peachmimosaart · 2 years
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Warcraft: Redux Orc PCs and NPCs
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radiolewes · 1 year
This is last in the Rockin' The Decades series, we are Rockin' the 20s So Far. There has been some great releases in the last four years and long may it continue.
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azerothtravel · 6 months
Over the expacs, what’s been your favourite raid or dungeon bosses?
Hey, Anon! Sorry this took so long, but I wanted to give this some real thought. So I've never been much of a raider. I just didn't find it too exciting to treat WoW like a part-time job. I dabbled in Vanilla, but never did anything after Zul'Gurub. There was a bit in late BC when my small guild and another one joined forces to run Karazhan for awhile (I don't know that we ever got as farther than chess). But it wasn't til the introduced LFR that I ever saw raids while they were new with any real frequency (I know, I am a filthy casual). My endgame has usually been more PvP and alts. But! That leaves a zillion dungeons and the raid experiences I have had so let's see…
When I think of dungeons in Vanilla, I think of Blackrock Spire. I have a great fondness for General Drakkisath in UBRS, for having someone kite him all over the place. And the Beast! Taking the punt from the Beast. Eventually getting the Chromatic Carapace and starting down that road. Those were really fun times. But also Bal'nazaar in Strat, which was a really fun surprise and also, uh, something I actually have a screenshot of. :)
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In BC, it's all about the Blackheart the Inciter fight in Shadow Labyrinth. "Slaughter yourselves for my amusement!" That was a wacky one, especially the first time you saw it. It was also cool, as a non-raider, to get to fight Kaelthas in Magister's Terrace. But also, in Auchenai Crypts, Shirrak the Dead Watcher. The first time you came to that bridge and saw that guy, that was memorable.
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Wrath is really hard to pin down. I'm actually really partial to Utgarde Keep. But it kinda has to be the Lich King chasing you out of Halls of Reflection. That was such a tense encounter. Unsurprisingly, I don't have any screenshots. But, looking through my screenshots, I just found out we did Naxxramus in 2009! I have no memory of this!
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Who knew?? I bet the same friend who made us an alliance with a bigger guild to do Kara was behind this, but I completely forgot about it.
First boss that comes to mind in Cataclysm is in the Stonecore, your friend and mine, Ozruk. Like many of you, I am certain, the first time he yelled "Break yourselves upon my body!" my group cracked up laughing. I think we might have even wiped from laughing too hard. He's got a great song, too! But for Cata, it has to be Deathwing. The fight on his back is probably the most memorable instance fight in the expansion, for good or ill.
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Mists actually has a whole lot of my favorite dungeon and raid bosses. Stormstout Brewery was pretty unique, with the Ook Ook fight being pretty great. I liked the Sha of Fear fight, with the teleporting to different platforms and all. The Paragons in Siege of Orgrimmar are memorable. I did so much for those bastards. Having to fight them all was mean. I think the Thunder King raid is one of the best raids of all time, top to bottom, and the Thunder King himself was a really cool fight.
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Warlords is actually harder to remember. Nitrogg Thundertower on the Grimrail Depot train was really cool. I remember hating basically every minute of the Everbloom... Ner'zhul in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds had good atmosphere. I enjoyed Highmaul, but did not like that final raid at all, nor the remake of my beloved UBRS. Oh, High Sage Vyrix, that was a cool fight. Man. That Archimonde fight. I swear, it took like 15 tries in LFR. I never went back after we finally won.
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I've expressed my complicated feelings about Legion before, but it had some fun dungeons. The fight in the dark in Vault of the Wardens was really cool. Maw of Souls' fight with Freyja was cool, tearing up the back of that boat. But not a whole lost stands out to me, dungeon & raid wise.
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BfA. I liked the Ghuun fight. The Azshara fight, and also the swimming one with the big eel. That whole final raid was pretty interesting, with a good final battle. Some cool things in there. But the best was Lord and Lady Waycrest in Waycrest Manor, with the big pipe organ. That was cool.
In Shadowlands, I liked almost everything in the first raid. Some really fun things in there, and Denathrius especially. The Tarragrue fight in the 2nd raid was really fun with the anima powers. And the Eye of The Jailer fight making you grapple across that gap was fun.
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I have weirdly very few memories of Dragonflight dungeons & raids, apart from fighting Fyrakk over and over trying to get that damn axe. My RNG is legendarily bad. 11 tries and nothing yet. I don't think I played dungeons too much after the first couple of months, and didn't get too into the first 2 raids. Think I did them once each. Honestly, Dragonflight has found me playing alts harder than ever, so between that and PVP, I've done a lot fewer instances. But I do like that they incorporated dragonriding into one dungeon and the 2nd to last fight in Amirdrassil.
And that is my long, long answer. I'm sure I'll remember something I should've mentioned as soon as I hit post. Thanks for the ask!
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doomedandstoned · 1 year
~Season 9, Episode 5~
It's time to cut loose mighty Episode 5 (nearly 3 1/2 hours!), which begins our look at the Spring edition of the Doom Charts, starting with the month of March. We'll be meeting to record episode 6 next week, which will focus on April's chart. Here's your chance to catch up on a ton of new music and relevant commentary about the bands and tracks.
Hosted by Billy Goate (Editor, Doomed & Stoned), John Gist (Vegas Rock Revolution), and Bucky Brown (The Ripple Effect).
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INTRO (00:00)   1. DRYAD (no. 21) - "Gaia" (00:31)
HOST SEGMENT I (06:03) - March Doom Chart   2. Heezer (no. 25) - "Fourth Line" (24:03)   3. Goat Explosion (no. 16) - "Thundertower" (27:34)   4. OHHMS (no. 38) - "Eaten Alive" (32:16)
HOST SEGMENT II (36:13)   5. Swan Valley Heights (no. 12) - "Looking For Bird Pet" (51:07)   6. Zålomon Grass (no. 17) - "Cosmic Relief" (55:25)   7. Desert Storm (no. 13) - "Master of None" (58:57)
HOST SEGMENT III (1:02:59)   8. Witchthroat Serpent (no. 10) - "The House That Dripped Blood" (1:13:02)   9. Morass Of Molasses (no. 9) - "Wings of Reverie" (1:18:57) 10. Stoned Jesus (no. 8) - "Thoughts and Prayers" (1:24:27)
HOST SEGMENT IV (1:30:50) 11. Isaak (no. 7) - "OBG" (1:40:40) 12. Green Yeti (no. 6) - Witch Dive" (1:44:10) 13. Witch Ripper (no. 5) - "Icarus Equation" (1:48:14)
HOST SEGMENT V (1:55:33) 14. Håndgemeng (no. 4) - "Temple Of Toke" (2:29:21) 15. CHILD (no. 3) - "Moment in Time" (2:34:26) 16. REZN (no. 2) - "Possession" (2:41:21) 17. Acid King (no. 1) - "Beyond Vision" (2:47:17)
OUTRO (2:53:23) 18. L'ira Del Baccano - "Cosmic Evoked Potentials" (2:54:31) [BONUS] 19. Black Helium - "The Keys to Red Skeletons House (I Open The Door)" (3:01:09) [BONUS]
Theme Song by Dylan Tucker
Incidental Music by Hellvetika
Thumbnail Art by Adam Burke for REZN
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metalindex-hu · 1 year
Goat Explosion – Threatening Skies (2023)
Goat Explosion – Threatening Skies (2023) - https://www.femforgacs.hu/goat-explosion-threatening-skies-2023/ -
Most őszintén, milyen zenét vártok egy Robbanó Kecske nevű zenekartól? Én már tudom, mivel a 2015-ben indult, nagyrészt thrash metalos vonalról érkező tagok által alapított zenekart már nyomon követem egy ideje. Ennek oka az első, Rumors Of Man (2018) című bemutatkozásuk, amit meghallgatva egy útját kereső, de minőségben magabiztos formációt ismertem meg, akiket úgy tettem félre, hogy majd legközelebb összejön a nagy egymásra találás. Ez utóbbi részben bejött, bár maradéktalan barátságról nem tudok beszámolni.
De ne siessünk, hiszen a srácok sem teszik a közel órás játékidővel megáldott Threatening Skies során, melynek műfaja egyébként heavy/stoner/doom, ami tökéletesen le is fedi azt, amit hallhatunk. Hagyományos, itt-ott epikus hangulatú doom keveredik náluk a száraz sivatagi éghajlattal, ez pedig egy egészen korrekt, már-már egyedi hangot tud teremteni a német csapatnak.
Nem különösebben köti tehát magát a zenekar egy adott irányvonalhoz, amivel az én dolgomat is megkönnyítette, révén, hogy általában a pszichedelikus, füstölgős zenéket csupán hangulatos háttérfestés gyanánt szoktam nagy ritkán elővenni. A Goat Explosion azonban nem egy szimpla stoner lebegés, jóval több annál, a második lemezükkel pedig még távolabb kerültek a könnyű kategorizálástól. A legfontosabb változás számomra azonban az énekes Basti hangjának komoly fejlődése, mert amíg a debütálásnál elég sok furcsa rezonanciát hozott, addig a Threatening Skiesban egészen nagyszerű teljesítményt nyújt. Mindez azonban csak hab a tortán, ugyanis a lemez legnagyobb erőssége az instrumentális, csupasz zenei részekben rejlik. Ennek oka az, hogy a kellemesen kimunkált, de teljesen hagyományosnak tekinthető Thundertower, majd a jóval több heavy metalt tartalmazó Dawn Of The Red kettős után a banda a progresszió irányába kezd el tapogatózni olyan módon, hogy a túlzott virtuozitás helyett inkább a kalandos dalszerkezetek kapnak szerepet.
A The Slumbering Judgement ennek megfelelően már bő 11 perccel hoz el nekünk doomot, stonert, pszichedelikus utazást és klasszikus heavy metalt remek szólókkal, teljesen kötetlenül és természetes módon áramló zeneiséggel. Tovább merészkedik a The Sinking Shift, ami 16 perces játékidővel engedi szabadjára ugyanezt a receptúrát. Magabiztosan teremti meg az időtlen heavy metal hangulatot, miközben ��rad belőle az a fajta keserűség és mélabú, ami szinte az egész lemez sajátja. A Goat Explosion esetében azért ne várjunk érvágós szomorkodásra, itt sokkal inkább egy reális pesszimizmus, a jövőtől való félelem, a múltból szerzett tapasztalatok miatti kiábrándulás az, ami megjelenik. Bukott társadalmi rendszerek, megvalósíthatatlan és végletekig kifordult utópiák kerülnek terítékre némi magasztossággal, monumentalizmussal karöltve.
A gond az ezzel a nagyszabású tétellel, hogy utána már a jóval egyszerűbb, instrumentális Soil már teljesen sablonosnak, unalmasnak hat, a menetelős, a zenekar epikus erényeit megcsillantó Reasons And Time pedig nem képes kellően felvenni a versenyt. A szintén megakasztó, de legalább rövid Utopian Rifts után azért még sikerül életet lehelni az élettelen pusztaságba a Storm Of Sorrows révén, ami szerintem a legjobb tétel az egész korongon.
Figyelemre méltó zenekar van tehát kibontakozóban Németországban, mely egyedül az arányok tekintetében tudott kicsit mellélőni a friss korongján. Ezen felül mind külsőségekben, mind hangzásban és hangulatban a Threatening Skies egy ajánlott lemez éppúgy a stoner kedvelőknek, mint a heavy metal és doom rajongóknak.
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qu-r · 5 years
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Art trade with @thundertower Part 2 Laevatein from Fire Emblem
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deathridersofficial · 7 years
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#neilturbin #chrischilds #thunder #thundertowers #thunderonline #thunderxmasshow #wolverhampton #wolvescivic #fistfulofmetal #tyketto themetalbeast #deathriders #childline #bleedthehunger #anthrax #fistfulofmetal #armedanddangerous #texashatters #chromehearts #gabornagy #spreadingthedisease #lewisleathers #metalthrashingmad #deathrider #thebig4 #empireears #gungho #matrixamplification #krusekontrolamplification #themetalvoice #originalanthraxsinger #originalanthrax #londonbassguitarshow #originalscreamindemonofthrash (at Wolves Civic)
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screen1ne · 4 years
All The Right Noises - Thunder's New Album Review & 48Hr Streaming TV Special
'All The Right Noises' Album Review and Details of @ThunderTowers 48hr TV streaming special right here! #Review #Rock #Thunderband #Streaming #TVSpecial #AllTheRIghtNoises @luzmor01 @bassman0659 @dannybowes
Despite a worldwide pandemic, nothing will slow down the path of 30+ year British rockers Thunder, who have released the new album ‘All The Right Noises’ and what a release it is. Coupled with it a special 48hr streaming event TV Special in which the band will be peforming a concert that you can stream into you very own front room from Saturday 13th March (You can find the details below). From…
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rockrageradio · 5 years
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Band-curated ‘The Greatest Hits’ marks 30 years
AND PREORDERS HERE - https://thunderband.lnk.to/TGHPR
Celebrating thirty years of music, Thunder will release a 28 track album entitled simply ‘The Greatest Hits’ on 27 September 2019 through BMG. Featuring tracks from each of their 12 studio albums, it is the first ever collection to actually be sanctioned by the band, but also compiled by Thunder themselves. The tracks chosen for ‘The Greatest Hits’ shows perfectly the arc of evolution that the band has travelled over three decades, developing, challenging themselves and always moving on: without ever losing the core elements that make them special. ‘The Greatest Hits’ will be released in four formats: 2CD, expanded 3CD [featuring a live session recorded and streamed at the Planet Rock studio on 18 Jan 2019], 3LP and Digital. CD1 & CD2 are both closed by Thunder covers of classic songs.
Thirty years into their career, the time feels right to look back on what’s been done, taking stock of some fantastic work, but keeping one eye on the horizon and what is yet to come. ‘The Greatest Hits’ is a comprehensive, cohesive and career-spanning collection, taking in material from every single album since the debut that propelled them onto the world stage, 1990’s ‘Backstreet Symphony’ which hit number 21 in the Charts. That first salvo was followed by ‘Laughing On Judgement Day’ which hit No. 2 in 1992, and then ‘Behind Closed Doors’ which was another Top 5 hit in 1995. ‘Greatest Hits’ includes material taken from releases right up till 2017’s ‘Rip It Up’, which hit No.3 in the Charts, and 2019’s ‘Please Remain Seated’. In fact, the last three Thunder albums – ‘Wonder Days’, ‘Rip It Up’ and ‘Please Remain Seated’ have all enjoyed UK Top Ten status in the Album Chart.
CD1 [of both 2 and 3CD formats]
Dirty Love / Love Walked In / She’s So Fine / A Better Man / Backstreet Symphony / Low Life In High Places / River Of Pain / Like A Satellite / Stand Up / Living For Today / Love Worth Dying For / Just Another Suicide / All I Ever Wanted / Gimme Shelter [recorded for charity in 1993],
CD2 [of both 2 and 3CD formats]
I Love You More Than Rock N Roll / Loser / I’m Dreaming Again / The Devil Made Me Do It / On The Radio / The Rain / Wonder Days / Rip It Up / In Another Life / Right From The Start / The Thing I Want / Future Train [2019 Version] / Low Life In High Places [2019 Version] / Your Time Is Gonna Come [Led Zeppelin cover, recorded in summer 2018 during the Please Remain Seated album session. Previously unreleased.]
Bigger Than Both Of Us / Serpentine / She’s So Fine/ Blown Away / River Of Pain / Stand Up
Frontman Danny Bowes said, “Having been at it for 30 years, we now feel we have enough of a body of work behind us to do this properly. We explored and re-imagined our back catalogue with the ‘Please Remain Seated’ album, and now with ‘The Greatest Hits’ we’ve gathered all our key tunes together. It’s all killer, no filler, and we hope fans like having it all in one place.” Guitarist and songwriter Luke Morley added, “It was great fun picking the tunes for this compilation, and brilliant to put all of them into one big collection.”
For many bands, an album entitled ‘The Greatest Hits’ album would be a valedictory romp through past glories, for Thunder this is a collection of signposts that have taken them from where they started to where they are now. With a new studio album already under way and slated for release in late 2020, the Thunder story is far from over; if anything that rumbling is getting louder!
#soundcheckwithgentry #rockmusic #rock #hardrock #metal #thegreatesthits #rockon #rockrageradio #rockisNOTdead #turnitup
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timhughes1 · 8 years
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‪Tonight's entertainment @thundertowers "Rip it Up" #ripitup ‬#vinyl #vinylcollection #vinylrecords #vinyljunkie #vinylrecord #vinyladdict #vinylcollector http://ift.tt/2lZsNHH
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mmhradio · 5 years
A tweet
Skid's House of Loud TOMORROW from 1200 , this weeks show will feat. @WeAreInglorious @blacklabelsociety @systemofadown @monstermagnetnj @Aerosmith @nightranger @RollingStones @thewreckeric @maggiereilly_ @themisfits @thundertowers @acdc @Metallica @ledzeppelin & much more #SHOL pic.twitter.com/va0lIE8AX7
— MMH - The Home Of Rock Radio (@MMH_Radio) September 14, 2019
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happymetalgeek · 6 years
After going to see thunder live for almost three decades I have a first in having take a seat. To find out how I and Danny got on not shaking our booty read on.
Support for the tour but with a very short set was Dan Reed. This was an excellent choice as he brought just himself and a trusty acoustic guitar. This venue is huge, the stage is massive and with just one man to sing and play to the thousands here it could have been daunting but Dan filled this venue with his beautiful voice with ease.
As he set up he looked out to the crowd and asked if Tom Russell was in the house yet. This alone got a cheer. Not many outside Scotland will know that name…or his moniker “The beard of doom” but for me and many others Tom is just as much a part of the rock scene and our past and as the many bands we have seen. Tom has been with me since I was a teenager and I listened in to his Friday Rock show on Radio Clyde straight after Tommy Vance had finished, yes, this man is a legend up here.
After finding out Tom was there he went on to thank him for being a friend and introducing him to Rabbie Burns with a book he gave Dan. As a tribute he opened with “My Love is Like a Red Rose”. What a way to win over an audience.
He followed up with “Only Love” which was dictated to a couple whose anniversary it was. Again this was a lovely touch and as his voice surrounded the venue you could not help but smile. Shortly after the song that many were expecting in “Rainbow Child” was rolled out and after all these years it holds up brilliantly. Just hearing this with acoustic and vocals gave it a whole new breath of fresh air.
Then came the real surprise of tonight as Dan covered “Holy Diver” and as much as I was taken aback at the choice I loved this. The whole crowd were singing their lungs out. I would advise you to search this out on Youtube as it was stunning.
He finished off with “Get to you” and “All My Loving” and for someone who was never a DRN fan tonight changed my perspective. His playing was sublime and his voice held up wonderfully.
It was strange being at a Thunder concert and having to go to a seat but wth the new album titled “Please Remain Seated” I suppose I had no choice(we will see about that). The new album has definitely split the fanbase down the middle. I for one enjoyed the album but having seen Thunder play acoustically many times(and usually the band were very hungover…Tower records, Glasgow) I loved it. I have always jumped at the chance to see and hear songs that I love stripped down and arrangements altered. I may not have enjoyed every track on the album but I am just happy that Thunder are back with us and changing things up.
I suspect many of the naysayers would have rather seen the band come back and just play the classics with no need for new material but Thunder decided if they came back it was on their terms and for that they have to be applauded.
As if to shut up the negative voices the band open with “Love Walked In” with just Luke and Danny on the stage. This was not on the album but with such a beautiful song who could not love this rendition?
Ironically “Stand Up” was next up and as Danny pointed out it was a bit stupid to ask everyone to remain seated and then sing that.
“Future Train” was the first song from the album and had a radically different sound and with the bongos, Spanish guitar and piano this was immense. This hall was built with acoustics in mind and every penny of the ticket price was worth it as it reverberated around the auditorium.
“Girl’s Going out of Her Head” was the first track that I was not sure of on the album, it just went a bit too jazzy for me but is still sounded terrific and from one extreme to another as we slip into “Empty City”. This was just magical, Danny’s voice was incredible and I swear he could sing the phone book. He is undoubtably one of the UKs unsung heroes and he has been a leading singer for decades.
Just to prove my point we get “Better Man” and can anyone write a song like this better than Luke Morley? Time after time he wrote deep and beautiful love songs and that, Danny’s voice and with the band’s sense of fun it was the reason I followed them all over the UK. They were the band I could not believe never broke it massively so I am more than happy to see this venue sold out and finally the band are getting the attention they deserved the first time around.
The encore consists of four songs and the surprise here is “Robert Johnston’s Tombstone” and that heavy blues sound that Thunder do so well. It was followed quickly by “ She’s So Fine” with its album rendition much slower and a little swankier.
“Resurrection Day” was dedicated to Ben Matthews and his battle with cancer but the best was saved till last with “Low Life in High Places”. With a smokey jazz/blues room feel it was perfection. The crowd sang every note and as hard as it seems we did seem to drown Danny out at times. By this time I had given up sitting. I was at the back and in full voice, just like the choir who were behind the white curtain.
Well, Danny managed to make the full show stuck to that seat and how he managed it I have no idea, he was as twitchy as Tourettes sufferer without medication. This was an outstanding show and prior to it I was a bit apprehensive but (he takes a deep breath) this was the second best show I have seen the boys do. Nothing will ever top Monsters of Rock 1990 but this was a very close runner up. To think that Thunder can still perform to such high standards after all these years just goes to prove they were right in coming back and I pray it continues for many more years to come.
Images and words Ritchie Birnie
GIG REVIEW: @thundertowers Play The @GCHalls After going to see thunder live for almost three decades I have a first in having take a seat.
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radiolewes · 1 year
This one is Rock Show Debuts, every track comes from bands new to the show this year includeing a fantastic guitarist and songwriter form Dorset, Aaron O'Shea with the first single from his forthcoming second album.
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pauld37 · 8 years
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#LukeMorley of #THUNDER @thunderonline @Thundertowers at #o2apollomanchester #RipItUp ... #concertphotography #concertphoto #livemusic #rockmusic #musicpic (at O2 Apollo Manchester)
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radiolewes · 1 year
Back to the Rockin' The Decades series. This time it's the 90s. The 90s were not a decade that I enjoyed, musically, at the time. But with a wealth of music now available on line I've caught up with some of the stuff i missed and developed a much greater appreciation for 90s rock.
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radiolewes · 3 years
The Rock Show Years In Rock '90 to '93 1st April 2021
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