shadiirue · 4 years
@thundeign​ // starter call.
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a few of her goomy are crowding at the males feet. she’s unsure why the little slugs are so affectionate, but all she knows is she doesn’t want to be yelled at for sliming up someone's shoes again.
     “ please excuse them ... they just like you is all. “
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sereina-a · 4 years
@darkestaken​ replied:
may i feed the sword
@thundeign​ replied:
offer yum yums
Joyeuse floats there in uncomfortable silence for a solid five minutes.
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“Does it look like I have a mouth to you?”
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gloryshielded · 3 years
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Overlooked Lyrics Starters!
◅ @thundeign​ ▻ commented:
❝It's easy once you know how it's done.❞
    THE TEEN TILTS her head upwards to regard the unfamiliar man as she lies on her back in the grass, leaves tangled in her hair and a wild Electrike gnawing idly ( and only a little bit painfully ) on her arm. The girl blinks a couple times in silence before pushing herself upright to respond.
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❝Which thing’s easier? The tree climbin’, or are we talkin’ about this little guy?❞
    She points down at the still-biting Electrike, who snaps a little at her finger before she pulls it away.
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watt-a-mess · 3 years
Send 🤍 for a WILDCARD HUG /i...i had to
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"Hiiii, Yoouuuuu !!!!"
Where did she come from??? What is she DOING??? Who knows. She's just filled with affection for people.
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pinkrival · 4 years
@thundeign​​ said: pspspspspsps
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               bede grits his teeth and points to a HASTILY made sign.      ( more like a piece of construction paper taped to the wall, really. ) it reads, in hurried print, ❝ NO PSPSPSPS IN THE STADIUM. ❞
               ❝ follow the rules. ❞ he creates them.
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yellraiser · 4 years
28. What is the most common lie your muse tells themselves?
50 Oddly Specific Headcanon Asks!
“It’s fine, I can handle it.”
Skuntank is sick? It’s fine, he can handle it. Marnie having typical teenager problems? It’s fine, he can handle it. Rampaging Dynamax Pokemon post-Darkest Day? It’s fine, he can handle it. Walking out of a fight too dizzy to stand up, with his fingers bent the wrong way? It’s fine, he can handle it. His dad ran off with the money and now it’s just him and baby Marnie on the street? It’s fine, he can handle it.
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telesthisia · 4 years
💟 - friends with benefits trolololol
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:knife: :knife: :knife: wiLL YOU LEAVE?!?!?!! BEFORE I BAN YOU FROM HERE?!?!! 
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mononezu · 4 years
“You’re strong. Stronger than you’ll ever know.”
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“Mm... Dunno. I could always be stronger, even if that were true. Strength is... A tricky thing.” Physical, mental. Anything of the like, Piers knew he could always be better. Nothing was really good enough in the end of it all, was it? Could always do better, be stronger. He was weak. They didn’t know what they were talking about with him.
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sopping-wet-sibling · 4 years
⛅️ friends of circumstance
Relationship Wishlist Meme!
[ Considering they both recently wound up in Galar, I think that’d work out really well! ]
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shadiirue · 4 years
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totally not @thundeign​ asked - 💓 crush - totally not thundeign.
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     i’m definitely up for that! just be prepared for sass and her      blaziken to protectively loom over the two of them when they do      literally a n y t h i n g . 
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sereina-a · 4 years
Send 💞 if your muse thinks mine is cute! || accepting!
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“Thank you! That’s sweet of you.” In the distance, Joyeuse is watching very carefully.
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445faerieheart · 4 years
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@thundeign​ sends a message:  “You look like you could use a hand.”
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    “W-whoa!!!” In her attempt to balance a precariously high stack of fire wood in her arms, her foot gets caught on a tree branch and she’s sent reeling back into someone behind her. Luckily, they seem to catch her before she can cause any damage, though all her firewood ends up scattered around them.
    “Whoops! So sorry about that... Guess I could use some help after all.”
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multibunmuses · 4 years
"We meet again champ except this time you aren't lost looking for me. But that's not why I'm here, I always wondered how well I'd match up to you. What do you say?" he coming for you Leon.
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“I am really sorry ‘bout that-- I had even left early in order t’ see ya...”
     But that atrocious sense of direction of his will one day be his undoing. Though that does strike Leon’s curiousity. That’s not why he’s here...?
    Match up to him? The Champion begins grinning.
"So ya lookin’ fer a battle, aye mate? Well, lucky you I’ve got time t’ spare! Not much, mind you-- what say you, a 1v1?”
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pinkrival · 4 years
@thundeign​​ said:  📂      ( RANDOM HEADCANONS )
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               bede actually has a very specific dislike for HAMMERLOCKE, of all places. mind you, i’d like to imagine there’s some kind of pre-existing rivalry between hammerlocke and ballonlea to begin with —— dragon and fairy types and all that. however, bede’s feelings are less out of good-natured competitiveness and more due to the SLEW of bad memories he has associated with the place. hammerlocke is, after all, where rose had him stay after his DISQUALIFICATION.      ( hammerlocke is also the center point of the second darkest day, just to rub salt in the wound. ) 
               he has vivid memories of wandering the city streets, feeling as though every set of eyes he passed were DRILLING into his back. it likely didn’t help that he obsessed a bit over his name trending on social media —— complete strangers who didn’t like his ATTITUDE openly celebrating his revoked status.      ( forgetting that he was just a child. that he had worked himself to the BONE for it. ) even now, bede goes out of his way to avoid passing through hammerlocke whenever he can. it just leaves a bad taste in his mouth.
               ... also, on a more petty note, he thinks the architecture is ugly.
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faraday-fingies · 4 years
"Ah no don't open that!"
They looked up from what they were doing, sparing the Poke Ball they’d been bashing against a rock from any further torment. The man’s outburst had startled them, and their avatar flickered a second before it could respond.
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“But it’szzz an apricorn! I just want to eat the inszzzides, then you can have it back, I promise.”
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yellraiser · 4 years
"You know I've always wanted to know if I could take you on."
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“At a Pokemon battle? Yeah, prolly. Hell, I’d even bet on you.”
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“But ya won’t get off as easy if you ‘n me duked it out.”
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