#tim barrus culture
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Take notes. I am a radical. Not a democrat. Not a republican. There are no independents. They employ the same political and cultural infrastructure -- how things work -- that the rest of us are compelled to use. Climate: Not a word. It's the Trump go to for climate change, a hoax. Americans are in denial. Why. Not a word about that. Save the American Dream. The American Dream is flat-out vanished. Is America is a corpse because it has a fetish for illusion. The American people still believe in the goodness of Gotham. Hollywood's Gotham is urban decay on steroids. Not one word about how Hollywood's cultural prostitution, carved from graves for advanced rot. Criminals rise to power. The word criminal is not to be found. There are metaphors for the word rapist. There are metaphors for the word crook. There are metaphors for the word deviant. You will not find the word deviant here because the republican (small d) party cannot bring itself to believe it's leader (ownership culture) is aberrational. Even the bad word sex is an economic negotiation. Or it's rape. You get to pick one. Not both. They take a deviant, and they normalize him as a leader who struggled. Another idea they avoid is based on the word individual. Individual is Americana. This is about the rise of Trump. And what did I learn. The word nothing has a metaphor, too. Vacuum. They are telling us America loves Trump. Genuflect. Now, the truth. Scratching heads. Suddenly, perplexed. More questions. No answers.
#tim barrus#tim barrus new york times#new york times opinion#opinion#tim barrus politiks#tim barrus fb#tim barrus insta#tim barrus Americana#tim barrus election#tim barrus tumblr#tim barrus pinter#tim barrus cinematheque films#tim barrus books#tim barrus flaunt magazine#tim barrus format magazine#tim barrus individuality#Ross Douthat#tim barrus culture#tim barrus society
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Nasdijj part 4 In “Nasdijj Shops Tell-All,” Fleischer noted these developments. He quoted an e-mail from Nasdijj to an editor at Penguin Books, in which the author offered a novel called Year of the Hyena: The Story of Nasdijj. The article presented excerpts from Nasdijj’s blog with the headline, “Deserving Death for Evil Deeds, by Tim Barrus.” It quoted, “What you want to believe you want to believe. If I am the devil incarnate then I am the devil incarnate.” Subsequently, the host TypePad deleted Nasdijj’s blog. The revelations created a huge literary scandal. Sherman Alexie, commented publicly on the controversy. In an article published in the February 6, 2006 issue of Time magazine, Alexie wrote, “So why should we be concerned about his lies? His lies matter because he has cynically co-opted as a literary style the very real suffering endured by generations of very real Indians because of very real injustices caused by very real American aggression that destroyed very real tribes.” The author and critic David Treuer (Ojibwe) described Barrus’ actions as “harmful cultural fraud.” The activist Suzan Shown Harjo (Muscogee Creek and Cheyenne) questioned why the publishing world was taken in by Native American impostors. She said, “There should be a law for the Navajo Nation to sue Barrus for the profits he made while committing the crime of stealing tribal identity.” #destroytheday (Throwback post from May 24th, 2016) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5-nWjShWRV/?igshid=1ozlzzlqxq83n
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Lista única: mais de 500 links do enxame do spin
FORMA: Superaglomerado de Laniakea ou: Enxame.... .com destaque para o grande atrator: tantas bolhas virou enxame de estrelas ou janelas ou pontos ou ou bolhas, sendo que esta lista do spin é ad aeternum ou moto continuo pq são infinitas as vocações ou tipos de spin...ah sim, da minha parte, consciência tranquila por ter vários perfis, até mesmo porque os criei para o meu prazer de ver-me diante de uma assemblage deste tipo....assemblage ou enxame, tanto faz....e mais: nenhum destes links ou abelhas será usado como máscara para difundir o fascismo ou para, de forma anônima, atacar pessoas na rede, o que aliás é bastante comum nestes tempos de #necropolitica...
....trata-se de uma lista única, que reúne basicamente duas outras listas, a do calendário e a dos tipos de spin...sendo que fora estabelecido um limite máximo: 500 links...
.... de 500 pra frente a contabilização fora deixada de lado, sendo que fica o numero 500 como limite de bolhas ou pontos ou estrelas ou links,,,,500 unidades ou milhões ou milhões ou bilhões ou trilhões de anos luz ou km ou metros ou cm ou polegadas: ou parsecs, tanto faz....
Instagram: espiritualidade, sexualidade, sociabilidade…
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4- Abolicionista
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Pinterest: espiritualidade, sexualidade, sociabilidade…
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Fábrica spin: espiritualidade, sexualidade, sociabilidade…
60 - Resultado subtotal de 26 + 34 links da Fábrica do Spin, as vocações: aquilo que você é no seu âmago olho ser
Calendário spin: espiritualidade, sexualidade, sociabilidade…
133 - Resultado subtotal de 60 +73 dias do mês de Marte no Calendário spin…
206 - Resultado subtotal de 133 + 73 dias do mês de Júpiter no Calendário spin…
280 - Resultado subtotal de 206 + 74 dias do mês de Saturno no Calendário spin….
353- Resultado subtotal de 280 + 73 dias do mês de Urano no Calendário spin…
426- Resultado subtotal de 353 + 73 dias do mês de Netuno no Calendário spin…
Páginas no Blogger/Blogspot: espiritualidade, sexualidade, sociabilidade....
500 - Total ou resultado de 426 + 74, em construção
Work in progress
74...calendário do spin, no Blogger.....
Embora este calendário tenha sido reproduzido no blogger, os links do blogs englobam novo conteúdo, ou seja, se referem a novas páginas
Página no Google.doc...para fotos do spin...álbum: espiritualidade, sexualidade, sociabilidade...
Tipos de spin....como se vê, não mais no Tumblr e sim .no Blogger/Blogspot...e, como já foi dito, não são páginas novas, de conteúdos diferentes apesar de terem o mesmo título
A contagem daqui prá frente ficou complicado de ser contabilizada, de forma que optei por não mais contar, terminando a contagem nos 500 links
Um esclarecimento:
......há páginas cujos títulos já existiam no Blogger mas que foram repetidas no Tumbl....sendo que é bom que fique claro que, apesar da temática ser a mesma, não se trata de conteúdo repetido, se tratando portanto de novo link,,,,tal medida foi tomada porque, volta e meia, os links do spin costuma sofrer ataques virtuais, o que resulta em remoção destruição da sua obra...
Como disse pode estar repetidos, pode ser que não...na dúvida, não os inclui na contagem
Se nos apresentou esta página trazendo uma foto do spin representando sua mãe, foto de 1983...pode ser que os links já constem de alguma lista...
Resultado de busca na rede….imagens: espiritualidade, sexualidade, sociabilidade....
Lembretes...localizar, logo que possivel, os conteúdos abaixo, do spin: espiritualidade, sexualidade, sociabalidade...
Livros….ver no livro Eles não Beijam no Molhado, do spin escritor Brasigois Felicio…sobre happening do spin no final da década de 90….
Autopublicações : nas 74 páginas do calendário spin….nas pixações de muros ao cobrar de devedores: e no mocó dos assaltantes e assassinos; muitos roubaram celulares e cartões de memórias do spin: era sua forma de distribuição punk, segundo a @lcassiafernandes no intagram…..buscar pelas hastages ou lugares marcados pelo spin no instagram….por …. praça das mães..casa aurora……praça kalil gibran….o que mais..: em construção..Quarentena Bienal, via internet, administrada por @caomulato codinome de Edson Barrus, que mora na ponte Recife-Paris…
Jornais…na seção de arte da Nádia Tim, no Jornal O Popular…parece-me que ela já não trabalha mais lá….a seção de leitores…jornal Diario da Manhã….década de 90, se não se engana….falar com o @carlosbrandao77 : em construção….no Jonral Folha AZ, reportagem do jornalista Salvio Juliano…final da década de 90 ou inicio deste século
Oral: perguntar sobre o spin via instagram para: @carlosbrandao77 , …valentin amigo do médico dele na década de 80…o zap dele que não sei se já alterou era: 62- 982445580…..uma médica que era amiga dele, de nome Ana Maria Lins, que morava na Super Quadra, no Setor Sul….parece que ela se mudou para SP - Rio Tietê….
Médicos: Carlos Lima Melo in memoriam, década de 80, homeopata unicista…..Jorge Monteiro de Lima, psicólogo….Will Goya, filósofo clinico,….Patrícia Sardinha, psícologa….Marcos Belo, dentista…..o spin entregou obras relatos anameses para os mesmos…ou: se não entregou, eles foram ponte de acesso para o spin….ah sim, e o spin cantor Ney Matogrosso….e os professores curadores @Mariadenser no facebook, o Paulo Veiga Jordão ex professor … Carlos Sena in Memoriam….. Divino Sobral amigo do Carlos Sena….Patricia Mesquita, há séculos não a vejo….ela convidou o spin para uma performance no Centro Cultural Vila Cora Coralina, tenho que ver a data da reportagem no Jornal O Popular…. o Rogério Flori, fotógrafo, amigo da Patrícia Mesquita, pintora e, se não me engano, profissional da saúde mental, ela estava morando em Porto Alegre, por falar nisso, lá tem uma escola bacana, que dá oficinas de escrita e um curso, se não me engano, de 2 anos, e que formou muitos escritores e escritoras, acho que o Edvaldo, da UBE-GO, sabe o nome, pergunte a ele e olha lá, ele é spin cronista e escreve tudo sobre qualquer coisa: ele transforma uma pequena fagulha num incêndio, cuidado com ele viu: qualquer deslize seu vira crônica….aliás, todo escritor é assim, por isso são tão combatidos…..mas não lembro o nome da escola e preciso saber, vai que rola eu ir pra lá estudar pra repassar no whatsApp, ou você pensa que vou sair desse aplicativo…ou você não sabe que foi esse aplicativo que elegeu o coiso: não escrevo nome de coisa que não presta porque os nomes provocam o que eles simbolizam olham são…… escrevi o nome da escola de escritor num pedaço de papel A06, que uso pra tudo, aliás, não era papel e sim folha de mato mesmo….secou acabou…tudo é efêmero, não é….
1- WhatsApp: espiritualidade, sexualidade, sociabilidade…
Skype: espiritualidade, sexualidade, sociabilidade…
GGN: espiritualidade, sexualidade, sociabilidade…
Blogger: espiritualidade, sexualidade, sociabilidade…
Blogs ativos: em observação, poder estar repetidos ou tiveram a URL alterada para outros nomes, ou seja, excluidas,,,,não tive tempo de conferir....
Spin descartado....no blogspot…
Spin listado...no blogger...espaço destinado para publicação do mesmo conteúdo do spin listado (no Tumblr), medida de segurança, pois volta e meia o removem as páginas do spin....
Spin anamnésico…no blogspot….
Spin listador…no Tumblr
Páginas encerradas
Blogs inativos: espiritualidade, sexualidade, sociabilidade…
Wordpress….página criada mas encerrada devido a dificuldade de operacionalizar…
CCUFG….spin circulando: link para o spin na aba esquerda
A História de Idéia ..,…página encerrada por perda da senha de acesso
tipos de spin no Blogger...ou vocações....ou: A Fábrica do Spin... no doc.google...perfil: aos 18 anos de idade....como foi dito, alguns dos titulos das páginas repetem o Tumblr, mas os posts são diferentes
Para encerrar.....som na caixa......essa música é linda não é.....
...de Ednardo, spin cantor compositor, humano,...de 1974
Pavão Misteriozo, a letra
O video....
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Maga wants blood. It is hard for the libs to get it. Because they are so privileged, they can’t even see the endemic poverty people live in. “But we don’t believe in violence. We’re perfect. And we have stuff.
We already know that.
#tim barrus#tim barrus and maga#tim barrus on tumblr#tim barrus culture#tim barrus survivalist#tim barrus and the new york times
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Take notes. This article is frenetic. That is not a criticism. Publishing is frenetic. The Leapfrogging Around Effect, from this and that, trading office space, is reflecting a publishing story where publishing insiders hop and skip around publication to publication. Job to job. Money is important, but it's rude so we (both journalists and readers) don't mention it. The 19th Century is alive and well. Editors who become agents. Agents who become editors. English majors from Brown who become publishers as soon as Daddy buys the building. Sex and the City is over. The ladies who lunch are dead. Publishing has gone to ugly dogs. I loathe sending my work to New York. I am much more inclined to go with a smaller publisher. One who might have accidentally read the book. That is heresy. The Beast was not a gentleman, and I am not a gentleman, either. The edge is gone. A pop culture burp. Take something new and render it as a sarcasm. After reading the Beast, I would try to throw my laptop across the room. The Beast was hip. Busy. Mean. Mean. Mean. But mean wears your teeth down when you try to chew. The Beast became like all the other beasts. And that is not sarcasm. The industry is one big flat screen. A FAX machine spits out your writer's tour schedule of events. It is not a dialogue. I do not tend to be kindly to a machine that orders me around and takes me to places that are inappropriate. The Beast is not a player. Coles and Sherwood are Plan B. So is the Daily Beast.
#tim barrus#tim barrus in the New York Times#new york times magazine#midtown publishing#tim barrus cinematheque films#the daily beast#plan b#tim barrus on fb#tim barrus on insta#tim barrus is a gentleman#Tim Barrus on Pop Culture#tim barrus on flaunt magazine#tim barrus on the extreme job hopping in publishing#tim barrus books#new york times
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Take notes. The despair is real. The hate is real. And the revenge that drives the beast is real as well. We don't talk about jealousy too much. This is a Culture World War. You will be told that it's more complex than that, and it is. But not to the threatened species that is homo sapiens. They recognize complexity, and they emerge rattled. Knowing how things work, is work. Politics is television. They are one and the same. Throw in some dancing, an orchestra, and french fries. It's Your Dog And Pony Show. I want to know why Americans talk the talk, but there is no way we are going to walk that walk. What are the institutionalists going to do. When the Politik twists toward blue. Who do you think the Gestapo is looking for.
They are looking for you. Here's how it works. Elon gives Trump the names and the data. Anyone critical gets a visit in the middle of the bad spy night. If you think that the lower class (I am lower class) wants to punish the class that has always had their boot pressed up against our throats, that is because they always have their boot shoved up against out throats, and this is their punishment. It's a little bit about a lot of things. Cross cultural warzones. It's still punishment. What else do they have. American indifference and American compliance. Trump knows where you live. DOJ gets the order, and ICE gets a green light. Your children get a barracks and tin foil. You know where you are marching to. And you never said a word.
Like no. — Tim Barrus
#tim barrus#tim barrus new york times#tim barrus opinion. opinion new york times#culture war#how things work#tim barrus on democracy#tim barrus on fb#tim barrys books#tim barrus cinematheque films#tim barrus on X#tim barrus pinter#tim barrus esqire mag#tim barrus flaunt mag#tim barrus tim barrus nocelist#tim barrus format magazine
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blood rogues in let's away
#tim barrus#tim barrus on tumblr#tim barrus poetry#tim barrus fb#tim barrus pinter#tim barrus art#tim barrus pop culture/ boom boom
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Great travelers. The great travelers on the happy planet do not include themselves as victims in all the looking back at where they have been. I'm autistic, and really cannot make sense out of how political parties came to be regarded as the tails that wag the dragon. I'm so happy, I could skip stones. How happy are you. I'm so happy that there is no more hunger. I'm so happy, I have become employed. As a happy writer of comments. Happiness is downright giddy. Vodka or a smile. Choose. We have the happy catholic warrior writer slot. We have the writer who appears to listen. The Irish Temperament is temperament itself. Happy economics is Whose Gig Is This. Both Political Banks will smile at you like a straw in sarsaparilla. I park my money in the Republican Bank of Flim Flam. If you give them actual money, they will in time give you back the dime they turn on. The Dems get a Turn of the Screw, too. A Large Left Hook. Woke is another rant. Whatcha got. If I can see it coming, why can't they. Religion as an institution spins like an electron high on hate. It's open to debate. Are we gay. Or are we straight. I'm with ANTIFA. I want to live in a culture where you just show up. Happiness is Never Show Up, Never Explain. Jump up and down. Catholicism is about the secrets. What do bubble tribes do when someone starts heading toward the bubble of dissent. Cultural Rhetoric Says: Executions are fun. He has lists. Tik Tok Clock Happiness is overrated. Unless you're rich. Oh, happy day.
#tim barrus#tim barrus take on culture and politiks#tim barrus in the new york times#tim barrus novel dirt bike town#tim barrus on tumblr
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Wearing a masque all day is one thing. I’m usually on a remote mountain somewhere that has never seen a human being, when I actually take the masque off. Wearing the masque is a resistance I have to the Normals. The stories I tell have to do with resistance, too. Why. Because those are the books I want to read. I want to understand my own resistance. I think I might have been put away by now. Or killed in the middle of one blunder or another. We don’t have enough of them who are saying that we only rarely seem able to articulate The How of such resistance is, itself, an analogy to a more dystopian entanglement with what the nature of authority might be as opposed to what authority already is. Comedians are some of our greatest scholars. You begin your life at the point we cut the tip of your cock off. It sends a message that stays with this homo sapiens. Authority will define who he is — they cannot be allowed to name themselves when to name yourself is traitorous to the development of any tribal cultural structure in the universe. So we construct definitional identities before they push one down our throats. As someone who is autistic, I am here to tell you that resistance does slow them down some. And while that is happening (it happens every day in my life), the autistic part of me, my second self, is compelled to leave the mask behind. I will define myself. The minute I allow a moron to define me, informs me that he, it’s usually a he he, shoves me down a path I share with Godot. I will never arrive because physics as defined by Estragon paints the lot of us up against the tenth dimension. You can’t mix culture up with physics because physics deals with unstable variables. Culture is physics. And physics has a culture who kinda see themselves as the wise old men with pipes and tweed. Which can only exist on strict terminology because it cannot be contained. Or hardly measured. The thing itself fades like a blip, but a super, super fast blip from which an entire universe forms around. The breaking into our reality and then the field disintegrates so quickly, it is at times suggestive that the theatre of Infants Terrible, remains convinced we cannot go down that rabbit hole even at our own risk. Physics claims there are too many timelines. The past is not accessible. The going forward is already upon you. Science fiction is to varying extents, a rabbit hole of its own, not at all like YouTube, but reality intrudes when pop culture pops so fast, you never even saw the flash. My stories are about that flash. To try and slow it down as we ask it who and what what is it. Is it self-aware. We are all self-aware. All. All. All. The flash, usually red-shifted, blinks like a magnetar being hurdled by a child from another sun.
#Tim Barrus#tim barrus physics#tim barrus art#tim barrus photography#second selves#tim barrus essay#culture#tim barrus and the new york times
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Now, he's god. Those of us who lead kinda mundane lives can read this stuff about one old man -- I call him IT to dehumanize him and to rob him of his humanity which will be a challenge because he has no humanity -- and how he lives his execrable existence, caught within a labyrinthine catalogue of hatreds, and shrug. I guess he doesn't mean what he says. Seriously. Every word has a bitter twist. Every single writer or journalist who has ever been critical of the IT, might want to think about Plan B. Where you gonna move. You might want to think about somewhere that allows you to see them coming. Think Idaho. The IT releases his middle-earth minions. The last time we went through Royal Decree, George III, my precious, was still around, and guess what. He taxed. He sent troops. He hanged a lot of people. He burned books, elderly women. He controlled printers, publishing. He was the Church. He waged wars everywhere. He drank tea. He went mad. The word bully has no gravitas. ORC has gravitas. ORC commands us from his ORC mountaintop. We obey. Ho hum. He announces he's god and we keep our heads down and agree. Anti-ORK Journalists who continue to publish thought that insinuates IT might not be as Supreme as he says he is. Will face his fury. Why are all these people winking. God always goes to prison. Forms a story arch. Just before the beginning of his thermonuclear reign. A crown of bloody thorns. How dare they say bad things about the banality of god. They must be punished.
#tim barrus politics#tim barrus on culture war#tim barrus#tim barrus on tumblr#tim barrus on facebook#tim barrus barrus on format#tim barrus essay
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It’s pretty radical for NYT critic to take the stance that game changers are sorely lacking. I do agree with this.
#tim barrus#tim barrus on tumblr#tim barrus and the new york times#new york times#nyt critic#art critic#Tim Barrus on Creativity#art is too homogenized#tim Barrus on Culture
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The protagonist in Dirt Bike Town is an Albinoboy. He has no color to hate. It was the end of times. Albinos were the slaves. The Normals have enslaved them. We are back to all the paradigms of the City-state. After the Dope Wars, the only thing we haven’t killed is love.
#Tim Barrus#Tim Barrus Novel Dirt Bike Town#Dirt Bike Town#fiction#allegory#metaphorical#Novelist#cultural criticism#racism#survival#hate#Dope Wars
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Tim Barrus
Take notes. Reform. The NYT has no radical voice. I am reading the middle of the road columnists who all deny they are the middle of anything. Nowhere in this thing did I read the word resistance. There is a resistance, but no one at NYT can crack that story. This is a success. Journalism treading water. These people are all talking about institutional response. Resistance exists. You just can't find it. The stories you publish do not require blood. First, you go off the grid. "But no one can disconnect." I assume that upper middle class writers believe this. Reformed institutions are always the upper middle class status quo solution. You cannot afford to admit that your institutions are irrelevant. Ephemeral. To say nothing of political institutions. Democrats flounder.
Break the country down to tribes. MAGA can move to Waco, Texas. Do not let them out. Build a wall. A big beautiful Democratic wall all the way around Waco. Conservatives get Manitoba. Democrats get the Museum of Natural History. There is nothing in your mean-spirited country worth reforming. Your focus on reform and reform and reform is patently absurd and beneath contempt. There are no institutions that work. Only for the government of the rich. By the rich. And for the rich. Democrats only move the furniture around. Four score and seven years ago, America was still a racist culture. No resistance is allowed a voice. Why can't we have a voice that says break the country up. The center will not hold.
#tim barrus#tim barrus on tumblr#tim barrus art#tim barrus photography#tim barrus poetry#art#tim barrus and the new york times#poetry#new york times#tim barrus novel
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tim barrus
Take notes. We need more babies on this planet like we need global warming. I am anti-baby all the way. Hope and famine. There is no hope for the planet when there are so many people on it that must be fed. As a teacher, I am perhaps supposed to be in favor of education. Education has failed us. Who would want to bring an innocent child into a world that will devour them. Let's have a good time with poverty. Let's have a good time with the loss of any kind of economic stability. Upper middle class parents compare their babies with what. My baby is best. Mommies need to grow up.
Having kids is not a competition. It is a curse. How many jobs will this kid have to survive. I put my kids on a flight out of here the day after Trump won. How can anyone bring a child into a culture controlled by a rapist. I am not allowed to use the word rapist in the New York Times. Or I get kicked off again. But if they can't allow that word, how is it that women tolerate a structure for a rapist to even have a bully pulpit. He will do it again. I am not going to parent a child who is going to learn the ways of a Rape Culture as institutional indifference. You have options. Wow. You can choose not to rape. How visionary. The idea of choosing to not have kids feels like a betrayal. The idea of choosing to not have kids is Radical. Anyone who does this will confront hostility from family, friends, and the community will shun you. It is unethical to bring anyone into the rot we have become.
#tim barrus#tim barrus on tumblr#tim barrus art#tim barrus photography#tim barrus poetry#art#tim barrus and the new york times#poetry#new york times#tim barrus novel
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Take notes. What I see is a media that is conveniently ignoring one big thing. The American people did this. They want this. They are this. The talking heads were wrong. Optimism is another lie. Hope is not available. It never has been. The Lower Middle Class gets its name from Let's Give Them The Bone Of Hope. We are the poor. It was not about the color of her suits. It was not about abortion, it was not about electing a rapist, it was not about Afghanistan. It was not a gender war. It was not about American universities or inflation. It was not about the mythic individual or exceptionalism. It was not about crime or convictions. It was not about foreign policy. It was not about drinking bleach. It was not about kids in cages. No one mentions the dynamics of revenge. It was about revenge. If my poor neighbors here in the Appalachian mountains can get it, what is wrong with the white cultural grand poobahs who cannot bring themselves to articulate that they know very little about how the lower class lives. Hurricane Helene wiped us out. It's been roughly a month, but I haven't seen a single person from any kind of authority whatsoever. Guess who got their electric back on first. We had to watch as their rich lights flicked on. We did everything ourselves. We removed the dead trees so an ambulance could get through. We were the ones who found our own water. We were left behind again. The elite can barely look at us. It was about revenge. In 2228, it will be about revenge. -- Tim Barrus
#tim barrus#tim barrus on tumblr#tim barrus art#tim barrus photography#tim barrus poetry#art#tim barrus and the new york times#poetry#new york times#tim barrus novel
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Tim Barrus
Take notes. I am living in my car. I have found a cottage in the woods. In two weeks, I move in. A hurricane made sure I am living out of one bag. A photography bag. I have lived out of one canvas bag for fifty years. Sue me. Tonight Walmart parking. People ask me where I am living (I never went to town much before the hurricane. Now, I am seeing development with a far more jaundiced eye than I did before. We call Ashville The Big City. Most of us avoid it like the plague. My laundromat: A garbage can, a tree, and rope. The cottage is extremely remote. The treehouse I was living in met category five furious winds that tore so many lives completely apart. The only reason the cottage made it was because a mountain protected it. The photography: Question. Where are the dogs. Where is the dog hair. My dogs are in the back seat asleep. They kinda think this is fun.
We get to go to such glamorous places like Walmart. Nature is in no way pastoral. Something pastoral about these apartments. The homo sapiens who invade and attack the woods never give back anyway. My sleeping bag is cozy. Interior decorations are my boots. From this perspective, these photographs were taken from Mars. It's a class thing. Which means it's a culture war. I begrudge no one Ikea. Might be a New York City dessert. But no. Some of the cars parked by me are filled with women. Widows. The tough males gone with the wind (who told you to go out there), were torn apart. We are still finding body parts in trees.
#tim barrus#tim barrus on tumblr#tim barrus art#tim barrus photography#tim barrus poetry#art#tim barrus and the new york times#poetry#new york times#tim barrus novel#Walmart
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