#ths only rhing ive relly paeaboud about with regaesa to aork and the internet and whay not is thay theyre gonna find out im not [gunshots]
cornerstorebitch · 3 years
How are companies firing people over the vaccine mandate if there's already a shortage of workers. Doesn't this just make the problem worse? I'm so confused especially when it comes to places like hospitals, all I've been hearing about is how they are understaffed... do you have any thoughts on this? It just seems like everyones getting screwed over besides politicians
well, most people who are facing vaccine mandates are ultimately choosing to get the vaccine rather than lose their job. that, combined with the political atmosphere, is most of the justification i would think. but 50 or 500 people, why you would be firing anyone in a hospital particularly is beyond me when every other article is crying about how our healthcare system is teetering on the razor edge. i mean i know why its because they dont want to pay for covid testing. but its still dumb lol
i dont agree with vaccine mandates in general. i don't think anybody else should ever have the right to dictate your personal medical choices, for one. and there really are no other examples where this happens, even in life or death situations. the us had their first rabies death in like a decade due to a man refusing treatment. i dont think it wouldve been justified to force him to get treatment if he didnt want it, even if he was certainly going to die. if you can legally force somebody to receive medical intervention in one circumstance, any circumstance or procedure is now fair game.
in an odd strike of irony we got our flu shot consent forms yesterday and usually if you don't get one you have to fill out a declination form but they didnt ask me for one this year. yes covid vaccine is required by threat of termination lol
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