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allnightstay · 5 months ago
Day 7 - Fidget 🫶🏻
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Summary: Kaguya finds herself in a predicament she absolutely CANNOT let Miyuki found out about.
Lee: Kaguya
Ler: Miyuki
A/N: I just finished Season 1 of Love is War and OMG it's so cute mixed with hilarious. I can't wait to start Season 2.
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The two school officials were in their office working on their usual tasks. Shinomiya was sitting at the table sipping her coffee and sorting through paperwork while Shirogane sat next to her writing out the next school plans.
Kaguya places her coffee down on the table, and Miyuki instinctively looks over at her, noticing a piece of fluff on her collar.
Part of me wants to remove that little white fluff on her collar, but what if she thinks it's because I've been looking at her, what if she thinks I care about how beautiful she looks? What could I say? Hmm.
Miyuki thinks to himself and devises a plan that covers his wanting to help her.
"Shinomiya. You really need to start keeping a closer eye on your appearance. Wouldn't want the school counsel to look as though we're not reputable enough to represent." With that, he reaches over and grabs the fluff from her collar. Or at least tried to. Guess it's more entangled in the fabric than he assumed.
Kaguya noticably flinches at the slight touch of his fingers on her neck.
Crap! Did he notice that? I can't so much as have him know I'm extremely ticklish on my neck. "How adorable" he must think. >.< Absolutely not. Not happening!!
"Were you staring at me just know? Keen of you to notice something in such a place you'd have to completely turn your head to see. What are you even talking about?" She remarks.
"That little piece of fluff is so noticeable, how could I miss it?" He says, attempting to pull it off again, noticing how the dark haired girl scrunches in her shoulder by accident.
"Are you okay?"
Kaguya picks up her coffee, "Of course. Why would anything be wrong?"
Oh crap oh crap. He definitely noticed!
This time, the blue eyed deviant decided he would play a bit, finding a chance to point out something she'd be totally embarrassed about.
"Shinomiya? You still have something...on your..." He purposely brushes his knuckles just light enough to still make it look as though he was only trying to remove the extra tangle of cotton.
Kaguya, on the other hand, trembles and tries her hardest not to fidget, to hold in the giggle trying so hard to burst out of her mouth.
"Shinomiya are you ... ticklish?"
Her eyes widen. She looks away, putting down her coffee, blushing.
"What are you- ? Ack!" Miyuki has begun poking her side, smiling evily at her.
She brings her arms down to block each poke, failing as some get through, causing her to jolt and cover her mouth with the other hand.
"Hmmm, it would seem someone has a rather adorable side to her. I never took you as someone who'd be so sensitive." He's clearly toying with her.
"I d-don't know wh-what you're t-tahalking about, President." She struggles to keep her words straight as she's dodging each poke.
Not wanting to wait much longer, as he's dying to see her smile and hear her laugh, he grabs her sides and squeezes with no intentions of stopping.
"Ahaha!! Prehehehesident!!" Kaguya now folds over as much as she can, unable to control the fact that she's now leaning her back on him. He brings his arms from being under her to now over her, wiggling his fingers on her ribs.
Kaguya kicks and laughs, blushing at the position she's now in. Is he flirting?? Why is he tickling her?? This is completely unlike him.
Chika casually walks in, stopping in her tracks at the adorable sight she's witnessing.
"Awww you two are so cute!" She says, lovingly.
Shirogane and Shinomiya freeze.
Kaguya quickly sits up, adjusting her fit and grabs her coffee.
Miyuki, at the same time, completely turns straight forward and grabs his pen, writing as though nothing just happened.
Chika can clearly see the blushes on both their faces, "Whoops, I forgot my bag. Be right back!" Closing the door behind her.
The two now sit, dying to say something to each other but completely embarrassed to do so.
Who wins? It's a tie.
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berrys-hide-out · 2 years ago
World Trigger HC
With our dear Tamakoma 2
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———————— Tamakoma 2 —————————
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Yuma Kuga
The guy is a menace! After Osamu showed him tickling he had been A strong opponent due to his strength and use of words he’d definitely make snarky remarks about his Lee and fluster them to no end thanks to Osamu who had shown him some very evil tricks and some Yuma has from Jin.
As a Lee I feel like he’d be squirming all over the place but after you crack him and the laughter starts flowing out of him he’s a goner! His worst spot would be something like the back of his knee and spine, third worst would probably be his shin- he’s his shin you read correctly, it’s an underrated spot just like the arms but soft scribbled got one weakening in seconds!
Aside from these Yuma knows the most about Hyuse- yet it’s also the other way around so when these two are having a Tickle fight anyone that’s around should flee as soon as possible or they might be next!
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Chika Amatori
Chika girl was the second to know about Hyuse and Yuma being ticklish when she had accidentally found them sparring in the training rooms.
The girl is an evil ler, her usual quiet and seemingly unsure being will turning into a full fledged tickle monster! She will use baby talk and use anything against her Lee. Chika will still be very careful to not make anything uncomfortable but she will make sure you get the lesson you deserve.
As a Lee she is weak to teases and just like Hyuse she looses strength when tickled and still she’ll try to squirm and shoo your fingers away.
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Osamu Mikumo
Captain! Hehe Osamu is an experienced ler and is especially scary for his team since he knows their strengths and weaknesses very well. The boy will do many sneak attacks since he’s about the weakest in the group. Each time he needs to think of a new method, leaving his lees guessing.
As a Lee he’s practically helpless if he doesn’t manage to activate his ‘non ticklishness’ but when you already got him squirming and trying not to laugh it’s not worthless for him. Osamu wont just take the tickles though no no! He will try to fight back and try to see it as training
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Hyuse I feel like he wouldn’t know about tickling until Yuma introduced him to it. As a Ler he’s a strong opponent, although he finds it rather childish (because he’s embarrassed about his own ticklishness) he won’t back down from wrecking Yuma or Yotaro when they get on his nerves. He only tickles others if he has no other option or if they’re extra noisy or nervous that day.
As a Lee he’d decline his ticklishness and through the wrecking he’d try to fight but the poor boys worst spots are his waist and the spot between his ribs and armpits. He’s hard to crack but even a surprise attack has him in stitches in just a few seconds.
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amjustagirl · 2 years ago
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chapter 13: home and hearth
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chapters: 13 / 15
pairing: miya osamu x f! reader
genre: romance / angst / fluff
word count: 2.5k
summary: miya osamu does not dare set fire to his heart. it burns anyway.
(prev / next)
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“I guess I don’t actually have to kick you out of the farm”, Ichika remarks when you and Osamu return back to the guest house, the status of your newfound relationship clear from your joined hands. He rolls his eyes, ready to snipe back with a snarky remark about how he’s not as dumb as his brother, throwing ‘Tsumu to the wolves when Kita pipes up. 
“We should have food to celebrate”, he says, ever the peace-maker. “I’m sure I have some mochi that obaa-chan made this morning, we could even break out the sake -” 
“Thanks Capt’n, but I’m full”, Osamu replies flatly. 
Everyone blinks at him. But before anyone can vocalise their utter shock, judging from their flabbergasted expressions - because he’s Miya Osamu, a bottomless pit and he never turns down food, he grabs your arm and hightails it to your room. 
“What’s the rush?”, you ask him, confused. It wouldn’t hurt to sit about and chat with Shinsuke and Ichika for a bit, especially when you’re living under their roof. 
“I’ve waited a whole year to talk to you, so I’m gonna treasure every minute I have here. And don’t worry about ‘Chika and Shinsuke. They’re romantic saps deep inside, so they understand.” 
“Still, ‘Samu that’s so rude.” 
“I missed you”, he declares, unrepentant. “Plus didn’t you hear ‘Chika promising to kick me out of the farm if I don’t make you happy -” 
“With you, I’m always happy -” 
“Keep sayin’ things like that and I’m never leavin’ your side, sweetheart. Now c’mon - let’s plan our first date. I’m thinkin’ of heading back to my hometown so we can try more ice cream flavours.”
“Cos it’s life changing from what I hear”, you tease, and he can’t help but kiss you again. 
You do go on that first date, and a few more after until he has to return back to Osaka, but once Kita’s guests check out (you realise they’re Suna Rintarou’s parents who seem absolutely loaded - no wonder he’s so obnoxious), you get on the first train back to Osaka, flying off the train right into Osamu’s waiting arms.. You slip right back into the rhythm of being in Osaka, renting a tiny apartment though you really don’t need it since you and Kombu-chan spend most of your time at Osamu’s apartment, helping out at his restaurants as a means of spending more time with him whenever you’re free, in between breaks of running your own business, which is booming. Osamu boasts about it to all his customers and it strengthens your resolve knowing he’s your biggest supporter, that he couldn’t be prouder of you. 
He broaches setting up a night where you take over the restaurant as a visiting chef-in-residence, and you gladly take him up on his offer, curating menus that blend your family’s traditional techniques with the flavours and ingredients you’ve discovered. These biweekly affairs draw almost a cult following of sorts purely through word of mouth. The primitive reservation link he uses on the Onigiri Miya website crashes as people keep flooding it, desperate to score a seat, and right now there isn’t a seat to be had for two months at least. 
He’s brimming with pride that he gets to serve as your sous chef and tells you so, but there’s a weighted pause before you smile and nod, and he’s sharp enough to ask you what’s wrong.  
“If I stopped cooking one day because I decided I hate it, would you still love me?” 
“I guess it’d be fine”, he teases. “Since we won’t go hungry ‘cos I can cook for us both.” 
He presses a kiss to your forehead in apology. “I don’t love you for your cooking, let’s just be clear about that.” 
“Then why do you love me?”   
He must take a beat too long in hesitation because you mutter a soft “nevermind”, rolling on your back to stare at the cracks in the ceiling. 
“Hey”, he rolls towards you, resting his chin on the top of your belly where you’re the most ticklish, chuckling when you swat at him. “You gotta give a guy time to think of a reply, ‘specially when I’m not good with words.”  
You crack a smile when he boops your nose with his. “You know I’m gonna love you whether or not you’re a chef right? It’s not like I love you ‘cos of that. If that’s what I was lookin’ for then I might as well date Suzuki-san, though gross - that’d be like datin’ a grumpy auntie of mine, no can do.” 
“I’m gonna tell her you called her grumpy -”
He chokes as if he’s downed a can of kerosene. “You won’t do that.” 
“Try me”, you say, a cheeky grin stretching across your face. 
He forgets to give you his answer when the night devolves into a pillow fight which ends only after he traps you in a bear hug and you distract him with heated kisses and - well his crew teases him when he turns up to work late after oversleeping because he doesn’t have the heart to leave the bed when you and Kombu-chan are snuggled against his back, and you groan when the alarm rings, blearily pleading just for ten more minutes. That quickly turns into an hour, and he scrambles into the restaurant with tufts of hair sticking up on all sides as if he’s stuck his finger into a power socket. 
“Ah, young love”, Morita and Ishida chorus, never missing an opportunity to clown on their boss. 
He wouldn’t consider himself over the hill yet, but he’s hardly a fresh faced teenager with his first girlfriend, floating on the high of infatuation like he’s just inhaled bubbles of champagne. 
With you, it’s easy, uncomplicated.He likes that you understand his worries, the pressure he faces because you’ve been through it all before. There are always bills to pay, vendors and suppliers to manage, cranky customers who leave unjustified online reviews, snobby food reviewers he has to convince that onigiris are indeed an art form in and of itself. 
“Bad day?” you ask, when he returns home, a storm cloud of gloom trailing behind him. 
Your things have moved themselves into his apartment, your father’s knife carefully sheathed in the kitchen, your clothes shoved into his closet. You’re lounging on the sofa, watching some show about street food in Asia - Singapore this time, some chicken rice hawker who gets a michelin star. Kombu-chan glares at him for daring to interrupt its nap, as if he were an interloper in his own apartment. 
He shrugs, sprawling onto your lap, nuzzling close in a wordless plea for comfort. . 
“Kombu-chan, give ‘Samu a kiss!” you’d say brightly, lifting the cat to his cheek. 
He wrinkles his nose when Kombu-chan begrudgingly gives him a lick with a sandpaper rough tongue. “Why don’t you give me a kiss instead”, he bargains, and when you do, somehow you manage to brighten his bad days with the sweetness of your affection, the sunshine of your smile. 
Why does he love you? 
Because you’re you. You’re the best thing to happen to him. 
Everyone in his life seems to agree. 
The crew loves you. Suzuki-san already took you under her wing when you first started helping out at the restaurant. Miyamura-kun looks up to you. Ishida and Morita tease you for being the boss’s girl until he quells them with a stern look. Murata just nods and says “good job” to him, which he takes as the ultimate stamp of approval. 
Atsumu, of course, approves, even if he’s obnoxious about expressing it, hollering and taking a photo of you to send to the Inarizaki group chat with a thumbs up “mission accomplished” - as if he had any part to play in this entire escapade, which Suna points out wryly .The middle blocker texts him privately later a cryptic message to tell you that you were right (about what, he doesn’t explain even when probed) and to not let a good thing go (well, the less said about Suna’s own marriage, the better). Aran and Gintama send warm congratulations and ask to meet you when the next Inarizaki gathering rolls around, and he can just feel Kita radiating paternal pride all the way in Hyogo. 
Kaiyo actually gets a little misty-eyed when he shyly holds your hand in front of her and Atsumu for the first time. While she doesn’t actually say much to him, she shoots him a look that says plain as day it’s about time, which, to be absolutely honest, he kinda agrees with. 
“I think I finally understand why you took ‘Tsumu back”, he murmurs as you bustle around the kitchen, having commandeered it for yourself so you can utilise the entire Miya clan as your test subjects for the concoctions you’re cooking up.
Kaiyo uses his shoulder as a headrest. “Why’s that?” 
“Cos love makes everyone a little bit crazy.” 
She laughs brightly. “I’m definitely the craziest woman alive then.” 
Atsumu perks up like a puppy. Yeesh. “Awww, baby -” 
He’s gonna lose his appetite. “Stop slobberin’, it’s fuckin’ embarrassing”, he tells his brother, who responds with a kick to his shin. 
Shoma chimes in just before Osamu tries to grab Atsumu in a headlock. “Auntie ‘Chika says since you’re crazy about auntie, you should get married soon, Uncle ‘Samu.”
Osamu glowers. “Auntie ‘Chika should also learn to mind her own damn business -”
“Language”, Kaiyo chimes in with an annoyingly smug grin, gleeful that her friend’s gotten her son to do her dirty work. 
An evil idea strikes Osamu. “Shoma, why don’t you apply Auntie ‘Chika’s advice by asking your Uncle Kita if you can marry Asami-chan. Let’s see what he says.” 
A beat before both Kaiyo and Atsumu goggle at him. 
“Kita’s gonna murder you, you better avoid Hyogo for the next decade -” 
“I guess we may as well plan the wedding -” 
Shoma just blinks at the idiot adults in his life, unperturbed. “Okay”, he says serenely. 
Thankfully, Kaiyo doesn’t push the matter when you’re around because he’s terrified she might scare you away. You’re already so obliging when she adds you into the Miya clan family group chat, instructing the kids to address you as auntie right away. He worries that the speed at which they’re moving frighten you, but you take it in stride. Of course, it helps that the kids know you well (Shoma still remembers your cooking lessons, holding a knife just as you taught him too), and you were always fast friends with Kaiyo (not a great thing in his book, when she insists on dragging you out for girl nights when he really just wants to stay home and cuddle you and Kombu-chan).
“She said she’s always wanted sisters”, you giggle when you come back after one of such get-togethers at Kaiyo’s favourite izakaya, unsurprisingly a little sloshed considering Ichika’s also visiting from Hyogo. 
“Mmhm”, he helps you unzip your dress as you hold your hair up, swaying. “And did you ever wish for sisters for yourself?” 
“I wanted - well, it doesn’t matter what I wanted then, when I have it now. Kinda. Somewhat.” you stab your toothbrush into your nostril and wince, and he decides to take over toothbrushing duties for the night. “I gotsch a fwamily - mmphhh - with you and Kai and ‘Tsum and the kiddos and it’s sho niceeeee  - ”
“A family, huh?” he remarks, tucking you into bed as you nod off to sleep. 
Speaking of family - his mother is over the moon when he brings you to meet her in Hyogo. You’re apprehensive, almost stiff when you bow to her, back almost parallel to the ground. The scars that are etched themselves to bone linger in your mind far more than those on your skin, but your shoulders lower from their place around your ears when his mother asks if you’re hungry, and without waiting for a reply, whips out enough mochi and dango to feed an army along with a thick photo album. 
“Ka-san”, he whines, petulance thickening his accent. “Yer ‘barrassin’ me.”
“You and ‘Tsumu were such cute babies”, his mother replies mistily, ignoring his complaints. But when you gush over those damned photos, he sits back and munches on dango quietly, objecting only when his mother whips out a whole set of photos of him and ‘Tsumu stark naked, paddling through mud like piglets. 
“It’s not my fault the two of you were allergic to clothes as children”, his mother laughs.
He swallows his retort when you flip over yet another photo, one where Tsumu and him clutch their first volleyball trophy, gap toothed and sweaty, exclaiming how cute the both of you were - which fine, he supposes he was a cute kid. Which then makes him wonder if your kids would be cute - they should be, given your genes and his, though if they inherit ‘Tsumu’s personality, that’d be a huge pain in the ass - wait a minute - 
His mother somehow reads his mind, pulling him aside when they’re about to take their leave. 
“You’d make beautiful babies together”, she whispers to him. 
He splutters. “‘Ka-san, you can’t say things like that.”
“Like what?” you ask, his mother’s impertinent statement out of your earshot, thankfully. 
“Nothin’” he says gruffly, ushering you out of his childhood home, ignoring his mother’s entreaties to come visit again soon (he will, but he’s gotta find a way to burn that accursed photo album first). But his mother’s words linger in his mind, a niggling thought that he can’t quite dismiss, perhaps because he does actually like the thought of a kid with your temperament and soft heart.  
But it’s far too early for him to be broaching this topic with you. 
You and he are still figuring out your footing in this journey of life. The industry you both work in is tough - rude customers, dishonest suppliers, rising food prices. Sometimes when you least expect it, the anxiety inherited from your parents boils over. He hates to see you struggle. He doesn’t dare add to it. 
“Want to talk about it?” he asks when he finds you curled up on the couch, Kombu-chan purring on your lap. 
You shake your head. Still, he doesn’t let your stubbornness steal you away from him. 
So he puts on your favourite music, makes you a cup of tea. “C’mon”, he pleads, refusing to take no for an answer until you take his hand, allowing him to twirl you all around the living room, breaking out into the silliest of dance moves until you’ve laughed your worries away. 
“The neighbours are going to think we’re crazy”, you giggle. 
“Well, I don’t know about you, but I am definitely crazy, so they’d be right.” 
“You’re not crazy!”
“Sure I am”, he smirks. “Crazy in love with you.”
You hide your smile, shyly pressing your cold lips to his cheek, but there’s no hiding your heart is no longer frozen because he can hear it flutter against his skin, a bird finally set free. 
Slowly, surely. One step at a time. Forge a way forward, away from fire and ice.
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a/n: where nothing much happens, but hope you guys like the fluff :)
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ghostie-the-haunted · 3 years ago
Goood morning sib!
Now I could be mean /J /lh BUT I decided for the first round at LEAST to be a bit nice so enjoy!!
It was currently 3AM it's been a few hours, you were half way there but geez were things getting stressful. Seeing this the figure behind you halted to a stop and spoke gently
"Hey Superstar! We have some items we need to collect from my room, let's go sha'll we?" He gave a soft smile to which you sighed. His room was so far from where you were currently and you were getting tired by this point.
"I'll carry you, don't worry about a thing Superstar, get in!" He was a good enough charge that getting there wouldn't be too big of a problem
"Here we go!" Smiling brightly the two of you walked through the building, you passed Chika on your way back but since you were inside of Freddy nothing could hurt you
Everything was all good.
You eventually made it to his room when very out of character he shut everything down to an almost lockdown type thing in his room.
With confused eyes he smiled "You're safe now" He knelt down to you on the floor speaking gently "No one is allowed to hurt you, not while you're with me"
"This room is impossible for the others to enter since i put it in lock down mode, you can rest for a bit if you would like. We all need to recharge sometime isn't that right Superstar" His enthusiasm got a small smile from you.
You tried and tried but you just couldn't sleep, there was too much going on.
Seeing this as well Glamrock Freddy scaned through his database to try and find some way to help
"Do you require some assistance to sleep?"
Thinking for a minute before looking up and nodding he nodded as well pulling you closer
"May I try something?" He asked, you hesitated a bit but eventually nodded, that's when you felt a few cold metal fingers drag down your sides
You giggled from both the initial shock and the coldness of Freddy's hands.
"Ticklish?" He said with a slight teasy tone in his voice before wiggling all along the length of your sides, moving up to your ribs and back down humming a soft melody as he did so
"You have adorable giggles I must say!" The smile in his voice was brighter as he wiggled some of his fingers under your neck as well
"Like music to my ears"
Moving again he gently tickled all over your stomach,
"Oh? A good spot huh Superstar" He teased laughing a bit along with you he wiggled all over your stomach leaving no spot untickled
"Tickletickletickletickle" This got him laughing a bit more admiring all of the amazing sounds and giggles that came out of your mouth.
"I could tickle you all night Superstar!" He giggled, it was not a bad idea, keep you happy and away from danger, but you must progress forward, he knew that better than anyone
But still, even if it was only for a bit, this was gonna help.
When he felt your body weaken a bit and your eyes draw tired he stopped holding you close
"That was a lovely performance Superstar!"
You smiled before falling asleep against the big golden retriever, father like Freddy. He smiled finding a cozy spot on the beanbag for you to fall asleep in.
"Sleep well Superstar, I will wake you up when it's time to continue for now get good rest"
"I will protect you, I promise"
I hope you enjoyed :]
Awwwwww!!!! This is so cute!
Point for cuteness!
I shall write yours in a bit or early tomorrow morning. It depends on a lot of stuff
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glytchedmuffins · 4 years ago
I’ve fallen into the World Trigger hole and I can’t get out. honestly I don’t even mind lmao. But yeah I fricken love this anime and the tamakoma branch (esp tamakoma-2). this is a little embarrassing but I just wanted to ask if you had any headcanons about tickle fights going on between the main characters. like does kuga and hyuse even know about this stuff? how would they react to being tickled? would osamu and chika have to team up to win? do the senpais use it to control their students? silly stuff like that. ahh no worries if youre not okay with answering, I’ll continue to look forward to your posts! thank you!
Helloooo! Thank you for the request and welcome to the WT hole, there is no escape so be sure to enjoy your stay ^–^
Osamu was only really tickled when he was really young, and since he was never a ticklish person, he never really *got* tickling. To him it was always something you do in order to entertain children... that is untill he became a part of Tamakoma. Tickle fights don't happen often there, but when they do it's chaos. Despite the fact that he is mostly used as a shield since he is one of the least ticklish people there, and that he isn't good at tickling others, he likes seeing his friends laugh and have fun, so he has grown to like them... unless they go way too out of control.
Rinji used to tickle Chika a lot, easily restraining her little body while she didn't have the opportunity to fight back, so when the Tamakoma tickle fights start, she tries to mainly run and hide. She is usually the main target for the tickles since she is small, cute and rather ticklish, yet despite it she really loves them, they remind her of her brother and make her feel less lonely.
While Yuma was aware of tickles, he wasn't used to them. His father, Replica and him were always traveling and no matter where they went there was war, so there weren't many opportunities for them to do many "normal" bonding activities. So when Konami first tried to tickle him he was really confused and afterwards immediately asked Osamu about it, which Chika ended up explaining to him insted. It was still weird for him at first but he quickly got used to it and even became one of the main culprits in starting tickle fights.
Hyuse hates being tickled, since he is very ticklish (which he will deny to his grave), so outside his master, and now Yotaro too, no one is allowed to tickle him, anyone who tries is immidiatly taken care of. A lesson Jin learned in a very painful way.
Usami loves tickling others, she often does with her own little sister and doesn't hesitate to do it with any of the younger members... aside Hyuse.
Jin is main culprit n.2 when it comes to starting tickle fights. Jin also cheats using his side effect so that he knows when it's best to and how to tickle the other and so that he can avoid the other's attempts at tickling him back. Cause of this, they try to avoid a tickle fight with Jin, since it will just be a losing battle. Only Konami and Yotaro are dumb enough to try.
Yotaro is the other main target of the tickles, mainly used against him as a form of punishment when he is being extra bratty. He tried his best to tickle others too, but he is really bad at it, to the point that he doesn't even have any effect on Hyuse.
Konami is the last main culprit in starting tickle fight, if she is frustrated enough (and she doesn't feel like dealing physical harm insted) she will try to tickle whoever caused her frustration, which usually never works out for her. But she keeps trying her best anyway. Problem is that, aside Hyuse, she is the most ticklish there, so it doesn't usuallu end well for her.
Torimaru is the KING when it comes to tickle fights. The guy has 4 younger siblings, he has mastered the craft by now. He doesn't usually start them, but if he does get involved he always wins while keeping his composed, blank face on the entire time. Unless his opponent is someone who is immune to tickles (Osamu and Reiji) or are complete cheaters (Jin), he will win no matter what.
Reiji is the most immune out of them all (Osamu coming in 2nd), so he usually just watches from the side in (poorly) hidden amusement. Unless the tickling starts to get out of hand and Osamu is unable to stop it, then he easily puts a stop to it before they can hurt themselves or break something in the base.
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freyja-veens · 4 years ago
Reborn the Stage (2018)
Reactions or more like random thoughts I took down lol. I actually got to watch the 1st play last kinda like how I started the anime from the future arc and went back 😂 I haven't watched the backstage extras so maybe I'll add (someday).
This is the most hdiest thing I have ever seen thank you so much kind uploader.
Nice music
Maaaan they're really doing THAT opening scene
Okay anyone else instinctively cry at drawing days?
Omg yams that smile is so bright what is your toothpaste
That jump on the bed is sooo cute
Tsuna you're already wearing your uniform...lol
Man the bullies are mean poor tsuna lmao
Tsuna and kyoko already know each other?
Haru scary woah
Eyyy we finally got the first reborn and naked tsuna
Imma shorten takenaka ryohei to takeryo
Having watched varia part 1 and 2 it kinda feels like takeryo here is a babey hihi
Oh man they actually put the family tree
Uwahhhh and we have yamamoto's worries show thank you
Demm hayato really be smokin also he's a different hayato actor well actually I got it backwards because this is the first one lol
Tsuna's silhouette looking like saiyan
This is some doctor strange level of magic effects
Takeryo cutiieee
I know this is a stage so a lot are exaggerated but I don't mind 😂
Omg I love you yams
Why didn't we get this in the anime
Princess hold lmao
Teru-san you are a literal sunshine
Okay what what time is it at the school because a lot has already happened
Also KAO CHIKA (your face is too close) LMAO
Ito yui cutie
Neeko as elder pao pao cutieeee
I'd also like this energy when saying no to someone lmao
Takeryo be undressing and dressing 😂 hardwork
Tsuna going "un" is too cute hnggg
Tyl!Lambo yare yare
Bianchiiiii and then I-pin. The character introductions are so abrupt but also fun.
Omg hayato got ignored FSGAHAJAH
They put the the dead crow lmao AGAGSHAHAHA
Hayato keep calm AHAHAHAHAHSHSHS
Omg that romeo pic AGSFAHAGAHA
How da hell did haru get inside the school lmao
Another princess hold ASGSHAAGAJAH
Who was in the picture lmao
Another one falling
He's almost the same height as tsuna lmao
Fuuta puppy eyes
Yams really be having the same level of loyalty to tsuna as goku
Reborn used the trident mosquito!
Ken! Chikusa!
Byon and tongue rawr
Okay that was really scary but I was fangirling lmao
Ryohei's teeth lmao
Hibari ringtone lmao
Maaaan chikusa's stand is scaryyyy
The effects are really cleeeaaan
Dino on the phoooone
Umm yes hello 6918
Mukuro scaryyyy
Bianchi really be worried for hayato awwwww
A song? A SONG? A SONGGGGG!!!!
MM hello the clarinet sounds awesome
Monkey! Gorilla! Cheetah!
The twins really look creepy
Tyl!Ipin wasn't that mama? lol
LANCIA-SAAAAN oh wait he's not yet lancia 😂
Yamamoto x wall
Wrecking ball
Okay but props to takeryo for the voice change
Maaan that's a big kid mukuro lol
The hibari theme here be like menacing, sexy, and kinda lonely
Fuuta lost his ranking ability?
Also kyoya wasn't healed?
The whole possession scene is superb
Wadanari just chillin in the background
They added rebukes wow
Awiiiee ken chikusa saaaad
The vindice!
Another song! Everyone included but kyoya is just mumbling lmao. I don't know why I feel ticklish lol
Aaaanndd bowwww
Cast greetings!
I'm gonna end here and maybe make a separate thing for the cast greetings but overall that was so much fun and the cast is spot on and superb. Can't wait to watch the making footage.
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oumiyuki · 6 years ago
Dumbbells, Almost Kisses, Huffs and Puns
Pairing: Chika x You
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Words: 506
Author Notes
ChikaYou ga tarinai! (Not enough ChikaYou!) XD
May you enjoy~ :D
“Alright! I’m going to get a whole lot of inspiration and write today!” Chika pumps her fists into the air; rallying her focus and to get a good stretch too.
At You-chan’s place, I’m sure I’ll be able to get the oomph that’s missing!
You chuckles from behind as she watched the stray water droplets from Chika’s wet hair landing on her room’s floor. Drying most of her hair, mostly, she places the towel over her best friend’s head and started drying the orangehead’s too.
Chika laughs, stepping back and forth, body vibrating from laughter, simply making it hard for the ash-brunette to dry her hair.
Ehehe~ was my hair that wet?
“Hey. Stay still, won’t ya.”
Chika giggles. “It’s ticklish.”
“No, it’s not. Mou.” You shakes her head, smiling at her best friend’s silly shenanigans; but she’d probably do that too if Chika was trying to dry her hair. You wonders for a moment why they would. But it’s inconsequential; most importantly is that the two of them are enjoying the moment, right?
You-chan is concentrating so much just to dry my hair…
“There, all dry now.” You grins at the ends of Chika’s hair, no more shower water dripping off the tips.
Oh, feels good to have hair mostly dried.
Chika beams. “Thank yo- uu”
You laughs out loud after playfully pushing a fistful of wet towel in Chika’s face. “Pay back for earlier.” You back steps away from Chika who tried to swipe at her, mirth in her blue hues.
“Get back ‘ere, You-chan!” Chika chases while You dodges; the two best friends pouting and laughing respectively. “You can’t esca- waa!”
Ouch… …?
The orangehead who was tunnel-vision on her best friend accidentally kicks onto the dumbbells on the floor, causing her to fall forwards, pushing You onto the bed and her on top. Chika’s face was mere centimetres away from You’s; eyes wide, breath hitched, cheeks red… Chika wonders if she looked as mesmerizing as her best friend.
Entranced, Chika lowers her body another centimetre closer before abruptly pushing herself up, craning her neck far away from You’s face; not wanting to make eye contact.  
Wh-Wh-What was I trying to do?? Kiss Y-You-chan??? Ehhhh???
“Ahhh. It’s all that dumbbell’s fault!” Chika still refused to look at her best friend.
The ash-brunette sits up with a lopsided smile. “The dumbbells aren’t dumb, Chika-chan.”
Chika’s ears were burning hot from thinking about wanting to kiss her best friend seconds ago…even now…
Why is my heart beating so fast? And why do I…
Chika glances back at You and juts her lips out indignantly, eyebrows furrowed.
Why is You-chan just sitting there making me want to…want to…tackle her and- ahh, mouuuu!!
“It’s dumb today, okay? Sheesh.” Chika pushes against You’s shoulders to make her best friend fall back onto the bed again.
You chuckles, hands on Chika’s back by reflex when made to fall backwards. “Okay.”
Chika breathes out her nose noisily and huffs in You’s face.
Baka You-chan…
Author Notes
Chika-chan, blushing, in love and in denial.
You-chan, blushing, sweet and caring, (in love and in denial ;D).
Hope y’all enjoyed this!
Leave a comment if you like! XD (Chika’d be here attempting to calm her racing heart. Hehehe)
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doridoripawaa · 8 years ago
ChikaRiko!!! (my power girls)
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versaChika for sure. When she gets excited, she tends to charge ahead without noticing the little details like that.
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside themRiko does! She’s such a sap
Who starts the tickle fightsCHIKA KNOWS ALL OF RIKO’S TICKLISH SPOTS
Who starts the pillow fightsChika starts them, but Riko finishes them
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smileRiko! This is canon
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Who mistakes salt for sugarHonestly, it’s probably Riko. Chika does a lot of housework, so she can probably tell the difference pretty easily.
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morningCHIKA DOES AND RIKO IS NOT HAPPY
Who comes up with cheesy pick up linesChika!! She gets some inspiration from Riko’s doujinshi, and Riko secretly loves it
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical orderRiko likes having some order in her life
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies“But Riko-chaaan, they look so gooood~!”“Chika-chan, we’re sharing these with everyone!”“Then I need to make sure they’re safe! I’m the leader!”
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasionRiko is a sap - exhibit B
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a penRiko loves to doodle, and Chika’s skin is so soft and inviting~
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacationChika for sure. After their 5th trip to Tokyo, Riko insists that she needs to stop
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazinesRIKO
Send me a (Love Live!) ship!
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nui-the-super-lesbian · 8 years ago
Rank the Love Live belly buttons in order of which ones you want to go to town on
Hold on to your rear because this is gonna be a long, uncomfortable journey for ya. Also fair warning, there is a lot of shit taste under the cut here so brace yourself for my stupid opinions. 
1. Nozomi. 
This one kinda goes without saying since she’s best girl in all of Love Live, but the thing that also elevates her above the rest is thicc. Thicc ladies are the best, and thicc tummies are even better. But for real, Nozomi’s stomach is probably juicy and soft as fuck, as well as unbearably sensitive so eating her bellybutton out would most likely be the thing that makes her cum the hardest. It’s also probably really deep too so frenching it would be sublime!  
2. You.
Best Aqours girl gets the #2 spot for being so goddamn awesome. Seriously I love You so much, she’s a cutie and I can relate to her so bad. Now, I may like me a thicc hunnie, but abs are also just as good. You’s belly has to be hard and tight, so I could probably slam my face against it and break my nose or something. That, and she’s probably sensitive as heck too, just like Nozomi, but instead of having a really deep navel, it’s probably shallow and tight as heck. Which means that I’ll be able to suck and nibble on it and REALLY drive her wild!
3. Kotori.
Birb is sweet, adorable, and she’d probably make the cutest little moans and giggles while she’s having her navel licked. That and she’d probably wear tons n tons of cute little cropped tops n outfits just to drive me wild all day, and I would be alright with that because turning her into a puddle after a nice long bellybutton blowjob would be fucking amazing. Her belly wouldn’t be all that much to speak of, though, it’d be rather plain in terms of appearance. But it’d probably taste very sweet, just like her. 
4. Nico. 
Nico is a little shit, so turning her into a sweaty, moaning mess with just a little navel love would be extremely satisfying. That, and her tummy is tight af, so shoving as much of my tongue into that small little bellybutton while she screams in pleasure would probably fill me with so much joy and lust. That and she’s probably light as fuck so I could pick her up and hold her against the wall while I make a meal out of her defenseless little bellybutton~
5. Yoshiko. 
I wanna descend upon the fallen angel so bad, dude. Ok, like Kotori, her belly probably wouldn’t be all that special, but since it’s Yoshiko’s belly, licking it all over would be a very fun experience due to how theatrical she can be. Watching Yoshiko try to stay in character as she holds in giggles and moans would be so delicious, so breaking her down like that would be so much fun. 
6. Honoka. 
Honkers is probably kinda squishy and soft, so nuzzling my face into her belly while she giggles would be adorable. She’s probably insanely ticklish too, so giving her a lil bit of tickle torture and watching her thrash around laughing while I give her little love bites would be rather enjoyable in my opinion. 
7. Kanan. 
Bonnie’s gonna kill me for this, I just know it. Okay, so Kanan. Like You, she’s got killer abs and all, but she’s not as sensitive there. So playing with her belly would be a turn on, but I probably wouldn’t be able to get her off effectively without some stimulation to her clit with a vibe. Which is still really hot, don’t get me wrong, but she’s not somebody I’d really wanna go ham on. 
8. Hanayo.
Hanayo is squishy, and also extremely sensitive on her stomach. So much that she can’t stand to have it touched without some serious convincing. And I don’t wanna have to force her, she’s already such a sweetheart and I’d rather not make her do anything that would cause discomfort. But her bellybutton would still probably taste really good, and using her tummy as a pillow would be so comfy. 
9. Maki.
Maki is kind of a tsundere, so  she’d act like she’s not enjoying it or that it’s disgusting. Which would fire me up like crazy, since I hate that act and I’d wanna prove her wrong, but it would be annoying after a while and I don’t wanna deal with that shit. 
10. Hanamaru. 
Zuramaru would probably be a lot like Hanayo, but less sensitive. Like, she probably just thinks that a little belly licking is more relaxing than stimulating, so just licking on her navel while she reads would be rather relaxing. 
11. Riko. 
Like Nico, slamming her up the wall and giving her the business would be crazy fun. However, she’d probably get stupid fucking embarrassed whenever I’d do it, so trying to get her to calm down and enjoy the ride would be a bit harrowing after a while. Her stomach probably wouldn’t be anything special either, just a flat normal belly with an innie, but I’d still love it because all bellybuttons are good! 
12. Dia. 
Ok, Dia’s just a hardass when it comes to it, and she’d probably say that I’m not doing a good job even when I’m doing my best. So having her pull on my hair and berating me would be kind of a turn off, unless I’m looking to get dommed, in which case hell yeah, Mistress Dia, punish your little bellybutton slut! 
13. Ruby. 
The complete opposite of her older sister, Ruby offers little resistance and would probably let me go to town. Her belly would be smol too, and smol tummies are always nice. But I’d rather not force her to do something so pervy, she’s smol and pure, and while I’m not against lewding her, I don’t wanna push my weird kinks onto lil’ ol’ Rubes. 
14. Eli.
She’d probably have a damn good belly, one that would be tasty as all hell! But, she’d also probably be really vanilla about it. Like she wouldn’t mind, but she’d want me to eat her pussy after a while, kinda like Kanan. But Eli’s this low because no abs. 
15. Umi. 
She wouldn’t even let me near it, it’s too shameful and weird. Which is a shame because Umi’s probably got a ripped core and I’d love to go absolutely ham on it. But she won’t, so she’s down here. ‘Tis a shame. 
16. Rin. 
Rin’s probably got a nice tight belly too, but her nya-ing would really get on my nerves. Sorry kitty. 
17. Chika. 
She would taste like oranges. But she’s Chika, so that kind of kills it for me. 
18. Mari. 
Fuck Mari, ok, I hate her. She’s probably got a nice belly, don’t get me wrong, but she’d be the biggest fucking tease the whole time and her engrish would sap any enjoyment I would have right out of it. That and she probably wouldn’t even let me do anything to her without embarrassing myself first, which is hot (and probably something Nozomi would do too tbh), but the vibes I would be getting from her would kill the mood and it just wouldn’t be worth it. 
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shruggingcutely · 8 years ago
Happy Birthday, You!
You and Chika make out and it doesn’t quite work. Also, Riko is there and they play Monster Hunter
Word count: 2k-ish
Rating: A bra comes off, but it’s mostly just kissing and talking and get a girlfriend, Riko
The air in Chika's room could have crushed two whole Rubies. You and Riko stared at Chika, face obscured by shadows, while they waited for the results. Had their hard work paid off? Was it for naught?
Chika cautiously opened an eye and glimpsed at the screen. Her face lit up.
“Plate! I got one! I finally got one!”
You and Riko sighed. They'd been farming this monster for a good three hours for the one drop Chika had still needed. Both of them already had like three, but they couldn't trade even though they didn't need it themselves. Now Chika could finish her armor set with the built-in skills she'd been searching for the entire game. They could fight other monsters again and… stock up on bugs and honey and antidotes.
Riko checked her phone. “Ah, it's so late! I should get going!” She grabbed her bag and got up. Snack crumbs rained to the floor (Chika's fault). “See you tomorrow, okay? Don't stay up until morning, Chika.” It wasn't even midnight yet.
“Eeehhh?! But I wanna chat with You~!”
Riko giggled. “Good night, Chika.” In a gentler voice she added, “Good night, You.”
You kind of grinned a bit too much and felt bad about it. “Yeah, good night!” She loved hanging out with Riko, but right now she was so relieved Riko was leaving.
Riko made her exit and about a minute later they heard her footsteps outside. You closed the window. Time for some peace and quiet, by which she meant absolutely no peace and quiet because she was alone with Chika.
“Hey, Chika, wanna finish with an arena quest?”
She'd already switched off the game, though. “Riko would get mad at us. And…” Chika offered You a playfully bashful glance. “You were waiting for us to be alone, right…?”
“U-uh, yeah…” She sat down next to Chika. They'd been dating for a while now and every time they had a moment to themselves they ended up all over each other. But chastely. Maybe a boob was touched. It hadn't really changed much from before, which made it comfortable, but…when You's mind wandered… “You caught me.”
Chika rested her head on You's shoulder. Softly, she said, “Should we ask Riko to give us more alone time?”
You shook her head. “No, I think it's fine the way it is right now.” No question Riko would understand, but the thought of pushing Riko away, especially when she lived next to Chika and so was already nearby the whole day, made You's stomach hurt. She kissed Chika's temple. “We'll just have to make the most of the time we do have.”
“Mmh.” Chika hugged You's left arm and kissed her on the chin.
You leaned downward and their lips met. Chika's kisses didn't make You's heart race, but calmed her instead. Chika was like home. When she smiled during a kiss, You couldn't help but do the same. Sticking to this could be enough for them. They didn't need to go any further, even if that thought had its charm.
Chika lowered her gaze. “You, um… You mentioned you wanted to try more things together, right? Like… more touching?”
You clenched her first in gratitude. No way she was gonna refuse. “If you want to, yeah.”
Chika tightened her grasp on You's arm. Her softness, all over her, made You's face glow. “Yeah, I…” She giggled. “I like when you touch me. You're always so gentle and sweet.”
You swallowed, and pulled Chika up. They sat on the bed, more on than next to each other.
“Hey, can I be a little selfish?” Chika asked.
“Of course.”
Chika's lips wriggled for a moment before she spoke. “Could you take off your clothes?”
They were going for it, huh? “Y-yeah, sure.” You turned away a bit and slipped out of her pajama top. In the corner of her eye Chika unbuttoned hers. A little extremely distracting. You tried to ignore Chika's gaze on her and tossed her shorts on the floor. Chika's pajamas followed.
Her blood pumping, You turned back around to take all of Chika in, but was caught in a hug instead. Feeling Chika's skin on hers, warm and soft and real, gave You goosebumps. Chika clearly knew. She was the same, though.
Chika loosened her embrace and, with her arms crossed behind You's head, gazed deeply into You's eyes. A giggle escaped through her nose. “I love you~” She kissed You's cheek.
“I love you too.” They almost grinned too much to kiss. Chika gave her a tiny lick, which she'd noticed You liked, then did it again and again. That wasn't going to stop You, though. While her arm moved to Chika's back and pulled her closer, You nipped Chika's lips, but because Chika had just stuck out her tongue, You ended up sucking on its tip for a brief moment.
Chika shuddered, still all smiles. “That was so weird.”
“Yeah…” She didn't mind, though. You's free hand slid down Chika's shoulder and found its way to her boobs. She gave it the slightest squeeze through the fabric of Chika's bra (white, a red flower pattern, very cute). “How's this?”
“Can't tell yet~” Her fingers played with the locks on the back of You's head. You loved the ticklish feeling of Chika's fingers in her hair and on her scalp.
“Should I take it off?” You asked.
Chika paused for a moment. Pondering her answer, she looked down, except You could tell Chika was just staring at You's boobs. Her face flush, Chika met You's gaze. “Yeah.”
You made quick work of it and helped Chika slip out. She kissed Chika painfully slowly and half an eternity later dared to let her gaze wander. She almost teared up. “You're so pretty.”
“L-look who's talking…” Chika pulled You closer. Between kisses Chika managed to whisper, “You, please touch me.”
She wasn't going to make Chika wait. You's hand slid up Chika's waist, her ribcage, until she felt the familiar softness of Chika's boobs. While her other hand grabbed Chika's hips, as if she were ever going to move away, You checked Chika's reaction to her every touch. Holding her like this made Chika smile, squeezing gently earned a soft sigh, running fingers over her skin tightened Chika's embrace.
You made sure to get a good look of Chika's face and brushed a careful fingertip against Chika's nipple. Chika shut her eyes and held her breath.
“Chika, relax,” You said. Chika nodded, and You waited a bit before trying again. When You touched her, Chika hid her face in the crook of You's neck. The slightest contact made her tense up. You wasn't used to such reactions from Chika. “How are you feeling?”
Chika took deep breaths and looked at You. “I, I don't like this.”
That wasn't what she'd wanted to hear. You tried to keep the lump from filling her throat. Was she hurting Chika? “Wh-what exactly?”
“When you touch me… there, it's… it's too much. It's scary, You.”
“O-oh.” Making sure to avoid any sensitive spots, You rubbed Chika's upper arms, now a little cold to the touch. “Um. Wanna stop?” You immediately needed to kick herself for putting it like usual; she didn't want to egg Chika on, but hear her honest opinion.  
Chika lowered her head. “Yeah… Thanks, You.”
“For what?” You ruffled Chika's hair and wrapped a blanket around her shoulders. This would help, right? Chika's fragile voice was breaking You's heart and she couldn't take it much longer.
“For being so nice.”
“Why wouldn't I be? I love you. It wouldn't make me happy if you just went along for my sake.” You pulled Chika on her side and snuggled up. Chika shivered. “Chika, I love you.”
Chika shook her head, then, very obviously, forced a smile. “Well, we can always try again.”
Something wasn't right and You felt like she got punched. Was Chika blaming herself? Did she regret it? “Chika… You're right, we can try again whenever we want to. We can take our time together and try different things and we'll find something that you like, okay? Even if we only ever kiss, I'm already more than happy enough right now.” Tearing up at Chika's discomfort, You grabbed Chika's hand, which squeezed back. “Maybe we were just too excited today. Maybe we need to get used to it. Okay? So… please don't feel like you've let me down or something.” You was losing her own confidence now, too. She hated this, she'd never wanted to make Chika feel like this. You kissed her and Chika's eyes regained a bit of their sparkle. “I meant what I said. I love you, Chika. So… Okay?”
Chika buried her face in You's chest, which dampened from her tears. You caught a few mumbled thank-yous and I-love-yous, but mostly Chika just cried. It still hurt to see Chika like this, but at least she was slowly getting better.
When Chika had calmed down, You planted kisses on her forehead and returned her bra – Chika didn't like sleeping without one. She helped Chika put it on. “We're in this together, Chika. Don't feel bad by yourself, okay? You can always talk to me. I'm your girlfriend.”
Chika kissed her, with either caution or exhaustion, and intertwined her fingers with You's. “Thanks. You know, um, I want to try lots of different things with you. Not just… this. I want to shine with you, wherever we go. With our friends, and when it's just the two of us. It has to be with you. I, I love you so much, so… I wanna give it another try some time, if that's okay with you.”
You pulled Chika close and stroked her hair. She felt like she could breathe again. As long as she was together with Chika, they could handle everything. “Let's get some sleep, okay? Tomorrow I'll kiss you lots more.”
Chika giggled and finally relaxed in You's arms.
You closed the inn's door behind her and inhaled deeply. She loved the sound of this door – it reminded her of her childhood with Chika and her sisters. The morning air felt cool on her skin. Birds chirped all around her. She'd only planned to stretch for a bit, but maybe she'd go for a jog. She needed tell Chika first, though.
A familiar figure walked up from next door. “Good morning, You,” Riko said. She smiled, but she was also fidgeting like she struggled to say something difficult.
“Good morning! Wanna join me on my morning run?”
“A-ah, no, I'm good, thanks… So, uh…” Glancing off to the side, Riko tried to hide her grin and failed horribly. “Did you… have a good night…”
It took a moment to register, then You burst out laughing.
“H-huh? I thought… You looked so… Ummm…!”
“Riko, you really need to get yourself a girlfriend,” You said and poked Riko's shoulder.
“Wha… hey! I, I'm working on it! Okay! …Kind of…”
“Speaking of girlfriend,” Chika added before hugging You from behind, “don't run off when breakfast is already done! Geez!” You hadn't even noticed the door opening.
“Haha, sorry, Chika, it's so nice outside today. Riko, wanna join us?”
Riko looked back and forth between them. She graced them with the smile of a holy mother blessing her children. “Sorry, I'm actually meeting someone in a bit.” She gave them both a hug and answered their questioning looks with “I am working on it.”
“What is she working on?” Chika asked when Riko was out of sight.
You kissed Chika just long enough to make her want more, which was very short. “This.”
Blushing, Chika grabbed You's hand and pulled her back to the inn. “When we've had breakfast… maybe we could also work on it…”
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eternalnight-dreams · 8 years ago
4 and 7 for Haruke // 13 and 18 for Chika!!
4. Best places to kiss on their bodyHaha of course you would ask this one. xDHands and neck, really. Maybe her ears if she’s feeling generous.7. Their tickle spotsDon’t let Haruke fool you. For all of her blank staring, she’s actually quite ticklish. The bottoms of her feet and her hips are rather ticklish. ;D-x-13. What gets them flusteredChika’sha actually gets pretty flustered over any genuine show of care/affection. She’s not used to others looking out for her, since as a Shaman she’s usually the one keeping an eye out on the Elements to make sure her clan always stays safe. She’s never really been on the receiving end of someone’s worry and care.18. Things they’ll never admitShe hates her family.It’s something she struggles with daily, having to pretend she cares for them when they’ve never shown her the same kindness in return. The rumors when she was a child destroyed her mother and the stories of her father that her mother used to tell her when she was small. So she’s quite detached from her kin, and is always seeking a moment when she could leave and pursue her love of the dreams that call to her.
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oumiyuki · 7 years ago
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Long Awaited You-chan Magazine!
Apparently, the seiyuus are feeding me more inspiration. *O*
This is the spawn of Shukashuu tweeting about her magazine release and Suwawa and Anchan commenting on it~ (with Shukashuu’s reply of course)
May you enjoy~ XD
Summary: You tweets about the magazine featuring her, and Kanan and Chika responses to it – on Twitter and in real time.
 You tweets about the latest magazine that will be featuring her recent photoshoot album and informing her fans to wait for it as they plan and compile the magazine to its best before it goes on sale; a broad smile as her swift fingers reflect her own excitement for the magazine’s release.
Kanan observes the model from the adjacent seat in the cafeteria they were currently in before she reaches into her pocket to take her phone out and type a comment in the ash-brunette’s tweet – “Signed magazine please”
You raises an eyebrow at the notification and the older girl’s comment in her tweet, she types a quick reply - “I’ll gib you.” Also turning to say it out loud in a cute manner as her lips protrude out like a duckling.  
Kanan chuckles and ruffles You’s hair, loving every second of how cute the ash-brunette is; because who expects an ‘I’ll gib you’ right away with puckered lips? If she wasn’t in a public café right now, she would kiss those lips.
Chika on the other side of You crosses her arms and speaks sagely, “I’ve been waiting for this. Thank you very much.”
The ash-brunette looks to her phone when the notification sound played, couldn’t conceal a grin as she felt like she’s being teased but is still happy to hear and read that Chika has been looking forward to her new photoshoot release so she responses with a joking tone on twitter - “What? What’s that about? (laughs)”
“Oh, you know what I mean~” Chika hops close to You, almost sitting on the ash-brunette’s lap, and she wraps her arms around her best friend, a finger sliding down You’s sides towards her stomach.
“Chika-chan! Where do you think you’re touching!?” You gets ticklish and embarrassed as she tries to push the cheeky orangehead away.
Chika laughs evilly and holds You tighter and closer. “You-chan~ We all know that the magazines are for the fans to look at you. But You-chan yourself is for me, Takami Chika, to look, and touch!”
“Ehh~?” You continues pushing Chika’s head away from her, but she does love the attention and certainly could not stop the weird grin and blush on her face.
Kanan chops Chika. “Chika. She belongs to the both of us. Don’t hog her.”
“Ack!” Chika laughs unrepentant. “First come first serve?”
Kanan smirks. “Well, I am getting the very first You signed magazine for this issue.” The deep-sea diver uses two sleek fingers to pull the ash-brunette’s still grinning face towards her direction. “Am I right, You?”
You chuckles nervously at Kanan’s seductive and commanding tone. “Y-Yes.”
“Hey! That’s unfair, Kanan-chan!” Chika protests, trying to tug You’s attention back to her.
“All’s fair in love and war, Chika. You’ve learnt something new again.” Kanan winks to Chika who sticks her tongue out at her older girlfriend.
You breaks out of her blissful stupor from being so loved by her two girlfriends and stands quickly. “Hey, hey. Kanan-chan, Chika-chan.”
The two looks to their sexy model girlfriend with expectant and patient violets and rubies.
“Yes, You?”
“What is it, You-chan?”
“I love you both. So you both get a signed book… And cuddles.” You adds when she saw Chika’s eyes lit up and Kanan’s eyebrow raised in delight. They both stand and linked an arm each around You’s before whispering.
“Let’s go home then.”
On twitter, the fans get to see a short interaction between the childhood friends – You, Kanan and Chika. But the actual interaction? It’s only for them to know. (winks)
 Author Notes
Give me more~ \(*w*)/ Thank you, Shuka, Suwawa and Anchan for the lovely spark of inspiration~ hahas. XD
While I’m here, Happy Birthday Kanan! XD
Leave a comment if you like~ :D
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