#time to initiate Brain Scatter(TM)
vacantgodling · 1 year
I'm sorry but did I miss something ?? Noble ?? Hello 👀👀
so i've actually had noble as a story for a LONG time. a long long time. however i've been extremely intimidated to write it and plan it out because scifi isn't really my... forte? i feel like it should be easy to make a scifi or a space opera but my brain just gets caught up in all the details and i never end up moving forward with them HAHA. but i'm trying to get out of that because writing is supposed to be FUN.
anyway tho, onto noble. just gonna stick this under a cut bc its LONG to ramble and spoilers or whatever bc i never have an excuse to talk about this story and ahhhh i love my son
firstly its called noble because (1) its a story about fuck the government and doing whats right and (2) its a play on noh's name, which is literally pronounced 'noble' (for the most part) when you put it all together.
in this universe earth has kind of been fucked; no one is really born on earth anymore bc the planet has gone to shit and the radiation is so bad and people who still live on the planet are usually sent there as prisoners (so earth is space australia but literally) or they're unlucky enough to be born there. noh was born on earth (though he doesn't remember this) however, he was taken in by the overarching... uh idk space police state government thing. i haven't thought about what it is too much lmao. anyway, babies are usually taken from earth if they have a good aptitude (aka they survived lmao) and since they're abandoned anyway they're indited into our FAVORITE super soldier program.
this program is called JACK and JILL.
the jack and jill program is an elite super soldier police force program where jacks are the brains and jills are the brawn. they go around enforcing laws, doing drug busts, keeping the "peace" around the galaxy etc etc. however, they always go in pairs just like the nursery rhyme jack and jill, and most jacks and jills are trained together from infancy to make sure that they're 100% in sync.
again, this is all shit noh doesn't remember, but he used to be a JILL. his JACK was a woman named amelia rottney. however something happened and he, amelia and some of their other companions (two other jack & jill units comprised of ethan summers (the jack) and iodine mary evelyn (the jill) and neso/neon (so technically speaking and i have to do more research into this to make sure that i am portraying this correctly but neso/neon are a DID system, but bc both the alter (neon) and the host (neso) operate together p well for the most part, they're the only "solo bodied" jack/jill unit. also speaking of representation, noh is mute! he mainly communicates with sign language but he does have implants; which got fucked up when he was first initially found but he eventually gets new ones but this is off topic).
but they all discovered some fucked up shit about the government and wanted to bring it to light obvs (i mean the fact that none of them knew that they were all p much stolen orphans is Bad Probably) however the government got to them first and sought to eliminate them. they all scattered p much, but noh p much sacrificed himself to let the others escape so they tortured him and erased his memory and then left him adrift in space to die. however in like a weird ass ploy to keep power they basically painted noh & co as terrorists that were trying to disrupt the peace of the cosmos, so they offered a reward/bounty for noh & co dead or alive-even though they knew they set him adrift and for all intents and purposes the government isn't looking for him he's dead.
until he's yknow. not dead. since yknow. he was found by a cargo vessel adrift and was able to be saved. tm.
so the whole story is kind of noh being on the run/trying to stay on the DL while he tries to figure out what in the sam hell is going on and then eventually reuniting with his friends and fucking this government up the ass in a bad way.
he also ends up befriending and eventually getting into a relationship with a space pirate rouge thing (i have so much worldbuilding to do its not even funny lmaooooo) named emerion jackson and idk i love their relationship a lot i rotate them in my head LMAO.
but yeah so that's the Extended Cut of what noble is about, maybe i will make this into a coherent wip intro one day LMAOOOO
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raggedyhive · 2 years
as our system’s persecutor/trauma holder/protector and a hardcore jake lockley kinnie,, ur most recent fic made me cry so much i feel slightly nauseous so thanks ig? but genuinely ur writing is perfect thanks for facilitating my DID recovery via fanfiction
Hi there, don't mind me having sooo many feelings about this, I seriously can't emphasize enough how much this comment means to me, and I can't emphasize enough how glad I am that my writing had this effect on you
I am very sorry crying made you nauseous and dearly hope that it was a Very Good Cry
But seriously, I'm so, so happy that this work touched you, and I am wishing you all the damn best for recovery and happiness--admittedly this work was the one I was the most worried about given the places I was going specifically with Jake (which hoo boi yeah it was hard to write but a great catharsis for me, too), so I am just jehrgbshrbfshkegb Yes I Am Comprehensible
Thank you so, so much for reaching out, seriously, and I wish you and your system all the very best! If you ever want to reach out again (on or off anon), you're absolutely welcome, but ofc no pressure or anything, we just want ya to know you have a place here if you need :)
Anywho brb I gotta go and sit with my feelings and Process and maybe cry a Good Cry a wee bit as well, thank you and all the love <3
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black-streak · 5 years
Waiting for the Worms - The Trial
Part 18
I've just been staring at this completed chapter for thirty minutes. I've been working up to this moment for so long and to see it finally written is just. Insane. (No this is not the last chapter. There is much more to come)
By the way!!!! This chapter was not suppose to end this way! Y'all influenced this shit! Goading me into it, I swear.
CLOSED List of Beggarts I regularly feed (I'm running out of names to call you): @northernbluetongue @thethirdwheelfriend @shizukiryuu @theatreandcomicfreak @michellemagic @karategirl119 @moonlightstar64 @my-name-is-michell @mystery-5-5 @zalladane @queen-of-the-trash-planet-tm @miraculousdisapointment @dorkus-minimus @jardimazul @allthebooksandcrannies @g-arya @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @persephonescat @mycupisbroken @luciferge @18-fandoms-unite-08 @dawnwave16 @alwaysreblogneverpost @kris-pines04 @emjrabbitwolf @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @weird-pale-blonde-person @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @kokotaru @naclychilli @slytherinhquinn @clumsy-owl-4178 @ladybug-182 @darkthunder1589 @evil-elf16 @dast218 @lysslovsanime @emilytopaz @naoryllis @iloontjeboontje @thepeacetea @danielslilangel @finallyaniguana @i-like-fairytail-and-stuff @vixen-uchiha @yuulxd @bleeding-heart-romantic @magic-inthe-stars @st0rmy-w1th1n
He'll be after Jason seeing as the new Robin described him and he definitely knows about Joker's death.
They watched as the shadow took off across the rooftops, occasionally tossing out a grapple or swan diving off a ledge. Four blocks off, another figure, much brighter and attention grabbing, took a similar route, small body taking to the sky seemingly not taking notice of the eyes on him. Or perhaps used to it.
You'll watch the bird, keep him distracted. Nothing extreme enough to catch the other's attention. Just hold off any interference.
A dozen mice ran along the sides of gutters and along the alleyways below, awaiting their signal. They kept the brighter figure in their sights, drawing his attention with slight rustles and squeaks from unexpected places. Just loud and weird enough to avoid interest in any other movement in the area, drawing out a natural curiosity and investigative need in their target.
You'll play as backup. As soon as we instigate our target, I expect you to help keep the Replacement within ear range but incapable of assisting.
A fox dashed across the streets, keeping a close eye on the game between the bright figure and the mice scattered about. Any time the bird snuck up on where one hid, she hid the mouse in illusions, sometimes a real rat, other times a startled, hissing cat. 
Tail swishing in a twitchy dance behind her, she awaited the main event from her perch.
You two will take to the sidelines, backup if it should come to blows. Otherwise, keep everyone updated on the others' positions and monitor the situation.
A cat slinking around corners kept an eye on all of the players, including the two unseen by the rest, coordinating positions and ensuring no one moved off course, uncomfortable in knowing a double agent held eyes in the sky and taking precautions to avoid cameras as she whispered soft directions into a comm, made by their miraculouses and impossible to hack due to the ancient magic encasing it.
By her side, a dragon crossed with a horse hovered in a tense side to side sway, awaiting her command. The other kept on tiptoe, knowing the call to assist could come at any point and from any direction. In the end, their disappearance back into the night at the end of all of this relied on her. Waiting too long differentiated between success and potential capture.
We'll take on the Bat. After all, I think it's high time he met my soulmate.
With baited breath, they watched as a shrouded man dropped in front of the Bat, making the figure twist at the last second to avoid a headlong collision. Batman turned back on the spot, dropping into a crouch and launching towards the man. The man dropped onto his back, kicking upward into a stomach and using the momentum to launch Batman across the roof while rolling back to a stand. He stayed facing away, though they saw his head tilt, listening to the almost silence behind him. As a flash of silver flung towards his back, he easily spun off to the side, dodging a barrage of batarangs as Batman methodically tossed them while placing himself closer and closer to the other before moving in to initiate hand to hand combat. The man seemed to take this in stride, shifting into the new pattern.
Across the rooftops, Robin took note of the fight and moved to aid. He made it three blocks before a fox dropped in front of him, growling. Taken aback, but knowing not to allow the distraction, he attempted to grapple upwards, only to find the grapple gone, in the teeth of a mouse like figure, taking off away from him, other mice figures crawling about his feet, holding him in place as the fox watched on, teeth bared in a silent warning. Keeping an eye on the strange creatures about him, he looked back to Batman, startling at the realization that he recognized his attacker. Jason. Suddenly he remembered the strange abilities of the lady from the night before and realized the creatures holding him captive where meant to keep him from interfering. As he made to move anyways, a voice in his ear on a private channel spoke up, asking him to stay still. Agent A.
"What's going on, A?"
"You'll see."
The figures continued on until the Bat begin to advance harder, looking to restrain his opponent, calling out to him, having deducted whom the figure is by this point.
"Jason stop!" Right as a fist went too fast to block, aimed straight to the man's nose, a cord wrapped around his fist, yanking in back. As Batman began to turn towards the source, a punch came to his face, bringing him back front and center. A possible second cord wrapped around his other wrist and the backs of his knees were kicked out from under him.
The others watched as a Ladybug held a yoyo taut, strings in a Y formation, the focal point centered between the Bat's shoulder blades to evenly distribute the tension. The Ladybug looped the yoyo over a pipe and pulled up until his arm bent back and upwards without tipping his torso down. If he tried anything, the bug could simply yank him airborne. The Bat choose to focus onto the man in front of him for the moment.
"I'm not Jason."
We should switch. I have more experience with the Pit Madness than you. If I'm in your body, I can hold the entirety of it while you get a reprieve to focus on the mission. To have a clear mind while confronting him.
"What?" He demanded.
A sharp, feminine voice spoke up behind him, loud enough for the others to hear.
"I am."
Batman froze in his spot on his knees as the figure that looked like Jason sat down in front of him.
"Hello Bruce. It's good to meet you officially. Though I suppose I've known you much longer than you've known me." The lower, masculine voice was offset by its' soft lilting tone.
Despite his brain whirling with the information, he shoved it aside, firmly refusing to put it together himself.
"You're lying."
"She's not," the voice from behind moved closer, the yoyo secured on their hip to prevent his movement but free up the hands and gripped his shoulders in a crushing grip, "You see, Bruce, I hadn't been with you long enough to trust you with the secret of my having a soulmate. And you never knew me well enough to tell when we switched. Some detective you are, hmm?"
"So what, that makes this okay?" He growled.
"Patience," the figure in front of him smirked softly.
"Getting caught by the Joker at that moment, that was my own dumbass fault. You not arriving on time isn't your fault. I could live with that, but that isn't the end. I want you to look into the eyes in front of you, feel how small the presence behind you is. How tiny and young, despite being seventeen. I want you to look her in the eyes and know that she was only fourteen when she was launched into my body where she was beaten to a pulp by the Joker. Blown up. The connection broke. Then because it wasn't her body, she sat in my corpse for months before the resurrection. Had to crawl her way out of a grave and to a hospital."
The team tensed in the distance, having not heard the full story before now. Robin's eyes blew wide behind the mask, the tension in his body going slack in horror.
"Do you see that swirl of green in my blue eyes? How they look almost teal? That's from when the League threw her into the Lazarus Pits. She's combating insanity as we speak. And yet even with the healing effect it had, you can see the scars all over. There's an autopsy mark as well."
The shoulders in Jason's hands shook with his words and he looked up at Mari who seemed calm, letting the man stare at her and take in her reality.
"And none of that is truly your fault. But you know what is?" Marinette spoke up now, "That a fifteen and fourteen year old were ever put into that kind of danger to begin with. What's the likelihood of either of us ever falling onto Joker's radar without your placing us in the costume? Without making us Robin? Do you think Jason would've become a target had you not decided it was perfectly acceptable to allow children to fight criminals?"
"Jason was troubled, he needed someplace to put that anger. Something to let out-"
"Many children are troubled or angry. Do you know what other parents don't do? Allow that teen angst to turn into taking on the adult underworld. But sure, we'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Explain then why you couldn't care enough for Jason, for any potential child's life enough to create a permanent solution to our murderer? How many people, how many innocent kids is the Joker's life worth to you?"
"You obviously care more for the clown than us," Jason added.
"That's not true!"
"Then why? Why was my grave barely marked?"
"Two sentences in the Tuesday local obituaries."
"Swept under the rug to be forgotten."
"While you hunt us down for killing the clown. We deserve to be hunted down for avenging our own death."
"Meanwhile you do no such thing to the one who killed your supposed precious Robin. Did we mean so little to you? I wonder if the newest Robin means anymore than we did."
"So you're angry you were replaced?" Batman barked out, overwhelmed by their constant barrage of accusations.
Mari reached forward, forcing the man to look into the teal of those eyes swirling in front of him, watching him flinch away at knowing who she was, "You misunderstand us purposefully. It's not that we were replaced. It's that you know a child died for your cause and you still insist on placing another in harm's way. You take broken children desperate for guidance, for connection, for anything and abuse that position over them. You as their guardian are meant to keep them from harm's way. To protect them from the horrors of the world until they're old enough to face it in their own way. Not throw them in a costume, train them into weapons and then let them fight the most dangerous criminals the city could offer. Yes, we made some stupid choices of our own, but you set us up to even have those choices presented to us. Does it even occur to you that had we not shown up to save the little bird, another child would have died under your care? Does that mean nothing to you?"
The Bat growled, trying to break free of his binds. The two hid grins, knowing him unaware of the young eyes listening desperately for his answer.
"You certainly haven't thanked us for keeping him alive. Does it mean less to you that he is alive then it does that Joker is dead."
"You know the rules! We don't kill!"
He fell for it. He might as well have told the new Robin his life was forfeit to his cause. The mice scurried off Robin's feet from where he stayed, a rooftop over as the fox curved around his calves in an almost apologetic movement.
"Jason swore to abide by your rules. I never did. I was fourteen when I died due to your negligence. I was innocent. I was a happy little girl with dreams of becoming a fashion designer. Now I can't even keep the voices in my head from screaming in my ears at all hours of the day. But the only thing you truly care about in the end is yourself. I fear for any child that gets dragged into your mess. And I will do whatever it takes to protect them from the inevitability of your cruelty."
With that, she stood from her spot and took off into the shadows, a cat, dragon and mice following out of sight. The fox looked at the boy who stood broken on the rooftop and nudged him, dropping the illusion of an animal and holding her hand out in offerance. He looked back at the thrashing Bat.
Jason, taking hold of the yoyo once more and tightening his grip, leant closer, "I don't blame the Joker for our death. I blame you."
With that, he used the yoyo to fling Batman in the opposite direction, taking off in an off kilter path towards the others. Looking back at the patient fox figure, hand still waiting for his choice, he hesitated.
"The choice is yours, Timothy. I'll support you no matter what," A's voice spoke softly through the comms.
Exhaling slowly, he took her hand.
She lead him to their rendezvous point where he saw the mice form into one person, the two from the roof and two other unknown figures. As he looked at them, each gave a soft nod in turn before the one opened up a blue portal before them, the fox letting go of his hand to follow the others through. Eventually only him and the ladybug themed one remained. Jason.
"Come on, replacement. You can stay with us however long you like."
With the smallest smile of gratitude and the encouraging words of Alfred in mind, he followed the other through, the portal closing behind them.
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What are your thoughts on Jeremy and addiction to drugs? I really enjoy your character interpretations.
oooo, lemme see; here’s some scattered birdbrain seeds:
so i fully admit the reason i go after this angle specifically (similarly to the psychosis one) is because of personal and familial experience. my entire family has been in varying degrees of addiction to the whole chemical spectrum out there, and as such i tend to like to toy with the idea in fandom anyway. but!
depending on the jeremy (will r is more neurotic but Doing Bad Things tm, but will c is more... feral), he’s either shocked about rich’s whole HIIHAVEAMAGICPILLTHATCANFIXALLYOURSHIT schtick, or he’s, like, mildly terrified
but he doesn’t... i mean. he doesn’t go No, not in the albums. he’s a little suspicious on will c’s end i think, but i get the impression from all of them that like...
... it wouldn’t be hard to convince him. he almost certainly smokes weed--THAT ISN’T ME SAYING WEED’S A GATEWAY--with michael, so he’s already cautiously willing to break the law, and isn’t exactly unfamiliar with something that alters his mood.
not just that, but, i mean. if he was willing to drop hard cash on the dream of a pill that had could fix him... if rich was a drug dealer and was like “hey this’ll make you chill the fuck out, gimme 50 bucks”... it’s not a stretch to say he might?
so, knowing that he’d try--that doesn’t prove he’d get addicted. some people don’t have the right genetics or mental illnesses or physical pain for it. they don’t tell you this pretty much anywhere, usually, but a lot of people actually try hard drugs once or twice. only a portion of them turn around and become substance dependent.
so. does jeremy have the right concoction of stress and dna and other life unpleasantries?
yeah. he does. of course he does. look at him. he’s full of anxiety. his mother left him and he’s very clearly taking care of his father. when that’s taken into account, it makes his willingness to jump on a supposed magic pill (hah, literally) quite telling.
for as memey as you could make the idea, be more chill literally does work incredibly well as a drugs metaphor. i’m not subscribing to that view of the story as a whole, but that’s part of why i feel so comfortable about exploring this with the main character himself
(it can also work as a psychosis metaphor too tbqh, but that’s a little more complicated)
of note: this is JUST his time in high school. while you be able to argue “he only gets better from here! :D” in my experience (of which i have a lot) that’s not how it happened. 
this was my same complaint with the DEH ending (that’s not a dig at DEH fans! i just have... complicated, irrelevant feelings about it); chances are, while teenage years might be the most desperate and potentially the most dangerous (super quick to tip into suicidal thoughts), you go through another big mental health crash around 18-21, and, depending on accessibility to GOOD resources, your only options might be your own survival instincts... and the thing about hard drugs? the reason most people relapse? yeah--being drugged up is better than being dead. depression and anxiety kill. your brain needs a break or a boost. heroin or coke or whatever the fuck else can do that for some people.
you add that to a bunch of disorders where you’re basically 75% likely or some shit to develop an addiction annnnnd...
anyway if i go off my normal “jeremy is clinically hypersexual, like, the actual condition” then he basically already one addiction. if he sleeps around, esp if he sucks it up and goes to parties or night clubs, he’ll very quickly learn the euphoria that initially comes with party drugs and being high while having sex and how amazing self-medication can be after years of struggling to breathe through daily panic attacks.
not to mention, psychosis? seems to really encourage drug use. just not the wrong ones (some people with psychosis literally can’t stand so much as the smell of weed it makes them feel so awful and/or angry and/or exceptionally paranoid... sometimes it depends on the strain, tho).
on top of all this: the squip incident is Trauma. i... don’t see it as Trauma-traumatic for anyone but him and rich, but for them, it was a big deal. and whaaaaaat do traumatized people do to cope? yeah, it certainly ain’t pickin daisies.
but. all this to say: jeremy queere has bad coping mechanisms
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