#through waves
Hello! This is a blog about my AstraySMP character, Floris! I’ll be talking about it more often on this blog, I’ll reblog stuff relating to it, and even small lore ideas and tidbits that I might include within the lore!
AstraySMP is a bedrock lore-heavy SMP that focuses on a tournament involving people that use magic staffs. There is a lore stream every Saturday 6pm GMT (12pm CST)
Official AstraySMP Twitter
Sir Floris is a merfolk, originating from Atlantis, that uses the ‘Atlantic Staff’ in the tournament. It is a salmon-hybrid, has scales over the left side of its face, as well as protruding fins out of the sides of its head.
Sir Floris follows under the orders of its Sire, who is not featured on-screen, and they exchange letters during or after lore streams.
TAGS (Organization)
inked scribbles - in-character posts
from seashells - reblogs from oc development blogs, prompts, etc
poseidons trident - lore details
through waves - streams
poseidons eye - 3rd person writings that are mostly from headcanons or from cfloris’ perspective :]
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s-aint-elmo · 3 months
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the theme is same faces
(ID in alt text)
bonus + design notes:
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tridentarii: the building block was "lions" (corona's mane of hair and king vibes + ianthe's scar lionking swagger) but i think i lost that plot at some point. regardless peep the earrings for symbols of their twisted mutualism. also they have dimples <3 bc on corona they're perfect and on ianthe (when she smiles wide enough) they're sickeningly dissonant
the nonas: harrow has curls bc i think the only thing funnier than saddling a nun who's been shaving her head since infancy with fast-growing hair is for that hair to be horrible messy springy curls that are barely spared from frizz by the sheer grease #bathingisn'tsafeformern. please also applaud my restraint in adhering to canon and not giving nona dimples. she deserved them
the sixth: came to me fully formed honestly. palamedes calls camilla beautiful enough for the alexandrites so i just let my heart and sapphism take the wheel here. for pal when i first read gtn i visualized him very differently but other artists made such a compelling case for scruffy pal that now i can't see him any other way
the second: also let my heart take the wheel here. wanted to draw a man carved out of hardwood so i did <3 at the caliber of necromancer that g1d is i know he probably wouldn't have so much scarring but the heart wants what it wants (cool factor). in my head and in my heart they're from wake
naberius: i don't have anything to say in my defense. i rewatched teen beach movie, found the perfect face claim and set the wheels of fate in motion. i think babs is hot the way a ken doll is hot, y'know? it takes yanny piloting his flesh mecha for him to be gender (<- testimonial from my masc nb friend)
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thatmightyheart · 1 year
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developed a sudden and urgent fancy for royhavocai
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qqueenofhades · 11 months
The number of white, ostensibly liberal male political pundits insisting that elections in the Biden/post-Dobbs era are just Completely Unpredictable and Wild sure is something, huh.
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fluffylord · 1 month
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encycllia · 4 months
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some scarover and more of mrover ridiculously tiny waist stuff
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ludicrousluna · 7 months
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AU where Silas has 3 cavaliers for no good reason lol
the soap opera fights would go so crazy
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cecoeur · 27 days
Max trying to play it cool (and failing) during the driver's parade | 2024 Italian Grand Prix
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vectorisheree · 5 months
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"So. Apparently the fish can revive themselves. That's... something, alright.. " - Dr. Newton, co-head of the @celestial-waves-project
Eclipse is is considered to be quite large by the standards of other eclipse merr.
Eclipse was killed by Moon and Solar. The two of them blew up his nest while he was resting from a fight with Sun. Since then, he has been spotted miraculously alive. Both The Creator and Dr. Newton deny their involvement in Eclipse's revival
He is in immense pain 24/7 due to both him suffering the effects of getting blown up as well as the Newton Star's affect on his body, slowly eating away at his body and replacing it with anti mater created whenever the Star's power is harnessed, which is all the time because Eclipse would die without it
Eclipse had his star fragment, the star shaped objects suspended in orbs that floats between the tail fins of the merr that acts as their main source of energy, destroyed when he was blown up and now relies on the Newton Star to survive.
Due to the Newton star taking a role similar to a star fragment, it has currently taken the appearance of one but it is able to take on many shapes depending on the will of its owner
Eclipse dislikes how brightly coloured he is as it makes him an easy target, the sparkles from whatever the Newton Star's doing is not helping with that
He has 4 arms due to the Newton Star mutating his body but is able to retract them using a sort of magic
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sevinite · 1 year
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sevenite sketchbook veteran theo makes his humble return to the public eye
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somnimagus · 1 year
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My page for @destinytriofanzine! I drew something about kids always dreaming of far off places
[id in alt!]
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engagemythrusters · 10 months
good lord the Israeli hostages will come back and wave happily at their captors and say a nice goodbye to them and then also talk about how kindly they were treated by Hamas and all the Zionists will go “well they’re being coerced!” (This is conjecture) and meanwhile freed Palestinians prisoners will go “we were treated HORRIBLY” despite having EVERYTHING TO LOSE for saying so out loud (this is public fact)… sooooo… y’know. There’s that.
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god-of-this-new-blog · 9 months
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What if the two worst guys in the whole world were madly in love with each other?
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naffeclipse · 2 months
One Soul to Another
Reader x Mermaid!Eclipse
Commission Info
I absolutely loved writing this darling hurt/comfort fic centered on Vanessa and Mer!Eclipse from In Deep Dreams Between the Waves for @counterbalance! The unlikely pair getting to connect while Y/N feels so much for their dear friend and dear mer is delightful.
Content Warning for mentions of death/violence/being eaten alive/mind control.
The Rustbucket II floats gently along a calm ocean as the dawn waits to spread rosy-tinged fingers over the horizon and lighten the darkness of the salty waves splashing softly against the side of your boat. In the cabin, you stir gradually, still caught between dreams and the black depths filled with stars where you spend your nights with your giant mer.
A calm warmth fills your heart. The beautiful weight of Eclipse’s presence sits tenderly within you, and you swear his fingers still curve softly around you, cradling you close to his chest. His bioluminescence glows behind your eyelids with the strong, orange light of a bonfire. His soft warbles and purrs fall against you but distantly, held at arm’s length by your waking consciousness.
He withdrew from you softly, setting you back into your sleeping mind like he was tucking you into bed. You blink slowly, your eyelids weighed down with sleep. He doesn’t often leave you so early. He looks forward to your shared dreams the most. 
Slowly gliding your hand over the thin coverlet, you push yourself up on your bed, supporting yourself on your elbows as you force your eyes to focus on the gray-dark light touching the ocean. It’s still so dark. A cool mist hangs in the air. The smell of seaspray clings tightly to your senses. Working up your alertness, you slip your bare feet over the creaking floors of the cabin and softly slip towards the doors leading to the deck. The glass windows are slightly stained with ocean water and you mentally jot down a note to clean those when you return to shore.
Peering out onto the deck, you find a very beautiful, rare sight.
Vanessa. Her arms are folded, leaning against the handrails with her blonde hair outside of her usual ponytail. It’s gotten longer. It falls over her shoulders and down her back. Bangs fall into her eyes from what little of her face you see. A thick-knitted cardigan of cream warms her against the early morning chill. 
Just beyond her, nestled in the water with his head above the surface, is Eclipse. The leviathan hides his great size just below. His lithe four arms are the length of ships and his long, serpentine tail is dark and beautifully frilled.
His eyes don't shift you, his brilliant yellow colors set entirely on your dear friend, but a gentle pulse ripples through your heart. 
Hello, seashell.
You silently hide in the shadow of the cabin, unwilling to disturb this moment for Vanessa. She hardly ever wants to see Eclipse. He reminds her too much of the vicious mer who took hold of her and compelled her into his horrid bidding. 
She has nightmares of his song, but she didn’t last night. You would have heard her screams.
The softest sounds of Vanessa’s voice slip through the calm ocean air. You quietly hold your breath.
“I don’t know how they found you,” she says softly. Her hands nervously knit one over the other, wringing and twisting her fingers. She hardly lifts her eyes to look at Eclipse. He’s trying very hard, you realize, to make himself small and non-threatening for her.
He warbles a low sound, sending ripples across the settled ocean surface. The slightest twitch of her brow follows.
You lean closer against the door, your ear pricking towards her. Maybe you shouldn’t listen in. Vanessa might have told you much but she hasn’t told you everything. Now that she speaks to Eclipse, you can’t help but wonder if this might be therapeutic, a way to help undo some of the damage done by Glitch.
“There must be a difference between a mer meeting a human when the mer is small and when they’re grown.” Her head bows deeper. “Do mers grow up without a human and decide to sink their ships, just because they can?”
Eclipse shifts in the slightest, his brilliant arrangement of frills crowning his head in bright oranges and yellows sweeping in a soft, comforting gesture. His attention remains on her. A soft note slips from him. A soothing sound you so often hear when a terrible dread creeps over you and you feel the wet walls of Glitch’s stomach closing in around you again.
Her eyes still don’t stray from him. A confusing need to calm her sweeps through you. You stand silently, hugging your arms in the quiet dawn-gray light. 
“I don’t know why a bad one found me. Why did he choose me?” Vanessa’s voice wobbles wetly. You almost step closer, to lay a comforting hand on her shoulder, but Eclipse rumbles gently. The sound seems to wash over Vanessa like a wave of sea foam. Slowly, she reaches up and touches her face, smearing something wet while clearing her throat. 
A radiance of patience and compassion fills you. The distant echo falling from Eclipse brims you with a warmth like sunlight dappling a watery surface. You shift and squeeze your hands together. You so often admire your mer in his wonderful care for you. Now you witness it for Vanessa.
She swallows thickly. 
“I think about it sometimes,” she says so quietly you almost don’t catch her words. “If he hadn’t chosen me, I would be dead like the rest of them. He would have eaten me alive.”
A tide of rage flows into your heart, not your own, but Eclipses. A shudder overtakes you. Closing your eyes briefly, you clench your teeth and breathe deeply, focusing on the wooden frame of the cabin and the soft creaking sounds of your boat.
Glitch is dead. Eclipse ripped him apart.
“But he did choose me,” she says quietly, haunted. “I’m alive.”
A low warble leaves Eclipse. He bobs along the surface and catches her gaze.
On the smallest ray of sunlight filling the horizon, you watch a tear drop into the salt of the sea off of Vanessa’s face. Her fingers clench, twisting in her cardigan sleeves. A rattling breath leaves her.
“He terrifies me still,” she whispers to Eclipse. “I think he’s hiding in my dreams, waiting to come back.”
A soft rumble leaves the giant mer. Eclipse slips the smallest bit closer, sending small waves out from his movement and splashing quietly against the boat. He softly parts his lips, keeping his teeth well hidden while singing a gentle note. A confirmation.
You feel his memory as if it were your own hands. One reached down into the gullet of the leviathan to find you and pull you free, and the other two pried Glitch’s jaw wider and wider until muscle and sinew ripped and bones cracked. Until the water turned red with blood. And he held you safe in his hands, your tiny body sinking into the safety of his grasp.
He’s dead.
Vanessa lifts her eyes to him. Her bottom lip trembles.
He cannot hurt you anymore.
You breathe out softly and clutch your heart. You wish Vanessa could hear his voice.
“I know,” she says, as if she did. She hunches lower along the handrails. Even when you were at her side in the time she couldn’t sleep and feared a singing voice, she never looked so small. Perhaps you are too used to her watching over you. She looked out for you when you were younger, always taller and wiser. Now you see her for the fragile state she remains in. Your heart squeezes within you.
A gentle wave of warmth seeps over your shoulders. You breathe again.
“I had no control.” Vanessa squeezes her hands into fists until the skin over her knuckles stretches white. “He forced me to lead every single soul to their death. I was burning. Resisting him was agony like he was going to cleave my soul from my body. I could never tell him no.”
She drags the heel of her hand into her cheek, eyes squeezed shut. Eclipse stays quiet, waiting until she can breathe again. You furl and unfurl your fingers but force yourself to be as patient as Eclipse. He knows what he’s doing.
“His song still lives in my head. When it gets too quiet, I hear it again. I think he’s back.” She trembles where she stands. Her hair falls around her shoulders and you wish to sweep it back to see her face and tell her it’s alright. Glitch is gone. 
“When I was face to face with him,” she stops and bites her bottom lip. Another tear fell down her face, “I was nothing. He could have crushed me. He could have speared me with one of his claws. I could do nothing to stop him.”
A wretched sob leaves her. Horror rips from her teeth. The breath drags out of her throat and you start, your heart breaking in the echo of her sound. Tears threaten to swell within your own eyes. No. You have to be strong for her now.
She doesn’t deserve this. She is as innocent as the ones Glitch killed.
Water softly sloshes down below. Vanessa stills. Rising to the handrails, one of Eclipse’s hands holds steady. He reaches the back of one crooked finger for Vanessa but leaves distance between true contact. Vanessa steps back once. Slick brine falls away from his skin and back into the water, dripping from his claws. Eclipse holds her gaze, steady despite the slightly bobbing boat. 
Her body is rigid, taunt like a prey animal about to race from a predator. Low, coaxing sounds fall from Eclipse’s mouth as he keeps his head below. Vanessa has the choice. He will not force it but a will of simmering need to comfort one so afflicted by Glitch, just like you, heats his very heart.
You touch your chest softly. You’re here, too. It’s okay.
In silent awe, you watch Vanessa ball up her hands and step closer. As slow as the rising sun now sending sharp rays of light across the sea, she loosens her fist and slowly, cautiously, sets her hand on one of Eclipse’s knuckles. He softly hums and warbles in encouragement. Vanessa stares. She still shakes—you fear she might fall apart and dissolve into another panic attack—but she breathes. Her shoulders heave. Carefully, she looks Eclipse in the eye.
A great swirl of pride opens within you, shared equally by you and your mer. 
“You’re so big,” Vanessa mutters, far away, as if she can’t quite wrap her mind around it. Or perhaps, she’s thinking of another mer entirely. Her eyes fall below the water. “But you can be gentle.”
Eclipse shifts his gaze to you for the briefest moment. Your smile tugs on the corner of your lips. He chirrs gently before Vanessa looks up, and holds the leviathan's gaze once more.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, “I tried to kill you when I found you with them. You were small then, even smaller than them.”
He grumbles and trills, his grin splitting across his features as if he were allowing the incident to pass like water under a bridge.
She weeps once, her back shaking. She bows low and holds tight to Eclipse’s fingers and releases what you imagine to be a great flood of anguish over what’s been done. What Glitch did to her.
A whirlpool of revolt and hatred begins. The seaspray of Eclipse’s fury towards Glitch is a storm threatening to swallow all that draws near its spinning mouth. You lean deeper against the cabin door frame and brace yourself.
Wild visions cut across your vision, filled with violence and righteous anger. A soul bond is sacred. To take a human is to share a mer’s very being with them. The dreams, the pain, the love of a mer, anchored to a little human soul. To defile such a bond, to use it for mayhem and death is unforgivable.
Eclipse’s tail flicks below. A few gurgles of water flip and Vanessa stiffens in the slightest, her eyes straying to the movement. You feel the cords of his being tightened into control. The refusal to startle Vanessa just as he closed the distance between them, and listened to her woes. His frills lower and his arms calm, holding carefully still once more.
He can be gentle.
It is wrong what Glitch did. It is unfathomable to your giant mer, and you love him more for it.
You recall asking him if he would ever do such a thing to you. You were almost washed away by his revolt and disgust for such a notion, and you were stunned. You realized your error in even asking. 
No, Eclipse could never do such a thing to you. You look at Vanessa. She didn’t deserve it.
It’s alright, you soothe inwardly, brushing against his own heart. She’s safe. No mer will ever hurt her again.
A great rumble of agreement joins your thoughts. Vanessa slowly takes her hand back and wipes the slickness sticking to her skin on her cardigan. 
“Thank you,” she says at last. Her voice is small and weak, almost crackling with emotion. “If it wasn't for you and them…”
She rubs a hand over her face, pressing down on her eyes as if to shove the alternative out of her very mind.
“I don’t want to think about it too much,” she concludes. Her hand lowers and she offers a rare, small smile to Eclipse. “Thank you. For being good to them.”
Eclipse yearns to tell her more, to flick his fins and tell her all that Glitch did is wrong, but he can only warble. Gratitude softly blossoms within you.
You’ll make sure to tell Vanessa for him.
Using the back of her hand, Vanessa wipes her face and smears tears over her cheeks until the new sunlight shines on her skin. It will dry soon enough. A deep breath echoes softly as she fills her lungs and lifts her face towards the sky streaked with the pale light of dawn. Relief, you think, paints her eyes a softer green.
Eclipse lowers his hand with a gentle gloop of water as it falls below the surface. He turns his attention fully to you. His stunning frills catch the yellow light and brighten it. His eyes glow gently as he holds your gaze. Vanessa slowly turns to find you standing there. Her shoulders push back. She exhales a rattling breath.
“Did Eclipse wake you?” she asks in a thick voice.
“No. I just heard your voice,” you offer gently. 
Stepping quietly, you cross the deck. Her smile is wet but real.
You open your arms for an embrace. She accepts, falling into you with her hands hooking around you tightly as if you were a lifesaver at sea. You gather her together and hold her tight.
Eclipse watches you both. His soft trills echo before Vanessa pulls away and wipes her face one last time.
“I’ll start some tea,” she says. 
“Okay, I’ll be there in a moment,” you nod. The tiny kitchenette in your cabin is nothing grand, but it will do well enough to get a pot of tea going.
You let her go, slowly leaning back against the handrails as she disappears inside the cabin with a quiet click of the door. 
A gentle purr from Eclipse follows, and you glance up at him with a soft joy filling you to the brim.
“Hey, big guy.” You smile.
Eclipse offers his hand, water rises until it surfaces with a slickness to his palm. Without hesitation, you accept, crawling onto the pads of his fingers and ignoring how your pajamas grow damp with his touch. 
He lifts you gently into the air. With a soft flick, he leans back and slips away from the rustbucket II but stays well within sight. You settle into his palm as if you were coming home. A pulsing warmth trickles between your ribs and into your heart. You hold his big, yellow eyes softly.
“Thank you,” you murmur. You reach out and stroke his thumb. “You were very kind to listen to Vanessa. I think it helps her a lot.”
Eclipse whistles a happy sound and you’re nearly bowled over by his sweet joy for being able to provide comfort to a human he is still getting to know. But below the harmonic chords of cheer, you feel a bitter tang. Upset at the thoughts of a terrible fate thrust upon a human. A bond crafted not to use for love, but for control.
You watch his lips pull back into a silent snarl. His teeth are powerful and large, shaped like shark incisors, but they do not scare you. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” you say softly. You shift to sit on your knees, waiting until he holds your gaze and loses the sharpness of his eyes. “It’s over now. You made sure of that.”
He killed Glitch. He told Vanessa just as much.
“You would never do such an awful thing,” you also press. You don’t need to tell Eclipse that, but you believe the mere thought grinds against his fins and scrapes his scales. 
You think back to the tiny mer you found on the beach with a hook stuck in his lip. He was so tiny, so afraid then. You were an unknown monster reaching for him, but then you set him free. Now here he is, holding you in the palm of his hand.
You smile and open your arms, a silent request.
He answers you without hesitation. Gently lifting you to his large face, he sets you against his cheek. His nuzzle is joined by a thick, vibrating purr and you laugh softly, pressing against his slick flesh. 
“See? It’s okay,” you tell him and stroke softly down the side of his face and brush a few of his swaying frills. “You take good care of me.”
And you take care of me.
You close your eyes and press just underneath the curve of his eye. 
“Yes,” you murmur.
A gush of warmth envelopes you far more than Eclipse’s hands. Slowly, he pulls you back and with a gentle lick of his tongue, swipes half your body in his fishy saliva.
“Eclipse,” you half laugh, half chastise.
Love you.
He trills and sings and lowers you back to his chest where he gently washes you with drips of salt water from his claws. You close your eyes—this must be what kittens feel like being washed by their mother’s tongue—until you are less fishy and more salty smelling.
He hums low and gentle, and as the sun rises higher and higher, you rest above Eclipse’s heart. The beautiful beat within is steady. You drift upon Eclipse until Vanessa’s voice calls out from your boat. Tea is ready.
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escapismthroughfilm · 5 months
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⋆˚。⋆ ⋆˚。⋆⋆˚。⋆La Piscine (1969) dir. Jacques Deray⋆˚。⋆ ⋆˚。⋆⋆˚
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hinamie · 3 months
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