zarla-s · 5 months
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i always see spy as a zoroark which is the perfect Pokemon for him it's true but... consider this...
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omegasteve777 · 1 year
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it is hot as hell in this funky as hot ass smash bros. project I'm in
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g0dlyunsub · 6 days
under pressure.
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getting strapped up to a lie detector as part of a bet wasn’t exactly in your plans, nor was exposing your deepest secret to spencer reid.
pairing :: spencer x fem bau!reader
warnings :: fluff! confessions, coworkers to lovers, cheesiness overload 
word count :: 1.6k
author’s note :: three weeks since i last posted a fic?? absolutely unacceptable *presses post button*
accompanying song :: more than friends by aidan bissett
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“there’s a reason why that thing’s admissible in court,” you murmur to derek, watching as the officer packs the polygraph back into a cabinet.
derek chuckles.
“you think you can beat it?”
“i know i can beat it.”
you cross your arms and look up with a challenging smirk.
“there’s actually a lot of skepticism surrounding the validity and accuracy of polygraph testing, especially since it’s only an instrument that measures physiological changes like heart activity and perspiration. people often mistakenly assume they’re trying to deceive a machine, when really it’s all about the polygrapher, who oversees and administers the examination.”
you don’t even have to turn your head to know it’s spencer who’s just made his way into the room, derek’s lifted brow a confirmation of his presence.
“ah, look who’s finally found us. i was starting to miss you a little, kid.” 
“what are you guys up to?” spencer asks in return, his gaze shifting from you to derek, before slowly making way back to you. 
“l/n thinks she’ll pass the test with flying colors.” derek points at the cabinet and looks at you with a winsome grin.
“i won’t even have to try.” you shrug, placing your hands on your hips confidently.
“wanna bet on it?”
“loser pays for dinner. reid, you in?”
“i uh, i think i’ll just watch,” spencer politely declines, his hands nervously burrowing deep into his pockets.
derek bursts into laughter. “oh come on, kid, it’s free dinner for the both of us.” 
spencer chuckles quietly. “we’ll see.”
you make your way over to the cabinet, kneeling to retrieve the bulky device, and set it down on the table behind you. 
taking a seat, you lift your arms to secure the straps above and below your chest, and attach the blood pressure cuffs to your right arm. 
you hear derek tut a sequence of disapproving clicks.
“hey kid, check to see if it’s around her securely.” derek tilts his head at spencer before nodding in your direction, adding, “don’t want you deceiving us in other ways.”
you roll your eyes before raising your arms in surrender. “go ahead, i’ve got nothing to hide.”
spencer slowly approaches you, hesitant steps overtaking his stride as he moves to stand in front of you. positioning a hand on your back for support, spencer sticks a finger between the gaps of the sides of your chest and the straps.
the straps tighten ever so slightly, causing your breath to hitch in the back of your throat. almost like an unconscious reflex, you release a breathy exhale.
“is that too tight?”
it’s barely a whisper, and he’s close, so close — his lips hover practically right beside your ear that you can feel his breath tickle the hairs on your neck.
“no,” you let out, “it’s good.”
your heart’s pounding now, and you’re thankful that you’re not hooked up to the monitor rate, at least not yet. 
“just slide your finger into the clamp,” spencer instructs, his hand guiding yours into the plate where the electrodes lightly pinch your fingertips.
“is that comfortable?” spencer asks once again, his furrowed brows an indicator of marked concern as he searches for any signs of discomfort.
you bite your bottom lip as spencer hooks the cords to the monitor. his attentive eyes gloss over your strapped arm and flick downwards, stopping once they take note of your bouncing legs. you still your legs almost immediately.
“alright l/n, here’s a tester.” derek approaches you and lays his hands on the table, leaning forward. “have you ever lied to get out of trouble?”
you don’t even need to think twice. with a daring grin, you respond, “yes.”
“it’s stable,” spencer nods.
a mischievous smirk plays on derek’s lips. 
“have you ever lied to hotch before?”
you huff an amused chuckle, one laced with throaty disbelief. “no.”
derek rolls his eyes, but spencer nods in your direction. “steady.” 
“oh come on, not even once?”
you raise an eyebrow as if to challenge him. “why… have you?”
“this is about you, remember?” derek wiggles a finger disapprovingly. “next one… have you ever had any romantic feelings for anyone on our team?”
it's a question you were most definitely not expecting.
it’s only a brief pause, but it’s long enough to have you doubting – are your eyes widening? are your parting lips betraying you? is it actual sweat that’s starting to coat the tips of your fingers or are you imagining it?
“no, i have not.”
you feel heat start to creep into your cheeks, but try your best to remain unfazed as you await spencer’s judgment.
“give me… one second.”
the air suddenly feels ten times heavier.
a nervous chuckle escapes from your lips as you glance around. 
“try not to bounce your leg up and down,” spencer finally calls back, and you have to physically restrain yourself from sighing in relief. 
“alright, let’s try again,” derek announces as he finally takes a seat across from you. “have you ever had feelings for… doctor spencer reid?”
your instantaneous scoff overlaps with spencer’s. before you can respond, however, spencer chirps up first.
“y/n, don’t – don’t answer that.”
you, too, try to dodge the question with a dismissive wave. “come on, derek.”
thankfully, he rests the question aside. “fine. have you ever passed your files to someone else without them knowing?”
“to who?”
“to you, actually,” you boldly assert, leaning back into your chair.
“oh, she’s a rebel,” derek slyly retorts back, his gaze unflinching as spencer affirms your claim.
“did you, at any point, lie during this test?”
“alright,” derek continues, “last question.”
“bring it.”
“do you currently have any romantic feelings for spencer reid?”
“seriously?” you swivel your head back and forth between derek and spencer, your eyes widening in disbelief at the fact that he’s repeating a previous question, merely adjusting a couple words.
it’s a question that you can’t answer. no, that you shouldn’t answer.
but this time, spencer’s quiet.
“you’re kidding me,” you laugh, “we are not being for real right now.”
“oh i’m being very real right now.” 
your heart thumps like a wild drumbeat, your pulse echoing through the veins marking the side of your neck. 
you start to lace your fingers together nervously as a thin layer of sweat covers your palms. the more you think about your moist hands, though, the more you start to sweat. it’s a constant feedback loop, feeding off of your deeply-buried secret.
slowly, you take off the straps and set the electrode in front of you, on the table. 
radio silence falls over the air disturbingly, like the entire room’s tuned to the wrong frequency. 
then, “reid, did you get that?”
it takes another five seconds for sound to fill the room once again, but the gravity of the silence is almost too heavy for you to register – your wordless confession strikes the back of your mind like an unpleasant storm, raining down on your thoughts with regret and humiliation.
“y/n, um, there’s a lot of environmental factors that can impact physiological response-”
there’s no going back anymore. 
if you don't say it now, it'll linger in the depths of your mind forever.
“i do like you.”
when there’s no response, you decide to fully commit to your confession. “you said so yourself, this isn’t about fooling the device, it’s all about the polygrapher. so, spencer, what’s your judgment?”
you swear you can hear your own pulse drumming against you and shaking your body. with the faintest whisper, spencer utters, “i think you’re telling the truth.”
after hearing his response, you shove your hands into your pockets and prepare to leave, but not without throwing a glance at derek, who’s guiltily tracing the edges of his beard.
as you approach the door, however, a hand hooks around your elbow, stopping you dead in your tracks.
spencer’s hand.
“that’s it? you’re not going to hear my response?”
you don’t look up. “no, i… fine, tell me.”
if only you knew about the collective swarm of thoughts swimming in his brain, the thoughts that are denaturing all his senses of rationality and self-control. he has so much to tell you, words that he’d spill almost instantly if he’d been better prepared.
his hand moves down to envelop your own. 
you do nothing to stop him. 
slowly, he drags your hand upwards, until it rests against his chest.
against his speeding heart.
the glow in his eyes is unmistakable – his dewy orbs gaze into yours lovingly, the exchange almost a confession in itself.
“i don’t think that either of us can beat the test,” spencer softly murmurs, his breathy chuckle sounding like music to your ears.
you don’t know how to describe it – it’s a bittersweet concoction of emotions that continues to spread throughout your body the more spencer nuzzles up against you.
“no,” you voice after a pause, “i don’t think we can.”
“very cute guys, but i’m waiting on my victory dinner, so if you two can-”
“oh shush, derek, you’re ruining the moment,” you say as you break into laughter, and bury your head against spencer’s chest when you fail to recover your composure.
“and you’re gonna have to pay me extra if you want me to keep my mouth shut in front of all the others,” derek retaliates, his smug grin causing you to roll your eyes. 
“i think i can wrap the straps around his mouth if you hold him against the door,” you start while looking up into spencer’s eyes, speaking loud enough to draw derek’s attention.
spencer returns with a wide smile, one that tugs at your throat to release another hearty laugh.
“yeah, i’ll grab his arms first.”
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sissy-tyler · 1 year
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Hello, mommies, and welcome back to another episode of our “Sissy Re-education and Training” series, brought to you by the Sissy-corp! I’m your resident mommy, Yvonne, and the lovely girl next to me is Little Sissy Tiffany. Say “hello” little Tiffy.
“Hewwo evwybody!”
Little Tiffy is in our care at the Sissy-corp facilities because she just couldn’t make it as a man, or as a loving husband. Infidelity; being rude to his wife; always leaving messes for her to clean up; expecting her to cook every meal for him; the list goes on. He was much less of a man, and much more-so an overgrown baby. So he, or should I say, SHE’S been enrolled in our sissy-maid program.
In this program Tiffy’s been learning how to cook, clean, serve, and effectively pleasure her former wife, now mommy, and any lovers her mommy chooses to have. More importantly, though, Little Tiffy has been learning the ins-and-outs of how to be the bestest, widdle, baby gurwl a mommy could ever ask for! Isn’t that wight, widdle Tiffy?
“I wuv being a good gurwl fow my mommy!”
God, she’s just too adorable. Our training session today is about how to effectively reward your sissy while reinforcing her baby-ish behavior. Tiffany, here, was without a doubt one of our hardest cases to break, thus far, especially when it came to making her use her diapers. But, thanks to our patented “Rewards and Reinforcement” program. Even a stickler, sissy like Tiffany can be turned into the most dutiful, diaper dumper.
When rewarding your sissy, you first want to start off with a reward routine. For Tiffany, we had her on a schedule of getting a reward every 5 messy diapers she made. We kept her on this routine for three weeks, then the fourth week we changed her routine to a reward every 10 messy diapers. Week number 5; we upped it to every 15, then on week 6, every 20. After week 6, her rewards were then shifted to mommy’s discretion, meaning her rewards were completely randomized. This kept Tiffany always wanting to fill her diapers in hopes of the next reward. Tiffy, how many messy diapers have you made since your last reward?
“One….One hundwed and twendy nine.”
Such a good girl, Tiffy, I’m amazed you can even count that high! Now, even though Tiffany’s reward system may seem a little extreme, we do recommend you keep your sissies on very similar regiments. Now, onto how you properly reward your sissy.
To properly reward your sissy, you’ll want to make sure she’s in her Official, “Sissy-corp clitty cage”, and has some form of a buttplug in, the larger, the better. Then, before you’ve put your sissy in her diaper, you’ll want to make sure you’ve attached the electrodes of your “Sissy-Corp Rewards Device” to both her cage and her booty-plug.
Before I start the machine I always love making my sissies get on their hands and knees. I feel it really enforces that submissive mentality, but you can put your sissy in whatever position you feel is best. Then, I start the machine in 3…2…1….aaaaand watch how quickly Tiffany melts!
Now, at this point, I love grabbing and pulling Tiffany’s hair. Her wife told me she always used to be too rough in the bedroom, so I love returning the favor. Always remember to make your sissy tell you why they’re getting rewarded! Tiffy, why are you getting buzzies today?
“Ungh! B-because I made poopies in my diapuurr wike a g-g-good widdle guuurrll!”
You always wanna make sure you’re reinforcing to your sissy WHY they are getting to make spurties in their diapies. Always remind them, as well, that they are getting to make rewardies INSIDE of their diaper, just like the little baby they are. Speaking of rewardies, Tiffany is due to blow any second here!
“UNGH! MOMMY I MAKING GOO GOO’S! It feews so so goooood!”
Wow, Tiffany, I think that was 45 seconds, a new record for you! I forgot to mention, little Tiffy, here, is also a premature ejaculator. Once again, I’d like to thank you so much for tuning into our Sissy-Corp training session, and I look forward to seeing you again when we show you how to dress your sissy for going out in public. Tiffy has an upcoming date with her mommy to go see….
“Da new Bawbie Movie!”
Find more, exclusive captions at my Patreon!
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screamingcrows · 4 months
🎲 kiss kiss for dottore hehe
You rolled 3! That's a little forehead kissy! "Hold. Three, two- you're not relaxing," Dottore chided, eyes fixed on the display in front of him, "we'll have to redo this. Remember, you pull all you can, return to the initial position and relax for three seconds. You have to relax the muscle during those seconds or my data points will be muddled. Understand?"
"That's what I'm doing," you whined softly, having had quite enough of his tests already.
In truth, the many tests weren't half as bad as you made them out to be, certainly more pleasant than the outlook of succumbing to your Eleazar, muscles already akin to rusty hinges. Whether he did it for you specifically or not mattered little.
"If you were doing it properly, these readings would be useful. One more time."
As you followed his directions, mind wandering in a way that was only ever possible when your body was guided by his smooth voice, your eyes came to rest on the crude metal structures lumbering in the corner. They stood like remnants of the departed, already stripped of flesh and reduced to nothing but bone and the wish for a better future.
"Are you done gawking? We'll need to fit one of them to you next and repeat the measurements tomorrow. I'll configure the strength of their assistance tonight based on what you just did. Go rest for now."
Without comment, he saw how you struggled to stand and went over to lift you up, handing you the nearby cane before removing the small electrodes from your exposed skin.
"Omega should soon resolve this for good, the exoskeleton will be ready for your rehabilitation once you're cured."
"A heretic asking me to have faith? Ironic," you smiled at him, ignoring his scoff.
Every step was tiresome, infuriatingly so as of late with all the exercises he pushed you through. An idea crossed your mind, body coming to a halt before your mind could intervene.
"Don't I get a reward for my cooperation?"
"And what about the aid I've provided thus far, or the promise of having a tool to combat muscle atrophy, do those hold no value?"
"A kiss and I'll be quiet for the fitting tomorrow."
Dottore groaned almost playfully, glancing towards his creation. The press of his lips against your forehead was pleasant, if a little disappointing.
"Run along then. And be ready at eight."
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heliospine · 11 months
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screenshot redraw of that one scene on namek….
for @gokutober days 2&5 - sick & rest (ID & extras below)
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1st image - Digital fanart of Goku resting in the saiyan healing chamber on Namek, visible through the circle window of the chamber from his waist up. A mask sits around his mouth with a tube attached, and three electrodes connected to thin wires are placed around his head. His eyes are closed and eyebrows are furrowed. Vegeta sits in front of the healing chamber, close beside Goku and positioned slightly below to the right. One leg stretches off screen, while his right leg is bent and his gloved hand is placed on top of his knee. His eyebrows are furrowed in his usual angry expression but he has a small content smile on his face. The liquid in the chamber glows green and the entire scene has a green tint to it. The healing chamber is gray and has a control panel with green, red, yellow, and white buttons on it, positioned to the left of Vegeta.
2nd image - Same as the first but without the green filters. The colors of Goku and Vegeta's outfits and the control panel are more saturated.
3rd image - Same as the first but with the rainbow flag overlaid across the image. /End ID]
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - May 29, 2023
Rwanda’s life expectancy has increased by 20 years in the last 20 years
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What did Rwanda change? Three developments stand out: low-cost community-based health insurance plans, national investments in rural health posts, and ramped-up foreign collaborations. In 2020, more than 90 percent of Rwanda’s people had some kind of health insurance. This stands out relative to other low-income countries, where on average 31 percent of people have health insurance.
2. Brandon School Division rejects call to remove library books on sexuality, gender identity
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Loud cheers erupted inside a packed high school gymnasium after the Brandon School Division rejected a call to remove books dealing with sexuality and gender identity from libraries. Hundreds of people in Manitoba's second-largest city showed up for the marathon school division meeting, which ran into the early morning hours.
The trustees ultimately voted 6-1 to reject a proposal to create a committee of trustees and parents to review books available in division schools.
3. Lotto winner pledges to fund classrooms in his native Mali
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Happiness for one lucky North Carolina resident comes not from newfound wealth from a lottery win, but using those winnings to help schoolchildren -- in this case, from Mali.
Souleymane Sana of North Carolina won $100,000 from a scratch-off ticket. Relocating to the United States from Mali -- a war-torn county in West Africa -- Sana is using his earnings to create a non-profit to help school kids from his hometown.
4. Mountain gorillas rebound thanks to Ugandan veterinarian
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In 2018, as their population topped 1,000, they were removed from the critically endangered list and their status upgraded to just endangered. That positive step was due, in no small part, to Ugandan veterinarian Dr. Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka. 
Her working home is Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, home to roughly half of the world's mountain gorillas. But early on she also realized that to help the animals and keep them free from disease and poaching, she needed to also help their human neighbours, launching successful initiatives to improve the health and well-being of the people living around the park. 
5. Imports of ivory from hippos, orcas and walruses to be banned in UK
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Ivory imports from hippopotamuses, orcas and walruses will be banned under new legislation to protect the endangered species from poaching.
The Ivory Act, passed in 2018, targeted materials from elephants, but a loophole meant that animals other than elephants, including hippos, were being targeted for their ivory.
6. Solar power due to overtake oil production investment for first time in 2023
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Investment in clean energy will extend its lead over spending on fossil fuels in 2023, the International Energy Agency said on Thursday, with solar projects expected to outpace outlays on oil production for the first time.
Annual investment in renewable energy is up by nearly a quarter since 2021 compared to a 15% rise for fossil fuels, the Paris-based energy watchdog said in its World Energy Investment report.
7. Paralyzed man walks naturally, thanks to wireless ‘bridge’ between brain and spine
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Gert-Jan Oskam lost the ability to walk in 2011 when he injured his spine in a cycling accident in China. Six years later, the Dutch man managed to take a few short steps thanks to a small array of electrodes implanted on top of his spinal cord that delivered nerve-stimulating pulses of electricity.
Today in Nature, an international team of researchers reports giving Oskam a better fix, a way to digitally bridge the communication gap between his brain and lower body. Brain waves signaling Oskam’s desire to walk travel from a device implanted in his skull to the spinal stimulator, rerouting the signal around the damaged tissue and delivering pulses of electricity to the spinal cord to facilitate the movement. Oskam can now walk more fluidly, navigate obstacles, and climb stairs.
That's it for this week :)
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chiharuuu22 · 11 months
Past and Present
The only difference is when Whumpee is tormented by Whumper and when Whumpee is saved and safe with Caretaker.
In the past, Whumpee would wake up on a cold operating table or on a bare floor. Now, Whumpee woke up in bed with soft sheets, a comfortable pillow, and a warm blanket covering his body. Oh, Whumpee also felt that there were socks warming his feet.
In the past, Whumpee was always in a cold place. Now, Whumpee was also cold, but the warm blankets over his chests with electrodes, bruises, and bandages kept him warm.
In the past, Whumper tied Whumpee's hands with metal or rough rope directly touching his skin. This is done so that Whumpee stays in place and does not try to fight or run away. Now, Whumpee felt his hands being covered in a soft cloth before being tied to the bed. This time, Whumpee was tied up so he wouldn't remove the medical equipment attached to his body.
In the past, Whumpee always fought back when Whumper started putting a who-knows-what mask on his face. Now, Whumpee can't remove the oxygen mask from his face because he needs it to breathe, and surely Caretaker will stop Whumpee when his weak hands try to remove it.
In the past, Whumpee felt violence approaching his body—punches, kicks, whips, even hair-pulling. Now, Whumpee felt a gentle touch on his body, a warm handheld, a caress on his shoulder, cheek, or hair.
In the past, Whumpee couldn't sleep peacefully, and Whumper always had a way to jolt him awake. Now, Whumpee feels the comfort of sleeping without disturbance; he even hears the phrase, "Go back to sleep; you need rest; your body hasn't recovered yet."
In the past, Whumpee always hoped that he would no longer hear the monitor beeping, showing a graph of his heartbeat (because that meant Whumpee was dead and separated from Whumper). Now, Whumpee is thankful to hear his bedside monitor beeping steady (because that means he's alive and will be okay soon, hopefully).
In the past, Whumpee always felt deaf because he heard Whumper scream when he tortured them. Now, Whumpee felt calm because he heard the Caretaker's soft voice when Caretaker spoke to him.
In the past, Whumper would be very happy when he heard Whumpee's groans or screams of pain. Now, Caretakers will be very worried when they hear Whumpee groan, even if it's just a small "ouch" when a syringe is stuck into his hand.
In the past, Whumpee always felt anxious when sleeping. Now, Whumpee couldn't even hold back his consciousness when Caretaker's soft hands stroked his hair or hummed softly to lull him to sleep.
In the past, Whumpee never woke up in a good way. A Whumper scream, a splash of water, or even a punch or kick will start them opening their eyes. Now, Whumpee is always gently awakened by a touch, a caress on the hair and cheek, and a "Hello dear Whumpee. Did you sleep well? Sorry to wake you, but you must eat/take your medicine."
In the past, Whumpee never wore clean clothes or was not even given clothes at all. Now, Caretaker carefully dresses him in pajamas made of thin and soft material and even changes it every morning and evening so Whumpee is always clean.
In the past, Whumpee never ate well. Leftover food, spoiled food, or being forced to eat badly. Of course, it was very disgusting and cold. Now, the Whumpee eat very humane food—food that is easy for them to digest and keeps their bodies warm. In fact, Caretaker patiently fed. Oh, definitely eat three times a day.
In the past, Whumpee had difficulty getting water for his dry throat and dehydrated body. If Whumpee gets watered, he'll consider it a miracle because he can finally drink. Now, Whumpee is constantly reminded to drink enough water, even when tasting milk or juice. The IV in his hand also helps him keep his body hydrated.
In the past, Whumpee desperately hid the information he had from Whumper. Now, Whumpee leaks all the Whumper information he managed to gather to Caretaker.
In the past, Whumpee was always alone in his torture chamber. Now, Whumpee is always accompanied by Caretaker who faithfully sits beside his bed.
In the past, Whumper would come to make sure Whumpee was alive to continue torturing him for the information Whumpee had or because of Whumper's personal grudge. Of course, Whumper didn't care whether Whumpee was healthy or sick. Now, doctors and Caretakers are making sure Whumpee lives and returns to normal health.
Before: "You are worthless trash." "Keep your mouth shut, and I'll be your nightmare." "You won't be able to run away from me, Whumpee." "Die!" "You don't remember? Remember! Tell me now!" "How about these new wounds? Do you like them?"
Now: "You're precious to me, Whumpee." "It's okay, Whumpee; you're safe." "Nothing hurts you anymore, Whumpee." "It was just a nightmare; it's all over." "It's okay, Whumpee. There is no need to remember what Whumper did to you." "Don't force yourself to remember, Whumpee. Just say slowly what you know." "Wow, your wound is healing well. Look, I brought a good ointment. When your wound is completely dry, I'll rub it in so the scars won't be visible."
In the past, Whumpee thought that if he couldn't escape, then death was a good way out. Now, Whumpee is thankful he can still live and breathe.
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laflechebrisee · 1 month
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Article by Gian Paolo Ormezzani, published on La Stampa on the 24th of august 1987, in honor of Didier's death, translated by me.
Didier Pironi was first and foremost a young man to be envied, envied ferociously we could say. Destiny had seen fit to beat his character to a pulp, crushing it under the weight of many misfortunes, torturing it endlessly. Quite the evil thing, which causes great suffering in the feelings of those who had been able to appreciate, in this boy from a very good family and social standing, the real man that had wanted and managed to do better than his lucky beginnings. Pironi was born in a rich family, from a father from Friuli who had a good business in the field of construction and commerce. Pironi lived in Saint-Tropez, and had been driving powerful speedboats and fast cars since he was young. He decided to become a grand prix driver, and that was easy from the start, or at least easier, and he could make a job out of it. Young, handsome, apparently happy. As happy as he should be, one might say, considering what life had been giving him: fame, which is the best sauce to pour on richness, due to the glory reached in what is possibly the most exalting setting of them all, Formula 1. And the call from Ferrari, in which he had managed to cut himself a space next to the already mythical Villeneuve. Didier was handsome, blonde, almost blessed. He got married, and of course it was a gorgeous woman (who would have later felt the call to “fly free” in the jet set, a normal occurrence in certain settings for some people). He won races. But he was so pleasant that no one dared felt envy towards him. He looked as if he was constantly busy repaying the debt he had by being born in a certain place, in a certain family. He was kind, humble even. When a young french doctor arrived in Formula 1 and asked for a guinea pig for his experiments on heartbeats during races, Didier Pironi was the first in line to get his chest covered in electrodes while almost all other drivers refused this small obligation. He lived and endured a deep rivalry with Villeneuve, a great driver already pampered by the myth that he was and the attention he received at Ferrari. He hurt himself, Pironi, and severely too, three months after Villeneuve’s death. Someone said he had risked a lot to show something. An important member of the tribe of those who feel the wind on their face, of those who have a great fire inside them, Didier had decided to become world champion in something. While the doctors debated on his leg to be rebuilt, he went on the water. Maybe someone will say that he was looking for death. But for us, he was looking for life, that special life that destiny had first assigned him and then taken away from him, and that he wanted to take back, even in small pieces.
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davantagedenuit · 16 days
Variation #7: exobio extravaganza
Clark looked up from his crossword puzzle. Bruce's eyes were narrowed slits, turned in his direction.
A fissure from the interdimensional rift had slashed across his face. It hadn't left any visible trace. No blood, no pain. The flesh appeared fine. It was nothing compared to his three broken ribs and dislocated hip. Yet Bruce's eyesight was different after. Shapes, he said, faded in and out; colors blended together. It got Leslie's attention. Which was why Bruce was still in a hospital bed, electrodes on his scalp, with healing ribs and a safely immobilized leg.
And Bruce was now peering at him cautiously. "One of two things is the case. Either I'm hallucinating. Or you're glowing."
Clark set his chair down by the bed. "You're not hallucinating," he said, smiling. He told Bruce what Leslie had found in his retina biopsy. Some of the cone cells in his eye had mutated. He used Leslie's words exactly--something about opsins and higher wavelengths, and Bruce seemed to know what it meant. "She said it'd be easier for you with warmer light."
The hospital lamps were cold, LED overlights. The light emanating from Clark--well, Clark wasn't sure it was emanating, or radiating from him, or… There was no real source that he could see. Even the cellular tissue seemed to just… glow. It was a dark, almost orange hue of light. Not that far from the red of the eye beams. And much easier on Bruce's eyes than industrial lights. After Clark had suggested it, Leslie had checked him for undue radiation and promptly sent him in Bruce's room.
Bruce's fingers were reaching out. He brushed a thumb against Clark's wrist. His flesh seemed a dark, matte black shadowed against Clark's glow. He lifted an inquiring eyebrow. "Phosphorescence?"
"Not sure. I don't do it a lot."
"Is it…" Bruce stopped, lifted his eyes to Clark's face.
"New?" Clark filled in, one eyebrow cocked. Some of his powers had changed after his resurrection. Bruce was still not sure how to ask about it. "I think so. I only noticed a couple months ago."
"It's…" Bruce's fingers tracked some slightly brighter veins in Clark's forearm. They formed paths of gold and pink hues. Their light was dimmed by Clark's t-shirt, but not a lot. Like a lampshade over a bright bulb. "It's beautiful."
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you have the BEST masochist whumpee/sadist whumper ideas. do you have any more 👀
I'm an endless wellspring of ideas. LOL.
Whumper has a whole torture dungeon outfitted with a bunch of standard and custom tools for inflicting pain. After using all of them on Whumpee to figure out which they like and which they hate, they start having Whumpee pick which tools will be used to "play."
Everything in the room can cause excruciating pain if applied correctly. There really isn't a "lesser of the evils" option here.
If Whumpee refuses to pick a tool -- or, on most days, three to five tools -- then Whumper will pick out a few of the ones that Whumpee hates the most. They don't get to experience euphoria if they won't be obedient!
Sometimes Whumper will ignore every tool that Whumpee picked and pick a few of their own instead. Either ones that cause Whumpee pleasure, or a mixture of pleasure and fear. But not the specific pleasure that Whumpee wanted. They can't always get what they want, after all!
Sometimes Whumper will use exactly the tools that Whumpee picked out, though. They never know what the case will be. Otherwise it would be too easy for Whumpee to game the system.
Whumper has a custom immobilizing cage built to Whumpee's exact measurements. It's a metal frame that wraps around and immobilizes all of the major joints, leaving literally no wiggle room. Since the frame is designed to immobilize the joints, it leaves access to the vast majority of Whumpee's body.
The immobilizing cage is important because it keeps Whumpee from breaking their own bones when they seize or thrash against their restraints. Permanent injuries require care and are less fun for Whumper, after all. If they can't move, they can't injure themselves!
Whumper likes to combine pain that Whumpee likes with pain they don't, as a twisted type of "training" exercise. They'll lock Whumpee in the cage and set their nervous system on fire with electrodes, and Whumpee will enter a state of helpless euphoria. Then Whumper will cover Whumpee's mouth and nose with a gloved hand, and watch the panic enter their eyes as they try to breathe.
The electric current hasn't stopped. Whumpee is still trembling with unwanted pleasure as Whumper watches them suffocate, even though their face is filled with panic and terror.
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hebuiltfive · 10 days
WIP Wednesday
This is a small snippet from the prompt piece I'm still working on for @idontknowreallywhy (sorry it's taking so long to finish!) It kind of... spiralled out of control, and the build up to how we get to the actual prompt has taken me a lot longer to get to than I originally thought it would... Three chapters and almost 10,000 words worth in fact... but it's coming along. Slowly but surely. I promise!
“You have not been kidnapped.”
“No? Then what would you call it?”
Alan shuffled himself into a sitting position. He glanced curiously around the room, at the various other beds that lined the walls, all neatly made and crisply white, sterile. Then, he observed the machines that were stationed beside his bed. It appeared to be monitoring his vitals signs and made a soft whirring sound, reminding Alan of an old fashioned computer’s fan. Wires connected him to the machine from his chest with electrodes. Testing them, he tugged on the wires softly
“Please desist from interfering.”
Much to his own surprise, Alan did so. He dropped the wires from his grip and glanced up at the white ceiling. He wasn’t sure where the Disembodied Voice was coming from, or exactly who the voice was, and so he directed his next line of questioning to the pristine tiles above his head. “Where am I?”
“You are in MediBay—”
“Yeah, I kind of figured that one out already. I meant where am I? What is this place?”
The Voice did not reply. For a brief moment, the only sound echoing through the room was the machine to his left.
Alan rolled his eyes. “Fine, if you won’t tell me, I’ll find out myself.”
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starryhologram · 1 year
AKA I put Whole in the electric chair and everybody loved it
and renamed him Simon.
DISCLAIMER: This AU handles imaginary medical malpractice and imagery of outdated and misuse of execution and medical equipment and procedures. Real medical practice should not be demonized and feared. Also this does not follow any actual SCP Lore, it is only simply used as a base/jumping off point for my evil science fiction experiments.
Item #: SCP-3775
Object Class: Euclid
Status: Contained Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3775 does not require any specific or strict containment procedures. If SCP-3775 begins to show any signs of distress or erratic behavior, SCP-3775 is to be moved to a 5m x 5m room while awaiting medical examination.
N/A See Addendum 3775-008, 3775-013, and 3775-019
SCP-3775 is to be contained within three conjoined 5m x 5m rooms. It is to be kept alive whether in state 3775-A or 3775-B. In state 3775-A SCP-3775 is to be monitored at all times to determine mental stability. SCP-3775 is to be kept physically restrained to a specially built wooden chair and electrocuted through electrodes fastened on the head through a screwed metal halo.
In state 3775-B three separate instances of SCP-3775 must be monitored.
Addendum 3775-008: SCP-3775-008 is to be kept alive with minimal monitoring but must be kept in the room furthest from SCP-3775-013. Failure to comply with containment procedures of SCP-3775-008 will result in potential harm to SCP-3775-013.
Addendum 3775-013: SCP-3775-013 is to be kept alive with moderate monitoring. SCP-3775-013 is permitted to interact within the same room as SCP-3775-019 under personnel supervision.
Addendum 3776-019: SCP-3775-019 is to be kept alive with strict and constant monitoring. Personnel assigned to SCP-3775-019 are instructed to wear protective noise cancelling headphones when interacting with SCP-3775-019. Personnel are instructed to not listen to any vocalizations from SCP-3775-019 under any circumstances. Other means of communication are permitted.
Description: In state 3775-A SCP-3775 appears to be an average white human male in his early twenties with curly black hair and brown eyes. Subject has been measured at 178 cm in height. Subject was born 20?? on ??????? ??th. Subject has no known living relatives at this time.
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In state 3775-B, three instances of SCP-3775 exist.
SCP-3775-008 appears similar to SCP-3775 with exceptions such as missing eyes, replaced by hollow sockets which allow abnormal purple veins and bone structures to be exposed. Subject’s hair seems to become dyed purple towards the ends. Subject has irremovable purple coloration on its lips as well.
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SCP-3775-013 appears similar to SCP-3775 with exceptions such as a total of five eyes that faintly glow a light blue color. Subject also features a luminescent organ similar to that of an esca as seen on the body of an Anglerfish. Subject’s hair seems to become dyed blue towards the ends. Subject has irremovable blue coloration on its lips as well.
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SCP-3775-019 appears similar to SCP-3775 with exceptions such as what appears to be scar tissue along the right half of its body with epidermal red dots clustered around joints and around the eyes. Subject’s right eye is abnormal with a grey sclera and white iris and pupil. Subject’s left sclera is white with a red iris and black pupil. Subject’s hair seems to become dyed red towards the ends. Subject has irremovable red coloration on its lips as well.
Subject’s vocalizations sounds similar to that of an autotuned version of SCP-3775’s. It is hypnotic and [REDACTED]. Like one would imagine an [REDACTED] to sound like. It is impossible to resist to do as he commands.
SCP-3775-019 has been modified to have a welded metal muzzle to its face to prevent auditory vocal noise from coming from the subject.
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History and Past Proceedings: The Foundation became aware of SCP-3775 due to widespread video circulation of music the subject created. Audience and viewers became enraptured with the music and upon listening were unable to function properly without the music playing in a conscious audio range.
Once obtained and studied, it appears no process in which SCP-3775 creates music is abnormal to that of any other modern musician.
After a prolonged period of time spent at the SCP Facility, SCP-3775 began to become distressed and showed signs of mental health decline, similar to that of severe clinical depression. Once the subject had hit a peak in its mental instability, it began to physically split into three instances of itself. This state shall be referred to as State 3775-B, the prior singular instance of SCP-3775 will be referred to as State 3775-A.
Accessing Past Data Records…
Old Survey Data Found…
Please fill out this Mandatory Personnel Survey if you have 1) Come into contact with SCP-3775 or any of its instances. 2) Listened to any audio/tonal/musical recordings created by SCP-3775.
Have you listened to any music created by SCP-3775 in the past 12 hours? Example Given: [CORRUPTED FILE CANNOT BE RECOVERED] ▫��Yes ▫️No ▫️I’m not sure Have you experienced any of the following symptoms upon listening to audio/tonal/musical recordings created by SCP-3775? ▫️Strong or irresistible urge to replay recording. ▫️Mental and/or physical inability to complete activities without auditory sensory input created by SCP-3775 ▫️Lapse in cognitive functions in favor of activities relating to SCP-3775, its instances or its music. ▫️Strong or irresistible urge to seek others affected by SCP-3775’s music. ▫️Mental fatigue that can only be cured by listening to SCP-3775’s music.
Do you grant permission for Foundation Personnel Staff to use your physical and psychological anatomical resources for further research of SCP-3775? Risks may include threat of bodily/emotional/mental harm. ▫️Yes ▫️No If Yes, please send additional information regarding Name, Address, Age, and other relevant details to [HYPERLINK NOT FOUND]
Thank you for completing this Mandatory Personnel Survey
S.C.P. Secure. Contain. Protect.
Accessing Past Data Record…
Audio Transcript File Found…
SCP-3775_Interview_15/11/2022.txt Interview Personnel (IP): “Interview recording date November 15th, 2022, 3:23 PM. Audio recording of [DATA_EXPUNGED] interview with SCP-3775.” SCP-3775: “You can call me [DATA_EXPUNGED] you know.” IP: “It is for easier assessment and research purposes that we identify you by your item number.” SCP-3775: Exhales forcefully. “I’m not a [EXPLETIVE] item.” %Sounds of shuffling.% IP: “Regardless, I simply need to have you do a test for me.” SCP-3775: “Fine.” IP: “I have here with me an ordinary electronic piano keyboard. Would you please demonstrate how you play it?” %Sounds of shuffling.% %A short melody is played on a keyboard.% IP: “What song was that?” SCP-3775: “It’s called The Mind Electric, its by a band I like.” IP: “Does it have lyrics?” SCP-3775: “Yeah, do you want me to sing it?” IP: “Please.” %The audio recording cuts out for a few moments.% IP: “Thank you. You play very well.” SCP-3775: “Yeah, thanks.” %Silence.% SCP-3775: “Are we done here? Can I go home?” IP: “We have to make sure the music you create- and yourself as a being- are safe to be interacted with. Do you know how your music affects people?” SCP-3775: “What? What’s so strange about people affected by my music?” IP: “Listeners tend to become irrationally obsessed with your music.” SCP-3775: “What? That isn’t even weird! Plus- what about all those musicians more popular than me? With obsessive fans! I can’t be the only one!” IP: “Please, calm down, it is for your safety that we study and assess this situation and that we take all precautions necessary for the best results.” SCP-3775: “No! I want to go home. You can’t keep me here!” IP: “End of interview recording.” Pause Play Time 5:54/5:54
Accessing Past Data Records…
Surveillance Notes Found…
SCP-3775_Surveillance_21/11/2022.txt No audio recording is provided alongside footage. Documentation Start Time 13:46:23 13:46:23 SCP-3775 is pacing the room. 13:53:12 SCP-3775 moves to sit on the bed. 13:53:40 SCP-3775 begins grasping at its sleeves in a self-soothing way. 13:58:25 SCP-3775 lays down on the bed in a fetal position. 14:01:32 [DATA EXPUNGED] enters the room. SCP-3775 makes no notion to acknowledge this. 14:01:58 [DATA EXPUNGED] stands next to the bed and looks down at SCP-3775. 14:02:45 [DATA EXPUNGED] calmly communicates verbally with SCP-3775. 14:03:00 SCP-3775 yells angrily in response. 14:03:03 [DATA EXPUNGED] retreats away from the bed defensively. His hands are open in a symbol of non threatening behavior. 14:03:05 SCP-3775 does not calm down, continues yelling, begins to grow more agitated. 14:03:07 [DATA EXPUNGED] makes his way towards the door. 14:03:11 SCP-3775 has stopped yelling. 14:03:12 [DATA EXPUNGED] yells back a short declaration assertively. 14:03:15 [DATA EXPUNGED] leaves the room. 14:03:20 SCP-3775 begins to cry violently, returning to its previous position on the bed. 14:19:53 SCP-3775 has stopped crying. 14:20:01 SCP-3775 stares at the ceiling. 14:45:27 SCP-3775 falls asleep. End notes of interest.
Accessing Past Data Records
Surveillance Notes Found…
SCP-3775_Surveillance_25/11/2022.txt Audio transcript provided alongside footage. Documentation Start Time 18:37:15 18:37:15 SCP-3775 sits on its bed, holding itself tightly while breathing heavily. 18:37:20 SCP-3775 lets out a scream of desperation. 18:37:26 SCP-3775 begins to move erratically. 18:37:38 [DATA EXPUNGED] enters the room. 18:37:40 [DATA EXPUNGED]: “Hey! What are-.” 18:37:41 SCP-3775 screams again. 18:37:43 [DATA EXPUNGED] draws a stunning device. 18:37:44 The visual feed cuts out. [DATA EXPUNGED] screams. 18:38:07 The visual feed is restored. Four figures are now in the room. Three look like SCP-3775. [DATA EXPUNGED] is lying on her back on the ground. She stands up slowly. 18:38:10 The Red SCP-3775 clone (?) points at [DATA EXPUNGED]. “Get out.” It says 18:38:11 [DATA EXPUNGED] leaves the room hurriedly. 18:38:20 Red SCP-3775 looks to Blue SCP-3775 and Purple SCP-3775. It says “Well, you two look fine. We should get out of here.” Blue SCP-3775 and Purple SCP- 3775 nod accordingly. 18:38:30 The three SCP-3775s leave the room. Access of hallway cameras denied. 18:57:04 Only the Red SCP-3775 is dragged back into the room by multiple personnel wearing noise canceling headphones. 18:57:47 Red SCP-3775 is restrained with a loose straight jacket and a high tech deafening muzzle with red armature limbs attached. 18:57:53 Red SCP-3775 begins kicking the Personnel. 18:57:55 Personnel tazes Red SCP-3775. 18:57:56 The visual feed cuts out. 18:58:20 The visuals feed returns. SCP-3775-A is sitting where Red SCP-3775 was, but is no longer wearing the muzzle or straight jacket. 18:58:30 Personnel leave. End notes of interest.
Accessing Past Data Records…
Surveillance Notes Found…
SCP-3775_Surveillance_08/12/2022.txt Log following updated securement protocols of SCP-3775 in State 3775-A. Audio transcript provided alongside footage. 06:03:02 SCP-3775-A is put into a medically induced unconscious state while sleeping. 06:20:07 Six metal screws are drilled into SCP-3775-A’s skull. 06:30:35 A metal halo is fastened to the screws. 06:48:24 SCP-3775-A is placed into a wooden chair with metal conductors attached to the top. 06:50:46 SCP-3775-A is secured with leather straps to the chair, and the conductor is mounted to the metal halo. 06:51:13 SCP-3775-A is removed from the medically induced unconscious state, but does not wake up immediately. 07:12:41 SCP-3775-A begins to wake. 07:13:03 SCP-3775-A pulls at it restraints. “Hey.” It says. “Hey, what the [EXPLETIVE]?” It then seems to notice the metal halo, and reacts in horror. “Holy [EXPLETIVE] [EXPLETIVE]. What the [EXPLETIVE] have you done to me? What the [EXPLETIVE]?” It continues to curse under its breath and begins to cry. 07:13:40 Three Foundation Personnel wearing noise cancelling headphones and general protective gear enter the room, and silently give a signal to an observing personnel not present in the room. 07:13:45 The lights flicker as the chair is activated. SCP-3775-A screams. 07:13:47 A terrible ripping sound is heard, like flesh being torn. It is difficult to describe what happens to SCP-3775-A’s body. It appears as though it is turned inside out. It begins at the chest area and folds outwards. The chair disappears alongside SCP-3775-A as SCP-3775-B emerge. The three look just as horrified as SCP-3775-A. 07:14:09 The three personnel move to detain each instance of SCP-3775-B, removing SCP-3775-008 (Purple) and SCP-3775-013 (Blue) and remove them immediately, placing them in a separate room. 07:15:10 SCP-3775-019 (Red) stands alone in the room with one last Personnel.
07:15:20 The Personnel speaks, as SCP-3775-019 is still wearing the muzzle and loose straight jacket. “You would find it wise to not be any trouble. You are here for the safety of the world, and we will not hesitate to cut your tongue if necessary.” 07:15:25 The Personnel leaves, 07:15:50 SCP-3775-019 sits down on the ground and stares into the wall. This continues for several hours. End notes of interest.
Accessing Updated Data Records…
Experiment Notes Found…
SCP-3775_Experiment_26/07/2023.txt Documentation Start Time 20:14:46 20:14:46 SCP-3775 is administered a sedative, causing it to lose consciousness. 20:14:50 Personnel enter SCP-3775’s containment cell, remove it from its chair and place it on a metal operating table. 20:15:02 [REDACTED] prepares SCP-3775 for incision. 20:15:33 [REDACTED] opens SCP-3775’s neck using metal grade scalpel, inspecting its vocal chords. 20:18:21 [REDACTED] administers [DATA EXPUNGED] directly into SCP-3775’s vocal chords. *Editorial Note: [REDACTED] notes that the organ had become inflamed almost immediately, noting an abnormally sensitive reaction to the serum. 20:20:46 [REDACTED] closes up the incision and personnel return SCP-3775 to its chair. 20:21:35 Personnel leave. End notes of interest. For further reading of Experimental log visit [HYPERLINK].
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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Discovery of X-Rays
The discovery of X-rays – a form of invisible radiation that can pass through objects, including human tissue – revolutionised science and medicine in the late 19th century. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (1845-1923), a German scientist, discovered X-rays or Röntgen rays in November 1895. He was awarded the first Nobel Prize for Physics for this discovery in 1901.
The thrill of the discovery became caught up in the late Victorian obsession with ghosts and photography. X-rays could 'photograph' the invisible, penetrating flesh, exposing bones and the human skeleton. 'Bone portraits' became popular, and photographers opened studios for a public fascinated by otherworldly images of skeletons.
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
Wellcome Collection (CC BY)
One of the first medical uses of X-rays occurred in 1896 when John Francis Hall-Edwards (1858-1926), a British doctor, located a needle embedded in a colleague's hand. X-ray technology soon moved from being seen as a new form of photography to a modern diagnostic tool used by hospitals and medical practitioners.
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen was a meticulous scientist, but the discovery of X-rays may have been an unintentional result of his work with cathode rays in his Würzburg laboratory in Bavaria, Germany.
Early Years
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen was born in Lennep, Prussia (Remscheid-Lennep, Germany) on 27 March 1845, to a German textile merchant father and a Dutch mother. He was an only child and spent his early years in Apeldoorn in the Netherlands. His father, Friedrich Conrad Röntgen (1801-1884), managed a cloth manufacturing business in Apeldoorn. The family had also moved due to political unrest in Prussia.
Röntgen attended the Utrecht Technical School from 1861 to 1863 but was expelled when a fellow student drew a caricature of a teacher. Röntgen was implicated but refused to name the student responsible. Despite excellent marks, he did not graduate with a technical diploma and could not obtain a degree in the Netherlands. He was accepted by the Mechanical Technical Division of the Federal Polytechnic School in Switzerland in 1865, where he gained a diploma in mechanical engineering and, in 1869, a PhD in physics with his thesis Studies on Gases.
The German experimental physicist August Kundt (1839-1894) was Röntgen's supervisor. In 1866, Kundt designed the Kundt Tube, a glass apparatus that measured the speed of sound in gases. Kundt significantly influenced Röntgen and his research career.
Röntgen followed Kundt to the University of Würzburg in 1870, where he worked as an unpaid assistant during a time of rapid advancements in experimental physics. Scottish mathematician James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) was researching electromagnetic radiation and established the connection between light and electromagnetic radiation. Maxwell also took the first colour photograph in 1861, based on his three-colour theory that the human eye sees colour through a combination of blue, red, and green light. Massachusetts-born Samuel Morse (1791-1872) developed the electric telegraph, which transmitted messages over long distances, and Morse code to encode messages, while Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) invented the telephone.
Of particular interest to Röntgen was the work of German physicist Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894) and British chemist William Crookes (1832-1919). Both scientists studied cathode rays – invisible streams of electrons whose behaviour can be observed when an electrical current is passed between the two electrodes (cathode and anode) in a glass vacuum tube. It is called a cathode ray because the electrons are emitted from the cathode (or negative electrode) when an electrical current heats it, and the electron stream glows. Johann Wilhelm Hittorf (1824-1914) was the first to detect cathode rays glowing green in the glass wall of a vacuum tube in 1869 but did not realise that X-rays had been produced during his experiments.
Röntgen became fascinated with the fluorescence caused by cathode rays hitting certain materials, such as salts like barium platinocyanide, which glow a greenish-yellow colour when exposed to cathode rays. It was this fascination that led to the discovery of X-rays.
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margaretoakgrove · 1 year
Heisenberg's notes
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Development Note 1
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Mechanical Soldier: Soldat
ver. 1.00 Fully-grown male corpse used.
Removed heart and implanted Cadou. Muscle stimulation via electric shock was successful.
Brain dead so no high cognitive ability. Only moves by destructive instinct, then stops.
Mechanical Soldier: Soldat
ver. 1.01 Attached headgear to the cranium. Electrodes confirm stable brainwaves.
Experiment One: lycan fight. Was dismantled and eaten within three minutes.
Issues with destructive and murderous capabilities.
Mechanical Soldier: Soldat
ver. 1.10 Replaced lower part of arm with drill. Not enough output for effective movement.
Need live bodies perhaps?
Mechanical Soldier: Soldat
ver. 1.15 Implanted Cadou reactor into the chest. Output greatly increased.
Experiment Two: lycan fight. Destroyed three lycans in one minute.
Good results but issues with reactor durability. May stop functioning if the reactor is destroyed.
Development Note 2
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Soldat Enhancement: Soldat Jet
Attached a jet pack and head stabilizers to a Soldat. Greatly improves mobility.
Experiments prove limited flight capabilities. No long-distance flight, but now possible to navigate rugged terrain.
Soldat Enhancement: Soldat Panzer
Attached aluminum alloy shielding to a Soldat to protect chest reactor and exposed flesh.
Experimentation proves he is invincible against regular firearms.
Armor doesn't hold up against strong blasts. Further development needed.
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Prototype: Sturm
Used a cheap turboprop engine, but he's impossible to control. All he does is charge. Too much power output from the reactor?
Completely invincible head on.
But the dumbass managed to chop his own damn arms off on the propeller. Also issues with overheating from running for long periods of time.
Conclusion: A complete failure.
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wolven91 · 6 months
Drifting - Part 2
“Okay, make a fist.” Asked the serious geckin, blue in scale but the owner of long spines that started on his nose and continued up and over his head, down his back and finished at his tail. Zeet was his name.
Casper the friendly human, made a fist and felt the action drain him, as if he’d been at the gym for the last hour doing the same action. However, as his fingers met his palm and the tendons on the back of his hand tensed and corded against his skin, the giant metal fist not a few metres away, suspended in a secure field; made an identical fist.
“What’s the drift?” The blue geckin asked the second geckin who monitored the process not a few feet away, but a fair distance for the diminutive creatures. Her name, as far as Casper knew, was Wren.
“0.001%.” She retorted with an equally serious tone, she turned back and adjusted the two round panes of glass that sat across her snout. If not for the fact that Casper was sweating with the exertion of making a fist, he would have found her cute.
“Impossible. Check it again.” The first geckin demanded, turning to face her as if she had just made a poorly timed joke.
“Sir, I checked it three times, then used the older program to see if it got a different result.” Wren explained, quite confident despite Zeet’s incredulous tone.
“It reports 0.002%.”
Both geckins turned back to the human, almost expectantly and gazed at him. No; studying him.
“W-what?” He asked, strain in his voice.
“You can relax Casper. You did very well.” Praised Zeet as Casper gasped, unclenching his fist, and slumping in the chair. He’d been fresh as a daisy when he’d sat down; why had a few wires been so draining?!
“That… took effort…” The young man explained, slipping his arm from the sleeve, and ensuring it was placed carefully onto the caddy.
“You were controlling more than just muscle and sinew young man.” Zeet explained, touching a finger to the control rod of his own personal walker and approached the human. At a foot tall, just like the rest of the geckins, he utilised mechanical legs attached to a platform that he stood upon to move around larger distances.
“Why am I exhausted?”
“Because, unbeknownst to your conscious mind, you not only controlled your own limb, but also controlled that robotic limb.”
“I’ve seen that done before…” Casper licked his lips to try and bring moisture to them. “They used electrodes or something… they had to concentrate, but it didn’t tire them out.”
Wren appeared at Casper’s side and pressed a bottle of orange liquid into his hands. It was almost as tall as her.
“Drink this, you’ll feel better.” She promised, her green scales were a deep emerald, her it was the frill around her neck that was only partially pulled in that made Casper smile. She was agitated. Perhaps worried about him?
The man gave her a curt nod, which caused her frill to pull in tight before he grasped the bottle and drank from it deeply. It wasn’t quite ‘orange’, but it was certainly something citrus and refreshed him almost immediately. After the first gulp he took a breath and downed the rest of the bottle in one, almost immediately feeling better and like his old self.
“What you just did was unconsciously control every single servo, circuit, and piston within that machine. Your mind: without your knowledge, was able to manage and steady all of that. The electrode method, that you mentioned, is a low intensity method of controlling simpler systems.”
“And we can’t use that method with these?”
“These are not for domestic use. I make it quite clear to you; these are bleeding edge machines. Capable of not only reacting as your body, not as a mere extension, but also your mind being able to incorporate the advantages these machines have.”
“Like what?”
“We can have a play with telescopic vision if you like? I’ve heard that is the easiest to manage. If you get addicted to the world those eyes, we can try out electromagnetic wavelengths, infrared, perhaps-“
“Sir.” Wren cut in, a frown on her face and her small, pointed teeth being bared.
“Mm, yes. Carry on.” Zeet surrendered, holding up his hands as if giving up.
“Before we go on, how are you feeling?” Wren asked, looking up at Casper and adjusting her specs.
“Better.” The man replied, giving her a warm grin.
“Better? You weren’t well before?” She poked, not letting him off the hook yet.
“I was tired, like I’d been doing bicep curls all morning. But now it’s like I’m fresh again?” Casper admitted honestly, if she was a doctor checking on him, then he wasn’t about to lie. The speed of his recovery was as if he had been fooled into being tired, rather than actually being tired.
“Marvelous.” Zeet whispered.
“*Sir.*” Wren immediately hissed; the respect of his seniority gone. Casper frowned then cut in, there was something he wasn’t being told.
“What’s going on? Is this about the.. the ‘drift’ thing? What was the drift you were on about?” He asked, demanding an answer.
“I knew he was bright, am I allowed to answer that *direct* question doctor?” Zeet asked the green geckin with a near taunting tone.
Wren merely sniffed, flattening her neck ruffle against herself and shrugged with a single hand, offering Casper up to Zeet, seemingly satisfied.
“’Drift’ is the natural loss of signal strength between your mind and the mechanical parts. The more parts, bits, and pieces, the greater the chance of drift and the more sluggish the movements and actions of the piloted mechs will be, all the way until failure.” Zeet explained with a toothy grin. It was Wren who spoke next, softly explaining it to Casper without infantizing him.
“Geckin have a fantastic drift score. We can manage mechs of incredible size and complexity without much loss of control. Realistically, the next closest would be chintians, but they refuse to be pilots for our mechs.” She said, turning her hand in a gesture as she spoke, still calmly and softly.
“Why?” Casper asked.
“You know the plug in your arm?” Zeet began, pointing at the limb that was limp in Casper’s lap.
Casper looked down and turned his arm over. There was a single dark red dot of scabbed blood. Around it was a bright red circle with the metal casing of the plug had been pressed into his flesh.
“It can lead to fur-loss.” Concluded Zeet, rather offhandedly.
“Along with other things.” Cut in Wren, with the speed of someone adding ‘terms and conditions’ at the end of an advert.
“They consider that unacceptable. We consider it the cost of having faster reaction speeds to our machines. They rely on taking hits and surviving them. We believe in the philosophy of never getting hit.” The tiny lizard explained with a mouthful of sharp teeth, eager at the thought.
“Do geckins have any fur to lose? Do you lose scales?” Casper asked, if there were side effects for some species, were there any for geckins?
“No.” Zeet answered immediately.
“Well…” Wren began, but was immediately cut off.
“No, we do not lose scales with use.” Zeet said again, staring at the doctor.
“They can dull though.” She explained, closing her eyes then turning her head to look at Casper before opening them again. She held his gaze firmly.
“Not through usage doctor!” Zeet snapped, certainly exasperated.
“A pilot who is connected for long periods or who is in intense environments requiring constant movement will find side effects, such as scale fading.” Wren continued, putting across the idea that it was not without a cost.
“He doesn’t need to hear this, what is the chance he’s going to be in that environment? Zero!” Zeet shouted, throwing his hands up before gesturing to Casper, then then inert arm.
“Look, it’s fine. As you say; unlikely.” Casper agreed, trying to calm the tension in the room. “So what about me? What about human drift”
“Ah, good male. A fine mind between those big ears.” Zeet grinned again, turning to Casper and clasping his hands. “Your drift, at worst calculation was about 0.002%. That is nothing. That is about as good as a prostetic replacing your actual arm. Unheard of for managing an arm that complicated.”
“What’s a geckin’s drift percentage?”
“5.” Wren said pointedly. “On average. Ace pilots are around the single percent or less range, but that is through biological luck, augmentation and prolonged life-long training. Your natural ability appears to be quite potent.” The tiny green lizard admited.
“Yours, baring in mind your evolution wouldn’t have any sort of natual selection for this, is considered a one in a life time pilot. If humans are all this well adjusted, each and every one of them will be very much welcome in geckin territories…”
Casper turned to the arm and gazed at it. A mech pilot? That would be fantastic! He didn’t like the idea of ‘stressful environments’ though.
“You wouldn’t want me in like, a fight or anything, right?”  Casper asked, staring at Zeet carefully.
“May my tail fall off! No! Could you imagine what the GC would say if we endangered a human? Immediately after your new classification? Absolutely not. Completely out of the question.” He promised, waving his hand as if to dismiss a fly that was bothering him.
“Normally I would warn you about listening to our Zeet here, but he’s right. The geckin people are still under threat by ssypno aggression. Their seat at the table of three means all they have to do is convince one of the other two to agree that they be allowed to create a vassal of our people and we can expect no support from the GC to stop them. Endangering you would all but guarantee the support of one or both of the other two.”
A small hand touched his arm as she leant forward to rest her’s against him, the good doctor offering him a smile.
“The danger to you is over, you can rest easy knowing the rest of your life will be free of hardships.” She lied.
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