#tikki is scarier than plagg
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chatnoirismycinnamonroll · 6 years ago
Only Human: Akuma! Marinette AU (part 3)
Disclaimer: I dont own, and never will I even come close to owning, either Miraculous or Christina Perri's song Only Human.
Tikki raced through the now silent hallways towards her chosen's classroom. She had been trapped in Marinette's purse, held down by the mist, and was only just able to get out. Like everybody else in the school, she had been able to see everything Only Human had shown her classmates. She felt her pain, her sorrow, her anxiety and stress at having to pretend that everything was fine when it wasnt.
Tikki sighed. She knew she shouldn't have held Marinette back from telling someone her identity for so long. All of that accumulated stress had been bound to be released sometime. And boy, what a release it was. Plagg must be so happy at the destruction she knew Marinette had left in her wake.
But, honestly, Tikki couldnt blame her. The way Marinette's "friends" had cornered her chosen in the bathroom had left Tikki piping mad, and if she ever saw them again, identity or not, Tikki was going to give them a piece of her mind. Anyone who thought Plagg was hell to live with had nothing on an angry Tikki. He may be the god of destruction and bad luck, but she was the goddess of creation and luck. You piss her off, and you might just get a new hole in your along with having your good luck run out.
Whoever said cats were the protective ones were highly mistaken.
Marinette sighed. She kept her eyes on the butterfly until she could no longer see it. She didnt want to face her classmates right now, especially since she could remember everything she had done as an akuma. She could remember making Lila bite her own tongue hard enough to bleed. She could remember lifting her and Alya up and slamming them into the ground. She could remember every image she made them see, every memory that she knew would make them feel guilty for treating her the way they had. And she didnt feel any better for it. She had hurt Chat Noir. She had blasted him into the wall with enough force to leave him dazed, when all he was trying to do was help her.
She also knew that she had had no control of herself. She had unwillingly let Hawkmoth push himself past her grief and into her mind. He had used her memories as leverage over her classmates, her....
She couldnt exactly call them friends now, could she? Not really. She looked up at them, seeing Rose and Mylene help Alix out from under a bookshelf and pull her towards Lila, who was still bleeding from her mouth and staring at Marinette with a frightened but hateful stare. Alya was sobbing and Nino was co.forting her, and Marinette's heart gave a lurch as they didnt approach her to see if she was okay, like she did with them after they got akumatized.
She forced herself to look away, forced herself to stand up and ignore their frightened gasps. She couldnt focus on them at the moment. She had to find Tikki so she could reverse her damage, and then she could head home and hopefully nobody would question why Ladybug got there late-
And suddenly there was a red kwami snuggling up to her cheek. She was standing at the front of the classroom, covered in dust and bruises, her hands cut and burnt a little from the struggle of tearing her own akumatized item, her classmates staging her, and her kwami was nuzzling her cheek and crying tears of relief.
"Tikki? Um..."
"Oh, Marinette, you're alright! I was so worried! I tried to prevent the akuma from getting to you, but I failed. I'm so sorry, Marinette. I was supposed to protect you, and you got akumatized anyway." Tikki lamented, tears leaking out of her big blue eyes as she stared up at her sweet, strong, beautiful chosen.
Marinette smiled, accepting that Tikki was giving her identity away because she was obviously going to say something important. "It's alright, Tikki. It wasnt your fault I got akumatized, it was Hawkmoth's. I remember everything, unfortunately, but I do remember that I never said the words. I never accepted his offer of akumatization. He forced his akuma onto me, Tikki. You tried to save me, but he was the one who took advantage of my emotions. Dont ever blame yourself for this, Tikki." Marinette held Tikki in her hands and kissed her forehead, nuzzling the cute being with her nose, getting a giggle out of her.
"You're the best kwami I could ever ask for."
"So it is a kwami."
Marinette looked up, finally acknowledging the others. Chat stood in front of her, staring down at her with several emotions in his eyes. She couldnt tell which was stronger at the moment. She could see the wheels turning in his head, and she knew the instant it clicked for him.
"You.... you're...!"
"A KWAMI? How did you get a kwami, Marinette? You're a superhero? And you never told me?" Alya said, her tears dying down as her eyes narrowed in astonishment and disbelief.
Marinette gulped, not exactly ready to face her classmates just yet. "I... um.. I...."
"She had no reason to tell you, Alya Cesaire. You should know all too well why that is."
Everyone stared down at the little red kwami, who had a serious look on her face that looked oddly intimidating for such a small creature.
Chat gulped, but kept his eyes on Marinette's as he shakingly whispered, "My Lady?" His anger towards his classmates rose further when Marinette nodded tensely, her arms folded and head bowed in a clear, protective manner. Oh, it was on. That did it. The entire class was gonna get a new one ripped into them. Nobody hurt his Lady, especially if she was also his Princess.
He glared at the class and stepped forward, ready to yell at them when a tiny red hand stopped him.
"Dont. You take care of Marinette. I'll take care of her so called friends." Tikki said, her blue eyes glinting dangerously. Chat nodded, turning to head towards Marinette, but his transformation suddenly dropping stopped him in his tracks. Everyone gasped as Adrie. was revealed, and they snapped out of whatever stupor they were in and began to yell, demanding answers from both him and Marinette.
He felt cornered and overwhelmed as they began to doubt him. How could he, Adrien Agreste, possibly be Chat Noir? They were nothing alike! Why didnt he tell them? Was this the only secret he kept from them? Did Marinette know? Why were they keeping secrets? What else did they have to hide?
He backed up until he felt a hand slipping into his, and Marinette looked up at him with reassuring bluebell eyes. He relaxed immediately. How could he not see his lady in her? He should have realized it the moment he called her his everyday Ladybug. He knew there was a reason he was so attracted to Marinette. There was a reason why Ladybug's rare flailings and nervousness so often struck him as familiar and adorable. Now that he thought about it, there wasnt anybody else who could possibly be Ladybug.
He held her hand tightly as the noise got louder and their classmates slowly came out from under the rubble to yell more things at them, and just when he thought he couldnt take it anymore-
Everybody froze. They stared at the glowing red kwami as her eyes flashed with anger. "How dare you all demand answers from her after what you've done to her?! Marinette is not some toy you can just drop once shes no longer of use to you. Shes not some servant you can call upon whenever you want something. She's not some emotionless robot who you can order around and expect her to follow orders without any single input or objection. Shes a human being, just like you! So sit down, shut up, and show her the respect she deserves for having put up with you all for so long or so help me I'll make sure none of you ever have a good day ever again."
The silence that followed was deafening. Everybody slowly sat down amongst the rubble and stared fearfully at the tiny goddess.
The silence was broken by a cackle, and the little black kwami that had come out of Adrien's ring slowly floated his way towards his other half.
"Oh, oh, sugar cube, you're gonna make me split in two. I cant wait to hear what sorts of things you need to say to these ungrateful morons." His laughing suddenly stopped, and he looked at the class with narrowed eyes, his black form a almost a shadow, the only things visible on him were the two glowing green slits of his eyes. "I too would like to see them properly punished for almost destroying Paris by literally akumatizing the only other person who keeps them safe on a daily basis. So if you need a little bad luck on your side, dont hesitate to call me up, sweet cheeks."
Tikki smiled at him, before her eyes turned serious again and she glared at the girls. "First of all, I'd like to say I am very disappointed in all of you. You had no right to just turn your backs on Marinette, especially after everything she has done for you without complaint. I cant believe one little girl's lies are enough to fool you, and they weren't even GOOD lies!!"
Tikki's little antenna began to sway in her anger. "Max!" He jumped, his glasses slightly skipping from his nose. "You're supposed to be the smartest boy in the school. Tell me, how was a rolled up, thin, paper napkin going to gouge your eye out when 1) it was rolled up into a tight ball, 2) headed towards Lila's hand, which was level with your stomach, and 3) your eyes were safely covered by your glasses? Tell me, how?"
Max looked down in shame, having figured that out at some time during the attack. Tikki shook her head and moved onto the next person. "Alya. You've called yourself Marinette's best friend, but you sure didnt act like it at all today. Best friends have each others backs. They trust each other and always listen to each other. This isn't the first time you've disregarded Marinette's words and facts as nothing but jealousy. Not only that, but you chose your boyfriend over your best friend. You didnt protest moving Marinette out of a chair she worked so hard to keep all year, and you didnt even give her the benefit of the doubt when she tried to warn you about Lila's lies."
Tikki began to slowly vibrate in her anger, a low buzz filling the room.
"And then, you have the audacity to te her to show you proof of Lila's lies when you yourself have no proof that what Lila is saying is true. You could have fact checked with Ladybug about being Lila's friend. You could have asked Marinette to ask Jagged Stone if he ever had a kitten. You could have looked up half the things Lila has said on Google and figured out that NONE OF THEM WERE TRUE. And then- and then-!"
Tikki stopped talking as her body glowed to a deep angry red, the black.of her spots looking more like the dark, empty void of space than the sweet, adorable, chocolate chip looking spots Marinette often told her they looked like.
"Sugar Cube?"
"And then, you dared tell her that she was wrong to be angry. That she was wrong to have treated Lila so "mean" when she hadn't been mean at all. You told her it was wrong of her to question Lila and then dared demand her to apologize before then telling her to keep away from you until she did. You ditched your best friend for a new girl, a stranger, with outlandish and interesting stories. I guess Marinette was wrong to have trusted you the way she did, didnt she, little fox?"
Alya reeled back, her eyes back to streaming tears. "I'm sor-"
"Dont. You haven't thought about your actions. Not really. You're not completely sorry, so dont apologize just yet."
Alya quieted down, her sobs silently shaking her frame as she leant against Nino, her thoughts finally calm enough for her to properly analyze them.
Tikki moved on, glaring at the other girls. "And you all. Mylene, Rose, Alix. Marinette has been nothing but kind to you. She has helped every single one of you with something personal. With something important. Both as herself and as Ladybug. And the one moment she makes a mistake, you make her out to be a monster. You, Mylene, know that Marinette wouldn't do anything out of jealousy, especially not after what she did with Kagami and Adrien." Mylene hung her head in shame.
"Rose, you called Marinette the everyday Ladybug, but you had no right to detract your words in such a way. Ladybug makes mistakes too, and you basically told Marinette that since Ladybug is perfect, Marinette couldn't be Ladybug because she wasn't perfect. You faulted her for feeling betrayed and insulted and for showing her emotions. And you had absolutely no right to do that." Rose let a few tears fall as she remembered her uncharacteristic behaviour.
Alix looked at the kwami in shame, knowing what Tikki was going to say. "Alix, dont you ever call Marinette selfish again. And dont ever fault her if she decides to act selfishly for once. I honestly think she can afford to be just a little more selfish sometimes, especially to get the boy of her dreams."
Tikki was back to her normal hue, and her anger turned to disappointment. "You all were pretty despicable today. I could not believe this behaviour from you. I expect much better from all of you."
The class hung their heads, all except Lila. Tikki stared at Lila blankly before moving back towards Marinette.
"Wait, what about Lila?" Adrien protested. He stood up and glared at the little liar. "Shes been spreading lies about both Marinette and herself all day. Shes the reason why everyone is mad at My Lady in the first place. Shouldn't she be lectured and punished as well?"
Tikki stopped her advance towards Marinette. She styled floating in the air for several seconds, before turning back and smiling at Adrien. Adrien instinctively stepped back from that smile.
"Don't worry, Adrien. Lila's been cursed since before I entered the room." Her smile switched from Adrien towards Lila, who stared back with frightened eyes. "I'm very protective of my Ladybugs."
@drarrylover007 @mindfulmagics
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seasonofthegeek · 7 years ago
I know you don't really like angst, but "That was fun. Let's cause more chaos again, later" with hawkmoth, akuma!marinette, tikki, plagg, Chloe, and alya. Hawkmoth got both lb and cat miraculous, Adrien dead/out in the corner.
I don’t know where you get the idea that I don’t like angst if you’ve read my drabbles, but here you go. :)
“That was fun,” Seamstress cooed, dropping the Black Cat Miraculous into Hawkmoth’s open palm. “Let’s cause more chaos again, later.” She slipped a long needle from the bun at the top of her head. “For now, I have something else in mind.”
Chloe pushed herself in front of Alya as the needle sailed through the air. It sank deep into the back of Chloe’s shoulder and she cried out as she fell forward against Alya’s weak form. 
A wicked smile spread over Seamstress’s mouth as she languidly moved towards them. “Not looking so hot, Chlo,” she drawled, slowly pulling out another needle.
“Seamstress,” Hawkmoth called, voice low. “I wanted the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous. We have what we need for now.”
“I can take the others,” she replied, keeping her eyes on her former teammates.
“Tikki would be so ashamed of you,” Trixx tutted as she and Pollen flew out to form a protective barrier in front of the young women. 
The akumatized Marinette tilted her head, a playful smirk appearing on her lips. “Tikki was always a bit of a buzzkill.”
“Mari, please help Adrien, please.” Alya’s voice was low and hoarse, specks of blood painting her lips with each word she spoke.
“What’s the point?”
“Seamstress,” Hawkmoth called again, tone harder.
She glanced back at him over her shoulder. “You got what you wanted, Hawky. You won’t rush me now.”
“You forget your place, girl,” he growled.
Without looking back, she threw her hand in his direction and thick strands of yarn wrapped the man up, tipping him over to a bound pile on the floor. He cursed and spat angrily, trying to work his cane out of the restrictive bindings.
“He’s really no fun,” Seamstress pouted. “I guess you get a pass for now.” She stepped away from Chloe and Alya and moved towards Adrien’s limp form. She studied him for a moment and sighed, nudging his wounded side with the tip of her toe. “He had such potential too.”
Hawkmoth had worked one arm out of the yarn bindings and was yanking the cane out. Seamstress leapt to the window and did a mocking curtsy. “Until we meet again,” she grinned before disappearing into the night.
“You’ve really done it now, asshole,” Chloe swore, grabbing her shoulder and glaring at Hawkmoth. “You have no idea what you’ve unleashed.” 
Prompt List
Buy me a coffee?
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years ago
Truth / Lies
Bio!Dad Bruce
Bio!Dad Masterlist ~~~ Ao3 ~~~ First ~~~ Previous ~~~~~~~~~~
Marinette slipped out of the apartment early the next morning. She ran through the city, the early morning air stung her skin, waking her up more with each step.
Last night was a whirlwind and she didn't let herself think about it. But now she was.
Three months, almost four.
She has only known she was a Wayne for four months.
If this had happened sooner. She shuddered at the thought, yet it still flitted across her mind. She would have married her brother had this happened sooner.
Would she have recognized Damian from the 10 seconds she spent looking at his photo that day. No, she wouldn't and that thought terrified her. If it happened before then, she wouldn't even know she had a brother.
Would Bruce have recognized her, maybe, but then again that was assuming he knew what she looked like. And knowing what and how this happened, they wouldn’t have even met until after the fact.
She didn't even realize she had made her regular circuit until she was back in front of their apartment building. She opened the door and made her way up.
Hopefully Tim was gone, and they wouldn't need to explain last night.
She opened the door and there was not only Tim, but also Dick, Jason, and Bruce. At the table was a statuesque Damian.
"How much did they get out of you?" She tentatively asked.
"They threatened to call Manhunter." Was his answer.
Okay they know nothing, but oh no, oh no, oh no. She sat next to Damian turning into statue number two.
"Mini, the two of you disappeared last night what happened." Dad tried to stay calm, but his patience must have been tested by Sol already.
"Two truths, one lie." She side eyed Damian.
"We were in Nanda Parbat." Damian started.
"We avoided one mind numbing wedding." Marinette continued.
"The order has a larger moral back-bone than the league."
"You two aren't seriously playing this game to stall, are you?!" Tim seemed close to a mental breakdown. Then again, he hasn't slept in a week, so them disappearing may be the straw that broke him.
"Nanda Parbat and the league are tied so 1 and 3 are true." Jason figured.
"I would agree if this wasn't the second time, they said they avoided a wedding." Tim sighed.
"But it doesn't add into any of the others." Dick added.
"This morning their excuse was they were avoiding a wedding." Tim supplied.
"The truths are 1 and 2." Dad spoke definitely.
"Care to fill in the rest of the class B." Jason scoffed.
"Mini looks down for a fraction of a second when she lies, and she didn't when she said 2. Leaving 1 or 3 as the lie. Damian doesn't have a tick but using what he said 1 is true." He explained.
"There is no way for them to make that round trip in such a short time." Dick thought aloud. "Unless the order is filled with magic users. Meaning it is possible. And kidnapping kids could count as a lower moral backbone."
"Okay, so you're right, but kidnapping isn't the reason the League has a larger moral compass." Marinette assured.
"Do we want to know why the League of fucking Assassins has a larger moral backbone than an order of supposedly good magicians?" Jay was the one to speak the question on everyone's mind.
"Well if not saying or attempting to stop marrying two underage people is any indication." Damian scoffed.
"I honestly think it was their idea in the first place." Marinette mused aloud.
"Please for the love of god tell me you two weren't the ones getting married." Tim finally put it together.
"We avoided one hell of a headache inducing wedding. What do you think." She confirmed exasperated.
In a second (4) Errors could be seen on the faces of their family.
"Mini how long will it take to get to the league with Kaalki?" Dad was the first to recover, but his voice was eerily level, scarier than his even tone as Batman.
"Instantaneously, but someone who knows it better should be the one opening the portal." She responded quickly.
"Give the glasses to your brother. Damian open a portal."
Neither of them put up a fight, doing exactly as they were told. Not 20 seconds later all six of them were back in the middle of the League of Assassins following a clearly pissed off Bruce Wayne.
Thank kwamii that everyone else seem to know exactly where they were going in this compound because she sure didn’t. She walked right next to Damian the entire time and they were both watching their fathers back.
Twist and turns one after another and they finally came to what she can only describe as a throne room. When she saw the piece of shit that is Damian's maternal grandfather once again.
"Ra's." Was all her father stated. It is no exaggeration when she says that the color drained from that man’s face. She apparently wasn’t the only one contemplating exactly what had gone down last night. And the inevitable reaction of her family. What she failed to notice however, but her father didn’t was next to him was the same monk, still there. "Name." He ordered.
"Su-Han." He still spoke with dignity, but fear crept into his voice and stance.
"What the fuck did you try to do to my kids." Bruce growled in that instant she stopped breathing.
"Holy shit did Bruce just..." Jason stage whispered to Dick. However, she still couldn’t breathe and just watched the exchange. If she didn’t know her father’s rule to not kill, she would think he would be about to kill both Ra's and Su-Han, but she did know that rule. She’s pretty sure her father my break it though.
Bruce immediately was in a state of shock.
As Batman he had contingencies and plans in place for everything and anything. But this, this never was a probable scenario ever.
Once his shock faded, he saw red, he was absolutely livid. Children, his children, were almost married, for what. A feud that neither knew even existed.
"Mini how long will it take to get to the league with Kaalki?" His voice was dead even, attempting and failing to keep his anger in check. Thank God Hawkmoth was no more.
"Instantaneously, but someone who knows it better should be the one opening the portal." She responded quickly.
"Give the glasses to your brother. Damian open a portal."
Mini handed Damian the glasses, who immediately opened a portal. He walked through with his kids in tow, but he did not stray from his warpath. He found Ra's and another man, who wore the symbol on Mari's box.
"Ra's." Was all he said, knowing he had the man's attention the moment he entered. He showed no attempt to be bored. or uninterested. In fact, if it didn't seem impossible, Bruce would go so far as to say he was scared. He then looked over at the second man. "Name." He spoke again.
"Su-Han." He still spoke with dignity, but fear crept into his voice and stance.
"What the fuck did you try to do to my kids." Bruce demanded.
"It is not like you to visit." Ra's seemed to dance around his question.
"Why my kids?!" His voice rose and patience dwindled. So much so he didn't notice his two youngest slipped out of the room. While the older three seemed to be eating cookies and pastries, watching the show.
"Them being related was an unforeseen factor." Su-Han answered. "For there to be peace the two organizations needed to be unified."
"And both of you rubbed your cumulative two brain cells together and thought marrying two kids together is a valid response."
It was Ra's turn to speak. "Both of your children happen to be the next in line to command both respective organizations. Marriage was simply a contract between the two individual organizations to maintain peace. Although that failed to occur."
"Why did marriage come before I don't know, a god damn Peace treaty." He stopped to breathe.
"Given our history." Su-Han tried to make a point, but he didn't let him.
"You want history, I hear they have been around since the time of the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Babylonian Empires."
Both men stood there seemingly trying to formulate any response that could work. “Marriage was the most reliable method to promote unity between the two.”
"Bullshit, you both wanted something quick and easy." An explosion was heard in the compound, sending Ra's into a fighting stance. "You both wanted to make it their responsibility to keep the peace. And when it would fail you would use it as an excuse to return to fighting one another."
A full minute of pure silence when no one so much as moved drawled on. Until the doors opened, and in walked his children, as a fox and a horse with two Kwamii in front of them.
"Are you two the ones responsible for the explosion?"
They looked at one another, then back at him. Damian was the one who answered. "Yes."
"What did you four do?" He asked, although he only did so more out of obligation than curiosity.
"We may have destroyed all the Pools of Miracles." Tikki flew forward and answered.
"You destroyed the Lazarus Pits / Pools!" Was shouted by Ra's and Su-Han.
"Yes, so it's magic cannot be further twisted." Mari stood firm.
"And for the monks to stop using it to extend their lives." Damian added.
"Can I spite them now?" A cat Kwamii he never met before asked him.
"I should be more disappointed, but I'm not." He sighed. "Go on ahead."
"Pigtails your family is the best." The cat cheered. "Now for you two."
The best way to explain what he did was that he phased through each of their hearts and floated on back. The entire time he were a grin that rivaled the cheshire cat.
"Plagg, what did you do?" Tikki tentatively asked.
"What's the fun in telling you now. Plagg cackled. With that they all left, back to Paris. Never mess with his kids, because one they can God damn take care of themselves and two, he may not kill but he will supervise if even one of them is hurt.
~~~~~~~~~~ Taglist: @mochinek0 @justafanwarrior @abrx2002 @ranger-gothamite @fantasiame @moonystars14 @mochegato @bigbeautifulandfullofsugar @maribat-is-lifeblood @iglowinggemma28 @miraculous-ninja @talutah0 @vixen-uchiha @danielslilangel @witchsblackfox @pawsitivelymiraculous @lizziejay @marinettepotterandplagg @colorfulmongerpsychicranch @dast218 @sassakitty @miyla-lokidottir @lilkymilky @tazanna-blythe @tired-butterfly @lozzybowe @smolplantmum @queencommonsense @loopingtangent @chez-pezeater @paintedhope7 @technicallyburninggarden @meme991001 @wannajointhecrabcult @melicmusicmagic @trippingovermyfeet @greatcatblaze @fidget-eep @miraculouslydumb @iamablinkmarvelarmy @laurcad123 @hauntedwintersweets @fc-studios @fusser90 @madking-warqueen @buginetye @little-lady-bird @thebooki3h @iamabrownfox @galla02006 @syrencall @gimpedmercy
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miraculouscontent · 4 years ago
Didn’t Need Burrow (May 3rd-May 22nd)
Anonymous said:
Don’t Need Burrow to know that Ladybug’s distrust of Volpina will be played off as though she was simply jealous of her because she thought she was going to steal Adrien/Chat, even though she didn’t like Chat! Oh, but she did, she didn’t know it yet. That’s why she kissed him in Dark Cupid!
Not like she didn’t have a bunch of other reasons to distrust Volpina.
(the show also does this a lot where Marinette has an extra reason on top of “““jealousy,”““ like in “Oni-Chan” where the thing she was concerned about actually ended up happening, but the fandom boils everything down to jealousy anyway)
Anonymous said:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Su Han will take the Miraculouses from all the girls because he thinks girls don’t have the “physical and mental fortitude” to be heroes, giving them tto guys instead. The girls will find out about each others’ identities and join in the battle to get their Miraculouses back without any powers, led by Marinette, despite the fact that the genre of Miraculous Ladybug is supposedly Magical GIRL and thus the girls being powerful should be a given
(there was another part to this but I didn’t get it all so I clipped this ask a bit so it could work alone)
tbh the true ending should just be Marinette and the girls kicking each misogynist to the curb without any powers, and Su-Han goes last.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Luka and Zoe, from their styles and hints like the ice cream Luka holds in Truth and the flower on her shirt.... I'm sure at this point the writers will either send him on a tour with Jagged, or make him Zoe's bf offscreen somehow... Also more torture for Mari mentally :)
Of course. :)
Gotta make sure Marinette doesn’t have any choice but Adrien. :)
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Zoe will be Adrien's new love interest because she's "very sweet". Mari will be okay with it because she feels the Guardian must be alone. (And she's still punishing herself for hurting Luka.) The New-Bee and Chat also bond, making her feel even more alone. (But now Lila can't claim she's jealous and her hold over the class is lessened as Zoe becomes more popular.)
I’m super not here for Marinette punishing herself (and the show possibly presenting it as her “growing up” and “doing the right thing”) and for Ladybug getting jealous over the playboy cat.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Prince Ali/Rose turns out to be endgame, while Rose/Juleka gets Lukanette'd -- their relationship happened mostly off-screen and we only see them pulling apart. Juleka has to let Rose go so she can live out 'every girl's dream', possibly even being put on a bus/written out of the series.
In which the Couffaines aren’t allowed nice things because they’re poor-coded.
Anonymous said:
I can’t believe the Pig’s weapon is ACTUALLY a tambourine. I’ve had that down as my guess for the pig miraculous for ages but I never thought I’d actually be right. On that note - Didn’t Need Burrow: the Ox’s weapon will definitely be a hammer, and the Goat’s might be a shepherd’s crook or grappling hook, and the Rooster’s could be a horn.
Congrats on being right!
We’ll definitely see on the whole weapons things.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: That Rose's mysterious sickness from "Guiltrip" episode will be ignored in other episodes.
Honestly, it was ignored in “Guiltrip” too. Rose’s illness seemed to be related to headaches and then they literally have her headbanging in her transformation.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: After "Guiltrip", the dynamics of Juleka and Rose's relationship will revert to the "romantic standing next to each other somewhere in the background".
Just look at them doing [friendly task]... romantically!!
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Tikki's comments about not really understanding love are later treated as her being in denial about her being in love with Plagg. Because the two of them are 'soulmates' *just like Adrien and Marinette*, and there's no such thing as a PLATONIC bond. Plus, it's denying another feminine-identifying character the right to define and declare her own feelings -- she's not ALLOWED to not love him that way! If she says otherwise, she's either in denial or mistaken! Or both!
[flashbacks to “Animan” where Alya denies feelings for Nino as being “like a brother to her” and then gets together with him at the end of the episode]
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: In the upcoming Mr. Pigeon episode, Chat Noir's behaviour toward Mr. Ramier in Lies will not be brought up at all.
Yeah, this is why I knew writing “Lying on the Job” was the right choice. :P The show wasn’t going to do it.
(part of me hopes that this acts as a jinx but I doubt it)
soap-lady said:
Didn't Need Burrow: It will be revealed Adrien always knew about Mari's crush. He tells Plagg it's because not only would rejecting a friend be hard, her akuma would be even scarier than her dad. He later admits at the end of the episode to Plagg that having an "awesome person like Marinette" crushing on him makes him feel good about himself. The show will frame this as charming rather than egotistical.
wow i hate it
throw the whole man away, Marinette
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The "reverse love square" will happen as a result of Adrien being drunk on a love potion/under the control of a spell which makes him fall for Marinette. This will result in Marinette being uncomfortable with Adrien's relentless pursuit of her...AGAIN...which is, of course, played for laughs...AGAIN. Her friends will probably shame her, saying, "why are you so upset? You used to like Adrien and now he's returning that affection! What is WRONG with you, Marinette?". Meanwhile, during battle sequences Chat Noir will be less playful and intrusive of Ladybug's personal space because he's in love with Marinette now and not her, which is good(minus the"in love with Marinette" part, obvs), except that it will cause Ladybug to suddenly fall in love with the new Chat Noir who is being respectful(and "just like Adrien used to act"), and she'll act like a giddy schoolgirl over him, which will be used to humiliate her for comedy as Chat treats her like a freak now. And no, the show will NOT "call him out" for suddenly being averse to the affections of the "girl of his dreams" but will treat him as justified, because guys who pursue girls are gentlemanly and entitled to love back, while girls who pursue guys are pushy and obnoxious. There will even be a lesson on how you shouldn't have to put up with unwanted advances. Chat will be the one to learn it. There will also be a lesson on how you can't force someone to love somebody else. Adrien will be the one to learn it.
Wow, how’d you get the synopsis to Season 5? Impressive! (⊙o⊙)
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chat will complain about Ladybug not trusting him, so she tries trusting him with further responsibilities which he then shirks, blows off and whines about. Naturally, Marinette is Wrong for DARING to think that her 'partner' should share more of the burden -- no, she HAS to carry everything herself and enable him to keep treating their duty as a game! It's not FAIR for her to expect anything more from him--!
oh my god
he would *gestures loudly to “Lies”*
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chat Noir will *deliberately* mess up a vital task that Ladybug assigned/entrusted him with, either to punish her for some petty/imagined slight (which is treated as Incredibly Serious and Deserving his retaliation) or because he simply doesn't want to have to deal with the extra responsibility. Much like somebody who 'never learns' the right way to load a dishwasher/do laundry/other chores so that somebody more responsible is forced to pick up their slack.
Sounds about right.
“Bonus” if Chat Noir is presented as in the right because Ladybug’s task was “too difficult”/”she didn’t instruct him right”/”you can’t expect him to be perfect on his first try,” or Chat Noir’s shirking is treated as “payback” for something she did that he maybe doesn’t even know about.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette gives up on becoming a fashion designer because her duties as Ladybug/Guardian take priority. Tikki protests not for Mari's sake, but because she enjoys her creative drive/justifies it as a form of honing Marinette's creativity. Thus the lesson is not that Marinette was Wrong because she deserves to have things that make her happy/goals outside of her duties, but because she can fold them into her Greater Purpose.
Miraculous: Tales of Marinette Not Being Allowed to Be Happy
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chat Noir will be (temporarily) killed during one of his 'Pity/Praise Me!' stints, because he decides that he can't function without Ladybug kissing his ass and she's too busy fighting the akuma to coddle him. Naturally, this is presented as Marinette's F-Up of the Week that she must fix at all costs and apologize for, insisting once more that she 'can't do this without him' despite being constantly forced to do this without him.
It’s Ladybug’s fault that Chat keeps sacrificing himself, obviously! She’s just not telling him not to in the rIgHt wAy, and she should be
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Ladybug will finally learn the truth about how Theo was akumatized, but Chat Noir will insist that he didn't lie and that she really WAS to blame for it. And anyway, that was 'so long ago' that she's not allowed to be mad over it anymore. (Bonus: this or other episodes will have callbacks showing that Adrien is still salty over things like being 'stood up', with HIS frustration presented as perfectly valid, as there's no expiration date on HER screw-ups.)
[flashbacks to “Stormy Weather 2″ where Plagg retcons Ladybug’s avoidance of Chat’s date as her standing him up]
+ Yeah, I don’t see Adrien not having expiration dates on his mistakes, and his are always for the better (i.e: stealing the book in “Volpina,” which was wrong obviously, and then Marinette covered for him immediately to get him back into school).
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chloe is given a 'redemption arc' after all... in the vein of her falling for Kim or some other male character and being convinced to change her ways for/by them. On top of being grossly sexist, this lets them slam Marinette even more, painting her as a failure who couldn't help Chloe despite that never being her responsibility in the first place.
“Bonus” if it’s Luka who does it.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Rather than confirming Juleka/Rose, CHLOE is officially revealed to be a closeted lesbian, retconning all of her bullying into the tried-and-trite 'They're only tormenting you because they LIIIIIKE you'. Bonus points if this is used to reinforce the notion that Chloe is irredeemable because 'Evil Jilted Lesbian can't be saved by Hetero LI'/she lied about crushing on Adrien/other toxic and heteronormative bullshit. AND her evilness is Mari's fault for not loving her back!
It’s always Marinette’s fault for not loving people back.
Also, this just reminds me of how much I hate the “lesbian bully” trope fdkjgdfgdfg.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chat Noir throws another Pity Me Party in the middle of a fight; Ladybug is sniped by the akuma while scolding him to stop fooling around. Naturally, this is presented as HER fault for not immediately accommodating his demands for attention. After saving her, Chat mockingly echoes her words about concentrating and keeping her head in the game.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chloe gets another chance at redemption by learning how to mimic Adrien/Lila and feign niceness. Whether or not her 'redemption' sticks depends upon her patience level; if she sticks to it and 'grows' into another Lila/holier-than-thou lecturer like Adrien, it's considered good (and Adrien gets full credit for helping her change 'for the better'), but if she goes back to being *openly* judgy and bitchy, it's another sign that she's 'irredeemable'.
Ugh, when Chloe’s options are either to be a Lila or an Adrien. All I feel is disgust.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The Love Square is reversed when Adrien learns Ladybug's secret identity and decides to focus on pursuing her as Marinette. Mari is put off by his advances/still convinced that she can't HAVE a romantic relationship with all her other responsibilities, and is further distracted and concerned by Chat Noir growing distant (as he's bitter over his failures and taking it out on LB/holding a grudge after learning she confided in ALYA and not HIM).
i hate it
And of course the method of “now she’s not interested so I’M interested.”
Anonymous said:
Didnt Need to Burrow: Despite being 'twins' with Juleka, Luka will never show up in another episode. Ever. And the only mentions of him are only about the breakup. Even in Juleka-centric episodes, Luka will only be a passing mention. Oh, and Juleka will 100% stick to just mumbling outside of episodes where shes akumatized. Because gIrL poWeR
I’m honestly just--expecting Luka to have like one/two episodes, maybe to get a charm, and then he’s gone forever.
I don’t know if it’s a mercy or an insult, but the constant mentions of the break-up between Marinette and He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named-Outside-Of-Spiting-Him definitely are an insult.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: "Gigantitan <insert high number>" episode
Anonymous said:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Ladybug and Cat Noir will be able to power up in some way, but they have to form a special bond (this is implied to be a romantic bond). They use this power up to defeat Hawk Moth. bEcAusE tHe pOWeR oF “LoVe” cOnQUerS aLL! Bonus if the characters imply that Ladybug should’ve accepted his affections sooner (Adrien won’t be mentioned at all, i wonder why:p)
I’m cringing so hard right now. I hate everything about this because you sound so correct.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: Lila will be written out/ret-conned from a show because she was only a Unredeemed!Chloe stand-in for time of Chloe "redemption arc". Every speculation about Lila (next Hawkmoth etc) will be applied to Chloe instead as a "plot twist".
I’m half-expecting that she’ll get akumatized as a season finale bad guy, then just immediately move.
Anonymous said:
Didn't need Burrow: Alya is the one who comes up with the akuma repellent charms and Marinette is going to be jealous that Alya is so much a better guardian. Alya'll also probably be able to wrangle the kwamis better than Marinette.
Honestly I might as well just put this one on the card right now. :P
Anonymous said:
Didnt Need Burrow: When Ladybug tells Chat that she told somebody her secret identity, hes gonna be mad, talking about how she broke his trust and the show will portray it as her fault for breaking under the pressure of being guardian. Meanwhile the fandom is gonna be mad at Ladybug. Ignoring, of course, the entirety of the New York Special.
We could sum up the fandom card as just, “Adrien is right and a sad uwu sunshine child, Marinette is wrong and OP and doesn’t give Chat the respect he deserves.”
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Rose's 'mysterious illness' will naturally flare up during times where Pigella might have been useful, with Ladybug getting blamed for her flare-ups/worsening condition.
Anonymous said:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Building off of the “Adrien knows about Marinette’s crush and manipulated her for it”, any time Marinette does something Adrien doesn’t agree with or disagrees with Adrien himself, Adrien will play the cute, naïve, sad boi we all know and “love”, complete with Bambi eyes and gratuitous long eyelashes, forcing Marinette to give in to what he wants. This is treated as cute, quirky, and hilarious, never abusive, selfish, or misogynistic.
I mean, considering Chat Noir and “Chameleon,” yeah.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: a) Episode, where Chat Noir is even worse than in "Lies" b) Situation where Chat Noir during meeting with Ladybug is like always (M'lady, Bugaboo, unwanted psychical contact etc.) then Ladybug reveals that she recognized him as impostor because "real Chat Noir never will be so pushy" (bonus points if false Chat Noir is akumatized Felix) c) Writers somehow manage to put both above options in one episode (obviously with real Chat Noir being even worse than his impostor)
“Copycat” but worse
differenttriumphdragon said:
Didn't Need Burrow to somehow correctly predict Zoe's identity as a joke based solely on some blurry pictures and an offhand comment about "secret siblings". Like, a YEAR or two ago.
I’m guessing this is referring to the writers creating her?
Because yeah, probably.
Anonymous said:
Didn't need the Burrow: We will get Lukagami. One of the reasons will be the clash of the Tsurugi-Motto of "No Second Chances" and Luka's snake power of "Second Chance" resulting in some weird sparks flying.
*puts head into hands and groans loudly* kill meeeee
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: The Multimouse!Mylene's model will be based on the Multimouse!Marinette's model (in the same way that the Rena Rogue's model is based on the Volpina's model)
plz no
Anonymous said:
Didn't need burrow: Guilt trip hints at Adrien having actual depression, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but knowing the show, two things will happen: 1. His depression will only exist to make people feel bad for him instead of exploring his mental state and seeing him working through it, and 2. his depression will be magically cured when the LS becomes canon because "true love heals all your mental issues".
All of the above, yes. :|
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Ladybug gets a fresh new look (for the sake of more Real-Life ML Merch), and Chat Noir gets sulky about it. Both because he didn't get an upgraded appearance at the exact same time (despite doing absolutely nothing to earn it), and because he didn't get any input on her new look. So he passive-aggressively complains about the change, saying he preferred 'classic Bugaboo', and Marinette is presented as Wrong for not letting him dictate her power or appearance.
*stares at “Mr. Pigeon 72″* I’m waiting.
Anonymous said:
Didn't need burrow: Imagine after you made that fic where Bustier and D'argencourt get the miraculous they reveal in the show that Bustier's husband/boyfriend/fiance is D'argencourt.
“Bonus” if it’s a DJWifi dynamic where Bustier can get D’Argencourt to do whatever she wants and suddenly becomes aggressive/upset when he doesn’t, which D’Argencourt immediately folds to (because the only “““girl power”““ the show knows is “lol girls are scary when they’re mad”).
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The Love Square gets 'Reversed' via Alya deciding that Marinette MUST have a crush on Chat as well, since she personally ships LadyNoir. All insistence to the contrary is waved off as denial, and Alya is bound and determined to hook up her BFF with ONE of her crushes, come hell or high water. Thus, Mari gets shoved towards Chat in much the same way she's forced towards Adrien, creating much awkward hilarity at her expense.
Marinette’s entire being: i want to go home
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya learns about Marinette getting jilted by Chat Noir during 'Weredad', possibly from Tom and/or Sabine.  She rubs this into Mari's face as proof positive that she really DOES have a thing for Chat, crowing about how she 'does her research' while teasing her about her awful luck with guys. This casual cruelty is 'balanced' by her insistence that she'll help her hook up with ONE of them by forcing her towards both.
Alya, looking at her plans and just shrugging: Hey, now her odds of getting a guy are doubled as far as I’m concerned.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will insist that all of Marinette's romantic woes are her own fault due to her being interested in multiple guys. (Mainly meaning Adrien and Chat Noir; 50-50 on whether she acknowledges Luka's existence as more than just proof of her 'fickle heart'.) She 'supports' her by shoving her into humiliating scenarios with her love interests, blaming all her failures on her 'divided loyalties' and giving her grief for being a 'dirty two-timer' that can't even get off first base.
And of course Luka would only be mentioned to shade Marinette.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Tikki will keep nagging Marinette about her inability to solve her romantic woes until Mari snaps that Tikki doesn't know what she's talking about, throwing her own words about how kwami don't understand love back in her face. Naturally, this is Mari's Mistake Of The Week, as Tikki is driven to tears over the rebuke and all the other kwami get pissed off at Marinette for upsetting her, giving her grief until she apologizes.  Tikki barely apologizes in return, if at all.
Ugh, I am just dreading an almost-inevitable “all the kwami are mad at Marinette” episode, since Marinette literally cannot escape from them since the Miracle Box is in her room.
Anonymous said:
(Mylene's personality anon) Don't Need a Burrow: Mylene's "Marinette's trait" will manifest in Multimouse!Mylene's introduction episode.
Mylene: Soon, I will have successfully swiped a personality trait from each of my friends to form one of my own.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: Characters who are popular fandom choices for alternate Miraculous Holders (Bee!Aurore, Fox!Lila, Cat!Felix etc) are akumatized into evil versions of Core Five Miraculous Team (Ladybug, Cat, Fox, Turtle and Bee)
Season 2462 finale.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: There will be more immediate self-contradictions, where Marinette is berated about how something she's doing/done is Wrong, badgered into following somebody else's 'good advice', and then promptly punished for doing so when the results blow up in her face.  These turnarounds will become so fast that they happen within the same episode.  Naturally, this is treated as entirely her fault.
At the rate her treatment is escalating, I would be 0% shocked. Still disappointed, but not shocked.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: It will turn out that the mysterious future Hawkmoth successor that Timetagger talked about is simply the Shadow Moth.
I laughed at this one so hard because it’s so accurate. I don’t know for sure if it’s a reference to the whole “new villain who’s been around since the beginning who just turned out to be Shadow Moth” thing but omg.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The akuma-resisting pendants are used as an excuse to push Marinette even further past her breaking point, subjecting her to ever worse humiliations and traumas.  If the fact that she basically NEEDS the pendant to survive is ever brought up, it's in a chiding way; obviously, as Ladybug, she needs to be mentally stronger than this and not rely on a 'crutch'.  Nobody else is insulted for needed the pendants' protection.
Imagine the pendants as metaphors for medication and this takes on a whole new meaning.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: In a counterpart to "Chat Blanc", one episode visits a Bad Future where Marinette was akumatized.  Naturally, this is depicted as entirely her fault, with both Maris being raked over the coals.  No matter what the breaking point was, it's treated as though it was petty and pathetic for her to let it effect her so much.  For bonus points, this was at a point after she got the pendant, but she accidentally ditches or pitches it while reacting to whatever broke her back.
Especially with the reveal of two new seasons, I’m very much expecting Marinette to get akumatized at some point.
“Bonus” for a “Miracle Queen” set-up where Adrien needs to wear the ladybug miraculous and is suddenly good at it despite being awful at it before, ala Snake Noir.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette will wind up making most of the anti-akuma amulets.  This is purely so that, when they inevitably fail, she can be blamed for it.
It’ll probably be like--Marinette needed to do something specific to make the pendants and they’re “only as strong as she is.”
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The Love Square gets reversed when Alya decides she ships LadyNoir more than MariAdri, pushing her newfound agenda over her BFF's protests.  Meanwhile, Adrien reveals that he knew all along about Marinette's crush, starting to pursue her because he just doesn't uNdErStAnD why she's pulling away, feeling entitled to having her chasing after him even if he never intends to actually reciprocate.  Marinette is caught in the middle and blamed for all this drama.
Marinette, counting down the days where she can finally drink alcohol.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: One or some of Adrien/Chat Noir's past lies gets revealed to Marinette/Ladybug... for the sake of a moral about forgiveness and 'letting things go'.  Meanwhile, he continues to grouse and hold grudges against Ladybug for her supposed slights against HIM without being seriously challenged.
I’m seething.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette is shown a 'better world' wherein she never developed a crush on Adrien.  In this 'better world', Ladybug and Chat Noir are romantic partners.  Bonus points if this pushes forward the agenda of reversing the Love Square by getting Marinette to start seriously considering Chat as a potential love interest, treating this as her 'missing the point' of what she was shown... even if the goal was rather unclear beyond guilt-tripping her for having FEELINGS and DESIRES.
The true goal/moral is that Chat’s feelings are valid while Marinette’s are not.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: Hawkmoth will somehow get Black Cat Miraculous and attack as Moth / Cat Fusion (Cat Moth?). After defeating this form, Black Cat Miraculous will be taken from him and without any questions returned to Adrien. Whole thing will happen in one episode.
“Bonus” if Hawk Moth just stumbles upon the ring and doesn’t question it.
Anonymous said:
Didn’t Need Burrow: All Ladybug and Black Cat Holders are soulmates/ have gotten romantically involved. This gives Chat even MORE motivation to invade LB’s boundari-I MEAN to pursue her. Also, LB reacts in horror to this (who wouldn’t?) but its played for laughs.
At this point, I feel like this is the only way for them to push the love square as hard as possible. “Chemistry” has just flown out the window and they need a crutch.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: Reveal that Rose has rich parents because ML writers can't make sad blond(e) character who doesn't have rich parents (and also to increase the "You see! They love each other despite so many differences between them" factor of JuleRose)
Zag, “Stop Giving Rich Kids Sad Backstories” Challenge.
Part of me imagined an episode that just shipbaits JuleRose constantly, with Juleka constantly asking Luka and others advice on “getting closer to Rose,” which just ends up being Juleka asking Rose to be best friends.
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sixtyeightdays · 5 years ago
you reap what you sow
prompt from @mialuvscats : i hope this meets your expectations ! im sorry this took so long, i tried uploading it from my phone but it glitched and i could only get my hands on the computer today 
i’d like to say that i think if sabine and mari are there, damian and talia willl be relatively looser and not as uptight . mari and sabine are cold but loving and sunshiney. they keep talia and damian in check, essentially. which is why i wrote them in to be loose and free but able to be openly happy when they want to be, even if they are only happy around each other.
with sabine here i also thinkt hat talia will be slightly easier on damian, which also ties to the fact that he will not be as cold and uptight.
talia will be a good mother in this fic bc i want her to be and itll be ooc but its okay its my fic anyway
and the timeline is kinda messed up and all over the place sorry
that aside, have fun reading and i hope you enjoy!
talia and sabine are best friends, and before most of the class joins francois, marinette ruled the school after coming to paris with sabine. mari and damian are betrothed and the two are best friends. they can be icy one minute and sunshiney the next, although the sunshiney part is more mari than damian.
maybe the waynes come to paris, bc if theyre in gotham the others wont really know if the queen is back, and theyre kinda unsure why marinette is being timid and very unlike her ice queen demeanor she sometimes uses. mari is closest to jason in terms of batfam because firstly maybe she cleanses jason of the lazarus pit after helping damian using tikki's creation magic to counteract plagg's destruction one. since the waynes are here theres no point in mari hiding her queen status anymore and queue lila reveal
Talia al Ghul and Sabine Cheng were an unlikely combination, but worked perfectly well.
The two women were extremely close. Sabine was almost as deadly as Talia, but she made up for it with her devious mindset. She was the one who steered Talia away from doing anything wrong --well more wrong than usual-- and the one who was assigned to dish out punishments to usurpers.
The two could read each other like open books, and hence, when both Talia and Sabine became pregnant, Talia one month before Sabine, the two knew immediately.
They had debated whether or not to have their kids be betrothed, and eventually decided to let their children make the final call when their kids were old enough to understand.
Nine months later, Marinette and Damian were born. In the League infirmary, an hour after the two were cleaned and left there to rest while their mothers did the same, the two had already grown rather close.
Their baby cribs were next to each other, and somehow they were staring at each other through the walls of the crib, and were making small grabby hands to the other.
When Talia and Sabine were sufficiently rested and came to pick up their children, they were slightly shocked, yet gratified by their children. Sabine smiled and draped an arm around Talia’s shoulder, smiling lazily.
“I guess they’ll be as close as their mothers, non?” 
Talia smirked, and the two walked forwards, lifting their respective children in their arms and walking to their quarters.
The two mothers did not regret it. Their kids were enamoured with each other, practically joined at the hip.
By the time Marinette and Damian were 5, they had a very extensive vocabulary, since they had learned to speak Arabic, French and English. They were also extremely smart and skilled with weapons. 
Marinette was extremely adept at using a yoyo. It seemed weird, I know. But when the League was stormed when she was 3, she had taken out 4 men with her yoyo alone. Since then, she had been teaching herself how to use the yoyo effectively.
Damian preferred to use a katana. He looked much scarier than Marinette, even if the two were the same age. He had found a natural talent in using blades, knives, katanas and daggers included.
Marinette was the Rain to Damian’s Fire. 
She was the only one who could calm Damian down when he was mad, mad.
But make no mistake, Marinette could switch personalities in a heartbeat. She was one of the League’s most skilled interrogators at the age of 5.
After all, who would suspect a pigtailed 5 year old in pink to be scary?
Damian much preferred his stoic and icy attitude. The only people he ever let loose around was Marinette, Sabine, and Talia.
Talia and Sabine loved the children to an almost deadly extent, and the four were extremely overprotective of each other.
Marinette had taken to magic as well. She had been trained by many people in the League about sensing magic. Damian did not have the patience for magic and rituals. 
Marinette knew Damian was more of a ‘attack first ask questions later’ type of fighter, a stark contrast to Marinette’s ‘i will curse you and you will suffer in agonising pain for the rest of your life’ preferred type of fighting.
She’d never really liked getting her hands dirty, hence the magic. Killing people with magic was so much cleaner.
Sabine and Marinette had to leave for Paris when she was 9. For what, she wasn’t sure, but regardless of the distance, she and Damian constantly traded calls and letters. They would never go even a day without contact.
They were staying with one of Sabine’s old friends. His name was Tom Dupain, and he was an old wrestler and had worked with the League before. He and Sabine pretended to be married and Marinette’s name had hence became Marinette Dupain Cheng.
Damian and Talia stayed at the League, although all of them knew that Damian was to meet his birth father when he turned 10.
Marinette adapted her icy demeanor in Paris, never wanting anyone to get as close as she was with Damian. 
A few hours in, walking around Paris, she had met an elderly man in a red Hawaiian shirt, emitting the aura of magic. She had confronted him, and eventually, he opened up to her about the Miraculous. Tikki, the Ladybug kwami, and Plagg, the Black Cat kwami had taken a liking to her.
Marinette was apparently something called a True User, a reincarnation of the first Ladybug miraculous wielder. Plagg just rather liked the aura of death and chaos she apparently gave off, from the League.
She and the other Kwamis also had a rather amicable relationship, and she’d go to the ends of the Earth for the tiny gods, and vice versa.
The elderly man, named Fu, had also started to train her into becoming the new Guardian of the Miraculous.
Before, Marinette had been planning on laying low and not drawing atention to herself, but once she had beaten up two upperclassmen for bullying her classmate and somewhat accquaintance Nino, she had been fiercely regarded by both the students and faculty. 
As a result, she eventually grew close to Nino, and his friends, Kim, Alix and Chloe. She only ever let down her icy demeanour around them, showing the bright and bubbly girl persona she kept hidden. She wasn’t as close to them as she was to Damian, but they were all still quite close friends. 
It wasn’t long after that Marinette became the queen of her school, at the tender age of 10, earning her title as the Ladybug. Or, as Chloe liked to put it, the Lady, because she was lucky enough to ‘get a friend like her’.
Marinette didn’t protest. She rather liked Ladybugs, and besides, it was ironic and it reminded her a little of Damian, who sometimes liked to call her his Maribug. Because she was sometimes a pest, he deadpanned. Marinette had whacked him with a pillow. 
Everyone in the school feared the Ladybug. No one knew anything of her past. She was a mystery, an enigma that no one could solve. When new students came in after Marinette turned 14, everyone was slightly shocked to see their Lady change.
She was much more bubbly and approachable. Word had spread around that Marinette, the Lady, was trying a clean slate for the new kids. After all, not everyone should fear her.
School eventually returned to what it was like before Marinette became the Lady, although she did still rule the school, she did it much more subtly, with more restraint and secrecy.
One of the new kids, Alya, had taken a liking to her. Marinette did not like her  very much, she was loud and clingy and drew a lot of unwanted attention. 
Marinette and her old crew, who had playfully called themselves her Consorts before the name stuck, had split up temporarily, to cover more ground and spread their branches.
Chloe was to pretend to be Marinette’s bully, Kim and Alix rivals, and Nino a shy recluse. They had had a good laugh about it beforehand, before watching Moana, because Kim wanted to compare the size of his muscles to Maui’s.
None of them had accounted for Adrien Agreste, who had tried to get the gum off Marinette’s seat like the naive, sheltered boy he was. Marinette had admittedly gotten mad at him for screwing up a perfectly good plan, before ramping up her ice persona to like, a 2/10, to get the newbies off her scent and scare Adrien away.
It hadn’t worked, because the boy was apparently as stubborn as he was naive. But besides that, Alya had been really grating on Marinette’s nerves, especially since she was convinced that Marinette had a crush on the model. It was not true, of course. 
Honestly, Marinette thought dryly, as Alya dragged her all over the place to.. somewhere, she wasn’t even sure anymore. But frankly, she didn’t particularly care. Honestly, the only boy she’d probably ever have a crush on would be Damian.
Not that she’d ever admit it.
When Marinette and Damian turned 10, she and Sabine had taken a plane to Gotham to meet up with Damian.
Damian had not been having a good time. He was very much unwanted here, that was clear. 
Grayson seemed to be the only one trying to interact with him. His father, had been trying his best to stay out of Damian’s way, which he reciprocated. Todd was flat out ignoring him and Drake just seemed to be busy all the time.
After all, who would want to interact with a grumpy 10 year old assassin?
He missed Marinette.
It was the day Todd finally tried to open up to Damian, that Marinette had arrived. No one had told him that she was finally meeting him again for the first time in a year. Sabine had left Marinette to figure out where Damian was on her own. She was more than capable of it.
With a quick scrying spell, she found him, and Kaalki opened a portal headed in the direction of Wayne Manor.
Meanwhile, Damian just appreciated the fact that Todd was finally extending an olive branch. He was lonely.
It hurt seeing his father care for everyone in the manor apart from him.
He had been walking along the gardens in the manor. Todd had joined him.
“Listen, I know it’s hard to feel accepted here. Sometimes, I do.” Jason gazed wistfully at the sky above him.
Damian was unsure of where the ex-Robin was getting at, so he just kept quiet. It wasn’t as if Damian didn’t know who Jason Todd was. Before he had come to the manor with Talia, he had read the Waynes’ files. In addition, Damian had known of Jason while he was affiliated with the League. They had never talked, or interacted, but he had known of the elder boy. 
“I just, uh, wanted you to know that if you ever need anything, you can come to me.” He finished lamely, running a hand in his hair.
Damian opened his mouth, then closed it, hesitating. “Thank you, Ja--Todd. I will.” He settled on saying dryly.
Jason visibly relaxed and cracked a miniscule smile. There was a sudden ‘swoosh’ sound, and both Jason and Damian turned around, bodies automatically going on the defensive.
Stumbling out of Alfred’s rose bushes, trodding on a few accidentally, was Marinette.
“Angel!” Damian exclaimed, moving forwards to help her forwards.
She brushed her shoulders off, looking around before freezing, staring at something behind him.
“Pixie?” He asked, sounding incredulous.
Marinette rushed forward and wrapped him in a tight embrace. Jason laughed and hugged her back, chuckling.
Damian quashed down the bubbling feeling of rage in the pit of his stomach and settled for casting a frosty glance in their direction. Not that they noticed, since they were too busy embracing each other, Damian thought scornfully.
The two pulled apart after too long in Damian’s opinion, laughing.
“Angel? How do you know Todd?” Damian asked coldly, ever so protective.
If Jason noticed the sudden reversion to his surname instead of his first, he didn’t say anything.
“Oh, he came to Paris with Lia once and I cleansed him of the Lazarus pit madness, like I did with you.” She replied.
“What are you doing here?” Jason asked. Damian had forgotten about that.
“Visiting, of course!” She winked. “Now, let’s give your old man a good scare.” She pecked Damian on the cheek before vanishing. (Thanks, Trixx.)
Jason and Damian looked to each other. “Did you know she could do that?” Jason questioned. Damian shook his head before pausing.
“Wait.. how did she get into the manor?” 
The only response was the faint echo of a laugh.
It was time for dinner anyway, and only Damian, Jason, and Alfred knew of Marinette’s presence. Marinette had voluntary evelaed herself to the elderly butler after noticing his aura. 
It was Miraculous tainted. If Marinette could guess, he had been either one of Duusu’s, Sass’s, or Nooroo’s.
When the butler had retired to the kitchen alone, Marinette had unraveled Trixx’s magic veiling her and waved at the butler.
To hi credit, he didn’t so much as bat an eye before his eyes widened as he took her in. Marinette cut to the chase.
“Who was your kwami?” Alfred had surveyed her for a second before seemingly trusting her.  
“Duusu.” He answered.
Marinette smiled. “I’m Tikki’s.” From her perch in Marinette’s left pigtail, the red Kwami pried open the folds of her hair, waving once at Alfred before sinking back into the recesses of the bluenette’s locks.
Alfred blinked. Once. Twice. “I’m presuming you’re staying for dinner?”
Marinette beamed. “I’m gonna scare the big bat.” Alfred nodded, accepting this. Marinette clapped her hands and she disappeared again. Alfred shook his head, smiling faintly.
Conveniently, it was one of the times where everyone was there. Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian. Rare these days, what with Dick in Bludhaven, Tim at WE, and Jason off being Jason.
Bruce was currently on his way back from WE, although it would take around half an hour. He had told everyone to start eating first. Perfect. 
After Marinette’s encounter with Alfred, she had reappeared in Damian’s room, where she and Damian caught up. Just like old times.
She had disappeared again once she left the room, and Damian wasn’t entirely sure where she went.
Alfred set the the table as per normal, which Damian and Jason noticed right away. They looked to Alfred, who merely winked before stepping back into the kitchen and laying out the food.
There was a screech of a chair as Marinette, disguised as Bruce (Trixx in her right pigtail and Tikki in the left) sat down. Dick looked startled. 
“I thought you wouldn’t be back till later!” Dick exclaimed.
Mari-Bruce shrugged. “Faster than I’d expected.” She answered, securing the veil of Trixx’s magic around her vocal chords, making her voice sound exactly like Bruce’s.
Jason inched away slightly from Bruce, though she pretended not to notice.
Alfred nodded at her as he reentered the room.
Everyone dug in, occasionally talking. It had been about 25 minutes before the sound of the door opening could be heard. Damian and Jason’s head shot up, thinking it was Marinette.
Mari-Bruce smirked. Showtime.
Bruce entered the room, not noticing Mari at first. Until the batboys gaped at him. He looked confused. What--?
Mari-Bruce was a pretty great actress. “Who are you?” She thundered, internally laughing.
“Who are you? I’m Bruce Wayne.” He answered, looking befuddled and frustrated.
“Impostor.” Mari-Bruce accused. 
Bruce spluttered. “No! I’m the real Bruce!” 
Mari-Bruce scoffed. “That’s what an impostor would say.”
Damian and Jason seemed to figure it out, although they probably weren’t sure which Bruce was the real one yet.
Tim rubbed his eyes. “Am I seeing double, or?” 
Bruce said, “Ask me something the real Bruce would know.”
Dick looked torn, but did as requested. “Who murdered your parents?”
“Joe Chill.” They both said at the same time. Mari-Bruce and Bruce winced, selling the act.
“When’s my birthday?” Tim asked. 
“July 17th.” Both Bruces answered.
Tim looked surprised. “You actually know my birthday?”
“No shit, Tim.” Mari-Bruce said, rolling their eyes. She rather wanted to proceed to the next part of her plan. 
“Would I say that to you, Tim?” Bruce asked slightly desperately. 
Bruce facepalmed. In the confusion, Mari took the chance to slink into the shadows where she rewrapped Trixx’s invisible magic around her.
Only Damian noticed. He smirked. “Where did he go?” He asked, placing a hand on the hilt of his katana for emphasis. He didn’t see Marinette smile at him.
Everyone looked panicked. “Search the manor.” Bruce ordered.
Jason still looked slightly skeptical but did as he said. Damian drew his katanas and tilted it in the direction he was going.
Amongst everyone, Bruce was the most attacked. While Jason and Damian paired off, Tim and Dick did as well, ("Don’t go alone!” Was Bruce’s admonished cry), Bruce had gone alone. 
If she were being honest, Marinette had always had a grudge against the billionaire. He hadn’t saved his son, he had tried to kill his son, even though he had a no killing rule --which Marinette thought was plain stupid--, and he had left Damian to suffer at the hands of Ra’s Al Ghul.
Talia could only do so much to save her son.
Yes, Marinette was aware that Bruce hadn’t know Damian existed, but now he was still treating Damian as if he didn’t exist. Marinette knew how much Damian craved affection, even if he never admitted it.
Yes, maybe Bruce was getting better, but maybe she could.. spur the process.
So Marinette retaliated in one of the many ways she knew how.
Messing with them.
So when the Waynes regrouped in the dining room, Jason, Damian, Dick and Tim came back unharmed, and Jason had been filled in by Damian of his suspicions. But Bruce? 
He came back covered in honey and feathers, drenched with water and covered in pink slime. 
“Why is he going after me?” Bruce had questioned in that annoying voice of his, after looking over his spotless sons.
Jason shrugged. “Maybe he doesn’t like you. God knows he’s not the only one.” 
Bruce looked slightly hurt but Jason didn’t seem to care in the slightest.
“Maybe this person is infatuated with you and is vying for your attention.” Damian deadpanned dryly. Marinette had smacked him on the back of his head, still invisible.
But the damage had been done.
Bruce snapped his fingers and ‘aha!’-ed at Damian. “That must be it!” Bruce crowed.
“Are you that narcissistic, you arrogant plebeian?” Marinette’s normally cheery voice was dry and dripping with distaste as she unwrapped her magic.
Bruce, Dick and Tim immediately went on the defensive, shifting into a battle stance. Marinette only scoffed.
“If I wanted to harm you, I would have already done so.” Marinette waved a hand in their direction dismissively.
Dick looked confused. “You’re like, ten.” He pointed out.
Damian glared. “I am ten as well, Grayson.” 
Tim butted in. “Are we not going to acknowledge the fact that this tiny ten year old broke into the manor unnoticed?” 
That brought everyone to their senses.
They were suddenly surprised by Marinette running at Jason, full speed. They expected him to duck or whip out a weapon, but all he did was stand still as she flipped in midair to land on his shoulders.
To their utter shock, Jason grinned, even as she fisted her hands in his hair for a better grip.
Damian only smiled fondly at his Angel. She was as short as he remembered, Damian noted. 
He missed her. More than anything.
Marinette beamed, and slid off Jason’s shoulders.
“Why did you attack me?” Bruce asked.  “Isn’t it obvious, fool?” Marinette revamped her icy demeanor and glared at the civilian Batman. “I despise you.”
Bruce looked very affronted. But Mariinette ignored him, even as he continued talking and made her way over to Damian.
“Damibear!” Marinette sang, as if she hadn’t seen him less than an hour ago.
The Waynes looked as if they expected Damian to attack her just for calling him that. They were not expecting him to grin and say, “Angel.”
Mari jumped on his back, and Damian merely repositioned himself accordingly, used to this from all her previous piggybacks.
“Okay so Jason and Damian helped her get into the manor.” Tim deduced, only to notice Jason and Damian shaking their heads.
“All by herself.” Damian and Jason chorused. Marinette made bunny ears on top of Damian’s head.
She kissed Damian’s forehead lovingly, replying to his ‘i am older than you’ with a ‘yeah by like a week’, and looked to his family. 
She winked.
Then disappeared.
There was silence, and then, “Wait, we didn’t even get her name!” From Dick.
Damian and Jason were interrogated that night, and they refused to tell them anything related to Marinette.
Marinette smiled from where she had hidden in the shadows, and made her way back to Damian’s room. She curled up in Damian’s bed, drifting into sleep. She was almost asleep when Damian returned.
And when Damian pressed his lips to her forehead and whispered, “Goodnight, Angel”, a smile made her way onto her lips.
By the time Damian had slipped into bed with her, her head leaning comfortably on his chest, she had fallen asleep.
When the two turned 15, Talia and Sabine sat them down and told them about the betrothal. Damian had been visiting with Talia.
It had been almost two months since Lila had turned her classmates against her, not that she cared, of course. She still had her Consorts after all.
“Marinette, Damian, we’d like to tell you something. An offer? Of sorts. I’m relatively sure you will accept, however.” 
Talia smiled as Marinette dragged a grumpy Damian over to them by the head, beaming brightly.
“Oh come on, Mian! Don’t be such a grumpy banana.” Marinette reprimanded the older boy who was rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
The boy only smiled lazily, and ran another hand through his best friend’s hair, the girl making a small noise of protest. “Thats what you get for calling me a noodle, Angel.” (if you didn’t know miàn means noodle in chinese)
Sabine cleared her throat but looked at the two with amusement clear in her eyes.
They straightened. “Sorry, maman,” Mari muttered.
“Now, before you two were born, Sabine and I had an agreement. We are perfectly fine with this and the implications of it, so it is up to you to whether to accept or not.” Talia got straight to the point.
The two children looked to each other curiously before turning back to their parents. Damian nodded in acknowledgment and Sabine picked up where Talia left off.
“How do you feel about each other?” Sabine asked, watching the two closely for their reactions.
“If that’s your way of asking us if we’re okay to be siblings, since you and Lia are dating, Maman--” Marinette started but was quickly interrupted by a barely noticeably flushed Talia.
“No, not that, and we aren’t dating, Nette.” Talia aimed a playful glare at the girl, who grinned and blew a raspberry at her.
“How would you and Damian like to be betrothed?” Sabine asked, smiling at her friend and daughter fondly.
Marinette spluttered and Damian coughed. 
Talia and Sabine burst out into laughter.
After the adults got their laughter under control and after a few glares from their kids, Damian spoke up.
“Marinette is my best friend. If I had to be betrothed to anyone, I’m glad it’s her.” Damian looked away and Marinette coughed awkwardly into her elbow.
“You misunderstand us. You don’t have to be betrothed. The choice is yours.”
Damian felt slightly attacked. He really did like Marinette, and the betrothal was an easy excuse to ask her out (even if he was a 15 year old). He didn’t know if Marinette felt the same way, and he didn’t want to impose that on her, so he kept quiet.
Marinette, who was looking deep in thought, answered.
“Can I talk to Damian for a while, privately?”
Damian, despite his better judgement, winced. This was probably the first time in a really long time that Marinette called him by his full name. It was normally Dami, Damibear to annoy him, or some other weird nickname like Mr Grumpy Banana this morning.
Regardless, the bluenette hadn’t called him “Damian” for a very long time. Two years, maybe.
She walked out of the room, Damian trailing slightly behind, before stopping a few feet outside the room.
Marinette slid down onto the floor, her back pressed against it and head in her hands. Damian frowned. He didn’t want his best friend looking so.. dejected. He ignored the slight pang of hurt that the thought of being with him could get this kind of reaction out of her.
He sat down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder like he always did when any of them felt upset. He was happy to feel her lean into his side like she always did. 
She turned her head and buried it in Damian’s side, breathing in his comforting scent of paints and nature. He tightened his hold on her ever so slightly and she almost burst into tears.
It wasn’t that she was opposed to being in an engagement with Damian, it was just that she didn’t particularly want to be with anyone or love anyone, especially after her father died and Damian’s father abandoned him.
Her mother and aunt didn’t show it, but they were sad about their fathers. She had heard Talia interacting with her ‘beloved’ before, and it almost always ended up in tears or frustration. (Not that Mari blamed her, Bruce was kind of an asshole.)
She felt Damian’s chin press into her scalp and a hint of a smile grazed her lips. But this was Damian. Damian who was her best friend. Damian who supported her no matter what. Damian who comforted her and was there for her whenever she needed it.
Damian would never hurt her. And she was determined never to hurt him, ever, if she could help it.
She looked up and smiled at Damian. The smile he loved so much, the smile she always had on whenever she saw him, the smile that would unconsciously fly to her lips whenever she heard his voice.
Maybe it was then that Marinette should’ve known that she loved her best friend, but then again, she was only fifteen. She didn’t know what love was. But she would. Very soon.
“We accept.” Damian told Sabine and Talia when they reentered the room.
“We thought you would.” Talia replied.
When Marinette turned 16, her last year at Francois Dupont, six months since she’d made Lila’s time a living hell with her Ladybug (both in suit and in school), and fashion clients connections, the Waynes had visited.
Turns out, Damian and Jason got caught trying to sneak onto the Wayne private jet but instead of stopping them, they insisted they came along too, having pieced together that Damian and Jason were going to visit the mysterious tiny girl they couldn’t find the name of.
So they had no choice.
And os that leads to now, with the Waynes standing in the courtyard, elicting a growing crowd as they waited for Marinette, looking the part of scary rich people that can end your life without a problem.
Damian suddenly started running, and he hugged a girl. No one could see who the girl was because her head was buried in Damian’s chest and his body was shielding hers.
Not many people in the courtyard was surprised when they pulled away and standing there was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. After all, she was one of the most successful students in class that didn’t get fame from famous relatives. No, al her fame was hers alone.
In fact, the only people surprised were Marinette’s class, not-so-fondly referred to as the Akuma Class.  Her Consorts were the only one who knew of her betrothed, Damian. Other than that, Marinette had never been willing to share. 
When Marinette saw the other Waynes however, after hugging Jason, she rolled her eyes. Bruce, Dick and Tim stalked forwards, looking every inch the scary billionaires they were.
It was broken by Dick hugging the girl and gushing over how cool she was. Tim smiled at her and she had smiled back. Marinette flipped Bruce the bird.
“Why are you... so sunny? You definitely weren’t like that when you threatened us in Gotham. You were such an ice queen.” Tim mentioned, failing to keep the amusement out of his tone.
“What do you mean? Marinette’s always been like that, even if she is a bitch now. There’s no way she can be cold.” Alya remarked snidely.
Alix and Chloe stalked forward, raising thier fists threatningly. But Marinette only laughed coldly.
“You wanna see cold, Cesaire?” Marinette snarled, dropping all acts of being nice. 
The Lady was back. Publicly.
The silence was interrupted by Rose, who asked, "But Lila, don't you know the Waynes?"
Said Lila had been trying to slink away unnoticed, but when her name was mentioned, all attention diverted back to her, effectively keeping her in place. Her pale face and scared eyes were enough to tell that she had indeed been lying. 
Yells and screams broke out across the courtyard as the Akuma Class berated Lila for lying to them all this while. Until, Marinette interrupted, face set in a ice cold, stony position 
"Okay, blame her for lying." She started. "But why did you believe her?" 
The Akuma Class drew a blank and didn't respond. Partially because they didn't know what to say, and partially because Marinette's mere presence was overwhelmingly intimidating. Marinette sighed and pressed on. 
"Everything the Liar has said can be found faulty by a simple internet search." It was true, and the class knew it. When no one replied, Marinette shook her head sardonically. "You reap what you sow." 
She turned to her betrothed. In an instant, her icy mood was gone, replaced with the sunshiney-ness the Akuma Class had grown used to. 
"C'mon, Dami!" She gave him a quick peck on the lips, hoisting herself up on Damian's back. Damian grasped her legs tightly, as she continued to be piggybacked by him. 
"Onward!" She cried out dramatically, pointing to the school exit. 
Damian only rolled his eyes fondly at his beloved, steering themselves out, her Consorts and his family behind them. 
None of them looked back. 
If they did, they would've seen the expressions of disbelief and regret etched onto every one of her old classmates' faces. 
Not that they would care.
5k words yay
also uh yeah again, sorry this took so long, i kept hitting a mental block while writing this and it didnt manage to upload from my phone for no good reason :( 
but anyway its up now, i hope u find this acceptable! :)
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 5 years ago
Crimson Vision
Crimson Vision by phoenixyfriend
Marinette's life wasn't perfect, but it was pretty close. Sure, she had some bad days, but her biggest problems were annoying classmates and some chronic sleep deprivation. Also Hawk Moth, but Hawk Moth was everyone's problem. So one bad day wasn't really supposed to change much, right? It was just a bad day.
Except it wasn't just a bad day. Whether the bad day had anything to do with what happened was up in the air—the only person who would probably know that was Bunnyx—but it was still supposed to be a bad day and nothing more.
It wasn't supposed to be the kind of day that led to an older version of herself that was scarier than most akuma.
Words: 31418, Chapters: 6/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi, Gen
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Tikki, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Chloé Bourgeois, Alix Kubdel, Plagg, Pollen
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi, Chloé Bourgeois & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: merging timelines, Chloé Bourgeois Redemption, Aged-Up Character(s), Time Shenanigans, Marinette Dupain-Cheng Can't Swear, Canon meets, Alternate Universe - Dark, Please don't dismiss this as some grimdark disaster I promise it gets funny soon, Therapy, Lesbian Chloé Bourgeois
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24550132
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nightfurylover31 · 5 years ago
My Favorite Episodes of Miraculous (Season 2)
The Collector 
We got to know more about Master Fu, and officially confirm Gabriel was Hawkmoth (poor Adrien). Forbidding his son to go to school over a book was terrible, but I got to admit it was pretty ingenious to akumatize himself to avoid suspicion. But Cat Noir’s reaction to his father being his archenemy was intense. We don’t see him that serious very often. All in all, a good way to start off the season.  
Love learning more about Marinette’s family. And how all her friends tried to protect her too was really sweet. Cat Noir and Ladybug singing along was cute. And turns out Adrien kept the charm Marinette gave him in “Gamer,” and even made one for her. Even Tikki gave Marinette a gift. And I read that the kwagatama will play an important role in the future. 
Hawkmoth dealing with a baby. Enough said. But seriously, it was hilarious to see him react like that. I’m guessing that means he didn’t take care of Adrien that much when he was a baby. But we at least know our sunshine boy will be a great dad one day. Also, so sweet for all the girl to support Marinette and help her out. 
Mostly for the Balcony Scene. It was great seeing them interact in different identities. Both Marinette and Cat Noir were heartbroken when their crushes didn’t show up, but little do they know, they did get to spend time together. A good way to expand their friendship. Watching Ladybug tell the truth to Cat Noir that she’s in love with someone else, he could’ve taken it worse, but he can accept her friendship for now. And André, I don’t know why he gets so much salt. He’s a big hearted character, and it really does seem like he can pick up on love. He was able to figure out the colors that matched Marinette and Adrien’s crushes. I give him points for that. 
Alya joins the team as Rena Rouge! So cool, much better Volpina. I get why she didn’t want to give up on being a superhero, but she made the right decision in the end, thanks to Trixx. And now she gained more respect for keeping Ladybug’s identity a secret. And her interactions with Cat Noir were great too. He loves the extra sass. 
You know, watching this after seeing “Chat Blanc” just makes me go ‘GRR!’ at Gabriel. He finally tries to figure out if his son is Cat Noir. Don’t give us than “worried father” act when we now know you would home run him into the Eiffel Tower! We got a good amount of Adrientte in this episode, and some Ladrien. So cute!! And the trust that they have in each other is amazing. I got to say though, Wayem gave off serious creeper vibes. And people think Marinette’s obsessed; okay she is, but at least she doesn’t get in Adrien’s face about it. And poor Gorilla. He’s the only one in Adrien’s household that truly cares enough about him. 
Captain Hardrock
This is mostly because we get to meet Luka for the first time. He’s so sweet, he is easy to fall in love with. 
The rhyming and dancing were great, but not as much as Marinette and Adrien freaking out about playing Ladybug and Cat Noir. They were so adorably awkward! What if Plagg was right and no one did recognize them? XD Even when forced to sing, dance and rhyme, Ladybug and Cat Noir are a perfect team. 
Normally I hate zombie stuff, but I like this one. First time Marinette is almost akumatized, and the first time we see someone try to resist. It was really sweet when Nino chose to stay beside Alya even though she was already infected. And how Ladybug didn’t want to leave Cat Noir either. Chloe had a nice realization moment at near the end, but then she went back to her old ways. Good for Marinette to try to support her for that though.
More NinoXAlya moments, and now Nino is Carapace! Seeing Anansi lose her patience with Hawkmoth was pretty funny. And aww, Cat Noir was a bit insecure at the thought of Ladybug replacing him. Fortunately she told he was irreplaceable, and he is. 
We got to see a ton of Plagg and Tikki, and interacting with each other and the other Kwamis. I can’t wait to see what the others can do. It was cool seeing that Marinette and Adrien have different fears depending on if they’re superheroes or not, and both have fears of scarier versions of the one they love. And I love how both Tikki and Plagg said that they’re the best owners they ever had. It was a cool twist we got a super villain that we knew nothing about. 
Mayura (Heroes’ Day Part 2)
The French Superhero Team was awesome! Epic battle! But soon it was back down to our dynamic duo. That “You and me against the world, M’lady!” gets me every time! Adrien/Cat Noir always knows just wha to say to get her confidence back. And seeing the citizen of Paris join was amazing! We finally got a LB & CN VS Hawkmoth battle! Now that Natalie has joined his side, things are going to get hard. MARINETTE FINALLY KISSED ADRIEN *on the cheek*! But that’s still something. And his speech for her was so sweet. He really appreciates her. A nice wrap up!
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thenovelartist · 6 years ago
The Love Dare, chapter 9
~ AO3 ~ Fanfiction ~ Support me on Ko-Fi ~
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Day 21
Marinette marked her calendar with four interviews she had lined up. For all her faults, Chloe had been immensely helpful with telling Marinette everything she needed in an assistant. Then Alya had kindly jumped on the bandwagon and put Marinette’s ad on a couple social media sites. The results had been immediate.
“I’m so proud of you, Marinette,” Tikki said. “This is a step in the right direction.”
“Chloe said I need to hire two assistants,” Marinette said.
“And I fully agree,” Tikki said. “You need time to design again because that’s your passion. You also need someone to help you run the company. Doing it all on your own isn’t an option anymore because you need time to spend with Adrien and take care of yourself.”
Marinette nodded, frown tugging at her lips. “He’s been gone so much lately with the academy. What if this doesn’t work, Tikki?”
Tikki gave her a soft smile. “Marinette, there is only so much you can do. But tell me: would you regret doing this even if Adrien wants to give up?”
Feeling tears prick at her eyes, she turned away from her kwami but shook her head anyway. “No. No, I wouldn’t regret it.”
Tikki floated down to rest on Marinette’s shoulder. She didn’t say a word, simply patted Marinette’s shoulder in support.
Feeling the tears coming, Marinette quickly wiped them away then turned to see what other work she could do for the day before heading home.
“I’ll be gone tomorrow,” Adrien warned her.
“Oh?” Marinette asked. Again?
Adrien nodded. “I have a training day for the national team, then there’s a welcome dinner of sorts. It will last all day.”
“Oh,” she said. “O-okay. I hope you have a good day.” She added a smile. “And that you have fun.”
He gave her a smile, a real one that surprised Marinette a little, but she couldn’t say that it didn’t make her feel surprisingly warm inside. “Thank you.”
“Can I shove them together already?” Plagg grumbled.
Tikki giggled, “I know. Patience is hard.”
Plagg growled. “Adrien’s so close to being ready to pursue her to the ends of the earth again. But it’s hard when Kagami is doting on him at work. Even after twenty-four years, the idiot doesn’t know what a flirt is.”
“Well, as long as he’s not returning it.”
“He’s not. Not purposefully, anyway. He thinks it’s friendly banter. Kagami may not be perceiving it that way.”
Tikki could only roll her eyes. “I’m trusting you to keep him focused.”
“I’m not going to drop the ball when we’re this close. Trust me, Tikki. Soon enough, he’ll have that ring back on his finger, and they’ll be back to being the lovebirds they always were.”
Day 22
Adrien had to leave first thing in the morning, so Marinette’s dare consisted of journaling why she loved Adrien in the first place and why she was pursuing him again on top of texting him in the middle of the day “I love you.”
Because she did. Even if he didn’t love her in return, she did love him.
And then, to prove it, she cleaned the house.
She was dusting the master bedroom when she found it: a little card addressed to Adrien wishing him luck as well as the courage to get out of a bad relationship.
Marinette’s heart sank for a second. But the more she stared at it, the hotter a fire burned in her belly. Who the hell was this Kagami and what did she know?
“Tikki!” she shouted.
The little kwami came rushing into the room. “What?”
Marinette waved the card in the air. “Did you know about this?”
Tikki stared at the card, but Marinette continued shouting before she could answer.
“And who the hell is this ‘Kagami’? And why have I never heard of her?”
“She’s the new fencing instructor Adrien hired so he could be freed up to be on the national team.”
All she was seeing was red. The world zoned out, and she could no longer hear Tikki, that is, if she was talking. She only stared at the card with a fury boiling inside her.
“Come on, Tikki,” Marinette growled, marching out of the room.
“Where are you going?”
“To tell this woman to shove this card up her presumptive ass!”
“Marinette, simmer down!”
“Simmer down?!” Marinette challenged. “This woman is telling Adrien that he should end the relationship with me and you expect me to ‘simmer down’?”
“You are not going to drive all the way to the fencing academy to yell at that woman, are you?”
Marinette paused. Tikki had a point: driving to the academy for five minutes didn’t sound appealing. But as she looked at the little red kwami, an idea sparked in her mind that had her feeling pretty smug. “No,” she said. “I’m going to fly there.”
Marinette had the pleasure of seeing Tikki’s eyes widen in shock.
“Tikki, spots on!”
It had been a year since she transformed. And while it felt fantastic, it was a painful reminder of how out of shape she’d gotten.
Apparently, she was going to have to run over the rooftops on a daily basis again.
She hit the school and took a moment to catch her breath before she detransformed. Now, card in hand and Tikki hiding in her jacket, Marinette marched into the academy. She had to ask a student where Ms. Tsurugi’s office was, but the moment she found it, Marinette burst through the door and shut it forcefully.
Marinette took a moment to look this woman up and down. She was in a red fencer’s uniform, her hair was short and sleek, and her eyes were sharp. Marinette was loathe to admit Kagami was an attractive woman. Maybe Adrien had a thing for Asian (or half-Asian) females.
“May I help you?” Kagami asked, her voice laced with irritation and expression sharp in warning.
“Yes,” Marinette said, flashing the card in front of Kagami’s face.
The woman’s eyes narrowed at the card before leveling at Marinette.
I’ve faced akumas scarier than you, hussy. If you think I’m scared of you, think again. Marinette cocked her hips and glared back.
“So,” Kagami began. “You’re the problematic girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend?” Marinette repeated, feeling as though she’d gotten hit in the chest.
“You know, you don’t deserve him.”
“Oh?” Marinette challenged, ready to hear just what this woman had to say. “Enlighten me.”
“Adrien’s been walking around for days, miserable because of you. It’s clear on his face he doesn’t want to keep letting you walk all over him. Every time I see him, he looks stressed.”
“And you know that’s because of me?” Marinette challenged.
“Yes. He’s told me so.”
Marinette couldn’t deny how much that hurt.
“So yes, I wrote him that card telling him to get out of a bad relationship,” Kagami continued. “And now you have the audacity to come here and yell at me in my own office. Let me inform you that you don’t own him. And if you care about him whatsoever, you would walk out of his life. He doesn’t deserve to let you hold him back from happiness.”
Marinette bit her cheek before she completely went Ladybug on this woman. She could feel Tikki press her tiny paws against Marinette’s chest, over her heart. Simmer down.
“Well,” Marinette said. “Let me clarify a few things. The first being that you have absolutely no business sticking your nose in this. Absolutely none. The second being that this is something that Adrien and I have to work out without some presumptive woman giving advice to get out instead of fixing it. Thirdly, I actually do have right to Adrien. More so than you.”
Kagami scoffed. “Just because you’re dating him doesn’t mean you have a ‘right’ to him. He deserves to walk out of that relationship and find someone who would actually care about him.”
“I wasn’t finished,” Marinette growled. “Because I have a fourth point to correct you on.”
“And that is.”
“I’m not his girlfriend.” With that, Marinette stuck out her hand, showing off the ruby ring Adrien gave to her. “I’m his wife.”
Kagami’s eyes were wide as she stared at the ring. Marinette watched in satisfaction as Kagami’s face turned pale in an instant. “Which brings me to my first suggestion: Stay. The hell. Away. From my husband. He is mine, and if you think I wouldn’t give the damn world for him, you’re wrong.”
With that, Marinette spun on her heel and marched out the door. She hoped Kagami jumped when she slammed it shut behind her.
To say Adrien was exhausted was an understatement. He was only halfway through the day and he was ready to go home and crash after a hot shower. However, for the moment, he was happy to sit down for a break.
“Working hard out there?” Plagg asked from his spot hidden in Adrien’s bag.
“Yeah,” Adrien groaned. “I haven’t worked this hard since I was Chat Noir.”
Plagg smirked. “It’ll whip your lazy butt back into shape.”
“Lazy?!” Adrien hissed
“Oh, don’t deny it. By the way, you got a message.”
Adrien’s brow furrowed. “Don’t change the subject.”
“It’s from your wife.”
Adrien yanked his phone out of the bag faster than he could blink.
“I love you,” read the first message. But then there was a second one.
“I just want you to know that no matter what we’ve been through or what we go though, I love you. I love you to the ends of the earth and back. I can’t wait to see you when you get home and hear about your day.”
Adrien stared at the message with a stupidly sweet smile for the rest of his break.
Adrien got home late. The practice ran late and then the head coach of the national team made an announcement and introductions and there was a dinner then by the time Adrien finally got out, there was traffic and construction all the way home.
Adrien grumbled. And here he was hoping that he could have a little quality time with his wife. They had a lot of air to clear, and Adrien knew that it wasn’t going to happen overnight.
Unfortunately, when he got home, Marinette was fast asleep on the couch.
“She’s been running herself into the ground, lately,” Tikki told him. “She wanted to stay up for you, but—”
“It’s okay, Tikki,” he assured, looking at his exhausted wife. “She deserves it.”
Tikki gave him a sweet smile before flying off with Plagg to who-knew-where.
Adrien took a moment to look his wife over, curled up on the couch. He almost got her a blanket, but decided that her bed would be the more comfortable option.
Would he like her to come back into their room? Yes. But he didn’t know if she was ready for that. So, the guest room-slash-her-room-for-way-too-long it was.
He picked her up from the couch, feeling his muscles in his back strain. He must have overworked himself today; she wasn’t that heavy. She had never been.
When he curled her up against his chest, his heart beat wildly. He missed this. He missed the feel of her small body pressed against him. He missed the fierce protectiveness that flooded him when she was here, curled up next to him and safe. He missed…
He missed her being his wife.
And that was his fault.
He snuggled her closer, his heart nearly giving out when she gave a happy sigh in her sleep. He wanted this. He wanted this back.
All too soon, he placed her down on the mattress, making sure her head was comfortably on the pillow before pulling the covers up over her. He took a moment to admire her, his beautiful wife. And when the temptation became too strong, he gave in, pressing a kiss to her temple. “I love you, too,” he whispered. “To the ends of the earth and back.”
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waltzofthewifi · 5 years ago
Miraculous Through The Ages: Brave: What We’ve Only Begun
Masterpost | Previous Story | Next Story | Next Brave Story
So this is a shorter one, as it's more of a prologue for the rest of the Brave stories.
Merida retraced her steps again, still not finding where her arrow had hit.
She would be expected back at the castle soon. No one would mind her coming back one arrow less, and she could replenish her supply easily, but Merida was stubborn and she was going to find that arrow before she headed back.
Merida hit the edge of where she was allowed to wonder, marked by a tree once stuck by lightning, and turned to retrace her steps again. This wouldn't be a problem if she hadn't completely missed the target, but she was shooting with a new bow and the added weight was throwing her aim off.
This time, Merida spotted the fletchings of her arrow sticking up just out of the ground.
The arrow was easy to loosen out of the dirt. Merida carefully inspected it to make sure it was undamaged, before placing it back in her quiver.
Merida glanced at the sun, knowing her morning time to herself was finished and she was expected back at the castle.
She trekked back to the small archery range her father had set up for her, her skirt occasionally catching in the twigs around her. The clearing wasn't far from the castle at all, and she was within yelling distance from the nearest posting of guards. Every morning she came out here, she had to stop by the posting near the edge of the forest and alert the guards she would be at the range.
Still, it was hidden from the bustle of castle life. A large outcropping of rocks at one edge, and a stream on the other. The trees around her boasted wildlife, though they made themselves scarce whenever she shot. In the morning, if she practiced right at the edge of the trees, their shadow protected her from the heat of the sun. As far as she knew, only she, her father, and the guards knew where her secret sanctuary was.
Yet today someone was in her clearing.
Merida quickly hid behind a tree, the arrows in her quiver clacking as she did so. Cautiously, she peaked out from behind the tree. Her horse and bow were still where she left them, and the target looked undisturbed. In fact, if she could get to her bow, she could scare the person away. Her bow was about five feet into the clearing, so if she was sneaky-
Merida reached for her bow, her arrows clattering against her back as she did. Her fingers brushed against the wood, and then wrapped around and pulled it back towards her.
The gesture almost made Merida fall, but she steadied herself and hid back behind the tree.
She took a calming breath. Then another.
Reaching behind her, Merida grabbed an arrow and nocked it. She pulled slightly on the string to keep the arrow against the bow.
Another breath.
In one sorta-smooth motion, Merida whirled around the tree and out into the clearing, pulling her bow up to her anchor point as she did so.
"Who are you and what do you want?" She demanded.
The other person turned towards her, and Merida instantly regretted her choice. The intruder looked like she could wrestle a bear.
She was a red-head, much like Merida, with curly hair that reached her shoulder blades. She had to be twice Merida's age, twice her height, and with muscles three times bigger at least. She wore a white blouse with blue stitching around the collar, and a thick blue plaid skirt. She had leather boots, a leather belt with a white middle, and a leather shoulder pad on her right arm. Some type of stick-thing was attached to her back.
Merida didn't falter. She kept her hand anchored, and the arrow aimed right at the woman.
"I didn't mean to scare you, lass," the older woman said. "I'm just passing through here. Pay me no mind." She held her hands up in a placating manner.
"Who are you?" Merida repeated.
"That's a complicated answer," the older woman responded. "Most people call me Digger."
"What's complicated about that?" Merida questioned.
Digger sighed. "I can't say, lass. I'm not even supposed to be talking to anyone."
"Why not?" Merida pressed. "Are you breaking the law?"
"No, no," Digger answered. "Nothing like that. I'm just a visitor trying to get home."
"Where's home?" Merida questioned.
Digger laughed. "Seriously, lass, it's okay. You can lower your bow. I'm not going to hurt you."
Merida hesitated. Digger didn't look armed, but she could easily take Merida in a fight if she wanted to.
Still, she was tiring. Her arm was beginning to shake, and her fingers were starting to cramp. Merida decided it was best to save her strength and lower her bow.
Before she could, her fingers spasmed, forcing her to let go of the string. The arrow flew forward, wobbling a little off course, but still heading straight to Digger.
Digger didn't even blink. She leaned towards one side, and when the arrow reached her, she reached out with one hand and snatched it from the air.
Merida stared in awe. "Who are you?"
Digger studied her for a moment. "I'm you, lass."
"You heard me." Digger dropped the arrow onto the ground. "I can't tell you much, magical rules and everything. But I'll tell you this. There's more magic in the world than you think. Some of it is bad - very bad, very ugly. Some of it is wonderful, and beautiful. But a good lot of it just is. It's up to the user to decide what they're going to use it for."
Merida didn't know what to make of that.
"I know that don't make sense now, but it will. Trust me."
Digger squinted and checked the sun. "Don't you need to head to the castle about now?"
Merida nodded, but she hesitated to move.
"Look, lass, if I wanted to hurt you, I would have by now. And I promise, mother is much scarier than me. You don't want to be late."
That much was true.
Leaving that one arrow with Digger, Merida trotted to her horse and began to head back.
It would be a long time before she thought about that meeting again.
"Powerful advice," Fu noted.
"Merida has her moments," Fluff replied, floating upside down. "Or had. Will have?"
"It's definitely something we can learn from today," Fu noted.
"Of course, Merida only said it because she remembered saying it," Fluff continued. "Once that arrow flew, she remembered having the conversation."
"Like Bunnyx with Timetagger," Marinette recalled.
Fluff nodded. "Meeting yourself is confusing."
Fu drank the last of his tea just as Marinette's phone dinged, reminding her she had obligations to get to.
"We'll see you again soon, Fluff," Fu said, taking the watch from Marinette and placing it back into the box. "Tomorrow we will resume."
"Master, I was wondering..." Marinette hesitated.
Fu raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"
"Could I talk to Plagg?" Marinette asked.
"I think we could arrange that," Fu said. "Anything in particular you want to talk about?"
"Well, Tikki was talking about her previous holder, Anna, and I was wondering - she'd have had to find a partner eventually, right?" Marinette replied.
Fu nodded. "She did. And I'm sure Plagg would love to tell you about Katalysator. However, that is a long story, and I think we should start with Trixx."
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bluepride7 · 6 years ago
Sandboy had so much amazing stuff going on so this is gonna be a long post
- Ladybugs worst fear is not being able to save everyone and purify the akuma
- Chat Noirs worst fear is Ladybug turning against him
- Adriens worst fear is being locked in some place with no way out
- Marinettes worst fear is cute but seriously girl cmon have some dignity (I still love her tho)
- Plagg and Tikki r officially the cutest things o have ever seen (sugarcube and stinky sock r life)
- Plagg freakin crying for Nooroo is hurting my heart
- People make Chat Noir memes... I have no words for how amazing this is
- Marinette pulls a freakin ladybug to get away from zombie Adrien (who is scary as hell btw), she’s not just a simple girl as Marinette. But we already knew that
- Adrien calls out for Natalie first when he gets trapped because she’s in a way always there for him, but he also calls out for his father several times and u can hear in his voice that he is terrified. MY POOR BABY!!!!
- Gabriel is evil. I have no words for how much I hate him. He’s so terrible to his son and to Nooroo!! He does not deserve Adrien or Nooroo!!!
- Also how did he do that magic thing with Nooroos mouth?? He made it freakin disappear!! I think there’s something else going on besides wanting to bring Emilie back (now we know how he knows when people have negative emotions)
- Gabe what is this terrifying as fudge face you’ve been doing all episode??
- “Plagg oh no! Who turned u into a sock?” Adrien u r to precious
- The other kwamis r so cute!! Pollens voice is everything that I hoped it would be. The snake miraculous is named Sass!! THATS ALEXS KWMAI RIGHT THERE!!!
- The other kwamis r like brothers and sisters right?? So how come they believed Plagg when he said he sacrificed his cheese??
- The kwamis sing??!!! My heart!!!
- Plagg is the “I left my boy” gif after the find out what the akuma does. Even when he gets back to Adrien he says “nice to see that you’ve survived your nightmare” and he says it with an “o my god I’m so sorry I left” tone
- Hawkmoth knows where they r!!! This will not end well... I can already see so many bad things happening
- Chat Noir saving/ protecting/ carrying ladybug all over the place!! O my god he finally got some of the recognition he deserves
- Marinettes zombie Adrien was a hell of a lot scarier than Chats evil Ladybug. I think Marinette has watched one to many horror movies and Adrien might not have been aloud to watch any. Plus he says “this is y u can’t let kids watch whatever they want” so maybe he wasn’t allowed to watch horror movies at all
- That child is so freakin cute!!! He’s wearing a Dark Owl pair of pjs!!!
- Plagg is jealous of Tikki and Marinettes relationship... o my god my baby boys r so adorable I might die💙
- Plagg and Adrien having a moment and hugging!!! I NEEDED THIS!!!!
- Gabriel was that foreshadowing at the end there?? Whatever it was it scared the shut out of me
- That ending credit scene tho!! I felt like they were all staring into my soul!!! And hawkmoths face was scary as hell!!
Did I forget something? I feel like I did but this whole ep was one big nightmare so... if I forgot something tell me please...
Later bug heads!!!
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alexseanchai · 6 years ago
this story has a happy ending, even though for now this Romeo ain't got Julie yet
I'm trying to find an ending for this epic angstfest that doesn't pivot on a permanent major character death. Help me out here?
"Style Queen" shows us what happens when Plagg uses his power without routing it through Adrien. I don't doubt that Plagg was trying to keep a lid on the damage; he succeeded less well than in "Catalyst", but, you know, unlike in "Catalyst", in "Style Queen" Adrien was plausibly dead. But honestly that makes it worse, knowing that an upset kwami is a more dangerous kwami.
Tikki and Plagg are equal partners. Equally powerful.
(Plagg is canonically responsible for the Chicxulub impact. You know, the K-Pg boundary. The end of the Cretaceous.)
I remain of the opinion that of the pair, the Cat Miraculous is more likely to be misused. Cataclysm has more predictable effects than Lucky Charm.
But one of the housemates I've inflicted this show on says—I'm not sure I agree, but for purposes of this fic I'm happy to roll with it—the Ladybug Miraculous gone rogue is the scarier.
What would happen if a pretty upset Tikki used her power without routing it through Marinette?
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chatnoirismycinnamonroll · 6 years ago
LoOnly Human: Akuma!Marinette AU (part 4: finale)
So...I have literally no excuse about how long this took to write. But here it is! Part 4 of my Akumanette. You know my disclaimer, so I wont repeat it. Enjoy!
The class was silent as they watched the tiny goddess glide back to her chosen. Alya was crying silently, wanting nothing more than to rush to her friend and hug her and apologize for being such an idiot, but she knew she wasnt welcome at the moment. 'Why would I be? I'm supposed to be her best friend, but I didnt even give her the benefit of the doubt. I believed Lila without a single question, but I'm always questioning Marinette's stories and excuses. How many times have I dismissed her worries for nothing but jealousy? I wonder if she'll ever forgive me.'
Marinette kissed Tikki on the forehead as she floated back to her. "You didnt have to do that, but thank you. It means so much to me to have a true friend stand up for what's right."
"You're welcome, Marinette. And know that I will always have your side. Nobody is ever allowed to hurt you, no matter who they are."
Adrien watched the sweet scene with a slight smile on his face. He was still freaking out a little that Marinette was his Ladybug, but that could wait until they were alone. For now, they were still in the same room as the people who tried to break her, and his Chat Noir refused to relax in this kind of situation. His persona and his literal black cat. Was Plagg hissing a little? And why is he looking behind-?
Adrien whirled around, his body moving to shield Marinette without a second thought, his eyes narrowing as he faced the class, searching for the danger. His eyes moved rapidly and finally locked on what Plagg was now hissing at. His eyes widened as he took in the scene.
"Lila, what are you doing?" Adrien asked tensely.
"I wouldnt do that if I were you, snake. It's just going to lead to your end." Plagg warned, his eyes glowing slightly. Tikki nodded, her eyes glowing just as bright. Lila scoffed.
"You think I'm scared of you?! Do you think you can just talk about me like that? I am not a liar! I was just telling people what they wanted to hear! People loved me for it in all my other schools, and those who didnt were smart enough to stay out of my way."
Adrien's eyes widened as he realized her plan and what it would do.
"Everyone get out! Lila, let go of the string." Adrien stepped forward slightly, only to flinch back when she stepped in front of the door, blocking the exit.
"You just had to question everything, didnt you? You couldnt just sit back and enjoy my stories like all the other weak-minded sheep in this class. Nooooo. You had to be smart enough to tell the difference. And you, Agreste. You actually believed I would listen to your little advice? 'You dont need to lie to get people to like you. Just tell the truth!' Ha!" Lila sauntered forward, her eyes low and slit like a snake's as her hand held tight to the string. It led straight to her desk, where she had secretly set up two chemical flasks. They were set up, one upside down over the other, a metal sheet keeping the deadly mix separated. She didnt want another class to end this way, but they were leaving her with no choice.
The class moved behind Adrien and Marinette as they took their stances, their kwamis ready to transform them at the first word. With Lila covering the door, the only way out was through the windows. They werent that high up, and there was a tree near the window, so it wouldnt be too dangerous for the class to get out safely. Marinette looked at Adrien, and he nodded subtly without looking at her, knowing exactly what she was thinking, but keeping his eyes on the danger ahead. Kim silently tried to open the window, only to see it nailed shut. He tried the other windows with no luck. It seemed Lila had planned ahead.
"You are so naive! Everybody lies! You cant go anywhere without having someone lie to impress you. I was just giving everyone a little dose of reality. And now, since you two idiots just had to go and ruin my fun, I'm gonna have to make you disappear. Forever. And with you out of the way, there'll be nobody to question my statement of what happened here. 'MISPRINT ON CHEMISTRY SHEET CAUSES CLASS TO MIX THE WRONG CHEMICALS! A FATALLY EXPLOSIVE REACTION TAKES ALL BUT ONE! HERE IS HER STORY!' And as the only survivor, nobody is going to question on whether I'm telling the truth or not!" She extended her arm, ready to pull it back and start the deadly explosion....
...Only to tug on nothing but a cut string as a razorblade was expertly thrown at the string. She stumbled and fell as a small hole opened beneath her, trapping her legs in the floor. The class below them screamed as a hole and a pair of legs appeared above them, having thought that the akuma had been defeated earlier.
"Great job, Stinky Socks!"
"You too, Sugar Cube. I told you I had it more under control." Plagg gloated. Tikki rolled her eyes, but gave him a high five anyway.
"You sure surprised me, but I'm happy. Now Master Fu wont worry so much about you."
"Speaking of worrying, what are we going to do with this brat?" Plagg floated down to a glaring Lila. He landed just out of her reach as she struggled to pull herself out and smirked when she failed.
"We should call the police. She almost killed us all." Alya exclaimed from behind Marinette, who jumped from having forgotten the rest of the class was there.
"Yeah, I'll get my phone-" Nino said, pulling it out of his back pocket and getting ready to unlock it when a familiar voice interrupted from the doorway.
"Theres no need for that. My daddy will make plenty sure shes never allowed in Paris again." Chloe stepped into the room with Sabrina behind her. Sabrina had her phone out, recording everything.
"Chloe! Were you recording the whole time?" Adrien asked anxiously, his eyes flashing worriedly to Marinette. Marinette was still by his side, though now she seemed less confident with the whole class tensing up at the reminder of what exactly had happened.
"Only Liar-la's little monologue. And although I'm not happy that Marinette is Ladybug, I'm not going to out your secret. And if anyone else tries to, well, let's just say that I wont need my daddy to make your life a living hell." Chloe's eyes narrowed at the class, who shrunk away from her gaze.
Marinette stepped forward, her eyes filled with gratitude and confusion. "Why are you being so nice? I thought you would have hated me, not protected me."
"Please, Dupain-cheng. I could care less about you, but you have saved my life multiple times as Ladybug, so I'm just repaying the favor by keeping your secret under wraps. And I'm not protecting you. I'm doing my duty as a heroine of Paris by ensuring its protectors' identities dont somehow get back to Hawkmoth. It's just business. Sabrina!"
"They're right outside, Chloe. My daddy is leading them in as we speak." Sabrina chirped obediently from the doorframe. Her eyes were glued to her phone, no doubt texting her father about the situation.
"Good. Meanwhile, I suggest you two transform. They'll be expecting the heroes to have purified the victim, who was escorted home by her friend, Adrien Agreste, to recover from the akumatization. Ladybug and Chat Noir were about to leave only for this girl to scream out in anger at having been called out as a liar by an akuma. Shes crazy, and when you saw what she was going to do, you used your powers to trap her. Sabrina and I were returning to the class when we heard the commotion and decided to call the police since you two were too busy trying to keep everyone safe. Nobody will question why Marinette and Adrien arent here and the police will take care of the rest."
Everybody stared slack-jawed at Chloe's plan. It was going to work perfectly. They couldn't find one flaw with the plan, and decided to go with it. This day was already stressful enough as it was. If Chloe was giving them a plausible out, they were going to take it.
The heroes transformed just before the police entered, guns drawn and pointing to Lila. "Is this her?"
"Yes, Officer. We have her on tape explaining her plan, and would like her to be removed immediately."
"Of course, Ms. Bourgeois. Chat Noir, if you could..." the officer pointed towards Lila's legs, which were still trapped in the floor.
"Gladly. Cataclysm!" The hole crumbled just enough to get her out, and the police fell on her immediately. They werent exactly gentle with her. After all, she just tried to commit mass murder.
Lila growled as she was hauled up from the floor, her arms locked behind her in handcuffs. "This isnt over."
"No, it definitely is. You're never going to win again, Lila. You're going to get all that is coming to you." Chloe warned, her eyes narrowed and a dangerous smirk speaking volumes as she moved into Lila's line of sight, effectively blocking Marinette from view. "Karma certainly is a bitch, isnt it?"
Lila screamed in anger as she was dragged away to face the consequences of her actions. The police gathered the class's statements, not asking about the akumatization and ignoring their awed yet worried looks at the heroes. You'd think they'd never seen the heroes up close before.
The police finally left, and school was let out early for Lila's threat and the akuma. Ladybug and Chat had stayed to give their statements and fix the damage they (their kwamis) had caused during the rescue. They refused to speak to their classmates, and they forlornly left them alone, worried that they would never be forgiven.
Chat and Ladybug stared at each other in the empty classroom. They had no words. They were still trying to process everything that had happened when their transformations finally fell.
Adrien and Marinette were left staring at each other, thoughts racing as familiar eyes finally placed a face to their partner. Feelings clashing and boiling within them, their eyes and bodies refused to move away from each other as they knew they had to talk it out.
Neither moved, and neither looked away. Without knowing it, they were already saying everything they needed to without a single spoken word. Eyes twinkling bright, their bodies moved on their own. Hands reached out to caress a soft cheek, to hold a slim waist, to wrap around their partner's own. Soft hands meeting calloused hands. Eyes saying everything that words couldnt.
Blue eyes full of pain and regret meeting green filled with understanding and comfort. There was the silent question if what came next. What will happen tomorrow? Could they still trust each other, even after this new revelation? Could she trust herself to keep going, knowing that either she could become vulnerable enough to fall to Hawkmoth again? Could she trust him to be by her side? Could she learn to forgive those who caused this pain within her?
But they pushed those thoughts away to enjoy each other's presence. The relief of knowing that your best friend was someone you knew, and knowing they know your good and bad sides, or at least have seen them before. To know that the love of your life had been closer than expected was such a thrill, it left both of them smiling.
They pulled the other closer, enjoying how well they fit together. And knowing they loved each other all along left them breathless. This could work. Sure, they probably had many problems that would come along. They would doubt each other, fight each other, and struggle. They were only human, after all.
But they could worry about that later. For now, they would enjoy the other, hugging and speaking to each other without saying a word, completely in sync with their feelings. There were no doubts, no ifs or buts. There was just them.
Adrien and Marinette.
Ladybug and Chat Noir.
Both skilled.
Both flawed.
Both completely Human.
The end.
Thank you very much for having waited so long for this! I know it got pretty hectic, but I hope you liked it. ^.^
@mindfulmagics @drarrylover007 @dreamteaze
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Nino Appreciation Week - Day 2: Hero/Villain - “My Hero”
(Also on AO3 / fanfiction.net )
Day:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 (part 2 of this story)|
This is a companion to my ML Reveal Week Fic "Stay", but it can be read as a stand alone piece.
Nino despised Akumas with all his heart. He despised Hawk Moth too, but that coward never had the balls to come out and play with Ladybug and Chat Noir, sending innocent cannon fodder instead. And as innocent as the akumatized fellows were underneath (Nino should know best, he had been one of the first), outside they were outright dangerous. Lethally so.
It seemed that just during his collège years he had already seen enough akuma activity for a lifetime, but year after year new villains hit and he always ended up in front of a tv watching the development and biting his nails.
And he was sitting there again and gnawing at what was left of his nails. Because just a few weeks earlier the fight Ladybug and Chat had been leading had suddenly become personal. Now it wasn’t just a spotted heroine bravely soaring through Paris skyline in the company of a black feline. Now it was his wife and his best friend risking their lives on a daily basis.
Sometimes Nino wished he could go back to not knowing, so that he wouldn’t have to think about Amélie and Adèle every time Chat got smashed into a brick wall or about his poor heart when Ladybug went one-on-one with yet another monstrosity. He hadn’t sign up for that. Nuh-uh. He married a talented and brave woman, sure, but he hadn’t know she was that brave.
Now he gave up on biting nails and started pacing around the room. Despite the heroes’ best efforts the battle somehow got dragged through city almost to their doorstep. He didn’t even need the tv anymore, he could see the fight from his own windows. It looked even scarier. And it went on far longer than usual. Either Marinette and Adrien were not in good shape today, or those Akumas were getting stronger.
Never in his life did he feel more helpless than in those moments when he could only be a passive witness, not able to do a thing. He could only groan and grunt every time he heard a thud, hands clenched to fists and jaw set in stone.
There was a familiar shout of ‘Cataclysm’ (how could he have not recognized that voice for so many years? It was so obvious now!), and he saw a metal construction falling apart over the fighting trio.
Nino didn’t waste another second. He tapped the stopwatch to keep an eye on the time count. Then he grabbed the container he had prepared as soon as Marinette transformed, just in case, and rushed to the roof. He was hoping this time the kwami food wouldn’t be needed, that with the help of Chat’s power they would wrap things up pretty quickly.
He was wrong. Cataclysm must have turned out not to be a successful diversion and the battle continued, only now Chat was on timer. Soon Nino heard the clicks of his baton as the feline hero retreated to their building to repower.
This was the only way Nino could help them – providing the shelter and food for their kwamis, so that they could get back to battle as quick as possible. Once again the wave of powerlessness overcame the only civilian out there to know the identities of the super duo. He prayed to any deity who would listen for any way in which he could do more, but in vain. He didn’t possess any special powers or abilities. All he could do was to assist them from the stands.
Adrien detransformed and collapsed onto a small mat Nino had put in a secure corner hidden by the chimneys. He was breathing heavily and gratefully took the water bottle from his friend. Plagg, uncharacteristically silent, was already stuffing himself with camembert. Nino didn’t even need to ask to know how serious the situation was. He let his friend and the kwami have some rest, while he risked a peek over the chimneys.
The sight made his blood freeze and his heart stop.
Ladybug was just catching her Lucky Charm, when the Akuma struck. The heroine was thrown off the roof and into a terrace two stories below. The blow was so strong that after the fall she rolled a few times and stopped on the concrete banister, motionless. The object she summoned still lay where she had been standing mere seconds ago. The beast cackled with satisfaction and kicked it to the gutter. Then it started its slow crawl to the unconscious heroine.
Nino didn’t hear Adrien’s questions. He didn’t react to Plagg’s yells. All of his blood boiled in that one second and then solidified into iron. Nino didn’t feel anything, didn’t think. Before he even noticed, his legs were already carrying him over the rooftops and to Ladybug.
Adrien and Plagg were still screaming after him, but he was deaf and blind to anything but the still body of his wife laying on the terrace vulnerable and unprotected. She was two houses away, yet he could see her like she was just in front of him. The sprint over the rooftops seemed to be taking forever, but Nino just ignored the burning of his lungs, the ache in his limbs and the slips of his feet over the tiles. His brain restarted about halfway to the terrace and he stumbled when he remembered he was just himself, without a supersuit, running over slippery roof right into danger.
A plan. He needed a plan, but it was always Marinette who came up with those. Lucky Charm was her plan and now it lay in the gutter. Nino could see it still gleaming red over the grayness of the pipe. One last look at Ladybug and he modified his direction to intercept the magical object.
He reached it in time to catch a glimpse of the Akuma jumping down into the terrace. Somewhere far behind he heard Chat’s transformation spell, but it was too far for the feline hero to make it. Acting purely on instinct he didn’t suspect he had, he slid down using the gutter as support and in just two leaps he was in front of Ladybug. To his relief, she was slowly coming to her senses. So help was on the way, all he needed to do was to hold off the Akuma long enough for his wife to wake up or Chat to join them.
But he didn’t have a weapon and the Lucky Charm looked useless, like they usually did to anyone but the spotted heroine.
‘Catch!’ was all the warning he got before glimpsing a silver dash with the corner of his eye. Chat’s baton found his hand almost magically. Nino gripped it firmly and prepared for a fight.
Hit. Parry.
Don’t yield even for one step.
Hit. Block.
Ladybug is right behind you.
Clank. Thud.
Chat will be here any second now.
Breathe. Hit.
You can do it.
Hit. Parry.
You have to.
Block. Hit.
Oh, fu-
That was his last thought as the Akuma ripped Chat’s baton from his hand and threw him to the side. Then the world went black.
A subtle whisper was the first thing he heard upon waking up.
He felt a delicate breath on his earlobe.
It was her voice. His Marilady was calling him and it wouldn’t do to keep her waiting. Nino opened his eyes.
He was lying in their bed, in Marinette’s arms. She was all right. She was smiling now, but he saw the traces the tears must have left on her cheeks.
‘You’re okay,’ she breathed and pulled him closer.
‘Can’t. Breathe,’ he choked.
‘Do you need to go to hospital?’
‘Not. So. Strong,’ he wheezed and Marinette loosened her deadly grip in an instant.
‘Sorry,’ she said sheepishly. ‘Sometimes I forget how strong I am. Are you alright?’
‘I think so,’ Nino said inspecting his aching limbs. ‘A little sore maybe. You?’
‘Couldn’t be better.’ Marinette looked at him with immense pride. ‘You’re my hero.’
‘Say what?’
‘You saved me,’ she said kissing the top of his head. ‘Adrien told me what you did. If it wasn’t for you I-‘ her voice broke.
‘Shhhhh, there’s no need for that,’ now Nino pulled her closer and started stroking her hair. ‘I’d do anything for you, you know that?’
‘You could have died!’ she sobbed.
‘You could have too,’ he said quietly. ‘What would I do without you, Nettie?’
Marinette raised her head from his chest. ‘Let’s never find out,’ she said and kissed him gently.
With a sigh she curled up against his side again and let him stroke her back. There was no place he would rather be than with her, cuddling like that, forever. But he couldn’t. Soon there would be another akuma. And another. And another. How long do they have before it’s finally over? Will she be the ultimate winner? Or will it be him who loses his whole world?
Nino waited for Marinette to fall asleep and then he gently pulled out of her embrace and turned off the light in the bedroom. He seriously doubted he would be able to sleep for the next few hours, the memories of the fight still haunting his thoughts. He decided it would be a good occasion to have some work done since he hadn’t exactly been in a state to do anything productive for the best part of the afternoon. He checked on Tikki, only to find her snoring lightly in her nest on the shelf and he closed the bedroom door.
As he reached the living room a strange creepy feeling overcame him, like an itch he couldn’t quite place. Nino looked around the dark room but saw nothing out of place. Yet he felt the hairs on his neck raising and his muscles tensed in alarm.
He turned the light on and immediately noticed a black box with red ornaments, resting on the coffee table. He knew what it was. Marinette and Adrien had similar ones. They told him all about that glorious September day when they had received their Miraculous.
Nino hesitated. This was what he was asking for today, wasn’t it? To finally be able to help, to make a difference, to protect those he loved most. But he was just Nino Lahiffe, a bit silly, somewhat clever, sure, but not even half as strong as Adrien, just a simple music lover. He was no hero material.
‘Good evening, young man,’ he heard an old rusty voice behind him. There was a short Chinese in a red flower shirt standing there. Nino hadn’t heard him move, he could swear there was no one in the room with him mere seconds ago.
‘Go on, open it,’ the man encouraged. ‘Your time has come.’
Nino reached for the box and was momentarily blinded by light. When it faded away there was a small creature floating in front of his face, similar to Tikki and Plagg but all green, with a tiny turtle shell on its back.
‘Evening, Master Nino,’ it bowed. ‘My name is Wayzz and it’s an honor to finally meet the new Guardian.’
Ninette series, parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |  
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princesszatana · 8 years ago
I Now Pronounce You Man and Wife
Something fun for Adrienette Month Day 3!
Ch1  Ch 2
“Wh... Where am I?” Adrien said to himself. He looked around to see he was standing on a floor of clouds. The sky was dark purple filled with thousands of stars. The stars were audibly twinkling. They sounded like tiny crystal bells. They were Heavenly.
“Adrien.” A familiar voice came from behind.
The blonde turned. He gasped.
There was his Lady, standing with him on the clouds. She was wearing a stunning polka dot red ball gown. She still had her mask on, concealing her identity. While most of her hair fell on her shoulders, some of it formed two waterfall braids. They made a crown around her head.
“You look amazing!” The blonde stared in awe as he spoke.
The superhero giggled, a light blush dusting her cheeks. “Thank you. You look nice too.”
“Huh?” Adrien looked down at himself in confusion. He was in a green and black suit. The suit was nice. Ladybug had good taste.
“Thank you, for the compliment.”  Adrien looked back up as he spoke. He was greeted warmly by Ladybug’s radiant smile. Had gotten closer while he was looking away? His heart skipped a beat.
Ladybug smiled sweetly and held out her hand. “May I have this dance?”
The blonde looked from the girl’s hand to her eyes. He knew those eyes so well, yet they somehow alluded him.
“I would be honored, Ladybug.” Adrien took her hand gently.
He blinked.
Suddenly they were dancing to the sound of the stars. They moved in perfect unison with each other as they glided across the clouds. Their hands were clasped tightly together. Their eyes were locked. Their hearts were beating as one. Nothing could come between them.
“Who are you?” The blonde couldn’t help himself. He had to ask.
“A friend.” Ladybug answered sweetly.
“Then, what is your name my friend? Your real name?” He persisted.
“My name…” They slowed to a stop, still holding onto each other. Ladybug looked at the ground as she internally mulled over what to say. “It’s…it’s...”
Adrien Agreste awoke with a start. His phone was blasting the popular anime theme song. He fumbled to shut the darn thing off.  The poor sunshine child groaned when he finally silenced the device. The stupid alarm had ruined a purr-fectly good dream. Was the universe trying to keep him and his Lady apart? Was her identity this big cosmic secret or something? It didn’t matter.
“I will find you, my Lady!” The blonde spoke aloud.
With that thought, Adrien kicked his blankets off and jumped out of bed. The sooner he got dressed the sooner he could get to school. Alya was sure to have the latest info on Ladybug. Maybe something about her identity. There was only one way to find out.
Marinette walked into class on time, much to her own surprise. The room was still half empty but both Alya and Nino were in their seats. They were playing with something.
“Good morning guys! What are you doing?” Marinette spoke as she sat down.
“Check it out!” Nino exclaimed, setting a gold ring in front of the blacket.
Marinette picked it up and turned it over several times. It was a very simple gold ring.
“Are you proposing or something Nino?” Marinette smirked teasingly. Nino went red with embarrassment.
“WHAT! No!” Nino panicked. He turned to his girlfriend, Alya.
Alya laughed and patted her boyfriend's shoulder. “Don’t tease him like that Marinette. You’ll scare him off.” Marinette giggled. “Alright.”
The blogger held up another ring for Marinette to see. “Actually, Adrien found them on the ground.” The redhead explained. “He got here super early and found them just laying there.”
Marinette’s breath hitched at the mention of her crush. “A...Adrien… found them? Where is he now?” The girl blushed. Alya and Nino smirked.
“He just ran to the bathroom. He should be back in a sec.”  Nino chuckled.
“Oh...” Marinette ignored the looks her friends were giving her. She took both rings in her hands. She focused all her attention on comparing them.
“They look exactly the same. Do you know who’s they are?” Marinette asked.
“Not a clue.” The DJ answered.
“We should give them to Miss Bustier when she arrives.” Marinette kept examining the rings as she spoke.
“My thought exactly.” A new voice chimed in.
Marinette jumped slightly. She looked up to see Adrien. She watched him as he walked up to the group. Instead of sitting down the blonde turned and kneeled on his chair facing Marinette. He rested his elbows on her desk and cast her a warm smile.
“Good Morning, Marinette!” He warmly greeted.
“Morning… Good… uh, Adrien... Rings…” The blacket became an instant stuttering mess. She began internally freaking out. She didn't know what else to do so she held her hands out displaying the rings. Nino was trying and failing, to stifle his laughter. Alya gave him a warning look which seemed to help a little. Adrien just smiled at his shy friend.
“Yeah, they’re pretty cool aren’t they.” The blonde took one of the rings and began playing with it.
Marinette took a deep breath and tried to smile like a normal human being. “Yeah… They’re pretty.”
Alya and Nino shared a mischievous look. Payback Time!
“You should try one on Marinette!” Alya suggested. Marinette turned to her friend in confusion. What was the redhead thinking? Alya gave her a look that screamed ‘Trust me!’. Marinette cocked an eyebrow worriedly but complied. When Alya head that look there was no fighting her.
“Um… okay…” Marinette slid the ring onto her left ring finger.
“WOW!” Alya held her friend's hand inspecting it. “It’s a perfect fit!” Marinette looked down at the ring. It really was.
“No way!” Nino exclaimed. “Dude, quickly try yours on.” He said turning to Adrien. The blonde looked at his friend. Nino was so excited, how could he refuse?
Adrien slid the ring on his left ring finger, just like he’d seen Marinette do.
“Like this?” He held up his hand questioningly.
“NO WAY!” Nino set Adrien’s hand next to Marinette’s on the desk. The two teens hand’s brushed. Marinette let out a small gasp. She could feel the blush creeping up her neck. Adrien blushed and raised his shoulders in embarrassment.
“His fits perfectly too!” Nino continued, a sly look planted on his face.
Adrien looked down at their hands. Her hands were so different from his. His were much larger and looked more muscular. Marinette’s hand was so small and delicate. The ring suited her skin tone purr-fectly. It’s amazing how something so soft and beautiful could be such a force to be reckoned with.
Marinette was looking at Adrien’s hand with a look of pure awe. His skin looked similar to rose gold and the ring only made his hand more radiant. Marinette wanted to feel the warmth of his hand. She found her pinky trying to move closer to his. Her eyes grew wide. She pulled the digit back forcefully, hoping nobody had noticed the stray digit.
“There’s only one thing left to do.” Stated the Blogger, pulling everyone out of their own thoughts. Adrien and Marinette looked up to see she was recording. Both teens blush deepened.
“I now pronounce you Man and Wife!” Alya gleefully declared.
“WHAT?!” The two ‘newly-wed’ teens cried out in unison.
“AAAAH!!” The whole classroom erupted into cries of pain. A flash of red and green light had blinded them all.
“WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO THIS TIME KIM!” Alix could be heard screeching from across the room.
“WHY DO YOU ASSUME I DID THIS?” Kim hollered back in the direction Alix was.
Ivan stood abruptly, causing everyone to jump. “Both of you knock it off.” He said warningly, keeping his voice low. “You’re scaring Mylene and giving everyone here a headache.”
Alix and Kim stiffened as he spoke. Quiet Ivan was scarier than loud Ivan. Both teens mumbled apologies and fumbled back to their seats. Ivan sat back down without saying another word. Everyone continued nursing their eyes, making sure to talk softly.
“What the heck was that?” Nino grumbled as he set his glasses down on the desk.
Alya was holding the bridge of her nose as she waited for the pain to subside. “Maybe the flash on my phone went off or something?”
“That was one weird flash.” Adrien mumbled. The blonde rubbed his eyes with both hands. They felt weird. Like they had gloves on them. Infact.. it felt kinda like he was in his suit. Adrien squinted his eyes. His hands… They were red… Red with black spots?
“Guys I’m seeing things.” The blonde complained. He shook his head trying to clear his vision. “Are you okay Marinette?”
“Uh-huh…” Marinette mumbled in response. Her head hurt. That sudden flash of light had done a number on her. The girl closed her eyes to try when she heard it. The sound of a bell around her neck. Why did she have a bell? She felt something twitch on her head. She reached a hand up curiously. What were those? Did she have ears on her head? Marinette felt her arms next. They felt oddly familiar. Realization hit Marinette like a ton of bricks.
Marinette stood abruptly!
“I’m going to the bathroom!” She excused herself. Could she see? No, not really, but she didn’t want the others to see her either. So, assuming they were all as blind as her, she grabbed her bag and bolted. Maybe Tikki would have some answers.
Adrien felt his friend rush past him.
“Um… okay?” Adrien replied mostly to himself. He hoped she really was okay. The blonde kept blinking and slowly his vision began to clear.
“What the?” Adrien jumped up, looking down at himself. He wasn’t seeing spots, HE WAS WEARING THEM! He was standing in front of his classmates in Ladybug's suit!
“You okay, Dude?” Nino asked.
Adrien looked to his friend. Nino was squinting at him. The rest of his class were all still suffering the effects of the flash. They couldn’t see him... yet.
“Um, yeah.” Adrien quickly stood up grabbing his bag. He looked inside but Plagg was gone! Where could the flying cat be?
“I’m just not feeling well. I’m gonna’ go talk to the nurse.” Adrien bolted for the door. He heard Nino call after him but couldn’t make out what he said. Adrien ran faster. He didn’t have time. Adrien had to find Plagg and figure out why the heck he was in Ladybug’s costume! When he said he wanted to find Ladybug, this was NOT what he meant.
Meanwhile ...
“Tikki! Tikki!” Marinette called to her bag. There was no response. Marinette reached the bathroom. Just her luck, it was empty. She quickly ran into the nearest stall, locking the door behind her. She sat down and began clawing at her bag trying to get it open. Her stupid gloves kept getting in the way. Marinette glared at her hand. How did Chat do anything with these things? Marinette gave up using her hands. She carefully maneuvered her mouth to try and open the handbag.
“Mihmii?” She mumbled as she fought with the small clasps. The blacket finally got the bag to open. “Aha!” She exclaimed in success. Tikki?” Marinette looked into the empty bag with confusion. Where could her kawami be? Had she lost Tikki, again! How was that even possible? Tikki had been in her bag right before class. Her bag was sealed. She hadn’t opened it. Did Tikki phase out of it or something? Nothing happened except… The flash of light.
Marinette stood up suddenly. She looked at her hands examining them closely. If she was in Chat’s costume… Maybe he was in her’s. If that was the case then Tikki might be in his miraculous. She had to find Chat Noir… er… Man bug? Mr. Bug? Chat bug? Ug, whatever. She had to find her partner and get things back to normal, FAST!
Up in the Waiting Room….
“What have you done?” Fe enunciated each word, a slight hint of worry in his voice. The boy stared at his partner in disbelief.
Brie sat swinging her legs over the side of their cloud. She was ecstatic, to say the least. This was working out better than she hoped. The black haired girl looked up, meeting her partner's eyes.
“Don’t look at me like that.” She said sticking her tongue out playfully.
“And just how am I supposed to look at you?” The boy pinched the bridge of his nose as he spoke. “Brie, how in the world did you even get those rings down there?”
Brie smiled proudly. “Oh, I have a friend.”
Fe groaned. “Oh joy.”
“You worry too much.” The girl waved him off. “They can handle this. We’ve taken on worse.” Brie kept watching the world below as she spoke. “Besides, I want them to figure out each other's identities already! They are completely oblivious and it’s driving me crazy! I mean COME ON! They were right there next to each other IN COSTUME and they still didn’t get it!”
Brie let out an exasperated sigh. She shipped these two so much it was painful. They were in much the same predicament she was once in. It had taken almost 20 years before she and her love had discovered each other's secret. Brie smiled at the memories, looking up at her soulmate. They hadn’t parted since.
Fe sat down next to his partner. “This could make things worse for them.” He pointed out.
“Maybe,” Brie shrugged. “but I doubt it. They’re strong. They’ll figure things out.”
“I hope your right.”
“Of course I am! When it comes to matters of the heart I am an expert!” Brie winked at her companion.
Fe snorted with laughter. “When did you become an expert?”
Brie crossed her arms over her chest. “I’ve always been one.”
Fe raised an eyebrow quizzically. “And I’m an ecstatic ball of sunshine.”
Brie turned to look at Fe directly. She stared at him with a mischievous smirk. She leaned in close and planted a kiss on his nose. Fe blushed instantly.
“Quiet, my little ball of sunshine!” The girl said playfully. “I want to see what they do next!”
“You’re hopeless.” Felix rolled his eyes, blush still evident on his cheeks.
I hope you enjoyed it! :D You can find it on FF.net here
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miraculousl4dybug · 6 years ago
This is an amazing story. I love it so much. Go tikki!
Only Human: Akuma! Marinette AU (part 3)
Disclaimer: I dont own, and never will I even come close to owning, either Miraculous or Christina Perri’s song Only Human.
Tikki raced through the now silent hallways towards her chosen’s classroom. She had been trapped in Marinette’s purse, held down by the mist, and was only just able to get out. Like everybody else in the school, she had been able to see everything Only Human had shown her classmates. She felt her pain, her sorrow, her anxiety and stress at having to pretend that everything was fine when it wasnt.
Tikki sighed. She knew she shouldn’t have held Marinette back from telling someone her identity for so long. All of that accumulated stress had been bound to be released sometime. And boy, what a release it was. Plagg must be so happy at the destruction she knew Marinette had left in her wake.
But, honestly, Tikki couldnt blame her. The way Marinette’s “friends” had cornered her chosen in the bathroom had left Tikki piping mad, and if she ever saw them again, identity or not, Tikki was going to give them a piece of her mind. Anyone who thought Plagg was hell to live with had nothing on an angry Tikki. He may be the god of destruction and bad luck, but she was the goddess of creation and luck. You piss her off, and you might just get a new hole in your along with having your good luck run out.
Whoever said cats were the protective ones were highly mistaken.
Marinette sighed. She kept her eyes on the butterfly until she could no longer see it. She didnt want to face her classmates right now, especially since she could remember everything she had done as an akuma. She could remember making Lila bite her own tongue hard enough to bleed. She could remember lifting her and Alya up and slamming them into the ground. She could remember every image she made them see, every memory that she knew would make them feel guilty for treating her the way they had. And she didnt feel any better for it. She had hurt Chat Noir. She had blasted him into the wall with enough force to leave him dazed, when all he was trying to do was help her.
She also knew that she had had no control of herself. She had unwillingly let Hawkmoth push himself past her grief and into her mind. He had used her memories as leverage over her classmates, her….
She couldnt exactly call them friends now, could she? Not really. She looked up at them, seeing Rose and Mylene help Alix out from under a bookshelf and pull her towards Lila, who was still bleeding from her mouth and staring at Marinette with a frightened but hateful stare. Alya was sobbing and Nino was co.forting her, and Marinette’s heart gave a lurch as they didnt approach her to see if she was okay, like she did with them after they got akumatized.
She forced herself to look away, forced herself to stand up and ignore their frightened gasps. She couldnt focus on them at the moment. She had to find Tikki so she could reverse her damage, and then she could head home and hopefully nobody would question why Ladybug got there late-
And suddenly there was a red kwami snuggling up to her cheek. She was standing at the front of the classroom, covered in dust and bruises, her hands cut and burnt a little from the struggle of tearing her own akumatized item, her classmates staging her, and her kwami was nuzzling her cheek and crying tears of relief.
“Tikki? Um…”
“Oh, Marinette, you’re alright! I was so worried! I tried to prevent the akuma from getting to you, but I failed. I’m so sorry, Marinette. I was supposed to protect you, and you got akumatized anyway.” Tikki lamented, tears leaking out of her big blue eyes as she stared up at her sweet, strong, beautiful chosen.
Marinette smiled, accepting that Tikki was giving her identity away because she was obviously going to say something important. “It’s alright, Tikki. It wasnt your fault I got akumatized, it was Hawkmoth’s. I remember everything, unfortunately, but I do remember that I never said the words. I never accepted his offer of akumatization. He forced his akuma onto me, Tikki. You tried to save me, but he was the one who took advantage of my emotions. Dont ever blame yourself for this, Tikki.” Marinette held Tikki in her hands and kissed her forehead, nuzzling the cute being with her nose, getting a giggle out of her.
“You’re the best kwami I could ever ask for.”
“So it is a kwami.”
Marinette looked up, finally acknowledging the others. Chat stood in front of her, staring down at her with several emotions in his eyes. She couldnt tell which was stronger at the moment. She could see the wheels turning in his head, and she knew the instant it clicked for him.
“You…. you’re…!”
“A KWAMI? How did you get a kwami, Marinette? You’re a superhero? And you never told me?” Alya said, her tears dying down as her eyes narrowed in astonishment and disbelief.
Marinette gulped, not exactly ready to face her classmates just yet. “I… um.. I….”
“She had no reason to tell you, Alya Cesaire. You should know all too well why that is.”
Everyone stared down at the little red kwami, who had a serious look on her face that looked oddly intimidating for such a small creature.
Chat gulped, but kept his eyes on Marinette’s as he shakingly whispered, “My Lady?” His anger towards his classmates rose further when Marinette nodded tensely, her arms folded and head bowed in a clear, protective manner. Oh, it was on. That did it. The entire class was gonna get a new one ripped into them. Nobody hurt his Lady, especially if she was also his Princess.
He glared at the class and stepped forward, ready to yell at them when a tiny red hand stopped him.
“Dont. You take care of Marinette. I’ll take care of her so called friends.” Tikki said, her blue eyes glinting dangerously. Chat nodded, turning to head towards Marinette, but his transformation suddenly dropping stopped him in his tracks. Everyone gasped as Adrie. was revealed, and they snapped out of whatever stupor they were in and began to yell, demanding answers from both him and Marinette.
He felt cornered and overwhelmed as they began to doubt him. How could he, Adrien Agreste, possibly be Chat Noir? They were nothing alike! Why didnt he tell them? Was this the only secret he kept from them? Did Marinette know? Why were they keeping secrets? What else did they have to hide?
He backed up until he felt a hand slipping into his, and Marinette looked up at him with reassuring bluebell eyes. He relaxed immediately. How could he not see his lady in her? He should have realized it the moment he called her his everyday Ladybug. He knew there was a reason he was so attracted to Marinette. There was a reason why Ladybug’s rare flailings and nervousness so often struck him as familiar and adorable. Now that he thought about it, there wasnt anybody else who could possibly be Ladybug.
He held her hand tightly as the noise got louder and their classmates slowly came out from under the rubble to yell more things at them, and just when he thought he couldnt take it anymore-
Everybody froze. They stared at the glowing red kwami as her eyes flashed with anger. “How dare you all demand answers from her after what you’ve done to her?! Marinette is not some toy you can just drop once shes no longer of use to you. Shes not some servant you can call upon whenever you want something. She’s not some emotionless robot who you can order around and expect her to follow orders without any single input or objection. Shes a human being, just like you! So sit down, shut up, and show her the respect she deserves for having put up with you all for so long or so help me I’ll make sure none of you ever have a good day ever again.”
The silence that followed was deafening. Everybody slowly sat down amongst the rubble and stared fearfully at the tiny goddess.
The silence was broken by a cackle, and the little black kwami that had come out of Adrien’s ring slowly floated his way towards his other half.
“Oh, oh, sugar cube, you’re gonna make me split in two. I cant wait to hear what sorts of things you need to say to these ungrateful morons.” His laughing suddenly stopped, and he looked at the class with narrowed eyes, his black form a almost a shadow, the only things visible on him were the two glowing green slits of his eyes. “I too would like to see them properly punished for almost destroying Paris by literally akumatizing the only other person who keeps them safe on a daily basis. So if you need a little bad luck on your side, dont hesitate to call me up, sweet cheeks.”
Tikki smiled at him, before her eyes turned serious again and she glared at the girls. “First of all, I’d like to say I am very disappointed in all of you. You had no right to just turn your backs on Marinette, especially after everything she has done for you without complaint. I cant believe one little girl’s lies are enough to fool you, and they weren’t even GOOD lies!!”
Tikki’s little antenna began to sway in her anger. “Max!” He jumped, his glasses slightly skipping from his nose. “You’re supposed to be the smartest boy in the school. Tell me, how was a rolled up, thin, paper napkin going to gouge your eye out when 1) it was rolled up into a tight ball, 2) headed towards Lila’s hand, which was level with your stomach, and 3) your eyes were safely covered by your glasses? Tell me, how?”
Max looked down in shame, having figured that out at some time during the attack. Tikki shook her head and moved onto the next person. “Alya. You’ve called yourself Marinette’s best friend, but you sure didnt act like it at all today. Best friends have each others backs. They trust each other and always listen to each other. This isn’t the first time you’ve disregarded Marinette’s words and facts as nothing but jealousy. Not only that, but you chose your boyfriend over your best friend. You didnt protest moving Marinette out of a chair she worked so hard to keep all year, and you didnt even give her the benefit of the doubt when she tried to warn you about Lila’s lies.”
Tikki began to slowly vibrate in her anger, a low buzz filling the room.
“And then, you have the audacity to te her to show you proof of Lila’s lies when you yourself have no proof that what Lila is saying is true. You could have fact checked with Ladybug about being Lila’s friend. You could have asked Marinette to ask Jagged Stone if he ever had a kitten. You could have looked up half the things Lila has said on Google and figured out that NONE OF THEM WERE TRUE. And then- and then-!”
Tikki stopped talking as her body glowed to a deep angry red, the black.of her spots looking more like the dark, empty void of space than the sweet, adorable, chocolate chip looking spots Marinette often told her they looked like.
“Sugar Cube?”
“And then, you dared tell her that she was wrong to be angry. That she was wrong to have treated Lila so "mean” when she hadn’t been mean at all. You told her it was wrong of her to question Lila and then dared demand her to apologize before then telling her to keep away from you until she did. You ditched your best friend for a new girl, a stranger, with outlandish and interesting stories. I guess Marinette was wrong to have trusted you the way she did, didnt she, little fox?“
Alya reeled back, her eyes back to streaming tears. "I’m sor-”
“Dont. You haven’t thought about your actions. Not really. You’re not completely sorry, so dont apologize just yet.”
Alya quieted down, her sobs silently shaking her frame as she leant against Nino, her thoughts finally calm enough for her to properly analyze them.
Tikki moved on, glaring at the other girls. “And you all. Mylene, Rose, Alix. Marinette has been nothing but kind to you. She has helped every single one of you with something personal. With something important. Both as herself and as Ladybug. And the one moment she makes a mistake, you make her out to be a monster. You, Mylene, know that Marinette wouldn’t do anything out of jealousy, especially not after what she did with Kagami and Adrien.” Mylene hung her head in shame.
“Rose, you called Marinette the everyday Ladybug, but you had no right to detract your words in such a way. Ladybug makes mistakes too, and you basically told Marinette that since Ladybug is perfect, Marinette couldn’t be Ladybug because she wasn’t perfect. You faulted her for feeling betrayed and insulted and for showing her emotions. And you had absolutely no right to do that.” Rose let a few tears fall as she remembered her uncharacteristic behaviour.
Alix looked at the kwami in shame, knowing what Tikki was going to say. “Alix, dont you ever call Marinette selfish again. And dont ever fault her if she decides to act selfishly for once. I honestly think she can afford to be just a little more selfish sometimes, especially to get the boy of her dreams.”
Tikki was back to her normal hue, and her anger turned to disappointment. “You all were pretty despicable today. I could not believe this behaviour from you. I expect much better from all of you.”
The class hung their heads, all except Lila. Tikki stared at Lila blankly before moving back towards Marinette.
“Wait, what about Lila?” Adrien protested. He stood up and glared at the little liar. “Shes been spreading lies about both Marinette and herself all day. Shes the reason why everyone is mad at My Lady in the first place. Shouldn’t she be lectured and punished as well?”
Tikki stopped her advance towards Marinette. She styled floating in the air for several seconds, before turning back and smiling at Adrien. Adrien instinctively stepped back from that smile.
“Don’t worry, Adrien. Lila’s been cursed since before I entered the room.” Her smile switched from Adrien towards Lila, who stared back with frightened eyes. “I’m very protective of my Ladybugs.”
@drarrylover007 @mindfulmagics
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