#timeless tv show fanfic
patientlibrarian · 4 months
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Sorry, am I repeating this, again, can't think why!!!!
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Scruff Sunday
Hello everyone, everywhere, it's "scruff Sunday". Hope your day goes as you would wish it to.
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marril96 · 21 days
Hi marill, just wanted to hop on and say your Sylki timeless edit is one of the best I've ever seen. It's very heartwarming, plus thanks to you I know what TV shows and films Soph has been in so I can watch ❤️ (it's for fanfic purposes so thank you very very much for telling me about Draw On The Night)
Don't be surprised if you see me comment on your YouTube video more often 🤣
That is so kind of you! Thank you so much!
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Your support is much appreciated. 😊
If you ever need any more info, feel free to hit me up here. I spend more time here than elsewhere so I may respond sooner. 😅
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goranvisnjicdaily · 7 months
Blu-rays and Fanfic to come
Good Sunday afternoon! I've just finally came across online for the "Timeless Season 1 & 2" on Blu-ray, really hard to find in Canada. I already have Timeless on DVD and on apple, but on DVD the screencaps quality is bad, and you can't screencapture on Apple.
I will also screencaps "The Santa Clarita Diet" This week, it's still available on Netflix, so I'm just going to do it before Netflix take it down, just like they did for "Timeless" :'( At least here In Canada, Timeless isn't available on Netflix anymore. I also found on Amazon, Season 3 of Crossing Lines, never seen it before and it's a Region 2 blu ray, I don't know if it will work on my External bluray player, we shall see ;) I'm taking the chance, because quite frankly, it's kinda hard to find all those Goran Movies and TV Shows on Blu ray ahha! I have most of them from Amazon prime, but some of them aren't on the streamings platforms.
I also got my hands on Elektra, The girl with the dragon tattoo and the Deep end, all in Blurays! So stay tuned for more HD Screencaps in the weeks to come :)
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I'm also having in mind to post soon a Nicholae Schiller fanfic ;) Stay tuned for more and enjoy the rest of your week end :)
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halcyon-witness · 2 months
Been thinking a lot lately about the second destruction of Gallifrey under Chibnall and how I don't like it for a million reasons, but also having fun doing my little "What would I do if I were showrunner?" daydreaming that I assume every Doctor Who fan does from time to time. It's fun to think about how resolving all my little pet issues could actually play out in the show and I want to just throw out my general vision here. None of this is theorizing, it's all just fantasizing, I know I'm not actually capable of writing a television show, etc.
So, everyone on Gallifrey is seemingly dead, and the Master really did do it, despite the ostensible turn towards the light back in The Doctor Falls. But what if the Doctor found out the Master actually did spare some? Yes, the Time Lords truly are all dead, but the regular Gallifreyan people, maybe not many, maybe only some of the children, survived. Temporarily moved off world. Karn, maybe? It could be a way to hang on to some of that evolution of the Master's character we saw back in series 10 without substantially undoing the more recent characterization. The Doctor could return to a post-apocalyptic Gallifrey with a question of what to do. Can Time Lord society be rebuilt in some way, and should it? The Sisterhood of Karn is still around, the science and the knowledge still exist. The Time Lords were portrayed in the show, more often than not, as villains. So what, if anything, should actually be carried forward?
If the show is exploring this idea of bringing the Time Lords back essentially from scratch, granting regeneration to the Gallifreyans, asking what made the Time Lords who they were, there's a huge opportunity to flash back to the original founding of Time Lord society, and to sort out how these competing narratives (namely the Timeless Child and the old Cartmel Masterplan) actually fit together. One idea I've fixated on for a while is that The Timeless Child, the Hybrid, and the Other are all different ways of describing the same thing, obscured in thousands of years of mythology and prophecy. We've long had this idea of pre-Hartnell incarnations around. The Other apparently played a key role in the creation of Time Lord society (this is true of the Timeless Child), suffered some kind of death and was, maybe, reincarnated as the First Doctor. Reincarnation, not regeneration. You know... we could make looms TV canon! We could do it! The Doctor, a reincarnation of the Timeless Child (species unknown) in the biological body of a Time Lord... that's a hybrid right there! Easy peasy all-in-one solution. How does it actually work in a season of Doctor Who? I don't know! I'm not the real showrunner! I'm just some guy!
I also still don't have a great idea for how the Fugitive Doctor works in this arrangement (as in, why she's called the Doctor, why she has a police box), but hey, maybe the folks at Big Finish will come up with something clever there. Who knows? Anyway, it's a fun exercise to come up with ideas for the show that embrace the things I haven't loved and explore the possibilities they introduce rather than ignore them. Even knowing this stuff won't actually happen, it still helps me chill out a lot and be normal about writing choices that frustrated me. The show's sixty years old, the messes and controversies are inevitable, and after a few years they all just become fundamental parts of the show. Many such cases. Anyway, might be fun to actually get into writing fanfic in my late twenties. Idk. End post.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
As a Tumblr Elder (lol I just like saying that) who has experience with many fandoms, how do you cope when canon ends your ship, refuses to give a healthy relationship a realistic relationship outcome, makes characters act inconsistently with their established personalities without reason, etc.? Seems like a common response is for fans to lose their fucking shit. My personal response is to cry. Looking for better alternatives here lol.
Welp, do you mean such not-to-be-spoken-of events as the Timeless Abomination in winter 2018 (it's almost five years later, and no, nope, still not even close to forgiving it)? That was, hmm. That was something. For sure.
Every fan has a different relationship with canon, and how much they want the text to do explicitly/onscreen, vs. what they are content to do themselves with fanfic/headcanons/AUs. Because I am, as you say, An Old, I have gotten to the place where if canon disappoints me, I sigh, I grumble, I complain on Tumblr and to a few friends, but I pretty quickly get over it and just totally ignore it. I mean, I'm 100% expecting SAB s2 to fuck up at least one of my ships in a very stupid way (odds are on Fivan), so will I be angry? Yes. Will I make a few snarky vent posts? Undoubtedly. But after that, I will go the "I recognize that canon has made a decision, but since it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it" route and that will be that.
I can't tell people how to have a "right" emotional reaction to something that they're very attached to, especially when the showrunners torch it for no good reason (see again, Timeless Abomination, may it never be forgiven). I do think that spending tons of time yelling at/acting abusively to showrunners and/or other fans on social media is never productive, and shows that people need to do work on separating fiction and reality in terms of what they're allowing to have an outsized impact on their personal behavior. I hate it, you hate it, we all hate it, but still, if you find yourself acting like a total dick to some total stranger over a fictional TV show, it's probably time to take a step back and cool down.
Likewise -- crying is fine. There's nothing wrong with that and nobody's going to judge you. If you're asking how you move on constructively from that phase, again, it differs for everyone. If you want AUs or fix-it fics, that's usually readily available, since if you're mad about it, odds are a sizeable proportion of the rest of the fandom is too. As I say, canon is just one version of the story, it doesn't have to be the only one, you don't have to incorporate it if you don't want to, and you can go on creating and consuming transformative works that just flat-out ignore the parts you don't like. That's what fandom is for, and it's a good thing.
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glygriffe · 1 year
Gossamer Feelings
Characters - Ghost OC, Simon Lehane
Summary - Trapped in her old apartment, a friendly ghost find the meaning of her afterlife.
Word Count -840
Warnings - None
A note - For this week's Fanfic Lounge Weekly Prompt Challenge: Your character is a ghost who falls in love with a living person who can't see or hear them. Inspired by the character of Simon Lehane that appeared for 30 seconds in the TV show Dark Angel. And by and an episode of the Supernatural...
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She watched him realign himself on the bed and plop his lumpy pillow to make a comfortable cradle for his head.
She liked watching him sleep. She liked watching him, period. But she was not a pervert. She always turned around when he dressed and she never went in the bathroom. Lucky for her, he often left the bathroom door open when he shaved.
It was intimate, seeing the razor take away the foam and the stubbles on his cheeks. His strong hands moved with precision, never nicking the skin even if he rarely put his glasses on when shaving.
In those instances, she could see her own reflection behind him in the mirror, a gossamer version of her former self, as she tiptoed on the threshold of the room. Simon could not see her, though. Maybe, if he put on his glasses, or if he hadn’t been so concentrated on what he was doing… But nobody else saw or heard her before, so she wasn’t too sad Simon never even once looked in her general direction.
She had died in her bedroom – his bedroom, now –a long time ago, but she had never left the apartment. Before Simon moved in, she had sat on the window sill most days, all day, to look at the outside world. She was yearning for something.
At first, she thought she yearned to be alive, to be part of the world again. But she never really felt she was from this world, even when she was alive. Then she thought she yearned to get to the next plane of existence. But it was not exactly true. She knew how to get to the next plane: she just had to let go of this one, but she couldn’t.
Unfinished business, probably. 
She had no strong desire to find out what that business could be. Her will was as diaphane as the reflection she could see of herself in the window or in the mirror. Almost non-existent.
So she had sat on the window sill of her former bedroom, looking outside, ignoring the plethora of people who had lived here after she passed. Until Simon.
The first thing that had catch her attention was the music. There was a piano playing in the apartment. Intriguing enough to make her leave her perch to venture into the next room. He was playing with the same minutia she would discover he did everything. And slowly, she had turned her gaze inside the apartment instead of on the street view.
She talked to him while he slept. It was the moment she felt he was closest to hearing her, even if he never seemed to remember in the morning. Talking to him, night after night, she was slowly – finally – working out what she was still doing here.
She'd died young, without having experienced much in her life, so it could be practically anything that held her back on this plane. But she figured love was what she was yearning for. How could she ever move on if Simon, the only person she connected with in all these years of waiting, could not even feel her presence?
She stopped looking at Simon and talking to him after that realization. She went back on her perch on the window sill, escaping her timeless prison by drawing all her attention outside.
She could not keep that pouting resentment long. Without even realizing it, her ear was straining to hear the rustling of the music sheets when Simon was selecting a piece to play, her gaze was drawn to his movement in the room. Her hand even extended towards him of its own volition and only retracted when she realized it made him shiver.
She went back to looking at him doing mundane things like cleaning the dishes or watching television, full of regrets but clear of resentment for her predicament.
Her epiphany came while Simon was watching a dark fantasy drama where a man in a trenchcoat declared he was his happiest not by being loved, not by showing his love, but just by loving.
That night, when Simon went to bed, plopping his misshapen pillow to make it more comfortable, she sat on the edge of his bed. And as he drifted off into a deep, peaceful sleep, she whispered in his ear all the things she loved about him, all the little things that appealed to her gossamer heart. 
It was never about having. It was about being, it was about feeling.
She smiled and felt her heart swell as a cold blue light radiated from it. She was at peace as she leaned in a little closer to him. Her lips almost touched his ear as she whispered into it one last time.
Simon didn’t know what woke him up in the middle of the night. He shivered, looking around his dark empty room. But he wasn’t cold. In fact, he felt as if a soft evanescent warmth was gently enveloping him. It felt good. He felt loved.
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peridotglimmer · 1 year
Hi Belle! For the fanfic writer emoji ask :)
💖 What made you start writing?
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Hi Myth!
What made you start writing?
I've written fiction for as long as I can remember, but always original fiction, until I stumbled upon a fanfiction website for the 1995 TV show JAG. That was my first experience with fanfiction. I found fanfiction.net quickly thereafter, and just...began writing. And the rest is history!
For those interested, my very first fic ever is on Ao3 under Vesja.
Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
That really depends. If I'm incorporating something from the real world I'll want to get it right, but I tend to use locations & professions I have personal experience with (there's a reason Boston, Massachusetts tends to show up in my fics...). However, for period pieces, such as my 1940's noir fic or my WW2 Dutch Resistance fic, hours and hours of research.
Who is your favourite character to write?
Hm. Either Bridget Westfall from Wentworth, Emma Whitmore from Timeless or Elliott "Mirage" Witt from Apex Legends. Probably Bridget. She has my heart.
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castrovulcant · 2 years
For the ask game: 5, 9, 13, 19, and 20 :)
Thank you!
5. If you could pick any companion to travel with any Doctor, who would it be
Let's take Martha Jones and give her to Eight. Or Romana II and give her to Five so we can have two blonde bimbos.
Doctor/River. I'm really a NOTP Doctor/Anyone, the thought of him being in a romantic/sexual relationship with anyone feels all kinds of wrong and in fanfic somewhat self-inserty, but Doctor/River is the absolute worst.
13. First story you saw on TV
Toss up between The Empty Child and Resurrection of the Daleks on VHS (if that counts as TV)
19. Favourite one off monster
The Dream Lord. I couldn't stop thinking about him for weeks, just getting into people's heads and creating an entire alternative reality for them that is so close to being true that they can't separate it from the real one. It's a psychological nightmare.
20. Least favourite story
Toss up between the Fiftieth Anniversary, and The Timeless Child.
The Fiftieth Anniversary because of everything it undid about the Time War, shoving Gallifrey in a painting and completely undoing a defining moment in The Doctor's arc, which has completely changed/undone the way Nine's scenes are (The ending of The End of the World feels cheap now that it's all in his head.) Also I was deep into the audios just before starting the show and in 2013, I was beyond excited to see Paul McGann and then he wasn't even in it.
The Timeless Child because it messes with such an important part of The Doctor's backstory that just changes everything, it's cheap, convoluted, and it didn't even get fully explored. It just felt like a way for Chibnall to get his hands on everything.
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you know how spotify wrapped tells you what song/artist you listened to the most over the course of a year? if a "tv over your lifetime" wrapped existed, what show or episode do you think you've rewatched the most?
That is an excellent question! Hmm.
The episode will probably be because I needed to rewatch quite a few in order to write fanfic - when I write canon divergent fics I want to make sure I get the details right - so it might be a Timeless episode but I think actually it's either 2x04 "Stuck" or 3x03 "The Searchers" from 9-1-1.
However, the overall television show I've watched the most is Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, since that's a comfort show and one I've introduced various friends to so I've rewatched it with them during their first time. It's hard to believe the show came out a decade ago! I first watched it in college (sophomore year) and it's been a perennial favorite.
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patientlibrarian · 9 months
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Here's my latest story for Garcyshipmas.
AU. Santa gives Flynn advice which he puts into effect.
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toonlegion · 8 months
I don't always agree with Nerdrotic, he can tend to just hate things instantly but I have been monitoring how works in Hollywood are going lately and this pretty much tracks from following reports I've heard. This D.E.I mess is getting out of hand. It should be a choice to include diversity in your works, not an obligation, and you sure as heck shouldn't be hired just based solely on your skin color, gender and sexuality.
Yes it nice you wanna give others a fair shake, but extremely unwise to shun writers with plenty of experience with people who've yet to prove themselves. Theres a reason writers use a round-robin system for this. Plus like Tyrone said, this is feeling very smothering to boot. In fact, I told a friend of mine it reminded me of that old South Park ep with Nurse Gollum where the town tried to celebrate her, but got the point of being very uncomfortable with it since they keep focusing on the dead fetus on her head that she eventually told them off when she couldn't take it anymore. This feels very similar but on a larger scale. Wanting to be sympathetic but eventually going overboard. Goes without saying, but people want to be entertained, not lectured.
And these practices feel so...cartoony it 's hard to believe. I legit fell ill at the part of "not reading the source material to make something for modern audiences". Okay just ALL THE NO on that. I don't mind a different interpretation but you do your work a disservice by not at least getting a grasp on what the story or how a character should be portrayed, if nothing else to at least give you a general idea TO make it your own. Yes going blind can work sometime, but that's a very narrow 50/50 chance. Heck I want to do a version of Dracula down the line for a comic that'll be different from the source material. It'll make some changes, but it'll still respect what came before and use what was written to expand on certain things. The main reason being graphic novels have done the comic justice so that can afford a different interpretation. But otherwise the story will still be similar AND respectful to the source. And I will have the novel on hand to help that along the way.
From what I'm hearing these idiots act all proud became "Oh it was my version and not what came before". People would KILL for the chance to do a film or TV adaptation of certain works and these people are squandering it for fanfic versions of these stories without even knowing the full context when they could make timeless definitive versions. Hey fun fact, did you know the director of the second Star Trek movie didn't know a thing about the franchise going in? You know what he did, WATCHED THE SERIES OVER A WEEKEND TO GET AN IDEA FOR THE CHARACTERS! And what happened? One of the best Star Trek films in the franchise. So no that is nothing to be proud of, its just laziness.
And then there's this "Male and Pale is Stale" creed. I was taught to just make good characters in general regardless of gender. But this is what they're peddling to potential writers these days (at the time of this writing)? Why? No one was oppressing anyone up to this point concerning that, if anything it's healthy to have variety on both genders (hell even moreso with non-binaries) take the lead. But these social media nuts (particularly around Twitter) decided we need more of an influx of females and ethnicities all of a sudden? Also ignoring that many people are still white skin regardless of nationality making that ceed extra stupid. I don't get it, we had a good thing before that was balanced and focused with your own choice how the character should be, now it just this messy blob of forced templates that can't tell its left from its right and the stories and characters suffer because of it. It's just frustrating to view.
Again I'm not against diversity but I'm not foreign to it either, I grew up on plenty of shows that had it and did it in a much more tactful and graceful way that was by the creator design, not forced, and were still very entertaining. That era had plenty of fairness to it, so I don't know why that same curtesy can't be used for today. If it's to right some slight in the past, then sure but there's the saying "Two wrongs don't make a right". From where I'm seeing in this current age, the so called "oppressed" have become the the oppressors themselves and don't even realize it and media is suffering for it. And as a creative myself who would love to get his work to that mainstream someday, that's just disappointing to see.
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subby-kpop · 3 years
Hyunjin waking you up with oral (afab!reader)
⚠️nsfw, 18+, pussy eating, established relationship, unedited fanfic, dw imma edit this in the morning, edited version <3
It’s Friday night. After relaxing together in each other’s arms, you had fallen asleep to the sound of the tv show you guys were binging. It had been a particularly stressful week and by the time midnight rolled around you had long given up trying to keep your eyes open. The feeling of Hyunjin tracing hearts in your skin wasn’t much help either. Actually, Hyunjin was still wide awake. First, he had thought your sleeping face was funny and spared no moments taking a few pics for blackmail, but when you continued to sleep peacefully he couldn't help but notice how adorable you looked curled up against him. By the episode on the tv came to an end, he had come to realize just how much he loved your sleepy face… and well, you.
As soft as his heart may have been feeling at that moment, his dick was having an altogether different realization. And by that I mean it was semi-hard and starting to strain against his pants. A little embarrassed that he got this hard so easily, Hyunjin racked his brain on how to fix his "little" dilemma without just straight-up hentai-perv jacking off to your sleeping figure.
Suffice to say, your relationship with Hyunjin was pretty open. Both of you guys were the type to talk about your fantasies openly and rarely had any qualms about making your desires known to each other. Fortunately for him, one of yours happened to be waking up to oral.
And that’s exactly what you did. Hyunjin had already been eating you out for some time when you had woken up, surprised at the impossible wetness you were feeling below. Hyunjin’s eyes were blown out, already fucked out, from the taste of of your pussy. Seeing you wake up and that curve of 'o' your mouth made when you find him below nearly sends him over the edge. Doubly so when you give him that 'o' so quickly melts into a lazy smirk, a half-lidded, half-asleep look of unabashed pleasure. Only when he nearly cums does he realize he had been grinding against the couch for a while now.
From there on it's almost a chain reaction. You reached down to grab hold of his hair, making him groan straight into your clit. The vibrations of his voice plus the unwonted lewdness of his voice sent you over the edge, only to make him fall along with you. Pleasure courses through you as you feel Hyunjin shiver at the power of his orgasm after being on edge for so long.
After coming down from his orgasm, Hyunjin goes right back to eating you out again. Turns out the taste of your pussy after his orgasm just might be one of his favorite things. With that signature look equal parts needy and mischievous, he goes back to eating you out and licking up your hole before your overstimulation becomes just a little too much, and you grab his chin to pull him up for a kiss instead. It’s messy and its wanton, but both of you relish each other’s tastes as you lick your juices off his lips. You stay like that for a while, mouths open, kissing disgustingly wet. Even though it's become that timeless, dizzying part of the night, you keep warm in each others arms.
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taystrashwriting · 3 years
Feelings- Garcia Flynn x Fem!Reader
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Credit for GIF goes to the owner
A/N- Hello whoever is reading this. I've written fanfic in the past but nothing on tumblr. Please give me any tips you might have. I'm not the best at spelling and gramer so please give me help on that. I'm also not good with different tenses.
I originally wrote this with my name (yes self indulgent fic) so let me know if there is any names so I can update it! Thank you for baring with me and I hope you enjoy the fic! Any info and tips is highly welcomed!
Genre: Fluff i guess
TV Show: Timeless
Pairing: Garcia Flynn x female reader (She/her pronouns and dress outfit)
Warnings: None :) (if you spot any please let me know!)
I lay in my small bed, looking up at the ceiling. I've been awake for a couple of hours and as far as I know it's the middle of the night. Our last mission is weighing on my mind, but not because of the actual mission. Hell, that was one of our easiest missions. We time traveled, found the sleeper agent before they were activated and was able to stop him. Sure, there was a couple bumps along the road but nothing drastic. It was the feeling between Flynn and I, when we were alone that had me awake. It was the looks that were exchanged and the lingering touches. I can’t get him out of my mind, I can’t seem to think straight. I don’t know whether he felt the same way or if it was the adrenaline of the mission that made me feel this way. I can’t have feelings for Flynn, it’s not right. Wyatt dosn’t like or trust him, Rufus dosn’t really want to be around him, heck everyone except Lucy and I are on edge about him.
Now him and Lucy, that's another story, sure Flynn and I have, whatever we have going on but Flynn and Lucy, is something else. They have their moments like I have with him, but these tend to be more intense. I don’t know whether it's because Lucy gave him that interesting journal or because they have feelings for each other. Deep down, I feel hurt and a little jealous, but I make sure those feelings stayed far down. I subconsciously and involuntarily start thinking about little moments that’s happened between Flynn and I.
It isn’t too long before the alarm goes off, notifying that the mothership has jumped. I get out of bed and put my slippers on. I head out of my room, that I thankfully had all to myself, and go to where the lifeboat is. I'm one of the first people there, excluding Jiya who tends to always be awake thanks to her visions. “I like them, looks really cute.” She says to me, pointing to my pajamas. “Thanks, I’ve had them for a while, just never got around to wearing them.” I explain to her. “Trying to impress someone?” Jiya lifts and wiggles her eyebrows as she asks. I start to blush but try to brush it off with a laugh. “Agent Christopher is on her way.” I hear Connor say from behind me. I turn around to see him walk in. I watch as Lucy, Wyatt, and Jess round the corner, only leaving Rufus and Flynn still to come.
I notice that they all have some much warmer sleepwear on, and Lucy even has a cardigan wrapped around her. Everyone seems to be staring at me, most likely because I’m showing a lot of skin compared to the rest of them. Rufus and Flynn finally walk in, auguring about something. When their eyes fall to me, instantly becoming silent. My cheeks start to heat up as I try to ignore Flynn's eyes examining my body. “I’m going to go put something warmer on, I’m obviously out of place. Start without me, I'll catch up easily.” I say as I wrap my arms around my exposed stomach and start to walk back to my room when I feel an arm on my shoulder, stopping me. I look up and turn around to see Flynn taking of the jumper he was wearing, leaving him in some sweats and a tank top. He hands it to me, and I smile. I quietly put the jumper on, and turn stand next to him, as we get ready to be briefed on where and when Rittenhouse has jumped to. I bunch the ends of the sleeves in my hands, as it is a size and a bit too big, and as I do I feel a sense of safety and comfort in it.
“Alright, now that, that is finished Jiya, tell us the details, I’ll brief Christopher when she shows up.” Connor says and turns to Jiya. “Okay well, they’ve jumped to November 23, 1936, in San Antonio, Texas. Lucy, what’s so important about then?” Jiya explains. Everyone looks confused as Lucy shakes her head. I try to scan my knowledge of any history I know. “I don’t know, there’s nothing important about that date.” Lucy says letting out a sigh. My face lights up, “Robert Johnson!” I exclaim. Connor points to me excited. “Yes! That’s it!” He exclaims. Everyone looks at us confused.
“He’s a Blues player. The best blues player. He allegedly sold his soul to the devil at the crossroad to become a good player and ever since then death has followed him, like a curse.” I explain to the team. “Yes, he paved the way for pop culture today as we know it. He inspired Elvis and so many more, incredible artist. Without him the world would be an incredibly different place.” Connor explaines to the team, as he finishes his phone rings, and he goes away to answer it. “Okay cool, I understand how Mason knows this but y/n, How?” Wyatt asks. Everyone silently nods their heads as if to ask the same question. “His music ends up inspiring rock and punk rock music which I like. It was also an episode of Supernatural.” I explain, Flynn smiles and laughs a little at me.
Connor walks back, “Okay everyone, you have five minutes to get dressed and jump. Agent Christopher is here, just in time to see you guys jump. Now get to it!” He says as we all start to head to our rooms. I quickly get dressed into some plain clothes, we’re going to need to get changed when we get there anyway so, might as well make it easy for myself. I get dressed in 2 minutes and I put Flynn's jumper on my bed and head back out to the lifeboat.
Everyone is already there and starting to get on. Rufus and Jiya has just added another seat the other night, and it works so now 5 of us can travel at once. “Wyatt, you're staying. I need you here.” Agent Christopher says as he starts to walk on. “We JUST installed another seat, and you already said how Connor is going which obviously means Flynn is staying.” Wyatt protests. “I need you for something important here, that’s an order.” Agent Christopher says with her authoritive voice. Wyatt drops his head in defeat and climbs back down the stairs. I climb up the stairs and into the time machine. “Where’s my jumper y/n?” Flynn asks, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I say acting innocently. He lets out a little laugh and shakes his head. “are you all belted up? Well, we’re going so you better be.” Rufus says as he starts to mess around with buttons and switches.
Before I know it, we’re in San Antonio, Texas in 1936. No matter how many times we do this, I never get use to suddenly being in another time and place. Connor gets out first with Rufus following right behind him. I hear Connor start babbling about time travel as Lucy gets out. Flynn gets out before me, and waits for me to unbuckle and walk out of the time machine. I stand on the weird step thing, that goes around the machine. Flynn jumps down onto the grass and grabs my waist, lifting and spinning me around as he helps me get down, onto the grass. As he puts me down, I lose my balance slightly and fall into Flynn’s chest. He holds me until I stand properly. “I’m sorry.” I say giggling a little. “You can always fall on me.” He replies winking and walking towards the rest of the group. I feel my cheeks flush a little at the gesture. I follow him to the group to see Connor throwing up. Flynn starts to walk to Connor and I think he’s going to help him, but he just walks past, mumbling something. I shake my head and follow him. “So, what do we do now?” Connor asks once he finished throwing up. “We find clothes and steal a car.” Rufus explains and we start walking.
“Does everything look alright?” Lucy asks me, doing a 360 to show me her whole outfit. I nod, “It looks perfect Luce. It’s your color. I’m glad you got the hat as well; it makes the outfit.” I reply as I finish buttoning up my waistcoat. “Let’s go, the guys will be waiting for us. I’m pretty sure that Rufus was able to get a car, we just need to get to the hotel.” Lucy says as she grabs her small handbag. I nod and pick up my jacket and tie and follow Lucy outside to see Connor, Rufus and Flynn in a red convertible. I watch Flynn’s eyes as they take in Lucy’s appearance then move to me. I watch him and give him a little twirl. We both laugh at this. Lucy gets into the front of the car, with Connor and Rufus, leaving Flynn and I in the back together.
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“Did you pick that outfit yourself?” He asks me as he puts an arm over the seat, behind my shoulders. “Yeah, I did. I liked the professionalism of it, Kinda like a suit but in a dress form. This is defiantly staying in my closet.” I explain to him grinning. “I'm not surprised. I like the matching jacket.” He explains pointing to the jacket on the floor of the car. “Yeah, I really like it too. It’s got a tie to go with the outfit but I-um, I can’t tie it.” I tell him, giving him an awkward laugh. “Where is it?” He asks, moving his arm so they’re both in front of him. I lean down, pick up the tie and hand it to him. “Now, I can only do this on myself so, you’re going to have to sit on my lap.” Flynn says to me.
I start to blush and slowly and carefully stand up. I sit down onto Flynn’s lap quickly as the car gains more speed. I feel his hands lift my collar up and place the fabric of the tie around my neck. He continues to tie the tie around my neck in silence. When it’s tied, he lets me tighten it to my liking. “How’s that?” He asks. I can feel his breath by my ear. “It’s perfect thank you.” I say as I start to get up.
I feel Flynn’s hands on my waist quickly pulling me back down. “I was hoping you would stay a little longer.” He whispers into my ear. I slowly and slightly nod and put my hands over Flynn’s, that were still situated on my waist. I turn my head to watch the world go by when I feel something on my neck. I start to move my head when Flynn whispers into my ear again, “Is just me.” I swallow hard and start blushing. Finally, I know how he feels about me.
I don’t realize that we’ve made it to the hotel until the car has stopped and I notice that Connor, Rufus and Lucy are getting out. “Okay lovebirds, we’re here.” Rufus says to us. I get up and start getting out of the car, “He was putting my tie on and fixing it up for me.” “Yeah, she couldn’t do it, so I did it for her. I can only tie a tie on myself, so y/n had to sit in my lap, for me to do it.” He explains, scratching the back of his neck. “Yeah sure, keep telling yourself that.” Rufus says, as Lucy and Connor walk ahead of us.
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samsaintjames · 3 years
fic recs
So, before I forget, for international fanworks day, some fic recommendations. I already wrote a post in september containing quite a few stories that I absolutely love (mostly Sylvaina) and I'll list my favourites again, but there's more behind the cut.
Just as I wrote back in my original post: if you're only ever going to read one fanfic in your life, go read the incredicble Increments of Longing. Even if you don't know anything about World of Warcraft, you'll enjoy it (well, if you're into femslash and fantasy that is).
Another Sylvaina story that I have also read and re-read multiple times now is Worth The Trouble.
A World of Warcraft Dragon Age Inquisition crossover - not yet finished, but I have high hopes - and absolutely lovely to read in terms of characterisation and development between Jaina and Sylvanas is To love what is mortal.
Another Sylvaina entry here is the Heart of Ashes Verse, which gives us a alternative (Legion)/BFA storyline.
And as far as unfinished stories that hurt you just the right way go check out Waystation Four and Never Smile at a Sabercat.
And a real interesting take on elves and how they work in this AU of WoW is found here (sadly unfinished too): What's in a Name? (This one is totally not safe for work from start to finish though :D, most other stories that I recommend here, while featuring some sexy times, start slower.)
One of the most interesting and realistic takes (and very much wholesome Bering and Wells and nicely fitting into the Warehouse 13 world) of the A/B/O trope is Mind Over Matter (Hearts Over Minds). [Though I have actually no clue what I'm talking about because 2021 was the first time I ever came in contact with that trope - I've been living under a rock apparently and was hella confused, because I read a few entries of an urban fantasy series once that also had alpha and omega, though they were actual wolves/shapeshifters and lets just say the fanfic stuff was not what I expected when I clicked on the first story tagged with alpha/omega lmao - and while that was in different fandoms, most of it was from the same author too, so take my recommendation however you want.]
One of my all time favourite Bering and Wells fanfics is Wings.
Also another all time favourite Bering and Wells is "Timeless" by Anik LaChev. You could say it's a timeless classic :D. (You'll have to scroll down a bit on the site to find the link and password, but it's absolutely worth it. It's amazing!)
A really fascinating (and so far sadly unfinished) Historical fiction AU with eldritch horrer elements and pirates with femShep/Liara (and crossdressing - and look, I know it's probably silly, but ever since I watched Prinzessin Fantaghiro as a kid I really love that trope) that I cannot recommend enough is Shepard of the High Seas.
Another repeat - for combining my favourite videogame with my favourite tv show: that SG-1 femShep/Liara crossover New Beginnings.
On the Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak side of things, I can only repeat what I already wrote: absolutely check out the Felicitas series. It's amazing (it's a Highlander/Raven Crossover with Arrow). I've been following that story for more than six years now.
Another thing: most of the authors of those fics have written not just one but several amazing stories in their respective fandoms and you really might want to check them out too (like, I skipped over pure PWP stuff for these recs, but it is readily available)!
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Ao3 Fic Meme
Tagged by the ever-lovely @qqueenofhades *blows kiss*
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 224 (it would be far more than that but I orphaned around 100 fics last year)
2. What is your total AO3 word count? 3,338,568 and God willing I will not make it to four million
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? I’ve written for quite a lot of fandoms. Back in my high school days I wrote a lot of smutty oneshots for random pairings, usually whatever movie or TV show I’d just watched. But the fandoms I’ve really gotten invested in and written for include:
Timeless (TV 2016) (100)
9-1-1 (TV) (28)
The Witcher (TV) (19)
Merlin (TV) (10)
Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (9)
The Mummy (8)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (6)
IT (2017 Film) (5)
Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (3)
As you can see, Timeless really dominated my muse for a while (about two-three years). The MCU stuff is all my rewrites that I did - the bane of my existence.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Even Steel Blades Need Fire
Footprints are More Easily Seen in the Snow
Sometimes a Hammer, Sometimes a Lockpick
Crammed in with You
All Witcher fanfics! I’m surprised Leading with the Left isn’t up there, but to be fair the Witcher fandom is really fuckin’ huge and even the rabid readers of 9-1-1 can’t quite compete with the sheer amount of traffic my Witcher fics have gotten.
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Almost always. I know that technically I have no obligation, and other authors feel differently, but I personally feel it’s a courtesy. The comments that readers give me fill my heart with warmth and joy, and I want my readers to know that those comments and their interactions with my work are appreciated. I respond to 99% of the comments I receive. I know we talk a lot about how fanfic authors need comments and interaction to keep going and that it’s the nice thing to do, but the flip side of that is, I think readers deserve to get a response to their comments from the author - because how does the reader know their comment is appreciated, y’know? I really think it’s a two-way street. So I try my best.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Full Circle, my lone Doctor Who fic and a very (very) rare case of a main character death fic. It’s about the Doctor visiting Donna as she passes away so he can say goodbye.
7. Do you write crossovers? No. Not really my thing. I did write one that is technically a crossover, way back in the day. It had the premise that Richard Castle from the eponymous TV show is actually Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly (since both were played by the same actor). Given that I wrote it when I was seventeen, I think it’s held up pretty well. It’s called Conception.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? Absolutely. The hate was a lot worse back in the day, I’ll be honest. The amount of hate I would get regularly on fanfiction.net as opposed to Ao3 is insane. But I have gotten hate occasionally on Ao3. One person very determinedly went through all my 9-1-1 fics and sent hateful comments, to the point where one triggered me and I had to make all my fics accounts-locked for a while (meaning you had to log into your Ao3 account to see and read them).
When I get hate or rude comments, I just delete them. There’s no point in arguing - you’re not going to change the person’s mind and giving them engagement is what they want. Every time someone’s been an asshole online and I’ve engaged/fought with them I’ve ended up with more hate towards me than before and I’ve regretted it. So yeah, it’s rare, thankfully, but when I get it I just delete.
9. Do you write smut? If you do, what kind of smut do you write? DO I WRITE SMUT. HAHAHAHA. Noooooo I’m such a pure innocent li’l babe in the woods. I have never written the vile pronography in my liiiiiife.
Yeah, smut is pretty much what I’m known for. Honestly sometimes I get annoyed at myself for how much I can’t resist putting smut into things. I worry sometimes that people only care about me as a smut machine and don’t care about my character work or plots as much. But I also love getting people into new kinks they didn’t know about or when readers enjoy my smut even if the kinks involved aren’t usually their style.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I’m aware of. I had an issue with someone posting links to my fics on tumblr and then being a jerk when a friend and I tried explaining why people were thinking they were the author and not me, and it turned into this massive kerfluffle where a bunch of people I’d never spoken to before sent me hate and I nearly deleted all my fics and my tumblr altogether. It still makes me nauseous to think about. Honestly if I could go back in time I wouldn’t say anything to the person just to spare myself the backlash. But outright stolen... no not that I know about.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before? My darling @extasiswings and I have collaborated on a few fics now: whispers like poetry, I Hit the Accelerator (But the Car was in Reverse) and Carbon Date Me, Excavate Me which truly would not have gotten written without her skill and assistance.
12. What’s your all-time favorite ship? That’s a hard one. There are a lot of ships that hold special places in my heart. Merthur, Geraskier, Garcy, and Garcyatt are all strong contenders. But I think I’ll have to go with Buddie. I can’t remember the last time a ship and a show had me in such a chokehold. I think it was when I was a teenager? Buddie is truly something special to me.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Lord of the Rings or Pirates of the Caribbean, I can’t quite remember. I was writing both at the same time so...
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? I don’t have a favorite. I know that’s a cop-out but it’s true. I am especially proud of Defiance & Destiny, Love You Like a Killer (I Want to Make Your Heart Stop) and Your Fingerprints Smeared on My Heart (Lead Me Back to You) because all three have required an immense amount of planning and effort in the writing of them. But I also really like some other fics that are much shorter that I just dashed out like a fever dream, such as Footprints are More Easily Seen in the Snow and Could Twist the Sinews of Thy Heart?, and I like some of my popular fics like Leading with the Left and Even Steel Blades Need Fire a lot so I’m glad that so many other people like them too since they were just so fun to write.
So yeah. I don’t really have a favorite. I really love my fics, even if some days I hate my writing.
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qqueenofhades · 4 years
The photo set you reblogged of Yusuf and Niccolo helping throughout time just filled me with so many happy feels and it made me realize that it seems so common in media with immortal couples that they take breaks from each other and reconnect after a few decades. Which is a great trope but seeing these two that seems to have been attached at the hip since the day they met just fills me with all the heart eyes.
(I haven't read your fanfics for them yet. I know I'm a bad fan but if it helps I havent been able to read anything since all this started but while writing this ask I got the feeling that all this rambling I spewed out is a big theme)
Hush. Bad fan nothing. We all are coping with this stupid, awful year in different ways, some of us by escaping into fandom and some of us being unable to engage with it and some of us doing both or anything else. You certainly don’t owe me or anyone any obligation to interact with our content, fic or otherwise. So just to have that there on the top. You’re good, hun. :)
ANYWAY, thank you for giving me a chance to meta a bit on the boys and their relationship and to have a window into what my brain looks like pretty much 24/7 these days. (I blame them.) I keep thinking about all the ways this couple is depicted in the TOG film and how lovely it was and how unusual it is for me to have an OTP where I actually love them in canon and don’t need to violently disavow it in order to create AU fan content with just the characters. (See: Timeless, Game of Thrones, pretty much any show I’ve hyperfixated on at some point.) I love AUs anyway, because that’s the way my brain works, but the fact that I can also enjoy canon just as much is rare for me and for a lot of us. I saw a post somewhere remarking on how the fanfic for Joe/Nicky isn’t fixing anything, which is usually the point of transformative fanworks: we take something that canon atrociously fucked up and fix it. But in this case, all our interpretations are based on actually appreciating the way they’re presented in canon and wanting to enjoy that and uphold it, and that -- especially with a couple like this one -- is shocking??
Like. Despite my historian gripes about the occasionally incongruous details for their graphic-novel backstories (which are the only things I HAVE fixed in my fics), I’m just... deeply appreciative of the care which everyone, writers and actors and all else, put into depicting Joe and Nicky and their relationship. And god YES, one of the things I love the absolute MOST is that they’re a loving, faithful, committed, happy married queer couple over centuries, and that seems to be the case for as long as they’ve known each other/ever since they got together. (See Booker’s “you and Nicky always had each other.”) These fools can’t sleep apart from each other even when they’re stuck on a freight train in the middle of nowhere, they flirt like teenagers at dinnertime and even when they’re strapped to gurneys in a mad-scientist laboratory, they make out to enrage bad guys and also because they’re just still that goddamn into each other after all this time.
I think it was Marwan Kenzari who pointed out that there’s simply no way to truly state the depth of their knowledge and devotion and commitment to each other. They’re 950 years old. They have known each other since they were in their thirties; they’ve been husbands for literal centuries. There is no way anyone else in the world could possibly come close to replicating the kind of bond they have with each other, and neither of them have ever had any inclination to look, because why would they? Especially with the fact that queer couples in media, even otherwise sympathetically portrayed ones, often have Drama and Third Parties and Promiscuity and whatever else (because of the tiresome old canard that Gays Equal Hypersexualized!), and Joe and Nicky don’t need or want ANY of that. There’s no urge to make their relationship a cheap source of soap-opera conflict. It’s the rock and the center and the core of both of their lives, and everything they do stems from that.
There have been some great metas/comments on how neither Joe and Nicky are sexualized, they dress like stay-at-home dads during quarantine (Marwan Kenzari and Luca Marinelli are both objectively gorgeous men, and they’re out there looking like that, god bless), and the viewer is never invited to goggle at or fetishize their relationship. There are no leering or exploitative camera angles on anyone, and their expressions of love aren’t posed or intended to titillate the audience, they’re just solidly embodied and natural and lived in. It’s never bothered to be stated clunkily in dialogue that they’re a couple; we just see them exchanging looks and smiles in the early part of the film, and then we see them spooning on the train after the mission in Sudan, which confirms it.
At every turn, the narrative celebrates the kindness and love shared by the Immortal Family, the individual characters, and Joe and Nicky, especially and explicitly in queer form. The villains of the film are also defined by how they react negatively to that love. @viridianpanther​ had a great meta on how Keane as a villain is especially set up to menace Joe and Nicky as the narrative representation of toxic masculinity, aggressive heterosexuality, and the usual “Kill Your Gays” trope that we’ve all come to wearily expect. But instead, after that scene where Joe and Nicky fight Keane, Nicky is shot and comes back to life in Joe’s arms rather than dying permanently like we probably all momentarily expected, and then Joe gets to FUCKIN’ BREAK THE NECK of the guy who enacted that violence.... good GOD. The first time I watched it, I almost couldn’t believe it was happening. (This goes for the whole film, but especially that scene.) Like... when do we get that?? When do we EVER get that???
Obviously, there are so many stereotypes, whether visually or in behavior or character traits, that could have been assigned to a gay Italian character (excessively dramatic, effeminate, fashionable, etc) or a gay Arabic/Muslim character (explicitly announcing He’s Not Like Those Muslims, having to actively reject his heritage to make him more palatable to westerners, being tormented over being gay, etc) and Joe and Nicky subscribe to none of those. I get very emotional about Joe referring to Nicky as the moon when he is lost during the truck scene partly because it’s SUCH a common motif in Arabic love poetry. To call someone your “moon” is a beautiful way to say they’re the light of your life, and since the Islamic calendar is obviously lunar and the holidays, months, and observances, are set by the phases of the moon, this also has a deeper religious significance.
I don’t know for sure if they did that on purpose, but it it’s a lovely and subtle way of showing us how Joe clearly doesn’t have an issue with being both queer AND Muslim, and is able to draw on both facets of that identity in a way that a lesser narrative would have denied him. And that is just really wonderful. Yes, we’re seeing these characters when they’ve had centuries to settle into themselves, but there are plenty of writers who would have forced those conflicts artificially to the surface, rather than letting them be long in the past. It’s the same way when you watch a film set in the medieval era, it wants you to know that it Is Set In The Medieval Era. Cue the filth, misogyny, racism, violence, etc! Rather than it being a lived-in reality, it has to be jarringly drawn attention to, and I’m just so glad they didn’t do that with Joe and Nicky. And for them to have met in the crusades and fallen in love??! Come on. That’s just rude. Rude to me, personally.
Anyway, this was a rather long-winded and feelsy way of saying that these characters are constructed, acted, and written organically in such a way that you hate to even THINK of them being separated, and it’s not because they can’t function without each other, but because they are two halves of a whole. We also see that the characters themselves can’t stand being forced apart: Joe’s freakout in the truck scene when Nicky briefly won’t wake up, Nicky making sure to tell Joe that he’s glad he’s awake in the lab, the whole post-Keane fight scene that I talked about above, the way Nicky fights ferociously to get to Joe when Merrick’s stabbing him, etc. For that to be given to the queer couple, where the strength of their love and devotion is reinforced as one of the emotional goals of the story, and for that queer couple to be written in the way that Joe and Nicky are, both individually and as a unit, is just so very rare.
Because yes, there’s plenty of drama and angst and pain in their lives, but there’s none at all in their relationship, and that’s what fans keep telling TV writers the whole time: they WANT to see the couple confront things as a unit, rather than being kept on tenterhooks the whole time and forced to go through manufactured or artificial drama. It would feel especially wrong for Joe and Nicky, who have known and loved each other for 900 years. The fact that their respective actors also put so much care and love into them is very obvious, and makes me feel even luckier that they’re played by people who clearly get them and honor them and know what they’re doing.
Basically: of course Joe and Nicky have been with each other the whole time, and of course we’re all drowning in feelings over it, and I feel very blessed that this ship exists, and I very much need the sequel ASAP. Thanks.
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