#throbb headcanons
kingofwinter283 · 1 year
Just some Throbb headcanons to celebrate Throbb fortnight!
- Robb is somewhat of a momma’s boy, but like in a good way
- Speaking of Catelyn, Theon has def accidentally called her mom a few times
- Jon thinks he is cursed because he keeps walking in on Robb and Theon
- Theon likes to whittle little figurines out of wood and gives them to Robb
- When Robb isn’t around, Grey Wind sleeps with Theon
- Robb is afraid of the ocean, and will only go on a boat if Theon is with him
- Robb gets flustered really easily, Theon likes to tease him in public about it
- When Theon first came to Winterfell, he would often have nightmares and Robb would always be there to comfort him
- When Robb first started crushing on Theon, he pretended to be bad at archery so Theon would help him
- Theon and Robb tried to keep their relationship secret, but they were really bad at it
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2braincellslz · 1 year
Robb forgives what Theon did because he loves Theon deeply and wants a happy life with him <<<<<<<<<<<<< Robb forgives Theon for what he did because he is possesive and is basically lovesick
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neocrias · 1 month
kind gestures svt would make to their s/o without them realizing
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warnings: descriptions; headcanons; gn (mostly) reader self insert;
pairings: svt x gn reader
gender/aus: super fluff
Protecting you from getting hurt.
He's a protector… period. We all know that already. He's the leader of seventeen, the leader of carats, this man is used to taking control of the situation and it's almost instinctive for him. Cheol simply doesn't notice the way he puts his hand on the edge of the table so you don't hit your head when you get up. He doesn't notice the protective hand on your back, urging you into the first seats. He notices even less the way he wakes up in the middle of the night because he knows you're moving around in a strange and potentially dangerous position for your back. It's just natural.
Brushing or drying your hair.
On those occasions when you've had a bad day, your head is throbbbing and all you want is to be looked after by your boyfriend, you can bet that Jeonghan will do it. He'll follow your hair care routine step by step to the letter. Jeonghan has such a light hand that you fall asleep whenever he's gently brushing your hair. When your entire post-bath routine is complete, he'll arrange your sleeping body on the bed, he'll lie down next to you and you'll sleep together until the next day.
Stands behind you when you're wearing skirts or shorts to avoid any accidents.
If you need to climb stairs, he'll be right behind you. If you need to pick something up, he'll hold the end of your skirt between his fingers so that it doesn't ride up. If you drop something on the floor (and Shua can't get down faster than you), he'll take a few steps to the side to cover you. It doesn't matter if you're wearing protective shorts or not, Joshua doesn't want you to become the object of evil looks or comments.
Does never admit that he hates your musical taste.
You will turn on the speakers before cleaning the house or just for vibing around and Jun already know what's coming. He absolutely hates the loud songs you listen to, but he'll never actually say it. If he's really invested into pampering you, he'll even nod and say “wow, that one's good, babe”. He doesn't like the songs, but he loves seeing you dance to them happily. Eventually becomes attached to the music because it reminds him of you.
Put on or take off your shoes.
He will do this without hesitation. The minute you leave the house, Hoshi will take the shoes from your hands, kneel down in front of you and help you put them on. If it's a pair of sneakers, he'll make an extra effort to tie the laces. If they're heels (especially with straps) Hoshi will make a point of dragging his nails along the back of your calf, just because he thinks it's funny to see your leg fail. He's a prankster.
Google the things you mention.
If Wonwoo doesn't know about something you like or something you've mentioned, he'll research it later. He wants to be a part of every part of your life and uses these little details to reaffirm his love for you. So if there's a new skincare routine that you're dying to try, Wonwoo will research everything about it so that he can accompany you when you buy it, or help you when you apply it, or nod when you explain the function and order of every. single. product. You were talking to him about some "primer" and "foundation" stuff that he's not aware of? He'll google what it is as soon as you finish.
Solves your problems so you don't have to worry.
Woozi might do bureaucratic things for you. You know those grown-up things that nobody wants to do? Like, you need to call the bank? He's already got the phone in his hand. Do you need to make a doctor's appointment? He'll do it for you. Filing your taxes or making the grocery list? Don't worry about it.
Carrying you.
Dok is a strong boy, like he has big arms. And he likes it when you look impressed by that, it's a surprise every time you remember that your adorable puppy boyfie is actually a HUGE man. So every time you're coming back from an event, or somewhere you've had to wear heels, Dok will lift you up bridal style and carry you to the car, then to the door of the house, or to the bedroom…
Cares about your food (what a surprise).
If you order something with strawberries, he'll order it too just to give you his strawberry, because even though he likes strawberries, you like strawberries more, so he doesn't mind going the rest of his life without eating strawberries. If you're eating while walking in the street and Mingyu sees that you're struggling to eat while holding a can of soda, he'll hold it out to you and keep offering it to you until you've finished eating. Mingyu just wants to see you well fed, because he's happy to see the little weeds you make when you eat something you really like.
Discreet PDA when you're tired.
Minghao will discreetly intertwine his pinky in yours if he notices that you're starting to feel overwhelmed in a crowded environment, he'll be your main object of comfort. In fact, he'll do this even if you only really like physical touch, despite not being the biggest fan of pda. It's the perfect blend of affectionate and discreet.
Takes high care of your health.
He is always the first one to ask you how your doctor appointment went out. He buys you vitamins and cooks you proper meals. Boo is just always reminding you of drinking water and stretching when you've been sitting in the same position for a while. He just can't stand the thought of you in pain or ill. He WILL come up with the "your body is a temple" talk, you can't escape it.
Gives up some of his habits for you without you realizing it.
He's said to be mostly a disorganized person, but as soon as you start living together, he'll subtly change a few habits to make you comfortable - especially if he knows you like things tidy. So don't be surprised if he starts folding both of your clothes and making your bed in the morning for the next few weeks. He'll do these tiny little things. He probably wouldn't turn into Mr. Cleanest overnight, but he would do these little tasks for you.
Carrying your bags and opening doors.
Dino never lets you carry anything, or open doors or anything that requires using your hands. You don't have to because, after all, he's there to do all that. It doesn't matter if it's light, if it's heavy, if it's just your cell phone… he'll carry it for you. No argument there. And yes, I'm totally influenced by that video of his. If Dino sees you with anything in your hand, he'll rush to take it from you. If you need to call the elevator, he'll rush to do it before you even think about it.
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theonsource · 1 year
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This post concludes Throbb Fortnight 2023. We are sad to see it end, as all good things must, but it was a joy and an honor to share these two weeks with all of you, celebrating our favorite boys and their multifaceted, messy and thrilling relationship! Thank you so much to everyone who created for this event, as well as everyone who reblogged, commented, liked and helped us promote and spread the throbb love ❤
If you had wanted to participate but did not get a chance for whatever reason, or had hoped to post more works but ran out of time, please feel free to continue posting under the #throbbfortnight tag and we will continue to reblog your work here. The Throbb Fortnight AO3 Collection will also stay open for posting. Throbb is now and always in our hearts 💛🖤🤍
(In addition, if you are interested in joining a Throbb discord server to celebrate Theon and Robb all day every day, please reach out to @wexpyke or @fineosaur for an invite!)
Below the cut is the masterlist of all the fanworks created for Throbb Fortnight 2023.
I had no choice by @lycorim In His Chambers by @evax3
Favorite (fanfic) quotes by @team-mom-wannabe Favorite (fanfic) scenes by @team-mom-wannabe Favorite Scene by @selkiewife Friendship and Brotherhood & Trust and Loyalty by @theonsource / @selkiewife I burned so long so quiet by @alleyskywalker I should have been with him by @theonsource / @alleyskywalker He looks on me as an older brother by @alleyskywalker Houses Greyjoy and Stark by @carrizoblooms Houses Greyjoy and Stark - Points of views on the Greyjoy Rebellion by @team-mom-wannabe "No Stark but Robb was ever brotherly toward me" by @carrizoblooms Parallels by @selkiewife Parallels/Similarities by @alleyskywalker Throbb + Coriolanus by @team-mom-wannabe
FANFIC | Throbb Fortnight AO3 Collection
Crosswinds Rising by @lycorim-ao3 find me in the shallows by oceaniads here’s to now (and to nothing else) by @wexpyke If You Start To Doze (I'll Tuck You In) by @alleyskywalker In His Chambers by @evax3 Morning Routine by @alleyskywalker overexposed by oceaniads A Soft Epilogue by @alleyskywalker table for two by oceaniads tangled up in morning white by oceaniads To Give and Take by @lycorim-ao3 to lie down with dogs by @sowthetide Tore My Heart In Sunder by @alleyskywalker you had heart where you should have had brains by @team-mom-wannabe
List of songs that are *definitely* about Robb and Theon by @oh1theseus
Cooking headcanon by @knownoking Throbb headcanons by @knownoking
Aground fic rec by @ironbornsource Childhood/Pre-Canon recs by @team-mom-wannabe Fic Recs: Days 1-5 by @alleyskywalker Fic Recs Days 6-10 by @alleyskywalker Fic Recs Days 11-14 by @alleyskywalker Seawater King fic rec by @ironbornsource
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Was there any responses on the Theon survey that made you feel differently about a certain headcanon, fandom trend or ship?
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Thank you for your patience. It is uncommon for people to ask about my opinions but it brought a smile to my face, and your politeness only added to it.
To answer your question, sadly not, but there were still some developments on my perceptions.
Fandomwise I was mostly proven right over things I suspected in the past both in things I find uplifting and things that I find upsetting (TCKs and colonialism children in the Theon corner preferring Dany over Sansa and usually disliking the Theon/Stark ships, Robb Stark being a gift as the prevalent perception among throbb shippers, most people not caring about Jeyne Poole, thramsays being unhinged but very respectful and careful about people's boundaries) but there were a few things that had a positive reaction in me and maybe prepared me for changes.
I think I've made clear how I don't like engaging with Theon/Stark ships and sadly when it came to the squid prince and the steel skinned princess this didn't change at all, on the contrary, but when it came to the squid prince and the wolf-headed boy I was confronted with smaller subsets of the fandom that I felt could actually get me into it.
I used to be a lot more open about the later ship but as time passed it was ruined for me due to many personal vexations involving interpretation, (dismissal or vilification of) characters, themes and the constant use of show-scenes and quotes, but some of the responses from throbb people came very close to things I would theoretically enjoy in them as a ship (and as a closer characterisation of how I perceive Robb, clearly not a villain or an evil-doer but not someone I'd want to spend time with).
Nothing fully changed my mind, I didn't always agree with their reasoning and I am still sceptical because this was only a minority, but I think to some extent it made me more curious and, admittedly, less judgemental.
Here are some examples I am allowed to quote:
On Throbb as a ship, by throbb people
I only mildly dabble in shipping in asoiaf at all, however Throbb Is nice as when its done well It tends to have a lot of what I like (kidfic, canon divergences with some political element and happening around the early ACOK node, very specific hurt comfort dynamics, role reversals (enjoy Robb Is the one who had to experience Ramsay AUs even) exploration of the cultural/identity issues through conflicing loyalty etc . It rigorously has to be by people who love Theon better than Robb though
I'm someone where I will take whatever I can get tbh. All of the above. I do really enjoy stories where Robb is a darker character though, and relishes in the power he holds over Theon. Also just like playing with the theme of the Starks being wolves? And how the Ironborn were called like sea wolves by those in the riverlands and westerlands. It's very fun. I also do indulge in modern AUs where Theon is an unofficial member of the Starks. It's just very comfy. I like it less-so in canon fics because I think it very much writes off Ironborn culture in place of Northern culture. I am picky with them though because some of them are very much in the lane of "the Starks can do no wrong" and nope, the Starks can and have.
I am truly here for literally any Theon ship and they all appeal to me in different ways for different reasons. Robb and Theon - Personally I think it's really interesting how Robb is upheld as this very honourable gentleman-type but he never calls out Theon on his horrible treatment of women or other uncouth behaviour and it's suggested he actually kind of admires him for it? It gives me the impression that Robb lives vicariously through Theon a little bit and I'm fascinated by the idea of them being devoted to each other but also jealous of each other? We never see Robb's POV in the books but I think he's interesting to view through a lens of a young guy with an immense amount of pressure and responsibility on his shoulders (even before Ned dies he has the responsibility of being heir and the pressure to live up to the Stark name). I imagine that Theon is one of the few people Robb felt he could be himself around without any pressure to be respectable or honourable. He probably craves the relative freedom Theon has whole Theon longs for the status and respect that Robb has. It's an interesting dynamic! Also there's the fact that Robb is literally the only person who likes Theon and trusts him when no one else does which makes it even more heartbreaking when he betrays him.
On whether Robb Stark is a gift or not, by throbb people
No. Lol. I mean, the thing is, Robb isn’t really a terrible person or anything – book!Robb especially is young and inexperienced and genuinely seems to be trying his best in a situation that is understandably overwhelming. That said, he’s careless, self-righteous, over-privileged, emotionally manipulative, a bit vainglorious and sometimes extremely selfish, and has a tendency to do things like blame the easiest, most vulnerable (as well as the one most likely to forgive him) target for his own mistakes. He’s somewhat emotionally constipated and fairly low on empathy. He's very loyal to his family (but as we see with Sansa, it’s far from unconditional) and I think he does try to do right by people, especially those he cares about, overall. However, in the context of his relationship with Theon (where this seems to be most prominent as a Concept) he fails rather significantly and the relationship is not nonredeemable or anything, but definitely toxic.
I've only got the impression that he is a gift by reading bran's, Jon's and Arya's chapters not by theon's. In book 1 he is such an asshole to him in that bran chapter... It's more fanon I think to make Robb a gift specifically to Theon and I understand it, the show gave to us a closer relationship and many liked it and projected to Robb a caring attitude we wanted someone to have towards Theon, at least that's how it worked for me idk. Also the potential for romance, angst and tragedy by making them closer is just *chefs kiss is Robb a gift? yes is he one to Theon? they definitely have love between them but I don't think he is one to Theon.
Robb Stark as a character can really be anything you want him to be. I think only seeing him through other POV characters (especially his family) was a stroke of genius on George's part, just as we first meet Stannis in person through Maester Cressen, and later experience him through Davos' eyes (two people who love him deeply). Robb was a 16 year old dealing with some incredibly high stakes situations and a number of traumatic losses. He's mostly just tragic to me.
I still think Robb's relationships to the women in his life (Cat, Jeyne, Sansa, Arya and Dacey) are more interesting to me since they are usually explored by fandom in a more ambiguous and, in my opinion, more canon-compliant light, but yeah these made me reconsider my negative feelings about Throbb.
To some extent this also happened with Theyne, a ship I do ship but always felt weird about and sometimes had this stupid and prideful type of wish to differentiate myself from the shippers who engaged with it in a more "wholesome" manner. I came to see a lot more interest in dubious and less-positive takes on the dynamic in some of the responses and it was oddly relieving, it made me less conscious about my self-perceived discredit of the text when adding romantic connotations to Theon and Jeyne's canon dynamic (although they are somewhat present in the text too. ?????weird situationship of mutual victimhood and hellish non-consensual polycule with their torturer acting as matchmaker, third wheel and sicko lurking on the window)
[...] If it happens, it will be later down the line, probably during a potential recovery arc or even at the very end of the books. I would like to see how that plays out and I think Jeyne as his co-survivor of torture would probably be the most interesting person to play that out with because there is a common history that will remain a can of worms between them, but Jeyne seems to be (just like Kyra who came to Theon with the keys even though she didn't have to do that for her rapist!) a genuinely caring, empathetic and kind person who seems to have already bonded with Theon, seemingly knowing that he just like her did not participate willingly in her rape even though he had been compliant to his torturer's demands out of fear. And all that probably holds true even if he is still in survival mode of "I have saved Lady Arya (do not take on your actual name because that will get us both thrown back to the Boltons, this charade ain't over yet, please keep this charade up for your and my safety)". Jeyne has been badly maimed and (not only, but predominantly sexually) tortured herself, of course, so I suspect that the bond they both share will be fraught with fears and pain and ugly memories that migth feel more pressing than just memories (hello, PTSD), but i can see a way forward for both of them that I cannot see for either Jeyne and anyone else or Theon and anyone else (apart from familial bonds that Theon still has. Jeyne has no-one but Theon now, her parents are both dead and any other relatives haven't stepped up when Littlefinger sex trafficked her and Ramsay ended up repeatedly raping, maiming and psychologically torturing her). They will probably at first feel not great with each other, but I truly believe that they can help each other heal as far as possible or at least manage the aftermath of such severe torture of all kings. If he (Theon) does end up in some capacity in a romantic or sexual re-exploration of identity through a relationship of some sort, I suspect that Jeyne, who was co-tortured sexually alongside and through him (not that he was a willing participant, just someone trying to survive, doing the least harmful thing for both himself and Jeyne by partaking in being forced to rape her for Ramsay while thus becoming a victim of rape himself; apart from his former strongly insinuated sexual abuse and possible genital mutilation), might be the only person able and willing to even entertain the idea of a romantic and/or sexual connection to him, even though I think that her own state after all the sexual and other abuse means that that will be very, very far into the future. Both will probably feel safer not engaging in anything sexual for a long while, if ever, and as for romance, I think it'll probably take on a very fragile, small-gestures-of-care type of form that's more reminiscent of familial love and care rather than passionate. Both will have struggles expressing their minds, their wants and needs freely, both will be scared of physical touch probably, but then there's that image of Jeyne, half-dead herself, extending empathy to Theon and stroking his cheek telling him "you saved me", so there's that part of caring about someone already that seems like some glimmer of hope for both of them. If Theon makes it out alive through the books, I can see him ending up on the Iron Islands and her married to him for protection's sake (seeing as she's got no-one else in the world, and he has proven himself to care for her by saving her from Bolton Winterfell; while nobody else will care enough about her, or him or even be remotely positive towards him to facilitate some other marriage. She's only a steward's daugther, but a minor noble house is still a noble house, so I don't see why in-world class issues would make this impossible. It would grant both of them a safe space to recover from the abuse through each other's now safe company, and maybe find a way to love and be loved despite being more or less dead to the rest of society for various reasons. [...]
Jeyne and Theon - I think their relationship is really interesting to explore as a kind of co-dependant comforting thing where no one else quite understands their shared trauma and neither of them quite trust anyone else any more. But also they have this really soft affection for each other and see things in each other that no one else does. I think they're both seen as kind of irredeemably broken and pathetic post-Ramsay but they see the strength and kindness and value in each other that no one else can.
theon jeyne: i generally prefer nonsexual interactions, however there are ways of doing sexuality that i can like: when it is initiated by and demanded by jeyne who seeks some form of reenactment or redress or nonviolent experience or corrective with theon that she considers safe/available for this and with a theon who is reluctant at best. i like intense dangerous codependency. i don't think regular romance is available to them or rather what they have is already past that.
Asides from those, not so many changes. I think the bigger and better outcome was just learning to be less judgemental and more open. I am honestly happy of having done the survey even if sometimes I wanted to stick my head in the oven.
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daenystheedreamer · 2 years
THEON LOVE THEON!!!! i love him i hate him i kin him i squeeze him he my babby he my boy
SEXUALITY he’s bisexual this is canon to me. like i seperate canon and my fanon but my reading of him includes bisexuality...
OTP robb 👨‍❤️‍👨 the throbb slay... i love the tragedy the doom the regret the heartbreak the divorce the betrayal oh its all so juicy... i love robb and throbb through the lens of theon though like it all gravitates around theon
BROTP theon and jeyne!! trauma besties. i like theon and sansa in the show :) also theon and barbrey absolute worsties
NOTP i hate thramsay. it is an event in theon’s life that interesting and as as character and plot element it is heartbreaking etcetc but i cannot for the life of me imagine why people are into it as a ship. also theon x sansa sorry she’s a lesbian :/
HEADCANON well he is bisexual thats the first and most important headcanon To me. otherwise lord where do i begin.. just search theon on my blog there is so much word salad ive posted about him
FAV QUOTE the certain undeniable spice of fucking a tavern wench in lord stark’s bed. /j OFC its “i should have been with him, where was i? i should have died with him”. or the catharsis of “my name is theon” oh baby boy...
RELATABILITY being a failson 🤪 being kind of a girlboy too
SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT most of pre-reek theon LMAO baby stop being cringe!!! stop saying cringe shit stop doing cringe shit!! being 19 isnt an excuse!!
CINNAMON ROLL/PROBLEMATIC FAV he’s both! he’s my problematic fav that i treat like a cinnamon roll 🫶
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alleyskywalker · 6 months
💖 ✨for Robb
💖 - Romantic relationships or ships.
My most controversial opinions as far as Robb shipping goes, I think, are regarding throbb. I've talked about them/it here before multiple times but long story short, I see this ship - while interesting and compelling, etc - as kind of toxic and unhealthy. but for Theon. I can also see it as kind of unrequited or unrealized, where I can definitely see Robb having a much lower level of investment emotionally then Theon. In fanon, it's often the opposite.
I'm not really into Robb het ships, except with Jeyne W, which I talked about in my previous response to the ask about Jeyne.
✨ - Worldbuilding or background story elements.
Hmm I'm afraid I don't have much int he way of worldbuilding thoughts on the North or Winterfell or whatever. So like, also this might be even kind of canon (??) but I see Robb as not very religious. If he does have to choose, he takes to the Old Gods more than to the Seven (even though, in my headcanon at least, he did marry Jeyne in a sept) but he's not very invested in religion. It's more of a ritual he sees as his duty to perform as part of being a lord/king.
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weirwoodsugar · 1 year
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
look ok i Understand throbb. i understand the interest i get where it comes from i get its narrative role im not wholly averse to it its definitely . /a/ factor in theon’s character in canon to me. but like so is his dead horse. it's fine ITS FINE!!! i just never managed to access whatever enduring interest it holds for people it doesn't really compel me it is simply not very central to my theon-liking and the way a lot of throbb-centric stuff does theon characterization does not appeal to me.
alternative answer to this question jon snow doesnt listen to mcr he listens to patsy cline he listens to johnny cash
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2maegor2cruel · 1 year
I don't like to continue on someone else's post so just two things:
1) Victarion does at a certain point believe Hotho to be the heir to Harlaw - obviously its Victarion so there are plenty of explanations as to why he would be mistaken lol but thats why I entertained the idea of a succession uncertainity at all
2) There are NO characters known to be salt sons in asoiaf just bastards (and we know from TWOIAF that salt sons don't have bastard names I think) so a huge amount of freedom is allowed to the reader to make their own headcanons about exactly how that system works and how bad/remarkable it is for one to actually inherit. Last Serving Daughter Is a great example of making one's own headcanons! I love it
All the rest I agree fully and don't expect this to be the Canon supported option and I hadnt even gone to check where house Serrett Is so thanks for that, just wanted to point out why I made the remarks I did. I just like to always consider interpretations that are not the first that comes to mind.
Heyo! Not to be weird but I've actually read a good bit of your asoiaf fanfic it is sooo... *chef's kiss* 🤌 (and I know you from The Discord. kudos to a fellow throbb ponderer 🫡🫡🫡 too bad I'm super shy and never post on there lol.)
Per your first point, I combed Vic's chapters but I honestly couldn't find anything specific about Vic believing Hotho to be the heir to Ten Towers. If there is, feel free to send it my way. That said, there is some general ambiguity to that particular inheritance because of Euron's move of making Harras Lord of Greyshield. My read was that because Harras will already be lord of both Grey Garden and Greyshield, it's somewhat expected that he might 'step back' from Ten Towers, and let that inheritance go to another Harlaw (namely Hotho lol).
Per your second point, it is genuinely strange that there are no characters we really know to be salt sons/daughters. To be honest, I think George just included the whole salt wife/son bit without thinking through all of the wrinkles it might cause, so salt wives/sons are pretty much ignored in feastdance. Consider Balon, as according to Aeron, Balon took his first two salt wives when he was seventeen (implying that he took more in the following years). And Balon never had any salt sons by any of these women? Seems unlikely. But obviously, George knew that adding salt sons to the Greyjoy succession crisis would only complicate things further (Asha would never have been Balon's heir, nor would Euron have ever been able to inherit after Balon's death, and story events would not be able to unfold in the way GRRM wanted).
To me, that indicates that maybeeee George shouldn't have included that bit about Balon's salt wives at all. Maybe. Just maybe. And also, Quellon let Balon do that? It seems like it would really undermine Quellon's attempted reforms to let his son go around taking thralls and salt wives. George. George are you listening to me. George. Hey.
Now, if I were famous American novelist George RR Martin (and thank god I'm not), I'd have it so that salt sons start with the last name 'Salt' (distinct from the bastard name 'Pyke'), but if their father has no other sons, then they gain the house name and are raised up as heir. And I would have written salt wives/sons into my story in a way such that they're actually relevant. But alas.
In that same vein, I'm actually a big fan of a potential Iron Islands civil war, because I love cataclysm! I love it when tenuous cultural/societal trappings splinter and create devastating calamity! The Iron Islands have a strong reputation for being fiercely independent and quarrelsome, and I am SO looking forward to the complete catastrophe TWOW will be for them. Even on a small scale, it would be super interesting if salt sons could challenge rock sons for their inheritance via duel or a mini-kingsmoot (lordsmoot?), and that was a constant point of tension. There's just so much juice there!
As a final note, I hope I didn't come across as a "well ackchyually-" annoying weirdo. I just really enjoy discussing the sparse ironborn lore we're actually given. I have approximately ten thousand of my own ironborn headcanons, some of which roughly align with established canon, some of which directly contradict it lol. That's partially why the Iron Islands are my favorite region in Westeros: we're not given nearly as much world-building about them as, say, the Starks, and the world-building we do get sometimes makes absolutely no sense. So there's so much room to craft your own headcanons/lore!
Anyway, I ❤️ other people's ironborn headcanons. I will try to restrain myself from writing another 50,000 words on the topic, but it's so much fun lol.
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waterdeepthroat · 2 years
for the ask game THEON🖤💛
alr alr this is gonna be interesting:
1: sexuality headcanon: homophobic bisexual. only HE is allowed to date men. like he will absolutely call asha a slur bc he’s just a bitch but at the same time she can’t even be mad because he’s in some pretty serious denial
2: otp: throbb for sure. the TRAGEDY. the ANGST. the MODERN AU CRACK POTENTIAL. they have everything
3: brotp: theon and sansa tbh. though like he and asha are more combative because like they’re ACTUALLY siblings
4: notp: thramsay is absolutely the worst, but i’ve seen a surprising amount of theon x jon on ao3 and that just makes my head hurt
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: nb theon. like modern theon is absolutely a he/they fashion snob wearing the fuckin. miu miu miniskirt i don’t make the rules
6: favorite line from this character: i mean the obvious is “I should have been with him. Where was I? I should have died with him.”
7: one way in which I relate to this character: lil bi fashion disaster with trauma
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: kind of everything (particularly show!verse) bc he’s such a loser
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave
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littlerockerao3 · 3 years
Guys can you believe riverdale gave us a throbb kiss?
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kingofwinter283 · 1 year
so according to the official asoiaf cookbook (which a. exists and b. i own a copy) the ironborn don’t use spices because “they do not sow” so i am imagining when theon first came to winterfell he was just… blown away by actual flavor.
so that leads me into a little fun throbb headcanon: theon fell in love with cooking when he came to winterfell. he loves making his own food, especially with stuff he has hunted himself, and he really loves making food for robb. he’s not a very good cook but robb loves his cooking anyways
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rainhalydia · 2 years
Throbb headcanon?
Hi anon! Sorry this took me so long! I've just been looking at this ask and wondering what I haven't said about those two yet... I don't know, so I guess I'll just repeat myself if you don't mind me!
Theon was Robb's bff, not Jon or any other of his siblings.
I think their friendship started throught Robb's sheer stubborness, as Theon considered himself too mature to hang with little kids at 9/10. Later, however, he was happy to think of himself as the wiser of them!
I think Theon is happy to leave most decision-making to Robb. He's a sub at heart <3
Theon 'taught' Robb how to kiss shortly before the books started! GRRM can pry this headcanon from my cold dead hands!
Much later on, late as in like, maybe his 40s or 50s, Theon realizes that what he felt for Robb was actually romantic love. He probably names a ship King Robb or something, and I think he does kick off what will be a solid ironborn-northern relationship (as they had wanted to once) in his honor after his name is cleared as we all know is gonna happen when the words are printed
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lucisdemon · 4 years
Modern Throbb Headcanons
- They met when they were six and have been inseparable since.
-  They started dating when they were sixteen.
-  Theon got his nose pierced at sixteen and Robb’s knees nearly gave out when he saw it.
- Theon’s really into Dark Tower and Robb got obsessed with it. They even have matching tattoos on their right shoulders.
-  Robb can’t stand Lost. Like hates it and he doesn’t know why.
- Their daughter has Theon wrapped around his finger the moment she’s born.
- It’s the same with Robb and their son.
- Theon is either a fashion major or marine biology. (I can never just pick one and flip flop)
- Robb is an elementary school teacher.
-  Robb drunkenly got his tongue pierced when they were twenty and Theon wouldn’t let him get rid of it for at least a month
-  Robb once got sacked really hard playing football in college and was unconscious. He had to be taken to the hospital with two broken ribs, a broken arm, and a concussion. Jon had to stop Theon from running onto the field and attacking the guy.
-  Theon was the ultimate mother hen while Robb was recovering. Robb secretly loved it.
- Theon has a motorcycle
-  They either hyphenated to Greyjoy-Stark or Theon went full Stark
-  Robb hates being sick or injured and will try to deny it. He could be on the verge of passing out or barely able to walk because of the pain and he’d still insist he could grow grocery shopping and do everything else he has to do.
-  Theon is a fucking drama queen when he’s sick or injured and Robb indulges him, knowing that Theon’s childhood injuries and illnesses often went uncared for until Robb noticed and the Stark’s took care of him.
-  Theon got appendicitis when they were seventeen. Robb was an extreme mother hen.
- Theon smacks Robb’s ass constantly
-  Theon, especially high school Theon, looks like the motorcycle rebel badass, but he’s a giant ball of mush whenever Robb touches him or looks at him a certain way, because he is ✨ In Love ✨
- Grey Wind is their first child
-  Theon will do anything, anything, if Robb gives him his puppy eyes.
-  Robb will do anything if Theon asks ‘Don’t you trust me?’
-  Theon has minor insomnia, he has problems sleeping at night and alone, it comes from when he was a kid and still lived mostly at home and his father would come home drunk in the middle of the night, wake him up and beat him.
- Theon sleeps with his head on Robb’s chest because Robb’s heartbeat helps him fall asleep. He can’t sleep without Robb.
             -  This has resulted in Theon falling asleep in other places if he has his head resting on Robb long enough for his heartbeat to lull him to sleep.
-  Robb doesn’t have any fashion sense and it kills Theon.
-  Theon’s addicted to vanilla hazelnut coffee.
-  Robb’s kryptonite is ice cream.
I have a longer list of throbb parent headcanons to post.
Inspired by @littlerockerao3 ‘s request for headcanons
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fineosaur · 5 years
throbb headcanons, go!!
canon headcanons  ( S A D )
both fell in love, didnt say anything because they were afraid how it would seem
theon and robb admit their feelings just before they head out to war 
they share kisses here and there, thinking after the war it’ll all be better
they had their first time together when theon had to leave for pyke
when robb learned about theon’s “betrayal”, he was wounded and crushed REASON FOR HIS MARRIAGE TO JEYNE.
died thinking theon had betrayed him, made every decision till that in pain and with a broken heart :((
canon divergent headcanons 
(thankfully MUCH happier because im gonna be gross and sappy and say that ned didnt go to kl and no war happened)
fall in love as boys 
robb got the hang of archery but was never as good as theon so theon would help him practice. ofc by wrapping his arms around him and showing him how its done. (this would always lead to them leaving cute little kisses on each other’s cheeks)
robb eventually got better at archery but would pretend to mess up just to have theon hold him
they have a secret making out spot in the godswood because they’re afraid of letting people know they’re in love
jon has 100% walked in on them getting frisky and is almost always the third wheel but got ned’s gift of keeping secrets
cat already knows about it but never says anything, cause she’s waiting until ned opens his fucking eyes
theon calls his cock a tentacle to piss robb off
they get married and rule the north together  because why would balon need theon as an heir when he has asha
modern headcanons
robb and theon fall in love as teens 
in high school they were on the football team and would 100% hook up in the locker rooms
they dont tell anyone about their relationship until jon walks in on them (poor jon in every universe)
jon keeps their secret for a time, until graduation where they say “fuck it” and kiss in front of their whole family. no one is surprised.
they date through college, tying the knot shortly after because they cant help it. (theon is the one who proposes. robb cries and says yes.)
they 100% fought over who gets jon as their best man, until theon realises he can do one better and asks asha
theon purposely talks about their sex life to make everyone uncomfortable
they’re always surprised to hear that robb is indeed kinky
theon calls his cock a tentacle to piss robb off
he always slaps robb’s arse when he’s in the middle of a conversation with one of his siblings 
cat always tells him off but laughs as well 
ned is always just *insert gif of sean bean facepalming*
theon is for sure a trophy husband and he loves it 
robb is always jealous when people hit on theon so he holds his hand every time they’re in public
they decide to adopt later in life, when they’re both in bed, just talking.
theon thinks their kid is the best kid ever to be a kid 
robb agrees but never out loud
they’re chaotic as fuck as parents but their child knows how loved they are 
they always try to “interview” any potential boyfriend/girlfriend sansa, arya, bran and rickon have. they tried doing the same for jon but it didnt work, only drove at least 3 partners away. (jon’s thankful but never admits it because he found the love of his life shortly after the last one left)
I LOVED writing these omg. i probably could think of so much more but my mind is always stunted in moments like these. 
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matt-murdick · 5 years
Just because I liked hearing about what jobs you guys give Theon and Robb in modern aus and I’m curious...
In a modern au, where do you say the characters come from?
I know some people do modern day Westeros, I’ve seen the Starks as Greenlanders (although Scottish and Irish seem to be pretty common), the Greyjoys as Greek, sometimes they’re all American or English. So how do y’all do it?
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