#timmy the obnoxious anon
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In the girl!Leon universe (my fave universe—it lives rent-free in my mind), does the photo of Brady’s wedding seating chart get posted online? Does it cause minor intrigue as to why Leon’s there? Do rumors start about her and Timmy that thrill and amuse some people much more than others? Or any other Leon-at-the-BTkachuk-wedding details you want to share?
(Thanks for sharing your writing and for all the hours that reading your stories has made a lot more bearable during work travel this year!)
oh my god anon, what a FANTASTIC question. your brain is so big and beautiful. i am immediately adopting this scenario as canon because i fucking LOVE the idea of ~rumors swirling~ about leon and timmy, because timmy would absolutely do the WORST job of dispelling them.
imo in this universe timmy has a series of doomed crushes he just has to recover from and one of those doomed crushes was definitely leon when he was like seventeen and she was really hitting her stride in the league. by this point he has gotten over it (with a pit stop to have a doomed crush on his captain) but also it means when someone asks him at training camp if he's hung out with leon he's very like, oh yeah, we TEXT now, and everyone takes this the way you would expect.
fortunately leon is much less of a repressed asshole now that she's getting laid on the regular and, you know, in love and stuff, so she's not all that mean to timmy about it (and he does send her a sad apology text when it becomes a bigger rumor than is actually funny) (it's funny for a LONG time though) and it becomes an in joke fast. leon tells matthew she's leaving him for timmy at least once when matthew's being obnoxious.
i think the other thing that does not actually leak because taryn is a good sister who deletes things fast is an insta story that is 99% brady and emma swaying and being in love during a slow dance, but in a back corner you can also, barely, see matthew hugging leon from behind with his chin on her shoulder. they are also in love.
#ask#girl!leon wip :)#anon i am SO obsessed with this leon timmy rumor. it IS canon now#PLEASE feel free to tell me other things i can incorporate into The Lore
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i will say something that frustrates me a bit, tom could dominate hollywood like Zendaya and timmy if he chooses too. he's got the skills, hes got the charisma, hes got the looks, and unlike Z who had to work her ass off for where she is today, he's got privilege. if he just go to the right events and make the right connections, and choose the right roles, he could dominate hollywood. of course with roles, there will be hits and misses. i love tom, huge fan of his. he did wonderful with spiderman and uncharted even though people were rooting against, but his charisma and talent won a lot of people over. kid's got potential he just doesnt use it. either because he doesnt want to or doesnt know how to. but it is frustrating as of right now because theres so much potential. the good thing about awards shows and these types of events is that he can meet and talk to some major players in hollywood, he just doesnt want to go, and i get why, he said why but doesnt change things. Timmy uses his star power, and though a bit pretentious and hungry for fame which i dislike, hes (for the most part/ he made poor decisions over the last month or 2) smart. he goes to events, he mingles with people, he chooses to work with powerful and big name directors and you've got to give him that at least. same with JE. and i hate JE literally. hes more pretentious and obnoxious, no charisma but him and his team are super smart. i will give them that at least.
Thanks for your honest thoughts and opinions Anon.
You know, I kind of hear this type of sentiment from many Tom stans quite a lot, and I'm wondering if possibly what's going on here is that SOME of Tom's stans sort of feel like he started off on such a great foot with his earlier indie career, and then with Spider-Man, but then now...Some may feel as though Tom is kind of lagging behind his peers, especially when they see other actors around his same age (even up-and-coming actors) seeming to be "eclipsing" Tom (Dom's favorite word lol 😅) in the Hollywood industry career department.
I can sort of see why SOME of Tom's stans who actually really do love him would like to see him having the same prestige, film roles, or perceived "hype" in Hollywood that they see other young actors getting in the industry.
With all of that said however... I think fans need to take a deep breath, take a step back, and keep in mind first and foremost that the level of fame that Tom has is NOT something that is easy for most people.
Tom was announced as being the next Spider-Man in 2015, and then he was first seen in "Captain America: Civil War" in 2016....then from there he went on to film his OWN solo Spidey film, "Spiderman: HOCO" in 2016....and then, a year later, he was thrust and catapulted into a level of fame that he had never experienced before after his film HOCO came out in 2017.
Tom's popularity and fame has only INCREASED since 2017. Most of that is due to Marvel and being in some of the most highest-grossing blockbuster films in the WORLD, and another part of that is due to Tom's general likability, friendliness, and charismatic nature that just seems to come naturally to him. 😊
I don't even think that fans can really compare Tom's fame level to lesser-known actors, or even to Timothee Chalamet, who JUST recently reached 19 Million followers on Instagram, whereas meanwhile, Tom has 66.3 Million followers on Instagram. I just don't think that's really fair.
Timothee has also had the added benefit of being able to sort of "fly under the radar" somewhat. While Timothee is yes, very popular, has a huge fanbase, and has critical acclaim with tons of award nominations and a few wins under his belt, he also has usually primarily stuck to mostly smaller, indie films throughout most of his career, so Timmy's fame has seen more of slightly gradual increase in fame level, as opposed to becoming WILDLY HUGE overnight, as was the case with Tom.
I've always said that if I were to ever become famous, I would rather be SEMI-famous, and still be able to live a somewhat normal life, do my work, go home, and have a pretty basic lifestyle, vs being MEGA-famous, barely being able to walk out of my front door without being papped or chased by fans, or always being asked for a picture (or sometimes not even asked), and having my life constantly up for discussion. And a "Private life"? What's that?? I would much prefer the former rather than the latter.
I don't think fans realize that fame (especially large amounts of it) can really mess with someone's head. While at the outset it might seem fun, exciting, addictive and even intoxicating at first, fans don't realize that later on down the line, this level of fame can make you feel suffocated after a while. 😔
Many actors (and celebrities just in general) have suffered from anxiety, loneliness, DEPRESSION, paranoia, and worthlessness just simply due to having to deal with massive amounts of fame, hate online, and the constant feeling of their lives being under a microscope. 😔
Based on what Tom (and his dad) has said, to me it almost seems as though he would rather try to live a more normal life, as opposed to getting even MORE increasingly famous. We have to remember that unlike some actors who may have always dreamed of acting or being famous, Tom was sort of thrown into acting due to being spotted by a talent scout. He ended up liking it and just stuck with it, but it's not like he was somebody who was dreaming of being an actor or being famous one day, like some others might.
Dom has even said recently on a podcast that he doesn't even worry about Tom's career in Hollywood... He worries MOST about whether or not his son will have the ability to live a somewhat normal LIFE. To me, that was very telling. 😔
Personally?? I think that overall Tom will be okay. But like you yourself even mentioned, we need to ask ourselves if continuing to be massively famous is something that Tom himself even wants?? 🤔 To me, it seems like Tom has other more important goals in his life that take more priority. Jmho.
While Tom I'm sure enjoys acting, and might even wish to direct films one day, I don't get the impression that he is particularly all that comfortable with the huge fame aspect of it. That can be somewhat daunting for anybody.
I think fans need to have some mercy and grace, and realize that Tom is doing just fine, and he will be okay. 😊 Like you mentioned, he has some privilege in Hollywood that not all people (especially woc) are afforded. I know fans only want Tom to be getting accolades because we all know and see his talent, his potential, and want certain roles for him, or for him to work with certain directors/actors, etc. But we have to ask ourselves: "What does TOM want?" 🤔
#sorry for the long dissertation#I'm trying to do better lol 😅#but some asks just warrant an essay lol
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Yup, they are both faux deep and faux artists. After her behaviour with Timmy and the director of her last film, it's clear she's definitely after fame first and foremost. Harry is her ticket for that so she will put aside any concern for how she's treated by his fans to get what she wants.
You had me in the beginning when they first came out, Mod. I thought you liked her 😁
Also the projection of that anon…how would anyone even know what Anne wants in a daughter in law?? 🙄 also, it’s pretty easy to replicate ALL of those looks with basic high street pieces, materials used and all. There’s nothing groundbreaking there.
I don't feel any way about her honestly, I'm just calling it as I see it. She's no where near as obnoxious as Olivia, so there's that but she's not the perfect sweet angel people seem to think she is either. The other mod may feel differently.
I have repeatedly said that I don't know enough about her to form an opinion of her one way or another.
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Anonymous, I have to ask this with the utmost sincerity: what do you get out of this? Why are you wasting both of our time by harassing me? Moreso yours than mine because I can choose not to address you at all and just delete your asks, you on the other hand have to take however much time it took to write all of that and send it in. What’s the point? What’s your goal? Are you just doing it to get attention? Well, congrats, here’s your attention you so desperately sought.
You keep sending me anonymous asks about things I post on Twitter and don’t crosspost here. Why do you think that’s a good idea? I’m not going to post stuff that vaguely talks about Twitter stuff here without also providing the proper context, so it’s either a case of me going out of my way to go find the context so that people have all the information or take the easier option, which is to just delete the ask and go on with my day. It would make sense to send me an ask here if I bothered to crosspost, but I haven’t, so why are you trying to force me to? If you’ve got something to say about what I post on Twitter, wouldn’t it make more sense to address it, I dunno, on Twitter?? Why do you want everything spread out from its proper context? I mean, I know why you do this. It’s because if you respond to my Twitter stuff on Twitter, there are no options to hide, your identity is Right There. Question is, are you willing to admit that you’re a coward?
You deem me a “bully” because I shared a censored screenshot of something that I found somewhat ridiculous. This is a bad-faith interpretation of the events of that whole nonsense and you know it. I removed the username specifically to prevent people harassing that kid, and when I found out that creeps had gone out of their way to figure out who that kid was and harass them anyway I tried my best to make things right. I still don’t know if I was able to do so, and I know this is hard for you to believe because you think I’m a horrible person who relishes in tearing people down, but that still eats me up inside. And I thought you “couldn’t follow me” after that, so why are you still here? Either way, it’s real cute that you call me a bully when you constantly bring up me talking about my living situation in a taunting manner and poke and prod at me for daring to be openly vulnerable on my own social media, seemingly with no similar internal conflict on your end. That sounds like something an actual bully does rather than someone who made a mistake and desperately tried to correct it. You’d think if I were bullying someone I’d’ve kept going at it, but I haven’t talked to that kid since I apologized and told them I’d get out of their life.
You call me “racist” because I was having a little fun with homonyms. Okay, this is the one point that I will concede that yeah, it may have seemed that way, and while it wasn’t meant in malice it still wasn’t all that appropriate and interpretation is more important than intent there. It was “tacky” as you so eloquently put it. Which is why I deleted that tweet and replaced the offending part with an actually decent argument for my core point rather than just “haha, names are spelled the same, human language is funny :D”. Regardless of what the second half of that tweet said, my point about not needing to wait for the return of an apocalyptic “prophet” still stands. I prefer to live in reality, or at least I acknowledge when my fantasies are in fact fantasy. And that still doesn’t excuse the fact that you said I should get hit by a shoe for making linguistics jokes and not believing what an ancient book says. Who does that??? No, seriously, how is that so normalized irl that it has a term for it that isn’t just “assault”?
You claim I “faked anons”, that’s rich coming from the person who likely sent them. Why would I send myself anon hate, especially anon hate I don’t even post? I tend to eventually turn anon back on for the nice anons who don’t deserve having their access to anonymous taken away because of your actions. (which, sorry nice anons, this creep ruined it for you again for a while :c ) Meanwhile you’re the one who’s actively block-evading, which I’m willing to put down to Tumblr’s anon blocking not being the most effective, but still you went out of your way to change your IP address to get around it. Did you use a VPN? Or did you actually bother dragging your ass to the library and getting on one of their public computers?
Look, you and I both know that we’re not going to get anything worthwhile out of this. You’re going to keep spending minutes on end writing vitriol that’s likely just going to go into the trash. How about instead you go outside for a bit? Just step out of your house for a few minutes. Count all the birds you see while you’re out there. Listen to the nature sounds. Appreciate the breeze on your face.
Just do anything positive. Because this can’t be healthy for you either.
#important#y'know what i'm gonna give you a name for if you come back again once i'm okay to reinstate anonymous#i'm gonna call you...#timmy the obnoxious anon#because you're acting like a child#a cowardly child who can't own their actions with their own face#i made a guess who this is on twitter but if i softblocked the wrong person i apologize#i just made connections based on the patterns i could see#and if those were wrong...woops o_o;
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Opinion on Game of Thrones?
I’ve never seen it! And I don’t plan on seeing it, tbh... started out as a “you can’t peer pressure me into watching this!” kinda vibe when I was a lot younger, but now I know more about it, I just don’t think it’s really for me, so. (Plus, I know how disappointed everyone was with the end, and that doesn’t sound like something I want to get involved with 😂). So yeah, I don’t really have an opinion, honestly!
#it’s one of those things where#i get why people really love it#and maybe if i’d been involved back in the day#i’d be a huge fan now#but it kind of just passed me by??#i don’t talk about it bc i’m not gonna be one of those obnoxious people#who think they’re superior bc they don’t watch#you know the ones#asks#anonymous#ellie why do i feel like this is u even tho you know my Thots already#every time i get an anon now i feel like it’s ellie#she’s scarred me with her timmy stalking ways
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Hi! Do you mind writing hcs about the boys playing genshin impact?
a/n: anon i am in love with you thank you so so much for requesting this
the dangerous fellows play genshin headcanons
- a VERY casual player. played up to ar 25 and when he saw he had to do something called ascension he dipped immediately
- still logs on to do commissions tho
- and forgets to collect the rewards for it every time
- has no idea how ANYTHING in genshin works. he unironically builds barbara dps and it somehow works out?? good for him!
- THE LUCKIEST PULLS. EVER. he pulled diluc, qiqi, and mona on his first ten pull on the standard banner and zion hasn’t spoken to him since
- accepts co-op requests but never talks in chat. couldn’t figure out how to use the chat function so he jumps to communicate
- he lets people raid him because he never figured out how to ascend his characters either :’)
- an absolute angel
- has an emotional attachment to traveler and refuses to take them off his team no matter how many good pulls he gets
- the only person who actually doesn’t kill timmie’s birds
- if he comes across hilichurls sleeping or dancing he leaves them alone. it doesn’t matter if it’s a commission he’ll just pass it for the day
- LOVES co-oping with people who are a lower world lvl than them. he helps them do their world quests and commissions, and even sticks around to kill bosses and unlock domains
- everybody is in love with him
- lets people steal resources from his world
- a very very friendly guy in chat
- plays healers in domains
- thought genshin would be lame but downloaded it anyways
- ended up developing a gambling addiction
- cannot save for the life of him. the moment he gets 160 primogems he pulls IMMEDIATELY
- didn’t know he was supposed to wish on the promotional banner until eugene clowned him for it
- buys the battle pass every time
- HAS THE WORST LUCK. he’s sitting at a c6 amber and lisa rn
- had no idea he could offer the anemoculus and geoculus to the statues until ar 35
- doesn’t have any idea on what the fuck artifacts are. he slaps on random shit on his characters and prays
- let eugene into his world once and afk’d for a bit. came back to see all his violetgrass and cor lapis was gone
- hides the fact he plays genshin
- ar 55 lookin ass
- all his supporting characters’ builds are absolute DOGSHIT venti is the only one he actually cares about building
- trolls people in co-op
- not in an obnoxious way tho he just screws around a lot
- says he’s a f2p but has all the bp weapons
- his venti does so much dmg u don’t understand. he one shot level 90 stormterror with a charged basic attack
- goes into worlds just to raid them, but he does still help with some stuff if the person he’s stealing from wants
- flexes his 5 star characters
- the only smart one who knows how everything in genshin works. mid luck on both artifacts and pulls, but he saves up accordingly
- has notifications on for genshin leaks. usually gets his leaks like 2-3 days earlier bc he has his ways
- unintentionally became a very famous genshin player because his builds and commentary are absolute insane. he's hitting 1 million crit easily
- uses all his brain power to estimate his primogems and when to roll 😭 fucking nerd
- judges everyone secretly for their builds secretly. if he's feeling like an asshole that day he'll join their world and give very passive aggressive advice that’s not advice
- speaking of which he takes advantage of EVERYONE'S world. he secretly steals their resources and dips immediately afterwards after promising to help them :^)
- even though a lot of his characters, weapons, and artifacts are leveled up he still has like 15 million mora wtf
the day i stop torturing zion in my headcanons is the day i die. thank you so much once again anon! this was super fun and i'm sorry this was super late. i’m still recovering from covid so i spend around 20 hours a day just playing genshin to pass time :’)
> lychee
#dangerous fellows#dfel#dfel lawrence#dfel zion#lawrence#otome game#zion#dfel eugene#dfel ethan#dfel harry#harry#dangerous fellows harry#dangerous fellows ethan#dangerous fellows zion#dangerous fellows eugene#dangerous fellows lawrence#genshin impact#genshin impact headcanons#playing genshin impact
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Pick Me Choose Me Love Me Tim Drake x Reader
Words: 1.2k
Requested? Yes! From a lovely anon!
“Heya, can I request 1 and 4 with Tim? Thanks!” (1. pick me, choose me, love me & 4. make me)
Lemme tell you that this is some angsty shit right here. I went full cliche with this. Knowing my blog you should know it ends in fluff because we gotta stay true to character here but boyyyyyy I really wrecked myself writing this. Thank you for the AMAZING request I love combining 1 & 4 it wasn’t even on my radar, anon you are an evil, angsty, genius. I love you. xoxo!
Today was the day! Tim told you it was time you meet the most important girl in his life! You’d never thought about how you’d never met his mother, mostly seeing Mr. Wayne around the manor when you two hangout but you hoped that by meeting her today at the coffee shop you and Tim had always loved was a sign that he’d finally got his feelings in check and was going to ask you out.
You’d spent the afternoon picking out a classy but cute outfit, tried 4 different hair styles and eventually just decided to put it up your favorite way and worry about what you would say to this very important woman. You gave yourself a pep talk on the walk there. The coffee shop was a special place for you and Tim, it was the start of your friendship, where you figured out he was Red Robin, and basically the keystone to your friendship. Meeting his mother there was perfect in your eyes. With a deep breath you opened the door, appreciating the familiar jingle of the door’s bells as you entered. Heart full, you rounded the corner to your booth and you heart stopped.
There was Tim. He looked put together but casual, cute but sexy, and happy but not with you. His arm was around a girl your age, not a motherly figure unless all people makeout with their teenage mothers. Feeling your heart literally break inside of you seeing Tim smile the way you thought only you could make him while he winked at a trashy, obnoxious girl. Trying not to throw up you walked up to the booth, gaining Tim’s attention finally. He looked so excited to see you, “hey! Y/n like I said, may I introduce you to the lovely Sierra Sires!” you tried to force a smile realizing you were meeting another Gotham billionaire’s daughter. She looked the part too, covered in expensive jewelry and name brand, designer clothing she looked like everything you hated, and she was the one with Tim’s love.
“Hello Sierra, nice to meet you.” hiding the grimace you sat down opposite the two. Tim ordered for all three of you, noting he knew her whole order; some skinny iced latte with vanilla free bullshit and some fancy nut milk you didn’t even know existed. Everything about her on Tim’s arm looked wrong. Partially because she was the physical embodiment of fake and mostly because you knew in your soul it should be you. To make matters worse, it was raining and you had planned on going to the manor with Tim after but you knew you couldn’t stomach that after meeting little miss plastic.
Trying to politely engage in conversation you felt like Tim was a different person, he was talking business and flashing toothy grins with Sierra that was so different from the quiet, kind smiles he always shared with you. This was Tim’s real life? Clearly Tim’s standards for ‘most important girl in the world’ were low if a girl he’d been slobbering for three weeks was in the number one slot.
The torture was over when Sierra had to go to some stupid interview, watching her get whisked off in a fancy car you turned back to Tim who looked at you expectantly. “So whatcha think of Cici?” you gagged at the pet name. “Actually Tim I’ve gotta go home, sorry.” you decided you needed to stop by the supermarket and get ice cream to cry into tonight, no room for Tim in those plans especially because he was the reason your heart was shattered. “What no! Y/n let go to the manor! You promised we’d hangout, and it’s raining and you didn’t bring an umbrella!” he wiggled an eyebrow knowing how you hated getting wet.
“No Tim I’m going home.” You got up, quickly leaving the cafe. Breaking into a jog you heard the same stupid jingle as footsteps neared you. “Y/n woah hold up- STOP” Tim never shouted at you. Something inside you stopped, whipping around to face him. “Well Tim here’s your damn answer. I hate her. Your dear Sierra, the most important girl in your life more like worst girl in your life. Me. Tim. I’ve been here for years, by your side through it all. Fuck I’ve loved you through it all. And she’s your person? Really?” At this point your angry tears were mixed with the rain you kept pushing out of your face. Tim looked shocked, his hair was matted to his forehead while the second best detective in the world had finally been stumped. “Y/n I- I thought you didn’t feel that way about me. I chose Sierra and I like her - but I think I like you too.” his eyes cast down, and you realized you needed to make everything clear.
Your hand went to his cheek, pulling his face up to look you in the eyes. “I’m gonna say this once, you get one chance to make me yours. Here it is: your choice. It's simple, her or me, and I'm sure she is really great. But Tim, I love you. So pick me, choose me, love me. Timothy Drake Wayne I need you to pick me. Please.” his face looked blurry from the tears and pieces of your hair slicked against your face but you could see his eyes brimming with emotion.
Tim looked in your eyes, moving pieces of hair behind your ear as he began, “Y/n it’s you, I love you. I’ve spent my life saving people’s lives but here you are, the one saving mine. Y/n I choose you I choose the girl who’s my rock, my person, and the best thing to ever happen to me.” That was all it took before the two of you were crashing your lips together. Your hands ran through his wet hair, pulling his body closer to yours. It felt like fire was dancing across your skin while you kissed him. Breaking apart to breathe Tim clasped your hand in his, the two of you touching foreheads, closer than you’d ever been. “Good choice Timmy” you whispered breathlessly. With a smirk he replied “I thought you’d like that one, I am the world's greatest detective you know” you snorted “world’s most oblivious idiot maybe” “I’m your idiot now Y/N” you glanced up at him feeling your heart pick itself up as he flashed the same kind smile you knew would always be yours.
Feeling him pull you with him towards your apartment as he mumbled “C’mon love I know you hate the rain” you agreed as the two of you walked hand in hand, the rain didn't feel so bad anymore with the love of your life finally secured. For once you felt at home, heart full as you had your other half next to you.
#tim drake#tim drake x reader#tim drake x y/n#tim drake x you#tim drake angst#tim drake fluff#dc#dc fluff#dc angst
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I don’t think being a heartthrob is a negative at all. There are millions of teens not part of the very vocal cancel culture on social media. They are very lovely and will probably support Timmy his whole career. Cancel culture is a disease, but you’ll find it matters very little to a persons career even when ‘the whole internet’ hates them (unless of course it’s something criminal ala Weinstein and Spacey). The hords tend to forget quickly and those who don’t will just frustrate themselves screaming into the void. I think Timmy’s doing fine in his career choices. He is booked and busy.
Hello, Anon:
Timmy is not the problem. Being a heartthrob is not the problem. Age is not necessarily an issue, either. Perhaps it would more accurate to describe the issue in terms of maturity level, age notwithstanding.
For the most part, It’s the super loud and the super obnoxious who are ruining this experience for everyone. That tends to apply to any and all circumstances, if you think about it.
This is just a lot of pot-stirring, and while it’s moderately irritating that the loudest voices get all the attention, you’re absolutely correct, there are so many more rational people than not in his fandom.
I’m mostly neutral on the topic, except as it pertains to the need for a magic show to entertain the children, with regard to any celebrity PR strategy. This is what irritates me about the fandom experience lately. Just my two cents.
Thanks for your comment. 😊
#hello anon#teen dream#positives and negatives#life in the fandom#maturity#fandom menace#short attention span theater#timothée chamalet#tales from the charmiesphere
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Mmkay so, hello! I've been into dc since I was 13 or 14? and ever since then, I've loved or liked most of the batfam except for one character. And it's Tim. This was when I barely interacted with the fandom online but reading the comics, his character just, didn't resonate with me? Or I just thought he was pretty meh. When I finally went and interacted with the fandom, seeing the appalling and annoying behavior of Tim stans just, majorly turned me off from the character 1/2
Honestly, the more Tim stans constantly lift up his character by belittling other members of the batfam or being obnoxious by mindlessly blaming and hating other batfam members because 'they were mean to my baby Timmy one time!' just makes more people start actually disliking Tim and their attitudes just turn potential new fans away from the character? I used to not really care about him (the whole backstory of him barging in after Jason died to become robin because batman needed a robin 2/3
felt pretty iffy to me? When I read his backstory, I kinda thought to myself, 'they couldn't have thought of a better way to make him robin?' And coming into the fandom, I tried to not let the rude Tim stans influence my opinion of Tim (which was, me being indifferent) but I eventually caved and just, started disliking him? I don't really have the energy to hate characters anymore but Tim is one of the few where I'm just, an inch from hating him. If I had more energy, I'd outright hate him 3/3
uhm okay mood! it’s like, at first i really liked him but as time has gone on i dislike him more and more and i swear it’s bc of the fans!!! he just seems so hard to like, idk. like u said tho i don’t put too much effort into hating him i just generally dislike him....obvs since u came here u know you aren’t alone in disliking him but just fyi i get other anons saying this same thing pretty frequently!
#sorry idk what to say rlly hahhahaa#anti tim drake#i also have friends who like him a lot so...u know#LOVE that my anti tim energies have manifested in anons coming to complain about him in my inbox. iconic of us tim hater#s
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Timmy looks amazing on the cover😍 the bit of his armor covering his groin seems obnoxiously large tho 😂😂 it's all I can notice smh
What do you mean, anon? He’s two inches proud ;)
But fuck me, he looks amazing. Muad’Dib is coming for our necks.
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whats this about a timmies parking lot fight who are you fighting can i come i want chocolate timbits
one of my tags this morning was something about fighting awsten in a timmies parking lot because he’s so obnoxiously loud about otto in his book fhgdfgdfsd
yes, you can come. timbits and iced capps will be provided.
go anon (or not) and say whatever you’d like to me
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Yes, I’m the Same anon that’s getting turned off of Timothee cause of his fans. And yeah, I think it’s cause of Dune and how Austin is going to most likely get nominated for an Oscar. Saw some of them having a bitchfest about his answers on the red carpet last night about Dune. Idk what it is about his fanbase, they get so threaten by other talented young male actors. They’re always lauding his Oscar nomination but now that Austin is more than likely also going to get one too they can’t act like Timmy is the one and only young talented male actor with critical acclaim. Just like who you like! Idk, it’s not even Timothee’s fault but truly can’t enjoy him anymore cause of his obnoxious fanbase. I swear they only care about awards and it would low key be funny with the constant bashing they do of Tom, if he ends up with an Oscar before any of them. Not that it matters but Tomvoodoo working in that way would be the ultimate karmic clapback. Elvis is on my to watchlist.
Okay, I thought you sounded familiar lol 😅
Anyway.... I just don't understand why fans can't just support all their peers in the industry? 🤷🏾♀️🥴 HW is a tough industry to be in. It can be cutthroat, it can ruin your self-esteem, make you insecure, put tremendous pressure on you, etc.
Instead of hating on another actor, maybe have some compassion for them? They're probably going through the same struggles in the industry your fave is also having to deal with. They're all in the same boat imo. 🤷🏾♀️
I don't think Leo's fans hated on Christian Bale for winning an Oscar 4 or 5 years BEFORE Leo, did they? 😂 Correct me if I'm wrong lol. And even if one actor DID win over another, you do realize that it's their PEERS, your fave included, who most likely voted for them in the Academy to win that award that year right? 🤨
Re: Austin....
Idk if he will be nominated for an Oscar, but I definitely feel like he most certainly deserves a nomination for his performance. 👍🏾Strangely enough however, as much as I enjoyed his performance, I don't think they should give him an Oscar so EARLY in his serious film career. Let him just have a nomination. He's been acting for ages, but he's only done two serious major motion picture films on the big screen. 🥴
I think the Academy tends to hold off on giving young male actors Oscars so early on in their careers, no matter how deserving they may be, and I strongly suspect that's why Timmy didn't win it that year for CMBYN. 🤷🏾♀️
I think they want these young actors to stay HUNGRY and to continue to improve in their craft. If you win an Oscar so soon, where else is next lol? 😂
That's why I'm not so pressed for Tom or any other one of my faves to win Oscars so soon, even though I know some fans want to see it. They have their whole careers to win an Oscar! There's no rush imo. 🤷🏾♀️
So honestly I'll be SHOCKED if Austin wins😅 (I really think it's Brendan's year tbh), but yea def check out the Elvis movie if you haven't. It was really well done imo. Very enjoyable.... and the music was 👌🏾 Especially if you appreciate gospel 😊
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I saw someone saying haters will have to read a Tim/Steph wedding in the new timeline and I just want to ask, why they have to be together in everything? Why they cant be their own person and stay away from each other? Dunno if that's what going to happen but It sounds terrible imo and stupid. It's just bad and lazy writing.
Okay but why Tim is acting like this is his first mission and never had to stay away from his friends/family and crying because he miss his girlfriend so much and doesn't care about what's going on around him? And why everyone is like "Oh my god he is so cute!!" in the fandom because that shit is,,, bad writing? Sorry if ya liked the story but that's what I am thinking about him right now lol he is kinda annoying because of this
*someone asks bendis if tim will ever get the respect he deserves* bendis: "OH YEAH HERE IS MORE TIMSTEPH FOR YOU
These are different anons, but they all read the same, and I get a lot of TimSteph related asks nowadays, so I figured I’d just save the time by answering my collection here at the same time.
Anyone that’s being all snippy about like “oh we’ll get the wedding!” is just like, I’m not even sure how to describe them. Just a toxic obnoxious person that takes a bit too much pleasure in annoying people that have a separate opinion to them.
Plus Didio doesn’t allowed weddings. Maybe they’ll get married during 5G (I sure hope 5G in general isn’t what it s), but going off of what it sounds like 5G is. I don’t think that’s a great thing, because I’m pretty sure that’s gonna suck.
Like I’m personally just annoyed that for the past decade that beyond him being in “Teen Titans” he’s barely treated as his own age.
Lots of people say “LET TIMMY GROW UP”, but I don’t see a point, they already wanna pretend he’s a grown-up. I say let Timmy be a kid, because he’s more interesting that way anyway.
No point in turning him into even more of a generic superhero than what they already turned him into.
I think the context of Tim promising he’d meet up with Steph after three days makes it sort-of okay. There’s at least a reasoning why he wants to get to her. He made a promise to her and he wants to get there.
But even then they overdone it so much that Tim just seems like a whiny little wanker
We have a years worth of Young Justice issues now. I’m still waiting for Tim to actually show his personality, because all he does is whine so far.
Honestly I’m just kind of broken by Young Justice. It’s a depressingly bad series now. One half of me doesn’t care, but the other half does because I still really care about Tim and I just want him to be written well for once.
He’s been stripped of anything that makes him- him.
It’s all feeling like a cruel joke.
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