be a great help and a load off further down the line.
You trudge out of class, and back down to the hallway to your locker, with an armful of textbooks and sketchbook. A free period now that you’d spend the entirety of in the library.
In the absence of a certain jingly jacketed, metal head, the music you’ve got blasting through walkman headphones right now, is the only soothing thing that’s helping your scratchy mood stay buoyant.
Well. That and one other salient thing-
You can’t help but draw your thoughts back to yours and Eddie’s movie night. That memory certainly lifts and delights. Wraps up your stomach like being bound in sunny butter-yellow silk.
Being tangled up on Eddie’s terrible scratchy orange couch with wandering hands, seeking more, and so much making out it was like you were kissing each other’s lips raw. Seeing Eddie with those beautiful lips all bitten pink certainly tugged on your guts in the most horny way.
You devoured the pizza together, and he’d tasted like hoppy lite beer and salty pepperoni - licking the greasy cheese mess of it off the corner of your lips. Smiling with oily pizza grease fingers gripping your chin.
You’d laughed so much your ribs hurt. Prodded fun at the gore of his selected horror movies - awed by his taste too. Agreed on the worst and best parts of grainy black and white eerie tones of night of the living dead. The ham acting. The swelling suspense.
He’d grinned with the way you’d squirmed and jiggled and scrunched up your feet in unease at the bit in Nightmare on Elm Street. When Tina grabs Freddy’s face and the whole thing slips into her hand in a bloody rubbery landslide, revealing raw teeth and bulging eyes, scarlet black chasm of a nose.
I love this movie. But I freakin’ hate that bit.
Eddie curls around you tighter. Beaming. Chuckling dryly. Ringed fingers splaying over your hip. Nose nestled in the back of your neck.
Squeamish much, pencils?
Shut up
You both watch as Tina cups at the four claw marks in her stomach as she’s tumbled around the bed and jerked up to the ceiling. Crawling sticky blood up the flowery walls.
You hide again with an ‘Ick.’ Which prompts you to twist around and face him. You don’t do well with blood.
He very kindly lets you shield your eyes behind his hand. Rings warm on your skin.
Freddy’ll have to get through me first. Don’t you worry.
I’ll never let you sleep again, Munson. I will blast the loudest Motörhead in your ears. Okay?
Okay sweets. He winked.
You’d flown into swooning bits at the recollection of how you’d spent a great deal of time on that date, horizontal with Eddie’s warm nose buried deep in your neck. Or his tongue in your mouth. Spit wet lips, hoppy beer breath, and grinding hormones.
Later, much later, after two beers, his teeth and lips were plucking hickie’s at your collarbones and under your jaw. Mainly to distract you from Wes Cravens gore. But, funny how even when the movie ended, neither of you seemed to notice.
Too busy scrunching your hands in his messy hair and kissing him back hungrily. His hands smoothing up your back. Your legs curled open over the cradle of his skinny hips. Grinding into the clutch of yours. His hands were blazing hot on your ass where your skirt was rucked up. Fingertips slipping just-so, under the edge of your panties.
Whenever you hummed or moaned it made him smile. Made his hips jerk to yours. You were grinding on each other like this world would end soon. Entirely composed of rutting feel-good hormones for each other.
He pulled back because he was definitely popping a boner in those skinny jeans and you can’t lie either - you’re wet - you’re both very flimsy underwear barriers away from doing some very x-rated things.
He begs you that he doesn’t wanna be cumming in his pants like a ninth grader. You can’t deny with his hips grinding you like that it wouldn’t take much for your orgasm either. But, you both agreed, that for now, you’d keep it to second base.
All bets are off next time though, Pencils.
Deal. You grin back.
He sighed happily, blushed as a matter of fact, as you nudged a kiss under his ear.
You made out and ate and cracked jokes and chatted for what felt like hours. You tired the moon with your talking - and kissing. So much sparky hot kissing it stunned your lips numb.
You’d never get enough of the taste of Eddie. Smoke and beers on his tongue. Fake snap of chemical apple from his shampoo. Some distant lingering cedar and vanilla cologne that was definitely Wayne’s and had definitely been put on to impress you-
Hewalked you out to your car when time came for you to go. Leaving felt like a ripping pain. Like tearing layers of skin away. You kissed for ten minutes before you even managed to fumble blindly behind you for the door. He kissed you up against the door. Next to the door. All over you with your hands sunk and lost in his hair.
Don’t go I’m not done yet. As he cupped your face and waddled you up against the door - again.
Traffics bad this time of night, Pencils. Give it five if I were you.
I’ve heard a really bad storm is closing in.
Every time you levered apart, he was spinning you back with “Okay but how about one more, y’know, for the road…”
Then proceeded to melt you into another thought-stealing kiss.
Made you laugh into it when he palmed your car keys right out your hand whilst you were distracted by his tongue. And fully launched them over his shoulder.
They landed with a jingly thump over his shoulder on the malt brown carpet. He wrapped his arms around your waist even tighter. Muffled your protests onto the silky bed of his tongue. You moaned and curled your arms around him again.
Thinking of Eddie was definitely one part of your day that didn’t suck. That didn’t scrape rock bottom. It actually lifted you off your dragging heels a bit. Laced a spring in your step that you were careful not to let creep out too much around others.
You lose yourself to that, and into the jagged punk carnality, and let it be known Billy Idol’s sneering roar of a voice was a balm to you.
What didn’t help was that when you came to your locker, Linda was stood against it with the nuclear warhead of a mega-bitch that was Carol P.
They’re gaggled close and smirking about something. There should be a cauldron between them for the amount of shit-stirring and poison slinging they do. You’re thankful you can’t hear it. You turn up Rebel Yell just that tad louder.
Carol was the worst when it came to high school hierarchy. Not only an asshole but determined to drag that festering quality out of everything she touches. Withers the people she considers below her like dead leaves. Thought because she was giving blowjobs under the bleachers, and playing spin the bottle since seventh grade, that it somehow made her the epitome of cool.
You think that much like Linda, its just wearing a mask to cover over the craggy potholes and ultimate shallowness of their personality. They turn into mean, bullying people. Dog eat dog world of high school. Eat or be eaten and these are the pedigree girls with shiny hair, sharp teeth and bitchy smiles.
Really they’re just entirely composed of vanity and rot. Shallowness and arrogance entwined.
Linda barely acknowledges your emergence, as you open your locker and swap out an armful your books for the ones in your hands from an earlier class. You kept your headphones on, muffled the world away to rock music.
A hand shoots over your shoulder and annoyingly jerks on your headphones. Tugging them down the back of your head with a clatter. Making your heart flash fast at the jump of it.
You turn with a glare and see Tommy. H jaunt up to his girlfriend. Giving you a stupid grin. Sneering words back at you. “S’up, Pencil neck.”
Pencil Neck. Mother Mary. Those were some of the ingenious little pet names they had picked out for you.
Because you haven’t had sex and you aim for good grades, apparently this makes you worthy of freakdom in their rabid eyes.
Linda purses her lips a little. Smiles like it’s funny, them calling you that.
Carol barks out her shitty grating laughter. Tilts her head at you and those loose Farah Fawcett auburn curls dance around her snarky face. Popping neon pink gum and looking sly.
Tommy loops his arm around her neck. They stand and eye you like you’re something amusing. Freak show in town. Roll up for tickets.
“Original.” You bite back as you reach for your books.
“Ooh.” Tommy chirps at you. “Not in a friendly mood, are we.”
“My tolerance for vitriolic jackasses is limited.” You narrow your eyes at the pair of them.
You detest the way Carol scans you up and down. Judging your hand me down plaid, jeans and sneakers like you got them from a yard sale. Thinking you’re cheap trash, with a trampy single mom.
Just cause her manicured and caustic mother was the sales rep for a big cosmetic company, and she lives on the gleaming streets of Loch Nora, that it made her perfectly able to peer down her nose at the lower echelons.
She pops her gum with a snap looking at you. Then doesn’t even deign to pay you any attention. Looks towards Linda. A decided bitchy ally.
“You’re coming to the house party at Josh’s tonight, right, Martelli?” She grins as she chews loudly. Wet gummy clicks that get on your nerves. Raking an annoying knife up your spine.
You turn to your locker and ignore the bunch of cognoscenti assholes. You were ashamed to say that included your once fond friend among them.
“Sure I’ll be there.” Linda shrugs like it isn’t a golden gilded invitation handed over, direct from the Queen Bee herself.
“You’re gonna bring Jonny right?” Carol leers. Smile filthy. Like she wants to be the one sucking face with him, as opposed to her own boyfriend currently slung off her shoulder.
“If he can sneak out. His dads being a real dick at the moment.” Linda tells with a glum pouty tone.
“Sneak him out. It’ll be so fun. We got tonnes of beer. There’s bound to be some wet n’ wild fun in the pool.” She grinned all bright and naughty. Sticking her tongue out.
House party on a Tuesday night. These dicks really had nothing better to do than suck face, trash the place, or hump. Make a mess like silver back gorillas parading around in the zoo in their natural habitat.
Tommy decided to drag you back into this razor blade and lemon juice studded conversation. Oh joys.
“Probably not Pencil neck’s kinda evening.” He pouts sticking his lower lip out.
“She’s gotta be back in her convent by 9. Wimple on. Back home with her trampy mom like a good little girl.” Carol mocks in laughing. It’s shrill. Brings to mind a hyena.
Somewhere along the line, the fact your mom was mostly absent and single had become the butt of a joke to these people. Because you don’t live on Maple Street or dress like a Pat Benatar wannabe. You defend your ground in your paint spattered clothes, tatty jeans, and oversized hand-me-down plaid from Charlie, and tees from the goodwill.
It stung like acid each time they swiped and spit nasty words aimed at your mom. Needles pushed under your skin when they sniped their mockery.
You rose above it and grit your teeth. Even though it made you want to start swinging clenched fists. Real tempting to shove the wrong end of your paintbrush in carols stupid eye some days. Splat paint on her expensive jacket or jeans. Knock the books out her hands for once. The dream.
Tommy chuckles along. Carol loves pushing your buttons. It’s her defining character trait. Slamming down on them til they crack into spiderwebs like broken porcelain. It’s all she does best.
“I’m amazed you manage to walk like that what with your head being all the way up your ass.” You slam your locker and turn to talk to a very silent Linda.
“See you after third.” You offer blithely. She barely meets your eyes. Doesn’t answer. She shrinks down. Dumbly clings to her own silent cowardice. Shoves her hands in her pockets and looks at a scuff on her shiny white cavalier boots.
“Got bible studies?” Tommy jumps in quick to say.
You roll your eyes over, let his comment go unmatched. You didn’t have the energy for these two.
You heft your books into your arms and walk away. You hear their laughter and more snideness rips it’s razors at your back as you leave. More insults you don’t care to listen too.
You blast more Billy to blot them out. Forget about their stupidity as you head to the library. You hate the way they slide under your skin like it’s nothing.
You push through the doors and pad through the winding warren of the shelves. Thick carpet tiles muffled your steps. The overly harsh lighting almost buzzed above you. Students hunched hushed over tables, or scanning the stacks. A low thrum of noise and activity compared to the teaming hallways.
It’s a soothe for you. A harbour for you to switch your brain into a slow gear, push it into focusing on something else.
You find a table and set out your books and sketchbooks. Loop your bag on the back of the chair and get scouring through the arts section. You find a stack and pile it against your chest. Take them to your table and hunch over a legal pad. Madly brainstorming ideas for what you wanted to pick.
You settle and let the onslaught of your morning grow quiet. Meld as one into pages and passages. Art Nouveau with its goddesses, natural flowing forms and it’s mimicry of flowers under arched curves. The limpid neon minimalism of Dan Flavin and his light installations. Hockney and his searing blue pool paintings.
There’s so many influences crashing through your head. You skip from book to book. Unable to decide. Tapping the end of your pen against your chin. Raking hands through your lose hair.
You’re curled over a punk art book, looking at the ripped Jamie Reid images, jagged text and rude political satire sprayed and bastardised with paint drips, when something soft hits you on the side of your head, grazing by, and skittering down to your desk. Bouncing off your hand.
You twist back in your seat. Bewildered. Scanning the stacks and there’s nothing save for the usual soft footed librarians drifting around, with their glasses chains, sensible skirts, and hushed voices. The same few quiet kids sat at their tables, dotted around. Unmoved.
You frown and turn back around to the crumpled paper. You smooth it out and make out the chicken scratched words etched there. It was a note.
A love note. Etched in Violet sharpie. It sets a blaze in your chest.
Hey sweet cheeks. You look hot hitting the books. Making me jealous that they’ve got your undivided attention.
Signed it with an E with little sprouting devil horns coming off the top - as if he really needed to identify himself.
You smile when you suddenly feel the tickle of long dry hair feathering it’s tips at the back of your neck. Ringed hands drape for your shoulders. Cold rings even through your worn flannel. Smoke comes with him. Fresh too. He’d just had a cig break you’d guess. Reds curled new on cold leather and carried along with apple.
How was it the worlds nosiest metal-head with his jangly wallet chain and apparently limitless racket, could sneak up on you in absolute silence.
Materialising out of nowhere, like a suddenly gathering storm. Subtle as an earthquake. He presses a kiss to the crown of your head. Inhaled deep like he was trying to drag you in via his mouth alone.
“There’s my little bookworm.” He hushes. Voice all trying-to-be-low and hissing. Rumbling down on your skull. Nuzzling his nose to your hair. Coconut. That Amber and Lavender perfume of yours. Clean luminosity of honeyed notes, and the plain spice of hearty lavender that drifts off you.
It’s dizzying. Consuming. He’s missed it the way a man could miss food and water.
“You threw paper at my head.” You faked mild insult.
Eddie leans up on his sneaker tip toes to peer over your head and catch onto the book that has you so engrossed.
“You looked very invested. How else was I supposed to get your attention.” Comes a clever curl of a grin.
It makes little flecks of gold stars shine and shimmer in those inky eyes.
His hand that landed heavy with a whump on your shoulder, curled up a knuckle and played with an idle curl of your hair. Cool fingers leaving sparks where he touched the nape of your neck.
“What are you doing in here, anyway? You know this is a library don’t you.” You tease him. Rotating in your seat. Gazing up at him. “Books. Studying.”
“Mistook it for something else. Won’t make that error twice.” He tells with that signature clever grin.
“Although it does have you in here, so I automatically like it very much, indeed.” He preens.
Your smile makes his spine slope into fuzziness and tingle all warm. Where his hand is on your shoulder, you edge and curl your fingers over his own. Lacing them through.
He wasn’t gonna be a complete letch and admire the way the twist of your body gaped the buttons of that oversized green and navy plaid you wore. Teased him with the silky valley of skin running downwards from your collarbones. Sternum. Bra. Tits. Your tits.
Okay he wasn’t gonna look, but he’s certainly thinking about it.
Those sweet slips of collarbones he’d been sucking and mouthing for eons long just the other night and was that-
That’s a hickie on your neck. From him.
His stomach trips and crashes into feral frenzy knowing he’s the one to have placed it there, in a rabid fit of horny hormones. Horizontal on his couch with hands all stuffed in tops or jeans, roaming in places that felt so so good.
Tongues fat with kissing and mouths smashing together, raw. Charred bodies grinding. Your fingers edging his stiff jeans zipper. His squeezing your tits through your top. Delightful touches that burned bliss through you like biting electric bolts. The muggy heat of breath on lips.
“That big beautiful brain of yours at capacity yet?” He asks. Swaying into the back of your creaking hard chair.
“I’ve yet to hear a pinging noise indicating it’s full.” You decided. Tapping your pencil down on your book.
“Can my bookworm take a break?” Eddie asks with a conspiratorial looking grin. You tip your head back and meet his gaze.
That ‘my’ warms your belly right though like bad cheap whiskey.
“Why would that be?” You ask cheekily. All lowering your lashes and peering all coquettish.
“Cause if you’re not at capacity yet. I think there’s a little more to learn.” He teases and his smile is all dirty dimples and schoolboy cheek.
He whirls back from your chair and pauses at the walkway between two bookcases. It hooks a smile right out of you when you watch him jerk his head in that particular, enclosed, direction.
Your smile grows, crawls across your lips and you keep your butt planted in your seat. “Gee. I don’t think I know what you’re getting at.”
“Need me to spell it out for you?” He asks with narrowed eyes and a wide wide grin.
You lean in said chair and cast your eyes towards the librarians. Who coincidentally have their backs turned to you. One at the desk, the other helping a freshman locate a physics book.
“I don’t know. Maybe if you could find it in book form and read it to me.” You rile. Poking him with a stick.
“Sure. Where’s that Biology section at.” He leans in and bites his lower lip and grips your sleeve. He doesn’t grip your skin with his rings. Worried they’d dig. Even when riled he’s still gentle.
Scrunching up his nose all silly as he’s yanking you out the chair. You laugh softly as you swing off the thing and slink after him.
You both pad silently down the row of bookcases. Eddie tugs you along to the end. Nestled into the crook with paper spines and a shelf digging in your back. The touch on your sleeve travels up your arm, he’s holding your forearm and then impressively smooth, he’s cupping your hip. Slings a finger in your jean belt loop - keeping you tethered to him.
“You going to reinforce a lesson for me. Munson?” You ask.
You rest your hands on his t-shirt. The almost threadbare black sabbath one that you could barely read the scratchy logo on it anymore. It’s almost flaked away. All that’s left is this beaten old black tee that hangs softly in creases off him.
“Yup.” And he pops the P. Staring at your lips. Thumb rubbing soothing circles on your worn plaid stomach. Soft aged flannel. “Gonna reinforce my brains out.” He decides.
“They say repetition is the best way to learn.” He adds. Flirty brow raised. Body flush to yours. Wrapping you in leather smoke and apples.
“And please don’t go hurting yourself on my account. I won’t allow it.” You say as you smooth a hand over the crazy hair beside his jaw. Stroking your fingers under that handsome cut of a jawbone.
You feel his nearness like a gut punch. Every damn time. Has you squirming in every single good way you can muster. This crush blazes so fiery strong. It’s swallowed you whole whilst you weren’t looking. You were too busy watching him smile.
You tip to him. Tilt to him. Up on your toes. Arms going for his neck. Circling around as his hands smooth across your belt loops and cup your hips. He rolls your bottom lip between his. Sucks you into this sloppy kiss as his hands cup you sacredly.
The moment you’ve both been longing for.
You’d never grow tired of kisses like these ones. It left a chasm when you pulled away from his lips on your date. And now again, finally, it’s like a cool clear sip of spring blue water after years of thirst.
Eddie nibbles your lower lip and it draws an unexpected squeak out of you. Plush and tongue and molten. He pulls back and his spit shiny smile liquifies your insides. Warm air puffs over your lips. “Careful pencils. Gotta keep it on the down low in here.”
You half heartedly whack at his chest with an open hand.
He sways with it. Sways into you. Barely noticed your nudge. He catches it with his own fingers, twining into yours. Through yours. Knuckles slot together. Fused. Your hand in his. He brings it up and rests your hand on his neck.
Drunk hazy eyes cast all whiskey puddle brown in yours. Soft as butter and he melts into you again. Nose brushing alongside yours. You taste like the fruity sour bite of chapstick and he’ll definitely chase some more of that fake nectar sweetness, thank you very much.
“How can I be expected to keep quiet when you kiss me like that?” You ask. Tilting in again, legs knocking into his as you press your lips to his in a slow smooch. Long, languid. Taking the kiss off his slanted mouth, honey smooth.
Your hand follows his lead. You cup his soft neck. Thumb brushing the join of his jaw. His hands rearrange themselves. Wandering to settle neatly. One bunching an arm around your waist. The other cups your head. Tilts your mouth to him so he can take and take and unleash on you more of these amazing, demanding kisses.
You should be caring how loud your making out is. Sloppy mouth sounds and little grunts he makes mixed with the thrill of your moans. It rises just a little above the din of the buzzing lights and the swipe of book pages being leafed over.
When you part again you gasp for breath and your knees are stunned into weakness. Your bodies are so close it’s pretty damn evident that soon you’ll be making noises you cannot hide in the whisper quiet library.
It didn’t help that the swelling hunger for more is prodding between your legs. As urgently as his own must be in those tight jeans. Every kiss is laced with a hunger that could proceed sex if you let it.
You really want to let it. You’re so ready to let it.
You exhale onto each other lips when you next part and take a huge pull of breath. Warm whispers sealed to mouths. Bodies tangled. Sure a book was jamming your spine, and the shelf behind you was not exactly sturdy. It didn’t matter.
Nothing mattered that wasn’t Eddie’s kiss bruised mouth aligned on yours.
“We should probably have another one of those date things soon. Don’t you think?” You ask. Fingers sneaking to his cheek to just touch his skin. A little stubbled.
“You reckon?” He smiles all slanted. Eyes twin honeycomb suns. You stare, stuck into them.
You’ve never seen such warmth leak out those expressively deep carob-eyes. You look at the entirely too long flick of his lashes: the raw pinkness of his cushiony lips. Entirely unfair how he was so pretty. It should be outlawed for a boy to look this pretty when kissed.
Really it was a danger to your health. Your school work would certainly suffer. Your essay sat screeching to be started from your desk.
“I really reckon.” You nod. Eddie swoops in and smooched a boyish charming peck onto your mouth almost in thanks. Pulls back from you with a wet smack.
“If you didn’t say it, I was gonna have to insist.” He teases. Stretches out the last word to almost a hiss so you know he means business.
You bite your lip. “Ok Mr. forceful. What did you have in mind?” You smile. Leaving your arms around his neck. To not touch him would be a stinging agony.
“Anything. So long as we can do this for a good 95 - 98% of the evening. I’m willing to negotiate on the exact percentage.” He asks. “But I would ask you wear that chapstick again.” He requests, no holds barred on the flirt, nudges his lips sweetly to yours.
The flick of his tongue on your lower lip makes your brain twirl and cloud. So naughty.
You kiss him quick. Yank his jacket. Pull back to speak which he pouts at you a little for.
“We could go see a Movie. Go to the arcade. Get ice cream. Go to the old quarry and 420 blaze it, and stargaze. The options are endless.” You say as your fingers find his and twist through. Knuckles stroking those worn metal rings.
“Arcade sounds good. Ice cream is a must.” He says, a little reticent. No one has ever asked him on a date. Much less delved into what he actually wanted to do on said date.
“Arcade and Ice cream it is.” You fix with a grin. “You’re easy to please.”
“Yeah but when it comes to ice cream toppings I’m very picky.” He sneaks forwards and kisses under your jaw.
You have to bite your lip cause he knows how it weakens you. Your gasp from the other night when he slipped his lips all over your jaw is etched interminably in his brain. His tongue traces a hickie he knows only all too well how it got there.
The tip of his nose brushes into anther hickie he’s just given to you. Devil boy. He knows very well what effect it has.
“Whipped cream, Cherries. Lots of cherries, sprinkles. The works.” He whispers all muggy hot into your neck.
“Gotta have cherries. Pencils.” He rasps inbetween heavy plucked kisses on your skin.
You shiver all over with the innuendo. He feels it ripple through you. The way your skin pimples with pleasure that pops, stringing along your veins.
You dig your nails into his hands cause holy shit. Every time you kiss you creep closer and closer to the idea of just slipping your hand inside those ripped jeans and going to town- that barrier of your willpower is being worn paper thin with every caress.
“All the cherries you want, pretty boy. Maybe afterwards we could take a, uh, scenic route up to skull rock and be fools, fooling around.” You smile.
It’s dizzying to him. That idea. Better than Colombia gold spreading all vibrant verdant green and dozy through his lungs.
“I’ll bring the jester hat, Mi’lady.” He flat out grins. It’s borderline Munson manic.
“Perfect evening.” You summarise. Shaking your head and eyeing his lips again.
“Perfect date.” He adds on. Biting his lower lip.
“My god. We’re corny. Even meatloaf would refuse to write a mushy ballad about us right now.” You joke. Hands still looped around his neck. Like hell would you wanna let go.
“Need some help with that essay?” He offers. Closing in for your mouth again.
“Mmhmm need all the help I can get.” You whisper. Barely a brush away from his gorgeous lips.
He kisses you again and it’s stunning. Births a wild jungle of fiery mush and kicked butterflies to rioting life in your belly.
“I promise to be such a huge help. You may not even need those books babe. Don’t you know I’m so brainy it’s unreal.” He wheedles at you.
“I never doubted your big beautiful mind even for a second.” You admit. Holding his chin as you lean in and kiss him solidly once more. Coaxing a lovely sounding whine from the back of his mouth when your tongue swipes his lip.
You drag him back out into the open. He goes - somewhat willingly.
Slips himself into the chair beside yours. Hands splayed over your books as he twirls a pen in his hand as asks you probing and philosophical musings about art.
Cubism. I’m sorry. C’mon? Those guys must’ve been on seriously good pills, man.
How about Constructivism then? You ask.
Gesundheit, pencils.
He scrawls some more devils and live hearts with your name, and leafs through another thick old book. The yellowed pages crack with age.
I got a new twisted sister tape. You should hear it.
I like watching you study. It’s freakin hot. You’re so brainy.
Hey, this chicks kinda neat. She looks like a character from Lord of the Rings or somethin’. He decided as he pawed over an Alphonse Mucha picture.
My favourite too. I love the way he uses colour. It’s dreamy.
You’re dreamy.
He laughs when you bite your lip and look bashful.
He will not stop shooting you a flirty smile as he doodles idly on your legal pad. Swirls big loopy letters of ‘I Love Eddie.’ And ‘Hellfire rulez’ and lots of demon faces, and skulls with horns. Lightning bolts and leathery bats.
His restless hands cannot be stilled. He steals a scrunchie from your bag, and it sits looped on his wrist next to his chain bracelet. Lilac borders leather. He makes no intention of giving it back. Magpie manners.
You make a face at him, asking how you’re supposed to tie your hair up for still life class after school.
“I like it loose and wild.” He says as he skims his eyes over your hair. Thumbs a piece back by your ear so sweetly.
You crook a brow. Smile tips lopsided.
He seems to realise that what he said can be taken an alternative way. “Well, no I uh, didn’t mean it like that.”
Your laugh spins his head into adoring craziness.
“Alright. Alright.” He consoles you by picking a W.A.S.P pin out his denim vest and leaning over to stud it into the collar of your plaid. Tongue bitten between his teeth as he concentrates. Fingers brushing your neck. Skin on skin contact leaving kicks and flutters that shoot stars in his wake.
You look down at it. The shiny metal gleaming in the buzzing light. “Okay, that is a worthy consolation.” You offer.
He makes you smile until your cheeks hurt, and you spend more time leaning into him and trying not to laugh too loud over discussing movies, favourite arcade games and music, than you do actually choosing your essay topic.
When the bell rings for next period you actually detest the thought of scurrying away to your Math class. Yet, Equations and trig beckoned.
Eddie walks you out the library. Opens the door all charming, waves a hand to gesture you on through first, like a true gentleman. You thank him and glide past with your books clutched to your chest.
The hallways are bustling but emptying fast. You twist back and tell him you’ll catch him later. Maybe at lunch.
He smiles that wide trouble-stroked grin. Clutched your hand and leaned down all showy to kiss the back of it and shoot you a dirty flirty wink, before he too whirled away.
You smile and it lingers on your lips even as you part. The press of it makes your whole arm come alive. You watch him for a scant moment before walking off down the corridor the opposite way.
You both look back over your shoulders after about five meagre steps away. Eddie gives you a melting grin, you return it. All eyelashes and beaming.
That grin said a lot. Dead giveaway. The hand kiss. The lingering and swirly body movements, not ever wanting to pull apart. Spoke volumes to those who bothered enough to really look and see it.
The feminine flash of a lilac scrunchie on Munson’s wrist. The telltale purple splotches of hickies hiding just below your collar. The heavy metal pin punched through your collar all shiny. Winking like a far off star.
Far enough down the hall that neither of you paid any notice, Jonny Lopez shut his cloud-grey locker door and leaned against it. Lake blue eyes swam cold. Watching the Freak practically skip away.
He saw him kiss your hand. Saw him pull you close by the corner of your plaid, reeling you in, and all warm smiles backed in flirting familiarity. Watched you beam back, and linger to chat a moment. Your hand laid on leather lapel, brushing at his chest.
It didn’t add up. It’s coming out odd to him. You and the Freak? Close? Since when?
He frowned and tugged his backpack on his shoulder.
Strange sight, that.
“Okay. Please please please for the love of god and on all things holy, don��t get weird.” You call out to your mom as you trudge down the stairs.
Not yet coming to the bottom but you could hear her rifling around in the fridge. Billy Joel’s Anthony’s song clunking out it’s piano notes from the stereo in the kitchen that she always has on when she makes dinner
Which is a strong term for when she just scrounges and grazes stuff out of there like a jackal. When she’s so dragged by jet-lag, she only has the energy to slam some pop-tarts in the toaster and throw back a beer for an evening meal.
She was most definitely not a baked ziti or a casserole mom. She overcooks tater tots, or survived on boxed mashed potatoes and a can of limp greens with some breaded frozen chicken.
More than once she’s resorted to a bag of chips for her dinner. Now you know how she stays so trim. And it’s true what she says about your older sister Charlie being the cook in the family, cause that trait had seemed to have skipped you and her, altogether.
After long haul flights like these, she’s usually all set to scarf a meal down in dribs and drabs and grab a beer, to fall asleep with, as her TV soaps blare on. More than once you’ve had to rush in and stub a Newport gold out her dead asleep hand. More than once she’s burned holes in the couch. Covered them up with a crocheted blanket.
Right now, she’s humming and tapping her toes as she eats cool whip out the tub with a spoon. Stood there in her indigo bootcut jeans and oversized cable knit sweater that slid off one shoulder. White and fluffy.
“Alright.” She calls back slowly. Digesting your words. “Colour me intrigued…” She turns the music right down for this. For whatever this was-
You round the kitchen doorway. And it becomes obvious.
Your wearing a dress, and the oversized box-back leather jacket that once upon a time, belonged to her. With rhinestones on the back that spelled out ‘rock n roll’ with a flaming skull underneath. You’d paired it with a red dress that clung and a nipping big white leather hoop belt stretched around your middle. Sneakers and white socks on your feet. Silver wet n wild on your eyelids. Liner and mascara. Your hair all fluffed and kinked
“You’ve joined a rock band? I want front row tickets. I like the jacket. Very Joan Jett.” She grins wide. The flash of that pearly perfect smile. No whiff of how it was hers that you’d poached for the evening.
“No.” You explain.
Her eyes pin you down. Widening under her shiny bangs.
“Intrigue.” As she lopsidedly and untidily stuffs more groceries into the fridge.
“Linda is dragging you to a… club? Or another trashy house party?” She asks.
“Wrong, again.”
“Ok, connect some dots for me cause I’m lost here.” She waves her hand at you as she unloaded tubs of ice cream into the freezer. Peanut butter chocolate chip.
“Don’t get weird.” You point a finger at her. She holds her hands up in surrender.
“Well, weird is my wheehouse kid. My basic operating system.”
“So intense tonight.” She grumbles all chirpy.
“I actually have a date.“ You lay out.
She looks right at you as she lets the fridge door slam shut. Mouth gaping.
“A date?” She checks.
“Are you a parrot now, or what.” You tease.
“Look at you. Hiding your light under a bushel.” She beams. Hands on her hips.
“Boy or girl?” She asks, blinking.
“A boy. Mom.” You offer up. “But thank you for that.” You wave your hand at her.
“Hey. No judgement here babe. A date. My god.” She looks floored. Hand laying on her chest floored.
“Yes.” You respond. “Well. Actually to be honest, It’s kind of our second date. We had a movie night at his place last week.”
“Second date huh.” She waggles her brows at you like a dirty minded frat boy.
“Well, tell me how it goes. You can leave out all the gross- y’know.” Bringing her hand up to her face and making obscene wet kissing, slurping smacking noises. Cooing at you across the kitchen.
“You are four years old.” You narrow your eyes at her. She grins.
“Do you need me to feed you and put you to bed before I go?” You jest tiredly as you walk to the hall. Check your hair yet again in the mirror.
“No, no, it’s fine. I’ll just be sticking my fingers in the electrical sockets and running with scissors here, totally unsupervised.” She jokes. Picking a rogue hair off the back of your jacket.
“Guess I’ll just have to sit on the couch and watch reruns of Golden Girls on my own. Eat sad Beefaroni and be a tragic spinster mom.”
“Do so quietly.” You wave off.
When you move to get your shoes: she follows. You have a shadow, apparently.
“So this booooyyy- honey tell me about the boy.“ She grins all giddy. Leaning against the door and swaying her body like a preeny high school girl.
Like she should be twiddling pigtails with a lollipop in her mouth. Candy saccharine sweet.
“Is he on the team?” She seeks. And then gasps. “Is he gonna give you his letterman jacket if you get cold?” She clasps her hands and her voice teeters all high and romantic-like.
“Yeah. Then he’s taking me and Rizzo to the sock hop in his Studebaker and then onto some racing for pinks.” You joke with her archly.
“My god. You got your penchant for dragging sarcasm from me.” She pointed out. Unhelpfully. Shoving you half heartedly in the shoulder for being smartly rude. Beer now in her other hand as she drapes herself against the kitchen doorway.
“Not a letterman then?” She scrunches up her nose. She knew well of your distastes.
“If he was I wouldn’t be touching him even with gloves on, and ten f oot pole.” You insist as you make sure you’ve got everything in your purse.
“Less Steff McKee, more Duckie. I got it.”
You smile at the way she’s phrased it. Whatever Eddie was he was definitely way more Duckie territory.
“So he’s not a jock, alright. That narrows it down. Is Duckie atleast cute? Or am I gonna have ugly grandchildren.” She asks.
“Mom.” You hiss with skated laughter as you fluff your hair in the mirror. She winced suddenly.
“It’s not Keith from the Arcade is it? Cause he’s always been sweet on you. You went in last time and I swear he was drooling over you in your Talking Heads tee.”
“It’s not Keith.” You answer nicely. You liked Keith, but he could be sleazy, and a catty kind of mean, and had a bigger chip on his shoulder than you when it came to the preps and jocks.
Plus he would literally date any girl with a pulse that breathed his way. Besides, he was way way deep into crushing on Nancy Wheeler territory.
You exhale into the mirror. Wondering if the sweet sheen of lipgloss was too much. If you should rethink these earrings. You’re a mess. It’s all whirling around a stubborn coil of packed nervousness in your stomach. A fever twist.
“What you kiddos getting up too? Something salacious? Gonna knock off a liquor store? Go to Wild biker parties with lots of vomiting and sex?”
“We’re going to the arcade and grabbing some junk food. Sadly, I don’t think I’ll have time to work a teen pregnancy or a vomit sex party into the mix.”
“Now see here, Mama didn’t raise no quitters.” She salutes towards you with her beer before she swigs back a sip. You know she can’t resist delving a little more into the nitty gritty details.
“What’s he like. Your Duckie. Blonde, tall, short, fat, thin, dark, athletic. Is he in the chess club? Is he trouble? Does he have a motorcycle or a criminal record?” She’s tapping your arm with the back of her hand as she keeps thinking of more things to ask you.
“All good if relentless questions.” You temper her rambles. “You may need to cool it with the Pretty in Pink references.” You chuckle.
“Spill spill.” She encourages.
“Less chess club, more DND club.” You tell her. Fiddling with the earrings. Definitely deciding to take them out. Untangling them from your hair.
She’s gets very excitable about that prospect. “Is he nerdy hot…” She gets close and rasps at you all low.
“Yes. The orthodontic headgear from his braces, combined with his pressed slacks, Mmmm, really gets me going.” You lie.
She smiles wider. You’re all snippy sarcasm and fluffing hair and you keep peering past her at the banana yellow cat clock with the wagging tail and rolling eyes in the kitchen.
“You’re nervous.” She hits the nail right on the head. Rubs your arm up and down. Cups your shoulder.
You let out a deep breath. “Correct.” You tell her.
You can’t lie to your mother. She’s a human lie detector when it comes to you. She’ll sniff it out of you like those bomb dogs at the airport. One whiff and she’s all over it.
“You must really like this mystery nerd Huh?” Shecomes over and strokes the hair spilling down the back of your neck.
You meet her gaze. You scrunch your nose with a kinda giddy smile you can’t hide bursts across your face. “I really do.”
“Why haven’t I heard anything about him you sneaky thing… you been holding out on me? I mean, I know my being out the country isn’t conducive to mother-daughter late night talk over a tub of ice cream… but-” She wonders. Idly playing with the bangs framing around your forehead. The soft yellow light from the cheap yellow flicks off the fine French manicure sleekly and pretty pink on her nails.
“Recent development. I haven’t been holding anything back from you. Promise. You’d root it out even if I did. Not to mention the guy turning up on the doorstep would be a big tip off.” You suppose.
“There is that.” She nods. Standing her beer down on the hallway table. Coming up behind you and idly rearranging your hair where you’d mussed it.
“Any pearls of wisdom I need to give you? Do you need the talk again of where babies come from.” She plays around.
Give her ten ways to say something serious and she’d still be clowning around.
That actually makes you laugh. You meet her solid gaze in the mirror. It’s so warm. It’s like sun skating on emeralds. The crinkled corners of the eyes that are entirely more hazel than yours.
You’d always thought she was the pretty exception. Pearly smile. Dazzling eyes. It didn’t help that Charlie got her stunning silky hair and piercing eye colour too. You got the frizz and the freckles and the big hips. The hair that more belonged on a wiry messy dog. That never laid nicely or did as it was told.
“Is my hair bad? I used too much product. It’s too frizzy. ” You wince as you ask her. Faffing with it still around your ears.
“No. Baby. It isn’t.” She tells you softly with a grin that’s circling somewhere proud and awed. She puts her hands on your shoulders.
Growing up she taught you that women didn’t need to be only pretty to get by. She’d remind you how you were stunning in your unique way and it was entirely up to you what way you made it.
When toxic high school mixed with the uncertain churning of puberty, she was there to reinforce the idea that you could be brainy, and take up space, and spit and shout, bare your teeth, and throw punches and be gritty, all that- be a fierce Amazonian of a woman. Be wonder woman. Be a sultry sizzling Marilyn. Be whomever you wanted-
“You gonna let me meet Duckie when he gets here?” She asks.
“Well, actually, I was gonna lock you in the attic.”
Her mouth gapes. Offended. “What, like I’m suddenly a Kennedy.”
“Tough choice when you’re a Kennedy. How do you even chose which one in the family to hide in the attic.” You ask dead serious.
She closes her eyes and exasperatedly makes a fist with one hand.
“Ok, kid, we’re veering off topic here. Can I meet him, please? C’mon I will only say two embarrassing things tops.” She grins. Holding her fingers up to signal the two things.
“Don’t explode all over him with questions. He’s nice.” You promise.
“Baby, he’s dating you. Of course he’s gonna be nice. I like to think I raised you with standards.”
“You did think I was dating a jock up until two minutes ago.” You level at her.
“Touché my sweet.” She holds a finger up and gives you an invisible tally mark.
“No interrogations either.” You add.
“I’ll put my interrogation lamp away. And no explosions. Promise. Internal implosions only.”
“Try not to be- y’know? Your usual level of insane?”
“Why. He’s not here to date me. I shouldn’t have to hide my eccentricity in the comfort of my own home.” She mocks, looking evil.
“Good grief.” You sigh as you double triple safety sure check you’ve got everything in your purse. Candies. Lip smacker. Money. Coin change for the arcade machines. She leans over and peers into your purse
“Condoms are in the bathroom cabinet by the way.” She winks before tipping back more beer.
“Right. No to that.” You snap. “Go get in the attic. Now.” You tell her with no evident humour. Snapping your fingers and pointing up the stairs.
She pokes her tongue out at you in a very mature move.
You twist to the direction of the door when you hear a clunky rumble of something that was definitely a van engine, music all shredding shriek and rock heavy, easing to a stop. And then the thump of a door.
She practically inhaled all the air in the house when Eddie does one of his fumbly music-riff knocks on your front door. Deep Purple, you reckon.
“I think your nerd hath arriveth. Mi’lady.” She beams.
Claps her fingers together in overdone excitement. Trying to gawk through the blurry glass in the front door to make out his general shape.
Fuck. Now this is all so real and your stomach is clenching, doing those gravity defying swoops like it’s trying to take off without you.
You fluff your hair one last time and step to the door across the spongey purple entryway rug. You take a deep breath. Palm clammy and slipping on the doorknob. You twist it open.
Eddie breaks into a sunshine stroked grin the other side when he sees you. It melts you. Makes something inside glow coal hot at the sight of him again.
He’s wearing his jacket with a Van Halen tour tee. Faded wings of an eagle and band name crackled on old wash grey. The usual ensemble of chains and ripped jeans. But you see the new sight of fancy polished combat boots.
Wayne had made him sit his bony butt down for five seconds and polish them before he whirled out the door to come get you.
“A man takes pride in his shoes when taking a young lady out on a date, Edward.” As he gruffly handed him a shoe brush. Gestured with a lit red in the other hand.
Full name. Serious. Scary.
“Listen I need to get going if I’m gonna make it out of the Victorian Era on time.” Eddie sassed. Elbow folded up. Checking his Casio.
Wayne pushed the brush into his hand. Slammed the silver pot down in front of him. The claggy thick smell of polish coming from the well used army tin he had sat on the counter. Face as stoic as an Easter Island head. He wasn’t taking any bull.
“Less cheek. Get buffing.”
“Child labour has been outlawed you know.”
“Not in the Victorian Era it hasn’t.”
Eddie did as his Uncle ordered. Now here he is.
Smelling like cologne, cigarettes and the unmovable sticky tinge of dark boot polish. Hair having had a briefly tangled
liaison with a comb.
He’s chewed gum the whole way here worried about his smoky acrid breath. Piece after piece shoved into his mouth. Sharp spearmint spiking the bed of his tongue. It didn’t settle the squirming worms in his stomach. Nor the tap of his newly polished shoes in fidgeting.
“Hey.” He smiles. Nervously tucking his hands in his back pocket. His jacket jangles. The chain around his hip and his bandana sways with him as he stands on your porch.
“Hey yourself. You look nice.” You beam back. There’s an undeniable allure in your pretty face. Honey gold smile skated in shiny gloss. He equates to something like pure magic.
“Ditto, Pencils.” He smirks. Veiled flirt. Not letting himself get too eager with it. His eyes flick up your dress, down your legs, and back up.
Holy shit. Good doesn’t even begin to cover how you look right now.
You also cannot ignore the lingering looming presence of your mom as she practically leaps into his eye-line behind you. She’s utterly vibrating with excitement. You can sense her just jiggling with it.
She sidles up behind you and shoves herself into the gap you’ve left in opening the door.
Whatever he was expecting of your mom, he certainly didn’t imagine this whirlwind of a woman behind you.
She’s young too. Must’ve had you in her late teens. Not stuffy. No silent husband like a fixture in an easy boy chair in the living room. Silently scathing with disapproval. She’s not sporting a beige cardigan and a constant threat of neighbourhood watch association snobbery. Sneering at Eddie on her porch like he’s a flea infected stray, yowling at her door.
There’s no way in hell anything resembling stuffy could cling to this woman.
Fierce hazel eyes traced with crows feet, shiny dark hair all free-wild and choppy. She’s old movie star kinda striking. That Colgate grin touted about in the 1950’s. One he recognises as the one that closely and genetically mirrored yours.
Boot cut jeans and a pearly smile and a big fluffy sweater and denim jeans. Entirely mad and friendly and she’s only met him two seconds ago. Some punchy shredding ZZ top blasts from the kitchen and something tells him that’s all her taste too. As well as pair of violet rhinestone cowboy boots sat by the doormat. Whacky.
He thinks how wildly accurate it is that this busy bright, kinetic energy ball of a woman, raised an unconventional and awesome girl like you. That’s no leap there.
“It is so nice to meet you. Duckie.” She out and out grins. You give her one of your looks.
Eddie chuckles. A little lost. “Duckie?” He asks.
“Her grip on sanity is loose at best.” You explain.
She elbows you in the the hip as she takes the grin down to a less terrifying notch. “Ok. Ugly grandchildren are struck off the list. He’s adorable. Look at those Bambi eyes.”
You really wish you had locked her in the attic. She’s exploding all over the poor boy.
“She’s loopy when she’s off her meds. And around new people.” You sigh to him. It gets an easy smile. Buffs the nervous look away.
“Mom this is Eddie. Eddie, I’m so sorry, this is my Mom.” You introduce. Skating a hand to the woman chomping at the bit behind her shoulder.
“Don’t you say sorry for me.” She slithers her arm through the gap you’ve left in the door. Fluffy jumper all cable knit bobbled and fuzzy. She’s a wave of zingy energy smelling like smoky Newports and designer Yves Saint Laurent perfume.
He shakes her manicured offered hand. “It’s very nice to meet you. She’s told me only good things.”
“Then she’s totally been lying. Edward. A pleasure. I’m Veronica but please don’t call me that, everyone calls me Ronnie. Awesome awesome shirt by the way.” She beams as she peers around the door. Releasing his hand from hers. “Like your metal huh?” She asks.
She perched her hands on the doorframe and stuck her head into this pick up between the two of you.
“Only with my oxygen, food and water.” He jokes. A little of his truer wide smile comes sneaking out. Now he knows there’s no need to stand on awkward shuffly doormat ceremony with your parent.
Because he knows he isn’t a meet the parents kinda guy.
He’s the guy parents ring Principal Higgins about. With distaste sour, and judgement nastily spewing off their tongues. He’s tatted, he’s a cheap weed seller, he’s crazy and scraggy weird, and he lives in a trailer park. Stamp mark of future-convict hovered heavy and eternal over his head.
He’s a jump out the window, hide in the closet kinda guy. No one would ever bring him home all hair combed and sparkly clean, pressed button down, to mom and pop, for a meatloaf dinner. Cause he’s no one to be proud of.
Yet here? Perhaps in the eyes of the most unconventional mom in all of Hawkins, something has shifted.
Something feels like it’s been spun off its axis and set down wrong, cause this bubbly woman is smiling at him and excitedly prodding her daughter out the door to go on their date. And maybe she is insane. As you said.
Talk about falling down the rabbit hole. Punctured through the splintered looking glass. He’s not high, but he could swear on seeing white rabbits and mad hatters right about now. It’s fucking nice. He’d never have expected this funky curveball in coming to pick you up.
“Edward? Eddie?” She asks.
“Eddie is fine.” He offers. Nodding, as he slips his hands into his pockets. Self conscious move, even though he didn’t need to be.
She widens her smile. “Where abouts you from? I know DND club and the fact you’re a white male in high school. Other than that I’m out. She’s been stingy with details.” She jerks her thumb at you.
His tongue shrivels up. She’s tolerated him so far. Maybe this is the sour turning point that will tip the introduction on its head.
“I live in Forest Hill’s with my Uncle. My folks, uh aren’t around.” He tells with a tone she can tell is used to receiving nasty scratchy criticism. Eyebrows raise and moods change when he’s said that before.
She nods. Her smile doesn’t leave. Doesn’t even drop.
“Honey. I grew up in paradise trails mobile park in Sloan Nevada. Don’t sweat it. Doesn’t make us lepers.” She shrugs.
Like it didn’t just wash a whole wave of unease aside in his chest.
“People in this town seem negatively charged when I tell them that’s where I live.” He admits with a big clown smile. Your heart bleeds at the true reverence in his tone.
“People in this town, are snooty assholes.” She chuckles wisely.
Debbie Harry is throatily singing one way or another from the stereo in the kitchen now.
“You done grilling my date?” You ask her with a sickly smile.
“If you stick around, there will be a follow up round where I fetch your baby pictures. And invite him in for a beer.” She threatens. Eyes widening. Kubrick crazy.
“Bye Mom.” You say as you step out the door to join him on the porch. She catches it where you’ve left it open. Calls out as you stand in the clear night listening to the cicadas hum and the street lights buzz and blink into sleepy orange. You leave her chuckling.
“Wise move. Now scram before I dust off my pipe, And my old ‘what-are-your-intentions-towards-my-daughter’ queue cards.” Your mom winks at you.
“Enjoy your night, crazy lady. Go feed the cats.” You answer, calling back over your shoulder as you sling your hand into Eddie’s lapel and pull him across the lawn.
“Let’s get away from this house of lunacy.” You tell him.
He stumbles after you waving a goodbye to your mother. Almost tripping over his boots.
“Home by midnight. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t. No 420ing it without me.” She calls out to you.
Eddie chuckles as you bring him down your front lawn. Sneakers brushing the grass alongside the gentle thuds of his foot falls. Your hand migrated to holding his.
“That’s your mom.” He states. Sounding dumbfounded.
“I know. I should’ve warned you. She’s a whole new spin on the word eccentric.” You offer.
“She didn’t bark at me to get off her porch like I’m some stray, Pencils. That’s a hell of an improvement versus the reaction I thought I’d get.” He says as he looks down.
Avoiding stepping on the dandelions that are scattered across your lawn all yellow and happy. Just trying to grow upwards and peep at the sun.
You slope your fingers through his. He looks up and gazes at you as you fall in step.
“As insane and untethered to planet earth as she is, she’s really not like other moms around here. She likes you already, probably on sight of the Van Halen tee.” You tell him with smiling weight to your meaning.
His grin lopes across his face.
“She’s cool y’know. No stuffiness. No essence of church on Sunday is the law and green bean casseroles.” He nods. He likes it. He really does.
“She had my sister Charlie when she was a teenager. Me a couple years later. Possibly too young for the likings of the pissy bible study moms in this town. She dropped out of Berkeley. Parents chucked her out. She worked three crappy jobs whilst raising us and coping with my deadbeat dad, always hoping for a little better and, being, well, as you saw, entirely unhinged.” You gestured to your house.
“And…” You add. “She’s not a green bean casserole person. She stinks at cooking even by her own admission. Thankfully, we have Charlie for that. She’s the domestic one.”
Eddie smirks. His smile is pure warmth. “You guys are close, though. Tight knit. It’s cute.”
“I love that she’s not a run of the mill mom. Growing up, others didn’t tend to be as kind about it. They see a single parent, they immediately go to trashy, trampy, drunk, who doesn’t give a shit.” You roll your eyes.
Genuine hurt backs your voice though. “They set her and me aside cause we’ve always been different. We don’t have tonnes of money or a fancy house.”
And who knows that better than Hawkins own freak?
He squeezes your fingers. Warm rings all marking their usual grooves in your skin. A thorough loving squeeze that makes your heart go pattering all soppy in your chest.
“People are assholes. So I’m reliably told.” He parrots as he brings to you both to the passenger side of his van. Rings clack on the handle as he gets the door for you.
You stand and smile. “People are assholes. Look at the unfair bad rep they give you.” You point out.
He shrugs. Smirking. “What can I say? My handsome face and awesome personality protects me from total infamy.” He grins all
Yanking open the van door with a hand and turning his palm up to you.
“Here now, I was prepared for a little infamy. Munson. Are you telling me I’m gonna be disappointed?” You smirk as you step up close.
Eddie’s poor little rabbit heart flashes fast with the way your dress is kinda, pretty well low cut. And skimming and squeezing every beautiful curve. When you step close he can smell perfume and cherry gloss and all things sexy sweet.
You’re looking at him directly. Eyes smouldering under your eyeliner and wet n’ wild silver glitter. Angling for a kiss that he’s happy to give you til his lips damn well fall off.
He leaves the van door open. Steps you back just a little. Nudged your hips back to the body of it.
“Think I’m flirting with bad company here.” He smiles. Traces his nose along yours.
“Doubtlessly. Wanna back out now?” You ask in a husky whisper against his mouth. Hearts racing. Pulses whipping fast. Lust stirs.
His chest may implode but he’d be fine with that. Atleast he’d die kissing you. What a way to go-
“Yeah. I’m running for the hills here.” He teases. Cupping your neck and gingerly laying his fingers over your hip. You stroke hours through his long black vines of soft tousled hair.
Then he’s leaning all the way in to kiss you properly, so firmly and urgently on the mouth. Languid spearmint tongue tasting sharp and delicious, playing with your lower lip. You tug him in by his leather collar. Loving the way his body leans against yours. You moan softly.
Maybe you should’ve taken the freakin condoms after all?
Beyond the kissing, you barely hear your front door whine as it’s cracked open. Your mom hollers across the lawn with her beer in hand, and makes the dog down the street bark it’s damn head off.
“Gross. Get a room!”
You pull apart and he can’t help bursting into a smile.
“Let’s leave here. Please.” You ask of him. He can’t contain his blushy laughter.
My taglist for the JQ babes; @ceriseheaven @indouloureux @fujiihime @youaremyfamiliar @captain-tch @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @svenyves @sammararaven @feralgoblinbabe @groupie-love-71 @andromeda-andromeda @starbxcks @morganamoonstone @ramona-thorns @gvtosbith @munsonswhore86 @munsonlov3r @lunatictardis @shenevertricks1831 @hazzaismyreligion @harrys-tittie @anaisweird @cerinthussulpicia @cinnamoncunt @thincrusttheworks @manicpixiedreamcurl @therosietoesy @fanficappreciationblog @thicksexxualtension @tvserie-s-world @sharp-and-swift @dadsbongos @2clones-1kamino @edsforehead @chcolateeyelver @seven-glass-kids @forever-is-not-for-everyone @creme-bruhlee @bkish @wayward-rose @wyverntatty @latenighttalkingwithgrapejuice @churchmuffins @chickpeadumpsterfire @choke-me-levi @prozacandnicotine @xeddiesbattattsx @s-u-t @alyssaaaaa-r
660 notes · View notes
What I think the DBH characters smell like:
Hank: Booze.
Connor: Nothing. No scent. Will put on different scents manually as the situation arises.
Markus: Probably fire smoke since he keeps hanging around those barrels OR setting things on fire.
Kara: One of those old lady perfumes. You know the ones.
Alice: Child smell. You know the one.
North: Like Markus, but stronger. Lingering feminine perfume.
Josh: Like Markus, but with a lingering clean aftershave.
Simon: Like Markus, but more metallic.
Gavin: Strong aftershave. Like Axe.
Tina: Nothing, maybe deodorant if you draw too close.
Luther: He smells the best out of everyone. He just does. Whatever you think is the best smell, he smells like that. For me, that's Giorgio Armani's Acqua Di Gio.
Chris: Spray-on deodorant, but like two of them mixed together. It's not bad, but it's indistinguishable.
Ben: Whatever he just had for dinner. I feel like he's a Hawaiian pizza or pepperoni kinda guy.
Rose: Dirt and a flowery perfume.
Adam: Dirt, sweat, and literally Axe.
Amanda: Some rich-as-hell perfume. Strong.
Nines: Hello Kitty Bubblegum
Todd: The reminisce of red ice. Perhaps some sort of cigarette smoke smell mixed in.
Ralph: Hell no
Captain Allen: Second best smeller. Not Giorgio Armani's Acqua Di Gio, but a second, secret scent that beats everyone else but Luther. He smells good.
Perkins: Whatever aftershave smells of wood and more blunt scents. He doesn't wear too much.
Kamski: Pool water? But also Hello Kitty Bubblegum
Chloe: A very, very subtle citrus. Maybe floral.
61 notes · View notes
Just curious as to what Tina’s and Serena’s orders at Donnabelle’s are
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Triple bacon chees with chili cheese fries.
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Sausage and pepperoni pizzarito.
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ryantavey · 1 year
Title: "The Slice Mercenary"
Genre: Action, Comedy
Logline: When a regular pizza is accidentally infused with a mysterious substance during a laboratory mishap, it gains self-awareness and the sarcastic voice of Ryan Reynolds. Now, armed with an unbreakable crust and a twisted sense of humor, the pizza, known as "Deadpie," embarks on a hilarious and action-packed journey to become the first pizza superhero!
Act 1:
1. Introduce Dr. Emily Prescott, a brilliant but eccentric scientist working on a revolutionary food experiment.
2. During a mishap in the lab, a pizza becomes infused with an experimental substance, granting it sentience and the voice of Ryan Reynolds.
3. The pizza, now named Deadpie, quickly discovers its newfound abilities, including incredible strength and agility.
Act 2:
1. Deadpie encounters Tim, an overworked pizza delivery guy who becomes his unwitting sidekick.
2. Together, Deadpie and Tim navigate the pizza underworld, encountering a variety of food-themed villains, including the menacing "Doughboy" and the seductive "Mistress Marinara."
3. Deadpie's witty banter and unique pizza-themed fighting style make him a hit with the public, gaining him a cult following.
Act 3:
1. As Deadpie's popularity rises, he attracts the attention of an evil pizza corporation, led by the ruthless CEO, Mr. Pepperoni.
2. Mr. Pepperoni seeks to capture Deadpie and harness his powers for profit, sending his army of pizza delivery drones to capture our hero.
3. In a climactic battle, Deadpie, with Tim's help, fights off the drones and confronts Mr. Pepperoni, exposing his corrupt schemes to the world.
4. Deadpie's victory inspires other food items to rise up against corporate greed, leading to a food revolution.
Act 4:
1. Deadpie's popularity continues to soar, and he becomes a symbol of hope for pizza lovers everywhere.
2. Dr. Prescott, realizing the potential of her experiment, creates a team of super-powered food items, including a burger with the voice of Tina Fey and a hotdog voiced by Samuel L. Jackson.
3. The film ends with Deadpie and his new food superhero team vowing to protect the world from culinary villains, setting up potential sequels.
"The Slice Mercenary" is a fast-paced, tongue-in-cheek action-comedy that combines the irreverent humor of Ryan Reynolds with the quirkiness of a talking pizza. With its unique blend of pizza-themed action and comedic timing, the film offers a fresh take on the superhero genre, making it a fun-filled adventure for audiences of all ages.
0 notes
porpentina-s · 6 years
Happy birthday to me!!!
I will spend the day reading fanfics about my favourite otp yay!
40 notes · View notes
What meal could you see each individual in Finchel, Brittana or Tike cooking for the other (could be for their anniversary/just a special date night or whatever)?
I'm just gonna do these for what they'd usually cook for the other. Like for random occasions.
Finn would cook his favorite childhood meals for Rachel, which are basically homecooked junk food. He makes her grilled cheese sandwiches the most, bologna sandwiches (which Rachel is wary to try and I know Rachel says she's vegetarian, but she ate pepperoni pizza in S1 and that was without Finn forgetting she's vegetarian), pb&j (and a lot of variations of it), microwave mac and cheese, etc.
Rachel cooks kinda "fancy" or upscale meals for Finn. She always uses the best cuts of meat, the best ingredients, etc. She's very specific about quality and presentation. Finn is a picky eater (out of the two, as in he won't eat food that he never heard about or food that's said to be "too healthy"). She makes him stews and kind of upscaled version of comfort foods. She also makes a lot of Italian dishes for him because Italian food is basically upscale comfort food, so it automatically checks both those boxes. She bakes a lot for him, especially banana bread and cookies.
Britt cooks very sugary food for Santana. She's a dessert for every meal type person. Especially when it comes to breakfast. She makes chocolate chip pancakes for Santana, with way too many chocolate chips in them. She also makes her different variations of pb&nutella sandwiches, milkshakes, and smoothies.
Santana hates cooking, she doesn't cook, but she will make an exception for Britt. She mainly cooks for Britt for very special occasions or when Brittany is sick. When Britt is sick, Santana would make her soups. Santana's dishes always turn out way too spicy, but Britt likes them that way. She usually opts to bake stuff rather than fry it or whatever other method. So for special occasions, she usually makes some sort of roasts with vegetables. She's a big fan of putting stuff in an oven and not touching it until the timer goes off. The lower the effort, the better.
Mike likes to cook traditional food that his mom used to make for him, for Tina. He's a big fan of spam (Tina isn't) so he always includes that in his recipes. He likes to make rice bowls with some sort of stir fried meat or just fried spam for her.
Tina likes baking for Mike. She makes everything from pastries to brownies (idk what scale this is, but yeah it includes all the baked goods, trust me). She was wary about cooking actual food for him at first because she didn't want to seem to desperate to be his wife or anything of that sort. Plus she's a strong believer in Mike buying her dinner. She would occasionally make him soups when he's sick or dumplings. She's also less traditional in cooking than he is, but whenever she cooks for him, she usually makes whatever Mike would like, so she tends to just copy his recipes or his mom's recipes. Other than that, she cooks steaks for him on special occasions, with all sorts of fancy sides, like lobsters or some extravagant style of cooking vegetables. Tina is a really good cook in general and she loves making fancy meals that she can brag about.
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bluepoodle7 · 7 months
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#Walmart #WalmartDeliFoods #Tinas #TinasPepperoniPizzaBurrito #WalmartDeliFoodsReview
I tried the Tina's Pepperoni Pizza Burrito and it was okay.
I microwaved this burrito.
This burrito was firm and soft while also chewy in texture.
This mostly tasted like cheese with a well seasoned pizza sauce and the pepperoni's inside were cut super thin that you don't taste them.
This was lightly salty.
I would eat this only if it was on clearance and rather eat a pepperoni lunchmakers or lunchables.
Got at Walmart Deli in the clearance.
0 notes
thesimpanions · 5 years
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⭐️ N E W  V I D E O ⭐️ The Sims 4 | MAXIS MATCH CC HAUL : MALE & FEMALE HAIRS, CLOTHING & More.. | + CC Links
Hello there! Since I was feeling like getting even more cc than we already did in the cc shopping video last sunda I thought I'd share all my find with you in this short video! CC Links and numbers for each item I'm showing off included! ♥
CC Links
SKIN DETAILS 1. SUNLITCRYS 1000 SKINBLEND: https://sunlitcrys.tumblr.com/post/611158489548619776/a-gift-bundle-just-for-you-my-1000-follower-gift 2. OBSCURUS SKIN N1 OVERLAY: https://obscurus-sims.tumblr.com/post/162047969368/skin-n1-overlay-3-swatches-teen-females-only 3. LUNARIA SKINOVERLAY: https://nesurii.tumblr.com/post/190606984166/lunaria-a-default-non-default-skin-this-was 4. KIWI EYEBAGS: https://ratboysims.tumblr.com/post/188237560445/kiwi-eyebags-updated-1110-2019-by-ratboysims 5. JOSIE SKINBLEND: https://sammmi-xox.tumblr.com/post/190861390757/josie-skinblend-remake-heres-the-crack-i-remake 6. FAAEISH FACE LIGHT & PORES: https://simfileshare.net/download/912017/ 7. HEIHU CHEEKBONE: https://heihu.tumblr.com/post/167009764591/a-non-default-maxis-match-cheekbone-overlay-it 8. OBSCURUS NOSEMASK N1: https://obscurus-sims.tumblr.com/post/162047969368/skin-n1-overlay-3-swatches-teen-females-only 9. OBSCURUS NOSE MASK 2: https://obscurus-sims.tumblr.com/post/159480577983/nosemask-n2-13-swatches-teen-males-and
TEETH 1. MELLOUWSIM HIGHBEAM 3D TEETH K9: https://mellouwsim.wixsite.com/mellouwsim/post/highbeam-3d-teeth 2. MELLOUWSIM HIGHBEAM 3D TEETH VAMPY: https://mellouwsim.wixsite.com/mellouwsim/post/highbeam-3d-teeth 3. MELLOUWSIM HIGHBEAM 3D TEETH HIGHBEAM: https://mellouwsim.wixsite.com/mellouwsim/post/highbeam-3d-teeth 4. MELLOUWSIM HIGHBEAM 3D TEETH EM-BRACE: https://mellouwsim.wixsite.com/mellouwsim/post/highbeam-3d-teeth 5. MELLOUWSIM HIGHBEAM 3D TEETH CHOMPER: https://mellouwsim.wixsite.com/mellouwsim/post/highbeam-3d-teeth 6. MELLOUWSIM HIGHBEAM 3D TEETH THE GAP: https://mellouwsim.wixsite.com/mellouwsim/post/highbeam-3d-teeth
FEMALE EYEBROWS 1. PS MM EYEBROWS N03: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-facial-eyebrows/title/mm-eyebrows-n03--supreme/id/1341785/
FEMALE HAIR 1. OKRUEE KEEK HAIR: https://okruee.tumblr.com/post/190949699031/keek-hair-this-hair-is-named-after-no-one-in 2. BOREDTRAIT Q HAIR V1: https://boredtrait.tumblr.com/post/190307766351/q-hair-v1-v2-by-boredtrait-bgc-18-ea-swatches 3. AHARRIS00BRITNEY SANTANA HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 4. AHARRIS00BRITNEY CLOVER HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 5. AHARRIS00BRITNEY JORDAN HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 6. SIMTROUBLE SAMMY HAIR: https://simstrouble.tumblr.com/post/190947780855/sammy-by-simstrouble-i-always-wanted-to-make 7. XLDSIMS VECCHIO HAIR: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/190891198479/suave-get-ups-stuff-pack-fan-made-cc-stuff-pack 8. PEPPERONIPUFFIN SPENCER HAIR: https://pepperoni-puffin.tumblr.com/post/190316195052/spencer-hair-base-game-compatible-hat-compatible 9. MELUNN HARMONY HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/harmony-hair-30989519 10. LEELEESIMS1 TOP KNOTCH HAIR: https://leeleesims1.tumblr.com/post/190374080284/20k-gift-a-base-game-compatible-cc-dump-and 11. SIMMERSTESIA BANANA PEPPERS HAIR V1: https://simmerstesia.tumblr.com/post/182377966986/banana-peppers-hair-female-teen-to-elder 12. QRSIMS CITRINE HAIR V1: https://pepperoni-puffin.tumblr.com/post/190316195052/spencer-hair-base-game-compatible-hat-compatible 13. SPIDERFIRES CYKA BLYAT: https://altheasims.tumblr.com/post/182370995465/spiderfires 14. SAVYSWEET DRIDA DREADS: https://savvysweet.tumblr.com/post/611076981395701760/10k-followers-gift-hi-yall-here-are-some-cc 15. SAVYSWEET TINA TWIST: https://savvysweet.tumblr.com/post/611076981395701760/10k-followers-gift-hi-yall-here-are-some-cc 16. PEPPERONI-PUFFIN AMELIA HAIR: https://pepperoni-puffin.tumblr.com/post/611183447068868608/amelia-hair-ellora-gown-5k-followers-gift-set
PRESETS 1. VIBRANTPIXELS BIG EYES: https://vibrantpixels.tumblr.com/post/187086574527/big-eyes-finally-got-the-hang-of-making-eye 2. SAMMMI PUFFY LIPS PRESETS: https://sammmi-xox.tumblr.com/post/177741866142/puffy-lippreset-pack-stuff-all-ages-and-genders
HATS 1. AHARRIS00BRITNEY SANTANA FLOWERS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 2. AHARRIS00BRITNEY SANTANA FLOWERS V2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 3. AHARRIS00BRITNEY SANTANA HEADBAND: https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 4. AHARRIS00BRITNEY CLOVER  FLOWERS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 5. OKRUEE KEEK HAIR ACCESSORY BANGS: https://okruee.tumblr.com/post/190949699031/keek-hair-this-hair-is-named-after-no-one-in
MAKE UP 1. SUNLITCRYS 1000 LIP GLOSS: https://sunlitcrys.tumblr.com/post/611158489548619776/a-gift-bundle-just-for-you-my-1000-follower-gift
♀ TOPS 1.  AHARRIS00BRITNEY IVY TOP: https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 2. AHARRIS00BRITNEY IVY TOP (RIBBED): https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 3. AHARRIS00BRITNEY IVY TOP (POOFY): https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 4. AHARRIS00BRITNEY KRISTINA TOP: https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 5. AHARRIS00BRITNEY KRISTINA TOP (PATTERNS): https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 6. WMS JAMMIES TOP LONG SLEEVE: http://wildlyminiaturesandwich.blogspot.com/2017/10/sandwich-jammies-simblreen-2017-treat.html 7. WMS JAMMIES TOP SHORT SLEEVE: http://wildlyminiaturesandwich.blogspot.com/2017/10/sandwich-jammies-simblreen-2017-treat.html 8. RUSTY-SIMS HALF SLEEVE TURTLENECK SWEATER: https://lilsimsiecc.tumblr.com/post/160889135556/rusty-sims-half-sleeves-turtle-neck-sweater 9. TOSKASIMS MARS TOP: https://www.patreon.com/posts/33029298 10. TOSKASIMS CHECK TOP: https://www.patreon.com/posts/33029298 11. NITROPANIC BUTTERFLY TOP: https://www.nitropanic.net/2019/08/butterfly-top.html 12. SOKEA PREPPY  POLO: https://sokea-cc.tumblr.com/post/190946254297/preppy-inspired-by-one-of-the-many-many-reference 13. RIDGEPORT CALINA TOP: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34353073 14. VIIAVI LUDUS TOP: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34379381 15. WMS JAMMIES TOP TANK: http://wildlyminiaturesandwich.blogspot.com/2017/10/sandwich-jammies-simblreen-2017-treat.html 16. VIIAVI ARTEMINI CROPPED BLOUSE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32260935
♀ FULL BODY 1. KUMIKYA GINA DRESS: https://kumikya.tumblr.com/post/611168348138553344/gina-dress-this-dress-went-through-so-many-mesh 2. RIDGEPORT CIELO DRESS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34353073 3. SUNLIGHT-REVERSAL PEONY DRESS: https://sunlight-reversal.tumblr.com/post/190861349072/peony-dress-aka-part-1-of-my-long-overdue
♀ BOTTOMS 1. FLUFFUSNOW CHARLIE PANTS: https://fluffusnow.tumblr.com/post/190684375392/charlie-pants-9-swatches-please-dont-claim-as 2. STARLORD-SIMS WIDE LEG PANTS CAMILLE LONG: https://love4sims4.tumblr.com/post/137162498873/starlord-sims-wide-leg-pants-camille-long 3. SAURUS PINEALEXPLE BAGGY CARGOS: https://www.saurussims.com/post/181165673797/so-as-i-mentioned-before-the-moment-pinealexple 4. DYOREOS BANANA PANTS: https://dyoreos.tumblr.com/post/190102216932/dyoreos-banana-pants-banana-pants-are-high 5. DYOREOS DAYDREAM SKIRT: https://dyoreos.tumblr.com/post/189668546292/dyoreos-daydream-skirt-a-belted-a-line-skirt 6. AHARRIS00BRITNEY DANIELLE JEANS (DENIM): https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 7. AHARRIS00BRITNEY DANIELLE JEANS (SOLIDS): https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 8. AHARRIS00BRITNEY JESSICA SKIRT (PATTERNS): https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 9. AHARRIS00BRITNEY JESSICA SKIRT (SOLIDS): https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 10. WMS JAMMIES BOTTOMS LONG: http://wildlyminiaturesandwich.blogspot.com/2017/10/sandwich-jammies-simblreen-2017-treat.html 11. XLD SIMS IRIDIUM WEAR SOLID SWEATS: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/190891198479/suave-get-ups-stuff-pack-fan-made-cc-stuff-pack 12. XLD SIMS IRIDIUM ELASTIC DENIM JEANS: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/190891198479/suave-get-ups-stuff-pack-fan-made-cc-stuff-pack 13. WMS JAMMIES BOTTOMS UNDIES: http://wildlyminiaturesandwich.blogspot.com/2017/10/sandwich-jammies-simblreen-2017-treat.html 14. TOSKASIMS JUNI PANTS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/33029298 15. WMS JAMMIES BOTTOMS SHORT: http://wildlyminiaturesandwich.blogspot.com/2017/10/sandwich-jammies-simblreen-2017-treat.html
SHOES 1. SHUNGA JADON BOOTS: https://shunga.tumblr.com/ 2. XLDSIMS IRIDIUM WEAR CANVAS BOOTS: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/190891198479/suave-get-ups-stuff-pack-fan-made-cc-stuff-pack 3. TOSKASIMS STEMP BOOTS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/33029298 4. MADLEN SUZU BOOTS: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-shoes-female-teenadultelder/title/madlen-suzu-boots/id/1441040/ 5. MMSIMS FLASHTREK SNEAKERS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mmsims-flashtrek-22632675 6. WMS JAMMIES SLIPPERS: http://wildlyminiaturesandwich.blogspot.com/2017/10/sandwich-jammies-simblreen-2017-treat.html
ACCESSORIES: 1. MMSIMS FLASHTREK SNEAKERS CRYSTAL STRAP SET: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mmsims-flashtrek-22632675 2. KIMOANASIMS PHRANKIE TOP: https://kimoanasims.tumblr.com/post/178100288667/phrankie-top-w-acc-version-here-is-a-srry-gift
♂ HAIR 1. XLDSIMS TURVESS HAIR: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/190891198479/suave-get-ups-stuff-pack-fan-made-cc-stuff-pack 2. BOREDTRAIT Q HAIR V1: https://boredtrait.tumblr.com/post/190307766351/q-hair-v1-v2-by-boredtrait-bgc-18-ea-swatches 3. AHARRIS00BRITNEY AVERY HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 4. AHARRIS00BRITNEY JORDAN HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 5. BLUEMOONSIM RISSA HAIR: https://bluemoonsim.tumblr.com/post/183167668378/donna-and-rissa-hairs-i-expected-to-be-out-of-the 6. XLDSIMS PUMPED FLIP REDUX HAIR V1: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/190891198479/suave-get-ups-stuff-pack-fan-made-cc-stuff-pack 7. SIMTROUBLE SAMMY HAIR: https://simstrouble.tumblr.com/post/190947780855/sammy-by-simstrouble-i-always-wanted-to-make 8. XLDSIMS NOVERIA HAIR: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/190891198479/suave-get-ups-stuff-pack-fan-made-cc-stuff-pack 9. XLDSIMS PUMPED FLIP REDUX HAIR V2: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/190891198479/suave-get-ups-stuff-pack-fan-made-cc-stuff-pack 10. XLDSIMS NEVOS HAIR: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/190891198479/suave-get-ups-stuff-pack-fan-made-cc-stuff-pack 11. XLDSIMS VECCHIO HAIR: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/190891198479/suave-get-ups-stuff-pack-fan-made-cc-stuff-pack 12. XLDSIMS NONUEL HAIR: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/190891198479/suave-get-ups-stuff-pack-fan-made-cc-stuff-pack 13. QRSIMS CITRINE HAIR V1: https://qrqr19.tumblr.com/post/611128970968268800/hair-07-citrine-male-female-base-game 14. XLDSIMS VALIANT HAIR: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/190891198479/suave-get-ups-stuff-pack-fan-made-cc-stuff-pack 15. SPIDERFIRES CYKA BLYAT: https://altheasims.tumblr.com/post/182370995465/spiderfires 16. VEVESIMS CHANCE HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/185340101939/toby-chance-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-custom 17. XLDSIMS ALTAHE HAIR: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/190891198479/suave-get-ups-stuff-pack-fan-made-cc-stuff-pack 18. XLDSIMS ONTAHE HAIR: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/190891198479/suave-get-ups-stuff-pack-fan-made-cc-stuff-pack 19. MARSOSIMS HARI HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34243545
♂ EYEBROWS 1. GVBESIMS EYEBROWSET 7A: https://gvbesims.tumblr.com/post/188779849289/brow-set-ii-these-are-all-cut-versions-of-the 2. GVBESIMS EYEBROWSET 6B: https://gvbesims.tumblr.com/post/188779849289/brow-set-ii-these-are-all-cut-versions-of-the 3. GVBESIMS EYEBROWSET 6A: https://gvbesims.tumblr.com/post/188779849289/brow-set-ii-these-are-all-cut-versions-of-the 4. GVBESIMS EYEBROWSET 5A: https://gvbesims.tumblr.com/post/188779849289/brow-set-ii-these-are-all-cut-versions-of-the 5. GVBESIMS EYEBROWSET 5B: https://gvbesims.tumblr.com/post/188779849289/brow-set-ii-these-are-all-cut-versions-of-the 6. GVBESIMS EYEBROWSET 7B: https://gvbesims.tumblr.com/post/188779849289/brow-set-ii-these-are-all-cut-versions-of-the
♂ TOPS 1. AHARRIS00BRITNEY KEVIN TOP (PATTERNS): https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 2. AHARRIS00BRITNEY KEVIN TOP (SOLIDS): https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 3. AHARRIS00BRITNEY SEAN TOP (GRAPHICS): https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 4. AHARRIS00BRITNEY SEAN TOP (SOLIDS): https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 5. DYOREOS SUNRISE HOODIE: https://dyoreos.tumblr.com/post/190717538557/dyoreos-sunrise-hoodie-a-tucked-in-hoodie-with 6. PEACEMAKER KEEPING IT SIMPLE CREW TEE: https://simsationaldesigns.blogspot.com/2018/08/simple-crew-necks-keeping-it-simple-and.html
♂ FULL BODY 1. XLDSIMS EP08CONVERTED OVERALLS: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/190891198479/suave-get-ups-stuff-pack-fan-made-cc-stuff-pack 2. XLDSIMS EP08CONVERTED OVERALLS – NO SHIRT: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/190891198479/suave-get-ups-stuff-pack-fan-made-cc-stuff-pack
♂ BOTTOMS 1. DYOREOS BOM POM JEANS: https://dyoreos.tumblr.com/post/190628049722/dyoreos-bom-pom-jeans-i-liked-how-waekey-made 2. DYOREOS VITO PANTS: https://dyoreos.tumblr.com/post/190254997482/dyoreos-vito-pants-vito-pants-are-rolled-up 3. AHARRIS00BRITNEY JACOB JEANS (DENIM): https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 4. AHARRIS00BRITNEY JACOB JEANS (SOLIDS): https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 5. AHARRIS00BRITNEY CODY PANTS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 6. AHARRIS00BRITNEY CODY SHORTS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/axa-spring-02-22-33666669 7. VIIAVI NIGHTSHADE SIDE SLIT SHORTS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/nightshade-side-25979480 8. LUUMIASIMS PREPPED SHORTS FOR MEN: https://luumiasims.com/post/123219139039/follower-gift-part-46-prepped-shorts-for-men 9. XLD SIMS IRIDIUM WEAR SOLID SWEATS: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/190891198479/suave-get-ups-stuff-pack-fan-made-cc-stuff-pack 10. XLD SIMS IRIDIUM ELASTIC DENIM JEANS: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/190891198479/suave-get-ups-stuff-pack-fan-made-cc-stuff-pack
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A Collection of “Texts From Wayhaven”
texts from last night is my favorite brand of chaos when you wade through the dated garbage. 
Detective to UB:
D: This is a mass text. Does anyone know where I am?
A: You wouldn't come out from under your bed because you said there were six-armed bears everywhere.
F: ohhh that explains the pepperonis I found in my sock drawer this morning...
A: No it doesn't.
F: Banned from zoo.
N: Again?
Detective about Bobby:
D: So I made them an imaginary sandwich and told them that the day I didn't have to fake it, neither would they.
And some more under the cut!
D: Maybe we should try and tone it down a notch. The neighbors changed the name of their wifi network to "i can hear you having sex".
D: instead of just going for it they asked "will you do the honors?" it was the cutest thing I had ever heard before sex.
F & ...Anyone:
F: If we were unicorns we would fly together. Like in a pack. A pack of flying unicorns.
Verda, probably:
V: just found a carrot inside of a baby sock. living with toddlers is like living with tiny hammered people.
Detective & Tina:
D: Not only did I hold your hair back as you puked, i french braided it. I am such a great friend.
Detective & A:
D: Why am I in a dog kennel?
A: It was for your own safety
F w/Detective to A:
F: Whatever. We're stealing a penguin. Your not allowed near him... You did this to yourself
V: just wanted to make sure that my favorite hot mess is still alive. I dont need words, just a response of any sort. K hope youre living
D: bhystjhitsjhtiajielrfrhaug
V: This is sufficient.
M: Just come over and take your pants off. 35 mins tops. You'll be home before midnight cinderella
A: Okay, prove you're not drunk to me. Write five true sentences about me with correct grammar.
D: I am sober. Because I don't drunk. It is bad. People die. I like Domenico because o he bag women what up?
i've got more of them but this got long enough so i’ll cut it here
if anyone’s got more please add on i love these
56 notes · View notes
Taron Egerton: This I Promise You.
Note: This is for @sarahegerton96. I hope that you like this. Excuse the mistakes please.
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In the days leading up to Nova and Taron’s daddy daughter date, the Egerton family were yet to announce to their families, that a new addition would be arriving soon. First on the list of people to tell were Taron’s mum and step-father along with his two sisters, Rosie and Mari. It was Christmas morning and everyone had opened their gifts and had a beautifully cooked hot breakfast thanks to Taron. After breakfast, the girls went upstairs to get dressed and ready for the trip to Wales. “Girls, let’s go.” Sarah called from the bottom of the staircase.
 “Coming mum.” Nova called as the girls dressed themselves in the shirts Sarah had gotten them to wear when they told their families about Gary. Nova came running downstairs with her big sister shirt on. She smiled in excitement when she saw her father walk out of the front door with bags of presents. “Ellie you coming down?” Nova called this time. “I’m stuck.” She called back frantically. Nova laughed and ran back up to help her. She found her sister trying to shove her head through the arm hole of her own big sister shirt. “You look like an idiot.” Nova laughed. “Help me?” Ellie whimpered. The oldest Egerton helped her sister and soon enough, Ellie was in her shirt properly. 
Both girls bolted for the stairs as Taron packed the car. “You girls ready to go?” Taron asked as he walked back in. “Yup, let’s go.” Sarah said as they made their way to the car headed off for Wales. Unfortunately, three hours into the trip, Ellie started feeling ill. “Daddy.” Ellie said as she tried to get her father’s attention. “Hang on a minute sweetheart, I’m speaking to mummy.” Taron said. “But daddy.” Ellie tried again. “Ellie I said hang on a minute. Please don’t be rude.” Taron said with frustration. “But daddy, I don’t feel well.” Ellie explained as her tummy churned. “What’s wrong my little elf?” Taron asked with concern as he felt the guilt setting in because of getting cross with her. “I think I’m going to be sick.” She replied as she hastily covered her mouth. Taron pulled the car over as fast as he could and just as he opened her car door, Ellie started to throw up. Thankfully, he was able to step back in time.  
As Ellie was getting sick, Nova rubbed her back in comfort. When Nova turned to ask her mother for a tissue, she saw that Sarah was sitting there with her hand over her mouth and had her eyes closed as she herself tried to resist the urge to throw up due to hearing her daughter’s distress. “Mummy, are you ok? You don’t look so good.” Nova said as she speaks up. Taron snaps his head up in the direction of his wife. “Are you sure you’re ok?” Taron mouths. Sarah nods quickly. “I’m fine. Just look after Ellie.” She says as she turns her face to look out of her window. “Here Ellie.” Nova says as she hands her sister a tissue to wipe her mouth. “Do you want some water?” Nova asks Ellie. Ellie nods and smiles. “Thank you.” Ellie says as Taron lifts her out of the car. Ellie rinsed her mouth out with her father’s help and sits down on a tree stump as she caught her breath. Taron went around to Sarah’s side of the car to make sure that she was ok. “Are you sure you are ok babe?” Taron asked. “Yeah. Just make sure Ellie’s ok.” Sarah replied as Taron kissed her forehead. “Alright. I’m just going to go across the road and grab some water and crackers ok? Call if you need me for anything, I shouldn’t be too long though.” Taron said as he kissed his wife and walked across the road.
“Would you happen to have any plastic bags? My family and I are traveling and still have about an hour left and one of my daughters just got sick.” Taron explained to the man behind the counter. The man nodded and gave Taron a few bags and some tissues just incase. “Thank you so much. Merry Christmas.” Taron said as he and the man said goodbye. Taron walked back across the road to see Ellie sitting on the tree stump with her eyes closed. “You alright sweetheart?” Taron asked as he went to clean the car as some of the sick had gotten on the car mat that sat under Ellie. “Yeah.” Ellie replied with a slight smile. Taron stopped what he was doing and walked over to the child. “Come here my Tiny Dancer.” Taron said as he bent down to hug her. “I’m sorry I got cross with you. You did the right thing in telling me.” Taron said as they broke apart. “It’s ok daddy. I love you so much.” Ellie smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck again. “I love you so much too my little elf. I think there’s a park near by, what do you say we head over there and you can get some crackers and water into you?” Taron suggested. “Yes please.” Ellie replied excitedly as her father chuckled. “Alrighty then. Let’s get you back into the car and we will head over there.” He said as he and Ellie got back into the car.
A few minutes later, Taron pulled into a parking lot and told the girls to go and stretch their legs while he talked with Sarah. In the few minutes that he had driven to the park, he noticed that Sarah kept cringing. “Want to tell me what’s going on with you?” Taron asked as the couple watched their children chase each other around whilst laughing happily. “Just having Braxton Hicks. That’s all.” Sarah said simply. Panic started to set up camp in Taron’s stomach as he looked at his wife. “This isn’t preterm labour is it?” He asked with concern. “No my darling it’s not. I just need to relax and have some water and they will go away.” Sarah said as she grabbed her husband’s hand and kissed it. “Are you sure? We can always drop the girls off with mum and go to the hospital.” Taron replied, not feeling convinced. Sarah let go of his hand and let her thumbs brush gently along his cheekbones. “I’m fine my darling. This is not my first rodeo ok? You need to breathe and calm down.” Sarah said softly before giving him a sweet kiss. “If you change your mind, please tell me.” Taron mumbled against her lips. Sarah smiled. “I promise.” She said finally. Before the family got back in the car, they all snacked on the crackers that Taron had bought and they had water along with that and of course Ellie also got travel sickness medicine. 
An hour later, Taron was the only one awake and was just pulling into his parents driveway. “Sarah. We’re here my angel.” Taron said as he gently shook her awake. Sarah opened her eyes sleepily and smiled at her husband. “You go say hi to your mum and I’ll wake the girls.” Sarah said as Taron nodded and walked to the front door. “Nova, Ellie, we’re here.” Sarah whispered as she shook them awake softly. “Put your jumpers ok. We don’t want grandma Tina to know yet.” Sarah said as she helped the girls put them on and thankfully, Sarah had just pulled Nova’s jumper down as Tina ran happily toward the three girls. “Look how big you’ve grown my darlings.” Tina gushed as she gave them each a huge hug. Sarah and Taron chuckled at the sight and Tina walked inside with Nova and Ellie. Sarah helped Taron with the bags of Christmas gifts. “Taron!” Rosie and Mari hollered as they ran to the front door to greet the husband and wife. “Look how big you girls have grown.” Taron gushed as he set the bag down and hugged each of them. Next the girls hugged their sister-in-law. “Merry Christmas you two.” Sarah giggled as they ran off. Taron and Sarah walked to the Christmas tree to put the gifts under it. “Sarah and Taron, would you both like some tea?” Tina offered. “That sounds lovely. Thank you.” Sarah replied as she followed the woman to the kitchen, leaving Taron with the tree. 
For the next hour, Sarah, Taron, Tina and Guy sat at the kitchen table talking and drinking tea. “So, the girls are growing beautifully.” Tina said with a warm smile. Taron smiled sadly and Sarah just laughed. “Thank you Tina. It’s been an adventure, right babe?” Sarah teased. Tina and Guy looked between the two with curiosity. “Basically Taron is still finding hard to come to terms that Nova is no longer his little girl.” Sarah said as Tina and Guy looked at them with smiles. “Let me guess, she got her period.” Tina smirked and Taron nodded sadly. “Taron honey, it’s not the end of the world. She will always be your little girl, I promise.” Tina said comfortingly. “Did you give her the talk?” Guy asked. Sarah and Taron burst out laughing. “We did, well Sarah did, I just sat there with my face in my hands.” Taron explained. “The first time she didn’t understand so I put it in a way that she could and needless to say, I think I may have scarred the poor kid.” Sarah piped up. “Oh, what did you say?” Tina asked with intrigue. “I explained to her that it was like making pizza buns. I told her that the mummy is the oven and has dough inside and the daddy is the pepperoni and cheese and he puts his ingredients into the dough and then you put the dough in the oven and it rises, it’s the same as being pregnant. She was mortified and kept looking at T really weirdly.” Sarah explained and Tina and Guy burst out laughing. “That’s a really good analogy.” Tina praised. “Thank you. Unfortunately, she came down later that night to get something for her cramps and caught us goofing around on the sofa. She ran off pretty quick.” Taron added. “Oh no, that poor girl. At least she didn’t see you drunk and falling out of her treehouse window.” Tina said as she pointed at her son. Taron laughed and nodded. The conversation continued until the four girls came back inside from building their snowman family. 
After dinner, everyone gathered in the living room and sat around the fire. Taron passed out the gifts for everyone. “You didn’t have to do this.” Guy said as the gifts were waiting to be opened. “It’s Christmas, of course we did.” Taron said as he sat back down. The gifts that Taron, Sarah, Nova and Ellie picked out were to do with the news of Gary. “Can we open them now?” Mari asked as she looked at her brother. “Go for it.” Taron said as he and his girls waited for Tina, Guy, Rosie and Mari’s reactions. Tina was the first to reach her gift and she just about screamed the house down. “Oh my god you two. I’m so happy.” Tina cried as she got up to hug her son and his wife. “What’s going on?” Mari asked, confused as to why her mother was acting the way she was. “Sarah’s having a baby.” Tina replied with a beaming smile that matched Taron’s. it was clear to see where Taron had gotten his smile. “Tina, look at the shirt better.” Guy said as he got up to hug the other couple and of course their girls. “It’s a boy?!” Tina shrieked in question. “Yes it is.” Sarah responded joyously. “Are you girls excited?” Tina asked her granddaughters. “Ellie nodded vigorously, clearly feeling better and Nova, knowing where babies come from and who decides the gender, cringed a little but nodded with a slight smile. Tina laughed at Nova’s reaction but hugged the girls. “We also got you an ornament.” Sarah said as she handed Tina the box. “Awww, bump’s first Christmas. That’s sweet.” The woman gushed. 
“How far along are you?” Tina asked as she sat back down. “I’m about 26 weeks I think.” Sarah replied. “What?” Guy asked, surprised. “You don’t look like you’re very far along.” Tina added. Sarah chuckled and stood up to show her mother-in-law her now more prominent bump. Tina put her hand over her heart and smiled warmly. “I’m so excited for all four of you. This little boy is a blessing for sure.” Tina cooed. The rest of the night went off without a hitch and pretty soon, the house grew quiet as everyone drifted off to dreamland. 
(The image below are the gifts.)
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The next morning Tina went out early to get Sarah and Taron some gag gifts. When Tina’s eyes landed on what she was looking for, she snatched them up and made her way home to wrap them before they got up. She looked at the shirts and smiled and giggled to herself. She hoped that it would get a rise out her oldest grandchild.
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A couple minutes later, the gifts were wrapped and Tina could hear both Taron and Sarah come down the stairs. “Good morning my lovelies. Taron there is coffee in the pot and Sarah I made you some tea.” Tina said as she flitted about the kitchen. “Thank you mum.” Taron said as he and Sarah got their drinks and sat at the table with Tina who had their gifts. “I popped out this morning to get these for you two.” Tina said nonchalantly as she took a sip of her tea. “Open them now and wear them. I really want to see Nova’s reaction.” Tina begged. Taron and Sarah opened their packages and laughed. “I think she’ll definitely hate us now for telling you Tina.” Sarah said through her laughter. The couple raced upstairs to get ready before their girls got up. Tina chuckled as Taron and Sarah raced each other upstairs, laughing.
It had been a couple hours since everyone had gotten up and had breakfast and Nov had yet to notice her parents shirts. “Daddy, what does your shirt say?” Ellie asked as she saw the pizza slice on it. Taron looked at Sarah and his mum and step-father. “My shirt says pizza maker and mummy’s says pizza in the oven.” Taron said loud enough for Nova to hear as well. “Why do you have them?” Ellie asked. “I bought them for your mummy and daddy.” Tina replied. Nova glared at her father. “You told her?” Nova asked through gritted teeth. Taron just wiggled his brows at the girl and Nova wanted to cry. She got up from her seat and ran off. 
(This is the look that Taron gives his oldest daughter.)
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“Maybe this was a bad idea.” Tina said, feeling bad. “No it’s fine mum. I’ll go and talk to her.” Taron replied as he walked out of the room to find Nova. “Honey, can you open the door?” Taron asked as he knocked on the guest bedroom door. “Go away!” Nova shouted at him. “Please.” Taron tried again. “No. Leave me alone.” Nova spat back. Taron opened the door and walked in. Nova had her back to the door and refused to look at her father. “Nova honey, we were just teasing you.” He said as he sat beside her. Nova turned her head away from him as the tears fell silently down her cheeks. Taron reached out to put his hand on her shoulder but she dodged it. “Why did you tell grandma?” Nova asked with anger in her voice. “Because she asked how you were and what were we supposed to say?” Taron said as he looked down at his hands. “You had no right to tell her. She should have asked me, not you.” Nova said as she sniffed. Taron knew that their teasing had embarrassed her to the point of tears. “I’m sorry sweetheart.” Taron responded as nova shook her head and kept her face away from him. “Go away. I don’t want to see you or mum.” Nova said as she buried her face into the pillow. Taron breathed out and stood up. “I love you Nova.” Taron said as he kissed her head. “If you did, you’d respect my privacy.” Nova cried as she pushed him away from her. Taron walked out of the room and shut the door. He leaned against the door as he felt the tears grow in his eyes.
After calming down, Taron walked downstairs to join the others. “Is she ok?” Sarah asked. Taron shook his head. “Where are the girls?” He asked as he sat on the sofa. “They went out with Guy to get hot chocolate.” Sarah explained as she saw the tears behind Taron’s eyes. “Taron, what happened up there?” Sarah asked softly. “She’s crying for one thing. I think she’s embarrassed that we told mum about the talk we had with her and with the fact that we told mum that she got her period. I told her that I loved her and she told me to go away and pushed me away when I kissed her.” Taron explained as Tina entered the room. “It’s ok son. She just needs time to herself. She’ll come around.” Tina consoled her oldest. “She’s right Taron. Nova just needs some time. I will say that the brow raising on your part was probably not the smartest though.” Sarah agreed. Taron put his face in his eyes and sniffed. “She hates me now.” He cried. Sarah rubbed his back and kissed his shoulder. “She doesn’t hate you Taron, she’s just embarrassed. That’s all.” Sarah responded. Taron leaned into his wife’s touch and cried. 
Eventually Guy and the girls came back and Taron was no longer crying. nova still hadn’t shown her fact and that’s when Ellie went upstairs to talk with her sister. “Nova can I come in?” Ellie asked as she stood at the door waiting. Nova didn’t answer. “I bought you a doughnut.” Ellie said cutely as she bit her lip, rocking on her feet. Nova opened the door and as soon as Ellie was in the room, Nova slammed the door shut again. Ellie proudly handed her the doughnut she had bought for her sister. “Thanks Ellie.” Nova smiled. “You’re welcome.” Ellie said as she sprawled out on her bed. “Do you think I should apologize to dad?” Nova asked her sister after a few minutes. “Maybe. I think he cried again. He always cries.” Ellie noted. Nova chuckled breathlessly. “That he does.” Nova agreed. “Can you go and ask grandma to come up here Ellie?” Nova asked. “You got it sugar pop.” Ellie replied dramatically sassy. Nova laughed at the hand gestures the eight year old just made. “I love you Ellie.” Nova said as she hugged the young girl. “I love you too sissy.” Ellie replied as she hugged Nova back. Ellie walked back downstairs to find her grandmother in the kitchen. “Grandma, Nova wants you to go upstairs.” Ellie said as she climbed on to the stool at the breakfast bar. “Thank you for letting me know my sweet.” Tina said as Taron walked around the corner. “You’re welcome.” The little girl called. “Hello my Tiny Dancer.” Taron greeted as he kissed his youngest’s head. “Where did you get off to?” He asked. “Narnia.” Ellie said with sass. Taron chuckled.
Tina knocked on the door and waited for Nova to open the door. “Come in.” Nova said. Tina walked in and sat on the bed. “Why didn’t you just ask me how I was or if anything new happened?” Nova asked shyly. Tina smile warmly at the girl. “I’m sorry darling. You’re right, I should have asked you. Is there anything I can do to make up for it?” Tina asked and Nova thought. “Can I choose what we have for lunch?” She asked hopefully. “Of course you can. What would you like?” Tina asked as her granddaughter moved to lean into her grandmother. “Christmas sandwiches.” Nova replied quickly. “That sounds perfect. Want to help me?” Tina questioned. Nova nodded. “I need to talk to dad first though.” The girl said. “Want me to send him up here?” The grandmother asked. “Thanks grandma.” Nova said as she hugged the woman and kissed her cheek. “You’re welcome my precious Nova.” Tina said as she made her way downstairs to talk to her son. 
“Taron honey, someone wants to talk to you.” Tina smiled as she pat his shoulder. Taron jumped up and practically ran upstairs. “Hello Cariad.” Taron said and Nova smiled at the nickname. “Come sit down.” Nova said as she motioned for him to join her. “Look, I’m sorry I acted that way but I really didn’t appreciate that.” Nova explained and Taron nodded his head. “I know that now my darling and I’m sorry. Your mother and I didn’t think you’d mind if we told your grandparents. Am I forgiven?” Taron asked with hope. “Let’s just move on from that.” Nova said as she threw her arms around his neck. “I love you daddy.” She said as she kissed his cheek. “Even if I push you away.” Nova continued as they both giggled. They talked for a few more minutes before they joined the others.
At 38 weeks pregnant, Sarah was growing more uncomfortable by the minute and nothing she did could help.The day of Taron and Nova’s date was now upon them and While Ellie was at school, Nova and Sarah had gone to get their nails done. Sarah and Taron decided to let Nova stay home so that she could feel special and spend the day with her mother one on one. “That was fun. Thanks for this mum.” Nova said as she admired her nails. They weren’t extravagant but they were enough to make her feel pretty and make her feel special. “Want to get some lunch at home or should we go to a coffee shop?” Sarah asked as she drove. “Can we go to a coffee shop?” Nova asked. “Absolutely. This brother of yours is needing a toastie.” Sarah said while smiling. “You do or does Gary?” Nova asked, giving her mother some side eye and a smile. “You are a beautiful young woman. You look so much like your father and that’s the best thing about you, along with your kind heart and strong personality.” Sarah said as she teared up. “Mum don’t cry. I love you too.” Nova said as she took hold of her mother’s hand. The mother and daughter arrived at the coffee shop and proceeded to have a nice lunch.
While the girls were out, Taron was busy setting up for the date and one of the things he wanted to do was buy Nova a new dress. One that he knew that she would like. He had raced home and set the dress box on Nova’s bed, so that when she walked into her room, she’d see her gift. Taron also left a special note for her.
‘My precious Nova,
From the moment you were born, I knew that our bond would be a strong one. The first time I held you in my arms, I promised your mother that I would protect you with everything in me. You made me a father and you taught me how to love selflessly and for that I thank you. It has been an honour to watch you grow into the young woman that you are now and I really look forward to spending the night with you. You are my pride and joy and no matter what happens, I will always be your knight in shining armour. 
I love you so much Cariad, I will see you tonight.
Love Always,
Taron read over the note to make sure that it sounded ok and when he was happy with it, he placed it against the dress box. After everything was placed in her room, he left the house again to go to Richard’s and finish setting up for the night. Sarah and Nova got home not too long after. “Mum do we have time to watch a movie?” Nova asked as her mother sat in the living room. Sarah looked at her phone. “Why don’t you run up and shower and then when you’re done, we can watch a movie.” Sarah said and Nova nodded and ran off. As soon as the girl disappeared, Taron called his wife. “How is everything?” Sarah asked with a smile. “Great but I’m in the car across the road right now and I need you to do me a favour.” Taron responded. “What’s that?” Sarah questioned as she sat there rubbing her belly as Gary decided to karate chop and drop kick his mother in her ribs. “Are you able to go into Nova’s room and see if I left my wallet in there?” He asked whilst biting his lip slightly. “Just a second. Your son is abusing my insides right now.” Sarah replied as she felt Gary flip sharply. Taron chuckled. “Ok, I’ll have a look. But hang on a second, why would it be in there?” Sarah asked as she waddled to the staircase. “Is she around?” Taron asked. “No, she’s in the shower.” Sarah said simply. “Ok good.” Taron replied and Sarah raised her brow. “This was just to get me to go upstairs wasn’t it?” Sarah whined. “It may have been.” Taron said as he shrugged his shoulders. “Can you go into our room and go to my side of the closet and in the black bag next to my shoes, there is another box in there. Open it.” Taron explained. Sarah did as she was told and was met with what he was talking about. “Are you looking at it?” Taron wondered out loud. “Yes.” She said. “Ok run it downstairs and meet me at the front door.” Taron said as he quickly hung up. Sarah looked at her phone with raised brows. “I love you too.” Sarah remarked as she turned her phone off and went downstairs before Nova got out. 
“Thanks for hanging up on me Taron.” Sarah mumbled. He smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss. “Thank you my angel.” Taron said as he grabbed what he needed. “You’re welcome. Now get out before she comes down and sees you here.” Sarah said as she practically pushed her husband out of the door. “Kiss me.” Taron said. Sarah rolled her eyes and gave him a quick but sweet kiss. “I love you baby.” Taron said as he ran to his car and drove off. “Mum who was that?” Nova asked as she walked around the corner in her house coat. “Someone wanting to sell something. What movie do you want to watch?” Sarah asked as she quickly changed the subject. “Can we watch cartoons instead?” Nova asked. “Sounds great. I’m going to get the ice-cream, do you want some?” Sarah questioned. Nova ran ahead of her mother and pulled everything out. About an hour or so later, Taron was just putting the finishing touches on what he had set up. “This looks amazing mate.” Richard said as he looked around the room. “Think she’ll like it?” Taron asked nervously. Richard chuckled at his friend. “Taron, if she’s anything like Sarah, she will love it. I guarantee it.” Richard said. Taron smiled. “I hope so.” Taron said as he looked at his watch. “We should get going if we want to get the car.” Taron said as he put his shoes on. “Let’s go.” Richard said enthusiastically. The men raced each other to Taron’s car. Eventually they reached the vintage car rental place. “Here are the keys, I hope you enjoy.” The elderly man said as he passed Taron the keys. Taron beamed as he thought about Nova’s reaction. He knew that she liked vintage cars and especially the make and model that he had just rented. 
At 4:30, Sarah was just finishing up doing Nova’s hair. Sarah had left it down and put loose waves in her hair. After that, Sarah applied just a little bit of make up to Nova’s features. “You look really pretty.” Ellie said as she sat on the edge of the tub watching her mother do her sister’s hair. Nova smiled. “Thank you Ellie.” Nova said gratefully. “I don’t have anything to wear though.” Nova said half heartedly. “That’s not true.” Sarah said as she secured the last bobby pin. Nova looked at her mother through the mirror with confusion. “Go look in your room.” Sarah said as Nova and Ellie ran to Nova’s room. Nova’s eyes landed on a black dress box that was wrapped in a turquoise ribbon with the special note attached to it. 
Nova smiled as big as she could and in that moment, Sarah could see just how much she resembled her father. Nova opened the box and the girl’s eyes fell upon a beautiful red dress. Nova gasped in surprise and Ellie and Sarah smiled. Sarah because she was touched that her husband would do that for Nova and Ellie smiled because she knew what the gift was but was sworn to secrecy with the promise of kitten if she kept quiet. “Go put it on.” Sarah instructed softly. “Can you help me mum?” Nova asked shyly. Sarah chuckled. “Of course my beautiful.” She replied as she told Ellie to go downstairs and wait. After Nova had stepped into the dress and pulled up on to her body, Sarah gently tugged the zipper up and Nova turned around. Sarah beamed with pride and joy. A tear rolled down Sarah’s cheek and thankfully she was able to wipe it away before her daughter could see. “How do I look?” Nova asked nervously. “You look so grown up baby girl.” Sarah gushed as she hugged her daughter. “Thank you for helping me get ready.” Nova said as they broke apart upon hearing the doorbell ring. 
“Ellie, can you get that please?” Sarah asked as she helped Nova put her converse and jacket. Ellie answered the door gasped and her jaw dropped. “Daddy, you look so handsome.” Ellie said enthusiastically. “Thank you sweetheart.” Taron replied as he gave her a hug with his free arm and a kiss on her head. Upon hearing the commotion, Sarah and Nova turn around to face him. “You look absolutely breathtaking princess.” Taron said as he took in how grown up Nova looked in that moment. “Thank you daddy. You look handsome.” Nova smiled. “Thank you my darling.” Taron replied with a smile matching his daughter’s. “These are for you.” Taron said as he pulled the flowers out from behind his back. “Thank you daddy, they’re so beautiful.” Nova said as she took them from him. “I’ll put them in some water.” Sarah said as Nova passed her the flowers. While Sarah was filling up a vase, she looked over at Taron and Nova and felt her heart soar at just how cute they were. She bit her lip as her eyes traveled down her husband’s body and all she wanted to do was jump him and fuck him. “Nova sweetie, would you like me to put the flowers on your night stand or would you like them left downstairs?” Sarah asked as she walked back to the pair with tears in her eyes. “On my night stand please. That way I can have something to make me smile in the morning.” Nova said politely. Sarah nodded and took out her phone so that she could take a photo of the pair and send it to his mum.
“Ready to be wined and dined my sweetheart?” Taron asked as he looked down at Nova. “Yup, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.” Nova replied with excitement. As they turned around to leave, Sarah tapped her husband’s shoulder and h turned to face her. She threw her arms around his neck in a hug. “You dare to be any less dressed then what you are now when you come home, I promise I’ll make you regret it.” Sarah whispered into his ear as she moans loud enough for only him to hear whilst discreetly squeezing his ass, making sure neither daughter sees it. Taron bit his lower lip in response. “Oh don’t you worry. I won’t be but you better not be as dressed.” He winks and takes Nova’s hand, leading her to her second surprise, the vintage car.
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(The Picture of the girl in the dress, jacket and shoes is what I’m using to show the outfit together. Please picture her hair down and in loose beach waves.)
Nova’s jaw hit the ground and then a huge smile appeared on her lips. “Where did you find this?” Nova asked as her father helped her into the car. He walked around to his side and got in. “That’s for me to know.” He winked and drove off toward Richard’s house. “Can I know where we are going?” Nova asked as she looked at her father. “It’s a surprise.” He said as he raised his brow at her. Nova giggled and looked out of her window.
When they arrived at Richard’s Nova looked at her father confused. “Why are we at uncle Richie’s?” She asked as Taron helped her out of the car. “You’ll see my sassy.” Taron said as Nova linked her arm in his. They walked to the front door and knocked on the door.  When Richard opened the door, his eyes landed on the father and daughter. Richard smiled as he stood to the side to let Nova enter first and then Taron. “You scrub up really nice uncle Rich.” Nova said as she looked at the man before her. “Thank you my wee lass.” He said as he hugged her. “You look so much like your father. Maybe when your done with that pretty dress, you could lend it to him.” Richard teased as he and Nova laughed. Taron glared at Richard. “I think the dress would look nicer on you.” Taron teased back. “Alright, alright.” Richard said as he held his hands up in surrender. “Can I take your coat lassie?” Richard asked and Nova nodded. Richard took her coat and hung it up. Taron and Nova link arms again and Taron led them to the dimly lit sitting room. 
There was a beautifully set dark wood table and a warm fire lit in the fireplace. Taron pulled the chair out for his daughter and helped her get comfortable. “Why thank you kind sir. I see why mummy fell in love with you.”  Nova smiled. Taron chuckled. “That’s how all queens and princesses should be treated.” Taron as he sat down in his own chair. “Nova, darling. I want you to know that I love you and your sister very much and that just because there is a new baby on the way, doesn’t mean mummy and I love you and Ellie any less.” Taron explained. “I know daddy, it’s just a bit of a shock. It’s just been me and Ellie for so long.” Nova replied. “I know it’s hard sweetheart but sometimes these things are out of mummy and daddy’s control.” He explained. “How is it out of your control? Maybe you and mum shouldn’t have a special hug. If you don’t put the dough in mum’s oven, your problem is solved.” Nova sassed. “Sometimes sweetheart, when mummies and daddies love each other very much, they get this warm tingly feeling inside and it’s so overwhelming they just  have to express just how much they love each other.” Taron explains as he takes a drink of his water. “You mean you get horny?” Nova blurts out and Taron chokes on his water. “Who told you that?” Taron said once he caught his breath. “Google did.” Nova replied as she shrugged her shoulders. “Why did you google that?” Taron asked with surprise still laced in his voice. “Because after you and mummy told me how babies are made, I still had questions but was too embarrassed to ask.” Nova explained. Taron made a mental note to put a parental block on her tablet.
“What? Honey you can’t be looking those kinds of things up. There are some things that are too inappropriate for your eyes because you are still too young.” Taron chided. “Then why did you and mum tell me how babies are made if I’m too young?” Nova wondered out loud. “Mummy and I only told you the basics because of you becoming a woman. We didn’t tell you anything else because there are things out there that way too inappropriate for your eyes.”  Taron explained. “Like you and uncle Richard in Rocketman?” Nova asked and as soon as Richard heard that, he walked toward the pair with their entrees. Richard put the plates down on the table. “What’s that?” Nova asked with curiosity. “It’s little balls of melon.” Richard replied with a smile. Nova starts laughing and both men look at each other and look back at her. “What’s so funny?” Taron asked with amusement. “I don’t know. It just sounded funny how uncle Rich said it.” Nova replied as she calmed down a little. Richard walked off and Taron and Nova started eating. “Dad, how did you break your arm?” Nova asked suddenly. “Well, I was showing mummy the treehouse when it was finished and she tripped and when I went to catch her, I fell out the window and landed on my arm.” Taron explained as he left out the dirty details. Nova raised her brow at him, not convinced. “Are you sure that’s what happened because I heard grandma Tina telling Granddad that you and mummy needed to keep your shenanigans on the ground. So, what were you doing?” Nova asked and Taron mentally facepalmed himself and made another note tell his mother to be careful what she says with the girls when they are around. “What exactly were you doing listening to mine and Grandma’s conversation?” Taron asked as he avoided the question. “It’s not my fault grandma talks so loud.” Nova muttered as Taron gave his daughter a stern look. “Sorry daddy.” Nova said softly as she looked down at her food. “Just don’t let it happen again. Alright sweetheart?” Taron replied as Nova’s smile returned.
After the pair finish eating their last course, Richard collected the plates and walks back to the kitchen. “Dad, what made you agree to take me on a date?” Nova asked. Taron smiled warmly at her. “Well my darling, it’s because I wanted to show you how a man should treat his woman and for you not to accept anything less than a gentleman.” Taron explained as Nova nodded. “Oh ok. What exactly is a gentleman?” Nova asked as she looked at her father. “A gentleman is someone who will stop at nothing to make you feel loved and respected and treat you like a queen. It doesn’t mean that he has to always take you on extravagant dates, it could be as simple as opening a door for you, pulling out a chair for you, give you a compliment or even giving you his coat when you are cold. It’s how a man presents himself and sometimes it’s about the little or grand gestures he does for you.” Taron farther explained as Nova smiled at him. “Oh ok. It’s like how you are with mummy.” Nova questioned. “Exactly. Which is why when I make breakfast for mummy in the morning, I will sing to her or when I say she looks beautiful and it makes her smile. It’s all about making mummy feel good.” Taron said warmly. “It’s like when you gave me the flowers and told me I was breathtaking?” Nova asked as her father nodded. “Exactly sweetheart. Just like that.” He said as music started playing. Nova looked at him as he stood up and walked toward her. Taron held out his hand for her to take. “May I have this dance m’ lady?” Taron asks with a cheeky smile and Nova chuckles. “Yes you may kind sir.” Nova replied with the same cheeky smile as she stood up and followed Taron to where he had set up a make shift dancefloor. He spun her around, causing her to giggle. “Daddy, you’re not really a good dancer. You have two left feet.” Nova said as she laughed. Taron joined in her laughter. After their dance, they went outside where Taron had another surprise.
Taron led Nova outside and to a spot where she could look around at what he and Richard had set up. Her eyes landed on a blanket that was surrounded by pillows and cushions. Fairy lights had been set up sporadically and another fire had been lit in the outside fireplace. Nova turned to face her father. “Daddy?” She asked when she saw him down on one knee with a ring box in his hand. “Nova, from the moment that you were born, I knew that our bond would be strong. You taught me how to love selflessly and you taught me what it meant to be a father. Being able to watch you grow has been the greatest honour I’ve been blessed with. My darling, if you accept this ring, I promise to always be there for you, to always protect you, to love you unconditionally and I promise to always be your knight in shining armour. You are my greatest joy and if you trust me, I promise I will spend the rest of my life making sure that you grow into the beautiful woman I know that you are meant to be. And I will give you my full blessing when the right man comes into your life. Will you accept this ring?” Taron asked as he held his daughter’s left hand. Nova could feel the tears in her eyes. Nova nodded and Taron pulled the ring out and slid it on to Nova’s left ring finger as a symbol of his love for her. Nova threw her arms around his neck and cried into him.
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(It’s the North star.)
“There is one more thing I want you to remember.” Taron said as Nova pulled away from him and wiped her tears away. Taron took her left hand again. “When you look down at this ring, not only do I want you to be reminded of the promises made here tonight, I want you to remember that if you ever get lost or you feel like you can’t face this world alone, to look down at this ring and know that it will lead you home.” Taron explained as Nova nodded and kissed his cheek. “I love you so much daddy. Thank you for making tonight so special.” Nova replied as her father wiped away the rest of her tears. “I love you too baby girl. You don’t need to thank me.” He said as he stood up and led Nova to the blanket. “What’s this for?” Nova asked as they sat down. “Lay back and you’ll see.” Taron replied softly as he laid back himself. Nova did as she was told and was met with a stunning sight. The stars embraced the night sky as they danced and sparkled as if they were putting a show for Nova and her father. While they were star gazing, Richard sent the video of Taron making his promise to Nova to Sarah but told her that she had to wait for Taron to come home so that they could watch it together. Eventually, Nova could feel her eyes begin to get heavy, so she laid her head on her father’s strong chest and listened to the sound of his heart beating. Taron wrapped his arms around her and smiled. “Can you sing to me daddy?” She asked quietly. “Of course princess.” Taron replied as he started singing ‘Your Song’ by Elton john. As he sang, his fingers softly combed through her hair. “I love you so much dad.” Nova said as she allowed her eyes to close as she felt safe and protected in his arms. “I love you too my sweet Nova Rae.” He replied as he kissed her head.
“Sarah, can you help me?” Taron asked as he quickly ran to the living room. “What’s wrong?” Sarah replied with concern. “Nova fell asleep in the car. I’m carrying her to bed but I will need your help to get her changed.” He explained. Both parents got their oldest to bed without waking her. Once they were sure she wasn’t going to budge, they made their way to their room. Sarah laid on the bed and rubbed her ever growing belly. “Did you both have a good time?” Sarah asked as she watched her husband walk to the closet. “What are you doing?” Sarah asked when she saw her husband pull out a bag. “I know that you’ve been feeling uncomfortable lately and I bought some things for you that will hopefully help.” Taron said with a mischievous glint in his eye. “ Taron David, what the hell did you buy?” Sarah questioned with warning. He chuckled and pulled out a box. “Open it.” He said as he pushed the box toward her. Sarah did and she gasped and rolled her eyes when her eyes landed on the plethora of sex toys he had bought. “Taron, I know I said earlier that we would fuck when you got home but I really feel gross right now. I mean look at me.” Sarah whined as she motioned to her body. Taron smiled and sat next to her on the bed. “You are the most incredible woman I have ever scene. You have given me the best gift and no matter how gross and uncomfortable you may feel, to me, it shows me just how strong you are and how much you love me for being willing to protect our baby. The whole thing for me is a major turn on and when you are pregnant, your sex appeal flies through the roof.” Taron explained as he leaned down to kiss Sarah’s lips in a hungry and needy kiss. “Tonight is all about you. Let me show you how beautiful you really are.” He said as he stood up with his eyes dark with lust. 
Taron spent the rest of the night pleasuring his wife in ways she didn’t think possible and needless to say, she woke up feeling indescribably beautiful.
Let me know what you think!
Tag List: @rocknrollmadden 
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angelhummel · 5 years
So I've been compiling a list of Underrated Glee Lines. A few of my favourites include: 'They must have sensed that I was a lesbian, they must have. I mean, do I smell like a golfcourse??' 'Ive pepperoni in my bra' 'those are your nipples' 'Dude, my dad didnt raise me to be no ballerina. My dad didnt even raise me!' Have you a favourite?
Oh man I’m sure there’s a million. Pretty much anything Azimio says is great 
Rachel: Won’t Quinn be mad at you sitting vigil at my bedside? Finn: Well, I’m standing... 
Finn: I’ve got some great ideas for sectionalsTina: WE’LL ALL BE DEAD BY THEN!! 
Sugar: Who’s gonna drive the bus?! 
Sam: That was my James Earl Jones impression Santana: First of all, that’s offensive. He shot Martin Luther King
Puck: You’re in New York. The city of love!Sam, with a mouthful of food: I thought that was Paris
Sam: If I was in love with a girl and I wasn’t homeless, I’d totally go for it
Santana: Don’t listen to her. Look at her shoes
Marley: Every ocean starts with one drop of water, right? ...I sound like my grandma
Kurt: I can't stop you from falling but I can promise to make it safe if you do. And I think Santana should do your makeup.
That’s just some of them lol
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nerdybookworm25 · 5 years
Ships that I Ship
It’s not in any particular order, just by fandom. I figured I’d say what I ship before people yell at me in the comments of posts about hating one of my ships. Hate here, my dudes.
Percabeth (Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase)
Gruniper (Grover Underwood & Juniper)
Tratie (Travis Stoll and Katie Gardner)
Chris Rodriguez & Clarisse LaRue
Selina Boregaurd & Charles Bekendorf
Tyson & Ella
Jiper (Jason Grace & Piper McLean)
Frazel (Frank Zhang & Hazel Levesque)
Caleo (Calypso & Leo Valdez)
Solangelo (Will Solace & Nico di Angelo)
Gleason Hedge & Millie
Hades & Persephone
Hinny (Harry Potter & Ginny Weasley)
Romione (Ron Weasley & Hermione Granger)
Frangelia (Fred Weasley and Angelia Johnson)
Molly & Arthur Weasley
Bill Weasley & Fleur Delacore
Runa (Rolf Scamander & Luna Lovegood)
Hannah Abbot & Neville Longbottom
Astoria Greeengrass & Draco Malfoy
Cedric Diggory & Chi Chang
Jily (James Potter & Lily Evans)
Blackinnon (Sirius Black & Marlene Mickinnon)
Remadora (Remus Lupin & Nymphadora Tonks)
Tedorie (Teddy Lupin & Victorie Weasley)
Jalice (James Potter II & Alice Longbottom II)
Queenie Goldstein & Jacob Kowalski
Tina Goldstein & Newt Scamander
Credence Barebone & Nagini
Pepperony (Tony Stark & Pepper Potts)
Claura (Clint & Laura Barton)
Steggy (Steve Rogers & Peggy Carter)
Winter Widow/Buckynat/Bucktasha (James Barnes & Natasha Romanoff)
Spideychelle (Peter Parker & Michelle Jones)
Netty (Ned Leads & Betty Brant)
Wanda Maximoff & Vision
Peter Quill & Gamora
Drax & Mantis
Leia Organa & Han Solo
Jelsa (Jack Frost & Elsa)
Kristoff & Anna
Eugene Fitzherbert & Rapunzle
Adrianette/Lady Noir/Marichat/Ladrian (Marianette Dupen Chang [Ladybug] & Ardrian Agreste [Chat Noir])
Steve Trevor & Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
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doughyduo replied to your post “Send my muse a food or a drink and they will have to eat or drink it!...”
But with how fat Tina is to enjoy a pepperoni pizza and pepsi for breakfast, is it really great if it doesn't even come close to filling her up?
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“It’s great because it’s only a start t’ m’ day, meanin’ a start t’ m’ breakfast!”
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replica004 · 6 years
AH, BTW i haven’t seen anyone mention this yet but my italian ass needs to clarify something.
Of course y’all know Gyro’s Pizza Mozzarella song, right?
You may think the muse of this song is THIS pizza (called Margherita)
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or maybe this (Pizza Pepperoni, which is not italian but american)
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The second verse goes “Gorgonzola, zola zola zola”
So there’s only one pizza that goes with this description, and it is
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Pizza Quattro Formaggi is specifically made of, yeah, 4 different kinds of cheese (Mozzarella, Gorgonzola, Fontina and Parmigiano).
We can only speculate that the next two verses of the song are something like: “Fontina, tina tina tina” and “Parmigiano, giano giano giano” lmao
ok now you know bye #hiddenitalianlore
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