#timebomb headcanon
redrum-alice · 28 days
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They found a baby
Based on my fanfic!
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jm-chrome · 2 months
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Canon in my heart 😭 🤍
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letters-to-rosie · 3 months
timebomb headcanons 💚
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(doing this because my fic talk revolution to me is over 15k hits on ao3! it reached that a while ago it's 23k now but I'm slow ahhhh it's a long story)
Jinx is the better cook. She learned the basics while living at The Last Drop and can canonically bake, so it's not too much of a stretch. Ekko's not a disaster in the kitchen, but he follows her lead
both of them suffer pretty bad nightmares; for Jinx, she finds that Ekko holding onto her helps calm her down, but Ekko is more likely to want to get up and clear his head
any shared living space gradually becomes covered in doodles
they are both very cuddly
Jinx's attachment style is more anxious while Ekko tends to be avoidant. typically, this isn't the best mix, but they work together to accommodate each other
they call each other their partner. idk why but I insist on this one lol it just fits
the biggest obstacle in their relationship (be it canon or an AU resembling canon events) is dealing with the harm Jinx caused many of Ekko's friends while they were apart. I think if she were able to get to a healthier place, she'd take the process of reconciliation seriously not only for Ekko's sake but for her own, as part of a process of coming to terms with everything
but I think that would work for her because Jinx, as we see hinted with season 2, has political goals that align with Ekko's and give them plenty of reason to work together. I doubt the Firelights would all love her, but there are certainly ways to imagine them reaching some kind of understanding. Ekko would also find this political Jinx very hot lol
despite their flairs for the dramatic, they have a lot of quiet moments together. they calm each other down, paradoxically. this idea is mostly based on them sitting together on the bed looking super cute in Act I lol
Jinx makes the first move. she says I love you first, too.
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lady-griffin · 2 months
I'm curious, what are some of your favorite Timebomb headcanons?
I’m so sorry for this beyond late response; I really don’t know what to say other than I’m sorry.
I know my answer isn’t going to be “worth the wait,” but I still hope you (and others) find it interesting. Please bear with me and my somewhat incoherent thoughts as my love for these two has destroyed my brain.
Also, my answer is beyond long, but that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
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My Favorite Timebomb Headcanons
They’re both bi.
They’re always touching one another. Not so much in an inappropriate way (though they can get too handsy in public); this is more holding hands, cuddling, using each other as a cushion, etc.
When they’re bored or preoccupied, they'll start “fidgeting” - Ekko plays with Jinx’s hair, while Jinx plays with Ekko's hands.
Jinx doodles on Ekko pretty much all the time, while Ekko straight up writes on Jinx - specifically notes and reminders to himself.
Basically, Ekko will already be in bed and suddenly he'll get idea for a project but doesn’t want to get up or he suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night and has to immediately write down his thoughts before he forgets them and well, Jinx is right there.
Jinx honestly only minds this when Ekko won’t let her wash off because he needs to figure out what he meant when he wrote down “hextech cheese sandwich solution to dogs” at 3am and obviously it being her on her left shoulder is essential to figuring it all out.
Jinx bites. Not so much in a sexy, bedroom kind of way (though yes, obviously that too); she just sees Ekko and has to go chomp.
Ekko is slightly insecure about his height, which makes zero sense to Jinx. Seriously, what is he even talking about? Ekko is the perfect height – he’s within reach of her kisses (and bites).
Jinx really, really, really loves Ekko’s arms and hands.
His whole everything does it for her; but boy, oh boy, does she have a thing for his arms and hands, especially his hands. The amount of self-control Jinx has when it comes to Ekko’s hands is truly something to behold.
Jinx runs cold while Ekko runs hot.
Jinx always wants to cuddle with Ekko in the winter because he’s her personal space heater and Ekko always wants to cuddle with Jinx in the summer because she’s a living ice cube. The two of them like to complain, but they're not fooling anyone; they love every second of the other clinging on to them.
Jinx runs hot while Ekko runs cold.
Jinx gets uncomfortably warm, so she really enjoys being cold. Unfortunately, that’s quite rare for her nowadays due to her body producing its own shimmer; her body temperature is now basically someone with a deadly fever.
Ekko on the other hand easily gets cold and he absolutely hates it; so, he's not exactly mad at Jinx becoming a living furnace.
I’m honestly torn between these two versions and the vibes vs. 'evidence' backing them up. But does it really matter? At the end of the day one of them runs cold while the other runs hot and they balance each other out perfectly.
The Firelight’s truly love Ekko; they're beyond thankful to him and everything he's done for them. So, despite the fact that many of them hate Jinx and want nothing more than for her to be gone (dead), they are willing to accept her because Ekko loves her.
Some of them will never forgive nor make peace with Jinx, but they’re willing to coexist with her; while others are willing to get to know her and even befriend her.
It’s not easy for any of them but for Ekko, they'll do it and as time goes on it becomes less of a struggle to accept Jinx.
I’m a huge fan of Jinx being accepted by the Firelights not because they actually accept her (at least at first) nor because they’re such wonderful, good people, but because they love Ekko. He’s their savior and guiding light and they want him to be happy and Jinx makes him happy - so, of course they'll do it.
Jinx absolutely has a praise kink; she adores being praised and complimented in bed and Ekko has no problem indulging her.
I don’t have a single doubt about this. This is just fact.
Despite being so gone for each other, they both have a lot of insecurities, particularly when it comes to the others’ feelings and commitment to the relationship.
Ekko is scared he’s just a convenience for Jinx and she’ll easily abandon him again; while Jinx is scared Ekko’s going to realize he doesn’t actually want to be with her, because why would he.
To make things a bit more heartbreaking, Jinx sometimes wonders if Ekko is only with her because she’s the closest thing to “Powder” he can be with.
They have a lot of issues and it took them many years to work through them; but those issues and insecurities still make an appearance from time for time.
Ekko isn’t always great at taking care of himself; he’s always putting others first and he’s easily consumed by his projects and responsibilities.
But taking care of Jinx forces him to take care of himself.
He can’t argue she should go to bed at a reasonable hour, when he’s up at the same godforsaken hour she is nor can he complain about her eating unhealthily, when he’s eating the exact same thing or something worse.
Ekko is always running late; while Jinx (to many people’s surprise) is either on time or very early. When the two of them arrive late together, it’s because Jinx didn’t want to go to the thing and she succeeded in distracting Ekko (usually with sex).
Being together was one of the easiest things for them as their two pieces who fit perfectly together; at the exact same time though it was also the most difficult thing for them, due to their history.
Ekko has struggled with his feelings of guilt because it was so easy for him to be with Jinx and love her; he feels like he’s betraying his fallen friends and people. Jinx is responsible for many of their deaths and even when she wasn’t directly responsible, she still benefited as Silco’s daughter.  
Jinx has struggled with feeling like she’s betraying Silco and rejecting their bond as she doesn't talk about him for the sake of her relationship with Ekko. She can’t talk about Silco with Ekko at all, because anything negative about him (no matter how small) only confirms to Ekko she was abused and brainwashed; while anything positive or even neutral is like "attacking" Ekko and everything he's gone through.
Silco was the reason Jinx was happy and able to be thrive over the years and he's the reason why Ekko suffered and struggled to survive during those same years.
While they never truly come to terms about Silco, they still try and make an effort to respect the other’s feelings for him.
Gift giving is a huge part of how Jinx shows her love. She doesn't need a special occasion or reason to give Ekko gifts and she likes leaving them where he can come across them randomly. Her presents can be anything - from a cool rock she found to a specific piece of machinery Ekko wanted.
Oh and of course, a beyond valuable item she stole from some elitist Piltovan or vicious Chem-Baron who is more than willing to start a war over their stolen property.
Ekko knows she means well (at least he thinks she does); but he would appreciate it if she didn’t bring him and the Firelights more trouble with her gifts.
Which Jinx doesn’t fully understand.
It’s not that she doesn’t understand the value of things; but a cool looking rock and some wealthy Piltovan’s prized heirloom have the exact same value to her – she thought Ekko would like it, so why wouldn't she get it for him?
These two can be so beyond competitive it’s not even funny and nothing brings out their unhinged competitiveness than when they’re up against each other.
But they’re having fun and that’s all that matters in the end... ignore all the property damage and fires.
Sometimes when things get heated between them, Jinx gets a red blotchiness on her neck and chest; which she's more than embarrassed by. Ekko on the other hand tries to see if he can make her even redder and he’s more than smug when he can.
Ekko wasn’t always a great boyfriend to his previous partners, not because he was an uncaring asshole or anything but because he never opened up to them. He never shared his problems nor did he let them take care of him; he was always the caretaker. It also didn’t help that he put his responsibilities as leader and other people before his relationships.
However, this isn’t a problem with Jinx. Ekko is quite selfish when it comes to their relationship. He’s not willing to put others’ first. Not this time. Not if it costs him Jinx.
Jinx also knows him far better than his previous partners did, she sees past the front he puts up for others and is more than willing to call him out on his bullshit. Plus, Jinx is in no way shy when it comes to her wants.
Ekko has also learned that if he doesn't rely on her, she has no reason to rely on him. If he doesn't trust her, then she doesn't trust him.
Finally, Jinx tries to get Ekko to be more selfish, while this is for her own benefit (obviously), she genuinely wants Ekko to put himself first; she’s even willing to put herself second (at times), if that’s what it takes.
Over the years they balance each other out – Jinx makes Ekko more selfish and gives him the freedom to put himself first without feeling guilty, while Ekko makes Jinx less selfish and he's a good starting point for her to become more considerate to others.
Of course, Ekko will never be a selfish bastard who turns his back on his people and Jinx will never be a living saint who sacrifices herself for the greater good.
Ekko usually takes the lead in the bedroom. He loves riling Jinx up and embarrassing her in bed; he’s particularly obsessed with getting her to beg him to keep going,
However, it doesn’t take much for Jinx to ‘turn the tables' on him; her ‘begging him' is a sure-fire way to get Ekko to unravel quickly, which Jinx is more than willing to exploit for her own fun and pleasure.
Ekko accidently taught their kid(s) how to curse.
They’re packrats.
These two are very attached to their things and and look they might need that random useless thing one day, you don’t know, they obviously can’t throw it out.
Jinx is very honest with their kid(s).
She doesn’t lie nor try to hide who she is nor who she was and what she’s done. Silco was always forthright with her; Jinx knew exactly who Silco was and loved him all the same and she wants the same for herself (Silco wouldn’t have accepted anything less for her).
She doesn’t want her child(ren) to love a fake version of herself; she wants them to know and love the real Jinx – monster and all.
I honestly don’t think a threesome would be possible for these two; they’re way too jealous and obsessed with each other to let a third party involved. Especially Jinx.
Let’s be real, she would absolutely kill someone for touching her Ekko or if Ekko touched them she would 100% have the logic of “they can’t steal my Ekko if they’re dead.”
Now Ekko will never be as bad as Jinx (very few people can reach our girl’s levels) but I easily see him being like “No. Go Away. My Jinx.”
I’m torn between Ekko being concerned by how much he finds Jinx’s unhinged jealousy, possessiveness, and intense (creepy) expressions of love to be charming and beyond endearing; or if he honestly doesn’t understand why people are weirded out and concern for his safety when Jinx says she wants to rip out his heart and feast upon it.
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I hope you all enjoyed this insanely long list and maybe even accept a few of these headcanons as your own.
Thank you for reading this and thank you for the ask @nerdasaurus1200 and again, I'm so sorry for the years long wait.
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cauldron-of-oddities · 5 months
Timebomb version of girlfriend stealing boyfriend's hoodie.
Jinx steals Ekko's coat at any given opportunity.
Cold weather? she'll make him wear it and crawl in it with him. It's tight, but it can just about be shut, and it's super cosy.
Every time she 'borrows’ and he 'steals' it back, there's a new doodle on it and a trinket/love token in one of the pockets.
When he's away and she misses him, she uses his coat as a blanket. He's found her more than once curled up like a cat under it.
She steals it just because she can. She bargains with kisses for him to get it back
There's the distinct smell of gunpowder and something sweet every time after she's borrowed it. He will deliberately leave it lying about when the scent fades.
She has worn his coat and only his coat. Ekko didn't wear it for two weeks after because the memories were way too distracting.
It's warm. It smells like him and is covered in awesome doodles. It is hers by default.
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lbulldesigns · 5 months
Posted 7th of January, 2024
Disclaimer: mentions of self-harm, violence, and attempted suicide.
Please bear with me. This post will be long.
I (20f) have been estranged from my family for the past three years.
I want to start off by saying that my family aren't bad people. They were never abusive, and they did care for me, but they could never understand me or the full extent of my issues.
Some background. When I was around five, my sister (26f), we'll call her V, and I witnessed our parents' death at the hands of some trigger-happy Enforcers. We don't know why they decided our parents deserved to die, but they did, and we were left orphaned when the authorities couldn't find any other family to take us in.
We bounced around in the system for a while, fearing being torn from each other at any moment, before a family friend was able to foster and then officially adopt us. Our AD (adoptive dad) was a godsend, he was and still (to my knowledge) is the most patient and gentle man I know. Despite looking like a wolf LOL.
Along with gaining a new father we also gained two brothers (twin 23m) the older twin (C) takes after our dad, Kind and patient. The younger twin (M) however is a little nasty bitch, who took upon himself to make my life in particular an ongoing hell. He was never physically abusive, but he was verbally abusive. It felt like not a day would go by when he wasn't putting me down and treating my existence like it was something insignificant. He never had a problem with V, just me.
For the first six years everyone else would defend me, put him in his place, and overall hold him accountable but at some point, they stopped holding him accountable and just expected me to grow a thicker skin. I still remember the day when I went crying to my sister and rather than comfort me, just rolled her eyes and asked if I could maybe not take him seriously because she needed to finish her group project. To her credit, she apologised for that but it was hard to rely on her after that.
Long story short, M made my home life unbearable, and I had bullies at school that made it unbearable. Especially once I was in high school and my best (and only) friend started making friends of his own. I want to say that I was cool with this, but in reality, I turned into an absolute brat and refused to get along with any of them. I wish I didn't, but I just couldn't help but feel betrayed and genuinely acted on those emotions.
And this is how I was with everyone. Constantly betrayed and acting out. It was no wonder everyone I knew got sick of me.
My Dad was constantly worrying about me.
My older brother avoided me as much as possible, to avoid my outbursts.
My sister was just constantly swinging between feeling guilty, angry, and just done with my constant outbursts. Especially when these outbursts were directed at her girlfriend, who constantly talked about how she wanted to be an Enforcer to protect others (take a wild guess why I couldn't like her). V even slapped me for something I said (I can't remember what) to her GF that made her cry.
And my best friend... hates me.
It's my own fault, obviously.
What led to the title of my post is this.
I told my (former) best friend that I loved him and wanted to be with him, and he just raged at me. Apparently, he was seeing someone and thought that I was pulling something in order to break them up. He didn't believe me when I said that I didn't know he was in a relationship (I genuinely didn't know) but he wouldn't hear it and called me an AH and said he was done with me.
I felt humiliated and heartbroken, when I got home that day I was crying and M was the first person, unfortunately, who I came across. And the first thing he does is scoff and roll his eyes, and said "fucking crybaby".
I don't fully remember what happened, I blacked out, but I remember my dad pulling me off of M and his face was a bloody mess. I'm pretty sure that I broke his nose and then some, my dad was so angry. The angriest I've ever seen him; he actually shook me by the shoulders and demanded what was wrong with me. And when I couldn't answer, they told me to get out. Which I did.
I just bolted from the house, the sound of shouting behind me, and just kept running until I got to the Bridge of Progress.
I was just so empty and lost, and the water below looked so tempting. I was about to end it all when my guardian angel showed up.
Ez (21m) was walking by when he saw me about to jump and, without hesitation, climbed up next to me and asked what we were doing.
He saved me that day, without even trying. He listened to my whining and rather than offer me empty promises of "it'll be okay" instead said "girl you messed up. Wanna go on an adventure with me?"
We've been friends ever since.
I took him on his offer and went home to collect some things, when I got there the lights were off so I climbed up to my bedroom window and let myself in. I grabbed my clothes, some saved up cash, my laptop, and my documents (in case I needed them) and left a note for my family saying "bye".
And that was three years ago. I haven't been in contact with them, I don't follow them on social media, and I left my mobile behind so they were never able to get hold of me.
I completely and utterly. Ghosted them. And I don't entirely regret it.
In the last three years I have gained close friends, experienced new things, seen interesting things, and have felt well enough to actually want to seek therapy. My mental health improved greatly, although I still have issues but still am lot better than I was before.
However, I can't help but feel like an AH. My family weren't bad, just fed up. They are genuinely good people (even M) it's just that I bring the worst out in people. But recently I've been wondering if I should reach out or not.
What if doing so disrupts their lives? What if my leaving improved their lives?
I don't know.
AITAH if I reach out to my family after ghosting them for three years?
(This is a fanfic. Please read tags)
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starry-nights12 · 4 months
Jinx is twenty-seven but draws almost identically to her six-year-old daughter(crayons & stick figures) 
Ekko's artstyle is more realistic with proper portions, dynamic poses,shading & lighting,composition, etc.
They both consider him the best artist in the family but Heaven still thinks Jinx is a great drawer too.
As a result, Heaven picked up her love of drawing from them. Every drawing she makes them is hailed as a masterpiece that MUST be hung on the wall.
And they let her draw on the walls of their apartment.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 8 months
Seraphine has definitely written little songs and poems about Ekko and Jinx
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inloveanddepth · 1 year
headcanon that jinx knew ekko was the firelights' leader the whole time but mostly because she can recognize his tech a mile away
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riza-hawks-eye · 1 year
Ekko doesn't initially know about setting spray so the first time he kisses his SO he transfers the entire white hourglass logo onto their forehead and cheeks.
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surpriserose · 5 months
Sorry to report ive turned around on the fallout show i still think episode 1 was really rough especially for lucy and im sure once i finish it ill have more criticisms but its really solid and Lucy has grown on me im not immune to women and her character works way better when shes away from the rest of her vault and maximus is carrying the show
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redrum-alice · 28 days
TimeBomb prompt where a firelight overheard what's behind Ekko's workshop...
firelight reader's POV/you're a firelight
Its rare to see Jinx vulnerable, period.
Unless you're Ekko.
That is until you, a firelight, eavesdropped behind a thin wall near Ekko's workshop. Jinx has been cooped up in the base for months now after bombing the council. She was still the same maniac everyone fears, and you were always scared shitless whenever her presence is near.
It was until you heard a sniffle. You peeked through one of the small holes on the wall and watched the scene unfold.
Ekko's arms wrapped around Jinx as she pressed her forehead on his shoulders. The girl appeared so...defenseless and small...and Ekko seems so protective of her. Its true that everyone in the base have seen him protect his people, but this? It almost looks like as if he's holding something precious to him that's broken for a long time...and he cant fix it.
You look at them one final time before leaving
Jinx's face was glistened with tears and adorned with a softer expression, something you've never seen before. Ekko was ever so gentle as he caressed her cheek and planted a kiss near her lip.
Maybe this side of her was only reserved for Ekko.
You left the two and called it a night. Never have you thought that you'd pray to Janna to give them a happy ending
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tanjir0se · 4 months
Listen to me LISTEN TO ME. Shinobu has GOT to get WEIRDER with it!!! She has GOT to begin to crack beneath the immense pressure of playing the Hashira’s resident Mommy/Teacher/Nurse/Headmistress of the Kocho School for Wayward Girls all the time!!! Has she ever had a moment to herself? To allow herself to be a grieving, traumatized girl herself??????? She can’t even show her anger her grief her fear ANYTHING bc she promised her fucking dead sister she’d keep a smile on her face. Hello?? She has GOT to start getting weird!!!!
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letters-to-rosie · 11 months
because the recent Ekko discourse has made me so happy, allow me to make a contribution:
I think it's fun to read Ekko as someone who hates being bored. Even as a kid he's clearly capable of entertaining himself, tinkering, learning fight moves, stalking Jayce—the hoverboards would provide him with a pretty consistent way to divert himself, and a hatred of boredom would lend itself well to the fraught environment he throws himself into with the Firelights. It would also explain some of the needless risk-taking behaviors. I like to write him as someone who tends to make games of things that really should not be games lol
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cauldron-of-oddities · 3 months
Should Ekko ever share his dessert with Jinx (read Jinx demands a taste), she will enthusiastically take a bite or lick it off his spoon with a most sinful sound of delight and pleasure.
Ekko almost choked the first time she did so. The problem is she's genuinely unaware she does it or of its effects. She just really enjoys sweets and desserts.
She's puzzled why he's so awkward after a dinner out.
Until the day she finally shares one of her desserts, let it be noted; a rare gift. And he does what she does. It has heat blooming on her cheeks, and now there's a different sort of hunger.
It backfires slightly for Ekko. No, she didn't turn it up a notch. She now just looks him straight in the eyes, hungry and daring to bite and lick elsewhere.
Works like a charm.
Thought sparked by @typewriteringalaxy by bath, orgasm, (and dinner) post
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viisiond · 2 years
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knowing vi has the anger issues equivalent of a nuclear bomb because the second she raises her voice or shows any sort of aggression that’s a surefire sign to RUN. She’s knocked teeth in and has practically sent people into intensive care because of how angry she’s gotten...
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