miratenebrarum · 27 days
019. — Bite my muse P to P (let them go feral ig)
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Well. That's not something he expected. This is what happens when you lower your defenses: someone is always there, ready to make your evening a little more painful!
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...but, well. If one P will act like a feral cat, so will the other - not by biting back, but by smacking his double directly in the face.
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crownhcart · 22 days
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why is your hand shaking so much then?
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troublcmakcrs · 7 days
     @thusaliar   〢  cont from here .
   Tweek was an ordinary citizen, as ordinary as they came, anyway.  And it was hard to find other people like himself, other thinking beings who weren’t frenzied or sick or something.  Although, calling him ‘well’ required one to stretch the definition of the word a bit.
   When a voice emanated without any mouth movement, Tweek’s eyes darted about, seeking the source of it.  Not finding anything but hearing a faint cricket chirp, his skin began to crawl, ad he raked his nails over his arm, hoping to quiet the insects that had taken up residence in his veins.  He was losing it; he didn’t even know if that voice just now was real, even though it didn’t sound like any of his other ghosts.  Was it worth answering it?
   He shook his head, partially to the voice and partially to himself.  No, nobody could help him home, and no, it wasn’t worth answering.
   “Y-y-y-you shouldn’t g-go in there,” he said, shrinking back and pulling his coat tight as a chill ripped through him.  “That—that thing is—gah!—tearing everything apart.  It almost got m-me.  It’s not safe.”  He moved to take the stranger’s hand with his own shaky one again, but he drew back.  “I’m getting—getting out of here.”  A glance over his shoulder.  “You should c-come with me.”
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eternaleye · 8 days
her heart beats.
it is slow, incomplete. part of her is missing. a gap in the void that is already eating her up inside. the black starts to shift, becoming light and color and she hisses between her teeth- it is a annoying way to wake up from a century long rest.
memories flood her fast as she uncurls her body, fetal position snapping into the shape of something more monstrous. she moves with inhuman gait, clawing up at the opening in the dirt and stone that had kept her prisoner for who knows how long.
the sun was never clever when trying to hide her body after one of their spats. the walls would always fall away and rot with time, leading her to be free to continue her glorious purpose once again.
it won't be long before mother dearest knows she's awake again.
she must take haste, regain her strength to reclaim what is hers and slaughter them, tear them apart, cleave them into pieces and feast upon what gives them life. pulling herself up from the rubble of her tomb, she saw it-
she was in a...city of sorts, but one that looked like it was just as decrepit as her secret cage was. it was abandoned. no flickers of life could be felt on the tip of her tongue. no sustenance to aid her in rebuilding her to what she used to be.
then she feels it.
a spark. something...that is alive but not flesh. it reeks of metal and oil and heat. her tail curls at her side, prehensile pincers snapping shut around the false skull of some...mimic.
it garbles at her in a strange language, swinging a useless weapon- a crowbar? -in her general direction. she crushed its head with her tail in a puff of smoke. the sounds stop and it glows.
blue. blue. blue.
her own purple pulses in response, claws tearing into the chest cavity of the mimic, cleaving it open to devour the lifeforce that remains inside.
oh....this...this will do just nicely.
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freeddead · 12 days
     closed starter for   ⟶   @thusaliar
   Krat, supposedly a wonderful city at one point in time, reduced to what Gerry saw before him now, thanks to two catastrophic events.  Never before had he seen something so localized and contained, a minor apocalypse in its own right, perhaps by some Entity doing a practice run for a future ritual.  Whatever it was, it was worth an investigation.
   He was going to be mostly on his own because the human population of the place was devastated by disease and the puppet frenzy—Corruption and Stranger, if he had to make a preliminary judgment.  Still, they always left witnesses behind, and he would take whatever help came his way.
   He had been in the city for almost a full day, roaming around, narrowly avoiding being taken out by some of the automatons he encountered, nothing especially helpful.  He was looking for some documentation, an… Archive, that might tell him a bit more about what happened here, almost writing off the possibility of talking to someone entirely, when he came across someone that looked more human than the rest.
   “Hey!”  He tried to flag them down, to signal that he wasn’t a threat, but his appearance had never been especially inviting.  “Hey, if I could have a moment, I’d like to ask you a few questions, if that’s okay.”
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paleontaxi · 13 days
     closed starter for   ⟶   @thusaliar
   The clopping of horse hooves echoed through the desolate streets, the carriage wheels rattling over wet cobblestone and splashing through the occasional puddle.  The misty air foretold a thicker downpour later in the evening, one that would render the streets much more dangerous, nigh impassible.  From under the brim of his hat, the carriage driver scanned the streets for potential customers.  It was never hard to find paying customers in weather like this, always someone who didn’t want to come down with consumption, even if the city’s population had dwindled significantly.
   Jarod couldn’t bring himself to move on from it, the place where his daughter was buried.
   He slowed the horses, one black and the other dusty brown, both horribly flea-bitten, and stopped them in front of a thin young man, looking more a boy than anything.  “Good evening, sir,” he said, touching his hat brim.  “You look like you got someplace to go.  Get ya there in a quarter the time, for an Ergo if you like.”
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commission for @thusaliar! thank you again!!!
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miratenebrarum · 1 month
[ cont ]
On the contrary, Venigni sounds... delighted? Maybe with a hint of tiredness. Clearly, he spent all the time usually dedicate to sleep to work on whatever he has in front of him - the cup of boiling coffee in a hand and the several empty ones on the table beside his latest inventions being enough of a proof.
Pulcinella should know better than letting him drink five in an evening, by know. He probably also knew that he couldn't do much to make him actually rest, if he didn't want to.
"I finally got it, my friend!"
Especially if he's so pumped! The free hand lands on P's shoulder, accompanying him to actually witness his genius.
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"I wanted to work on something like this for quite a while!" he continues, showing off what seemed to be a completely normal Legion Arm. Nothing fancy nor new at first sight, if not for some holes surrounding it.
"A Legion Arm that can use different attacks! Like when you use different abrasives!" he takes a swing to the coffee cup then, letting it join its empty comrades to pick his latest invention up, pointing at the holes "You can put items in here... like one of your thermites, and you should be able to pack a firey punch!"
Scratch that. He sounds positively out of his mind. Hopefully it's because of the joy of finishing a project and not a side effect of insomnia.
"It still has some problems with acid, granted... but nothing that can't be fixed now!"
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nebula-drcams · 2 months
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@thusaliar asked: “You’re staring like you’ve never seen a puppet before.” from P (spoken through Gemini) for anyone you seem fit! from Terrible First Meeting Starters
Terrible First Meeting Starters || Always Accepting
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   In his defense, he and his crew had been in space for far too long and now they're crash-landed on .. earth? No that can't be right, Earth was destroyed last he recalled. Wait, no, it could be. Must be one of those funky different Universe thingies that he knows exists, but he never expected to manage to get into one. Man this was weird. 
   And that's not the only thing that's weird, there's a strange .. guy or something standing here, ominously. Or well he would say ominously. Squinting slightly, he does this for a good few minutes, practically jumping in place with a small startled shout as it ?? he ?? speaks.
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" Hey, woah, what the freak dude you can't just spook a guy like that! "
   Not that he really did anything but talk but that doesn't stop Gary from saying it.
" Well, yeah no I haven't. I've been around robots, a looooot of robots. And other people. And aliens. Oh and Ventrexians- "
   Maybe he should actually stop talking.
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miratenebrarum · 2 months
⚔ from P to P (if you're good with dupes!), might be fun
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Why did this bother him?
He should be used to see his own face staring back at him. Granted, it's not like he saw it often -- he'd much rather avoid looking at the portrait in his father's room, so similar yet so different from him -- and yet there's something in the other raising his weapon and inciting him to attack that just... bothers him.
Maybe it's because those are his own eyes.
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The other puppet lifted his sword, and Pinocchio rushes to make their blades meet.
He wanted a duel? Sure. Fine. Let's fight, then.
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miratenebrarum · 10 days
♥, ♔ for Venigni, ♚ for Bonnie and ♦ (im sorry) for Pinocchio (x)
funny outfits [ ACCEPTING ]
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miratenebrarum · 1 month
C2 for P or F5 for Venigni
[ blood blood blood ; ACCEPTING ]
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miratenebrarum · 17 days
🗺️ How open are you to meeting new people? Do you like your muses being mentioned IC? To just anyone, or only fandoms/friends that you know? // 💡Do you get ideas from reading meta/headcanons/bios, or do those only pop up as you write? (x) [ ACCEPTING ]
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🗺️ How open are you to meeting new people? Do you like your muses being mentioned IC? To just anyone, or only fandoms/friends that you know?
[ while i still feel a little anxious when it comes to new people every now and then, in the last few years, especially online, i feel like i really opened up and embraced a "fuck it we ball" kind of mentality most of the time :°> for an anxious introvert i LOVE meeting new people so. yea fansdmgdf i love when my muses, or even my threats, are mentioned in other's posts!! i'm a big fan of reading other's hcs and rps and seeing that people do the same, to the point that they even mention me in their own threads or by dashcommenting, feel me with SO much delight ;u; ]
💡Do you get ideas from reading meta/headcanons/bios, or do those only pop up as you write?
[ a mix of both, really
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most of the times, headcanons just. come out of the blue, really. sometimes, since i mostly play videogame muses, they come from playing since i generally get VERY in character whenever i play, and sometimes they just appear when i read someone else's hc and i go "oh yea i have thoughts about that as well"!! ]
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miratenebrarum · 23 days
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'rtacci tua figlio d'una mignotta ma vaffanculo--
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miratenebrarum · 23 days
♡ P-twin pleaseee
[ what are they THINKING!!!!!!!!!!! ; ACCEPTING ]
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○○○○○ | ATTRACTION ●●○○○ | AFFECTION ●●●●● | INTEREST ●●●○○ | LOYALTY ●○○○○ | TRUST
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miratenebrarum · 1 month
-silently points to his own hand, as in 'put it here'-
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drops a live cicada on his hand. :)
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