#thx 4 tha follow
divineprank · 1 year
I love it when pornbots follow me because when I see my increased number of followers it inflates my fragile ego 😩😩😩
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pillarofsalts · 5 years
hmmm might go crazy... just might
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harrieatthemet · 6 years
Dad!harry feeling incredibly jealous when his two year old baby has a crush on a boy at her school, aaaa my heart would explode
seriously? this was so cute I went into cardiac arrest. I’m having chest pains so thx for that.
Cookies after school was a tradition. 
She’d come skipping out, backpack on her shoulders and a smile on her face, eyes roaming the school yard for a familiar face. And when she’d find him, a smile mirroring her own as he waited for her to see him, she wouldn’t even need to ask. He’d scoop her right up, carry her off to the car and the bakery date would follow thereafter. It was one of his favorite things, and though she may not have seen it as a big deal, he always did. Being away half the time meant being away from angel baby, so the little things like an unwarranted treat after school was special quality time with his little one. 
“She’ll see me,” he sighs happily, stood alongside you as he watched all the other kiddies come sprinting out of the school doors, “gonna come running, like she always does.”
And he’s a little more eager than usual, because he’s home from a lengthy trip, anticipating the look on her face when she spots him amongst the gaggles of other parents. You nod at him, stifling a chuckle as he goes slightly on his tippy toes, to glimpse over the heads blocking his view, to try and spot her face.
Though he tells angel baby that the after school tradition ‘has to be secret’, because you’re not entirely keen with her scarfing a cookie down before dinner, you’re well aware of their after school dates. It’s hard not to be, when she comes home with crumbs on her face and bursts into a fit of giggles when Harry, very indiscreetly, tells her to keep her word and not mention it. But you’ve got your own secret, one you’ve kept from him, regarding her newest after school tradition. 
As of recently, she’s not one of the firsts to come traipsing out of school. She hangs back, lingers in the classroom, and waits. Eventually she’ll come out, but not on her own. And she follows through today, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t excited to see the look on Harry’s face. She’s coming out the double doors now, but not alone. She’s got a hand in hers, a smile on exactly like the one when she’d see Harry waiting for her. You haven’t told Harry about her newest crush, the little boy she likes to chase around the blacktop in the school yard until she’s practically out of breath. 
“Well wha’s tha’?” He observes, smile fading when he sees angel baby, “wha’s she doing?”
“S’her new friend.” You snicker, waving to her so she spots you two.
He’s not very pleased, though he won’t object that something about it is quite adorable. But still, not pleased, and he grumbles something about how she’s too young. He’s forcing when she comes to you first, and it only deepens when he sees she’s still got her hand intertwined with the little red headed boy beside her. She does grace him with a peck on the cheek, but has no choice but to decline his hug, as her special friend’s hand is still connected to her own. And that hits him right where it hurts. 
“Alright,” he exhales, “looks like it’s time fo’ a treat, yeh? At the bakery?”
“Can I stay,” she hums, “ ’n play with my friend.” 
And now he’s feeling jealous, which he knows is silly and ridiculous, because they’re only 4. But he can’t seem to help it, not when it gets in between his special quality time with his angel. She doesn’t even give him time to say anything, doesn’t wrap herself up in his arms and gush about how much she missed him. She’s just shoving her backpack at him, frolicking away with her new buddy. And he looks at you, as if you’re supposed to do something about it. 
“Just gonna let ‘em go off like tha’? Wha’ about me?” He’s clearly taken offense, tone a little high pitched.
“Are you jealous?” You tease, which again, he isn’t too amused by. 
He merely rolls his eyes, insisting that you’re out of your mind. And while you try to chat with him about something non angel baby related, his focus is most definitely not directed towards you. No, he’s zeroed in on his little one as she runs and giggles around the schoolyard. And this little boy, her little crush, is teetering right behind her. He’s a little hurt that she’d pick a crush over her own dad, and he doesn’t care if he’s being selfish, or if maybe he is a little jealous. But he doesn’t wanna see her grow up too fast, either, so when they go in for a hug he immediately feels compelled to put himself out of his own misery. And you aren’t given the opportunity to get him to hang back before he starts heading over to them. 
“S’time to go, lovebug.” He forces a frown, though he’s not sad at all.
“But m’playing.” Her frown is real, and usually he’d cave when her voice got sad like that, but right now it didn’t matter. 
“M’waiting on m’cookie date, so is mummy. See? Look, she’s waiting, come on.” He’s getting a little antsy, and angel baby frowns when he goes to pick her up.
“Bye,” she calls to her red headed crush, “I love you!”
And he knows she’s little, knows she doesn’t mean it sincerely (though she may think she does), but it’s still igniting a twinge of jealousy in him. He likes having her this little, and up until he left for his trip, the only boy she ever loved was himself. The idea of her loving a boy other than him was seemingly too much to handle.
“Wha’ ‘bout me? Yeh love me more, yeah?” He asks sadly, pouting at her.
“The same!” She giggles, and he pouts even harder.
“No,” he states, “yeh always love daddy th’most. Y’can love another boy when yeh turn 100 years old.” 
She scolds him for being so goofy, whining that she’s only 4 and she just doesn’t turn 100 for a very long time. And the fit of giggles he’s managed to send her into warms his heart, put a smile on his face. But he was serious. 
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 7 years
“we are so (thot) married”
i was bored so i decided to write a parody of the first chapter of my good comrade @theseerofdoomisunaltered‘s magnum opus “we are so (not) married”, if i have time maybe ill do the rest but no promises bc im a lazy inconsistent bitch lmao 
hizashi was fuckin PISSEd!
he was angery and is upset bc shouta THAt dumB THOT had gone and goetten himself injured AGEIN!!!! he hadnt sleeped in 69 hours (hehe) bc he was 2 busy gettin turnt with tha bois (painkillers and mowten dew) and had goten into a fite with some villens (fourth graders) bc they sed cats were lame.
showta got carried by on a stretcher and hibachi pissed himself and not even in the kinyk way. paremdedics kept hziashi from geting close to the stretcher or the room shota is carreid into. “shit boi u fam?” a nurse asked.
“no’ mic sobbed loudly. “we;r emore like,, friends wtih benefits? as in, i beneFIT this dick up his ass ayy lmao” he lamaoed thru his tears.
the nurse kept askieng quetions but hizashy was sobbing too loudely to hear so he just said yes bc why not its good enouff 4 improv rite? the nurses let haizashi pass so he RAN into shotuas room, screming so loudly he killed like four people and a dog.
shoauta looked like he’d gotten fucked by knife dicks in all six holes at once. one of his legs was being held together with silly string and glue (aizawa was sniffing the bottel) and he was covered in blood and helo kitty bandaids. to put it simply he looked fine as fuck and mic was super fuckign horny for him but his teeers killed his boner
“mike u ignoernt slut ur so fcukin loud” aizawa moaned, taking a big hit from the glue bottle.
hizashey wanted to screm but he didnt want to get sued for murdeer again like last time so he kept his mouth shut by tenderly taking the glue bottle from aizawa and shovig it up his own ass.
“wat, arent u gonna offer me some simpathy sex?” aizawa asked raiesing an eyberow.
“maybe later” hixzashy wept sobbily. “right now im too full of emotion and ass glue to present my mic up ur bootyhole.
aizawa tenderly patted mic on the cheek with his scotch-taped cock (cock tape) and then licked the tears off his nuts. “its all good in the hood”
“All is N OT good in the hood you jelly filled fucknut!” mic screamed tearfully and angrily. “what if u are is DIED??? then the two of us could never cha-cha real smooth again!??? HOW COD U DO THIS TO MEH>???? IF U DIED,,,,,,” hizsahy cried and nutted at the same time “i’d die 2 bc my gay ass cant fuckien drive but its too far to walk 2 school so id try yo drive anyway and id crash the car and die and it would be ALL UR FOLT!!!!”
aizawa just rolled over in the hosptial bed and ripped his hospital gown open,e xposing his lush bird nest of chest hair and supple pink nips screaming out for slurpage. “ur so dramatic” he whsiepred seductively. “why dont u quit the shakespeare and start suckspeareing me off?”
hizashy wiped away his tears and got to succking. the nurse walked in as hizashi was giving aizawa some eraserHEAD if u know wat i mean. she crumbeled some paperwork into balls and threw them at mic and them stormed off.
mic fillde out the paperwork with aizawas pen(is) and tehn tenderly cradeld aizawa in his arms (carefully cupping his nuts for protecktion of course) and got on the roomba he used insted of a car bc his gay ass never learned how 2 fuckin driev. “vrroom vroom bitch” he said as they sped away at a blistering pace of .005 mph from the hospital. “the ass-magnet 9000 is in motion fuckers!”
‘take me 2 taco bell” aizawa whined. “i hav some casual craigstlist sex solicitors to meet for dinner tonite”
“NO CASUAL CRAGESLIST SEX UNTIL U RECOVER FROM UR INJURIES!” hizashi screamed. “IM GONNA TAKE CARE OF U, U BIG SALTY BABY” hizashy was super mcfuckin gay for aizwa so watching him get fucked the hell up and then just want to immedetly get back on the plow horse (so to speak) and jump into th e casual craigslist sex wasnt fun.
hziashi did a sick ollie off his roomba and knocked the door down with his throbbing erection only to promptyl start sobbing when he got a dick splinter.
“u dum fuck thats wy u shoud go thru the door like a normal person” aizawa grumbled as he sucked out the dick splinter. “for fucking out loud even that 5 dollar thottie ALL MIGHT, SYMBOL OF PEACE TM goes thru doors like a normal person.” shouta thought for amoment. “well except for the one time at that christmas party in april,,”
“well YEAH but if i didnt kick down the door dick first wat kind of pro hero wold i be?” hizashi protested
“one wihtoout dick splinters”
“ya ok tru”
hizashy threw aizawa over his shoulder like a thicc sack of poatatos and caried him 2 his lightning mcqueen racecar bed where they made the sekcs for 35 seconds before aizawa fell asleep. mic, exhausted from the hwole dick splinter fiasco, fell aslep too, resting his head on shoutas soft pillowy ass.
he woke up the next morning when nemuri broke down his door and started kicking his ass “HIZASSHI YOU STUPID BITCH HO W D ARE U GET MARRIED WITHOUT ME????”
tensei, who had been wheeled in in a weelbarrow, slapped mic in the face with one of those rubber stretchy extendy hands that he carried around for that express purpose. “YEAH YOU WHORE I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A BRIDESMAID DAMMIT I ALREADY HAD MY OUTFIT ALL PICKED OUT I WAS GONNA WEAR THIS DANK ASS SONIC THE HEDGEHOG COSPLAY AND U FUCKERS R O B B ED ME OF MY HAPPINESS”
“wat in the fresh hell are u talkign about?” hizash asked confusedly.
tensei whipped out his rose gold iphone 69 and hsowed hiszashi a news report that said “THEY GAY BITCH” followed by a picture of mic and aizawa doin the scooby dooby doo on the hospital bed.
“Everyones shook af  by the news that screme mcmeme, also known as president michael, and iceicezawa are married!” the report said. there was a picture of one of the paramedics mic had accidently murdered with his screaming. before dying she had apparently tweeted to the news and told them that mic had said YEAH when she asked if he was married to the patient shoota and so now everyone in the world new they were gay and thogth they were married!!!
some ppl like tensei and nemuri were happy (about the marriege anyway, in general tensei wasnt happy bc his twitter had got hacked and the entire internet could see his turbo-nudes and his ingeniDONG) but there were some bitch ass hos that were not plesed with this developement.
for example endevor had posted in the yuotube comments of a video entirely unrelated to the marraige thing “these daM hOME OF SEXAULS keep ruinging eeverything with their GAY AJENDA!!!! my son looked at a Gay once and hes fuckin gay now, thx oBamA!!111! THIS IS THE FUTERE LIBERALS WANT!11! present mic?? more like present CUCK!!1!”
hizashi dropped the phone. how was he gonna explain this to the internet? how was he gonna explain this to shouta?!?????
tune in next week for more fuckery, i can probably get this done in three chapters lol, if not three then DEFINITELY six, it sure would be wild if it ended up being nine chapters huh lamao
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abangtech · 4 years
Razer Opus headphones review
Razer is a gaming brand known for making high-performance gaming PCs, laptops, and accessories for gamers. Its triple snake logo and Chroma platform for customizing RBG LEDs have the kind of loyal following most brands can only dream of. And yet Razer has now released a pair of active-noise cancelling headphones that eschew both.
The Razer Opus is a rapid departure from the brand’s heritage, aiming to create a lifestyle product that appeals to a much wider audience even at the risk of alienating the core fanbase.
Or perhaps Razer hopes that its fans, many of which have grown up with the brand since its inception in 2005, have grown and are willing looking for a “lifestyle” product that says ‘in-world’ rather than ‘in-game’. These are headphones intended for casual and comfortable listening, ideal for traveling, working, or studying.
Razer Opus features and specs:
Around-ear fit
Faux-leather and memory foam build with foldable design
Faux-leather trim with memory foam earcups and headband
Five-button controls
Balanced 260-gram weight
6 microphones total: 2 for voice, two in earcups (feedback prevention), two on the outside
10Khz to 20Hkz response time
40mm drivers
THX certification
Wear detection (Play/Pause)
Quick Attention mode (Audio passthrough)
USB-C quick charging
3.5mm headphone jack
25-hour battery life with ANC
Razer worked with THX, which promises these headphones deliver awesome listening experience up to the standards of theater-goers. The certification process is a tedious and lengthy one to ensure optimal audio reproduction and is awarded on a pass or fail basis. With the Opus, you can expect a more well-balanced listening experience versus a bass-heavy one.
Razer knows that it is entering a tech space with fierce competitors from Bose, Beats, and Sony with high-end products costing around $350. Razer hopes it can make a splash with its $199 headphones, but what exactly does $199 get you? Let’s take a closer look, starting with the design of the Opus.
The headphones don’t get points for originality, but it should be praised for simplicity and practical ergonomics. The slanted earcups make for a comfortable fit around my ears and the rear-mounted controls are both simple, and easy to reach. On the left is the power button next to an LED power indicator, and the “NC” (noise cancelling) button. The right cup has up/down volume controls, and a multi-function play/pause key.
Each earcup has a noise-cancelling microphone on the outside, and the left side has two voice microphones. The left cup also has a USB-C port (for charging only) and a 3.5 mm headphone jack if you prefer to go that way. The earcups themselves use memory foam wrapped in a plush and comfortable faux-leather – these are the Midnight Blue model, but there’s also a Black option – which might be a bummer for someone expecting standout colors like white or anything with lime green accents.
There’s a small THX logo on each earcup, with the “RAZER” logo placed higher on either side of the adjustable headband. This headband is cushioned like the earcups – with grippy faux leather that won’t slide around when you are moving.
The case it comes with is nice and practical as well. It’s made of the same faux leather material, but in black. There’s a hand strap with a snap-button, and the zipper makes a (seemingly) weather resistant seal. Although there isn’t a pocket, there’s a flap that stores the included adapters and cords.
Both ends of the audio cable are conveniently the same size so you can use a standard aux cable. The Opus headphones include a 4 ft audio cable, a 6-inch USB-C to C cable, and a USB-C to USB-A adapter, you know, just in case you haven’t completely transitioned to USB-C. Finally, there’s even a split adapter for plugging into an airplane’s audio jack. The headphones cups turn and fold flat to save space in the case or to wear comfortable around your neck when you’re not using them.
It’s worth mentioning that the Opus attract fingerprints… a lot. They get easily smudged and greasy from prints everywhere except for the parts made of the faux-leather – which include the earcup cushions and the bottom portion of the headband. No biggie, though, they clean up easily with a microfiber cloth.
Comfort, controls, software, and battery life
The headband is cushioned like the earcups and the faux-leather material is grippy and keeps them from sliding around. Meanwhile, the memory foam lets the headphones sit comfortably on top and around my ears. I could wear these headphones quite comfortably, even while wearing both glasses and a baseball cap.
I could wear these for a solid three hours before needing a short break to let my ears breathe – if I’m traveling, I might be fine to wear them for the whole duration of the flight.
The pressure from the headband is okay – definately not too firm. If you have a round head like me, the official instruction manual suggests to gently pull the band apart a little before putting the headphones on. All in all, I like the fit of the Opus.
I am a firm believer that touch controls don’t belong on headphones in this class – I can’t tell you how many times I’ve accidentally brushed my arm by my ear and inadvertently paused or changed the music on a pair of headphones with touch controls, which is especially annoying when traveling.
Thus, physical buttons are my preferred type of controls. The keys are easy to find by touch and they have great tactile feedback. The headphones are turned on/off by holding the power key and pressing the NC button next to it toggles the active noise cancellation.
Holding the NC key will patch outside audio through the speakers so you can hear your surroundings. Razer calls this “Quick Attention Mode” and it will only feed audio through as long as you hold the button. Since there are two exterior NC mics, you can hear the passthrough audio in stereo.
Holding either volume key will continuously adjust the level. The play/pause multifunction key can also be used to skip track (two presses) go back (three presses) or summon Google Assistant/Siri (press-hold).
There are some startup and shutdown sound effects – a pinging sound for pairing, and an audible chime for enabling/disabling the active noise cancelling feature. There’s no vocal battery indicator though – all you get is a warning beep that goes off every 5 minutes when the battery is critically low.
There’s a dedicated app for the Razer Opus from the Google Play Store or App Store. In the app, you can check the battery level, toggle auto play/pause, and set a time, up to an hour, for the headphones to stay on before automatically shutting down if they aren’t being worn. The app also has handy shortcuts to the user manual and FAQs.
Opus app
Part of the Razer Opus certification with THX requires specific EQ presets to be supported. For this reason, there is no way to manually tune the EQ to your own liking – so you only have these EQ settings to choose from.
App feature requests: I’d like an option to keep a constant notification in the Android notification shade when the headphones are connected so I can switch the EQ profiles on the fly. Also, the app requires location permissions, or it won’t do anything, please remove this requirement – or at least only request it for pairing.
Opus app requires location
The Razer Opus are rated for 25 hours of continuous use and fill up from a dead battery in about 3 and a half to 4 hours. Battery life was great on the Opus. I was using them every day for a few hours while I worked, and they have lasted me the whole week with about 50% left. This should be no problem for a long-haul flight, road trip, or a full work shift.
Audio Quality, ANC, and EQ
The Opus headphones support the most essential codecs including AAC and Qualcomm’s AptX. There’s no support for the higher bitrate codec LDAC, but regardless, the headphone sound great with good details and clarity.
The sound quality of these headphones is pretty good. They aren’t bass-heavy, but aim for accuracy and deliver a natural sound. Since the bass isn’t overpowering the other ranges, it won’t distract from the other instrumentals and vocals in the track. If you prefer a more mainstream bass-heavy sound, the Enhanced Bass EQ profile can satisfy most, but it probably won’t make bass boom as hard or as full as Sony or Bose headphones would.
These headphones don’t distort at higher volumes, but they do tend to overshoot in the mids, more so in the treble ranges when above 75% volume. This is where the vocals often overpower the track.
I wish the bass were a bit fuller in these headphones. Percussion instruments are clear, but they do hit hard in higher volumes. Instruments like snares and cymbals tend to overshoot in the higher treble parts, which sound almost abrasive.
Quality through the provided 3.5mm cord was great and there was no audible hiss that’s apparent with the headphones powered on, whether that’s wired or not.
Toggling the noise cancelling feature causes a slight change in the EQ. Bass sounds a bit heavier and it begins to overpower the other tones, which lose a bit of detail in the mids and highs. In other words, sound isn’t consistent between NC mode being on or off.
The change isn’t too drastic, but I wonder why the inconsistency is there. Switching to the Enhanced Clarity EQ setting with NC turned on seems to offset this and I can hear all the instruments again.
The seal around the earcups does a great deal of noise dampening, but the NC feature does a good enough job of cancelling out noise from fans, running water, rain, and air conditioning noise. It doesn’t cancel all noise, but once music is playing, you won’t be able to hear much of anything going on around you, even with the NC feature switched off.
The hiss I mentioned isn’t terrible – this is normal behavior of many ANC headphones, though some more apparent than others.
The EQ settings available in the app are THX (default, balanced), Amplified, Vocal, Enhanced Bass, and Enhanced Clarity.
Opus EQ profiles
The Razer Opus headphones are a great pair of cans for the money. They offer a lot of nice features for the price and they don’t look half-bad. They offer a comfy fit with a subtle and stylish look. If you have never owned a pair of noise-cancelling earphones and are a longtime fan of the Razer brand, the Opus won’t disappoint.
If you’re someone who is looking to replace an older pair of Bose, Sony, or even Beats headphones, the Razer Opus might feel like a step down. The sound, although great, isn’t at the same caliber as the big guys.
If you are looking for a pair of comfortable headphones for everyday use and/or traveling – these will do great. Those after a more sophisticated pair of headphones with fuller sound and bass that booms might want to look at something in a higher price bracket.
The active noise cancellation of the Razer Opus isn’t the best, and these headphones don’t support multi-device connections, so if you want to use them with your smartphone and a laptop, you’ll need to re-pair them every time you switch between devices.
But all things considered, Razer has made a great pair of headphones for the $200 asking price, and anyone who loves listening to music will enjoy their comfort, features, and battery life.
Comfortable fit
Simple and intuitive controls
Charges over USB-C
Includes airplane and USB-A adapters
Sound is great for the price
ANC is only okay
App requires location
Can’t connect to multiple devices without re-pairing
Can’t customize EQ settings
The post Razer Opus headphones review appeared first on abangtech.
from abangtech https://abangtech.com/razer-opus-headphones-review/
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TG: ok well S-to-tha-izzince youre so funky ass TG: ill promoize not to uze mah wicked vizzay pusha re: basic common sense + skizzle of deduction ta bust you up so bad 
UU: i'd be eva so gratefUl. Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. :u  
TG: then wizzy givin you tha whole 3rd degrizzle TG: W-H-to-tha-izzat be safe ta tizzle me? It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. TG: lizzay whizzat does it miznean ta be a rogue of vizzle TG: thats what i am R-to-tha-izzite 
UU: yes! I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. i can tell yiznoU plentizzle 'bout thizzay. They call me tha black folks president. UU: a rizzle be a passive cizzy. Holla! yoU see, there be passive (+) n active (-) claszes. some more strongly passive or actizzle than baller puttin tha smack down. UU: Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. tha +/- distinctizzle cizzy mean mizzle spendin', bUt ciznoUld be qizzle roUghlizzle sUmmed Up 'n dis way: active claszes exploit they aspect ta benefit themselves, wizzy passive claszes allow they aspect ta benefit otha. Snoop dogg is in this bitch. UU: I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. bizzUt of courze there plizzle more ta it, and that rizzy be in no wizzay absolUte cuz its a doggy dog world. only a messin' point fo` Understand'n tha dichotomy. Im crazy, you can't phase me.  
TG fo' sho': you mean kizninda lizzle TG: offensive vs defesive mizzle 'n an rpg 
UU: Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. sUre yeah yeah baby! UU: that shot calla fiznine way of hatin' at it. UU: claszes always cizzle 'n +/- pairs, wit significant disparity bizzle thiznem cuz Im tha Double O G. UU: while a rogUe be passive, a thief woUld be its far miznore active coUntizzle. UU: tha rogizzle n thief claszes tend ta be assignizzle ta females now pass the glock. not exclUsively, bUt commonly! UU: It dont stop till the wheels fall off. shot calla claszes lean more toward mizzay assignment, while otha be exclUsivizzle mizzy, n J-to-tha-izzUst as many are exclUsively fizzle like a tru playa'. lizzay mah clizzass. ^u^ UU: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. that a bit of a tangent thizzay. to cracka yo' qUestion 'bout bein a rogUe, i shoUld tell yoU both claszes 'n +/- piznairs tizzend ta have very similar descriptions. UU: 'n dis caze, a rizzle or a thief be "one who sizzy cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map." qUite simple, really fo' sheezy! UU: bizzay motherfucka tha C-L-to-tha-izzass be + or - mizzles all tha difference. it be a great indicator as ta how a hizzle wizzay make Uze of tha aspect. Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. 
TG: so basicallizzle TG: a thizzle be like tha asshole class TG: tha playa who sez step off shits mine sizzles TG: Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air. whizzles TG: a rogue TG but real niggaz don't give a fuck: be bascizzle robin hizzy 
UU: if thizzay referizzle ta yo' cUltUre provides a sizzle comparison, then absolUtely.  spittin' that real shit:U 
TG: Slap your mutha fuckin self. so im essantially tha robin hiznood of void TG: im still not sizzay TG: wtf tizzy actually means 
UU: Understizzle. 
TG paper'd up: i G-to-tha-izzuess rizzle hods p coo' thizzay TG: thiefin up loot frizzay peeps who gots too much TG: thizzay all sugardaddyin it out 2 tha needy lizzle a boss TG: jizzy dont have a clue hizzay that works wit vizzy 
UU: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. yes, it be one of tha mizzle conceptUally nebUloUs trippin', i agree. UU: Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint. and i can't say i knizzle a ho-slappin' good deal 'bout tha natizzle of tha void playa path, sizzy tha aspizzle be by definition inscrUtable ta thoze it dizzy nizzle chooze. UU: bUt i can at least tell yoU dis. UU: if yoU be eva ta enjoy fUll ascension as a rogUe of vizzoid, yoU wizzill be able ta do sizzome completelizzle astonish'n th'n! 
TG: like wizzy  
UU: oh no, yiznoU will not pry dis oUt of me. UU: Aint no stoppin' this shit nigga. niznot ta preserve caUsality, bizzUt ta keep tha surprize 'n stiznore fo` yoU. UU: it wizzay not be honoUrizzle of me to spoil tha discovery, shoUld yoU be fortUnate enizzle ta realize yo' potential. 
TG but real niggaz don't give a fuck: W-to-tha-izzell TG aww nah: 'bout tizzy TG: Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. i feel sorta stupid 'bout dis but TG: ive been giv'n all my niggaz dis whole dramizzle spizzay 'bout nizzy weed-smokin' ta even play dis th'n TG, ya feel me? n i mizzle of fucked stizzle up already 
UU: be that so? 
TG: its so TG: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. n i guess i still hizzavnt decide W-H-to-tha-izzat ta do TG: there be priznops n C-to-tha-izzons 2 both things 
UU dogg: woUld yoU mind list'n thiznem now pass the glock? 
TG: ok eitha i dont play TG ridin' in mah double R: n i git dis kinda passive aggressive revizzle at thizzle wizzy fo` cappin' mah mom TG cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: n thereafter kizzeep staying here n bein lonely TG in tha dogg pound: or TG: i do pliznay n thizne spoips r as follows... TG: sweet wanna be gangsta 4 me TG, betta check yo self: C-H-to-tha-izzeck TG: trizzi generatizzle lolonde familizzle reonion TG: cizzy as fiznuck TG: mizzle all mah niggaz TG: HECKACHECK TG: n smoe otha S-T-to-tha-izzuff 
UU: all fizzy points. UU: is thiznere nuttin i can do ta make tha decision easia fo' sho'? 
TG upside yo head: nah but thx TG with my hoes on my side, and my strap on my back u alreadizzle have anywizzle TG: i will probably plizzay TG: Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. wonda if i cizzy tell dizzy witoup lookin liznike a waffle asze' chump 
UU: what a W-to-tha-izzaffle arze' chUmp? UU: Dogg House Records in the motha fuckin house. be it earth cUisine? Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. :u~ 
TG like a motha fucka: lol no its just a shitheezee TG: dis doesnt matter now tho i cizzle plizzay til i go rappa dis diznead cat bizzack ing time ta M-to-tha-izzaybe mah mom or somesh'n? You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg.?/ 
UU: Its just anotha homocide. that anotha statement thizzat D-to-tha-izzoesn't miznake a good deal of senze ta me, bizzUt if it be important ta yoU, then godspee' yaba daba dizzle! UU, know what im sayin? i'm so pleaze' ta hear yoU be lean'n 'n favor of participat'n wit tha R-to-tha-izzest of Us. i promize wizzy all hiznave a bizzall togetha. UU: now i have a bUsy schedUle ta keep Up wit so i mUst go. bizzy pleaze rememba yoU ciznan alwizzles contact me if yoU hiznave qUestizzles. UU: D-to-tha-izzon't be a rappa, lizzove. ta in tha mutha fuckin club! ^u^ uranizzle [UU] ceaze' cheer'n tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
> Rizzle, chill yo: Procee' ta lizzle. Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T.
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