#through me justice is served: cyno
mcuntainbcrn · 2 years
@mahamatran​ liked for a starter!
She had to swallow a snarl of frustration, teeth clenching together - him again, and once again, despite making contact with the ground, she hadn’t felt him tailing her so much as once; she would be curious if she wasn’t so annoyed - his presence meant that the new location she was considering taking up temporary residence in wouldn’t do.
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“Have I slighted, or wronged you in some way? Forgive me for probing, but I think it’s a reasonable thing to ask when I’m being followed for seemingly no reason.”
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daybreakrising · 7 months
acanthus, holly (for cyno!)
botanical headcanons | @grinmalkyn
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acanthus: is your muse deceptive ,   or willing to lie or deceive to achieve certain means ?   why or why not ?
not... exactly. c.yno prides himself on his honesty and won't outright lie to achieve anything, even if the intentions behind it are for good. however, deception is something he considers different. again, whilst he won't outright lie as part of a deception, he's not against withholding certain information or playing a part in order to achieve a goal - but only if it serves a good purpose & isn't being used selfishly.
as for the why: that's just who he is at his core. he values honesty in others and so values it in himself. he's never felt the need to lie to get what he needs. he knows he has to set a standard as the general mahamatra, too, which definitely plays a part in how he handles his actions.
holly: how strong is your muse’s sense of intuition ?  are they aware of it ?   do they ever fear that it is only paranoia ?  
very strong. he relies on it heavily, too - he considers it a necessary skill for his job. since it has never failed him before and has always turned out to be right, paranoia is not something that's even on his radar.
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midnight-tumult · 1 year
when you do like a bajillion damage but your character didn't say your favorite burst voiceline
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ahsterism · 1 year
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" ..... Well, one of these statements is true." He just isn't telling you which one.
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tokkishouse · 1 year
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(Sfw) The first time you call him a term of endearment
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Characters: Aether, Ayato, Cyno, Gorou, Heizou, Kaeya
Warnings: Fem. leaning nickname in Ayato's (princess), Cyno is implied to be taller than reader, reader is ticklish in Heizou's, mention of alcohol in Kaeya's
WC: 1.4k words total
Pt. 1, Pt. 3
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"Aether honey, fetch me my watering pail!" You call out to him, currently hunched over the seeds you had just planted in the soil. You both were doing some tending to the garden you had just recently started in your teapot, and you had just finished the planting process.
You hear the loud crashing and clunking of metal behind you, and you whip your head around to see Aether standing there, hands at his side and gaze focused on you.
"Are you okay?!" You ask, hurriedly rising to your feet to check on him.
"'Honey'...you called me 'honey,'" he breathes out, watching you. You blink once, twice, and then nod.
"I did, yes," you confirm.
His cheeks turn pink and he looks away, pulling his scarf up a bit in an attempt to hide his face. He clears his throat and bends down to grab the watering pail.
"I-I'll just go ahead and get this filled up with water for you," he mumbles and rushes off before you can say anything.
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You and Ayato were walking around Inazuma City, soldiers trailing behind to watch over you two. You wanted to see what the merchants were selling, and perhaps say hi to a few old friends.
A jewel in a nearby stand catches your eye, and you drag Ayato over quickly.
"Darling, look! Wouldn't this ruby be beautiful in a necklace?" You coo, leaning down to get a closer look at it.
He falters a bit before he responds, almost taken by surprise by the pet name. Almost. He recovers quickly and responds with his own term of endearment.
"If it pleases my princess, you can have every jewel the owner is selling."
His voice is smooth and the nickname rolls off his tongue flawlessly, sending goosebumps down your back. You look back, eyes bright with excitement while your face is flushed with embarrassment. He gives you a polite smile, as if unaware of the effect of his words on you, and turns to the merchant to make the purchase.
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The moon was high, shining through the night sky and down on Sumeru City. The activity was slowed and most everyone inside their homes, save for a few that clung to the shadows, hopeful to take advantage of unsuspecting passerbys. Word spread quickly that the General Mahamatra had returned home though, and those looking to cause trouble quickly dispersed.
"Y/N, I'm back," Cyno announces as he walks inside your home.
He sets aside his polearm and takes off his headpiece, setting it aside on a nearby table. You walk out of the kitchen, wrapped in a blanket and clutching a hot mug of tea in your hand. You smile and step closer to your partner.
"Welcome back Cyno. I trust you served justice well?" You ask, already knowing the answer.
He nods and leans forward, resting his head on your shoulder. You feel the weight of his work melt off upon touch and almost fall over due to him putting all his weight on you.
"Alright love, let's get you to bed," you gently chide, setting aside your mug.
He hums-- in delight you deduce, based on the high-range sound, but makes no move to pull away.
"That's new. Instead of cuddling a bed bug, it seems you'll cuddle a lovebug?"
You groan loudly and shove him off of you gently.
"Nevermind, sleep on the couch!"
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You and Gorou were helping the soldiers on Watatsumi Island move the crates of supplies around. You'd been at it since sunrise and the fatigue was starting to eat at you. You drop a crate on the ground with an unceremonious thud and groan, rubbing your back. Gorou's ears pick this up and he instantly turns to you, also grabbing the attention of his fellow soldiers.
"Y/N? Are you alright?" He asks, eyebrows furrowed in concern.
He was easy to read-- his tail sways back and forth, kicking up the dirt and anxiety was clearly filling his body. Had he pushed you too hard? You weren't a member of the Kokomi's platoons so technically this wasn't your responsibility-- you had just offered. You wave him off, flashing him a tired smile.
" 's nothing baby. I just need to rest. I'll catch up, yeah?" You explain, slowly sitting down next to one of the crates.
Gorou's tail straightens out instantly, and he's frozen in his spot. His ears are erect and his eyes widen as red spreads across his face. The soldiers are quick to pick up on their general's embarrassment and they start teasing him. You watch on in amusement but say nothing, leaving your partner to defend himself.
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"Heiiiizooooou," you whine loudly as you lay on the couch.
He said that he wouldn't take too long on analyzing some reports for a case he was working on, promising to give you attention shortly. A promise that was made about 45 minutes ago. He always got sucked into his work and while usually, you were fine with that, you were feeling extra clingy today.
"Yesssss Y/N?" He matches your tone, poking his head out from his office. You huff.
"You promised you wouldn't take long. Surely your case can wait an hour or two!" He tsks at you disappointedly, shaking his head.
"Patience is a virtue, Y/N. You have to learn how to exhibit it! You wouldn't want me to let this criminal escape, would you? Imagine all the harm they could cause to Inazuma, or to you! My sweet darling lover!" Heizou mock faints, pressing a hand on his head for dramatic effect, earning an eye roll from you.
"Are you saying you wouldn't be able to take them? Getting weak are we babe?" You gripe, crossing your arms.
He stops in his place and looks at you properly, green eyes blinking owlishly.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" You ask, bringing a hand up to your cheek. He shakes his head, face cracking into a grin.
"I'm your babe, am I?" He teases, slithering over. "Am I your honey bunny too? Your baby? Your sweet love bug and apple of my eye?" With each sickeningly sweet nickname he lists off, he applies more pressure on your body as he tickles you.
You squeal in surprise, kicking your legs in an attempt to get him away. Laughter fills the room and your pleas for him to stop are ignored in favor of hitting all your ticklish spots. In all the excitement, you fail to notice the shine in Heizou's eyes and the tips of his ears turning red.
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You and Kaeya had decided to stop by Angel's Share for a drink and to harass Diluc while he worked. The bartender was as curt as ever to him, not letting the calvary captain's teasings get to him. He was always cordial with you though-- never giving you a hard time. He only ever seemed to express disappointment with you when asking about what you saw in his brother.
"I'm still confused about how he managed to secure you as a partner," Diluc questions, giving Kaeya an unimpressed glance.
Kaeya faux gasps quietly, pressing a hand to his chest.
"Diluc dearest, you wound me. I'll have you know that I am a delight and it was my shining personality that won Y/N," he announces matter-of-factly.
You giggle into your cup as the two of them break into a small argument over Kaeya's character. It was nothing serious-- anyone with eyes could tell neither brother was taking the argument seriously. When their gaze turned to you, you pop an eyebrow up.
"Y/N, do tell Diluc just how lovely I am!" He begs, playing up the theatrics.
You swirl your mug a bit, watching the amber liquid slosh around.
"He's my snowdrop, Diluc. He's quite special to me, and you wouldn't know it but he secretly is a big sweetie and-"
Before you can finish, Kaeya's hand is slapped over your mouth. You and Diluc both look over at the man who is now stumbling over his words, cheeks turning dark. He was not prepared to be gifted a nickname so soon, especially in front of his brother.
"I-I think he gets the idea, Y/N," he coughs into his other hand, slowly letting the one covering your mouth drop.
Diluc flashes him a teasing smile.
"I think I do, snowdrop."
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@seirenspinel & @xylerray Per your requests❤️
If you want me to do other characters, you can ask!
Requests are open~!
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cloudseeker14 · 1 year
Rose Amidst The Thorns (King!Cyno x Fem!reader)
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Summary : Two souls, willing to do anything for power and marred with the claws of betrayal meet again. The tension rises and self caution is thrown aside.
Genre : Romance, Enemies to Lovers
Warnings : Manipulation, a bit of dub con and some making out
Some angst too if you squint hard enough.
Soldiers, with faces as expressionless as the statues of shrines atop mountains, dug their nails into Y/N's arms.
"Move faster, unless you want to find a sword buried in you." Snarled Meruticco, captain of the royal army "His majesty shouldn't have to wait for so long for such vermin."
The woman swallowed the urge to roll her eyes as a scoff threatened to escape her lips. Of course, the general would be another one of those sheep following blindly behind the king, lost to the throes of devotion.
As Y/N trudged ahead, the marble floor gleamed from the light of the chandelier which hung above and portraits of men and women from a time lost to the wind loomed at her, their accusatory gazes following her steps.
Amidst it all, sat a man atop a throne studded with emeralds and rubies that shimmered faintly with a goblet of gold in his hand. He brought the goblet to his lips and sipped slowly, eyes closed in ecstasy as a drop of wine ran down his lips. As though he'd just acknowledged the presence of his subjects, he opened his eyes; gaze falling upon the woman cloaked in silk before him.
"Your Majesty," Meruticco went on his knees, head down "I, your faithful servant, have brought you the rouge that has wreaked havoc in our lands, Y/N."
The king glanced at the bounds that tied Y/N's hands, yet a word didn't escape his pursed lips. He raised his eyebrow, boredom playing behind his red eyes as if to ask : is this all you've to say?
Meruticco, sensing his master's displeasure continued hastily. "King Cyno, rest assured she shall never see the light of day again. I swear by my sword-"
His words fell short as the king raised his hand.
"If you're done with the theaterics Meruticco, which I can assure you was a complete and utter bore, leave me with this prisoner and take the soldiers with you."
Y/N couldn't help but stare, in this paradise of luxury, the king seemed to glow on his own; radiating poise and power. He had everything she would never get, fame and riches.
She understood why he'd betrayed her, left her to die in the sands and walked ahead. If it meant having a kingdom full of adoring subordinates in the palm of her hand, Y/N was sure she'd have done it in a heartbeat too.
Confusion flashed in Meruticco's features yet he obeyed and left, the soldiers following behind him.
King Cyno set his goblet down, running his fingers through his white locks that cascaded down his shoulder. “Found you, Y/N. At long last, I get to see that face of yours. Tell me, did you miss me too much?”
Hatred simmered in the pits of Y/N’s soul as she spat out. “Don’t make me laugh, Cyno. Tell me, how does it feel to gorge on what was supposed to belong to me?”
Cyno’s lips spread into a grin, a frantic feeling overcoming him. “Oh how I’d missed this your boldness. Why don’t you come a bit closer and say that?”
“What if I refuse?”
“Then I command you as your king.” “You will never be a king in my eyes Cyno, you aren’t worthy enough to be one.”
“You’re my prisoner and I can have justice be served at any instance.” Y/N stepped forward, footsteps echoing through the chambers. “I’d like to see you try.” She scoffed
“You always were all bark and no bite. Perhaps that’s why you couldn’t kill me in the first place when I considered you as an ally, isn’t it? I can’t imagine how much you must have been itching to hold a blade against my throat. Don’t deny it, you were always too weak to do the act.”
Red flashed across Y/N’s vision and she stormed towards him. With a flick of her wrists, the ropes that bound her flew away. In an instant, she was upon the king, with her hands around his throat.
Y/N could feel his faltering breaths and steady pulse beneath her fingers. She stared at his face, up close she could make out the way the flecks of light fell upon his visage. The corners of Cyno’s lips pulled into a smirk as he pulled Y/N closer to him, dragging his hand across her thigh. She fell upon his chest and heat rose to her face, but her resolve remained set in determination.
“My, doesn’t this remind you of old times, Y/N?”
Y/N ignored his snarky remark and tightened her grip on Cyno’s throat. At that instant, the air surrounding them crackled with electricity and a surge of pain ran through Y/N’s body.
She hissed, pulling away. Cyno grabbed Y/N’s face, forcing her to meet his gaze.
“Look at me, Y/N.”
She adamantly refused to meet his eyes, outright wrenching her face away from him.
“I said, look at me.”
Y/N forced herself to meet his piercing stare, teeth grit. “Get your hands of me, I’m not some concubine of your court. If you want to kill me, fight me like a man of honour without these silly games.”
“If I’d wanted to kill you, I could have done it long ago. Besides, don’t be silly, since when has there ever been any honour in between us?”
“Then what do you want from me?”
Y/N’s eyes went wide before narrowing in suspicion. “Don’t think I’d fall for that again, we’ve already done this charade before.”
“Don’t act as if you were innocent, you tricked me too. You were going to sell me off to the rebels.”
“Even more reason for me to not believe a single word that comes out of your mouth.”
“We’ve betrayed and fought and killed for each other, to find each other. No one has seen you the way I have and we both know there’s no equal for us both other than ourselves. I want you, I need you and if you run away now, I would burn the world to find you again.”
All the possible words that could have escaped from Y/N’s mouth were stolen from her. Taking advantage of the temporary shock, Cyno caressed her face; something akin to affection in his touch.
Y/N felt herself getting lost and Cyno brought his face closer to here, his breath fanning across her face. “You love me Y/N, you can’t hide it from me.”
“If there’s one thing you should have realised from knowing me, Cyno, love and hate are two sides of the same coin.”
“Then let me love you, let me have you for as much as I desire.” The king whispered, running his fingers through Y/N’s hair.
“How long would you need to satiate your desire?” The thought escaped from Y/N's mouth against all sense of rationality.
“An eternity.” Cyno replied, steadfast in his answer
“Then show it.”
“Show what?”
“Show me how much you need me.”
Without a single word, Cyno closed the gap in between them, colliding his lips onto the lips of the woman before him; his sworn enemy, traitor, criminal and the thief who’d stolen away all his common sense.
The kiss was frantic as Y/N straddled Cyno’s lap and pulled his hair causing the king to whimper. It was a mess of passion, fury and desire.
Y/N pulled away, lips red and panted. Cyno raked his eyes across the body of his sole betrayer, heart thumping in his chest.
“Be mine.” He proclaimed, voice loud and clear as it rang across the throne room. “Be my queen and I would serve at your feet.”
Y/N grabbed Cyno's head and slammed the back of his head against his throne. "I would rather die. Every single time you sit upon this throne, don't forget that this kingdom will always be mine and I won't rest until I reclaim it and have your head mounted upon a spike."
Cyno groaned, vision blurring and at that moment, all he could see was her face and the fire that flashed in her eyes. "I wouldn't expect anything else. I could only meet death by your hands."
Y/N turned on her heel and ran swiftly outside of the castle, her hair flying behind her.
Cyno didn't attempt to stop her, but remained glued to his throne and not a single command for her capture uttered from his lips.
He knew that she would be back for more, to continue this relentless game of cat and mouse that never seemed to tire the both of them.
Yet, why did his heart seem to sting with a sense of betrayal? There was no way that she would allow herself to succumb to his temptations, she was far too calculative for that.
So why had he been the fool to give his heart to a woman desperate to shed his blood?
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sangoqueenkoko · 2 years
please be careful next time
requested by @endling411 @koaluna on discord
Summary: Cyno gets hurt while in a fight. You take responsibility for taking care of him.
Warnings? SMALL detail of injuries! Mentions of blood! NO MENTION OF DEATH. UNDER THE CUT‼️
Also I sorta made up my own mini-quest-like-thing, so don’t quote me on anything. Only so the story could move on.
Includes Traveler, Paimon, and of course Cyno!
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“Your sins weight upon you- AGH!” Cyno began but was soon knocked back with a few bruises already appearing. He had used all his stamina and extra strength to finish off whatever was left of his enemy. Once the enemies were defeated, he sat on the sand, boiling in the desert heat even though he should be used to it by now. He looked over to his thigh and up to his upper arm; cuts more severe than the others.
He soon walked back to Aaru Village once he had enough energy. He heard quiet gasps and whispers as he walked through, not batting an eyelid to anyone by him, they didn’t even bother to rush forward to help him.
But someone did when he got back to his shared house in the village.
With you.
And that person who noticed, was you.
You were cleaning up when he walked through, yet you didn’t look over to him, “Hey Cyno” you said before turning, “how was- oh my archons!” You put everything in your hands down before rushing over to help him sit down, “what happened?”
He sighed as you helped him take his headdress off, “there were more eremites than I thought. They bought more backup and I fought them all alone. I thought I could take them but I… I couldn’t” he sounded deflated, which was definitely something unseen from him, same time you quickly gathered some first aid, “I thought I could do it.”
“Well you did” you said honestly, soon sitting down in front of him with a bowl of warm water and a towel to clean his wounds, “you defended yourself and whoever else was around.”
He sighed.
The first part you cleaned was his thigh, and boy was he not impressed. The second the warm damp towel lightly touched the area, he hissed.
“It can’t be that bad” you said.
“You try fighting on the hot sand every day!”
“Surely not every day.”
He went silent after that.
he didn’t even crack a joke. weird.
“I’m sorry you have to do this” he mumbled eventually after a little while of silence.
“It’s fine. At least I now know that you’re safe in my care.”
After he had been patched up, he was under strict rules from you to take it easy.
Which of course he disobeyed.
Because a few days later he was out doing Mahamatra business. Which meant fighting. In the hot desert. With sand. With some stitches.
“Through me justice is served!”
Soon enough the area around him was filled with purple light and lightening as he fought his foes, and the ones that tried to get away free men/women.
Luckily he had help from the Traveler.
“Phew. Paimon thought we wouldn’t make it out alive” she hovered beside (Aether/Lumine), her hand against her temple.
“Now that the documents have been retrieved, we can now head back to Aaru Village to take a closer look” Cyno explained, “it’s too hot to stay out here any longer, especially since it’s the hottest time of day.”
He looked at the Traveler, who looked like they were going to faint from the heat.
Walking back to the village, the Traveler noticed his wounds.
“Oh these?” He lifted up his arm so the stitches would be more visible, “hmph… I got into an entanglement with some eremites a few days ago. I thought I could handle it but couldn’t. So when I got back to the village, (Y/N) helped me back in one piece.”
“But… you could have called us for help” Paimon said, “we would have been able to help rather than let you get hurt.”
“I couldn’t have possibly done that” Cyno shook his head, “I don’t know where you would have been or how I could contact you, plus you both are forever on your travels so I couldn’t possibly bother you.”
The calm atmosphere that was between the three was soon interrupted by you waiting at the village chiefs house, Cyno sighed as he knew what was up.
“Where have you been?” You asked him with your arms crossed, “you know how bad your injuries were and who knows what would have happened if those stitches came undone!”
“I would have been Okay” he explained, “I know the Traveler would have my back, right?” He turned to look at the traveler, who nodded, he turned back to you.
“And besides, we have important matters to attend to. You know what the Akademiya is up to.”
“I do” you said, now it was your turn to sigh, “Cyno… I know what you do is a busy job, but it’s dangerous too! You have to take care of yourself, I can’t always be there to patch you up!”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“It’s…” you paused, “Okay. I know what you’re trying to do” you moved out of the way to the door so they could go inside.
The Traveler opened the door and s/he went inside with Paimon.
“Cyno” you said just before he was about to go inside himself, he stopped to turn to you, “please be careful next time, Okay?” You asked.
He nodded with a small smile before walking inside.
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mcuntainbcrn · 2 years
What was this?
Everything had been so peaceful before, a cavern deep below the surface of the desert above, one that she had taken the liberty of filling with an amalgam of both native, non-native species in order to make it more comfortable for her; after all, it wasn’t as though she ever intended on having company…and even in the nigh improbable chance she entertained the notion, there wasn’t a soul around for miles in any given direction.
So why…why, and how, was she currently on her back with the razor edge of a spear pressing into her throat?
How had he managed to catch her unaware? His feet were touching the ground, she should have felt him coming and had time to hide…but even though he stood there, there was nothing to feel; almost as though he were ephemeral, and were it not for her own efforts to drop the temperature, perhaps she could pass this off as a heat induced mirage.
…if only she didn’t feel her skin threatening to give against that wicked sharpness, left mute from the shock of it all with only the gleam of her eyes to show as much from beneath the shade of a makeshift hood.
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daybreakrising · 8 months
💥💥💥💥💥 one for each genpact
Send 💥 for a headcanon I’ve always wanted to talk about, but haven’t had the chance to yet. | @resolutepath
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b.aizhu loves flowers. he loves growing them, he loves tending to them, and more than anything he loves giving & receiving them. a big part of being a doctor means cultivating and harvesting natural ingredients for his medicines, so he's an adept hand at growing things. add to that his belief that a splash of colour in a sickroom does wonders to help heal the mind and encourage recovery, and it's no surprise that he has his own flower garden that he tends to in what free time he has to spare.
c.yno prefers being out in the open. although he is more than used to the confines of an office and the crowded bustle of a city, he's much more relaxed and at ease in the vast expanses of s.umeru. were he not the general mahamatra, it's quite likely c.yno would have taken to being an adventurer, an explorer, spending months or years at a time in the wilds of t.eyvat. only his sense of duty (and desire to uphold the law) anchors him to his role.
k.aveh struggles with insomnia, mostly as a result of an unhealthy approach to his studies growing up and a habit of staying up late perfecting his designs. he manages it fairly well when he's between projects, but it's triggered by stress and rapidly becomes a debilitating problem. his mood is affected, making him easily flustered and irritable, and therefore prone to outbursts of anger and frustration.
r.azor doesn't believe he'll ever fit perfectly within the world. despite the best efforts of his friends to aid him with integrating amongst society, he struggles so much with what is deemed "normal" that he can't see himself ever being one of them. likewise, he knows he's not a wolf, that he can't ever fully be one of his pack, so he believes he'll always be caught somewhere in the middle, never quite belonging to either side. he's working on being okay with that.
w.riothesley's love of tea originates from his time on the streets as a child - specifically, a melusine who took pity on him and kept an eye on the scrawny boy covered in bruises. the first time, she brought him some hot soup. next was a flask of tea - which w.riothesley made last by only taking occasional sips, long after the tea had gone cold. after tracking down the melusine to return her flask, he rather shyly asked for more. after learning how he'd rationed the drink for so long, the melusine made routine trips to his usual haunts, always with a fresh flask of hot tea. (this experience also sparked w.riothesley's fondness for melusines).
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ahsterism · 1 year
" cyno. ...is it genetics that made you so short, or are you just unlucky? " 🧍‍♂️
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"Genetics are a form of luck, are they not? You could compare it to the luck I had besting you in combat-"
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"Through me, justice is served!"
Photo: @newtsip
Cyno: @thesparkofrevolution
#genshinimpact #genshinimpactcosplay #cosplay #cyno #cynocosplay #cosplayer #ukcosplay #ukcosplayer #sumerucosplay
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Hii Raven. Hope all is well for you. As always thank you so much for all the amazing stories you share ❤.. Today I wanted to show you something. I don't know if you follow Genshin impact but today they released a character and it reminded me of you Miss Raven!😂. Thought I would share this with you.
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I’m glad you enjoy my work, and thank you for sharing this with me~ The colors, the overall aesthetic, and the curling of the ends of her hair also give me Miss Raven vibes!! She even has the pointy little ears.
bcksbskzowhdnx I pretty much only follow Genshin Impact at a cosmetic level (I look at the fan creations and watch new character trailers and promos, but I rarely play, if ever)!
Most recently, Cyno and Al Haitham have caught my eye 👀 (CYNo’S “found you”, “you stand condemned”, ANd “through me, justice is served” LiNRS????? Then making those lame deadpan dad jokes???? 😩 GOOD SHIT 👌) and yes I know L*ona’s VA does the Japanese voice for Al Haitham, don’t @ me/s
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edit: OH YEAh QMd DORTOrE if evil why hot
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Cyno saying 'Through me, justice is served. ', is the hottest shit I've ever heard 👌
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midnight-tumult · 2 years
God cyno has such good voice acting "Through me, Justice is served!" Is becoming one of my favorite burst lines
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wwindblumee · 2 years
omg wait
cyno's voice is exactly what i wanted
'through me, justice is served' absjbsajsjskj
and his japanese is rlly good too
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mcuntainbcrn · 2 years
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@mahamatran said: ❝  it’s okay—  you can touch it if you want.  doesn’t hurt anymore.  ❞
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She blinked - apparently she had been staring without meaning to while lost in thought; it was only after he spoke that she actually paid any mind as to where her gaze had apparently lingered.
It was a rather large scar on the gatekeeper's hip - no doubt the wound had been rather grievous at the time of injury; she wasn't in the habit of touching anyone she didn't intend to immediately kill...even when the two sparred on occasion, there was always a barrier that prevented her from making direct contact, so her hands remained tucked within folds of fabric.
After all, all those she dared to handle always tended to meet rather violent ends...and this one, other than ensuring she had no intention of desecrating the tombs of King Deshret, hadn't harmed her in the slightest.
"...no good can come from such a thing - even remaining within proximity is pushing it."
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