health tips for wonderful women
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towonderfulwomen-blog · 8 years ago
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towonderfulwomen-blog · 8 years ago
How to take care of the V-zone
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Let’s leave the taboo behind, and let’s talk about vaginal care. It is common to talk about skin care, healthy diets, exercise etc. but what we barely talk about is the V-zone, and as the rest parts of our body, it needs special attention.
Know yourself
It is vital to know yourself to take care of yourself as it should be. Sometimes, the ignorance about our body leads to health problems because we don’t know when we really should look for medical help. Before talking about vaginal care, we should start talking about a little anatomy of the vagina.  
When people talk about the “vagina” they’re usually talking about the vulva. The vulva, the vulva includes the vagina, the inner and outer lips, all the external parts. The labia majora’s (outer lips) job is to protect the vagina, therefore, pubic hair grows on them. The labia minora (inner lips) works as a second barrier to protect the vagina from bacteria and the “outer world”, these even have oil glands to keep you comfortable! The urethra is a small opening where the urine comes out. And the clitoris, the clitoris is an erogenous organ, and what you’re able to see, it’s just a part of the outer clitoris. The clitoris has around 8,000 nerve endings, even more than the penis.
As you may see, the V-zone includes more than just the “vagina”. It’s a complex structure of various organs, each with its purpose.
What you should know about the V-zone
First, the V-zone is meant to be wet. Many of us, think of vaginal discharge as a bad thing but it’s not and it's totally normal. The vaginal is an amazing human organ, it cleanses itself! Therefore, the vaginal discharge. This vaginal discharge is what keeps the vagina lubricated, clean and healthy; it helps to maintain the optimal pH level (to avoid infections and protect the V-zone from dangerous bacteria and microorganisms. The vaginal discharge should be a bit yellowish or clear in color.
The vaginal discharge is a good vaginal health indicator, so It's important that you’re aware of it and pay attention daily to notice any changes. But you don’t need to worry if the discharge has a kind of yellowish or clear in color, that is how it should be. You need to look for medical help to make sure that everything’s ok if the discharge has bleeding or it increases significantly in volume, or the texture seems “cheesy” or if you’re experiencing pain, itching or burning sensation during urination.
Vaginal Care
To properly take care of your V-zone we have some tips for you. Try to wear cotton underwear and try to change it at least once a day. Grooming is also an important step of v-zone care, if you’re not into waxing or shaving, just make sure to trim the hair around the intimate area, for the vaginal health it is good to have pubic hair, it protects the vagina from infections, but it’s not healthy not to groom once in a while. Remember that if you start to see dramatic changes in your v-zone or you’re experiencing weird symptoms, you need to contact immediately a doctor.
Vaginal looseness
Vaginal looseness is something we don’t normally talk about. Vaginal looseness is totally normal. Vaginal looseness is one of the symptoms many women experience with aging. Besides treatments, there are many exercises to do every day when you wake up or before bed that will tighten your vagina, like kegel exercises. Kegel exercises consist on squeezing the internal pelvic muscles. There are many treatments for vaginal tightening worth to try before considering getting a surgery.
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towonderfulwomen-blog · 8 years ago
Get rid of booty toned!
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Constantly we worry about our appearance and we try to fit into the beauty standards. We get frustrated when we see that some aspects of our body are pretty far of how the society is constantly telling us they should be. We must learn to love our bodies just as they are and accept our flaws, nobody’s perfect after all. And the most important thing is that your health is before anything else, and no one should compromise their health just to seek to fit into the beauty standards. Self-love and health are before anything else.
Some of the most common problems that affect this area are cellulite, stretch marks, and flaccidity. But there are plenty options to try to get rid of these problems or to reduce them. And part of the solution to these problems is to change your lifestyle and become a healthier person.
The flaccidity skin is when there is a lack of collagen and elastin fibers production. These fibers support the skin tissues. Flaccidity can occur due to excessive sun exposure, lack of exercise, poor diet, dehydration, smoking, pregnancy, obesity or quick weight gain and hormonal disorders. The muscle flaccidity happens because of a decrease in muscle tone. With age, there’s a gradual muscle mass loss and this is replaced by adipose tissue. Therefore, as we start to age, it is common to start noticing flaccidity in some areas of our body and perhaps you’ll need to work out harder and eat healthier.
To tone your booty muscles and get there are simple things you can start doing. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, this will exercise your muscles. Take at least twice a week a 30 to 45-minute workout, this will improve your physical condition as well. Do squats anytime you can! 20 squats a day will make you reach your booty goals. Besides, if you want to see faster results, and you want to improve your workout routine’s results there are glute supplements that work as glute boosters. These supplements guarantee a healthy muscular growth in the area, nourish and moisturizes the skin and increase collagen production in the area.
To reduce cellulite, it is vital to have a healthy diet. For example, a diet high in salt will cause fat cells to swell, making cellulite worse and more pronounced. To get a healthy diet you should include fiber and whole grain food (such as oats and bran) because they help to remove waste and toxins from the intestinal tract. To get rid of booty cellulite, it is important to exercise often, since cellulite can be caused by an excess of fat. Use and exfoliator daily, coffee body scrubs work really well to reduce cellulite.
Stretch marks often appear on the booty and getting stretch marks in that area is more common than you might think. There is no specific reason for getting stretch marks but many factors such as puberty, weight loss or gain can affect. Stretch marks appear when the skin has quick stretches because of sudden growth. This causes the dermis to tears and as a result, the other deeper layers of skin show off.
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towonderfulwomen-blog · 8 years ago
Get back your natural skin tone
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Skin is the largest organ of the human body and to take care of it is necessary to keep it healthy. The skin has three main layers, the epidermis, the dermis and the deeper subcutaneous tissue which is also known as hypodermis.
The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin and It contains no blood supply of its own. This is the layer that gives us our skin tone, this color is unique from one person to another. The epidermis at the same time has many layers. The deepest of the epidermal layer is the stratum basale. This layer gives us our skin tone. The skin color is created by melanocytes cells on the stratum basale. These cells produce and store a pigment called melanin.
The melanocyte cells produce the pigment that gives skin its color. The skin tone will depend on the amount of melanin pigment that the melanocytes produce. Regardless what you might think, the skin color doesn’t depend on the number of melanocytes, but it depends on how much melanin is produced and how it is distributed throughout the skin. Every person has almost the same number of melanocytes. Melanin is produced through a process called melanogenesis.
Another significant factor is the exposure to sunlight. This can change your natural skin tone. UV light triggers the production of melanin, that’s why after prolonged periods of sun exposure we get a tan. The melanin is over produced in order to protect our skin and the rest of our body from the harmful effects of the sun.
Prolonged exposure to the sun can have negative effects on the skin. This can cause sun’s burns or in the worst case, a skin cancer. So, it’s not always a good idea to go to the beach and forget to apply sunscreen. The most common risk factor for skin cancer is UV light exposure, either from the sun or tanning beds. It is important to apply sunscreen every day, not only when you’re going to the beach. Even when it’s cloudy, we don’t actually get rid of the UV rays that harm our skin.
Sometimes, getting back our natural skin tone after UV light exposure may be a difficult task. There are homemade remedies to get back our skin tone after a summer tan. Lemon and honey have healing properties that after a regular use can get you back to your skin tone. Exfoliation can also help you to recover your skin tone, this will help you to get rid of dead skin cells. Aloe vera, this natural product has fantastic properties to even out your skin and it can also help to get rid of acne. And if you’re trying to get back your skin tone, don’t forget to moisturize your skin, this will nourish your skin and accelerate its healing process. But if you want faster and more effective results, you should go for treatments, there are several treatments that are specially formulated to make skin lighter and recover your natural skin tone.
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towonderfulwomen-blog · 8 years ago
Acne: causes and treatments
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Acne is a disease that affects the skin’s oil glands. It is one of the most common skin diseases, people usually suffer from this skin condition during adolescence. Almost everyone has suffered from acne at some point in their life. An estimated 80 percent of people between the ages of 11 and 30 have had acne outbreaks at some point. Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting nearly 50 million Americans every day. Pimples occur due to blocked pores by oil, bacteria, dead skin cells or dirt. If your skin is repeatedly affected by pimples, redness and certain swelling, you may have acne.
Acne is a skin condition that causes pimples and spots on the skin, usually, it appears on the face, the back, the chest, the shoulders, and the neck, and sometimes in other areas. This disease affects the oil glands on the skin. The affected glands produce a substance called sebum, which contains dead skin cells. This oily substance goes through the follicles to the surface of the skin causing pimples and redness on the skin.
Acne can cause many types of pimples, the most common types are whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts. Things like the oil on the hair, sebum and skin cells that clump together into a plug can trigger acne.
Acne commonly occurs during puberty, when the sebaceous glands activate, even though, this can affect anybody at any age. Around 85% of Americans between 12 and 24 years suffer from acne. Although it is said that acne appears because of hormonal changes, genetic factors increase the risk of getting acne.
Acne is mainly caused by hormonal changes, specifically a rise in androgen levels. Androgen is a type of hormone, in women, it converts into estrogen. During adolescence, androgen levels tend to rise. High androgen levels increase the oil glands sebum production and this excessive sebum production leads to a breakage of the cellular walls in the pores, causing bacteria to grow. Although other causes may include the consumption of medications that contain androgen and lithium, greasy cosmetics, hormonal changes, emotional stress, and menstruation.
If you have acne, don´t be terrified, nowadays there are plenty of treatments to get rid of it. The treatment may vary according to the acne type and how severe it is. Most dermatologists would recommend oral antibiotics to control the bacteria and inflammation on the skin, or birth control pills for women to regulate hormones, topical antimicrobials or corticosteroid injections. There are plenty of acne treatments these help to reduce bacteria on the skin surface and follicles reducing pimples and blemishes, repair skin damage due antioxidants on its formula, and increase collagen on the skin, moisturizes and nourishes revitalizing the skin, reduce the sebum production and it helps the skin to maintain a healthy pH balance.
If you’re suffering from acne, it is important to visit a dermatologist and avoid excessive sun exposure, greasy makeup or any kind of makeup to let your skin recover and heal, avoid anxiety and stress and it is important to wash and clean the skin regularly, at least do it once per day.
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towonderfulwomen-blog · 8 years ago
The skin is the largest organ on the human body. It is what protect us from the outer world. The skin has many important roles for the human body and the most important thing is to protect us (the rest of our organs and internal structures) from microorganisms, bacteria, in general from the other world and what it comes with it. Besides, skin is in charge of regulating the body temperature and thanks to skin we are able to feel what’s around us, like to feel the heat, cold, sensations of touch, etc. Skin plays a vital role in the human body, consequently, it deserves your attention, it is necessary to keep it healthy.
When it comes to keeping your skin healthy, there are plenty of options to maintain your skin’s health. Everybody’s skin care routine should be based on their skin type since each different skin type has its own needs. Having a skin care routine will guarantee that every day you’ll take the necessary care to keep your skin healthy.
A normal skin care routine consists of 3 basic steps: the cleansing, moisturizing and sunscreen. The cleaning step should be performed twice a day, to remove all the dirt and toxins in the pores of the skin, this will prevent skin infections like acne. The moisturizing step is extremely important, this is where the skin is nourished. Moisturizers will surely make your skin glow  and look healthier. This step is also recommended even for people with oily skin. The last step that many people forget is the sunscreen, but this step is vital for the skin health. If the skin is not protected against UV light it can be seriously damaged, get dark spots and in the worst case, skin can develop melanoma (skin cancer). It is recommended to use an SPF 30 or higher to protect your skin from the UV light.  And at the end of the day, don’t forget to take off your makeup. And it is also recommended to exfoliate your skin once a week to remove the dead cells on the epidermis.
But, just following a skin care routine is not enough to take care of your skin. Here there are some tips that will give you a healthier lifestyle and with a healthy body, comes a healthy and beautiful skin.
Having a healthy diet will provide your organism all the nutrients it needs to be healthy and to make all the natural processes properly. Having a good diet rich in vegetables and fruits will boost your metabolism and you’ll notice the results on your skin. With a healthy and balanced diet, your skin will totally look healthy and younger. But having a healthy diet does not end with eating vegetables, you should as well drink enough water. It is important to keep hydrated. Remember that your body is about 60 percent water, water is essential for the body to complete properly all the organism functions.  It is vital for you to stay hydrated to have the skin you always wanted.
Skip sodium. All the sodium contained in sodas (around 25 to 50 mg per can) can make your eyes and jawline to look puffy. Diets rich in sodium can lead to skin problems, instead of soda try water or natural and unsweetened beverages that will help you to stay hydrated.  
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towonderfulwomen-blog · 8 years ago
Forget about under eye circles
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Dark circles and bags under our eyes can be caused due to many factors such as lack of sleep, allergies, aging, stress, a “messy diet” and even genetics. Despite there’s no cure to get rid of under eye circles, unless you get a surgery, there are many things you can do to minimize them.
Unlike dark circles, puffiness is not caused by lack of sleep but because of unhealthy habits and genetics. Eye puffiness is mainly caused by under eye water retention, excess water or a buildup of lymphatic fluid, genetics, aging... We’ll explain a few of these factors that may be the cause to your under-eye bags.
Genetics play an important role in the under-eye darkness. If your parents suffer from this, it’s probable that you’re going to get this hyperpigmentation under the eyes. People with thin and pale skin are more susceptible to getting under-eye circles because sometimes superficial blood vessels appear creating a purplish shadow under the eye.
Aging plays an important role in getting under eye bags. As we age, hormonal cycles change, and with this, many things change in our body, hence the skin can change its natural color, especially on areas where the skin is thin and sensible, like the under-eye skin.
Allergies can also be causing you under eye circles, due to irritation and constant eye rubbing thickening and darkening the area.
To prevent puffiness and under eye dark circles there are some tips that can help you. Sleep with your head elevated to prevent excess fluid buildup, so using an extra pillow may help. If your eye puffiness is caused by allergies, get rid of them by changing your pillow case, washing regularly your pillow or take an antihistamine; this will help to reduce redness and itchiness in the eye. Reduce your daily salt consumption, especially before bed. Remember that excessive salt consumption causes water retention, which produces eye puffiness. Don’t forget to take off your makeup at the end of the day, it’s important to use a fragrance-free makeup remover to avoid allergic reactions or puffiness; consider the under eyes as sensitive skin. Sleep more or get more restful sleep, the quality of your sleep and our sleep habits have an impact in our body, having a regular sleep routine (7 – 8 hours of sleep per day) is one of the easiest ways to reduce under eye dark circles.
There are many solutions for this problem like treatments, creams, and serums. Anyways, It’s always good to change your lifestyle, remember that it’s always easier to prevent a problem than to treat it… And, the sooner you treat it, the best results you’ll get. There are treatments to get rid of under eye circles and their formulas are specially designed to fight under eye hyperpigmentation, these treatments will help to fade dark circles over time. Remember that in order to get effective results, you need to apply the treatments every day.  
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towonderfulwomen-blog · 8 years ago
SOS … Wrinkles are coming!
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Aging is a normal process that we all go through. Our body is constantly going through many changes, and as we get older, our bodies change. But aging doesn’t have to be associated with negative things, but according to the doctor Kenneth Minaker, as was we age our body is constantly adapting to its environment, and this is what protects us from suffering from cancers and other diseases. The first signs of aging start to show up commonly at the age of 30.
Some of the most common signs that our body is aging are the first appearance of strands of gray hair, the first wrinkles on our face, feeling tired, slower metabolism, flaccidity on our body, and on women it is common to see this flaccidity on the breasts, spotted hands due to loss of collagen.
As we age, it completely normal to get wrinkles and it is inevitable. But, there are many ways to prevent premature aging and to reduce aging signs.
It is important to take care of your skin if you want to reduce or prevent wrinkles. As we get older there is a loss of collagen and elasticity in our skin, making skin thinner and to lose part of its volume, causing fine lines and wrinkles. The lax skin creates wrinkles, dry and flaky patches tend to appear all over our face. Moisturizing your skin daily and protecting it from UV light is important.
First of all, don’t forget to moisturize your skin daily. Moisturizing and nourishing your skin every day will keep it healthy and strong. There are many wrinkle reduction treatments that will moisturize your skin and at the same time will increase elastin and the production of collagen to reduce and prevent wrinkles.
Something that affects your skin and can lead to getting more wrinkles is the exposure to sunlight. An excessive exposure to sunlight can accelerate the natural aging process. The UV light has a lot of impact on skin and can not only cause wrinkles but dark spots as well. Many studies have shown that UV light exposure affects even more than genetics when it comes to aging. Besides, this can change your natural skin tone and leave dark spots on your skin. So, don’t forget to wear sunscreen every day to protect your skin. Prolonged exposure to the sun can have negative effects on the skin. This can cause sun’s burns or in the worst case, a skin cancer. The most common risk factor for skin cancer is UV light exposure, either from the sun or tanning beds.
Get adequate sleep. Sleep is a really important for the correct functioning of the body. Having a regular sleep routine with at least 6-7 hours of sleep a day is necessary.
Don’t smoke, assorted studies have shown the negative impact of smoking on the skin. Smoking boosts the process of aging and the cigarette smoke ages skin.
And finally, to avoid getting wrinkles it is important to wear sunglasses or glasses. Repetitive facial movements can overwork facial muscles turning into wrinkles.
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towonderfulwomen-blog · 8 years ago
Rosacea is one of the most common skin diseases. It is estimated by the National Rosacea Society, that rosacea affects nearly 16 million Americans. Rosacea is a chronic disorder that usually affects the facial skin but it can also occur in the eyes (ocular rosacea), neck, chest, scalp, and ears. It usually appears after the age of 30.
The first signs of rosacea include flushing, persistent redness, bumps and pimples and visible blood vessels. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms it is important to get medical help to get a diagnose.
Rosacea is a skin condition which principal symptoms include red patches and inflammation. This condition usually, it appears on the cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin, and some people may experience burning feelings. Rosacea can be mistaken for acne because small bumps, called papules, and pus-filled pimples may appear. In some cases, rosacea can affect the eyes, ocular rosacea causes redness, irritation and may burn. This disease generally appears between the ages of 30 and 50 and is affecting massively the Baby Boom generation. Studies have shown that women are more susceptible than men to suffer this skin condition.  
Rosacea is caused by blood disorders that lead vessels to swell producing redness on skin. Genetics take a significant role in rosacea development; certain people are more prone to suffer from this than others. Rosacea seems to affect fair-skinned people more often, though it can affect anyone.
There are several types of rosacea: Facial redness, bumps and pimples, skin thickening and eye irritation. Subtype 1 is characterized by strong flushing, facial redness, and visible blood vessels. Subtype 2 is characterized by facial redness and acne-like bumps and pimples. Subtype 3 is characterized by skin thickening and enlargement, it often affects the nose and mostly in men, for this type of rosacea surgical interventions is good options. Subtype 4 is characterized by eye irritation and watery or bloodshot appearance.
There is no known cure for rosacea and it may get worse over time. Rosacea may provoke permanent physical changes on skin affecting self-esteem. For rosacea patients, the look they get on the skins turns out to be an embarrassing and bothering thing. If you are suffering from this condition, don’t over-stress, there are things that you can do to reduce most rosacea symptoms and as long as you take the proper care the symptoms will be noticeably reduced and will tend to stop developing.
Even though there is not a specific cure for rosacea, it is treatable and can be controlled. There are several rosacea triggers that you can avoid controlling it, such as reducing UV light exposure, spicy food, hot beverages, alcohol consumption, emotional stress and applying sunscreen daily.
Antibiotics are common rosacea treatment that helps to relieve skin inflammation. There are creams and gels that contain azelaic acid, ivermectin, metronidazole and sodium sulfacetamide and sulfur and these can help reducing rosacea symptoms. These rosacea treatments can help you to control the symptoms of rosacea and to reduce the redness and inflammation on the skin.
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towonderfulwomen-blog · 8 years ago
Psoriasis affects around 3% of the world population and nearly 7.5 million Americans.
Psoriasis is a common skin condition and there are many misconceptions about this disease. When people see someone that is suffering from psoriasis due to ignorance about this disease most people think psoriasis is contagious. The truth about this is that psoriasis isn’t a contagious and it can only be developed due to genetic factors or an autoimmune deficiency.  
What is psoriasis? Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that frequently affects the skin mostly on joints, such elbows and knees, but it can involve nails as well. It produces an “over-production” of skin cells and it might cause redness and scale on the skin’s surface. Commonly, the scales are whitish/gray and these patches crack and bleed. According to the World Health Organization psoriasis is a chronic, painful and disfiguring disease for which there is no cure. In patients with Psoriasis, skin cells are replaced in 2 to 6 days, while normal skin cells replace themselves in 21-28 days.
People that suffer from this condition may develop inflammatory arthritis, known as “psoriatic arthritis”, and other clinical conditions like type 2 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, and other cardiovascular diseases. It can begin at any age, but it is most common between the ages of 15 and 30 years and It can begin at any age, but it is most common between the ages of 15 and 30 years. Psoriasis isn’t contagious.
There is not a specific reason why psoriasis appears, but there are two key factors genetics and problems on the immune system. Studies have shown that there is 15% of probability that children may inherit psoriasis from their parents who suffer this condition.
There are diverse types of psoriasis such as plaque psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, inverse psoriasis and erythrodermic psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis is the most common type of psoriasis, it causes inflammation and red patches mainly on elbows and knees. Guttate psoriasis is most likely to appear during childhood, it causes pink spots on the skin generally on the arms, legs, and torso. Pustular psoriasis is more common in adults and causes white pus-filled blisters. Inverse psoriasis causes areas of shiny inflamed skin, it appears on armpits, breasts or around skin folds in the genitals. Erythrodermic psoriasis is very rare and covers large areas of skin.
The most common symptoms of psoriasis are red inflamed patches of skin, silver-white scales, extremely dry skin, skin bleeding, thick and pitted nails, swollen and painful joints and itching and burning sensation around patches. If you are experimenting some of the mentioned symptoms you should, go to the doctor.
Although psoriasis is a chronic disease and unfortunately, there isn’t a cure for it, there are some treatments that can help to reduce the symptoms and improve the life from people who suffer this condition. These Psoriasis treatments especially formulated to reduce psoriasis will soften and reduce the size of the skin plaques, moisturize and nourish the skin to improve and accelerate its healing process.
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towonderfulwomen-blog · 8 years ago
Cellulite: our worst enemy
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Cellulite is also known as orange-peel or orange skin due to its similar appearance. This condition is really common and it affects the most part of women. It is estimated that nearly 80 to 90 percent of women suffer from this condition and around 10 percent of men.
Cellulite is a condition where the skin has a dimpled and lumpy appearance. This condition happens when the fat deposits push through the connective tissue of the skin, producing this dimpled appearance. This condition commonly appears on women, due to the different distribution of fat, muscle, and connective tissue. Actually, women tend to store more fat than men (especially on the hips and thighs) and have less supportive connective tissue.
It is said that cellulite gets worse over time, and this is actually the truth. With time, the hormonal cycles change and there’s a significant decrease in the production of estrogen. Estrogen is a hormone that helps to keep the blood vessels flowing smoothly, therefore a decrease in the production of estrogen means poorer circulation, causing a decrease in new collagen production and this will lead to more cellulite.
Even though it is more common for women to get cellulite, anyone can develop this condition, especially, in areas where fat is stored. Cellulite often appears on the thighs, arms, stomach. Contrary to what people believe, cellulite is not produced because of weight problems, it is totally normal for skinny people to get cellulite in some areas of their body. Cellulite often appears after puberty.
Cellulite, also known as “adiposis edematosa”, is a condition in which skin gets a dimpled and lumpy appearance. This condition occurs when big quantities of fat are deposited under the skin balloon to the surface and it affects the fibers that are supposed to keep skin firmly. “Contrary to popular belief, cellulite is not a weight issue,” says Dendy Engelman, M.D., of Manhattan Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery for Women’s Health Magazine. “Even very thin people can have cellulite and it is considered normal from a medical standpoint to have some.” (Women’s Health Magazine, 2015).
There are three grades of cellulite. Grade 1 cellulite has no clinical symptoms but there are underlying anatomical changes. Grade 2 cellulite causes a loss of elasticity on the skin and there are microscopic changes on skin cells. Grade 3 cellulite produce rough skin and orange colored pigments.
Cellulite can be prevented with several treatments or regular exercise. Even though cellulite cannot be cured with exercise, because it is necessary to remember that cellulite is not caused by fat, a regular exercise routine can help to reduce significantly or to prevent getting cellulite. Besides, to get rid of cellulite, there are various serums and treatments that will increase your skin collagen production. These treatments are not immediately effective, but instead, this helps to reduce over time cellulite. It is important to remember that developing cellulite is also a matter of genetics, so if your mother has cellulite it is probable that you will develop it too, so it cannot be prevented in all cases. But there’s no need to freak out about it, the market has many options for you!
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towonderfulwomen-blog · 8 years ago
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The skin is the largest organ in the human body, its total area is about 20 square feet. The skin has many important roles for the human body and the most important thing is to protect us (the rest of our organs and internal structures) from microorganisms, bacteria, in general from the other world and what it comes with it. Besides, skin is in charge of regulating the body temperature and thanks to skin we are able to feel what’s around us, like to feel the heat, cold, sensations of touch, etc.
The skin has three layers, the epidermis, the dermis and the deeper subcutaneous tissue which is also known as hypodermis.
The epidermis is the outer layer of the skin, this layer works as a shield against the rest of the world. This layer gives us our skin tone, this color is unique from one person to another. The skin color is created by melanocytes cells, these cells produce the pigment that gives skin its color.
The dermis is beneath the epidermis, this layer contains the connective tissue, hair follicles, and sweat glands.
The deeper subcutaneous tissue is made out of fat and connective tissue.
Whenever your skin is injured, you are at risk of getting scars. Depending on your skin type and the area, as your body works to repair the wound a scar may appear. The appearance of the scar will depend on the healing process.
In addition, skin can suffer from many diseases like rashes, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, acne, herpes, etc.  And, some of these skin conditions may leave scars on the skin.
There are types of scars, your type of skin and its health play an important role on this. The way a wound heals and how the scar will look depend on many factors like the area. There are areas where it is easier for the skin to heal, and sometimes small wounds may not leave a scar. The scarring is a natural part of the healing process after getting any type of injury. These factors determine how your scar ends up looking like.
There are several types of scars like keloid scars, contracture scars, hypertrophic scars and acne scars. Keloid scars occur when scar tissue extends beyond the original boundaries of the wound causing lumps of scar tissue. Hypertrophic scars are a thicker and more raised than usual, it is in between the original wound. Contracture scars happen when the skin is burned, these scars tighten your skin and this can difficult the ability to move. Hypertrophic scars are the raised, red scars and are similar to keloid. And acne scars happen due to severe acne.
Even though it is not always possible to completely get rid of scars, there are ways to reduce them or to get rid of them depending on the type of the scar. Applying shea butter, coconut oil or aloe vera these will help to moisturize and nourish the skin to improve the healing process of the injury. Besides, there are treatments made out natural ingredients, like the just mentioned before.
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towonderfulwomen-blog · 8 years ago
All you need to know about stretch marks
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Stretch marks are also known as stria. Stretch marks are often red or purple at the beginning and then the color gradually changes to a white color.  Stretch marks are common in areas where fat is stored like abdomen, breasts, arms, thighs, and buttocks.
When stretch marks appear they are red or purple and eventually they fade to a grayish or whitish color and are long and thin.
Stretch marks can appear anywhere on the body, where the skin has been stretched. Stretch marks usually appear on the abdomen, breasts, upper arms, buttocks, thighs or shoulders. This condition usually develops during pregnancy, after weight gain, genetics can cause stretch marks as well, or after prolonged or inappropriate use of corticosteroid medication.
Stretch marks often appear on the booty and getting stretch markS in that area is more common than you might think. There is no specific reason for getting stretch marks but many factors such as puberty, weight loss or gain can affect. Stretch marks appear when the skin has quick stretches because of sudden growth. This causes the dermis to tears and as a result, the other deeper layers of skin show off. Stretch marks often occur during pregnancy, puberty and due weight gain in short periods of time. Genetics take an important role and have a lot of influence on how your skin reacts to these changes.
During puberty stretch marks usually appear due to quick growth or weight gain. On girls stretch marks appear mostly on the butt, thighs or legs and on boys they usually appear on the back or the arms. During pregnancy stretch marks develop on most women, hormonal changes that pregnant women experience produces high levels of cortisol making the skin more sensitive to the stretching. Besides this, during pregnancy, there’s a significant weight gain that also causes getting stretch marks. As well, genetics play an important role in developing this skin condition, so if any of your parents have stretch marks you have more chances to develop them.
Stretch marks appear when the skin has quick stretches because of sudden growth. This causes the dermis to tears and as a result, the other deeper layers of skin show off. It is very common for pregnant women to get stretch marks, 8 out of 10 women get stretch marks during pregnancy. The stretch marks appear because of a high hormone production that softens the fibers of the skin. This stretch marks usually become less noticeable after birth but don’t always disappear. To get rid of stretch marks, there are many ways in which you can reduce them and make them fade over time. To exfoliate skin at least once a week with a body scrub or a DIY body scrub like sugar or coffee helps to prevent stretch marks and to reduce them. Some of these options include creams, gels, lotions, serums and even laser therapies. In spite of, there is special makeup to cover stretch marks.
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towonderfulwomen-blog · 8 years ago
Varicose veins
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Varicose veins are gnarled and enlarged veins. This problem is really common, it often occurs on the legs and feet, even though, this condition can affect any vein. For some people that suffer from varicose veins, this problem doesn’t cause any medical issues, but for others it’s different. Some people may experience cramps, pain, the pressure in the veins aching and itchiness. If varicose veins are not treated the symptoms get worse and can even produce ulcers (sores) that are more difficult to heal.
Varicose veins, also known as varicoses or varicosities, occur when your veins become enlarged, dilated, and overfilled with blood. Around 25% of all adults have varicose veins. Varicose veins affect up to 3 in 10 adults in the United States. Women are most likely to develop this condition. Half of all Americans over the age of 50 have varicose veins.
Varicose veins symptoms include pain, swelling, heaviness, and achiness in the affected area. In some cases, you can develop swelling and discoloration. Varicose veins are visible reddish/blueish, misshapen veins. Usually, varicose veins appear on the legs.
Varicose veins are caused by aging and factors like menopause, pregnancy, obesity, lack of exercise, blood clots in the affected area, standing or sitting for long periods of time and genetics. Varicose veins are common on women because of hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy or menopause. This occurs due to weakened walls of the veins or inflammation in the veins. Varicose veins appear when the veins fail to circulate the blood properly and veins bulge with pools of blood.
Varicose veins can be prevented or stop their development. There are many things you can do and to change your lifestyle to prevent this condition. Some of these options include exercising frequently, take regular walks, avoid sitting or standing for too long or staying in the same position without moving for prolonged periods, avoid excessive sun exposure. Besides this, there are many treatments to get rid of varicose veins, these treatments help to eventually fade away this condition. Although, if you have severe varicose veins it is recommended to look for medical health.
If you have varicose veins there are many things that can help you with this condition. They may have an unpleasant appearance, but should not cause long-term health problems. Most varicose veins don’t require any treatment. There are surgical interventions like ‘ablation’ by laser and radiofrequency that are used for advanced varicose veins. Before getting to this point there are other alternatives that you can do at home or at work to treat varicose veins.
The first habit that you need to change is to avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time because this affects the flowing of blood in the area. If you work or for other reasons you need to remain to sit for long periods of time you should try to give small walks every hour of even moving your legs can help to improve to keep the blood flowing. Be careful with wounds and open sores or infections in the legs. Get more exercise. Exercise at least 3 times a week. If you are overweight, try losing weight, this is one of the main causes of varicose veins. Moisturize your skin every day.
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towonderfulwomen-blog · 8 years ago
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welcome to the towonderfulwomen blog.. and YES, this blog is dedicated to all women, to all beautiful women. 
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