#time to start seriously looking into getting a german or italian passport
kittykatinabag · 3 months
Biden can do the funniest fucking thing right now if he has the balls to.
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elisaphoenix13 · 5 years
Far From Home Ch.1
This will contain Spiderman: FFH spoilers! You have been warned! I also recommend reading Conflict before this if you haven't already!
"Extra change of clothes?"
An annoyed sigh. "Yes."
"Your suit?"
"Oh my God! Mom! I'm not taking my suit with me on vacation!"
Peter throws his nanotech bracelet onto his desk and Stephen frowns. The sorcerer had been extremely suffocating the past couple of days because Peter was going on a trip to Europe and his Mama Bear side wasn't happy. It didn't matter that Stephen could open a portal in a matter of seconds. He took his maternal role a little too seriously sometimes.
"You know how Tony is about you not wearing--"
"I'll have my phone!"
Stephen narrows his eyes. "Do you have--"
"Okay! Bye!" Peter pushes the doctor out of his room and closes the door, and when he looks back to his open suitcase, he laughs when he finds Tibbs sitting in the middle of it. "Sorry buddy. You can't come." The kitten mews pathetically when Peter moves him and closes the bag before setting it by his bedroom door. "You have to be good for Mom and Dad okay? Especially Mom. I'm sure he's going to go crazy."
Tibbs meows in response as Peter grabs his plane ticket and passport, gathering the rest of  what he needs before grabbing his bag, leaving his room, and dragging it down to the elevator where Tony stands waiting. He thankfully didn't hover like Stephen had been, but he probably figured that the sorcerer was doing it enough for the both of them. In fact, the engineer tried to calm Stephen down and distract him from hovering for the past couple of days.
"Ready kiddo?"
Peter looks around. "Where's Mom?"
"Down in the garage waiting."
Peter raises an eyebrow but says nothing until Tony reaches for his bag with his right hand and the teen holds his hand out to stop him. The billionaire was still adjusting to his scarred side and sometimes forgot that it wasn't as strong as it used to be. Tony drops his arm after staring at it for a few quiet moments and instead guides his son to the elevator so FRIDAY can take them down to the garage. When they arrive, they find Stephen leaning against a car Peter only assumed he and Tony would be taking to the airport, and the engineer pops the trunk open. After the teen stows his luggage inside, Tony closes it back up as Mama Bear gets in some last minute fussing. Namely, a very long hug that even Peter wanted to get out of.
"Mom...its just two weeks."
Stephen smirks. "Two weeks of no cub cuddles." He laughs when Peter turns in his arms and tries to get away (mostly as a joke because if he really wanted to get away, he would have no problem) before finally releasing him. "Don't come crying if you need me later."
Tony snorts as he opens the driver side door. "Stephanie, you and I both know that's an empty threat. You will drop everything for him."
"Well he didn't know that." The sorcerer huffs out.
"Yes I did. It isn't exactly a secret." Peter says with a smug smile on his face and Stephen pushes him into the passenger side of the car. 
"Behave. Have fun." Stephen says as he rounds the car to give Tony a kiss. "Be careful." He says quietly and then glances at his husband's arm. The arm that Tony lifts to grab the back of the doctor's neck.
"If it acts up, I'll ask FRIDAY to take over."
"Oh, I was talking about Peter."
Tony barks out a laugh and gives Stephen another kiss. "Of course you did asshole."
He ducks into the car and drives off to the airport, and when he pulls up to Peter's gate, Tony gets out with him and joins him at the trunk. As his son retrieves his bags, Tony pulls a small case out of his pocket and hands it over to the boy who looks at it with confusion.
"What is this?" Peter takes the case and opens it up to find a pair of glasses. 
"Just in case." The teen gives him a look. "I know and see that you're not wearing your suit, so just humor me alright?"
"Dad, I have my phone--"
Tony sighs. "Peter...please." Hearing his name from his adoptive father got Peter's attention. Tony only ever used it when he was serious. "I lost you once."
I can't lose you again went unsaid,  but Peter heard it anyway and closes the case before stuffing it into his carry on bag. He hugs the elder man and feels the man land a kiss on the top of his head before they part and the teen heads into the building after an exchange of 'I love you's'. Peter goes through security on auto-pilot and eventually snaps out of his daze when he reaches his gate and finds his classmates sitting around in uncomfortable chairs. The teen grins when he notices an open spot next to Ned, and he walks over to drop into the seat, startling the other boy from his phone.
"Took you long enough. Dr. Strange wouldn't let you go?" Ned asks with a knowing smile.
"You know how much I like hugs and stuff right?" Peter starts.
"Uh, yeah."
"I wanted to get away." Ned laughs and Peter slumps in his seat. "Just when I thought he couldn't be any more suffocating." He looks at Ned and holds up his phone. "So what was this plan you wanted to talk about?"
"Oh! Right! Us!" Ned starts excitedly. "Us roaming Europe as bachelors! Europeans love Americans!"
Peter opens and closes his mouth before deciding to pinch the bridge of his nose. A habit he unconsciously picked up from Stephen. "Ned. You're forgetting a small little detail."
Ned gives him a funny look and then realization dawns on the darker male. "Holy crap. I forgot you're dating Ant-man's daughter--"
Peter shushes him and looks around to make sure no one was listening. "Secretly, Ned! Our parents don't know and we kind of want to keep it that way!"
"Dude, you still haven't told them?" Peter slaps the back of his friend's head. "Ow!"
"Have you met my parents and Scott?" Peter hisses. "Scott will try to maim me and Mom will wipe the floor with him for trying and that's just chaos we don't need!"
"Okay okay! Avenger parents are a lot crazier." Ned placates the vigilante and rubs the back of his head.
Peter mumbles under his breath and they talk about their plans as they wait for their flight, board the plane, and MJ climbs over them to take the window seat. The vigilante motions his hands when the girl steps on his legs to get to her seat and then rolls his eyes when she ignores him to grab a book out of her bag. Ever since the attack on Midtown years ago (but what felt like months for them), she had allowed herself closer to Peter and Ned and it got to the point where their friendship was similar to the boys. She had no problem barging into Peter's bedroom whenever she and/or Ned spent the night, and it usually ended up with her throwing something at his head to wake him up. It happened way too often and Tony didn't do anything because he thought it was hilarious. Stephen didn't either, but he at least didn't laugh.
"Hey, Stark Junior. Your girlfriend is texting you." Michelle says and waves Peter's phone around in her hand. The vigilante gapes and shoves his hands into his pockets before blushing and snagging his cell back. 
"How did you even get that?"
"Easy. You were zoning out and I took it out of your hand. She's cute...so why is she with you?"
Peter wrinkles his nose. "Dude...ow."
Ned snickers from his other side. "He's asked himself that same question twice already."
"Just for that, I'm not translating for you guys in Venice." Peter snarks.
MJ's eyebrows fly toward her hairline. "You know Italian?"
Peter shrugs. "Yeah. May spoke a little bit, and now Dad drilled it into my head. It was kind of hard not to pick it up when he speaks it a lot."
"Oh yeah...Dr. Strange's kink." Michelle says dryly and Peter gags.
"Don't say kink. I already walked in on them once and I'm traumatized for life."
"Did your parents teach you any other languages?" Ned asks. At least with him he was always genuinely curious so Peter didn't always feel the need to hit his fist against his forehead in hopes that it would knock him out.
"French, Spanish, German...Mom is teaching me to read Sanskrit." Peter counts off with his fingers.
"Wow. I'm actually impressed." Michelle says.
Their conversation stalls as the plane takes off and MJ turns her attention to her book while Peter and Ned entertain themselves with PC games for a couple of hours. Ned actually played them for most of the flight, but Peter had started to nod off halfway through the flight. He had been too excited last night to get much sleep and it also didn't help that Tibbs caught onto his excitement and demanded the teen to play with him whenever Peter actually managed to fall asleep. He tried to shut his eyes for a little while, the commercial plane not nearly as comfortable as Tony's private jet, but he managed until MJ shook him awake. The vigilante gasps out quietly at the disturbance and finds both his friends looking at him with some worry. Well, Ned was. Michelle was doing a really good job of hiding it if she even was worried.
"Wh-what? Are we there?" He asks.
"No. You were flinching in your sleep." MJ whispers. Peter was about to ask why she was whispering but a quick glance around the cabin showed that the lights were dimmed. "We were afraid you would start screaming."
"Were you having a nightmare? Ned asks.
Was he? He honestly didn't remember and he told them as such. He did thank them for waking him up though. The last thing they needed was for him to make all of the plane occupants panic if he screamed in his sleep. The bit of shut eye he did get was enough to get him through the rest of the flight and through customs, and walking around Venice woke him up a little more. Peter was able to enjoy the little bit of sightseeing his class did before they made it to the hotel, and he almost laughed. If Tony had seen their accommodations, he probably would have had an aneurysm.
"Mr. Harrington is giving us time to rest before we head out again." Ned says as he drops his bag on the bed adjacent to Peter's.
"Good. I could use a nap without the fear of freaking other people out because I have nightmares." The arachnid zips open his suitcase and groans loudly when he finds his nanotech bracelet sitting on top of his clothes. "He is such a mom."
Ned joins him to see what he's looking at and laughs. "It's your own fault for giving him that role you know."
"Shut up Ned."
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