fictionkinfessions ยท 7 months
"oohhhh ryan why do you hate the beatles so much. ryan why is one of your only defined personality traits in book one fucking hating the beatles. bleh bleh the beatles don't suck that bad" well if YOU had been stabbed to death* by a clique of shitty hipsters in guyliner while they were mockingly singing a beatles song with your name in it you wouldn't fuckin like em either would you huh. also they do suck -throam!ryan/jennifer check #๐Ÿญโœจ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’ฅ
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fictionkinfessions ยท 2 years
PANIC! AT THE DISCO IS FUCKING DEAD. i am one step closer to being able to talk about my husband without people assuming i'm talking about brendon urie -throam!ryan #๐Ÿญโœจ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’ฅ
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fictionkinfessions ยท 2 years
as someone who kins from several concept albums i think i legally have to do the canon tunes game. first off my sources, obv, but also like.... every ajj song i've ever heard punches me in the kinnie, especially bad bad things and brave as a noun. scarves by tag! gives off immense fun ghoul energy and i miss him 24/7 so that's usually a go-to in party poison shifts, along with lady gaga's entire discography. on the note of songs that remind me of partners- reptilia & under control by the strokes and brown of gold by the altogether are so painfully throam!brendon it makes me want to sob. and pretty much any cabaret goth song is my go-to in a rose lalonde shift, especially the heroine by unwoman (which i heard for the first time as the weather in an episode of wtnv, so hey, kinda double kin!) and girl anachronism by the dresden dolls (fun fact, one of my headmates, joan, played that song on loop for so long it ended up being number six on our wrapped this year. she's a menace.) also my now 13 hour long party poison playlist, which since my spotify account now no longer shares a name with my tumblr account i may as well link here because i do genuinely think it's kind of impressive. if you recognize me no you don't. -#๐Ÿญโœจ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’ฅ, not even gonna try and tag sources on this one
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fictionkinfessions ยท 16 days
mundane memories ask game:
- on tour, sitting in a random cafรฉ in upstate new york with gabe at like 6 am waiting for everyone else to wake up. drank five cups of coffee, watched the sun rise out of a tiny stained glass window, and listened to him complain about how bad the book he'd brought with him to read was while actively reading it. gabriel saporta, inventor of hatewatching AND liveblogging
- brendon's pancakes. brendon's FUCKING PANCAKES i would kill a man just to get half of one of those fucking pancakes again. maybe i'm biased because i'm in love with the man but oh my god. heaven on earth. incredibly fluffy, never burnt, almost creamy? he was an incredible cook in general but god i long for those pancakes
- getting drunk and sitting on balconies at midnight was a reoccurring theme throughout my life, so i've got plenty of those.... playing blackjack with bill and spencer, chatting philosophy with brendon, chatting shit with gabe, making out with people i don't remember the name of and pondering jumping off far too many times! god i was so fucking depressed!
-throam!ryan #๐Ÿญโœจ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’ฅ
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fictionkinfessions ยท 5 months
(please post today (4/12/24) if you can!)
truthfully, i don't really know what to say here. what do you say to the man you've loved and lost so many times, and kept loving anyway? what do you say to the man you still love and haven't seen in eons? what could i say that would even sum up half of what i'm thinking, what i'm feeling right now?
i guess all i really need to say is happy birthday. so i'll go with that.
happy birthday, brendon.
-throam!ryan #๐Ÿญโœจ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’ฅ
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fictionkinfessions ยท 1 year
oh shhhhit i forgot to send in something for brendon's birthday. that was like. last month. um -throam!ryan #๐Ÿญโœจ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’ฅ
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fictionkinfessions ยท 1 year
you know even if i am uncomfortable with being shipped with people i don't even care to stop them because 1. they don't know that character is a real person who can see their posts and 2. i spent my formative years reading panic! at the disco fanfiction so hard i kinned from one of them so even if they did who am i to judge -throam!ryan #๐Ÿญโœจ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’ฅ
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fictionkinfessions ยท 2 years
ahem. unfurls the list again. im not gonna miss anyone this year. or duplicate any names. i swear.
to ghoul, jet, pony, brendon, jac, keltie, pete /p, sally (2), bonnie (3), martin, arte, quackity (3) (two of them are technically the same one but whatever), sapnap (2), tubbo, friend, gerard (2), wario, sandman, donnie, aradia, kanaya, karkat, equius, jade, herb, sparkling, mint, lucy, carlos, sunset, rebel, mamba, rin, frank, beatrice, roman, & patton; happy valentine's day.
....maybe i need to stop getting into 15 relationships every second. #๐Ÿญโœจ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’ฅ
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fictionkinfessions ยท 2 years
sees a notification for a post from this blog where the only text visible is "708...". immediate fear. open the notification. it was the first three digits of a link -throam!ryan #๐Ÿญโœจ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’ฅ
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fictionkinfessions ยท 2 years
it's a fucking struggle trying to actually read my source. despite only being on the first book i already have a shit ton of kinmems, mostly post-canon, so looking back on me pseudo-breaking up with brendon the first of many times just feels like reading a shitty diary entry from before i knew what the fuck i was doing. which, to be fair, i didn't, so that's to be expected, but it's still fucking painful to read. not only because hey, that's my fucking husband, why am i being such an asshole to him because i had enough internalized homophobia to fucking power the state of texas, but also because.... jesus christ, i was an idiot. ....which i still am, but i'm at least self aware about it now. but still. excruciating. -throam!ryan #๐Ÿญโœจ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’ฅ
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fictionkinfessions ยท 2 years
need my mutuals to stop posting about the social network because whoever the fuck andrew garfield plays in that movie looks more like my brendon than the guy he was fucking based off and it hits me in the yearns every time i see him -throam!ryan #๐Ÿญโœจ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’ฅ
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fictionkinfessions ยท 2 years
new kintype just dropped: fluffy haired tall men named george -throam!ryan/c!georgenotfound #๐Ÿญโœจ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’ฅ
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fictionkinfessions ยท 2 years
i just realized i forgot to do kin pride oh shit
party poison: did not give a fuck about gender nor sexuality. everyone is hot and gender is a lie made up by bli to sell more bathrooms (they/he/joy)
throam!ryan: bisexual homoromantic, although i did not figure that out until several lifetimes later. i just kinda loved whoever the fuck i loved yk (he/him)
klaus hargreeves: pansexual & non-binary (he/they)
felony steve: bisexual &, unfortunately, cisgender (he/him)
the final pam: aroace agender. who has time for that when you are literally god (any pronouns)
_SRCHPRTY_: cupiosexual demiromantic transmasc nonbinary, although if you asked i would've just told you i was queer as hell and moved on (he/they/it/[REDACTED])
lady luck: nonbinary lesbian (she/her)
ghostbur: bisexual cis?gender (he/him mainly but also good with they/them)
cabinet man: literally an arcade cabinet. that happened to be housing an aroace trans man (he/him)
im sure im forgetting someone here but this ask is long enough -#๐Ÿญโœจ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’ฅ
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fictionkinfessions ยท 2 years
party poison would go straight for the faygo. or bacon if it's precooked because that bitch does not know how to work a stove
throam!ryan would go for the canned tuna this is canon
_SRCHPRTY_ is probably just getting a bunch of snacks. fruit by the foot. cheez-its. mini m&ms. idk you get the vibe
cowoline is buying cat food. she is a cat
dave strider has already shoved three cartons of apple juice and ten boxes of pocky into the buggy and he is showing absolutely no signs of stopping
c!karl jacobs is helping dave shovel pocky into the buggy. he has also contributed two boxes of chromatica oreos (do they still sell those. whatever he can time travel)
gir is getting WAFFL3ZZZZ
ybc!patrick just came here for a rotisserie chicken and has to pay for everything because he is the only person who brought their card (except for ryan but he has like $5). he didnt even remember the fucking chicken
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fictionkinfessions ยท 2 years
lies about my canonmates; sisky is allergic to cats, brendon once ate an entire jar of cherries in roughly 10 minutes, i never once saw joe shirtless, pete hates elton john, & i was mentally stable -throam!ryan #๐Ÿญโœจ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’ฅ
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fictionkinfessions ยท 2 years
kin songs is back? god. fuck. art is dead by bo burnham. it's all an illusion i'm wearing makeup I'M WEARING MAKEUP MAKEUP MAKEUP MAAAAkeUp -throam!ryan #๐Ÿญโœจ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’ฅ
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