lightcreators · 5 months
@tiimecrash continue from here (Legacy Post during that time)
Sola looked to her partner with a thoughtful expression, soaking up all she could muster from him. He had a lot of extra emotional baggage to him ( as he always had ) and she could only partly sympathize with Koschei in that way. She was not driven to extremes like he was, nor did she openly enjoy harming people. She was quite his opposite in that regard. Even opposite to Theta in a way. She was more gracious, kind, and a tiny bit submissive. However, she could hold her own. She had been for many many years during her travels without both the Master and the Doctor about. She was her own being and could move about freely. Yet something about her didn’t like being parted with Koschei ( in any regenerations ). Something always called her to him, like a ticking clock. A reminder that he was there in her own timestream. At first, she didn’t realize it and it took her a long while to put everything in place with the old war relic’s plan all along. She prided herself on being his chosen assistant. That the old man picked her out of all the beings known to the universe that she alone would help him. How? That part she wasn’t so sure of. All in due time, would she extract Koschei’s plans ( knowing it would take a very long time ). For know, best to play the fool.
Featherine Augustus was a different subject. She only was scratching the surface of that being within her beloved Koschei and Theta ( and to a lesser extent, another very dear companion ). That witch as everyone called her. Sola on the other hand thought of her as stranger. A stranger watching and lurking around her without actually influencing her directly. A bystander in a sense to the Professor’s timestream. Yes, Koschei had done what he had promised to the Time Lady all along: keep her safe. The old war relic had done so for a long long time while they were stuck as a married human couple. Even before that, he protected her in his own way. She knew of his travels as her beloved Maxil as well. a secret she would keep him from knowing. Yet, was the witch aware of that as well? Was this Featherine observing her through her connections to Theta and Koschei? She could sense something was off and knew it was that witch.
“I do know that one of your strongest traits is patience, Koschei. You boast about it and I’ve seen it plenty of times. I on the other hand — I’m not so patient. I wait and wait, but just get irritated with uncertainty. Suppose I’m more the worrier.” a soft frown grew on her lips. She was more human than she realized and something about losing her identity as a Time Lord scared her. She never wanted to forget her race, her culture, herself to the humans she had been living amongst for so long. She knew he would hate for her to be oblivious to her true self. Solasudordax of Gallifrey. She thought he’d find her not useful anymore if she wasn’t her true self. The one her ( as Maxil ) knew. Ah, the subject of Maxil was such a secretive thing. Was this blonde regeneration aware of him? She didn’t think he was and did not really speak about him.
Sola took a breath and tilted her head, thinking long and hard over everything. It seemed like there were a million thoughts ( and mixed memories ) being jarred around inside her head. “Oh? I am?” Another long pause as he explained himself. A small smile was exposed, now glancing to the ground before back up to him. Her confidence seemed to have came back once again. Headstrong but cautious is what Sola was. Outgoing – but quiet. An enigma wrapped up in an awkward body. “You’ve proved enough to me from the beginning, you know. I think I am the one that needs to prove how helpful and needed I am to you. I don’t want to bore any of you. I know some of you think I’m rather — what’s the word — odd.” She was determined to prove to Koschei ( in all forms ) that she was an anchor to him. That he needed her. Sola knew from the old war relic’s meddling with her personal timeline that she was needed ( at-least by him ) and this variant – was wanting to prove to her that she was. It was a match.
“The old man has patients – but it runs very thin with himself.” she half joked. It was true,  the ( War ) Master didn’t care much for any of his other variants. Sola had heard him complain once or twice about them. Shaking her head, she snickered softly. “Then you run the business. Sell the wine. Make the money and let the old man have his agriculture and happy retirement. Let me tend to the gardens and to everything else. The old man can keep our illusion of our peaceful, calm, and protected space. All while you make it even better.” Yes, she was feeding his ego. She knew Koschei ( in any forms she met ) liked that. Though, the old man would probably be upset with her over enjoying his younger blonde variant being here. It was a needed change of pace and for some reason, Sola figured the Master knew it from the begining. She assumed he was always three steps ahead of her in thinking. Yet, the old man was so — cold and asserted over his blonde self. She didn’t understand why. Maybe that was because she was still in her original form? She never experience regenerating before. She came close once or twice, but change was something that confused ( and scared her ).
That  incarnation,  in  front  of  Sola,  always  had  that  terrible  flaw  to  ended  up  thoughtful  in  one  way  or  another.  He  had  been  the  one  most  likely  pulling  her  behind,  partially  bring  her  within  his  emotional  struggles  back  in  the  Valiant  ---  when  he  was  playing  another  game  each  day  inside  that  chessboard,  when  he  was  an  unwanted  player  of  something  he  didn't  have  neither  the  knoweldge  neither  the  control,  associated  to  that  dreadful  bad  sentiment  in  middle  of  an  paradox  he  did  started  to  begin  with.  When  he  had  been  unable,  with  the  remnant  of  an  future  humanity  within  his  hands,  totally  dehumanized  and  totally  within  his  control,  to  facing  otherwise  dehumanized  beings  who  admired  every  one  of  his  moves  with  mockery  !  Back  into  an  time  when  he  had  made  another  kind  of  arrangement,  inside  another  period  when  he  eventually  sold  his  own  survival  towards  an  particular  price  ---  Long  before  losing  every  degree  of  his  sanity  for  the  monster  who  had  becoming  Theta.  Long  before  finding  himself  disillusioned  in  front  of  that  tenth  incarnation  of  his  old  friend  who  wasn't  the  Time  Lord  he  had  been.  Long  before  he  faced  himself  the  witches  realm  with  dear  Lady  Bernkastel,  an  detestable  presence  which  continually  made  fun  of  his  place  as  amateur  in  this  horrible  world.  Long  before  been  trapped  within  an  closed  room  ---  when  he  might  lose  it  an  second  time  when  Theta  would  have  to  explain  to  Sola  that  one  period  when  his  incarnation  had  been  inexplicably  away  for  a  long  time,  considering  he  had  been  beautifully  trapped  within  an  room,  when  he  had  desperately  trying  to  get  out  with  this  damn  chain  that  had  haunted  him  for  hours  !  ---  when  on  that  one,  he  didn't  even  controlled  the  moment  he  had  managed  to  get  out,  for  be  all  part  of  the  experience,  for  be  all  part  of  the  importance  of  logic,  for  be  all  part  of  how  nice  that  punishement  was  !  Even  meanwhile  he  was  slowly  embracing  his  new  alias,  he  noticed  at  once  when  such  features  born  upon  his  wife  face.  If  with  the  old  relic  she  had  been  an  prized  assistant  in  which  the  Doctor  on  that  time  had  desired  protecting  her  though  his  comfort  ---  maybe  the  poor  incarnation  of  the  Doctor  could  blaming  himself  on  that  part,  since  they  will  cross  path  but  not  in  an  kind  and  friendly  way  since  the  Time  War  had  been  an  veil  of  opportunities  until  he  had  that  survival  instinct  to  run  for  survive  !  ---  she  had  been  an  partner  with  his  incarnation.  He  migth  let  her  on  the  dark  over  some  particular  issues  related  to  Theta  mostly  or  even  how  he  got  little  chat  with  Philip  Butler  for  his  biggest  misfortune  or  even  how  he  had  been  trying  to  hope  something  with  that  tenth  Doctor's  incarnation  ---  she  had  been  the  person  besides  Theta  to  welcoming  his  emotions  and  his  aspirations,  and  let  him  be  influenced.  He  would  love  priding  Theta  about  how  much  he  had  been  an  influence  in  middle  of  the  Academy  so  much  he  had  been  troublesome  ---  and  learned  fast---  nevertheless  he  was  the  one,  tragically,  would  have  to influence  an  witch  !
Featherine  Augustus  Aurora  was  another  topic  in  which  Sola  would  have  to  embracing  reality.  He  won't  have  beliving  it  if  someone  would  have  bring  the  memo  than  someday  generous  Time  Lord  called  the  Doctor  would  simply  stole  the  title  of  an  best  friend  he  left  die  within  consciousness  and  be  an  wonderful  monster  deciding  what  he  wanted  with  the  timelines.  Interfering  in  a  much  more  threatened  way  than  even  his  lack  of  interferences  had  immediate  consequences  !  Considering  his  own  species  had  people  who  had  learn  nothing  of  Time  !  Featherine  desired  the  same  protection  he  had  been  offering  to  Sola  ---  hence  she  was  manipulating  him  to  get  what  she  wanted,  for  be  truthfully  honest  over  how  it  happened,  since  he  let  that  eight  incarnation  doing  that  move,  he  let  moments  of  that  tenth  incarnation  HAPPENING,  even  let  him  temporary  win  for  better  taking  over  everything  in  an  higher  scale  ---  nevertheless  remained  in  the  shadows  and  claimed  her  differently.  Right  now,  how  she  claimed  her  differing  of  the  pleasant  prison  inside  his  timeline  was  pretty  much  relative.  Sola  was  allowed  to  be  free,  to  exploring  all  timeline  she  wanted,  to  pass  all  her  time  as  she  desired.  He  was  controlled,  he  could  be  pulled  inside  an  metaphoric  prison  any  time  when  no  one  would  heard  him,  he  was  observed  unless  when  he  found  manners  to  escape  it,  and  as  much  he  could  considering  himself  free  of  moves  thanks  to  his  TARDIS  given  by  his  best  enemy,  he  stayed  tracked.  If  he  was  showing  off  too  much  he  was  the  Master,  he  was  in  trouble.  If  he  was  waiting  alone  for  an  miracle  for  have  the  Doctor  back,  nothing  at  all  will  happened  for  that  wish.  Annoying  Theta  had  turned  something  important  to  his  being,  regardless  how  Theta  returned  the  feelings,  at  least,  that  blonde  fifth  incarnation,  by  trapping  him  somewhere.  He  could  do  something  on  the  tenth,  but  for  that,  he  would  need  to  be  SAW.  As  the  presence  who  remained  at  his  side,  as  the  remnant  of  an  past  ---  forced  to  be  the  one  doing  what  the tenth begged …
Inside  that  bubble  timeline,  Featherine  was  the  person  he  wanted  to  think  the  less.  Removing  fully  Theta  on  his  head  ---  something  he  never  managed  to  do  in  centuries  of  existence,  countless  incarnations  in  which  of  course  he  had  to  bring  his  presence  to  Theta  ---  was  an  difficult  exercice,  as  in  some  manner,  he  was  give  up  something  to  become  stronger  later.  Inside  another  possibility,  he  could  get  Theta  ---  as  the  Doctor  ---  and  Sola  together.  Current  reality  pushed  him  to  pick  Sola  as  his  good  happy  ending,  and  concerning  Theta,  their  galactic  fight  would  take  on  another  meaning,  another  level,  and  another  degree  of  disagreement.  He  coudn't  blaming  his  old  friend  concerning  an  old  promise  though  ---  he  got  to  walking  around  the  stars  with  an  witch,  even  though  his  position  in  the  universe  had  been  pretty  much  stolen.  Some  possibilities  didn't  wanted  to  be  thought  about.  The  Doctor  crossed  path  with  old  friends  of  the  Deca  before,  and  since  his  life  was  threatened  by  influence  on  the  Time  War,  he  wondered  what  kind  of  things  he  could  do  to  his  other  friends.  Using  the  Rani  within  her  experiments  by  becoming  another  experiment,  when  pleasant  MIB  would  touching  delicate  points  in  same  manner  than  him  ?  Offering  to  the  Monk  an  proposition  he  couldn't  refuse  ?  Becoming  an  somber  presence  behind  the  War  Chief,  for  influencing  him  in  another  manner  ?  It  was  on  his  fault  to  never  pondered  too  much  about  positions  of  his  old  friends  since  Theta  becoming  pretty  much  his  single  obsessionby  fucking  up  his  life  !  He  wouldn't  never  imagined  Theta  would  pretty  much  USING  his  friends  as  temporal  experiences as  they  were  toys  !
Compliment  was  really  appreciated.  ❝  Patience  had  been  something  I  have  to  learn  quite  early.  ❞  Built  entire  medding  around  the  Doctor,  since  the  beginning,  since  their  first  reunion,  had  been  something  taking  time,  and  he  rarely  enjoyed  the  Doctor's  presence  as  much  as  he  wanted.  Body  he  had  during  that  blonde  fifth  face  had  been  the  worst  concerning  his  patience.  Every  time,  he  had  to  escaping  an  prison.  Every  time,  he  had  been  fooled  around.  Every  time,  he  had  to  found  an  way  out  of  the  place  he  had  been  brought,  minus  than  one  time  when  Featherine  did  nothing  to  removing  him  of  that  fire  when  all  time  before  he  always  had  been  an  helpful  presence.  He  expressed  Featherine  because  it  had  been  Featherine  ---  aware  of  the  gesture.  Letting  the  script  of  the  timeline  happening.  Letting  his  inexistence  within  that  timeline.  ❝  It  wasn't  like  I  had  a  choice  by  moments.  Without  patience,  nothing  would  have  change.  I  could  have  been  frustrated  I  wanted,  nothing  will  change  of  circumstances  I  was  trapped  in.  ❞  Quality  he  had  been  forced  to  expanding  beyond  anything  else.  If  he  wanted  found  back  the  Doctor  one  day,  he  better  have  to  be  patient.  If  he  wanted  his  miracle  happening,  he  better  have  to  be  patient.  If  he  wanted  showed  his  worth  to  Philip  Butler,  he  better  have  to  be  patient.  ❝  Mh.  You  have  been  spared  a  lot  by  the  travels  you  had  been  doing.  When  everything  is  gentle  with  you,  you  are  used  to  that  kind  of  peaceful  run  of  circumstances.  ❞  He  noticed  slowly  playfully.  She  had  been  human  for  too  long  she  probably  thought  herself  human.  It  was  something  he  understood,  regardless  if  he  was  too  much  Time  Lord  for  get  it  all  ---  since  he  didn't  care  about  them,  compared  to  Theta  and  Sola  ---  though  was  respecteful  over  how  she  needed  landmarks.  Theta  was  beyond  an  Time  Lord  now  since  an  witch,  and  him  represented the  meaning of  an  Time  Lord.
He  nodded  as  she  asked  an  confirmation.  She  had  been  influencing  his  path  more  he  could  tell.  She  had  been  the  meaning  of  an  happiness  he  never  thought  he  would  get  one  day  or  never  imagined  he  was  able  to  care  so  much  over  someone  regardless  how  horrible  he  was.  ❝  It  would  be  tragic  if  the  Master  would  have  to  prove  something  to  the  world.  ❞  He  commented  slowly.  For  little  seconds,  he  preferred  pushed  behind  he  had  to  prove  himself  in  front  of  an  witch.  For  little  seconds,  he  preferred  pushed  behind  how  he  had  to  show  to  timelines  altogether,  to  universes,  to  everyone,  the  Master  was  an  title  meaning  something  when  hold  by  him.  ❝  You  met  me  when  I  had  enough  showing  my  abilities,  and  these  abilities  were  needed.  ❞  He  recalled  slowly,  though  following  laugh  welcomed  the  rest  of  her  sentences.  ❝  You're  not  boring~  I  have  yet  to  prove  myself  as  how,  as  Baxter Lloyd,  simple  man  in  holidays,  I  can  be  amazing~  I  know  with  me  at  your  side,  showing  off  is  quite  difficult  since  it's  my  thing,  but  for  sure,  you  showed  how  competent  you  are  and  will  surely  inscreasing  that  as  time  move  on.  ❞  He  reassured.  There  was  another  laugh.  ❝  Odd  isn't  the  word  I  would  use.  Human,  as  an  reproach.  Human,  as  an  compliment.  ❞  He  nuanced  slowly.  ❝  An  notion  you  know  my  mind  quite  don't  know.  ❞  He  despised  his  former  incarnation  for  quite  that  notion  to  had  touched  human  layers,  regardless  if  in  exchange,  he  became  that  charming  and  emotional  Time  Lord  he  had  becoming.  Extremist  in  every  way  but  clearly  sentimental,  where  he  could  still  laugh  at  the  irony  that  he  was  the  more  humanized  compared  to  Featherine  !  Within  his  expression,  he  understood  her  need  to  prove  herself.  He  understood  her  need  to  showing  how  much  he  neded  her.  He  needed  her.  It  was  an  statement.  He  needed  her,  so  she  could  do  whatever  she  wanted, he will support her.
Another  laugh  followed.  ❝  A  family  reunion  with  myself  would  end  in  massacre.  I'm  very  lucky  that  this  old  crouton  has  put  up  with  me  for  a  long  time  now.  ❞  He  joked  back.  Insults  naturally  showing  up  when  it  was  about  other  incarnations  concerning  himself,  hence  he  had  no  doubts  the  old  man  cannot  resist  one  or  two  during  his  absence.  He  couldn't  handle  himself.  It  was  just  the  way  it  was.  Maybe  that  rule  could  be  broke  for  the  poor  boy  he  had  been  at  the  Academy,  unaware  about  how  eventful  and  difficult  the  rest  of  his  life  will  be  but  well  ---  even  to  that  version  of  himself,  he  wanted  proving  a  miracle  could  be  made,  past  moments  could  be  relived.  As  nothing  happened  between  him  and  Theta,  as  nothing  happened  when  an  murder  happened,  as  nothing  happened  when  Theta  left  him  behind  afterwards  be  reason  of  murders  of  two  of  their  friends  already  with  the  Celestial  Toymaker,  as  nothing  will  broke  their  closeness  …  Hence,  his  expression  reached  another  dimension  of  interest  in  front  of  Sola  sentences.  How  an  amazing  flattered  smile  born  within  his  expression.  ❝  You're  right.  ❞  He  expressed  with  an  smirk  as  it  could  making  it  an  pure  reality.  ❝  Without  me,  the  business  isn't  going  to  get  far,  so  I  have  just  to  embrace  everything  as  much  I  wanted  to  do  since  the  beginning.  Be  the  one  ruling  and  let  the  old  man  enjoying  the  tranquility.  ❞  It  was  also  part  of  his  plans.  The  old  man  needed  to  remain  protected  and  ignorant  of  his  problems  with  Featherine  for  get  things  done.  ❝  Though  I  will  enjoy  the  tranquility  too,  on  my  own  manner,  with  more  dynamism.  I  have  handled  other  matters  heavier  than  that  so  everyone  will  worship  us~  Do  you  know  how  much  I  love  you~  ?  ❞  He  smirked  as  watching  her.
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scottyland · 2 years
@tiimecrash​ asked How much have you had to drink, Mister Scott?
"How much what?" What's going on? Where his bottle ? Why his bottle is empty ? "Did ye stole my drink? Why's it empty?"
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Pardon me for the awkwardness, but I have a question for Dudley. What kinds of flowers ( other than roses ) do you grow in your gardens? Also, I want to say I'm a massive fan of yours. You're simply fantastic to watch in the ring.
"Flowers? Hm, other than roses..." Dudley took time to think as roses was his favorite but perhaps, he might have another section of his garden that raises another. Well, he is a man of tending every rose to be in its full bloom. "Lillies, Chrysanthemum and Daisies. They were located around east and west of my garden maze." Sincere answer from the gentleman boxer.
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oddlies-a · 1 year
"Why is it people think cops like donuts? I personally don't like donuts. Unless they've got sprinkles. Sprinkles make everything better. You want a donut?" // for gumshoe from murtogg.
"Guess it's a quick and easy breakfast food for cops on morning patrol. At least that's what people think in movies and shows."
Gumshoe shrugs, trying to guess an answer for Murtogg's question. He sure is eyeing the box of donuts the other brought, though, and it all leaves his mind near immediately. "Oh man, that sounds great, actually! Yeah, I can agree with that. Sprinkles do make things better. Thanks for the offer."
He's looking through the box with interest, taking himself a chocolate covered donut with sprinkles. "Ah, my favorite!"
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mvrtogg · 3 months
quick update on the mun! have some health related things going on and i've been working a lot this summer, so i apologize for hardly coming online the last few months. i miss everyone and all the wonderful threads and plots i have on my three blogs. promise i haven't forgotten about this blog ( or my @littleseabird / @tiimecrash ) blogs. i should be back to writing sometime in july. everyone stay safe, be happy, and have fun! <3
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ltbroccoli · 5 years
@tiimecrash​ ( plotted )
Usually, when given an invitation to come to Ten Forward, Reg found a way to politely turn it down. It was too crowded, he always felt as if people were staring at him, he couldn’t properly unwind... but with Jamie, it was different. He often found himself relaxing in her presence, a feeling he wasn’t entirely used to, but was fairly certain he liked it.
But after an hour or two, it was about time for him to leave. He stood with a smile, bending down to give her a quick peck on the cheek -- she’d done it to him before, so he could do it to her, right? But evidently, he had the worst timing in the universe. As he neared, she turned her head, and instead of landing on her cheek, his lips landed directly on top of hers.
Reg froze, unsure what to do. Should he panic? He should definitely panic! And should definitely stop, no matter how much he might not particularly... want to stop...
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After a few long moments of indecision, Reg suddenly scrambled backwards, already sputtering with embarrassment. “I -- I didn’t mean to -- I mean -- I w-would never have -- you just t-turned your -- I was trying for your ch-cheek, I -- I didn’t want to -- I mean I did want to, a bit, a lot, b-b-but I would n-never have done that without your -- without your, uh -- your -- your -- your -- ahhhhhhhhhhhh...”
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startrekroleplay · 4 years
Shout out to @tiimecrash! Jamie is a wonderful OC and tons of fun to write with.
Star Trek Positivity Party! Send something nice about your favorite roleplayers and we’ll @ them for you. (Guidelines.)
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cptnchristopherpike · 5 years
"Permission to speak freely sir? Can I call you /daddy/?"
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“That would be extremely inappropriate, Miss Burke.” (he says while nodding)
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nickymacioci-blog · 7 years
What do you think of redheads? //totally on anon.
“Good question.  Redheads are cute, real cute.  In different kinds of ways than blondes.  For example, not too many blondes got a lotta cute, fun to kiss freckles, I find.”
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five-guns-days · 8 years
@tiimecrash continue from here
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    “Then why don’t you, Doctor?” Jamie looked him over with a slight smile on her face. This was something knew to come from his mouth and she wasn’t sure what his plans were. Whatever they were, he should definitely show her off.
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   “Ha ha! I wanted to be sure the prospect please you. We saw so many things together, and admiring a planet isn't an experience I often realized. How is the idea of stargazing for you?” It had become one of the Doctor's favorite activities to show her wonderful places.
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lightcreators · 5 months
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  He  was  a  king.  He  was  the  Master  ruling  the  realm  of  the  Ocean  ----  that  sweetness  emotion  to  touch  his  rightful  place  without  possible  obstacles  on  his  way,  that  pleasant  emotion  to  be  wrapped  inside  a  kingdom  of  power  when  he  would  always  gain  the  upper-hand  …  Oh.  There  was  fragmented  part  within  his  mind  that  still  aspired  of  the  comfort  of  his  people,  nevertheless,  inside  happiness  of  his  current  position,  he  simply  admired  to  having  the  throne  for  himself.  Deciding  whatever  he  wanted  without  someone  or  something  bother  him.  Remaining  condescending  over  the  primitive  people  coming  from  the  surface,  who  never  get  the  strength  to  learn  their  lessons  as  they  should  be,  as  they  remaining  as  stupid  as  they  always  had  been  even  since  he  came  to  accessing  some  knowledge  about  them.  If  only.  If  only  he  had  showing  up  to  the  humans  inside  the  ground  how  really  he  was  threatening  ---  If  only  he  could  find  an  pleasant  excuse  to  making  entire  world  of  the  surface  fully  his,  imposing  his  laws  as  he  desired,  taking  over  each  country  by  ocean’s  threats,  as  an  simple  gift.  It  was  something  he  will  have  time  to  figuring  it  out.  It  will  be  something  he  will  have  pleasure  to  think  about  ---  and  removing  every  potential  problem  standing  on  his  way.  Nevertheless,  thinking  as  the  people  of  the  surface,  there  was  amusement  concerning  how  he  could  easily  imposing  judgement  from  the  sea  every  time  he  wanted  ---  and  would  appreciating  all  these  nice  destruction  imposed  by  the  power  of  water  within  his  fingers at any moment.
  Not  enough  people  flattered  his  name,  and  it  was  quite  disappointing  …  Nevertheless,  when  it  was  about  power,  he  always  had  been  the  hungry  type  ---  having  one  fragment  of  it  was  never  enough  and  he  always  wanted  more,  he  always  dreamed  of  an  worldwide  domination  than  the  position  of  king  just  seemed  the  beginning  of  an  long-term  conquest.  It  has  been  quite  a  wish  he  had  been  aspiring  since  day  one,  when  he  wanted  no  concurrent  within  his  race.  In  all  cases,  if  his  people  were  happy  to  his  reign,  he  will  have  his  desired  margin  for  requesting  more.  Immediate  smirk  flattered  his  features,  wrapped  within  happiness  on  the  compliment.  Though,  mocking  expression  resonating  within  his  eyes,  as  it  was  reminder  of  something  totally  who  have  to  be  expected.  ❝  I  don’t  think  the  earth  people  even  perceived  how  much  I  could  be  dangerous.  ❞  He  mused  amusingly,  as  the  thought  remained  tempting  every  day.  His  gaze  had  been  watching  the  water  that  could  be  perceived  inside  the  oceanic  room,  in  which  he  appreciated  the  show  at  each  moment  …  when  even  considering  how  much  he  was  working  on  his  powers;  he  desired  level  up  his  abilities.  Someday,  if  he  grows  bored,  maybe  for  fun,  he  would  create  one  tsunami  or  two  as  warning  coming  from  the  sea.  Someday,  if  boredom  finalized  to  taking  him  whole,  he  would  attempting  some  other  amusements  into  his  selves.  ❝  Dangerous  is  just  a  usual  compliment  for  me,  you  know,  Sola.  I’m  a  king.  As  a  king,  it’s  my  duty  to  rule,  it’s  my  duty  to  show  no  one  should  mess  up  with  me.  No  one  should  even  attempt  something  against  me.  I’m  their  Master,  and  humans  need  a  reminder  of  that  for  cherish  my  name, always cherishing my name.  ❞
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jclifou · 8 years
Oi! Do you like flowers?!
“Ah! Well--yes.” LeFou smiled pleasantly enough at the young woman, taken aback by her somewhat abrasive nature. “Why do you ask?”
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trisfarnon-blog · 8 years
@tiimecrash get a random thing
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“You seem a little lost. Are you new in the town?”
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oddlies-a · 1 year
❛  what  a  mess  i’m  making .  ❜ // for ramses from claudius.
Rameses sighs, unhappy with the state of this emperor’s palace.
“Yes, a very large mess. Surely you’ll have it cleaned up? Mine was never… this catastrophic.” She shakes her head, knowing she’d never allow even a temple to become this bad. “Does this have no impact on your reputation? Do the people not raise complaints?”
Scuffing the ground with her sandal, she clicks her tongue. The pharaoh shouldn’t judge, but…
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mvrtogg · 1 year
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hello there curious beings! this is a semi-selective and canon divergent role-play blog for the character MURTOGG from the pirates of the caribbean! written by j, 21+. them / they. dash only.
can also be found here: @tiimecrash ( multi-muse ) and here @littleseabird ( OMFD OC / this is a sideblog ).
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ltbroccoli · 5 years
@tiimecrash​ ( plotted )
Five years.
Five years alone in the Delta Quadrant. Five years afraid that he’d never see anyone he loved again. That he’d never see Jamie again. His wife of only a few weeks before fate dragged him out here, far from her. The Voyager crew had become his family, of course, but it just wasn’t the same.
And five years of trying everything, following every lead, had finally paid off. They’d made contact with the Federation, actually spoken with someone on Earth, and now the thought of regular video calls had given everyone a spring in their step. Lots had been drawn for everyone else, but the crew had agreed that since Reg had been the one with the breakthrough to pull this off, he should be the first one to place a call home.
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So now he sat in the astrometrics lab, Seven working the console almost soundlessly behind him. The call would activate at any moment and he’d see Jamie for the first time in half a decade.
Even expecting it, he still gasped when it happened. All of a sudden, she was on the screen in front of him. Immediately, tears began welling in his eyes and a hand flew up to his mouth.
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