#she’s scarred me with her timmy stalking ways
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1legitconnor · 2 years ago
Seven Snippets, Seven People
Shout out to @late-to-the-fandom for the tag! I'm going to post a snippet of description from each of the first 7 chapters of my book. I'm fairly confident in my dialogue abilities, but physical descriptions usually have me second guessing myself a little more, so that's what I'm sharing here.
Tagging: @awordchemist, @aalinaaaaaa, @authoralexharvey, @leave-her-a-tome, @lockejhaven, @nikkywrites, and @ryns-ramblings
Chapter 1 Snippet:
The tailor shop that Timmy works in in the small hamlet of Willowdale is not particularly grand, but it is decorated with a very distinctive personal touch. The walls are painted in simple patterns, but with bold colors. The art pieces on the walls are that of a child, straightforward in construction and unyielding in their defiance of the artistic rules that their creator did not yet know existed.
Chapter 2 Snippet:
Talia’s hair, styled as a messy, asymmetrical undercut, is as black as the tattoos of intertwined weapons and thorny vines that decorate her shoulders, chest, and back. Her skin, which would be pale if it were not so heavily sun-tanned, is marked with a scattering of old scars and her eyes are as blue as the water she always claims to be drinking. Even without her height advantage, she wields a presence and reputation powerful enough to intimidate the trained fighters and hardened veterans around her.
Chapter 3 Snippet:
Figuring out the best way to navigate the depths of the Elkmire Forest is notoriously difficult. Firstly, it is dangerous. It is populated with all manner of creatures, both magical and mundane, that are as deadly as they are magnificent. The choice to pass under the shadow of the Elkmire Forest is a choice to forfeit any expectation of safety. The second thing that the Elkmire Forest is known for is that, despite all reasoning to the contrary, nobody knows exactly how big it is.
Chapter 4 Snippet:
The painter continues her portrait, large and impressive as it is, careful to not make a single mistake. She looks up at the subject of her art, down to the canvas, and back up again. The folds and ripples of the pristine white cloak that hangs down from Alifras’ shoulders that make it look as though a light breeze is flowing through the room, the teasing of just a hint of the inside layer of the garment, red as the scales of a fire-dragon, Alifras’ golden-yellow shoulder-length hair, his lightly tanned skin, the artist misses nothing. The bright blue of his eyes, his arms crossed lazily behind his back, the books and papers neatly scattered across a nearby writing desk - each detail is noted by the keen eye of the painter as she translates it to the canvas in front of her.
Chapter 5 Snippet:
The beast’s long, barbed, 15-foot tail twitches and snaps angrily behind it. Its form shimmers and blurs as what meager moonlight there is refracts off of its glossy, midnight-colored coat, making it difficult for Madison to get an exact bead on it. The beast’s form blends and mixes with its own shadow. Indeed, the very shadows of the forest seem to reach out and claim the creature as one of their own children as it stalks slowly around Madison on six legs, circling, waiting for its moment to strike.
Chapter 6 Snippet:
They are in an abandoned combat arena that has long ago fallen into disrepair and disuse. The sun is up and Piper is sweltering under the full weight of her armor and shield. Her sword is still fake, but her opponent is real.
Chapter 7 Snippet:
It’s too late for Madison to kick away from the raft now. There’s too much swirling and pounding and pressure from the water for her to be able to correctly orient herself and the silt and dirt coming up from the river floor makes opening her eyes an impossibility. The raft, or whatever remains of it, should eventually find the surface. Her ability to do so on her own is less certain.
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gr-ogu · 5 years ago
Opinion on Game of Thrones?
I’ve never seen it! And I don’t plan on seeing it, tbh... started out as a “you can’t peer pressure me into watching this!” kinda vibe when I was a lot younger, but now I know more about it, I just don’t think it’s really for me, so. (Plus, I know how disappointed everyone was with the end, and that doesn’t sound like something I want to get involved with 😂). So yeah, I don’t really have an opinion, honestly!
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anothertimdrakestan · 5 years ago
Keep Trying Lover Boy Jason Todd x reader
Words: 1k
Requested? Yes! From a lovely anon!
“can you do prompt 23 "keep trying loved boy" with Jason flirting and trying to win the reader over even though she's Tim's best friend and he thinks it's gross but she's kinda falling for J???”
With a groan Damian jumped out of your way as you chased after Jason with a batarang in hand. Everyone wondered how you found such sharp objects at such quick notice but no one could blame you when you were constantly stalked by the most flirtatious asshole on the planet. “Y/n no! Let him go c’mon!” Tim caught up to you, grabbing your arm and pulling you back as Jason’s figure slipped down one of the Wayne Manor’s many hallways.
“God Tim if he calls me princess one more time I’ll throw the batarang next time” Tim rolled his eyes. “Y/n you know I hate it too but he’s only doing it cuz you react like this” you couldn’t help but disagree, Jason had always hung around you when you came over. With pet names, little gifts, and constant flirting you knew he was trying to hide raw emotion behind a smirk and fuckboy facade. This was partially your fault for sometimes flirting back, texting first, and trying to mess with Jason, what is a girl to do when a guy is practically in love with her?
Tim would never let you forget when he found you stretching in front of Jason before the two of you went for a run. Both of you knew this was a purposeful placement as you bent over and flexed your muscles in front of Jay. Or the time when he called you princess and you casually responded, acting like it was just another nickname - Tim claims it still makes him sick. 
Just a couple nights ago you were staying over at the manor and waking up on the couch to Jason flipping pancakes shirtless, you drank in the sight, trying to memorize every scar and it’s placement on his torso. Jason knew you were looking, but didn’t call you out, he liked that you were thinking about him the way he did you and so he didn’t interrupt, he just tried to flex and reach for ingridients high and low even though he didn’t need them at all. You pulled yourself out of your daze, hoping he didn’t notice, and joined him in the kitchen. Assuming Tim was working on cases still you silently helped Jason. The two of you preparing plates for each member at the house, silence sat comfortably in the air, a mutual agreement to just be in the other’s presence, no flirting or sharp objects being thrown. It was the first morning you felt you truly saw Jason, you never told Tim, deciding he would probably gag at the idea of you enjoying his brother’s presence. 
Today was not the silent appreciation, but the flirtatious interruption. You’d gone over to geek out over the newest phaser invented by Gotham University and you and Tim decided to try to make a prototype like theirs but you were interrupted while trying to solder wires by a sultry voice mentioning that “you shouldn’t bend over like that babe you’re mine remember?” shocking you, making you jump up and begin the chase with screwdriver in hand. 
You had decided to stay over with Tim that night, the two of you convinced you could finish your first test run during the all nighter you two had planned. Making mac n cheese you danced with your best friend to terrible music while stirring questionable, chemically created cheese into the pasta. “Nothing better than seeing my girl making me dinner” you glared at Jason while he winked at you. “Get a damn room Jay, preferably one without y/n” Tim joined you in glaring at Jason who held up his hands sheepishly. “A man has got to try when it comes to love” Jason pretended to swoon and with a smirk you retorted “you’re gonna have to keep trying lover boy” before turning your music back up and ignoring Jason. Part of you couldn’t shake off the little bit of you that was happy he wasn’t quitting just yet. 
Returning to your project you and Tim tried to pass the time while your phaser charged by talking. You were resting your head against his shoulder when he blurted out “you’re falling for Jason aren’t you” which caused you to sit up straight shaking your head. “We talking about the same Jason here? Mr. you’re mine y/n, make me dinner dear lover, blah blah blah” you tried to imitate Jason but Tim looked at you seriously. “Y/n I’ve known you for years, if you wanted Jason to stop you’d stop reacting but you both like it, you both like each other.” you scoffed at his character analysis but he gave you the “don’t lie to me I already have trust issues” look and you caved. “Okay maybe I kinda sorta, like it a teeny tiny bit” after admitting it you leaned back on the floor staring up at the ceiling of the batcave. Tim leaned back with you, eventually breaking the silence 
“Y/n you like him, it’s okay, just don’t be gross in front of me and you better still be my best friend” realizing Tim could feel like you were picking Jason over him you pulled him into a hug reminding him that “Timmy you’ll always be my favorite even if I have some feelings for Jason” in what was supposed to be a cute moment you heard a screech. “I KNEW IT YOU LIKE ME!” and there was none other than Jason Todd pumping a fist in the air. 
“Just cuz I like you doesn’t mean I won’t kill you- Tim?” you looked to your best friend hoping he’d finally let you go after Jason.
“Get him”
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