#thunderbirds headcanon
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Thunderbirds Are Go! language headcannons:
I always imagined that a lot of International Rescue would be multilingual. As part of an international organisation, knowing multiple languages would come in useful. Even though in 2060, translation technology is likely to be far more advanced than it is currently, it would still be useful to have that knowledge in case that tech fails.
I think that all the International Rescue responders (Jeff, Scott, Virgil, Gordon, Alan, Kayo) would at least know some basic Mandarin, Hindi, Spanish, French, and Arabic. These are the most commonly spoken languages (after English of course). I don't think that they'd all necessarily be fluent in all these languages but at least have a basic grasp of them so that they could give instructions and reassurance in emergency situations.
John, I think, would be mostly fluent in all these languages. His job revolves around communication, so it would be even more useful. But I also think that he enjoys learning new languages and is something he spends his free time doing up in Thunderbird 5. I think he'd also know more than just the 5 I listed above, like Bengali or Portugese. He'd also pick up languages from his friends such as Kayo and Brains.
Kayo, being Malaysian, would also speak Malay or another Malaysian language (the region of Malaysia she is from is never said, so idk what language specifically).
I think that Brains would also be able to speak whatever his family's native language is (e.g. Hindi). But, like with Kayo, we don't know what region of India he/his family is from.
I think that Lady Penelope would be able to speak at least French fluently and probably knows some Latin from school.
I can totally see languages other than English being used here and there on Tracy Island, even if just to practice.
(This post ended up being longer than I expected lol. But I like hearing other people's headcannons, so I thought I'd contribute with some of my own)
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I’ve been thinking about them so here’s a Scott Tracy [TAG edition] headcanon dump:
1. This is a bit of a retcon of an older headcanon, but Scott is 26 at the start of S1, just at the edge of turning 27, and 29 on the brink of turning 30 at the end of S3. I originally put him as 27, but I will die on the hill that Alan is 17 in S1 based on the uk driving age and I think I’ve seen somewhere that an old magazine or something said the age gap between Alan and Scott was 9 years?
2. Probably not going to be very popular but I headcanon that in the world of TAG, Scott was never in the military or GDF. No bereznik, no nothing. Instead his possible “militaristic” behaviour comes from Jeff’s training and Scott’s tendencies to copy his father.
3. Scott may have the colouring and significant facial features of his father, but actually has a good amount of his mother’s traits, such as his lanky build and personality. He loves his dad dearly and aspires to be like him, but also appreciates the little things his mother gave him that didn’t leave him a simple clone of his dad. He also inherited a few traits from his mother’s side in general.
4. Scott’s behaviour is often him attempting to act like Jeff for the sake of the others. It started as him trying to figure out how to lead, but there was also an underlying factor of him wanting things at home to stay as similar as they could. This is “Commander Scott”, whilst his real personality shines when he banters with his family, expresses his own interests and feels more comfortable.
5. Linking to headcanon 2 is what I like to call “The silver prince of Tracy Island”. Scott is a valuable asset, and people know this. Even before iR, organisations and militaries were scrambling to try and get hold of the firstborn of the legendary Colonel Jeff Tracy. They think that the kid who wants to be just like daddy will be easy to manipulate. But Scott always turned them down out of a desire to stay with his family and his incredibly pacifist nature. One of these organisations was the GDF, at the time run by a not so nice man. Not long before the Zero-X, they attempted to basically kidnap Scott and force him to serve, but were stopped by an irate Jeff who came in and saved him. This incident lead to the man in charge being investigated and replaced by Colonel Casey not long after Zero-X. (This is partly influenced by an old thread that I can’t find for the LIFE OF ME-)
His brothers know what happened, they know that there are people who want Scott Tracy for their own gain, and they are determined to protect him as he’s protected them. Sometimes, one might find a brother or two sitting vigil over their brother’s rare instances of sleep. His royal guard.
6. Scott’s pacifist nature comes from the fact that his earliest memories include the fresh Conflict of 2040. He became aware of the destruction through Jeff’s own experiences and hearing many, many news broadcasts and conversations. Scott may have been young, but he understood the gravity of what adults talked about following the conflict, when it was fresh in everyone’s minds. Whilst he doesn’t remember this, it was monumental in forming who he is today. He’s not a TOTAL pacifist (as seen when he attempts to punch evil Indiana Jones-), but he is determined to never take a life. He knows his father’s regrets, and promised to never repeat them.
7. Scott is stronger than he looks. Yes he’s light as a feather and could almost be called a twink, but he’s actually mostly lean muscle. iR promotes training for strength rather than show, so Scott isn’t very buff looking. He does however, lack a lot of body fat and can sometimes struggle to warm back up. His uniform is thickly woven and padded inside as a result, and on windy days at the island, Virgil will attempt to swaddle his big brother in blanket-thick towels post-swim.
8. Despite only stating “looking up at the night sky” (ouch) and “swimming” as his hobbies in that interview, Scott does have a few things he enjoys! Flying is obvious, but he also enjoys playing football (the REAL one, where you KICK the ball), hiking, model making and using burner accounts to wind up the bigots of 2060.
9. Scott has some variation of separation anxiety, even if he’ll never admit it. If a brother comes home after a close call or particularly long/dangerous mission, he’ll essentially wrap himself around them and refuse to let go. Because he’s mad at himself that he couldn’t protect them more, scared of what could have happened, and needs to assure himself that he hasn’t lost his baby brothers the way he lost his dad.
10. When there’s a particularly annoying or just frustrating board member at Tracy Industries, Scott will perform a series of secret pranks to get under their skin without any real consequences. The investors fear the coffee machine after it got filled with non-toxic washing up liquid found its way inside. He sits with Gordon to brainstorm new ideas.
11. If picked up from under the armpits or grabbed by the back of his shirt collar, Scott will go limp and one can perform the cat “temperament test” on him. Beware that this only occurs when there is a level of trust, otherwise expect resistance.
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I keep seeing those vids of sleeping sea otters holding eachother's paws and pups sleeping on their parents' tummies so they don't float away and it just radiates so much Gordon and Squirt vibes to me. Like especially if they've had a tough rescue, maybe one was scared of losing the other and they sorta just instinctually keep a hold of eachother for comfort so they don't drift away in their dreams.🌙☁️✨

#thunderbirds are go#thunderbirds#thunderbirds 2015#gordon tracy#sea-squirt tracy#thunderbirds oc#thunderfam#thunderbirds headcanon
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You know I gotta know…. how do the ‘birds react to snow/christmas?
Answering this made me giddy x'D You're welcome, anon c:
Thunderbird One finds the snow magical... when she's able to enjoy it. In her robot-mode, her wings are more sensitive to her environment, and unfortunately take on the cold more quickly. Her favourite things are a soft snowfall, and identifying the different tracks and trails in the snow on the ground. As for Christmas, she loves the idea of it, particularly the being with family, and cosying up somewhere warm parts.
Thunderbird Two, is indifferent about snow. At first it had her curious (and keeps to herself the fact she was absolutely delighted when she found out she could draw shapes in it-), but she doesn't give it a second thought much these days. After rescuing the scientists from the glacial ice shelf though, she's become a little weary of ice specifically... Christmas still confuses her. She's not entirely sure what it's purpose is yet.
Thunderbird Four adores the snow. It's her childish wonder of course >w< Gordon has made a list of all the snow-related activities, and of course Four wants to try all of them (even if she is too big for some-!). Her favourite thing so far is making snowmen! She knows to be careful in making them, in case she squishes them. One day she'll make one as big as she is. Also, she might be a little disappointed it never snows on Tracy Island... Her reaction is the same for Christmas; she wants to try all the festive traditions! xD She really wants to try gingerbread... Humans make it look so tasty...
Thunderbird Three seems to know when it snows, or when temperature's drop to freezing. It could be him being space-built, and space air being seemingly colder than Earth's atmosphere.. but Alan finds it impressive that he knows. Three can't transform of course, so he's obviously reacted quite differently to snow than the other three Thunderbirds. Only thing is, after their adventure to Europa, he never wants to go drilling into ice ever again (he swears his nosecone is still frozen to this day...). ... Gordon tried to drag a Christmas tree into his cockpit once. Alan immediately told him off for it, and his older brother was banned from any pranks involving his brothers' Thunderbirds. Three could still feel pine needles in his circuits for two weeks-...
#sky responds#also a bit of a ramble xD#thunderbirds 2015#thunderbirds are go#sentient thunderbird#thunderbirds headcanon#snow / christmas#i absolutely loved this >w<#also i apologise if my answers for Three are always a bit bland#have to keep reminding myself that i don't have him transforming like the others#he just has sentience =w=#so. his answers don't feel as exciting#lol
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@thedryswan Thank you for the headcanons tag!
I'm gonna cheat a little and repurpose the big Scott headcanon post I put together a while ago. But these are quite hard h/c I swear by and revisit in my stories.
CW: we're talking about Scott, so there are LOTS of heavy themes and topics mentioned, angst and death. My mind goes dark places with him. Tread with caution.
✅ A canon or headcanon hill I will die on.
I'll do several, because I can.
Scott has a suicidal ideation/death wish. As in, he genuinely thinks he needs to die in sacrifice- the way Dad did. He doesn't actively seek it, but has sort of internalized that as an inevitable fate, because that's the least he can do against the magnitude of Dad's sacrifice.
He blames himself for Dad's death (canon text).
Excelled in academia. A prom king, President of the class, sports team captain and a valedictorian both in high school and college.
Scott is 29-ish (under 30) by the end of Season 3. I WILL die on that hill. Symbolically, that means Dad's disappearance spearheaded him into "legal, albeit too young" adulthood, and Dad's recovery ("saving father from the abyss") heralded transition into "full manhood".
Scott will loose a son some time down the line - IR equipment gone wrong, a rescue, combat etc. (narrative symmetry is a ruthless thing). Sorry. I mulled it over every which way. A lost significant other is a gestalt already closed by Dad Tracy. And in a timeline that is not an incandescent wish-fulfillment HEA, it would unfortunately fall to Scott to experience what his father happily dodged - a son so adamant to follow in his Hero's footsteps, and a father so encouraging and approving of that - he'll pay the ultimate price.
Scott is not close to Grandma (mainly because Scott was close to Mom, aka the woman who took over as #1 in Jeff's life, later Scott is a living, breathing reminder that Jeff is gone, and is a mirror and foil to Jeff's shortcomings).
Scott can play the piano (Mom totally taught him first, having big hopes for those long, long fingers), but he never applied himself to practice the skill, like Virgil did. They can play duet on a very rare, precious occasion, when the mood is right.
Scott is more than a decent dancer - cowboy line and square dancing, but also waltz and tango. It was a Mom thing, originally, the prep for a middle school Formal or something. He later practiced with John, who was too shy to take dance classes. While we are at it - my hard headcanon is that, for all that he's Dad's replica and seeks Dad's approval like air, Scott was close to Mom, her White Knight, and takes after her a lot in mannerisms and character (it's maybe more obvious to the adults in their lives, as the boys' memories of Mom are hazy with every passing year).
✅ Dumbest thing they’ve ever done.
Got engaged or eloped, even, back in Flight School, to a fellow cadet. His trusted second in an air group and a wingman. Of course they usually got suggestions to "get a room" after flight exercises. At some point they did. Both stupidly young, of course. Scott asked Dad for Mom's engagement ring and withstood Dad's stern questioning stare with a defiant stance that "when you know - you know". Dad had little to object to that, but had his reservations. For one, it was against regulations - Scott was CAG (captain of air group), ergo, within direct chain of command. For two - Jeff already had plans of the Tracy Island and IR well underway. Scott was completely game and ready to join Dad, he believed in IR and Dad's dreams since day 1, since TV-21. Of course, in his idealistic mind the Love of His Life was to join them - an exceptional pilot she'd be a great asset to IR team, they worked seamlessly together. It'd be great! Bereznik recon was to be among Scott's last assignments. Only the fiancée didn't exactly subscribe to idyllic dreams of "getting kittens off trees under Daddy's watchful eye" - she thought they were to share a life of service, career soldiers and fighters, test pilots, command material. She thought Scott was betraying that shared dream in favor of indulging Dad yanking his leash. Mom's ring was returned. The breakup was so earthshattering that it may or may not have made Scott loose focus for a second, while flying over hostile territory. It only took a second... The brothers never knew of that whole relationship and situation, only Dad. And maybe Kyrano. I have a whole fic idea about the ring being first taken off Scott, together with dogtags, in interrogation, then retrieved.
✅ Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves.
These are things and thoughts Scott hates himself for territory - so, certainly, they would come across as jarring (and vastly untrue) to anyone, who actually knows Scott. I'll do several, because why limit ourselves in ways Scotty's mind would torment him.
Scott has taken a life or lives. Not just by proxy, as in people they couldn't save (Dad being first in line in his mind). And not just in combat/self defense. I think Scott has eased someone's suffering at some point and provided assisted suicide (a fellow POW in Bereznik, a rescuee). It's a whole different pit of hell that haunts him. I'd say Scott also has a DNR and maybe, that one time after a dark day and one too many helpings of scotch he asked either Virgil or John to do the same for him - to mercy kill. Virgil is horrified (Scott's DNR gets ignored on multiple occasions not for nothing), but John promises he'd do it. They all pretend that conversation never happened later.
On very, very bad days that happen more often after SOS, Scott kinda wishes they never found Dad's signal. Dad's signal means not only did he fail to save him, but he failed to search hard enough afterwards and settled into just living on. Scott is also not fooling himself- Dad's signal may mean there's no Dad alive anymore on the other side after eight years in outer space - which means loosing Dad all over again and watching the brothers and Grandma loose Dad all over again. Unthinkable. Unbearable. His fault.
Dad's return is not all unicorns and soothing rainbows. Well, it is - for everyone else. His brothers got Dad back, Grandma got her son back, Lee, Casey, Lord Hugh, Brains and Kyrano got their friend back, Tracy Industries got their CEO back, IR got the Commander back, the world got Jeff Tracy back. Which is all to exemplify how much Scott has been a placeholder in everyone's eyes. The brothers and Kayo can talk Dad's ear off a mile a minute about their pursuits and accomplishments, but Scott hasn't got much to show for it. He's only ever been doing... this "being Jeff Tracy" thing for the past eight years, trying to keep his head above water. He missed Dad to the point of wanting to die - but Dad is not back, advising him how to run the show and being there for him, he's back to pick up where he left off. Alan and Kayo are even trained enough to fly One now. Why would anyone need Scott anymore? (This DOES NOT lead to any good places or conclusions. Scott's undercurrent fear is to see disappointment and disapproval in Dad's eyes, once the euphoria settles down and he starts to delve into reports how Scott handled things).
Berezniki guards drilled into him that by the time they're done - noone would want what's left of Scott, broken and damaged beyond repair, and Scott is unsure he still doesn't believe them.
Scott doesn't actively want kids of his own. He loves his brothers beyond anything and Alan is his son in all ways that count. But he can't in good conscience pursue to bring a life into the world and then let it suffer the loss, like he did - Scott doesn't exactly envision a happily ever after timeframe for himself, where he gets to grow old and be there for the kid(s). Nor does he envision a timeframe where he's loved and seen by someone to want to eventually stick around and raise a family. (Let's not forget these are dark, secret assumptions, and Scott is, obviously, way off the mark in them).
#methinks i have astronomy#thunderbirds are go#scott tracy#scott tracy needs a hug#thunderbirds headcanon#bereznik headcanons#thunderask
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Due to scheduling conflicts we're celebrating Tintin Day early this month! 🥳
Someone said in tags that they could totally see Tintin needing International Rescuing at some point. What better way for the Hood to put iR's integrity on the line than revealing all to a world-famous reporter? Would the Tracys jeopardise their whole operation to save just one life?!
(Un)fortunately Tintin hasn't shown up at work since 1929, so the only sacrifice here will be an old man's dignity. Again. 🪦
#the adventures of tintin#tintin#thunderbirds are go#thunderbirds#scott tracy#the hood#josie's art#obviously the answer is yes they would; and tintin wouldn't out them anyway#he's a good noodle and only hashtag-EXPOSES those who deserve it#but how is the hood to know that? he stole photos of the thunderbirds and scott and virgil nearly killed him#a last resort by refusing to give up the chase but even so. AND the whole ned cook thing#it's so funny to me that ToS scott LOSES IT at the sound of a camera shutter; RIP whoever takes their family photos#it's why john stays in space; scott's kneejerk reaction of socking him in the face when he tries to take a nice polaroid :/#almost as funny as tintin not having shown up to the office for a century but somehow maintaining his job#i'm sure his newspaper just keeps him employed for the clout at this point lmaoooo#anyway i'll stop with the tags but i firmly headcanon the boys calling hood out in WILD ways whenever they cross paths#their dad will NEVER date him; kayo will NEVER return his calls and if he even LOOKS at alan he's a predator!!!!#eventually he'll leave them alone because it's just too humiliating :V
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Here you go!! They just being silly. :3
Feel free to drop me an ask if you want something drawn!!
#i headcanon brains is not only short sighted but also slightly colourblind and dyslexic which is why his glasses are tinted green#thunderbirds are go#thunderbirds#thunderbirds 2015#tag-team#scott tracy#hiram k hackenbacker#brains hackenbacker#thunderbirds fanart#squiddo's art#kidthunder's art#digital art#artists of tumblr#fanart
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I have another headcanon idea that I realised when watching the show. Lucille Tracy could be the original Brains, so to speak, before Brains.
I mean, the reboot's International Rescue was around longer than in the original series, and Brains seems pretty young in that series to be the original designer. And I doubt she would be a housewife in that era (the show did get that by having Grandma Tracy be a pilot when she was younger).
Hell, she could've made the Hoverjets. I mean, they were on her family ranch.
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There has been a lot of discussion recently regarding your family, which you yourself engage in on your newly created social media. Especially the legacy you all share regarding your father, Jeff Tracy.
This publication notices a distinct lack of mention of your mother, Lucille. Is there any reason for this?
Hi Anon ‘publication’,
Interesting you should say that - our Mom, Lucille Tracy, absolutely deserves to be known and mentioned just as much as Dad.
Although a little unfair to say no mention - I believe my brother posted a photograph of her the first day we were here.
But you are right, nobody else has yet asked about her. As you have, I will do my best to describe the indescribable.
She was an incredible force of nature in her own right, and although in popular opinion her name was eclipsed by Jeff Tracy the astronaut, Doctor Lucille Tracy (nee Evans) was and still is fairly well known in her field - namely as a renowned experimental astrophysicist and academic author. She was also a fairly handy engineer and a lot of her work for NASA was actually in that field (she kinda treated the various university lectureships she held during various periods of maternity leave as a hobby!!)
So actually the first thing I want to say is go and search her up online - skip past all the “wife of Jeff Tracy” and the “tragic mother of five” stuff and find her contribution to science and our understanding of the universe. She had so much more left to discover.
Her loss was a loss to the whole world, not just to us.
But then apart from having at least three different paid jobs, she also was frequently a solo parent to five children spanning a pretty significant age gap*. I have genuinely no idea how she managed it and remained so good humoured the majority of the time. Our home was always full of laughter. Perhaps there is something in that old phrase “if you don’t laugh you’ll cry” because some of us I believe were rather challenging to parent / keep alive.
On top of all that she was an amazing artist, a musician, and so so SO kind. She loved nature and always insisted we take care of the world around us. And she was adamant what we saw was not all there was - she had a strong faith and never let us forget that none of us was ever going to be (or needed to be) the biggest deal in the universe, nor would ever be alone. I wish I had that confidence… but I still respect it.
Objectively she was WAY out of Dad’s league and looking back, I see now that he knew it full well. And although it was hard to accept at the time, I do understand now why he retreated emotionally when she passed.
It’s been… a long time since we lost her but in some ways… it’s still a sharp painful shock to remember she isn’t here… I can’t just go and run something by her to get her take - she was always so wise and could put a positive spin on almost anything… there’s so much I could have asked her when I had the chance but… well we none us could predict that time was limited. I really don’t know if the things I’d ask now would be so much more worth her time than my silly teenage struggles but she gave that time so willingly.
The worst though is remembering that my youngest siblings didn’t know her as a (nearly) adult - Alan has almost nothing other than what we tell him or show him on video, he was too young. Gordon has some memories of Mommy… but as a person to talk to about grown up worries or share opinions with - I got the privilege of the lion’s share of that and I feel guilty they didn’t.
And yet - it seems trite but she lives on absolutely in my brothers.
John carries her legacy in his love of the stars and his academic brilliance. Virgil carries her gentleness, and her artistic mind. Gordon her humour, her readiness to laugh, the way he brings fun to anything. And Alan has her sense of adventure, her acute sense of justice and her quickness to learn.
So - there we are - all of that and I still don’t feel like I’ve done her justice.
I don’t know if that was what you were after, Anon, and sorry it took me so long to reply. But I thought, hard as it has been to write, she deserved the fullest reply I could manage.
*OOC: insert your preferred gap here, I know mine is larger than most would have it
#thunderbirds rp#thundersocials#Scott answers#Lucille Tracy#tw: grief#tw: canon death#thunderbirds are go#OOC: apologies if I have trampled over any of your headcanons folks#OOC: please just ignore anything that doesn’t fit for you
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TAG!Alan Language Headcannon
A continuation of this post.
I have a headcannon that Alan, being the massive nerd that he is, knows and can speak the fictional language from his favourite video game. In fact, this is the language that he can speak the most fluently.
His brothers make fun of him for this and say that it's not very useful. However, one day, Alan is assisting with a rescue after an earthquake in Nepal. A landslide caused by an aftershock ends up trapping him with a Nepali teen, injuring the teen and also damaging some of his equipment.
Unfortunately, Alan doesn't speak any Nepali, the teen doesn't speak any English (or any other language Alan knows), and Alan's translation tech is broken. However, he notices that the teen is wearing a t-shirt with the logo of his favourite video game on it. He has an idea. It's a bit of a long shot, but it's better than nothing. He starts to speak to the teen in that fictional language. The teen immediately looks up at him and responds in that same language.
With the knowledge of that fictional language Alan is able to reassure the teen that everything will be OK, he is able to talk them through the first aid that he is performing, and he is able to give them instructions on what to do next. Alan's knowledge of that fictional language helped him save a life.
That day, Alan made a new gaming friend, and whenever one of his brothers calls his video game knowledge useless, he brings up this story in order to rub it in their faces.
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Meant to be writing an essay but I just had a thought:
So we’ve all agreed that that one tune is Jeff’s theme? The kind of sad trumpet one?
Well it plays in this old promotional video:
What if this video is like, Jeff reminiscing about earth whilst he’s stuck in space? Trying to remember every detail he can in fear of forgetting the same way Alan starts to forget him?
Okay back to essay now-
#thunderbirds are go#thunderbirds 2015#thunderbirds#jeff tracy#thunderbirds headcanon#addition: what if that music is in-universe and Jeffery Tracy is doomed to have it follow him his whole life#Youtube
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You know what? I'm bored, and I've got some ideas, so here are my Ilvermony headcanons.
The separate houses are treated as little more than an aesthetic difference by the students. While there might be rivalries and prank wars between the houses, it never gets to the levels of near discrimination that it gets to at Hogwarts. The students all just consider themselves students of the same school and members of the houses intermingle and hang out with each other all the time. They're even allowed to be in each other's dorms for limited amounts of time each day. The teachers encourage it as they often say that each house represents a part of what every great wizard needs, and coming together helps bring them all together towards the ideal wizard.
It's not uncommon for there to be students from other countries who don't speak English perfectly. Thankfully, there are charms to help translate their speech for the teacher, and the only part of their work that needs to be spoken English are their incantations. Though some might still ask for help in getting the pronunciation correct.
The dining hall students eat in is vastly different from Hogwarts's Great Hall, being a large room with mahogany walls filled with multiple circular tables covered in red tablecloths with gold trim and set with silver untensils, fine blue China plates, and crystal glasses. In the center of the room is a vast roaring fireplace with a picture of the Sayre family overtop of it. During feasts, the Pukwudgies bring out platters and pitchers of food and drink that stay magically hot and cold until the students serve themselves from them. Students are allowed to sit at whatever table they please, and the staff eat at a massive table in the middle of all the others.
The dorms are just different buildings of the castle that have five floors of T-shaped hallways with long red and gold rugs bearing the houses symbol. Along the walls of each hallways are dorm rooms for each years students. Students are assigned two each to a dorm, with their roommates's names being included with the letters they receive at the start of each new year. Roommates can't be changed unless two students agree to trade with each other. The dorms all have two large half poster beds with red and gold sheets and blankets, the blankets also carrying their houses symbol and pillows with blue pillow cases. There's also two desks, half dressers, wardrobes, and a set of three shelves above the dressers on both sides (the rooms are enhanced with expansion charms to give them extra space). The halls for younger students all have a dorm manager in them, an older student who was chosen to sleep on their floor to act as a chaperone and disciplinary figure to the students.
The students get to the school by way of multiple magical single decker busses that all arrive at Rockfeller Center in New York. They drive for around an hour before making a stop at a magically hidden pit stop where the students can get snacks, drinks and use the bathroom before the rest of the journey.
Thanksgivings at Ilvermony are always huge. The decorations include fall leaves that flutter and blow themselves through the halls, realistic turkey figures that jump around and gobble, and in the center of each dining room table is a red and gold hat that plays music. Each table gets its own turkey to carve (any leftovers are served over the next few days as sandwiches) along with boats of gravy and cranberry sauce, bowls of corn, mashed potatoes and carrots. And for dessert, a veritable buffet of pies, including Ilvermony's famous cranberry pie, the recipe said to have been invented by Isolt Sayre herself.
Any students without a wand before coming to school is allowed to select one from the hall of wands just past the sorting room. The hall holds hundreds of wands stacked inside their case along the walls. The room holds both wands so new they were just ordered yesterday and so old they were created at the very start of the school. After each sorting ceremony, the head of the school helps each first year's find a wand that "chooses" them, a process that can take up to an hour at most. It's also heavily guarded at all times by both a pair of heavily armed, muscular Pukwudgies and a rotating member of the staff as it's a prime target for thievery either by students or dark wizards.
Ilvermorny boasts a massive roaster of international magical studies electives. In each one, students can study the government, magical creatures, and magical history of the country of their choosing. Some even go on summer trips to those countries to further their studies.
Rather than O.W.L.s, Ilvermorny students takes the W.I.T. or Wizarding Intuition Tests, something similar to an SAT tests. The tests are taken twice, once during sixth year and once during seventh year for each class the students take, and the combined scores of each year are added together, and that average becomes their score. The better the score in certain subjects, the more job opportunities the students have.
To receive mail, students go to the mail room in a tall tower at the southern side of the castle where every owl goes to bring packages and letters for their deliveriees to receive. The mail room is student run and students are selected at random to do the job.
#Harry Potter#Hogwarts#Isolt Sayre#Ilvermorny#ilvermony school of witchcraft and wizardry#Wampus cat house#Pukwudgie#Thunderbird#Horned Serpent#Harry james potter#Ron Weasly#Wizard school#Harry potter headcanons#Ilvermorny headcanons#HP#Hp fandom#Hogwarts legacy#Severus snape#Draco Malfoy#hermione granger
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More asks if you wish!!
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
This one rather amuses me, for Scott of course: 31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like?
42. 3 comfort items
@astranite Thank you so much! I actually did 2 (a canon/headcanon hill I'll die on) and several others, I think (which all fall under headcanon)for Scott a while back, and I'm THRILLED to revist it.
CW: we're talking about Scott, so there are LOTS of heavy themes and topics mentioned, angst and death. My mind often goes dark places with him. Tread with caution.
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on.
I'll do several, because I can.
Scott has a suicidal ideation/death wish. As in, he genuinely thinks he needs to die in sacrifice- the way Dad did. He doesn't actively seek it, but has sort of internalized that as an inevitable fate, because that's the least he can do against the magnitude of Dad's sacrifice.
He blames himself for Dad's death (canon text).
Scott excelled in academia. A prom king, President of the class, sports team captain and a valedictorian both in high school and college.
Scott is 29-ish (under 30) by the end of Season 3. I WILL die on that hill. Symbolically, that means Dad's disappearance spearheaded him into "legal, albeit too young" adulthood, and Dad's recovery ("saving father from the abyss") heralded transition into "full manhood".
Scott will loose a son some time down the line - IR equipment gone wrong, a rescue, combat etc. (narrative symmetry is a ruthless thing). Sorry. I mulled it over every which way. A lost significant other is a gestalt already closed by Dad Tracy. And in a timeline that is not an incandescent wish-fulfillment HEA, it would unfortunately fall to Scott to experience what his father happily dodged - a son so adamant to follow in his Hero's footsteps, and a father so encouraging and approving of that - he'll pay the ultimate price.
Scott is not close to Grandma (mainly because Scott was close to Mom, aka the woman who took over as #1 in Jeff's life, later Scott is a living, breathing reminder that Jeff is gone, and is a mirror and foil to Jeff's shortcomings).
Scott can play the piano (Mom totally taught him first, having big hopes for those long, long fingers), but he never applied himself to practice the skill, like Virgil did. They can play duet on a very rare, precious occasion, when the mood is right.
Scott is more than a decent dancer - cowboy line and square dancing, but also waltz and tango. It was a Mom thing, originally, the prep for a middle school Formal or something. He later practiced with John, who was too shy to take dance classes. While we are at it - my hard headcanon is that, for all that he's Dad's replica and seeks Dad's approval like air, Scott was close to Mom, her White Knight, and takes after her a lot in mannerisms and character (it's maybe more obvious to the adults in their lives, as the boys' memories of Mom are hazy with every passing year).
Some time far off down the line, Scott will run for World President and win. Maybe it's gonna be one of his tried and true "keeping busy with X is the only thing that keeps me from going crazy" tactics. There's literally no heavier duty than the weight of the whole world.
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done.
Got engaged or eloped, even, back in Flight School, to a fellow cadet. His trusted second in an air group and a wingman. Of course they usually got suggestions to "get a room" after flight exercises. At some point they did. Both stupidly young, of course. Scott asked Dad for Mom's engagement ring and withstood Dad's stern questioning stare with a defiant stance that "when you know - you know". Dad had little to object to that, but had his reservations. For one, it was against regulations - Scott was CAG (captain of air group), ergo, within direct chain of command. For two - Jeff already had plans of the Tracy Island and IR well underway. Scott was completely game and ready to join Dad, he believed in IR and Dad's dreams since day 1, since TV-21. Of course, in his idealistic mind the Love of His Life was to join them - an exceptional pilot she'd be a great asset to IR team, they worked seamlessly together. It'd be great! Bereznik recon was to be among Scott's last assignments. Only the fiancée didn't exactly subscribe to idyllic dreams of "getting kittens off trees under Daddy's watchful eye" - she thought they were to share a life of service, career soldiers and fighters, test pilots, command material. She thought Scott was betraying that shared dream in favor of indulging Dad yanking his leash. Mom's ring was returned. The breakup was so earthshattering that it may or may not have made Scott loose focus for a second, while flying over hostile territory. It only took a second... The brothers never knew of that whole relationship and situation, only Dad. And maybe Kyrano. I have a whole fic idea about the ring being first taken off Scott, together with dogtags, in interrogation, then retrieved.
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves.
These are things and thoughts Scott hates himself for territory - so, certainly, they would come across as jarring (and vastly untrue) to anyone, who actually knows Scott. I'll do several, because why limit ourselves in ways Scotty's mind would torment him.
Scott has taken a life or lives. Not just by proxy, as in people they couldn't save (Dad being first in line in his mind). And not just in combat/self defense. I think Scott has eased someone's suffering at some point and provided assisted suicide (a fellow POW in Bereznik, a rescuee). It's a whole different pit of hell that haunts him. I'd say Scott also has a DNR and maybe, that one time after a dark day and one too many helpings of scotch he asked either Virgil or John to do the same for him - to mercy kill. Virgil is horrified (Scott's DNR gets ignored on multiple occasions not for nothing), but John promises he'd do it. They all pretend that conversation never happened later.
On very, very bad days that happen more often after SOS, Scott kinda wishes they never found Dad's signal. Dad's signal means not only did he fail to save him, but he failed to search hard enough afterwards and settled into just living on. Scott is also not fooling himself- Dad's signal may mean there's no Dad alive anymore on the other side after eight years in outer space - which means loosing Dad all over again and watching the brothers and Grandma loose Dad all over again. Unthinkable. Unbearable. His fault.
Dad's return is not all unicorns and soothing rainbows. Well, it is - for everyone else. His brothers got Dad back, Grandma got her son back, Lee, Casey, Lord Hugh, Brains and Kyrano got their friend back, Tracy Industries got their CEO back, IR got the Commander back, the world got Jeff Tracy back. Which is all to exemplify how much Scott has been a placeholder in everyone's eyes. The brothers and Kayo can talk Dad's ear off a mile a minute about their pursuits and accomplishments, but Scott hasn't got much to show for it. He's only ever been doing... this "being Jeff Tracy" thing for the past eight years, trying to keep his head above water. He missed Dad to the point of wanting to die - but Dad is not back, advising him how to run the show and being there for him, he's back to pick up where he left off. Alan and Kayo are even trained enough to fly One now. Why would anyone need Scott anymore? (This DOES NOT lead to any good places or conclusions. Scott's undercurrent fear is to see disappointment and disapproval in Dad's eyes, once the euphoria settles down and he starts to delve into reports how Scott handled things).
Berezniki guards drilled into him that by the time they're done - noone would want what's left of Scott, broken and damaged beyond repair, and Scott is unsure he still doesn't believe them.
Scott doesn't actively want kids of his own. He loves his brothers beyond anything and Alan is his son in all ways that count. But he can't in good conscience pursue to bring a life into the world and then let it suffer the loss, like he did - Scott doesn't exactly envision a happily ever after timeframe for himself, where he gets to grow old and be there for the kid(s). Nor does he envision a timeframe where he's loved and seen by someone to want to eventually stick around and raise a family. (Let's not forget these are dark, secret assumptions, and Scott is, obviously, way off the mark in them).
#methinks i have astronomy#thunderbirds are go#scott tracy#scott tracy needs a hug#thunderbirds headcanon#thunderask
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A thought (prompted by convo with @jaya-dewi-emt )
Does the Hood have a particular issue with Gordon? Either by controlling the mechanic or in the chaos cruiser he really does repeatedly almost kill the poor lad.
Is there something behind it? Did they come up against each other (Hood in disguise) while Gordo in WASP? Did he bet against him at the Olympics?
Or… was the time of Gordon’s entrance into the world the time Jeff finally decided they should go their separate ways and Hoodie has never quite managed to forget that?
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- Squiddo's Coffee Order Headcanons -
Scott: Straight up just 3 shots of espresso with sugar. He NEEDS the caffeine but is also fond of the strong flavour. In warmer weather he gets a cold brew with some vanilla foam.
Virgil: Loves a good latte or cappuccino, something soft, warm and comforting with alllll the extras, whip cream, syrup, chocolate sprinkles ect ect. He loves a good cup of coffee but it can't be just from anywhere, the taste of the beans really matters to him.
Alan: Doesn't really like the bitterness but he developed a taste for frappucinos and mochas when studying for his finals. They've got to have a shit ton of whip cream and syrup to cover the bitter taste.
Gordon: Tends to only get coffee in social situations or when he is absolutely exhausted. Will literally take any style of coffee, usually goes for something sweet, and doesn't like the brew to be too strong. Loves all the different varieties of syrups though, his favourites are hazelnut and (of course) butterscotch.
John: Likes espresso shots, lattes and flat whites. Like Virgil he's quite particular about his coffee and will only go to specific coffee shops and only tends to get coffee if he's doing uni lectures or writing up papers. Absolutely does not like his coffee cold, it's a bad texture to him.
Kayo: Cold brew. Just ice, water & coffee. No flavours, except when it's pumpkin spice season. Also likes iced matcha.
Grandma: Not a fan of coffee, prefers tea instead but likes the smell because it reminds her of her late husband who used to brew his own coffee at home.
Brains: Drinks coffee because he hates energy drinks, too sweet. He takes his coffee however it comes as long as it doesn't taste like burnt ditch water. He much prefers matcha though.
Penny: Can't stand the stuff, absolutely can't stand it. She much prefers a good ol' traditional cup of tea.
Parker: Used to drink coffee in his army days, refuses to drink it now because "Nothing can beat the proper stuff".

#i feel like we absolutely need to do more of these kinds of posts#they used to be everywhere in the old days of fandom#thunderbirds are go#thunderbirds#thunderbirds 2015#thunderbirds headcanons#squiddo's headcanons#scott tracy#virgil tracy#alan tracy#gordon tracy#john tracy#kayo kyrano#grandma tracy#hiram hackenbacker#lady penelope#aloysius parker
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Gordon doing literally anything else: (piloting T4, patching up an injury, pulling us out of danger, making dinner, battling a boss in a game ect ect)
I trust you with my life, I have utter unwavering faith in your abilities.
Gordon driving a car:
Please no, please oh god no...
#trips to the mainland are wild#ooc: headcanon that gordon doesn't use his breaks when stopping the car he just puts the handbrake on#why you ask?? because my brother used to do the exact same thing when he first started driving#thundersocials#thunderbirds rp#thunderbirds oc#sea-squirt tracy#gordon tracy
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