#thus why i spinned the whole thing on 'here's how Falsch is gonna dunk on Lucio bc his Troupe is better'
icharchivist · 1 year
I want the Mole Troupe to get a continuation that features Sandalphon and supposed theater actor Lucio. Sandalphon probably visits Michael to check on her, out of curiosity and Lucio invites himself. It gives us opportunity for Sandy to begrudgingly accept Lucio's company, for him to have a talk with Sariel, maybe, and I absolutely want Falsch and Lucio to meet. I think Falsch would fall in love with Lucio at first sight, but be super aggro about it and get mad at every little thing about him.
I want more Mole Troupe in general (though the more it focus on the main four of them the happier i'd be, though if Barawa wants to come back and encourage them on the path of ham theater and make me cry even more i'm *twirls hair* all up for it again, he was there for me and just for me)
That said to have Sandalphon check on Michael, Sariel and Azrael would be very nice, and finally bringing back the fact Lucio has indeed a supposed theater background lmao.
There they could discuss with Sariel a bit of his situation yeah, if they really want to make /me/ happy Lucio and Sariel would get into an improv and manage to communicate with one another thanks to acting which would have Lucio finally be more accepting of Sariel's plea. Then, all of them would start to get really into the improv bit and try to drag Sandalphon into it who's really just ".... i'm not going to do that." but Michael ends up insisting and Sandalphon ends up participating out of pure peer pressure.
And i think Falsch would find Lucio so damn cool at first sight yeah, but tbh i feel like he would grow to dislike him over the fact that Lucio is so damn perfect. I mean, Lucio was an actual, acclaimed actor on stage. Falsch was a genius child actor but he hated what the spotlight did to his fellow friends, and he much prefers his silly, ham actors now, that any goody who could rival him as an actor. I actually would see Falsch constantly compare Lucio's acting skill to the rest of the Mole Troupe's, except it's always to point out how Lucio isn't as great as his Troupe. Despite the fact Lucio is, in fact, technically better.
the emotional core could also be that Falsch would actually see right through Lucio that despite him being a perfect actor in every single way, he puts no emotion into his acting, none of it is genuine, he can see that Lucio doesn't think a single of the words he's spouting. Michael, Sariel, Azrael, they may suck, but they are passionate, they have fun, and they've been trying to put their emotions and the way they relate to others in their acting. Lucio strikes me as really an actor in the sense of he is always playing a role to mask himself, never to be honest. The Mole Troupe is the opposite, they're acting to show themselves out, to find parts of themselves they don't know how to express otherwise. And i think Falsch would be super critical of Lucio being like that, which would eventually force Lucio to face the way he's still acting with the crew as well as he hides his true identity.
I actually believe in Falsch's insufferable ex-child actor prodigies supremacy to just dunk on Lucio is what i mean. Also i would find it so funny if the only human of the gang, who was shocked discovering all of his friends were angels, ended up being the only one to see right through Lucio with the powers of "your acting may be perfect in quality but you don't put any heart into it and i have no respect for you."
... I really want more Mole Troupe i'd take anything to see more of them.
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