#time to shower in mud (literally)
siphoklansan · 1 year
Gonna answer some asks i’ve pickled in my inbox because tomorrow is my military training day and I am not ready to sleep yet because I am scared shitless /hj
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thriftedtchotchkes · 1 year
come clean
pairing: joel miller x f!reader
summary: joel comes home after a messy day on patrol, but you're already in the shower
warnings: 18+ MDNI, fluff, language, getting together, slow buildup, jackson era, smut, handjob, f!masturbation, fingering, unprotected piv, rough sex, shower sex, size kink
word count: 4.7k
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a/n: this one goes out to emotional support daydreams! as always, thoughts and feedback are always appreciated. hope y'all enjoy 💕
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Joel’s having a rough day. It’s late, and he’s bone-tired and covered in…well, he’s not really sure what he’s covered in. Mud and bits of dead grass, definitely, but there's splotches of red on his jeans, too. He couldn’t tell you whether it’s his blood or something else’s—the adrenaline still hasn’t completely worn off, so it’s entirely possible he’s not feeling the full extent of his injuries yet.
His day hadn’t started that badly, but it wasn’t a typical morning, either. Maria had stopped him and Tommy at the gate to ask if they'd mind checking out a situation at the dam instead of patrolling their usual route.
Apparently, some of the machinery was acting up and the only person she trusted to oversee the repairs was Tommy. She honestly hadn't given much thought to Joel's part in all of it—their relationship is still pretty tense, even after his return to Jackson, so he was just along for the ride.
Things went downhill fast after they arrived at their destination. No one's really sure how the infected got into the facility, but it was a lucky thing Joel was there after all. With the help of a few guards, they were able to dispatch everything in and around the building without any bites or serious injuries but, boy, did they make a serious mess. Of the facility and the machinery they were supposed to help fix, and of Joel.
So now here he is, exhausted and dirty, getting shit from his kid when all he wants to do is get clean and take a fucking nap.
“Ew, gross,” Ellie groans, clearly not giving two shits about how badly Joel’s day is going or how little she’s helping right now. She had the day off and is somehow still watching movies in the same spot he left her in this morning. “Stop touching things! You’re getting shit everywhere.”
He ignores her and shrugs off his coat, walking into the living room to toss it over the back of his recliner, but she throws him a dirty look that stops him in his tracks.
"Whatever, m'gettin’ in the shower," he grunts, dropping it on the doormat instead. He'll probably have to burn that coat anyway if the stains and…odor are anything to go by.
"Uhhhh, no, actually you're not," she says matter-of-factly, and he raises his eyebrows, eyeing her expectantly when she doesn't elaborate.
"Why the fuck not?"
"Did your hearing get worse or something? Shower's already on,” she nods toward the stairs. He’s not sure how he didn’t notice the sound of running water filtering down from the second floor earlier, but now he’s annoyed that he can’t shower and that she might actually be right about his hearing.
"Well then, I'm waitin' here," he sasses back, taking a seat on the recliner with zero regard to the upholstery.
"Dude!" She’s starting to look as exasperated as he feels. And her reaction isn’t unwarranted. If he touches literally anything in this living room, they’ll probably have to burn it, too.
"Fine, fine, m'not touchin' anythin'," he stands back up, holding his hands up in surrender. "How long's she been in there?"
"Like, five minutes. Probably gonna be a while, knowing her,” she replies with an amused grin. Oh, so she thinks this is funny.
"The fuck do ya expect me to do then, stand here ‘til she's out?" He asks as if it’s not exactly what he’s been doing the entire time they’ve been having this conversation.
"As long as you don't sit on any of the furniture, I don't really give a shit what you do," she shrugs.
He rolls his eyes at her, running a hand down his face in frustration. He’s just about to give up and hose himself down in the yard when she finally offers a solution.
"You could just knock and see if she'll swap out with you. She basically just got in, anyway."
“Y’know what, I think I will,” he grumbles, heading upstairs to the bathroom and leaving Ellie to her shitty 90s sci-fi thriller. She shakes her head, laughing as she slips on her headphones.
“Don’t be too loud up there!”
But with his bad ears, he doesn’t hear her.
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God, you needed this shower so badly. It's been a rough day, to say the least, and it’s finally time to get the relaxation you deserve. You got saddled with an extra patrol shift because two of the usual guys had a last-minute change of assignment, and it turned a typical day into an unbelievably exhausting one.
But tonight you got lucky. There was no one around to use up all of the hot water besides Ellie, who’s been glued to the TV all day, and you miraculously got home before Joel. So tonight, you get to enjoy the expensive bottle of shampoo you found at some fancy store in some fancy mall last month, and let yourself forget for a while that there’s fucking fungus monsters out there eating people.
That is—until someone knocks on the door and ends your perfect evening before it begins. Now you’ve got soap in your eyes, and you’re slightly worried because Ellie either needs something from the bathroom or the house is on fire. There’s never an in-between with her.
“Ellie? Everything okay?” you call out, really hoping it’s not the latter.
The voice that responds is muffled and decidedly much deeper than Ellie’s, and you’re momentarily taken off guard before you realize it’s not a burglar. It’s Joel—of course, it’s Joel. He probably got off his shift late and wants to clean up, and now you feel bad for making him wait and using up all the hot water.
You can’t really hear what he’s saying over the shower, so you slide the curtain open to poke your head out. “What? Sorry, I didn’t catch that.”
He tries to answer you again, or at least you think he does, but you still can’t make him out, so you tell him to come inside. The door only opens a crack, but it's so quick that there's no time to duck behind the curtain before Joel's face appears and you're both staring at each other blankly.
“…Hi,” you breathe out, praying it’s just your head and not the rest of your body peeking out. “So, um, what were you saying?”
He looks a little embarrassed and it’s adorable, but the thought only crosses your mind for a split second before you notice the rest of him. He’s—there’s really no nice way to say this, but he looks revolting.
There’s dirt everywhere. Matted in his hair, under his fingernails, all over his clothes. It looks like he’s been rolling around on the ground all day, and honestly, maybe he has. He’s also got…gross, is that a chunk of…? Nope. It looks like someone exploded in his face, and he needs a shower. Badly.
The only problem is you’re covered head-to-toe in soap, and you’re pretty sure you’ve only got about 15 minutes of hot water left.
He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. “Sorry to barge in on ya,” he mumbles, looking pointedly away from you. “I came up here to see if you wouldn’t mind pausin’ your shower for a bit, but I, uh…can see that’s gonna be a little difficult.”
You look down at yourself and, yeah, he’s right. You’re dripping water and soap all over the floor. Getting out now would be a pain in the ass, but he also really needs to get in.
“No, no. It’s totally fine! It makes way more sense for me to sit around soapy than for you to, um, stand around like that,” you reason. It’s his turn to look down at himself, and he grimaces. “Just turn around for a sec and we can swap.”
He nods, still looking sheepish, but grateful.
You duck back into the shower to shut the water off and gather up your toiletries to make room for his. You’ve already shoved half of your stuff to one side before you realize it was probably just a waste of time because there was already plenty of space—and that's when it dawns on you.
This stall is pretty big—as far as showers go, anyway. There's no reason you can't both fit in here at the same time. It's also not like he's never seen you naked before. You joined up with Joel and Ellie long before running water was in the picture, so you've had your fair share of awkward bathing encounters. Really, it's just a matter of whether or not he'll go for it.
You pop your head back out, taking a second to admire those strong, broad shoulders of his before getting his attention. Damn, he's a real catch. Hot and respectful. But seriously, he's so disgusting right now and it would be a shame to allow that to continue.
"Hey, Joel," you start, and he glances back carefully over his shoulder. You hesitate for a beat before continuing, “So, hear me out—what if we just…if we both showered…at the same time…”
He looks confused, and you realize how badly you botched that entire sentence. Okay, so talking around it didn't work. You take a deep breath to steady yourself before trying again.
"Just—just get in with me," you say softly. "We can shower together."
His brow furrows, eyes unreadable. He looks like he might be thinking it over, but his silence isn't exactly the most encouraging reaction in the world. Subconsciously, you hold your breath while you wait for an answer.
There’s no way he’s going to go for this, is there? It’s Joel. He can barely look at you in a tank top without blushing, let alone wet and naked. You’re not even sure why you bothered asking. It was clearly a dumb—
“Yeah, guess that makes sense,” he nods, turning back to you fully, and you swear he’s looking at you differently. That's…not what you were expecting. Not that you're complaining in the slightest. He's not even trying to hide his eagerness, and you're starting to think maybe he was waiting for you to ask all along.
"Well, come on in, cowboy."
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Joel undresses slowly, eyeing what little of you he can see greedily, and it makes your cheeks burn. It’s like he can’t look away—from your eyes and lips, your collarbone. Even the tiny droplets of water that fall from your hair. It feels more intimate than any moment you’ve ever shared with Joel, and he hasn’t even touched you. Yet, hopefully.
You’re getting impatient. He's making a show of stripping down and it's taking everything you have not to get out of the shower and rip all of his clothes off yourself. His fingers are so thick, and more and more of his tanned, weather-worn skin is exposed to you as they work to unbutton his shirt.
You’re pretty sure you’re drooling at this point, imagining those fingers sinking deep inside you before you can stop yourself. Fuck, you're pent up. And should probably have a lot more shame, but now he's unzipping his jeans, and you feel like you're about to combust.
You let out a pained noise without meaning to and he chuckles, shaking his head as he picks up the pace. "I'm comin', I'm comin'," he teases, dropping his pants to the floor. "Why don't you get the water goin' for me?"
Now you're the one having trouble looking away. Damn, who even is this guy? He’s nothing like the Joel you’ve known for years, and definitely not the Joel who stepped into this bathroom ten minutes ago. If you'd known it would go like this, you would’ve invited him to shower with you a long time ago.
He’s down to just his boxers now, and maybe it's wishful thinking, but he looks like he’s already hard. Swallowing is suddenly extremely difficult, so you shoot him one last appreciative look before doing what he asked.
You turn the water back on and it’s still pleasurably warm as it rains down onto your tense shoulders. The steady pressure soothes some of the nerves while you wait for him to join you, but you’re so caught up in the moment that you don't notice the curtain opening.
"Scoot over," he murmurs behind you, his breath fanning out over the back of your neck. He’s close, so much closer than you expected him to be. You assumed you’d be dancing around each other for at least a little while longer, but it seems like Joel knows exactly what he wants, and it’s not just the shower.
He reaches around you to grab that expensive bottle of shampoo you’ve been looking forward to, his fingers grazing your bare skin, and you shiver despite the heat of the water.
“Or you could stay right here,” he says, even closer now, lips brushing the shell of your ear. “We could help each other out—with washin’ up, I mean.”
You inhale shakily, your reply getting caught in your throat. “Y-yes—yeah, yes…we should definitely do that,” you breathe out.
He chuckles and the sound is surprisingly affectionate. It gives you hope that this won’t just be a one-time thing. That after all this time, he wants you as much as you want him.
You’re the first to initiate physical contact, reaching back to bury your fingers in his hair which, in retrospect, turns out to be a terrible idea. He’s still filthy, and your fingers get caught in tangles and dirt and…probably a lot of other nasty shit you don’t want to think about.
You snort out a laugh, turning around to face him. “I think you’re up first, handsome.”
The corners of his mouth tip up as he nods, and you can’t resist the urge to reach up and trace his bottom lip with your thumb. He kisses the pad of your finger, and you wish so badly that it was your lips.
For the second time tonight, you’re feeling incredibly impatient. You want to feel more of him, let him press you up against the wall and kiss you, touch you the way you both want him to, but it’ll have to wait.
You pluck the bottle from his hands and squeeze a huge dollop into your palm, telling him to turn around with a small smile. His eyes drop to the quirk of your lips for a moment too long before he obliges, and you’re starting to realize he’s getting impatient, too.
You reach up to thread your fingers into his graying hair and, somehow, the strands still feel soft despite everything tangled up in them. It’s going to take a decent amount of scrubbing before it’s back to its normal, fluffy state of disarray, but you’ll make it feel good for him. A little taste of what's to come.
He tips his head back as you massage in the shampoo, letting out the softest groan when your fingernails scratch along his scalp, and you have to press your thighs together to relieve the growing ache in your core. You’re not going to make it through this shower if he keeps making noises like that. But, of course, he does, and they're getting louder.
You can feel his body starting to respond to yours, too. It’s a little cruel how you’re purposely working him up, sliding a washcloth over his shoulders and across his back, letting your fingers skim teasingly over his skin as you stretch your arms around him to reach his front.
His stomach flexes under your palm, and he inhales sharply as your hardened nipples graze across his back. You continue your path down, running your fingers through the coarse hair at the base of his cock, and his hips jerk forward, seeking the friction you so desperately want to provide. He's panting, and you're both having a difficult time holding yourselves back.
Brown and red swirl in the water around your feet and down the drain, and it's enough to tell you that he's finally clean. And that you can finally touch him the way you want to.
Pressing yourself firmly against his back, you reach down to wrap your fingers around his cock and he feels huge in your hand, rock hard and pulsing with his racing heartbeat. You pump him a few times, giving him a firm squeeze at the base, and he keens, already leaking all over himself.
He braces a hand on your hip to steady himself as you trail open-mouthed kisses down his spine, digging his fingers in roughly when you slowly start to jerk him off in earnest.
"T-that's it, pretty girl—,” he pants heavily, eyes dropping down to watch you work him, and you twist your wrist up on the next stroke, thumbing over his head. "Keep goin', just like that."
You whimper damply against his skin at the pet name, feeling a pleasurable whoosh in your belly as your cunt drips pathetically down your thighs. The throbbing between your legs is almost unbearable, but you don't want to let him go, not when his hips are meeting your fist so fucking desperately. You wedge a hand between your bodies, slipping it lower and lower until your fingers rub against your slick folds, gathering some of the wetness to rub soothing circles into your clit.
“I got you, I got you,” you moan at the sudden relief. Your caresses start to match his thrusts, and soon he's trembling in your arms, whimpering like he'll cum any second if you let him. You rub your cheek tenderly against his back, murmuring soft, encouraging words into his heated skin.
"You're doing so, so well," you tell him, and he seizes up at the praise, chest heaving as you focus your attention closer to the tip. "You wanna cum or are you gonna wait for me? Want you to fill me up…can you do that for me?"
For a second, you think your words might've thrown him over the edge, his hips stuttering against your palm even as you slow your movements. But he's still clearly fighting the urge to cum, and that has to mean he wants to fuck you badly.
His hand shakes as it lifts to wrap around yours, guiding you down to squeeze the base of his cock to stave off his orgasm, but you're not making it easy for him. You barely notice your other hand still working your pussy, too turned on to realize you've started pumping two fingers in and out of yourself.
Joel notices, though. Something that sounds almost animalistic tears its way out of his chest as he turns on you, snatching your hand out of your cunt and slamming it against the shower wall. Your fingers are shiny and glistening with your wetness and he leans forward to suck each of them into his mouth, groaning at your taste on his tongue.
The look on his face makes it seem like you're the best meal he's ever had, and you feel a strong, sudden urge to have his tongue in your mouth so you can taste yourself. He pulls off your middle finger with an audible pop, and then you're crashing your lips into his, immediately licking into him.
God, why do you taste so good in his mouth? It's salty and heady, and really shouldn't be as hot as it is, but you can't bring yourself to care as his tongue tangles with yours. You feel two—shit, no, it’s three—of his fingers slip into you, and, holy fuck, they're so much bigger than yours. You're already so full and they feel even thicker at the base, nudging a spot that makes you see stars.
There's no way his cock is going to fit inside you…right? But the thought of him trying anyway almost makes you cum on the spot. Another wave of heat crashes through you and your walls convulse around him, pussy gushing down his fingers, and he abruptly breaks away from your lips, groaning lowly, desperately.
"Fuck, I-I need—shit, I need to fuck you, pretty girl," he twitches against you, leaking a glob of precum as he ruts into your belly. “M'gonna fill ya up real good, just like you wanted—," and you gasp, clamping down on his fingers one more time before he's pulling them out and hauling you into his arms, your legs quickly wrapping around his waist as he shoves you higher up the wall.
His hands roam your skin hungrily before eventually settling under the soft swell of your ass, holding you up as he slicks up his cock between your folds. Every time the tip catches your clit, your hips buck clean off the wall and he presses into you harder to keep you in place. You bury your face in his neck, thighs squeezing into his sides.
"S'not gonna fit," you slur, a little drunk off how good he feels between your legs. The next time his hips buck forward, the blunt head of his cock catches your entrance. "J-Joel—ngh…Joel, s'too big, you have to make it fit, please."
And that's when his patience runs out.
He sheathes himself to the hilt in one harsh thrust, growling roughly into your hair, and the stretch is mind-numbing. He stays deep, letting you adjust to the feeling of being split open, and his head drops to your shoulder. His eyes are locked on where you're joined, your pussy stretched around him almost obscenely.
"Would'ja look at that," he mumbles to himself, rocking in and out slowly as he turns his head to suck a bruise into your collarbone. You reach a hand down curiously, wanting to feel yourself around him, and your jaw drops when your fingers brush where his thickness is forcing your cunt to yield to him. "Knew you could take me…pussy feels s-so fuckin' good, like you were made for me."
You whine pathetically as the ache starts to subside and the need for him to fuck you becomes overwhelming. Pleasure blooms where he's already grazing that heavenly spot again, and you tug his head back by his hair, bringing his attention back up to you.
Everything pauses, just for a moment. You kiss his lips delicately, so much more delicate than he's about to be with your body but, right now, you need him to know that it's more than this for you. More than the sex and the physical intimacy. And the way he kisses you back reassures you beyond a doubt that it's more than this for him, too.
Then, your patience runs out.
"Joel, move."
And suddenly, he's spearing up into that spot deep inside you with reckless abandon, bouncing you on his cock, and you're not entirely sure, but you might actually be screaming.
Your head lolls back, thudding dully against the wall, and he ducks down to wrap his lips around your nipple, tongue circling the nub as he continues you work you up and down his shaft. The sound your pussy's making around him should be humiliating, but it only spurs him on, the wet squelching echoing loudly over the running water.
"Hear that? That's all you, baby. So fuckin' wet, look at that," and he's watching himself again in awe as he fucks in and out of you. You follow his gaze and, holy shit, he's not kidding. You're absolutely soaking him. "You look so good like this, so goddamn pretty stretched around my cock."
You still haven't completely acclimated to how thick he is, not sure you ever actually will, and the syrupy-sweet pain of him has you clawing at his back. You use the wall as leverage, arching just enough so you can actively meet his thrusts, and the new angle sends you reeling.
"Feels so…full, so full," you gasp, your back inching higher up the wall with the force of his thrusts. "K-keep going…there, Joel, there."
It's not just that one spot he's hitting anymore—fuck, it feels like he's everywhere. The ridge of his cock is rubbing your walls just right and every other thrust fucks deep enough to graze your cervix. You sob at the onslaught of overpowering pleasure, burying your hands in his hair to tether yourself as your brain begins to fizzle.
Just a little more, you only need a little bit more. You can feel the lower half of your body locking down and, as if he can sense exactly what you need, he grinds his cock in as deep as it'll go.
"That's it, baby. C'mon, give it to me," he grits against your throat. "Squeezin' me so fuckin' tight, you're almost there."
The coarse hairs at the base of his cock scrape roughly and a little painfully against your swollen clit as you rock against him, but the slide is still so slick and raw that your thighs begin to quake around his waist, and it's—fuck, it's so…so…
"M'gonna fucking cum—gonna…oh fuck, fuck, Joel," your lips part around what you pray is a silent scream and your body goes rigid, cunt spasming violently around him.
He chokes out a moan as you clamp down impossibly tighter on his cock. "Fuckin' hell, there we go," he rasps out shakily as he fucks you into the wall blindingly hard, letting you ride him through your orgasm.
"So, s-so good. Feels so fuckin' good," he's starting to mumble to himself deliriously, squeezing your ass hard enough to bruise. You whimper helplessly as his thrusts get sloppier and more desperate, "Gonna fill you up 'til it's leakin' out…c-can I, pretty girl? Please…bet you'd look so fuckin' good with my cum spillin' out of you—"
Before you can even answer, you feel him throb and then his entire body stills, his cock visibly pulsing as he empties into you. He moans his way through it, his head dropping to your shoulder again to watch himself pump you full of cum just like he said he would.
If you thought you felt full before, it's nothing compared to how you feel right now. He's still so deep, twitching pathetically inside you as he lifts his head to nose at the underside of your jaw. He presses a soft kiss there and you sigh, wrapping your arms and legs around him tighter.
"Christ, Joel, where did that come from?" you rasp out. He chuckles, and his whole body shakes with it, jostling his hips into your sensitive clit. Your pussy flutters around him and his breath hitches, fingers digging into the softness of your thighs. He still hasn't pulled out and you have a feeling he doesn't want to.
"Been waitin' a long time for that," he murmurs, meeting your eyes. You smile softly, and your lips command his attention. "Waited a long time for you."
So full of surprises tonight. You’ve traveled with him for years, settled down with your kid, but you never expected this. For him to finally feel the same way you do, to fuck you like that. You’re suddenly extremely thankful he came home in dire need of a shower.
You run your hands up his chest, settling one on his shoulder and burying the other in his hair. The dirt, the grime—it's all gone now, replaced by your release and the sweat of your exertion. He smells so good, just like your fancy shampoo. Just like home.
You lean in to kiss him deeply and he melts into you, his lips soft and warm against yours. When you part, you're met with that look again. The one he gave you after you asked him to shower with you, and that he hasn't stopped giving you since. Like he's observing you, contemplating you.
You recognize it now—it's hope.
"I've been waiting a long time for you too, Joel."
He kisses you again, holding you close as the water goes ice cold.
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thanks so much for reading! 🥰
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inf3ct3dd · 1 year
ellie headcanons ..!
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warnings : literally none, perfectly sfw 😍😍
content: loser!ellie x reader, more ellie-focused than relationship focused (sorryyyy 😞😞)
authors note: i’ve literally never done headcanons omg 😓 this is js my random ramblings 🔥🔥🔥
pt. 2 ! taglist!!!! masterlist!!
- send you an excessive amount of reels. every 5 seconds. cute cats, random facts about space, stuff she thinks is funny, it all goes to you.
- definitely had a “rock collection” when she was little, but she was so ???? excessive with it??? like every time she saw a rock she picked it up. she walked so weird bc her pockets were just FULL OF ROCKS.
- also, was literally the grimiest kid ever. playing in ROLLING IN the mud, going snail hunting when it rained!!! she was the kid that would go in the bushes and mess w rolly pollies all the time for NO REASON.
- is weirdly good at fishing?? joel took her all the time, and shes a self proclaimed “fishing master”
- WAYYY clumsy. always running into a wall, tripping on air, or missing steps on the stairs (smh its cuz of that damn phone 😒😒)
- im so into the whole “adam sandler” fits cuz its so true. esp during the summer, its some stupid t shirt that says “master baiter” and a pair of old basketball shorts.
- speaking of t shirts, she’s def the type to own an absurd amount of dumb t shirts.
- gets all her clothes from like, walmart and goodwill. she does not CARE!!!
- cuts her own hair too 🤞🏽🤞🏽 shes soooo self sufficient 😍😍😍
- bites. she is such a biter.
- speaking of, i feel like she js has to have something in her mouth constantly. gum, random pieces of plastic, bottle caps, pens, anything 😞
- speaking of mouths (wow sierra so many connections!!!) she def had braces , but she hates wearing her retainer so her teeth are like ever-so-slightly fucked up
- is AMAZING at committing to the bit. she will drag it for DAYSSS if you don’t tell her to stop. once did a (awful) british accent for 4 days until you threw something at her and told her to shut the fuck up
- definitely not shy, just kind of…odd. she’ll talk to anyone that talks to her, she just doesn’t really approach people.
- weird obsession with pickles. has a pickle stuffed animal with a mustache and glasses that she bought from goodwill
- hangs up so much stuff on her walls!!!! tickets, old notes, cards, pictures of people, drawings, old tickets, literally anything she thinks looks cool
- obsessed with rollercoasters!!! she took you to the fair for your first date
- also like- very good at fair games. she’s so cocky about it too, you’ll go home with like 20 stuffed animals she won for you and she’ll carry ALL OF THEM with the stupidest smile on her face
- wears all of joels old contractor-workwear clothes during the colder months
- trys so hard to be “mysterious” but she’s never actually doing anything so she just does stuff like not telling you what movie she’s watching or what she’s eating
- also just texts you 24-7!!! like every time she’s doing something she’s like “i made a quesadilla” “i went to the store” “i took a shower” she just looooves keeping you updated
- tries to raise one eyebrow but ends up just squinting one eye. so funny 😞😞
- really good at solving rubix cubes???
- definitely had a fuck ass bob at one point
- GLASSES. that is all. glasses.
- listens to so much dad rock, midwest emo, indie, she LOVES male manipulator music!! but like she isn’t like thatttt shes so niceeee 😞😞
- mostly calls you babe/baby, she’ll call you really dumb pet names as a joke like “pookie” 😭😭
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miguel-owhora · 6 months
back on my bullshit, but thinking about mreader who's so big and broad, so tall and muscular, you're an absolute tank of a unit compared to the other guys. but despite your size, you're rather friendly, if a little air-headed at time. the other guys, specifically soap, nicknames you 'Bull' and somehow manages to change your codename to that on the system. mostly bc 1. you're big, and 2., he's seen you bodyslam people before and knock down doors just like that.
anyways, timeskip bc idk, i guess you're all in the common shower just... showering or drying up. the other guys are joking around, well, gaz is egging soap to bother ghost and price is exasperated. they've seen each other's dicks far too often to not worry about covering up, and any glances are pointedly ignored. up until this moment, no one has seen your dick, as you like to take private showers. but after one too many slips into the mud, well, price haggled you into the showers.
but these are your friends, your teammates, and you're not exactly insecure - or rather self-aware around them. you don't bat an eye when you step out of the stalls, drying up your hair with your towel. and it's the only towel you have on your body, which means that the other guys have a full view to your cock and ass.
and lord do they stare, literally getting whiplash with how fast they turn to look. it seems there's another reason why you're called Bull, because jesus, you're hung like one. all soft but still thick and long, balls heavy and firm, your ass hidden in a soft layer of hair that spreads between the middle and down your thighs and all over the rest of your body, fuck.
question is, would they ride you like a bull?
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kazekagevi · 1 month
Bonds Beyond Words: If Eywa Wills It
Pairing: Aged-Up!Neteyam x Fem!Human!Reader
Word Count: 5k
Tags: dark themes, but this chapter is actually very fluffy and silly, Lo'ak and Kiri and Spider becoming reader's besties, many attempts at comedy, eventual NSFW, aged-up! Neteyam (and Lo'ak, Spider, and Kiri), reader has PTSD, Neteyam dislikes humans (except for you), eventual jealous/possessive Neteyam, future Olo'eyktan! Neteyam, enemies-to-lovers, interspecies slow burn, angst, fluff, probably OOC, POV’s all over the place, forgive the inconsistencies. 
Summary: You're not allowed to join the community until Jake Sully decides you're ready. Spider, Lo'ak, and Kiri teach you Na'vi.
A/N and Disclaimer: I tried my best to use some Navi language translators and the LearnNavi website to write this chapter, but there are bound to be language errors. I also know time works differently there. Sorry for all the inconsistencies!
This story contains explicit content and is only appropriate for audiences 18+. MDNI. Please do not repost my work. 
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The science shack isn’t so bad. 
Your initiation begins after your first sleep that night. The next morning, Max and Norm put their research projects on hold to give you an actual, legitimate tour of the facility. The place is full of bells and whistles. Tiny buttons, translucent screens, and telecommunications. Technology is abundant; but your knowledge of how to use it is not. 
“Here is the airlock control panel,” Max explains. He hovers his palm over a sensor—when it flashes sage green, the user interface appears. “Once you’re ready to interact with the community, we’ll scan your handprints and give you full clearance,” he futhers. 
You’re helplessly eager. “Do you know when that will be?” you inquire. 
Max presses the controller in the center of the panel. The glass door to the inner chamber slides open. You peek your head inside the airlock space—there are respirator masks for both humans and Na’vi, as well as a broom in the corner. 
“I put that there,” Max says, referring to the broom. He’s stealthily ignoring your previous question. “Told Spider he needs to sweep after himself. He refuses to use the doormat outside. I think the only person who’s touched that broom has been me.”
You look at the ground. The floor of the airlock space isn’t as bad as you’d expect it to be. Admittedly, it’s filthy. There are mud stains of both human and Na’vi footprints on the vinyl floor. The size difference is jarring. 
You have an idea. You smirk to yourself. “What if I cleaned this mess for him?” you offer. “I’ll sweep, then mop. I need to start pulling my weight, too.”
Max sighs. “What? So you can put on one of those masks and sneak out before the Olo'eyktan says you’re ready?”
Your expression sours. “You didn’t have to say it like that,” you reply. “I wasn’t going to sneak out,” you admit aloud. “I was going to accidentally open the front door or something with a mask conveniently in place. It’s not as deceitful that way.” 
Max sighs again. “Well, I have no say in when you’re ready,” he confesses. “That decision is only Jake’s to make.”
You have no choice but to yield. Max taps the censor again. The airlock door falls shut into place. 
It takes an entire day to simply show you how everything works. It takes two more for you to demonstrate you were paying attention and know how to use everything. The only intuitive mechanisms are the knobs to the showers and the dials on the washer and dryer.
Like in any society, the science shack has its own set of rules, regulations, and norms—quite literally, since Norm transfers between his human body and Avatar frequently. The showers are closed once every twenty-five days for necessary maintenance. Humans aren’t to leave when the Na’vi are sleeping or on significant Omatikaya holidays. Don’t talk to Max before he’s had his first coffee. Spider is supposed to sweep after himself in the airlock room. You can’t use Mia’s handleless mug, but you’re allowed to wash it if you’re extra careful. 
By the end of the week, your head hurts. 
You know the only way to become proficient in something, like speaking a new language or utilizing advanced technology, is to thrust yourself into it. Take the plunge—don’t fear it. Embrace the nosedive. Freefall. 
So, after dinner on your seventh day, you get as close to doing that as possible. You sit on a small perch by a tiny window, nestled in a corner of the science shack. You’re hungry; for one, Norm’s cooking tastes much worse when you’re not famished, so you couldn’t force yourself to go back for seconds, let alone finish everything on your plate. 
But also, you’re hungry for something else. Now that you’re safe from the RDA, you can actually consider doing what you came to Pandora to do all along. You can practically taste it.
You know Jake Sully is right. Life in the science shack is complicated enough, and you need adequate time to acclimate. But you’re starting to feel like you’re trapped.  
The window allows you to see a slice of life at High Camp. You come here around the same time after a meal, just like clockwork. You haven’t seen Jake Sully since your conversation, but you’ve seen many others. 
Just right now, you see a group of young women shuffle past, laughing and gossiping about who knows what. You see two kids, presumably siblings, one chasing after the other, before they’re stopped by one of the village’s elders. You see injured warriors limp towards the tsahìk’s tent. You see a woman in her homestead, weaving a basket. You feel nothing but sonder; the profound sensibility that these people are all living complex lives of their own, and you’re simply witnessing these complexities unfold right before your eyes. 
You begin to recognize a few faces, like that of the shaman healer, otherwise known as the tsahìk. You also take note of which warriors visit her tent most frequently. 
You routinely see a Na’vi female with short, straight jet-black hair. She tends to pass by the science shack every evening of every day, stare at the door, frown, then leave. On two occasions, your eyes met before she wandered off. 
You’ve learned a few more common phrases, which Norm, Max, Spider and Mia teach you at meal times. Kaltxì is a standard greeting. Rutxe means please, and irayo means thank you. Ngafkeyk pefya? means ‘how are you?’ 
You also learned that the lines you recited to the Na’vi in the forest, Neteyam, were of a standard dialect. They weren’t incorrect, just slightly different from that of the Omatikaya’s. And, allegedly, your pronunciation was off. 
In your extensive travels on Earth, you learned quickest when you immersed yourself in a new, unfamiliar environment. It was the rush—the thrill, the trepidation—that drove you to adapt. It was as just as you told Jake Sully: so I will. 
Immersion is the only way. Norm knows this too; as an exceptional xenolinguist, he learned more from interacting with the Na’vi for a few weeks than he did from reading any book. He really understands. He wishes he had more time to help with your studies, but he must return to his work. His newest botany project is time sensitive. 
As you sit by the window, you use an electronic tablet programmed with a basic flashcard feature to get yourself acquainted with the Na’vi language. It’s not particularly helpful, since spoken practice is more beneficial than anything written. You’ve been skimming some of Jake’s old journals, too. But at the time of their conception, he wrote only in English, and misspelled many Na’vi words and phrases. 
The flashcards do nothing besides test your aptitude for memorization. It doesn’t help that your attention span is elsewhere, like you left it on a far, distant planet.
Everytime someone passes by the window in your peripheral vision, you have no choice but to look up and see who’s there. It’s usually another Na’vi face you’ve never seen before. You don’t realize it initially, but the more you turn your head, you’re helplessly aware that you’re looking for someone. It never is, but you’re hopeful it might be Neteyam—you still owe him for saving your life. You have an inkling however, that he’s probably avoiding this place for one reason or another. That very reason might just be yourself. 
It’s obvious that this method of study is inefficient. You power off the tablet and continue people-watching with your knees tucked against your chest. 
Any moment now, you know you’ll see that girl with shoulder-length hair. You want to know why she frowns, but you don’t know how to ask ‘what’s upsetting you?’ in Na’vi. 
Now that you think about it, though, you’re unsure if that’s a wise idea. Even when you are allowed into the community, you know that you will have to keep a distance. Know your place. Although the humans and Na’vi residing here coexist in apparent harmony, you don’t want your presence to disrupt the peace. 
There’s a quiet knock on the other side of the airlock door across the main room—it’s so faint you almost miss it. 
When you sit up, you hear footsteps thudding against the vinyl flooring. You see Spider look around then over his shoulder as he approaches the door. 
He begrudgingly places his hand over the scanner. He presses a button and the front of the airlock opens. 
He quietly shouts something in Na’vi—skxawng. You’re not sure what this word means yet.
From your window perch, you can’t see what’s going on, but Kiri and Lo’ak enter the space through the main door. They each grab a respirator. 
Spider continues to say things you don’t understand. From his tone of voice, he seems slightly agitated. 
“You can’t be here,” Spider says to both of them in Na’vi. “Not until the new girl gets introduced to the community.”
Lo’ak takes a deep breath—the respirator in his hand looks so small. He’s almost as tall as his father now. As the years pass, Lo’ak just gets bigger and bigger. It makes him feel like Spider is shrinking. 
“C’mon man,” Lo’ak says. “Let us in. We’ll only take a minute,” he adds, wearing a devious smirk on his face. “I uh, forgot something when I was here last?” he tries. 
“Yeah, right,” Spider replies. 
“Lo’ak, you’re not helping my case,” Kiri says, glaring at her older brother. 
Lo’ak’s jaw drops. He scoffs at her. “You told me to come with you!”
“Yes, and it turns out you’re not helping!” Kiri hisses. 
Spider groans. “Can you two just leave? I don’t want to get any flak for this.”
Kiri grits her teeth. She places both of her hands on the glass separating them. “Please, Spider. I haven’t seen Mom in forever,” she says. Her eyes water. “It hasn’t been this long since the time we lived in Awa'atlu… I miss her.”
The crease between Spider’s brows disappears. From what you can see, he looks apologetic. “Oeru txoa livu,” he says to Kiri. “But I’m not supposed to let anyone in besides your dad.”
Lo’ak’s expression falters. He looks at his feet. His ears fall flat. “You know, I haven’t seen Tsireya since we left Awa'atlu,” he says just loud enough for Spider and Kiri to hear.
Spider rubs his nose bridge. Kiri sighs and flicks his temple with her fingers. Once Lo’ak starts talking about Tsireya, he can’t stop. 
While this interaction continues to transpire, you stand from your perch and tiptoe over. Your footsteps are padded by thick, cotton socks. You advance slowly, like you’re approaching a crime scene covered with caution tape. 
“Lo’ak, go home and go to bed,” Kiri says, poking his chest. She then spins back around. “Spider, let me in, please.”
 “I’m sorry, Kiri,” Spider replies. “You know I would if I could.” 
Kiri places her hands on her hips. “You can, very easily, actually. Just press the button,” Kiri says. She points to the spot where she knows it is on the other side of the door. “It’s right there.”
Spider sighs. The crease in his brow returns when he realizes Lo’ak is suddenly smiling. “Why are you doing that?”  
Lo’ak waves to you from the other side of the airlock. “Hi!” He greets you in English. “What’s your name?”
Spider jolts when he realizes you’re standing there right behind him.
Kiri gasps. Her eyes go wide—they practically sparkle when she’s excited. “I told you, I saw her!” she says to Lo’ak in Na’vi. 
You smile at the male and female Na’vi before you. They seem so friendly, and the male Na’vi’s English sounds great. “Hello there,” you reply. You formally introduce yourself. 
Spider presses a palm to his temple. He knows he’s going to get in trouble. 
“It’s nice to meet you!” the female Na’vi says, also in English. “I’m called Kiri. And this is my older brother, Lo’ak.”
That’s his cue—Lo’ak waves again, flashing his vibrant smile. 
Spider scoffs. 
“My good brother here, Spider,” says Lo’ak, “this skxawng,” he adds, more quietly, “was about to let us inside.” 
“I was not,” Spider protests. 
“C’mon,” you say. Spider rolls his eyes—you’ve just met Lo’ak but he’s already infected you with whatever ailment he has that makes him the way that he is. At the same time, however, Spider knows it’s one of the best things about him. 
“Why can’t we let them in?” you ask. This is the most exciting thing that’s happened to you in five days. 
“Exactly,” says Lo’ak. “Let us in,” he chants quietly. 
“The door isn’t broken, is it?” you further, keeping a serious demeanor. “I’ll just check to make sure it works,” you tell Spider. 
The airlock’s inner chamber door opens, allowing Lo’ak and Kiri entry. 
“Would you look at that,” you profess. “I know how the door works.” 
Lo’ak chuckles as he strolls inside like he owns the place. Kiri rushes past the three of you, making a beeline for the large container in the middle of the main room. She presses her palms against the glass and whispers to the Avatar stuck inside. Your brows furrow in confusion. 
“You were right,” Lo’ak mutters to Spider in English. “She is short, even for a human.”
Your jaw goes slack. A surprised chuckle falls from your lips. “If you call Spider skxawng, then what are you?” you can’t help but retort. 
He grins. “If there was a clan of a hundred skxawng’s,” Lo’ak says, “they would have no choice but to make me their leader.”
You laugh again—harder than you were expecting to. This Na’vi might be an ass, but at least he’s got a sense of humor. 
Spider groans again. “If you two knuckleheads stay, you have to keep it down,” he says.
Lo’ak puts his hands up, defensively. 
“Can I ask what she’s doing over there?” you say aloud. 
Kiri now has her face pressed against the glass. It fogs from her breath. 
Spider and Lo’ak look at each other. Lo’ak rubs the back of his neck before speaking: “it’s a long story, but that’s the Avatar of Kiri’s biological mother. Kiri is my adoptive sister.” Lo’ak then hums to himself. “Maybe it’s not such a long story, after all.” 
That’s why she looked so sad. She simply missed her Mom. 
You blink once. “Oh, alright.” You nod, looking at Spider. “All of that information about Mia’s coffee mug was really important, but this,” you say, gesturing to the tube in the center of the room. “Not so much.”
Spider shrugs. “It’s important,” he says. “But, this is just commonplace for all of us.”
“She’s been doing this since we were kids,” Lo’ak reaffirms. 
“Maybe we’re blind to it,” Spider offers. “It’s always there, so we can’t even see it if it’s right in front of us.” 
Lo’ak simpers. “Well said.” 
“Thank you,” says Spider. He grins.  
They nod together and rub their chins like idiots. You assume this must be a regular thing for them. 
“Skxawngs,” you say. 
Of course, they both look your way, as though you’ve called them by their birth name. 
“Did I use that properly?” you ask in English. 
They nod. You sigh woefully.
Lo’ak practically snatches such low-hanging fruit: “What’s got you all blue?” 
You can’t help but glare at him. “They say you don’t know a language unless you know how to properly insult someone,” you say. “But I don’t actually know any useful Na’vi, and I haven’t had a conversation with anyone. Half of the words I know are just insults!”
“Simmer down,” says Spider. “You learned plenty today,” he says. 
“And, last I heard, you did have a conversation with someone,” Lo’ak mutters. 
Spider crosses his arms over his bare chest and looks you in the eye. “We’ll do our best to teach you.”
“Then teach me,” you reply, glaring daggers his way. 
Spider’s eyes narrow. He clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. A couple of hours ago, you were enthusiastic. Now, you’re starting to get on his nerves. 
Spider then looks over at Kiri, and makes an almost silent whistling noise. In response, Kiri’s ears twitch and she peeks over her shoulder. 
“What the hell did you just say to her?” you demand. 
“Oh, that?” Spider chuckles dryly. “I didn’t say anything, yet.”
“What is it?” Kiri calls back to him.
When Spider responds, he speaks entirely in Na’vi. When Kiri replies to him, she does the same. Spider then turns to you, speaks only in Na’vi again, then laughs. He says something else. Laughter erupts. Kiri and Lo’ak follow suit. 
You have no choice to presume they’re talking shit about you in their native language. 
In reality, they’re saying things that make no sense just to get you riled up. The first thing Spider told Kiri was “let’s pretend like we’re making fun of her. Keep going along with it until I say stop.”
Needless to say, they play their roles with great conviction, like actors on a stage. They fool you. 
“You guys are dickheads! That’s enough.”
They finally stop when you fold your arms over your chest and start pouting; but they don’t stop laughing until Norm yells from down the hall to, in his words, ‘tone that shit down.’ When they’re caught, Spider purses his lips, and Kiri and Lo’ak takes deep breaths from their respirator masks in unison. 
“You’re incredibly impatient,” Spider admits, lowering his voice. Lo’ak nods in agreement. You’re all sitting around the tube that holds Grace’s Avatar. Kiri traces small shapes on its surface with her lithe fingertips. 
“And you three,” you say, pointing at each of them, “are a bunch of jesters.”
“No, you’re a jester,” says Lo’ak. He doesn’t even know what that word means, not in English anyway. 
“That’s exactly what a jester would say.” You groan in frustration. “I am impatient, but you don’t have to say it so directly,” you reply. Your expression is downcast and dejected. 
You want to learn the language. You want to be able to talk to people. You want to carry out conversations, and learn, and laugh, and cry. You want to become a phoenix, rising from the ashes of an otherwise hopeless situation. You’re here, you’re alive, yet you don’t feel that way. Not at all. 
You don’t want to feel like an outsider. You don’t want to live life from a bird’s eye view, on your little perch by the tiny window. You don’t want to feel like a canary in a cage. You don’t want to feel like a fish in a large, technologically-advanced bowl. Or like a beetle in a glass jar with holes poked in the top. You don’t want to be alone. You don’t want to be locked away in the science shack, just like how you were in the RDA’s basement. 
Your eyes water. How could it be? Have you simply gone from one prison to another?
“You may be impatient, but I think you’ll fit in with us just fine,” Lo’ak interjects. He smiles genuinely. After a few moments, so do Spider and Kiri.
You wipe your eyes. Your face feels hot. 
Kiri calls you by your first name, grasping hold of your attention. “Don’t worry. We’ll teach you to speak Na’vi, and you’ll be just like the rest of us,” she says affectionately. 
“I don’t know about that,” Lo’ak mutters. 
There’s a pregnant pause. You, Spider, and Kiri expect him to say that you’ll never be a true Na’vi, or something of the sort. You weren’t raised as such, like the three of them. 
“She won’t grow another foot overnight,” Lo’ak says finally. He looks right at you with a shit-eating grin. “You’ll never be as tall as we are.”
“Well said,” Spider remarks. 
Kiri and Lo’ak can’t stay for much longer—they have to sneak back to their tent before Jake Sully finds out what they’ve been up to. 
“They won’t get in trouble if he finds out, right?”
You and Spider are the last two awake. You’re sitting at the kitchen table. 
Spider waves his hand around nonchalantly. “They never do,” he says. There’s a brief pause. “Okay, sometimes Lo’ak does,” Spider adds. “But never Kiri or Tuk. You’ll meet her eventually. She’s the youngest sibling.”
“Alright, so there’s the three of them. Lo’ak, Kiri, and Tuk. And Neytiri is their mother, right?”
“Four of them,” Spider corrects you. “Neteyam is the oldest. One year older than Lo’ak.” 
You blink. “Neteyam is the Olo'eyktan’s eldest son? The one who found me?” 
“That’s what I said, didn’t I?” Spider retorts. 
You glare at him. “Yes, that’s what you said, only a whole week late!” You whisper-shout at him. “Just like with Kiri’s biological mother.”
Spider throws his hands up. “I guess I thought someone already told you,” he says defensively. “You talked to Jake, right?”
“Right,” you reply. “But he didn’t mention anything about Neteyam being his son. Didn’t mention anything about his children actually.”
“With all that you went through with those fuckers, he may have thought it could be taken as insensitive,” Spider suggests. 
You hum. Maybe, just maybe, Spider’s right.
“Kiri works in the tsahìk’s tent during the day. Lo’ak puts in the least amount of effort necessary to be considered one of the warriors,” Spider says. “He’s usually around, but oftentimes not. Either way, we will find time to help you learn Na’vi.” 
“Is Neteyam one of the warriors?” you ask. 
Spider nods. “These days, he’s become one of the best.”
Your thoughts drift back to when Neteyam found you. You were practically ambushed—he was so controlled, so swift with his movements. Spider’s words don’t surprise you.
“So, he’s busy all the time?”
Spider addresses you by name. “What are you getting at?”
“I still need to thank him,” you confide. “He can’t avoid me forever.”
Spider sighs. “He can try,” he mutters. 
“So, he is avoiding me?” you ask. Your cheeks are turning red again.
“He’s…” Spider begins. He looks distraught. “He wasn’t always like this,” Spider says. “Neteyam and I are cool, but he never sets foot inside this place if he doesn’t have to. Ever since the Sully family returned from living with the Metkayina, the Reef People, he doesn’t get along with Norm and the others like Kiri and Lo’ak… He merely tolerates the scientists here.” 
“You’re saying he hates humans,” you say bluntly. 
“Hate is a strong word,” Spider replies. “But he has many reasons to dislike them…” Spider swallows. “To dislike our kind.” 
The words fall from your lips: “you’re right.”
You begin to question whether or not you should follow through with thanking him for saving you. The interaction with Kiri and Lo’ak went so well—perhaps it gave you an ounce of hope, things might go smoothly with Neteyam too. He’s been on your mind constantly, replaying in your thoughts like a broken record. You’re certain there are other Na’vi who share similar sentiments. You have to be careful.
“Don’t think about it too hard,” says Spider. He stands from the table. “I’m going to sleep,” he says plainly. His footsteps fade as he walks to the barracks. 
Spider’s sympathies do very little to ease your mind. 
Spider kept his word. Kar is teach. Karyu is teacher, and Karyunay is apprentice teacher. Ayfo kar nga—they teach you. 
In the days—and eventually, weeks—to come, you fall into a new routine.
You study Na’vi during the day-time hours. The science shack isn’t so bad. Sometimes, if he’s available, Norm works with you on your phonetics and grammar. But typically, it’s just you, your electronic tablet, and your perch by the windowsill. 
When you learned other Earth languages in the past, it was easier to learn other languages in proximity to their language group with which you were familiar. Romance languages, such as Spanish, French, and Italian, bore many similarities. The same went for Germanic languages, and even some Sino-Tibetan languages. 
Na’vi, however, is completely different from any language you’ve spoken, or even attempted to learn. But your dedication is unwavering. 
Lo’ak and Kiri return to the science shack two days after your first encounter with them. 
“Okay, Spider was right. At first, he was angry,” Kiri says. She takes a deep breath through her respirator. “But then, I suppose he thought about it more and decided it was a good idea after all.”
Jake Sully has given Lo’ak and Kiri his word of approval to help with your studies at nightfall, as long as they don’t slack off their usual duties. 
“He thinks it’s a good ‘method of assimilation’ or some shit like that,” adds Lo’ak.
You nod. “He’s right,” you say. 
“Yeah, whatever,” Lo’ak admits nonchalantly. “Sometimes.” 
You all sit on the floor around Grace’s tube again. 
“Well,” you clear your throat. “Today, I studied grammatical structure and simple, common vocabulary. Maybe we could start with-”
“Nga za‘u ftu peseng?” Spider asks. He’s asking ‘where do you come from?’
You blink. It takes a moment for the cogs in your brain to rotate. But in due time, you register his question. 
“I come from Earth,” you reply in English.
“If you really want to learn,” Spider says, “you should reply in Na’vi.”
You should. The only issue is, you’re not sure how. But you have no choice but to give it a try. 
You fail the first time. The second time, you almost get it right—close enough to where Kiri pries her eyes away from her mother to give you a look of encouragement and a thumbs up. 
“You’re almost there,” says Lo’ak. He straightens his posture, no longer slouching against the glass tube. “But if you don’t want to sound like a baby learning their first words, you need to change up the word order. For myself, I would reply with ‘za‘u oe ftu Eywa’eveng.’ Which means in English, ‘I come from Pandora.’ Your reply, obviously, is going to be a little different.”
Lo’ak pauses, takes a breath from his respirator, then mimics your higher-pitched voice, speaking as you would reply in Na’vi. 
His impression of you is already spot on. “I don’t sound like that!” you protest. 
They all laugh, and you can’t help but join them. 
For the rest of the evening, the three of them ask you simple questions in Na’vi. All you have to do is reply, also in Na’vi. The longer you go, the easier it gets. You build upon the scaffolding of your day-time studies, as well as every question and response before the next. 
This continues for many nights. 
During the days when you’re sitting by the window and Lo’ak and Kiri pop into frame, you instinctively smile and wave to them. They always reciprocate. 
They don’t say it outwardly, but the two of them look forward to these evenings with you. They get to spend more time with Spider. And, although they’re both fluent in English, the practice benefits them, too. Plus, they’ve taken a liking to you as well. 
“Who the hell are you waving at, skxawng?” Neteyam asks Lo’ak one day. They’re about to head off on their ikrans to train. Lo’ak needs to learn a new hand-to-hand technique. Neteyam is conveniently out of your line of sight.
“I’m waving to the new girl!” Lo’ak exclaims. He continues waving. He’s practically beaming.
Neteyam huffs. 
“Her pronunciation is getting much better,” Lo’ak says. His arm falls to his side again. “But it honestly wasn’t bad to begin with,” he adds. “Do you think you were, perhaps, exaggerating?”
“No,” Neteyam answers curtly. He looks agitated—his ears twitch and his tail swishes wildly. “She’s a distraction." You're proving Neteyam's point. Lo'ak won't stop waving. Neteyam groans. "Hurry up, Lo'ak. We have things to do,” he says. When they were younger, Neteyam would’ve slapped Lo’ak’s bicep or grabbed him by the ends of his hair, but he’s a man now. He can’t show his impatience or impulsivity. 
Lo'ak disappears from your vantage point.
It’s already been a month. Your diligent practice is starting to pay off. 
You can hold very basic conversations in Na’vi. You’re learning more about the language and culture every day. 
They don't want to feed your ego, but your teachers have discovered you're a fast, proficient learner.
“Syep means 'to trap.' It’s a verb,” Lo’ak explains to you in English. He’s lying on the floor with his legs propped up on a chair from the dining table. Suddenly, he swings his feet from the chair, and stands to his feet. 
You don't want to feed any of their egos either, but they're all smarter than they think. Especially Lo'ak.
“Spider, peseng lu syeprel?” Lo’ak asks. 
You’re unsure what a syeprel is, but you know he’s asking where it’s located. 
“I think it’s in the supply closet, over there,” Spider replies in Na’vi. 
“What’s a syeprel?” you ask, also in Na’vi. 
“Take a guess!” Lo’ak calls from down the hall. 
You hum. You switch back to English: “Well, it must be a particular type of trap? Like a mouse trap or something?”
Kiri hums too. “It does technically trap something,” she says after a few moments. “But you’re thinking too literally,” she adds with a smirk. 
You scratch your head. You’re dumbfounded. 
“A-ha!’ Lo’ak says triumphantly. “I’ve found it.”
“Found what?” you call. 
“Ask nicely,” says Kiri. “In Na’vi.”
You try again. “Rutxe,” you say, slightly embarrassed. You do as you’re told, and ask in Na’vi. 
Lo’ak returns. He’s holding an ancient piece of technology—an extremely old hand-held digital camera with a slightly scratched lens. “Say cheese!” 
He snaps a photo of you, Spider, and Kiri lounging around on the floor. None of you were prepared.
Kiri sighs and glowers at him. “Lo’ak!”
Lo’ak chuckles. “Alright, alright. We’ll take another one.”
The four of you stand around Lo’ak, the camera operator. “Kiri, crouch down a little bit,” he says, directing your places. “Spider, lean closer to Kiri.” You hear Spider sigh. 
Lo’ak then glances at you over his shoulder. “Stand on your toes, tawtute. Or else you won’t be in frame,” he chides you with a sly smile. 
You do just that and smile for the syeprel. “You’re an ass, Lo’ak,” you say through your teeth. 
“Smile, everyone!” he sings in Na’vi. Lo’ak spins the camera around to take a photo of everyone while operating it at the same time. He smiles and snaps another photo. The flash is momentarily blinding.
You break free from your pose. “So, a camera is called syeprel?”
“Yes, it is.” replies Lo’ak in Na’vi. “It traps a moment in time, doesn’t it? Rel means like an image, or a picture,” he adds in English.
It’s clicking. Your jaw goes slack. Spider can’t help but chuckle at your expression. 
“Language learning is so cool,” you gawk.
“You sound just like Norm,” says Kiri. 
“Whatever,” you say in Na’vi. You switch back to English again. “There are lots of animal names in English like that. Anteaters eat ants. Junebugs come out in the month of June to find mates. Grasshoppers hop around in the grass. Centipedes are named after their one hundred legs.” 
“Now you really sound like Norm,” Kiri teases you. “Don’t start talking about plants too, or I’ll have to go home.” 
“What about bed bugs?” asks Spider. “I've only heard of them from the others. Never seen them here. I’m assuming they would be found in your bed?” 
You nod. 
Kiri hums, thinking. “What about butterflies then?” she asks. “I know that butter comes from milk and milk comes from Earth cows, but could they make butter too?”
You scrunch your nose at the mere thought of butterfly butter. “I don’t think so.”
Lo’ak can hardly contain his laughter. “What about cockroaches?” 
Kiri smacks his chest. Lo’ak half-groans, half-cackles. Kiri scolds him in Na'vi, but it's not long before she starts laughing too. 
You and Spider follow suit.  From down the hall, Norm calls for you four to keep it down again.
But you can’t stop. In fact, Norm’s complaints make it worse. Joyous laughter fills the room. You’re having the time of your life. For the second time since your escape, you think this must be heaven. You’re briefly reminded of your imprisonment—you remember the few times you laughed with your cellmates. You remember those slivers of euphoria. 
You also remember that you’re safe now. The science shack isn’t so bad. Not with Spider, and Kiri, and Lo’ak, and even Norm, and Max, and Mia, and all the others. 
You laugh until your ribs hurt. You laugh until tears well in your eyes. 
A/N: This chapter was so fun to write! I hope you guys had as much fun reading it as I did writing it. Again, please forgive any language inconsistencies.
Don't worry my darlings! Neteyam is going to be all over the next chapter. Believe in the slow burn!
And thanks again for all the kind comments, reblogs, and notes. You guys are awesome!
Taglist: @m1tsu-ki @promnightbinbaby
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llamagoddessofficial · 9 months
I love Farmtale Sans a lot. But also, living in the country isn't always sunshine cottagecore magicalness. It can suck. But... here's some unromantic country stuff that I think could actually be very romantic when you're with him.
As mentioned before, the two of you end up spending a lot of time in the car together. The nearest big store is a ways away, after all. On those long drives, the radio often cuts out for long periods of time... it can feel pretty lonely, especially at night. But when you're together, it's alright. You sleep with your head against the passenger window, your coat over you, holding his unoccupied hand through the quiet.
He gets a call in the middle of the night from someone else further into the village that there's a surprise rain shower coming through tomorrow, and they need to move a lot of kit indoors ASAP before it hits. He grumbles, but heads out anyway. ... An hour or so later, in the middle of a dark cold field, he sees your flashlight rushing over to him. You have a flask of steaming soup and a tupperware box with a slice of hot pie inside. Despite your fear of the dark and bugs, you made your way out to him. He feels himself fall in love even harder, and just like that, the task takes half the time.
When your home is as exposed as country houses can get, the wind can be really fucking loud. Especially if your room is on the windward side of the house. It can sound like a train is driving over your bedroom at night. You decide to sleep on the couch, both because you can't sleep and because you're nervous about how loud it is; it's difficult to rest when you can literally hear the roof rattling and the shingles jumping up and down. Sans, even though his room is absolutely fine, opts to join you. He lights the fire and gets comfy with you, then stays awake so you feel comfortable enough to fall asleep. You wake up the next morning snuggled up to his chest.
The weather is horrendous pouring rain, cold and damp and treacherously muddy. But the animals have to be fed regardless of the weather. You both go out into the early morning darkness, feeding the chickens and cows, checking on the crops, making sure nothing is leaking, hands almost frozen. You come home absolutely drenched in a thick mixture of rain and mud. And as much as Papyrus complains, refusing to let either of you past the porch until you strip all your dirty items... he's got hot lunch waiting for you both, dry pyjamas and thick socks hanging up over the stove, warm blankets on the couch. There's nothing like the feeling of sheltering from a tempest in someplace cosy. Even if the power does keep going out.
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kabie-whump · 6 months
Different types of pet whumpees?
Because I live in a world of thinking about pet whump 24/7
Toys - Like, the equivalent of those tiny useless dogs that aren't made to do shit except beg for attention (like a bichon frisé). Small and weak but very pretty and they literally just want to be on their owner's lap all the time. They don't mind being dressed up and toted around and showed off to their owner's family. (Ventis for real)
Workers / hunters - They definitely require a more experienced hand than toys. They're encouraged to be intelligent and athletic, which makes them harder to keep in captivity if they decide they don't want to be there anymore. Used as guard dogs, for physical labor, hunting, that sort of thing. They live to feel useful and tend to have no-nonsense personalities.
Retrievers - You all know about the golden retriever boy. Turn him into a pet. That's what we're dealing with. They have a ton of energy and are just genuinely happy to please their owners. They need a ton of interaction and activity though. Great companions for owners who are willing to give that much time and energy to their companion.
And then there's the issue of like,,, what happens if an owner gets the wrong type of pet whumpee? Like getting a worker and trying to treat them like a toy? Or forcing a toy to run around in the mud and play fetch for hours? Recipe for disaster.
AND. What about when someone rescues a pet whumpee from their owner and tries to get them to act like a person again? Do toys struggle to dress themselves? Do workers feel worthless without a job to do? Do retrievers shower their caretaker with affection only to get what they perceive to be the cold shoulder?
Anyway rant over for now thank you.
@sowhumpshaped I want you to see this in particular
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getmeoutofhell · 2 months
Clowns in the Slasher House
warnings: clowns, body parts & cussing!
a/n: i’ve been wanting to do this so i hope you enjoy this! leave comments and request.
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they all have their own separate rooms and floor in house.
you guessed it, they live in the basement. the basement has to be cleaned every damn friday, because if not, it’s gonna smell like ass and dodo.
now, let’s talk about who’s in the slasher house that’s a clown:
art the clown
the little girl
art & the little girl are the messiest out of all of them, and i stand by that. i mean, penny is very, very questionable, but art is more questionable.
sometimes they all play hide and seek, and invite you the play as well. penny is the best at it, since he can literally disappear if he so chooses to. but you had to tell him not to because that’s cheating.
pennywise is usually gone so he doesn’t join often with you guys. but when he does, he’s not the best at the game, but definitely not the worst.
art sometimes uses his hands to cover his face, pretending that he’s hiding. you think it’s funny and adorable, and you sometimes play along with it, pretending you can’t see him.
“oh dangit, i have no idea where art could be. i guess i’ll go look upstairs.” you see him giggle like a school girl before going up stairs.
the little girl likes you, and she’s more comfortable around you & art than anyone else in the house. she likes to tug on your pants leg if she wants something. you still haven’t thought of a name for her yet, but you’re working on it.
another thing about art is that you have to remind him to take his dirty ass clown shoes off when he enters the house. they’re covered with mud and other shit (literally) so it’s a constant thing you have to do to protect the rugs and carpet in the house.
you don’t have to worry about the other adult clowns and their shoes because they can make the dirt disappear in a blink of an eye.
art & the little girl make a lot of weird gifts and passes them to everyone. sometimes it’s a dead persons liver, sometimes it’s someone’s big toe that art collected. you’ll never know what you may get with him.
weekly showers. i don’t care how much art fusses his stanky ass is getting in that damn shower. every time you make art get in the shower, the other clowns laugh at him. arts reaction is to just flip them off, so that’s entertaining to watch.
penny likes to scare the others all the time. you can never get used to it because it’s always something different with him all the time. pennywise sometimes joins in on pennys little pranks but often penny does it to pennywise.
water gun fights!! especially since it’s hot out, it’s the perfect time to have some fun outside in the sun. just don’t forget the sun screen. i don’t know if the clowns would wear swim trunks but maybe you can convince them.
how can i forget the board game nights!! well art…he doesn’t like the board games much. but when he does play, he cheats. well, try’s to at least.
let’s say you’re playing uno and you’re sitting by art. you see out the corner of your eye art peek over next to you at your cards. “art don’t you dare.” he smiles before looking away.
the little girl is smarter than most people realize. she knows a lot, and does a lot. she knows when you’re depressed and sometimes will sit next to you as a type of comfort.
they like to play tag and run around the house every damn where and tear up shit.
*glass shatters* “oh my god what broke now?” you say annoyed.
should i do a part 2?
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your-highnessmarvel · 10 months
Requested by @talesofreading : Would you write something where you're a close friend of Steve and one time as your Bike needs some repair, he tells you to bring it to Bucky as he's good in fixing it. You're hesitant first as you have a bad crush on him but you decide to do it. So when you get there he's wearing a muscle Shirt, is all dirty and Looks pretty hot with his metal arm. So after you watch him fix your bike you can't resist the way he also Looks at you, so it happens that you end up in his shower together with some passionate smut. Later then he asks you for a proper date? 🤭
AN: omg this was sooooo good to write omg
Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT, piv, oral (f receiving), fingering, language
*gif not mine
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"Yep, totally busted," Steve said, looking back up at you from where he knelt next to your smoking bike.
You put a hand to your sweaty forehead. Both of you had been at this for the better part of the afternoon, trying to figure out what was wrong with your motorcycle. Steve was in his white wifebeater, stained black from oil and grim, nails coated in dirt. He'd sweated right through his shirt and even his jeans were full of mud and dirt.
You'd sweated your fair share as well, competing with dirt under your nails and sweat right into your hairline. you didn't look any better, but you didn't care; this was your best friend, after all, and you had no reason to try to impress him.
"You know what?" Steve said, putting his tools back into his box. "You should go see Bucky."
You immediately rolled your eyes.
"He's good with bikes, y/n," he commended, seeing the way you shook your head.
"Is this another ploy to set me up with your grumpy best friend?" you retorted, crossing your arms over your chest.
Steve got to his feet, dirt-stained hands going right into his pockets. "I mean it, y/n," he said, almost scolded. "I'm not as savvy with bikes as he is. He'd do it if you said I sent you."
"Then come with me!" you said. "Every time I'm alone with him, there's this awkward silence and all he does is grunt as a response."
Steve smiled. "I wish I could come, but I've got a date," he answered.
"Yeah, right," you grumbled. You watched him carefully, your best friend and mentor, and something along the edges of his eyes was curious.
He was shy.
"Who is she?" you asked.
He shrugged. "A girl that I saw at the library." He cut that off pretty short, picking up his tools, his towel, and throwing the keys back at you. "Now, get to Bucky's before it's nightfall."
Bucky lived way out of the city, into the utopian suburbs. You found it funny that this was the life that Bucky chose. After everything you'd heard from him, you'd pictured him in a dingy, half-lit, half-crumbling one-bedroom in Manhattan. Not in the outskirts of the city.
Thank God your car could pull a trailer, or else you'd have had to ask Bucky to meet you at your place, and that just wasn't happening. The thousand-year-old soviet asset was known to be a judger of literally everything.
You pulled into Bucky's parking space, the garage to his tiny little house open, like a black mouth ready to swallow you in. By this time, it was nearing four in the afternoon, and the sun was searing, hot and humid, and with just a foot out of your car, you were already sweating.
You closed the door loudly, maybe trying to announce your presence so you didn't have to knock on the door.
"Hey." It was Bucky, coming out of the shadows of his garage. It took you a second to get the hinges in your jaw to work because, damn.
You'd always thought of Bucky as a man who passed as good looking. Well, when you met him, he was still in heavy therapy and on government surveillance. He still had long, matted brown hair and a face dragged down by sorrow.
But now. Now he'd taken to cleanly shave his hair, leaving a few inches of thick, curling locks on top of his hair, not totally covering his ears. And even though he was slimmer than the last time you'd seen him - he hadn't been working out as much - he still looked... better. Real better.
"Hey," you said, awkwardly waving at him. He was carrying a white rag, cleaning his hands from oil or dirt or whatever else he'd been doing. "Steve said I could come to you if I had problems with my bike?"
He pursed his lips. He came closer, out of the shadows and into the mid-afternoon sun, and you got a good glimpse at him. Golden skin, scars matting his hand, his knuckles. He was wearing a muscle shirt, the kind that was maybe a bit too small for him, molding to his muscles, straining across his metal bicep.
You'd never really seen the arm before. Only flickers of his hands or fingers, but never the entire machine.
You licked your lips, something squeezing in your lower belly.
"What's wrong with it?" he asked.
you shrugged. "Dunno."
He glazed his eyes, rolled them. "Alright, take it down and bring it into the garage."
With a tiny sigh of resentment - he wasn't helping you - you unlatched the ties of your bike and rolled it into the garage. it was darker, a little cooler, inside. As you settled your bike in the dead center of the room, Bucky brought two stools, effortlessly carrying them around.
He sat on his and motioned with a wrench for you to sit beside him. Even though you'd sweated all day in your black t-shirt, and God knows whatever he'd down today, there was something terrific about sitting this close to Bucky.
His tanned fingers worked to open up the bike, his metal hand working the wrench.
"Ah," he said, poking around the engine. "I see what's wrong."
"Is it fixable?" you asked.
He chuckled. "Don't worry, darling," he whispered.
You swallowed the heat climbing up your throat, watching him get to work in silence. Unlike Steve, Bucky didn't tell you what he was doing or why; he just did it.
It took longer than expected. And the more he worked, straining against your bike, the sweatier he got, the more figetting you did.
His flesh arm was glistening with a thin layer of sweat. His hand was veined, strained against the metal piece he was holding aside. His fingers were dirty with grime and dust. Even that God damned muscle shirt was stained with dirt and sweat and grime.
By the time he was done, a light sheet of rain was coating the ground outside. It was pitter-pattering against the cement, a slow drone of rain against the tin roof. Almost comforting.
"You can't take your bike out in the rain," he said, putting everything back in its place, stowing his tools and his rags.
You gulped. "Yeah, I'm sure the rain will let off soon." You dragged your sweaty palms onto your jeans nervously. It caught Bucky's eye.
He stood, dragging your eyes up to his figure. He was so tall, so wide at the shoulders, sweating in his shirt, hair a mess.
"I've got beer inside," he said, throwing the rag in the corner of the garage, placing his tools on his self-made wooden desk. Then he turned to you and gestured to the front door. "Come on."
You followed him out into the rain, walking quickly up the steps and into his home, which smelled of him, something woodsy, and air freshener.
You were humid, rain dotting your skin as you took off your sneakers and followed him into the kitchen. The air conditioning was making you cold.
his home was cozy but so boyish. No decorations but a huge TV. A grey couch with not pillows or blankets. Empty liquor bottles as props over the refrigerator, which droned on and on. There was only one magnet on his fridge, and it read "I love NY!" Which was ironic because Bucky didn't love anything.
"Here," he said, offering you an ice cold beer, but it did nothing to warm you up. You leaned back against his kitchen counter, sipping on your beer, watching him poke around the inside of his fridge. The yellow light cast on his face like a glow, and he hummed when he found what he wanted.
By the time he took out the rolled up cheese, he saw you shivering by the sink.
"I'm sorry," you said, settling the beer down. "I'm just a bit cold from the rain."
He hummed, slamming the cheese rolls on the kitchen table.
"We ought to warm you up," he said, diving back into the fridge to get a beer, which he opened and took a five good gulps before he wiped his wet mouth.
"Yeah," you chuckled, pressing your hands against your arms, searching for heat.
The super soldier, immune to any heat or cold or anything really, stood before you with his sticky muscle shirt molding to every nook in his muscles. His arms, his chest, down to his abs. Water had made it almost see-through, and you felt like a perv watching as he breathed, watching his muscles contract beneath the fabric.
"You should take a shower, y/n," he said, tone low.
You startled, eyes dragging from his abs to his face in a split second. Did you smell? Was that why he'd said that?
"You're shivering, poor thing," he said, clucking his tongue, taking another wild swing of his beer. And you noticed that he was eyeing you took, at your jeans sticking to your thighs, your hips. At your wet shirt glueing to the curve of your waist and breasts.
He set his beer down and offered his hand. "Come."
On some instinct you'd never registered before, you took his hand, flesh fingers warm and calloused.
He led you into a small bathroom with no windows. where various male paraphernalia was strewn across the sink. He pulled the shower curtian back and started the shower and you just stood there like a fish out of water; mouth slightly agape, your hand still loosely holding on to his.
He hummed.
"I don't get it," you said.
He returned his gaze to yours, satisfied with the steam rising from the shower. He gave you a small, tight smile. "Get undressed," he said, gesturing his chin at you, dropping your hand.
You stood there like a statue, examining him; from the hard jawline, the seriousness in his eyes, the way his skin pulled back when he moved his mouth.
Then, harder this time, "Get undressed or freeze, sweetheart."
The nickname, the pet name, sent a wave of fresh heat right into your face.
He watched, then slowly, he smiled. Like a rpedator trying to win its prey without having to sink teeth into flesh.
He took a tiny step towards you, watching your breath hitch, and he slid metal fingers under your shirt, pulling it up until it came right off your head. Your hair flopped back down over your shoulders, covering your bra.
He bit his lip. You watched, entranced as he moved to unbutton your jeans and slide them down your legs. He was agile because he took your panties off with it.
He came back to his full towering height, and he brushed your hair behidn your shoulders, exposing your chest, your full flesh to him.
He snaked an arm around your waist, and you gulped, the feel of his hands, burning metal fingers, was like a lightning bolt had erupted under your skin.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered, close to your ear, his breath in your hair. "So fucking gorgeous." He slid his metal hand up and then your bra was sliding off your arms.
"Let me touch you, y/n," he whispered in your ear. You gulped, nodded. "Use your words, sweetheart," and his voice was rugged, wretched, as both his hands slid careful fingertips up on your ribcage.
"Yes, Bucky," you whispered.
He huffed against you. And then his metal hand engulfed your breast, knead it the way he wanted, and his lips found your neck. You whimpered, taken by surprise by his sudden act of devotion. His tender fingers pulling your nipple, drumming against your ribs, lips leaving a wet trail of kisses up your jugular.
When he kissed you, his mouth was warm and wet, and he molded his lips to yours carefully, like he didn't want to scare you off.
You kissed him back just as carefully, confused and distraught, unaware that for years, Bucky had been yearning for this opportunity. For this moment where he finally had you alone.
Quickly, the kiss became rougher. Your hands pulled at the soft, thick strands of his hair and he pulled you aainst his with his metal arm around your waist. He nipped at you, teeth sinking into your bottom lip, groaning as his flesh finger felt you.
He skimmed along your navel, until he could cup you in his palm. You squeaked, taken by surprise. "Easy there, princess," he whispered against your mouth. "Just wanna make you feel good."
He dove right back for a kiss, delving his tongue behidn your teeth while his fingers started working circles around your clit.
You had realized how riled up he'd gotten you, like a hardwire ready to snap.
You bent like a bow in his arms, moaning against his mouth as his fingers continued to circle your clit in slow, languid circles. And when he prodded farther, where you most ached for him, he moaned against your mouth when he felt just how soaked you were.
"Fuck, y/n," he groaned, pulling his mouth from yours.
You almost whimpered at the lost of contact, but he picked you up so effortlessly, so quickly, that you hadn't registered that you were now sitting on the edge of the sink until you couldn't see him anymore. All you could see was the steam rising from the shower, clogging the bathroom, settling on your skin in dotted water drops.
And Bucky, on his knees, pulling your knees apart. His eyes, hooded and so blue, looked up at you as he kissed the inside of your thigh.
"One leg on my shoulder, baby," he ordered, his metal hand under your thigh, helped you move until you were almost straddling his face. "That's it, good girl," he groaned, biting into the plush of your thighs.
The angle sent you backward, back against the cold mirror, and one hand hanging onto the edge. Ready to plummet or fly, you couldn't tell.
His mouth teetered around your pussy, kissing along your thighs, until he settled over your clit and gave you one long swipe of his tongue.
Your head fell backwards, eyes closing, hips searching for his mouth.
"You taste so sweet," he cooed, pressing another long lick from your hole to your clit.
A strangled moan escaped your clenched teeth when he sucked on your clit, one of your hands digging into his hair and pulling him where you wanted him.
The room was filled with the filthy sound of Bucky getting his fill, lapping you up and sucking in your clit like a man starved. Both hands leaving ink-blue marks in your hips.
He worshipped your clit, flicking and sucking to a rhythm that had your thighs shaking against his face, with you pulling his hair by the roots. He sucked and fucked your hole with his tongue until a knot formed right under your belly button and exploded in white hot lightning.
As your orgasm washed through you in waves, rocking against his face, a moan hitched in your throat.
Bucky held your thighs open, refusing to let them close, and lapped up his fill.
When you were but a trembling, babbling mess, Bucky it into your thigh, kissing up your knee until he was standing between your legs. His eyes were hooded, pupils blown, mouth red and glittering, swollen from the kisses he'd lain on your clit.
"Come 'ere," he groaned, grabbing you by the back of the neck, bringing you upright on the counter. He brought his mouth to yours in a feverish, harsh kiss that left you dizzy and scrambling to keep up with him.
You pushed him away, grappling at his shirt, pulling it over his head. You gorged on the sight, on the tanned skin exposed, the scar where his metal shoulder meshed with his flesh. You touched the tips of your fingers to his metal shoulder, skimming down to his hand.
He took your mouth again, pressing you back into the mirror, hands in your hair, on your breast, skimming down back to your dripping hole.
He entered one flesh finger, pressing against your walls, so slippery and warm. He hummed, feeling your breasts against his chest as you bowed your back at the sensation.
You patted him through his pants, feeling him warm and hard against your touch. He hissed at the sensation, nipping at your mouth.
He continued to move his digit in and out of you, pressing his palm to your clit. You continued palming him, pressing against the impressive length of him until he groaned and took himself out of his pants, dropping them at his ankles and kicking them away.
Your mouth opened in a small 'o' at the sight of him, hard and thick, tip dripping precum.
"Too much for you sweetheart?" he asked, pressing his forehead to yours, thumbs on each side of your jaw.
You shook your head, gulped, saw the faint smile that crossed his face. He watched you with keen eyes as he lined himself with your soaked heat.
He pressed his thumb against your mouth, kissing you, as he slowly inched in. He watched you take it, watched as your mouth opened, brows curving upward.
"Don't give up on me baby," he whispered, nipping at your mouth, pressing open-mouthed kisses to your jaw.
He slid himself to the hilt, grabbing your hip in a bruising grip, metal hand pressed against the foggy mirror over your head.
You gasped, latching onto his shoulders for dear life as he pulled back and thrust back into you, feeling you clench and flitter around him.
You whimpered, body pressing up against the mirror with one harsh thrust from his hips.
"That feel good, huh?" he asked, boring his eyes into yours, keeping a slow, languid pace with his hips. "Tell me, y/n, that feel good when I fuck you?"
You nodded, feeling him slick, sliding into you with ease, stretching your walls and hitting that spot deep in you that made you writhe.
"Yes, Bucky," you answered, breathlessly, scratching at his flesh shoulder.
He groaned, taking your mouth with his, speeding up his thrusts, making your head catch on the mirror. You moaned against his mouth, giving up full control of your body to his, at the mercy of every thrust, every change in rhythm.
"Taking me so well," he grunted, hiding his face in your shoulder, bruising grip on your hip helping him thrust himself deeper into you. Then he pulled himself up, face hovering over yours, searching your gaze wildly. "You like it when I fucked this tight little hole?" he asked, and again, his tone was scratching the surface of something wilder.
You nodded, feeling a knot form in your belly, your thighs closing around his hips. His mouth stretched into a smile, pounding deeper and faster into you. "Yeah, you do," he said, almost mockingly, pressing a sweaty forehead to yours. "I see the way you always look at me," he grunted, kissing your mouth, humming at the moan that left your lips.
"Bucky, please," you whispered, eyes falling shut, your orgasm on the brink of breaking.
"I feel you, y/n, come on," he grunted, keeping a harsh, pounding pace until your legs shook and your orgasm broke through you in waves. "Fuck, that's so tight," he breathed, chasing his own end, pounding into your tightening hole.
A stuttered moan left your lips as you clung to Bucky, rocking into your orgasm with every thrust, feeling the wave of pleasure reach your toes. His metal hand came slamming onto the mirror beside your ear, cracking into the glass as he pounded into you, breathless and wordless until he gave you a few sloppy thrusts and he was spending himself in you.
He stayed there a few moments, breathing with you, kissing you softly until he pulled out of you. You stuttered, a breath hitched in your throat, as you felt him leaking out of you.
He met your gaze, leaning back to examine his work, and then he slowly helped you to your feet. You giggled at your loss of coordination, hearing Bucky chuckle too as he helped you into the shower.
You let the warm spray wash his seed from the inside of your thighs, soak into your hair.
"Warm enough?" he asked, chin on your shoulder.
You chuckled. "I've been warm enough for a little while."
He hummed, placing both hands along your waist. He helped you wash up, lathering your skin and hair, helping you wash out the suds.
"Are you okay?" he asked, pressing tender kisses to your shoulder. "You're quiet."
"Yes," you answered, looking over your shoulder at him. "Are you?"
He smiled, eyes low. He raised his brows. "I am now," he whispered.
When you were done with the shower and you were both drying up, Bucky tied his towel around his waist and watched you put your hair up in a towel.
"What?" you asked.
He snorted. "It isn't like me to do...this," he said, leaning against the sink. His chest was wet, glistening spots lingering down to his abs. It was enough to make you want to do this again.
You smiled but didn't answer, focused on getting your towel around your torso.
"Do you want to go out to dinner sometime?" he asked, and you looked up, met his eyes across the steamy bathroom, and smiled.
"Yeah, of course."
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 months
i don't know if anyone else does this, but for summertime sweetness can i have a strawberry midsummer's night with taking a cold shower with eddie munson to cool down from the heat? those just hit different in th esummer
oh i absolutely do this, and so would eddie <3 sorry this got a bit long
cold showers
warnings: some brief mentions of st canon towards the end, but... eddie lives, obviously. this would be set around summer of '87. also, brief mention of steve harrington's parents being shitty (one line literally)
wc: 1.6k+
come enjoy a sweet summer treat with me <3
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You and Eddie had had plenty of bad ideas together. 99% of the time, whenever the two of you had been within vicinity of each other, chaos would follow. Things that wouldn’t go to plan, ideas that had been wonderful on paper but terrible in execution – over the years, most of the time, you two had had your fair share of mistakes.
But this? This was not a mistake. 
You’d almost thought it had been for a brief second when he’d first turned on the shower. Wisps of steam had momentarily snaked their way out of the drain as the first pelting of water had swirled down it, the mirror had begun to get a foggy image, and the warm moisture in the air had begun to mingle with the sweat on the back of your neck. You almost thought his previously genius idea had fallen through. You almost thought the entire cool-down solution had been a bust. 
And then, the steam had vanished. The mirror cleared. All the humidity of your own creation lightened, and you realized your boyfriend was, in fact, a genius. 
“Oh,” he practically moans as the two of you step into the tub, tilting his head back as it begins to soak his curls, “Oh, yeah. This was a great fucking idea.”
You roll your eyes as you give him a gentle shove, trying to make it where at least some of the water might hit you, “Yeah, yeah. Bask in all your glory without hogging all the water.” 
The heatwave had been intense. It was always intense, though, every summer in Hawkins. An unforgiving sun, drowning heat that sent both of your hair into frizzy messes, overcrowded pools. It’s never like the movies – there are no lake days with friends without complaints, and beer will always run warm within minutes of pulling it from the ice chest. 
One thing that had never changed, and had always served as a saving grace for the most miserable months of the year, was Eddie. Eddie, and all the unique ways the two of you would try to come up with just to survive till fall. 
As kids, it was cheap sprinkler sets bought at the Melvald’s. Soaking the technical front yard of the Munson trailer with luke-warm water as the two of you got caked in mud. Neither of you had ever really cared, thirteen year olds returning to a youthful oblivion just to spray each other with a hose and make ridiculous games out of jumping over the sprinkler attachments. Water balloon fights that had carried on well into your teens, eventually becoming so intense that there had been a time where both you and Eddie ended up bruised and battered on the Munson couch, getting lectured sternly by an exhausted Wayne Munson. You’re too old not to know better, Wayne had said to Eddie as he’d taken a look at the knot on the back of your shoulder that year. 
Eddie had felt bad enough before Wayne’s involvement, but he’d almost resembled a kicked puppy at that specifically scornful retort. 
Things had slowly changed the last few summers, though. You had changed, Eddie had changed, the entire dynamic had changed. Suddenly, after one little dare to kiss one another, ice cream dates had become a solution. ‘Tanning’ had become an excuse to see Eddie stare at you for far too long than any friend should, and plenty of nights ended with lathering each other up in aloe as your hands wandered farther than any friendly touches would. 
And then there had been Steve Harrington’s pool. God, you missed Harrington’s pool. 
You almost mentally curse your newest friend for having taken a family vacation that was lasting half the summer, denying the entire group of what had been the staple solution last summer, but he was probably more miserable than all of you combined based on what you knew of his parents. 
“You can’t even deny how smart this was, sweetheart,” your best-friend-turned-boyfriend  laughs, formally turning and offering you a proper place beneath the stream of water. As the cool water beats down on your warmed summer skin, you can’t even find it within you to be annoyed anymore, “Go ahead, say it – Eddie’s a goddamn genius.”
Your eyes flutter shut as you decide to lean your face into the sweet reprieve, not caring how your eyes stung just a little, “I am not inflating your ego right now, Munson. Fuck off.” 
“You wound me.” 
“You’ll live.” 
The pipes had clearly been cleared of all stagnant and heated water, and for the first time in two months, you almost shivered from the cold. 
When you finally stop letting the water splash across your cheeks, you open your eyes to find Eddie simply staring. Wide grin, sparkling eyes. It ignites all the nostalgia you should get from those summer nights the movies portray, a lifetime of good memories and better company right before you. 
“Have we ever even showered together before?” you ask randomly, already reaching for the shampoo on the small shelf behind Eddie before he has the chance to answer.
You hadn’t. Neither of you owned a bathroom that seemed big enough, practically, to attempt this. But desperate times had called for desperate measures. 
“Taken a cold shower together?” he scrunches his nose, hand flying out to cut through the water. Some splashes on your lips, and he goes wide-eyed, as if trying to appear innocent enough that you won’t react. It works. “Nah. Usually, it was me by my lonesome, and you sitting out there in the living room in the shortest shorts known to man-”
“Those pajamas were not that short.” 
“They were!” you finally retaliate and splash some of the water at him, making both of you giggle, “They really fuckin’ were. Been over here killin’ me since summer of ‘78, baby.” 
Twelve years old, new to town and petrified. You can still perfectly envision a younger version of you approaching a younger Eddie sporting a buzzcut, nerves choking you up as you stuttered through a question if he wanted to hang out. And you can still picture doe-eyes looking at you, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop. Waiting to become the latest punchline. 
The shoe never dropped. Instead, a friendship bloomed. Instead, the start of something refreshing had started, for both of you. 
Before you pop the top of the shampoo, you take a moment to look over Eddie’s nude torso. Recalling the first time you’d seen him shirtless as he’d answered the door unexpectedly for you after a movie night with girls you thought were your friends had fallen catastrophically through. The first time he’d been comfortable enough to take off his shirt around you during all your summer shenanigans, grabbing you by the waist and launching the two of you into the pool together. The first time he’d try to play you at your own game with the half-naked tanning plots, coming out in only swim trunks and with his own towel, gas station sunglasses perched on his nose to hide his lingering gaze as he’d situated himself beside you on your porch. 
You’d both been playing a losing game that day. You may have embarrassed yourself by tracing over the deep Vs in his hips blatantly, but his glasses hadn’t hidden the way he’d been trying to memorize all your own curves and dips. 
What holds your stare now are all the jagged lines that trace his sides. Pink and fleshy skin that has long since healed, following from his hip up his neck. A memory of a time that cuts you deeper than any summer. Scars of a time you wish you could erase from your history, just last spring. 
Maybe summer wasn’t your least favorite season. Maybe it was spring, because you’d almost lost everything in the spring. You’d almost lost Eddie.
“Shut up and turn around,” you smile, shaking your head at all the memories, reminding yourself that you didn’t lose him. He was here, and he was taking a cold shower with you, and that was what mattered most. “Might as well wash your hair while we're here.” 
Might as well. As if you wouldn’t thank the Universe for every time you had the privilege, as if you wouldn’t wash his hair a thousand times if he asked you for it. You’d do anything he asked of you. For the boy who had cheated death, and still found his way back home to you after it was all said and done. 
A thousand cold showers. A thousand summers. A thousand moments. You’ll take whatever you can get now – you’ve learned your lesson about taking time with Eddie for granted. 
“You’re gonna wash my hair?” he lights up a bit, shuffling his feet as he readies to face his back to you, “I suppose I’ll allow it. Who could say no to a little pampering?” 
You grab him by his shoulders, keeping up a faux show of annoyance, “You, apparently. Turn around before I change my mind.”
There would never be any changing your mind. 
He doesn’t call your bluff, though. He turns, just as you request, and lets you get to work. There’s no real rush, anyways. You may not take moments for granted anymore, but for now, the two of you had your own little infinity under the stream of a cold shower.
You both go quiet, and you almost quietly pray to whoever may be listening that the moment really can last forever. Just you, just your boy, and all the suds of the shampoo lathered into his curls and between your fingers. Small hums of approval and the occasional peck of your lips against his bare skin as the most silent of I love yous.
Yeah. The cold shower was an excellent idea. 
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the-trinket-witch · 5 months
TWST Signature Spell Effects on the Body
Because I'm a wordy, purple-prose kinda bish, I thought about what each Unique Magic might actually feel like on the body (at least the ones that affect other mages when cast). (SPOILERS FOR BOOKS 5 ONWARD)
(CW: Loss of motor function, scopophobia, senses being messed with, forceful sleep)
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Off With Your Head:
The moment it slaps around your neck and shoulders, there's that deafening rush of blood to one's ears. If you and your magic were lightning, the collar just became your glass bottle. Outside of the momentary dulling of senses, one may  have a general difficulty breathing, either from the collar fitting itself or the lack of support without one's magic. Lightheadedness and an internal hollowness make the collar leave you feeling like after a flu.
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Bet the Limit:
His magic literally amplifies and pushes back your magic, but to do that he has to rip control of it from you. Bet the Limit gives one that jerking tug on the shoulders, a jab of pain that burns into your neck almost. Sometimes if one resists or tries to wrench control back, they're left feeling like their shoulders have been dislocated. They haven't of course, but the feeling is still enough to keep one from moving them for a while.
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Doodle Suit:
There's a metallic, fruity Sichuan peppercorn-like numbing on the senses before it's replaced with what he decides. Pretty straightforward.
(Legit tho: I think his is kinda scary in terms of utility. The possibilities o_o )
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King's Roar:
Burning. King's roar doesn't have fire but there's still a dry burn. Rug or rope burn, an allergic reaction, or being splashed with hydrogen peroxide, it all makes the nerves curl away like shriveling plants. Skin on downwards begins flaking like baked mud, falling off into sand like chunks of slate.
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Laugh With Me:
Laugh With Me at first feels like the pinch of nerves. But pulling against the bindings is like hyena teeth biting and yanking your muscle and bones; you're not in control. That tugging hurts much less, more of a firm mouthing on your body in whatever direction he wants.
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It's A Deal:
Much like his flattering words, his magic leaves one feeling glittery. But there's a cold tentacle-like grip on the heart for a quick moment; a reminder of what lies in the undertow. It's not a memorable sensation, but memorable enough to know what happens when it returns upon failing to fulfill your end of a contract. The resulting Anemone doesn't feel like much until one touches it, like a large zit.)
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Shock the Heart:
The sudden wash over you feels like the splash of cold water after getting dumped out of a boat. Pharyngeal jaws scrape and tug on your tongue to reel you in, truth dripping off of you like seawater. 
(Truth is a lot of times subjective so why nerf it further? HC he can use it multiple times but lies cause it works on those unaware)
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Oasis Maker:
Rain that's always the perfect refreshing temperature. Never frigid but never feeling hot. A relaxing shower of jasmine and chai, without the stifling steam
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Snake Whisper:
A burning cobra bite to the skull. It's venom sears every wrinkle in the brain as you feel yourself get pulled along by the collar of proverbial tail coiled around your neck. Resistance feels like hot sand filling your brain cavity. Eventually the oppressive weight of said sand makes one submit. 
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Sleep Kiss:
 Sleep Kiss seems pretty straightforward. It probably feels like sitting in a soundproof glass box, with cold air filtered in. Every chilly inhale acts like anesthesia, or the tug of exhaustion by hypothermia.
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Fae of Maleficence:
His 'Blessing' feels like being laid into a patch of semi-prickly twigs; a dragon's nest or roost. It hurts slightly, but the diligence is paid to lay you gently in so they don't prick. Eventually you can somewhat relax, but adjusting or moving reminds one of the thorny poking all around you. It just becomes preferable to sit still, rather than try waking or even attempt at getting comfortable.
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Meet in a Dream:
Many mistake Silver to have soft hair, but the only downy lightness about him, I think, is Meet in a Dream. Whatever sensations one feels when dreaming of flying, that fills you to buoyancy as he leads you along the Dream Corridor.
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cottonlemonade · 5 months
omg this idea is so cute i love it so much🫶
can i have a medium, warm milk with honey to go for sunarin please?
Night Routine
word count: 509 || avg. reading time: 2 mins.
pairing: University AU!Suna x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none
request: fluffy night routine with your boyfriend Suna
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“I wanna go home.“, Rin whined as he slumped over, face pressed against the pages of his text book.
You highlighted a promising title on your reading list when you replied, “No one‘s stopping you.“
Your boyfriend turned his head to look up at you from the desk, narrowing his eyes in pouty annoyance, “No, your home.“
Suppressing a little chuckle you reached out to run your fingers through his hair and he grumbled but relaxed.
“Gimme like two minutes to go over this page again and then we‘ll leave, alright?“
Rin closed his eyes and nodded, enjoying your touch.
In fact, he asked for another 5 minutes of you playing his hair before he let himself be pushed off the chair to get going.
The library was quite empty when you walked through the big lobby, Rin’s fingers interlaced with yours, his step eager to finally reach freedom. Taking in the fresh night air in deep breaths he pulled you along. On the way back to your apartment you stopped to get a bubble tea and then discussed what kind of take-out you‘d order tonight.
Now, everyone and their front yard cherry tree knew that Rin was whipped for you but only few had ever seen the extent of it.
It usually started in the elevator. He‘d be behind you and wrap his long strong arms around your soft, squishy middle, resting his chin on your shoulder - or uncomfortably on your head when he felt like a menace. On colder days he would wrap his oversized jacket around you at this point, but since the weather was slowly getting warmer, he opted for an extra tight hug instead.
Clinging to you like this you‘d shuffle to your front door and fumble for your keys while he did absolutely nothing to help.
Once inside, it took a minute or two, followed by a lot of kisses for him to let you go.
As per usual, he jumped at the opportunity to shower first, taking great pleasure in trying out quite literally all your bath products and coming out of the bathroom smelling like a sweet fruit smoothie, the towel wrapped around his head like you taught him. He ordered the previously agreed upon take-out while you took a steaming hot shower that was long enough to slow cook a medium sized country chicken, and then joined him on the couch for a movie and cuddles. After finishing up your dinner - pizza that night - you‘d decide on a face mask and take turns applying it for the other. Suna would snap about a dozen pictures of you both pulling faces under increasing difficulty as the mud masks began to dry.
Then you‘d go to clean your faces, Rin making a mess of the sink in the process.
As you both brushed your teeth, he combed your hair, toothbrush hanging from one corner of his mouth.
He‘d give your butt a playful slap when he was done, offered you a minty fresh kiss and finally shuffled along behind you to bed.
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a/n: thank you so much for your request! Please enjoy 😊🌟
for requests see here
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uncouth-the-fifth · 5 months
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here is my collection of sam and dean winchester reader-inserts 🧛‍♂️👻 enjoy!
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Baby I'll Stay (Heaven Can Wait) (witch glamors, fluff, motel smut)
On a hunt with Sam and Dean, your childhood friends and long-term hunting partners, you choose to play bait in order to kill a powerful witch. Thing is, the witch uses a glamor that masks him as the seer's perfect partner—and to you, he looks exactly like Sam.
(You Are A) Natural, Baby (virgin Sam, pure impala sex lol)
part one (oral): You played your fingers on the wheel. Bent over it, squinting at the rain. Slumped back in your seat. All the while, Sam watched you go through the motions passively. He already knew what you knew: you'd have to camp here for the night. Just the two of you. Alone.
part two (oral, sex): “No wonder you’re so wet,” Sam rasps, “you’re already close, aren’t you?” You conceded with a pathetic nod, breathing hard. “All this just from blowing me…” Sam smirks.
Playing House (fake dating + couples cruise) for @daiziesssart
part one: You rolled around everything you wanted to explain to him in your head, but none of it sounded right. Somehow, you landed on: “You think it’s gonna be weird, pretending to be married?” Sam shrugged. “We did it all the time when we were kids, playin’ house.” He closed the zipper of his boot, flashing you an innocent smile. “Can’t be that different, right?"
part two: “My name is _____ Patton,” you introduce in your smoothest, surest voice, “and this is my amazing husband Sam. We’ve been married for…” “—three weeks now,” Sam finishes for you.
Click (first time + cozy winter cabin aesthetic) for @daffodil-mania
“I’m just wondering,” Sam winces, knowing his question is stupid, “why are you still a virgin?” You’re about to laugh in his face, but the earnestness in Sam’s voice makes you hesitate. His question is a genuine one. “...That sounds awful, m’ sorry. But, c’mon. You’re smart enough to know how pretty you are. Charmin’ enough to use it, too. I mean, I’d…” He caught himself. “—Anyone, would, uh…” Sam didn’t finish his thought. He changed his grip on the shotgun swinging from his hand, self-conscious, and cleared his throat. Well. That wasn’t obvious at all. No way in hell you were leaving that alone.
Click, p.2 (angsty love confession sex + season five) for @daffodil-mania
He’s really here. The part of you that had worried the argument with Sam would be your last wails with joy. He’s here, alive and in front of you. No matter how awkward you feel you can’t bring yourself to stop staring at him. By the buttery light of your bedside lamp, he literally glows with beauty, and you realize he’d scrubbed his boots off on your welcome mat to not track mud in, and he’d hung up his rain-soaked jacket in your shower to dry. Stupid polite Sam things. You dare to glance back at your kitchen, then swivel to squint at him. “Did you… do my dishes?” Sam lets his hands relax into his lap and nods, shy. He’s looking at you in a way he never really has before, eyes big and soul-rending. “…Yeah. I used the key you gave me to get in… Hope that’s okay.”
Mandy Davis, you punk ass bitch (birthday fluff for the boy!!!)
You wake up early to make sure you're the first person to wish Sam a happy birthday—since he's basically never had one before.
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One of These Nights (cheating-but-not actually angst + Impala makeup sex) for @lacilou
“S’ a good night,” Dean tells you, beaming, “we can do another round, right?” “Hell yeah,” you shrug, and raise your empty glass, “Here’s to alcohol poisoning, baby.” “Yeah,” Dean echoes, almost slurring. “Baby."
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dogboy!yuyu headcanons
genre: bf!yunho x gn!reader, fluffiest fluffy fluff, crack
length: 1.8k
a/n: this spontaneously wrote itself after reading bai’s (@hwaightme) catboy!hwa headcanons, dreaming about dogboy!yuyu, and then being triggered by the braincell i share with yumi (@sorryimananti-romantic) <3 also scroll through to the end for a surprise 🐹
taglist: @lavishloving
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YUYU :’((((
the cutest fluffiest ball of energy to ever light up your world <33
your heart just goes :’) whenever you see him, no matter what he’s doing
at first he doesn’t know how dangerous his puppy eyes are
he’s scared of doing the wrong thing or disobeying your orders because he thinks you might not want him anymore or kick him out :(((
he’s so precious he deserves to be protected from every bad thing in the world :((
but then once he learns that you love him more than he can even fathom
and he can literally get away with anything??
especially if he just whips out his puppy eyes and cocks his head to one side??
yunho is 🥺 emoji personified
he stamps his little paws in excitement when you approach him
loves it when you caress the space between his eyes he gets all sleepy 
he loves when you scratch behind his ear or under his chin or on his belly
aka scratches anywhere.
and he has the fluffiest and floppiest ears ever <333
they flop up and down whenever he runs it’s so cute omg
and he loves to chase his own tail
he MUST win the battle with himself grr
he doesn’t realise how big he is, both as a pupper AND a human
he runs at you from a distance and attacks you in a hug 🥺
but when he’s really excited and leaps up into your arms it feels like you’re getting slammed by a moving brick wall
you both definitely go down with an oof (mainly from you)
but who can be annoyed when you look up and he’s all :D :D :D and wagging tails on top of you
you two play a lot because he has so much energy
like you throw treats up in the air and he jumps to catch them and it’s like he’s challenging you at this point
you both have this thing where you put your hand on his paw, then he moves to place his paw on top of your hand, then you place your hand on top again and you just make an endless tower of hands
it never ends. it is A COMPETITION.
yall also have barking competitions where you’re just howling at each other lolll
because of that, your neighbour sometimes asks how your dogs (plural) are going and you have to make up a second dog because you’re not about to admit that it’s actually you howling back
yunho ALWAYS gets the zoomies at the most random times
in the morning when you’ve literally just pulled yourself out of bed and half asleep?
he does zoomies around the living room
nearly trips you over
at 3am when you’ve just finished your work and you’re stumbling your way to bed
he gets the zoomies in your bedroom and jumps all over your bed
his favourite place is bed
but your bed specifically
you don’t need a heater in winter because he loves loves LOVES to snuggle with you and he’s super warm and fluffy
there’s lots and lots of cuddle sessions ofc, especially when you’re feeling down
he’s always there and he’ll like, give you space at first and then slowly inch towards you :((
sometimes you get nightmares that you’re suffocating and you wake up to yunho’s dog butt sitting on your face LOL
or you’ll wake up to his tail swishing in your face because he’s dreaming about steak
he likes playing in puddles and mud a little toooo much
when it rains you dress him up in a cute little yellow duckie raincoat
you’ve tried the matching puppy gumboots too but he just shakes them off
loves to go splish splash with his paws in all the puddles he comes across
and when he walks away he leaves a trail of his paw prints <3
omg when it comes to shower time after playing?
a cute brat though you could never ever get angry at him
he makes you chase him through the house and you’re shrieking about the little paw prints he’s leaving on the floor
(he helps you clean them up afterwards)
when you finally wrestle him into the bathtub he huffs until you fill it with bubbles and add his toys
you most definitely have to take your own shower after his because of how soapy your clothes get
yunho LOVES his toys so much
it takes so long to convince him to let you put them in the wash
because as soon as you take them away from him? the puppy eyes come out
and you have to be firm and tell him that the toys just need a bit of cleaning, they’ll come back to you smelling super nice, it’s just for a little while
he still sits in front of the washing machine watching the whole cycle because he doesn’t trust the machine
he protecc
whenever you’re working or busy doing something, he’ll come up and nudge you every other minute so you play with him
he’ll drop a toy at your feet so you throw it for him
or he’ll tug on your pants and whine a little for your attention
you’re definitely weak for him so you almost always end up giving in
do you walk him or does he walk you?
he gets excited and darts off whenever he sees other people or other dogs because he wants to go and say hello :’))
and even though he loves meeting the other dogs, if you find another cute dog and turn your attention towards it or compliment it he’s gonna be all 🥺🥺🥺
he’s built to protect you like whenever you go out he’ll valiantly be on the lookout for any dangers like lizards that get too close or plastic bags that are flying towards you
LOL sometimes you can’t bring yunho out with you, and when you get home after bumping into another dog on the way back, yunho will immediately be able to sniff out their smell on your clothes
and he’ll be like >:((
how dare you >:((
i demand head pats and ear scratches as compensation >:((
he melts as soon as you give him a kiss though
when he’s human, literally nothing changes
he has endless energy and he literally skips and bounds along as he walks with you
the man does not. stand. still.
he will JUMP down the last four or five stairs and give you a mini heart attack
you scold him like you’re going to get hurt !!!!! but he just grins at you before running ahead again
omg he gives the most crushing and loving hugs <333
your favourite ones are when you’re running towards him and he has his arms wide open and he catches you as you leap into his arms
and he holds your waist firmly as he spins you two around and you’re both just all wide smiles and hearty giggles (PLS IM SO SOFT RN)
yunho eats like there’s no tomorrow
you cook and plate up your food and turn around to get yourself a glass of water or something and when you turn back around half his plate is already gone and he’s like :D
and you’re like ???? where ?? did all the food go?? 
when you bake you’ve got to keep a close eye on him he’s like a CHILD
he’ll steal the chocolate chips off the counter and you have to take the packet from him and tell him that you need them for the cookies
but he gets a handful of them anyway as compromise
it’s the puppy eyes i’m telling you they stay with him even when he shifts
“no, yuyu, the cookies are still hot you need to wait”
“stop looking at me like that they won’t cool any faster”
when it’s bedtime he dives under the covers with you
he drapes himself over you like he does when he’s a dog except he is much heavier when he isn’t a dog and you’re lowkey struggling to breathe under him
and he’s like oh no !! i forgot !!
and he’ll lie on his back and pull you so that you lie on top of him instead :’))
doesn’t matter if he’s dog or human, he LOVES CUDDLES
sometimes he decides that he wants head scratches too and he’ll bring your hand up to his head so that you play with his soft blonde locks
he also peppers your face with kisses like non-stop
he makes it his personal goal to make you giggle and laugh from all the kisses he’s giving you
because he is all about that physical affection and touch, perhaps even more when he’s a human
when you’re home he HAS to be touching you in one way or another like he’ll have a hand on your thigh or he’s draped over you in a back hug or you’re sitting in his lap
and it’s so cute when you see the same mannerisms and habits he has as a dog when he’s human
he’ll sit there and huff at all the right times when you tell him about your long day
(which was one of the first things you picked up on that yunho wasn’t your typical dog because when you ranted to him it was like he could understand you perfectly)
and like he still has his protective instincts, except when he’s a man he is The Man 
you tell him about some colleague at work who was nasty to you and he’ll be like WHO. LET ME GO BITE THEM
he definitely growls a little when he’s really protective like grrr >:(
lol but also when you two are playing games and he’s feeling competitive or he’s gaming on the computer he’ll unintentionally growl at you and sometimes you find it kinda hot ;)
with yunho there has never been a single dull moment
his laughter and cheeky antics just become a permanent part of your life <3
he only has eyes for you and they’re filled with love
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bonus: hamsterboy!joong
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the D: hamster backed up into a corner meme
raises his little hands when he's scared
will freeze standing up for no apparent reason
literally faints or unalives at the slightest inconvenience
like if you sneeze too loud
or if he falls off the little platform in his cage
you’ll never catch him running in the hamster wheel - that is solely for napping in
he also likes to nap in the igloo homes you put there for him
if you lift one up while he’s under it he’ll run for his life towards another shelter LOL
shoves everything into his mouth when he eats
he complains when his food bowl is empty
but if you try to take the bowl to fill it up? he tries to bite you
no take >:( only fill >:(
tries to look aggressive but he’s the smollest lil bean to exist 🥺
what makes you think he’s any different as a human?
the end
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feinv · 3 months
can i kindly req for a arthur morgan x hyperfem reader.... pov he is just so so so in live with her...
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arthur morgan x hyperfem!reader.
a/n. introducing my other hyperfixation on this blog. hope this won’t flop. if you don’t wanna see this you can block these tags! hope you like this dolly <3
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arthur morgan is a romantic.
spending the majority of his life being without a significant other, he kept repressing all those emotions. and repressing just made them stronger.
but lucky for him he has you!
he doesn’t understand why a sweet thing like you would even look at his direction. but you did. and he wasn’t a fool to let you go after that. he absolutely gives you princess treatment. will do like. literally anything just to see you smile.
arthur loves taking you to beautiful places he encountered while riding around. seeing your eyes sparkle and that pretty smile you flush him is enough for him to die a happy man right there next to you.
he is absolutely feral at how adorable you look. like all the time. we all know 1800s underwears were like just a plain white fabric. but you still managed to stitch them up in a certain way and add a few small bows to make them look cuter! he is honestly so amazed that nothing ever stops you from doing your girly things, and he is always there to tell you that you did a good job and it looks perfect <3
he loves showing you off, especially when he knows he has the pleasure of calling you his. he will do any dirty job and hard labor just to get money and buy you anything you want.
he knows it's hard feeling beautiful when you have limited resources in a camp. so he would buy you whatever clothes you want, whatever jewelry and accessories you look at for more than five seconds when he takes you to a town. (he might even steal some really expensive ones and tell you he traded for those)
of course he would think you look gorgeous even if your entire face was covered in dirt and mud. but it matters to him that you feel happy and confident in yourself. and it's his mission to fulfill that goal for as long as he alive.
every time he would bring back a little something that reminded him of you — a book, a small painting, perfumes that smell just like you, and everything else in between.
he would help you with chores however he can just to ease some of your work and have more alone time together. the boys would tease him for being "a housewife," but he wouldn't give a shit. he might as well do every single of your chores if it meant he would have you all to himself in the confines of his tent.
showers you in compliments. all day 24/7. he knows the words will eventually fail him because he physically cannot tell u how infatuated he is with you and how flawless you are to him. but he will try either way.
“you are so beautiful, darlin'. my pretty girl,” while his fingers gently tuck hair away from your face, his thumb soothing your soft skin. and you would blush and avert his gaze because like :< but he would simply pepper feather light kisses all over your face before connecting your lips in such a tender kiss you would forget that’s a 6 feet tall ripped cowboy.
his side bag and some of his clothes in general would have small hearts or bows engraved in them with pink thread. every time he looks at them he gets reminded there is someone waiting for him to come back. and his heart just swells at that thought.
would also sneak you away from the camp to a pretty field where the two of you could just stargaze together or lay on the grass for hours. you would ramble about your day while he sketches you, your sweet voice literally making him float in the clouds.
arthur morgan loves being around you, being with you. you don't even have to be doing anything together, he just loves having you near him, close and safe :3
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©️feinv, 2024.
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Stubborn like Papa
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"Mamá! Mamá!" Matias yelled while running into the house from the back yard covered in mud with a ball in his hand.
"Díos mio Mat! What happened!?" you put down your phone looking at your little boy squatting down to be his height.
"I learned that head trick papá showed me! I want to show him!" his eyes were sparkling and your heart was melting when you looked at those eyes he shared with his dad.
"Papá is not home yet cariño..and you should shower and go to bed soon" you say seeing his little face fall and you knew why. Since Pablo was in the middle of his season, he was getting quite busy with trainings and games that he couldn't spend as much time at home.
"He's never here! It's so annoying!!" Matias was throwing a tantrum like he always does when something doesn't go his way. Another thing he shared with his dad.
"You know he works very hard for us Mat..but that doesn't mean he doesn't miss us too" you reached out for a little boy who was doing his best to suprress tears.
"I don't miss him!" he said stubbornly stomping away into the bathroom to get changed and you sighed knowing that he was just way too stubborn to admit how he feels..this kid is literally mini Pablo!
A few hours later...
"I'm home mi amor..why are you sitting here?" Pablo sat down on the couch where you fell asleep waiting for him with Matias in your hands and Tom&Jerry playing on the screen.
You woke up first rubbing your eyes and smiling at Pablo who leaned down to kiss your forehead before looking at the little body who was hugging you tightly and sleeping peacefully.
"He wouldn't fall asleep until you came..he's stubborn just like you Pablito!" you say and he smirks nodding his head while touching Matias' gently trying not to wake him up.
That was useless cause the boy was a light sleeper and eh immediately opened his eyes looking up at Pablo sleepily.
"Papá! Um..I've learned the head trick..you taught me..and um..I can show you now!" he was still groggy from sleep holding onto you for balance and you both knew it was no time for fútbol right now.
"I'm so proud of you chaval! But how about we play with the balón tomorrow instead huh? I think both you and me could use some sleep huh??" Pablo took him in his arms and Matias hugged him resting his little head on Pablo's broad shoulder.
"Are you not working tomorrow papá?" little boy asked and you smiled finding their little interaction adorable. Pablo smiled as well before kissing the top of his head.
"No, I don't..tomorrow is a day off" he said and Matias hugged him tighter signaling just how much he misses his dad despite his little antics from earlier.
"I thought you didn't miss him??" you tease the little boy who just hid his face in his dad's neck shyly while the two of you chuckled.
All of you climbed upstairs and while Pablo put Matias to bed, you got comfortable underneath the covers. Pablo joined you shortly afterwards pulling you closer and kissing your lips.
Not even two minutes passed, when you both heart small feet paddling on the tile floor. You looked at each other with big smiles on your faces when you saw the shadow of a small boy entering your shared bedroom.
"Mamá? Papá?" Matias' little voice called and you sat up to check what's going on.
"What's wrong cariño??" you say opening your arms and he climbed up and into them quickly making you chuckle and put him between the two of you.
"Um..can I sleep with you tonight?" he asked with blushing cheeks looking at Pablo who was pretending to think about it but you knew he was just as excited.
"And why is that huh?" you ask and Matias moved close to Pablo touching his face while looking at him with big hopeful eyes.
"I missed..papá" he whispered and you smiled when you saw Pablo's cheeks blush as well while he played with his hair.
"And did you miss me, mamá??" Pablo smiled and you nodded as he pulled you closer too so that both of you were cuddled up to his side.
Once he made sure both of you were peacefully asleep in his arms, he completely relaxed getting some well deserved rest <3
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