#tim McGee x sister!reader
slutforsilverfoxes · 2 years
[A/N: in my defense, I did say I was becoming a DiNozzo simp 🙃]
Ziva wadded up an old draft of a report that she was about to shred, opting instead to beam it at Tony’s forehead to gain his attention. The grin on his face melted away as his eyes narrowed in her direction, and he barked out a playful, “What?”
“What is it that you are smiling at over there?”
“A text.”
“A friend.”
“Not just a friend,” Abby chimed in from her spot at McGee’s desk, propping her chin on her hands as she batted her eyelashes in Tony’s direction.
“Oh?” That piqued Tim’s interest, and he pulled his attention away from the screen where he was testing a new program to optimize one of Abby’s many search parameters. “Are you seeing someone, Tony?”
“Yeah, McProbie,” the senior agent grinned, brewing up a facetious response. “Your sister.”
Rolling his eyes, McGee shot back, “You wish. She’s too smart for you.”
“Children!” Gibbs barked as he rounded the corner. The three agents scrambled to appear busy, shuffling papers around and clamoring over one another with updates on their supposed productivity this morning. Silencing them all with a mere glance, Gibbs continued, “If you’re done dishing about your social lives, we’ve got a dead Marine in Rock Creek Park.”
“I do not believe that you have a girlfriend,” Ziva stated matter-of-factly, pulling open the van doors to gather the crime scene kit.
“Well, believe it, Zi-va,” Tony retorted, the two syllables popping off his tongue in that infuriating way only he could do, “because it’s true. Here, watch my eyeballs when I say it: I have a girlfriend. What does your Mossad training tell you about that statement, huh?”
“That you are telling the truth,” she huffed back, eyes narrowed. “But if that is the case then how are you not gloating about your sex escapes all the time?”
“Sexcapades,” DiNozzo corrected automatically.
“Whatever. Why not?”
Tony shrugged, trying to control the blush threatening to creep across his cheeks. “Because.”
McGee unzipped the camera bag and slung the device around his neck as he caught the senior field agent’s eye with a teasing grin. “Because he really likes her! Tony’s in love.”
“Shut it, McGoob,” Tony growled out, slamming the van doors shut and stalking off to find Gibbs at the primary crime scene.
“Look at that, Ziva,” Tim sighed dramatically as they watched their colleague walk away, “our boy’s all grown up.”
“How was your day today, babe?” You flipped back to the diagram on venous circulation in your anatomy textbook, wiggling your fingers in an invitation for your boyfriend to join you on his bed. He heaved a dramatic sigh before stretching out across the comforter, laying his head against your thigh. “Don’t ask.”
Your fingers automatically went to brush through his short hair, freshly wet from his post-work shower. “Tough case?”
“What’d I just say?” he teased, reaching up to tweak your nose and eliciting a sheepish giggle from you. “It’s not the case, it’s my colleagues. They found out about you today and now they’re probing for more.”
“So tell them,” you offered easily. “My friends at school know about you.”
“Oh yeah?” His voice grew a touch huskier and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
“Oh yeah,” you whispered. “I tell them all about your big, thick d…ura mater. For that big ol’ brain of yours.”
He groaned your name in frustration and you laughed, pleased with yourself, until his eyes shot open and you saw that green had faded to black. You held your book up in defense and tried to quell your now racing heart. “Whatever you’re thinking, don’t. I have to study! I swear- don’t you even-”
He shut you up with a gentle kiss that quickly turned more desperate. Taking the textbook from your hands, he set it on the bedside table and tugged your shirt off before molding his lips back to yours, mumbling, “You need to study anatomy? Let’s get you some hands on experience.”
Tony strutted into the bullpen the next morning, greeting his teammate with an uncharacteristic smile given the fact that the sun had yet to rise. “McProbius. How was your night?”
Tim’s face twisted into one of confusion as he answered, “Uh, fine. Uneventful. How was yours?”
“Why, thank you for asking,” Tony grinned despite intentionally prompting the exchange. “My night was absolutely incredible.”
Ziva dropped her coat on the back of her chair and smirked knowingly at DiNozzo. Crossing her arms, she stated, “You had sex. Good sex, I am guessing, from the way you are gloating right now.”
“Not just good,” Tony clarified. “Amazing. Mind blowing. Since you two are so interested, my girlfriend’s a med student-”
“Hey, so is my little sister!” McGee cut in excitedly. “At Georgetown?”
“Yes, now hush. Anyway, when I tell you that she knows her way around male anatomy which is truly a testament to just how hard she studies. So diligent. Doctors are amazing, and we should appreciate them more.”
Tim and Ziva exchanged curious looks, then turned to see the reason behind the sudden shift in conversation standing behind them. A chorus of greetings- slightly too loud- poured from the three agents’ mouths as they all but ran to their desks to continue working on their current case.
“His desk is right over there,” the security guard gestured in the general vicinity, and you thanked her with a smile before making your way through the bullpen bustling with midday activity.
An older man in a tan suit approached as you neared the section the guard had pointed out, a soft smile on his face despite the gruffness in his voice. “Can I help you?”
“She’s here for me,” two voices in unison confidently rang out, and you peeked around the man you assumed to be Gibbs to find the source of the sound.
“Easy, McGeek,” Tony chuckled as he rose from his desk. “Unless she’s the suspect you’ve been theorizing about all day, I’ll take it from here.”
“Uh, I think you should take it easy considering you have a girlfriend, Tony,” Tim shot back, brows furrowed. “She’s my sister.”
“But that’s- she’s-” Tony stumbled over his words while Ziva leaned back in her chair, laughing to herself as she connected the dots with a giddily mumbled, “This is the best day ever.”
Both men pointed accusatory fingers at you, fighting to be heard.
“You said you were studying last night!” “Your last name isn’t McGee!”
“Woah,” you held up your hands in defense, trying to calm the situation. “I was studying last night,” you directed the response to your older brother, then turned to your boyfriend, “and we have two different dads. How come you two have never mentioned each other?”
“He is Probie,” Tony clarified, as Tim mumbled, “He’s DoucheNozzle.”
“Hey!” you and Tony cried out.
“Hey!” Gibbs mocked you all, jingling a set of car keys in the middle of your heated circle. “Boyfriend and brother, go pick up our suspect. Figure this out when I have my killer behind bars.”
Sufficiently chastened, they each pressed a kiss to one of your cheeks while glowering over your head at the other man. As they made their way over to the elevator- clearly bickering from the looks of it- Ziva approached you gleefully. “They will either bond over their love for you in that car, or you will end up single and an only child. Also, hi, Ziva David.”
“Y/N,” you supplied in kind, taking her proffered hand.
“What inspired this visit, anyway?”
“Oh,” you laughed, shaking your head. “I came to tell them I passed my anatomy exam with flying colors.”
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Unlucky - Chapter 2
I'm very happy to see how well this series is being received!! I'm having fun working on this! Keep telling if you like it!
NCIS x Criminal Minds crossover!!
Summary: You’re Emily Prentiss’s little sister, you work for NCIS and when your team got a case in Quantico, it’s time for her to meet your team and for you to meet hers…
Pairings: sister!Emily Prentiss x Reader, Leroy Jethro Gibbs x Reader, Aaron Hotchner x Reader (and maybe more…)
Warnings: smut towards the end; car sex, unprotected sex
Words count: 2.4k
Prologue - Chapter 1
Tags: @duckysmith3000 @sitkafay @thebaileybugle @katieslotherford @ilovemark1951
You always put your foot in your mouth. That was your thing, you knew it but somehow you couldn’t help it. You felt terrible during lunch, and planned on apologizing to Hotch as soon as you were done. Emily talked with McGee about the case and then about you. You listened without really listening. 
When you were almost done eating, Gibbs and Ziva came back with important information about the case and the victim. Emily left the room to let the team work - reluctantly, she really wanted to stay. They told you and McGee what they learned and you told them what you found and what Ducky found.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Ziva asked, concerned. 
“She put her foot in her mouth again.” Tim told her. 
“Oh, with your sister?”
You shook your head no. “Her boss. I’m going to apologize actually.” You stood up, feeling Gibbs’s gaze on you. “I know about Rule 6, but this is different.” You said. 
“Did I say anything?” He shot back. 
“No, but—no you didn’t. I’ll be right back.”
You left the conference room and walked up to your sister’s desk. “Is Hotch still here?” You asked her, looking over her shoulder. 
“Yup. Good luck.”
You went to his office and knocked. You were that his “come in” wasn't a happy one, like he was annoyed to be disturbed. “You sure I can?” You asked, just popping your head through the door. 
“Yes, Y/N.” So you did and stood across his desk. 
“I want to apologize for what I said. It was insensitive, and a poor choice of words.” 
Hotch looked at you and noticed the very formal posture you had; you were standing straight, chin high, your hand on your back. It clearly was something you picked up for your time as a Marine, but it felt wrong for Hotch. “Am I supposed to dismiss you so you’d stand normally?” He raised an eyebrow at you. You understood what he meant and relaxed, putting your arms on your sides. 
“Yeah, that was very formal, wasn’t it?”
“Old habits die hard, I guess.” 
“Exactly.” You sighed. “Are we good? I really don’t want to start on the wrong foot. Emily cares a lot about you and the team and—“
“We’re fine, Y/N.” He cut you off and you sighed in relief. 
“Thank you! Thanks! I really didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“I know.” He straight up on his chair, “I guess it hurt because you were right.” 
You watched him stare at his wedding ring. You could tell how hard it was from him to accept that his marriage was over. Not that you’d understand, and know how he felt, but you felt for him. Emily told you about his divorce, but only the big lines. From what you understood, his wife - and mother of his son - had enough of his job, and how much it took him away from them. 
You started to walk backwards to leave him alone but you saw him taking the ring off. His gesture surprised you but you didn’t say anything. “Can you keep it?” He asked, opening his hand where the ring was over you. You were even more surprised by his request, and took a few steps forward. 
“Can you keep this ring until you’re going back to DC?” He asked again, sure of himself. 
“I don’t—“ you didn’t know what to say. “Are you asking me to be your Frodo?” Despite making a pop culture reference, you were pretty serious and concerned about his request, but Hotch chuckled. 
“I guess I am.”
“Why?” You softly reached for the ring that was still in his palm. Your fingers brushed his skin, and you closed your eyes for a moment, trying not to think about whatever you felt in your body. 
“Well, since we were having this conversation, I guess I can ask you to keep it and make sure you won’t give it back to me no matter what.” He sighed. “Maybe it’ll help.” 
“I don’t think it’s just about the ring, Hotch.” You admitted. 
“Surely not. But it’s a start.” 
“Okay then.” You put the ring in your pocket, feeling Hotch’s gaze on you. “I won’t give it back to you even if you beg.” You silently cursed yourself for using those words. 
“I don’t beg.” He chuckled. 
“Let’s make that your next obstacle.” Could you never shut up? This was your sister’s boss and you were talking to him like he was someone you’ve known for months and were familiar with. Blushing at your behavior, you started to walk towards the door again. 
“I'd like to have other obstacles before that one.” He said. 
“Like what?” You couldn’t help but ask, as your hand reached for the door handle. 
“Considering dating again, for example.”
“Well, once you’ll be back on the horse, it won't be hard for you.” 
With that, you left. You’ve said enough to Aaron Hotchner for now. 
As soon as the door closed, Hotch covered his face with his hands. Why the hell did he do something like this? For the moment he left the conference room after what you said, he tried to take his ring off but he couldn’t. It clearly wasn’t about the ring, it was about accepting that his marriage with Haley was over after many years and a baby. He never wanted his son to be a child of divorce but here they were now. Haley made her decision a while ago, the divorce had been pronounced and there was nothing left to do. 
And he understood that when you were standing in front of him. Because for the first time in a very long time, he pictured himself being with someone. Someone other than his ex-wife. And he hated to admit that you, Emily Prentiss’s young sister, did that for him. It would never be something he’d pursue, but a man could still let his imagination run free, right? 
Especially after that last sentence… 
As you were going to your team, Emily stopped you. “I’m gonna go home and take a nap.” She informed you. 
“You know that you didn’t have to come in the first place?” You laughed. 
“True, but it was fun. Things are good between you and Hotch?” 
“Yes, everything’s clear.”
“Great. Now, I may have told the team that you were here—“
“Okay, so?”
“They want to get some drinks tonight, with you.”
“In case it’s not very clear, I’m working here, Em. I can’t—“
“Oh come on! You’re not going to pull an all-nighter, right?”
“I don’t know yet. It’s barely 2pm. Let’s do that when the case is over?”
“Fine. Most of them will be here tomorrow anyway. See ya.”
She kissed your cheek and left the office to take her much needed nap. 
You joined back your team, and the entire afternoon was about the case. The more you investigated, the more complicated it was becoming. You had no idea where it was going, but around nine pm, Gibbs told you to call it a night. 
You all walked out of the FBI office together. Before reaching the elevator, you felt Tony’s arm wrapping itself around your shoulders. “Baby Prentiss.” 
You rolled your eyes, “What, Junior?”
“First, don’t call me that in front of your sister, please. And second, can I have your sister’s number?” 
“Over my dead body.” You firmly answered. 
“Aw, come on!”
“You are relentless.” Ziva stated. 
“Leave her alone, DiNozzo.” Gibbs gave Tony his second headslap of the day. He let go of your shoulders but stayed close to you. 
“Y/N, your sister’s hot. I’m hot. We’d—“ he stopped talking when you punched his shoulder. “Ow!” He rubbed the spot you just hit.
“Be grateful I went for your shoulder.” 
The elevator’s doors opened and you all got in. “Fine, I’ll just directly ask her.” 
You wanted to punch him again, but Gibbs wrapped his arm around you, holding you in place; your back against his chest. You were small compared to him - which was something he liked a lot - but you’ve proven multiple times that you could kick his ass, and definitely Tony’s. Your small size was actually an advantage, because it made you fast and sneaky. 
“I can’t wait for her to turn you down.” You smirked, knowing that a man like Tony was Emily’s type. 
Gibbs held you against him until the lift was over and it surprised you that no one seemed to care or even paid attention. 
Since Emily was the one to drive in the morning, Gibbs offered to drop you off at her place, while the others used the van to go back to the hotel. During the ride, he noticed how silent you were, deep in thoughts, so he gently put his hand on your thigh and rubbed small circles with his thumb. “Everything okay there?” He asked. 
“Yeah, yeah. Just thinking.” 
“I can see that, and I know it’s not about the case.”
You growled at that, “Stop reading me like an open book.” 
And he chuckled, “That’s the thing about you, Y/N. You wear your feelings and emotions on your sleeves.” 
“Trust me I know, I was reprimanded way too much on that by my commanders. Do you think it makes me—weak?”
“Not the word I’d choose.”
“And what word would you choose?”
Gibbs silently kept driving for a moment, thinking. “Pure.” He said, “Too pure.”
“Wow,” you laughed. “That’s what you’re going with?”
“It is.” 
You took a long look at him and understood that he didn’t like you laughing at the word he chose. You could see his jaw clenched, so you reached for his hair and stroked it a little. You knew it soothed him. 
“Why do you think you’re weak?” He finally asked. 
“It’s not just weakness, it’s—“ you inhaled deeply, “All my life my parents compared me to Em. I wasn’t wanted, I was born twelve years after the only kid they wanted and they spent all those years making me feel inferior to my sister, in every way possible.” Gibbs held your hand in his and squeezed it gently. He took his eyes off the road for a moment to look at you and he saw the tears in your eyes. It hurt him to see you hurt. “Don’t get me wrong, I love Emily more than anyone in this world. It’s not her fault the parents were like this with me. I mean, she doesn’t know half of it.” 
“Maybe you should tell her, then?”
“No way, it would make her feel so bad.”
“But right now, you’re the one feeling bad.”
“It’s okay.”
“No,” he kissed your knuckles, “it’s not.”
You told Gibbs what was wrong but you didn’t want to go any further than that. So you just closed your eyes and enjoyed his tenderness until you reached for your sister’s building. “That’s her parking lot?” Gibbs asked, pointing at a garage door. 
“Do you have the key?”
“Yes,” you said, showing the key that you already were holding. “Why?”
“Open it.”
You looked at him, puzzled but he just smirked. You opened the door and he drove inside. He spent a moment driving around the parking lot, until he found the most hidden spot. 
Gibbs turned off the engine, grabbed your stuff and threw them in the back and proceeded to bring you on his lap. “Are you serious?” You chuckled, and he answered with a kiss. As he found your sensitive spot in your neck, his hands roomed under your shirt, where he touched every inch of skin. You found the button to lay the seat back, taking Gibbs by surprise. You immediately crashed against his chest and kissed him passionately. 
You felt the bulge in his pants as he worked on unbuttoning yours. He grabbed handfuls on your flesh, and you moaned in his mouth. “Take those off.” He told you and you got back on your seat to take your shoes and pants off. He freed his cock from his briefs and stroked himself as he stared at you. You playfully threw your soaked panties to his face, and he grabbed them before inhaling deeply into it. 
You climbed on top of him again, his hard cock teasing your entrance. It was quite dark but you still could make each other’s faces out and you stared at each other as you welcomed his length inside your cunt. He rubbed your clit with his thumb a little before you even moved, and then he brought you against his chest and started to thrust. It was slow and deep at first, neither of you spoke. You just kissed, touched and held each other, until he eventually fastened the pace and you met his movements.
“Yes, Gibbs! Fuck!” You cried in his ear, feeling your orgasm building itself. 
“You’re so good, sweetheart. So good,” he whispered. 
Gibbs was hard to read, even during sex, but you’ve learned in the past year that he’s close to come when his hands grab your skin in a death grip - that sometimes leaves bruises. So you reassured him, “I’m so close. Yes, right there!”
He kept his brutal pace until he felt your pussy and body clenching onto you, and it was his undoing. He came deep inside you and that feeling almost made you come a second time. 
You stayed on top of him for a moment as you were both catching your breaths. No matter how tough the man appeared to everyone, he was also the most thoughtful and tender man you’ve ever been with. He rubbed your back and placed small kisses on your forehead until you kissed him and got back to your seat. 
It was only then that it hit you; you hadn’t used protection for the first time. You could feel his cum coming out of your pussy, probably dripping on his cushion. 
“It’s kinda late to ask this but I hope you’re not seeing anyone else, Gibbs.” You told him as you put your clothes back on. 
“And I hope you’re on birth control, otherwise we’re going to CVS right now.” He answered right away, fixing himself up. 
“I’m on birth control.” You reassured him. “You’re not asking if I’m seeing someone else?” 
He didn’t say a word. Gibbs just looked at him and smirked, like he knew you were not seeing anyone else. Granted, he was right but his assumption pissed you off. Like, did he assume that no one else would be interested in you? Or that you were so into him that you didn’t want to be with someone else? Either option upsetted you. 
You finished putting your clothes back on, threw a cold “see you tomorrow” and left.
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fanf1ctionwrit1n · 3 years
I didn’t do it
Warning: Swearing
Paring: Gibbs x reader, nephew!Peter Parker x reader
A/n: Thank you @sade-shark for the idea, and letting me write it!
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“Stupid Avengers.” Gibbs muttered, paying close attention to the news. The Avengers had solved yet another problem, but sadly taking a few lives in the process. He was standing up by the screen in the office, which for once, you both arrived early to. Normally Jethro got up an hour before you, but today, you both went.
“Baby, give them a chance.” You stated.
“No, they're taking jobs. We already have police, we don’t need them.” You got up from your desk, and stood next to him.
“They do jobs we,” you gestured between you two, “Can’t do ourselves. We investigate murders of Marines and Navy, they go and fight aliens and whatnot.”
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“We have a dead Marine out in New York at Midtown High School, grab your gear.” Gibbs stated, grabbing his badge and gun.
“Midtown?” You asked, grabbing your gear.
“Yeah, why?” Gibbs questioned.
“No reason.” You stated.
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Arriving at the scene, you were presented with the dead Marine.
“Lance Corporal Nathan Daniels. Currently stationed at Quantico, lives alone.” McGee stated.
“Any suspects?” Gibbs asked.
“One.” Ziva stated.
“Y/n, go talk to them, get anything you can from them.” Gibbs stated. You nodded before heading over to Tony who was currently talking with the suspect.
“I told you, I don’t remember anything!” The suspect said. The voice seemed familiar but you couldn’t quite place it.
“Then why are you raising your voice?” Tony questioned. That was when you saw who he was talking to, “Peter?”
“Aunt y/n!”
“Aunt y/n… huh.” Tony said
“Yeah, uh, surprise?”
“Does Gibbs know?”
“No, and please dont tell him. He’ll take me off the case, he'll say I'm too close. That my opinions are gonna get in the way.”
“Okay, but one question first.”
“Aren’t you an only child?”
“Um, no. I only say that because well, siblings are a little bit of a sensitive topic for me. Peter’s parents, my sister and brother-in-law, died. Peter went to live with May because I wasn’t at a place in my life to raise a kid. I had just joined ncis, and having a kid just wasn’t something I could handle. May offered to raise him since neither of us wanted to give him up. I was only 23 then, now I’m 42.”
“So are you saying that now you could raise a child?”
“I’m saying that I’m in a stable relationship, and if I had to make the decision now, it wouldn't be a problem.”
“You’re in a relationship?”
“Maybe you should be asking Peter the questions instead of me?”
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“It has to be him, he had the victim’s blood on his hands, and he was the only one seen with the victim before his death.” Gibbs stated.
“He’s a teenager, you'd really think he'd kill somebody? I mean who says it's him?” You asked, looking for some form of hope.
“Evidence says it’s him.” Tim chimed in.
“It’s not him.” You said bluntly.
“How do you know? Everything points to him.” Gibbs stated.
“He’s an Avenger, why would he ever kill anyone when all he wants to do is save people?!” You shouted.
“That means nothing! You saw on the news this morning how many lives were lost when they tried to ‘save’ people!” Gibbs yelled back.
“Jethro, he’s my fucking nephew, he’d never even kill a fucking spider!” You yelled, before grabbing your bag and heading for the elevator.
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You glanced at the oven clock, 9:30, and still no Jethro. Was the case just running late? Was he working late? Was he working late to avoid you? The sound of the door opening pulled you from your thoughts.
“Babe?” Jethro called out, closing the door behind him. You rushed over to pull him into a hug, “I’m sorry for yelling earlier.” You said.
“You’re fine. It’s understandable, but why didn’t you tell me he was your nephew?” He questioned, his hand rubbing up and down your back. You pulled out the hug before continuing, “You pull me off the case. You’d say I’m too close to work the case without my opinions getting in the way.”
Jethro walked over to the couch and sat down, patting the spot next to him, inviting you to join him. Taking his invitation, you sat down next to him, cuddling up close.
“Is he being charged?” You asked, terrified for the answer.
“No, he was innocent. You were right. He was actually trying to save the Lance Corporal, and he was able to help us catch the killer. You’d be proud.”
“I am. Each and every day.” You stopped, debating on if you should ask or not, “Are you mad at me?”
“Are you mad at me?”
“No I heard you, just- why would I be mad?”
“Cause of our argument earlier.”
“I’m not mad. I’m actually proud. Y’know, you’re one of the very few people who’ve argued with me when I didn’t agree with their idea.”
“It won’t happen again.”
“No, babe, I don’t care if you yell at me because y’know what?” You looked up at him, “at the end of the day, I still love you, you still love me, and I get to sleep next to you, knowing everything I need is right here.”
You sat up to kiss him, only to be interrupted by your phone ringing. You groaned before answering, “What do you want Tony?”
“Gibbs? Seriously?”
“Yes. Now goodbye.” You hung up, getting a slight chuckle from Jethro.
“Now, how about we get some sleep?” You suggested.
“I like the idea of that.”
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Marvel: @arethosepotatoes
Ncis: @simpforcrimeshows @nerdyfangirl67
Gibbs: @hotch-meeeeeuppppp
All: @sade-shark
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fanfictionwr1tin · 3 years
Part: One/Four
Paring: Tony x Reader
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“A little young for you Tim.” Tony says.
“Tony, she’s my sister.” Tim states.
“Oh, well your sisters hot McGee.”
“Tony!” McGee shouts. Taking down the photo Tony had put up on the screen.
“Thanks Tony.” You say, walking into the bullpen.
“Oh, y/n, you weren’t supposed to be here until tomorrow.” Tim says
“Well, I got an early flight, I wanted to surprise you.” He walked over and pulled you into a hug. Once he pulled you into a hug you winked at Tony. You didn’t get an early flight, well, you did but that was four days ago. You flew in early to see your boyfriend, which you had meet through Tim. You and Tony had been dating for two months which was way longer than you expected knowing Tony. Gibbs walked into the room and Tim broke the hug.
“Y/N, good to see you. Tim said you weren’t gonna be here till tomorrow.” Gibbs said.
“It’s good to see you too. I got an earlier flight to suprise Tim.” You responded.
“How’s San Diego?”
“It’s good. It’s uh, it’s really good. The sun, the warm air, the flowers. All of that without the snow.”
“Yeah, the snow can be a pain.”
You turned to face the blonde agent, “Sorry, I should’ve introduced myself. Im Y/N McGee.”
“Hopefully she’ll be Mrs. DiNozzo.” Tony muttered to himself.
“Eleanor Bishop. You can call me Ellie. So, Y/N, what brings you out to DC?” Ellie asked.
“Thanksgiving, I wanted to do it in San Diego, but Tim insisted I come here instead.”
“So, did you know the last agents who sat here?”
“Yeah, I did. That may or may not have been why I wanted Tim to come to San Diego. They were good people. People who didn’t deserve to die.”
“So, what do you do for work?”
“Oh, Uhm, I’m a-“
“Hollywood agent.” Gibbs interrupted
“Yeah, I work in the office out in San Diego.” You said.
Eventually everyone but you and Tony had left the bullpen. Ellie and Tim were tracking a lead and Gibbs was checking in with Abby.
“Follow me.” Tony said, grabbing your hand. You followed as he lead you to the storage closet. Once the door shut his lips instantly crashed against yours in a deep and passionate kiss. You couldn’t care less about your surroundings. The door flung open to one very disturbed McGee.
“Tony! What the hell are you doing?! That’s my sister!” Tim yelled.
“Tim.” You said, trying to calm him.
“And you! Y/N, what the hell happened?!”
“Tim. Let us explain.”
“But first Probie, you need to chill.” Tony said
“Oh shut up Tony! I just caught you making out with my sister!”
“Tony’s my boyfriend.” You blurted out.
“What?! You and Tony? There’s no way, we would have heard about it by now.”
“Trust me Tim, I’m as shocked as you are on the secrecy aspect.”
“Well, every woman I boast about I end up dumping and y/n really means a lot to me.”
“I’m gonna let you off the hook, just don’t let me see this again. Also, Tony, my sister?”
“He did call me hot.” You chuckled and placed a kiss on Tony’s cheek. After you left them alone, heading it to the bullpen. Smiling the brightest and biggest smile you’d ever had. You knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with that man.
Part two?
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vroomvroommuppett · 3 years
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☀︎︎ 𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: 𝚢/𝚗 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚗 𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚝. 𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚞𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚕𝚕, 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛, 𝚖𝚊𝚡 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛, 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚒𝚍, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚠𝚘 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚏𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍. 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚞𝚙 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝚏𝚎𝚠 𝚔𝚒𝚍𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚢. 𝚋𝚞𝚝, 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛. 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚢/𝚗 𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝚊 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚙 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚔𝚒𝚍𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚖𝚊𝚡? 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚜𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚑𝚒𝚖 𝚘𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚜𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚑𝚒𝚖?
☀︎︎ 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 , 𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚗 𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚝. 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚋𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚍 , 𝚖𝚌𝚐𝚎𝚎 , 𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚘𝚣𝚣𝚘 , 𝚙𝚊𝚕𝚖𝚎𝚛 , 𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚢 , 𝚐𝚒𝚋𝚋𝚜 , 𝚊𝚋𝚋𝚢 (𝚊𝚋𝚋𝚜) , 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚣𝚒𝚟𝚊 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 , 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚣𝚒𝚟𝚊 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚜
☀︎︎ 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜, 𝚎𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚝𝚊𝚐 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙾𝚁 𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚜𝚔 𝙾𝚁 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝
☀︎︎ 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 : spencer reid x ncis!fem!reader
☀︎︎ 𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚐𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 : fluff
☀︎︎ 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 : 480
☀︎︎ 𝚋𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚍𝚒𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚎 , 𝚋𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚣𝚎𝚍 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚕𝚢𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚜
☀︎︎ 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝙳𝙾 𝙽𝙾𝚃 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔. 𝚒 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚜. 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝙼𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝙼𝚈 𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚙𝚊𝚍
a toast to the groom
to the bride
from your sister
who is always by your side
to your union
and the hope that you provide
may you always
be satisfied
it was the annual agency ball. the fbi, ncis, cia, homeland, nsa, you name it, the agency is probably there. i was with my sister, y/n, who is an ncis agent. when she asked me to go, i was excited because someone from the fbi was going to be there that i know. his name is spencer reid. yes the spencer reid from the behavior analysis unit. when we were there, i saw him and told y/n that i was going to go over and talk to him and she was ok with that. a few minutes later, me and spencer walked over to my sister, and i introduced them to one another
where are you taking me?
i'm about to change your life
then, by all means, lead the way
“spencer, this is my younger sister, y/n. she works at ncis. y/n, this is spencer reid, he works for the bau.”
immediately, i could see the spark between them. before they could get into a long conversation, one of y/n’s co-workers walked over. i think his name is mcgee.
“hi sorry to interrupt. y/n/n, we have a case.”
“what’s the case, tim?”
tim. that’s his name.
“dead marine in norfolk”
she sighed and looked at me and spencer.
“sorry. duty calls. tim, can i at least change?”
“no. you know how boss feels about people being late. and besides, if blood or anything gets on your dress, abs will get it out”
“you’re right. nice meeting you, spencer.”
“you too”
she said bye to me, and when her and mcgee were walking off, i saw her smack the back of his head.
after she was gone, spencer asked me for her number. i gave it to him, but was a little disappointed that he wanted to get to know her better. a year after they started dating, spencer asked me for her hand in marriage, and i said yes. i wanted to be the one that spencer was in love with. i wanted to be the one that marries him. but, i had never seen her so happy. six months after he proposed to her, they got married. she kept her last name as brenner, which i thought was kind of weird, but went with it. as her maid of honor, i had to give a speech.
to the groom
to the bride
from your sister
who is always by your side
to your union
and the hope that you provide
may you always
be satisfied
and i know
she'll be happy as his bride
and i know
he will never be satisfied
i will never be satisfied
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oneshotnewbie · 4 years
Survive or die (Navy CIS - Reader x Gibbs Team)
A/N: This idea came from a dream I had. I tried to write it down because I liked it. In this fanfic there will be the new team (Ellie, Jack and Kasie) except for Nick. Tony is a part of this story because I miss him. Also a small info... From now on I will write for NCIS! I will write for any woman x Reader and man x reader (platonic fluff, no romance or relationship). Angst, fluff, whatever you want.. Send it in, there are not a lot of NCIS oneshots on here!! :)  ---- The next day was over for you at the NCIS office and you smiled slightly as you leaned back in your chair, put your arms behind your neck and watched Tony scribble lost and annoyed in the reports. The last days have been more than exhausting and you all felt the tiredness. But none of you even thought of sleep, the case you had at the moment was just too important and serious.
A serial killer was up to mischief in D.C, usually not a NCIS case. However, the victims were only women who were either a member of the NCIS itself or served in the Navy. He already kidnapped six woman, took them to different parts in different forests. He tortured them and beat them to death with stones or drowned them in the freezing rivers and ponds.
You did not have a reasonable lead yet, except for a fingerprint on a smooth stone, which was useless because no DNA was stored in the system and some fibers that turned out to be a jacket that had been sold over a hundred thousand times.
And so you tried to use the evidence and information, a phantom picture from a man that was not quiet sure what he saw and a few other things to find and arrest the murderer so that he could no longer hurt anyone. "So, I am done for today." Tony looked up perplexed from his files in front of him, his left eyebrow raised and mouth slightly open. "How? You had more reports on the table than I did!" "Yeah, but the difference between Y/N and you is, that she actually works, Tony." McGee intervened and caught a laugh from Ellie.
You got up and started packing up your things and tidying up your desk. Fully written papers that had not managed to get into the files and your empty tea cups found their way to the garbage while you laid the finished documents on Gibbs table. "Wait, why are you packing up? We have three more hours until the end of the day!" Tony whined as he looked on his watch, the fourth time in this hour already. "I asked Gibbs if I can go earlier today." you simply stated and put the jacket over your shoulders.
Now he was the one leaning in his chair. His eyes were formed into small slits and he looked deeply into your eyes. He smirked as he stood up, ready to pick up a little game with you. "Someone has a date, huh?" You rolled your eyes and walked over to your blonde partner to give her a goodbye hug as always. She was super nice to you from the start and you had a connection from the beginning, you became an inseparable team. She was your best friend at work and after. She did not even hesitate to decline that you were hers too. You both shared some kind of bond, that everyone could see and no one could destroy. "Who is the lucky guy?" Ellie smiled at you since she knew where you were going before looking to Tony, giving him a glare he was afraid of. She was protective when it came to you, like a big sister you never had. She waited, she knew that Tony and you loved acting up all the time. You quickly turned around and walked with slow steps to him. You faced each other, there was no longer any personal space between you. "You know, because you are so curious, it is actually a woman."
His eyes opened suddenly, they were now the size of two tennis balls when he looked at you in surprise and disbelief. His mouth was wide open and he could not utter a single sound.
You leaned slowly against his ear as you whispered something to him. "She is tall, brown-haired, beautiful green eyes." you started to grin against his ear when you felt Tony's lips move, almost trembling as he got inpatient for more informations. "She is smart and she is.."
You licked your lips as you turned away from his ear and looked at him intently. From the corner of your eyes you saw how McGee and Ellie started smiling almost unmanageable while they waited for Tonys smile to fade fast. Both knew where you had to go because they, on the contrary of Tony, really listened to you when you talked.
You could no longer torture them.
"Also my doctor!" you said loudly and he jumped up from his thoughts while you walked away saying Tim goodbye, laughing while you left him there in shock.
It was a routine check-up that you had at your neuro-doctors office every six months. Since your adolescence you have complained almost every day about headaches and blurred vision. Your parents never took this seriously, saw it as an excuse to skip school or paid courses in taekwon-do and piano. So you had to live with this stabbing pain until you were old enough to take care of your health on your own. After the CT scan, at that time without any findings, your doctor put you on medication that helped you cope with the pain and go on about your work. However, he needed a new CT every six months so that nothing would be overlooked if something had happened in your brain and side effects would arise. And now it was that time again, the computed tomography had to be done. But you never got to the doctors office.
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imagines4thefandoms · 4 years
F*K idk what to name this (Leroy Jethro Gibbs x reader
Tumblr media
Word count:4k+ um by bad
summery: Y/n come back from vaca looking different. will it change Y/n and Gibb’s relationship?
requested: no
"So how was your vacation," Ziva asked.
"Great, i saw my family and i only wanted to shoot myself once," you replied.
The elevator doors opened and y’all walked to y’all’s desk. Tony and McGee looked up from their desk and welcomed you back. You walked to your desk behind McGee and put your stuff down. You grabbed your bag of souvenirs and walked over to Tony.
"Welcome back (Y/n)," Tony said. "What did you get me.”
"Tony my nephew is more mature than you and he is five," you said throwing a tie and a baseball to him.
You walked over to Ziva and gave her a purple scarf and match hat. McGee caught the new computer game you got him.
"How this game isn't out yet," ha asked.
"My brother in law works for the company and he owed me a favor.”
"Thanks (y/n)," Tim replied.
You walked over to your desk, grabbed the coffee cup you got Gibbs and filled it at his coffee shop for him and placed it on his desk.  
"Welcome back (l/n)," Gibbs said walking into the bullpen and sitting at his desk.
He threw away his empty coffee cup and looked at the one on his desk. It suddenly got a little too hot so you took of your NCIS hat letting your hair fall from under the hat. You looked around the bullpen and noticed everyone was staring at you.
"What is something on my face," you asked.
"Your hair," Tony stated.
"Oh right. My baby sister is in cosmetology school,” you explained running your hands through your now red hair. “She needed to practice for her test and I drew the short straw. It was supposed to wash out by now but she mixed up her temporary and permanent hair dyes,”
Everyone kept staring at you even Gibbs which was weird but they stopped when Gibbs’s phone rang. Tony and Ziva were looking at Gibbs while Tim and you were grabbing y’all’s bags but when you turned around Gibbs was still looking at you. He grabbed his gun and shook his head as he hung up the phone.
“Lets go. We have a dead marine in a park,” Gibbs said leaving the bull pen.
We all followed Gibbs to the elevator. There was this tension in the air once the elevator doors closed. Gibbs usually was so comfortable around you. The two of you were the closest out of the team; but now he was avoiding you. When the elevator doors opened he couldn’t wait to get out; of course he could just want to hurry up and solve the murder of the marine. Tony and Tim raced to the car to get shotgun but when they opened the door Ziva sat in the seat.
“To slow boys,” she said buckling her seat belt.
Gibbs as always drove while you were sandwiched between DiNozzo and McGee. The drive consisted of  Tony playing with your hair, Tim messing with some gadget, Ziva was asking you questions about your vacation. Gibbs was silent the entire drive but he kept looking at you in the rear view mirror; but every time you locked eyes he quickly looked back on the road. Once you got to the crime scene everyone got out and you put your hair up in a pony tail.
The park contained a large grassy plain, a decent sized play ground for kids, and two acres of trees. The marine was one the bench in his civilian clothes. The marine was Sargent James Brian McMatthews. Aside from the fact that he was dead, he looked heathy. Sargent McMatthew didn’t have any obvious wounds explaining how he died. Ducky pointed out the same thing.
“Jethro I can’t tell you how this poor man died til I get him on my table. You know that,” Ducky said.
“Thanks Duck,” Gibbs said.
Before Gibbs even had to tell you, you decided to look around the area for clues. As you were looking you noticed Ducky call for you. Ducky gave you a hug once you got to him. Jimmy was bringing McMatthews into the back of the Medical Examiners van when he stopped and looked at you.
“Your hair (y/n),” Jimmy pointed out.
“My little sister did this,” you replied twirling your hair around your finger.
“It suits you my dear. I’m curious has Jethro seen your new hair do,” Ducky asked.
“Yes but he has been acting a bit weird this morning,” you informed Duck.  
“Well it’s nice to have you back my dear, but I must go I have an appointment with Sargent McMatthews,” Ducky said giving you another hug.
You went back to looking around the crime scene to look for evidence. While looking around the trees your saw a foot print. You measured the show print and took pictures but before you could look around more Gibbs called you.
“Did you find anything,” he asked.
“Just a foot print about 2 klicks west of where the Sargent was found,” you informed your boss.
He gave you nod and walked away. After about twenty minutes you and everyone else collected all the evidence you could and headed back to the office. This time on the car ride you got shotgun while the three musketeers sat in the back. Tony as usual was speculating on how Sargent McMatthews was killed, while Ziva slapped him because he was insensitive.
“Hopefully since we collected a bunch of clues at the crime scene we can solve this crime fast,” you said to no one in particular.
“Clues,” Gibbs asked looking at you sideways.
“Sorry evidence. I have spent a whole week watching nothing but Scooby Doo,” you said holding your head in your hands.
“Zoinks,”Tony said laughing.
Ziva slapping Tony while Tim was hiding his laugh hoping that Ziva didn’t slap him too. Gibbs looked over at you and gave you a small smile. You could just tell that you were not going to live  this Scooby Doo thing down. At the office, Ziva and I brought the evidence down to Abby while Gibbs when to see Ducky and Tony and Tim were gathering information on the victim.
“(y/n) you're back,” Abby yelled as she ran over to you. “And your hair. It’s hot.”
“I missed you too abs,” you replied hugging her.
“So besides the hair. What’s new Scooby Doo,” abby asked laughing.
“Seriously. Was it Tony or McGee.”
“I can’t reveal my source.”
“My guess is Tony,” Ziva said placing the evidence on the table in the lab.
“Just let us know when you have something Abby,” you asked as you left the lab.
“I always do,” she called.
Once the elevator doors closed Ziva asked you what Scooby Doo was. After explaining that it is a kids show about solving mysteries she let out a small laugh. You laughed along with her. Ziva and Abby have become like your sisters and no mater what happens you can’t stay mad at them.
The two of you joined DiNozzo and McGee in the bull pen. They found out that the sergeant worked at the Pentagon.
“Looks like it’s gonna be a difficult case, RUH ROH” Tony said mockingly.
Gibbs walked into the bull pen with his cup of coffee and slapped the back of Tony’s head. Gibbs told him to stop messing around. Tony then shared all the information that him and Tim found out. James B McMatthews was married with three kids and was a part of something very top secret with the Pentagon. McMatthews has no record, no affair, not even a speeding ticket.
Gibbs’ phone rang and it was ducky telling him that he had some information for him. Gibbs looked at you and motioned for you to follow him to Ducky. As y’all got into the elevator, Gibbs yell ‘Someone tell me what the hell he did for the Pentagon.’ The tension in the air formed again when the elevator doors closed. You glanced at Gibbs from the corner of your eye. You always noticed how attracted you were to your boss but when you joined his team you swore to push that thought out of your head. It helped that he had those Gibbs rules. Rule 12: Never date a co-worker. As the doors opened on the floor the morgue is on you instantly hear Ducky call Gibbs name.
“Hello again miss (y/n). How was your vacation,” Ducky asked now that the two of you were not   at an active crime scene.
“Duck, the body,” Gibbs said before you could answer.
“Right. Well this young man had no visible injuries. No cuts or bruises or even a broken bone,” Ducky said walking over to the body.
“So how did he die,” Gibbs asked monotoned.
“At first glance I couldn’t find any reason for this poor man to end up dead at a park. Upon my second look over the body I noticed this little puncture along his hairline. It seems to be from a needle. Besides that, there is nothing wrong with this man. It’s like his heart just stopped.’ Ducky said covering McMatthews back up.
Before Gibbs could ask ducky if he knew what was in the needle, I got a text from abby saying, ‘I know what was in the needle 😱🎉.’ I showed the text to Gibbs. He thanked Ducky and we headed up to Abby’s lab. When the doors opened on abby’s floor, she was standing right there and grabbed both of our hands and pulled us into the lab.
“First, Gibbs don’t you think that (y/n)’s new hair makes her look hot,” abby asked.
“Abs,” was all Gibbs replied with.
“Fine, later. Well this footprint found at the scene did not belong to our poor sergeant. It’s from a side 13 shoe.”
“The indent looks weird. The pressure of the foot print is lighter at the tip of the shoe then the rest of the print. Who ever was here was wearing shoes that were way to big for them,” you pointed.
“Correct, you get a Scooby snack,” Abby said handing you a cookie.
“You bet I do,” you said taking the cookie and taking bite of it.  
“Can you tell us the actual shoe size of the person who was standing in those bushes,” Gibbs asked.
“how dare you doubt me. No Scooby snack for you. It’s a size 9. Oh and after Ducky found that puncture wound and swabbed the area. The swab didn’t give me anything but I got to thinking of what could have been in that needle so I ran his blood again.”
“And you found a match.”
“Yes I did Gibbs. Batrachotoxin. From this cute little guy,” abby said making a picture of a cute yellow frog pop up on her computer screen.
Gibbs kissed Abby’s cheek thanking her and he stole a cookie before we walked out of the lab. After another slightly awkward elevator ride, we walked into the bull pen and Tony had just hung up his phone.
“Boss, I call about his file but they said they have to personally read us in.”
“Okay. Ziva you look up where a person could get their hands on Batrachotoxin while DiNozzo and I will go to the Pentagon while McGee and (l/n) will to talk to the wife,” Gibbs ordered as he grabbed his gun and jacket.
“I guess the gang is splitting up,” McGee joked.
Before Tony could make another Scooby Doo joke, Gibbs was already in the elevator and Tony had to hurry up because Gibbs wasn’t going to hold the doors for him. McGee and you left after y’all got McMatthew’s home address. When we got in the elevator, you looked at McGee and took a coin out of your pocket.
“Head you drive, Tails I drive,” You said before flipping the coin in the air.
You caught the coin and flipped it on the back of your hand. After looking at the coin it showed that Tim was gonna drive to the Vics house. Of course since Tim was driving it also meant he had control of the radio; which wasn’t awful but after having to only listen to Disney for a week you needed to hear your own music.
It took a while to get to the McMatthews’ house. There were three kids playing in a gated front yard with the front door open. Once Tim pulled up to the house the kids stopped playing and ran inside. One minute later a woman came out trying to find out why her kids ran in scared.
“Can I help you,” she asked walked towards us.
McGee and I held up our badges announcing that we were NCIS. She opened the gate and lead y'all inside her house. The kids stayed inside so Mrs. McMatthews closed her front door. She lead y’all to the liver room and when into the kitchen and brought back two cups of coffee. Before we started talking, one of McMatthews’ daughters came up to you.
“Are you Ariel,” she asked me.
I looked over at McGee and gave him look to let him know that I was gonna keep the kids occupied while he talked with Mrs. McMatthews.
“Yes I am,” I replied to the little girl.
She grabbed my hand a pulled me away. We walked out of the living room and up the stairs to a door with the name Sarah on the door. She pulled me into her room and went to her closet to grab something.
“You’re my favorite princess,” she said holding out a little mermaid costume.
“Why thank you, Sarah.”
“Where is Eric?”
“Oh um he is back at the castle working.”
She nodded her head like she totally understood and then asked you to play with her for a bit. After about fifteen minutes, McGee came into Sarah’s room looking for you. You turned to Sarah and told her that you had to leave. She walked with the two of you downstairs and before you walked out of the door she called out “tell flounder I said hi.”
McGee told you about his conversation with Mrs. McMatthews and how James and some guy named Andrew Ferguson had gotten into a fight two days ago about something at work. On the ride back to the office you and McGee were messing around and speculating what the vic could have been doing for the pentagon. McGee thought it had to do with some secret weapon while you suggested something more plausible (aliens).
“Aliens really, you spend too much time with Tony,” McGee laughed.
Back at the office, you and McGee decide to split up the work. While he looks into Ferguson’s military life, looked at his personal life and tried to figure out what they were arguing about. Gibbs and Tony returned from the pentagon as you were combing through Ferguson’s financial records.
“What did the wife say (l/n)?” Gibbs asked standing in front of the tv.
“She told McGee about a fight the vic got in with a guy names Andrew Ferguson,” you responded pulling up a picture of A. Ferguson.
“We pulled his military records but there is nothing on his record,” McGee added pulling up his military files.
“He doesn’t even have a parking ticket. But I was going though his financials when you got back,” you informed Gibbs.
You were combing though his financials when Tony and Gibbs pulled up the files they got from the pentagon. Apparently Sargent James was on a classified team of people teaming up with the NSA and CSA to monitor a major rebel group in the middle east that has ties to ISIS. Ziva came into the office and let Gibbs and the rest of the team know what she found on the toxin. The name Jonathan Whitlock was mentioned.
You were half paying attention when a weird charge appeared on his account. There were multiple weird changes from a offshore bank accounts. You sent the charges to the tv and walked over to where Gibbs was standing and took the remote from his hands.
“There are some weird charges in Ferguson’s bank account. They started about 18 months ago and if my math is correct it adds up to 150,000 dollars,” you reported clicking though the evidence.
Gibbs grabbed his coat and pointed to Ziva and they left, you guessed, to pick up Ferguson. While Gibbs was out, you went down to see Abby. As soon as you got off the elevator, abby pulled you into her lab and she sat you down in a chair.
“So, how was your vacation and why is your hair red,” abby asked sitting in a chair in front go you.
“It was fun. It was nice spending time with my family. And my little sister in in beauty school and she needed practice,” you explained to abby.
The two of you caught up, and abby told you about what happened while you were away. Which wasn’t much just normal stuff like Tony being stupid and teasing McGee and flirting with Ziva, and Gibbs started another boat. The two of you just sat in the lab eating “Scooby snacks” til you got a text from Gibbs telling you to meet him in interrogation.
You left abby and went to go meet Gibbs. Once you got to the observation room you saw that Gibbs was in there with Ferguson but they weren’t talking. Gibbs looked at the glass and you just knew that he was telling you to go in there with him. You exited the observation room and went next door. After walking into the interrogation room, you took a seat next to Gibbs.
“So why were you and Sargent McMatthews fighting two nights before he was murdered,” Gibbs asked.
“We weren’t fighting. It was just a heated argument. Coworkers do it all the time,” Ferguson defended.
“(Y/n) do you get in heated arguments at work,” Gibbs asked looking at you.
“No I mean unless my coworker does something incredibly stupid,” you replied ignoring Ferguson. “So what incredibly stupid thing did you do,” you asked looking at Ferguson
“I didn’t. I didn’t, ” he responded dragging if hand across his mouth.
Gibbs looked over at you then opened the file in front of him and pushed the file in front of Ferguson. He looked at the papers then looked up a Gibbs. He closed the file and pushed it back.
“I don’t know what that is,” he said tapping away at the table.
“You should. Its your banking records. It shows that there are multiple charges added to your account adding up to 150,000 dollars over the past 18 months,” you said opening the file back up and pointing out the charges.
“My guess is that those are payments from you selling military locations and secrets to enemies in the middle east,” Gibbs said leaning back in his chair.
“And your pal Sargent McMatthews found out. That’s why you two had a ‘heated argument’ two days ago. He found out that your were selling out fellow soldiers and threatened to report you,” you interrogated as your leaned closer to Ferguson.
Ferguson started sweating. Gibbs noticed it too.
“But you couldn’t have that happen so you went to your cousin Johnathan who so happen own a golden poison frog. You extracted the toxins from the frog then injected Sargent McMatthews so he wouldn’t tell your CO,” Gibbs informed.  
“Because of you fellow marines died,” Gibbs spoke angrily almost yelled.
“No one was supposed to die. The information I gave was just supposed to help them transport drugs nothing more,” Ferguson exclaimed. “They promised that no one was going to die. James was gonna tell and if anyone found out I would be labeled a traitor. I didn’t want to kill James he is my friend…was my friend. Everything just got out of hand.”
Gibbs looked over at you and then slid a legal pad across the table. Ferguson started writing his confession. You and Gibbs got up and walked out of the room. The two of you walked back to the bullpen and Gibbs sat at his desk to work on the paperwork and you did the same.
“(Y/n) its nice to have you back,” Gibbs said not even looking up from his computer.
By the time you were done with the paperwork, Tony, Ziva, and Tim has left. You looked out the skylight and noticed that it was already dark. Gibbs got up from his desk and walked over to yours.
“It’s late (y/n) go home,” he instructed putting on his coat.
“I love my family and all but there were moments where I wanted to be here working. Plus I have paperwork I still need to finish,” you responded to him.
“It can wait til tomorrow,” he replied grabbing your coat and holding it out for you.
“I really should finish.”
“Ill buy dinner.”
“Sold,” you claimed grabbing the coat from Gibbs.
A smile grew on his face and he shook his head at your antics. He waited for you to grab your things and then the two of you went to the elevator. When the elevators closed that awkward tension filled the enclosed room again.
“Gibbs are you ok. You have been acting strange all day.”
“Your hair,” he whispered.
“Right I going to make an appointment to fix it.”
“No, I like it. It suits you,” he said standing directly in front of you.
The tension increased ten folds and the desire to kiss him was strong. You cleared your throat and took a step back from Gibbs. He walked you to your car but as you were starting it something happened and the car just stopped working. You turned off the car and just slapped the steering wheel.
“Ill drive,” Gibbs said opening your door.
You got out of your car and the two of you walked over to Gibbs’ truck. The ride to Gibbs’ house was quiet a bit awkward like the elevator but it was the nice kind of awkward quiet. Once you got to Gibbs house he got on his phone and ordered takeout from (favorite restaurant) and ordered you some (favorite meal).
“Abby said your building another mysterious boat,” you inquired as you took off your coat and placed it on the couch.
“Mysterious,” he questioned.
“Come on Gibbs you constantly build giant boats in your basement and you magically get them out. Ergo Mysterious.”
He opened the fridge and handed out a beer and headed down to his basement. You followed him  down the familiar stairs. In his basement stood another damn boat. Gibbs placed his beer on his work bench and proceeded to sand down the boat.
“Ok Gibbs how many does this make 27,” you asked him jokingly.
“I think its actually 28,” he jokingly responds.
“Funny man.”
You walk over to him and just watch him sand the boat. He looks over at you and holds out the sandpaper in his hands. Switching between looking at him, the boat, and the sandpaper in his hand you shake your head.
“Oh no. I don’t want to mess up the boat.”
He grabs the beer from your hands and place it next to his. Gibbs grabs your elbow and pulls you to where he was standing. Standing behind you, he places the sandpaper in you hand and guides it along the boat.
“With the grain,” he whispers in your ear.
You were stick between a rock and a hard place or in this case wood and your boss. Being this close to him made your face turn as red as your hair. His lips stayed within centimeters of your ear as he kept whispering “with the grain”. You couldn’t help it, so you turned your head towards his and you could feel his hot breath on your face.
His lips, in this moment, just looked so kissable but you knew it couldn’t happen. Not with Rule #12. His blue eyes starred into your (e/c) eye. You unconsciously liked your lip then held your lower lip between your teeth. Seeing you biting your lip drove Gibbs crazy. In that moment he couldn’t stop himself. He closed the little space there was between the to of you and pressing his lips roughly against yours.
You could taste the beer off his lips and his scent of sawdust and bourbon filled your nose. He pressed your up against the boat to deepen the kiss while your hands found their way to his hair. This was better than your ever dreamed and you dreamed of this moment a lot. Your hands wondered from his hair down his back then to the button of his polo. He took his shirt of once he felt your cold hands on his lower stomach. After his shirt was off his lips attacked your neck sucking and biting it.
A moan escaped your lips which brought a smile to Gibbs’ face. His hands moved from the boat to the buttons on your shirt. The paste at which he was unbuttoning your shirt was agonizingly slow. But once it was done you quickly took it off. You hands went back to his hair this time you pulled him so close to you, it was like his entire weight was one you; that didn’t matter you liked feeling this close to Leroy Jethro Gibbs. His hands went down your sides to your hips and stopped on your ass. He gave it a light squeeze then grabbed your left leg and wrapped it around his hips. On instinct you did the same with your other leg, leaving the only thing from making you fall on the floor to be the force of Gibbs’s body pressing you against his unfinished boat.
Once again your hands roamed this gorgeous man’s body til it reached his belt. Your took it off and started to unbutton his pants but had to stop when his doorbell rang. He let you down and just stared at you.
“Thats the food,” he said grabbing his shirt and putting it back on.
“Im not hungry anymore,” you replied fixing your messy hair.
“You should eat anyway. Your gonna need your strength,” he said as he went up stairs leaving you gasping at the thought of what’s for dessert.
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nerdyfangirl67 · 4 years
Forget About Me - NCIS Reader Insert
Pairing: McGee x fem!reader/mom!reader, Gibbs x reader (platonic/fatherly relationship)
Warnings: anxious reader, child lost and scared, fluff ending
Word count: 2k
Request: @gibbsandpridegirl​
“I was thinking that McGee and reader find out their expecting a baby, and Anastasia finds out and runs away, because she’s scared that Tim and reader won’t want her anymore, and Anastasia gets lost and is all alone, and Tim is in full panic mode, and Gibbs won’t rest until he finds Anastasia, and Gibbs finds her, but she refuses to go home, and clings to Gibbs”
A/N: I am so sorry this took so long @gibbsandpridegirl​ ! I changed it a bit, so I hope you don’t mind and I hope you love it! This is another part of my one-shots with Mcgee x reader with an OC child. 
Thanks so much for the request darling! (Also, I chose this picture because I thought it was cute, but you imagine Anastasia anyway you want to.)
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You stare at the pregnancy test in your hands, shock rushing through you at the positive result. Despite your suspicions (your period had been late and you had put on a few pounds despite Tim dragging you to early morning defense classes), you hadn’t expected the pregnancy test to come back positive. You lean back against the bathroom countertop, a hundred different thoughts running through your head, the predominant one being that of how you would tell Tim and Anastasia. When you had married Tim, you hadn’t expected that you would have children anytime soon, at least not within the first few years of your marriage. And yet here you were, within the first two years, with one pre-teen and a baby on the way.
You stand up and hazily walk downstairs, the forgotten test still in your hand as you sit at the kitchen table. You stay that way, blankly staring at grain in the wood of the table until Anastasia walks through the door, followed shortly by Tim. Anastasia comes up and gives you a hug, which you distractedly return as your eyes meet Tim’s. He must have seen the bewildered look on your face because you see him catch Anastasia’s attention and quickly sign something to her. She responds just as rapidly before stomping her way upstairs.
“Ugh, one moody kid is enough.” You murmur as you rest your head against the kitchen table, a wave of nausea abruptly washing over you. You feel a hand come to rest on your upper back, the chair next to yours scraping against the ground as it is pulled away from the table. 
“Y/N?” Tim’s voice is gentle as he starts massaging the tension away in your muscles with the hand he has on your back. 
You wordlessly slide the pregnancy test out from under your arms and over to Tim’s other hand, which was resting lightly on the table. You don’t lift your head, fearing any look of disappointment or regret that might come across his face. Instead, a gentle finger lifts your chin until your eyes meet his soft green ones, which are sparkling with excitement.
“You’re pregnant?” His voice betrays his unbridled joy, barely restrained beneath the surface.
Seeing his reaction brings a smile to your face as you nod. His arms are suddenly sweeping you out of your chair and almost into his as he pulls you in for a tight hug. The hug only lasts a moment though before Tim is quickly standing up and, far more gently, letting you go. “Sorry Y/N. I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He asks in a frazzled manner as he closely looks you over. His hands float over you, lingering around your hips and abdomen, as if to assess the damage he may have caused by hugging you.
“Tim. I am not made of glass. You can still hug me.” You say, a firm undertone carrying your words. Tim gives you a sheepish smile before looping his arms back around you. You bring your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his collarbone as you rest your head on his chest. The two of you stay that way for a while, before Tim moves back enough to rest his forehead against yours.
“We’re going to have a baby. A little baby McGee.” He whispers, his excitement reflecting in his green eyes. 
You smile softly at his phrasing. “Maybe we should call him Tony, Tony McGee.” You joke lightly, a laugh bubbling up in your chest at Tim’s horrified expression. “I’m joking Tim.” You step back enough to press a soft kiss on his lips. 
“We should tell Anastasia. She’s going to be a big sister after all.” You say, taking his hand in yours as you move towards the steps. Tim is quick to place a balancing hand on your lower back as you walk up the stairs, making you wonder just how cautious and protective he would be when you were heavily pregnant.
You reach Anastasia’s room, the first door on the left at the top of the stairs, but find it empty. You look at Tim, a curious expression on your face before you walk to the bathroom. You find it empty, a feeling of fear seizing your heart as you do. You roughly push past Tim, rushing to check the spare bedroom, as well as the master bedroom.
“Anastasia!” You call, despite knowing that she can’t hear you. You barely wait to listen for her reply before you are calling her again. After not finding her in the master bedroom, you frantically start looking through the upstairs rooms again before scrambling down the stairs and to the rooms on the main floor. Each empty room leaves you feeling a little more hopeless. 
Tim finally stops you, with a firm set of hands on your shoulders, when you start to head outside to look for her. “Y/N,” he starts as you desperately try to get out of his grip to continue looking for her. “I need to find her Tim. I need to find her.” You say, tears distorting your vision as the fight leaves you. “I need-I need...” You taper off as it becomes harder to talk through the tears. 
Tim pulls you in close, wrapping his arms tightly around you. “I called Gibbs and he’ll be here soon with Tony.” You press your face into his chest, allowing his familiar scent to comfort you. The two of you hold onto each other for a while before Tim leads you to the kitchen table, helping you sit. You sit stiffly in the hard chair, staring at the wood grain of the table top as Tim putters around in the kitchen behind you. 
Tim slides a plate with your favorite snack in front of you on the table, snapping you out of your trance. “You need to eat Y/N.” He says quietly, sitting down next to you as you shake your head at him. “I can’t Tim, not when she’s out there, scared and alone.” You whisper, blinking away the tears as you look at him. He leans in close, wiping away a tear falling down your cheek as he leans his forehead against yours. He places a soft hand on your cheek, pulling you in closer to press his lips against yours. The kiss is comforting and reassuring, not meant to be seductive but to serve as a reminder that he was there for you.
Just as the two of you break away from each other, a loud knock sounds on the door. You scramble up from your chair, moving quickly to the door. Swinging it open, you find Gibbs and Tony standing on your doorstep. One look at Gibbs’ all knowing, ice blue eyes and you feel the tears coming back. As he steps inside, you impulsively hug him, needing to feel a kind of comfort you only ever felt around him. He squeezes you tightly as he whispers, “We’ll find her Y/N.”
After twenty minutes of going over the night’s events, in which you quietly admit that you had discovered you were pregnant only a few hours earlier (to which you are greeted with awkward congratulations, considering the circumstances), the four of you decide to split up and search for Anastasia. 
Gibbs POV:
Gibbs was tasked with searching your neighborhood’s park and the surrounding area. The park was less than ten blocks from your house, so he decided to walk. He kept a brisk pace, looking for her among the darkening features of the quiet suburban street and scanning for any possible signs of struggle on the way. By the time he reached the park, his outlook had diminished and his fear of a possible negative outlook had increased. His initial scan of the playground equipment and the outdoor pavilion does not uncover anything, which doesn’t help his current feelings. He still does a thorough search of the equipment, his hope waning by the time he reached the old wooden castle shaped play structure. A soft whimpering sound catches his attention and he follows it. 
Huddled in the small space at the top of the structure is Anastasia, her legs drawn in close as she rests her head on her knees, her arms wrapped protectively around herself. Gibbs knows she can’t see him, nor could she hear him, so he takes heavy steps, hoping she feels the vibrations of his footsteps, as he climbs the playground equipment. She lifts her head and he can barely make out the terrified expression on her face due to the growing darkness, which is only broken up by the low glow of the park’s floodlights. 
“Poppa!” Anastasia’s garbled cry comes as she stands up and runs to him, throwing her small arms around him in a hug. He returns the hug, a profound feeling of relief flooding over him as he did. He holds her for a few moments before pulling back. 
‘Your mom is worried sick Anastasia.’ He signs slowly, making sure she can see his hands properly as he does.
Anastasia shakes her head violently, backing away from him at the same time. ‘No, no. I’m not going back.’ Her signing is rapid and choppy, almost to the point where he misses what she was saying.
He gives her a quizzical look before asking her, ‘Why don’t you want to go home Anastasia?’ She starts to sign quickly again, her movements jagged as she wipes tears away from her face at the same time. He places a hand over both of hers, waiting for her to look at him before he signs ‘Slowly.’ 
She takes a deep breath before starting again, much slower this time. ‘Momma and Papa are going to have a baby. They won’t want me anymore.’
Gibbs pulls her in for another hug, holding her close for a moment before moving back. ‘Anastasia, they are worried about you because they love you and will always want you. You are their child just as this baby will be.’ He signs.
Still Anastasia shakes her head. ‘I want to be with you Poppa. Please?’ Her signing is slow, yet still shaky as new tears form in her eyes. Gibbs wipes away a stray tear before pressing a kiss to her forehead. 
‘Anastasia, you can always stay with me, but you belong with your mom and dad. They love you just as much as I do.’ He stops a moment, taking her in before continuing. ‘If you ever need me, I’m only a call away and I will always let you stay with me, okay?’ She nods, taking the hand he offers her. Gibbs shoots you and Tim a text, saying he had found Anastasia and that the two of you were on the way back to the house. The walk back to the house goes by quickly, Anastasia clinging to his hand the entire walk back.  
Your POV: 
You hear the door opening and you rush to the foyer, your eyes searching frantically for Anastasia until they land on her. You pull her in for a tight hug, warm tears of relief rolling down your face. You trace the words ‘I love you’ on her back as you hold her close. Anastasia is stiff in your grasp for a moment before she returns the hug, saying “Momma” as she does. 
You pull back, sniffling out “Anastasia?” as you look at her. It was the first time you had heard her say the words and a feeling of joy courses through you.
You quickly sign in response. ‘Thank you Anastasia. It means so much to hear you say that. I love you so much.’ Anastasia lets out a small smile just as Tim comes around the corner. You take his hand, pulling him and Anastasia in close for a group hug. Even after the scare with Anastasia, you couldn’t feel happier. You had everything you needed with your family safe in your arms. 
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catlynhoss05 · 4 years
How Far We’ve Come Ch. 2
Tony DiNozzo x sister!reader Jethro x reader
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Tony DiNozzo x sister!reader Jethro x reader
Summary: (Y/n) gets home from deployment and surprises her older brother, Tony DiNozzo. What she didn’t expect was to fall head over heels in love with Leroy Jethro Gibbs. (You guys remember in season 14 where Alex Quinn and Nick Torres’s desks were facing each other? That’s how (Y/N) and McGee’s desks are.)
     (Y/N) sighed, running her hand through her short platinum blonde hair as she leaned back in her chair. She was set up at a temporary desk while things got figured out. She was now doing all the required paperwork that needed to be done for her to become an agent. ‘Man, this is taking forever.’ She thought to herself as she continues working on her paperwork. (Y/N) didn’t expect the paperwork to take this long and required so much reading. “Hey, sis. How’s the paperwork going?” Tony asked as he leaned up against his desk. “It’s taking forever, Tony. I honestly did not expect this much paperwork. I just want to be done with it.” (Y/N) groaned, resting her head in her hands. “At least you have two more papers to do. It’ll be worth it, I promise.” Tony said, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Thanks, Tony.” (Y/N) gives him a half smile.
     When (Y/N) had finished her paperwork and gave it to HR, it was about 2 o’clock in the afternoon. As (Y/N) walked back into the bullpen, she wasn’t so sure on what she was supposed to do now. So, she had decided to go sit down at her desk that was next to Tim’s. “Hey, (Y/N).” Ziva called out from her desk. “Yeah, what’s up?” (Y/N) asked. “Has Tony always been so...?” “Tony? Yes, he has. Oh, the stories I could tell you about our childhood.” (Y/N) chuckles. “Those’ll have to wait, (Y/N). Got a dead Lieutenant. Grab your gear.” Gibbs says as he walks into the bullpen and to his desk. “Me too, Gibbs?” (Y/N) asked, standing up from her desk. “Yes, you too. And, here’s your badge and gun...... Probie.” Gibbs gives his signature smile as he hands her her stuff. He turns on his heel, making his way to the elevator where the other three agents are waiting. (Y/N) smiles and grabs her new NCIS jacket off the back of her chair and hurries to the elevator with the rest of the team.
     Once the team arrived to the crime scene, (Y/N) notices that the crime scene was in an alley way next to a country line dance type of bar. “Man, I love me a good line dance.” She said as she walked up to Gibbs. “You like line dancing?” Gibbs asked, smiling. “Yes, sir. I have soft spot for everything country. Especially line dancing and old western movies. So, what-” (Y/N) was interrupted by an excited McGee. “Boss, you’ve got to hear (Y/N) sing. She is amazing.” McGee said excitedly. “Look, I was in the back of the van and the song ‘My Maria’ by Brooks and Dunn had come on and I just couldn’t resist to NOT sing along. Can we please get to work now?” (Y/N) blushes. “I like that idea. (Y/N), do crime scene photos. Ziva, bag and tag. DiNozzo and McGee, get witness statements.” Gibbs barks out.
     “Hey, (Y/n). You should tell Gibbs about those home movies that we’ve made.” Tony chuckled. “Just get to work, Anthony. I’m a Sniper and I will end you.” (Y/n) said, starting to take the crime scene photos. “What do we have, Duck?” Gibbs asked as he crouched beside Ducky. “Well Jethro, looks like he was beaten with a hollow object. I do believe that either this blow to the head or this needle mark on his neck had killed our Lieutenant. I’ll know more when I get him back to autopsy.” Ducky explains. Gibbs stands up from where he was crouched down at when he sees Tony and McGee were walking back over to the scene.
     “What did you guys find out from the witnesses?” Gibbs asked. “They all pretty much said the same thing. They all saw Lieutenant Andrews having some drinks with some buddies for a few hours, but didn’t see the Lieutenant leave. That was all that they remembered.” McGee explained. “There was one guy though, Alan Michaels. He said he saw a man about 5′8″, red hair, medium build, follow Lieutenant Andrews out of the bar last night.” Tony said. "Did you get his number just in case we may need him, DiNozzo?" Gibbs asked. "Yes, boss."
     Once (Y/n) was done taking the crime scene photos, she was making her way over to Gibbs, McGee and Tony when a truck's exhaust backfires. The sound of the exhaust backfiring triggers a bit of (Y/n)'s PTSD that she didn't know that she had. The noise makes her drop to her knees and covers her ears with her hands while she still had the camera strap hanging from her neck. Tony and McGee take notice of (Y/n)'s actions when she goes down to her knees and run over to her. "Hey, hey, hey. (Y/n), it's okay. You're okay. Just breathe." Tony says to her as he's on his knees in front of her.
     Gibbs ran over to the commotion to see if he could be of any help. "N-No..... Make it stop. M-Make it stop, please." (Y/n) begged. "(Y/n), it's okay. It's over; it's all over. It was just a truck exhaust that backfired." Tony soothed as he pulled (Y/n) into a hug. After a few minutes of hugging, she spoke up. "I think I'm good now, Tony. Thank you." Tony pulled away and helped his sister up off of the ground. "No problem. But, are you sure that you're okay?" He asked. "Yes, Tony. I'm okay and I'm sorry if I had scared you guys. I never had that happen before." She said as she looked at McGee and Gibbs. "It's okay, (y/n). We're just glad that you're okay." McGee reassured her. She gave him a shy smile in return. "I've been home now for two weeks and not returning back to home base anymore is something I still haven't gotten use to. But the hard part of being home was having to bury two of my Marine brothers." (Y/n) explained to the agents. Gibbs knew all to well how that was like when he had gone through the same thing and then some. "Anyway....." (Y/n) sighed. "I was actually just coming over to tell you, Gibbs, that I'm done with the crime scene photos. Oh, and that Ducky and Palmer are done as well and are actually loaded up and ready to go." (Y/n) explained. "Alright. (Y/n), you ride with me this time and the you two and Ziva take the van." "Yes, sir." (Y/n) gave McGee the camera and started to follow Gibbs back to the squad car.
     The car ride back to the office had started out pretty quiet between Gibbs and (y/n). "So, does Vance know about your fallen brothers?" Gibbs asked as he glanced over at her. "Yes, he does. That's why I didn't come back into the office to start filling out the rest of my paperwork right away. I, uh...... Had to bury one of my brothers the other week and then my other brother last week with some time in between to cope with the losses." (Y/n) rubbed her face and sighed. "Do you mind if I turn on the radio?" She asked. "It doesn't work." Gibbs chuckled, earning a smirk from (y/n). Gibbs had started developing feelings for the young agent since the moment they met. He had a suspicious feeling that she had the same feelings for him by the lingering looks and the way she occasionally looked away when they made eye contact.
     “So, what are these home movies that Tony was talking about?” Gibbs asked with a chuckle. (Y/n) groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. “When I decided that I was going to enlist in the Core, it was like two weeks before I graduated high school. Tony and I had made this promise with each other....” She trailed off. “We made this promise that before I left for boot camp and for whenever I came home on leave, we would make as many home movies as we could before I had to leave again.” (Y/n) explained with a smile as she recalled the memories. “What were the movies about?” Gibbs asked curiously.
     “We played the piano and sang random songs together for some of them. Then there were some where either Tony or myself played the piano while singing as the other would make up some random dance behind the other. And then the rest were just of us in the kitchen acting like we were professional chefs and making complete fools of ourselves.” She laughed as she described the home movies. Gibbs smiled and laughed along with her as he pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. Gibbs and (y/n) made their way back into the NCIS building. They were in the elevator back up to the bullpen when (y/n) spoke up. “I’m sorry if I had scared you at the crime scene today. That’s never happened before and I’m pretty sure it’s from what I experienced in the Core.” (Y/n) apologized.
     “It’s alright. I’m just glad that you’re okay.” Gibbs said, giving her a reassuring smile. “Oh, I almost forgot. Do you have any plans this weekend? Because, I need some help with the moving truck and getting everything into my apartment. I’ll even order us some take out. What do you say, Gibbs?” (Y/n) asked. “Of course I’ll help. I can bring the beverages. Beer or Bourbon?” He asked. “Uh, duh. Bourbon!” “Deal.” Gibbs chuckled. He loved the way she smiled at him and the way she looked at him with a sparkle in those big brown eyes of hers. “Thanks, Gibbs. I’m just glad that I made a deal with my landlord. And that I have a pretty awesome boss too.” (Y/n) chuckled, lightly bumping shoulders with Gibbs.
     When everyone on team Gibbs had gotten back to the office, it had been a couple of hours or so and every lead that had came through was a dead end. Until (y/n) came across Lieutenant Skylar Andrews’ phone records. “Found something.” She spoke up as she did some more digging on the phone records. “What did you find, (y/n)?” Gibbs asked, coming over to her desk. “I think that the Lieutenant was gay.” She said, looking up at Gibbs. “You think?” He quirked an eyebrow at her. She raised her eyebrows at him and leaned back in her chair. “May I continue or do you wanna do this instead?” She challenged. Gibbs chuckled and shook his head. “Go on.”
     (Y/n) smirked and sat back up. “Well, the Lieutenant had made a lot of calls and had messaged the same number for the last two years. I’ve gone through and read some of the very detailed messages to where I came to know that he, in fact, was gay. He was calling and messaging his boyfriend of two years.” (Y/n) explained. “And how do you know for sure that he was gay and contacting his boyfriend?” Tony asked. “The messages were very detailed and by very detailed, I mean there were VERY graphic photos too.” She explained again. “If that’s the case, then how do we catch our guy?” Tim asked. “You can send two of us into the bar acting as a gay military couple to lure the man out. Then we can catch him there.” (Y/n) said to Gibbs and waited as he thought about it for a minute.
     “Ziver. You and (y/n) go into the bar tonight as a couple But, what’s our game plan here?” Gibbs asked. “Do you know how to line dance, Ziva?” (Y/n) asked. “Yes, but I haven’t been line dancing in a few years.” Ziva answered. “Okay. C’mon, David. We gotta practice line dancing before tonight. Oh, and Gibbs. What uniform should I wear?” (Y/n) asked. “Wear your fatigues.” “Got it, boss. And, Tony. I got a hotter girlfriend than you do.” (Y/n) joked.
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temilyrights · 5 years
Requested by @fangirlspammer​​: Could you do #5 for the Sloane x Reader fic? 
5. “Please come get me…” 
Warnings: alcohol, mild swearing.
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You’d been working the case for a week. Neighbours had phoned the police when they noticed a strong smell coming from Petty Officer Ashley Hudson’s apartment. She’d been murdered, cause of death: an excessive amount of stab wounds. Jimmy declared she’d been dead approximately 48 hours before being discovered, hence the smell.  
You’d gone to speak to her CO with McGee. CO Wallace was charming and overly determined to help you find the man who’d killed PO Hudson, he was also teeming with fragile masculinity and arrogance. You noticed the way his lip curled in frustration when Hudson was mentioned and despite how ‘helpful’ he was trying to be he made sure to mention that Hudson was always causing problems and being insubordinate despite there not being a single report supporting this. You didn’t like how he seemed incapable of addressing you, subtly finding ways to direct all his answers to McGee instead.
 When you got back to NCIS, Bishop told you about how PO Hudson had told her sister about a man that was bothering her but never mentioned his name. Just that he was relentless in his advances. You’d spoken to PO Hudson’s friend/fellow PO who had some less than stellar things to say about CO Wallace and his behaviour towards Hudson. You were sure that it was him that had killed her.
 The only evidence was the end of a knife in the victim’s body and a few clothing fibres. You’d hope the clothing fibres would link to something obvious like a military uniform however it was just a common black t-shirt which wasn’t enough to get a warrant. The knife was part of a set from PO Hudson’s kitchen, making your crime of passion theory more likely.
 With PO Hudson’s friend’s testimony, you were sure you could cause enough reasonable doubt but before you had the chance to go speak to her again, she’d rather suddenly been ordered to sea and out of reach.
 You ended up inviting Wallace under the pretence of needing more information for the case, however, when he arrived, he came with an expensive-looking lawyer which didn’t allow you the opportunity to question him as you wanted too. The lawyer had eventually threatened a harassment suit and Vance said you didn’t have cause to hold him, so you’d been forced to let him go.
 You stood in the bullpen and watch as Wallace made his way to the elevator and winked at you on the way. He was due to return to duty in the next couple of days which meant he’d be on a ship out of reach for months. Your case was screwed, and a murderer was going to walk free. 
 You’d argued with Gibbs about finding a way to keep him here but without evidence, there was nothing he could do. McGee, Bishop and Torres had watched you warily from their desks as you’d thrown stuff in your bag, slamming desk draws and stormed out of the building.  
 It was late, nearly 8 pm and you headed straight to a bar. It was dark and pretty empty and the perfect place to drown your sorrows. Jack had phoned you, which you ignored, and then she’d texted you asking if you were ok, resulting in you turning your phone off completely and ordering another drink. It wasn’t that you weren’t grateful that she cared, because you were, it’s just she’d want to talk about how you’re feeling and she’d be all understanding and kind and she’d smile at you which always made your stomach erupt with butterflies.
 You just wanted to drink, to forget and definitely not think about the disappointed but concerned look Jack would be giving you if she knew what you were currently doing.
 Now it was about an hour later, you were about 3 drinks in and starting to feel the effects of the alcohol as is travelled through your system. The thought of dancing to the bad music filling the bar was beginning to sound more appealing. 
 “Hey beautiful” The voice interrupts your thoughts and you turn to face a man who’s already standing too close, a leer on his face and the smell of stale beer wafting from his body. You resist the urge to grimace in disgust. “What do ya drink?” 
 “Sorry, I’m not interested.” 
 “Awh come on darlin’. What can I get ya?” 
 You lift the side of the jacket to reveal the NCIS badge clipped to your trousers “Not interested.” You repeat and the man looks down at the badge grinding his teeth in mild anger. You lift your eyebrows daring him to try something, but he seems to think better of it and backs away.
 You sigh in relief, going back to your drink. You think maybe you should call it a night and head home but the thought of going home to your empty apartment fills you with dread. You instead order another drink, including a shot this time as well. You down the shot immediately, choking on the strong liquor you wash the taste away with a sip of your drink.   
 You were beginning to feel floaty and were about to get up and dance when Jack enters the bar. She sighs in relief when she sees you. She’s still dressed in the same clothes from the day at work, with an added winter coat to help with the frosty air. Her hair’s a little dishevelled from the long day and you can’t help but think she’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. 
 She takes her phone from her coat pocket, removing her gloves in the process, and begins tapping on it before holding it up to her ear “Yes, I’ve found her. Thank you, Tim.” You’re too far away to hear the response “No, go home. I’ve got her. Yes, I’ll see you at work on Monday, have a good weekend.” She ends the call, shoving her phone back into her pocket before she walks over to you, sliding onto the barstool next to you, she bumps your shoulder.
 “Special Agent Sloane” you smirk, holding your glass up in cheers before taking another sip.
 “You don’t make it easy to track you down,” She says it jokily, but her concern is plastered all over her face.  
 “And yet you’re here less than 2 hours after I left NCIS.”
 She ignores your snide comment. “How are you?” 
 You roll your eyes “I’m fine. I’m drinking.” Jack looks unimpressed as you continue to drink. Well aware of your bullshit she just watches you, waiting for you to continue. “I’m angry” you finally whispered, looking away from Jack’s knowing eyes. 
 She places a comforting hand on your arm and your eyes instantly tear up. You take a deep breath, pulling all your emotions back. You shrug Jack’s hand off your arm and distract yourself with your drink.
 “Don’t do that” Jack chastised, and you sigh loudly. “Y/N-”
 “Can we not.” You snap, your buzz dampened. “I was here alone because I don’t want to talk about this.” 
 “Tough shit” Your head snaps over to Jack in surprise “This case has affected you a lot and you need to talk about that, otherwise you’re just going to end up doing something stupid.” 
 You don’t respond, choosing instead to finish your drink and order another one. Jack sighs in frustration. 
 “How much have you had to drink?” 
 “Not enough apparently.” you quip.
 “Alcohol isn’t going to solve your problems.” 
 You laugh bitterly “Maybe not but it’s a damn good distraction.” 
 “Jack just stop!” You rub your forehead in frustration trying to soothe the headache you feel coming along. The alcohol was only heightening your emotions instead of suppressing them as you’d hoped. Jack is still watching you with concern and it makes you angrier because you don’t want to do this. You just need her to stop, you don't want to think. “I can’t...” you take a deep breath as your voice cracks. You shake your head in frustration and Jack goes to touch you and you basically fall out of your seat in the hurry to escape her grasp. “Don’t...I-” 
 Jack’s hands shoot up in surrender, but you see the hurt flash across her face. You don’t want to upset her; you feel the ache in your chest grow. Your heads swarming from the alcohol, you’re dizzy and hot and need to get out of here. “I need to go” You choke. Turning around you run from the bar. Ignoring Jack’s calls of protest and confusion. 
 You stumble down the street, arms wrapped around yourself to help protect you from the cold air. You’d forgotten to pick up your coat in the rush to get out of the bar and now you were walking around with your flimsy blazer which wasn’t helping at all. The cold air was making the effects of the alcohol more prominent. Your head was fuzzy, and your eyes begin to well up both from the freezing temperature and your swarm of building emotions. 
 It was stupid to run away; you knew she’d be coming to look for you. 
 You’d been so convinced you could get this guy, that his arrogance would allow you to entrap him in some way, but he was too protected, too many friends in high places. No one was as outraged as you and it didn’t make sense, the scumbag had killed PO Hudson because she kept rejecting his advances. You wanted everyone to be furious. 
 In your drunken state, and fast walking you don’t notice the icy pavement ahead of you. You trip, falling onto the floor and twisting your ankle awkwardly. You groan in pain. Your hands are scratched up and you can’t manoeuvre yourself up from the floor, sighing in frustration you dig your phone from your pocket. 
 You turn it on as your hands tremble and you’re surprised to see a flourish of texts and calls appear from Jack from earlier this evening. 
 You’d know she’d been concerned, but you hadn’t realised just how much. You hang your head in shame, groaning. You’d been such an ass; all she was doing was being helpful and you’d just shouted at her and ran away.
 You hit her number and listen impatiently as it rings.
 “Look Y/N I can just go home-”
 “I’m sorry” you interrupt hating Jack’s upset (and slightly pissed off) voice. You move slightly and then inhale sharply as your ankle twinges. 
 “Are you ok?” the concern is back instantly.
 “Please come get me...” You wince, another sharp pain shooting through your ankle. You hated how pathetic you sounded.  
 “Where are you?”
 “I only got a few streets away. I can’t see a street sign and I can't move. I slipped; I think I’ve sprained my ankle” you groan. Jack assures you she’ll be there soon and hangs up. You wait, now freezing cold, your ass soaking wet from the icy floor.
 She arrives a couple of minutes later, stopping her car in front of you, she rushes over. Grabbing you by the arms Jack helps pull you from the ground and you bite your lip to try and hide just how much pain you were in.
 “Are you ok?” Jack’s face is full of worry and concern, her hands ghost over you as if to check you were all still there and you try to ignore the feelings it erupts in you. “You’re freezing.”
 “I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry. I'm drunk and sad and angry and you were being too nice, and I needed to getaway. You were going to get me to talk because I can literally never say no to you-” You miss the slight blush that hits Jack’s cheeks “but I’m angry Jack. I’m angry and I don’t understand why no one else is.” You’re finding it hard to breathe as you let all your emotions from the last week hit.
 Jack moves her hands back to your face, making you focus on her. “Hey. It’s ok. Just breathe” You copied her as she took deep breaths. “Let’s get you home ok?” she said after you’d calmed down slightly. You nodded weakly and she helped you to the car. 
 “I’m really sorry for tonight” The car is silent, Jack focused on the road and you on looking anywhere but at Jack.
 “I’m sorry for pushing you to open up” Jack hesitates “But you do know I’m always here to talk to, right?  Or not talk to, whatever you need.” 
 Jack’s still focused on the road, but you look over to her smiling slightly as you admire her “my super special agent” The words escape your mouth without your permission, you were definitely too drunk to be this close to her. Jack’s head swings round to look at you causing your stomach to explode with butterflies. She looks surprised, her face red. Seeing you watching her she looks back to the road, clearing her throat. 
 The rest of the journey is silent and you’re grateful when she pulls up outside your apartment. Jack grabs your bag and coat from the back seat and moves around the car to help you get out, an arm wrapped around your waist to keep you balanced, as she helps you up the stairs to your apartment. Making sure you’re steady, she lets go of you as she digs through your bag for your keys.
 Once the door is open you both enter, Jack goes off to find something for your ankle, and you wobble to your bedroom. You quickly get out of your wet and cold clothes. Selecting a comfy pair of pyjama trousers and a t-shirt you slip them on before hopping over to your bed. You lie down, sinking into your covers shivering slightly as you try to warm up. 
 Jack enters carrying a glass of water and a frozen pack of peas wrapped in a dishcloth and a small first aid box. You’ve already placed a pillow underneath your ankle and Jack gently places the peas over the top. She then sets your glass on the bedside table, before sitting next to you on the bed with the first aid box. 
 “Let me clean your hands and then you need to drink the water” You nod as Jack cradles one of your hands in hers. They are scraped and red but luckily no proper cuts which meant their likely was little to no gravel in there. She takes an antiseptic wipe. “This is going to sting” You nod, and Jack begins to wipe the area.
 “Son of a-” you gasp flinching lightly, cutting yourself off before you swear and Jack laughs lightly, rolling her eyes. 
 “Hold still, I’m nearly done” Jack chastised, taking your other hand and continuing to clean. You gasp again and Jack looks over to you, your eyes meeting and you both still. She’s now tied her hair up into a messy ponytail with strands of hair framing her face. You want to reach out and touch them, touch her. Jack was watching you closely and you wondered if she felt any of the things you did. You should look away, but you can’t seem to manage, held captive by Jack's eyes. You just needed to reach out and-
 You kiss her. It’s soft and slow and for a few beautiful seconds, Jack is kissing you back.
 Then she sharply pulls away.
 She stares at you in shock, her fingers ghosting her lips and you watch her as about 5 different emotions flash across her face in a couple of seconds.
 Jack’s eyes start to ghost before she releases a choked “you’re drunk.”
 “I’m sobering up.” you rebut instantly.
 “Y/N-” Jack’s shaking her head now.
 “I want this.” You’re surprised by how firm and confident your voice is, but it’s true. You want this so badly, wanted it for so long.
 “I can’t do this-”
 “No. This shouldn’t have happened, you’re drunk, and you’ve had a bad week and-”
 “I want this.” you repeat, reaching out to touch Jack’s cheek but she pulls away before you can, and tears begin to trickle down her cheeks.
 “Please stop…” She begs and your chest aches.
 “I promise you I’d want this completely sober; I’ve just been too shit scared to do anything.” You must be slightly convincing as Jack finally meets your eyes again. You gently wipe away the tears from her face and she releases a shaky breath.
  “I can’t do this. Not while you’ve got alcohol in your system. You mean a lot to me Y/N and I don’t want you to say these things just to turn around and regret them in the morning-”
 “I’m not-”
 “Just listen please” Jack begs “I’m going to go now and if you mean it, and I mean really mean it Y/N, then phone me tomorrow. If you don’t” Jack’s voice wobbles “than we can forget about it and move on.”
 “Ok” you nod and Jack leans over to you leaving a lingering kiss on your cheek, before ducking her head and getting off your bed. “I really do mean it, Jack.” You say as she turns to look at you. She gives you a small smile, but you can see the doubt in her eyes before she turns back around and leaves.
 Once you hear your front door shut, you lean back into your bed. A bright smile crosses your face before you drift off to sleep.
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The Dinozzo Charm Pt 1-Ziva David X Female Reader
You decide to surprise your big brother by visiting. In a few months, you manage to surprise him far more than you expected.
(Edit: Though I didn’t clarify, because I couldn’t find a place to comfortably place it, I did intend for the Reader to be an adopted Dinozzo.)
(Part 1 of 4) (Part 2)
Fandom: NCIS
Ship: Female Reader/Ziva David
Characters: Ziva David, Female Reader (Dinozzo), Anthony Dinozzo, Jethro Gibbs. Timothy McGee. Abby Scuito
Word Count: 6134
Warnings: Mentions of violence, swears I think
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Usually you wouldn’t use your FBI clearance, no matter how limited it seemed sometimes, to do this kind of thing but this wasn’t a usual day. Just back in regular email/mobile contact with Tony, after he’d dropped off the radar for a while, you’d started to become almost desperate to see your big brother since he seemed to have endless excuses that you shouldn’t. It had been far too long since you’d seen him face-to-face, a few years though you weren’t sure exactly how many, and you finally had an excuse to come over. Sure, you’d been the one to push for that reason, but it still counted. He had no idea that you were coming but, the last time you had visited, he’d shown you around so you knew where he worked. You hadn’t entered the building that time but it was easy enough to ask someone where you could find him, with your disarming smile that got that information faster than just asking did. He was apparently out but they said you could leave a message and wait in the reception area or come back later. The discreetly shown badge gave you the permission to go straight up. It also, you thought as you put it back into your pocket, gave you the opportunity to snoop.
You rolled your sleeves up to your elbows as you exited the elevator, hesitating only slightly before you went towards the desks that the very nice receptionist had told you were for his team. Even if you hadn’t been told which desk was his, you would have been able to tell. He’d kept his desk the same chaotic organised way even when he was a kid, and you trailed your fingers across the edge as you looked over what you saw just on the top, a fond smile tugging at your lips before you sat heavily in his chair. You spun on it for a second, looking over the area behind and to the side of the desk before catching yourself and opening the top drawer to rummage. You quickly snatched up his little football to fiddle with as you shuffled through the papers and read through any little thing that caught your eye. There was nothing that was too entertaining, until you got to the bottom drawer and saw his copy of GSM stood proudly at the very top. With a chuckle that he’d be as broad as to bring it to work, let alone have it so blatant to anyone who was snooping, you took it up and flicked through it. There were the typical articles that made you scoff or nod in agreement with them, as well as the eye-candy that kept the magazine in business, but it kept you strangely captivated with your feet up on Tony’s desk until you heard the elevator ding. That would have only temporarily caught your attention if it wasn’t for the fact that you heard Tony laughing, which made you look up with a childish smile. He was walking over, backwards so he could look at who was evidently Timothy, with his team “Yea, right, McGee. Like I wouldn’t have been able to get to the guy. In college I was-” Then he spun around and stopped in his tracks when he saw you at his desk, a confused frown creasing his brows together. Everyone behind him stopped as well, since there was a stranger so casually at Tony’s desk.
You sat properly, dropping your feet to the floor and the magazine messily back into the desk before you kicked the drawer closed, as Tony’s jaw dropped into a smile and he laughed slightly “Y/N?” He asked as though not sure you were really there, and you stood instantly to round the desk as he hurried over. “Hey Tony.” You grinned and took two steps, meeting him in a massive bear hug that you disappeared into. You were used to that though, since you had always been smaller than him and he loved to totally shroud you when he was happy. You sighed and curled your arms under his to place your hands on his shoulders as he laughed in relief. You stayed in the tight embrace for a few seconds before he moved away and cupped your face in his hands, bright eyes flicking over your face “I missed you.” “I missed you too. I didn’t know you were coming over, why are you here?” “To see you, idiot. It’s been too long.” You looked behind him, to the group that was still curiously watching the whole interaction, and moved his hand off your face “And to finally meet the team that you never shut up about.” Tony looked over to them, as though only just remembering them, and nodded excitedly before he hooked his arm around your shoulders and signalled for everyone to come over to meet you. “Alright, so this is Gibbs, my boss.” He said, gesturing to the elder, and you smiled as you held your hand out to shake while nodding a soft hello. Gibbs returned the smile as he shook your hand, then Tony nodded to who you already had guessed was Tim “Thrandul, the computer monkey.” Though shooting a pointed look to Tony, who just grinned cheekily, McGee still shook your hand and said a soft muttered hello “And, finally, Ziva.” Ziva held her hand out to shake first, and you smiled sweetly as you took it. Despite what Tony had said about her casual everyday brutality, her touch was very tender. She smiled gently and you were slightly awestruck by the light that seemed to shine from her. Quickly, as you dropped our hand from Ziva’s grip, you looked up to Tony, who still seemed to be vibrating with excitement as he held you tight to his side “Everyone, this is Y/N. My baby sister.” Everyone looked to you in almost shock, though varied degrees of it, other than Gibbs. McGee was the most obvious, eyes wide and a soft pout on his lips that Tony would describe as ‘The McGeek look’. Ziva just mouthed ‘oh’ and looked over you in a way that made you shrink into yourself slightly, suddenly self-conscious. Gibbs smiled slightly and nodded. “It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” “You too, sir.” Gibbs pulled a slight face and Tony instantly looked over to you. “He doesn’t like ‘sir’. Just Gibbs.” “Oh. Sorry. Gibbs.” When Gibbs dismissed it with a smile and a nod, Tony went straight to his usual Big Brother mode. “Y/N works for the FBI.” He grinned and you sighed, starting to shift out of his grip so you could hide away. Unluckily, he was still that bit stronger than you and just tugged you over with an almost sadistic glee “Special Agent, but that’s more out of choice. She could be Supervisory if she wanted but that’s more hassle.” “Tony, please.” Hiding yourself in your hands, not wanting to show these borderline strangers how easily you could blush, you tried to elbow Tony off you. Without any real feeling behind it, though, it was useless to try. “She would have gotten in there before I even joined NCIS, but she was a little busy, weren’t you, Peanut?” He chuckled, earning a warning look but he just grinned. “What were you doing?” McGee asked good-naturedly. “Uh, it’s nothing major.” You said with a shrug, nudging Tony when he seemed about to speak “Just…Didn’t want to get right into such a harsh job.” Tony rolled his eyes and looked over to Gibbs. “Can she stay for a bit, boss?” Gibbs looked over you, considering it, and then nodded. “As long as we get some info on this guy, you can stay as long as you want, Y/N. I’ve got to go down to Abby.” The last sentence was directed to the team, who had all gone to their desks at that point. Gibbs then picked something up from Ziva’s desk and turned back to the elevator, leaving you with the other agents in silence for a second as Tony turned to his desk. You looked around awkwardly and then got a chair from the cubicle beside Tim, rolling it over to sit beside Tony and look over his shoulder at what he was doing. Occasionally, you’d poke him in the side and he’d squirm slightly before hitting your hand with a pout that quickly turned into a smile at your childish grin. After one time, you did look up slightly and saw Ziva was watching the both of you with a smile that made you slightly nervous again. When your eyes met, you looked away suddenly. After a few seconds, when Tony had found out some general stuff that he was sure would suffice, he turned to you. “Why didn’t you want me telling them about your tours?” He asked and you frowned softly. “’S not a big deal.” You shrugged and Tony shot you a look “Tony, you didn’t even tell them about me. They don’t need to know everything all at once.” That spread a grin across your brother’s face. “So you’re trying to be mysterious, huh? Don’t tell me it’s to impress McGee.” You rolled your eyes at his antics, as usual, and softly hit his arm as he laughed. “As if.” “He seems like your type.” Tony tried not to laugh halfway through but the angry pout on your face made that all for nothing. “If that’s a joke that he looks like a chick.” Tony put his hands up in near surrender at the glare you gave him.
“So, Y/N.” Tim said when the typing and searching had subsided all through the pen, making all eyes shoot over to him “Which FBI office are you based in?” You turned slightly towards him and sighed softly as you crossed your ankles. “New Haven. Wanted to still be close to home without being…stuck there.” You shrugged as you started to turn on the chair slightly, rocking yourself more than anything. “Nice.” Tim muttered “What branch?” “Mainly organised crime, but I was involved in a few homicide cases and one counter-terrorism. My, uh, expertise is quite interchangeable.” “How long are you in DC?” Ziva asked as she rested her elbows on her desk and leaned forwards as though getting a better look at you. “Six, maybe seven months unless they need me back before that.” Then you looked over to Tony “I might need to stay at your place for a day or two, until I get one sorted.” Tony nodded and mouthed ‘of course’, pulling you into another brief hug that he ended with a soft kiss to the top of your head “You’re a life saver, Junior.” “Anything for my baby sister.” You rolled your eyes. “I’m not a baby.” You muttered and nudged him gently, though still smiling as you did.
Gibbs then came back, a frown on his face, and Tony instantly stiffened “Uhoh. That’s not good.” He muttered, which made Ziva turn to see the look on Gibbs’ face and she took a deep breath as she turned back. “Do we have anything on this guy?” He snapped and Tony instantly stood, snatching a small remote up from his desk as he manoeuvred around you. He clicked a button and a picture of a naval officer showed up on the screen “Staff Sergeant Devon Kirk. Born in New Jersey to a drug addict who gave him up before he was even two years old, fostered out about a dozen times, barely graduated high school, and joined the Marines pretty much instantly.” Another click that showed up a sheet of paper, zooming on a certain section that was filled with praises on Kirk’s abilities “Quickly rose the ranks, promoted to Corporal faster than anyone in his original squad, seems it was his calling really.” Then Tim stood and took the remote from Tony’s hands, earning him a side-eye. “He was discharged a few months before the first disappearance.” His discharge papers came up on the screen “Apparently he attacked a Corporal when on shore leave; put the guy in the hospital for a month. Since then, he’s not had a stable job. He had and lost five jobs in the first five months after he left the Navy. Then he just...dropped off the radar.” Another click, and a bank statement came up “Nothing since Petty Officer Thompson disappeared. One heavy withdrawal of over half his bank account the day after she was reported missing, then nothing.” You looked over what was on Tony’s screen, frowning slightly as you skimmed the report of Kirk’s behaviour. “He’s probably hiding out somewhere familiar.” You muttered, out of a pure FBI instinct, and everyone looked over to you. “What?” Gibbs asked, turning to you. You looked at him and then looked to your hands. “Sorry. I’ll just…sit here.” You muttered nervously but Gibbs shook his head with a frown. “No, carry on.” First looking to your brother and Tim, then to Ziva, then back to your hands, you sat up straight and cleared your throat. “If he is hiding away, then he’ll be somewhere that he’s used to. I mean, he’s a discharged Staff Sergeant, graduated with a 1.4 GPA, with OCD and intense anxiety. He’s not got a job, no real family, so he’s going to be under intense stress, unless he’s gone back to a place that he’s familiar with and that he knows well.” Everyone was intently watching you, Tony smiling smugly, and you started to shrink more into yourself “I-I’m guessing he’ll go towards military related places. The Marine Corps was the only place he really fit in; his OCD would be mistaken for perfectionism, his anxiety would take a backseat because he’d be focused on orders with strict rules to follow, and he excelled there in a way he never did elsewhere, he had a purpose there. So, probably a place he spent a lot of time in while training or on shore leave. Military bars, houses of old friends, a gym he’d go to.” You looked at Gibbs nervously “He wouldn’t go anywhere new, not since he got kicked out. Too much has changed in his life; he’s too scared to change anything else.” There was a second of silence before Gibbs nodded and a soft smile crossed his face. “Good work, Y/N.” You smiled and ducked your head, especially at the look Tony gave you. Gibbs then sighed and turned “Alright, we need to find him. Hostels, barracks, Navy friends, anything connected to military that he’ll be familiar with.” Everyone hurried back to their desks and got to typing. After a few seconds, where Gibbs did seem to gradually get more and more frustrated, he sighed and stood in the middle of the pen “Anything?” “I might have something.” Ziva said quickly “His last foster family, they were ex-military. They kept in contact with him even after he got discharged.” “Dinozzo, McGee, you get out there. Ziva, keep looking just in case.” You moved to the side as Tony took up his gun and shimmied past you with a soft departing kiss to the top of your head.
Tony and McGee left, Gibbs was soon summoned to MTAC to talk to Kirk’s Major, and that just left you and Ziva. You again opened Tony’s desk and took out his football, tossing it between your hands quickly as you chanced occasional looks at Ziva “That was quite good.” She said eventually and you smiled modestly as you shrugged. “Just observations really.” You threw the ball quite high before catching it easily and putting it on a clear space on the desk “Nothing that was too much of a stretch.” “How did you know he has OCD?” “It’s on his discharge papers.” Ziva seemed to blank before she turned and clicked about on her computer, leaning in with a frown. “Where?” You quickly stood up and hurried over to her to stand behind her and lean over the back of the chair so you could point it out on her screen. “Right…There.” You pointed at the main sentence “Constantly neatening up his quarters, needing to touch the doorframe of every room he walked into. Those sorts of constant specific ‘rituals’, typical counter and arranger-type OCD. It’s a mix of anxiety and total paranoia, that if he doesn’t carry it out exactly right then there’ll be a terrible consequence, probably not helped by the fact that he’d be on a ship and have any number of possible hazards. That’s why he surpassed in the Corps, because they have very specific ways of doing things and their own superstitions and he is very particular about everything he does. Also why he’s more likely to go somewhere familiar, where he knows exactly how his rituals can work out.” Ziva smiled slightly and turned her head to you. “You figured that out, from one line in his discharge papers?” Your shoulder quirked in a half shrug as you smiled. “Not just from that.” You turned to her and were slightly taken aback by how close the two of you were, feeling a blush already starting to spread across your cheeks. Quickly, you turned your head away and stood again before you ran your hand through your hair nervously “Why do you need to find him?” Ziva didn’t look away from you as you walked back to Tony’s desk and sat in his chair. “We think he’s involved in the disappearance of three marines and the death of two.” You nodded your understanding and spun the ball against your palms. “Think he’ll give up the killer?” Ziva frowned and shook her head. “We think he is the killer.” You shook your head insistently as you tossed the ball upwards again. It spun four times before you caught it. “Not with his mind-set. He can’t make these decisions without having a set way behind it or he’ll panic and it’d probably be very easy to catch him, so either he’s being told how to kill very specifically, or he’s in some way an accomplice.” For a second or two, Ziva just looked at you with a gentle frown before she took her phone up and dialled. You didn’t listen in to the conversation, Ziva spoke really quietly and it wasn’t your business anyway. Sure, it was a case and people were probably in danger, but it wasn't your case.
After the call ended, about ten minutes later, she sighed and sat back, looking over to you as you messed with the football. Once or twice it went a bit further back than you though it would but you were quick to lean back to those almost dangerous levels to catch it "What made you come over here now?" She asked suddenly, making you look over quickly. "Um. Well, I didn't hear from Tony for about two years, and about six months ago he just messaged me out of nowhere like nothing had happened." You bowed your head and sighed softly, thinking to all the worry you'd had through those two years and how relieved you were that the message wasn't from someone close to him telling you the worst news. Of course, you'd given him shit for leaving you like that. You took a deep breath and looked at her again "Talking to him again, just made all of it come back, how much I’ve missed him. So I convinced my boss to move me out here for a bit." "And it worked?" Ziva asked with an amused smile, making you smile as you shrugged. "Took a month or two, but...I'm very convincing." Her little laugh, the way she shook her head, made you smile wider and duck your head "It's the, uh, talents of a Dinozzo. When we want something, we charm our way to it." "Did that talent skip Tony?" Ziva asked and you laughed, tipping your head back as you did. "With his track record, I'm guessing it must have." Then you looked to her, still smiling "Don't tell him I said that." "I wouldn't dare." She looked over you for a second and pouted just slightly as though pondering something "Tony never told us about you." You nodded once and quirked your brows up with a sigh. "Yea. He...He isn't the type to put family in with his work life. I get it though, with what our family is like." You clapped your hands together, to try and lighten the mood, and went back to throwing the ball around "But, I couldn't help myself. I've heard a lot of good things about everyone, and I wanted to finally meet the legendary MCRT that Tony keeps going on about." "I'm glad you did." Ziva smiled "Now I have someone to tell me embarrassing stories about Tony's childhood." "I do have a lot of them." You mused and threw the ball up again. Just as you were ready to catch it, a hand shot out from over the little cubicle wall and snatched it on its downward path. You looked over and saw Gibbs, who had suddenly materialised the way Tony would always say he had a habit of doing. "Having fun?" He asked as you sat properly, eyes suddenly wide and face paling slightly at being caught. "I, uh...I guess? I mean..." You stuttered, not missing the slight amused smile shot at you by Gibbs as he threw the ball back to you. "Ziva. Anything else?" He asked, totally ignoring how you were freaking out at Tony's desk. "Not really." Ziva sighed and tapped at her keyboard a little bit "He didn't really have friends outside of the Navy, and the’re all on duty. What did his Major say?" "Nothing much. Didn't know of any safe places he'd go on shore leave, didn't know of any girlfriends or fiancées. He suspected OCD but it wasn't disrupting his performance so there wasn't a point in reporting it." You rolled your eyes. Of course. As long as it doesn't bother anyone, why should mental issues be reported?
After a bit more chat, about possible places that Kirk could be hiding out in (that you did help with), Gibbs sighed and looked over to you "Dinozzo. Can you go down to the lab? Abby should have something for us by now." You hesitated before nodding, not sure why he'd want you to go down there but glad that you wouldn't have to find an excuse to see Abby before they'd finished with a case.
The first thing that hit you about the lab was the booming drums that seemed to come from everywhere at once the second that the door opened. The second thing was the dark haired woman in front of the many monitors, wearing boots that went to her knees and black shorts that only just were visible under her lab-coat as she danced on the spot. You looked around for a stereo or a remote to turn the music down, but you settled for walking over and tapping the woman on the shoulder. She turned quickly, her pigtails hitting her in the face when she did "Oh gosh. You scared me." She pouted before she turned the music down and looked back at you with a smile "Who are you?" "Um, I'm Y/N Dinozzo. Tony's sister. Gibbs said-" "-Tony has a sister?!" Her jaw dropped and she looked over you, walking around you as though seeing every angle would somehow help her see the resemblance. "Uh, yea." "And he didn't tell me?" She stopped in front of you and pouted, dropping her arms down to her sides. "He's not the type." You said hesitantly, slightly scared of Abby. Of course, Tony had warned you about her but he also said she was a bit more…energetic on Caff-Pow, which she seemed to have had a lot of if the contents of the trash were anything to go off "I...He told me all about you though." That seemed to cheer her up, her eyes widening and cheeks puffing out with her smile. "Really? What'd he say about me?" "That you're a bit loopy and you scare him sometimes but in a good way." She put her hands to her heart and smiled "And that your hugs help him more than you probably think they do." "Aww. I knew he loved me really." She sighed happily and dropped her hands to her sides again "Well, even if I didn't know about you, it's great to meet you." She pulled you into a tight hug and hummed before pulling away before you could even slightly reciprocate.
Her eyes scanned over you again and a pout formed across her painted-pink lips "Are you military?" You looked over yourself with a frown. You didn't think you looked particularly military, didn't even look particularly like a fed, but somehow Abby saw through it. "Um, FBI." "But you used to be military?" You hesitated before nodding "Hmm. Thought so." Instantly, you deflated and looked back across your clothes with a pout. "It is obvious?" Abby tutted and shook her head quickly, waving her hand to dismiss it instantly. "Not really. To me, yea. Maybe to Gibbs as well, but I don't think Ziva and McGee would figure it out unless you were in full uniform." She turned to her computer screens then "Have you met them yet?" "Yea, I did. Back upstairs." "What'd you think?" The look on her face was almost like she was asking you about a personal project. Then again, Tony did have his theories about why Abby was so adamant about checking up on them. While you didn't suffer as deeply from Movie Brain as your brother, you had to admit that his conspiracies were well thought out. The likelihood of him not knowing when his precious food has been tampered with, however, was quite low. "Well, Tim seems nice. Quiet, but nice. I mean, I didn't get to talk to him much before Gibbs sent him off with Tony, but Tony didn't really exaggerate about him as much as I thought he would. A bit, you know, but it is Tony." You lowered your eyes to the floor as your thoughts turned to Ziva "Ziva's cool. Really casual, I thought she'd be more...hostile, I guess." Abby laughed, making you snap your eyes to her "What?" "Nothing." Abby shook her head quickly "She's not really that hostile, unless you're Tony. I've always seen her as more butch than anything. Not to say she doesn't have her moments, she's gorgeous in a dress." "Not just in a dress." You muttered before you thought about it, and your eyes widened when Abby shot her head around to look at you. There was a sparkle in her eye that Tony had told you to worry about, it was a trouble sparkle, and you tried to play it off with a smile "She's pretty, prettier than Tony described." Abby nodded a 'sure' and grinned. "What about Gibbs?" "Reminds me of my Supervisory. Just, more head-slaps, less obscure music references." You rubbed your hands together "Speaking of Gibbs, he's why I'm down here. He said you should have something for the case?" The goth nodded instantly, snatching up a piece of paper from the table behind her and holding it out for you. When you took it, she clasped her hands together and swayed softly. "I couldn't get a clear DNA match just yet, it seems to be two different people's blood. But, I ran through drugs tests and found this." She poked one spot on the paper and your eyes were drawn to it. "Paroxetine." You smiled softly "OCD medication." Abby nodded, almost proudly “I was right." Then you looked to her with a smile "Thanks, Abs. It was so good meeting you." "Oh." She frowned happily and hugged you again, this time letting you return it "It was great meeting you. We should hang out sometime, properly. Like, go for drinks." "I'd really like that." You nodded once when she moved away "See you later." She waved energetically and bounced on the balls of her feet as you left back to the bullpen.
When you got up to the bullpen again, the paper clutched in your hands like it was a report card, Tony and Tim were back. Tony saw you first and pointed an accusatory finger in your direction "I thought you'd ran off." He said when you got close enough to hear him. "Sorry, Junior. Abby was...talking." After a second of thought, he nodded his understanding "Very huggy." "Yea, you get used to it." You rounded the desks and went to Gibbs, holding the paper out to him. He looked over you as he took it like Abby had done, making you realise that maybe you stood more military than you first thought. You tried to relax your shoulders, and a twitch of a smile caught your attention as he must have noticed it, but he put his glasses on and looked over the paper. "What am I looking at here?" "The, um, drug tests on the blood. At least one of the two had Paroxetine in their system. It's a SSRI. Taken for depression, OCD, panic disorders, or PTSD." "We think Kirk was there?" You nodded softly and sighed. "If he's taking Paroxetine, he might be a bit more capable on his own than I thought." Gibbs took his glasses off and sat back with a hardly-audible sigh. You took that as a dismissal so you went back to sit beside Tony again.
Soon after, your exhaustion from the travel started to kick in. Your head started to droop down until you were resting against your crossed arms on the desk, drifting slowly into sleep. What shocked you out of it was Tony's hand placed gently on your shoulder, just slightly shaking you back into the real world "You should get to my place, Peanut. Get some sleep." He said calmly and you nodded "Want me to drive you?" "I can do it." Ziva said quickly, making you both look over to her. Tony stood slowly and crossed his arms with a suspicious pout on his lips. "Why would you want to?" "Because, Tony, Gibbs still needs you to tell him what happened when you questioned Kirk's foster parents, and I don’t have much to do." Though a feasible excuse, Tony still looked cautious until you sighed and sat up. "Don't be a prick, Anthony." You stretched out your arms with a groan before looking at Ziva again "Thank you, Ziva. I'd like that." She smiled gently and stood to put her jacket on. Tony's eyes widened the second you finished the sentence, but you ignored him while you stood up and stretched out again before dropping your arms around his neck in a hug "I'll see you when you finish up." He grumbled in reply but calmed his slight annoyance down enough to hug you back. "Alright. I'll take-" "-I'll take the couch. It's your place, it's not fair for me to take over your bed." He shook his head but knew better than to take you on, especially when you were tired, so just kissed your forehead and patted you on the shoulder twice. Before you were out of the vicinity of the bullpen, he held his hand out to you with a key pinched between his fingers. "There. Don't want to tell you where I hid the spare." "Same sort of spot you have since you first got your own place, I'm guessing." Tony paused then nodded and put his key back into his pocket. You sighed and looked back to McGee and Gibbs "It was nice meeting you." Gibbs nodded in acknowledgement and Tim looked up with a smile and a wave. "Hope to see you again." Tim called out as you turned back. "Down boy." You heard from Tony as you followed Ziva to the elevator "That's my baby sister." Ziva laughed softly at the eye-roll and shake of your head that Tony earned.
You didn't speak to her until you got to your car, instead focusing very hard on staying awake so you didn't face-plant in front of her. You handed Ziva the keys after unlocking the doors, sliding into the passenger seat with a deep sigh and tipping your head back. Ziva looked over you for just a second before she started the car up "You might want to buckle up." She said, making you look over to her "Tony must have told you about my driving." "Oh, yea. Said you make Fast and Furious look like Mario Kart." You mumbled as you buckled yourself in before relaxing again. "I promise to calm it down, so you can rest." "Thanks." You sighed and shifted to get a bit more comfortable before starting to drift off again. Before you'd even left the parking lot, you were sound asleep.
You woke with a start when you felt a soft push at your shoulder, looking around and realising you were at Tony's place. You groaned and rolled your head to get rid of the slight tension that had come up from sleeping while sat upright. As you ran your hand through your hair, you smiled sleepily at Ziva "Thanks again. Hope I didn't snore." "Not much." Just the idea that you had, even slightly, made you sigh. At least you hadn't drooled on yourself though. You both exited the car and you, again, stretched. Your shirt rode up a bit and you were quick to drop your arms with a quick look to Ziva, making sure she hadn't noticed. She hadn't seemed to, so you sighed in relief. "I'll give you money for a cab back." You said as she handed you the keys back. "No need. I volunteered, it's no trouble." You were about to insist but the look on her face made you think it probably wasn't the best thing to do so you just nodded as you rounded the car to get your luggage. Ziva silently insisted on helping you with that as well, since it was a bit too much for you to carry in one trip, and you again thanked her at the door of Tony's place as well as apologised for the inconvenience. She just chuckled and again said it was no trouble at all as you opened the door and just placed the bags inside next to the door so you could deal with it all later on "Would you like to meet for dinner after the case is closed?" She asked suddenly, just as you took the last bag from her hands. It made you pause for a second but you nodded softly and placed the bag down. "Um, yea, sure." At her smile, you couldn't stop yours from spreading across your face no matter how you tried to calm it as you dug your hands in your pockets to find your phone "I'll give you my number, so you can text me or call me or whatever when it's finished up." She handed you her own phone and you tapped your number in as a new contact before handing it back to her with a smile "I guess I'll hear from you then." "Unless you come to visit the team again before then." It almost sounded hopeful and caused another smile from you. "From what Tony's told me about your success rate, it won't take too long. I guess we'll see though." You shrugged, and the two of you stood in silence for a second or two until Ziva took in a deep breath and sighed. "I should go back." You nodded once and held your hand out for her to shake. "It was great to finally meet you." Ziva smiled and shook your hand, slowly and with a gentle grip that still seemed nothing like what Tony said she was usually like and left your palm tingling. "It was great to meet you as well. I only hope Tony had told us about you before." There seemed to be something in how she looked over you but you shrugged it off as wishful thinking as she turned and left with a final goodbye.
You locked up and instantly went over to lie on the couch with a sigh. You had no idea where Tony kept his spare blankets, if he even had any, but you didn't even really have the time to wonder about it. You didn’t have time to do much but move one of the decorative cushions to use as a pillow before you were drifting off to sleep again, still fully dressed including your shoes. It had been a long day.
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I've been working on this for a moment, and I thought it was time to post the prologue and see if you guys would be interested in this series... :)
NCIS x Criminal Minds crossover!!
Summary: You're Emily Prentiss's little sister, you work for NCIS and when your team got a case in Quantico, it's time for her to meet your team and for you to meet hers...
Pairings: sister!Emily Prentiss x Reader, Leroy Jethro Gibbs x Reader, Aaron Hotchner x Reader (and maybe more…)
Word count: 1,8k
Prologue - Chapter 2
Tags: @duckysmith3000 @sitkafay @thebaileybugle @katieslotherford
Unlucky - Chapter 1
Technically, after spending five days away, Emily Prentiss and her team weren’t expected at the office for twenty four to forty eight hours. But she had to see that. She had to see her little sister and her team invading the BAU’s floor. Did Hotch know? Did he approve? Did he see the name Prentiss in the paperwork? Nobody at the BAU knew that Emily’s younger sister was a federal agent too. Actually, the team didn’t know much about Emily’s family.
Of course, no one else from the team was there in the morning, as they all enjoyed their day off. Emily followed you to the office that was becoming the NCIS’s office for the next few days. Four people were already there, setting up their stuff. “Morning my nerds!” you greeted them, giving everyone a high five except for Gibbs who just stared at you. Since you had your back turned to everyone, you sent him a silent kiss and he shook his head in exasperation - but still, he had a small smile on his face.
“Boss, did you hire someone without telling us?” Tony spoke up, looking at your sister from head to toes. Two seconds and Emily knew what kind of man Anthony DiNozzo Jr was. She leaned against the door frame, a smile on her face.
“This is my older sister, Emily.” you told everyone. “And DiNozzo, take those thoughts out of your head, right now.” you warned him.
“Okay, since when did we exchange roles?” Emily asked you and refocused on your team. She walked inside and shook hands with Tony, Ziva, Tim and Gibbs. “Nice to finally meet you guys.”
“Us too!” Ziva exclaimed, “You two look so much alike!”
“No they don’t!” Tony joined in. “Y/N is that annoying little sister and Emily here is–” Gibbs headslapped him before he could finish. You looked at your annoying coworker with a grin, while Emily got closer to you. “Did he just physically assault his subordinate?” she whispered to you.
“He deserved it.” you answered her.
“I heard that.” Tony growled, stroking the back of his head.
“Can we start now?” Gibbs raised his voice. “And um, Emily, could you–”
“He’s asking you to leave, but he doesn’t want to upset you since you’re my sister.”
“Boss never cared if he upsets my dad.” Tony stated.
“Or my grandmother,” McGee added.
“Or my whole family.” Ziva ended.
Gibbs immediately gave you his famous stare and you immediately blushed. Maybe you shouldn’t have said that. But at least, Emily understood. “Fine, I’ll be back for lunch.” She walked to the door, “If you guys need some help from a real fed, just give me a call.” She grinned and got out.
Everybody laughed, except for Gibbs. “I like her!” Ziva told you.
“I can’t believe you hid her for the past three years!” Tony said and you grabbed the first thing you found - which was a flash drive - and threw it at him. At least, you tried, but Gibbs caught it in mid-air and slammed it on the table.
“Work!” he exclaimed and you all shut up.
The entire team spent a couple of hours at the office, talking about the case, until Gibbs and Ziva went to meet the victim’s COs, Tony went back to the crime scene under Abby’s orders and you stayed in with McGee, doing some research on your computer. “You never really talk about your sister.” Tim said, looking between you and his computer screen. “Or your family for that matter.”
“Says the man who never said his Penny was an activist,”
“You know what I mean, Y/N.”
“None of us talk about their family, Tim. Gibbs never said a word about his first wife and daughter for years, and he said his father was dead. It took me months to know that you had a sister and that your father was an Admiral. Ironically, the one family we know the most about is the sickest one.” you sighed, “Don’t tell Ziva I said that.”
Tim chuckled, “Don’t worry, she would agree with you. But I guess you have a point.”
“If you think about it, we all have a shitty backstory. But at least, now we have one another.”
“Damn right we do.” he stood up pretty quickly to high five and got back to his chair. “I’m glad we finally met Emily though,” he added. “So is Tony,” he laughed.
“Shut up!” you barked. The thought of Tony and Emily together was enough to make you sick.
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“Prentiss, what are you doing here?” Emily didn’t need to turn around to know he was walking to her desk.
“What are you doing here, Hotch?”
“I learned that we have some unwanted guests in the conference room over there.” he pointed to where you and your team were settled.
“So I’ve heard.”
“Your turn, now.”
“Among those unwanted guests, there’s my little sister.”
Aaron Hotchner did a double take. Emily couldn’t help but laugh at his confusion. “Your sister is also a fed? For NCIS?”
“Wanna meet her? Half her team is gone, but she’s in.”
Still puzzled, Hotch followed Emily to the conference room. He had planned on coming there anyway, but he didn’t expect to meet one of his team member’s siblings. Emily knocked and you were the one to tell her to come in. “Since the scary boss man is gone, can I come in?”
You and Tim laughed but agreed. Emily got inside, followed by someone. “Here’s my own scary boss man.” She said and Hotch immediately stared at her.
You stood up and walked up to him, extending your hand, “That means that you’re–” you thought for a second, “Aaron Hotch?”
He shook your hand and then McGee’s. “It’s Hotchner, actually.”
“The ‘ner’ gets lost most of the time though.” Emily informed you.
“Anyway,” he took a quick look at Emily before focusing on you, “I hope you guys settled alright. If you need anything, I'll be in my office, which is just over there,” he pointed at his office through the window.
“Well, thank you very much, Agent Hotchner,” you grinned. “We’re just getting started so–so far, so good.”
“Perfect. We’ll let you work then.”
Hotch turned to the side and waited for Emily to walk towards the door, but she wasn’t moving. “I wanna stay,” she said. “I wanna work with my sister.”
“Are you an NCIS Agent, Prentiss?” Hotch raised an eyebrow.
“Me Prentiss, yes.” you winked at him when he looked at you and he shyly smiled.
“NCIS, FBI–same thing.” Emily said immediately.
“No, it’s not. Go.”
Emily walked out the door like an unhappy child. “See you in an hour for lunch.” you called out.
“You were pretty nice to those unwanted guests that made you come to the office on your mandatory day off.” Emily teased her boss as they walked back to the bullpen.
“What was I supposed to do? Give your sister a hard time?”
“Of course not. Although you weren’t supposed to flirt with her either.”
“What?” Hotch’s voice got high-pitched. “I didn’t flirt with your sister.” he defended himself.
“That was a joke, Hotchner.”
Hotch didn’t say anything else, he just kept walking up to his office. “But I didn’t know your voice could go that high,” Emily ended the conversation with herself and laughed as she heard Hotch’s high-pitched voice in her head again.
Emily waited until you were free for lunch, but sadly, you didn’t have time to go out - or from what she understood, your boss didn’t allow you. So she went out to get some takeouts and came back to the office. Before joining you and McGee, she stopped by Hotch’s office and offered him to join. “I took something for you too.” She told him.
“We are not supposed to invade them, Prentiss.” He told her as they walked to the conference.
“We’re making sure they eat.”
In the conference, you were on a call with a man who had a very pronounced Scottish accent. Emily and Hotch couldn't help but listen and they quickly understood that it was your ME. They listened to the details of the crime, which were pretty disturbing. They also looked at each other when they heard the ME make some profile theories. Knowing it would grab their attention, you looked at them and smirked.
All the important details being said, Ducky Mallard started to ramble about a story you probably already heard. “Ducky! Ducky!” You said, making him stop talking.
“Yes, my dear?”
“There’s someone I’d like you to meet.” You signaled your sister to come closer, and she got into the shot. “Ducky, this is my sister, Emily. Em, this is the great Doctor Donald Mallard, our ME.”
“Finally, I get to put a face on the sister I’ve heard so much about. I’m delighted to meet you, Miss Prentiss.”
“So am I, Dr Mallard! Great analysis about your unsub, some things make sense.”
“Coming from a BAU Agent, I’m very touched. Feel free to give your insight.”
“I want to, but my boss said I’m not allowed.”
“Then do what your sister does and don’t follow orders.”
You felt like this conversation could go on for a while and there were things you didn’t want your sister to know. “We gotta go, Ducky. We’ll call you back. Give my love to my Jim!”
Jimmy Palmer had been sick with the flu for the past two days and Ducky had planned to stop by his place later that day to check on me. You hung up, and grabbed your food. “You don’t follow orders, Prentiss?” Your sister asked. “I thought Marines were supposed to follow orders no matter what.”
“I’m not a Marine anymore, Em.”
“You were a Marine, Y/N?” Hotch jumped in the conversation.
You nodded, “For almost ten years before I joined NCIS.”
“How and why did you make the switch?”
“How and why did you make the switch from prosecutor to fed?” You asked.
Hotch chuckled. “I didn’t know you, Emily’s sister, were a federal agent, but you know I was a prosecutor. What else does she know, Prentiss?”
Emily shrugged her shoulders, not ready to answer that question. But she forgot that you didn’t have any filters. That most of the time, your month worked faster than your brain. “I know that you don’t have any reason to keep that wedding ring.”
Emily covered her face with her hands as soon as she heard your words, and you regretted them even faster. You didn’t mean to put it that way, but unfortunately you did, and you saw the pain on Hotch's face. “Sorry,” you whispered, ashamed.
But it was too late. He packed his lunch and went back to his office.
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fanf1ctionwrit1n · 3 years
Oops- Part two
Paring: Tony x fem!reader, Tim x sister!reader
A/n: Finally a part two! I think there will only be three parts unless I think of something. Underlined words are links
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Tony’s perspective
You knocked on Tim’s apartment door, and waited. The door opened.
“Tony, what are you doing here?” Tim asked.
“No, why?”
“No, why?”
“Good. Can I come in?”
“Uh, sure.” You walk in. “Why are you here?” Tim closed the door.
“I came to ask you something.”
“Which is..?”
“Can I propose to y/n?”
“Tim, yes or no?”
“You’re serious about this?”
“Then go ahead.”
“Thank you.” You headed for the door.
“One question before you go.”
“Why’d you ask me?”
“Well, your dad passed away and so I couldn’t ask him. And I know how important that is to her because that’s why we didn’t tell you about us dating. And I know how important your opinion is to her, so I came to ask you.”
“Have you bought the ring yet?”
“Yeah, I was just waiting until I asked for your blessing.” You pulled the ring out of your pocket, showing Tim.
“She’s gonna love it.”
“I know.”
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Two giant pumpkins sat on the dining room table. You paced around the apartment grabbing everything necessary for pumpkin carving. You heard the door open, “Tony, I’m home.” Y/n called.
Y/n’s perspective
“In here!” Tony called. I set my bag on the coffee table before heading to the dining room.
“Pumpkins, already?”
“Yes already. I want you to make pumpkin seeds. Also we could carve these for fun and then carve pumpkins closer to Halloween.”
“Okay.” You sit down at the table.
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You set down your tools, “Ready?” You asked.
“Almost done.” He responded.
“Okay.” You perfected a few more curves and edges.
“Ready.” You set down your tools.
“3… 2… 1.” You turned your pumpkins to face each other. You gasped, tears forming in your eyes. His pumpkin read, Marry me?, and you glanced back at him to see him on one knee.
“Y/n y/m/n McGee, this year with you has been one of the best years of my life. I’ve never been one to commit but when I met you, everything changed. When I met you, something clicked and two months into our relationship I knew I wanted to marry you. You mean so much to me. You are such a wonderful and amazing person and I couldn’t imagine spending my life with anyone else. So, y/n, will you marry me?”
All you could do was nod, tears threatening to brim over. He got up pulling you into a hug. “I love you so much.” He whispered.
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Ncis: @nerdyfangirl67 @simpforcrimeshows
All: @sade-shark
Series: @furiouscopshepherduniversity @sebastian-stan-stan1
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fanfictionwr1tin · 3 years
Paring: McGee x sister!reader
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13 days until y/n was home. Home with the team. Home on American soil.
“Timothy McGee?” You looked up to see a man in a marine uniform standing before you.
“Yes?” You questioned.
“The Maine Corps regrets to inform you that your sister, Y/n McGee was killed in action on April 25.”
“No.” You whispered. You felt a tear stream down your cheek.
“You okay Tim?” Tony asked. You know he cared when he didn’t even call you a nickname.
“I remember the day she told me she wanted to be a Marine. Almost as if it was yesterday.”
“Don’t do it.” You said.
“What do you mean ‘don’t do it.’? Tim, I wanna serve my country and your telling me not too?”
“Y/n, your my baby sister. I don’t want you to get hurt, I don’t wanna hear the day you won’t be coming back home.”
Ziva walked up to you, grabbing your wrist, pulling you to the elevator. You hadn’t bothered to look up from your desk one you started to cry. Once she stopped the elevator you looked up her. Tears still running down her cheeks.
“McGee. Y/n wanted to tell you this when she got back from her deployment but, uhm, since she won’t be, I’ll, uhm, do it for her. Y/n she’s gay, her and I are- were- dating.”
“Wow. Uhm, how long?”
“About three years. I was, gonna propose a week after her return.” She pulled the engagement ring out of her pocket. Tears continued to stream down her face. “I had it engraved with her initials, not y/f/i.M. but y/f/i.D.” She ran her finger over the engraving.
Three months later
Reader’s Perspective
I was finally coming home. You had been tortured and brutally beaten, but you were finally coming home. You went off to fight a battle in Afghanistan when you disappeared shortly before many I.E.D.’s went off leaving many charred and unidentifiable bodies. Since you were nowhere to be found. You were assumed to be one of those bodies. You were found by another squad, and they rescued you. Walking into the squad room you saw the orange walls you never thought you’d miss so much.
“Hi guys.” You said, standing between Tony and Ziva’s desk. McGee looked up from his desk.
“Y/n?!” He shouted. You nodded as you saw the other agents glance up shocked. Tim and Ziva walked over, hugging you, both at the same time, cautious of your bruises. Once Tim pulled away, Ziva pulled you into a kiss. At first you were startled but you quickly fell into the kiss. Her lips soft, and sweet crashing against yours. Once you pulled away from the kiss you smiled and then said,
“You realize you did that in front of the entire team? Including my brother?”
“Y/n he knows. He’s known, when we thought you were dead, I told him. You said that you were going to when you got back from your deployment so I wanted to honor that.” You jumped as Tony hugged you from behind.
“Glad to have you back, y/n.”
“It’s good to be back.” You said.
“Y/n, listen, I didn’t want to do this here but I can’t wait. I waited and I thought I lost you. So, this may not have been my exact plan but I still wanna do this.” Ziva said, she walked over to her desk and pulled out a red velvet box from one of the drawers. She walked over to you and got down on one knee.
“What are you doing?” You asked, knowing the answer.
“Y/n I’ve loved you for years. Way longer than we’ve been dating. After three years, I was finally ready to propose. I went and got this ring, just for you before your deployment but I- I hesitated. Then you deployed and then I got news that you died. But you came back and I just knew I couldn’t waist anymore time. Y/n, will you marry me?”
“Yes! Yes! Ziva David, don’t you ever hesitate again.” You said as she slipped the ring on your finger. Once the chaos was over, Gibbs walked over and pulled you into a hug. Refusing to let go of you, you smiled.
You were finally home
Does anyone want me to add them to my tag list for all my ncis work or just for characters? I write for Tony, McGee, Ziva, Ellie, and Gibbs. I struggle with the last three so there isn’t as many but I try
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georgielxx · 5 years
Dad to be
Paring: Tim Mcgee x reader 
Request by @flowercrowns-goodvibes
Summary: where you two are both agents & you broke rule twelve so that you could be together, and you find out/tell the team you're pregnant.
I am finishing up writing my report as we have just finished our case of a marine found dead in his house, he was murdered by a friend and fellow marine. These cases are always hard like the marine who died trusted his friend but then he went and killed him. How can someone be so mean he had a wife who was pregnant and the killer knew that but they still went and killed them there so heartless murderers.
 I felt for her a couple of months ago we found out that I was pregnant, Tim was so happy when I told him.  I can't even imagine how I would be if Tim died and I was left to look after the baby by myself this is now one of my worst fears.
I remember when I told him we had just finished early which is unusual so we left together and decided to go out for tea. we went to my favourite restaurant where I decided to tell Tim that I was having his baby. My legs keeps jittering as I get the courage to tell him, "hey Tim" I say as he looks up at me from his phone. He smiles and nods as he can notice that I am nervous to tell him something. I decide to just go out with it bluntly "I'm pregnant your going to be a Dad" I say nervously.
His jaw drops as he looks over at me for a few seconds then he starts smiling, "I'm going to be a dad omg were having a baby" he says excitedly. He gets up from his chair and hugs me "I'm so happy I can't wait to have this baby with you" I smile happily glad he's happy.
I smile thinking about the memory I see Tim looking over at me wondering what I'm smiling at. We haven't told anyone except my parents and Tim's mum and sister, we are a little nervous to tell the team I don't want them to think different of me and walk on egg shells when I'm in the field. I don't know how Gibbs will react to the news when we told him me and Tim were together he was shocked and slightly upset especially as we broke rule 12. But after a while he got over it as he started to except our relationship.
We started dating after we both realised we had feelings for each other when I comforted Tim after his Dad had died. we started to become closer then one day Tim asked me out on a date then things just escalated now we are living together and having a baby. I can remember the early days when we were so worried about Gibbs and rule 12 that we nearly decided to spilt up. Im so glad we didn't otherwise we wouldn't be having this baby.
I look at Tim gesturing to him that we should tell them about the baby. I sigh standing up I take the report to Gibbs and drop it on his desk. "Um I have some news to tell you all" I say nervously looking round at the rest of the team my eyes drift to Tim. I make my way over to him as I stand next to him he holds my hand intwining our finger, he gives my hand a squeeze to say come on you can do it.
I sigh getting the courage to tell the team the news " I um we are having a baby" I say stuttering, I look at everyones face at first there shocked but after a few seconds they smile. "Aww a mini Mcgee" Tony says smiling as he comes over hugging Tim first then he comes over and hugs me. Ziva rushes over giving me a hug "congratulations I'm so happy for you" she says I smile "thank you". Ziva then rushes over to Tim hugging him.
Next minute I hear a squeal and Abby jumps on me, "careful Abs I can't breath" I giggle as she pulls away "aww Mcgee" she says hugging him too. Ducky and Palmer have been there to as they come over congratulating us both.
 I sigh getting quiet realising that the only one who hasn't congratulated us was Gibbs and his support means more to us then anyone at work. You can feel the atmosphere change as everyone realises that Gibbs hasn't spoken. I look at Tim upset that Gibbs hasn't said anything I worry that he wont except this and I know how much it was effect Tim if Gibbs doesn't except it.
I squeezes Tims' hand as he looks between me and Gibbs worriedly "Everything will be ok" I whisper to Tim , Ducky speaks up after about five seconds quiet "Gibbs" he says getting Gibbs to open up about whats he's thinking and feeling. At first he looks upset but after a few seconds he gives us a weak smile. 
He comes over hugging Tim first and pats his back, after he comes over to me giving me a hug and says "congratulations, you both will make great parents" . I can see Tim visibly relax as he knows that Gibbs is happy for us. I know how much that means to Tim now he doesn't have his Dad Gibbs is his only father figure he has.
Im brought out of my day dream when Abby says "family group hug " I smile as Tim pulls me over into the group hug. I smile thinking about how much this child is going to be loved and protected. This child will have our family and work family wrapped around there fingers. I smile looking around everyone here has made such a huge part in my life and Tim's so I'm glad that there going to be around for our child. Also he or she will have a brilliant dad Tim's going to be a great father. I can't wait to take the next step in our lives and Im not worried as I will have loads of people around me that will support me and help me along the way.
If anything happened to Tim god for bid I know that I would have so many people who would be there for me. I feel a few tears fall down my cheek just getting emotional thinking about our big family. I hear Tim chuckling and he  pulls me into a hug and kisses my head I smile "love you" he says I smile even happier as I look up into his green eyes "I love you too" I say.
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specialagentlokitty · 6 years
Gibbs x reader - New start
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Hi! I have a really super good Gibbs request and I’m trying to see if anyone is willing to do it. It’s a Gibbs x reader where he’s deep undercover and he falls in love with her. She’s not involved in anything but she’s related to his target. Kind of like Tony and Jean. But he learns that her father is abusing her and he makes it his mission to protect her and come clean with her. Do you think you could do something like that? - Anon ❤️
Sorry it took a while to post I hope you liked it
He was suspicious, to old to be wanting to join a gang, he looked around 50 or 60 but of course your brother didn’t listen. Though the man wasn’t much older then you, you were in your 40s. Said you knew nothing about the mans word. This ‘Leroy’ has bested one of the best fighter you had in the place and was instantly allowed in. Everyone was suspicious at first but soon they begun to trust him and he quickly worked up the ranks.
You kept your distance from him but would speak to him if he talked with you, nothing more then light conversation. Not wanting to anger your brother.
“(Y/N)! The boss wishes to see you.”
Nodding, you walked briskly through the halls. Flinging the main hall doors open and going to stand next to the man. He was roughly in his late 40s but the most fearsome man you’d ever seen. He had (H/C), (S/C) a tad bit darker then yours, and brown eyes.
“Yes brother?”
“Where is lunch?” He demanded.
“I do not know, shall I ask the cooks?”
Ryly snarled, standing up he punched you right in the face. The force sending you flying backwards while holding your nose, you could feel blood seep though your fingers.
“I’ve already got someone on it, your so damn worthless sister.”
He spat the word like it was poison to his mouth. Giving you a foul glare before storming out. A few others looked at you in sympathy before leaving with him. Standing up, you let out a sigh before walking out the room as well. You didn’t know you were being followed. Closing the door to your room, you went to the mirror to look at the damage. It would need stictched, so you got out the needle and thread, filling the sink with water. A knock on your door startled you.
Through the reflection of the mirror you saw Leroy enter, closing the door with a soft click. He came and stood with you at the sink, blue eyes connecting with yours through the glass.
“Are you alright?” His tone was concerned.
“I am fine, what brings you here?”
“I saw what your brother did to you, I wanted to make sure you were okay. Need some help?”
“It is nothing new to me Leroy, and no, I’ve got it.”
Your fingers fumbled with the needle, but you dropped it. Letting out a curse you went to pick it up but he beat you to it. He wore a little smirk, with his other hand Leroy grabbed a cloth and put it in the water a little and begun to clean and stitch the wound. Neither of you spoke and you tried to avoid eye contact.
“Thank you.”
“Anytime.” He chuckled and left.
That’s how it went for the next few weeks. Ryly would hurt you and Leroy would be there to stitch or clean you up. Checking in on you every day, he stuck by your side. It was safe to say you’d begun to fall in love with him.
Today was no different, the pair of you sat on your bed. He watched you as you drew.
“Tomorrow I need you to stay in here okay?”
“What? Why?” You asked confused.
“Just.. promise me? Promise me that you’ll stay in here, no matter what you hear, you won’t leave. Hide behind the book case okay? Our safe word will be Autumn.”
“What are you talking about? What’s going to happen?”
“Promise me.” He pressed.
His eyes shone with pure worry, he took your hands and squeezed them lightly.
“Okay, I promise. You’ll be safe right?”
“Of course, goodnight (Y/N).”
He kissed your forehead and left. Your head went up to where his lips just were. You were confused, what was going to happen? Was he going to face Ryly? Was he leaving? What was he going to do?
Because of your overthinking sleep never came, the early morning light came through the window. Doing as Leroy said you hide behind the book case, getting as small as you could. Not ever five minutes later there was a loud bang. Shouting and gun fire. It slowly grew closer to your room, tears stung your eyes and slowly begun to fall.
“Clear!” Someone yelled.
They were right next to your room, so holding your breath you squeezed your eyes shut. Your door banged opened and you could hear people walk in.
“Tony.. there’s someone here..”
“I know Ziva.. find them.”
You begun to shake in pure terror as they got closer. Suddenly footsteps pounded into the room.
“The place is clear.” Another male said.
“McGee look around there’s someone here.” The woman said.
You didn’t have much longer until they found you, thankful your room was so large your breathing started to become laboured as you panic but you kept it quite.
“Gibbs-“ Gibbs? Who was that? “There’s one more we’re closing in on them now.”
“I know.” Leroy?
“You know?”
“Yes DiNozzo I know, I’m the one that told her to hide. (Y/N)?”
You didn’t say anything, he didn’t say the safe word.
“Autumn.” There it was.
Slowly you inched out, peaking your head around the wood, three people had lower guns and Leroy had his hands up. When he seen you he smiled, and slowly held one out. You shook your head in anger and fear.
“You.. you lied to me!”
“No, I didn’t. My name is Leroy, it’s Leroy Jethro Gibbs. I’m a federal agent and was out undercover to investigate your brother.”
“So you only helped me to get at him?!”
“No, I helped you because I wanted to! I didn’t like what he was doing to you, (Y/N) when I was put undercover I was told not to get to close to anyone. Then i seen you, and I knew it wouldn’t work. When I saw Ryly hit you for the first time I knew in that moment I wanted to spend the rest of my life showing you love and protecting you. So please, come out?”
The other three put their guns away and looked at him in shake and disbelief, but they didn’t say anything. Focusing on Leroy he wore a welcoming smile, his eyes didn’t hold any lies. So carefully you came out and walked into his open arms. Instantly he wrapped his arms around you and begun whispering comforting words in your ear.
“I.. love you too Leroy.. promise you’ll keep me safe?”
“I promise, and you can call me Jethro.”
“Okay.. Jethro.. what will happen to me?”
“Well, you can come life with me. I’m sure Abby would like a new assistant since your so good and science.”
“I can start over?”
“You can start over, first by meeting Tim McGee, Tony DiNozzo and Ziva David.”
Turning to them, each one waved when he said their name. They all wore smiles and left, vein followed by you. It would be hard but you were happy for a new start, a chance to have a real life with someone you could love
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