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assortedsouls · 1 year ago
@tiianwens sent a meme for jnz: [Guard] - Be protective of them or in their defense + reverse.
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Ji Naizhu frowns a little, an expression not common to see on his face, as he's stopped by guards on the path to the Red Lotus Pavilion. "As I have stated, I am not about to visit the resident. I am here to harvest lotuses for medicinal purposes. I was told I could do that." The guards doesn't budge, they don't even speak and Naizhu almost rolls his eyes. This is ridiculous! What do they think he's going to do? Drag a full-grown man out by the collar and drown him? He sighs. "One of you can join me if you are so uncertain about my reason here." Seriously, the Emperor goes too far with protection of his consort. "If I don't get to pick the lotuses and they're then needed for the consort's health, you will have to answer to the Emperor." It's a bold statement and he has so far never needed any kind of lotus for the man he's been treating.
He's about to give in and turn around, when someone else decides to step in into the... well, you can't really call it an argument when only one person is talking and it has not yet become an altercation, but someone is still approaching and guessing who it might be, Naizhu closes his eyes and bends his neck. All to avoid seeing the man he knows he's not allowed to see, even if he finds it all ridiculous.
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guqinstrings · 1 year ago
-ˋˏ🌥 ┈┈ @tiianwens ; ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ ᴄᴀʟʟ
   THE INN THAT he was staying at was located in Lanling, close to Gusu and yet still further from where he was actually traveling to. Over the past thirteen years, Lan Wangji had been everywhere he could be, seeking new places to play Inquiry at while chasing chaos. To certain points, he is always reluctant to return to the Cloud Recesses, but knowing he has to in between travels he makes the journey back. Sometimes, they send him back out with the Juniors, to which he has to bring them home–other times he can manage to leave without them. 
   Despite how often Inquiry’s notes falls from his fingers, he never gets an answer from the person he seeks one from. 
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   The tea is warm and he had just finished a small bowl of rice with vegetables. Lan Wangji was considering where to head next and his thoughts kept drifting toward Yiling. He’s been there enough that he knows playing Inquiry in such a place doesn’t work for what he wants, but he still finds himself drawn toward it. Haunted by ghosts and memories. Movement across from him has his golden gaze flickering up from the cup in front of him, soft lips pressing together in a thin line as a familiar man seats himself across from him. 
   Silence. He’s tempted to get up and simply leave, but he hasn’t finished his tea. 
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assortedsouls · 7 days ago
Prompted once again to do so, Xue Meng sits, Longcheng sheathed by his side. Trying, and failing, to be discreet, he casts a longing look towards the training grounds, like he hasn't already spent more nearly three shichen practising. Moderation is a word the Young Master doesn't really know the definition of. Not yet, at least. Perhaps he will one day.
Xue Meng takes the offered handkerchief with a thanks, wiping the sweat from his face, before tucking it into his own sleeve. "I will wash it for shizun." No way would he let Chu Wanning take the sweat soaked handkerchief. He shouldn't have to deal with something that gross. Xue Meng might even try to wash the handkerchief himself, since it is shizun's handkerchief.
"Yes, shizun. I will try to remember that." The teen sighs, gaze lowered slightly. He knows he tries to rush things. That he is impatient and sometimes too stubborn, but he wants to show that he is good. Wants to show that he will never bring dishonour to his family or his shizun. And also that he is better than Mo Ran, who is once again nowhere to be seen.
Taking a sip of tea, the drink is warm, but still manages to be refreshing to his dry throat. For a moment, everything is well. Until Chu Wanning mentions his cousin, completely missing any emotions hidden behind that question.
Something dark immediately falls across his face and he pouts a little, looking slightly like a displeased child. "I haven't seen him since yesterday. He's probably running around like the dog he is." Who knows where Mo Ran is? Probably doing something unseemly, like visiting another brothel. A thought so disgusting that Xue Meng bristled and almost gets up to start training again, all to not think about what his cousin might do.
"He has no regards for how his actions can bring dishonour to you and the sect," Xue Meng adds angrily and empties his cup, downing the tea like it was wine.
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IT'S IN MOMENTS LIKE THIS that he truly despises himself for this tainted gentleness, easily chased away by worry. Chu Wanning wondered many times about the other elders – some of them took hundreds of disciples under their wing, yet the distance that seems to grow wider and wider between him and Mo Weiyu doesn't leave much space for warmth to share with the other two. Haven't they earned the right to have a better shizun?
❝ Sit, ❞ he says at last, patting the mats spread out on the ground. How could he not be aware of Xue Meng's tendency to exert himself just to win more praise and claim hard-achieved perfection? Elegant hands push the flowing white sleeves aside to pour some tea into two cups. After a moment of consideration, Wanning reaches into his robes to take out a white unembroidered handkerchief and offer it to his disciple to wipe the sheen of sweat from his forehead. ❝ You can't walk a thousand li in one step, ❞ he adds then, a warranted reminder. ❝ Nor can you expect to do so in a day. Even the best of things are only good in moderation. ❞
A cup is raised to his lips, the aroma of freshly brewed tea soothing the raging anxiety just enough for a soft sigh to fall. ❝ Have you seen Mo Ran around? I didn't see him in Mengpo Hall this morning. ❞ A rather pathetic attempt to make the question sound as matter-of-fact as possible fails miserably by his own standards, but there is always hope that Xue Meng, who always trusted his shizun's judgement, won't notice. The most likely whereabouts of his third disciple are unthinkable – the mere idea of it makes him purse his lips in pained contempt. It's always been much easier with Xue Ziming – even if he doesn't heed his words and ends up exhausting himself through relentless training, the little phoenix won't lose his way.
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cuckoo-among-beasts · 7 months ago
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Love as a Performance
Your love is a masquerade, a dance, a work of art. You love with a veil across your face, unable to allow anyone to see the real you. Can that be considered love, you wonder? As a performer, you have all your lines prepared, and you know exactly what to say and when to say it. You’re charismatic and bold, seductive and hypnotic. Your love is a snake’s melody, the siren song of the sea. Your love is enchanting. Your love is melodic. Your love is afraid and fearful and longing. You ache to tear the veil off, you ache to cast poetry aside for the sake of something real and gritty. You’re terrified of the very thought. Being loved by you is to be loved by an artist; it is to be a muse. It reflects others beautifully, but never, ever yourself. Not really. Not truly.
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Tagged by: @adversitybloomed
Tagging: @ghostlypath, @h3artf3ltint3nt, @tiianwens + anyone interested.
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youthslost · 1 year ago
RULES: Bold what always applies. Italicize what could apply / applies only to some verses.
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killed someone under orders | had someone killed on their orders | killed someone in self defence | spared someone’s life | invented something  | been hungover | kissed someone | slow-danced | been in a long-term relationship | had sex | had sex and regretted it | had a one-night stand | had a threesome | experimented with their sexuality | had a kid | adopted a kid | wanted to have a family with someone | done something on impulse they regretted | gone traveling | had a bounty put on them | eaten an insect | been groped by a stranger | been groped by someone they know | been dumped | dumped someone | smoked | gotten high | flirted with someone to get free drinks | put someone in a headlock | won a bet | lost a bet | forgiven someone who wronged them | indulged in petty revenge | hallucinated | has a noticeable physical defect | gotten a noticeable scar | been permanently disfigured through injury | kneed someone in the groin | had an unattainable crush | laughed themselves to the point of tears | been kidnapped | been brainwashed/hypnotised | had a recurring nightmare | been bullied  | bullied someone | experienced survivor’s guilt | been tied/chained up | given someone a massage | received a massage | been backed up against a wall | shot someone | stabbed someone | saved someone’s life | cheated on someone | been cheated on | been in an open relationship | had a friendship with benefits | been in a queerplatonic relationship | had a stalker | been betrayed | been a traitor | been possessed | been in a bar fight | been thrown out of a bar | been arrested | broken out of jail | been to a funeral | been to a brothel | had surgery | broken someone’s trust | broken someone’s heart | had their heart broken | broken/damaged something out of anger | broken/damaged something out of spite | gotten a piercing | gotten a tattoo | used a fake name | been beaten up | been tortured/tortured others | been abused | been blackmailed | gotten away with a crime | framed someone else for a crime they committed | shared a bed platonically | been in love |  suffered from sleep paralysis | been forced to flee their home | learned a new language | joined a rebellion |  fought on the losing side of a war | fought on the winning side of a war | become a godparent | become an aunt/uncle
tagged by: @tiianwens tagging: @ghcstchild >:)
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dcstinyscdgc · 8 months ago
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He put a sack of the most beautiful peaches in front of C.hu W.anning on the table at their meeting place at the very corner of an inn, having snagged a few from the depths of his brother-in-law's forest after visiting his brother there.
"Take one, they're some of the sweetest and juiciest peaches you'll ever taste," B.ai Q.ian encouraged as he sat across from him. If necessarily, B.ai Q.ian could survive on them, even with a stomachache from eating them alone. "Careful if you have sensitive teeth, that's how sweet they are."
His laugh warmer than a lazy nap in the autumn sun when he teased his friend.
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guqinstrings · 1 year ago
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-ˋˏ🌥 ┈┈ @tiianwens inquired ; ❛  watch out!  ❜
   THERE IS A PROBLEM that comes with the title of APPEARING AMONGST CHAOS. Of chasing any and every single ounce of chaos. With chasing ghosts that don’t answer Inquiry or perhaps even exist at all. As selfless as the world seems to believe him to be, to the point of pinning the title HANGUANG-JUN on him, there is always an underlying, alternative motive to the things that anyone does. Especially Lan Wangji. 
   The problem of appearing amongst chaos, is that one day it very well might get him killed. When the Juniors aren’t with him, Lan Wangji is perhaps no better than a rogue cultivator, wandering around without aid and throwing Bichen and Wangji at anything deemed a problem. Walking Corpses, Fierce Corpses, Water Ghouls, Demons, Demonic Spirits, if it was labeled a problem it didn’t matter how difficult the problem was deemed to be–he threw himself at it. Even if he cannot handle it, even if it poses a problem, even if he might need help. He takes it on himself without hesitation. 
   There is a good list of Lan Sect Rules he breaks doing that.
   The problem that he’s appeared amongst was actually unknown. He spoke to a few villagers, collected what information he could without using too many words, and tried to deduce what it was from that. He was never good at talking, at working information out of people and for that he definitely was going to get himself in trouble. Like he did now. 
   What he had believed to be nothing more than a restless ghost, something he could play Cleansing for and send to their eternal rest, turned into something much more fierce. A spirit that seemed to be bathed in resentful energy, angry and irate, unwilling to move on but rather be consumed by their negative emotions and the resentful energy. Spirit turns to demon–and demons require a much different intervention method. 
   If suppression does not work, destruction is next. 
   What he does not expect is in the middle of the fight with this creature that he was most certainly not winning against–is to be smacked into. A lot has happened in his long years as a cultivator, a lot of strange things have happened. He’s had people hide behind him, he’d protected someone against his own Sect, he’s used himself as a shield–he has never had someone bodily try to move him out of the way. 
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   “... ! ” 
   It certainly surprises him, it certainly catches him off guard, it absolutely has him giving pause. Enough that he is actually capable of being moved out of the way before the creature would have more than likely sunk its arm into his chest. His feet plant firmly onto the ground, his arm moves to grab at the robes of the man that touched him and moves him out of the way instead. Shoving him behind Lan Wangji he throws Bichen and the spirit sword flies through the air chasing the target. While Bichen aimed at the spirit he pulls Wangji from his back and yanks on the strings of the Guqin, throwing a powerful wave of spiritual energy through the strings at the enemy. 
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assortedsouls · 1 year ago
cont. from here with @tiianwens
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If the tone of the other's voice startles or upsets him, it is not shown, Ji Naizhu simply continues to smile and nods. "As you wish, xiansheng," he replies and shuffles to the side so it will be easier for the man to get up.
While he washes his hands, Naizhu prepares the bandages. If he could see, he'd try to wrap each finger individually, but as it is now, he'll have to wrap the entire hand in one lump. It's not something he likes, since it will make the other man's hands less useful and he knows the pain of not being able to use your hands properly.
As he calls the Emperor Taxian-jun, he notices a change in the man and he raises his head a little, like he was looking at his patient, before bowing over the hand he is wrapping again. "Should I not call him that? I noticed a change in your being." Having no wish to upset the other, in case he had done so now.
He continues to handle his injured hand with a kind of gentleness that most can't use even when they see, nodding slightly at the answer he gets. "I see. Thank you for answering my question." When the other man mentions the accommodation, Naizhu chuckles. "I often sleep on the ground, I don't need much, so I'm certain the accommodation will be more than agreeable, xiangsheng."
Once done, he stands up, clasping his hands and bowing. "Let me know if you need me further. The servants will know where I am. Do not hesitate to call for me." Part of him wanted to stay and talk with this man. There is something with him that tickles him and he's not sure what, but even if he stayed, he doubts the other man would say much, he doesn't seem the talking type.
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assortedsouls · 8 months ago
Xue Meng feels arms catching him, or rather dampening his fall. His eyelids are heavy and his shizun's voice sounds far away. It's cold and he's tired. He doesn't want to stay awake, but it has been such a long time since he heard Chu Wanning's voice and even longer since he heard him speak to him in that tone. Immediately, he's thrown back to his younger years, before his life turned into a nightmare. The good thing with that is that he obeys his shizun's words. Eye as wide open as he can manage, he uses what little strength he has to get back on his feet and then towards the pavilion. Something that would've been impossible without Wanning's help.
Orders are said, but he isn't really listening, and then he's seated, or rather slumped in a way that he remains upright. Everything hurts and he is covered in blood, both his own and others', exhaustion seeping into his bones. Sleep. He wants to sleep, but he can't. He's here for a reason. He needs to remember something.
It's almost like Chu Wanning can read his thoughts, because just as he has thought that he needs to remember something, his shizun asks why he's here. "We... we fought... went head... on. He just... disappeared..." Xue Meng knows Taxian-jun wasn't obliterated, it he had been, so would he himself. Had he used some kind of talisman or something to escape? Possible. The only thing he knows is that they battled head on and as they had dealt their last blow, both using impressive might, and the dust from it settled, Taxian-jun had been nowhere to seen and Xue Meng severely injured and already dazed. His first thought had been to return to Sisheng Peak, to check on Chu Wanning.
Spitting out more blood, not sure if he'll survive or not, but Chu Wanning is still alive and if Taxian-jun isn't here, he can finally escape. "Leave... you should... leave, whole you can. Be free... safe... please, Chu-gege..." Gege. Only once when drunk, in his youth, had he called his shizun that, immortal-gege, but now, it passes his lips again. This time, he is a grown man and no wine is involved, just injuries.
𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆: @assortedsouls — XUE MENG
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Xue Meng had pressed himself and his horse as much as he could. The horse was clearly exhausted, but the rider looks even worse: face drained of colour and gaze unfocused. The young man is swaying, but looks towards Chu Wanning, like he just noticed him. "Shizun..." he says in a low, but desperate, voice. Looking like he's about to retch, Xue Meng spits out a mouthful of blood before his body starts sliding to the side.
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THE BAMBOO GATE of Red Lotus Pavilion is always unlocked – a secret known only to few, a taunt that never became a temptation. He'd wait for weeks in silence for that gate to screech open, for the dog to howl in a mix of wild joy and anxiety, for the familiar heavy footsteps to follow. But it's silent today, and the dog sounds half-crazed.
❝ You— ❞ a shocked gasp falls as he rushes towards Xue Meng without much time offered to take it all in, to allow the realization to finally dawn on him. He catches his former disciple in his arms, the half-conscious body is too heavy, and his arms too weak to support it, but it's purely instinctive to hold on for as long as he can. ❝ Xue Ziming, don't you dare pass out now! ❞ an angry voice snarls as Wanning helps the man up, leading him towards the pavilion.
❝ Water, ❞ he demands once inside, ❝ and a towel. ❞ The maid looks terrified, but she only has a split second to crack under her master's burning gaze. Mumbling something about his majesty – a problem for him to deal with later, once Xue Meng is fine, once it's all over. A cold palm brushes against the man's forehead, to soothe rather than help, after helping him sit down – there's nothing he can really do other than offer a brief respite. Spitting out blood spells damaged meridians, an issue he can no longer fix, an issue no one here can fix anymore.
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And then it comes, the shockwave of finally coming to grips with reality: if Xue Meng somehow made it here, who the hell is Taxian-jun fighting? If Xue Meng is here, wounded and exhausted, then...
The restless heart inside him howls madly in sync with his useless protector outside.
❝ Why... why are you here? ❞ is all Chu Wanning can manage. After years of separation, the unspoken agony shared between master and disciple, it's all he can put into words before giving away the sudden horror at the possible answer.
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cuckoo-among-beasts · 10 months ago
TGCF for the Fandom thing lol
@h3artf3ltint3nt || fandom meme
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Ok, so I'm not sure I will be able to answer this properly since although it was TGCF who introduced me to MDZS and I started reading those novels before MDZS (which I haven't read from cover to cover, but jumped around in, until I ended up realising I've read 90% of it anyway xD ), I'm still only on vol 4 of TGCF, due to limited mental energy and now also being sidetracked by 2ha ( @ghcstchild/@tiianwens I'm looking at you). But I will do my best. (Oh and yes, I really do love TGCF, so that's not the case either and I own all 8 vol as physical books.)
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The first character I first fell in love with:  Xie Lian
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:  Ruoye (they're a character!)
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:  Can't think of anyone.
The character I love that everyone else hates:  Same as above.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Nope.
The character I would totally smooch:  Eeew, no. Can I take hug instead? I think Hua Cheng gives good hugs.
The character I’d want to be like:  Xie Lian, who wouldn't? I mean, I don't want that trauma, but personality-wise.
The character I’d slap:  So far, none.
A pairing that I love: HuaLian, obviously.
A pairing that I despise: Idk about fan pairings for this fandom and I have no ships in my head for it besides the canon HuaLian.
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assortedsouls · 11 months ago
Ok, so this is all Lana's, @tiianwens, fault, but I've started to read 2ha and I tried to not get any attachment to anyone since I have so many muses already, but ofc that didn't go as planned. In other words, I will eventually add a new one, but I want to read more of the story first.
You might wonder who. It's Xue Meng. The purest little peacock. Though, I'm no fan of his Immortality actor, so I'm taking someone else as his eventual fc: Deng Wei.
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Btw these are canon illustrations of him:
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assortedsouls · 1 year ago
@adversitybloomed - Mulan is off to a conference (JZX) + Meeting Mulan (Ruoye) + Flower crowns (Ruoye) + Care (Ruoye) + Guide (Ruoye) + Sleepy (JZX)
@battleguqin - New Robes (Ruoye) + Making Dessert (Ruoye) + Partner (Ruoye)
@guqinstrings - Nonsense (JNZ)
@multeasers - JNZ seeks shelter from the rain at WRH's place.
@tiianwens - "you matter to me" + guard
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assortedsouls · 11 months ago
The young man huffs, that ever present soft smile on his lips, and shakes his head. "No, there is nothing wrong with your memory. Your memory seems excellent, xiansheng. However, it's your heart I'm worried about. It does not seem to retain kind words, so I will keep repeating it until your heart heals enough to retain some of the kindness and care you receive." Bold words. Words few would probably dare to say to Chu Wanning, but despite his appearance, Naizhu doesn't lack courage. Not that he is the slightest bit afraid of his friend, because, yes, he has come to view the other man as a friend.
"Perhaps not, but I'm a healer and it's my call to help those who need it when I can, no matter if it's big or small." It didn't matter if it was broken bones or bruises, he would help, soothe pains to the best of his abilities. Naizhu is also fairly certain that the other man is lonely and in his own way enjoys his company, and he could never deny him that. To be honest, he enjoys his company too. He wish they could've met during other circumstances. Where they were both free to do and talk as they pleases. "Always feel free to call for me when needed, don't forget that," he adds before starting to take care of the injury.
𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆: @assortedsouls — JI NAIZHU
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you matter to me. i'll say it a thousand times until you understand.
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IT SOUNDS WRONG. It comes out wrong every time, and he swallows kind words like razors lining the bleeding hollowness of his chest. There are many ways to matter — it's something easier learned the hard way. It wasn't even too hard to grow attached to the idea of mattering like that, as a prized possession only cherished when it breaks. Ji Naizhu is only here when he matters the most. How ironic. The harsh reality of it is that Chu Wanning never knew how to respond to earnestness, nor allow himself the luxury of plucking the thorns out of his words to make them gentler. To make them matter too.
❝ There's no need to say it so often, I don't have any issues with memory. ❞ The corners of thin lips curl slightly, a mere shadow of a smile, a sight too uncanny — unseemly, he's sure, for someone who hasn't smiled in so long it feels like a strain now. The last time he did, it was because of that silly dog that wouldn't leave him alone until he gave up and let it nuzzle against his lap. Not too unlike its owner. ❝ It's nothing, really. I'll be fine in a couple of days. ❞
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A few times times he even considered (stupidly, childishly) to fake an injury just to have this opportunity to talk to another living soul. In here, everyone felt like ghosts roaming about too often, forgetting what it all was supposed to be for. The idea was quickly brushed away, of course. There is nothing dignified in such excruciating loneliness, and he'd never wish to appear less than impeccable.
❝ I'll try to be more careful next time, ❞ he adds, and the smile fades.
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cuckoo-among-beasts · 1 year ago
RULES: Bold what always applies. Italicize what could apply / applies only to some verses.
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killed someone under orders | had someone killed on their orders | killed someone in self defence | spared someone’s life | invented something  | been hungover | kissed someone | slow-danced | been in a long-term relationship | had sex | had sex and regretted it | had a one-night stand | had a threesome | experimented with their sexuality | had a kid | adopted a kid | wanted to have a family with someone | done something on impulse they regretted | gone traveling | had a bounty put on them | eaten an insect | been groped by a stranger | been groped by someone they know | been dumped | dumped someone | smoked | gotten high | flirted with someone to get free drinks | put someone in a headlock | won a bet | lost a bet | forgiven someone who wronged them | indulged in petty revenge | hallucinated | has a noticeable physical defect | gotten a noticeable scar | been permanently disfigured through injury | kneed someone in the groin | had an unattainable crush | laughed themselves to the point of tears | been kidnapped | been brainwashed/hypnotised | had a recurring nightmare | been bullied  | bullied someone | experienced survivor’s guilt | been tied/chained up | given someone a massage | received a massage | been backed up against a wall | shot someone | stabbed someone | saved someone’s life | cheated on someone | been cheated on | been in an open relationship | had a friendship with benefits | been in a queerplatonic relationship | had a stalker | been betrayed | been a traitor | been possessed | been in a bar fight | been thrown out of a bar | been arrested | broken out of jail | been to a funeral | been to a brothel | had surgery | broken someone’s trust | broken someone’s heart | had their heart broken | broken/damaged something out of anger | broken/damaged something out of spite | gotten a piercing | gotten a tattoo | used a fake name | been beaten up | been tortured/tortured others | been abused | been blackmailed | gotten away with a crime | framed someone else for a crime they committed | shared a bed platonically | been in love |  suffered from sleep paralysis | been forced to flee their home | learned a new language | joined a rebellion |  fought on the losing side of a war | fought on the winning side of a war | become a godparent | become an aunt/uncle
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Tagged by: @tiianwens
Tagging: Anyone interested.
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cuckoo-among-beasts · 1 year ago
what sky are you?
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starry sky
you're sometimes overwhelmed by how much you feel, and you don't always know what to do with all those feelings. you value honesty. you want to feel at peace, and you try not to take the little things for granted. you believe you are part of something bigger than yourself. your actions and opinions reflect your care for other people. you're not necessarily an optimist but you hold onto hope. you take life as it comes, but you don't let it walk all over you
tagged by: found on tumblr.
tagging: @2heir, @tiianwens, @adversitybloomed, @battleguqin, @h3artf3ltint3nt, @wiseclnheir + anyone interested.
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assortedsouls · 1 year ago
Sorry for the spam, but all is done now. I didn't have much. Only one left that I know of is my thread with JNZ and @tiianwens, but I need to actually write that reply first xD
However, feel free to send stuff if you like. All memes are queued, but you can send random stuff if you feel like it.
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