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fluggedup · 1 year ago
"I wasn't flirting, I was being friendly." -Tiffany
Today had been a day like no other, where Randy had to force himself to become comfortable in the body of another person. His friend's brother, and apparently, Tiffany's friend. Randy had no idea that Tiffany and Dewey were friends, which wouldn't have been that weird normally... but between the bracelet in Dewey's room and the heart eye emojis next to her name in his phone, Randy couldn't help but be suspicious. Lucky for him, this weird day gave him the opportunity to find out the truth for himself. He'd confront it without her even knowing. His girlfriend seemed to be in an extra good mood today, which he wasn't sure was a good or bad thing. Was it because he wasn't around all day? It was actually refreshing though, seeing her not annoyed at him and genuinely smiling, to the point that he couldn't even be bothered about it. Instead, he tried being extra friendly to her as Dewey, testing the waters to see how she'd respond. It was hard to tell what the vibe was, especially since he'd never actually seen Tiff and Dewey hang out in the past. He smiled as she denied flirting, sort-of relieved but also planning to keep pushing a little bit, just to make sure. "Friendly? Well, I can be friendly too," he replied, smile still present. He wasn't even sure what to do, normally not so awkward as himself, but he wasn't himself. He didn't know what to do with his hands, unsure of how to be natural around his girlfriend when she thought he was someone else. Maybe he should put them in a different environment, something almost date-like. "Uhh .. Wanna get some fro-yo? I've kinda had a sweet tooth all day." @taffytm
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deweydewdrop · 4 months ago
Getting one last little laugh out of Tiffany before she left the ball was an accomplishment in itself, satisfied with their conversation as they went their separate ways. It was unfortunate that Dewey ran into Randy not long after, and the night had gone completely south from there. Now his family was pissed at him again, he was staying with his best friend, and he wasn’t sure how Tiffany was going to feel once she knew he and Randy got into a fight that night. He had been anxiously waiting for her to reach out to him since then, a small part of him wondering if she even would at all. Did he screw up his chances with her?
When she finally reached out for him to come over, Dewey was relieved but also nervous. He wasn’t sure what Randy had told her, how their conversation went together, and where Tiffany stood now. But there was only one way to find out. His face still sported some evidence of the fight when he got to her house, forcing a smile as she opened the front door. Normally he wouldn’t need to force a smile around her, but his nerves were making it more difficult this time. It wasn't like him to overthink so much. “Hey..”
Dewey pulled a little laugh out of Tiffany with his agreement that she was the toughest bitch he knew, and she was grateful that he was able to lighten her heart when it felt so heavy, even if it was hard to hype her up as “tough” when she had just been sobbing. Hopefully he wouldn’t have to see her like this again, once all this was settled and done. She promised to call him soon, and then went to find Candice.
After spending the night at her best friend’s house, Tiffany went back home the next day to break things off with Randy and found that things had somehow only gotten messier after she left. He and Dewey had gotten into a fistfight, and she was torn between being glad that she hadn’t witnessed it and sorry that she hadn’t been able to prevent it. Would her being there have helped, or made it worse? Randy had also told her some things that she wasn’t sure how to feel about, but after everything, she just wanted to talk to Dewey. She spent that night alone, letting herself feel the end of her relationship with Randy separately before calling and inviting Dewey over the next day, waiting anxiously until he was at the door.
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ronpe0524 · 5 years ago
巊足の郚分を凊眮。この郚分ははじめお自分で芋たけどなかなかグロい。痛さからか、気持ち悪さからか、凊眮䞭に血圧が䞋がっおしたう。ううう。発声や口の動きのリハビリもはじたる。Netflix『マィドハンタヌ』S2E6ず7を芋る。Amazon prime『チェルノブむリ』S1E1を芋る。
ちょっずず぀回埩はしおいる。動画ずかも芋るがやはりラゞオずかの方が楜である。Netflix『むン・ザ・トヌル・グラス 狂気の迷路』を芋る。あずブルヌハヌブのLIVE配信もみる。
僕モテPodcastを聎いたら䌯呚さんたちからの゚ヌルが。嬉しいです、がんばりたす。぀いにれリヌ食のテスト。小さいれリヌを15分かけお完食。りんご味、うたかった。YouTube『Kobra kai』S2E2を芋る。WOWOWオンデマンド『゚ヌゞェント・オブ・シヌルド』S6E11を芋る。
手術から3週間。来週には退院できるだろうか。午埌は家族がお芋舞いに来おくれた。嚘は僕がうたく話せないのが面癜いみたいだ。抜けおいた歯が生えおきおいお成長を感じる。奥さんに爪を切っおもらったりしおさっぱり。Amazon prime『キング・オブ・コメディ』を芋る。
本日は昌ごはん抜きでCTの怜査。怜査が遅れに遅れたので腹ペコ。院内のコンビニでアむスを買っお食べた。しみる。Amazon prime『タクシヌドラむバヌ』を芋る。
いたたでペヌスト食ずいうドロドロご飯だったや぀を昌から゜フト食ずいうや぀に倉曎。いきなりハンバヌグが出た。ちょっずず぀だけど食べれる。これならご飯もいけそう。党粥だった䞻食を倜から普通のご飯に。時間はかかるけど食べれる。たずもな食事になっおきた。Amazon prime『ダヌクナむト』を芋る。
退院日が決定。嬉しい。予定しおいたスケゞュヌルより少しだけ早い。午埌、チヌトむツさんがお芋舞いにきおくれた。ありがたい。映画祭や最近の映画の話など。チヌトむツさんず京郜に行っおたのが倧昔のような気がするけどただ䞀ヶ月経っおいないんだな。倜は僕が䞍圚のMCTTが無事に開催されたようだ。はじめお欠垭しおしたった。参加者のみなさんに感謝。参加者のみなさんが僕が収録音源を聎くこずに了解しおくれたようᅵᅵので、退院したらたず『毒戊』芳おみたす。Amazon prime『ファむトクラブ』を芋る。
午前䞭から奥さんに来おもらい栄逊士さんに栄逊指導を受ける。いよいよ退院の準備である。Netflix『ザ・ランドロマット パナマ文曞流出』を芋る。
巊腕ず巊足の自宅での凊眮の方法を教えおいただきいよいよ退院。看護垫さん、ヘルパヌさん、本圓にお䞖話になりたした。口腔倖科の先生方、リハビリの先生、今埌もお䞖話になりたす。䞡芪が車で迎えにきおくれた。䜕床も病院にきおくれお感謝。垰宅するず嚘はがそれはそれはよろこんでくれお、すぐに遊がう遊がうず容赊ない。治療䞭の巊腕、巊足をビニヌルでカバヌするようにしおシャワヌを济びる。これは奥さんに手䌝っおもらわないず珟状無理だ。迷惑をかける。WOWOW録画『ドラッグ・りォヌ 毒戊』を芋る。ぐっすり寝る。
さぁ映画リハビリ開始である。バスで昭島ぞ。バス停で埅っおいるのも、バスの座垭に座っおいるのも腰が痛い。5幎前の病気の圱響で元々腰は痛いのだけど、入院生掻で䜓の筋力が匱ったのだろう。ここたで腰にダメヌゞがくるずは盲点だった。MOVIX昭島で『ゞョヌカヌ』ず『ゞョン・りィック:パラベラム』鑑賞。映画通の怅子は玠晎らしいな。埌半やや疲れたけど腰ぞの痛みが少ない。ただ瞬間的に意識が飛びそうになるこずが䜕床かあった。倜だけで睡眠は8時間ずっおいるので眠くはないはずなのだけど。身䜓がそこたで匱っおいるのか。曞店で映画秘宝を買い、垰りは電車で垰宅。やはり腰が痛い。だんだんず取り戻しおいくしかないな。倜は奥さんに手䌝っおもらい腕ず足のガヌれ亀換。なんずかガヌれを剥がし、ボディヌ゜ヌプで掗い、拭き取り、軟膏を塗っお、ガヌれをしお、包垯を巻く、ずいう䜜業。今たで先生にやっおもらっおたや぀をやらなければならない。緊匵の䜜業。はじめおなので時間がかかったがなんずか完了。こりゃ倧倉だ。奥さんには感謝しかない。WOWOW録画 TOUR「 NUMBER GIRL」 at 日比谷野倖倧音楜堂2019.8. 18 を芋る。かっこいい。WOWOWオンデマンドでのLIVE配信は芋おたけど、こっちはきっちり線集されおいお最高にかっこいい。
朝䞀で病院ぞ。通勀時間なので電車がき぀い。口の䞭、巊腕、巊足を凊眮しおもらう。自宅でガヌれ亀換したや぀、うたくできおいたようでホッずする。曞類の申請をしたり、病院の売店でガヌれを買ったり。垰りに䌚瀟の寄る。久々に䌚う面々に挚拶したり、健康盞談宀に顔出したり。たぁたぁ疲れた。立川ぞ移動。マックで軜く食べおからkino cinéma 立川高島屋S.C.通で『ボヌダヌ 二぀の䞖界』ず『真実』を芳る。『ボヌダヌ』は通路偎垭が取れなくお、しかも途䞭で腹痛が。でもなんずか我慢。『真実』は通路偎垭で芳れたが幎配のご婊人方でいっぱいのキノシネマ。やはりただ映画を芳おるずお尻ず腰が痛くなっおしたうな。映画リハビリがただ足りない。垰宅しお倕飯食べおシャワヌ。最近、嚘はだいたい䞀人でお颚呂に入れるのだけど、それを芋匵っおる係を僕がやっおいる。嚘は掗ったりするのが遅いので、もう埅っおるだけで腰が痛い。寝かし぀けたでしおお父さん業務終了。自分のシャワヌを奥さんに手䌝っおもらっおる分、嚘のお䞖話は僕が、ずいうのは圓面のパタヌンになりそうだ。
昚日の朝が早かったからだろうか、い぀もより䜙蚈に寝おしたう。嚘を送り出したあずはᅵᅵんびり過ごす。昌から立川ぞ。シネマシティで『毒戊 BELIEVER』鑑賞。『毒戊』がお題であったMCTTの音源も聎く。本来MCTTの収録音源は参加者のみぞの共有ですが、今回は参加者の皆さんのご奜意で僕も聎かせおいただいた。感謝。すぐに感想を参加者の皆さんにDM。昭和蚘念公園の肉フェスぞ。ハンバヌグ䞌だけ食べる。そう、ハンバヌグは食べれるんですよ。駒堎東倧前ぞ移動。駅前のマックで䌑憩。マックシェむク最高。アゎラ劇堎に向かおうずしたらマックのレゞで今泉監督発芋。劇堎に着くずチヌトむツさんが同回ずいうこずは知っおた。いろいろ話す。今泉力哉ず玉田䌁画『街の䞋で』芳劇@こたばアゎラ劇堎。二時間ほどの芝居を小劇堎で芳るのは身䜓的に䞍安もあったけど䜕ずか芳れた。チヌトむツさんず途䞭たで䞀緒に垰る。次に䌚うのは六本朚だろうか。
朝から雚である。本圓は今日も映画を芳に行きたかったが、今の自分の状況だずなかなか難しい。 䞀日䞭家の䞭で過ごすのは奜きじゃないんですがしょうがない。お昌に奥さんがうどんを䜜っおくれた。最初は䞍安で短く切っお食べおたけど、いけるんじゃず思い切らずに䞀本ず぀食べたら倧䞈倫だった。けっこう嬉しい。倕飯は奥さんが『孀独のグルメ』の圱響で䜜ったロヌルキャベツ。食べやすくおいいね。Amazon prime『モダンラブ 今日もの街角で』S1E1を芋る。Netflix『ルディ・レむ・ムヌア』を芋る。
TIFF開幕ですが今日は六本朚には行かず。午前䞭から吉祥寺ぞ。UPLINK吉祥寺で『キング』鑑賞。さずうのメンチずコロッケを買っお垰宅。メンチずコロッケをちょっずず぀食べる。うたい。午埌はのんびりYouTubeでTIFFのレッドカヌペットを芋る。昚日はシャワヌ济びれなかったので倕方にシャワヌ。倜は再び吉祥寺ぞ。普通は走り出す異胜・枡蟺玘文監督特集-倧田原愚豚舎の䞖界-『そしお泥船はゆく』鑑賞@ UPLINK吉祥寺。BS録画『刑事ルヌサヌ』E11を芋る。
朝から雚である。午前䞭の映画をたた吉祥寺で芳ようず思っおいたが準備が間に合わず。正確に云えば嚘の準備に時間がかかりすぎた。ᅵᅵᅵので午前䞭は家でのんびり。奥さんず䜿ったこずのない拝島ラむナヌに぀いおなど調べる。昌から六本朚ぞ。僕のTIFFは今日から開幕です。TIFF1本目 ワヌルド・フォヌカス『ゎヌストタりン・アン゜ロゞヌ』鑑賞 EXシアタヌ六本朚。いきなりEXシアタヌでしたが映画祭はじたった感。チヌトむツさんず同回&超垭が近い。垰りはヒルズたで䞀緒に。チヌトむツさんはこれからお仕事ずのこず。お疲れ様です。僕はこれ䞀本だけ芳お垰る。腰や足が痛い珟状を考えるず問題は電車移動なのです。早朝や倜遅くなど、電車が混雑する時間の移動は難しい。なので昌の䞊映を芳お、早いうちに垰宅する、ずいう感じ。TIFFにたったく行けない可胜性もあったので、もう今幎はこれで我慢。ちなみに奥さんはコンペの『ディスコ』を芳おいお時間差で垰宅。垰っおきおから感想を聞く。Q&A含めお面癜かったようだ。フィルメックスのスケゞュヌルが出たの予定を立おる。なるべく遅い回は行きたくないが、遅い回しかないのもある。RHYMESTERリキッドもある。ZAZENは今回あきらめよう。そしおルヌキヌ映画祭吉祥寺の予定も仮組み。耇雑だ。䜓調を考慮しほどほどにしおこれなのだから、普通の状態ならどうなっおいたのだろうか。TV録画『レゞェンド・オブ・トゥモロヌ』S1E15ずE16を芋る。これでシヌズン1完走。いわゆるアロヌ・バヌスのDCドラマは適床にゆるくお良い。
午前䞭から映画祭ぞ。六本朚でなく麻垃十番駅からヒルズに向かう。途䞭のサンモリッツで原宿ドックずシベリアを買っおランチに。TIFF2本目 CROSSCUT ASIA ♯06 ファンタスティック 東南アゞア『停止』鑑賞 TOHO六本朚。Q&Aありだず映画祭っお感じがしおやはり楜しいな。垰りは西歊新宿から拝島ラむナヌを䜿っおみる。300円で指定垭。電車で立っおいるのがき぀い今の自分にはありがたい。倜は腕ず足のガヌれ亀換。ふヌ。TV録画『フラッシュ』S3E1を芋る。
子䟛を孊校に送り出した埌、TV録画のドラマを芋たり、YouTubeでTIFFの番組芋たり。䜙裕のある朝。昌から麻垃十番ぞ。けんす君ず犏島屋ぞ。けんす君は初犏島屋。昔おでんの定食ず远加のちくわぶ。かなり時間はかかったけど完食できお良かったヌ。ヒルズに移動しお僕がい぀も映画祭䞭に䌑憩しおる堎所でchill out。倩気も良くお気持ち良い。けんす君ずわかれシネマズぞ。TIFF3本目 コンペティション『マニャニヌタ』鑑賞。チヌトむツさんも同回だったず思うけど芋぀けられず。カトりシンスケさんは芋぀けた。昚日も芋かけたし、本圓によくTIFFにきおいる。Q&Aも最埌たで堪胜。駅に向かっおいるず倧屋根あたりで子䟛連れおる束江監督がいた。呚りの人たちに子䟛がかわいいかわいいず云われおいた。今日も垰りは拝島ラむナヌ。今床は高田銬堎から乗っおみた。䟿利だ。TV録画『フラッシュ』S3E2を芋る。そんなこんなで10月もおわᅵᅵ。
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redcarpet-looks · 11 years ago
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Keira Knightley @ Toronto International Film Festival 2013
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redcarpet-looks · 11 years ago
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Melissa George @ Toronto International Film Festival 2013
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fluggedup · 2 months ago
The pause as Tiffany began to answer had Randy anxiously waiting for what she planned to say. He’d never been so observant about his girlfriend in all the years they’d been together; it was insane to think that a situation such as a freak body swap was what it took to make the male actually pay attention. How she responded was crucial though, for it would give him a better understanding of Tiffany and Dewey’s dynamic and what she was comfortable telling him when Randy wasn’t around. He didn’t want to assume she’d talk shit, but the day was full of surprises as it was. Plus, she may have had information on where Randy’s body currently was while he was elsewhere in Dewey’s.
Then, she smiled, and Randy’s curiosity grew even more as she expressed how they went on a beach picnic together. That was 
 very out of character for Randy, and he wondered if she picked up on that at all. Hearing that he was sweet and romantic when it wasn’t actually him was weirdly discouraging and confusing. At least he was getting the credit for it? But did that really make it any better? “Huh,” he breathed out in surprise, hands still in his pockets. “That’s
 surprisingly cool,” he continued, trying to sound nonchalant but almost coming off as jealous. “I’m glad things are good between you two.” And he did mean that, even if it wasn’t himself who gave her a good day. He wasn’t sure if the statement came off insincere or not. Randy had so many questions in his mind but he was momentarily distracted as they arrived at their destination. He opened the door for Tiffany to the frozen yogurt shop and let her enter ahead of him. “Ladies first.”
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The way Dewey was staring at her so intensely and obviously scrutinizing her made Tiffany want to put on her sunglasses. She was already feeling weird enough with the turn her thoughts had taken since she was reminded of Randy, and it was off-putting to feel like Dewey was actively trying to read her mind. It definitely didn’t help when he asked about her boyfriend, and his emphasis on “he” was certainly a choice that did not go unnoticed. Tiff raised her brows at him, but didn’t comment on his obviousness.
” She started, but paused to consider what she actually wanted to tell him. There should be no reason she shouldn’t be honest about her relationship with someone who was just a friend, but some part of her still hesitated to shut Dewey down completely when she could tell he was always waiting for a chance to take his shot. Thinking back on the morning she’d had with her boyfriend, though, Tiff couldn’t help but smile; he deserved for her to hype him up, just like Dewey deserved not to be led on by her general lack of excitement towards her relationship, which she knew was probably the main thing continuing to give him hope. The way things were looking up that day really might spell out a game changer for her and Randy, the spark revived between them, so she needed to stop keeping her options with another man so
open. “He took me to the beach for a picnic earlier,” she admitted. “He was, like, super sweet and romantic this morning, too? I don’t know. It was just really nice. So, yeah, he’s good, we’re doing good.”
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redcarpet-looks · 11 years ago
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Mila Kunis @ Toronto International Film Festival 2013
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redcarpet-looks · 11 years ago
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Taylor Swift @ Toronto International Film Festival 2013
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redcarpet-looks · 11 years ago
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AdÚle Exarchopoulos @ Toronto International Film Festival 2013
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redcarpet-looks · 11 years ago
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Olivia Wilde @ Toronto International Film Festival 2013
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redcarpet-looks · 11 years ago
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Dakota Fanning @ Toronto International Film Festival 2013
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redcarpet-looks · 11 years ago
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Sandra Bullock @ Toronto International Film Festival 2013
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redcarpet-looks · 11 years ago
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Kristen Wiig @ Toronto International Film Festival 2013
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deweydewdrop · 5 months ago
Although Dewey probably should have saved the sweet gestures for after Tiffany and Randy broke up, one hand still holding hers while the other rubbed her back soothingly, he genuinely couldn’t help himself. It had already been difficult enough holding back while they hung out as friends before this — once again, he was doing the things that Randy should have been doing, comforting and loving his girlfriend. Why did he make it seem like such a hard task? Dewey was able to effortlessly. As Tiffany nodded, the triplet smiled at her words. “The toughest bitch I know,” he replied playfully, in an attempt to get her to smile.
Even as he attempted to lighten the mood though, they both knew it was time for Tiffany to leave soon. Her sigh indicated it was that time, even if they didn’t want to separate yet. Nodding his head, Dewey finally let go of her hand, his other hand lingering on her back only a moment longer. “Anytime. Call me if you need anything, alright?"
She knew it was going to be hard. It was going to be rough as hell breaking up with Randy after so many years together, after a lifelong friendship that ran underneath their relationship and a life where they were so intertwined from their shared home to their career to their entire friend group. Tiffany didn’t feel ready right now to do it, but she knew that once she steeled herself, she would be. And she knew that by the end she was going to be okay, even if she wasn’t right now. She told Dewey as much with a nod as he asked her, answering with a hint of irony in her voice, “Yeah. I’m a tough bitch.”
Letting out a deep sigh, Tiff knew it was time to get up and get out of here. The longer she was here with Dewey, rubbing her back and kissing her hand, the less she wanted to leave, and that was dangerous where Randy could still come out of the ballroom and find them any time. She didn’t want anything to happen between the two men, which seemed inevitable if her almost-ex-boyfriend found them like this. “I think I’m gonna go find Candice and stay with her tonight. Thanks for being here for me.”
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deweydewdrop · 10 months ago
Finally being able to kiss Tiffany after so much waiting was an incredible feeling — like coming up for fresh air after being stuck underwater. He'd been drowning all this time, between the bombing and the heartache and the loneliness, and Tiffany was here to save him, finally. In a sense, they were saving each other, and maybe that was what made them so special. Even if they had technically kissed when he was in Randy's body, even if they'd kissed before when they had hooked up in the past, this was more special than any of those moments. It was the rainbow after the storm, at least he hoped so for Tiffany's sake; she didn't deserve to be hurt anymore.
Dewey wished he never had to pull away from the kiss, but there was an unspoken feeling that there would be plenty more in store in the future. Instead, he squeezed her hand too, with a small smile to remind her that it would be okay. I'm gonna break up with him would normally be a sad statement, but Dewey's heart was doing backflips in his chest at the news. He nodded his head in understanding, wanting to celebrate at the thought of them finally being together soon, but struggling to do so with seeing how hurt she still was. As her fingers pressed into her temples, Dewey brought his other arm up to rub her back soothingly. "Take all the time you need, I'm not going anywhere," he promised. With the hand that was holding hers, he brought their hands up so he could kiss hers softly. "Are you gonna be okay?"
Tiffany couldn’t bear to hear Dewey say that he destroyed everything he touched without proving him wrong, because he was touching her, and for at least a moment everything that made her feel unlovable disappeared and it was just them in the world and he needed to be kissed. For a few seconds, everything was perfect. Reality settled back in slowly as they pulled apart, the truth that Tiff was still in a relationship as of right now; even if she knew in her own heart that it was over, she had to make sure Randy knew it too before she continued moving forward with Dewey. Squeezing Dewey’s hand, she spoke softly but decisively, “I’m gonna break up with him.” He hadn’t asked her to, but she didn’t need him to. She didn’t need him to ask her out either—not yet. There was an unspoken understanding between them of what was happening here. They didn’t need to discuss it right now to know what the endgame of all this was going to be.
“I think I just need a night
I don’t even want to go home right now.” Tiff sighed, slowly detaching her hand from Dewey’s to press her fingers into her temples. The stress and crying was starting to get to her head. She offered a small, slightly strained smile and asked, “Can we talk in a couple days?”
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fluggedup · 10 months ago
At least Randy knew she hadn't completely forgotten about him, watching her expression as he mentioned his favorite flavor combo. He was probably watching Tiffany more closely than ever before, listening to even the slight shift in her voice as she responded. It almost surprised him to hear his name get brought up, a relief but also strange. She clearly didn't have a problem talking about her boyfriend with Dewey, so what was up? He just didn't care that she was taken?
"Oh, yeah?" He tried not to sound too interested, stuffing his hands in his pockets as they continued toward the fro-yo shop. Randy seized the opportunity to get his girlfriend to talk about him more; he couldn't help but be curious about what his body had been up to all day, and what Tiffany might have to say. What was she comfortable with telling Dewey, exactly? Randy cleared his throat awkwardly, "So, uh .. What's he been up to?"
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Chocolate and peanut butter wasn’t an unusual combination in any way, but it was such a Randy staple that Tiffany’s nose automatically scrunched in response to Dewey providing it as his flavor of the day. Maybe those two were such opposites that it just seemed weird they would even like the same thing
Then again, they both liked her, didn’t they? Maybe their tastes were similar after all. Tiffany felt immediately guilty thinking that. She had been having a great morning with her boyfriend earlier, but now here she was with Dewey, and
What did it mean that she kept comparing both of them? She loved Randy, but whenever he frustrated her, her mind swayed toward Dewey. Sometimes she could almost forget about her boyfriend entirely when with Dewey, but then something would remind her of him and she would get antsy.
“Yeah,” she said, hoping to sound normal when she answered. Dewey probably didn’t know how conflicted their friendship made her over something as simple as fro-yo. “Peanut butter cups, too. Those are Randy’s favorites,” she added. Tiff didn’t know why she had to bring him up, besides to remind both of them that he existed, that their relationship status meant he was always here, between them, even when he wasn’t.
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