#tile drill bit
johnsontools · 1 year
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Essential Hardware Tools Every DIY Enthusiast Should Own
Must-have saw blade hardware tools for DIY enthusiasts.
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getadvanceinfo · 2 months
So what’s the fuss about drill bit steel, you ask? That’s the question I want to delve into in this post. I feel it’s a topic that’s not only relevant to professionals in the field – but also home improvement enthusiasts like us. After all, in our shared passion to build, create, and repair, the tools we use integrate seamlessly with our lives, shaping our experiences just as we shape our homes.
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ultrawhalnar · 2 months
Rewatching the ds9 episode where Sisko builds the ancient Bajoran spaceship and it really is THE prime example that this man belongs in a Lowe's. Unfortunately he keeps getting dragged into Political Intrigue but his soul longs to be comparing different samples of ceramic tile and going "very nice very nice." He should be weighing the pros and cons of getting a green egg smoker or an offset smoker, with a bunch of random 2x4s and drill bits and a fire pit already in his cart, while Jake stands off to the side bored out of his mind like "DAD WE DIDN'T EVEN COME HERE FOR A GRILL." And Sisko is like "well it doesn't hurt to look son. I might wanna come back for this later"
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writers-potion · 4 months
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Let's Scare Your Readers!
Combine the techniques below with the techniques for building suspense to give your readers a palm-sweating sensation!
If absolute darkness doesn't make sense in your story, aim for semi-darkness: dusk, a single lantern/candle, heavily curtained windows, a thick canopy of trees, etc. Flickering lights that create confusing shadows can also be effective.
Let the darkness pool gradually around your MC. Show the night or fog rolling in, the camp-fire subsiding, or the candles burn down one by one.
The candle sputtered. The light wavered.
The lamp cast its smoky light on the brick walls.
The night was silent, but for the dry rustling of leaves as the wind whispered through the trees.
Of all the senses, the sense of hearing serves best to create excitement and fear.
the clacking of the villain's boots on the floor tiles, the ticking of the wall clock, a dog barking outside, the roaring of a distant motor, a door slamming somewhere in the house, water dripping from the ceiling, the chair squeaking, the whine of the dentist's drill, the scraping of the knife on a whetstone, a faraway siren wailing the heroine's own heartbeat thudding in her ears.
When the surroundings are dark, your MC will grow to be more aware of the surrounding noise, even if it's not relevant to the plot.
Make it uncomfortably cold for the MC, and your readers will shiver with them.
powercut cutting off the heating, nightfall naturally bringing in lower temperatures.
winter, evening, a cool breeze that chills everything, survivors running our of fuel, the ceiling fan is over-active, stone builindg/caves/sbuterranean chambers tend to be cold.
Describe how the cold pinpricks the MC's skin, stunting their thinking and making them shiver.
The opposite can also be effective: turn up the temperature using a stove, an overheated motor, or the sweltering sun to make the MC sweat.
This is a common technique: let the MC face the monster alone with no external help. It's also easier to limit the resources and escape routes available for the MC.
an abandoned factory, remote mountaintop, the depth of an unexplored cave.
It can also be more everyday locations: a construction site, the sewer, a malfunctioning bathroom.
Meet the Monster
When describing the threat, spread out your descriptions so that (1) the scene has constant action (2) you have material to build up later.
Good details to show:
hands, fingers, nails, talons, claws
the sound of the voice, growl, roar
the smile, teeth
the texture of skin, fur, scales.
Get Visceral
Never tell your readers that the MC is scared. Describe the fright using these physical effects:
the skin crawling, breath stalling, scalp pricking, clenching of the chest, stomach curling, heart thudding, sweat tricking down, clogged throat, pulse in the ears, cold sweat, chills up/down the spine, stomach knotting, breathless, etc.
The Gory Bits
Instead of describing everything, limit yourself to particular details, keeping overall description short. Non-stop gore doesn't shock - its bores.
Create a contrast: the child's mutilated corpse still clutches the doll. The brains from the baby's plt skull spill across the fluffy pink blanket.
Use similes, comparing gruesome buts to something from ordinary life. The intestines look like spaghetti in tomato sauce. The blood spilling from the mouth looks like lipstick.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
💎If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 
💎Before you ask, check out my masterpost part 1 and part 2 
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planete777 · 1 year
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꒰ RED LINES .:. LN4 ꒱
( lando norris x fem!reader )
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IN WHICH. y/n finds her fate hidden within two red lines, and fears the demise of her and lando's relationship. [based on this ask]
pt. 2 .:. 'red hearts'!
WARNINGS. pregnant!reader, both her and lando aren't ready so there are discussions about potential abortions, mental break downs (i.e panic attacks, crying, you know the drill), angst, mentions of throwing up (no one does it i promise), attachment issues (like me fr), a little bit of fluff (because im not that evil >:])
NOTE. first non-high!lando fic!! i've never written a pregnancy fic, so like, forgive me if it's bad haha 🥲 i put so much effort into my banner, like i'm so proud of it lmao. anyways, enjoy reading luvs 💗
SIDENOTE. my askbox is open! feel free to send in any high!lando thoughts, scenarios and requests, or any other trope too 🤍
edited to add tag in banner
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y/n is almost blinded by it.
two bold, red lines.
she finds it completely comical how she didn't know it sooner, for the ink that runs down the result window is so palpable, it might as well have been written with a permanent marker.
the test taunts and mocks her as she stares at it in complete despair and confusion as she so sure that they had been careful. but now, she lets herself cry over spilt milk because having a baby, on top of mountainous piles of stress that came hand-in-hand with uni, was not a checkbox she would've liked to tick off amidst her status quo.
the bathroom pounds with an deafeningly eerie silence, as she stares, and stares, then blinks as tears flow, then stares again. her ears are swallowed by loud static and her vision fuzzes around the edges, making the test in her hand seem further away than it actually is, and she allows herself to completely fade out.
she feel utterly sick. like she wants to throw up, but the upcoming bile, instead, remains dislodged in her throat and presses immense weight into her chest. it shortens her breaths, she's hyperventilating as if she's been strangled, then panic completely overwhelms her. everything before her zooms in and out like a malfunctioning camera and the pregnancy test clatters to the ground as she digs the heels of her palms into her eyes.
she doesn't remember the last time she had a panic attack this severe, and neither does she know if she'll get over it solus. yearn for a presence beside her devours her brain and she wishes that lando–
the way her heart seems to squeeze in her chest is almost too animalistic to be normal, and it arrives at the thought of him being unacceptable of the baby. he's barely situated in one place, fuck, he basically travels for a living, and all her mind conjures is how he won't be there when she needs him most. she tries to wish it away, because just thinking about her makes her spiral even more and she knows she cannot survive with a child whose father decides to be absent.
codependency isn't great, that she's thoroughly aware of, but lando's presence brings a wave of comfort braided in the brightness of his smiles and the warmth of his embrace, and it has become her whole lifeline.
yet, the bathroom she's in feels too small and too cold to be anything other than unbearable, and her body feels to weak to remain upright, sliding down to the tiled floor. she sobbing and spluttering so much that lando can hear it from two rooms down, and he rushes into the en suite without a thought in mind.
he crouches down in front of her, hands flush against the skin of her cheeks. he's shaking, fucking terrified out of his wits, and his words are enunciated with a tremble.
"hey, hey, y/n breathe with me," he desperately takes her hands into his, and places it on his own chest, making exaggerated breaths as y/n's start to simmer. it feel like hours stretch by, the air surrounding feels tense with fear and devastation, and by the time she settles, y/n senses nothing but exhaustion.
"what's wrong, love? you're scaring me," lando gently asks, and she struggles to respond, mouth rid of any moisture as if it had been scraped dry. lando takes the initiative to look around in hopes that anything would give him a clue to his girlfriend's break down.
then he freezes.
the white stick lays there, gleaming and glowing like it's fucking sent from heaven, and he feels his heart plummet into the depths of his guts. he knows he can deny it all he wants, but it's undeniable, what he's seeing, yet prays like a grieving mother that what he thinks is not true as his quivering hands reaches for it.
two bold, red lines.
"oh fuck," it punches out of him, every inch of energy disperses like fleeing birds, "you're pregnant?"
it's so small, so timid that he almost doesn't see it, but she nods, and his arms fall like he's been shot and the test leaves his fingers. he swears he's drenched in ice cold water and he remains silent, bound by stunned numbness. his lack of response spurs y/n again, and she begins sobbing, pressing her face into her arms and wiping it furiously. all she thinks is that he doesn't want it, and out of sheer terror, she starts rambling utter shit.
"i can get rid of it, if you want, lando, just please i'm begging you, don't leave me."
he's crying himself now, doesn't know what to feel at the suggestion, but it makes him gag.
"get rid of it if i want to? fucking hell y/n, i'm not a prick like that," he fumbles out, words wet and hardly cohesive, "as long as you want to keep it, i want the baby too."
she looks up at him, eyes so full of hope that he immediately takes her into his arms.
"you sure, lando?" she's still hesitant, burying her head into his chest, and as further reassurance, he kisses her forehead, "as sure as i'll ever be."
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lumosinlove · 7 months
June part iv
I’ll tell you the truth
But never goodbye
Remus thought about practice and all the sounds he wouldn’t be hearing again for a couple of months now. A din he desperately hoped would come again in the Fall.
The quiet bustle of the boys arriving. Yawns and some early morning groans. Bags being tossed down into stalls. Velcro and stick tape. The skate sharpener across the hall. The shivery sound of a bucket of pucks being scattered onto the ice. The slap of pucks and bodies on the boards rebounding in a high-roofed, empty rink. The ping of the goalposts. Bursts of laughter between drills. Showers stuttering into a hard, hot spray and the echo of voices off of tiles.
He wanted it all again. The crowds and video tape sessions. The signings and the chance to meet fans. The wins—even the losses. Even the press conferences. He wanted to see his best friends every day. He wanted to win.
They didn’t have a destination, but neither Remus nor Sirius tried to change that. They walked through the New York streets, downtown, where everything felt a little bit like a movie set. Most places were shut tight for the night, but it still felt alive.
Sirius looked handsome in the city lights. In his jeans and t-shirt. More importantly, he looked relaxed. More relaxed than Remus had expected, anyway.
“You’re calm.”
Sirius didn’t look over at him, but a small smile appeared on his face. “Maybe I just look it.”
“Okay, fair.” Remus squeezed their tangled fingers together. “I just meant that you don’t seem…”
“Well, sure. That word works.”
“I’m just…” Sirius looked down at him. “Not sure if it’s sunk in yet, maybe. You?”
“No. Not really.”
Sirius squeezed his hand back and Remus felt his engagement ring press into his skin. If anything good came out of this, it was that he would not be taking of his ring any time soon. He caught it glinting in the passing lights.
“New York really never sleeps,” Remus said.
“Neither do we, apparently.”
It was helping more than sleep, though—the walking. It was starving off the soreness they were bound to feel soon. He’d already glimpsed a bad bruise forming near his knee.
“Either way,” Remus said. “I like these walks of ours. It feels different than Gryf.”
“Ouais,” Sirius agreed. “At least we both have rivers.”
The next street they turned onto was not asphalt, but cobblestones. It wound and bent, going against the grid of New York that Remus had become accustomed to. He leaned his head back to look up at the lit apartments above. It might have been two AM, but he could see shadows moving around, or the colorful flickers of televisions.
“Did you talk to Logan?” he asked.
“Non, not really. I mean, on the ice I did. But I don’t know. I wanted to get out of there.”
“Yeah.” Remus sighed. He fought the urge to start talking about the game. Part of him wanted to know each and every single one of Sirius’ thoughts. The hit in the second. The odd, sloppy breakaway in the third. That last buzzer attempt.
“You want to talk about it don’t you,” Sirius said.
Remus laughed, then groaned, hiding it in Sirius’ shoulder. “Yes. No. I don’t know.”
It was something special, to have someone who could read his mind. He closed his eyes, inhaling Sirius’ familiar scent and trusting him to guide him on the street. Sirius’ hand disappeared from his and wrapped around his waist instead. A kiss was pressed to Remus’ temple.
“Curb,” Sirius said softly, and Remus stepped down to cross the street then opened his eyes.
“Magnetic,” Remus said. “Do you remember them calling us that?”
“No one needed to remind me.”
Remus tightened his arms around Sirius’ hips and pressed a kiss over his shirt. “I know. I was just remembering.”
Their passes had connected so thoroughly this series. So well. It was awful, almost mean that the passes that stuck in their minds the most were the ones that had missed. 
“How about we keep remembering…” Sirius began. “But how about we do it with fries and milkshakes.”
Remus looked up. The idea made his mouth water. “Yes. What made you say that?”
Sirius just smiled and jerked his chin forward. “Là.”
There was a diner on the corner. Many of the booths in the window were filled—Other people in search of late-night snacks. The neon sign out front read 24 HOURS and Remus could see a group of girls with milkshakes and a basket of fries in front of them.
He reached up to wrap his arms around Sirius’ neck and pressed a hard kiss to his cheek. “Love of my fucking life.”
He felt Sirius smile. Sirius reached for his hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing his ring. “Ouais, it’s true.”
He held the door open for Remus.
They were shuffled into a leather, worn booth and given giant seemingly endless menus. Remus found that he could hardly sit still. He kept laughing to himself. At one point, when Sirius gave him an amused, dazed look, he’d had to cover his mouth.
“You’re wild on adrenaline,” Sirius laughed.
Remus wondered if that was it. If adrenaline was what this was. These weird, surprising tight bursts of joy bubbling over in his chest. Surely he should be feeling low. He had just lost part of his childhood dream yet again.
Was adrenaline fueling the smile Sirius gave him when their two chocolate milkshakes and order of fries arrived? Did adrenaline cause Sirius to skeptically watch him dip a fry into the thick chocolate? Did it make them both laugh when Sirius tried it, made a face, and quickly switched back to ketchup?
Or maybe something had changed.
“You know, I always wanted to talk about games with you,” Remus said.
“You know. Before.” Remus brought the straw of his milkshake between his teeth. “I always wondered what you were thinking. Even when you were mean to me.”
Sirius groaned and covered his face with his hands. “Arrêt.”
Remus reached across the table and tried to pull his hands away. “I did! Sirius, don’t hide, come here.” He laughed when Sirius wouldn’t. “Sirius.”
Sirius let out an exaggerated sigh and pushed himself up from his side of the booth, only to slide into Remus’, arm along the back behind him and tight against his side.
“Wh…” Remus began.
Sirius leaned forward and stole the fry from Remus’ fingers with a short tug of his teeth. “You said come here.”
“That was my fry.”
“Too late.”
Sirius just made the sound that Remus associated with both him and Logan—a very Quebecois sort of tisk of disapproval (in Logan’s part, mostly jokingly aimed at Finn). Sirius’ arm slid from the booth to Remus’ shoulders and he kissed him. Remus tilted his chin up into it and let himself relax.
“Chocolate and potatoes?” Sirius asked as he dipped to kiss Remus’ jaw. “Really?”
“Sweet and salty,” Remus replied, trying not to let his eyes slip closed. They were in a diner.
Remus hissed at a playful nip to his neck and Sirius pulled back. Sirius dragged his milkshake over to their side of the table and took a long sip. Remus could tell he was thinking. Remus had always been able to tell when he was thinking. Even when he hadn’t been able to figure out anything else about Sirius.
“Tell me,” Remus said.
“I wish I hadn’t broken that stick,” Sirius said quietly. He dropped his head back and closed his eyes. “Re…”
“I know,” Remus said. “I know.”
Sirius let out a frustrated sound and rubbed at his eyes. “Merde…I don’t know what gets into me. Well, I do…”
They had both been expecting them, but as the clouds of loss edged back into their peripheral vision, Remus sighed. Sirius tightened his arm around Remus and tilted their heads together. Remus closed his eyes as they took each other’s weight.
“Julian said it best,” Sirius said. “I wanted this for you.”
“And you.”
Sirius pressed his lips together. “I—yes.”
Remus arched a brow, confused by the conflicted look on Sirius’ face. “What, what’s that look?”
Sirius sighed. He smiled, just a little. A bewildered sort of smile. He hooked his fingers into the plastic fry basket mindlessly, the greasy paper crinkling at his touch. His eyes went a little unfocused as he thought. Their blue-gray looked so fair in the diner’s light. “I keep wondering why I’m not as upset as I usually would be. I keep trying to, like…” He moved his free hand outward in a small sharp motion, palm forward. “Push myself towards being that upset. Which is insane. Why do I feel guilty for feeling slightly okay about this?”
“I…” Remus nodded slowly. “I get that. I do. Hey, but that’s good. It’s good you feel okay, you wouldn’t have been okay other years. That’s why I said you seem so calm I’m…I’m fucking proud of you for it.”
“Ouais. I guess…” His expression turned almost shy. “I guess me too.”
That made Remus smile.
“What I mean is…I’m gutted.” Sirius picked up a fry. “I want to throw something, I want a do-over…I want to be angry at Logan.” He tossed the fry back, turning to look at Remus. “But the thing that I keep thinking about isn’t the game. Isn’t the Cup. It’s you.”
Remus’ smile faltered. He looked down. “Yeah? Well… you keep catching yourself feeling guilty?” Sirius nodded. “Well, I keep catching myself thinking that this was it. That I’m finished.”
“You’re not. Re.” Sirius’ hand cupped his shoulder and Remus turned his head to look down at it. He could have drawn his scar in perfect alignment even while not being able to see it. Sirius’ fingers, over his shirt, traced it perfectly, too. He watched Sirius do it once, then twice. It was so much apart of him that even Sirius could map it into his skin.
“You almost never call me that anymore.”
“Well, right now you’re my teammate as much as everything else and I’m telling you you’re going to get there.”
Remus smiled. He felt the waver in it and so did Sirius. “Telling me as my Captain?”
“As your Captain,” Sirius confirmed. His fingers traced the scar again. “As your friend and teammate who watched you…watched you take every part of your life back from Fenrir.”
Remus surprised himself with a laugh and tears springing to his eyes. “Fuck. I did, didn’t I?”
“Ouais.” Sirius kissed a tear away. “You fucking did.”
“Oh my God,” Remus whispered as the tears pressed harder at him. He tucked his face into Sirius’ neck and Sirius wrapped him up tight. His voice was warm and familiar in his ear.
“I’m telling you as all those things, and I’m telling you as someone who loves you more than anything. Ever.” Sirius’ hand spanned his back, rubbing gently. “D’accord. I think that was most of my English for tonight.”
Remus laughed tearfully again, and then let out a quiet sob, shoulders hitching. “I don’t know if I’m crying because I’m sad or relieved or what.”
“I don’t know either,” Sirius said. His voice held a teasing note. “But our waitress looks like she’s going to bring us free pie.”
Their next laughs were realer, and Remus pulled back. Sirius made a soft sound and thumbed away the tear tracks on Remus’ cheeks. Sirius still looked tired. The strain of the game was still there, but there was a happy, weightless flush to his cheeks that Remus had never seen before.
Sirius dipped a fry in his chocolate shake and held it out to Remus. “Sweet and salty night.”
Remus let Sirius feed him the chocolatey fry. Sirius dipped his own in ketchup and popped it into his mouth. Remus looked over his familiar profile. He’d seen it in shadows and bright lights…he would see him soon in the lake house’s sunset.
“Next year, mon loup,” Sirius said. “You and me. It’s not the end.”
Remus nodded and let Sirius tuck him back under his arm. “You and me.”
Logan was leaning against the side of the rooftop bar between Luke and Alex, listening to everyone swap stories and enjoying the warm wind on his back. It was good to be with Percy and Will again. He was glad now, basking in the New York night, that he hadn’t ruined this year for himself—at least not the entire year. He was glad he could stand here laughing with them about old times. The desperate fog of sadness from his first month still haunted him, but it was easier now. That was all he could hope for.
His rum and coke was sweet, but not as good as it was when Finn made it for him. The chicken wings on the table were spicy, but not as balanced as Leo’s. What had started with promises of a big, wild night had mellowed out quickly. It seemed like the team was content to simply be together, basking in the high of the win. Logan was basking with them. Just a little. Even when part of his heart, part of his mind, part of everything that was him, was at home with Leo and Finn.
It was close to three in the morning and Percy was in full form, joking with him about all the girls trying to get his attention. It was true—their group had been clocked the second they came in.
“I swear that’s the sixth one,” Percy sighed, looking over at the bar. “We’re just stars in your galaxy huh, Tremzy.”
“It’s the eyes. Nothing’s changed since college,” Will added. “Thank God Finn isn’t here.” Will had stayed out with them, which was rare. Usually he went home to his family before long. Logan was happy he was here. He’d always loved how loud his laugh was. It reminded him of Freshman year, hanging out in the kitchen of OKN house with Finn and Percy, watching Will cook the house dinner. He’d been such a good captain. The best, besides Sirius.
“What would happen if Finn was here?” Saint asked. He was standing at Luke’s side. Luke kept stealing sips of his whiskey—and narrowing his eyes playfully when Logan smiled at him.
“He, ah, sort of forgets what flirting is,” Logan explained and Alex nodded, pointing at Logan like it would enhance how true that was.
“I mean, maybe it’s more like he’s too good at it?” Percy offered.
Logan laughed. “He talks to everyone and it’s only when they ask him for his number after like, twenty minutes of talking—”
Alex laughed. “Then he’s like, oh no.”
Logan tried for a Finn accent. “Oh, shoot, sorry, I’m actually…”
Will threw his head back with that wonderful, infectious laugh. “Wait, that’s so dead on.”
Logan smiled. “But it was so so wonderful getting to know you! Those pictures you showed me of your dog—Man, they made my night.”
“All right,” Saint held up a hand. “I get it.”
“Yeah stop, it’s creepy now,” Alex said. “That’s scary good. Maybe better than mine.”
Luke scoffed. “Dude, you can’t have a Finn impression. You are a Finn impression.”
“Whoa, whoa.” Alex held up a hand. “If anything, Finn is an impression of moi.”
Logan smiled. He glanced at his phone. One new message, but from Noelle telling him he was coming to lunch tomorrow. It was late.
“Hey, hey,” Percy said, making Logan look up. “I know that look…Nu-uh. Not yet.”
Logan raised his eyebrows, smiling. “Perc.” He put on the Finn voice again. “C’mon, give me a break.”
Percy shuddered. “Okay, I didn’t mean to open this can of worms. This terrifying can of worms.”
“Perc, he beat his boys out today,” Will said. “If he wants to go home, let him.”
Percy put his hands against his chest. “But I haven’t even gotten to the best part of my day yet!”
“How could we ever guess,” Saint said flatly.
Percy winked at him. “Sebastian…Cassie Baker smiled at me today.”
Logan laughed and finished his drink. “Ouais, I’m out. You can moon over my ex-girlfriend without me.”
Alex finished off his drink, too. “I’m done, too. This was fun, boys.”
Percy spluttered. “What? It is young. The night. The earth—is young!”
“I have two boyfriends in my bed, warm and asleep,” Logan said, pushing up from the wall. “And my bed is usually very cold and very empty. So. This was fun. Goodbye.” He looked over at Luke, knocking him lightly in the shoulder as a way of saying goodnight. Luke jerked his chin in reply.
“Tremzy.” Percy actually pouted. “No, non, no.”
“Ouais, yeah, ouais,” Logan said. Percy grabbed onto his arm and made a show of putting most of his weight on Logan to keep him in place. Logan did nothing to help him and Percy began sliding towards the floor.
“Oh for fuck’s sake.” Will dragged Percy back to his feet with a fond shake of his head. “You’re so embarrassing.” he nodded to Alex and Logan. “You two have a good night. Don’t beat yourselves up too hard. It was a good game.”
“Yeah.” Alex sighed but nodded. “It was.” He looked up and called over to the bar. “A round for these guys, Hank!” He tussled Percy’s hair. “My parting gift, Perseus.”
Percy sent them a mournful look, but looked willing enough to accept the drink. “Fine.”
Even Saint cracked a smile.
“That really was a good Finn,” Alex said as Logan followed him down the stairs to the main restaurant and out the door. A breeze picked up on the dark street.
“Merci.” Logan shivered a little in his thin shirt. “Are you calling an Uber?”
Alex sent him an unimpressed look.
Logan sighed. “You’re walking, aren’t you?”
“What do you take me for?”
“Fuck,” Logan said, but followed him.
It was like walking with Finn—Logan didn’t have to think about directions or finding his way around. He knew they lived near each other but would have to split up at some point. Alex would tell him when they did. For now, the air felt good against his skin and the silence was gentle. Sometimes he still felt like he could hear the game in his head.
“Finn asked me once to try and take the shot for you if I could,” Alex said.
Logan wasn’t surprised. Alex touched his elbow briefly to get him to turn left.
“Luke offered me the same,” he said. “It…it is what it is.” But that wasn’t quite right. “Non. It fucking hurts.”
“I know,” Alex said. “I’ve had that with Kasey. You want to apologize when there’s nothing to be sorry for.”
Logan half nodded, half shook his head. “I don’t know. I wish I had gotten to see Le before we left. I thought he needed space. I thought I needed space…I guess we did. I don’t know.”
“Yeah,” Alex said.
“Adrenaline’s wearing off,” Logan said. “I miss him.”
“You’re walking home.”
“I know,” Logan said, eyes down. “But I miss him.”
Alex’s hand appeared on his back, rubbing gently.
“Is Kasey doing okay?” Logan asked.
Alex was quiet for a long time. When Logan looked over, he was frowning down at the ground and fiddling with the small, dark diamond he wore.
Alex guided him right. The light was red but not a car was in sight. “It’s…really hard for me to tell right now actually.” He stepped up onto a low wall and balanced for a few steps before jumping off again. The temperature had dropped. Logan thought it felt like rain.
“You’re the one who told me to talk to Finn when I was worried about us,” Logan began carefully, and frowned when Alex sort of flinched. “You’re not the type to not take your own advice.”
“I don’t know,” Alex said. “Sometimes I am.”
Logan supposed that was true enough. No one always practiced what they preached. Logan watched their feet as they walked, waiting for Alex to say more. They had fallen into sync. They were quiet for a while again. Alex lead him straight, then left, the straight on again. Logan knocked their shoulders together at one point. Alex knocked back.
“I’m not…worried about us,” Alex said suddenly. “Exactly… I just wonder—I wonder if I’m…” He rubbed a tired hand across his face as they avoided a puddle at a curb. Logan was beginning to think this was about the wedding. He didn’t blame Alex if it was. If Leo and Finn suddenly decided to get married, he’d crawl out of his fucking skin.
“You should tell them,” Logan said softly. He realized he was replying to unsaid things, but if anyone might understand even a sliver of Alex’s situation, it was him.
Alex’s face tightened. “Tell them what?”
Logan thought for a moment. “Whatever you want. Whatever you need to.”
“What I need to?” Alex repeated. “What I need is to show them—show them that I…” Alex gave a sharp shake of his head. Just as suddenly, Alex switched topics. “Thanks for coming out tonight.”
Logan looked up at him. “Alex—”
“I hope—did I force you? I’m sorry, Tremz.”
“What? Non, non. I…I’m glad I came. Really, I am. But—”
“Okay,” Alex said. “Just checking.”
The streets turned to cobblestones and took on curves. There were still a few apartment glowing. Logan liked that. It felt like Gryffindor. There was always a light on. Finally, Alex stopped.
“You’re right,” Alex said. “I’m left.”
“Oh, I thought you were agreeing with me.” What he meant was you can talk to me. “Al, can I do anything?”
Alex smiled. It was a little tight, but he gave Logan a playful shove in the right direction. “No. Thanks, Tremz.”
Logan didn’t believe him, but he didn’t know how to push either.
They stood there in front of each other for a moment. Alex huffed out a laugh and hugged him hard. A hug Logan associated with Finn, with Finn���s parents. They both did the little shoulder pat that their mom hugged with, too. It made Logan smile.
“We’re gonna be okay,” Logan said.
“Yeah,” Alex replied, muffled by Logan’s shoulder.
When Logan had crossed the street, he turned. He felt like he hadn’t tried hard enough, and he’d already made that mistake once tonight with Leo.
“Mais—I’ll say one thing?”
“What’s up?” Alex nodded, waiting on the corner.
“What you said earlier,” Logan said. “In the locker room and just now. About showing them. That we can be both lovers and—” He almost said enemies. “Opponents.”
“The…oh. Yeah?”
“I think…I think I won a hockey game today,” Logan said. "And I love my boyfriend. If I had lost a hockey game, I would still love my boyfriend. When there are no more hockey games, I’ll still love Leo. And if someone, some fucking reporter wants to link those two things, then they can go to hell.”
Alex was shades of blue and silver across the narrow street.
Logan shifted, a little nervous now. “I don’t think…I don’t think we have to show anyone anything. If it’s okay for me to say…”
Logan thought of the hell this year had been. He thought of Leo, holding him when they’d found out he was going to New York. Leo, tumbling into their living room in the middle of the night when Logan had come home from All-Stars. Leo and his soft kisses in the bright hospital hallway while they waited to see if Finn was okay. None of that was a show. Leo might like to put on a performance on the ice for the fans, but everything else about him was instinct, real and pure. Logan admired that. He’d put up fronts for Finn for so long, fronts that he was still tearing down.
“You don’t have to show Kasey and Nat anything. Not, like, a happy face or that you’re okay. That’s not…” Logan shook his head. “That’s just a bad habit, Alex.”
Alex tilted his head up to look at the faint moon over the city. It wasn’t full, but it was getting there.
“Tremzy…” Alex said slowly. When he smiled, the moonlight lit up his face. “You know what?”
“You’re fucking right.” Alex put a hand to his chest. The necklace glinted between his fingers. “You’re so fucking right.”
Logan let out a breath. He smiled back. “Yeah? I don’t know if that made sense in English.”
“Yeah.” Alex’s voice cracked, his brown eyes were bright with tears, but when Logan made to step forward he waved him off.
“Well,” Alex said. “I’m going home now.”
There was a lot of relief in that word. So much that it made Logan smile and feel choked up, too. “Me too.”
Logan tried to open the door as quietly as possible, going slow and expecting darkness.
Only, the lamp above his couch was on, turned down to the dimmest setting, and Finn was looking at him from just below it. He was wearing his faded NASA t-shirt and sweatpants, socked feet crossed on top of a pillow. His sling was draped over the back of the couch, his arm resting easily atop another pillow which also propped his book up.
Sleeping against his chest, was Leo.
Logan wanted to crumble to his knees.
“Oh,” Logan mouthed. He kept perfectly still.
Finn folded the book closed silently. He had his glasses on. Hi, his soft eyes said, and then with a glance down at Leo and a palm on his back: Don’t worry, I’ve got him.
Logan set his keys into the bowl by the door as quietly as he could. Leo. He toed his shoes off. Leo. He walked over to the couch and knelt beside them.
“You are so bad at sneaking,” Finn whispered—so quiet. “Did you have a good time?”
“Ouais,” Logan whispered back. He settled a palm beside Finn’s on Leo’s back, eyes trained on his sleeping face. He looked so peaceful. Logan leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss over his t-shirt. He looked up at Finn so he could read his lips more than hear him. “Had a good walk with Alex.”
Finn’s eyebrows raised, surprised. “Oh? Alex…is very good to walk with.”
Logan nodded. He would tell Finn he was a little worried tomorrow.
“Is he okay?” Finn asked softly.
“He will be,” Logan said. He nodded towards Leo. “And ours?”
Finn rubbed a slow hand down Leo’s back with a sigh.
So far, Leo hadn’t stirred, but at Finn’s touch Logan felt the change in his breathing. Logan could always tell when Leo was awake. Slowly, Leo’s eyes opened. His cheeks were flushed. He regarded Logan sleepily for a moment. Logan felt Leo’s muscles tense as he remembered.
“Hi,” Logan said softly. “Hi, Le.”
“You—” Leo began, but his voice was hoarse and he had to begin again. “You should be out celebrating.”
“I did,” Logan said. “But I want to be here. Merde, Le, I wanted to be here fucking hours ago, I…” Logan shook his head. He was upset with himself, more so than he’d allowed himself to realize earlier tonight. “I should have come and see you. Soleil, I didn’t know…I didn’t know if you’d want…God, I love you, what can I do? Is there anything?”
Tears filled Leo’s eyes. He gave his head a small shake.
“Okay,” Logan said. Was he allowed to reach out to him? Did Leo want that? “Okay…”
“I’m going home with my parents tomorrow for a couple days, Lo.”
Everything in Logan froze. He looked up at Finn, whose eyes told him that this was what he had been about to say.
“Quoi?” Logan breathed. All the tension came right back into him. The fizzy, heavy quiet drained right out of his head.
“Lo,” Finn said, slightly warning.
It knocked him off balance, sitting back on his knees, but Finn reached out and grabbed his hand. His brown eyes were firm, clouded with racing thoughts and emotions. Relax. Think. Wait. Finn’s fingers squeezed around his own. Think. His thumbs made slow tracks across Logan’s knuckles. It’s okay. Think about him. Think about why.
Slowly, slowly, Logan pulled himself back towards Leo, who was watching him with exhausted blue eyes.
Logan let out a breath, he squeezed Finn’s hand then dropped it and combed his fingers through Leo’s hair. “I…okay. Okay. Whatever you need, Soleil.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to see you play—”
“Shh,” Logan whispered. “Le. Leo. It’s not about me. I know I just—um. Freaked out for a second. I’m sorry. We’ve had enough of that this year, ouais?” He leaned down to kiss Leo’s temple. “Home is always good.”
Finn closed his eyes at that, tucking his nose into Leo’s hair. “He’s right, Le. I…he’s right.”
Leo’s first sob was quiet, just a hitch of his chest, but the second came out in a harsh breath. He turned his face towards Finn’s chest, eyes squeezed shut.
Logan felt Leo’s pain right in the center of his chest. “We love you. So much. Le…” Logan wrapped an arm around his back, and Leo reached out a hand to hold his.
“We do,” Finn whispered. “We’re right here.”
“Always,” Logan said. “And—Le, you played so well tonight.” Logan’s throat closed up and he had to pause before he could talk again. “And I’m so fucking proud of you. You’re so talented and this year has been shit. It’s been absolute shit, Le.”
“I really—love you, I just—I need…” Leo gave up trying to talk, just pressed closer to Finn.
“You don’t have to explain,” Finn said soothingly. “We understand.”
“Ouais.” Logan nodded. “I also would—would want Eloise’s chicken soup.” Logan wiped his eyes clear of tears so he could see Leo better. “Even with full spice.”
It startled a laugh out of Leo, crying and blocked-nosed as it was. “Full spice?”
“Ouais, I would. I swear it.”
“Me too,” Finn said. “It’d make me cry but me too.”
  Outside it started to rain. A crack of thunder and the force of the drops doubled. Logan didn’t realize he’d hardly looked up until the second clap of thunder.
“The storm,” Leo said.
“Can’t hear it,” Logan replied.
Leo took a few breathes, then picked up his head from Finn’s chest and looked at him.
“Hi, pillow.”
Finn laughed softly. “Very happy to be of service.”
“Didn’t think I was going to be able to sleep at all.” Leo pressed a kiss to Finn’s chin and groaned a little as he pushed himself into a sitting position, like he hadn’t moved in ages. He let out a long breath, rubbing at his eyes.
“I love you guys, too,” Leo said. He reached out for Logan. “The ice…Seeing you on the ice…”
Logan shook his head. “I know.” He pushed himself up onto the couch when Leo made free the space on his other side. Finn sat up and slipped his sling back over his head to cradle his arm. He sat facing them criss-crossed and Leo touched his face. Finn kissed his palm.
“Did you guys eat after the game?” Logan asked.
Leo shook his head. “Finn wanted to get me something but…I really just didn’t want anything.”
“You should have something,” Logan said, then he leaned forward for a quick kiss. “Wait.” This. This was something he could do. “Don’t move, either of you.”
Logan moved around in the yellow light of his kitchen with hard-fought for ease. He cracked eggs into a bowl. He poured a splash of milk in, the way Leo had taught him. In the pan, he kept the heat on low, turning the eggs slowly so their soft curl didn’t break. He turned the heat off while they were still just a little runny, slid them onto the toasts—which he had managed to time perfectly—to let them finish cooking while they melted in butter and a few passes of shaved cheddar. Four shakes of chili flakes. He went to the fridge and found the fresh mint that Leo had bought for him. He waited a moment for his kettle to boil, then clumped the mint into three mugs and poured the hot water over them. A little drizzle of honey in Leo’s, a big drizzle in his, none for Finn.
In the living room, Finn and Leo were dozing together. Outside, the sky lit up with lightning and both of their eyes opened. Leo held out his arm.
“You’re back.”
“Of course,” Logan said.
Leo looked over at Finn. “See?”
Finn shuffled Leo closer under his arm. “I do. I do.”
Logan braced himself, setting the tray of Leo’s eggs and the three teas down just in time for the thunder to make him flinch. Leo’s eyes were clearer now. He smiled when they saw the food.
“Aw, Lo…”
“It’s nothing like you can do,” he said. “But I love you.”
I love you, love you, love you.
He settled the plate on Leo’s lap and watched as he took a bite, humming as he chewed. He held out the toast for Finn. Another crack of thunder rang out, but Logan hardly heard. He was warm in one of those softly glowing apartments he’d seen from the street. The sun was going to rise soon and Leo and Finn were tucked close to him. Their faces were tear-streaked, noses still sniffling, and it wasn’t quite their summer. Not yet.
Outside it was raining and thundering, but inside it was beginning to feel to Logan like their storm was passing by.
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sp-by-april · 2 months
some kenny voyeruism 👀???
This is how I know you guys really do love me and want me to be happy. 🥰
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Kenny x F! Reader
[Submit a prompt for tonight's smut-a-thon!] [Kenny McCormick master list]
Our high school was offering lifeguard training so I signed up for the class. Apparently, no one else thought it would be fun to hang out in the pool for a period except for me… And Kenny.
I always kind of liked him but we never really talked, so it was nice to have an hour a day that was just the two of us and our instructor.
One day our teacher called out sick and they couldn’t find a sub that was Red Cross certified.
Kenny and I sat on the edge of the pool in our swimsuits while the assistant principle explained the situation to us, “Look, it’s the last period of the day, you guys might as well be certified, do your drills or whatever you usually do. There’s two of you so I don’t have to worry about anyone drowning, right?”
We nodded in agreement and she went on her way.
Kenny and I basically hung out and swam around for an hour. All in all, not a bad time.
I went back to the locker room, and clicked my locker open.
I peeled my swimsuit off and thought I heard the door, but I waited and didn’t hear anything else; I shrugged it off.
I walked across the room to grab another towel for my hair. As I walked back to my locker, I noticed something in my little magnetic mirror… Kenny.
He was peeking around the corner nervously and holding my whistle. I guessed that he was bringing it back to me, but stopped in his tracks when he realized I was already naked.
“Hmm.. I am all by myself,” I said aloud as I walked over to the showers.
I picked one that should have been visible from his vantage point, turned it on and hopped in.
I turned my back to him, soaped myself up and slid my fingers over my clit. I started rubbing, and more importantly, I started moaning.
I could see his reflection in the tile in front of me. His gaze was glued to my body.
I decided to really fuck with him.
“Oh, Kenny,” I moaned loudly.
I heard the sound of something clattering on the floor.
I smirked when I realized he dropped my whistle.
Then something unexpected happened, my muscles tensed and I threw my head back. I started coming, something I’d never done standing up before.
A loud, trembling moan poured out of my mouth, “Fuck me, Kenny, fuck me,”
When I was finished, I stood there and stared at the ceiling as I caught my breath.
I finally moved to turn off the water and Kenny was standing there, right outside of the shower.
His breathing was heavy and I bit my lip as I looked at the huge hard-on in his swimsuit.
“Did you mean it?” He asked me.
I nodded.
Before I could say anything else he was in the shower with his lips on mine.
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daisies-daydreams · 1 year
Could you please do one where koing sees us showering and joins?
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Header Credit: @ave661
Pairing: König x F!Reader
Category: Smut (18+)
Warnings: Unprotected P in V Sex (You Know the Drill), Creampies, Shower Sex, Wall Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Swearing
Word Count: 1.4k+
A/N: Hello! Thank you so much for your request! 🫶 I hope you enjoy this steamy fic (pun absolutely intended).
You hummed and swayed your hips side to side as you scrunched your fingers through your soapy locks. You sighed as the warm water cascaded over your body, each drop relaxing your tense muscles.
Your eyes snapped open and you gasped at the sound of the shower curtain being tugged over. Your giant lover, König, stood in front of you with a hungry look. His half hard cock twitched between his muscular thighs as he stared at you with his icy blue eyes.
“Mind if I join you, mein Hase?” he cooed as he already took a step inside. You slowly lowered your arms from over your breasts as you nodded. König hummed as he came chest to chest with you, the stream of water beating against his taut upper back. He tilted his head as he tucked a strand of wet hair behind your ear. You bit your lip as your eyes raked down his chiseled, naked form. His breath hitched as you traced your hands over his wide pecs.
“Sorry…could you-“ you nodded towards the shower head. He hummed before stepping out of the way, letting you turn back around and rinse your hair out. “Thank you…mein großer Bär,” you husked. König’s breath stuttered as you arched your back. A wave of heat washed over you as the tip of his flush, heavy cock slid against your ass. You blinked as you looked over your shoulder.
“Could you please get my back?” you asked as you stuck out your bum a little more. You heard him swallow as he nodded. You sighed as he rubbed the soap into your skin, clenching your thighs together as his fingers worked out the knots in your muscles. König huffed as he pressed his front against your back, rocking his hips forward. You gulped as his thick shaft glided over your slick labia. You mewled as you gripped between the tiled of your shower as he thrusted forward, driving his girthy cock below your dripping sex.
“Mmm, liebling,” he grunted as his hand slipped between your thighs. You threw your head back as he drew slow, sloppy circles around your bundle of nerves. You whined as he thrusted his hips forward and moaned.
“Fuck,” he hissed between gritted teeth. You yelped as he kept pumping his cock between your legs, his deep moans filling your ears as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You cried out as your lover sank his teeth into your shoulder, the vibrations of his growl making you shiver. You yelped when he suddenly grabbed your hips and spun you around. His cock was soon replaced with the pads of his thick, heavy digits. You sighed and arched your spine as he teased your quivering hole.
“König, please,” you whined as he circled your entrance. You gasped when he squeezed your left breast with his other hand as he dipped his thick digits past the rim of your slick hole. You threw your head back against König’s shoulder as he brushed his rough thumb over your clit, circling it in time with his shallow thrusts.
“So tight for me,” he murmured in a low, gravely voice. You squirmed as he puckered his lips over your pulse as his fingers slipped deeper inside of your gummy walls. “Gonna feel so good wrapped around my cock, ja?” König groaned as his fat cock slid against your ass. A sudden cry escaped you as he curled his two thick fingers against your g-spot, stars sprinkling over your vision as he sped up his movements. Your eyes rolled back as you felt every crease of his digits slide between your fluttering walls.
“K-König, I’m going to-“ before you could finish, he suddenly slipped his fingers from your plush cunt. You knitted your brows as you turned your head to see him wearing a lustful smirk. You squeaked as he spun you around before taking handfuls of your asscheeks.
“I’m sorry, Liebling, but I want to feel this tight, pretty cunt squeeze my dick as I fill you with my cum,” he whispered. Your breathing stuttered as you swallowed thickly. He sighed and gripped your asscheeks in his massive hands. “Do you want me to fill you up, hm?” the Austrian asked before licking over the fresh hickey on your neck.
“Yes,” you moaned, your voice reverberating across the shower walls. König smiled before kissing your forehead.
“Good. Now…” he grunted as he suddenly dipped down and wrapped his massive arms beneath your thighs. You gasped as you snaked your arms around his thick neck as he lifted you against the wall. “Wrap your legs around my waist, Schatz,” König said. You bit your lip as he helped you adjust your legs, your cunt now brushing over his flush cock.
You shivered a little as your back was pressed against the shower wall. König sighed as he rested his forehead against yours before rocking his hips forward, the head of his cock grazing over your juicy slit.
“Please please please,” you begged as you trembled in his grasp. König licked his lips before slowly spearing you on his shaft. You dug your nails into his neck and upper back as you felt the thick, mushroomy tip of his dick slide into your pussy, the stretch already enough to make you whimper.
König shushed you gently as he shallowly pumped his cock inside of you, his muscular arms clenching beneath your thighs as he groaned into your ear. You dipped your head into his shoulder as your walls greedily sucked him in.
“Ah, look at you taking my cock so well, Liebling,” König grunted as your pussy fluttered around his cock. You dug your fingertips into his neck as he slowly pumped his cock inside of you, your hole quivering at the delicious push and pull of his shaft.
“God, baby,” you moaned as pleasure coursed through every inch of your body. The two of you signed as he thrusted his cock up into your stretched out hole, the soft plaps of his hips meeting yours drowned out by the pouring water above you.
“Yes, that’s it: squeeze my waist just like that,” König moaned as he picked up the pace. Little by little, the pressure inside your lower belly began to swell. You keened as you felt the tip of his fat cock smack against your cervix. “You still want me to fill you up, Maus?” he purred. You gulped, your tits rubbing against his pecs as you nodded.
“Please, König-I want to feel all of you,” you whined. The giant man groaned loudly before pistoning his dick inside your pulsing heat. You tilted your head back as your walls spasmed, your breathing becoming ragged as you curled your toes.
“K-König!” you wailed as your cunt hugged his girth. Your lover groaned.
“Mmm, you look so pretty when you cum, Hase,” he snarled as he railed his cock deeper and deeper. You gulped for air as you felt him roll his hips forward, his pupils constricting as his balls slapped against your ass. The two of you panted, the water well past warm as his thrusts began to stutter. “Ohhh mein Gott,” König grunted as his muscles tensed. You whimpered as your high began to wash away, your body burning with overstimulation as König fully pressed against you.
“(Y/N)!” he groaned as he snapped his hips forward. Both of you panted and moaned as his cock throbbed inside your tight canal, his hot load painting your walls stark white. You whined and panted, your eyes drooping as your giant lover whispered praises into your ear as he shot the last ropes of his thick cum deep inside you. König swallowed thickly before slowly opening his eyes, his arms still wrapped around the bottom of your thighs as he heaved.
“Shhh, I’ve got you,” he murmured as he lowered you onto the shower floor, your legs shaking like thin branches during a windstorm as you desperately clung to his back. König kissed your forehead before suddenly shivering. You smiled and giggled as the torrent of chilly water poured down his back. He quickly shut it off before turning back to you. You flushed as he cupped your cheek and brushed his thumb across your face.
“I’d say we should clean up…but we might have to wait a bit,” he chuckled.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
Taglist: @maybethatfanfictionwriter @depressesoespressorat @yuhhtricki999
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auxiliuno · 1 year
Don’t be shy, make the post abt chris prince
𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆 | ○° ᶜᵃⁿ ʸᵒᵘ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ᵗᵃᵏᵉ ᵈⁱᶜᵏ ᵒʳ ⁿᵃʰ?
Synopsis: Chris agrees to give Manshine a little bit of motivation to win.
ᵀᵃᵍˢ: ᵈᵉᵍʳᵃᵈⁱⁿᵍ, ᵖʳᵃⁱˢⁱⁿᵍ, ᵉˣʰⁱᵇⁱᵗⁱᵒⁿⁱˢᵐ, ᶜʳᵉᵃᵐᵖⁱᵉ, ᵘⁿᵖʳᵒᵗᵉᶜᵗᵉᵈ ˢᵉˣ, ˢqᵘⁱʳᵗⁱⁿᵍ, ᵐᵃˢᵗᵘʳᵇᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿ. ᴹᴰᴺᴵ!
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"W-wait Chris, too fast!" You gasp, as he drills his hips into your sopping cunt. Juices leaked soaked the table under you, and dripped onto the cold tile floor. Chris's frame engulfed your smaller one, with his arms at each side of you. Panting, he looks up and smiles at his Manshine students. "You see her? Pretty ain't she?" He asks them, sweat dripping from his brow. He stoops down to kiss you, tongue forcing entry to your mouth, hungrily tasting you. "Agh, fuck darling, you taste so sweet," he says, in between your gasps and moans.
You don't even remember how you got into this situation; you remember your boyfriend telling you about how he's getting paid to be a mentor to some aspiring Japanese football players, with you offering to visit him while he works. The next second, you made an agreement with him to be a free use cum dumpster for his team if they won.
"How about we give them a better view?" He suddenly flips you over the table, making you face the group of men, watching you with bulges inside their pants. Some of them started palming themselves, others were watching intently with lust in their eyes: at your frame. You were the prize promised to them if they worked hard enough and won. Imaginations running wild at what they would do with you once they won. Your breath hitched in your throat and pussy got wetter at the attention. "Hm? what's this? You like me fucking you in front of other people baby?" Chris's hips relentlessly pounded into you, erotic slapping noises filling the room. "Showing them that you're a whore for my cock huh? You know the promise, if they win, I'll let them have a taste of your sweet pussy." Your cunt tightened around him as he said that, eliciting a deep groan from him. "Such a good little slut for me, showing them who this pussy belongs to." His hands were on your hips now, gripping them with such intensity that you were sure a bruise was forming.
One of his large hands came up and yanked your head back, causing you to arch against his broad chest. "Look at them, staring at you like hungry beasts." Chris growled. You were almost too fucked out to see; sweat coating your sweet body, perky breasts bouncing each time Chris rammed into you. From the tears and drools on your face, you make out the men's forms; their pants tightened painfully around their erections, desperately needing to release tension. "Won't you be a good girl and give them the release they need later?" He asked in a mocking tone; "None of them can fuck you as good as I do though." His voice dropping down an octave, preditorial and dangerous.
You could feel your high coming, body starting to spasm as tears roll down your cheeks. "I'll be a good girl Chris! So please let me cum!" He relished in hearing you beg. Grunting, he moves his hands to hold your arms behind you. "Shit, come on baby, cum on my cock and show them how good you are." As he says that, your cunt clenches around him painfully, squirting onto the table in front of you. You feel Chris stutter his hips too, his final thrusts becoming sloppy and out of rhythm. With one final slam against your ass, he releases his burning cum into you, leaking out of your pussy.
Staying in you for a few more seconds, he releases you and you slump against the cold table, breasts squishing onto the smooth surface. The whole scene looked like a panel from a hentai; men you didn't know watching you get fucked dumb on a cock and making a huge mess after. You were too tired to see that some of them already took their cocks out and stroked themselves to the sight of you cumming, and came as you did too. You could hear Chris in the back shuffling around, assuming he was cleaning himself up. He chuckles behind you, hand cupping your ass cheeks. "Enjoyed the show gentlemen? This is what you get if you perform good tonight." Too tired to stay awake any longer, you drift off to sleep, blissfully unaware of what the men were thinking about doing to you tonight.
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Here it is! Chris being a total perv to you in front of his team, and you enjoying it :D
Thank you for reading and requesting! Have a good day.
Og thirst post here!
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getadvanceinfo · 2 months
We aim to demystify this seemingly complex task, taking you through each important consideration in an easy-to-understand narrative. This blog post will help you navigate your way through the extensive world of drill bit tiles, blaze your path towards procuring that flawless finish for your tiling project, and enable you to do so with confidence and expertise.
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obxsummer · 1 year
A Change of Summer // OBX x TSITP Crossover (Part Two)
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in which our favorite pogues continue to spend time with the only kooks they can stand. something is bubbling between you and jj, but it seems like the world keeps pushing you back to conrad every chance it gets...
conrad fisher x gn!reader x jj maybank
warnings: panic attacks, arguing, mentions of physical abuse, no use of y/n
a/n: i switched up the timeline of obx a little bit sorry not sorry. intended to be gender neutral so if I missed anything pls lmk!
navigation - part one
Conrad felt like shit. He had really screwed up this time. Not only was Belly pissed at him (and you), but he knew his mom would be so disappointed in the way he’d been acting. Susannah Fisher was steadfast regarding her boys, but she had no issues putting them in their place when needed. 
So, what did Conrad do? He called his mom and got his ass chewed for the issue he’d created, but in true Susannah fashion, she told him her best advice and reassured him everything would be okay. 
Growing up, Conrad was never good at handling emotions. His dad had drilled it into his head that as the eldest sibling (metaphorically to everyone except Jeremiah), he needed to lead by example. There was no room for mistake, no room for disagreement. Conrad grew up looking like the perfect kid when really, he was battling a lot more than homework and football championships. 
His anxiety started junior year of high school when his mom was diagnosed with cancer. The thought of her leaving, her leaving him with his dad, was enough to spark his first panic attack. Susannah never found out and Conrad made sure it stayed that way. He had a few more throughout high school, but the worst one came the night of the argument.
Conrad stepped back into the house after dropping Jeremiah off at a friend’s house. There was some party going on tonight but he had no interest in going. His brother, on the other hand, was a party animal who desperately needed to go. 
“How long?”
The elder Fisher boy stopped his movements by the front door. His mom’s voice was so upset despite the low volume of her question. He could tell she was in the kitchen but he couldn’t see who she was talking to.
“Two months.” Adam Fisher’s reply was short and to the point. 
Susannah let out an exhausted laugh. “Two months. I was in and out of chemo, taking care of the boys, being there as much as I could, and you were fucking your secretary!”
Conrad’s heart dropped and he took off up the stairs as quietly as possible. Tears burned his eyes, his bedroom turning blurry colors as he shut the door and stumbled into the ensuite bathroom. 
His dad cheated on his mom. While she was battling cancer, he was proving once again that he was a piece of shit and a lousy excuse for a dad. 
It was enough to make his stomach lurch as he collapsed on the tile floor and got sick. Every inch of his skin was prickly, his mind running in a million directions as tears fell across his cheeks. 
Cheated. Fucking your secretary. 
Conrad pressed his palm against his chest. Why did it feel like his heart was gonna burst? What… why? Oh god, should he tell Jere? He’ll be heartbroken, he loves his dad and-and oh no. This was so, so bad. He… He needed to call someone, someone….
Hands fumbled for his phone in his pocket but it was so so hard to see through the tears. He felt like he couldn’t breathe. Breathe, breathe, breathe. Stop crying, if someone sees you… Fuck. 
He doesn’t know where his fingers pressed but he knew the phone was ringing and someone would answer. Answer and help. 
Snapping out of his daydream, he recognized the same voice that answered the phone that night. The night everything went to shit. Your voice. It was always your voice echoing in his head, talking him through a panic attack that you didn’t understand until one day, you did.
“Everything okay?” 
His eyes blinked his contacts back into focus and he met your gaze before looking away just as quickly. “Yeah, sorry. Just zoned out.” Susannah’s contact stared back up at him from his phone, their conversation ending not too long ago. The screen turned black.
You watched him curiously, knowing well enough that something had set him out of his normal attitude. “I’m uh gonna go look for an outfit for Midsummers. Do… do you wanna go? I would ask Belly but, yeah.”
Conrad perked up. This was his chance to talk to you, just like Susannah said. He nodded. “Uh, sure. Let me change really quick and I’ll be ready.”
You nodded, your body still tense from the courage it took to ask if he wanted to join you. It was one step in the right direction to fixing this cloud that had been covering everyone’s heads. 
Midsummers was huge in OBX. Easily the party of the summer, all members of the country club received an invite and the wardrobe was exquisite. Sarah’s father was being honored at the ceremony so you had promised you’d be there, which meant dragging everyone else along to join you.
You had originally planned on going shopping with Jeremiah since he would give honest opinions but he had to work with Steven. Belly was the next option, but since she was clearly uninterested in spending time with you right now, that wasn’t going to happen. You figured Conrad would at least give you someone to spare the pain of constant silence. 
The passenger seat in his Range Rover was all yours since he insisted on driving. You didn’t bother arguing, especially with how swollen your ankle was. He wouldn’t let you even if you asked. 
“Have you talked to your mom? I miss her.” Your question had good intentions as you turned to look out the window.
It caught Conrad off guard but he didn’t know why. You loved his mom and she loved you just as much, if not more. He made a left turn before answering, “Uh, yeah. This morning actually. She said they were having a pool and wine day before movie night.”
“Classic. Remember the one year they spilled the whole bottle of red in the pool?” You laughed loudly and clapped your hands. “They were so drunk they were going to try and drink it before it all ‘disappeared’.”
Conrad smiled, recounting the memory like it happened yesterday. So maybe the moms got a little too drunk on vacation but hey, that’s what vacation is for. 
You continued to stare out the windows, watching island life pass by. This was peaceful and it almost felt like how things normally did between the two of you. Conrad's dark hair tousled slightly in the wind from the sunroof as you watched him from behind your sunglasses. 
The thought of living life without him was heart-wrenching. You were stuck between the comfort of Conrad and the new freshness with JJ. Both boys had seen different sides of you and yet, it was so hard to know which one you wanted to run toward. 
Conrad glanced over at you, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he pulled into a parking spot. "Are we going for casual cool or slightly dressed up?"
You shrugged and collected your stuff to bring inside. "As much as I hate to say it, I’m pretty sure it’s formal."
Conrad nodded in agreement, his gaze sweeping over the window displays. "Like…like deb ball formal or…?"
You smiled at his implication but shrugged. “Guess we’ll find out.”
The bell rang above the door as the two of you stepped inside. Cool air conditioning blasted you in the face as it did its best to keep out the hot humidity from outside.
You pulled out a few items, holding them up to your body and looking to Conrad for his opinion. He offered a nod of approval here and there, his eyes lingering on you as you discussed color palettes and styles.
More often than not, you had to be in a shopping mood to go through a bunch of outfits. Thankfully, it was holding strong or your grumpiness would’ve been seeping through after the second outfit.
After a few trial and error rounds, you emerged from the dressing room wearing your favorite choice yet. Conrad's eyes softened, and a hint of a smile played on his lips. He leaned against a display, arms crossed casually.
"I think we've got a winner," he said, his voice low and warm. Complimenting you felt so easy to him despite his usual hard attitude. His mom always said you brought out the best parts of him that he’d hidden away. 
You twirled slowly and looked it over in the mirror. "You think so?"
"Yeah. It suits you."
Your heart fluttered at the unspoken sentiment in his words. As you admired the outfit in the mirror, your fingers brushed over a delicate silver necklace that adorned your neck. It was the same necklace Conrad had given you years ago, a simple sun and mood pendant, intended as a joke but cherished ever since.
"You still wear that necklace?" Conrad asked, his tone was casual but the affection was easy to find under the surface.
Your fingers played with the pendant, a small smile on your lips. "Yeah, I love it."
Before your moment could linger further, the jingling of the shop's entrance bell announced the arrival of another guest. Rafe Cameron walked in, his intentions evident even from a distance. His eyes immediately fixed on you, and an overly familiar grin spread across his face.
A flicker of panic jumped in your chest. It wasn’t that you hated Rafe, he just didn’t know when to stop. And you had a feeling this wasn’t going to end well.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" Rafe drawled, approaching you with a look that was more predatory than charming. He was dressed as if he just came from the country club himself, which was likely true. The Rolex on his wrist was shiny in the store lighting, catching your eye for a split second before you looked at him.
Your smile was forced as you acknowledged him. Conrad's stance shifted subtly.
"Just shopping for Midsummers," you replied, your discomfort evident as you looked away from him. “Conrad, this is Rafe Cameron, Sarah’s older brother. Rafe, this is one of my family friends, Conrad Fisher.”
Rafe's gaze flicked from you to Conrad, his grin growing wider. Though you’d all seen each other at the bonfire, nobody bothered to do introductions so this was the first time he knew who you’d been with. "Oh, I see. You two are together?"
Conrad's jaw clenched, his eyes narrowing as he stepped forward just slightly. There were a lot of things he could say instead but he bit his tongue and held back. "We're just friends."
Rafe's smile didn't waver, in fact, it almost grew with the confirmation he was clearly looking for. "Well, that's a shame. Someone like you deserves someone who can really appreciate you."
Your discomfort deepened, and you spared a glance over at Conrad. He looked like he was going to snap at any second. "I’m perfectly capable of choosing who deserves me, Rafe. Thanks.
Rafe's smirk faltered for a moment before he chuckled as if amused by the tension. "Right, right. Well, I'll see you around."
As Rafe sauntered away, Conrad's gaze remained fixed on him until he disappeared from view. Once the door closed, he turned to you and his expression softened.
"You okay?" Conrad asked, his voice gentler now. His hands relaxed by his sides, letting go of the tight fists he’d been holding.
You nodded, a mix of relief washing over you. "Yeah, thanks. Sorry, he’s been like that these past few years no matter how often I tell him no."
Conrad's lips quirked into a half-smile, and he brushed a strand of hair from your face. “You ready to check out?”
With a soft smile and a nod, you moved back into the changing room to switch back to your normal clothes with nothing but gratitude for Conrad Fisher.
Two more days passed before you were forced to confront the problem that had been taking up most of your mind. Conrad, Steven, and Jere were out surfing again, and as much as you wanted to join them, you didn’t want to risk hurting your ankle further. That meant you were left behind with one Isabel Conklin, who still had yet to have a full conversation with you no matter how hard you tried.
Today, though, you were cracking out the big guns. You knew there was one thing that Belly could never turn down and you weren’t even ashamed to use it as bait. After the disaster of last summer’s Fourth of July, you managed to perfect the pomegranate margarita recipe. Although you knew Belly hated how that day turned out, you knew she still loved her pomegranate margs.
The girl in question was outside in the pool, taking a swim as she normally did. The summer sun beat down on the beach house, casting shadows over the pool where Belly swam with graceful strokes. 
You stood by the edge of the pool, nervously swirling the deep red contents of the frozen margarita in your glass. With a deep breath, you approached the water's edge just as Belly surfaced, her eyes narrowing slightly at the sight of you.
"Hey," you began, your voice soft. Belly's gaze flicked over you before she turned to resume her lap, pointedly ignoring your presence. You sighed inwardly but didn't give up and took a seat so your feet could slide into the water. "I made pomegranate margaritas. Thought you might want one."
You held out the glass, the condensation cool against your fingers. Belly paused mid-stroke, eyeing the drink with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity. After a moment's hesitation, she reached out to take it from you, offering a short nod of acknowledgment.
"Thanks," she mumbled, taking a small sip. You gave her a small smile in return.
"You know," you began, your voice earnest, "I've tried talking to you since our argument, but you've been giving me the cold shoulder."
Belly's shoulders tensed but she kept her eyes focused on the water. The two of you usually had no issues calling each other out when things got rocky, but it was never in an aggressive argument.
"I really want you to know that I never intended to hurt your feelings," you continued. "I know how much Conrad means to you, and I shouldn't have let our disagreement get so out of hand."
She took another sip of her drink. Progress.
"And I get it," you said, gently. "I know how complicated things are between you and Conrad. But I promise you, my feelings for him don't change how much I care about my friendship with you. I said a lot of awful things the other night and I just… want to you know that I didn’t mean them. You’re one of my best friends, Bells."
Belly's fingers gripped the edge of the pool, her knuckles turning white. After a long silence, she finally looked up at you, her eyes searching yours for some sort of answer.
"I'm sorry too," she said softly, her voice carrying a hint of regret. "I shouldn't have shut you out like that. It's just... It's hard for me to see someone else getting close to him when I’ve tried so hard for that to be me."
You nodded, completely understanding how she was feeling. "I can't imagine what you've been through, Belly. And I don't want to make things harder for you."
Belly let out a sigh, pushing herself up to sit on the edge of the pool near you. Her fingers toyed with the rim of the glass, her gaze distant.
"I really miss you," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. Tears brimmed her eyes as she stared at the glass in her lap. “And I’m really sorry about the other night. We were both cruel in what we said, how we were ganging up on you.”
“I kinda deserved it,” You admitted despite the way your heart ached at the vulnerability in her words. "I miss you too, Belly. I hate that we've been distant like this."
Belly finally turned to fully face you so you could see the tears in her eyes. "Can we... can we try to go back to how things were? I don't want to lose our friendship, over a boy of all things."
You offered her a grateful smile, relief washing over you. "I’d love nothing more. Trust me."
"I know it won't be easy," Belly said, her gaze locked onto yours. "But we've been through so much together. I don't want to throw that away. My mom would be so mad at us, all the moms would."
You laughed and reached out, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We'll figure it out. And I promise, I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
Belly smiled, a genuine warmth returning to her eyes. "Thank you."
With a soft smile, you leaned in to give Belly a tight hug. Relief washed over you at the feeling of having one friend back in the right place. As you pulled away, her eyes sparkled mischievously.
"Hey, remember that time we pushed Jeremiah into the pool?" she said, her voice full of playful nostalgia.
You nodded. "Oh, God. Which time? There’s too many to count."
Belly's grin grew wider, and before you could react, she playfully pushed you into the pool. Laughter bubbled up from your throats, the tension of the past few days dissipating completely. Thankfully, you’d changed into your swimsuit before coming out, so it really wasn’t too big of a deal.
"I’m so gonna get you back, Conklin," you teased, splashing a bit of water in her direction.
Belly laughed, her eyes dancing. "I think I can handle it."
The rest of the day unfolded in a haze of catching up, laughter, and pomegranate margaritas. The warm sun dipped below the horizon, and just as the light started to fade, the familiar figures of Steven, Jeremiah, and Conrad returned to the beach house. Walking alongside them were the Pogues—John B, JJ, Kiara, and Pope.
You and Belly had yet to notice your new audience and continued laughing your asses off at whatever horrible joke had been made.
Your friends’ expressions shifted from surprise to amusement as they took in the sight of you and Belly sitting in the pool, clearly having indulged in a few too many drinks. Your laughter was much louder than it had ever been and you’d clearly been at it for a while.
"Well, well, what have we here?" Steven said with a chuckle, exchanging knowing looks with the Fisher brothers. The two of you looked over at his sudden voice.
Belly rolled her eyes at her brother, the alcohol doing its job of making her carefree about his opinion. "Don’t be such a buzzkill, Steven!"
While Belly entertained her brother, JJ walked over to you, a crooked grin on his face as he stepped toward you. "Looks like we missed out on some quality pool time."
"JJ, hi!" Your face practically lit up as you realized he was there. “How are you?”
He shrugged nonchalantly, his eyes twinkling as he stood above you. “Can’t complain.” He sat down on the concrete nearby. “How’s the ankle?”
You pulled your foot out of the water for emphasis and almost fell backward into the water. “Almost there. Feels fine right now, sometimes it’s iffy but we’re getting there.”
Ever since the other night on the beach, you had been talking to JJ nonstop. Even if it was a quick meet-up on the beach or a phone call, the two of you were growing much closer. It wasn’t just casual conversation either, you had learned his worst fears, some of his best moments, and what he dreamed of. The conversations that mattered. 
Seeing him in person again was refreshing, like a reminder that all those secrets shared between you guys were still just that. Secrets.
Belly's voice rose above the rest. "Oh, my god! Can we please get some pizza?!" A chorus of agreement greeted her suggestion, and she practically screamed in excitement. She quickly pulled herself out of the pool, barely stopping to grab a towel before darting into the kitchen to order said food. Drunk Belly always meant Hungry Belly.
“I’ll go help,” Kiara said with a laugh and headed into the house, leaving the rest of you to continue your conversation. Steven offered to grab drinks for everyone, which JJ offered to help with. Jeremiah, who had been lounging by the poolside, slipped into the water and swam over to where you were standing.
"Hey there, sunshine," he greeted with his usual bright smile. He could easily tell the margaritas were getting to you as you looked at him with surprise.
"Jere!” You jumped forward to hug him in the warm water, practically curling into his embrace. Jeremiah’s typical flirty nature was normal to all of you at this point. Growing up together, he had been an unwavering pillar of strength for you. He never made you feel wrong, always accepting your concerns and offering love in return. Jeremiah was always a safe zone for you, so your sudden clingy nature wasn’t too surprising.
He laughed and held you close as he began to wade through the water with his arms wrapped around you. "So, have you talked to Bells? You guys seemed better when we got here."
You nodded, your fingers brushing through his curly hair as you leaned against his bare shoulder. "Yeah, we had a conversation earlier. Cleared the air."
"Good. I’m glad you guys were able to sort things out, it’s been weird without you two." 
You glanced over Jere’s shoulder and noticed that Pope had joined the group with drinks, though he seemed to be nursing some fresh bruises on his face since you’d seen him a few days ago. "Pope, what happened to your face?"
Pope grimaced slightly, his fingers brushing over the bruises. "Rafe, Topper, and Kelce decided to jump me on the golf course."
Your eyes widened in surprise, and you exchanged a quick glance with Conrad, the unspoken understanding passing between you. You had encountered Rafe earlier, and now this incident with Pope made it clear that Rafe was becoming more of a problem.
The topic seemed to grab Conrad's attention as well. "You guys ran into Rafe?"
JJ nodded, his expression grim. He could see the vibes shift and your glances to Conrad weren’t so subtle. "Yeah, did you?"
You sighed and separated from Jeremiah to swim closer to everyone else. "While we were shopping the other day. I don't understand why he's everywhere. It's like he enjoys making people uncomfortable."
Kiara sat down on the pool’s edge as she returned from ordering pizza. "Rafe's always been like that. He thinks he can get away with anything. Just like his dad."
John B laughed in agreement from where he was laying back in a lounge chair. “Don’t be surprised. That’s pretty typical for Kooks. Not-Not you guys of course,” He was quick to defend his statement which made everyone laugh. 
Pizza arrived shortly after to which everyone devoured hungrily amidst the small conversation that occurred between bites. It seemed the Pogues had been busy themselves, with John B and Sarah going off for a day at Chapel Hill together (you’d have to get all the details from her) before they forced Kiara and Sarah to hash out their previous differences with each other on an involuntary overnight boat sleepover. 
It was easy to tell how different your lives were. Despite the margaritas still definitely flowing through your system, you weren’t oblivious to the fact that the group mixed within you had a completely different take on life. While you were here for vacation, this was their home, and based on what you knew, their home wasn’t this side of the island. 
“Do you…” Your question trailed off as you turned to John B who was sitting on your other side. “Do you guys want to stay here, tonight? Maybe freshen up and...we have a ton of snacks if you want.” 
You didn’t want to come off like an asshole with your question, but you just wanted to offer it. Kiara obviously was down the street, but you knew better than to assume the same applied to JJ, John B, and even Pope. 
John B smiled at you. “Thank you but uh, we should be okay. We um, could definitely use some snacks though. If you have any to spare.”
You nodded, taking the chance to help where you could. “Yeah, absolutely. I’ll get some together before you guys leave.”
The rest of the night flowed easily between your groups. You remained tucked in between JJ and John B, enjoying the chance to learn more about them. John B’s dad had been missing for a while, and he was convinced the man wasn’t dead. As for what was going on with him and Sarah, he flushed but didn’t reveal anything good. 
Pope was shooting for a huge scholarship for college, which you mostly knew, and Kiara just wanted to spend her time with them since her parents were breathing down her neck more often than not anyway.
JJ remained mostly quiet, his fingers dancing across your bare skin as you sat next to him. You knew he wasn’t big on sharing the darker details of his life. You’d managed to pry that out of him when he showed up with a busted lip one night, recounting the story of his abusive father who you swore you’d kill on sight if you ever saw him.
You shared pieces of your background, about life at home and finishing high school. Steven talked about being valedictorian at his recent graduation and journey to Princeton, which Pope was so eager to hear about. Belly and Jeremiah shared their own fears about what decisions to make. Conrad tried to offer reassurance that it wasn’t all that bad.
In a weird way, it was a beautiful experience to hear the other side of the story. To hear how similar you all were despite the differences in your upbringing. You hoped something good would continue to come out of this.
Little did you know how quickly that hope would change.
There was a comfortable breeze swirling around the deck of the country club, where you sat with Jeremiah and Steven during their lunch break. The clinking of cutlery and distant chatter of other dining guests created a serene ambiance as you enjoyed a moment of relaxation together.
"So, how's your day been so far? Anything exciting?" Jeremiah asked, taking a sip of his drink. He was lacking a shirt to the pleasure of the lingering females surrounding the area. That was one thing Jere loved about lifeguarding, no shirt required.
You leaned back in your chair, offering a casual smile as you stabbed a piece of lettuce with your fork. "Not bad, just catching up on some reading and soaking in the sun."
Steven nodded in agreement, his expression content. "Yeah, it's nice to take a break from the usual chaos at work. The tips are great don’t get me wrong, but it’s been so busy."
Just as you were about to continue the conversation, your phone vibrated on the table. You glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was Sarah. Your brows furrowed in concern as you answered the call.
"Hey, Sarah. What's up?" you asked.
Sarah's voice sounded slightly panicked on the other end. "Hey, have you seen JJ? Something happened yesterday, and we haven’t seen him since."
It had been a few days since the Pogues had come over to share your drunken evening together. You’d talked to JJ each night but hadn’t seen him since then either.
Your heart skipped a beat and you placed your fork down on your plate. "No, I haven't seen him. When did this happen?"
Sarah's tone was worried. "I… I don’t wanna share his story, but we haven’t seen him and he’s not answering anyone’s calls or texts."
You exchanged a glance with Jeremiah and Steven, who had picked up on the seriousness of the conversation. JJ had answered you last night but you could tell he wasn’t his usual self.
"I’m at the Island Club right now. I’ll start looking, let me know if you hear anything," you reassured her. After ending the call, you stood up from the table. "Sorry, apparently JJ’s gone MIA and they can’t get ahold of him. I'll catch up with you later."
Jeremiah nodded understandingly. "Of course, let us know if you need any help."
With a grateful smile, you headed to your car and began driving around the area, keeping an eye out for any sign of JJ. You tried not to let your anxiety get the best of your thoughts. What if something happened with his dad?
Eventually, your search led you to a nearby park, where you spotted your familiar blond, lost in his thoughts. You quickly parked and shut the car off before walking over to him, shooting Sarah a quick text that you had him. "Hey, are you okay?"
JJ looked up at the sudden noise. "Didn't expect to see you here."
You took a seat beside him. "Sarah was worried about you. She said they haven’t heard from you."
He sighed, his shoulders slumping as he tugged the bill of his hat further down his head. "Yeah, I just needed some space."
You nodded, giving him a reassuring smile. "I think they were just worried and you weren’t answering."
“Phone’s dead. I haven’t been anywhere with electricity to charge it.” After a moment of silence, JJ's voice grew softer. "You know, I helped Pope sink Topper's boat."
Your eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Wait, seriously?"
JJ nodded, his gaze fixed on his hands. "Yeah, it was stupid, but... I don't know. I thought it would be payback for what they did to Pope the other day. Then the cops showed up, and I got arrested."
Your concern deepened as you looked at him in shock. "JJ, what? Did they let you go?"
JJ shrugged, a bitter smile on his lips. "Yeah, gotta pay the damage up, but then I had to go home with my dad."
Your heart sank at the mention of his dad, knowing the troubles that often came with their relationship. The swelling on his face was evident and you could tell he wasn’t moving much on purpose, which gave you enough of an answer. "How did that go?"
JJ looked away, his gaze distant. "Not great. He was drunk, and angry, and… yeah. I’m sure you can guess the rest."
A mixture of anger and sadness welled up within you. "I'm so sorry, JJ. You don't deserve any of this."
JJ's eyes welled up with emotion, and he blinked away tears. "Thanks. It's just...some times it feels like there's no way out. I-I was trying to do the right thing, give him the money to pay for everything and he… he just-"
“Where did you get the money for a boat as expensive as Topper’s?” You interrupted, curiosity getting the best of you. You weren’t stupid, the Thorntons had enough money to put the island to shame, so there was no doubt his boat was new.
JJ winced at the question. “Uh, ask me another time.”
Accepting that he didn’t want to talk about it, you nodded. "Do your friends know… about your dad?”
He shrugged. “I don’t think I’ve ever outright told them, but I know they’re not stupid, so they probably have some idea.”
You embraced the silence that followed. Surely JJ's friends had some idea of what happened at home. It would be hard for them not to. After a moment, you stood up. "Hey, how about we go grab some slushies? It might cool off in this heat."
JJ's smile grew a bit wider, and he stood up slowly. "Yeah, I could use something right now."
You both climbed into the car, letting the music fill the silence as you drove to a nearby convenience store. You told JJ to get whatever he wanted, insisting you didn’t mind and that he deserved to have something good after the craziness of the past few days.
As you and JJ sat outside the convenience store, sipping on your slushies, the tension that had gripped him seemed to ease with each passing moment. The sun cast a warm glow over the surroundings, but the wind was kicking up with an oncoming storm. 
“Here.” JJ set his slushy down and shrugged off his worn zip-up to place it around your shoulders. He didn’t bother to ask if you were cold and helped get your arms in the sleeves before zipping it up for you.
The Kildare Co. Surfing Company logo on the chest was enough to warm your heart as you leaned into his side. As much as you wished you could stay longer, you knew they’d be looking for you at home. "We should probably get going soon."
JJ nodded in agreement, and you both got up to walk back to your Jeep. Once inside the vehicle, you glanced at JJ, noticing a hint of curiosity in his gaze. There was something he wanted to ask, and you waited patiently for him to find the words.
He hesitated for a moment before finally asking, "Hey, can I ask you about something?"
"What’s up?”
His gaze drifted to the silver necklace that adorned your neck—a delicate pendant featuring both a sun and a moon. "You wear that necklace every day. Where did you get it?"
A flicker of hesitation passed over you as memories resurfaced. How JJ picked up on the fact that you wore the piece of jewelry every day, you didn’t know. You took a deep breath before replying, "Uh, Conrad gave it to me."
JJ's eyebrows furrowed slightly, a mix of surprise and something else you couldn't quite place in his eyes. "Conrad? Really?"
You nodded, your fingers unconsciously brushing over the pendant. "Yeah, he gave it to me a few years ago."
The air seemed to grow heavy with unspoken emotions as JJ's gaze remained fixed on the necklace. After a moment, you decided to break the silence by sharing the story behind it in hopes that it would clear the tension. 
"It was during one of our summers up north. We were out one night, just talking and looking at the stars. I mentioned how much I loved the sunsets and the moonrise, and how they always made me feel a sense of calm and balance. A few days later, Conrad surprised me with this necklace. He said it reminded him of me, of how I brought light into life even during the darkest times,” You quote the words with a slight laugh, remembering the memory like it happened yesterday.
JJ's expression softened as he listened to your words, though there was an underlying tension that you couldn't entirely ignore. "That's cute," he finally replied, his tone carefully neutral.
You sensed there was more to his reaction than met the eye, but you chose not to press further. Instead, you drove in contemplative silence, the soft hum of the engine providing a backdrop to your thoughts. John B had told you how quick JJ was to shut down when he was upset. God, you were so stupid to share something like that with him, especially when he’s in this mindset. 
“Sorry, um-”
“No, no. It’s okay. Uh, actually. Do you mind if I um… if I stay at your place? I really don’t want to see the Pogues right now.”
You agreed despite the worry that it would make things awkward back at your own house. JJ deserved to have a night where he didn’t worry about where he was going to sleep. To your relief, it seemed Conrad and Jeremiah weren’t both out for a night surf, which left you with Steven and Belly. 
“Hey guys,” You greeted as you walked in with JJ behind you. “JJ’s here for the night. Do you guys wanna make dinner or order out?”
After Steven declared (and cooked) breakfast for dinner, the two Conklin siblings moved upstairs to leave you and JJ to yourselves. 
The two of you found yourselves sitting on the comfortable couch, nestled close together with some movie playing in the background. The atmosphere held a sense of ease, a comfortable quiet filling the space around you.
JJ's voice broke the silence, soft and thoughtful. "You know, I've never really seen anyone share moments like the way you all do. Don’t get me wrong, the Pogues and I love to fuck around, but it’s…it’s different with you guys."
You turned to him, a genuine smile tugging at your lips. "Years ago, Jeremiah and Conrad’s mom once told me that home isn’t always a place, it’s the people and experiences that make the difference. It’s so cheesy, but these people are my home. And trust me, our group has had plenty of fucking around over the years.”
He met your gaze, his eyes flickering with a warmth that seemed to transcend the dim lighting. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
You forced yourself to stare at the TV screen, wishing you had something better to say that didn’t seem so awkward. You hoped JJ wasn’t too upset about everything that had happened in the past few hours. You’d learned over time that it took him a while to get out of his slumps, not that you could blame him.
His fingers brushed against yours, a gentle touch that sent a shiver down your spine. "Your necklace…"
You nodded, your heart beating a little faster in your chest. This was it, he was mad over this necklace that you’ve cherished for so long, the first gift someone outside of your family, someone you loved had given you.
"I know it shouldn’t matter," he continued, his voice slightly strained, “but why do you still wear it?”
You felt a rush of emotions swirling within you, your thoughts racing to catch up with the confession in his eyes. "JJ..."
“Kiara pointed it out the other day because she liked it, then Sarah said you’d had it for years.” He took a deep breath, his gaze never leaving yours. "I've been trying to figure out why it bothered me so much. That you still wear his gift, even though things between us... are different, maybe going somewhere."
Your heart skipped a beat as his words hung in the air. There was a raw honesty in his admission, a vulnerability that mirrored your own feelings. As you looked at him, you saw the depth of his emotions, the unspoken desires that had been simmering beneath the surface.
"You're right," you said softly, your voice steady despite the rapid beating of your heart. "Things have changed between us. But that necklace... it's not just about Conrad. It's about the memories we've shared, the moments that have shaped our friendships. I’ll always cherish and love that."
JJ's gaze held a mixture of hope and uncertainty, his fingers still brushing against yours. "And what about us?"
A gentle smile curved your lips as you leaned in a little closer, closing the distance between you. "JJ, there's something between us that's undeniable. I know you can feel it."
His breath seemed to catch as your words hung in the air, the unspoken tension growing stronger with each passing heartbeat.
"Maybe we've been avoiding it, afraid of how it might change things," you continued, your voice soft and sincere. "But the truth is, I care about you. More than I've ever let myself admit."
His gaze never wavered from yours, a mix of surprise and longing in his eyes. "You mean that?"
You nodded, your heart racing as you laid your feelings bare. "Yeah, I do."
With a gentle, almost instinctive motion, his lips brushed against yours. It was a soft, tentative kiss, filled with the unspoken promises of what could be. As the kiss deepened, you felt the weight of your feelings and desires intertwining, a connection that was both thrilling and comforting.
When you finally pulled back, your foreheads rested against each other, breaths mingling. The quiet of the room seemed to amplify the emotions that swirled between you.
"I'm glad we're being honest with each other," JJ murmured, his voice a soft, husky whisper. 
"Me too," you replied, your fingers still entwined with his.
The night stretched on, and the connection you shared seemed to strengthen with every whispered conversation, every stolen glance. Kisses turned deeper, and physical space between you disappeared as you fully let yourself fall into JJ Maybank because, for the first time in a while, you felt free. And it felt so so good.
JJ was gone when you woke up the next morning. At some point, the two of you had moved up to your bedroom to go to sleep. You didn’t want to seem desperate to make him stay, but you didn’t expect him to leave before you even woke up. 
JJ would have to wait though because today was Midsummers. You had been doing a pretty shitty job of spending time with Sarah so you invited her over to get ready with the rest of your friends. 
“Oh, my God, hi!” She practically fell through the front door with all of her belongings, barely sparing the time to lock her car before shutting the door. “I have so much to tell you.”
“Thank God,” You laughed and locked the door before following her into the kitchen. Jeremiah and Steven had already started their personal pregame on the patio, neither of them in their dress clothes yet, unbothered by the idea of getting ready. 
Sarah didn’t hesitate to reach into the fridge and grab a vodka seltzer to gulp down. She let out a sigh of relief when she finished. “I’ve been dreaming of one of these, I think.”
You laughed at her enthusiasm. “Go for it. We bought plenty on our last alc run. What the hell has been going on?”
“You have no idea,” Sarah groaned and let her head rest on the coolness of the counter. In all the years you’d known her, she was glowing despite how overwhelmed she seemed. You knew it had something to do with the Pogues, obviously. Especially since JJ had told you things were heating up between Sarah and John B.
You let her finish the rest of her drink and grab another before heading upstairs where Belly was busy getting ready. The sound of music flowed from the large master bathroom as you two walked into Belly’s personal concert.
“Sarah, hi!” Your friend jumped up excitedly to hug the new guest. Sarah returned the embrace and handed Belly one of the drinks she brought up to sip on while getting ready.
“So,” You held the letter out as you popped your own drink and got started on fixing your hair. “Are you gonna tell us what’s going on with you and John B or should we just guess for ourselves?”
The Cameron girl gave you a side-eye and pulled her makeup bag out. “Who said it had to do with John B?”
You scoffed, “I mean if you don’t wanna share, I can just call him and ask for additional details…”
“Additional?” She made a dramatic gasp but didn’t seem too mad, “I can’t believe he spilled! It took him weeks to cough it up to his friends.”
“I mean, it was pretty much written all over his face,” Belly added as she swiped some blush across her cheeks. Her hair was curled and pulled half up, away from her face. She already had her dress on, a soft pale pink dress with off-the-shoulder sleeves. You knew Jeremiah’s eyes would practically fall out of his head when he saw her. She looked elegant, as always.
You envied her natural beauty. Belly had always been gorgeous but she truly grew into her skin over these past few years. Long gone were the pink glasses and braces that you knew and left in their place was bright, happy Isabel. 
Sarah filled the rest of the time telling you about her adventures with John B. Their trip to Chapel Hill for some documents that he was secretive about, the kiss in the rain, and how it all led up to their night at the bell tower.
“You had sex in the bell tower!”
Sarah’s cheeks went pink at the volume of your exclamation. “Shh! Yes, calm down. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“Oh, my god! Wait, I need to know every detail!”
“Every?” Belly repeated your words with a wince. “I don’t-”
Sarah flipped you off and finished straightening her hair. “It was amazing, okay. That’s all I’m telling you.”
You let out a groan but accepted her answer nonetheless. “Thank God you got rid of Topper. He didn’t really bother me, but dude was a dick to you sometimes.”
The three of you finished getting ready and moved downstairs to join the boys for their pregame. 
“Oh, shit. Let me grab my shoes,” You left them at the top of the stairs to dart into your room for the shoes that you’d bought to match your outfit. Closet doors were thrown open before you located the pair of shoes in mind and sat down on your bed to put them on. 
Quickly getting to your feet, you moved toward the door before realizing someone had been standing there. You blinked in surprise and took a step back. "Conrad!"
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” He apologized softly, not that he needed to. "You look amazing."
Your cheeks warmed, and you smiled in return, feeling your nerves dissipate. "Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself."
A comfortable silence settled between you, the unspoken connection growing stronger with each passing moment. But then, you couldn't help but notice that Conrad's gaze flickered briefly to your neck, and you realized that you weren't wearing the necklace he had given you.
A wave of self-consciousness washed over you as you reached up to touch the empty space where the pendant should have been. You weren’t sure what led you to take it off for this occasion in particular. Maybe it was the conversation you’d had with JJ…maybe it was time to move on, even if it hurt. You would hate yourself if you hurt Conrad in the process though.
Conrad seemed to notice your hesitation. He tried his best to keep the disappointment off his face, "Is everything okay?"
You bit your lip, feeling a mix of embarrassment and sadness. "I, um, left the necklace behind. It's just... I didn't want it to get lost or damaged at the party."
 “Yeah, totally fine.” He gave a simple nod, though his expression looked slightly pained. He reached out and gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "You ready?"
With one final appreciative look, Conrad turned, leading the way out of your room. As you followed him down the stairs towards the festivities, you let out a deep breath. You watched out the window as everyone gathered outside, minus yourself. Pausing in the kitchen, you opened one of the cabinets to pull out the bottle of tequila your dad had left behind last year. 
A shot was poured and downed, followed by another one before you deemed it good enough to join everyone else with the bottle still in hand. What better way to get your mind off things than some friendly competitive cup pong?
lowkey don't like this too much but whatever :(
one part left! let me know what you want to see here
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heyidkyay · 11 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Three
Matty Healy x reader
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Authors Note: Part three! Only been a few days but I figured I’d get this one out so I can start on the next. Honestly so grateful to all the love this has gotten already, means a lot x
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It was dull. Almost like a call through the void, or a voice you’re not sure anyone else has heard. But the man in question groaned faintly in retort, squeezing his eyes tightly shut as a wave of pain throbbed in the forefront of his mind. It was slow going but he soon opened them, though they were unwilling to adjust to the sudden stream of light that wilted the room around him.
Breathing in and clicking his neck, Matty forced himself into a proper sitting position, violently regretting having fallen asleep slumped against the freestanding clawfoot tub the hotel room had to offer. His legs were sprawled out before him and he had a cramp in his left shoulder from where it had been forced into an impossible angle.
A sticky, uncomfortable dampness roused him further from his drowsy state and Matty blinked down at the soiled shirt which clung to his chest. He cringed at the sudden stench that hit him. Definitely sick, he grimaced, swallowing back the heavy bile that attempted to crawl up the back of his throat. Seemed as though he hadn’t had the strength to make it to the toilet last night, which now sat staring back at him mockingly only a few feet away.
Matty rolled his eyes in retort.
Gripping at the edge of the cold tub in a half-arsed attempt to stand, his legs buckled before he could even lift himself up off of the tiled floor and so he huffed. Loudly and with enough irritation that he heard it echo back to him. Taunting, almost teasing him even.
Matty didn't much want to try again, a bit embarrassed by his sudden inability to actually function like a normal being, and so lazily let his bleary eyes trail down towards his lower half, where scuffed black boots were still attached to his feet and the skintight jeans he’d thrown on the afternoon prior were caught around the jutting bones of his knees.
He must’ve gotten warm, Matty deemed, snorting aloud at the very thought before he groaned, once again, at the- rather uncalled for, mind- pounding in his head. Then briefly, he allowed himself to ponder over just how he hadn't developed a total intolerance to it yet, or gained the superpower to numb the effects of the eventual hangover.
With a furrowed brow, Matty tried to recall the events of the previous night, but it had all been so fucking hectic. His memories were often always a little hazy, although recently his days had begun to blur together, clouded around the edges like thick fog sweeping over a dew-covered field. 
They’d been at a club, that much he knew.
“Matty?” The earlier voice rang out again, and its sound only increased the incessant pounding he felt, the shrill of it drilling into the side of skull and carving out a home there.
“Fucks sake.” Matty hissed lowly, his own voice barely floating above a whisper. He used what little energy he had left to kick off his boots and then proceeded to fumble with the jeans that enchained his pale legs. The leather belt attached to them rattled as he tried to dislodge the material, then again when he swept them as far away as his exhausted body would let him.
He wondered if the hotel bar was open yet.
“Matty, mate?” Matty heard just before the bathroom door jolted open to reveal Jamie, the band’s manager, hinges whinging with the force of it making Matty wince again. “There you are. Fucking hell, you don’t half stink, mate!”
Jamie huffed out a heavy breath as he stepped further into the room, already cleaning up the mess Matty had left in his wake last night, swiftly tossing the jeans into the nearby hamper and tucking his boots neatly together by the door. The bloke even went to pick up the few empty bottles by the sink that Matty had yet to notice, and chucked them in the bathroom’s metal bin.
Jamie chuckled lightly as he wandered over to his slumped form, but he didn't look all that humoured. His smile was strained as he stepped over Matty’s legs and Matty himself watched him through a heavy-lidded glare.
See, Jamie was a good friend as well as a manager to them all, he cared. Truly. And Matty knew that, he did, somewhere deep down, which was why he appreciated the fact that Jamie evidently fought to hold back his disgusted grimace when he tugged at the collar of the once white shirt Matty wore. The thing was now stained with God knows what, but did make up a rather impeccable shade of yellow.
“Take this thing off, yeah, so I can throw it. Or better yet, burn it. I mean… Christ, Matty. What the fuck's even on it?" Jamie wrinkled his nose, unable to hide his distaste in that moment. The smell was wafting off of him now that the material was being pulled. “We need to get you looking somewhat decent before your interview."
“What d’you mean, what interview?” Matty questioned hoarsely, fixing Jamie with another narrow eyed glare whilst the man made quick work of unbuttoning his shirt.
“Press, mate. We spoke about it the other day?” 
Jamie sighed, rather evidently in fact, when Matty didn’t react and then pressed his lips firmly together as he tugged the damp shirt off, trying to ignore the wet squelch that sounded as he peeled it away from Matty’s skin.
“The single was postponed for so long, Matty. It’s only fair we do some more promo for it now.” The man told him in a sigh, “But you already knew that.”
Matty ground his teeth.
“All I fucking remember is me telling them to do one.” He spat, uncaring of the way Jamie flinched before the man firmly locked his jaw, seemingly biting his tongue. “Said I didn't even want to release the poxy thing.”
“You also said you’d stay sober on this tour, Matty. Honestly mate, you need to sort yourself out, I can only hold the label and the rest of the team off for so long before they start questioning my loyalties. My job.” Jamie snapped back in frustration.
Matty watched on whilst Jamie threw the sodden shirt into the bath, letting a silence linger between them for a long moment, before the man finally paused and looked down at him. Everyone was always looking down on him these days.
“I mean, what do you reckon would happen if I weren't around to clear up after you, Matt? They’d have your head, mate. Not forgetting about the rest of the guys. Put George in a right panic when he turned ‘round to find you gone last night.”
Matty’s eyes slipped close, suddenly drained, too tired to fight Jamie any longer. Besides, it wasn't as though he hadn't heard it all before. 
His stomach decided it was the best time to betray him then, turning suddenly whilst his head still continued with its assault. The entire bathroom was spinning now and quiet returned to the space as Matty fought not to throw up what little lined his stomach. He couldn't even recall the last time he’d eaten.
The tension which had seemed to buzz between him and Jamie evaporated at the feeling, forcing Matty to reopen his eyes, grimacing in pain.
He found Jamie settled on the closed lid of the toilet seat, watching him closely, and Matty knew he was being an utter wankstain. Definitely looked like one, too.
That understanding only increased tenfold when Jamie spoke up again. “I care about you a lot, mate.” 
Those words instantly set Matty on edge, he wasn’t very used to people still giving a shit. Not anymore.
“I’ve been here from the beginning, man. And honestly, it kills me to watch you slowly kill yourself. The drink, the drugs, your inability to stop yourself from opening your big mouth. I’ve tried my fuckin’ hardest to be a buffer for you, but you don’t help me out much. Instead, it always feels like you’re constantly trying to push me away. To prove to yourself, or maybe everyone else, that you really are better off alone.”
Jamie sighed once more, hands clasped between the knobs of his knees, holding them tight enough that the skin of his knuckles had whitened.
“Just hear me out, yeah? I know you’ve had a shit go of it, know things haven't been easy recently. But I only ever want to help, mate.”
It was then that Matty realised that Jamie sounded tired too. Defeated, even.
“I really do, and I promise I’m doin’ all I can.” He added, “But it’s worth nothing if you can’t even be bothered to help yourself, Matty.”
Jamie left him there soon after with another sigh, telling him one last time to get ready before he let the door fall shut.
It was early in the afternoon and I found myself at home for once. 
The rain London was all too used to poured heavily outside of the flat, beating against the window panes and flooding the outer stairwell that dropped out onto the street. My plans to take Teddy to the playground around the corner had been cancelled due to its torrent and so we’d had to make do with a cheap takeaway from the local kebab place and a couple of Disney films I had no interest in at the moment.
It was nice enough though. Soft hums as well as the soundtrack to Tangled danced throughout the living room whilst Teddy munched happily away at his lunch, head bobbing unconsciously to the beat.
I watched him from the corner of the settee, looking at the way his curls swayed and bounced carelessly, how the freckles on his cheeks stretched whenever the kid smiled too hard, or giggled along with the film. I couldn't dim the soft smile I wore, so very grateful for the fact that Teddy got to grow up feeling happy, feeling so carefree. It was a stark comparison to the sheltered life I’d been given.
The reminder of it had my mind reeling slightly, like it often did, but Finn was there, guiding me back with a simple question.
“So, what you gon’ do?”
He’d since flopped down into the armchair adjacent, a fresh cup of tea cradled in his hand. He dipped his head towards the other steaming mug he’d left on the coffee table for me and I sighed gratefully in turn.
I knew exactly what he’d been referring to by asking that question, it’s all I’d been able to ask myself since I’d received that odd email the evening before.
“What can I really do? Didn't sound like I had much choice in the matter.” I shrugged, though mindful of the scolding tea I was now balancing on the top of my thigh. 
My eyes flitted over towards Teddy for a split second before they settled back on Finn, who was eyeing me intently. I tapped the side of the cup.
“I mean, I can't not go through with it. Ads would have my head if I didn’t and his team will probably end up hassling me more.” I muttered, “Just a bit of a ballache, in’t it?”
“How d’you mean, meeting him?” Finn sipped his tea languidly and threw a questioning brow my way from over the rim of it.
I curled further into the settee, head rolling back against the cushion. “‘Spose so. It’s just messing with my head. Fucking regret ever mentioning his name now. Like why me?”
Staring up at the blank ceiling, I recalled the words that had been written to me so seriously, and I still couldn't find it in myself to believe that the Healy’s team actually wanted to schedule a segment on the show!
I’d hardly gotten a wink of sleep last night, that sodding email had set the mood for the rest of my evening, and then had had me on constant edge after waking up at the crack arse of dawn to Teddy’s incessant wailing the very next day.
I’d had to keep on looking back at it, my phone hardly ever leaving my hand as I reminded myself that it was in fact real. Somehow. As I waited for a reply to my own email that I’d agonised over and thought about not even sending.
In all truth, this whole playing the waiting game thing had never really been my forte. Made me anxious, easily irritated. I’d rather shit just hit me on headfirst, at full speed even. And hash things out like that, because dealing with it that way felt so much simpler, I could figure things out when they were right there in front of me.
But this was an odd scenario, I had no utter way of knowing how any of it would pan out, and that thought alone made me itch.
“‘Cause you’re a right gobby cow.” Finn smirked, the strength of it hidden behind the rim of his mug but I could see the mirth his eyes held when I glanced over.
“Sounds about right.”
He scoffed, apparently affronted, then snarked, “When have I ever been wrong, babe?”
I opened my mouth to reply, but Finn fixed me with such a sharp look that evidently told me he wasn't open to hearing any of my smart arsed remarks today.
“But truthfully, this whole thing could end up being good for you, you know. For the show, too. You’ll earn a shit ton of listeners just from his name alone and then never have to deal with him or his shit again.”
I hummed and stared down into my milky brew, he had a point.
“Matty Healy. Who would’ve thought it, hey?” I snorted before grinning over at Finn, “He’ll probably be the biggest person we’ll ever have on the show, I reckon. Well, unless we can somehow coerce Elton John into ringing in or something.”
Finn mimicked my expression, only altering it with a wink, “Working on it, babe.”
Teddy squealed brightly at the scene the tele played then and I took the opportunity to push the mug back onto the coffee table, sliding it over the previous ring-mark it had left behind.
When I peered back up, I found that Finn was still watching me from behind the top of his brew. His face had since lost its cheeky demeanour and his eyes had softened somewhat, they seemed to glisten now under the meagre glow of the yellow bulb that illuminated my living room.
“Mouse, I know you better than most, yeah? Remember that.” Finn acknowledged, quietly enough that I couldn't prevent my bemused reaction, but he didnt give me a chance to question the motive of the unusual sincerity that now lined his tone, simply barreled on.
“We both know how you care too much about the things you feel passionate about, whether it’s things or people. And as much as I love you, cause I do. I just don’t want you getting too caught up in something you can’t handle. You’ve got Teds to think about. And you’ve come so far to let that go.”
My forehead furrowed at his words, confused by the speech. Having zero clue as to why Finn was feeling so sentimental all of a sudden, why he was feeling weary over the radio situation.
A shared breath passed between us, only the tele to fill up the quiet.
“Look. All I'm saying is, don’t make it your mission to fix what’s broken, alright?”
I felt my eyes widen at the remark, not joining up the dots quick enough on what I'd said or done to have Finn say something like that. But before I could speak, retaliate or even defend myself, Finn was waving me off with another smile.
“I know you, babe.” He reminded me again, chuckling noiselessly now as he pointed a finger at me, “You’ve always had a soft spot for strays. I mean, you let me in, didn’t you?”
I squawked gracelessly at the very indication, everything he’d said clicking into place, and so I shot him a sharp glare, tossing up two fingers alongside it. "Piss off. I do not!"
Finn cackled at my reaction, head thrown back in merriment.
I rolled my eyes in response, then pushed myself up off the settee to flick his ear as I bypassed the armchair to clean up the messy aftermath of Teddy’s lunch. “Twat.”
“You so do!” Finn teased whilst Teddy scrunched his nose up at me when I accidentally got in the way of the screen.
I headed for the kitchen after, leaving the idiot's laughter behind me, and poured what little dregs remained of my tea down the drain before filling the sink with soapy water. Soon enough, Finn’s laughter dissolved into light chuckles and I listened in distractedly when his familiar voice began to filter through the rest of the flat, as he chattered away with Teddy.
Smiling to myself whilst I washed up, I then wandered back into the livingroom with it still intact and a damp tea towel in my hands. Teddy was prattling away now, attempting to converse with the cartoon characters that moved across the screen, Finn always endeared by the sight of his godson.
He looked up at me when I started to pack away a few of the stray toys that littered the floor and called out to me quietly, not wanting to disturb the enthralled toddler.
I slid a lonely lego block into a nearby box and hummed, crouched down by the cabinet.
“Just, promise me you'll do what's asked of you and then leave it be." Finn wore a thin lipped expression that made me pause in my tracks, it was far too serious for my liking. Especially on him. "That Healy bloke- he's bad news."
I snorted, but Finn just shook his head at me.
“I’m being serious here.” His voice hardly even a whisper now, but it cut through the room like a flying dart. “Just promise me you’ll be careful.”
I observed him for a long moment, then nodded. Unsure on what I could do to ease his worry, it wasn't often that Finn was so adamant on things like this.
Teddy caught his attention then, the toddler calling out his name just as Flynn Ryder waltzed back onto the screen. And I took a seat back on the settee, deciding that I wasn’t going to press Finn any further on the topic. I had too much on my plate already. And really, what was the worst that could happen?
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‘75 Updates! @/1975updatesacc 14:21pm 🎥 | Matty on GQ this afternoon! - a thread >‘75 Updates! @/1975updatesacc Matty on himself and how things are going at the moment - "Fine, I ‘spose. Just been busy. But like, in the greater scheme of things, aren't we all just keepin’ busy? ‘Cause really, we’re all constantly trying to survive, right? We don’t actually stop. Like we’re breathing, moving, and all that crap. But anyway, yeah contrary to popular belief, a lot of work does actually go into releasing a single. So, lots to do, lotta shit I’m working through. George has been full of ideas though. But yeah, things are fine as of right now." >‘75 Updates! @/1975updatesacc Matty on his recent disappearance after last tour - "Uh. Well, I suppose it was just a much needed break really. I had fun, kept to myself, worked on a couple new songs. Honestly, there's not much else to add really. It was all rather boring in all honesty. Can I just ask though, have you lot actually got any interesting questions for me?"  >‘75 Updates! @/1975updatesacc Matty talking about the band’s newest single - "The new single? Hm, well it’s an old one, I wrote it when I was a lot younger, and only got around to producing it when I found this old notebook of mine back home. Guess I'd been really coming into myself at the time- the usual teenage angst and emotion, all that crap- and just wanted to put that whole experience into… words, something I could remember. It's loud, it’s brash, it’s me personified to be honest.” >‘75 Updates! @/1975updatesacc His thoughts on the song as a whole, the process when recording it - "Kind of have to like it, no? It's my song. I mean, do you not like it? Nah no, don't strain yourself, mate. It's fine, taste isn't a fixed state, is it? You like what you like. Love what you love. In all truth though, the song meant a lot to me- back then. So much I actually struggled recording it. Like at first? I didn't really care for any of it, it’d been written ages ago- before the band had even broken into the industry. But the label, yeah, they'd liked the sound of it and so we’d put it on a sort of trial run. But the lyrics they, hah. Well they fucked with me a little when we finally got into the studio. Like I’m talking about it being a proper headfuck here. It was proper strange to hear them and then remember everything that went on during the time they were written. You're transported, in a way."  >‘75 Updates! @/1975updatesacc Matty working on the next album - "It’ll come when it comes! Dunno when, never been the type of artist to just throw dates out there or set myself limits. So, just know that it's being worked on. ‘Spose we’ve gotta finish it first."  >‘75 Updates! @/1975updatesacc Matty on the recent headlines he's made and the drama which followed since the ‘Mouse On A Mic’ radio show aired their segment on him earlier this week -  "Should have known this would come up, really. But yeah, what does everyone even want me to say? I don't remember what happened, to tell you the truth. The media, as well as the fans, they can think what they like. I can't actually bring myself to care anymore, you know? It's boring and so time consuming. I'd much prefer to focus on the music at this point. Can we move the fuck on now?" >‘75 Updates! @/1975updatesacc Apologies but the interview cuts out here unexpectedly! The show just released a statement informing us that Matty’s FaceTime call dropped suddenly and they were unable to reconnect, but we loved seeing him! It's been too long!! Comment what your favourite part of the interview was!
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mrk236547789 · 5 days
"Come on, guys, hustle!" Coach Marquez bellowed, his round belly bobbing with each step. The high school basketball team sprinted down the court, their sneakers squeaking in unison.
Marquez took a moment to catch his breath, leaning against the scorer's table, one hand gently rubbing the small of his back. "You think my belly's as big as the ball?" he chuckled to the assistant coach, Mr. Thompson.
Mr. Thompson, noticing the hint of pain in his colleague's laugh, shot him a concerned look. "You okay, Coach?"
“Yea just fine," Marquez said, waving off the concern. "Third trimester, you know how it goes." He took a deep breath and pushed himself away from the table. As the team gathered around him for a water break, the pain grew sharper. He hoped it was just a Braxton Hicks contraction, but something felt different this time.
The buzzer sounded, and the team dispersed to their positions. Marquez called for the next play, his voice straining a bit. The sweat on his forehead was more than just from exertion. He glanced at the clock, willing the practice to end so he could rest. The twins, a boy and a girl, had been kicking more than usual today.
As the team executed the play, the pain grew stronger, and Marquez's knees buckled slightly. He took a deep breath, trying to focus on the game, but the contractions grew closer together. The players, caught up in their drills, didn't notice their coach's distress.
“Thompson I am going to the bathroom," Marquez murmured, trying to keep his voice steady as he headed off the court. The contraction passed, but another took its place, this one more intense than the last. He managed a nod to the players as he left, not wanting to cause a scene.
The only person in the bathroom room was him and the principal the one who did this to him in the first place, who was washing his hands. The principal looked at Marquez with a confused look when he saw the latter's face contort with pain. "Everything alright, babe?" he asked casually.
Marquez could feel the panic rising in his chest. "I think it's happening," he managed to say through gritted teeth.
The principal, Mr. Jenkins, paused mid-wash, looking up with shock. "Your in labor?"
"Looks like it," Marquez responded, leaning against the cool tiles for support. Another contraction hit him, and he couldn't hold back a grimace.
Mr. Jenkins dried his hands with lightning speed. "Okay, okay," he said, his voice a mix of surprise and concern. "Let's get you to the nurse's office."
“No after practice," Marquez insisted, his breath hitching. "Can't interrupt the flow."
“But babe, you can’t coach through this!” Mr. Jenkins protested, his eyes wide with worry.
“I can I just need you to rub my stomach," Marquez whispered, his eyes never leaving the mirror. The reflection revealed a man who looked ready to tackle the world one moment, and a father-to-be about to give birth in the most unexpected of places the next.
Mr. Jenkins nodded and moved behind Marquez, his hands tentatively reaching around to rub circles on the lower part of his stomach. The gesture, while awkward, provided a bit of relief.
"Alright, I'll stay with you," he said, his voice soft. "Babe I swear to god if you do this here I will never let you live it down," Mr. Jenkins managed a small smile despite the tension.
Marquez nodded, took a deep breath, and pushed through the pain. "Just keep it together for five more minutes," he murmured to himself, focusing on the game outside the door.
Mr. Jenkins, the school's principal and also his partner, walked to where the team was practicing. “Alright do it again!" Marquez shouted, trying to ignore the contractions that were now coming in waves.
The team, still oblivious, passed the ball around as if their lives depended on it. The clock ticked away the seconds, each one feeling like an eternity to Marquez. His hands clenched and unclenched as he coached, his knuckles turning white with the effort.
In the middle of the practice, Marquez walked to the bathroom and sat on the toilet and that when his water broke with a loud splash, the sound echoing in the toilet bowl.
He got up and went back to practice, a little wet between the legs"Guys, listen up," Marquez announced, his voice a tad shakier than usual. The players paused mid-dribble, looking at him expectantly. "I need you guys to be perfect because y’all are acting sloppy today."
Marquez's eyes met Mr. Thompson's, who was now standing at the doorway, “5 more minutes before practice ends, keep them sharp," he whispered, his voice strained. Mr. Thompson nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation but not fully grasping what was happening.
As the team huddled up, Marquez felt another intense contraction. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to keep his composure. The players' eyes were on him, waiting for his next instruction. He couldn't believe he was about to give birth right here, right now. But he had to keep it together for the sake of the team.
“Ok practice is over we will work on these drill
monday," Marquez called out as he took one last deep breath before the next wave of pain hit. The team looked at him, puzzled by the sudden end to the session.
As the players started to gather their gear and murmur among themselves, everyone left the gym leaving Coach and Mr. Jenkins.
“The baby is crowning," Marquez hissed, his face pale with pain.
Mr. Jenkins' eyes grew wide as saucers. "Now? Here?" He whispered, glancing around the empty gym, the echo of sneakers fading in the distance.
Marquez nodded, his breaths coming in short, sharp bursts. He held onto the principal shoulders and bore down, the pressure building. "Just keep rubbing my stomach please," he begged, his voice tight with pain.
Mr. Jenkins nodded, his eyes never leaving Marquez's face as he rubbed circles on the bulging mound beneath the coach's shirt. "You're doing great," he murmured, his voice calm but his mind racing. He had no medical experience, but he knew they needed to get Marquez to a hospital soon.
The gym door swung open, and in walked the school nurse, Ms. Rodriguez. She took one look at the coach's ashen face and the puddle on the floor and immediately rushed over. "Oh my God," she gasped, her eyes wide with shock. "What's happening?"
Mr. Jenkins filled her in quickly, his voice tight with tension. "Coach Marquez is in labor."
Ms. Rodriguez wasted no time, her years of training kicking in. She gently guided Marquez to the floor, instructing him to lay down. "Okay, Coach, breathe with me," she said calmly, her eyes never leaving his face.
Marquez nodded, panting as he followed her guidance. The contractions were coming quickly now, each one more intense than the last. The sound of the ball bouncing faintly from the hallway outside seemed to punctuate the rhythm of his labor.
Ms. Rodriguez called for 911 on her phone, her voice steady despite the chaos. The operator's voice crackled through the line, giving instructions. She relayed them to Mr. Jenkins, who was now pacing back and forth, his face a mask of worry.
"You need to get him into a more comfortable position," she said, placing a rolled-up towel under Marquez's head. "And grab those towels from the first aid kit."
Mr. Jenkins rushed to comply, his heart racing. He couldn't believe this was happening, but he had to stay calm for Marquez. As he returned with the towels, the nurse was already preparing to deliver the twins. Marquez's contractions grew stronger, and he could see the fear in his partner's eyes.
"Okay, Coach, when the next one hits, I need you to push," Ms. Rodriguez said firmly, her face a picture of professional calm. Marquez nodded, his teeth clenched. The first baby's head appeared, and Mr. Jenkins' heart stopped.
Marquez pushed with all his might, his face contorted in pain. The twins, oblivious to the drama unfolding in the school gym, began their grand entrance into the world. The first baby, a tiny boy, slipped into the nurse's waiting hands, letting out a piercing cry that filled the cavernous space.
Mr. Jenkins, stunned into silence, watched as Ms. Rodriguez expertly handled the newborn, wrapping him in the towel and cutting the umbilical cord with a pair of scissors she had retrieved from her pocket. She looked up at the coach, her expression a mix of relief and urgency. "You're doing great," she assured him. "One more to go."
Marquez nodded, sweat beading on his forehead. The pain was almost unbearable now, but the sight of his son gave him the strength to keep going. He took a deep breath and waited for the next contraction. As it washed over him, he pushed again, his entire body straining with the effort.
The second baby, a little girl, emerged just as easily, her wails joining her brother's. The gym, usually alive with the sounds of bouncing balls and squeaking sneakers, was filled with the cacophony of new life. Ms. Rodriguez handled the second birth with the same calm efficiency, handing the squalling infant to Mr. Jenkins, who took her with trembling hands.
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ccraccz · 10 months
How about a request where the reader is a security guard at the movie setting where the boys were filming and instead of arresting the boys for trespassing they decide ro help them with shooting and offering the boys props.
Characters: Hearsteel boys x GN!Reader
Implied male reader (reader can be seen as fit and not very bulky. They are taller than ezreal but shorter than k'sante and Sett. It says cleavage once, mostly because i have a slight obsession with man boobs, sorry not sorry) the characters are color coded, Alune is bold white (Looks like this)
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You had been standing around, walking back and forth, sitting, crouching, counting tiles, all the sorts to keep you entertained in this job. Your partner had gone to the bathroom an hour ago, and you've begun thinking that he'd sunk into the toilet, but he's probably either sleeping or he ditched you.
So, in uncomfortable shoes and the mandatory clothing you're made to wear, you fiddle around with whatever you can that is not your phone or watch. Your phone, sadly, had died, and your watch kept the time for your sanity, so if you started to tweet with it, you wouldn't be able to keep track of time and that'd be horrible for you.
Though, your thought process was placed on pause when you heard some masculine voices and the padding of a pup walking around.
"This is a bad idea."
"Yeah, but it's gonna be great for this music video! We just have to check if there's any security around"
"I'd think it would be best to ask if we can use this place for recording.."
"But that's not funnnnn"
"It's logical so we don't get charged for breaking into a place we shouldn't be in!"
They sounded quite far away from you
'This would be fun,' you thought, thinking of ideas to entertain yourself in this boring setting.
You could totally scare them while they're recording or something. While thinking, you forgot that you were out in the open, though still in the dark.
Their dog, a cute Rottweiler, waltzed right up and leaned on your legs, getting his short fur drilled into the fibers of your uniform pants, not that you cared. You looked up from the dog to see a green haired boy, looking around as if lost.
"Ernest?! Ernest, where are you? We need you for this scene!"
He wasn't lost then. He just wanted to look for the dog.
Sadly, even though you wanted to have some fun and joke around with them, you couldn't. First, you didn't want to stress out the pup in your arms, and second, you were extremely tired.
You sighed and crouched down to the level of the dog, petting him before slotting one of your arms under his chest and the other around his hips before lifting him. You had expected him to wiggle around on your arms, but he surprisingly didn't, Ernest seemed to be very tame, or well trained, you guessed.
You walked out of the shadows, dog in arms, and walked towards the male from behind. You were quite a bit taller than him, his head most likely being around your shoulder or cleaveage.
"You looking for this pup?"
You asked, knowing that he forsure was looking for the dog in your arms. You just didn't know how you could approach him other than asking him something like that. Why did you ask that again?
The green haired boy jumped up higher than a cartoon cat and let out this ear piercing screech that your work partner most likely heard (from wherever he is). He teleported three times, once farther away from you, once behind you, and once in front of you with a shy smile.
You noticed that he really had one of the cutest smiles and wait. He can teleport?
You blinked once. Twice. Three times.
"You can teleport??" "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU COME FROM???"
"I asked you a question first?!"
"You're the one who scared me!!!"
"OH my fuckin- whatever. Not the weirdest thing I've seen. Anyways, are you looking for this dog?"
He looked at your arms, the dog he'd been srarching for was litterally asleep and just dangling from your strong arms. He blinked and chuckled before nodding.
A rainbow of voices (see what I did there?) echoed down the hall with a few loud and quick thuds from behind you, making you turn around and the dog to wake up.
Placing down the pup, you grimaced at the need to explain to the group of men and lady because she's also running with them. This made you nervous.
This is not one of the reasons you wanted this job. Whatever.
"We deeply apologize for breaking in and disturbing you,"
"We're really sorry, we will leave in a few, we just need to put the things we used to record away."
"There's no need to apologize. You guys didn't seem to know, and it's all completely understandable. Since you guys are done with recording, and I'm just about to leave to go home, I'll help out in picking things up!"
While speaking to the two, who introduced themselves as Yone and Alune, you watched as the boys played around with Ernest or sat around watching (Aphelios, Alune told you when she saw you looking at him. You really were just entraced by his hair color). They seemed like sibling to each other.
"There's no need to do that. We're the ones intruding in the space we're we shouldn't be"
"Nah, it's fine. I'm probably going to quit this job either way. My co-worker ditched me, and I don't get paid enough. Not only that, the boss is just rude in general."
"Whatever you say, but we wouldn't want to bother you with such.."
"Like I said, it's fine! Also, I would rather do something like this than walk around for 7 hours."
Walking away, Yone following you, and Alune telling the boys to start getting ready to move to the next location that Sett had planned out for all of them.
You helped Yone carry some of the heavy stuff before K'sante, with a gentle and kind smile, took it from both of your hands, like the strong man he is. Yone, kindly asked you if you would carefully carry some of the recording equipment and mics, and with a soft smile, you took some of the equipment and followed behind Aphelios outside the building where he shows you were their truck is.
They were parked behind your, now totaled, car. You were shocked and almost dropped the easily breakable equipment in your hands because of the sight.
Aphelios was no different. When he heard you gasp, he turned towards you and turned to see what you were looking at. From your eyes and body language, he could tell that the car that was in front of theirs was yours.
He grabbed the objects from your hands and placed them on the floor near the car before standing in disbelief. When they got here, Sett had parked well enough, that car was not fucked up when they arrived.
Just what happened?
Ezreal, Sett, and Alune were close behind, and they saw you both just standing there. Curious, they looked at each other before walking over to ask. Their reactions were exactly the same. They froze in place.
They knew who did it though.
Kayn and K'sante were next, but they didn't react as bad as the group did. Yone exited right after him, empty-handed and ready to go, but he really didn't expect to see the whole group looking as if they were ghosts.
That is before he saw the cause of such reactions.
That rage filled call-out shock all of you out of your stupor and made Aphelios crouch down, pick up the cameras and mics from the ground, and run towards their truck. Everyone, minus Alune, else did the same, minus Kayn and yourself.
After the long, loud, and embarrassing scolding that Kayn got from Yone, he was sent to the back of their truck, where he would hold the objects.
Yone apologized again and again and again, asking you how much you'd like to repay or buy a new car. Anything.
But you weren't as mad as you thought you'd be. Maybe it was because you were still on shock, or it was because you were bored of the car, or maybe it needed repairing. You don't know, but you just shrugged his offers off.
"Please, we have to repay this mess one way or another? How can we help? Don't you need a ride back home? I bet you're tired from work. Are you sure?"
"Actually.... Yone..."
"I'd like to work with you guys"
That took Yone off guard. You must have gone insane! Your car, right in front of you, is completely destroyed, and here you're asking to work with them? After one person of their group literally just killed your source of transportation???
"You... want to work with us?? Like a dancer or singer? Or like an assistant manager??"
"I wouldn't mind either or actually. Though I would think being an assistant manager would be best"
Yone shakes his head in disbelief. You've truly gone insane. He sighs before reaching out his hand forwards, you instantly taking it in yours and shaking it.
"Welcome to Heartsteel [Name], we'll talk more about joining tomorrow"
"Also, Yone, I'll take you up on that ride"
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So so sorry it took so long! School just started again so I have to get used to the rhythm of school days again.
I decided to write this in a different format because I wanted to try something new. Not only that, I tried to add a bit of everyone, but I really wasn't able to 😰😰.
Either way!!! I truly hope you enjoy this little goofy thing. Thank you so much for requesting lovely anon!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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rafedaddy01 · 1 year
Rafe x reader ; there having a heated argument and she’s throwing things and breaking things at the tannyhill and ward tells rafe he’s met his match and leaves him there to deal with it and then once the calm is finally over rafe destroys her in doggy style to show he’s really the leader in the relationship (not true) cause he’s whipped for the reader and her outlandish behavior that makes him look somewat normal
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A/n: Y’all are so creative with your ideas, I’m loving it. For sure got hot and bothered writing this, it’s a must for me. Keep up the requests
Warnings: smut, punishment, dark, hair pulling, argument, dominance, 18+
“Fuck you rafe” you said turning around to leave. “Where do you think your going? Were not done here” Rafe said pulling you by your hair backward into the room and tossing you onto the couch making your tits bounce which he took notice of. “Yes we are, your a dick. Just let me go home” you shouted standing up to push past him but he blocked the door way
“Your not going anywhere y/n” he chuckled. “Okay, fine” you said picking up a vase “you want me to stay, I’ll stay. But I’ll also destroy every fucking piece of item in this room” you said shattering the vase against the tile floor. Rafe shot you a warning look that you brushed off and reached for a statue that looked pretty expensive. You picked it up and shot Rafe a sarcastic smile before slamming it against the floor bits flying across the room. “What the hell is going on here?” Ward came in looking frantically around the broken glass. He looked up at Rafe who looked embarrassed, “son, looks like you met your match. Deal with this” he said pointing to the mess you made before answering a call and shutting the door behind him. You reached for a few pictures sitting on the piano in the room. “Y/n id be very careful with your next actions, don’t think I won’t punish you for this. I’m still in charge here” you flipped him off before throwing each frame at the wall with a loud crash. You looked around at your mess pretty proud of what you accomplished. You cleaned your hands off and grabbed your purse to exited out the door. Rafe gripped your wrists and pinned you back against the wall. “You wanna act like a brat I’ll fuck you like one” he said taking a pocket knife out of his pocket with his free hand and cut your skirt down the middle causing it to fall to the floor. He looked up at you as tears fell down your cheeks and you tried wiggling free. “Let me go Rafe I swear-“ you started. “You swear what? There’s nothing you could do to scare me y/n” he chuckled darkly placing the pointy part of the knife into your thigh and pushing slightly not enough to cause bleeding but enough to make you yelp. “Now… how about you keep this pretty mouth shut and let me remind you whose in charge in this relationship” Rafe said bringing the knife to your panties and cutting them off you. You nodded your head in defeat.
“Get on the couch on all fours” Rafe said putting the knife on the table and stripping of his clothes. You took your shirt off and did what he said, regretting being a brat. “You know the drill, don’t cum until your given permission” he said slapping your ass hard “understand?” He questioned yanking your head back by your hair when you didn’t answer him. “Y-yes Rafe, im sorry” you cried out. He laughed as he positioned himself behind you, erection pushing against your ass. “A little late for that doll” he thrusted into you harshly not giving you any time to adjust. “You better keep quiet, don’t need my dad coming back up here and seeing what happens to sluts who don’t listen” he grunted as he thrusted harder into your cervix. You always hated when hed fuck you from the back, it allowed him to get a better angle of fucking into you deeper it felt good when you came but the pain that came before was excruciating. “Rafe please slow down” you sobbed. “Aw is baby in pain? To bad. You wanted to act like a brat so you’ll get punished like one” he said leaving his hand print on your ass cheek. “I’m in charge in this relationship and don’t you forget it” he hissed as your walls clenched around his cock repeatedly. He slowed down his thrusts not letting you cum. “Rafe please let me cum, I need it. It hurts to hold it” you pouted turning your head to look at him hoping he’d give in seeing the look on your face. All he did was pull you up so your back pressed against his chest. “You want to cum so bad, fuck yourself on my cock” he whispered in your ear halting his movements inside you. You moaned as you started bouncing on his cock chasing the high you desperately needed. His hands reached around to pinch your nipple causing your eyes to shut from the pain and pleasure he was giving you. “Eyes open” he said wrapping one of his hands around your throat and squeezing. Rafe was close too and you could tell from how his cock twitched repeatedly. He stopped you from moving and flipped you over so that he was on top. “I wanna watch your face when I make you cum” he said inserting himself back into you. Your hands made way into his hair and tugged at the roots. Rafe moaned and came undone inside you thrusting a few sloppy thrusts as you came undone as well throwing your head back and arching your back.
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jagawriterr · 2 years
I dream of reading something about the Predator and the reader in the shower. That would be good.
Pairing: Predator x fem!reader Warnings: masturbation, fingering, pussy licking 18+ mdni!!! A/N: It can be a bit chaotic, but Dishan'de does that to my brain coils.
You could the pungent smell of sweat and moisture in the air. The rising mist of hot water and the loud clicking of Dishan'de.
He exposed his naked body, shivered as the first drops of hot water fell on his mangled body, washing fresh scars.
His skin glistened in the bright bulb light, creating reflections between the light and the pouring water.
The sight knocked you off your feet. You couldn't look at him. He was really great. The giant son of a bitch you wanted. He just wanted a good bath after a difficult mission. rest. Good night. Rest and relief in the arms of him beloved.
He rested his hand on the wall. He felt the cold from the tiles seeping through his body. The current that mercilessly drilled into his skin. He was driving invisible pins between the hairs on his palm.
touched himself for a moment. those few innocent moments to feel relieved and overwhelmed.
You couldn't take your eyes off him. Not for a moment. You were numb. It feels like you're not here. But you were. You hid in the vestibule, between the showers and the cloakroom.
You never hid that you felt something more for Dishan'de. You were good friends. The memory of his touch while he tried to overpower you in training.
It's an overwhelming feeling. A flood of heat that overwhelmed you enough to make you blush. You couldn't stop blushing. Shame flooded you. Overpowered. He made you withdraw enough so that you could only think of him as a friend again.
It didn't take long.
You sank your hand between your thighs as you saw him start jerking off. He was excited. The hot water washed away his dirty thoughts and deeds. With each movement of his hand he was getting closer to the limit. The mounting tension towered over him. He felt close.
You heard a soft whisper coming from his mouth. Your name emerging from his lips. The syllables of your name. Shock, numbness and confusion. Heat hitting the body in waves. Overwhelm.
You entered his cabin. Being within reach of his hand made you feel a wave of elation again. You felt the excitement building up and the heat between your thighs. You buried your hands in his body. The skin on his back tightened.
He turned to you, looked into your shining eyes, stroked your already wet hair. He leaned in and placed a light kiss on your cheek with his tongue. The jaws moved freely. He wrapped his arms around your hips.
Dishan'de snuggled close to you, stroking your wet back gently, his claws drawing long scars. You held him in your arms, soothing his nerves from the heavy mission. He brought his mandibles closer to your breasts. The combination of the feel of his tongue and his hand digging between your thighs deepened the sensation of swelling that was churning in your core. You couldn't stop thinking about it. You couldn't stop anymore. Stop him from what he wants to do. What his hand had wanted to do for a very long time.
He dreamed about it.
He wanted it. You threw your head back. You closed your eyes and a louder moan escaped your lips. It was the most tender, gentlest touch. Suffocating and provocative. You felt his hand making small circles through your folds. You felt it teasing your clit.
"I like the way you react to my touch, little girl"
He said tenderly as he caressed your swollen clit wanting more. Your pussy was on fire. His tongue dug into your breasts as he slid his finger inside you. You felt a sudden wave of heat spread through body. You moaned loudly as he began to stroke him, sparing no time. His blue tongue circled on the wet skin of your neck as he fingered you.
"So wet, just for me"
He whispered as you felt him insert a second finger into you. You listened to his growls and moans as he fingered you hard. You didn't want this moment to pass too quickly. You wanted to savor this moment. Be here just for yourself. Feel close. Belonging to yourself. Strengthen the bond that binds you.
He knelt in front of you, felt his hot breath on your thighs and the caress of his huge hands. He spread legs wider, draped them over his shoulders, and dug into the gap between your thighs.
He gently licked your folds with his tongue. you wrapped your arms around his neck, breathing heavily, tilted your head back, water seeping into the wrinkles on your face. You felt his tongue move deeper and deeper into where you wanted him the most. Where did you need him most. His eyes saw you. He looked at you, your face covered with a grimace of euphoria. You couldn't help but moan in pleasure as he penetrated you with his tongue.
The tension snaked like a snake, reaching deeper into you. You knew it was about to explode. This spiral will slowly begin to disintegrate. It will make you erupt like a volcano.
Too many. Too intense. There was no escaping it anymore. You felt the walls tighten against his tongue. The heat wave flooded you all over again. You lifted your hips in excitement. You covered your mouth with your hand so no one could hear your orgasm. U moaned into your hand, feeling the vibration of your voice and the intensity of the orgasm he was giving you.
He came out of you, saw you, naked before him, subjugated, provoked and satisfied. He loved giving you pleasure.
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