#thrn we can play like idk
sharp-hamburguer · 8 months
Guys if we're quick about it i think we can replace tumblr with a gba emulator
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f1nalboys · 2 years
Peacemaker S1 Ep5 Monkey Dory (last episode for the night 🙏) @tinalbion
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-giggles :3
-ugh him drinking the eggs
-worst trope ever
-eagley :((( he’s so worried abt chris
-he looks so fucking pathetic uhm…. guys…. 😼 SORRY
-NOOOOOOO eagley brought him a squirrel to eat to feel better :(
-noooo this episode is gonna be so sad i can feel it
-“they go in through the butt??” JFJEIDNDJD
-superman w the poop fetish 😭😭
-now that we know murn is a butterfly im confused as to why the rest of them don’t know
-but i get it
-“the fucking cunts from riverdale”
-“fargos on tonight” ofc he watches fargo
-he’s so baby girl!!!
-“nice penmanship asshole and fargos not on till tomorrow night you fucking nerd” followed by adrian’s laughter JFJSJDJDJ
-larry is sexy
-ugh. i hate his dad
-leota defending economous <3
-“i didn’t care bc i don’t have emotions like other people do” when he clearly has shown multiple emotions like ok
-“i got bullied too” “how” “by the other kids calling me a bully all the time, saying i was abusive” SHIT UPPPPPP
-they’re finger printing what’s his face
-can they just lie and say he did it anyways
-also fuck larry is. sorry i just love a good silver fox dad bod man
-hehe i love that he loves glam rocks
-they’re bondinggggg :3
-me starting a show: i jsut want everyone to be friends :D
-has he been a butterfly this whole time? like even when he was back doing whatever?
-“evan you fucking pussy!” JFNSODNISHD
-“i finger bang you, i’m not using my pinky” IFNWOFNISD good point king!
-“i forgot women had fingers” IFKOWNCSIND
-stop this shows humor is nailing it for me tbh
-“UGH FUCK i’m never ever gonna kill someone with a chainsaw it’s so not fair” adrian u can kill me w the chainsaw. ok???
-chris and leota r my fave friendship actuslly like idk why but they bounce off of each other really rlly well
-ok i’m eating breakfast so who knows how much i’ll type as i watch
-show me some fighting 🗣️🗣️
-why didn’t they just blow this place up
-who the hell is charlie
-is that the like major guy that’s giving them the stuff
-“idk i invented it this morning” he’s smart
-poor economous just having to watch :(
-all of them fucking this gorilla up together <3 teamwork babey
-🥹 they just mean a lot to me guys
-all of them dancing 🥹🥹
-the guy who agreed to help murn is making sure chris’ dad stays in jail 🙏🙏
- ew not him trying to gaslight my queen 🙄🙄
-go get larry and get his ass
-“so we can assume butterflies can use any life form as a host” “chihuahua? :D” “probably wouldn’t fit” “would be cool tho!! :3” adrian chase. i have feelings for you. major ones.
-everyone being mean to adrian he’s just silly guys!!!
-he’s not a thimble
-“we can trust him” “what’s his name” “judy” “JUDGE JUDY???”
-“we can trust him!” “so you’ve said” “and plus he’s my uncle” “😳” Hhehehehehe
-there’s 11 minutes left in sad
-adrian using the merman emoji hehehe
-“he says it means happy sad and everything in between” WAHHHHH
-:,) he wants to hang out w JFNWKNFKWNFJD
-sorry he wants to hang w leota and she goes “are you trying to fuck me but claiming ur dicks a lesbian or something” JDNSKNFJS
-he framed his first newspaper article about himself.
-guys i’m crying now.
-ok had to pause to send a video crying abt this to tati i don’t wanna play it i don’t want them to be sad
-her almost throwinf the drink up HFJSIJDJRJRJ
-they’re having a beer together :3
-oh i’m giggling
-“don’t talk about her tits or her pussy” “yeah but…what abt when we’re fucking” STOP ITTTT
-john cena plays christopher smith so we’ll it pisses me off
-“you really aren’t a bad guy. you just use being s fuck as a way to push people away, but if you would just take second and just drop that and be Chris Smith, i think people actuslly might like you” WAHHHHHH
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-“i just never had this before” “what?” “this, you, you know, giving me advice and having my back” SHES HIS FIRST FRIEND GUYS WAHHH
-him crying :(
-leota still planting his diary :(
-her voicemail to her wife :(
-oh no
-FUCK. she’s using chris’ helmet and she’s gonna see that he’s a fucking butterfly FUCKKKKK
-i was gonna stop after this episode but i have to start the next one i jsut have to
-end credits
-silly end credits
OK THOUGHTS ON THID EPISODE: holy fuck! just!!!! OMGGGGG i love leota and i love her bonding w chris (even tho she still put his journal there :/) but FUCK I KNOW SHE DOESNT DIE BC ID BE PISSED BUT NOW I HAVE TO WATCH EP6 TOO
its 6 am so i’m a little tired but my god ALSO harcourt has officially grown on me see i just needed her to get away from that ‘strong girl doesn’t like girl stuff or other people’ thing, strong women r allowed to have friendships and close bonds and stuff !!! and now i lowkey ship her and chris -_- annoying i know hehe
anyways episode 6 time
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Idk if this has been posted before, and judt a forewarning this is somewhat of a shit post.
Kotlc characters as high school band instruments.
Music kids, help me out. Anyone else, enjoy the ride.
So first off we got Sophie. Shes quiet, but is determined to reach her goals. What im seeing here is ✨clarinet✨. Just think about it. She can play really well and does- and she squeaks (kind of a lot and she says her clarinet is going through puberty)- but she just doesnt talk very much.
Dex Dizznee? 1000% a trombone. Hes also quiet, but once you get to know him he is definitely n o t quiet. The pranks. The Lego Death Star. The Star Wars music. And he's in jazz band. Change my mind.
Biana is a flute. Shes not quiet but shes more likely to commit murder and get away with it thrn anyone else is. Shes thr gossip the life of thr party.
Tam is a trumpet. Albeit a quiet one at first, but the amount of ego (and hair gel) he has does not lie. I know your secret. I know your trying to hide something. I know you're only here for the credits.
Linh is also a flute. She and Biana can both play really high and do not hesitate to. She gets a bunch of gossip from biana but just doesnt spread it around as much.
Marella Reddek is a trumpet. Do i need- wAIT. i am wrong. The saxophone vibes..are too much. Alto by the looks of what she knows and how she uses the information. Also Marella just kinda seems like a meme lord to me (dont judge me on that). Oh and shes in jazz band as lead sax i just see it too well okay.
Fitzroy Avery Vacker you are headed straight for the saxophone section. Lead tenor and does jazz band, marching band, snd wind ensemble so he can brag. Also so he can do solos and brag about that too.
My boi Keefe is a percussion player. He can cause trouble and gets into his fair share of trouble, but he is r e a l l y good. Hes in drumcore, marching band, and iazz band just so he can play everything drum-related there is to play.
Thats all i can think of music kids tell me if im wrong this all came from the pov of a tenor sax no hate no shame on any of the instruments just my opinions please dont come for me
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tbpandtswiftfan · 6 years
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I never thought I'd get a chance to write one of these, but this is my story of meeting @taylorswift It was definitely worth the 12 year wait. Thank you for everything Taylor and I'm already working on setting up a tattoo appointment for the tattoo you wrote out for me!! Okay so basically we get there and there's these huge like luxury coach buses with leather seats and everything. We had to have our IDs checked and then they had a bag check where everyone had to check in their phone. Then we got into the bus and once it finally left we went all the way across Chicago to this warehouse/gallery type place and they pulled into the alley and as soon as we walking in they were filming us for Taylor Swift Now. We walk in and I waa freaking blown away. There were these huge screens with all things Taylor, Taylor themed arcade games; including claw games where you could win Taylor Nerch, a lounge with an open bar, all these different little sets like a big Snake, Reputation spelled out, Etc. An interactive dance floor and everything. Plus you got tickets for taking pics and playing games to trade in for prizes. Plus they had really fancy appetizers and stuff. So we all played games and stuff and then we were in line to get prizes, they were out of all the vest ones by the time we got there but oh well, then all of a sudden we heard a weird noise and ppl rushing thrn a bunch of the workers came in the prize room and were like "What was that?! Why don't you go check it out?!" Syd and Marika literally each had my hands and dragged me that way and a secret wall in the lounge had opened up and there was a huuuge stage!! I started crying and was like "Is she really here?! Is Taylor really here??" Then the lights went out and she appeared, bear in mind there were only like three rows of people in front of us and I lost it. She played 5 songs accoustically including ALL TOO WELL. Then she said she was playing 1 last one and someone says "No!, Play 3 more!" And she laughed and said "I could.. or I could take pictures with all of you!" And I actually nearly fell over.So evertone had different colored wristbands attached to our main wristbands and they were going in order of colors but we realized Syd's Was a different color. At first they said she'd have to go with that group and take her pic with 3 strangers but we ended up finding someone else who said she could come with us. So we finally get in line and I'm shaking the whole time, but we had fun on the dance floor when we had to wait on there because whenever you stepped hearts appeared do we kept stomping and doing jigs lol. Then we finally got upstairs and then they send us in the hall and freaking Mama Swift was there!! I started crying of course and when we were next she came over to us and Marika asked if I could get a hug and told her I'd been waiting 12yrs to meet Taylor. Mama Swift opener her arms and said "I'd be mad if you didn't get a hug!" Then she said she was so impressed with how amazing all of us are and I told her about how Taylor gave me the courage to get hearing aids and how the 1st thing I listened to with them was her and her eyes got wide and she said that was do amazing and that her and Taylor were so lucky to have me and she loved my shirt and the one I let my Dad wear because they're both over 10yrs old lol then it was our turn to go in the room where Tay was. So we get in there right as the group before us is leaving and I started crying a little bit but Taylor was smiling and said "Hey guys!" And she hugged me right away and Marika told her a out how I had been waiting 12urs to meet her and that she means everything to me and Taylor hugged me again and said "Aww thank you so much!" And then she saw my Dad's shirt and said "OMG that shirt is at least 10yrs old!!" And  I said "Oh yeah I let him borrow it!" And she said "That makes more sense" and we all laughed and I told her she saved my life and that she gave me courage to get hearing aids and that the first thing I listened to with them was her and her eyes gotsk wide and she high fives me and said "That's so amazing oh my gosh! I'm so proud of you and I'm so glad you can hear!" Then I told her I wrote her a letter and she said "Aww thank you so much! That's so sweet! I can't wait to read it!" Then I asked if she could write out my tattoo and she's like "Of course! What are we doing!" So I told her I wanted Fearless and a heart like the one on her foot in the debut album cover and she looked so nervous and said "Is this okay?? It's so much pressure!" And she made a scared face and it was just so cute! Then I asked if I could hug her in the pic and she opened her arms wide and I hugged her tight. Idk what Syd, Marika and Dad did in the pic because I was too busy processing I had my arms around Taylor and she had her arms around me and my main thought besides "Oh My God I'm hugging Tay Tay." So she hugged me again and Marika told her about how there's videos of my reactions hearing her with my hearing aids for the first time and she got so excited and said "Oh my gosh I want to watch them so bad! You put your social medias in the letter right?!" And ahh then she said she was so happy to finally meet me and I actually can't. Is this real?!
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This punk
You see that teal blue square to the right of the screen?
That's the booth me and my great aunt and 3rd cousin used to allllwwaays sit at.
And she would eat crab legs and the owner would always being special tools for my aunt and they only had two sets so we always returned it directly to her when we left.
He's a punk.
So then Alex took me... He said "where do You want to eat? I have money. No i really do"
And he was always bugging so I said "do you like Chinese?"
So he said "yep"
And I said "I know this one spot you will love because every time I see you, you're complaining about how hungry you are. Come on lets go"
So he told me "what's with you? You're never this nice to me!"
But i had went over to see Brandy and she had just left for work and i fell asleep on the couch because he said he didn't know where she went and he left me alone and sat on the floor which was absolutely disgusting with some animal fur like white masses of fur. Cat apparently but when I was there the cat always hid under their bed. So it was just gross. But he was all nice and I would hear the door creak and it would wake me and he would say "shhh she's asleep" and one girl was loud and I was all "you guys I got a headache" and he kicked them out.
So after I woke up I was staring at him and watching him and I touched his ear with my toe. And he like moved his head to his shoulder like I was a bug. So I did it again 4 more times and he said "if this fly one more dam time" and he got up to get the fly swatter off the wall. It was dark because he was playing PlayStation like one... It was 1998.
So I was all do I dare? I thought about it and I was all I bet he's slow because hes into this game and it happened to be a race car game..so..
4 more times.. Then I put my toe on his neck and he goes "alright thats it if I have to turn on the light to find you and wake her!!! -- oh ill turn on the kitchen light, that's what ill do" so he did and then he waved the fly swatter around and was all "don't wake her" finally he could see my eyes open and more so my smile and he was all "are you awake? No probably not. Ill just play my game here and maybe then I can get me some food. If she will take me. Yeah usually she says she will take me to the store but usually u say I don't want to" then suddenly he hit pause and put his arm on the couch and then looked at my face and said "huh" like he was asking me and I said nothing and he squeezed my knee 2x and said "yeah you know you are"
And I said "take you to the store or....?" Because by then he was so oblivious I wondered if I could smoke and him even notice. So I timed my lighter when it was loud and in a turn in the road so he would be paying attention to the game.
"No smoking hot! All I smell is smoke! Sabrina are you even awake or just messing with me?"
"Asleep" and so i would blow my smoke hard into his face and all.
"Now I'm realky hallucinating! And i ain't smoked since... Idk when doesn't matter!"
So I put my toes on him again because i was all if i finish this cigarette and he doesn't notice im actually awake. Hes dumb.
"Alright then! Im mad!"
And he turned on a lamp in the other room and he thrn could see my eyes because the lamp unlike the kitchen light was in front of me and he looked at me and then the lamp "oh you want it off? Ill turn it off"
"No its alright i need to put this cigarette out"
"Oh then you want it on. I want it on. We will leave it on. Now where is this bug?"
"A listening one or a one with feet?" And i had to laugh.
"No a listening one is uhh in the bedroom... Oh wait you actually do talk?"
"Yeah" i giggled
"That's why i always ask if you want to go to the store because you are always so silent but i think if i ask you you'll tell me "yeah i want to go to, too" but you never do. Are you really awake?"
"Why would I say i would want to go to too? Why not I'm heading that way like i usually do?"
"Because you would bring me back..."
"But why? Would you want to?!"
"Alright that's it IM DREAMING! im going to take my shirt off. Do you see me?"
"Yes you're naked"
"No I'm not besides im not even naked. I just said I would but your head turned like you didn't want to see that's what i do know"
"What color is your under wear? Red?"
"No blue"
"You better be checking because when you went into the kitchen to turn the light on, you lifted your shirt to wipe the sweat off your forehead even tho its not hot. And you seemed to be upset about your hallucinating i tonight i should give you your privacy."
"Oh. How long have you been awake!?"
"And he whines!!"
"And i can't believe you. You say you want me to have my privacy but you're laughing so hard you can barely talk!"
So i just laughed...
"So is there even a bug?"
"Oh you mean this?" And i ran my toes down his back
And he threw his controller down "are you fucking kidding!?!?!"
And i laughed and said "yes"
And he picked it up and said "no youre not"
And then i put my toe on his ear and left it ao he went to slap my toes and his hand touched my ankle "is that your leg?"
"Mmm no!"
"Alright now you're bugging me!"
"It was my ankle!"
"You know youre not infuriating as i thought. I say leg. You say no and i think you're lying but you say its your ankle"
"You know i don't live in the direction of the store anyway"
"Yeah you do. I live south of you"
"By a couple of blocks!"
"I live North of you i mean"
"Well i head south but not all the way to the store! I dont even live as far as my gramma! But i do always go to the store when i leave here anyway"
"How come?"
"To get something to eat. Usually I get a hot pocket, pepperoni and a couple of chips, sometimes a brownie no its a fudge round by little debbie oh and a Pepsi"
"You get that every night? I thought I was hallucinating"
"Hey do you think you're hallucinating when ever a girl tells you to give her a kiss?"
"No. Idk. Why?"
"Because i just did. 4 or 5 times"
"You what?" And he said "you lie" the same time i said
"I lie"
And he put down his controller all violent and he said "well you know what liars do around here?"
"Get punished"
"And ill bet that's your kiss" and that fucker is fast! I barely had time to duck or even have time to finish teasing him
"Oh now don't duck" and he started tickling me
"Oh you're so mean to me!!" I had to gasp for air
"Oh! I'm mean huh!?? Then you get tounge too as soon as you quit laughing"
So i did...
So when we went to the restaurant the owner said "the same booth?"
And i said "uhh im with someone different" and tapped his shoulder
And she said "okay then the second one" and did wll Vanna White like i taught her "here's your booth!"
So he told me to get my plate first and I saw him talking to her and she came and said he ordered me a Pepsi and was it okay because i always got water. I told her it was.
Because my aunt was on social security I always got water to make it cheaper for her plus i didn't drink alot of water at home. My cousin would get Dr Pepper and my aunt would get 7up they carried for her in a can but i got water. And she asked me at the table "why you always get water but he gets you a Pepsi and you say its okay?"
"Oh because my aunt doesn't have alot of money and she always pays and always says she will pay and I work over across the street at Mazzios and I always advise people on a budget when they ask what is cheap to skip the drinks and get water instead although we have a water filter and it takes way longer to get the drinks"
"And do they listen?"
"No, but that's also because I recommend one of the deals that comes with soda"
"Oh now I see you" she touched my wrist and wagged her finger at Alex "now I don't want you beating her!"
And she walked off and he was all "woah!" And looked down at the table and laughed "you look amused sobi can i ask you--"
"What the Hell do you do in this place?!?!"
'What?! Why?!"
"Idk how many customers you remember but this is a buffet and it gets busy!"
"Almost all my regulars. I always work the same nights"
And I heard all this laughter bubbling up from around the corner
"Oh my now here she comes"
"What? No you're kidding me" he said angrily
"She will watch" but the laughter continued "go get your food!"
"How long until she comes?"
"When she quits laughing"
"How long?"
I heard the door swing to the kitchen "oh she will be awhile, she went to the men. Go get your food!"
"Oh wow its getting louder and that's just HER!! Are you sure she won't be back soon?"
"Uh huh. Once she calms down she will tell the boys and then she will begin to laugh again then she will stop and we will hear them when the door opens and closes that's when you know shes out but you don't hear it creak. Idk why I never do"
"That's ghost! Doesn't it bother you they're always laughing at you?"
"No. Go get your food! I told you this is a fun place! Go! Eat. Food! Hello! Comida!"
"I wanna see how long it takes. They never and I mean never heard her laugh much less "the boys" how do you know who works in there anyway?"
"Oh I bust in there!! Its a long story she will likely tell you"
"No you tell me because I don't want them laughing at you. This is making me mad"
"You are mad. I mean really! My food is getting cold. I can't eat without you... Okay Fiiiinnne! One day I came in here and she had tears in her eyes. But she didn't. Wasn't upset or anything until i heard the door creak and then these make voices yelling at her. And she came back and she had tears in her eyes. And everytime she went in they yelled and i thought no way they are beating her. Or else why would she be so upset?! So I went in there and there was no one. I MEAN NO ONE. The whole kitchen was EMPTY. So I knew what i heard and I asked her and she said yes there were indeed in fact people behind that door. So I went and opened it and There Were!! And so I yelled and they even laughed at me and so one of the guys came out and he looked like he had blood all over him you know on his apron and he told me "no she is just upset that you look like someone she knew long time ago in a past life." And she had come up right about that time and he wrapped his hands around her shoulders and said "no we love this one" anyway that's the story why i know they are all men"
"So why does she do Vanna White like you do?"
"Oh she asked me. Food! Cold!"
"Why would she say that to you?"
"No i say that to you! Now! Goooo!"
"No answer me first"
"Fine ill starve. They're gonna CLOSE! NOW! GO! FOOD!"
"Then I guess you better answer me. Look. I didn't pick on you about bugs--"
"That's because we had sex"
"Alright but ill be right back but don't go anywhere"
"Where am I gonna go!"
"Well I'm gonna go. Youre right she does take a long time! Okay? Ill be back"
"Alright" then I got paranoid like why would he say that? So I looked in my purse for my keys. Which were there.
He came back
"I didnt want to seem like a bum or anything but I was so hungry I was about to eat off your plate" and he looked down "wow this is food. I am awake aren't I?!"
I seen our waitress, the owner, duck down like a a kid and duck walk over and say "this is his booth"
And he got so scared!!
"Woah hey! Where did you come from?! I got scared!!"
And she stood and laughed and shook his shoulders and patted his chest. "Oh you're all grown! No time to be scared!"
"Oh! Well okay then. If you say so" he had tears in his eyes
"This is his booth like I say. She sit right here" she patted the seat behind him "always. Not ever on tbe other side. She used to until you started to come here when the 1st booth was always full then she only always sit in this chair right behind you. I tell you I notice" and she squat down "she always do this at work, too. When her back hurt. I think it's to get eye level or seem inferior. But I ask her one night at work. She passed. I never sit on her section -- she always work where it's closest to the entrance to the kitchen and I ask her too if they had sections and she said no and so I ask her why she squat and she rubbed the small of hwr back right here and she say "because my back always hurts and it provides some relief""
"No way! I always wondered that too!"
"When do you go in there? I rarely see her!"
"Well apparently you always have your regular customers you're always intuned to!"
"Well if you notice i am very busy!" I kicked him under the table "you should sit in my section!! they keep me busy all my regulars...."
She laughed and repeated what she saw.
"You, too. Little Missy!"
"Ill be right back i have to tell the kitchen!"
"I see why you dont get mad! For all their laughing"
"Why is that?"
"You're cute!"
"Oh my god really??! All that -- you hear that? You look smug with pride but i say it why -- they're laughing and you're blushing?"
"You treat me like such a little kid"
... .... ...
"So do you want dessert?"
"No I'm full" I laid down in the seat
"Don't go to sleep"
"Oh well" I touched his blonde hairy knee. He moved them
"What are you doing?"
I sat up "well you were adjusting uncomfortably in your seat but I didn't see anything"
He leaned forward and laughed like a maniac... Blushing.
"Can I ask you Something?"
I shook my head "that's not what I meant to say, can I Tellll you Something?"
"Shoot. That means go ahead"
"Yeah well I know." I put my thumbs between my eyebrows
"Well what's wrong? Hey are you okay?!"
"Well Idk if I should that's all. Our maybe just not here, I couldn't tell. Or even if it matters... In so many ways"
"Just please tell me"
I smiled but tried to hide it"
"Just tell me"
"Only because you whine, I just wanna tell you I didn't think you were as big as you were"
"You mean...? What? What are you referring to?" He took a sip of Pepsi
"Only if you don't drink"
"You mean this?" He stuck his straw in his mouth and did a head bobble and stuck out his hand "I'm not stopping until you tell me"
"I mean your dick" I scarcely had time to close my eyes while the soda he spewed and choked on flew straight into my face from his mouth "I knew you were going to do that" I crossed my arms on the table while soda dripped off my nose and down my cheeks and off my hair. I waited while he choked and the waitress patted his back and tried not to laugh
"See? She likes you like I told you, she did not even yell. You two enjoy ill be around the corner there. Clean up her" she gave him one last pat then turned to me "I thought I would have to give him the heimlich he was choking so bad. You be good" then she brought a fresh warm towel from hot water.
And he cleaned my face "no no that has bleach!" She said
"Too late" I replied.
"Okay so now after all that I'm just gonna ask you what you mean"
"Ill leave you to be but I'll be just around the corner"
"No stay"
"No I'll be just around the corner"
"Which means she can hear" i whispered loudly. She laughed.
"Now before you answer I mean about "too late""
"Oh because you washed my face"
"Oh not about you being pregnant?"
"No I'm on my period. I think. No wait. I stopped. No why?"
"Oh she was talking I guess you didn't hear"
"I guess not"
It was quiet at the table. A little too quiet...
'So about that dick"
"Which one?"
"Yours! So i never thought it would be so big because youre so skinny"
"Being skinny has --"
"No stop. Now listen to me. So when we humped I thought yeah I'm right he's small"
He put elbow to fist on the table "what?!"
"But then when you took your pants off...I thought well hmm he might be bigger than I thought"
"Geez" he brushed his hair to the side... Seemed to be nervous but pleased
"Wait I'm not done" I leaned forward to whisper "but when you pulled out I thought, wow man that's big where in the hell did he put all of it?! I just thought you should would want to know"
"What?! That im a big dick?!?!"
"No that You're bigger than average. Alot. According to books anyway"
"I just want to go home with you right now"
"Do you want to drive? I mean unless you drive slow. I'm assuming since you drive racing games you like to go fast. You do have a license? I mean a real one?"
"Geez. I mean yes. Yes I do. Want to see it?"
"No its alright I trust you.. But what do you mean about geez? I mean this time"
"How much did you see? How long were you awake?"
"Since the first bug... Well wait! Don't blush yet because before that i heard you were really angry and something like "now what the hell would Sabrina think? I beat that bitch like that. But she deserved it tho. Now I'm all bloody" and I heard the sink and i heard paper towels. And I went back to sleep. I think. Then i heard "dam! That fucking slut coming in here all loud like that, sorry honey. I hope you're okay" then I was confused but you patted my leg so i thought and i hoped you meant me and i thought that was odd I didn't like you like that you always annoy me so i turned around to look at you and a realized you don't annoy me at all. I annoy me. Because I'm always hoping you mean you want me to take you to the store but then you turn me down and it makes me feel sad. Why do you always do that?"
"Because I'm always hoping that you will say yes. Then you do and i realize I'm not so hungry after all and so i choose to stay home"
"Instead of going with me?!"
"Because i don't want to bother you"
"And you bother me! Like! Alot. So please dont do that to me no more"
"What? Ask? Or not go?"
"Look if you ask me then you should go if I say yes"
So he did it again so the second time he asked me I said no. The 3rd time I didn't answer and the 4th time i said no.
The 5th time Jesse and Matt Hagan were there so i told him "get your money and lets go, hurry before I say no again"
They all wanted to go so I said "no. Two doors. Only two can go"
So when we came back I took a minute to finish my cigarette on the porch. Alex rushed in all "what the fuck?! Stay here!!"
Apparently Matt Hagan had his bag threatening to dump it out until he was told how many times we kissed. Then when I went in, he was beating the shit out of him and Jesse.
So I pulled him off and said "come on lets just go you can go to my house, my dad won't care"
Then they were all mocking me and he said "you're right lets go. He's dead or nearly. Y'all don't be touching my stuff. Lets out. Hold my hand"
I took a look "yeah that Matt Hagan is dead"
"Jesse ain't. He will probably resuscitate him"
"You mean mouth to mouth?" I stopped at the door and yelled back in "have fun with mouth to mouth you Boys"
So then when i took him back a week later they were still there... And so they snatched his bag off his back and Jesse turned it over to dump it while Matt ran off like a little bitch. Snatched up his cocaine and took off.
Then they both got in my car to snort it so I called the cops when they refused to get out and kept locking it when I unlocked it. They were all handcuffed and arrested for attempted grand theft auto.
Brandy lied and said they weren't because they were embarrassed. They had good lawers from OKC so they got off with 1300 hours community service total. 700 each which they paid some poor snuff to do it. Then they killed them. 2 black guys as if matt or jesse are superior to anything much less two legit men
I don't play with their shit. Don't fuck with me.
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scrawlingskribbles · 7 years
*wakes up from a dead sleep at 2AM because guess who had another Dream*
not from the AltCanon!verse this time tho because it was Darradmond instead this time and also it was framed really different & also transitioned pretty swiftly into basically a nightmare that’s got me kinda teary rn but I wanna immortalize these moments bc they were HECKA CUTE & I’M ALREADY FORGETTING PIECES AAAAA
okay so like I said this one was different from the Prophetic ones because it’s like… I wasn’t watching pieces of the show this time, the characters were just kinda running around in my same plane of existence like that’s Totally Normal.
so the first one was me going around like a Wal-Mart kinda store looking for (*snorts*) my friend’s wedding reception???????? w h a t why was she having it in Wal-mArt(?)??????? but anyways that’s what I was looking for, and as I’m going up & down the aisles searching I just casually see Rad & Raymond holding hands in one of the food aisles & talking about something about the foods that had them both looking kinda confused lmfao but that wasn’t what I was looking for so I like slowly circle-meandered around the store and then I found them again later in another part (it had like…. vehicle tires & parts on the right and like pet toys & accessories on the left?????) & they were looking at the pet toys & then Darrel ran up like an excited puppy ((unrelated to the pet supplies)) and they both just kinda smiled & laughed at whatever he’d said & Rad waved for him to crouch down with him to help pick one of the pet toys but then everythingg got hecking interrupted by the GOTDANG WEDDING PROCESAION APPARENTLY DECIDING TO PARADE THROUGH THIS AISLE so they all just kinda stared at that whole train[wreck] with the kind of amused befuddlement that I’m now feeling for it and just looked at each other & shook their heads & walked away a la Joff & Nick Army in the bg of Plaza Prom
so then I went off & did wedding stuff for a bit BUT THEN the second one happened later where they were sitting in like. a school lunch room or a mall food court or something (that kinda vibe yanno) that I think might’ve still been in the Wal-Mart(?) because I was watching them from like a little ways away in my wedding-involved group (I was completely ignoring my bride friend just to gawk at these losers (sorry Ashley ;w;)) but it was like all 3 heroes & all 3 bots sitting at a table eating food & stuff in this crowded public place but everything was fine (like no one cared that they were Boxmore bots) & Rad & Raymond were sitting next to each other all cute & idk WHY but Darrell was sitting in Rad’s lap like facing him but leaning back/around so he could still see everybody else & be in the conversation bc they’re all just talking & occasionally laughing & Rad was just casually holding him like that like it was nothing and it was the most adorable hecking gd background-like scene ai’ve ever seen & I wanna cry???? WHY WASN’T DARRELL IN HIS OWN SEAT I’M SO CONFUSED LMFAO but then I was like fumbling with my phone trying to get a picture or something because I was freaking out because *OMFG I’M HERE WHERE THEY’RE ACTUALLY FILMING THE EPISODE THIS IS A LEAKED CONTENT LIKE NO ONE’S EVER SEEN BEFORE* because THAT makes total sense for a cartoon show x,D but I like kept fumbling with it too long & missed it bc I had to leave with the wedding group :,( (still leaking it to y'all now tho as best I can remember lmfao)
but anyways then I got swept up in wedding stuff again & it eventually melded into a nightmare-type thing that involved me having to drive alone to Cincinnati to meet my mom (even tho I can’t drive), apparently somehow thinking it was okay to play this like mobile minecraft-Stardew-abomination-bootleg that had these really unnerving clown sprites WHILE I was driving, subsequently stops looking where I’m going because I’m too busy playing the game & almost crashing the car for like 2 full minutes of pure anxiety that Imm still feeling in my chest, getting offered help from some Canadian geoscientists who were on their way to South America(?????? they made sure to tell me this) who couldn’t actually tell me where I was because they weren’t from the area, me then driving back home because I somehow knew how to do that but not get to Cincinnati, and thrn had to (first of all FIGHT so friggin hard & frustration-inducingly with the menus on my phone to) call Mama & tell her why I wasn’t gonna make it & I was like crying because it was SCARY & her voice was like so hard & judgey the entire time (unlike my real mom who’s always super sympathetic) and then she yelled at me & told me she had probably-breast-cancer bc the reason she was in Cinci was for a doc's appt & they had told her that they found something in her chest that meant That and????
and then I woke up. almost crying. and immediately messaged my mom telling her I love her bc we haven't talked in like a week.
ssssooooooooo yeah lmao other than the devolution into nightmare land those shippy scenes were???? the Cutest gotdang things???? :,3
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gaylilfireball-blog · 6 years
Rant time (open for discussion if you want)
(Hey sheridan if you could just not read this thatd be great thanks)(but tbh i mean i cant stop you so🤷‍♀️)
Okay so yesterday i spent a better part of the day cuddling with this guy. Hes someone ive been friends with for almost a year and a half but its been a friendship mostly revolves around heloing each other through depression. Anyway last few months ive been working on actually making it a more thoughtful friendship bc he is genuinely a sweet guy.
About a week ago i hung out with him for the first time and we just walked around the mall being obnoxious teenagers and i walked with him to his apartment because he wanted to show it to me and i didnt want to make him walk by himself. Well then i was leaving and he ended up walking me back to my car at the mall. A few days after that we had planned to hang out again but this time at my house (wanted to meet the cats)
Like a day or two after that i kind of had a crisis and wasn't sure if i was developing feelings or not. I had a little crush but i wasnt sure if it was because i actually genuienly like him or if i was just latching on because he paid attention to me. He also has been pretty flirty for most of the time ive known him but its a small enough that it can still be considered friendly and him jusy being nice. I had asked about it previously and he mentioned that he tended to come across as flirty to a lot of people on accident. Anyway i did the ol' 20 questions thing and hinted out that there was a possibility of a crush but didn't mention anything after it
Hours later into the conversation he said that crush was mutual. I did make it fairly clear that i needed to figure out my jead and that i didnt know what was going on and that i wasnt promising anything. We continued the random q n a over the next day or two and it was a generally pretty open 20 questions. Didnt really not answer anything.
Well on the day he was coming over he planned to bring a movie (Rango) and i wanted to watch the black mirror movie so it was like already pre established we planmed to have casual movie day. We had both been keeping up the casual flirting and whatnot and like the night befire he had asked me if i wanted to cuddle as we watched movies. I did one of those like half answer things and basically did the "theoretically yes, realistically im anxious" but it was fine🤷‍♀️.
(I should probably preface with the fact that about 2 years ago i came out as pan rom and ace but like thats still very confusing bc honestly sexuality is hard? Ive dome some things that def werent ace and i enjoyed them kinda? More if the emotional aspect rather than any physical pleasure? But i still have very mixed feelings about said things so i dont even kmow anymore. Its kind of like i want to do and experience those things with another person (boy or girl) but like the thought if a dick kind of rly grosses me out and i dislike General nudity. So that aspect of my life is super wacky.)
(My first and only relationship was with a girl and it lasted about a year and 4 months. We lived pretty far away from each other (like a 30 min drive which was a lot bc neither of us amhad our license at the time) but we had been best friends for years prior. We did practice on the same team 12-16 hours a week together but we werent able to actually be a couple at the gym. Anyway we were already pretty close and comfortable with each other and it became like that physically as well. However i was very conflicted physically because i wanted the emotional bond that came with physical intimacy but the actual like pleasure aspect wasnt quite there. In the moment it was generally fine and enjoyable but ive never really understood like the big deal kind of? And afterwards it was kind of uncomfortable to think about so i mostly just ignored it. I also think i allowed myself to go too fast bc we knew each other really well but not necessarily in the relationship aspect. So we had been dating for 3 months maybe but i would have only seen her outside of practice like 4 times? I domt know im just kimd of scared of doing that again)
But anyway back to my story. Yesterday the boy camw to my house and it was pretty casual playing uno and joking around with each other. We started watching rango and were sitting on two pieces of a sectional together but not really together id you know what i mean. It was more of like separate cushions and i was leaning up against the wall on a pillow but our legs were touching. (He totally thought at one point he was playing footsie with me but it actually my shin. That was pretty hilarious) He also made a terrible joke "why are you using that pillow when theres a 6'2" one right here" (yes he is tall boy but i am tall girl so its fine) (i didnt take him up on the offer either.)
We had later moved to my bed to watch black mirror on my phone and were laying on our stomachs side by side. Totally ended up pressed together along oir sides and he was playing with my feet but it was warm and nice but goodness i was nervous. There was so much like tension.
I ended up flipping onto my back (bc i can only lay on my front for so long befire my shoulders and arms absolutely die) and told him he could do whatever but that i was laying on my back. He took that as an invitation to cuddle on me (it kind of was ) and thank god bc i was losing my mind. It just started out with his head on my shoulder/chest but as we got more comfortable his arm was around me and i was leaning into him.
Anyway(how amny times do you think ima say this lord) it was real nice and all but what inspired this rant was that i wish id like participated more in cuddling or like done something more with it. But then again im also like noooo dont go too fast calm doooown.
I also have the problem of like not being completely attracted to him. More of emotionally attracted but maybe im alao just attracted to the idea of him and i really could put anybody in that place? But he keeps fishing for compliments and its rly hard bc im not one to be untruthful but i look at hom and its just ?? I dont know. Thinking back to my ex girlfriend i never particularily found her attractive until we agreed there was mutual feelings and right before we dtarted dating? Then she basically became the light of my life and was perfect in my eyes. Kind of hoping that happens with this boy but i dont know.
I really just dont wanna like get his hopes uo and like keep it going that hey i like you and thrn jist kind of throw it all away later? But i also really love this whole like casual awkward flirting and im desparate for cuddles in my life. But it could also just be with anyone and i feel terrible for it.
So yeah what do??
Also thanks for actually reading through this clusterfluff mess of writing. Gosh this actually could be like a fanfic i wrote wow. Idk feel free to leave your thoughts ig. Do you want you want😂🤷‍♀️🙃
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