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perelena · 2 years ago
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Tiny sketchbook from a trip to Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod
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➡️ Beautiful memories from Laura Dallam, thanks for sharing them with us on this page 🙂
🔸I was 16 when Queen came to Baton Rouge, LA on August 6, 1980. This was during The Game your. Since it was 40 years ago, I don’t remember a lot other than the concert was amazing and the guys were in top form.
I didn’t have a camera and this was way before cellphones so I was excited when I found this photo online and was in it!
Here’s my ticket stub as well
Photo by © David Humphreys 📸
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citrusai · 3 months ago
solavellan to me at it's core is not about lavellan "fixing" him because she didn't break him. she is the future, she is of the new world she represents all the good in it and all the good that can come from it. the whole point of solas' journey is overcoming grief and coming to acceptance & moving forward. but y'all don't wanna hear me u just wanna diskhorse about throwaway npc lines and ppl who dgaf ab the romance to begin with / hate fans bc we're catered to. now if we started talking about bad dialogue & storytelling we'd be here all night cause as a lucanis romancer rn i'm actually so upset n dejected by the gameplay that all i can do is stand n go Well Ok at all the cut content for him. and if i started talking ab my queen ghilan'nain and her lack of content compared to baldie and zac efron jawline WELL I'D BE HERE ALL NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ticketque · 3 months ago
Fast Ticket Booking | Secure Your Spot in Second
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nonogalego · 6 months ago
Brazilian Rock singer Dinho Ouro Preto regrets not having managed to get a ticket for the Oasis gig
Muitos fãs lutaram semana passada nos sites de venda oficial para conseguir comprar um ingresso para a Oasis Live '25 que acontecerá ano que vem. Estimasse que cerca de 7 milhões de pessoas tentaram comprar ingressos, e obviamente a maioria não conseguiu. Um desses fãs que tentou e não conseguiu um ingresso foi o Dinho Ouro Preto, vocalista da banda de rock brasileira Capital Inicial.
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Dinho, que é um grande fã do Noel e do Oasis há anos, contou em sua página no Instagram que ele, sua família e vários amigos tentaram comprar os ingressos e nenhum conseguiu! Dinho também pede dicas de seus fãs sobre o que deveria fazer para conseguir um ingresso: se deveria ir até à casa de Liam e Noel implorar por um ingresso, se deveria hackear o sistema de venda de ingressos ou tentar achar um amigo em comum entre ele e os Gallaghers 🤣 ele aceita sugestões dos fãs!
Dinho, assim como muitos fãs no mundo todo, espera que a turnê do Oasis se torne uma turnê internacional e que shows sejam marcados no Brasil também!
Matéria completa:
Para os amigos que não o conhecem, Dinho Ouro Preto tem 60 anos (SIM, 60 ANOS!!) e é vocalista do Capital Inicial desde sua formação em 1982! O estilo do Capital Inicial varia do pós-punk ao pop rock. A banda é super famosa no Brasil desde a década de 1980 até atualmente, e devo dizer, Dinho já era um grande rockstar no Brasil e na América Latina enquanto Noel ainda era roadie dos Inspiral Carpets!
Mesmo com mais tempo de estrada que Noel, Dinho já se declarou um grande fã do Oasis e do High Flying Birds, e um grande admirador de Noel enquanto cantor e compositor! Em uma outra entrevista feita meses atrás, Dinho classificou Definitely Maybe e Council Skies como dois dos seus álbuns favoritos da vida!
Sério, Dinho é um querido! Nem vou falar sobre ele estar usando uma camiseta sobre One Piece (eu também tenho uma blusa com esse mesmo símbolo do Trafalgar Law 😆), só me faz gostar mais ainda dele!
Que alguém consiga levá-lo ao show em Londres (ou melhor ainda, que o Oasis venha ao Brasil!).
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kenziemanan · 1 year ago
20211111 Dapat Banyak Tiket Tiket Timezone MBK Lampung
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winnythanawin · 1 year ago
Welcome to Indonesia, Boys!!! I hope you'll enjoy your stay and performance 🤍🤍🤍
See you tomorrow yaaa, can't wait!!!
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photos from gmmtv's ig & x/twitter post and phuwintang's ig story 15.12.2023
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gaulislam · 2 years ago
Berburu Kesenangan Semu
gaulislam edisi 813/tahun ke-16 (2 Dzulqa’idah 1444 H/ 22 Mei 2023) “All tickets for the Coldplay Music of The Spheres World Tour Jakarta are officially sold out! Thank you for your tremendous support!” demikian dikutip dari laman situs web resmi promotor acara konser Coldplay. Ya, pekan kemarin, tepatnya tanggal 17 dan 18 Mei 2023, para penggemar Coldplay (grup band asal Inggris) antusias…
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parahitatour · 2 years ago
Savana Tianyar Karangasem Kaya Seperti Luar Negeri
Savana Tianyar Karangasem – Masih bingung mau liburan akhir tahun dimana? Pengen tahun baruan di bali tapi masih bingung tempat wisata mana yang mau dikunjungi? Kalian bisa mencoba berkunjung ke savana tianyar yang menjadi objek wisata alam di bali paling menarik. Dimana tempat wisata ini menawarkan keindahan alam sama seperti di luar negeri dan tidak bisa dapatkan di kota lain, cukup hanya ada…
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gokartkid · 2 years ago
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bursanusantaraofficial · 1 hour ago
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🚆 Tiket Kereta Api Lebaran 2025 Laris Manis! KAI Daop 6 Yogyakarta melaporkan 162.397 tiket telah terjual! 🎟️ Puncak arus balik terjadi pada 4 & 6 April, dengan lonjakan pemesanan yang sangat tinggi 📈.
Buat yang belum beli tiket, masih ada kesempatan! Tiket untuk arus mudik masih tersedia, tapi jangan sampai kehabisan! Pemesanan hanya melalui aplikasi Access by KAI atau situs resmi kai.id ✅.
Segera rencanakan perjalananmu sekarang! 🚆 🔗 https://bursa.nusantaraofficial.com/tiket-kereta-api-lebaran-2025-laris-kai-daop-6-yogyakarta-rilis-data-terbaru/
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mediaban · 3 hours ago
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cinews-id · 4 hours ago
Pemerintah Menanggung Sebagian PPN Tiket Pesawat Selama Mudik
Jakarta, CINEWS.ID – Melalui Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) 18/2025, Pemerintah memberikan insentif Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) Ditanggung Pemerintah (DTP) atas tiket pesawat ekonomi selama periode mudik Lebaran. Pemerintah memberikan insentif tersebut untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi dan membantu masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan mudik hari raya Idulfitri. ��Pemerintah memberikan…
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holopiscom · 23 hours ago
JAKARTA – Presiden RI Prabowo Subianto menyampaikan, bahwa pemerintah tengah mempersiapkan skema penurunan tiket pesawat untuk momen mudik Idulfitri 1446 Hijriah atau lebaran 2025. Hal ini disampaikan Prabowo di Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta, usai kembali dari agenda Retret Kepala Daerah di Akmil Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Jumat (28/2). “Kita juga mempersiapkan penurunan harga tiket pesawat…
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kebumen24-com · 1 day ago
Diskon Spesial Ramadhan, Wisata Goa Jatijajar Potong Harga Tiket Hingga 40%
KEBUMEN, Kebumen24.com – Kabar gembira bagi para wisatawan yang ingin menjelajahi keindahan Goa Jatijajar di Kabupaten Kebumen selama bulan suci Ramadhan. Pengelola wisata memberikan diskon spesial sebesar 40% untuk harga tiket masuk, sehingga pengalaman bertualang di salah satu destinasi wisata alam unggulan Kebumen ini menjadi lebih hemat. Continue reading Diskon Spesial Ramadhan, Wisata Goa…
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danial1 · 10 days ago
Tempat Menarik di Desaru, Johor : Pantai Berpasir Nan Indah
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