#tiffany chu
bi-lil-guy · 2 years
Me, Absolutely Unable To Function In My Real Life If I See My Fictonal Little Ones Are Having A Bad Time In Any Capacity: Yea, I Like 'Em A Normal Amount.
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phatkochi · 1 year
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gaymer-hag-stan · 1 year
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naturesapphic · 7 months
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Carnival fun
Mommy!tiffany valentine x fem!Little!reader
Warnings: age regression and fluff :)
The smell of food and the commotion of people is what you were smelling and hearing. You knew it had to be some kind of big event, you just didn’t know which since your mommy had a red silk blindfold over your eyes. “And….open sweet cakes!” Tiffany exclaimed as she gently took the blindfold off and your eyes saw that you were in front of the carnival entrance. You’ve been wanting go to one with your mommy for a while now and tiff has finally gotten the opportunity for her to take you.
“WE GOINS TO DA CARNIVALS MOMMY!?” You exclaimed happily as you started jumping up and down while clapping your hands together. Tiffany giggled and nodded as she bent down and got to your level as she gently got a hold of your arms with her soft hands to calm you down. “You’ve been wanting me to take you for some time now and you’ve been such a good little girl baby. I just wanted to give you an award.” Tiffany said while smiling up at you as she rose to her feet and gently took her hands with your own.
“Let’s go have some fun doll face.” She said smiling and you nodded your head fast, excitement shaking through your whole body. Tiffany paid for your entrance fee and you were pulling her every which way. “Mommy mommy! Cans we do dat game? I wan stuffie Pweasie mommy!” You pouted and begged her to which she cooed at, barley ever saying no to her little girl. “Of course we can sweet cakes. Mommy will even help you okay?” She said as you led her over to the game. You realized it was a basketball type game and you weren’t very good at it and neither was Tiffany but y’all tried it and it was fun.
You didn’t get anything besides a cool little squishy toy which you loved. Tiffany pointed to a water gun game and you immediately pulled her over there. She lifted you up on the seat as Tiffany helped you shoot the gun at the funny clowns that were slightly moving around. She helped you catch all of them and you squealed out loudly happily as the worker got down the biggest y/f/a (your favorite animal) stuffie ever. Tiffany got it from the worker and you had the biggest smile on the face as you saw it in your mommy’s arms. “I sos happys mommy! Tank chus for helpings mes!” You thanked her happily and she giggled at how cute you were being right now.
“Of course sweet face, I’m glad you like your stuffie. Now! What should we do next sweet face?” She asked excitedly as you put on your adorable thinking face on which caused Tiffany to smile. “I wan to dos funnel cakes!” You said excitedly and Tiffany nodded in agreement. “If that’s what you want then that’s what you’ll get babydoll.” She said as she took your hand in hers and walked over to where they were selling the funnel cakes and you and your mommy decided to share one big one. You sat down somewhere and she put you on her lap as she fed you little pieces of the sweet cake. “It so yummys mommy!” You exclaimed and she smiled happily at your words and cleaned off your face to get the powder off of it.
After y’all finished your little treat, y’all did a few more games and rides before Tiffany said to pick one more before y’all leave and you chose to do the Ferris wheel. You went in a little blue seat and Tiffany held you close. Once everyone was on the machine started moving and y’all were moving up. You looked out and see how high you were going and was in awe. Usually you’d be really nervous about heights but you were too busy looking at all of the pretyy lights everywhere. Sadly the ride ended as y’all got off and you started rubbing your eyes tiredly which signaled that it’s bedtime. Tiffany picked you up as you held your prizes in your hand as she carried you all the way back to the car. She opened the backseat and put you in your booster seat and buckled you up. She put your big stuffie near your head in case you fell asleep and she didn’t want you hurting your neck and she handed you your other prizes. She went into the drivers side and started driving the both of you back home. What a fun day this was for y’all.
A/n: I hope the person who requested this likes it and I hope y’all enjoyed it too! my Rhea ripley book is open for any requests and stuff and go check out the first imagine I posted! I have my own buy me a coffee page! You can give me a dollar and it will help. I also have some different commission types I will do so here's my page to look into it :) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/naturesapphic Requests are open for yeehaw!wanda, country!wanda, and any other southern variants of Wanda or Natasha! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y'all!
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amspams · 5 months
TW: Swearing
"Chucky, oh my god - be careful!" Tiffany yelped and slapped at her husband. "You almost ran over that woman."
"So?" He snapped, staring daggers at the poor elderly woman standing in the middle of the road, frozen in shock. "Man, the fuck is she doin'?"
Chucky rolled down the car window. "Ay, lady! We ain't got the whole damn day. Get movin'!"
"Calm down, sweetface. It's really not that big of a deal," Tiffany said, trying to soothe her visibly irritated husband. She knew damn well what his outbursts could lead to, and while she didn't exactly mind it on other occasions - she really didn't need the cops after them today. Especially since it had taken her half an hour to succesfully convince Chucky to take her out on a date.
"Did you not hear me? GET OFF THE FUCKING ROAD!!!" Chucky yelled, aggressively honking the horn.
"Chucky-" Tiffany tried to protest.
"Someone needs to shoot this bitch," Chucky grumbled.
"That someone is me."
"Fuck, where is my gun?"
"CHARLES LEE RAY!" Tiffany screamed.
"Jeesus christ, WHAT!?" He reciprocated, his whole body trembling as he turned to look at her, his hands clutching the steering wheel.
"She's gone, you can drive now," Tiffany said, her voice surprisingly calm.
"Huh? Watchu talkin' about?"
Tiffany was this close to smacking the absolute shit out of him, but ultimately decided against it. She took a deep breath, trying not to let her frustration show and make matters worse. "Chucky, baby..." She began, placing her hand on his arm and softly caressing him with her thumb. "The woman you were about to murder. She left."
"Right. I knew that," he said. "She got lucky."
He lit up a cigarette and took a drag before blowing the smoke out of the window.
"I could do with some booze right now. My throat hurts," Chucky complained.
Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Mhm? I wonder why."
"Shut up."
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 9 months
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day 255/548 of hobi's military service
these selcas were posted on 150626 with the caption:
Today was dope too???? ARMYs are dope~~~ Smiling through a sticker~ #Dope #hobi
(trans cr: Tiffany @ bts-trans)
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Churros is delicious~~~ Big tear chu~~~~ I’ll eat it well~~~~ #HobiChu  
(trans cr: Hyejin @ bts-trans)
I Need U & Dope performances from that day:
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veliseraptor · 2 years
December Reading Recap
I thought about trying to do some kind of 2022 reading summation/best of/worst of/whatever and I might still do that but right now I'm just going "too many booksahhh" so I'm just going to keep on going with month two of my "here's what I read this month" short reviews.
I read a lot this month, but unfortunately it involved several books that missed for me (but a few that I really enjoyed).
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun: vol. 1 by Meatbun Doesn't Eat Meat (Seven Seas Translation). I mean, as usual, even without knowing the actual quality of the translation as a translation I am still pining for a professional translator. And yet I'm still reading, because this is the way I have to read the thing as translated by an actual human, and I am enjoying it. This time around I am falling much more in love with Chu Wanning than I did the first time around when I was laser focused on Mo Ran as more nakedly ~my type~ but boy!! *pats Chu Wanning* this man can fit soooo many issues in him.
Babel, Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution by R.F. Kuang. I feel like my relationship status with R.F. Kuang's writing should just be listed as "it's complicated" because I don't even know how I feel about this book, really. It's conceptually fascinating, it's doing so many cool things, the way she chose to end it is very bold and I respect the hell out of it, and something still just didn't quite...click for me in the way that I wanted it to.
I think it was that it felt a little heavy-handed with its metaphors. Which is fine, to be sure, and making your imperialism metaphors specifically about language and translation isn't something I've seen somebody do a lot with in fiction, but...yeah. I'm calling this one less a fault of the book and more a fault of the me, though; it definitely feels like a your mileage may vary situation.
Several People Are Typing by Calvin Kasulke. I picked this up on a whim and it wasn't worth it. The book was very taken with its own cleverness; I was not.
The Maidens by Alex Michaelides. This was another one where the summary/description was more interesting than the actual book turned out being, which was, while readable and I was intrigued enough by the mystery to power through it pretty fast, underwhelming overall.
Hench by Natalie Zina Walschots. Some people (me) keep picking up retellings despite at this point knowing better; other people (me) keep picking up superhero-comics-inspired books despite at this point knowing better, only this time I was actually surprised by how much I liked it. It was legitimately a good story! And you know I'm always going to be a sucker for a story that takes the villain's side.
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield. I have the creeping feeling that this book was too sophisticated for me and I would have liked it more if I was more sophisticated, which is an unpleasant feeling to have.
I wanted more deep sea horror from it than I got - not in the sense of ~creatures and tentacles~ or anything, but this was far more a book about grief and loss than it was horror, and it was billed to me as the latter, so I came in from the wrong direction and was a little disappointed. It was a good book, though, and beautifully written.
Everything I Need I Get From You by Kaitlyn Tiffany. Had I known that the title of this book was from a One Direction song (I didn't) I might have anticipated more how much it was about bandom and therefore less relevant to my interests. It was also lighter on the analysis than I expected/wanted, so ultimately this one was a disappointment too.
Beowulf trans. by Maria Dahvana Headley. This is the first translation of Beowulf I have ever actually read (!) and after reading it I kind of wished that I'd read at least one other translation to compare it to. But a lot of the things she was doing with alliteration and assonance and rhythm in the language were just spectacular. And it gave me the chance to read this one (by this translator) coupled with:
The Mere Wife by Maria Dahvana Headley. Adding this to my "books to read in pairs" list alongside the Song of Achilles / Silence of the Girls dyad. It's been sitting on my shelf for a while now, and I finally got around to it as spurred by reading the original Beowulf text, and...whoa. I'm going to be thinking about this one for a while and I want other people I know to read it so I can bounce off their thoughts about it. If you haven't heard of it: this was billed as a retelling (I know) of the Beowulf story set in a gated community but I feel like the fact that it's based on Beowulf is almost beside the point in some ways, and in other ways it's very much in conversation with that text and lives alongside it and maybe a little in argument with it.
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: vol. 4 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (Seven Seas Translation). I feel a little bad about how my reaction to this volume was a little bit "this was mostly a lot of Wangxian stuff so I was less excited about it" but there you go.
Siren Queen by Nghi Vo. I have to say, I read The Chosen and the Beautiful when it came out and was a little underwhelmed, but the synopsis for this one sounded interesting, and people kept raving about it, so I decided to give it a go, and I liked this one both (a) much better than The Chosen and the Beautiful and (b) just as a book without comparison needed. It also made me want to dig more into early film history. The way that this book is in love with (in a way) early film is also a delight to read, and while I can't call it subtle, it's eerie and beautiful in a way that really worked for me.
The Last Days of Jack Sparks by Jason Arnopp. I read a lot of horror despite the fact that I end up underwhelmed by the vast majority of it. I was slightly less underwhelmed by this one than I expected to be, but that is, as you might note, not exactly an endorsement. Part of the problem was that I found the main narrator just too fucking hateable in a very specific way to feel anything about his suffering but vague, detached interest in where it was going to go.
Heaven Official's Blessing: vol. 5 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (Seven Seas Translation). I just love this book so much and everything about the reading experience is difficult to judge in an objective way because my brain just kind of goes "look at them go! look at these little dudes go! they're so funny :)" in a very empty-headed sort of way.
This volume does sort of fall between my favorite bits, though (after end of Black Water Arc, before the Hua Cheng's Sculpture Gallery), so while it started digging into some of the Crown Prince of Wuyong lore it didn't quite hit the parts that are juiciest for me.
The Coming Plague by Laurie Garrett. This book made me so mad about public health policy. Like, so mad. I'm mad about it periodically anyway but this just made it worse. It's really good, very comprehensive overview of some of the emerging diseases since 1950, including Lassa, Ebola, antibiotic resistance, HIV/AIDS, and others. It's long, and definitely a rough read if you've got any kind of disease phobia (she isn't...gruesome about the clinical descriptions but she also isn't mincing words), but worth a read if you feel like you can do it and are interested in epidemiology.
There's definitely outdated terminology and some bits that made me squint about the book's politics, but overall the author's clear message of the need for holistic health policies for everybody mitigated a lot of those concerns (particularly the way the author repeatedly underlined the links between poverty and deprivation and vulnerability to illness, and the vitality of giving people a way out of that situation as part of public health policy.
The Bone Orchard by Sara Mueller. The last book I read in 2022! I'm so fascinated by everything this book was doing. There was some very interesting world-building under the skin of what was really mostly a mystery with a side of politics. And I say that favorably. Ultimately I'm not sure that it'd make my favorite books of the year list, but I'd give it a casual recommendation; that is, if someone was eyeing it to read I'd say it was worth picking up.
I'm currently reading Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism by Michelle Goldberg, which was published in 2007 (during the Bush years) and I can already tell reading it now is going to be an experience.
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bookclub4m · 1 year
Episode 184 - Horror
This episode we’re discussing the fiction genre of Horror! We talk about fear, control, Goosebumps, bad dogs, horror-comedy, creepypasta, the apocalypse, lizard romance, and more! 
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | Jam Edwards
Things We Read (or tried to…)
Straight by Chuck Tingle
Mister Magic by Kiersten White, narrated by Rebecca Lowman
I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is Me by Jamison Shea
The Wicked Unseen by Gigi Griffis
Mapping the Interior by Stephen Graham Jones
Leech by Hiron Ennes
The Best Horror of the Year, Volume Fourteen edited by Ellen Datlow
House of Hunger by Alexis Henderson
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Into the Pit: Fazbear Frights #1 by Scott Cawthon and Elley Cooper
Sadako at the End of the World by Koma Natsumi
The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service Omnibus, Book 3 by Eiji Otsuka and Yamazaki Housui
Things We Read (but didn’t talk about in this episode)
Be Very Afraid of Kanako Inuki! by Kanako Inuki
Résumé With Monsters by William Browning Spencer
Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes
Carmilla: The First Vampire by Amy Chu and Soo Lee
Hammers on Bone by Cassandra Khaw
A Song for the Quiet by Cassandra Khaw
The Helios Syndrome by Vivian Shaw
Helpmeet by Naben Ruthnum
Other Media (& Authors) We Mentioned
Captain Britain And MI13, Volume 3: Vampire State by Paul Cornell, Leonard Kirk, and Mike Collins
Stephen King
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
Alien: Isolation (Wikipedia)
Dead Space (2008 video game) (Wikipedia)
R.L. Stine
Fear Street
Junji Ito
The Enigma of Amigara Fault - “T-this is my hole! It was made for me!”
Junji Ito’s Cat Diary: Yon & Mu
Emily Carroll
Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle
Smart Podcast Trashy Books: 579. Punk Rock Writing with Chuck Tingle
Candle Cove by Kris Straub
Candle Cove (Wikipedia)
SCP Foundation 
The SCP Foundation: Declassified (YouTube)
The Ring (2002 film) (Wikipedia)
We talked more about the novel The Ring in Episode 078 - Supernatural Thrillers
Crapshots Ep608 - The Old Ones (YouTube) 
Links, Articles, Etc.
Episode 176: Fantasy
Episode 123: Psychological Horror
Does the Dog Die?
Matthew’s spooky phone case is a variant of this one
Matthew did a “31 Spooky Manga” challenge a few years ago and read a different spooky manga every day in October.
The Midnight Library: Episode 001 - Halloween Poetry
Sound Effects
Big Thunder And Distant Thunder Rain Birds by morvei01
Dramatic Organ, A by InspectorJ
bats1 by sofie
Pigeons (St Stephens Green, Dublin) by iainmccurdy
31 Recent Horror Books by BIPOC Authors
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
This list features horror fiction by BIPOC authors published within the last 3 years.
Jackal by Erin E. Adams
Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Cañas
The Haunting of Alejandra by V. Castro
The Spite House by Johnny Compton
The Reformatory by Tananarive Due
And Then She Fell by Alicia Elliott
Our Share of Night by Mariana Enríquez, translated by Megan McDowell
Piñata by Leopoldo Gout
Never Whistle at Night: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology edited by Shane Hawk and Theodore C. Van Alst Jr.
Natural Beauty by Ling Ling Huang
The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D. Jackson
Bad Cree by Jessica Johns
My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
Woman, Eating by Claire Kohda
Lone Women by Victor LaValle
Sisters of the Lost Nation by Nick Medina
Silver Nitrate by Silvia Morena-Garcia 
This Thing Between Us by Gus Moreno
Green Fuse Burning by Tiffany Morris
Out There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horror edited by Jordan Peele
Flowers for the Sea by Zin E. Rocklyn
Manmade Monsters by Andrea L. Rogers
Monstrilio by Gerardo Sámano Córdova
I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is Me by Jamison Shea
Chlorine by Jade Song
Midnight Storm Moonless Sky: Indigenous Horror Stories by Alex Soop
There's No Way I'd Die First by Lisa Springer
She Is a Haunting by Trang Thanh Tran
Tell Me Pleasant Things about Immortality: Stories by Lindsay Wong
White Horse by Erika T. Wurth 
Give us feedback!
Fill out the form to ask for a recommendation or suggest a genre or title for us to read!
Check out our Tumblr, follow us on Instagram, join our Facebook Group, or send us an email!
Join us again on Tuesday, November 7th when we’ll be discussing the non-fiction genre of Crafts and Crafting!
Then on Tuesday, December 5th we’ll be talking about the genre of Suspense Fiction!
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all the books i read in 2022!
why be happy when you could be normal? by jeanette winterson
paul takes the form of a mortal girl by andrea lawlor
pride and prejudice by jane austen
shrill by lindy west
three women by lisa taddeo
kissing tolstoy by penny reid
the duke and i by julia quinn
shout by laurie halse anderson
transcendent kingdom by yaa gyasi
dancing in odessa by ilya kaminsky
the diviners by libba bray
neon gods by katee robert
females by andrea long chu
the powerbook by jeanette winterson
vladimir by julia may jonas
jane eyre by charlotte bronte
empire of pain by patrick radden keefe
the right to sex by amia srinivasan
a touch of jen by beth morgan
crying in h-mart by michelle zauner
conversations with friends by sally rooney
woman, eating by claire kohda
honey girl by morgan rogers
writers & lovers by lily king
the hellion's waltz by olivia waite
everyone in this room will someday be dead by emily austin
the scorpio races by maggie stiefvater
the hating game by sally thorne
tomorrow sex will be good again by katherine angel
beach read by emily henry
we run the tides by vendela vida
the highwayman by kerrigan byrne
the deal by elle kennedy
girl, woman, other by bernardine evaristo
practical magic by alice hoffman
nevada by imogen binnie
the companion by e.e. ottoman
station eleven by emily st. john mandel
the anomaly by hervé le tellier
the hunter by kerrigan byrne
everything i need i get from you by kaitlyn tiffany
gregor the overlander by suzanne collins
the highlander by kerrigan byrne
gregor and the prophecy of bane by suzanne collins
beautiful world, where are you by sally rooney
sarahland by sam cohen
the bride test by helen hoang
the song of achilles by madeline miller
a lady for a duke by aliexis hall
the rogue of fifth avenue by joanna shupe
people we meet on vacation by emily henry
the prince of broadway by joanna shupe
the great believers by rebecca makkai
cleopatra and frankenstein by coco mellors
the devil of downtown by joanna shupe
maybe in another life by taylor jenkins reid
fight night by miriam toews
eligible by curtis sittenfeld
the marriage of opposites by alice hoffman
franny and zooey by j.d. salinger
book lovers by emily henry
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
HIIII Could you do a fic were tiffany and chucky are both drunk and in the living room dancing and jig, slappy, and billy walk in on them but chucky doesnt even get mad and just keeps dancing. like their not even there
Sure! This will be fun
Chucky and Tiffany were both on the drunk side simply enjoying themselves. Since the twins had been out of the house on a field trip. Both of them had completely lost touch with reality and just danced with music in the background giggling.
"Hey Chu----"
"Hey Ch---"
The three brothers were staring, waiting for Chucky to react. Well, Slappy and Jig whereas Billy had been lightly dancing to the music. He just looked at them and smirked and chuckled to himself and continued dancing with his wife. Billy just joined in rocking out.
"Hey Jig! Pass me a drink"
Later on, all the brothers became drunk and simply just danced together.
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flying-dancing-164 · 2 years
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Hwa khi dẫn em Hoa đi chơi, lúc vào trung tâm thành phố tới chỗ Markt, ông Ph đổi giọng kiểu hướng dẫn viên: Đây, giới thiệu với em…
Mình quay qua kêu: Thôi đi ông ơi, ngày mai là đúng cách đây một năm tôi dẫn ông đi qua cái chỗ này xong nói câu đấy đấy :))) Xong mình lôi đt ra nhìn đồng hồ rùi bảo: “Giờ này cách đây 1 năm là đang đi GẠO ăn đồ chay này” Ông Ph nhìn mình xong hỏi: Ủa, em ghi vào thành thông báo trong đt à? :))
Khum, đúng là điên, tôi chỉ trùng hợp rút đt ra xem mấy h rồi và tôi nhớ tới hôm ý ông Ph lùa tôi đi ăn rất sớm vì ông ý có thói quen vậy.
Trùi, cách đây 1 năm, cũng chỗ này có ng lần đầu tiên nắm tay tui :))) Năm nay đã thành fiancé của tôi rùi omg. Tôi từng trêu: Fiancé viết cũng na ná finance nhở. Lần đầu tiên bít đến từ này là khi có con bé nó nói dù đã kết hôn nhg nó vẫn thik gọi chồng là fiancé hơn. Lúc đấy em còn chưa hiểu ý nghĩa từ này xong còn nghĩ chắc ý nó là “ng chu cấp”. Cơ mà thật ra nghĩ thế cũng hem sai nhờ? :)))
Bọn mình bắt đầu rục rịch plan đám cưới bởi bạn mình lần trc cũng plan trc cả một năm trời. Mình bắt đầu đi hỏi location, ekip chụp ảnh, deko các kiểu. Rồi là coi xem muốn trang trí phong cách ji, thiết kế thiệp mời ra sao, chọn nhạc entrance, first dance, wedding song,… Chọn ai làm ng dẫn chương trình, ai làm phù dâu? Kiểu váy nào hok quá loè xoè nhg vẫn vừa lịch sự, vừa truyền thống, vừa mềm mại để có thể mặc đi chụp pre-wedding… Vân vân mây mây nhìu thứ lắm luôn. H thì vẫn thấy vui. Mà chắc chắn là cũng sẽ stress.
Nhg mình muốn cbi sớm để thứ ji có thể mua ở Vn mang qua thì sẽ note lại luôn.
Lúc nghĩ tới nhẫn cưới mình mới thử search xem có kiểu dáng ji, giá cả ra sao. Rồi mình suýt té ghế khi thấy một cái nhẫn đính hôn của một tiệm kim hoàn bt, dù có to đá nhỏ các kiểu cũng chỉ tầm 2k €. Vậy mà cái Ph mua cho tui của Tiffany nó đúng là nhìn xong muốn khóc. Huhu… Thật ra đáng ra tui hem bít giá đâu. Mà tại hôm ông ý ngựa ngựa quăng tui cái túi bảo nè xem certificate đi hok cô lại nói tôi mua fake diamond cho cô nha :))) Rùi trong đó kẹp kèm hoá đơn nên mình mới bít á. Xong lúc so sánh giá thì thấy tiếc tiền qué. Tối qua mình mới kể Ph nghe vậy. Ph nói: Ê hok đc nghĩ vậy nha. Tại anh hok thik cái kiểu đính đá quanh nhẫn nên anh mới chọn một hột vậy. Hok to, hok nhỏ, vậy ok mà. Với cả chuyện ji ra chuyện đó. Hok có được nghĩ mà mua cái nhẫn vậy mắc quá đâu đấy. Nói rùi, tất nhiên mua Christ hay ji sẽ rẻ hơn nhg mà anh nghĩ “Hà chỉ đáng giá bằng cái nhẫn Christ thui sao? Hem được! Nhưng em hok thik à? Haizzz, h cô hok thik thì bữa tới tui mua cô cái khác nha.
Ủa, tui chê xấu đâu? Ý tui nó mấy cái khác dính tùm lum, to chà bá mà giá còn thấp hơn cái Ph tặng tui quá nhìu nên tôi shock. Chứ nếu mà vì hok thik thì lúc đó tui đã cất hộp để đi đổi rồi. Chẳng qua là vì nghĩ: Nhẫn này do Ph lựa, đây là sự lựa chọn của Ph giống như Ph chọn mình, nên mình sẽ hok đổi. Mình hem thấy nó xấu, nó classic, mà mình hok đeo kiểu classic như vậy bao h thôi.
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for-amity · 2 years
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( # WITH YOU ALWAYS ) AMITY is a fictional 3-membered kpop girl group that debuted on February 11th of 2008 under NewSound Entertainment with the song Pretty Girl. They changed management in 2021 and are now under Shining Star Records. The group consists of members Elin, Chaeha, and Yubi.
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debut album :: you&i (forever)
debut song :: nobody
most popular song :: whoo!
fandom name :: promise
fandom colors :: carnation pink & soft pink
known for :: vocal skills, bright and summery concept, close relationship with fans, being one of very few second gen groups still active in 2022
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pretty girl (2008)
nobody (2009)
mr chu (2010)
a girl like me (2010)
wonderland (2011)
i'll be yours (2012)
touch my body (2012)
something (2013)
whoo! (2013)
i like that (2013)
wee woo (2014)
clap clap - japanese debut (2014)
twinkle (2014)
cheer up (2015)
shake it (2015)
red flavor (2016)
v.a.v.i girl (2016)
dazzle dazzle (2017)
poppin’ shakin’ - japanese comeback (2017)
girls are back (2017)
holiday (2018)
yes or yes (2018)
picky picky (2019)
breakthrough - japanese comeback (2019)
tiki taka (99%) (2019)
smartphone - chaeha solo (2020)
got that boom (2020)
not that type (2021)
q&a (2021)
nabillera - yubi solo (2022)
bop bop (2022)
take a picture - japanese comeback (2022)
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bang hyerin (a.k.a elin) — b. 1985 — leader, main vocalist, main rapper — portrayed by han seungyeon
ha jiyeon (a.k.a chaeha) — b. 1985 — center, fotg, lead vocalist, lead dancer — portrayed by tiffany young
lee eunjin (a.k.a yubi) — b. 1988 — main dancer, lead rapper, vocalist, visual, maknae — portrayed by kim jaekyung
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MESSAGE FROM THE WRITER hi it's @stqrvrs, otherwise known as cerise, here !! i'm really excited to share the adventures of amity with you. please don’t be shy to interact with me! i don’t bite i promise ^^
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deadlinecom · 1 month
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eternal3d2d · 7 months
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naturesapphic · 4 months
Hi!! I hope your week is going good!! Could you do mommy jennifer tilly x female little, and her little keeps trying to steal Jennifer's chucky and tiffany dolls to play with them and gets caught red handed, but at the end jennifer finds a solution
P.S I'm so sorry if I request to much, it's okay if you don't wanna do this 😭😭😭
Toy thief
Mommy!jennifer Tilly x little!fem!reader
Warnings: age regression
Your mommy was busy on set filming for the new chucky series. The Tiffany and chucky doll was in your hands as you were playing with them without anyone knowing. That was until you heard footsteps and voices coming close to the door so you hurriedly put the dolls back where you found them and quickly went on the couch and pretended to be asleep. You heard your mommy and some other people come into the room and was talking about having the dolls for a specific scene.
You kept silent as you heard some shuffling and the shutting of the door, then that’s when you open your eyes to see that you were all alone. You looked around to the spot where you put back the dolls and saw that they did in fact take them. You started whining and stomped your foot in protest. How dare they took the things you were playing with! You always played with them without anyone knowing, including your mommy, you had a feeling she had her suspicions but never said anything to you.
You decided to go back and grab your dolls since you weren’t done playing with them. You quietly opened the door and sneakily went into set without anyone noticing and saw that the crew and staff were busy looking at something else so you took this as your sign to grab them and run off with them back to your room. You giggled happily and started back playing with them but not long after, everyone noticed that the dolls were gone and went off to search for them. Your mommy had a gut feeling and went to the room where she placed you at and found you playing with said dolls that everyone is trying to look for.
“Y/n? What are you doing sweetie? You know those dolls are only for the show. They aren’t toys.” She said softly but in a stern tone. “B-but I wuv playin wif dem mommy!” You pouted as tears prickled your eyes at the thought of you never playing with them again. Jennifer sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose and went out of the room. You whimpered when you saw that your mommy left, knowing she must be furious at you right now, but a few minutes later the director, don Mancini, came in followed in by your mommy and saw that they were hiding something behind their backs.
You gave them a innocent and confused look that made your mommy chuckle and went over to you and bent down to your eye level. “Don and I decided since you love the dolls so much and you take such good care of them, we decided to give you the extras we have for them. There’s only a few incase we need it but I trust that you will take good care of them IF we do need them.” She said as she revealing what was behind her back and showed you the chucky and Tiffany dolls that looks just like the ones you played with just now. You squealed happily and jumped into your mommy’s arms happily and started leaving kisses all over her face. “Tank chu tank chu mommy!” You thanked her over and over and she giggled as she held you in her arms and patted your bottom gently.
“And what do we say to mr. Don angel?” She reminded you and you gave him a big smile. “Tank chu mr. Don!” You happily said and he chuckled at your behavior. “Of course honey! Just make sure they aren’t too busted up!” He said with a smile and made his way out of the room but not before taking the real dolls with him. Your mommy turned her attention towards you and gave you a peck on your lips which made you go all shy and hide in her chest. She smiles and leaves a few kisses on the top of your head and places you back in your feet. “I have to go back and film for a bit but I’ll be done soon and we can go home and cuddle okay love bug?” She said and you nodded, smiling up at her. She gave you another kiss to your head and left the room with you alone, playing with your new dolls.
A/n: I hope you like this @yourcoolistjennifertillyfan ! And I hope the rest of y’all like it too! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! Melanie martinez imagines are still open and billie eilish and my other characters! I love y’all! :)
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muaghebanquet · 1 year
Phân phối ghế tiệc đa dạng
  Nói đến các loại ghế tiệc được yêu thích nhất hiện nay phải kể đến ghế Chiavari, ghế banquet. Sản phẩm  được coi là mẫu ghế tiệc cưới khi xuất hiện trong hầu hết các buổi tiệc trọng đại này.
Ghế Chiavari hay ghế banquet đều được yêu thích bởi kiểu dáng thanh lịch, mang nét đẹp quý phái, sang trọng và có hơi hướng tân cổ điển.
Ghế Chiavari
Ghế Chiavari hay được mọi người gọi với cái tên quen thuộc là ghế Tiffany. Một sản phẩm là một thiết kế nổi tiếng của một nghệ nhân nổi tiếng người Italy từ vùng Liguria, Italy, xuất hiện từ đầu thế kỉ 19. 
Ghế Chiavari  kể từ khi ra đời đã nhận được sự yêu thích với thiết kế thanh lịch nho nhã, xuất hiện ở khắp mọi nơi. Bạn có thể thấy từ phòng tiệc của các khách sạn sang trọng cho đến phòng ăn ở Nhà Trắng.
Không chỉ vậy, Ghế Chiavari còn được sử dụng dưới rất nhiều mục đích khác nhau, từ chiếc ghế ăn ở nhà hàng cho đến ghế tiệc cưới. 
Ghế Chiavari khẳng định một vị trí đặc biệt trong những buổi tiệc cưới để tạo ra một không gian vừa hiện đại nhưng không kém phần cổ điển, lịch lãm.
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Ghế banquet
Ghế banquet là một thiết kế nội thất cũng được mọi người ưa chuộng trong những năm gần đây và nhanh chóng trở thành cái tên được săn đón và chiếm lĩnh thị trường.
Chính vì ghế banquet có thiết kế  tổng hợp hầu hết các tiêu chí khắt khe của các trung tâm hội nghị, tiệc cưới tối ưu nhiều không gian.
Ghế banquet được sử dụng nhiều trong các nhà hàng, trung tâm tổ chức sự kiện, tiệc cưới, hội nghị… Do đó ghi dấu ấn đặc biệt trong các sự kiện và đôi khi được mặc định gọi bằng cái tên chung chung là ghế nhà hàng hoặc ghế tiệc cưới.
Vậy nếu bạn có nhu cầu mua ghế tiệc thì lựa chọn địa chỉ, đơn vị cung cấp nào uy tín, chất lượng và giá thành phải chăng. Hãy cùng chúng tôi tìm hiểu vấn đề này nhé!
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Địa chỉ uy tín chuyên cung cấp ghế tiệc tốt nhất hiện nay
Công ty TNHH sản xuất và thương mại Phúc Hòa là một trong những địa chỉ uy tín được nhiều sự lựa chọn hàng đầu của khách hàng khi có nhu cầu. 
Công ty Phúc Hòa nhiều kinh nghiệm trong nghề, đã trải qua 15 năm phát triển, khẳng định được vị thế thương hiệu riêng của mình trong ngành.
Chất lượng sản phẩm được coi là giá trị cốt lõi nhận được nhiều sự tin tưởng của khách hàng. Phúc hòa cung cấp sản phẩm được nhập khẩu nguyên chiếc từ những nhà cung cấp uy tín trên thế giới. Mỗi sản phẩm trước khi bàn giao đều được kiểm tra kỹ lưỡng.
Chính sách bảo hành chu đáo, nhanh chóng của Phúc Hòa luôn đồng hành cùng khách hàng trong quá trình sử dụng.
Các sản phẩm của Phúc Hòa cung cấp và phân phối có sự đa dạng về mẫu mã, màu sắc, chất liệu, phù hợp với mục đích sử dụng của hầu hết khách hàng.
Ghế Chiavari, ghế banquet có thể dễ dàng vệ sinh bởi được làm từ những chất liệu chắc chắn, bền, không bị gỉ sét, chỉ cần dùng vải lau qua bề mặt là có thể lau sạch vết bẩn.
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Để được tư vấn về ghế Chiavari, ghế banquet cũng như nhận chính sách ưu đãi khi mua hàng, các bạn có thể liên lạc với công ty qua các hình thức sau.
Trụ sở Hà Nội: Số 321 Phố Vĩnh Hưng, Quận Hoàng Mai
Chi nhánh HCM: 1416/31/43H Lê Đức Thọ, Phường 13, Quận Gò Vấp
Hotline:  090 1166 103
Website: https://phuchoa.com.vn/ghe-tiec/
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