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craigmaherart · 2 days ago
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Perhaps you want to go to a distant land ...
I had the pleasure of creating some landscapes for the Thunderstone Quest game.
Craig Maher - Pillars
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illuminatinggames · 7 years ago
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The new Thunderstone Quest, which I’m happy to report is rather good. There are major gameplay improvements from Thunderstone Advance (which was itself a substantial improvement over Thunderstone), so it’s now no longer just a really good Dominion re-skin, it’s much more of a coherent design. The pace of play is much improved, the physical design of the cards is much better. There is still a legibility issue with the text usage, but it’s not terrible. There is not a ton of questing going on, it’s really just a phased introduction of cards to the set over time, but I’m fine with that. I wasn’t sure if this was really going to hold up now that deck-building design technology had advanced so significantly, but I was pleasantly surprised and quite enjoyed it even though my general preference is still strongly for Ascension-style designs over Dominion-style. Ugh, the ��sexy dungeoneer” sculpts are pretty terrible though. Seriously people, it’s 2018, for the love of god can you give us reasonable women in fantasy games? Or is that just not an option for some reason? Numenera, 13th Age, and Arcana Evolved got this right. #bgg #boardgamegeek #boardgames #thunderstone #thunderstonequest
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tobysterling · 6 years ago
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Ready for #thunderstonequest https://www.instagram.com/p/BtjpPa7F5_W/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=h7qlatd3govz
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thegirlwhoboardgames · 6 years ago
December Games
With the holidays and lots going on over December, we only played one game.
Thunderstone Quest
I think I need to play this game again to really cement what I think about it. It was an ok game, but I wasn’t really enamoured by it. It was another deck builder with the added function of going to the dungeon to fight monsters, if you succeed you get benefits and can level up your character or get better items. We played it as a four player game and there were a lot of down time in between turns, maybe it might be better as two or three players. Also it is quite expensive so I would definitely need to play it again before we decide to buy it.
Thunderstone returns with Thunderstone Quest. Recruit your heroes, arm your party, then visit the dungeon — and the dungeon has new perils not seen in prior Thunderstone releases. All-new dungeon tiles create new challenges and rewards as you explore deeper and deeper in the dungeon. Each quest brings new dungeons as well as new side adventures!
Thunderstone is a fantasy deck-building game. Each player starts with a basic deck of cards that they can use to purchase, or upgrade to, other, more powerful cards. Thunderstone Quest brings new play modes to the table. The game will tell a specific story with a series of pre-set dungeon tiles, monsters, heroes and support cards. Each will come with a series of mini-adventures and a story booklet that tells players what happens as they progress through the scenarios.
Once players have completed the quests they will be able to enjoy great replay value with the available selection of monsters, heroes, and support cards, as well as the new dungeon tiles, by choosing random set-ups before the start of play. Aside from heroes such as wizards, fighters, rogues, and clerics, cards will include supplies that heroes need like weapons, spells, items, or light to reach further into the dungeon.
The dungeon deck is created by combining several different groups of monsters together. Certain groups of monsters may be more or less susceptible to different hero types, so players have to take this into account when they choose what to buy.
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jancr57 · 6 years ago
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#thunderstonequest. #jansgaming. We started our Saturday out with a game of a Thunderstone Quest, fastly becoming my favorite deck builder. I went weapon heavy. Didn’t win but had a great deck. (at The Gaming Goat - Katy, TX) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq6K2l3BHsa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zf9qxpkkdrq5
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spingisoli · 7 years ago
Avviamento. Il Punto del 19/07/2018
Signore e signori,
notizie scoppiettanti dal mondo dei progetti a raccolta per persone ramenghe e solitarie. Campagne che hanno implementato modalità solo e campagne che invece presentano interessanti espansioni fino alla bomba atomica della giornata: il nuovo Lacerda. Ma andiamo con ordine.
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Vital Lacerda è una specie di stella secchiona del settore. Se Eric Lang è noto per i suoi giochi con miniature curatissime e dall’alta interattività, Lacerda è invece il beniamino degli eurogiochi pesanti ma super-tematizzati. Infatti, Vital è sempre riuscito a coniugare particolari temi (la ricostruzione di Lisbona dopo il terremoto nel ‘700, la vinicoltura, l’esposizione di mostre) con sistemi complessi ma aperti di gioco (delle complicatissime scatole di sabbia). Molti lo odiano, alcuni lo idolatrano, viene comunque visto come un mostro sacro, e soprattutto come qualcuno che ha ancora qualcosa da dire di nuovo in un settore che sta raggiungendo velocemente il suo plateau creativo.
Questo Piano di Fuga si rifà ai classicissimi delle rapine in banca, ma ne affronta le conseguenze. Sarete un gruppo di ladri che devono investire/nascondere il bottino di una rapina e avrete tre giorni di tempo per organizzare la vostra fuga prima che la polizia chiuda la città e per voi non ci sia più scampo. Il gioco è un classico competitivo, nel quale vince il giocatore che riesce a fuggire con più soldi. Ma come ogni Lacerda che si rispetti esiste una modalità in solitario, in questo caso contro un’IA (che qua sarà interpretata da un poliziotto corrotto).
Che dire? Vale la pena? Certo che si. Non tutti hanno potuto provare il gioco (anzi molto pochi) ma Vital è sinonimo di qualità. Qualità di gioco, così come Early Gryphon Games è garanzia di qualità dei materiali. Su Giochistarter trovate poi la campagna in italiano ad un prezzo d’attacco piuttosto vantaggioso.
Probabilità di calciarlo? IMPOSSIBILE NON FARLO
Scadenza 17/08/2018
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L’Avanguardia della Guerra è un ultra-classico difesa della torre ambientato nell’universo narrativo di Martello di Guerra (anche se rispetto al suo predecessore non compare alcun logo che fa riferimento). Cosa dire? Il gioco è dell’anno scorso. In esso i nostri villanzoni dovevano difendersi da un’orda di demoni che apparivano ai quattro lati del tabellone di gioco. Ora si ripresenta su Avviamento con una originalissima idea: al posto dei demoni ci mettiamo gli zombies!!! Vavavuma!
Scadenza 31/7/2018
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Anche qua si tratta di un’espansione. La Ricerca della Pietra del Tuono (sempre ridicoli i nomi in italiano, no?) è l’ennesima iterazione di un costruisci-il-mazzo molto american che va avanti da più di dieci anni e che per rifarsi una verginità ha deciso di implementare un’idea originalissima: le avventure! Ma dai? Ma come sarà mai venuta questa idea geniale? Invece di far mazzulare a nastro il vostro pg ora potrete fare delle questue e poi far mazzulare a nastro il vostro pg! Una cosa nel mondo dei GdT/GdR che non si era mai vista. A questo giro abbiamo un’espansione specifica per la modalità in solitario e un ulteriore questua (la sesta per amor della precisione).
- EASTERN MISTERY, un giochino di controllo dell’area con una forte tematizzazione arabeggiante. Scadenza 22/8/2018
- BEAR GOOD FRUIT CARD GAME nel quale vi potrete divertire a fare il fruttarolo: pianta semina e raccogli dalle mele alle banane passando per i manghi. Scadenza 17/9/2018
Aggiungiamo anche che WRECK RAIDERS ha implementato una modalità in solitario. La campagna è de facto finita, ma un bottone Impegno Tardivo penso lo troverete sempre. THEOSIS ha invece buttato la maschera e ci ha mostrato i vari villanzoni che potremo affrontare nella modalità solitario-cooperativa.
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feldherr-net · 7 years ago
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Feldherr foam kit for Thunderstone Quest 👍 https://www.feldherr.net/a-57365/⠀ ⠀ #thunderstone #thunderstonequest #aeg #boardgames #cardgame #kickstarter
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craigmaherart · 4 years ago
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Another fun assignment for the fantasy deck-building game Thunderstone from last year - Savage Mind.
What do you prefer on werewolves, human feet or wolf paws? I didn't even think about it until I was done.
Thanks to AD Brett Satkowiak.
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craigmaherart · 4 years ago
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Last year I fit in a fun assignment for the fantasy deck-building game Thunderstone. Yes, more nightwalkers, Vampire Brides. They like to knit and make candles. Thanks to AD Brett Satkowiak.
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craigmaherart · 3 years ago
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Savage Mind for the fantasy deck-building game Thunderstone. Thanks to AD Brett Satkowiak.
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craigmaherart · 3 years ago
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Vampire Brides for the fantasy deck-building game Thunderstone. Thanks to AD Brett Satkowiak.
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jancr57 · 6 years ago
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#thunderstonequest #jansgaming Thunderstone Quest, A deckbuilder with beautiful cards nearly kicked my butt, however I finally crawled out of the hole and fought back. Had a good time with it. Thanks for bringing, Holly. (at The Gaming Goat - Katy, TX) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqmAgXNjf50/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3zdveoit4jnj
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jancr57 · 6 years ago
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#thunderstonequest #jansgaming Thunderstone Quest, A deckbuilder with beautiful cards nearly kicked my butt, however I finally crawled out of the hole and fought back. Had a good time with it. Thanks for bringing, Holly. (at The Gaming Goat - Katy, TX) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqmAgXNjf50/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=er566fcv8amr
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illuminatinggames · 7 years ago
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Thunderstone Quest is definitely stronger than any previous iteration. But there are still some combos in there which, if they’re in the card mix, mean that nothing else really matters. This makes for a less-than-compelling game experience, especially if you don’t pick up on it immediately. But I guess some people like this kind of thing. #bgg #boardgames #boardgamegeek #thunderstonequest #thunderstone #alderacentertainmentgroup
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illuminatinggames · 7 years ago
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More Thunderstone Quest! Still really liking this new revision of the classic. #boardgames #bgg #boardgamegeek #thunderstone #thunderstonequest #aeg
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