#thrilled to be able to donate to anybody!!! i love blood. here have some of mine
snowshinobi · 2 years
*slings my arm around a vampire* hey baby I'm type O+, wanna be my everything? get it, I'm a universal donor? and it's cute to tell someone "hey you're my whole world"? please bite me
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rosebudmendes · 6 years
After Everything (Shawn Mendes Blurb)
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A/N: this took me so long to get posted, but I hope you enjoy! Feel free to send in any blurb requests you have!
Description: Shawn had recenty confessed his feeling for best friend y/n but they didn’t feel the same. 
Warnings: Rejection, mention of fainting, not much esle
Word count: 1,417
Masterlist | read with me! 
It had been three months since Shawn confessed his true feelings for you. Which subconsciously forced you to avoid him as much as possible. Shawn was sweet and all, but you knew that once your relationship wasn’t platonic he would have more gumption to leave you. When you and Shawn were in middle school, and experiencing insane body changes, a promise was made that no matter what happened, you two would remain friends. Platonic friends. Now both of you are seniors in high school and have clearly defined your roles as students, friends, and siblings. There was no room for romance. Admittedly, there was some inconsistency within your relationship. All you wanted was the tension to fizzle out.  It was your senior year and you wanted to spend every second with your best friend, before it was too late. Throughout your high school career you realized how important giving back was in all sizes. You were the cofounder of the volunteer club and often spent time reading to mentally troubled students. It was a rewarding hobby, for you and whoever you were helping. Shawn has come to a few events in the past. He always wanted to show support in everything you do. This afternoon you were holding a blood drive for the local health clinic. The school had agreed to let the volunteer club run it, and you were absolutely thrilled. Giving blood was one of your favorite ways to be charitable. It could literally save a life, and knowing it was going to a good cause fueled your purpose. It was now lunch period and you headed to his usual table to try and check up on him. When you walked out of the photography room, three of your fellow club members stopped you. “Hey guys, what’s up?” The tone of your voice was perky and upbeat. Even if you felt uneasy from Shawn’s distance, you didn’t want them to know. “We need help preparing the posters for the blood drive. Freddie over here deleted the draft we had prepared.” Alice was her typical intellectual self, speaking with grimace in the back of her mouth. You simply nodded and agreed to forfeit your lunch for this afternoons event. By the end of the day you had handled countless mishaps that ranged from volunteers dropping out to machine malfunctions. You had to overcome this bump between your friendship. You missed Shawn. You missed the way he protected you from the mean things that people whispered, or how he knew your little anxious ticks. Shawn knew you better than anybody did and all you could think about was the way he smelt liked fresh linen on a cold winter day. Secretly, you weren’t really mad about the entire situation. It was sweet of him to be honest with you. It was endearing how much he cared about you. You knew in that moment, that you were not in the same place as Shawn. Shawn had agreed to help out during the blood drive, but this was before everything. Since you hadn’t seen him all day, you assumed he changed his mind. So, to keep yourself busy, you hustled right into getting everything set in place. You had managed to scrounge up a dozen of volunteers by bribes of free tutoring, and community service hours. The gymnasium was practically finished set up, and people were starting to line up outside the double doors. “Everyone ready?” The volunteers all nodded their heads, and you pulled open the doors to see around 30 people ready to donate. Seeing the turn out filled your heart with happiness. Although, part of you wanted to see Shawn standing there ready to put your differences aside for the moment. But, you were glad to have an opportunity like this regardless. For the first two hours everything was running smoothly. People were getting their paperwork entered correctly, nurses had no issues with the medical procedure, and you even managed to get the school photographers to document this process. There was around 10 patients left and still no sign of Shawn. Years prior, you both had give blood as a symbol of the everlasting friendship you guys’ possessed. It represented the pain and the loss that comes with being in a devoted, platonic, relationship. This year you planned on being the last two to donate, as a way to show that even when things end you have each other to lean on. It definitely hurt that he didn’t show up. Even after everything, you still loved him. You both promised to stay best friends, no matter what. Nevertheless, you where here to make a difference. So, you climbed into the chair and prepared yourself mentally for this process. You knew you reacted to needles in a negative way, you always have. But today, you didn’t warn the nurse. There was nothing in you that was able to voice anything related to weakness. You were able to put this entire event together with minimal problems, you were not about to lose it because of some friend drama. It was stupid of you to not tell the nurse you were a high risk fainter. But, you didn’t want to be treated as the weakling you felt like. So, you powered through and tried to stay stable. Of course, you fainted almost immediately after the needle was inserted. The memory was a little fuzzy, and you woke up already in your bed at home. How did I get here? You thought. You noticed a cup of water and a granola bar on your night stand. You were too weak to grab the water, even though your throat ached immensely. A note fell  onto your bed when you moved your comforter, creating a breeze. “Text me when you wake up. -Shawn” Something inside of you told you to ignore it, to let him figure out for himself that he should have been there for you. That no matter his feelings, he shouldn’t have given up that quickly. You were never one to have strong will power, though. So in a matter of 5 minutes, Shawn was in your room helping you sit up and forcing you to drink water. “I was just walking into the gym, you know.” Shawn’s voice was deep and empty. Like a ghost was hiding out in his throat. “I didn’t forget about our promise, y/n.” This statement stirred that same emotion that you had when you saw him in the hallway. Shawn had weaseled his way behind you, and had your back resting against his torso, legs on each side of your body. It was so nice being this close to him. This was a normal position for the both of you, and it just hit you that you weren’t totally put off by the idea of kissing him right now. “Shawn?” You felt like you were yelling but it was more of a whisper in reality. You managed to gather enough energy to turn yourself to face him. “I do love you.” His face turned white and his eyes began buzzing between your eyes and lips. He wanted to kiss you, and for the first time ever, you wanted to kiss him to. Both of you tried to ignore these urges. He awkwardly coughed, sighed, even messed with his hair all in attempt to shake the tension. What was between you guys was too big to ignore, though. Slowly, you started to lean into him. Inch by inch you moved your lips to hover on top of his. You could feel his breath on your saliva coated lips. He acted like he was going to pull away, but before he had any chance of giving up you planted your lips on his. It wasn’t a feeling of fireworks, or time stopping like movies demonstrate. It was something even better than that. In that split second of first contact you saw all of your dreams coming true. Dreams you didn’t even know you had, you felt them. After separating for air, and repositioning yourself the second contact made you tingle like a delicious piece of chocolate cake does. As weird as it was to be kissing your best friend, you didn’t regret it. Shawn always felt like home to you. He desperately cared for you, and was always there to pick you up when you fell, literally. And now you were falling right into him, and here he was holding you up all the while. 
Taglist: @tearsofstainedglass  @stockholmshawn @bluerroses@yellowmendes@itrocksmysocks @accioarmenian (let me know if you want added or taken off!)
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