#tigra has a very cat first day
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it's the hour of the day where i still and think about how greer could have had some very impactful plots/stories and character developments that never went anywhere and/or got magic'd away or solved in one issue.
under the read more rant about it
like the first time that she "went feral" it actually was saying something, and it was impactful, and you show it affected her relationships, almost hurt her team, and then she had a whole arc of meeting the cat people in "hell" / the land within, and had to fight for her soul literally, and reclaimed and showed that her strength came from herself already and she could have control, and had like a whole battle and fight
andd then the next time it happens. it could have been something that expanded on her further transmutation into tigra. but instead theey just had hank shrink her down, literally bottle her away to remove her from being part of the broader WCA plot, and then just had literal agatha harkness magic fix her away. andd it was terriblee.
nd then they had her join team bobbi in WCA and have her going feral and then nothing really comes of that.
and then her relationship with Hank, thre's so much mor that could have gone into; and you don't even have Greer ever really talk about the whole trauma of /Skrull Hank/
andd then they do have an issue where ON HER first session with Trauma immediately resolves all her fears regarding hr pregnancy, and just her whole pregnancy plot line is so poorly done, and again thy literally have trauma magic away the trauma of heer pregnancy.
and then you know its not really acknowledged like the wholee Norman Osborn involvement in that. and then like
Her Red Hood asssault plot line and it carrying over into Academy, was okay. like they did go into like the emotinos and rage she felt about what happened to her, but like you don't really get a lot of moments of seeing her really grappling or what helpss her like actually get through and cope with it. and then Acadmy writer having the gall to hae the studeents DISCOUNT HER TRAUMA as well at least she was r* worded. LIKEE LIKEE THE FUCK. and then her saysing "oh yeah im healed from it i got help" and its like WHERE? WHEN? all we got was FIRSt/ONE therpay session with trauma, whre he showed her her worst fear, and then suddenly she was btter with the pregnancy. but nothing on like HER TALKING about lik what the Red Hood did to her.
anyways. once again. Greer still struggles with control issuees, she's a lot more powerful than her canon part, cause she's grown and gaind control and powere, and she's went throguh a lot to heal, and just she has a merged soul; tigra an greer merged, instead of greer soul only. but it's no longer two souls battle. but just
okay but like.... on some of the good things. when Greer first appears in Aveenger, and it's so CLEAR she clearly doesn't know what sshe's doing and doesn't know how to fit in and be a big time hero, and tries, cauase like HER TRANSMATION IS SO FRESH. she was only The Cat vigilante for such a small time. this is all big and near to her, and hr Tigra transformation at that tieme as also 2 sousl in one person battling for ach other,
but lik her first appearance with the Aveners. 216. iss greeat. and just SHE IS SO INSECURE.
and then like even early WCA you see that. she's not sure if she's Big League hero or strong eenough, and then like YEAH. and that's good. and then her in th original Spiderwoman run, like that's good greer/tigra conteent and just. UGH
and she gets shafted with her plot lines. or like half of her truama plots get magic cured and i hate it.
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Essential Avengers: Avengers #212: Men of Deadly Pride!
October, 1981
Here they are -- the new Avengers!
But not the New Avengers (the difference is that the hairy monster they have is Tigra instead of Wolverine).
And they are having difficulty.
I don’t know what they did to piss off Galadriel over here (I mean yes I do, she says it right on the cover) but she is kicking their asses.
A dark queen indeed.
Not much to actually say about the cover. Uh, the composition looks neat! There we go. A thing.
So lets jump inside.
Where in a moody dawn scene, Jarvis walks alone through a nearly empty Avengers mansion, little knowing he is being stalked until
Tigra jumps out to do him a startle.
C’mon, Tigra. Be nice.
You’re the only Avenger actually staying in the mansion so try not to terrorize the butler.
And he was bringing you a glass of milk for your breakfast!
Although he says that he’s dealt with a lot of unsettling things and he’s learned to maintain him composure. He didn’t even spill a drop.
Jarvis: “I must say, madame, that I find you rather more unsettling than our previous resident Avengers!”
Tigra: “Oh? You a cat-lover, Jarv?”
Poor Jarvis is even allergic to cats which seems to include giant cat women.
Jarvis asks how she got this way, prompting Tigra to give a very laconic backstory that once there was a human Greer Nelson who got almost dead and then the cat-people saved her life by turning her into a cat-person.
Tigra: “And, so, here I am, one pretty kitty! But, c’mon, Jarv, does it matter how I got this sexy?”
Jarvis clarifies that he meant how she got this way as in her upbringing. Like, why you so rude.
I guess I’ll just be grateful that this is just playful Tigra flirtiness as opposed to ‘i must make out with someone 24/7 oh hey a supervillain sure I’ll make you with you’ hypersexuality she’d have while on the West Coast Avengers, in the future.
Elsewhere, Tony Stark is decompressing from his one night stand, Teri. Admiring her very comfy couch, grateful that she’s still asleep so he can sneak out (Tony, you cad), and lamenting being on the wagon. When all that’s left to drink is scotch, bourbon, and half a can of warm, flat Dr. Pepper, you drink that Dr. Pepper if you’re Tony Stark.
Tony calls his secretary to have a janitorial crew clean up after the party and to send up a dozen roses for Teri.
And then he flies out the window as Iron Man, the Man Who Kisses and Runs! as Teri wakes up and is like ‘hey tonykins what the hell was that whooshing sound?’
Tony, you cad.
And elsewhere meanwhile, Steve Rogers wakes up promptly at six o’clock in the damn morning bright as the sun and raring to go. Disgusting. Truly disgusting.
I joked about Steve getting up at 6 to run ten miles and whatever because of him criticizing Beast that time but its sickening to see it in action.
Anyway, after he damn sings in the shower like the perky morning man he is, he bounces out the window to the first Avengers meeting since the roster shake-up, musing how little they know about Tigra and how he’ll have to keep an eye on her because he doesn’t know if she’ll crack under pressure or not.
And then onto, ok wow, we are just having full pages of individual Avengers going about their mornings.
So we’re onto Normal Human Man Dr. Donald Blake reaching the end of the night shift he just pulled at a hospital.
Nurse Wilson pretty blatantly flirts with him (thinking to herself “C’mon, doc! Notice that I’m a woman! I dare you!”). Normal Human Man Dr. Donald Blake doesn’t seem to notice but his thoughts are on her, wishing he could take her out for lunch but that he has important Avengers business.
He then taps his walking stick and transforms into Thor and flies off towards the mansion.
And that brings us to Cresskill where Janet van Dyne aka the Wasp and Hank Pym aka Yellowjacket are going about their morning.
Befitting her blase attitude last issue, Jan just wants to stay in bed longer and cuddle but Hank is desperate not to be late to his first meeting as a newly active Avenger again.
So he’s in costume and ready to go while she’s still choosing which of her many many costumes to wear. Albeit with the ulterior motive that she’s trying to look good for him. She does put in like 90% of the effort into the relationship.
So she’s narrowed her choices down to a red and blue costume and a green and purple outfit that looks like maybe she raided the Green Goblin’s wardrobe. She asks Hank to decide for her.
And he does. In a sense.
He blasts the green and purple number to shreds and yells “Wear the other one!” and when she protests the destruction of her stuff he goes “So what? Like you said you’ve got lots!”
Hmm. We haven’t seen Hank in a while. And he didn’t talk much last issue what with all the Moondragoning. But he’s taken a bit of a level in being a jackass.
And then on the ride to the mansion, the limo gets stuck in traffic.
Yellowjacket: “That does it! You can ride in your blasted chauffeured limo so your two-hundred dollar hair-do doesn’t get mussed -- but I’m flying to Avengers Mansion under my own power!”
And then he ditches. He ditches hard. Leaving Wasp to fly after him begging him to wait.
You’re a bit of a rude, Hank.
Like Hank feared, the two do arrive late to the meeting and he is gently ribbed by sudden class clown Captain America.
Captain America: “Well, look who’s finally here! Now the Wasp has arrived with her new partner -- uh, Yellowjacket, right? We can get started!”
Is funny joke. Its been a time so they’re pretending he’s a new guy and ha ha he’s being described as Wasp’s partner instead of vice versa. What an upset.
And it is an upset. Tigra notices what the other Avengers seem to miss, that Cap’s joke just pissed Yellowjacket off.
And its not helped when Cap mentions that its time to elect a new chairman but Iron Man interrupts to say that he and Thor have agreed that its better for Cap to remain chairman. They did just reorganize the roster and all. Some stability is fine.
Thor: “We choose to waive the elections! Such is our right as founding members!”
And this sets Yellowjacket right the hell off.
Yellowjacket: “Is that so? Well, I resent not being consulted! As the Ant Man I was a founding member, too!”
Iron Man: “uh, of course Hank... you and the Wasp! But you came in late... we’d already decided...”
Yeah! The Wasp too!
But Yellowjacket has some kind of insect in his bonnet and he yells that he’s done being forgotten and treated as a has-been while Janet just silently cringes. She wonders what’s happened to the man she loves. And why he won’t let her reach him anymore.
The meeting continues but the scene transitions.
To a cottage in an isolated glade among the wooded hills of Virginia. Where the olde talking power couple of Gorn and Linnea wake up. Linnea wants to lay in bed with Gorn a while longer but he decides NAY TIME TO GET UP NOW.
Hey wait.
I’m sensing... thematic parallels. I’m sure its nothing, though.
Anyway, Gorn is tired of living a quiet idyllic life in a beautiful glade with a woman who dearly loves him, as they’ve done for ten thousand years. His dander is up and he wants battles to fight and glory to win! He’s tired of being safe in the glade, protected by Linnea’s power. He’s a warrior, not a farmer!
(I see no evidence of farming around the cottage, just saying)
And since its either be ditched or go with him, Linnea decides to go with him.
Gorn: “You are beautiful in that gown, Linnea. Men shall again call you Elf-Queen as they did in ancient days!”
Linnea/Elf-Queen: “They also called me witch and devil-spawn! They are ever so cruel to my kind!”
Gorn: “Aye, and once we fled them! This time, if we must, we shall fight them!”
Ah, geez, Gorn. The cover implies this won’t go well for you.
So Gorn and Elf-Queen, him on foot and her on horseback) wander into Washington DC literally looking for trouble.
But before trouble, something to eat. Looking for an inn, they wander into a random restaurant.
Gorn, being Gorn, immediately starts yelling at the maitre d’, who he assumes is the innkeeper.
And here’s a bit of an interesting and not often used touch. Even though all speech bubbles are rendered without <> as is sometimes used to denote someone speaking a different language, Gorn and Elf-Queen Linnea are in fact speaking an ancient language.
Nobody can understand a thing they say.
And they can’t understand modern English.
This is a perfect setup for some farce.
Gorn ends up just yelling that he wants food and the maitre d’ gets the gist even though he doesn’t understand the words. This is Washington DC. A lot of people from other countries wander through. So he shows them to a table.
Linnea and Gorn decide that the maitre d’ is probably the innkeeper’s idiot brother. I mean, that’s probably why he can’t understand normal language, right?
And there’s more culture shock to be had. Linnea is realizing how differently dressed everyone is in this era. None of the men are even wielding swords!
Elf-Queen Linnea: “And the women, Gorn -- ! The way they’re dressed --! Like -- like harlots!”
Gorn: “Aye! Hmmm...” -totally staring at a butt and not paying attention-
Linnea: “Gorn... ?! I-if we stay here... would you like me to dress so? I do not know if I can learn the ways of these women... but for you my love, I would try! Gorn... ?”
Gorn: “Mmm...” -still not paying attention-
Linnea: (Oh, Gorn! For ten thousand years we have dwelt together in solitude, as one in our love! Am I to lose you now, here in this city of temptresses?)
Hmmm.... this reminds me of something.... but what?
A Barry Kaplan interrupts her inferiority anxiety by coming up and trying to hire her as a fashion model.
And neither Barry nor Linnea can understand each other still.
But she senses something of his intentions and warns him that this isn’t a good idea since she’s sitting next to a warrior and all.
Barry is like ‘maybe if I try other languages?’
And then Gorn notices. And Gorn is displeased.
Barry: “I warn you, I’ve had six jiu-jitsu lessons!”
So Gorn gets up from that and just bodily lifts the guy over his head (Barry lamenting that he dropped out before jiu-jitsu lesson seven). But if you get the barbarian or warrior dropped into a modern setting trope they’re usually just way better than any soft modern man. So its funny to see this random dink get the better of Gorn, even if its just the preamble to what would have been Gorn delivering a thorough beatdown.
Its just not what you expect to see in this story.
Linnea magics Barry out of Gorn’s hands, trying to defuse the situation but Gorn interprets the situation as her ‘unmanning’ him.
Gorn: “Why, Linnea? Why do you seek to unman me? Is it not enough that your power has preserved my youth and kept me for centuries? Must you now interfere in my battles?”
Linnea meekly apologizes.
And then the maitre d’ comes pissed off that this loud, shouting weirdo started a fight and is going to call the police on them. Until Linnea goes ‘oh right we should pay for the damage we caused’ and gives the maitre d’ a gold and diamond necklace.
And the maitre d’ mentally goes cha-ching and reroutes an order about to be served to give to the big spending non-English speaking weirdos.
When Gorn and Elf-Queen finally leave the restaurant wouldn’t you know it, someone stole their damn horse!
What kind of city is it where you can’t leave a horse tied to a parking meter without someone making off with it??
Linnea once again is like ‘hey lets go home to our nice glade where nobody ever stole our horse’
Gorn: “It is your home, Linnea, where I am but a guest -- nay, a pet kept by your grace. Ages ago, I was a renowed warrior, honored and feared by nations and kings! If I am to be a man in my own eyes I must regain the glory I once knew!”
And then a cop comes up to Gorn because you can’t just carry a sword around Washington DC.
Gorn: “Eh? His words are gibberish but the intent is clear! This blue-clad warrior issues me a challenge! Have at thee scoundr- AHH!”
And then the cop just maces Gorn.
Its not funny like the talent agent tossing him into a salad bowl because: cops. Its still a little funny because: Gorn.
Anyway, while Gorn is screaming and coughing the cop just slaps some handcuffs on him.
And Linnea magics the cop away from her boyfriend and worries over him.
Given this new horrible thing that has happened to them, another in a line of horrible things happening to them once they left their home, Linnea begs Gorn again to give up this quest to fight a random thing to make himself feel manly.
Linnea: “I am so worried, Gorn! The world has grown so strange! There is so much here that we do not understand! Please, let us go back before something terrible befalls us!”
He again refuses and she asks if he would die for his pride.
So he slaps her across the face.
And after all that she’s meekly gone along with his whims and tantrums and whatever else ways to describe Gorn’s exceptionally gornish way of being, she draws the line here.
Linnea: “Go ahead, Gorn -- stay! Win your stupid ‘glory’! I do not care! Farewell!”
And she just walks away into the sky, twinkle, because she can do that.
When she’s too far to hear he whispers an apology but its too late and he sadly trudges off alone into the city.
Wow, that was six pages of just Gorn and Linnea, Elf-Queen. That’s nearly a fourth of the whole issue! We spend a lot of time with these two new characters!
Back at Avengers Mansion, Iron Man and Yellowjacket prep the Quinjet to fly.
Wasp: “You mean we’re going all the way to Washington, D.C. just because somebody there claims they saw a woman walking on air? What’s new about that? I do it every time my sweetie Hank gives me a wink! Then, again, they do have some wonderful stores there! Last time I went there I bought six fur coats!”
Tigra: “Sounds expensive! I’m lucky! Mine’s built in!”
Iron Man chimes in that the air-walking woman also assaulted a cop so clearly this looks like a job for the Avengers.
But when they finish up checking the Quinjet, Yellowjacket says that he’s discovered the ‘sonomodulator circuit’ on his disruptor gun is acting up.
He’s pretty sure he can fix it but Wasp chimes in with a more different idea.
Wasp: “I’ll just ring up Jeeves over at the East Side Penthouse! He can grab one of those doohickies from your lab there and zip right over in the limo! It’ll just take a few minutes!”
Yellowjacket: “You love doing that, don’t you? You love taking every opportunity to flaunt your blasted money! Well, I don’t need your butlers, your cars or your money -- and I don’t need you!”
And Wasp runs off crying that she only wanted to help. Yellowjacket storms into the Quinjet telling the other Avengers to forget Wasp and get going.
Making the other Avengers feel very awkward about witnessing this fight. Cap even feels as if he should do something but doesn’t know what since its a personal matter.
A suggestion? Mandated couples counseling since this kind of thing could affect the team, will be the reason you give? Like. This clearly is something that’s going to cause trouble. Get ahead of it, Cap.
Meanwhile, back in Washington D.C. because yes Gorn didn’t just walk out of the book forever alone. He walked into a very honestly uncomfortably stereotypical gang who decide hey maybe we should mug that guy with the sword, it’ll probably pawn for something.
Gorn still can’t understand a thing anyone says but they’re carrying weapons and finally here’s a situation he understands. And finally he also doesn’t get played for a chump. He just wades into the crowd of six and starts laying them out with his bare hands.
This is what you’d typically see for a warrior type dropped into modern world thing.
Oh and then the cops hear the fight and go hey its that guy with the sword that there was an APB about.
And Gorn goes, hey its guys wearing the same livery of the guy that got me with that stinging vapor. Time to run at them with a sword.
So they shoot him five times.
And he dies.
It turns out that Linnea has been watching Gorn from a distance this whole time, apparently unwilling to actually ditch. So she sees him get gunned down.
She floats down from the sky to his side and realizes that he is already dead. The cops mistake sky woman for an angel (but there was an APB out for Gorn so why didn’t the flying woman warrant a mention?) but if Linnea is, she’s an avenging one.
She turns on the cops with her magic and makes them sink up to their necks into the concrete.
Elf-Queen: “Are you begging? It is for naught! He’s dead! DEAD! My love is dead -- and this city, this world shall PAY!”
And she turns her magic on Washington D.C., blasting a building and a helicopter, lashing out in grief at the world that killed her dickbag boyfriend.
This is when the Avengers finally arrive to the Plot, in this Avengers book.
The Avengers just see someone breaking property and go to stop her.
Captain America: “Avengers... attack!”
Of course, Tony being Tony, and kind of a loose man immediately gets distracted at the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.
Iron Man: “Excuse me, miss! Couldn’t we discuss whatever’s bothering you... say, over dinner at the diplomat club?”
Its... not a bad idea. A little bit of empathy. Its just his motive that’s bad.
And also, his inability to speak ancient languages. Elf-Queen still can’t understand a thing anyone says. She does think a flying man in armor is something Gorn would have liked. But that just makes her mad.
So she magics a railing to wrap up Iron Man.
Thor grabs Elf-Queen from behind, pulling her arm behind her back. Its strikingly reminiscent of the Standard Female Grab Area trope but Elf-Queen doesn’t believe in that trope.
Elf-Queen: “You are strong, jackal! Your strength might have been enough to hold even me -- had you not presumed I was as frail as I appear!”
And she throws Thor into what is probably a monument.
Hmm, Iron Man and Thor got dunked so far because they really underestimated this woman because she’s a woman. Maybe don’t do that?
Meanwhile, Yellowjacket is thinking that this is his chance to prove what a star he is, if he’s the one that takes the threat down with his disruptor blast.
While Elf-Queen distracts herself with the dropped Mjolnir, Yellowjacket tries to shoot her with his disruptor from behind.
But it shorts out again!
Maybe he should have gotten the replacement part instead of trying to jury-rig a repair!
Elf-Queen senses the power in Mjolnir and tries to pick it up to better smash the world but finds she can’t lift it.
She guesses that there’s some enchantment on it since it doesn’t crumble the ground beneath it.
So she magics the ground to form a hand to grab and lift Mjolnir.
And then she hits Thor in the face with his own hammer. Hah.
Another for the list of silly Mjolnir loopholes.
Linnea monologues about her backstory because. Look. She may not be a villain. And people may not be able to understand a word she says. But people in comics have to comic.
Elf-Queen: “I am Linnea, called Elf Queen and great is the power I was born with! It transported my love and me across the ocean to this land ages ago in search of solitude! It preserved our youth! It kept us hidden when civilization spread its taint hither! The forces, forms and sustenance of the world bend to my will -- but all my power cannot help my Gorn now! Now, my gift serves only as a means for vengeance!”
Iron Man manages to tear free of the railing wrapped around him just as Tigra loudly pounces at Elf-Queen.
And Elf-Queen just gestures and sends Tigra flying into the air. High, high into the air. So high, so into the air that Iron Man has to fly after her to make sure Tigra doesn’t end up asphyxiating in space.
With all of the other Avengers out of action (or standing around uselessly like Yellowjacket), Elf-Queen turns out wrath on Captain America.
She blasts a building, sending a whole wall at him.
Cap dodges through the rain of rubble and berates himself. He realizes that he should have attacked sooner but he’s been holding back, trying to figure things out.
She’s speaking a language that doesn’t sound like any he knows of. Her clothes seem to be of ancient design. And he’s wondering if she maybe just popped out of the past, somehow surviving from some age undreamt of.
And hey, relatable, kinda. He spent decades in suspended animation.
Elf-Queen throws a lake of fire between her and Cap and Cap figures hey she’ll expect me to go around. So he jumps over it, doing her a startle.
Cap: “Good! I took her completely off guard! This is a perfect chance -- to show her that we want only peace!”
So he stands in front of her, hands to his side, palms showing. Showing no aggression.
Elf-Queen: “You did not strike when you had the opportunity! I could slay you easily now! Unflinchingly you face death! How like... my Gorn... my brave warrior!”
The fight could have ended here. Could. Could have. Could’ve.
Because Yellowjacket has been focused entirely on fixing his disruptor this whole time and has not paid any attention to how the fight has been going.
So when he gets the disruptor fixed, he doesn’t think ‘oh hey Cap is standing there and nobody is currently fighting!’ he thinks ‘wow this is a really easy shot’ and shoots Elf-Queen in the back.
And turns out that Linnea - a person who can toss Thor around - can also weather a disruptor. So she’s just mad. Furiously.
She figures that Cap’s courage was just a bold ruse. So she’s going to kill him. AFTER she throws a car at Yellowjacket.
Yellowjacket: “Oh, no! My sting’s shorted out again! No time to dodge! I’ll be crushed!”
But before Hank can be crushed like some kind of insect, can’t really think of a specific example, he is saved by Jan, who comes out of nowhere and blasts the car away with all of her might.
And apparently car blasting is under that umbrella.
But it takes it out of her and she weakly flutters to the ground.
Hank has mixed feelings about not being dead.
Yellowjacket: “You -- you saved me! You shattered the truck with your bio-electric sting! You saved me! You! She must have followed us down here... probably chartered a plane! She followed us down here, and when I was dead meat for sure, she saved me! Why her? WHY?”
Where are you in your life where you have to ask that, Hank?
Elf-Queen is like well that just happened but I’m just going to try to kill him again.
But Cap jumps in front of her again and very assertively non-aggressives.
Captain America: “Don’t do it! Don’t you see? It was a mistake -- an accident! If only you could understand me! Don’t kill him!”
Elf-Queen: “You dare stand in my way? Can you not see the rage in my eyes?”
But nonetheless, she subsides. The Avengers all re-assemble, ready to rush her but Cap tells them to stand down.
Elf-Queen Linnea starts crying and just walks away from the team.
Feeling a bit awkward, Cap decides to follow her to see what’s what. And they find her crying over Gorn.
Thor: “A fallen warrior! Her husband, perchance?”
Captain America: “Somehow I -- I think I knew! I mean... I’m not surprised! She seemed... grief-stricken!”
Iron Man: “I -- I wonder how this all came to pass?”
They’ll probably never know. The shot isn’t wide enough to say for sure but I think that if the Avengers saw, they’d say. I’m pretty sure those cops Linnea sank into the concrete have finished sinking. So it goes.
Cap says he’s sorry for what happened, knowing that his words will probably mean nothing to her. Language gap and all.
Linnea: “I hear compassion in your voice, brave champion! Is there such a thing in this cold, cruel place, save in your own heart? I cannot forgive your world for what it has taken from me.. but, for you, who are so much alike my beloved... for you, I will go in peace... for now!”
Yeah. She’s never coming back.
This is her and Gorn’s only appearance.
So despite Tigra wondering if she’ll be back and despite Iron Man’s suspicion that she might be a mutant, it doesn’t matter.
She’s done her role in the narrative and she’s gone.
But as the Avengers try to figure out what this was all about, Wasp looks at Yellowjacket with worry. For the issue ends with him still consumed in bitter thoughts and oblivious to Wasp.
And the big next time teaser says COURT MARTIAL! so. Yeah.
We’re coming on to a storyline that anyone who knows at least two things about Hank Pym knows. You probably already know it or will be able to guess it.
I was familiar with this story but only the moment where Hank shoots Elf-Queen in the back and makes things worse for himself. I hadn’t absorbed via osmosis how much of a shit he was being throughout. And nobody ever talks about Gorn.
Which is a shame.
The title of the issue comes right out and connects the obvious dots.
“Men of deadly pride!”
And that can only be Hank Pym and Gorn.
Much of this issue doesn’t actually feature the Avengers. There’s this long stretch in the middle that just has Gorn and Linnea leaving their home, traveling to the big city, Gorn’s attitude getting worse and worse, and finally his death.
Its clear enough that Gorn represents Hank Pym.
Hank rails against Janet for flaunting her money and emotionally withdraws from her and even becomes angry with her. He rankles at the idea he might be perceived her partner instead of vice versa. Feels he’s not being given the respect he deserves.
While Gorn resents that Linnea is the one caring for him. He emotionally withdraws from her. He perceives himself a pet to her. That he was once renowned and desperately needs to regain his glory.
And he just gets angrier when Linnea has to rescue him from his dumb mistakes.
Much like Jan had to rescue Hank in this issue, something that basically made Hank check out of the rest of the issue.
I don’t know what Gorn may have been like ten thousand years ago that Linnea sees him in Captain America most, but he’s a shadow for Hank Pym.
And what’s interesting is how the story looks at Gorn and his machismo. His obsessive preoccupation with proving himself. The story highlights the problems he creates for himself eventually leading to his death. It shows a person that just can’t live in the modern world.
And then the story looks at Hank Pym. One of the 60s style manly men holdovers. Paints him in much the same light. And seems to ask. “Can you live in the modern world?”
The question is in the air.
Its not particularly deep symbolism. But it surprised me that nobody ever mentions it.
Interestingly, if Hank is Gorn then Jan is Linnea. Their personalities are different enough that this might seem strange.
But they both draw the line in a similar place with their partners.
And there was a What If? based on this issue What If? #35 where Hank did die, much as Gorn did. And Wasp became an avenging angel of her own. Taking the identity of Black Wasp and brutally attacking criminals.
She even contemplates letting Cap be killed by falling debris, blaming him for Hank’s death.
All I can say is that this has been one awkward first day for Tigra.
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#Avengers#Elf Queen and Gorn#Yellowjacket#the Wasp#Captain America#essential avengers#Thor#Iron Man#Tigra#essential marvel liveblogging#tigra has a very cat first day#Jarvis not even drop#some thematic similarities happen and they're unfavorable to hank#captain america uses that empathy#its super effective#shooter ain't wasting any time
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anon / Do you know whether or not Tony knew Patsy Walker? She is a very random character. I thought she was either Pepper or Bethany?
so...tony’s actually a part of patsy’s superhero origin story. strap in, this is gonna be long and i come bearing panels.
that wee figure behind beast is patsy literally an hour or so before she becomes hellcat for the first time, she deserves some respect, she met tony when he was running around in the nose suit and yet still wants to associate with him for some reason. she ends up sneaking in after the avengers and attempting to help out against the squadron supreme but alas, they all end up captured. this is from avengers vol. 1 #141. in #142, beast gives her a reaming, telling her, “i hope you’re happy, patsy walker -- getting caught up in this! i should have never let you hold me to our old agreement!” to which patsy replies, “don’t be silly, beast, i love it!”
patsy wants to be a superhero really bad, she found out beast’s secret identity and has been holding that ace up her sleeve for a while (and finds out when she tries to use it, the avengers already know who he is, but gets to come along on this little mission, anyway). also her ex-husband (buzz baxter) is involved on the bad guy side so this is personal for her, you know how it goes.
(also the other half of the avengers are mixed up in some of kang’s bullshit, it’s a whole genuine mess going on at this point.)
she even gets her first iron uber ride in #143:
vision also turns around and chews her out in...in his own way. kinda blames her for them losing the fight with the squadron supreme and getting captured - basically insinuating she’s on the bad guy’s side. well, it’s okay, vision’s gonna eat crow about that later.
a missile gets set off and tony goes to intercept and he ruminates to himself, “set a missile to catch a missile,” and that sometimes when he starts to feel like maybe a missile is all he is, tony stark’s brain ends up being needed (not iron man’s brawn) and he ends up saving the day as far as ordinance is concerned.
this happens:
and patsy proves she’s more relatable than you originally thought. same, girl.
so anyway, this is also the issue the oft-quoted panel below comes from (avengers #144, ftr):
you’ll personally what, shellhead. throw her over your shoulder and carry her like a sack of potatoes or- don’t be an ass, you and steve are literally impossible when you two velcro at the hip to each other, you probably forgot she was even there.
anyway, they stumble upon the original suit of the cat - greer nelson/greer grant, better known as tigra. tony and steve share a Look, because they have the same idea, and ask patsy if she’s willing to play the cat (the suit itself has powers of its own, and patsy’s a spitfire who can bareknuckle on her own, so it’s not like they’re completely chucking her to the wolves or anything, they just also aren’t being super nice about it). and patsy tells them a little story about how she used to dream about being a superhero, how she had once had a crush on reed richards, how her ex-husband buzz was abusive. and reveals when beast passed out on her doorstep she took him in to see if she could help and in his wooziness he let slip his real name was hank mccoy. she promised to keep it a secret if he promised to make her a superhero.
so she says yes, obviously. the costume the nmcu made fun of (the yellow and black catsuit) is her dream come true. she still wears it. cap tries to take it back, says he can’t handle another death on his conscience, she basically puts her finger in his face and tells him he and iron man would look silly in the costume and they can’t keep her from it and would they please turn around because she’s already stripping butt naked to put it on.
so hellcat is born. there’s a fight after this where the kang business finally intersects where patsy helps out as hellcat and then runs off with moondragon to undergo training because she wants to join the avengers. her powers get enhanced, she gets trained in fighting, the whole shebang, patsy’s a real superhero now. even ends up joining the defenders instead of the avengers, ended up marrying damion hellstrom and helping out the avengers west coast from time to time (tony was actually on the west coast team at the time and they reconnected, as it were, since he had just gotten sober and come back to being iron man with the silver centurion suit). at that point it had been a while since she’d been hellcat (she and her then-husband dealt in supernatural stuff mostly), but she put it on again to fight with the avengers.
this is how she and damion find the wca waiting for them:
and also she knows iron man and hawkeye, so. this is also back when clint and bobbi were newlyweds.
anyway, a lot of stuff happens on patsy’s end, she ends up back with the defenders, and then civil war and shra roll around. patsy’s actually forced into registering by she-hulk, because jenn sided with registration and everything (i mean jenn and tony had this whole no-strings-attached thing for a hot minute):
patsy hooks up with the registered superhero group, gets in with the initiative, and tony calls her to give her her assignment which is...unfortunately in alaska.
he says, like he didn’t try to pass off that flimsy bodyguard story for literal years.
and their conversation continues:
and continues...
...and continues.
like fwiw tony has confused at noises in the background of phone conversations moments like the rest of us, even when he can call you with his brain because of extremis.
anyway, patsy has been Through It since her days with the initiative. i haven’t even read a fraction of it, it’s a lot, but she’s done it all, from being an author of autobiographical novels, to working as a pi, to getting trapped in hell by her ex-husband, to a reality warping cold to...a lot has happened in the life of patsy walker just the way a lot has happened in the life of tony stark but. main point here. tony and patsy know each other very well. they move in the same circles, are friends with a lot of the same people, and besides that know each other personally themselves, and have for a really, really long time.
like if cantwell weren’t writing them both so oocly, tonypatsy (ironhell? hellman? their names do not mash up well but w/e) is a ship i could honestly get behind because yeah, she’s an oddball choice, and yeah, she’s part of that easy-to-disprove leaning toward redheads that a lot of people like to push about tony, but they’re both goofs with a lot more under the surface and done right, i think it could be an excellent ship. (my kingdom for a patsy walker who wants to do that, tbh.)
so she’s not some rando plucked from the annals of marvel history to throw at tony like it may seem, she and tony have a history stretching back all the way to her superhero origin and are actually very familiar with one another.
also, as a sidenote, patsy’s a character that was originally created during wwii, when marvel was stilll timely comics, so you know. there’s that. she’s been around a really, really long time.
#anon#. ooc asks#. about#. iron man | tony stark#. hellcat | patsy walker#// like she's really not just some rando she has a history that collides with tony's quite a bit#// and they do have several of the same friends besides#// like sure they got off to a rocky start but#// that smoothed out and even if you ignore cantwell's trash#// (which i do)#// it's not like she's just some random redhead he doesn't know otherwise they really are friends#abuse cw#long post
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Binge Reading Journal - November 13, 2018 - the tenth day of reading Marvel’s Dark Reign (Part 3)
Secret Invasion- Requiem
Now they reprint Court-Martial by Jim Shooter (boy genius writer), Bob Hall (an underrated penciler), Dan Green on inks and Janice Chiang on Letters. This story was first featured in Avengers #213 in 1981 featuring the smack heard ‘round the world.
Hank Pym, now working under the name of Yellowjacket, is standing in front of Iron Man, Thor and Captain America. All in full uniform in their private mansion where no one can see, or get in or out. BUT this is a serious matter. Full uniform must be worn! Iron Man says that Cap has leveled some serious charges against Yellowjacket. Thor lets him know that if the accusations are true he will face formal court-martial! Thor wants the record to show that he and Iron Man are presiding as judges.....wait wait wait. These are just a bunch of dudes wearing really tight clothes in a swanky clubhouse. There’s no military sanction. Tony Stark is footing the bill (through the Maria Stark Foundation) so they can run around and smash things!
According to the Marvel Database, they’re a non-profit organization like the American Red Cross or Habitat for Humanity, recognized by the National Security Council of the US and the UN as a peacekeeping organization, ain’t nobody being court-martialed....pppsshhhh. Just be all like, “Hank you’re a jerk! Here are your things and go away.”
Well, these boys are going to go through this farce anyway. Cap states that the day before, during a mission where he was fighting a mysterious woman attacking Washington D.C. He managed to convince her to stop when Yellowjacket shot her in the back, which caused her to continue fighting. Iron Man asks for an explanation to which he has none. His own personal thoughts, legible in a bubble to the reader shows him thinking that he was a jerk and acted over eagerly to be the star on his first mission since rejoining the team.
Thor (who’s not really pretending at any of this because he actually is a Norse god) says they will convene for three days until the formal court-martial (hahahah) and suspends Hank until then so hand over your Avengers ID Card, Hank!
Hank pleads a little at this but Iron Man reminds him the rules, which he helped write, are firm on this.
I don’t think The Salvation Army has ever court-martialed anyone and they call themselves an army!
Janet is in the hallway outside the court-martial ichamber. Tigra asks why so down? Tigra, by the way is hanging from one of the rafters in the ceiling because it helps her relax. She wonders why Janet is so hung up on that strange guy anyway. Can we remind 2008 Future Tigra, who’s having Skrull-Hank babies, she thought Hank was strange in 1981?
Hank leaves the room and practically shoves Janet aside, telling her to leave him alone when she asks how he is. He immediately regrets it an apologizes before she walks away. She comes in for an embrace and say sweet consoling things to each other. TIgra doesn’t get it.
As the other founding members go their separate ways, each one remembers their own mistakes from the past.
Cap recalls when, during a heated battle against Nazi soldiers, he reacted to a noise behind him and instinctively threw his shield. It was a little girl, an orphan, collecting the brass shells for money. He barely missed hitting her when she bent down to pick up a shell. Cap realizes that he nearly made the same mistake as Hank.
Iron Man is going over Hank’s files and pictures, As a founding member his history is tied in closely with the Avengers’ history. However, Hank never really seemed to settle in, taking on guises such as Giant-Man and Goliath. Tony feels that Hank always felt outclassed by himself and Iron Man, so he’d leave the team to try to come up with some scientific breakthrough to prove himself. One of those wound up being Ultron, the Avengers’ greatest enemy. Then he had an accident in the lab which triggered a mental breakdown. That’s when he started calling himself Yellowjacket. However, the schizophrenia was cured (can’t be cured.)
Schizophrenia, and other mental disorders are a pulp fiction trope, used to explain away erratic behavior. It is usually used by writers with very little understanding of the actual condition. Actually, a rigorous new definition of schizophrenia was fashioned for the ''Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition,'' or ''DSM-III,'' which was published by the American Psychiatric Association in 1980.
Nevertheless, Hank and Janet got married. As Iron Man continues reminiscing, he recalls how Ultron returned and forced him to create Jocasta from Janet’s brain waves. Iron Man wonders if Hank will ever stop looking for redemption. Is it fair to turn away from a friend who needs help, should he be punished for a mistake anyone of them could have made?
Janet and Hank head home, Janet stopping to sign autographs for fans waiting outside the mansion, none recognizing Yellowjacket. They head to their residence in Cresskill, New Jersey. (Did he always live there? Should I redo my ant speed calculations from that earlier issue?) Ah wait, their butler and other staff greet Janet like she’s the Queen of England and Hank is something she stepped in. She’s the rich one, inherited her father’s wealth which he made from science, with all his alien teleportation stuff. Not a lot of scientists manage to get rich. Usually the career path of a scientist is to become tenured at a university, write a lot of books and speaking engagements, they manage to make a decent living. Usually they work for companies and universities collecting meager salaries for the opportunity to science.
If a scientist manages to discover something, and patent it and comes up with a practical use for it, then there is an opportunity to become rich from it. A couple of rich, like Craig Ventner. Dr. Ventner, much like Hank Pym, is a biotechnologist, biochemist and geneticist. He was involved in mapping the human genome. Then he founded, Celera Genomics, institute for Genomic Research and the J. Craig Ventner Institute and Human Longevity, Inc.
At Celera, Ventner and his colleagues completed sequencing the human genome (Ventner’s genome specifically) three years ahead of schedule, beating the government funded Human Genome Project (your taxes at work.) Ventner’s discoveries, patents and stock ownership in the companies he’s founded made him very rich. Forbes estimates that his net worth (as of 2017) based on his stakes on two of his startups is about $300 million.
It seems like taking some real world examples, there’s some untapped story ideas to mine; what did Janet Van Dyne’s father discover and patent that made him rich and how has it impacted the world; how can Pym cash in on his own discoveries (not to mention Reed Richards, Hank McCoy, etc.).
Janet tries to get Hank into the bedroom, but he takes the laboratory over the seductive advances of his wife.
Hank admits he hates going to the lab because it reminds him of his failures, except there is one success he’s had in the lab: Robotics (wait, no that never turns out well.
Cut to three days later, Tigra is asleep in her private quarters, Bob Hall draws her in the nude but all the naughty bits are tastefully covered. She wakes up to the sound of Jarvis approaching her door. Jim Shooter makes it a point to say she slipped on a satiny negligee. It’s like the only reason Tigra was created was to get some weird furry fantasy going for the readers. A startled Jarvis, who’s never owned a cat apparently or else he wouldn’t be surprised by her behavior, is presenting Tigra with her first weekly stipend check.
She is surprised to learn that the Avengers get paid a salary. He clarifies that it is a modest stipend to cover living expenses, which most Avengers traditionally refuse, he adds in a snidely way. Hmmmm. Let’s see....Black Panther is the king of his own country so mega-rich; Thor, Prince of Asgard, so rich he doesn’t even need money; Captain America, probably collecting a lot of military back pay. See, Jarvis, most Avengers refuse the stipend because they’re already rich; not because they are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts.
He continues to economically shame her by pointing out that those that do accept the stipend are the ones that live at the mansion and have no outside means of support. Tigra finally gets a chance to read it and notices it is for one thousand dollars. Which in 1983, like $2,534.53 today or $131, 795.56 a year. That is a pretty good haul on top of room and board for Tigra.
Jarvis reminds her that the court-martial is at four o’clock that day. Meanwhile, Tony Stark is making an excuse to leave a board meeting at Stark International Headquarters, because writers think the best way to show a busy CEO is at a board meeting (not true, board meetings occur maybe just once a year unless there is an emergency, trope alert)
Thor finishes up some surgery but leaves the cleaning up for his colleagues, who grouse at Blake leaving (oh, sorry at this time, Thor is still using the Don Blake alter ego) for them to clean up despite being the best surgeon ever.
Captain America, already in the Avengers library and in full uniform, is wondering if he will have the courage to look Hank in the eye even though it is the most difficult thing he’s ever done. More difficult than watching Bucky die on that rocket? More difficult than giving up your Captain America identity to become Nomad? Well, we all chose our own cross to bear.
Speaking of crosses to bear, a few hours earlier, Janet hasn’t seen Hank since they came home three days earlier. She decides to go check on him in the lab. Finding the door locked, she shrinks down and squeezes in to the door crack to discover Hank putting in the final touches of programming of the robot, which will allow it to target each Avenger by their brain waves. Which it does as o soon as it senses Jan in the room. Hank is infuriated, Accusing Jan of spying on him. Hank explains he has built a robot called Salvation 1 and she’s going to help him test it out. It grabs Jan but her sting is useless against it. He explains it is built out of Adamantium. Ok, so according to the Marvel Database:
Creating even a small amount of Adamantium is astronomically expensive, and only a few people know the complete formula. Adamantium is created by mixing certain chemical resins together. The exact composition of these resins is a closely guarded secret of the United States government. When these resins are mixed and kept at a temperature of 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit, the resulting liquid can be cast or worked into a particular shape. After an eight minute 'flux period', the mixture sets and becomes solid regardless of temperature. Its molecular structure is extremely stable, and its shape can only be altered by precise molecular rearrangement.
So I don’t know how Hank had enough Adamantium lying around to build a 15 foot tall battle robot he just conceived three days prior. He designed Sal with a secret weak spot that will shut down the robot with one well-placed stinger shot, thus making him a hero when Sal attacks the Avengers. That’s the plan at least. But Janet won’t let him go through with it.
There it is.
On Jim Shooter’s website, he posted on March 29, 2011:
In that story (issue 213, I think), there is a scene in which Hank is supposed to have accidentally struck Jan while throwing his hands up in despair and frustration—making a sort of “get away from me” gesture while not looking at her. Bob Hall, who had been taught by John Buscema to always go for the most extreme action, turned that into a right cross! There was no time to have it redrawn, which, to this day has caused the tragic story of Hank Pym to be known as the “wife-beater” story.
So, henceforth Hank Pym is known as a wife beater.
Let’s cut to the court-martial proceedings. Captain America states his case: Yellowjacket shot a hostile in the back. Hank has never been know to act cowardly so the act was a case of misjudgment. It is tempting to write off as a mistake since any one of them can make the same error.
However, as an Avenger they cannot. An error by any one of them can result in the loss of lives. They have a tremendous responsibility and thus must judge themselves harshly.
I bet one can look back at previous issues of the Avengers, or Iron Man or Cap, or Thor and find situations and scenarios where they’ve all made costly mistakes like Hank Pym. Alas, this can’t turn into a retrospective of the Avengers.
Iron Man asks Hank how he pleads or if he wishes to defend himself. Hank pleads not guilty. His argument is that although his mistake may have seemed treacherous but he wondered if Cap ever considered treachery from the enemy. His actions may have actually saved lives! Perhaps because the enemy was a beautiful woman, perhaps Cap liked her! Like Liked her! That’s why Cap is upset, because Hank hurt her!
Everyone is feeling second-hand embarrassment at this point. Iron Man asks him to stop. Hank asks Janet to back up her story. She lowers her sunglasses and reveals a shiner. Thor is shocked, wondering if Hank actually hit her. Hank goes for the remote control to summon Salvation 1. Janet pleads to him to not do it.
Sal bursts through the wall (kind of hilariously, no disrespect to Bob Hall, but considering the statement Shooter made on his blog post, about Hall being trained by Buscema to always go for the drama, it kind of comes off as comedic. Iron Man being flipped upside down, Tigra kind of in a Bugs Bunny pose, Yellowjacket exclaiming “Ah!” In faux surprise.
When Thor strikes it with his Mjolnir without any effect, Janet let’s them know it’s made out of (very expensive and rare) Adamantium and Hank built it and designed it to destroy them. Hank realizes Sal is way too brutal and may actually defeat everyone. He goes for the super secret shut off switch but Sal throws him against the wall. Sal grabs Hank in his giant pincer claws, crushing him when Janet runs up and shoots the switch with her stinger, deactivating Salvation 1.
Hank, shamefully leaves.
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Greer Grant was a native of Chicago, Illinois. She was a sophomore at the University of Chicago when she met her future husband, policeman Bill Nelson. She left college to marry him. The marriage was a strong one, flawed only by Bill's overprotective nature. Bill was killed in an off-duty shooting, and Greer had to find a job of her own. After weeks of searching, she ran into her old physics professor, Dr. Joanne Tumulo.
Dr. Tumulo was working on the human potential experiments that turned Shirlee Bryant into the super powered villainess called the Cat. Not trusting the test subject chosen by her financial backer, Malcolm Donalbain, Greer persuaded Dr. Tumulo to let her undergo the experimental treatments as well. She emerged with superhuman physical and mental capabilities. When Donalbain had Dr. Tumulo's lab destroyed with dynamite, Greer donned one of the dozens of Cat costumes that she had created and the doctor had appropriated and set out to put an end to his scheme. With her new abilities, she adapted quickly to the strange garb and wrecked Donalbain's headquarters. Rather than let himself be touched by the Cat's raking claws, Donalbain committed suicide. A fire set off by the ruined equipment destroyed Donalbain's headquarters.[6] Greer embarked on a brief crimefighting career as the Cat.[7]
Another of Donalbain's Cat costumes surfaced years later, when Patsy Walker discovered it while accompanying the Avengers. She donned it and called herself the Hellcat.[8]
"The Tigra" is the historical defender/champion of the Cat People, a humanoid race created by sorcery during the Dark Ages. Concerned about the Cat People's uncontrollable population growth and savagery, a community of sorcerers eventually banished the entire original Cat People population to a demonic netherworldly realm.
The two very first Cat People, who were themselves very capable scientists and sorcerers, were able to evade banishment through their magic. They continued to live among humanity in secret and worked to refine the Cat People's biology to make a peaceful integration into the human population possible. They were constantly persecuted and required a protector. Discovering that the original spell for transforming cats into Cat People like themselves had been rendered inoperative, they created a process combining science, sorcery, and focused mental power that could transform a human female into a "Tigra", a humanoid tiger-like being with abilities that far surpassed those of either race.
This unnamed first Tigra defended the Cat People with great effectiveness, and allowed a new community to establish themselves on Earth, separate from the group that had been banished. This new population continued to live amongst humanity in secrecy through the present day, relying on enchantments that cast the illusion of a human appearance.
Nothing is known about the other Tigras who may have existed, or even if there have been more than two. At the time when Greer was transformed into Tigra, "the Tigra" was only remembered by the Cat People as a distant, but powerful, legend. It has been strongly implied that only one Tigra can exist at any given time.
Dr. Tumulo was revealed to be one of these modern Cat People.[9] When members of HYDRA tracked Tumolo down to obtain "the Final Secret" (the Black Death plague, which was another creation of the first two Cat People), Greer once again donned the Cat costume and drove them off. However, she was mortally injured by a blast from one of their alpha radiation pistols.
Greer regained consciousness in a Baja California cave, surrounded by a gathering of Cat People summoned by Tumolo. Rapidly dying from the radiation's effects, Greer was offered one last hope of survival: a combination of ancient science, sorcery, and mental power that would transform her into Tigra, the Cat People's legendary half-human, half-cat warrior. She readily consented, began wearing only her black bikini from this time on, and arose from the ceremony as a superhumanly-powered human-animal hybrid. Striped fur covered her entire body, her hands and feet bore razor-sharp claws, her teeth became long and pointed, and her eyes were now cat's eyes. In addition to superhuman strength and senses, she also gained many of the drives and instincts of a cat. Soon after, she encountered the Werewolf.[9]
Though initially unable to change back to her human self, Tigra received from the Cat People a mystical cat-headed amulet that allowed her to first create the illusion of her human form and later to change at will.[10] She seldom made use of it, preferring her feline superpowered form and mostly abandoning her life as Greer Grant Nelson.
Greer resumed her superhero career, with most of the world unaware that the woman who briefly fought crime as the Cat was now the feline Tigra. She fought alongside most of Marvel's heavy-hitters in wide-ranging adventures. She first battled Kraven the Hunter,[11] and then teamed with Spider-Man against Kraven.[12] She also became a friend and associate of the Fantastic Four.[13]
When the Avengers found themselves shorthanded, Moondragon used her mental powers to compel a dozen unaffiliated heroes (apparently selected at random) to travel to Avengers Mansion and audition for the vacant position. Though he disapproved of Moondragon's methods, Captain America offered Tigra a spot on the team.[14]
Although Tigra's first tenure with the Avengers was brief, she served well. She also aided the X-Men against Deathbird.[15] Her time with the Avengers was highlighted by her saving the world from destruction by the Molecule Man single-handed, who intended to consume the planet's energy, like Galactus. Alone among the Avengers, she was able to get close enough to him to talk him out of his plan. She convinced him to seek help from a therapist and the Molecule Man has ceased to be a threat to this day.[16]
The Avengers fought the Ghost Rider, who blasted the team with his terror-inducing hellfire. The nature of Tigra's powers caused her to be affected by the exposure on a far deeper level than her teammates. She was left with great self-doubts about her qualifications as a member of Earth's premier superhero team, particularly alongside such heavy-hitters as Thor and Iron Man. Ultimately she resigned her membership, leaving the team on good terms.[17]
She resumed her modeling career, moving to San Francisco when employers on the East Coast proved unreceptive to the idea of a cat person model.[18] There she befriended private investigator Jessica Drew,[19] and aided her on several cases, but had no better luck with modeling work there than on the East Coast and accepted an offer from the Vision to become a founding member of the Avengers' new West Coast-based team.[20] Alongside the new West Coast Avengers, she fought Graviton, and became a close friend of Wonder Man.[21] She also began a flirtation with Henry Pym.[22]
While with the West Coast Avengers, she seemed to have shed the remainders of her hellfire-induced self-doubt. However, the cat-like aspects of her personality (such as a penchant for savagery and a need for affection) had begun to dominate her human intellect, causing her increasing distress. She sought help from her Avengers teammates in overcoming the "cat" side of her personality, which had caused her to become the lover of both Wonder Man and Henry Pym. She also encountered and fought the Werewolf.[23] She was transported with the West Coast Avengers by Balkatar to the realm of the Cat People. Ultimately, she came into contact with the banished colony of Cat People, whose king agreed to resolve her crisis in exchange for carrying out her historical function by murdering the Cat People's longtime foe, Master Pandemonium.[24] Though she initially accepted their terms,[25] when the critical moment came at an arena in the Cat People's realm, Tigra refused to violate the Avengers' code against killing, and failed to kill Master Pandemonium. The Cat People stripped her of her "Tigra soul" (the peculiar articulation of her Tigra powers in this demonic realm). She was reduced to her normal, pre-transformation human state.[26]
The Hellcat, who had accompanied Greer and the West Coast Avengers, lent Greer the super-suit that she used to wear as the Cat, and a battle ensued. As the tide began to turn against the Cat People, their leader released the "Tigra soul" as a means of confusing Greer. The tactic backfired: the cat-suit had been designed by a Cat Person (Tumolo) specifically to amplify Greer's human capabilities, so instead of Greer being dominated by the "Tigra soul" as before, the suit caused her human and feline personalities to successfully integrate together.[26]
This time, Greer's transformation into the legendary cat-warrior was much more complete than before. Her strength and abilities were far greater than they were originally. Her appearance became more feline, and she grew a tail like the rest of the Cat People. She also lost the ability to shift back to a human form, though as before she showed no sense of loss for her human identity.[26]
Her transformation was so complete and the Tigra legend was so strong among the Cat People that they immediately ceased hostilities. Tigra continues to hold a position of significant reverence among the Cat People.[volume & issue needed]
The transformation also resolved the conflicts between the human and feline aspects of her personality. Tigra could now exploit the full range and ferocity of her abilities without fear of going so far that she would lose control of her actions, and she could also indulge her natural feline inclinations (such as hunting and chasing prey for enjoyment) without feeling guilty or self-conscious.[27] This integration was confirmed in concrete ways immediately upon the team's return to Earth. Tigra performed a sport dive off the highest span of the Golden Gate Bridge, exhibiting no signs of any injury or fear of the water. She also terminated her ongoing relationship with Hank Pym, explaining that although she no longer felt a cat-like need to seek affection at every opportunity, she had no conventional human desire to be tied down to one mate, either.[28]
She was captured by Graviton at one point, but freed the Avengers from him.[29] Around this time, the Arthurian Lady of the Lake summoned the West Coast Avengers to England to aid the superhero team Excalibur. With the others, Tigra ventured into the realm of limbo to help stop Doctor Doom's mad plans to gain power at the cost of killing everyone in Britain.[volume & issue needed]
Tigra briefly left the West Coast Avengers in a dispute over the Avengers' policy against killing. Tigra stated that she believed by her very nature that killing prey was sometimes necessary.[volume & issue needed] She joined Mockingbird and the Moon Knight in forming an independent group.[volume & issue needed]
After returning to the team, Tigra inexplicably underwent another "inversion" and transformed into a more animal-like feline form, losing her human intellect completely and becoming a danger to her fellow Avengers.[30] This was possibly due to the reality-warping machinations of Immortus, who at the time sought to distract the team so as to have unimpeded access to the Scarlet Witch. Tigra was forcibly shrunken down to sub-house cat size by Hank Pym and kept in a cage in his lab while the team tended to other urgent matters.[31] She escaped and traveled into suburbia, where she lived as a wild animal.[volume & issue needed] She was ultimately rescued and restored to her former appearance and stability by noted witch Agatha Harkness, who was an associate of the West Coast Avengers at the time.[32]
Tigra resumed her membership in the West Coast Avengers. On an intelligence-gathering mission in Japan, she and Iron Man battled a team of Asian supervillains known as the Pacific Overlords. During the fight, Iron Man was incapacitated and Tigra suffered a deep, critical stab wound to the abdomen before dispatching her attackers and making her escape. She flew away in the Avengers' Quinjet, intending to report back to headquarters on the Overlords' plans, but severe loss of blood caused her to lose consciousness and crash land in Arnhem Land, an Aboriginal territory in northern Australia. Rescued by Aborigines, she decided to stay put while she recovered from her wounds, naming Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter) as her replacement. She briefly made Arnhem Land her home, enjoying the company of the Aborigines and the pleasures of living wild.[33][34]
After the West Coast Avengers disbanded, Tigra resumed her wide-ranging adventures. Though no longer an active Avenger, she continued to participate in Avengers operations when needed as a member of the team's extended family.[volume & issue needed]
With the aid of a new transformation device to disguise her true identity from her fellow officers, Tigra spent some time on the New York City police force. She focused much of her time on a personal case and in combating a force of vigilante police officers.[35]
Later, mystical forces which attacked all Avengers brought her to the Avengers Mansion. There, she and all the other Avengers were entrapped by Morgan le Fay, to live out in an alternate universe where le Fay ruled, fighting alongside the others as one of the "queen"'s guards under the name "Grimalkin". After the defeat of Morgan, Tigra went off into space with Starfox to enjoy the pleasures found there. She appeared off and on, having a series of adventures as part of the ad hoc space-faring Avengers Infinity team in which she helps in preventing an extra-universal race from destroying all life in our universe.[36]
Tigra returned to Earth with the Avengers Infinity team during the Maximum Security storyline, during which she helped to save the Earth from becoming a penal colony for alien criminals.[volume & issue needed] She played a particularly crucial role in events when the Infinity team were captured after discovering the Kree's role in recent events, with the Kree intending to lobotomize the team and make it appear as though they had destroyed another planet; due to the attention the Kree had paid to keeping the more powerful team members contained, they were unprepared for Tigra, the weakest member, to escape her bonds by returning to her smaller human form, allowing her to escape her shackles and free her teammates in time to reveal the truth.[37]
Civil WarEdit
Tigra fought along Iron Man's side during the Civil War. She supported the Superhuman Registration Act, although she expressed sincere concern about the fate of Captain America and the other heroes who opposed the Act and turned fugitive. Nonetheless, in Civil War Files, Tigra was listed not merely as having registered to comply with the law, but also as having become an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. to actively aid in its enforcement.[volume & issue needed]
Pretending to switch allegiances, she infiltrated Captain America's Secret Avengers team as a mole. She passed information to Iron Man undetected until the very end of the conflict, when she was discovered and "outed" by Hulkling, Captain America's own spy among the pro-registration forces. Captain America kept quiet, exploiting her presence to feed disinformation to Iron Man about his team's plan to rescue imprisoned heroes later that day.[38]
The InitiativeEdit
Greer has been identified as one of the 142 registered superheroes who are part of the Fifty State Initiative.[39][40] She served as a founding instructor at Camp Hammond, the training compound for the Initiative, and resumed her romantic relationship with fellow superhero Yellowjacket,[41] unaware that he had been kidnapped and replaced by a Skrull duplicate.
Tigra was captured by Chilean soldiers controlled by the Puppet Master, who sculpted a figure in her likeness and thus put her under his mental control. He used her and the other superhuman women he had enslaved (including Stature, Dusk, Araña, and Silverclaw) as elite guards at his South American base of operations. Tigra and the rest of the heroes were restored to their normal free will when Ms. Marvel and her S.H.I.E.L.D. strike team liberated the compound and killed the Puppet Master.[42]
Later she was shot and severely beaten by the Hood in her home in retaliation for having beaten Jigsaw, a member of his fledgling super-criminal organization. While Tigra was incapacitated, the Hood threatened the life of her mother, and Jigsaw stole the mystic talisman she occasionally uses to transform to her human identity.[43]
The Hood and his entire crew later appeared at her apartment, demanding to know the location of the New Avengers' secret headquarters. Tigra intentionally gave him information that led them into an ambush. She joined in the battle and personally beat down the Hood, saving the life of Iron Fist in the process. By the time of the Hood's second appearance in her apartment, she had completely recovered from her injuries and had either reacquired her talisman or replaced it with a close facsimile.[44]
Tigra continued to serve in the Initiative as a senior staff member of the central organization, and was the leader of the Arkansas Initiative team "the Battalion,",[45][46] until the Initiative was taken over by Norman Osborn and she learned of the Hood's role as his right-hand man.[47] She has also appeared as a member of She-Hulk's "Lady Liberators" team.[48]
After the Skrull invasion, Tigra reveals to the Hellcat and Trauma that she believes herself to be pregnant by Yellowjacket, though she is unsure if the baby is the real Hank's or the Skrull impostor's. She tells Trauma that she has decided to terminate the pregnancy regardless of the father's identity.[46] She later decides to leave the camp for Arkansas, planning to train Razorback, who had been replaced by a Skrull and recently returned, and was eager to take the impostor's place in the Battalion.[49] When she was nearly injured by Ragnarok's hammer, she seemed to show concern for the baby.[50]
When Norman Osborn told her that he was going to take her baby for genetic testing and that moreover he had made the Hood the chief operating officer of the Initiative, Tigra went on the run with Gauntlet despite having been offered her choice of prestige assignments as a registered hero. She co-founded the Avengers Resistance,[47] choosing its name as a means of restoring honor to the legendary team's traditions. Now wanted as an outlaw, she began exacting personal vengeance on members of the Hood's gang, starting by savagely attacking and beating one of the Brothers Grimm inside his home.[51] She serves as the team's de facto leader.
Tigra is later approached by Ultra Girl, asking why she and the Avengers Resistance are going after the villains in the Initiative. In response, she shows her a video of the Hood savagely beating her. Now, she wants to get back at them, by showing them that they are vulnerable...by making them scared and broken. Tigra later ambushes Mandrill.[52]
She claimed her final retribution against the Hood not on the battlefield, but after he was rendered powerless and taken into custody. After telling him that she was perfectly comfortable with the idea of taking his life, the sight of his baby in the hallway outside convinced her that dooming him to either a life in prison or on the run would be a far worse punishment, as he would never get to hold his child ever again; and to kill him would jeopardize her future with her own baby. Tigra gave birth to what is apparently a normal Cat Person kitten during the transition between Tony Stark's administration of the Initiative and Norman Osborn's; the gestation period was a mere two months, due to her feline physiology. She hid the infant from Osborn, entrusting its care to the Cat People until the end of hostilities. She named the child William, after her late husband.[53]
Heroic AgeEdit
At the conclusion of the Siege, Tigra stated a new motivation not only to restore the good name of the Avengers, but also to ensure that her child will grow up in a safer world.[53]
Following the arrest and incarceration of Norman Osborn, the dismantling of his criminal superhero teams, and the repeal of the Superhuman Registration Act, the President names Steve Rogers (the original Captain America) as America's new head of national security. Rogers seeks to assemble a collection of heroes to inspire the nation and the world as a new organization of Avengers. Tigra is among the 25 heroes he personally invites to join him in creating a new Heroic Age.[54]
Alongside Hank Pym, Quicksilver, Jocasta, Speedball and Justice, Tigra serves as part of the founding faculty of Avengers Academy, training a new generation of heroes in the traditions of the world's elite superhero team.[55]
During this time, Tigra learns that the Skrull posing as Pym was indeed William's father, but as he had disguised himself as Pym at the genetic level, it means that William is half-human, rather than half-Skrull, with Pym technically being the genetic father. After learning this, Tigra asks Pym to take care of William in the event of anything happening to her.[56]
When a former associate of The Hood plans to release the video of Tigra's beating commercially, Tigra arranges to have the footage air in its entirety during a live interview, so that her own experience may serve as an example to other trauma survivors and inspire them to seek help. During this same interview, she announces her formation of a series of "Always an Avenger" centers to provide veterans, children, spouses and any other trauma victims with needed counseling and resources.
Members of the existing Avengers Academy class react to the initial news of the video by tracking the unpowered Hood down, attacking him, and releasing video of the attack on the Internet, rather than taking the escaped Hood into custody and returning him to jail. Tigra becomes furious at their counter-heroic actions and by their refusal to appreciate the seriousness of their transgression; she summarily expels all those involved.[57] Later, after talking with the rest of the faculty staff, they decide to put all those involved on probation instead.[58]
She has slowly grown closer to Henry Pym and the two have resumed their romantic relationship.[59]
Tigra was one of 10 female heroes recruited by Misty Knight to aid her and the Valkyrie in repelling a group of Asgardian Doom Maidens. At the end of this adventure, the Valkyrie comes to realize that Tigra and three of the other heroines are among those deemed by the All-Mother to be worthy to become shield-maidens like herself, symbols of honor and valor and courage, to one day be led by the Valkyrie into battle and death.[60]
During the Secret Empire storyline, Tigra appears as a member of the Underground which is a resistance movement against HYDRA ever since they took over the United States.[61]
Tigra appeared in the Fresh Start revival of the West Coast Avengers, in which she had been changed into a giant 200-Foot tall woman with her mind set in a feral state.[62] After the new West Coast Avengers roster defeated her, they worked on stopping other feral giant women mutated into such by M.O.D.O.K. in his failed quest for love. Once returned to her original self, she thanked the WCA, went to hunt M.O.D.O.K. and wished the new WCA the best of luck.[63] During the 17th birthday party for Nadia van Dyne-Pym, the long lost daughter of Hank Pym, Tigra introduced William to Nadia as her half-brother. With the introduction serving as her birthday gift, Tigra had tears of joy that Nadia happily accepted her new brother and would be a big part in William's life
0 notes
A stream-of-counciousness-ish, overanalytical observation of Karolina Dean/Julie Power, from the perspective of a Xavin fangirl.
Follow up to two other overanalytical posts about Karolina and Xavin, which I highly recommend reading first.
First post here
Second post here.
(And a third mini-commentary here.)
Spoilers for the recent “Runaways” series abound, of course.
As they established/discussed in “Avengers Academy” 27, Karolina and Julie DID feel an attraction to each other from their first encounter – waaaaaaaaaaay back in the early Runaways stuff, before Xavin even showed up. Regardless of team affiliations.
But in terms of this re-introduction to each other - it is a note of betrayal that Julie still fights back even when her team is trying to break up Karolina’s FAMILY. Yes, all sides stop fighting once they start actually talking it over, but Julie is NOT the one to initiate that. She assumes her leaders know what’s best first, and tries to understand second.
As for the “Understand” spell Nico casts in issue 28 – I am assuming that there’s a reason they show certain individuals sharing certain memories with specific other individuals. Like how Nico sees Tigra losing a love she was “supposed to have a whole life with” (doesn’t THAT open up a can of worms, wow), and Chase seeing two lovers who choose not to be together due to future memories (extra poignant considering what’s going on with him and Gert in recent issues).
And dammit, Karolina and Julie seeing what they see of each other – especially Julie seeing the breakdown Karolina had with Nico, which I wrote about in the second aforementioned post.
The fact that she sees THAT is important (and again, better writing than I expected - I am such an angry Xavin fangirl). So even though Karolina said she was only “sorta” engaged *ahem. Still bullshit* Julie herself must SEE the seriousness of that Love and the loss in Karolina’s heart.
Karolina saying “Oh my god, you are so awesome” to Julie right after the spell is also pretty telling – she saw a vision of Julie’s supportiveness to another queer comrade, a supportiveness and solidarity she herself has never experienced. Nobody else on her team has professed themselves to be anything like her, in that sense, so she’s never had that kind of support from anyone, nor been able to GIVE that kind of support. So she probably sees in Julie a validation of her own identity, and feeling of not-being-alone that must feel amazing in the face of her new loneliness.
It still bothers me that Kar speaks so flippantly about her relationship with Xavin. Maybe that’s a defense mechanism, whatever. But the knowledge Julie gains from this spell is indeed important - and what she says right after really shows that she understands the pain Karolina’s been through, and I HOPE means that she will be a solid, reassuring force in Karolina’s life. The fact that she is super gentle about asking Karolina out later in the issue is also heartening.
….I may not approve, but I do understand the emotional trauma Kar must feel, and I do want her to feel safe.
What we see of them together in issue 39 is reassuring, too, in terms of that sense of safety – it’s only a moment, of course, but they appear happy together.
When we see Karolina in college at the beginning of the new “Runaways” series (issue 3), they still seem pretty solid – in her inner-monologue-narration….thing, she describes Julie as “the kindest, most beautiful, BEST girlfriend.”
And she, herself, is trying very hard to move on from EVERYTHING – not just Xavin, but her entire old life and the family she built with the other Runaways. Everything she says in that monologue thing about her therapist’s advice, about her right to be happy, is beautiful and valid.
Is this the same Karolina that always fought so hard to keep everyone together, really?
(I DO love the fact that Gert calls her out on that, btw. “…my Karolina would never leave Molly behind!” TRUE.)
It does seem like the pain of everything – what her parents did, what happened to her people as a result, everything what happened during her time with her new family (not even just the Xavin stuff, they have all seen some weirdness) – MUST have hit her even deeper than she let on in the previous series…es. We just didn’t get to see that, as readers. Even the cover of the issue seems to imply that, with all those different hands reaching out as if to grab her (and sadly I can’t tell if Xavin is one of those hands - if anyone caught that, please let me know!).
Or maybe she herself didn’t even see it until that family broke up, and she was on her own, for real.
Which means Julie is probably an even more stabilizing force in her life, being a constant source of love and support that is OUTSIDE of all that pain.
And I imagine that’s going to be very hard for Karolina to face, or leave – I mean, if (WHEN!!!) Xavin returns. It’s hard enough that she’s chosen to return to her family at all. They show her breaking down intensely about it in that same issue, when everyone shows up at her door and she tries to NOT go with them: First, she absolutely trashes the memory of what they all had together – “We weren’t anything real. We were just….together. We were just a bunch of scared kids who didn’t have anyone else.”
Absolute bullshit, btw, and I do not for a second think she really believes that – again, defense mechanism, probably – but OUCH.
All that therapy, all that self-autonomy and college and whatever, seems to actually be making her into a WORSE person. She seems to have been on a HUGE downward slide in that manner since Xavin left. But I digress.
And then she has a real, pillow-hugging darkness-crying breakdown when Nico leaves the room after calling her on THAT bullshit. And that mantra…. “I am a good person. I am my own person. My parents’ decisions don’t define me. I forgive myself for the mistakes I made when I was too young to know any better. I am allowed to be happy.”
I wonder how often she has to say that to herself. And I think that the difference is – when she’s with the Runaways (her FAMILY, goddammit), she is actively DOING something to address that guilt and pain inside of her. Instead of just trying to “move on” and “be happy.”
I know from personal experience that in order to be happy, you have to FACE that guilt inside yourself. Own it. And I don’t think this Karolina is doing that AT ALL.
That is, until we see her again in issue 5. She seeks out Nico on her own (with Julie’s help – more on that later), and seems resigned to being back with them. But when Nico tells her that their reunion has fallen apart, she DOES seem genuinely disappointed (and at the end of issue 6, she does say “let’s go home,” so she does seem to move from resigned to happily-accepting pretty well).
As for Julie, when Nico tries to kiss Karolina, she adamantly (as in freak-out-ishly) defends herself, almost shouting that she “has a girlfriend.” I mentioned before that that specific defense bothers me – after all, Kar “has a fiancée” still for all she freakin’ knows – but the word choice is interesting, too. She declares her relationship status, not that she doesn’t want Nico, but that she’s already taken by someone else.
(Though to be fair, it seems like Karolina is ALWAYS going to want Nico. First love and all.)
In my mind, that reinforces the space that Julie must fill for Karolina – a stable, safe space. Somewhere to belong after all the drama and trauma she’s been through with other people. God, the fact that she seems to need – and WANT – that, a shining safe happy rainbow place with no issues, makes me worry that she’s too bright and innocent for Xavin, even after all they’ve been through together. Noooooo bad thoughts.
I know this whole investigation is coming off very Karolina-negative. And I’m sorry, but I can’t help it. Even in this reread it looks like she’s been spiraling since Xavin left – and while I WANT to believe that’s a sign of how important Xavin was to her, it just reads awful (not in bad writing, I mean I’m just sad for her, and I question a lot about her with what she’s chosen to do in their time apart).
And I probably shouldn’t blame her for wanting that. We all deserve to be safe and happy. I just feel like she’s not really facing her demons and she can be- and HAS been – SO MUCH BETTER and so much MORE.
In terms of Karolina-positivity, though, she does kick ass in the fight against Molly’s grandma, and stays true to the beliefs we do know and love about her – Molly tells them not to hurt her grandma, then the cats, then her ‘mom,’ and Karolina sticks loyally to that demand (until the threat is too much, of course). THAT’S the Karolina I know and love.
Back to her connection to Julie – as I pointed out before, she does call on Julie for help, first to find Nico, then she suggests calling her when they need to contact the Avengers about Molly’s grandma. She clearly relies on her a lot, and it seems like it’s a solid situation for her. She knows she can rely on this person, and that must have been proven again and again in ways we haven’t even seen.
That shows really clearly, too, from the way Julie reacts when she can’t get a hold of Karolina in issue 7. When she doesn’t hear from her for a whole day, Julie freaks, and calls out the point that she’s allowed to freak – considering Karolina’s history and the danger she could be in at any second. I do actually find that admirable. At this point, it does seem like Karolina wants someone who will be that overprotective.
But I think if she really wants to grow, she needs someone who can and will respect that she can handle herself.
And I STILL believe Xavin is that person. They have been, for her, in the past – yes, a little overprotective in moments, but VERY aware of her own power and capabilities (I’m thinking specifically of the moment in “Dead End Kids,” in 1907, when she goes out exploring on her own and Xavin just says “Have fun. And then stop having fun and come back.”). An maybe Julie will grow into that, I don’t know, but I want my space lesbians to reunite thankyouverymuch so I AM going to be rooting for their reunion and reconciliation no matter what.
No matter how frustrated I am with Karolina’s behavior, even.
As for issue 7, again, we do get to see Karolina making a compromise with herself. She’s there, and showing up for her family, but she hasn’t given up her desires in terms of still going to school and still being with Julie. The fact that she’s skipped some classes, and will have to skip more to pick up Julie, doesn’t exactly bode well.... but for now, it seems like its working. And she does talk to Nico about HOW back she is – when Nico turns down her offer of money (also, DAMN, about her being so financially set), saying “we have to figure out how to do this on our own eventually,” Karolina immediately says “I’m part of ‘we.’ I’m part of ‘our own.’” I know I complained a lot about her fractured loyalty in her first appearance here, but I am truly glad that her need to be with her family again, REALLY be there, seems to be resolved. Even if it sounds like she still plans on living on campus, not at the Hostel.
It really does seem like a lot for her to have to figure out, and so suddenly :/
And as for that phone call, again, it is nice to see that Julie is so supportive of the fact that her family is back and THAT implies that the off-screen conversations they’ve had about it show that Kar is much more on board than it seemed at first, when her past literally came back to haunt her.
So I guess in closing, I am glad that Karolina has support and love. I am.
But I still think Xavin is better for her, especially if they’ve done the growing I hope they’ve done (as I talked about in my last post).
If you just jump back into the new series without rereading the old runs, it seems like nothing happened with Xavin at all – all that’s been swept under the rug, and only mentioned in passing if you lump them and their love in with the comments that the monologue-thing includes about Karolina’s people and her parents’ actions. That’s not fair, and that’s not enough. I want closure, at least.
I’m worried they won’t give it to us. I guess we’ll see, with how they very Julie/Karolina-focused next issue goes.
And I’m sure I’ll have words about that, too.
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Essential Avengers: Avengers #214: Three Angels Fallen!
December, 1981
Mission: Capture the GHOST RIDER!
Ha ha good luck with that
Tony he’s steaming you inside your own armor like a lobster you fool
Also I may be easy to impress but I do like the flame effects over the Avengers logo.
Also: hot dang Spider-Man AND some amazing friends? Those lucky NBC viewers!
So last time on Avengers time: Hank Pym Yellowjacket came back onto the Avengers and he was a jerk! He attempted to be the hero guy by shooting Elf-Queen in the back when Captain America had charisma’d her into not attacking.
Then the Avengers put him under court martial!
Given three days to prepare his defense, he instead built a killer robot to murder his friends and was shocked when the robot tried to murder his friends! He sadly walked away from the team before they could tell him to leave!
This time: that stuff all made the news.
How awkward for Hank Pym. And how awkward for the Avengers. And just how very, very awkward.
Wow, if you zoom into the news article, it’s actually a better recap than my last time thing.
Anyway. Aside from stuff that we know happened, the takeaway is that after Hank Pym left in a daze, he’s gone missing for two days. And the whole world knows what Hank did, at least in regards to the Elf-Queen and Sal incidents.
And Captain America is dealing with his turmoil by engaging in basement gymnasium work out.
Its fun how the Avengers’ workout room just migrates around the mansion.
So Cap is punching a robot training dummy to shards with his bare gloved fists and its not actually making him feel better.
Tigra is revealed to be just casually chilling up in the rafters because she likes being high.
Speaking of, I’m pretty sure she just neatly slotted into Beast’s role on the team. She’s furry and she’s sort of the clown of the team.
Tigra tells Cap to lighten up but when he keeps punching a robot she figures he wants to be alone and swings out the door.
She not-literally runs into Jarvis and they have a brief disagreement on etiquette.
Tigra: “Jarvis! Hiya!”
Jarvis: “Good day, madame!”
Tigra: “C’mon, Jarv! Call me Tigra willya? I’m not a ‘madame’! Just a cat!”
Jarvis: “In any case, madame...”
With that not dealt with, Tigra questions why Cap is so messed up over this Yellowjacket thing. Because as far as Tigra can tell, Yellowjacket is a creep who got what he deserved!
She’s really only seen Yellowjacket Hank Pym at his exact worst. And who knows how much attention she paid to the minutiae of the Avengers roster before joining. And per Jim Shooter’s argument anyway, Hank was never the standout Avenger so imagine joining the Avengers and learning that the guy that was Also There would do stuff like yell at his wife until she cried, hit his wife, accuse Captain America of slandering him and build a robot in case his court martial went against him.
She has zero positive social interactions with this guy!
Tigra: “Good riddance, I say! I mean, you only had to see the way he treated the Wasp to know he was a first class rat.”
Jarvis: “You are mistaken, madame! I have known Dr. Pym for years! He is a fine man... a good man! I have never seen him flinch from any danger or duty no matter how fearsome or grim! Truly, he is a hero!”
“Men are fallible -- even heroes -- and Dr. Pym, like any man must bear the consequences of his actions! Judge him not too harshly, madame -- until you have proven yourself as he has!”
Tigra: “He’s proven he’s a rat to me! Anyway, I hope Cap gets over this!”
Jarvis: “As do I, madame!”
Meanwhile, at the Windows of the World Bar, a bar that was in the twin towers back in the heady year of 1981.
A waiter named Mario startles in amazement as he sees Thor fly by the window of Windows of the World. Wow, maybe he’s coming here. Mario thinks how cool it would be if Thor was coming to the bar and he could wait on a real live Avenger. As he serves a Dr. Pepper to Tony Stark.
Tony can’t help but reflect on the irony because this guy is going to be waiting on two Avengers because Thor, as Completely Normal Expert Surgeon Dr. Donald Blake, is coming to meet with him.
The reason why Tony asked to meet specifically with Dr. Donald Blake is because he wants his medical opinion on the strange case of Hank Pym.
Blake immediately points out that he’s not a psychiatrist but then gladly gives his opinion anyway.
Donald Blake: “Well, I’m not a psychiatrist, Tony, but obviously he’s had a breakdown! Most likely it was caused by stress! Since he recently rejoined the Avengers, I suspected he was demanding too much of himself -- but then I think he always has! I often considered trying to talk to him about it, but... you know, even before we confided in each other about our civilian identities we were close friends as Thor and Iron Man... but neither of us were close to Hank!”
I guess that’s true. Interesting to think though that these guys were the founding Avengers but while Iron Man and Thor became close friends in and out of costume, Hank Pym whose identity has been open for a while didn’t really have close friends on the Avengers.
Yeah, sure, they’d go to bat for him. But there’s this distance. But Jan became good friends with everyone. Naturally gregarious, her. So its not just a case where she and Hank were off in their own social unit and separate from the Avengers or the commuting distance.
But like I said, they’ll go to bat for Hank. Blake thinks that his breakdown can be treated but that the treatment will be expensive.
Tony “Money is no problem!” Stark says money won’t be a problem. He’ll pay for Hank’s treatment.
Blake points out that Hank might be too proud to accept charity so Tony decides he’ll give him the money “and a job at Stark International! I’ll work his tail off ‘til it’s paid back, if that’s the way he wants it!”
That’s our Tony!
I wonder what the end plan there is. After his treatment is Tony thinking Hank will just come back to the Avengers? I wonder if he’s talked to Wasp about this hypothetical plan.
Because that’d be a thorny situation.
Speaking of, over at the house of Wasp:
“She is Janet Van Dyne Pym -- an Avenger, in her guise as the Wasp. She is heiress to a large fortune. This house is hers. As is anything else that she desires, if money can buy it. Most women would envy her -- and yet in recent times she has been unhappy. The contentment she feels now has grown only during the last two days -- since the disappearance of her husband.”
And she is at work sketching fashion designs. She is a fashion designer.
Jenkins the probably butler comes in to tell Janet a thing.
Jenkins: “Mrs. Pym -- ?”
Jan: “Jenkins, I asked you not to call me that! Ms. Van Dyne, if you please, or ‘hey you,’ but --”
Jenkins: “Yes, madame, but, um you have a visitor -- Mr. Pym! Do you wish to see him, madame?”
Jan: “Not really... but I suppose it’s necessary. All right, Jenkins, my shades are discreetly in place! Lead me to him!”
Jenkins: “Does your eye still hurt a great deal, madame?”
Jan: “Yes... and it’s still swollen shut -- but you know, Jenkins. I’m seeing more clearly than ever, now!”
So Jan goes to see Hank.
Apparently he’s been wandering around in a fugue state for two days since the court martial.
Hank says that Jan probably hates him but she corrects him. She pities him. But not enough to put up with him anymore.
And she demands a divorce.
Hank: “Jan, I know it’s too late to talk, but I want to anyway! How’s your eye? I guess I gave you quite a shiner, huh?”
Jan: “‘Shiner’ is a cute word for something that’s painful and humiliating! It makes me sick... and so do you!”
Hank: “I -- I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to hit you! I was upset!”
Jan: “You were more than upset, Hank! You’re a deeply troubled man! You need help!”
Hank stammers, and seems to be wishing that Jan could help him. Or wishing that Jan could understand him. Or that Jan could do something.
Jan: “Sorry, Hank! For years, I lived for you, clinging to you and worshiping you to support your fragile ego! I submerged myself completely to prop you up! No more! Never again! Now, please leave!”
This is the very thing I was complaining about last issue with Jan’s sexy talk at Hank. Shooter played me for that exact reaction.
Anyway, she really wants him gone. Now. And two days was enough time that she’s had all his stuff packed up in one of her cars so he can gtfo. She even offers to give him a bunch of money to live on if it’ll get rid of him.
But Hank refuses to take her money. He doesn’t want anything more from her. He seemingly recognizes that he’s hurt her enough. And when she asks how he’ll live, he says he can live off his income from his books and patents.
He’ll be fine.
He won’t be fine.
There’s a scene transition to a seedy motel and a melancholic Hank sitting on the bed as the narration lets us know that actually Hank is deeply in debt and had to sell his patents years ago. All his books are out of print.
I know that he rankled at being supported by Jan but still, how did he end up in debt? Geez, Hank, you’re bad at finance.
“Though he has known gnawing doubt and discontent for months, his expulsion from the Avengers plunged him into agonizing despair beyond his darkest imaginings. He believed that day to be the absolute nadir of his life -- until an hour ago, when he ultimately, irrevocably lost his wife.”
I actually sort of imagine that if he hadn’t ghosted for two days, Jan wouldn’t have come to the decision to divorce him and cut him out of her life as soon as possible.
She was still in his corner despite what he did. He kept mum on the murder robot, hoping that the court martial would go well, that he had prepared some sort of defense that wasn’t. The thing that he actually said.
I actually suspect that it was disappearing for two days is what made up her mind. The last rocky bit of their relationship was paved in Hank’s emotional unavailability. He wouldn’t let her in. I think spending three days locked up in a murder robot lab instead of talking to her kind of says it all. And disappearing for two days after puts an exclamation on the sentence.
Anyway, I’m glad that he did disappear those two days. All that stuff Jan said about submerging herself for him rings true. I’d much rather she hadn’t been hurt at all but I’ve heard that this post Hank period of her life is a kind of renaissance for her.
She’s really going to spread her wings, if you’ll forgive the pun.
And to borrow a phrase. She’s more interesting without him.
So back at Avengers Mansion, Cap is still. Just. Beating the shit out of the exercise equipment. Geez, Cap.
If you haven’t worked out your frustrations at this point then I don’t know that breaking more equipment is going to!
Jarvis comes in with a lemonade for Cap. A lemonade and a heaping scoop of tell him to get his shit together.
Through. Geez. Through some reverse psychology spiel about the nanny state? Geez, Jarvis. C’mon.
Jarvis: “Years ago, people spoke with reverence about something called ‘the American Dream’! They believed that any man was free to go as far and high as his wits, courage and determination might carry him... They knew that, as with any dream, there was a risk! A man might fail! These days many people want to eliminate the risk! They think some ‘big brother’ should ensure that everyone succeeds!”
Cap: “I know! That’s foolish!”
Jarvis: “But, you see, they claim that things aren’t fair -- that one may be a good man and try very hard and still not achieve his goal!”
Cap: “That’s true! It’s not always fair! No one ever said it would be! Whatever the goal, there will always be some good men who fall short for some reason -- but the best of them will pick themselves up and go at it again, until -- Hmm... All right, Jarvis, I get the message! I’m going to stop being a ‘big brother’ -- stop blaming myself for Hank’s failure... and trust in the fact that, deep down, he’s one of the best!”
Don’t love the ideological argument that got him there but glad to see Cap buck up.
So we scene transition again and time transition to a different person in a different mood.
Johnny Blaze is sitting on an outcropping over a mountain road watching the traffic go by.
He’s in a dour mood because he lost his title as world champion motorcycle stunt rider. And apparently the last dregs of his self-respect.
I have no idea what’s going on in the Ghost Rider book but apparently his life has imploded.
So as he sees some “rich, carefree son of a gun” driving around in his sixty grand custom Ferrari while he himself doesn’t even know when he’ll be able to afford a meal again, why it makes him mad.
And he decides hey the world has wronged him so why not lash out a little, as a treat. Starting with the dick in the Ferrari.
And the dick in the Ferrari just happens to be Warren Worthington III, the former X-Man known as Angel.
Also, Ghost Rider’s former teammate on the very short-lived Champions team.
So Ghost Rider pulls alongside Warren’s car in his motorcycle and pops a 200 MPH wheelie to get ahead of the car so he can stand right in the middle of the road.
Warren is apparently a nice guy so instead of going ‘fuck that skeleton bastard’ and running him over, knowing he’ll be fine, Warren swerves.
But he swerves going 190 MPH. And crashes his expensive car into a rock busting it up.
And then dick ‘the middle of the road is a fine place for a stand’ Ghost Rider yanks Warren out of his busted up car and rips his shirt off.
Because he wasn’t actually sure it was really Warren? Maybe Ghost Rider has trouble with facial recognition.
Anyway, Ghost Rider is like ‘race me, nerd!’ and when Warren doesn’t want to Ghost Rider goes “You will do as I say... or perhaps I shall give this woman of yours a kiss, eh?”
Not great, Ghost Rider. This is a bad look for you.
Warren agrees to the race.
So to prepare, Ghost Rider creates a motorcycle out of flame. Hm? What happened to the other motorcycle? Disintegrated off-panel. Ghost Rider mentions that its a big drain to create the motorcycle and that this might give Warren an advantage.
Its all a bit clunky so I think the artist drew Ghost Rider making the motorcycle and forgot that the motorcycle was already out. So then the dialogue had to cover the lapse.
You see that some of the times.
Anyway, the race starts and Ghost Rider immediately starts winning. Even having to deal with the rough terrain, his flaming cycle just go nyoom.
This race doesn’t have any explicit stakes though. And figuring he has nothing to gain nor to loooooooose now that his girlfriend Candy is out of reach, Warren decides he’s just going to beat up Ghost Rider.
So he pours on the speed in a power dive to catch up and hammer punches him off the motorcycle.
Warren decides that might as well have a conversation with the guy.
Warren: “Threatening Candy was a bad idea, Blaze! You used to be on the good guys’ side! What’s wrong with you -- ? What’s gotten into you?”
Ghost Rider: “It’s not what’s gotten into me, cretin! It’s what’s gotten out! I am the living spirit of vengeance! Once Johnny Blaze tempered my wrath with his mercy and compassion, but, no more! To Hades with his heroic altruism and polite fairness! My way is swift and sure! When there is injustice the Ghost Rider craves vengeance -- ! And it shall be mine!”
And then he sets Warren on fire.
Geez, Ghost Rider.
And he used hellfire too, which burns the soul instead of the flesh.
“And an angel falls screaming to the Earth.”
One-third of a title drop!
Ghost Rider takes off on his motorcycle, cackling into the night.
Nine hours later, Warren is in a coma in the hospital. Candy has tried calling the Avengers, hoping to get Beast since he was a friend of Warren’s.
But whoops! Beast left the team recently! But unwhoops! Cap decided that this looks like a job for the Avengers anyway!
Not like he had anything better to do.
Look at him. He was playing a World War II video game.
That scamp.
But after promising that the Avengers would come to Alkalai Flats, Cap realizes that the Avengers are short-handed. Yellowjacket was booted from the team, obviously. But Wasp has taken herself off the active list.
So they’re down to four people (and after they made such a big deal trying to pare down the team, womp womp! Bet you wish Jocasta were still around!) but Cap figures eh what the heck, I bet Thor, Iron Man, Tigra, and Captain America is enough to handle a character called ‘Ghost Rider’!
Which makes me think he has no idea what they’re getting into and that makes me laugh.
Anyway, the next day in Alkalai Flats, New Mexico.
Johnny Blaze working as the pump guy at the local gas station. Remember when pumps were manned? Me neither. Apparently it was a thing in the wild 80s.
Johnny is thinking wow he really should have skipped town after he forced Ghost Rider down and took control back. He feels really sore about lashing out at the world. But he feels so guilty about what he did that he can’t leave until he knows Warren’s going to be okay.
So he got a job pumping gas so he can afford to eat. And he visits the hospital everyday to check on Warren.
And then the Avengers arrive, touching down at the local airfield.
The Avengers, being Avengers, take some time to sign some autographs. Well, Cap, Tigra, and Thor do. Iron Man goes to talk to Mayor Obadiah, the sheriff, the postmaster, and the chamber of commerce.
Its all the same guy.
That sure is a collection of power in one pair of hands! And can one person really be a chamber? Aside from Jonothon Starsmore, I don’t mean him.
Anyway, the airfield is a distance from the town so Iron Man asks where he can rent a car (from the mayor) who takes them to the motel (owned by the mayor).
There’s some fun dialogue here as the mayor calls Iron Man “Mr. Man” and when Iron Man says “uh... that’s Iron Man” the mayor switches to “Mr. Iron.”
And there’s another fun moment as the mayor/sheriff/postmaster/etc drive them to town in the back of his pickup with Tigra snarking at Thor who is standing arms akimbo that even he can’t look classy in the back of a pickup.
Before calling herself a liar in her thoughts.
This whole sequence is just a little bit goofy and I love it.
I wonder if Iron Man more deeply regrets this than the time he had to commandeer a bus.
(Aww, look at Thor waving to the crowd)
But this goofy little sequence is great especially considering what we got last time. And even at the beginning of this issue. Its nice to deescalate the tone a bit.
Iron Man and Thor fly off in separate directions to look for Ghost Rider, unaware that Johnny Blaze saw them arrive at the hotel and went ‘welp! Time to lie low!’
And Tigra decides: “If I’m going to go prowling around the West I think I ought to be dressed appropriately!” and walks into a clothing store.
The ladies running it don’t quite know what to make of any of this. Especially when Tigra keeps talking.
Tigra: “Ah’d like to buy some fancy duds fer huntin’ down a certain varmint owlhoot who’s been terrorizin’ these here parts, ma’am.”
Evalyn: “Beg your pardon -- ? Say, miss, aren’t you one of those Revengers?”
Tigra: “A-vengers! Yes, ma’am! And yes, my entire body is covered with fur! And, yep, I’m a bona fide cat lady! Yes, I adore fish! No, I don’t eat little friskies, and I don’t take baths by licking myself! Any other questions?”
Evalyn: “What size are you dear?”
With that settled, Tigra decides to try on everything and tells them to bill the Avengers.
I thiiink I know why Tigra wanted so badly to join the Avengers now.
And, hey, understandable! Spending Tony Stark’s money in between doing superhero stuff is a great lifestyle if you can get it.
Its funny because she just got a check for a thousand dollars two days ago.
Tigra has been a very fun character so far if you very purposefully subtract the uncomfortable harassment of Jarvis.
But its nice that someone on the team is having a good time.
I do wonder if she’s absorbing traits from the absent Jan? Huge shopping spree in the middle of a mission is something I can imagine being written for the Wasp. Although the end result is decidedly more Tigra.
Anyway, having purchased a sexy cowgirl outfit to her liking, she goes to find Cap.
And Cap is talking to a mechanic. Cap wants a motorcycle. Adamson the mechanic has a motorcycle. He wants to lend Cap the motorcycle for free in thanks for his service to the country. Cap, being Cap, insists on paying $50 a day.
And that’s how Cap gets a motorcycle that he is inevitably going to break.
Cap: “Well... hello, podner!”
Tigra: “Hiya, Cap! Got room for a catty cowperson?”
Cap: “Hop on!”
Of all the things, I didn’t expect Cap and Tigra to be on the same bad faux western talk train together.
Tigra: “Whee! This is fun! Great idea, Cap!”
Cap: “It’ll help us cover more ground!”
Okay so they’re not entirely on the same page.
This has been a very fun two pages.
So the Avengers spend the whole day fruitlessly searching. Its a good thing that its a slow day in New York. But honestly, Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four can probably handle holding down the fort.
The next day, they’re still looking!
I wonder how much time they were willing to put into this if nothing came up? But then something comes up!
Local child Kim decided that he’d tie a blanket around his neck and play Thor up on a water tower.
I cannot believe that Thor is a bad example by proximity. Geez, Thor. Try to consider who you are adjacent to.
Kim’s mother runs and finds Johnny Blaze who is just about to skip town, having realized that if Angel wakes up, he is S O L.
But Johnny Blaze can’t let a child fall to his death and against his better judgement decides to change into Ghost Rider.
Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider: “He’ll fall any minute! I can’t reach him in time! No one could... except... the Ghost Rider! He could! But, do I dare change? If I do -- will he save the boy? I’ve got to chance it! Got to remember I’m doing this to save the kid! Must save the child! The child... Bah! Forget the child! If he should die by his own hand, what does the Ghost Rider care? What is there to avenge? But the Avengers dare to hunt me! There is an affront that the Spirit of Vengeance cannot ignore!”
And then Ghost Rider just ghost rides away from the water tower.
But never to fear! Iron Man swoops in out of nowhere.
Iron Man: “Pardon me, young man, but I couldn’t help but noticing your unusual radar blip!”
Kim: “I-Iron Man?”
Iron Man: “That’s me! It’s all right now, soon -- but don’t ever do this again!”
See, Thor? You should constantly tell children not to try cool things, just in case.
Miles away, Ghost Rider vrooms past Cap and Tigra on their rented motorcycle and then zooms off telling them to give chase, IF THEY DARE.
Zooms off right along the median divider.
Tigra is like uh I don’t think chasing the guy with the flaming head is a good idea, uh Cap we’re driving on the wrong side of the highway, uh I think he’s leading us into a trap but Cap says “Don’t distract me! I think we’re gaining on him!” like he’s a suburban dad on a road trip vacation, about to inevitably take the wrong exit.
Anyway, Ghost Rider leads them into a box canyon.
While he drives straight up the wall, Cap can’t do that no matter how cool he is. So he just crashes into the wall while yelling at Tigra to brace herself.
To her credit, Tigra is flung off the bike and lands on her feet because cat powers. But Cap takes a rough tumble. Plus, he wrecked the bike and that was a loaner! Geez, Cap!
Oh, and Ghost Rider pops up behind them and sets them both on fire. And by that I mean sets their souls on fire because thats PG for some reason while having all your skin burned off is decidedly not.
“Streams of hellfire spurt from the demon’s outstretched hands -- washing over Tigra and Captain America, seizing them in its crackling embrace. The flames bite deep into their souls, and in a searing instant, they know what it is to be dragged eternally thruogh the pits of Hades. Their screams echo through the canyons -- and do not go unnoticed.”
Kind of an overreaction honestly, Ghost Rider.
But like the block quote said, their screams didn’t go unnoticed and Iron Man flies in their direction to find Ghost Rider surfing on his motorcycle.
This is a weirdly, morbidly jolly Ghost Rider, isn’t he?
Anyway, Iron Man tackles him off his motorcyle, boasting that his armor can withstand any fire that Ghost Rider can generate.
Hey, kids in the audience!
Er, uh, hey, anyone at all in the audience?
Can you guess the logical flaw in Iron Man’s statement?
Is it...
That he has eye holes and a mouth hole cut out of his helmet and his face is now on fire?
If you guessed that ahead of looking at the panels, congratulations! You are now the proud owner of 10 Fun Time Avengers Reward Points. These can hypothetically be exchanged for fun prizes.
Also: I’m being reminded of Transformers trauma and I don’t like it.
So then Thor swoops down to take his swing at things.
Ghost Rider shoots FIRE EYE BEAMS at the thunder god but Thor just walks out of the flames like a cool guy.
This Thor, what a cool guy.
And then he throws his mighty mallet Mjolnir with a boast:
Thor: “It serves you well to claim kinship with the devil men name in their religions! Liar! You are but a creature of dark magic, a demon from some hellish mystic realm! I, too am a being from a mystic realm! I know what you are -- and I fear thee not! The hammer of the thunder god shall smite thee down, false one!”
Ghost Rider jumps on his motorcycle and... okay this is too good. I have to show you this in its entirety.
So Ghost Rider outraces Mjolnir and then grabs the hammer as its looping back to Thor and lets it carry him at great speed right at Thor so he can bowl Thor over with his motorcycle.
All while laughing like this is just the most fun he’s ever had.
I like that he also manages to spend nearly this entire sequence dunking on Thor. That’s efficiency of screentime.
So the Avengers regroup. Well, they try.
Tigra freaks out at the thought of, y’know, having her soul set on fire again. Which. Valid.
But being an Avenger means having to do stupid stuff.
Tigra: “What?! F-face that again?! You can’t be serious! I -- I couldn’t take any more of that! Cap! You went through it too! You know what it was like! Why aren’t you afraid?”
Cap: “I -- I am! I’ve never known anything so horrifying! But we’ve got to put it behind us!”
Tigra: “I can’t! What if he burns me again! I’d go mad! Please Cap, don’t make me go!”
Cap: “Pull yourself together, girl! We may need you! Think about it -- we can’t let him hurt other people that way! We’ve got to go after him!”
Tigra: “I -- I’ll try, Cap! I’ll try!”
Mm. Tigra is the logical one for this character beat since she’s new to the team. But I dunno. It doesn’t sit entirely well that the only woman on the team is being used for this beat. I’d be more annoyed if Wasp was getting it so there’s that, I guess.
It also helps that Tony is in the background thinking
Iron Man: “I... know how you feel, Tigra! Believe me! I don’t know how you do it, Cap... no armor, no weapons, no superhuman abilities -- but you put us all to shame! What a man!”
I read that in the Ace Rimmer “What a guy!” tone.
Anyway, my misgivings are also somewhat lessened by Cap admitting he’s afraid too and later saying its not wrong to be frightened but you can’t let your fear dictate your actions.
Because “being an Avenger means having to do stupid stuff.” A very wise me once said that. I did.
So Ghost Rider is headed back to Alkalai Flats to find Warren Worthington and kick his ass.
Which is usually warranted, hah, but since Warren is still in the hospital from the previous asskicking, just feels gratuitous.
The Avengers manage to head Ghost Rider off on his way back to town and Iron Man blasts him off his bike.
Ghost Rider behaves in the classy way you’d expect of the man who once posed for this saucy picture.
Ghost Rider: “Idiots! Have you not learned to fear my wrath yet? The girl does! I see it in her eyes! Very well, let her burn first!”
And he shoots some hellfire at Tigra.
Thankfully, Captain “One Step Ahead” America was one step ahead and suspected that Ghost Rider would go after her.
Ghost Rider then turns his fire on Thor and Iron Man but they no sell it (because Iron Man remembered to seal up his armor this time).
So he tries to go after Tigra again and this time gets blocked by Thor.
Thor then pins down Ghost Rider by spinning his hammer just really super fast to create a vortex and Cap says they need to press their advantage and get Ghost Rider to surrender.
Ghost Rider: “Stupid mortals! A hell-spawned spirit cannot surrender! I fight until the vengeance I crave is mine -- or I am destroyed!”
And then Warren T. Worthington III just shows up out of nowhere and spills the beans all over Ghost Rider that this whole tantrum has been a kind of just a tantrum. Because he figured Ghost Rider needed a friend.
Ghost Rider is like “I have no friends!” defiantly and maybe doesn’t realize its a bit sad.
Warren “Angel” T. Worthington III: “I have a theory about you! I think that the more bitter and unhappy you are as Johnny Blaze, the more ruthless and savage the Ghost Rider is when he emerges! You haven’t been too happy as Johnny Blaze lately, I take it! I heard you lost your title! So you took it out on me! That was dumb enough -- but then you made it worse! You almost made it a lot worse! What if the Avengers hadn’t stopped you? Were you out to kill me? Burn the town? Where would it have ended?”
Ghost Rider insists that he seeks vengeance and Angel is like ‘ok fine then vengeance on me. Kill me, dingus.’
But he can’t do it. Or more likely Johnny can’t do it. And his head extinguishes and Johnny takes back over.
To sit on the ground with his hands over his face asking everyone to leave him alone.
The Avengers who were just kind of sitting in the background for this entire encounter, not really sure how to feel about any of this, don’t know how to feel about any of this.
Thor even wonders what to do. But Angel tells him ‘Well Technically Johnny Blaze committed no crimes and I don’t see a Ghost Rider around!’
Cap decides, yeah, this is a good ending! This is a good moment to walk away on! Not our problem anymore! Reminds him of a thing, in fact! Something from his life and maybe a conversation he had the other day?
Cap: “This reminds me of Hank in a way! He lets things get to him... made one mistake... and then made it worse!”
Tigra: “What will become of him?”
Cap: “He has help available if he wants it -- but it’s like he said -- he has a choice! No ‘big brother’ can make it for him! In the end, it’s all up to him!”
Kinda clever to make the story about the Hank Pym overarching plot without belaboring Hank Pym. The Avengers just get involved in a situation that Cap analogizes to the one that the Avengers are experiencing while Hank Pym himself only appears on a few pages. Just enough so we remember that the story is ongoing.
It also lets the story get some lighter toned stuff in the middle of the heavy stuff. Tigra is a delight in this. Even Ghost Rider with his maniacal glee at punking the Avengers is worth a chuckle.
And we get the three fallen angels of the title.
Warren T. Worthington III in a literal sense. He’s a superhero called Angel and he fell because Ghost Rider kicked his ass.
Ghost Rider because demonic related abilities and demons are said to be fallen angels.
Hank Pym because he was one of the heroes, ‘on the side of angels’ but has fallen from grace because of mistakes.
And both Ghost Rider and Hank Pym have people that are willing to go to bat for them despite the mistakes they’ve made. If they’re only willing to accept that help.
I guess Angel too had people willing to go to bat for him since the Avengers flew all the way out here to help him despite barely knowing him.
So what next for the Avengers? And what next for the fall of Yellowjacket?
Next: “Enter the Silver Surfer! Also: the End of the World!”
Dammit, the world can’t end, we’re in the middle of a character journey here!
Follow @essential-avengers because you want to know what happens next but you also want to watch me reblog older posts. Wow, I’m bad at selling this! Please like and reblog also!
#Avengers#Ghost Rider#Angel#Tigra#Captain America#Iron Man#Thor#Hank Pym#the Wasp#also move their plots along#essential avengers#essential marvel liveblogging#first Hank was Gorn and now he's Ghost Rider?#what G person will he be next?#Tigra was having the time of her life until she caught on fire#Ghost Rider continued to have the time of his life after he caught on fire#Tigra says 'owlhoot'
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Essential Avengers: Avengers #164: To Fall By Treachery!
October, 1977
Oh hey look!
Whirlwind, Living Laser, and Power Man Not That One! Apparently the theme of this iteration of the Lethal Legion is The Worst.
Then again, the previous version was run by Grim Reaper. So maybe every version of the Lethal Legion is just terrible.
What even qualifies these guys to be the Lethal Legion? Sure, two of them were in the previous incarnation but I don’t think Grim Reaper okayed any franchising. The man is very particular about intellectual property.
Not much to say about the cover. A cool enough battle scene with the Lethal Legion kicking the Avengers’ collective asses. Except for the POV person.
Maybe the Avengers would be doing better if Hank Pym had stayed Ant-Man. Because lets be honest: Ant-Man? Kicks ass. Yellowjacket? Largely ineffectual.
Anyway, lets begin.
He’s single, ladies and gentlemen.
Anyway again, with a filler the previous issue, the Avengers have finally gotten some quiet days to relax, heal, and clean up from the previous several catastrophes.
Now the Avengers can finally look into what is even the deal with Wonder Man. He was raised as a zombie due to the Grim Reaper’s scheming but regained his own memories somehow. During the Grim Reaper’s attack, Wonder Man revealed that he wasn’t quiet human anymore, with eyes that crackled with energy. Ultron’s encephalo-ray had only a temporary effect on him due to this.
So whats the deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal??
Well. He’s become a creature of living energy. His cells are like miniature fusion reactors more than living tissue. Even though his body seems to simulate normal life-signs and functions, he has a totally unique physiology (for now).
He probably wasn’t even dead those years he was dead! Confusing, I know. But perhaps it would be better to say that he was dormant and... metamorphosing. Like a beautiful ionic butterfly.
These answers come from a scientific huddle between Tony Stark, Beast, Black Panther, Yellowjacket, and Alice the lady biochemist.
Her last name is apparently Nugent and she becomes Doctor Spectrum at some point. The things one learns when one just wants to know if a character has a last name.
Anyway, Beast was part of this scientific mosh-pit but he cuts out early, feeling superfluous. Why would Tony Stark even call in a lady bio-chemist? Doesn’t he know that Beast worked in a bio-lab and also is currently insecure about his usefulness to the team?
Doesn’t help that because Beast was too busy making jokes, Black Panther got to all the best exposition before he could.
So basically Beast is feeling underappreciated and useless.
This kind of goes back a ways. Not only has Beast felt useless on the team due to being knocked out or kidnapped or whatever so many times, he also feels like everyone is judging him by his cover and forgetting what he can do. Told to carry heavy things. Yelled at for joking. Disregarded when actual science stuff happens.
Things have gotten so bad he actually misses Patsy, where before he seemed to resent her presence.
I miss Patsy too.
Anyway, can anything break Beast out of this funk? Maybe a dozen hot dogs with mustard.
Except no. The cart guy runs when he sees a blue gorilla man in a trenchcoat very politely attempting to engage in commerce.
WILL NOTHING BREAK BEAST OUT OF HIS- wait what’s happening.
A mob of women has spontaneously manifested to fangirl over Beast. Just clamoring and trying to touch his fur and he has the biggest shit eating grin.
I guess these girls don’t hate and fear mutants. Although its my theory that the Marvel universe is just full of furries because Tigra faced a very similar response in issue #215 when she was on the Avengers roster.
People in the Marvel U just love people with a full-body fur coat.
And are rudely handsy and slut shamey. For shame, the Marvel public.
ANYWAY. Believe it or not, Beast getting his esteem back via effusive female appreciation actually ties into the plot.
A mysterious monocle man with an N ring drives by the growing crowd and hopes that Beast doesn’t recognize him. OH IF ONLY HE DIDN’T HAVE TO DRIVE HIMSELF LIKE SOME KIND OF PROLE.
But, yeah, no, Galactus could run by and Beast wouldn’t notice it right now. You’re good, monocle guy. Well, not morally. You know what I mean.
Monocle man heads to the docks to meet up with... POWER MAN (no not that one).
But the original. The cheap knockoff version of Wonder Man. Eric Josten. He who did a crime and destroyed the Avengers just because he was smitten with Enchantress. And then quit crime because she abandoned him. And then recrimed because Black Widow told him to. And also was in the first Lethal Legion even though there were no morally dubious ladies to tell him to. That Power Man.
Wanna know something hilarious? Between then and now, Luke Cage beat the shit out of Josten for possession of the Power Man name. And Luke Cage doesn’t even really like the name. Perhaps beating up Eric Josten was reward enough.
Eric Josten doesn’t like being reminded that he lost his own, uninspired name and hucks a crate weighing tons at Mysterious Monocle Man, or Count Nefaria for short.
Count Nefaria would be dead and this story would be a lot shorter had he not been smart enough to hide behind a hologram.
He offers to increase Josten’s power should he agree to be in his employ and dang but Josten is impressed by this dude not getting crushed by a crate. He’s in.
Count Nefaria sets him his first task: breaking two others out of prison. We can guess who because they are on the cover.
SEVERAL DAYS LATER, the Whizzer is relevant to this book again.
He’s listening to the news, as old people are wont to do, and not being retired very well. For example, he reads about a prison break and wonders if the Avengers will need help corralling the escapees. And hears about a bank robbery that the police are helpless to stop and immediately springs into action, getting into costume and racing towards the door.
And nearly kills Scarlet Witch.
She was coming to visit his old man self because at this point, he’s still her dad. And to avoid running over her, he slams himself into a wall. ... I know people prefer Magneto as the twins’ dad but are we absolutely sure that this man isn’t Quicksilver’s dad?
Anyway, Wanda starts yelling at him for almost dying again. Whats he doing risking having another heart attack and going out to fight bank robbers? You’re retired, the Whizzer! Tony Stark gave you a nice, undisclosed job and you have a nice home and at least one child who visits! Relax and enjoy your retirement!
And then she steals the bank robbery all for herself.
Also, we finally get the retcon for that time Scarlet Witch flew with Wanda wishing she still had that experimental flying belt she was testing for Stark. Everyone get that? EXPERIMENTAL FLYING BELT. But it didn’t work so we’ll never see it again.
Plot hole filled.
At the bank robbery, the obvious suspects are bank robbering. Living Laser, Whirlwind, and Villain Formerly Known As Power Man. But they are bank robbering on Count Nefaria’s orders.
Hmm... why would a richie rich hire supervillains to rob a bank? Or drive his own car?
But no time to wonder about that. This is an Avengers book so lets see some Avengers. Lets see some Avengers entering the scene by smacking Living Laser in the face with a shield.
Because if there’s one constant its that Living Laser definitely deserves to get hit in the face with a shield.
Although. I’m not sure whats wrong with Hank Pym here. He’s all standing not shrunk but telling Cap he’ll totally shrink on command but why wouldn’t he already be shrunk? Wasp is already shrunk. She knows where its at.
So this is a fight.
Power Man charges forward and WHAM!s Cap before he can get his shield back.
Weirdly, Cap doesn’t recognize him. Despite Power Man embarrassing the kooky quartet and being the impetus behind Cap rage-quitting the team like a Hawkeye.
... So maybe that’s why he doesn’t recognize him. On purpose.
Apparently Hank did finish those power-ups to his and Jan’s powerset he promised to do before he got amnesia because he and Wasp are faster than ever.
Nearby, Black Panther squares up against Whirlwind because... ...? I guess he probably has the best reflexes on the team. Or maybe they have a grudge match because of that one time they fought in a garage.
Anyway, Whirlwind puts the spin cycle on Black Panther.
Geez. Its like when a cat grabs the pull cord for a ceiling fan.
Cap breaks off to catch him which loses the Avengers the advantage since Living Laser is able to recover.
Remember, he once took over a South American country. He was a big deal in his intro issues and a significantly less of a big deal anytime else.
Free of distractions and standing in front of the Perez store, Living Laser prepares to atomize both Cap and the Panther when suddenly Scarlet Witch enters the fight and is MVP again.
I’m digging that she’s consistently so competent recently.
She causes a water main to break, geysering Living Laser up into the air, and causing thousands in property damage that Tony Stark will probably have to pay for.
Huh. Its not clear whether this is her upgraded control of nature powerset or the probability manipulation one. It could go either way.
With Scarlet Witch evening and perhaps bamboozling the odds, Power Man convinces the other two that its time to go. Living Laser melts the street into tar to slow the Avengers’ pursuit.
So the Avengers don’t even bother. Cap decides its too risky for Yellowjacket and Wasp to pursue alone. There will be another chance to get those goofs.
In the meantime, he reflects that the team has been falling short of its rep lately. A subject which he has a lot of bitter, unspoken words about.
Meanwhile, in a secret laboratory, Nefaria has wind blowing his cape indoors. Perhaps small vents set near the floor.
Anyway, there are some scientists. And they are working on something called Project N because of course Count Nefaria would have a Project N.
These scientists were in Nefaria’s employ when last he showed up and tried to blackmail the world with a Doomsmith Command System because the obvious step up from weirdly squeamish Not-Mafia leader was Obvious Bond Villain.
He was stopped by the X-Men but Thunderbird died stupidly and pointlessly, punching a jet to death.
The scientists quit when Nefaria couldn’t pay them, having gone bankrupt on his Obvious Bond Villain scheme but now he has bank robbery money to get them their back pay so they’ll finish the project for him.
One of the scientists even helped design the machine Zemo used to create Wonder Man and later Power Man.
And speaking of Power Man, those three idiots Nefaria duped into working for him are the ideal subjects for the project.
Oh and once the Lethal Legion has exhausted their usefulness and Nefaria has sent them off to their doom, he will enjoy “dismissing” the scientists. A phrasing that none of them decide is at all ominous nor do they draw a connection between themselves and the other lackies that Nefaria just said he was going to get rid of.
I mean, look at this. Look at how the lettering changes for that line. He is definitely going to kill them and is only being slightly subtle about it.
Whats that thing about the difference between Intelligence and Wisdom as DnD concepts again?
Meanwhile upstairs, the Lethal Legion squabble. Because most villains dislike each other. I think its a matter of big personalities.
For example, Living Laser is complaining that bank robbing is beneath him. And fair enough. His MO tends to lean more towards pointless destruction and coups. Whirlwind doesn’t like to work for anyone else. Plus, this mansion is dusty and there are no servants so Whirldwind correctly deduces that Nefaria has gone broke and is using the three of them to steal him some quick, easy cash.
But Power Man believes that Nefaria is going to boost their powers and doesn’t think the other two should be so high and mighty when he had to break them out of jail.
Before this verbal spat can escalate, Nefaria calls them down to the lab to totally increase their powers swearsies.
The next day, the Avengers sit around and gossip.
Even though Iron Man is the Avengers Chairman he’s been awfully absent lately. Sure, his employer (how did anyone ever fall for this?) Tony Stark has been having troubles but that’s no excuse! The Avengers need their leader in this trying time!
And Captain America intends to discuss that very subject! Once they have quorum. DEMOCRACY!
Beast finally shows up and brings them up to quorum. He’s been missing for two days but hey, bright side, he’s in a lot better mood.
Captain America: “Beast! Where have you been for the past two days?”
Beast: “Well... I promised Barb, Sue, Melanie and Paty I wouldn’t tell -- but it was a gas!”
Has Beast just come back from an orgy? He’s gone for two days, in the company of several women who presumably were the ones who were groping him on the street, and he smugly insinuates that he’s not going to kiss and tell.
(Fun? Fact: Paty is a reference to Paty Greer, a Marvel artist and Head of Production. That’s, uh, an interesting way to cameo a coworker.)
I can’t believe that this is where Beast’s insecurity plotline was heading. Or rather, I could because I’ve read these issues before, but if I hadn’t I can’t believe that this is where Beast’s insecurity plotline was heading.
I’m not even mad.
Oh anyway suddenly a car is thrown in through the window.
The Lethal Legion have returned for a rematch.
Cap tells the Avengers to hang back until they can be sure that the injured Wasp is okay then they can attack as a group. TEAM WORK, y’know?
But Power Man inadvertently activates Wonder Man’s McFly button by calling the Avengers cowards for not immediately leaping at people who threw a car at them.
I mean, he couldn’t have known that Wonder Man has been dealing with a fear of death, not eased by learning he didn’t even actually die the first time.
Actually, that’s what has Wonder Man so nettled in this particular instance. Power Man went through the same process he did but he didn’t pay the same price Wonder Man did. He didn’t die. He didn’t become some inhuman (but not Inhuman) thing. So fuck you Power Man, you can’t be as strong as Wonder Man because you haven’t earned-
Yeah. Wonder Man that wasn’t the most brilliant move right there.
Of course, one setback and Wonder Man’s confidence shatters and he’s hesitating in battle again. Of course freezing up in the midst of three supervillains is REALLY ILL-ADVISED.
So despite Cap’s tactical plan going to blork he figures heck with it, charge anyway.
And having draped an unconscious Wasp over his arm and declared that medically there’s nothing more he can do for her, Yellowjacket leaves her and joins in. Also, calls dibs on Power Man. Because that’s how superheroics work.
Usually superheroes also stop crimes instead of waiting for people to attack them at home but the Avengers flipped the script.
Beast leaps at Whirlwind and clings to his back. And manages to hold on despite the spin cycle! Good job Beast!
But then Power Man just peels him right off Whirlwind and punches him into the horizon. If this comic weren’t a coward, he would have made the Team Rocket twinkle.
At least now he’ll be air dried after running through the wash.
Power Man then goes looking to finish off Wonder Man. Professional rivalry or some such? But Yellowjacket intercepts him because he’s got Dibs. And he also enhanced his supersuit by integrating his disruptor gun into the suit powered by his shoulder wing vibrations.
See, now the giant shoulder wings aren’t completely pointless!
Actually, I think he uses them to fly? But I like to think it was mostly ornamentation. Like some nice rims on your car? Because the Yellowjacket suit was originally designed when Hank was going through a chemical induced disassociative middle life crisis episode?
But So Last Season strikes so soon and while Yellowjacket’s disruptor blast hurts Power Man when he thought nothing could hurt him, it isn’t enough to stop him.
It is enough to make him really peeved so now Yellowjacket goes crush, okay? And next, Luke Cage!
And then Power Man’s muscles go all rubbery and he falls over with the slab he was hoisting falling on top of him.
Wonder Man is a bit bummed. He should have been able to take him out from the start. What kind of hero was he that he couldn’t beat up everything forever the first try?
The Avengers really need a therapist on staff. I think being able to talk to someone about these things would help instead of just bottling it up. Or Wonder Man can do what Beast did to improve his esteem.
Anyway, Living Laser and Whirlwind also find themselves with superpower performance problems and Black Panther and Scarlet Witch take them out easily.
Black Panther is not afraid of flipping off a gift horse though and claims that he totally could have beaten Living Laser either way. I mean, probably. That’s his function as a hero in these books. To win, either way, eventually.
And more of Scarlet Witch’s power confusion. I don’t think hurling a bench at someone is really tapping into natural power but also what probability are you altering so a bench just launches itself across a street?
Seconds later, Beast shows up. That is an amazing rate of speed. He was tossed into the horizon! He really booked!
Anyway, despite what Black Panther said earlier, now he’s saying they were cheated of their victory against the Lethal Legion. The Lethal Legion were someone’s dupe and sent them here to be defeated. And beating up villains gift-wrapped for you doesn’t count as a win in Black Panther’s book, no sir.
Perhaps things change later but this kind of cements these thing villains as goofuses. Power Man was already there, having lost his name to Luke Cage. Living Laser was pretty much there too. Despite stealing the Serpent Crown, his second big outing against the Avengers left him an afterthought to his stolen superpowered tyke bomb. And Whirlwind got shot in the nipple once by Yellowjacket. So, okay, maybe they were always goofuses. But this cemented it by making them patsies too.
Oh and the Avengers don’t have to wait long for the other shoe to drop as a giant shock wave makes a sine wave out of the street, tossing the Avengers hither and yon.
The non-secret mastermind of this whole thing shows his face. Again. To the Avengers. We’ve seen him before in this issue and they’ve seen him before a LOOOOOOOONG time ago, back when he believed in the silliest of plans and not personally murdering people.
And like an RPG boss or a pokemon, Nefaria has evolved into a stronger form: EVIL SUPERMAN.
I mean, we’ll get into it more later but basically evil Superman. One of Marvel’s many.
I like his cape askew. Its distinctive but also ludicrously pretentious. That and the giant N on the belt makes this pretty peak Nefaria.
Oh and he’s totally going to kill the Avengers. Yeah. He no longer has qualms about dirtying his hands. With murder blood.
I’ll have further Nefaria thoughts at the end of this story.
#Avengers#Count Nefaria#Lethal Legion#Whirlwind#Living Laser#Power Man#Captain America#Yellowjacket#Wonder Man#The Wasp#Black Panther#Scarlet Witch#Essential Avengers#Essential marvel liveblogging#another evil superman#some goofuses#poor teamwork Avengers#absentee chairman#just an all around debacle#cover person revealed as Scarlet Witch#only competent person on team
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